1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000 |
- /*==================================================================================================
- * Project : RTD AUTOSAR 4.4
- * Platform : CORTEXM
- * Peripheral : FLEXCAN
- * Dependencies :
- *
- * Autosar Version : 4.4.0
- * Autosar Revision : ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000
- * Autosar Conf.Variant :
- * SW Version : 1.0.0
- * Build Version : S32K1_RTD_1_0_0_HF01_D2109_ASR_REL_4_4_REV_0000_20210907
- *
- * (c) Copyright 2020-2021 NXP Semiconductors
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * NXP Confidential. This software is owned or controlled by NXP and may only be
- * used strictly in accordance with the applicable license terms. By expressly
- * accepting such terms or by downloading, installing, activating and/or otherwise
- * using the software, you are agreeing that you have read, and that you agree to
- * comply with and are bound by, such license terms. If you do not agree to be
- * bound by the applicable license terms, then you may not retain, install,
- * activate or otherwise use the software.
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /* implements FlexCAN_Ip.h_Artifact */
- /**
- * @file FlexCAN_Ip.h
- *
- * @brief FlexCAN Ip Driver Header File
- * @details FlexCAN Ip Driver Header File contains the APIs and structures exported by FlexCAN Driver
- *
- * @addtogroup FlexCAN
- * @{
- */
- extern "C"{
- /*==================================================================================================
- * 1) system and project includes
- * 2) needed interfaces from external units
- * 3) internal and external interfaces from this unit
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /*==================================================================================================
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /*==================================================================================================
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_DeviceReg header file are of the same vendor */
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_DeviceReg header file are of the same Autosar version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_DeviceReg header file are of the same Software version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Types header file are of the same vendor */
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Types header file are of the same Autosar version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Types header file are of the same Software version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Cfg header file are of the same vendor */
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Cfg header file are of the same Autosar version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Cfg header file are of the same Software version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Wrapper header file are of the same vendor */
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Wrapper header file are of the same Autosar version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and FlexCAN_Ip_Wrapper header file are of the same Software version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and Platform_Types header file are of the same Autosar version */
- )
- /* Check if current file and Mcal header file are of the same Autosar version */
- )
- /*==================================================================================================
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /*==================================================================================================
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /*==================================================================================================
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /* Calling the external Configuration symbols defined by FlexCAN_Ip_Cfg.h */
- /*==================================================================================================
- ==================================================================================================*/
- /**
- * @brief Initializes the FlexCAN peripheral.
- * @details This function will config FlexCAN module and will leave the module in freeze mode.
- * @param[in] Flexcan_Ip_u8Instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in\out] Flexcan_Ip_pState Pointer to the FlexCAN driver state structure.
- * @param[in] Flexcan_Ip_pData The FlexCAN platform configuration data
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if other error occurred;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of a message buffer is invalid;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- * @note In case of the enable option of Remote Request Store by setting corresponding bit for FLEXCAN_IP_REM_STORE_U32
- * in the ctrlOptions structure member of the Flexcan platform configuration data, will disable Automatic Response Request,
- * in this case is not allowed use of the function FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigRemoteResponseMb
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_Init(Flexcan_Ip_u8Instance, Flexcan_Ip_pState, Flexcan_Ip_pData)
- /**
- * @brief Sends a CAN frame using the specified message buffer.
- * @details This function configure parameters form Flexcan_Ip_DataInfoType, ID and sends data as CAN frame using a message buffer.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- * @param[in] tx_info Data info
- * @param[in] msg_id ID of the message to transmit
- * @param[in] mb_data Data Bytes of the FlexCAN message.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of a message buffer is invalid;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUSY if the message buffer is used for other operation;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull.<br>
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_Send(uint8 instance,
- uint8 mb_idx,
- const Flexcan_Ip_DataInfoType * tx_info,
- uint32 msg_id,
- const uint8 * mb_data);
- /**
- * @brief Sends a CAN frame using the specified message buffer, in a blocking manner.
