/* * UDSTask.h * * Created on: 2022Äê3ÔÂ14ÈÕ * Author: Zhengchao */ #ifndef UDSTASK_H_ #define UDSTASK_H_ #include "PlatformTypes.h" #include "hal_adapter.h" #include "USER_CONFIG.h" #define INFO_START_ADDR 0x20006FF0u #define REQUEST_ENTER_BOOTLOADER_ADDR 0x20006FF1u #define DOWNLOAD_APP_SUCCESSFUL_ADDR 0x20006FF0u #define EN_CRC_SOFTWARE /* Enable CRC module with software */ //#define USE_CAN_EXT_ID /* TODO Bootloader: #01 CAN RX and TX message ID Configuration */ #if defined (CAN0_MSG_TYPE) #if (CAN0_MSG_TYPE == CAN_MSG_STANDARD) #define RX_FUN_ADDR_ID (0x7BFu) /* FuncReq - CAN TP RX function ID */ #define RX_PHY_ADDR_ID (0x7A1u) /* PhysReq - CAN TP RX physical ID */ #define TX_RESP_ADDR_ID (0x7A9u) /* PhysResp - CAN TP TX physical ID */ #elif (CAN0_MSG_TYPE == CAN_MSG_EXTENDED) #define RX_FUN_ADDR_ID (0x18DA55FFu) /* FuncReq - CAN TP RX function ID */ #define RX_PHY_ADDR_ID (0x18DA5536u) /* PhysReq - CAN TP RX physical ID */ #define TX_RESP_ADDR_ID (0x18DA3655u) /* PhysResp - CAN TP TX physical ID */ #endif #else #error "please define the CAN MSG Type of can0" #endif void RequestEnterBootloader(void); boolean IsJumptoBootloader(uint32 CanID, uint8 Data[]); void DoRoutinePositiveAnswer(void); boolean Boot_CheckDownlaodAPPStatus(void); #endif /* UDSTASK_H_ */