/* * hal_adapter.c *中间层函数调用库 * Created on: 2022年1月18日 * Author: QiXiang_CHENJIE */ #include "hal_adapter.h" #include "AppGlobalVar.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "stdarg.h" /********************************/ #include "Icu.h" #include "Gpt.h" uint8_t __attribute__((section(".non_cacheable_data"))) RX_Buffer[3][BUFFER_SIZE]; uint32_t bufferIdx[3] = {0}; volatile uint32 VarNotification_0 = 0; volatile uint32 VarNotification_1 = 0; TP_Value_Type ConvertedBuffer[NUM_RESULTS]; Adc_ValueGroupType ResultBuffer[NUM_RESULTS]; volatile Uart_StatusType Uart_TransmitStatus[3] = {UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT,UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT,UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT}; QueueHandle_t UartRecvQueue[3]; QueueHandle_t UartSendQueue[3]; QueueHandle_t UartHalQueueHandle; Std_ReturnType UartStartRecvFunc(uint8 channel); Std_ReturnType ADC_Converter(Adc_ValueGroupType *Buffer, TP_Value_Type *ConvertedValueR); void create_ringBuffer(ringbuffer_t *ringBuf, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buf_len); void clear_ringBuffer(ringbuffer_t *ringBuf); uint32_t write_ringBuffer(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, ringbuffer_t *ringBuf); uint32_t read_ringBuffer(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, ringbuffer_t *ringBuf); uint8 ringBufferforUart[3][BUFFER_SIZE]; ringbuffer_t uartRingBuffer[3]; sint8 AtcmdDelayRecvFunc(uint8 recvChannel,char *ResultStrPtr,uint16 delayTime) { sint8 outValue = -1; uint8 delayCnt = 0; uint8 UartData[256]; uint16 ReadLen = 0; char *retptr = NULL; while (delayCnt<(delayTime/1000)&&outValue!=0) { UART_Receive_Data(recvChannel,UartData, &ReadLen,1000); if(ReadLen>0) { retptr = (char *)strstr((char *)UartData, ResultStrPtr); if (retptr) { outValue = 0; break; } } else { delayCnt++; } } return outValue; } #if 0 uint16 myPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { int n; uint8 databuffer[512]={0}; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); n = vsprintf((char *)databuffer, fmt, args); va_end(args); if( (printfRingBuffer.bw + n) <= printfRingBuffer.length ) { memcpy(printfRingBuffer.source + printfRingBuffer.bw, databuffer, n); UART_Send_Data(UART_LPUART0, printfRingBuffer.source + printfRingBuffer.bw, n, 10); printfRingBuffer.bw = printfRingBuffer.bw + n; } else { printfRingBuffer.bw = 0; memcpy(printfRingBuffer.source + printfRingBuffer.bw, databuffer, n); UART_Send_Data(UART_LPUART0, printfRingBuffer.source + printfRingBuffer.bw, n, 10); } return n; } #endif void create_ringBuffer(ringbuffer_t *ringBuf, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buf_len) { ringBuf->br = 0; ringBuf->bw = 0; ringBuf->btoRead = 0; ringBuf->source = buf; ringBuf->length = buf_len; } void clear_ringBuffer(ringbuffer_t *ringBuf) { ringBuf->br = 0; ringBuf->bw = 0; ringBuf->btoRead = 0; } uint32_t write_ringBuffer(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, ringbuffer_t *ringBuf) { uint32_t len = 0; volatile uint32_t ringBuf_bw = ringBuf->bw; uint32_t ringBuf_len = ringBuf->length; uint8_t *ringBuf_source = ringBuf->source; if( (ringBuf_bw + size) > ringBuf_len ) { ringBuf_bw = 0; } memcpy(ringBuf_source + ringBuf_bw, buffer, size); ringBuf->bw = (ringBuf_bw + size) % ringBuf_len; ringBuf->btoRead += size; /* if(ringBuf->br!