/*================================================================================================== * Project : RTD AUTOSAR 4.4 * Platform : CORTEXM * Peripheral : Ftm_Srtc_Lptmr_LPit * Dependencies : none * * Autosar Version : 4.4.0 * Autosar Revision : ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000 * Autosar Conf.Variant : * SW Version : 1.0.0 * Build Version : S32K1_RTD_1_0_0_HF01_D2109_ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000_20210907 * * (c) Copyright 2020-2021 NXP Semiconductors * All Rights Reserved. * * NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may only be * used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms. By expressly * accepting such terms or by downloading, installing, activating and/or otherwise * using the software, you are agreeing that you have read, and that you agree to * comply with and are bound by, such license terms. If you do not agree to be * bound by the applicable license terms, then you may not retain, install, * activate or otherwise use the software. ==================================================================================================*/ /** * @file Gpt_Ipw.c * * @internal * @addtogroup gpt gpt_ipw * * @{ */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif /*================================================================================================== * INCLUDE FILES * 1) system and project includes * 2) needed interfaces from external units * 3) internal and external interfaces from this unit ==================================================================================================*/ #include "Gpt_Ipw.h" #include "StandardTypes.h" #include "Mcal.h" /*================================================================================================== * SOURCE FILE VERSION INFORMATION ==================================================================================================*/ #define GPT_IPW_VENDOR_ID_C 43 #define GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION_C 4 #define GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION_C 4 #define GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_REVISION_VERSION_C 0 #define GPT_IPW_SW_MAJOR_VERSION_C 1 #define GPT_IPW_SW_MINOR_VERSION_C 0 #define GPT_IPW_SW_PATCH_VERSION_C 0 /*================================================================================================== * FILE VERSION CHECKS ==================================================================================================*/ #if ( GPT_IPW_VENDOR_ID_C != GPT_IPW_VENDOR_ID) #error "Gpt_Ipw.c and Gpt_Ipw.h have different vendor ids" #endif /* Check if the header files are of the same Autosar version */ #if ((GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION_C != GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION) || \ (GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION_C != GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION) || \ (GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_REVISION_VERSION_C != GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_REVISION_VERSION) \ ) #error "AutoSar Version Numbers of Gpt_Ipw.c and Gpt_Ipw.h are different" #endif /* Check if the header files are of the same Software version */ #if ((GPT_IPW_SW_MAJOR_VERSION_C != GPT_IPW_SW_MAJOR_VERSION) || \ (GPT_IPW_SW_MINOR_VERSION_C != GPT_IPW_SW_MINOR_VERSION) || \ (GPT_IPW_SW_PATCH_VERSION_C != GPT_IPW_SW_PATCH_VERSION) \ ) #error "Software Version Numbers of Gpt_Ipw.c and Gpt_Ipw.h are different" #endif #ifndef DISABLE_MCAL_INTERMODULE_ASR_CHECK #if ((GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION_C != STD_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION) || \ (GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION_C != STD_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION)) #error "AutoSar Version Numbers of Gpt_Ipw.c and Std_Types.h are different" #endif #if ((GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION_C != MCAL_AR_RELEASE_MAJOR_VERSION) || \ (GPT_IPW_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION_C != MCAL_AR_RELEASE_MINOR_VERSION)) #error "AutoSar Version Numbers of Mcal.h and Gpt_Ipw.c are different" #endif #endif /*================================================================================================== * LOCAL TYPEDEFS (STRUCTURES, UNIONS, ENUMS) ==================================================================================================*/ /*================================================================================================== * LOCAL MACROS ==================================================================================================*/ #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) #define FTM_CNT_MAX_VALUE_U32 ((uint32)0xFFFFuL) #define FTM_OVERFLOW_PAD_U32 ((uint32)1U) #endif /*================================================================================================== * LOCAL CONSTANTS ==================================================================================================*/ /*================================================================================================== * LOCAL VARIABLES ==================================================================================================*/ /*================================================================================================== * GLOBAL CONSTANTS ==================================================================================================*/ /*================================================================================================== * GLOBAL VARIABLES ==================================================================================================*/ /*================================================================================================== * LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ==================================================================================================*/ #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_FtmGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo); #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_SrtcGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo); #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_LptmrGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo); #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_LpitGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo); #endif /*================================================================================================== * LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==================================================================================================*/ #define GPT_START_SEC_CODE #include "Gpt_MemMap.h" #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_FtmGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo) { uint32 returnValue = 0U; uint32 tempValue = 0U; uint32 compareValue = 0U; uint32 counterValue = 0U; pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime = Ftm_Gpt_Ip_u32TargetValue[pHwChannelConfig->instance][pHwChannelConfig->channel]; /* Read compare and counter registers */ counterValue = Ftm_Gpt_Ip_GetCounter(pHwChannelConfig->instance); compareValue = Ftm_Gpt_Ip_GetCompareValue(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel); /* Calculate the elapsed time */ if (counterValue > compareValue) { /* Counter value passed the set-up Target value - might have roll-over */ if(((FTM_CNT_MAX_VALUE_U32 - counterValue) + compareValue) <= pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime) { /* New compare value was read by register read - isr served in time - we have roll-over */ returnValue = (pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime - \ ((FTM_CNT_MAX_VALUE_U32 - counterValue) + compareValue)) + \ FTM_OVERFLOW_PAD_U32; } else { /* There is an delay in serving ISR or updating u32CompareValue - report last timer time */ returnValue = pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime; } } else { /* Timer in between ISRs period */ returnValue = pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime - (compareValue - counterValue); } tempValue = Ftm_Gpt_Ip_GetInterruptFlag(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel); /*Check interrupt status flag*/ if (0U != tempValue) { /* Channel counter was roll-over */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = TRUE; } else { /* Channel counter was not rollover */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = FALSE; } return((Gpt_ValueType)returnValue); } #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_SrtcGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo) { uint32 returnValue = 0U; uint32 tempValue = 0U; uint32 compareValue = 0U; uint32 counterValue = 0U; pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime = Srtc_Ip_u32TargetValue; /* Read Time Seconds Register and Time Alarm Register. Time Alarm was minus one at initial */ counterValue = Srtc_Ip_GetTimeSecondsRegister(pHwChannelConfig->instance); compareValue = Srtc_Ip_GetTimeAlarmRegister(pHwChannelConfig->instance) + 1U; /* Calculate the elapsed time */ if (counterValue > compareValue) { tempValue = (MAX_32BIT - counterValue) + compareValue + 1U; } else { tempValue = compareValue - counterValue; } if (tempValue > Srtc_Ip_u32TargetValue) { returnValue = Srtc_Ip_u32TargetValue; } else { returnValue = Srtc_Ip_u32TargetValue - tempValue; } tempValue = Srtc_Ip_GetStatusFlags(pHwChannelConfig->instance, SRTC_IP_ALARM_INTERRUPT); /*Check interrupt status flag*/ if (0U != tempValue) { /* Channel counter was roll-over */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = TRUE; } else { /* Channel counter was not rollover */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = FALSE; } return((Gpt_ValueType)returnValue); } #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_LptmrGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo) { uint32 returnValue = 0U; /* Read the LPTMR channel load register */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime = Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_GetCompareValue(pHwChannelConfig->instance); /* The Counter Register returns the current value of the LPTMR at the time this register was last written. */ Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_WriteCounterValue(pHwChannelConfig->instance, 0U); /* Read the LPTMR counter register*/ returnValue = Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_GetCntValue(pHwChannelConfig->instance); /*Check interrupt status flag*/ if (TRUE == Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_GetCmpFlagState(pHwChannelConfig->instance)) { /* Channel counter was roll-over */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = TRUE; } else { /* Channel counter was not roll-over */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = FALSE; } return((Gpt_ValueType)returnValue); } #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) static inline Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_LpitGetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo) { uint32 returnValue = 0U; uint32 tempValue = 0U; pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime = Lpit_Gpt_Ip_GetTimerValue(pHwChannelConfig->instance,pHwChannelConfig->channel); returnValue = (uint32)(pReturnHwChannelInfo->uTargetTime) - Lpit_Gpt_Ip_GetCurrentTimervalue(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel); /*Check interrupt status flag*/ tempValue = (uint32)(Lpit_Gpt_Ip_GetInterruptFlagTimerChannels(pHwChannelConfig->instance,(1U << (pHwChannelConfig->channel))) >> pHwChannelConfig->channel); if (0U != tempValue) { /* Channel counter was roll-over */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = TRUE; } else { /* Channel counter was not roll-over */ pReturnHwChannelInfo->bChannelRollover = FALSE; } return((Gpt_ValueType)returnValue); } #endif /*================================================================================================== * GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ==================================================================================================*/ /*================================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and IP dependent