IPA constant propagation start: Determining dynamic type for call: xEventGroupClearBits (pvEventGroup_2(D), ulBitsToClear_3(D)); Starting walk at: xEventGroupClearBits (pvEventGroup_2(D), ulBitsToClear_3(D)); instance pointer: pvEventGroup_2(D) Outer instance pointer: pvEventGroup_2(D) offset: 0 (bits) vtbl reference: Determining dynamic type for call: xEventGroupSetBits (pvEventGroup_2(D), ulBitsToSet_3(D)); Starting walk at: xEventGroupSetBits (pvEventGroup_2(D), ulBitsToSet_3(D)); instance pointer: pvEventGroup_2(D) Outer instance pointer: pvEventGroup_2(D) offset: 0 (bits) vtbl reference: Determining dynamic type for call: _6 = xEventGroupSetBits.part.0 (xEventGroup_3(D), uxBitsToSet_4(D)); Starting walk at: _6 = xEventGroupSetBits.part.0 (xEventGroup_3(D), uxBitsToSet_4(D)); instance pointer: xEventGroup_3(D) Outer instance pointer: xEventGroup_3(D) offset: 0 (bits) vtbl reference: Determining dynamic type for call: _2 = xEventGroupClearBits.part.0 (xEventGroup_3(D), uxBitsToClear_5(D)); Starting walk at: _2 = xEventGroupClearBits.part.0 (xEventGroup_3(D), uxBitsToClear_5(D)); instance pointer: xEventGroup_3(D) Outer instance pointer: xEventGroup_3(D) offset: 0 (bits) vtbl reference: Determining dynamic type for call: xEventGroupSetBits (xEventGroup_23(D), uxBitsToSet_30(D)); Starting walk at: xEventGroupSetBits (xEventGroup_23(D), uxBitsToSet_30(D)); instance pointer: xEventGroup_23(D) Outer instance pointer: xEventGroup_23(D) offset: 0 (bits) vtbl reference: Function call may change dynamic type:vTaskSuspendAll (); Function call may change dynamic type:_2 = xTaskGetSchedulerState (); IPA structures before propagation: Jump functions: Jump functions of caller xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39: Jump functions of caller xEventGroupClearBits.part.0/36: Jump functions of caller vPortFree/29: Jump functions of caller vTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList/28: Jump functions of caller xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR/27: Jump functions of caller vPortExitCritical/26: Jump functions of caller vPortEnterCritical/25: Jump functions of caller uxTaskResetEventItemValue/24: Jump functions of caller xTaskResumeAll/23: Jump functions of caller vTaskPlaceOnUnorderedEventList/22: Jump functions of caller vTaskSuspendAll/21: Jump functions of caller xTaskGetSchedulerState/20: Jump functions of caller vListInitialise/19: Jump functions of caller pvPortMalloc/18: Jump functions of caller vEventGroupSetNumber/17: Jump functions of caller uxEventGroupGetNumber/16: Jump functions of caller xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR/15: Jump functions of caller prvTestWaitCondition/14: Jump functions of caller vEventGroupClearBitsCallback/13: callsite vEventGroupClearBitsCallback/13 -> xEventGroupClearBits/7 : param 0: PASS THROUGH: 0, op nop_expr, agg_preserved value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 1: PASS THROUGH: 1, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR Jump functions of caller vEventGroupSetBitsCallback/12: callsite vEventGroupSetBitsCallback/12 -> xEventGroupSetBits/10 : param 0: PASS THROUGH: 0, op nop_expr, agg_preserved value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 1: PASS THROUGH: 1, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR Jump functions of caller vEventGroupDelete/11: Jump functions of caller xEventGroupSetBits/10: callsite xEventGroupSetBits/10 -> xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39 : param 0: PASS THROUGH: 0, op nop_expr, agg_preserved value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 1: PASS THROUGH: 1, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR Jump functions of caller xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR/9: Jump functions of caller xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR/8: Jump functions of caller xEventGroupClearBits/7: callsite xEventGroupClearBits/7 -> xEventGroupClearBits.part.0/36 : param 0: PASS THROUGH: 0, op nop_expr, agg_preserved value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 1: PASS THROUGH: 1, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR Jump functions of caller xEventGroupWaitBits/6: callsite xEventGroupWaitBits/6 -> prvTestWaitCondition/14 : param 0: UNKNOWN value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 1: PASS THROUGH: 1, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 2: PASS THROUGH: 3, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Unknown VR callsite xEventGroupWaitBits/6 -> prvTestWaitCondition/14 : param 0: UNKNOWN value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 1: PASS THROUGH: 1, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 2: PASS THROUGH: 3, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Unknown VR Jump functions of caller xEventGroupSync/5: callsite xEventGroupSync/5 -> xEventGroupSetBits/10 : param 0: PASS THROUGH: 0, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR param 1: PASS THROUGH: 1, op nop_expr value: 0x0, mask: 0xffffffff Unknown VR Jump functions of caller xEventGroupCreate/4: Propagating constants: Not considering vEventGroupSetNumber for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering uxEventGroupGetNumber for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering vEventGroupClearBitsCallback for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering vEventGroupSetBitsCallback