=0) { memcpy(ringBuf_source, buffer, size); ringBuf->br = 0; } */ /* if( (ringBuf_bw + size) <= ringBuf_len ) { memcpy(ringBuf_source + ringBuf_bw, buffer, size); } else { len = ringBuf_len - ringBuf_bw; memcpy(ringBuf_source + ringBuf_bw, buffer, len); memcpy(ringBuf_source, buffer + ringBuf_bw, size - len); } ringBuf->bw = (ringBuf->bw + size) % ringBuf_len; ringBuf->btoRead += size; */ return size; } uint32_t read_ringBuffer(uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, ringbuffer_t *ringBuf) { uint32_t len = 0; volatile uint32_t ringBuf_br = ringBuf->br; uint32_t ringBuf_len = ringBuf->length; uint8_t *ringBuf_source = ringBuf->source; memcpy(buffer, ringBuf_source, size); ringBuf->br = size; // if( (ringBuf_br + size ) <= ringBuf_len ) // { // memcpy(buffer, ringBuf_source + ringBuf_br, size); // } // else // { // len = ringBuf_len - ringBuf_br; // memcpy(buffer, ringBuf_source + ringBuf_br, len); // memcpy(buffer + len, ringBuf_source, size - len); // } // ringBuf->br = (ringBuf->br + size) % ringBuf_len; // ringBuf->btoRead -= size; return size; } Std_ReturnType UART_Query_Data(uint8 transChannel, uint8 recvChannel, uint8 *txBuffer, uint16 sendLength, uint8 *rxBuffer, uint16 *rxlen, uint32 T_timeout) { UartMsg_t UartRecvMsg; UartMsg_t UartSendMsg; BaseType_t Sendret = pdFALSE; BaseType_t Recvret = pdFALSE; uint32 retVal = E_NOT_OK; UartSendMsg.DataLen = sendLength; UartSendMsg.dataPtr = txBuffer; *rxlen = 0; Sendret = xQueueSend(UartSendQueue[transChannel],&UartSendMsg,50); if(Sendret == pdTRUE) { Recvret = xQueueReceive(UartRecvQueue[recvChannel],&UartRecvMsg,T_timeout); if(Recvret == pdTRUE) { *rxlen = UartRecvMsg.DataLen; // read_ringBuffer(rxBuffer, queueRecvSize, &uartRingBuffer[recvChannel]); memcpy(rxBuffer,(uint8 *)(UartRecvMsg.dataAddr),UartRecvMsg.DataLen); retVal = E_OK; } else { retVal = 3; } } else { retVal = 2; } return retVal; } Std_ReturnType UART_Receive_Data(uint8 recvChannel, uint8 *rxBuffer, uint8 *rxlen, uint32 T_timeout) { UartMsg_t UartRecvMsg; BaseType_t ret = pdFALSE; uint32 retVal = E_NOT_OK; *rxlen = 0; ret = xQueueReceive(UartRecvQueue[recvChannel],&UartRecvMsg,T_timeout); if(ret == pdTRUE) { *rxlen = UartRecvMsg.DataLen; // read_ringBuffer(rxBuffer, queueRecvSize, &uartRingBuffer[recvChannel]); memcpy(rxBuffer,(uint8 *)UartRecvMsg.dataAddr,UartRecvMsg.DataLen); retVal = E_OK; } return retVal; } Std_ReturnType UART_Reset(uint8 recvChannel) { uint32 retVal = E_NOT_OK; retVal = xQueueReset(UartRecvQueue[recvChannel]); return retVal; } Std_ReturnType UART_Send_Data(uint8 transChannel, const uint8 *txBuffer, uint32 sendLength, uint32 T_timeout) { UartMsg_t UartSendMsg; BaseType_t ret = pdFALSE; uint32 retVal = E_NOT_OK; UartSendMsg.DataLen = sendLength; UartSendMsg.dataPtr = txBuffer; ret = xQueueSend(UartSendQueue[transChannel],&UartSendMsg,T_timeout); if(ret == pdTRUE) { retVal = E_OK; } return retVal; } void UartInit(void) { create_ringBuffer(&uartRingBuffer[0],ringBufferforUart[0],sizeof(ringBufferforUart[0])); create_ringBuffer(&uartRingBuffer[1],ringBufferforUart[1],sizeof(ringBufferforUart[1])); create_ringBuffer(&uartRingBuffer[2],ringBufferforUart[2],sizeof(ringBufferforUart[2])); UartRecvQueue[0] = xQueueCreate(6, sizeof(UartMsg_t)); UartRecvQueue[1] = xQueueCreate(6, sizeof(UartMsg_t)); UartRecvQueue[2] = xQueueCreate(6, sizeof(UartMsg_t)); UartSendQueue[0] = xQueueCreate(3, sizeof(UartMsg_t)); UartSendQueue[1] = xQueueCreate(1, sizeof(UartMsg_t)); UartSendQueue[2] = xQueueCreate(1, sizeof(UartMsg_t)); UartHalQueueHandle = xQueueCreate(9, sizeof(UartHalMsg_t)); xTaskCreate(Uart_Hal_RecvTask, (const char *const)"UartRecv", 256, (void *)0, main_TASK_PRIORITY + 5, &Uart_Hal_RecvTask_Handle); xTaskCreate(Uart_Hal_SendTask, (const char *const)"UartSend", 256, (void *)0, main_TASK_PRIORITY + 4, &Uart_Hal_SendTask_Handle); } Std_ReturnType UartStartRecvFunc(uint8 channel) { sint8 out = 0; volatile Std_ReturnType R_Uart_Status=E_NOT_OK; bufferIdx[channel]=0; memset(RX_Buffer[channel],0x00,BUFFER_SIZE); switch(channel) { case 0: IP_LPUART0->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); break; case 1: IP_LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); break; case 2: IP_LPUART2->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); break; default: break; } Uart_SetBuffer(channel, RX_Buffer[channel], DMA_SIZE, UART_RECEIVE); R_Uart_Status = Uart_AsyncReceive(channel, RX_Buffer[channel], DMA_SIZE); if (E_OK != R_Uart_Status) { Uart_Abort(channel, UART_RECEIVE); out = E_NOT_OK; } return out; } void Uart_Hal_RecvTask(void *pvParameters) { UartHalMsg_t UartHalMsgRecv; UartMsg_t UartRecvMsg; uint16 recvSize = 0; BaseType_t ret = pdFALSE; BaseType_t ret_send = pdFALSE; uint32 T_bytesRemaining[3] = {0}; uint16 T_timeout[3] = {0}; volatile Uart_StatusType Uart_ReceiveStatus[3] = {UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT,UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT,UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT}; uint8 UartIdx = UART_LPUART0; uint8 UartState[3] = {UartAbortRecv,UartAbortRecv,UartAbortRecv}; while(1) { if((T_timeout[UartIdx]>1000) && (Uart_ReceiveStatus[UartIdx] != UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR) ) { Uart_Abort(UartIdx, UART_RECEIVE); UartState[UartIdx] = UartAbortRecv; T_timeout[UartIdx] = 0; } else if(Uart_ReceiveStatus[UartIdx] == UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { UartState[UartIdx] = UartRecvComplete; } if((UartState[UartIdx] == UartAbortRecv) || (UartState[UartIdx] == UartRecvComplete)) { if(E_OK == UartStartRecvFunc(UartIdx)) { UartState[UartIdx] = UartStartRecv; } } Uart_ReceiveStatus[UartIdx] = Uart_GetStatus(UartIdx, &T_bytesRemaining[UartIdx], UART_RECEIVE); T_timeout[UartIdx]++; UartIdx = (UartIdx + 1) > 2 ? 1 : (UartIdx + 1); ret = xQueueReceive(UartHalQueueHandle,&UartHalMsgRecv,1); if(ret==pdTRUE) { if(UartHalMsgRecv.event==LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_RECV_IDLE) { if(UartHalMsgRecv.value>0) { recvSize = write_ringBuffer(RX_Buffer[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel],UartHalMsgRecv.value,&uartRingBuffer[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel]); UartRecvMsg.DataLen = UartHalMsgRecv.value; UartRecvMsg.dataAddr = (uint32)(uartRingBuffer[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel].bw + uartRingBuffer[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel].source - UartHalMsgRecv.value); ret_send = xQueueSend(UartRecvQueue[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel],&UartRecvMsg,10); //#if SEGGER_PRINTF==1 // if(UartHalMsgRecv.Channel==1) // { // SEGGER_RTT_printf("[%d]source=%X,dataAddr=%X\r\n",__LINE__,uartRingBuffer[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel].source,UartRecvMsg.dataAddr); // } //#endif } T_timeout[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel] = 0; UartState[UartHalMsgRecv.Channel] = UartRecvComplete; } } } } void Uart_Hal_SendTask(void *pvParameters) { UartMsg_t UartSendMsg; BaseType_t ret = pdFALSE; uint32 T_bytesRemaining[3] = {0}; uint16 T_timeout[3] = {0}; volatile Std_ReturnType T_Uart_Status[3]; uint8 UartIdx = UART_LPUART0; uint8 UartSendState[3] = {UartNoDataSend,UartNoDataSend,UartNoDataSend}; while(1) { ret = xQueueReceive(UartSendQueue[UartIdx],&UartSendMsg,1); if(ret==pdTRUE) { T_Uart_Status[UartIdx] = Uart_AsyncSend(UartIdx, UartSendMsg.dataPtr, UartSendMsg.DataLen); if (E_OK != T_Uart_Status[UartIdx]) { Uart_Abort(UartIdx, UART_SEND); UartSendState[UartIdx] = UartAbortSend; } else { UartSendState[UartIdx] = UartStartSend; } } /*开始发送后的判定*/ if(UartSendState[UartIdx] == UartStartSend) { Uart_TransmitStatus[UartIdx] = Uart_GetStatus(UartIdx, &T_bytesRemaining[UartIdx], UART_SEND); T_timeout[UartIdx]++; } if(T_timeout[UartIdx]>=1000 || ((Uart_TransmitStatus[UartIdx] != UART_STATUS_OPERATION_ONGOING) && (UartSendState[UartIdx] == UartStartSend))) { if(T_timeout[UartIdx]>=1000) { Uart_Abort(UartIdx, UART_SEND); UartSendState[UartIdx] = UartAbortSend; } else if(Uart_TransmitStatus[UartIdx] == UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR) { UartSendState[UartIdx] = UartSendComplete; } T_timeout[UartIdx] = 0; } UartIdx = (UartIdx + 1) > 2 ? 