- * @details This function sends a CAN frame using a configured message buffer. The function
- * blocks until either the frame was sent, or the specified timeout expired.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- * @param[in] tx_info Data info
- * @param[in] msg_id ID of the message to transmit
- * @param[in] mb_data Data bytes of the FlexCAN message
- * @param[in] timeout_ms A timeout for the transfer in milliseconds.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout is reached;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of a message buffer is invalid;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUSY if the message buffer is used for other operation.<br>
- *
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_SendBlocking(uint8 instance,
- uint8 mb_idx,
- const Flexcan_Ip_DataInfoType * tx_info,
- uint32 msg_id,
- const uint8 * mb_data,
- uint32 timeout_ms);
- /**
- * @brief Receives a CAN frame using the specified message buffer.
- * @details This function receives a CAN frame using a configured message buffer. The function
- * returns immediately.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- * @param[out] data The FlexCAN receive message buffer data.
- * @param[in] isPolling If the message will be send using pooling(true) or interrupt(false).
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull operation;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of a message buffer is invalid;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUSY if the message buffer is used for other operation.<br>
- *
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_Receive(uint8 instance,
- uint8 mb_idx,
- Flexcan_Ip_MsgBuffType * data,
- boolean isPolling);
- /**
- * @brief FlexCAN Rx FIFO field configuration
- * @details Each element in the ID filter table specifies an ID to be used as
- * acceptance criteria for the FIFO as follows:
- * - for format A: In the standard frame format, bits 10 to 0 of the ID
- * are used for frame identification. In the extended frame format, bits
- * 28 to 0 are used.
- * - for format B: In the standard frame format, bits 10 to 0 of the ID
- * are used for frame identification. In the extended frame format, only
- * the 14 most significant bits (28 to 15) of the ID are compared to the
- * 14 most significant bits (28 to 15) of the received ID.
- * - for format C: In both standard and extended frame formats, only the 8
- * most significant bits (7 to 0 for standard, 28 to 21 for extended) of
- * the ID are compared to the 8 most significant bits (7 to 0 for
- * standard, 28 to 21 for extended) of the received ID.
- *
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] id_format The format of the Rx FIFO ID Filter Table Elements
- * @param[in] id_filter_table The ID filter table elements which contain RTR
- * bit, IDE bit, and Rx message ID
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- * @note The number of elements in the ID filter table is defined by the
- * following formula:
- * - for format A: the number of Rx FIFO ID filters
- * - for format B: twice the number of Rx FIFO ID filters
- * - for format C: four times the number of Rx FIFO ID filters
- * The user must provide the exact number of elements in order to avoid
- * any misconfiguration.
- * This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigRxFifo(instance, id_format, id_filter_table)
- /*!
- * @brief FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO field configuration
- *
- * @note The number of elements in the ID filter table is defined by the
- * following types:
- * - Type 1:ID filter element with filter + mask scheme
- * - Type 2: ID filter element with range scheme
- * - Type 3: ID filter element with 2-filter scheme
- * The user must provide the exact number of elements in order to avoid
- * any misconfiguration.
- * This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * Each element in the ID filter table specifies an ID to be used as
- * acceptance criteria for the Enhanced Rx FIFO as follows:
- * - for type 1: In the standard frame format, bits 26 to 16 of the ID
- * are used for frame identification and bits 10 to 0 are used for ID mask.
- * In the extended frame format, bits 28 to 0 are used for frame identification and
- * bits 28 to 0 of next work are used for ID mask.
- * - for type 2: In the standard frame format, bits 26 to 16 and bits 10 to 0 of the ID
- * are used for frame identification. The filter scheme is based on range.
- * In the extended frame format, bits 28 to 0 and bits 28 to 0 of next work
- * are used for frame identification. The filter scheme is based on range.
- * - for type 3: In the standard frame format, bits 26 to 16 and bits 10 to 0 of the ID
- * are used for frame identification.
- * In the extended frame format, bits 28 to 0 and bits 28 to 0 of next work
- * are used for frame identification.
- * @param instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param id_filter_table The ID filter table elements which contain Enhanced Rx FIFO
- * filter type, RTR bit, IDE bit, and Rx message ID
- *
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigEnhancedRxFifo(instance, id_filter_table)
- /**
- * @brief Receives a CAN frame using the message FIFO.
- * @details This function receives a CAN frame using the Rx FIFO.
- * The function returns immediately.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[out] data The FlexCAN receive message buffer data.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull operation;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if FiFO feature wasn't enable;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUSY if the message buffer is used by other operation.<br>
- *
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifo(uint8 instance, Flexcan_Ip_MsgBuffType * data);
- /*!