initialization function. * @details This Gpt_Ipw_InitInstances is called once for each channel in the used configuration. * It determines the type of the HW channel and calls the * appropriate IP function in order to initializes the hardware timer. * @param[in] configPtr Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. */ void Gpt_Ipw_InitInstances(const Gpt_ConfigType * configPtr) { uint8 index = 0U; for(index = 0; index < configPtr->instanceCount; index++) { switch((*(configPtr->Gpt_Ipw_HwInstanceConfig))[index].instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_Init((*(configPtr->Gpt_Ipw_HwInstanceConfig))[index].instance, (*(configPtr->Gpt_Ipw_HwInstanceConfig))[index].Gpt_Ipw_InstanceConfig.Ftm_Gpt_Ip_InstanceConfig); } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { /*Srtc is empty because it shall not be executed for InitInstances */ } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { /*LPtimer is empty because it shall not be executed for InitInstances */ } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { Lpit_Gpt_Ip_Init((*(configPtr->Gpt_Ipw_HwInstanceConfig))[index].instance, (*(configPtr->Gpt_Ipw_HwInstanceConfig))[index].Gpt_Ipw_InstanceConfig.Lpit_Gpt_Ip_InstanceConfig); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } } return; } /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and IP dependent initialization function. * @details This function Gpt_Ipw_Init is called once for each channel in the used configuration. * It determines the type of the HW channel and calls the * appropriate IP function in order to initializes the hardware timer. * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. */ void Gpt_Ipw_Init(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType *pHwChannelConfig) { switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_InitChannel(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->Gpt_Ipw_ChannelConfig.Ftm_Gpt_Ip_ChannelConfig); } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { Srtc_Ip_Init(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->Gpt_Ipw_ChannelConfig.Srtc_Ip_ChannelConfig); } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_Init(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->Gpt_Ipw_ChannelConfig.Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_ChannelConfig); } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { Lpit_Gpt_Ip_InitChannel(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->Gpt_Ipw_ChannelConfig.Lpit_Gpt_Ip_ChannelConfig); } break; #endif default: /* This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour */ break; } return; } /*================================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and platform dependent function for starting the timer channel. * @details It checks the type of the HW module and calls the appropriate * IP function for starting the timer channel. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @param[in] uValue Timeout period (in ticks) after which a notification shall occur (if enabled). * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized.Call Gpt_StartTimer before. */ Std_ReturnType Gpt_Ipw_StartTimer(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_ValueType uValue) { Std_ReturnType returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_NOT_OK; switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_StartCounting(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel, (uint16)uValue); returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_OK; } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { Srtc_Ip_StartTimer(pHwChannelConfig->instance, uValue); returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_OK; } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_StartTimer(pHwChannelConfig->instance, (uint16)uValue); returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_OK; } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { Lpit_Gpt_Ip_StartTimer(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel, uValue); returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_OK; } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour */ break; } return returnValue; } /*================================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and IP dependent function for fetching the elapsed timer value. * @details It determines the type of the HW channel and calls the * appropriate IP function for reading the elapsed timer value from the HW. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @param[in] uTargetTime Target time value * @param[out] pbReturnChannelOverflow Rollover status flag value of the hardware timer channel * @return returnValue The elapsed time * @pre The driver needs to be initialized.Call GetTimeElapsed before. * */ Gpt_ValueType Gpt_Ipw_GetTimeElapsed(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_HwChannelInfoType * pReturnHwChannelInfo) { uint32 returnValue = 0U; switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { returnValue = Gpt_Ipw_FtmGetTimeElapsed(pHwChannelConfig, pReturnHwChannelInfo); } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { returnValue = Gpt_Ipw_SrtcGetTimeElapsed(pHwChannelConfig, pReturnHwChannelInfo); } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { returnValue = Gpt_Ipw_LptmrGetTimeElapsed(pHwChannelConfig, pReturnHwChannelInfo); } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { returnValue = Gpt_Ipw_LpitGetTimeElapsed(pHwChannelConfig, pReturnHwChannelInfo); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } return((Gpt_ValueType)returnValue); } /*================================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and platform dependent function for stopping the timer channel. * @details It checks the type of the HW module and calls the appropriate * IP function for stopping the timer channel. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized.Call StopTimer before. */ void Gpt_Ipw_StopTimer(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig) { switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_DisableChannelInterrupt(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel); } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { /* Stop counter */ (void)Srtc_Ip_StopCounter(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_StopTimer(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { Lpit_Gpt_Ip_StopTimer(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } return; } /*================================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and platform dependent function for enabling hardware timer interrupts. * @details It checks the type of the HW module and calls the appropriate * IP function for enabling hardware timer interrupts. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. */ void Gpt_Ipw_EnableInterrupt(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig) { switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { /* For a FTM enabled channel the interrupts are always activated */ } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { Srtc_Ip_EnableInterrupt(pHwChannelConfig->instance, SRTC_IP_ALARM_INTERRUPT); } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_EnableInterrupt(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { Lpit_Gpt_Ip_EnableChInterrupt(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } return; } /*================================================================================================*/ #if (GPT_DEINIT_API == STD_ON) /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and IP dependent de-initialization function. * @details This function is called for each channel from the current configuration. * It determines the type of the HW channel and calls the * appropriate IP function in order to de-initializes the hardware timer. * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. On/Off by the configuration parameter: GPT_DEINIT_API */ void Gpt_Ipw_DeInit(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig) { switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_Deinit(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { Srtc_Ip_DeInit(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_DeInit(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { Lpit_Gpt_Ip_Deinit(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } return; } #endif /*================================================================================================*/ #if ((GPT_ENABLE_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_API == STD_ON) || (GPT_WAKEUP_FUNCTIONALITY_API == STD_ON)) /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and platform dependent function for disabling hardware timer interrupts. * @details It checks the type of the HW module and calls the appropriate * IP function for disabling hardware timer interrupts. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized.On/Off by the configuration parameter: GPT_ENABLE_DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_API */ void Gpt_Ipw_DisableInterrupt(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig) { switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_FTM_MODULE): { /* For a FTM enabled channel the interrupts are always activated */ } break; #endif #if (SRTC_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_SRTC_MODULE): { Srtc_Ip_DisableInterrupt(pHwChannelConfig->instance, SRTC_IP_ALARM_INTERRUPT); } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_DisableInterrupt(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case(GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { Lpit_Gpt_Ip_DisableChInterrupt(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } return; } #endif /*================================================================================================*/ #if (GPT_CHANGE_NEXT_TIMEOUT_VALUE == STD_ON) /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and IP dependent function to change compare register value. * @details This function: * - Write next timeout to local variable * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent * by platform * @param[in] value New Timeout period (in ticks) after which a notification * shall occur (if enabled). * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized.On/Off by the configuration parameter: GPT_CHANGE_NEXT_TIMEOUT_VALUE * */ Std_ReturnType Gpt_Ipw_ChangeNextTimeoutValue(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_ValueType value) { Std_ReturnType returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_NOT_OK; switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case (GPT_FTM_MODULE): { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_ChangeNextTimeoutValue( pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel, (uint16)value); returnValue =(Std_ReturnType)E_OK; } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour */ break; } return returnValue; } #endif /* GPT_CHANGE_NEXT_TIMEOUT_VALUE == STD_ON */ /*================================================================================================*/ /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar independent and IP dependent function to change eMios compare register value. * @details Calls the eMios function to change the eMios compare register value at the next match. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @param[in] clkMode Clock mode for configuration channel * * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized.On/Off by the configuration parameter: GPT_SET_CLOCK_MODE */ #if (GPT_SET_CLOCK_MODE == STD_ON) void Gpt_Ipw_SetClockModeInStance(const Gpt_Ipw_HwInstanceConfigType * pHwInstanceConfig, Gpt_ClockModeType clkMode) { switch(pHwInstanceConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case (GPT_FTM_MODULE): { if(GPT_CLOCKMODE_NORMAL == clkMode) { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_SetClockMode(pHwInstanceConfig->instance, FTM_GPT_IP_CLOCKMODE_NORMAL); } else { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_SetClockMode(pHwInstanceConfig->instance, FTM_GPT_IP_CLOCKMODE_ALTERNATE); } } break; #endif #if (LPTMR_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case (GPT_LPTMR_MODULE): { if(GPT_CLOCKMODE_NORMAL == clkMode) { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_SetClockMode(pHwInstanceConfig->instance, LPTMR_GPT_IP_CLOCKMODE_NORMAL); } else { Lptmr_Gpt_Ip_SetClockMode(pHwInstanceConfig->instance, LPTMR_GPT_IP_CLOCKMODE_ALTERNATE); } } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } } #endif /* GPT_SET_CLOCK_MODE == STD_ON */ /*================================================================================================*/ #if(GPT_CHAIN_MODE == STD_ON) /** * @brief The function Gpt_Ipw_EnableChainMode. * @details This function: * - Chain the timer. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return returnValue * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. CHAIN_MODE == STD_ON */ Std_ReturnType Gpt_Ipw_EnableChainMode(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig) { Std_ReturnType returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_NOT_OK; switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case (GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)Lpit_Gpt_Ip_ChainMode(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel, TRUE); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } return returnValue; } #endif /*(GPT_CHAIN_MODE == STD_ON)*/ /*================================================================================================*/ #if(GPT_CHAIN_MODE == STD_ON) /** * @brief The function Gpt_Ipw_DisableChainMode. * @details This function: * - Chain the timer. * * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return returnValue * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. CHAIN_MODE == STD_ON */ Std_ReturnType Gpt_Ipw_DisableChainMode(const Gpt_Ipw_HwChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig) { Std_ReturnType returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)E_NOT_OK; switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (LPIT_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case (GPT_LPIT_MODULE): { returnValue = (Std_ReturnType)Lpit_Gpt_Ip_ChainMode(pHwChannelConfig->instance, pHwChannelConfig->channel, FALSE); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } return returnValue; } #endif /*(GPT_CHAIN_MODE == STD_ON)*/ /*================================================================================================*/ #if(GPT_PREDEFTIMER_FUNCTIONALITY_API == STD_ON) /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar start predeftimer hw. * @details This function to start channel, which using predeftimer feature in the used configuration. * It determines the type of the HW channel and calls the * appropriate IP function in order to initializes the hardware timer. * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. On/Off GPT_PREDEFTIMER_FUNCTIONALITY_API == STD_ON */ void Gpt_Ipw_StartPredefTimer ( const Gpt_ConfigType * configPtr ) { Gpt_ChannelType channel; const Gpt_HwPredefChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig; for(channel = 0U; channel < GPT_HW_PREDEFTIMER_NUM; channel++) { pHwChannelConfig = (configPtr->Gpt_pChannelPredefConfigType)[channel]; if(NULL_PTR != pHwChannelConfig) { switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case GPT_FTM_MODULE: { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_StartPredefTimer(pHwChannelConfig->instance, \ pHwChannelConfig->channel, \ pHwChannelConfig->Gpt_uPrescaler, \ pHwChannelConfig->Gpt_uClockSource, \ pHwChannelConfig->Gpt_bFreezeEnable); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } } } return; } /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar get value of predeftimer hw. * @details This function to start channel, which using predeftimer feature in the used configuration. * It determines the type of the HW channel and calls the * appropriate IP function in order to initializes the hardware timer. * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @param[in] TimeValuePtr The pointer using for save current value of hardware channel * @param[in] PredefTimer Gpt_PredefTimerType * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. On/Off GPT_PREDEFTIMER_FUNCTIONALITY_API == STD_ON */ void Gpt_Ipw_GetPredefTimerValue ( const Gpt_HwPredefChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig, Gpt_PredefTimerType PredefTimer, uint32 * TimeValuePtr ) { uint32 u32ReturnValue = 0U; switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case GPT_FTM_MODULE: { u32ReturnValue = Ftm_Gpt_Ip_GetCounter(pHwChannelConfig->instance); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } if(0U != u32ReturnValue) { switch(PredefTimer) { case GPT_PREDEF_TIMER_1US_16BIT: *TimeValuePtr = (0x0000FFFFU & u32ReturnValue); break; case GPT_PREDEF_TIMER_1US_24BIT: *TimeValuePtr = (0x00FFFFFFU & u32ReturnValue); break; case GPT_PREDEF_TIMER_1US_32BIT: *TimeValuePtr = u32ReturnValue; break; case GPT_PREDEF_TIMER_100US_32BIT: *TimeValuePtr = u32ReturnValue; break; default: /* 32bit timer */ break; } } return; } /** * @brief Gpt driver Autosar stop predeftimer hw. * @details This function to start channel, which using predeftimer feature in the used configuration. * It determines the type of the HW channel and calls the * appropriate IP function in order to initializes the hardware timer. * @param[in] pHwChannelConfig Pointer to the channel configuration structure dependent by platform * @return void * @pre The driver needs to be initialized. GPT_PREDEFTIMER_FUNCTIONALITY_API == STD_ON */ void Gpt_Ipw_StopPredefTimer ( const Gpt_ConfigType * configPtr ) { Gpt_ChannelType channel; const Gpt_HwPredefChannelConfigType * pHwChannelConfig; for(channel = 0U; channel < GPT_HW_PREDEFTIMER_NUM; channel++) { pHwChannelConfig = (configPtr->Gpt_pChannelPredefConfigType)[channel]; if(NULL_PTR != pHwChannelConfig) { switch(pHwChannelConfig->instanceType) { #if (FTM_GPT_IP_USED == STD_ON) case GPT_FTM_MODULE: { Ftm_Gpt_Ip_StopPredefTimer(pHwChannelConfig->instance, \ pHwChannelConfig->channel); } break; #endif default: /*This switch branch is empty because it shall not be executed for normal behaviour*/ break; } } } return; } #endif #define GPT_STOP_SEC_CODE #include "Gpt_MemMap.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } /** @} */ #endif/*GPT_IPW_C*/