0 : (UartIdx + 1); } } // //Std_ReturnType UART_Query_Data(uint8 transChannel, uint8 recvChannel, const uint8 *txBuffer, uint32 sendLength, uint8 *rxBuffer, uint16 *rxlen, uint32 T_timeout) //{ // volatile Std_ReturnType R_Uart_Status; // volatile Std_ReturnType T_Uart_Status; // volatile Uart_StatusType Uart_ReceiveStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; // volatile Uart_StatusType Uart_TransmitStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; // uint32 T_bytesRemaining; // uint32 R_bytesRemaining; // uint32 timeout = T_timeout; // uint32 retVal = E_NOT_OK; // bufferIdx[recvChannel] = 0; // switch (recvChannel) // { // case 0: // IP_LPUART0->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); // break; // case 1: // IP_LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); // break; // case 2: // IP_LPUART2->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); // break; // default: // break; // } // if (txBuffer == NULL || rxBuffer == NULL) // { // return retVal; // } // // /* Uart_AsyncSend transmit data */ // Uart_SetBuffer(transChannel, txBuffer, sendLength, UART_SEND); // T_Uart_Status = Uart_AsyncSend(transChannel, txBuffer, sendLength); // if (E_OK != T_Uart_Status) // { // Uart_Abort(transChannel, UART_SEND); // return E_NOT_OK; // } // Uart_SetBuffer(recvChannel, &RX_Buffer[recvChannel][0], DMA_SIZE, UART_RECEIVE); // R_Uart_Status = Uart_AsyncReceive(recvChannel, rxBuffer, DMA_SIZE); // if (E_OK != R_Uart_Status) // { // Uart_Abort(recvChannel, UART_RECEIVE); // return E_NOT_OK; // } // /* Check for no on-going transmission */ // do // { // if (Uart_TransmitStatus != UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR) // { // Uart_TransmitStatus = Uart_GetStatus(transChannel, &T_bytesRemaining, UART_SEND); // } // if (Uart_ReceiveStatus != UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR) // { // Uart_ReceiveStatus = Uart_GetStatus(recvChannel, &R_bytesRemaining, UART_RECEIVE); // } // vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1)); // } while (((UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_TransmitStatus || UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_ReceiveStatus) && 0 < --timeout)); // if ((UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_TransmitStatus)) // { // Uart_Abort(transChannel, UART_SEND); // retVal = E_NOT_OK; // } // else // { // retVal = E_OK; // } // if ((UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_ReceiveStatus)) // { // Uart_Abort(recvChannel, UART_RECEIVE); // *rxlen = bufferIdx[recvChannel]; // retVal = E_NOT_OK; // } // else // { // *rxlen = bufferIdx[recvChannel]; // retVal = E_OK; // } // return retVal; //} // //Std_ReturnType UART_Send_Data(uint8 transChannel, const uint8 *txBuffer, uint32 sendLength, uint32 T_timeout) //{ // // volatile Std_ReturnType T_Uart_Status; // volatile Uart_StatusType Uart_TransmitStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; // uint32 T_bytesRemaining; // uint32 timeout = T_timeout; // uint32 retVal = E_NOT_OK; // if (txBuffer == NULL) // { // return retVal; // } // // /* Uart_AsyncSend transmit data */ // T_Uart_Status = Uart_AsyncSend(transChannel, txBuffer, sendLength); // if (E_OK != T_Uart_Status) // { // Uart_Abort(transChannel, UART_SEND); // return E_NOT_OK; // } // /* Check for no on-going transmission */ // do // { // Uart_TransmitStatus = Uart_GetStatus(transChannel, &T_bytesRemaining, UART_SEND); // vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1)); // } while ((UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_TransmitStatus && 0 < --timeout)); // // if ((UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_TransmitStatus)) // { // retVal = E_NOT_OK; // } // else // { // retVal = E_OK; // } // return retVal; //} // //Std_ReturnType UART_Receive_Data(uint8 recvChannel, uint8 *rxBuffer, uint16 *rxlen, sint32 T_timeout) //{ // volatile Std_ReturnType R_Uart_Status = E_NOT_OK; // volatile Uart_StatusType Uart_ReceiveStatus = UART_STATUS_TIMEOUT; // uint32 T_bytesRemaining = 0; // uint32 retVal = E_NOT_OK; // // uint8 