for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering vEventGroupDelete for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupSetBits for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupClearBits for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupWaitBits for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupSync for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering xEventGroupCreate for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. overall_size: 359, max_new_size: 11001 IPA lattices after all propagation: Lattices: Node: xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39: param [0]: VARIABLE ctxs: VARIABLE Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS VARIABLE param [1]: VARIABLE ctxs: VARIABLE Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS VARIABLE Node: xEventGroupClearBits.part.0/36: param [0]: VARIABLE ctxs: VARIABLE Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS VARIABLE param [1]: VARIABLE ctxs: VARIABLE Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS VARIABLE Node: vEventGroupSetNumber/17: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: uxEventGroupGetNumber/16: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR/15: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [2]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: prvTestWaitCondition/14: param [0]: VARIABLE ctxs: VARIABLE Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS VARIABLE param [1]: VARIABLE ctxs: VARIABLE Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS VARIABLE param [2]: VARIABLE ctxs: VARIABLE Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS VARIABLE Node: vEventGroupClearBitsCallback/13: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: vEventGroupSetBitsCallback/12: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: vEventGroupDelete/11: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupSetBits/10: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR/9: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR/8: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupClearBits/7: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupWaitBits/6: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [2]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [3]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [4]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupSync/5: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [2]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [3]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: xEventGroupCreate/4: IPA decision stage: IPA constant propagation end Reclaiming functions: Reclaiming variables: Clearing address taken flags: Symbol table: xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39 (xEventGroupSetBits.part.0) @06b1d0e0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: prevailing_def_ironly artificial References: Referring: Availability: local Function flags: count:118111600 (estimated locally) first_run:1 body local split_part optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupSetBits/10 (52886 (estimated locally),0.23 per call) Calls: vTaskSuspendAll/21 (118111600 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) vTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList/28 (401364694 (estimated locally),3.40 per call) xTaskResumeAll/23 (118111601 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupClearBits.part.0/36 (xEventGroupClearBits.part.0) @06b17a80 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: prevailing_def_ironly artificial References: Referring: Availability: local Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) first_run:1 body local split_part optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupClearBits/7 (52886 (estimated locally),0.23 per call) Calls: vPortEnterCritical/25 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) vPortExitCritical/26 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) vPortFree/29 (vPortFree) @06c04b60 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: vEventGroupDelete/11 (63439 (estimated locally),0.27 per call) Calls: vTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList/28 (vTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList) @06c049a0 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: vEventGroupDelete/11 (1030048 (estimated locally),4.46 per call) xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39 (401364694 (estimated locally),3.40 per call) Calls: xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR/27 (xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR) @06c04460 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR/15 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR/8 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) Calls: vPortExitCritical/26 (vPortExitCritical) @06be2d20 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupSync/5 (3888 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) xEventGroupClearBits.part.0/36 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (3888 (estimated locally),0.01 per call) Calls: vPortEnterCritical/25 (vPortEnterCritical) @06be2c40 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupSync/5 (3888 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) xEventGroupClearBits.part.0/36 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (3888 (estimated locally),0.01 per call) Calls: uxTaskResetEventItemValue/24 (uxTaskResetEventItemValue) @06be2b60 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupSync/5 (11782 (estimated locally),0.05 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (11782 (estimated locally),0.04 per call) Calls: xTaskResumeAll/23 (xTaskResumeAll) @06be2a80 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: vEventGroupDelete/11 (63439 (estimated locally),0.27 per call) xEventGroupSync/5 (23563 (estimated locally),0.11 per call) xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39 (118111601 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (23563 (estimated locally),0.08 per call) Calls: vTaskPlaceOnUnorderedEventList/22 (vTaskPlaceOnUnorderedEventList) @06be29a0 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupSync/5 (5132 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (5891 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) Calls: vTaskSuspendAll/21 (vTaskSuspendAll) @06be28c0 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: vEventGroupDelete/11 (123389 (estimated locally),0.53 per call) xEventGroupSync/5 (23563 (estimated locally),0.11 per call) xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39 (118111600 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (23563 (estimated locally),0.08 per call) Calls: xTaskGetSchedulerState/20 (xTaskGetSchedulerState) @06be27e0 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupSync/5 (35433 (estimated locally),0.16 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (35433 (estimated locally),0.12 per call) Calls: vListInitialise/19 (vListInitialise) @06be2460 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupCreate/4 (574129754 (estimated locally),0.53 per call) Calls: pvPortMalloc/18 (pvPortMalloc) @06be2380 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupCreate/4 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) Calls: vEventGroupSetNumber/17 (vEventGroupSetNumber) @06bd6e00 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: uxEventGroupGetNumber/16 (uxEventGroupGetNumber) @06bd68c0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR/15 (xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR) @06bd62a0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: vEventGroupSetBitsCallback/12 (addr) Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR/27 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) prvTestWaitCondition/14 (prvTestWaitCondition) @06bd6d20 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: prevailing_def_ironly References: Referring: Availability: local Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body local optimize_size Called by: xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (3888 (estimated locally),0.01 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (23563 (estimated locally),0.08 per call) Calls: vEventGroupClearBitsCallback/13 (vEventGroupClearBitsCallback) @06bd6a80 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public Address is taken. References: Referring: xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR/8 (addr) Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: xEventGroupClearBits/7 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) vEventGroupSetBitsCallback/12 (vEventGroupSetBitsCallback) @06bd67e0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public Address is taken. References: Referring: xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR/15 (addr) Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: xEventGroupSetBits/10 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) vEventGroupDelete/11 (vEventGroupDelete) @06bd6540 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:230763 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: xTaskResumeAll/23 (63439 (estimated locally),0.27 per call) vPortFree/29 (63439 (estimated locally),0.27 per call) vTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList/28 (1030048 (estimated locally),4.46 per call) vTaskSuspendAll/21 (123389 (estimated locally),0.53 per call) xEventGroupSetBits/10 (xEventGroupSetBits) @06bd61c0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:228942 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: vEventGroupSetBitsCallback/12 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupSync/5 (23563 (estimated locally),0.11 per call) Calls: xEventGroupSetBits.part.0/39 (52886 (estimated locally),0.23 per call) xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR/9 (xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR) @06b92a80 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR/8 (xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR) @06b920e0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: vEventGroupClearBitsCallback/13 (addr) Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR/27 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) xEventGroupClearBits/7 (xEventGroupClearBits) @06b92d20 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:228942 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: vEventGroupClearBitsCallback/13 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) Calls: xEventGroupClearBits.part.0/36 (52886 (estimated locally),0.23 per call) xEventGroupWaitBits/6 (xEventGroupWaitBits) @06b929a0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:306783 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: vPortExitCritical/26 (3888 (estimated locally),0.01 