IPA summary for Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 is missing. IPA summary for Power_Ip_SMC_ModeCheckEntry/1 is missing. IPA summary for Power_Ip_SMC_AllowedModesConfig/0 is missing. Flattening functions: Overall time estimate: 0.000000 weighted by profile: 0.000000 Deciding on inlining of small functions. Starting with size 0. Reclaiming functions: Reclaiming variables: Clearing address taken flags: Deciding on functions to be inlined into all callers and removing useless speculations: Overall time estimate: 0.000000 weighted by profile: 0.000000 Why inlining failed? function body not available : 9 calls, 9.000000 freq, 0 count IPA summary for Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 is missing. IPA summary for Power_Ip_SMC_ModeCheckEntry/1 is missing. IPA summary for Power_Ip_SMC_AllowedModesConfig/0 is missing. Symbol table: Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit/5 (Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit) @06aed1c0 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: Called by: Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Calls: PowerTimeoutExpired/4 (PowerTimeoutExpired) @06aed0e0 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: Called by: Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Calls: PowerStartTimeout/3 (PowerStartTimeout) @06aed000 Type: function Visibility: external public References: Referring: Availability: not_available Function flags: Called by: Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 Calls: Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig/2 (Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig) @06acc9a0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: force_output externally_visible no_reorder public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: body Called by: Calls: Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit/5 Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit/5 Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit/5 PowerTimeoutExpired/4 PowerStartTimeout/3 PowerTimeoutExpired/4 PowerStartTimeout/3 PowerTimeoutExpired/4 PowerStartTimeout/3 Power_Ip_SMC_ModeCheckEntry/1 (Power_Ip_SMC_ModeCheckEntry) @06acc460 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: force_output externally_visible no_reorder public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: body Called by: Calls: Power_Ip_SMC_AllowedModesConfig/0 (Power_Ip_SMC_AllowedModesConfig) @06acc1c0 Type: function definition analyzed Visibility: force_output externally_visible no_reorder public References: Referring: Availability: available Function flags: body Called by: Calls: ;; Function Power_Ip_SMC_AllowedModesConfig (Power_Ip_SMC_AllowedModesConfig, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=5638, cgraph_uid=1, symbol_order=0) Power_Ip_SMC_AllowedModesConfig (const struct Power_Ip_SMC_ConfigType * pConfigPtr) { long unsigned int _1; struct SMC_Type * _2; long unsigned int _3; : _1 = pConfigPtr_5(D)->u32AllowedModes; _2 = 1074257920B; _3 = _1 & 160; _2->PMPROT ={v} _3; return; } ;; Function Power_Ip_SMC_ModeCheckEntry (Power_Ip_SMC_ModeCheckEntry, funcdef_no=1, decl_uid=5640, cgraph_uid=2, symbol_order=1) Power_Ip_SMC_ModeCheckEntry (Power_Ip_PowerModeType ePowerMode) { uint32 eCurrentPowerMode; Power_Ip_SMC_ModeStatusType ePowerModeCheck; Power_Ip_SMC_ModeStatusType D.5731; struct SMC_Type * _1; long unsigned int _2; Power_Ip_SMC_ModeStatusType _20; : ePowerModeCheck_9 = 1; eCurrentPowerMode_10 = 