Rx_Buffer[MSG_LEN]; // bufferIdx[recvChannel] = 0; // *rxlen = 0; // if (rxBuffer == NULL) // { // return retVal; // } // /* Uart_AsyncReceive transmit data */ // switch (recvChannel) // { // case 0: // IP_LPUART0->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); // break; // case 1: // IP_LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); // break; // case 2: // IP_LPUART2->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILIE(1); // break; // default: // break; // } // Uart_SetBuffer(recvChannel, rxBuffer, DMA_SIZE, UART_RECEIVE); // R_Uart_Status = Uart_AsyncReceive(recvChannel, rxBuffer, DMA_SIZE); // if (E_OK != R_Uart_Status) // { // Uart_Abort(recvChannel, UART_RECEIVE); // return E_NOT_OK; // } // /* Check for no on-going transmission */ // do // { // Uart_ReceiveStatus = Uart_GetStatus(recvChannel, &T_bytesRemaining, UART_RECEIVE); // vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1)); // // } while ((UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_ReceiveStatus) && 0 < T_timeout--); // if ((UART_STATUS_NO_ERROR != Uart_ReceiveStatus)) // { // Uart_Abort(recvChannel, UART_RECEIVE); // *rxlen = bufferIdx[recvChannel]; // retVal = E_NOT_OK; // } // else // { // *rxlen = bufferIdx[recvChannel]; // retVal = E_OK; // } // return retVal; //} extern Lpuart_Uart_Ip_StateStructureType *Lpuart_Uart_Ip_apStateStructuresArray[LPUART_UART_IP_NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES]; void UART_Callback(uint32 hwInstance, Lpuart_Uart_Ip_EventType event) { // (void)userData; Lpuart_Uart_Ip_StateStructureType * UartState; UartState = (Lpuart_Uart_Ip_StateStructureType *)Lpuart_Uart_Ip_apStateStructuresArray[hwInstance]; /* Check the event type */ if (event == LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_RX_FULL) { /* The reception stops when receiving idle is detected or the buffer is full */ if (bufferIdx[hwInstance] <= (BUFFER_SIZE - DMA_SIZE)) { /* Update the buffer index and the rx buffer */ bufferIdx[hwInstance] += DMA_SIZE; Uart_SetBuffer(hwInstance, &RX_Buffer[hwInstance][bufferIdx[hwInstance]], DMA_SIZE, UART_RECEIVE); // Lpuart_Uart_Ip_SetRxBuffer(hwInstance, &RX_Buffer[bufferIdx], DMA_SIZE); } } if (event == LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_ERROR) { // /*Get the transfered data size. DMA Channel 1 is used for LPUART DMA receiving, please modify accordingly.*/ // temp = DMA_SIZE - (uint32_t)IP_DMA->TCD->CITER.ELINKNO; // /*Add the remaining data size to the sum of the received size*/ // bufferIdx[hwInstance] += temp; /*Abort the receiving after detecting IDLE receiving*/ Lpuart_Uart_Ip_AbortReceivingData(hwInstance); Lpuart_Uart_Ip_AbortSendingData(hwInstance); // bufferIdx = 0; } if (event == LPUART_UART_IP_EVENT_RECV_IDLE) { uint32_t temp; UartHalMsg_t UartHalMsg; UartHalMsg.Channel = hwInstance; UartHalMsg.event = event; /*Get the transfered data size. DMA Channel 1 is used for LPUART DMA receiving, please modify accordingly.*/ temp = DMA_SIZE - (uint32_t)IP_DMA->TCD[hwInstance].CITER.ELINKNO; /*Add the remaining data size to the sum of the received size*/ bufferIdx[hwInstance] += temp; /*Abort the receiving after detecting IDLE receiving*/ UartHalMsg.value = bufferIdx[hwInstance]; xQueueSendFromISR(UartHalQueueHandle,&UartHalMsg,pdFALSE); } } /*CAN*/ Can_PduType Can_CreatePduInfo(Can_IdType id, CAN_IdFrameType idFrame, PduIdType swPduHandle, uint8 length, uint8 *sdu) { Can_PduType PduInfo; switch (idFrame) { case CAN_STANDARD_ID_TYPE: id = id & 0x7FF; break; case CANFD_STANDARD_ID_TYPE: id = (id & 0x7FF) | 0x40000000; break; case CAN_EXTENDED_ID_TYPE: id = id | 0x80000000; break; case CANFD_EXTENDED_ID_TYPE: id = id | 0xC0000000; break; default: id = id & 0x7FF; break; } PduInfo.id = id; PduInfo.swPduHandle = swPduHandle; PduInfo.length = length; PduInfo.sdu = sdu; return PduInfo; } Std_ReturnType CanIf_SendMessage(uint8 ControllerId, Can_Msg_Type CanMsg) { volatile