IPA constant propagation start: IPA structures before propagation: Jump functions: Jump functions of caller SystemInit/6: callsite SystemInit/6 -> sys_m4_cache_init/1 : param 0: CONST: 0 value: 0x0, mask: 0x0 Unknown VR Jump functions of caller Sys_GetCoreID/4: Jump functions of caller default_interrupt_routine/3: Jump functions of caller startup_go_to_user_mode/2: Jump functions of caller sys_m4_cache_init/1: Propagating constants: Not considering SystemInit for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering Sys_GetCoreID for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering default_interrupt_routine for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering startup_go_to_user_mode for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. overall_size: 57, max_new_size: 11001 - context independent values, size: 12, time_benefit: 3.000000 Decided to specialize for all known contexts, code not going to grow. IPA lattices after all propagation: Lattices: Node: SystemInit/6: Node: Sys_GetCoreID/4: Node: default_interrupt_routine/3: Node: startup_go_to_user_mode/2: Node: sys_m4_cache_init/1: param [0]: 0 [loc_time: 0, loc_size: 0, prop_time: 0, prop_size: 0] ctxs: VARIABLE Bits: value = 0x0, mask = 0x0 uint8 [0, 0] AGGS VARIABLE IPA decision stage: - Creating a specialized node of sys_m4_cache_init/1 for all known contexts. replacing param #0 cache with const 0 Propagated bits info for function sys_m4_cache_init.constprop/7: param 0: value = 0x0, mask = 0x0 Propagated bits info for function sys_m4_cache_init/1: param 0: value = 0x0, mask = 0x0 IPA constant propagation end Reclaiming functions: sys_m4_cache_init/1 Reclaiming variables: Clearing address taken flags: Symbol table: sys_m4_cache_init.constprop.0/7 (sys_m4_cache_init.constprop) @06ded1c0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: References: Referring: Clone of sys_m4_cache_init/1 Availability: local Function flags: count:236223200 (estimated locally) local optimize_size Called by: SystemInit/6 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) Calls: SystemInit/6 (SystemInit) @06ded700 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public section:.systeminit References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: sys_m4_cache_init.constprop/7 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) Sys_GetCoreID/4 (Sys_GetCoreID) @06dede00 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: default_interrupt_routine/3 (default_interrupt_routine) @06dedb60 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:107374 (estimated locally) body executed_once optimize_size Called by: Calls: startup_go_to_user_mode/2 (startup_go_to_user_mode) @06ded8c0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: sys_m4_cache_init/1 (sys_m4_cache_init) @06ded540 Type: function Body removed by symtab_remove_unreachable_nodes Visibility: prevailing_def_ironly References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: count:236223200 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: RESET_CATCH_CORE/0 (RESET_CATCH_CORE) @06deba68 Type: variable definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Varpool flags: initialized ;; Function startup_go_to_user_mode (startup_go_to_user_mode, funcdef_no=1, decl_uid=6203, cgraph_uid=2, symbol_order=2) Modification phase of node startup_go_to_user_mode/2 startup_go_to_user_mode () { [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return; } ;; Function default_interrupt_routine (default_interrupt_routine, funcdef_no=2, decl_uid=5525, cgraph_uid=3, symbol_order=3) (executed once) Modification phase of node default_interrupt_routine/3 default_interrupt_routine () { [local count: 107374]: [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 1073741824]: goto ; [100.00%] } ;; Function Sys_GetCoreID (Sys_GetCoreID, funcdef_no=3, decl_uid=5517, cgraph_uid=4, symbol_order=4) Modification phase of node Sys_GetCoreID/4 Sys_GetCoreID () { [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return 0; } ;; Function SystemInit (SystemInit, funcdef_no=4, decl_uid=5523, cgraph_uid=6, symbol_order=6) Modification phase of node SystemInit/6 __attribute__((section (".systeminit"))) SystemInit () { long unsigned int _1; long unsigned int _2; long unsigned int _3; long unsigned int _4; long unsigned int _5; long unsigned int _6; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 ={v} MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].CPACR; _2 = _1 | 15728640; MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].CPACR ={v} _2; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("dsb"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("isb"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _3 ={v} MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].CCR; _4 = _3 | 1; MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].CCR ={v} _4; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _5 ={v} MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].SHPR3; _6 = _5 & 4278255615; MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].SHPR3 ={v} _6; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].MPRA ={v} 2004318071; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].PACRA ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].PACRB ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].PACRD ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[0] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[1] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[2] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[3] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[4] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[5] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[6] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[7] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[8] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[9] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[10] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct AIPS_Type *)1073741824B].OPACR[11] ={v} 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("dsb"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("isb"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT sys_m4_cache_init (0); return; }