IPA constant propagation start: IPA structures before propagation: Jump functions: Jump functions of caller NVIC_SetPriority/3: Jump functions of caller NVIC_DisableIRQ/2: Jump functions of caller NVIC_EnableIRQ/1: Jump functions of caller NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping/0: Propagating constants: Not considering NVIC_SetPriority for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering NVIC_DisableIRQ for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering NVIC_EnableIRQ for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. Not considering NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping for cloning; -fipa-cp-clone disabled. overall_size: 26, max_new_size: 11001 IPA lattices after all propagation: Lattices: Node: NVIC_SetPriority/3: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM param [1]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: NVIC_DisableIRQ/2: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: NVIC_EnableIRQ/1: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM Node: NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping/0: param [0]: BOTTOM ctxs: BOTTOM Bits unusable (BOTTOM) VARYING AGGS BOTTOM IPA decision stage: IPA constant propagation end Reclaiming functions: Reclaiming variables: Clearing address taken flags: Symbol table: NVIC_SetPriority/3 (NVIC_SetPriority) @06e18620 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: NVIC_DisableIRQ/2 (NVIC_DisableIRQ) @06e18d20 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: NVIC_EnableIRQ/1 (NVIC_EnableIRQ) @06e18a80 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping/0 (NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping) @06e187e0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: externally_visible public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: count:1073741824 (estimated locally) body optimize_size Called by: Calls: ;; Function NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping (NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=6181, cgraph_uid=1, symbol_order=0) Modification phase of node NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping/0 NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping (uint32 PriorityGroup) { long unsigned int _1; long unsigned int _2; long unsigned int _3; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 ={v} MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].AIRCR; _2 = _1 & 4294965503; _3 = _2 | PriorityGroup_5(D); MEM[(struct S32_SCB_Type *)3758153728B].AIRCR ={v} _3; return; } ;; Function NVIC_EnableIRQ (NVIC_EnableIRQ, funcdef_no=1, decl_uid=6183, cgraph_uid=2, symbol_order=1) Modification phase of node NVIC_EnableIRQ/1 NVIC_EnableIRQ (uint8 IRQn) { long unsigned int _1; unsigned char _2; unsigned char _3; long unsigned int _4; long unsigned int _5; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _2 = IRQn_6(D) & 31; _1 = (long unsigned int) _2; _3 = IRQn_6(D) >> 5; _4 = (long unsigned int) _3; _5 = 1 << _1; MEM[(struct S32_NVIC_Type *)3758153984B].ISER[_4] ={v} _5; return; } ;; Function NVIC_DisableIRQ (NVIC_DisableIRQ, funcdef_no=2, decl_uid=6185, cgraph_uid=3, symbol_order=2) Modification phase of node NVIC_DisableIRQ/2 NVIC_DisableIRQ (uint8 IRQn) { long unsigned int _1; unsigned char _2; unsigned char _3; long unsigned int _4; long unsigned int _5; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _2 = IRQn_6(D) & 31; _1 = (long unsigned int) _2; _3 = IRQn_6(D) >> 5; _4 = (long unsigned int) _3; _5 = 1 << _1; MEM[(struct S32_NVIC_Type *)3758153984B].ICER[_4] ={v} _5; return; } ;; Function NVIC_SetPriority (NVIC_SetPriority, funcdef_no=3, decl_uid=6188, cgraph_uid=4, symbol_order=3) Modification phase of node NVIC_SetPriority/3 NVIC_SetPriority (uint8 IRQn, uint8 priority) { long unsigned int _1; long unsigned int _2; long unsigned int _3; unsigned char _4; [local count: 1073741824]: # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT # DEBUG shift => 4 # DEBUG BEGIN_STMT _1 = (long unsigned int) priority_5(D); _2 = _1 << 4; _3 = (long unsigned int) IRQn_6(D); _4 = (unsigned char) _2; MEM[(struct S32_NVIC_Type *)3758153984B].IP[_3] ={v} _4; return; }