Can_PduType Can_PduInfo; volatile Std_ReturnType CAN_Write_Status; Std_ReturnType retVal = E_NOT_OK; uint32 u8TimeOut = 100 * 100; Can_HwHandleType Hth = Can0HardwareObject_TX + (Can_HwHandleType)ControllerId; // controller 0 --> Can0HardwareObject_TX Can_PduInfo = Can_CreatePduInfo(CanMsg.id, CanMsg.idFrame, 0, CanMsg.length, CanMsg.sdu); CAN_Write_Status = Can_Write(Hth, &Can_PduInfo); CanIf_bTxFlag = FALSE; if (CAN_Write_Status == E_OK) { while ((!CanIf_bTxFlag) && (u8TimeOut != 0U)) { Can_MainFunction_Write(); u8TimeOut--; } } if (CanIf_bTxFlag == TRUE) { retVal = E_OK; } else { retVal = E_NOT_OK; } return retVal; } Can_Msg_Type Can_GetMsgInfo(Can_IdType id, uint8 length, uint8 *sdu) { Can_Msg_Type CanMsgInfo; CanMsgInfo.idFrame = (CAN_IdFrameType)((id >> 30) & 0x03); if (CanMsgInfo.idFrame & 0x01) { CanMsgInfo.id = id & 0x7FF; } else { CanMsgInfo.id = id & 0x1FFFFFFF; } CanMsgInfo.length = length; CanMsgInfo.sdu = sdu; return CanMsgInfo; } void CanIf_ControllerBusOff(uint8 ControllerId) { (void)ControllerId; } void CanIf_ControllerModeIndication(uint8 ControllerId, Can_ControllerStateType ControllerMode) { (void)ControllerId; (void)ControllerMode; } void CanIf_TxConfirmation(PduIdType CanTxPduId) { CanIf_u8TxConfirmCnt++; CanIf_bTxFlag = TRUE; (void)CanTxPduId; } void CanIf_RxIndication(const Can_HwType *Mailbox, const PduInfoType *PduInfoPtr) { Can_Msg_Type canRxMsg_Buff; Can_Msg_Type_Data canRxMsgQueueData; CanIf_bRxFlag = TRUE; // should not be delete // should put the msg into message queue canRxMsg_Buff = Can_GetMsgInfo(Mailbox->CanId, PduInfoPtr->SduLength, PduInfoPtr->SduDataPtr); canRxMsgQueueData.id = canRxMsg_Buff.id; canRxMsgQueueData.length = canRxMsg_Buff.length; memcpy(canRxMsgQueueData.data, canRxMsg_Buff.sdu, canRxMsgQueueData.length); switch(Mailbox->Hoh) { case 0: xQueueSend(CanRecvQueueHandle0, &canRxMsgQueueData, 0); break; case 1: xQueueSend(CanRecvQueueHandle1, &canRxMsgQueueData, 0); break; case 2: xQueueSend(CanRecvQueueHandle2, &canRxMsgQueueData, 0); break; } } void CanIf_CurrentIcomConfiguration(uint8 ControllerId, IcomConfigIdType ConfigurationId, IcomSwitch_ErrorType Error) { (void)ControllerId; (void)ConfigurationId; (void)Error; } void Notification_0(void) { ADC_Converter(ResultBuffer, ConvertedBuffer); memcpy(BattTempR, &ConvertedBuffer[3], 4 * sizeof(uint32)); } void Notification_1(void) { VarNotification_1++; } Std_ReturnType ADC_Converter(Adc_ValueGroupType *Buffer, TP_Value_Type *ConvertedValueR) { Adc_ValueGroupType REFH, REFL; REFH = Buffer[0]; REFL = Buffer[2]; for (int i = 3; i < NUM_RESULTS; i++) { if (Buffer[i] >= REFH) { ConvertedValueR[i] = 40930000; } else if (Buffer[i] <= REFL) { ConvertedValueR[i] = 0x00; } else { ConvertedValueR[i] = (TP_Value_Type)((float)(10000 * (Buffer[i] - REFL) / (float)(REFH - REFL)) / (1 - (float)((Buffer[i] - REFL) / (float)(REFH - REFL)))); } } return 0; } Std_ReturnType ADC_ReadValue() { Std_ReturnType ret = E_NOT_OK; for (uint8 i = 0; i < NUM_RESULTS; i++) { ResultBuffer[i] = 0xFFFF; ConvertedBuffer[i] = 0x00; } Adc_SetupResultBuffer(AdcGroupSoftwareOneShot, ResultBuffer); Adc_EnableGroupNotification(AdcGroupSoftwareOneShot); VarNotification_0 = 0; Adc_StartGroupConversion(AdcGroupSoftwareOneShot); return ret; } /*EEP*/ static Std_ReturnType TestEep_FlexNvmProgramPartCmd( VAR(TestEep_CsecKeySize, AUTOMATIC) eepKeysize, VAR(TestEep_SfeType, AUTOMATIC) eepSecurityFlagExtension, VAR(TestEep_LoadFlexRamType, AUTOMATIC) eepLoadFlexRamAtReset, VAR(TestEep_Eeprom_FlexRamPartitionType, AUTOMATIC) eepFlexRamPartition, VAR(TestEep_Eeprom_FlexNvmPartitionType, AUTOMATIC) eepFlexNvmPartition) { Std_ReturnType u8RetVal = (Std_ReturnType)E_OK; uint32 u32FlexNvmPartSize = 0; uint32 u32RegSimFcfg1 = 0UL; u32RegSimFcfg1 = IP_SIM->FCFG1; /*get DEPART value */ u32FlexNvmPartSize = (uint32)((u32RegSimFcfg1 & SIM_FCFG1_DEPART_MASK) >> SIM_FCFG1_DEPART_SHIFT); /* check that it