per call) prvTestWaitCondition/14 (3888 (estimated locally),0.01 per call) vPortEnterCritical/25 (3888 (estimated locally),0.01 per call) uxTaskResetEventItemValue/24 (11782 (estimated locally),0.04 per call) xTaskResumeAll/23 (23563 (estimated locally),0.08 per call) vTaskPlaceOnUnorderedEventList/22 (5891 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) prvTestWaitCondition/14 (23563 (estimated locally),0.08 per call) vTaskSuspendAll/21 (23563 (estimated locally),0.08 per call) xTaskGetSchedulerState/20 (35433 (estimated locally),0.12 per call) xEventGroupSync/5 (xEventGroupSync) @06b92460 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:214748 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: vPortExitCritical/26 (3888 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) vPortEnterCritical/25 (3888 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) uxTaskResetEventItemValue/24 (11782 (estimated locally),0.05 per call) xTaskResumeAll/23 (23563 (estimated locally),0.11 per call) vTaskPlaceOnUnorderedEventList/22 (5132 (estimated locally),0.02 per call) xEventGroupSetBits/10 (23563 (estimated locally),0.11 per call) vTaskSuspendAll/21 (23563 (estimated locally),0.11 per call) xTaskGetSchedulerState/20 (35433 (estimated locally),0.16 per call) xEventGroupCreate/4 (xEventGroupCreate) @06b92000 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: vListInitialise/19 (574129754 (estimated locally),0.53 per call) pvPortMalloc/18 (1073741824 (estimated locally),1.00 per call) ;; Function xEventGroupCreate (xEventGroupCreate, funcdef_no=4, decl_uid=6271, cgraph_uid=5, symbol_order=4) Modification phase of node xEventGroupCreate/4 xEventGroupCreate () { struct EventGroup_t * pxEventBits; struct List_t * _1; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT pxEventBits_5 = pvPortMalloc (28); # DEBUG pxEventBits => pxEventBits_5 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (pxEventBits_5 != 0B) goto ; [53.47%] else goto ; [46.53%] [local count: 574129754]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT pxEventBits_5->uxEventBits = 0; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 = &pxEventBits_5->xTasksWaitingForBits; vListInitialise (_1); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return pxEventBits_5; } ;; Function xEventGroupWaitBits (xEventGroupWaitBits, funcdef_no=6, decl_uid=6277, cgraph_uid=7, symbol_order=6) Modification phase of node xEventGroupWaitBits/6 xEventGroupWaitBits (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToWaitFor, const BaseType_t xClearOnExit, const BaseType_t xWaitForAllBits, TickType_t xTicksToWait) { uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; const EventBits_t uxCurrentEventBits; BaseType_t xAlreadyYielded; BaseType_t xWaitConditionMet; EventBits_t uxControlBits; EventBits_t uxReturn; long unsigned int _1; long int _2; long unsigned int _3; long unsigned int _4; struct List_t * _5; long unsigned int _6; long unsigned int _7; long int _8; long unsigned int _9; long unsigned int _10; [local count: 306783]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG pxEventBits => xEventGroup_22(D) # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG uxControlBits => 0 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xTimeoutOccurred => 0 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xEventGroup_22(D) == 0B) goto ; [30.00%] else goto ; [70.00%] [local count: 92035]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_45 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_45 [local count: 920350133]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 920350133]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 214748]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 = uxBitsToWaitFor_23(D) & 4278190080; if (_1 != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 107374]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_30 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_30 [local count: 1073741823]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 1073741824]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 107374]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (uxBitsToWaitFor_23(D) == 0) goto ; [67.00%] else goto ; [33.00%] [local count: 71941]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_49 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_49 [local count: 719407021]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 719407021]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 35433]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _2 = xTaskGetSchedulerState (); if (_2 != 0) goto ; [33.00%] else goto ; [67.00%] [local count: 23740]: if (xTicksToWait_26(D) == 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 11870]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_50 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_50 [local count: 118702158]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 118702158]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 23563]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vTaskSuspendAll (); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxCurrentEventBits_28 = MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_22(D)].uxEventBits; # DEBUG uxCurrentEventBits => uxCurrentEventBits_28 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xWaitConditionMet_31 = prvTestWaitCondition (uxCurrentEventBits_28, uxBitsToWaitFor_23(D), xWaitForAllBits_29(D)); # DEBUG xWaitConditionMet => xWaitConditionMet_31 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xWaitConditionMet_31 != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 11782]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG uxReturn => uxCurrentEventBits_28 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xTicksToWait => 0 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xClearOnExit_32(D) != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 5891]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _3 = ~uxBitsToWaitFor_23(D); _4 = _3 & uxCurrentEventBits_28; MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_22(D)].uxEventBits = _4; goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 11782]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xTicksToWait_26(D) == 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 5891]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xClearOnExit_32(D) != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 2945]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG uxControlBits => 16777216 [local count: 5891]: # uxControlBits_15 = PHI <0(19), 16777216(20)> # DEBUG uxControlBits => uxControlBits_15 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xWaitForAllBits_29(D) != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 2945]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxControlBits_33 = uxControlBits_15 | 67108864; # DEBUG uxControlBits => uxControlBits_33 [local count: 5891]: # uxControlBits_16 = PHI # DEBUG uxControlBits => uxControlBits_16 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _5 = &MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_22(D)].xTasksWaitingForBits; _6 = uxControlBits_16 | uxBitsToWaitFor_23(D); vTaskPlaceOnUnorderedEventList (_5, _6, xTicksToWait_26(D)); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG uxReturn => 0 [local count: 23563]: # xTicksToWait_11 = PHI <0(17), xTicksToWait_26(D)(18), xTicksToWait_26(D)(23), 0(16)> # uxReturn_12 = PHI # DEBUG xTimeoutOccurred => NULL # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_12 # DEBUG xTicksToWait => xTicksToWait_11 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xAlreadyYielded_37 = xTaskResumeAll (); # DEBUG xAlreadyYielded => xAlreadyYielded_37 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xTicksToWait_11 != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 11782]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xAlreadyYielded_37 == 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 5891]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(volatile uint32_t *)3758157060B] ={v} 268435456; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("dsb" : : : "memory"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("isb"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 11782]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_42 = uxTaskResetEventItemValue (); # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_42 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _7 = uxReturn_42 & 33554432; if (_7 == 0) goto ; [33.00%] else goto ; [67.00%] [local count: 3888]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vPortEnterCritical (); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_44 = MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_22(D)].uxEventBits; # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_44 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _8 = prvTestWaitCondition (uxReturn_44, uxBitsToWaitFor_23(D), xWaitForAllBits_29(D)); if (_8 != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 1944]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xClearOnExit_32(D) != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 972]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _9 = ~uxBitsToWaitFor_23(D); _10 = _9 & uxReturn_44; MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_22(D)].uxEventBits = _10; [local count: 3888]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xTimeoutOccurred => 1 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vPortExitCritical (); [local count: 11782]: # uxReturn_13 = PHI # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_13 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_48 = uxReturn_13 & 16777215; # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_48 [local count: 23563]: # uxReturn_14 = PHI # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_14 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return uxReturn_14; } ;; Function xEventGroupClearBits (xEventGroupClearBits, funcdef_no=7, decl_uid=6280, cgraph_uid=8, symbol_order=7) Modification phase of node xEventGroupClearBits/7 xEventGroupClearBits (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToClear) { EventBits_t D.6607; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; long unsigned int _1; [local count: 228942]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG pxEventBits => xEventGroup_3(D) # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xEventGroup_3(D) == 0B) goto ; [30.00%] else goto ; [70.00%] [local count: 68683]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_7 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_7 [local count: 686828460]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 686828460]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 160260]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 = uxBitsToClear_5(D) & 4278190080; if (_1 != 0) goto ; [67.00%] else goto ; [33.00%] [local count: 107374]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_8 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_8 [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 1073741824]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 52886]: _2 = xEventGroupClearBits.part.0 (xEventGroup_3(D), uxBitsToClear_5(D)); return _2; } ;; Function vEventGroupClearBitsCallback (vEventGroupClearBitsCallback, funcdef_no=13, decl_uid=6305, cgraph_uid=14, symbol_order=13) Modification phase of node vEventGroupClearBitsCallback/13 vEventGroupClearBitsCallback (void * pvEventGroup, const uint32_t ulBitsToClear) { [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xEventGroupClearBits (pvEventGroup_2(D), ulBitsToClear_3(D)); return; } ;; Function xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR (xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR, funcdef_no=8, decl_uid=6283, cgraph_uid=9, symbol_order=8) Modification phase of node xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR/8 xEventGroupClearBitsFromISR (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToClear) { BaseType_t xReturn; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xReturn_5 = xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR (vEventGroupClearBitsCallback, xEventGroup_2(D), uxBitsToClear_3(D), 0B); # DEBUG xReturn => xReturn_5 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return xReturn_5; } ;; Function xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR (xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR, funcdef_no=9, decl_uid=6297, cgraph_uid=10, symbol_order=9) Modification phase of node xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR/9 xEventGroupGetBitsFromISR (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup) { uint32_t ulOriginalBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; EventBits_t uxReturn; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG pxEventBits => xEventGroup_1(D) # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY ulPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mrs %0, basepri mov %1, %2 msr basepri, %1 isb dsb " : "=r" ulOriginalBASEPRI_4, "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_5 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_5 # DEBUG ulOriginalBASEPRI => ulOriginalBASEPRI_4 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG ulOriginalBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG uxSavedInterruptStatus => ulOriginalBASEPRI_4 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_3 = MEM[(const struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_1(D)].uxEventBits; # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_3 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG ulNewMaskValue => ulOriginalBASEPRI_4 # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortSetBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" msr basepri, %0 " : : "r" ulOriginalBASEPRI_4 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewMaskValue => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return uxReturn_3; } ;; Function xEventGroupSetBits (xEventGroupSetBits, funcdef_no=10, decl_uid=6286, cgraph_uid=11, symbol_order=10) Modification phase of node xEventGroupSetBits/10 xEventGroupSetBits (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet) { EventBits_t D.6634; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; long unsigned int _1; [local count: 228942]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG uxBitsToClear => 0 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG pxEventBits => xEventGroup_3(D) # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xMatchFound => 0 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xEventGroup_3(D) == 0B) goto ; [30.00%] else goto ; [70.00%] [local count: 68683]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_7 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_7 [local count: 686828460]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 686828460]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 160260]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 = uxBitsToSet_4(D) & 4278190080; if (_1 != 0) goto ; [67.00%] else goto ; [33.00%] [local count: 107374]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_8 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_8 [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 1073741824]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 52886]: _6 = xEventGroupSetBits.part.0 (xEventGroup_3(D), uxBitsToSet_4(D)); return _6; } ;; Function xEventGroupSync (xEventGroupSync, funcdef_no=5, decl_uid=6295, cgraph_uid=6, symbol_order=5) Modification phase of node xEventGroupSync/5 xEventGroupSync (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet, const EventBits_t uxBitsToWaitFor, TickType_t xTicksToWait) { uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; BaseType_t xAlreadyYielded; EventBits_t uxReturn; EventBits_t uxOriginalBitValue; long unsigned int _1; long int _2; long unsigned int _3; long unsigned int _4; long unsigned int _5; long unsigned int _6; long unsigned int _7; struct List_t * _8; long unsigned int _9; long unsigned int _10; long unsigned int _11; long unsigned int _12; long unsigned int _13; [local count: 214748]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG pxEventBits => xEventGroup_23(D) # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xTimeoutOccurred => 0 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 = uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D) & 4278190080; if (_1 != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 107374]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_47 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_47 [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 1073741824]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 107374]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D) == 0) goto ; [67.00%] else goto ; [33.00%] [local count: 71941]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_48 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_48 [local count: 719407023]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 719407023]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 35433]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _2 = xTaskGetSchedulerState (); if (_2 != 0) goto ; [33.00%] else goto ; [67.00%] [local count: 23740]: if (xTicksToWait_27(D) == 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 11870]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_49 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_49 [local count: 118702159]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 118702159]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 23563]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vTaskSuspendAll (); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxOriginalBitValue_29 = MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_23(D)].uxEventBits; # DEBUG uxOriginalBitValue => uxOriginalBitValue_29 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xEventGroupSetBits (xEventGroup_23(D), uxBitsToSet_30(D)); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _3 = uxOriginalBitValue_29 | uxBitsToSet_30(D); _4 = _3 & uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D); if (_4 == uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D)) goto ; [34.00%] else goto ; [66.00%] [local count: 8011]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG uxReturn => _3 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _5 = MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_23(D)].uxEventBits; _6 = ~uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D); _7 = _5 & _6; MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_23(D)].uxEventBits = _7; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xTicksToWait => 0 goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 15552]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xTicksToWait_27(D) != 0) goto ; [33.00%] else goto ; [67.00%] [local count: 5132]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _8 = &MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_23(D)].xTasksWaitingForBits; _9 = uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D) | 83886080; vTaskPlaceOnUnorderedEventList (_8, _9, xTicksToWait_27(D)); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG uxReturn => 0 goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 10420]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_32 = MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_23(D)].uxEventBits; # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_32 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xTimeoutOccurred => 1 [local count: 23563]: # xTicksToWait_14 = PHI <0(13), xTicksToWait_27(D)(15), 0(16)> # uxReturn_15 = PHI <_3(13), 0(15), uxReturn_32(16)> # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_15 # DEBUG xTicksToWait => xTicksToWait_14 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xAlreadyYielded_36 = xTaskResumeAll (); # DEBUG xAlreadyYielded => xAlreadyYielded_36 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xTicksToWait_14 != 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 11782]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xAlreadyYielded_36 == 0) goto ; [50.00%] else goto ; [50.00%] [local count: 5891]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(volatile uint32_t *)3758157060B] ={v} 268435456; # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("dsb" : : : "memory"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__("isb"); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 11782]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_41 = uxTaskResetEventItemValue (); # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_41 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _10 = uxReturn_41 & 33554432; if (_10 == 0) goto ; [33.00%] else goto ; [67.00%] [local count: 3888]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vPortEnterCritical (); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_43 = MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_23(D)].uxEventBits; # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_43 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _11 = uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D) & uxReturn_43; if (_11 == uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D)) goto ; [34.00%] else goto ; [66.00%] [local count: 1322]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _12 = ~uxBitsToWaitFor_24(D); _13 = _12 & uxReturn_43; MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_23(D)].uxEventBits = _13; [local count: 