1; _1 = 1074257920B; _2 ={v} _1->PMSTAT; eCurrentPowerMode_12 = _2 & 255; switch (ePowerMode_13(D)) [INV], case 0: [INV], case 1: [INV], case 2: [INV], case 3: [INV], case 4: [INV], case 5: [INV]> : : ePowerModeCheck_19 = 0; goto ; [INV] : : if (eCurrentPowerMode_12 == 1) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerModeCheck_18 = 0; : # ePowerModeCheck_3 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : if (eCurrentPowerMode_12 == 1) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : if (eCurrentPowerMode_12 == 16) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerModeCheck_17 = 0; : # ePowerModeCheck_4 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : if (eCurrentPowerMode_12 == 1) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : if (eCurrentPowerMode_12 == 4) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerModeCheck_16 = 0; : # ePowerModeCheck_5 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : if (eCurrentPowerMode_12 == 1) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerModeCheck_15 = 0; : # ePowerModeCheck_6 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : if (eCurrentPowerMode_12 == 1) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerModeCheck_14 = 0; : # ePowerModeCheck_7 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : : # ePowerModeCheck_8 = PHI _20 = ePowerModeCheck_8; : : return _20; } ;; Function Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig (Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig, funcdef_no=2, decl_uid=5642, cgraph_uid=3, symbol_order=2) Power_Ip_SMC_ModeConfig (const struct Power_Ip_ModeConfigType * pModeConfigPtr) { boolean TimeoutOccurred; uint32 TimeoutTicks; uint32 ElapsedTime; uint32 StartTime; uint32 u32RegValue; uint32 u32PowerModeStatus; uint32 u32TempValue; Power_Ip_PowerModeType ePowerMode; uint32 ePowerSwitchMode; uint32 D.5748; struct SMC_Type * _1; struct SMC_Type * _2; long unsigned int TimeoutTicks.0_3; struct SMC_Type * _4; long unsigned int _5; _Bool _6; struct SMC_Type * _7; struct SMC_Type * _8; long unsigned int TimeoutTicks.1_9; struct SMC_Type * _10; long unsigned int _11; _Bool _12; struct SMC_Type * _13; struct SMC_Type * _14; long unsigned int TimeoutTicks.2_15; struct SMC_Type * _16; long unsigned int _17; _Bool _18; struct SMC_Type * _19; struct SMC_Type * _20; struct SMC_Type * _21; unsigned char _22; struct SMC_Type * _23; struct SMC_Type * _24; struct SMC_Type * _25; struct SMC_Type * _26; unsigned char _27; struct SMC_Type * _28; struct SMC_Type * _29; struct SMC_Type * _30; struct SMC_Type * _31; unsigned char _32; uint32 _108; : ePowerSwitchMode_44 = 0; ePowerMode_45 = 0; u32RegValue_46 = 0; TimeoutOccurred_47 = 0; ePowerMode_50 = pModeConfigPtr_49(D)->Power_Ip_ePowerMode; switch (ePowerMode_50) [INV], case 0: [INV], case 1: [INV], case 2: [INV], case 3: [INV], case 4: [INV], case 5: [INV]> : : _1 = 1074257920B; u32TempValue_98 ={v} _1->PMCTRL; u32TempValue_99 = u32TempValue_98 & 4294967199; u32TempValue_100 = u32TempValue_99; _2 = 1074257920B; _2->PMCTRL ={v} u32TempValue_100; PowerStartTimeout (&StartTime, &ElapsedTime, &TimeoutTicks, 50000); : TimeoutTicks.0_3 = TimeoutTicks; TimeoutOccurred_104 = PowerTimeoutExpired (&StartTime, &ElapsedTime, TimeoutTicks.0_3); _4 = 1074257920B; _5 ={v} _4->PMSTAT; u32PowerModeStatus_105 = _5 & 1; if (u32PowerModeStatus_105 != 1) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : _6 = ~TimeoutOccurred_104; if (_6 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : if (TimeoutOccurred_104 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerSwitchMode_106 = 1; : # ePowerSwitchMode_33 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : _7 = 1074257920B; u32TempValue_89 ={v} _7->PMCTRL; u32TempValue_90 = u32TempValue_89 & 4294967199; u32TempValue_91 = u32TempValue_90 | 96; _8 = 1074257920B; _8->PMCTRL ={v} u32TempValue_91; PowerStartTimeout (&StartTime, &ElapsedTime, &TimeoutTicks, 50000); : TimeoutTicks.1_9 = TimeoutTicks; TimeoutOccurred_95 = PowerTimeoutExpired (&StartTime, &ElapsedTime, TimeoutTicks.1_9); _10 = 1074257920B; _11 ={v} _10->PMSTAT; u32PowerModeStatus_96 = _11 & 128; if (u32PowerModeStatus_96 != 128) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : _12 = ~TimeoutOccurred_95; if (_12 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : if (TimeoutOccurred_95 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerSwitchMode_97 = 1; : # ePowerSwitchMode_34 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : _13 = 1074257920B; u32TempValue_80 ={v} _13->PMCTRL; u32TempValue_81 = u32TempValue_80 & 4294967199; u32TempValue_82 = u32TempValue_81 | 64; _14 = 1074257920B; _14->PMCTRL ={v} u32TempValue_82; PowerStartTimeout (&StartTime, &ElapsedTime, &TimeoutTicks, 50000); : TimeoutTicks.2_15 = TimeoutTicks; TimeoutOccurred_86 = PowerTimeoutExpired (&StartTime, &ElapsedTime, TimeoutTicks.2_15); _16 = 1074257920B; _17 ={v} _16->PMSTAT; u32PowerModeStatus_87 = _17 & 4; if (u32PowerModeStatus_87 != 4) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : _18 = ~TimeoutOccurred_86; if (_18 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : if (TimeoutOccurred_86 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : ePowerSwitchMode_88 = 1; : # ePowerSwitchMode_35 = PHI goto ; [INV] : : _19 = 1074257920B; u32TempValue_71 ={v} _19->PMCTRL; u32TempValue_72 = u32TempValue_71 & 4294967288; u32TempValue_73 = u32TempValue_72 | 2; _20 = 1074257920B; _20->PMCTRL ={v} u32TempValue_73; _21 = 1074257920B; u32RegValue_75 ={v} _21->PMCTRL; _22 = pModeConfigPtr_49(D)->Power_Ip_SleepOnExit; if (_22 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit (); : __asm__ __volatile__(" cpsie i"); __asm__ __volatile__(" wfi"); __asm__ __volatile__(" cpsid i"); goto ; [INV] : : _23 = 1074257920B; _23->STOPCTRL ={v} 64; _24 = 1074257920B; u32TempValue_62 ={v} _24->PMCTRL; u32TempValue_63 = u32TempValue_62 & 4294967288; u32TempValue_64 = u32TempValue_63; _25 = 1074257920B; _25->PMCTRL ={v} u32TempValue_64; _26 = 1074257920B; u32RegValue_66 ={v} _26->STOPCTRL; _27 = pModeConfigPtr_49(D)->Power_Ip_SleepOnExit; if (_27 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit (); : __asm__ __volatile__(" cpsie i"); __asm__ __volatile__(" wfi"); __asm__ __volatile__(" cpsid i"); goto ; [INV] : : _28 = 1074257920B; _28->STOPCTRL ={v} 128; _29 = 1074257920B; u32TempValue_52 ={v} _29->PMCTRL; u32TempValue_53 = u32TempValue_52 & 4294967288; u32TempValue_54 = u32TempValue_53; _30 = 1074257920B; _30->PMCTRL ={v} u32TempValue_54; _31 = 1074257920B; u32RegValue_56 ={v} _31->STOPCTRL; _32 = pModeConfigPtr_49(D)->Power_Ip_SleepOnExit; if (_32 != 0) goto ; [INV] else goto ; [INV] : Power_Ip_CM4_EnableSleepOnExit (); : __asm__ __volatile__(" cpsie i"); __asm__ __volatile__(" wfi"); __asm__ __volatile__(" cpsid i"); goto ; [INV] : : ePowerSwitchMode_107 = 1; : # ePowerSwitchMode_36 = PHI _108 = ePowerSwitchMode_36; StartTime ={v} {CLOBBER}; ElapsedTime ={v} {CLOBBER}; TimeoutTicks ={v} {CLOBBER}; : : return _108; }