was not partitioned before */ if (u32FlexNvmPartSize == 0xF) { // /* if error flags are set the cmd is not executed */ // REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ADDR32, TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ACCERR_U8 | TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_FPVIOL_U8); // // /*erase DF 0 sector*/ // u32Addr=(TEST_EEP_DEEPROM_SECTOR_0_ADDR32 - D_EEPROM_BASE_ADDR) + 0x800000UL; // // REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB0_ADDR32, TEST_EEP_EEPROM_CMD_ERASE_SECTOR); // REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB1_ADDR32, (uint8)(u32Addr >> 16UL)); // REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB2_ADDR32, (uint8)(u32Addr >> 8UL)); // REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB3_ADDR32, (uint8)(u32Addr >> 0UL)); // REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ADDR32 , TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_CCIF_U8); // while((0U == REG_BIT_GET8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ADDR32, TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_CCIF_U8))) // { // } // if (0U == REG_BIT_GET8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ADDR32, TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ACCERR_U8 | TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_FPVIOL_U8)) { /* run program partition command */ REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB0_ADDR32, EEPROM_CMD_PROGRAM_PARTITION); REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB1_ADDR32, (uint8)eepKeysize); REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB2_ADDR32, (uint8)eepSecurityFlagExtension); REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB3_ADDR32, (uint8)eepLoadFlexRamAtReset); REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB4_ADDR32, (uint8)eepFlexRamPartition); REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FCCOB5_ADDR32, (uint8)eepFlexNvmPartition); REG_WRITE8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ADDR32, TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_CCIF_U8); while ((0U == REG_BIT_GET8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ADDR32, TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_CCIF_U8))) { /* wait for operation to finish */ } /* check if errors occured */ if (REG_BIT_GET8(TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ADDR32, TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_ACCERR_U8 | TEST_EEP_EEPROM_FSTAT_FPVIOL_U8)) { /* NOK, error flags are set */ u8RetVal = (Std_ReturnType)E_NOT_OK; } } else { /* NOK, error flags are set */ u8RetVal = (Std_ReturnType)E_NOT_OK; } } else { /* NOK, partitioned already */ u8RetVal = (Std_ReturnType)E_NOT_OK; } return u8RetVal; } void Eep_DepartParitition(TestEep_Eeprom_FlexNvmPartitionType T_EEP_SIZE) { uint32 u32FlexNvmPartSize = 0; uint32 u32RegSimFcfg1 = 0UL; u32RegSimFcfg1 = IP_SIM->FCFG1; /*get DEPART value */ u32FlexNvmPartSize = (uint32)((u32RegSimFcfg1 & SIM_FCFG1_DEPART_MASK) >> SIM_FCFG1_DEPART_SHIFT); if (u32FlexNvmPartSize == 0xF) /* We just partition again if curent size different with expected */ { /* partition for EERAM 64K with NOT loading EERAM at reset in hardware */ TestEep_FlexNvmProgramPartCmd(EEP_FTFC_KEY_SIZE_0_BYTES, EEP_FTFC_VERIFY_ONLY_DISABLED, EEP_FTFC_LOAD_AT_RESET_ENABLED, EEP_FTFC_EERAM_SIZE_4K, T_EEP_SIZE); } } /* Erase memory by writing erase value */ Std_ReturnType HAL_EEP_Erase(uint32 eepEraseStartAddr, uint32 eepEraseSize) { Std_ReturnType retReturnType = E_OK; MemIf_JobResultType retJobResultType; retReturnType = Eep_Erase(eepEraseStartAddr, eepEraseSize); if (E_OK != retReturnType) { return E_NOT_OK; } while (MEMIF_IDLE != Eep_GetStatus()) { Eep_MainFunction(); } retJobResultType = Eep_GetJobResult(); if (MEMIF_JOB_OK != retJobResultType) { return E_NOT_OK; } return E_OK; } /* Write one or more complete eeprom pages to the eeprom device */ Std_ReturnType HAL_EEP_Write(uint32 eepWriteStartAddr, uint8 *pDataNeedtoWrite, uint32 dataSize) { Std_ReturnType retReturnType = E_OK; MemIf_JobResultType retJobResultType; /*Erase the EEP before write*/ retReturnType = HAL_EEP_Erase(eepWriteStartAddr, dataSize); if (E_OK != retReturnType) { return E_NOT_OK; } retReturnType = Eep_Write(eepWriteStartAddr, pDataNeedtoWrite, dataSize); if (E_OK != retReturnType) { return E_NOT_OK; } while (MEMIF_IDLE != Eep_GetStatus()) { Eep_MainFunction(); } retJobResultType = Eep_GetJobResult(); if (MEMIF_JOB_OK != retJobResultType) { return E_NOT_OK; } return E_OK; } /* Reads from eeprom memory */ Std_ReturnType HAL_EEP_Read(uint32 eepReadStartAddr, uint8 *pDataBuffer, uint32 dataSize) { Std_ReturnType retReturnType = E_OK; MemIf_JobResultType retJobResultType; retReturnType = Eep_Read(eepReadStartAddr, pDataBuffer, dataSize); if (E_OK != retReturnType) { return E_NOT_OK; } while (MEMIF_IDLE != Eep_GetStatus()) { Eep_MainFunction(); } retJobResultType = Eep_GetJobResult(); if (MEMIF_JOB_OK != retJobResultType) { return E_NOT_OK; } return E_OK; } /* Compares a eeprom memory area with an application data buffer */ Std_ReturnType HAL_EEP_Compare(uint32 eepCompareStartAddr, uint8 *pDataNeedtoCompare, uint32 dataSize) { Std_ReturnType retReturnType = E_OK; MemIf_JobResultType retJobResultType; retReturnType = Eep_Compare(eepCompareStartAddr, pDataNeedtoCompare, dataSize); if (E_OK != retReturnType) { return E_NOT_OK; } while (MEMIF_IDLE != Eep_GetStatus()) { Eep_MainFunction(); } retJobResultType = Eep_GetJobResult(); if (MEMIF_JOB_OK != retJobResultType) { return E_NOT_OK; } return E_OK; } /* @brief VECTKEY value so that AIRCR register write is not ignored. */ #define FEATURE_SCB_VECTKEY (0x05FAU) void SystemSoftwareReset(void) { uint32_t regValue; /* Read Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register */ regValue = S32_SCB->AIRCR; /* Clear register key */ regValue &= ~( S32_SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY_MASK); /* Configure System reset request bit and Register Key */ regValue |= S32_SCB_AIRCR_VECTKEY(FEATURE_SCB_VECTKEY); regValue |= S32_SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ(0x1u); /* Write computed register value */ S32_SCB->AIRCR = regValue; } void SystemPrepareForSleep(void) { for(int pinIndex = 0; pinIndex CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILT(1); IP_LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILT(1); IP_LPUART2->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_ILT(1); IP_LPUART0->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_IDLECFG(5); IP_LPUART1->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_IDLECFG(3); IP_LPUART2->CTRL |= LPUART_CTRL_IDLECFG(3); #if 1 /* Initialize Platform driver */ #if (CAN_PRECOMPILE_SUPPORT == STD_ON) Can_Init(NULL_PTR); #elif (CAN_PRECOMPILE_SUPPORT == STD_OFF) Can_Init(&Can_Config_VS_0); #endif Can_SetControllerMode(CanController_0, CAN_CS_STARTED); Can_SetControllerMode(CanController_1, CAN_CS_STARTED); // Can_SetControllerMode(CanController_2, CAN_CS_STARTED); #endif #if (ADC_PRECOMPILE_SUPPORT == STD_ON) Adc_Init(NULL_PTR); #else Adc_Init(&Adc_Config_VS_0); #endif /* ADC_PRECOMPILE_SUPPORT == STD_ON */ /* Partition only if it was not partitioned before for EERAM with code 0x4 */ // Eep_DepartParitition(T_EEEPROM_SIZE); /* Initialize Eep driver */ #if defined (EEP_PRECOMPILE_SUPPORT) Eep_Init(NULL_PTR); #else Eep_Init(&Eep_Config_VS_0); #endif //Init Flash Driver #if defined (FLS_PRECOMPILE_SUPPORT) Fls_Init(NULL_PTR); #else Fls_Init(&Fls_Config_VS_0); while(MEMIF_IDLE == Fls_GetStatus()) { ; } #endif Spi_Init(NULL_PTR); /* Initialize the Gpt driver */ Gpt_Init(&Gpt_Config_VS_0); /* Enable the Gpt notification to periodically service the Wdg */ Gpt_EnableNotification(GptConf_GptChannelConfiguration_GptChannelConfiguration_0); Icu_DeInit(); WdgInit(); IsFeedWdg = true; }