*   @file    Mcl_PBcfg_VS_0.h
*   @version 1.0.0
*   @brief   AUTOSAR Mcl - Data structures for the Mcl driver.
*   @details Postbuild structure configurations for the driver initalization.
*   @addtogroup MCL
*   @{
*   Project              : RTD AUTOSAR 4.4
*   Platform             : CORTEXM
*   Peripheral           : DMA,CACHE,TRGMUX,FLEXIO
*   Dependencies         : none
*   Autosar Version      : 4.4.0
*   Autosar Revision     : ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000
*   Autosar Conf.Variant :
*   SW Version           : 1.0.0
*   Build Version        : S32K1_RTD_1_0_0_HF01_D2109_ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000_20210907
*   (c) Copyright 2020-2021 NXP Semiconductors
*   All Rights Reserved.

#ifndef MCL_PBCFG_VS_0_H_
#define MCL_PBCFG_VS_0_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

* @page misra_violations MISRA-C:2012 violations
* @section [global]
* Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.4, Macro identifiers shall be distinct.
* This violation is due to the AUTOSAR requirement [SWS_BSW_00036] (perform inter module checks).
* @section [global]
* Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.1, External identifiers shall be distinct.
* This rule does not apply if either identifier is a macro identifier, because this case is covered
* by Rule 5.4 and Rule 5.5.
* @section [global]
* Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.2, Identifiers declared in the same scope and name space shall be distinct.
* This rule does not apply if either identifier is a macro identifier, because this case is covered
* by Rule 5.4 and Rule 5.5.
* @section [global]
* Violates MISRA 2012 Required Rule 5.5, Identifiers shall be distinct from macro names.
* The identifier clash is between macro identifiers. Therefore, this rule is incorrectly reported by the tool.

                                         INCLUDE FILES
 1) system and project includes
 2) needed interfaces from external units
 3) internal and external interfaces from this unit

                                SOURCE FILE VERSION INFORMATION
#define CDD_MCL_VS_0_PBCFG_VENDOR_ID_H                     43
#define CDD_MCL_VS_0_PBCFG_SW_MAJOR_VERSION_H              1
#define CDD_MCL_VS_0_PBCFG_SW_MINOR_VERSION_H              0
#define CDD_MCL_VS_0_PBCFG_SW_PATCH_VERSION_H              0

                                      FILE VERSION CHECKS

                          LOCAL TYPEDEFS (STRUCTURES, UNIONS, ENUMS)

                                        LOCAL MACROS

                                       LOCAL CONSTANTS

                                       LOCAL VARIABLES

                                       GLOBAL CONSTANTS

                                       GLOBAL VARIABLES
/* @violates @ref Mcl_Dma_h_REF_1 MISRA 2012 Required Directive 4.10, Precautions shall be taken in order to prevent the contents of a header file being included more than once. */
#include "Mcl_MemMap.h"

extern const Mcl_ConfigType Mcl_Config;

/* @violates @ref Mcl_Dma_h_REF_1 MISRA 2012 Required Directive 4.10, Precautions shall be taken in order to prevent the contents of a header file being included more than once. */
#include "Mcl_MemMap.h"

                                   LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES

                                       LOCAL FUNCTIONS

                                       GLOBAL FUNCTIONS

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* #ifndef MCL_PBCFG_VS_0_H_ */

/** @} */