- * @brief Receives a CAN frame using the message FIFO, in a blocking manner.
- *
- * This function receives a CAN frame using the Rx FIFO or
- * Enhanced Rx FIFO (if available and enabled). If using Enhanced Rx FIFO, the size of
- * the data array will be considered the same as the configured FIFO watermark.
- * The function blocks until either a frame was received, or the specified timeout expired.
- * FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifoBlocking/FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifo must not be called in callback invocation
- * while FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifoBlocking is running to avoid unexpected behaviour.
- *
- * @param instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param data The FlexCAN receive message buffer data.
- * @param timeout A timeout for the transfer in milliseconds.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUSY if a resource is busy;
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout is reached;
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if other error occurred
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_RxFifoBlocking(uint8 instance, Flexcan_Ip_MsgBuffType *data, uint32 timeout);
- /**
- * @brief FlexCAN receive message buffer field configuration
- * @details This function will config receive parameters form Flexcan_Ip_DataInfoType and
- * the message Id, and can overwritte another MB status.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- * @param[in] rx_info Data info
- * @param[in] msg_id ID of the message to transmit
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of a message buffer is invalid.
- *
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigRxMb(uint8 instance,
- uint8 mb_idx,
- const Flexcan_Ip_DataInfoType * rx_info,
- uint32 msg_id
- );
- /**
- * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx individual mask
- * @details This function will set directly the mask value as is provided.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- * @param[in] mask Mask value
- * @note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of a message buffer is invalid.
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetRxIndividualMask(instance, mb_idx, mask)
- /**
- * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx MB global mask.
- * @details This function will set directly the mask value as is provided.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mask Mask value
- * @note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetRxMbGlobalMask(instance, mask)
- /**
- * @brief Sets the FlexCAN Rx FIFO global mask.
- * This mask is applied to all filters ID regardless the ID Filter format.
- *
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mask Mask Value.
- * @note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetRxFifoGlobalMask(instance, mask)
- /**
- * @brief Check a receive event.
- * @details This will check if message is received and read the message buffer or RxFifo.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- */
- void FlexCAN_Ip_MainFunctionRead(uint8 instance, uint8 mb_idx);
- /**
- * @brief Check a Transmission event.
- * @details This function will check a specific MB have been sent of FlexCAN module and
- * if was sent will reset the status of Mb and clear the status flag.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx message buffer number
- *
- */
- void FlexCAN_Ip_MainFunctionWrite(uint8 instance, uint8 mb_idx);
- /**
- * @brief Check a bus-off event.
- * @details This function will check bus activity of FlexCAN module and
- * if a bus off event is detected will suspend the future bus activities by setting
- * module in stop mode.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful busoff and set on stop;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if no busoff event detected;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in the configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_MainFunctionBusOff(instance)
- /**
- * @brief Enter FlexCAN Module in Freeze Mode.
- * @details This function will suspend bus activity of FlexCAN module and
- * set it to Freeze Mode to allow module configuration.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in the configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_EnterFreezeMode(instance)
- /**
- * @brief Exit FlexCAN Module from Freeze Mode.
- * @details This function will allow FlexCAN module to participate to the BUS activity and
- * restore normal opertaion of the driver.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @note This function should be called from FreezeMode.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in the configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_ExitFreezeMode(instance)
- /**
- * @brief DeInitilize the FlexCAN instance driver
- * @details This function will make future operataions of FlexCAN instance imposibile and will restore
- * it's state to default value as before initialization.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_Deinit(instance)
- /**
- * @brief Get Start Mode Status
- * @details Return if the instance is in Start Mode
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return True instance is in START Mode
- * False instance is not in START Mode
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_GetStartMode(instance)
- /**
- * @brief Set the FlexCAN instance in START mode
- * @details Set the FlexCAN instance in START mode, allowing to participate to bus transfers.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetStartMode(instance)
- /**
- * @brief Set the FlexCAN instance in STOP mode
- * @details Set the FlexCAN instance in START mode, this will prevent instance to participate to
- * bus transactions and disable module clocks.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetStopMode(instance)
- /**
- * @brief Enable\Disable listen Only Mode
- * @details This function will Enable or Disable listen Only Mode.
- * @note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * @param[in] u8Instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] listenonlystate Enable\Disable interrupt selected
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetListenOnlyMode(instance, listenonlystate)
- /**
- * @brief Returns whether the previous FlexCAN transfer has finished.
