*   Project              : RTD AUTOSAR 4.4
*   Platform             : CORTEXM
*   Peripheral           : 
*   Dependencies         : none
*   Autosar Version      : 4.4.0
*   Autosar Revision     : ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000
*   Autosar Conf.Variant :
*   SW Version           : 1.0.0
*   Build Version        : S32K1_RTD_1_0_0_HF01_D2109_ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000_20210907
*   (c) Copyright 2020-2021 NXP Semiconductors
*   All Rights Reserved.
*   NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may only be
*   used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms. By expressly
*   accepting such terms or by downloading, installing, activating and/or otherwise
*   using the software, you are agreeing that you have read, and that you agree to
*   comply with and are bound by, such license terms. If you do not agree to be
*   bound by the applicable license terms, then you may not retain, install,
*   activate or otherwise use the software.
*   @file       Power_Ip_Cfg.h
*   @version    1.0.0
*   @brief   AUTOSAR Mcu - Post-Build(PB) configuration file code template.
*   @details Code template for Post-Build(PB) configuration file generation.
*   @addtogroup POWER_DRIVER_CONFIGURATION Power Ip Driver
*   @{

#ifndef POWER_IP_CFG_H
#define POWER_IP_CFG_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{

                                         INCLUDE FILES
 1) system and project includes
 2) needed interfaces from external units
 3) internal and external interfaces from this unit
#include "Power_Ip_VS_0_PBcfg.h"

*                              SOURCE FILE VERSION INFORMATION
#define POWER_IP_CFG_VENDOR_ID                      43
#define POWER_IP_CFG_SW_MAJOR_VERSION               1
#define POWER_IP_CFG_SW_MINOR_VERSION               0
#define POWER_IP_CFG_SW_PATCH_VERSION               0

*                                     FILE VERSION CHECKS
/* Check if Power_Ip_Cfg.h file and Power_Ip_VS_0_PBcfg.h file are of the same vendor */
    #error "Power_Ip_Cfg.h and Power_Ip_VS_0_PBcfg.h have different vendor ids"

/* Check if Power_Ip_Cfg.h file and Power_Ip_VS_0_PBcfg.h file are of the same Autosar version */
    #error "AutoSar Version Numbers of Power_Ip_Cfg.h and Power_Ip_VS_0_PBcfg.h are different"

/* Check if Power_Ip_Cfg.h file and Power_Ip_VS_0_PBcfg.h file are of the same Software version */
  #error "Software Version Numbers of Power_Ip_Cfg.h and Power_Ip_VS_0_PBcfg.h are different"
                                           DEFINES AND MACROS


#define POWER_TIMEOUT_VALUE_US            (50000U)

* @brief        Support for User mode.
*               If this parameter has been configured to 'TRUE' the Clock can be executed from both supervisor and user mode.

/** Check the driver user mode is enabled only when the MCAL_ENABLE_USER_MODE_SUPPORT is enabled */
    #error MCAL_ENABLE_USER_MODE_SUPPORT is not enabled. For running Clock in user mode the MCAL_ENABLE_USER_MODE_SUPPORT needs to be defined.

* @brief            Create defines with the values assigned to Mcu Reset Reason configurations.
*                   These values can be  retrieved from Mcu_GetResetReason Api.

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_STOP_ACKNOWLEDGE_ERROR_RESET   ((uint8)0U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_MDM_AP_SYSTEM_RESET   ((uint8)1U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_SW_RESET   ((uint8)2U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_CORE_LOCKUP_RESET   ((uint8)3U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_JTAG_RESET   ((uint8)4U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_POWER_ON_RESET   ((uint8)5U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_EXTERNAL_PIN_RESET   ((uint8)6U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_WATCHDOG_RESET   ((uint8)7U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_CMU_LOSS_OF_CLOCK_RESET   ((uint8)8U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_LOSS_OF_LOCK_RESET   ((uint8)9U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_LOSS_OF_CLOCK_RESET   ((uint8)10U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_LOW_OR_HIGH_VOLTAGE_DETECT_RESET   ((uint8)11U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_NO_RESET_REASON   ((uint8)12U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_MULTIPLE_RESET_REASON   ((uint8)13U)