3888]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vPortExitCritical (); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG xTimeoutOccurred => 1 [local count: 11782]: # uxReturn_16 = PHI # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_16 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT uxReturn_46 = uxReturn_16 & 16777215; # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_46 [local count: 23563]: # uxReturn_17 = PHI # DEBUG uxReturn => uxReturn_17 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return uxReturn_17; } ;; Function vEventGroupSetBitsCallback (vEventGroupSetBitsCallback, funcdef_no=12, decl_uid=6302, cgraph_uid=13, symbol_order=12) Modification phase of node vEventGroupSetBitsCallback/12 vEventGroupSetBitsCallback (void * pvEventGroup, const uint32_t ulBitsToSet) { [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xEventGroupSetBits (pvEventGroup_2(D), ulBitsToSet_3(D)); return; } ;; Function vEventGroupDelete (vEventGroupDelete, funcdef_no=11, decl_uid=6299, cgraph_uid=12, symbol_order=11) Modification phase of node vEventGroupDelete/11 vEventGroupDelete (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup) { uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; uint32_t ulNewBASEPRI; struct xLIST_ITEM * _1; const struct MiniListItem_t * _2; long unsigned int _3; [local count: 230763]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xEventGroup_5(D) == 0B) goto ; [46.53%] else goto ; [53.47%] [local count: 107374]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_11 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_11 [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 1073741824]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 123389]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG pxEventBits => xEventGroup_5(D) # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG D#2 => &MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_5(D)].xTasksWaitingForBits # DEBUG pxTasksWaitingForBits => D#2 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vTaskSuspendAll (); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 1089998]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 = MEM[(const struct List_t *)xEventGroup_5(D) + 4B].xListEnd.pxNext; _2 = &MEM[(const struct List_t *)xEventGroup_5(D) + 4B].xListEnd; if (_1 == _2) goto ; [5.50%] else goto ; [94.50%] [local count: 59950]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG INLINE_ENTRY vPortRaiseBASEPRI # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT __asm__ __volatile__(" mov %0, %1 msr basepri, %0 isb dsb " : "=r" ulNewBASEPRI_12 : "i" 16 : "memory"); # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => ulNewBASEPRI_12 [local count: 599500022]: # DEBUG ulNewBASEPRI => NULL # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT [local count: 599500022]: goto ; [100.00%] [local count: 1030048]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vTaskRemoveFromUnorderedEventList (_1, 33554432); [local count: 1153437]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _3 ={v} MEM[(const struct List_t *)xEventGroup_5(D) + 4B].uxNumberOfItems; if (_3 != 0) goto ; [94.50%] else goto ; [5.50%] [local count: 63439]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT vPortFree (xEventGroup_5(D)); # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xTaskResumeAll (); return; } ;; Function xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR (xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR, funcdef_no=15, decl_uid=6290, cgraph_uid=16, symbol_order=15) Modification phase of node xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR/15 xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR (struct EventGroupDef_t * xEventGroup, const EventBits_t uxBitsToSet, BaseType_t * pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken) { BaseType_t xReturn; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xReturn_6 = xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR (vEventGroupSetBitsCallback, xEventGroup_2(D), uxBitsToSet_3(D), pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken_4(D)); # DEBUG xReturn => xReturn_6 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return xReturn_6; } ;; Function uxEventGroupGetNumber (uxEventGroupGetNumber, funcdef_no=16, decl_uid=6307, cgraph_uid=17, symbol_order=16) Modification phase of node uxEventGroupGetNumber/16 uxEventGroupGetNumber (void * xEventGroup) { UBaseType_t xReturn; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG pxEventBits => xEventGroup_2(D) # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT if (xEventGroup_2(D) == 0B) goto ; [30.00%] else goto ; [70.00%] [local count: 751619278]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT xReturn_4 = MEM[(const struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_2(D)].uxEventGroupNumber; # DEBUG xReturn => xReturn_4 [local count: 1073741824]: # xReturn_1 = PHI <0(2), xReturn_4(3)> # DEBUG xReturn => xReturn_1 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT return xReturn_1; } ;; Function vEventGroupSetNumber (vEventGroupSetNumber, funcdef_no=17, decl_uid=6310, cgraph_uid=18, symbol_order=17) Modification phase of node vEventGroupSetNumber/17 vEventGroupSetNumber (void * xEventGroup, UBaseType_t uxEventGroupNumber) { [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT MEM[(struct EventGroup_t *)xEventGroup_2(D)].uxEventGroupNumber = uxEventGroupNumber_3(D); return; }