#define McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_RESET_UNDEFINED   ((uint8)14U)

* @brief            The type Power_Ip_ResetType, represents the different reset that a specified POWER_IP can have.
* @details          The POWER_IP shall provide at least the values MCU_POWER_ON_RESET and MCU_RESET_UNDEFINED for the enumeration Power_Ip_ResetType.
* @implements Power_Ip_ResetType_Enumeration
typedef enum
    MCU_STOP_ACKNOWLEDGE_ERROR_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_STOP_ACKNOWLEDGE_ERROR_RESET,            /**< @brief Stop Acknowledge Error reset . RCM_SRS[SACKERR]. */
    MCU_MDM_AP_SYSTEM_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_MDM_AP_SYSTEM_RESET,                              /**< @brief MDM-AP System Reset Request . RCM_SRS[MDM_AP]. */
    MCU_SW_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_SW_RESET,                                                    /**< @brief Software reset . RCM_SRS[SW]. */
    MCU_CORE_LOCKUP_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_CORE_LOCKUP_RESET,                                  /**< @brief Core Lockup reset . RCM_SRS[LOCKUP]. */
    MCU_JTAG_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_JTAG_RESET,                                                /**< @brief JTAG generated reset . RCM_SRS[JTAG]. */
    MCU_POWER_ON_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_POWER_ON_RESET,                                        /**< @brief Power-on reset. RCM_SRS[POR]. */
    MCU_EXTERNAL_PIN_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_EXTERNAL_PIN_RESET,                                /**< @brief External Reset Pin. RCM_SRS[PIN]. */
    MCU_WATCHDOG_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_WATCHDOG_RESET,                                        /**< @brief Watchdog reset. RCM_SRS[Watchdog]. */
    MCU_CMU_LOSS_OF_CLOCK_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_CMU_LOSS_OF_CLOCK_RESET,                      /**< @brief CMU Loss-of-Clock Reset. RCM_SRS[CMU_LOC]. */
    MCU_LOSS_OF_LOCK_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_LOSS_OF_LOCK_RESET,                                /**< @brief Loss-of-Lock Reset. RCM_SRS[LOL]. */
    MCU_LOSS_OF_CLOCK_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_LOSS_OF_CLOCK_RESET,                              /**< @brief Loss-of-Clock Reset. RCM_SRS[LOC]. */
    MCU_LOW_OR_HIGH_VOLTAGE_DETECT_RESET = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_LOW_OR_HIGH_VOLTAGE_DETECT_RESET,    /**< @brief Low-Voltage Detect Reset or High-Voltage Detect Reset. RCM_SRS[LVD]. */

    MCU_NO_RESET_REASON = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_NO_RESET_REASON,                                      /**< @brief No reset reason found */
    MCU_MULTIPLE_RESET_REASON = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_MULTIPLE_RESET_REASON,                          /**< @brief More than one reset events are logged except "Power on event" */
    MCU_RESET_UNDEFINED = McuConf_McuResetReasonConf_MCU_RESET_UNDEFINED                                       /**< @brief Undefined reset source. */

} Power_Ip_ResetType;

* @brief            Type of parameter value of the function Mcu_SRAMRetentionConfig.
* @details          The type of Power_Ip_SRAMRetenConfigType is an enumeration with the following values:
typedef enum
    MCU_SRAML_RETEN = (uint32)0x00100000U,   /**< @brief SRAML will be retain only. */
    MCU_SRAMU_RETEN = (uint32)0x00200000U,   /**< @brief SRAMU will be retain only. */
    MCU_SRAMLU_RETEN = (uint32)0x00000000U,   /**< @brief Both SRAML and SRAMU will be retain. */
    MCU_NO_SRAMLU_RETEN = (uint32)0x00300000U,   /**< @brief Both SRAML and SRAMU will not be retain. */
} Power_Ip_SRAMRetenConfigType;

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* #ifndef POWER_IP_CFG_H */

/** @} */