- *
- * When performing an async transfer, call this function to ascertain the state of the
- * current transfer: in progress (or busy) or complete (success).
- *
- * @param[in] instance The FlexCAN instance number.
- * @param[in] mb_idx The index of the message buffer.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUSY if a resource is busy;
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR in case of a DMA error transfer;
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_GetTransferStatus(uint8 instance,
- uint8 mb_idx);
- /**
- * @brief Get Error Status of FlexCAN
- * @details This function will return the error status from ESR1 register.
- * For exact mapping of errors please refere to RM(Reference Manual)
- * on FLEXCAN ESR1 register description.
- * @param[in] instance: A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return The errors flags stored by register ESR1
- */
- uint32 FlexCAN_Ip_GetErrorStatus(uint8 instance);
- /**
- * @brief Get Transmit error counter of FlexCAN
- * @details This function will return the Transmit error counter for all errors
- * detected in transmitted messages from ECR register.
- * For exact mapping of errors please refere to RM(Reference Manual)
- * on FLEXCAN ECR register description.
- * @param[in] instance: A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return The Transmit error counter stored by TXERRCNT in register ECR
- */
- uint8 FlexCAN_Ip_GetControllerTxErrorCounter(uint8 instance);
- /**
- * @brief Get Receive error counter of FlexCAN
- * @details This function will return the Receive error counter for all errors
- * detected in transmitted messages from ECR register.
- * For exact mapping of errors please refere to RM(Reference Manual)
- * on FLEXCAN ECR register description.
- * @param[in] instance: A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return The Receive error counter stored by RXERRCNT in register ECR
- */
- uint8 FlexCAN_Ip_GetControllerRxErrorCounter(uint8 instance);
- /**
- * @brief Clear Error Status of FlexCAN
- * @details This function will clear the error status from ESR1 register.
- * For exact mapping of errors please refere to RM(Reference Manual)
- * on FLEXCAN ESR1 register description.
- * @param[in] instance: A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] error: errors flags to be cleared
- */
- void FlexCAN_Ip_ClearErrorStatus(uint8 instance,
- uint32 error);
- /**
- * @brief Set RX masking type
- * @details This function will set RX masking type as RX global mask or RX individual mask
- * @param[in] instance: A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] type: FlexCAN Rx mask type
- * @note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if controller is not in freeze mode<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetRxMaskType(instance, type)
- /**
- * @brief Set Rx14Mask filter for message buffer 14.
- * @details This function will set directly the mask value as is provided.
- * @param[in] instance: A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mask: The value applied for mask
- * @note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if controller is not in freeze mode<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetRxMb14Mask(instance, mask)
- /**
- * @brief Set Rx15Mask filter for message buffer 15.
- * @details This function will set directly the mask value as is provided.
- * @param[in] instance: A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mask: The value applied for mask
- * @note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if controller is not in freeze mode<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetRxMb15Mask(instance, mask)
- /**
- * @brief Gets the FlexCAN bit rate for standard frames or the arbitration phase of FD frames.
- * @note In case is used Enhanced Time Segments the PhaseSeg1 is the sum of PropSeg +1+ PhaseSeg1, and the
- * PropSeg will be 0;
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[out] bitrate A pointer to a variable for returning the FlexCAN bit rate settings
- * @return true if Enhanced Time segments are used;
- * false if Enhanced Time segments are not used.
- */
- boolean FlexCAN_Ip_GetBitrate(uint8 instance,
- Flexcan_Ip_TimeSegmentType * bitrate);
- /**
- * @brief Sets the FlexCAN bit rate for standard frames or the arbitration phase of FD frames.
- * @details This function request the FlexCAN module to be in Stop Mode or in Freeze Mode.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] bitrate A pointer to the FlexCAN bit rate settings.
- * @param[in] enhExt The time segments used are set in Enhanced Time Seg Registers
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetBitrate(instance, bitrate, enhExt)
- /*!
- * @brief Clears the TDC Fail flag.
- *
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- */
- void FlexCAN_Ip_ClearTDCFail(uint8 u8Instance);
- /*!
- * @brief Gets the value of the TDC Fail flag.
- *
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return If true, indicates that the TDC mechanism is out of range, unable to
- * compensate the transceiver's loop delay and successfully compare the delayed
- * received bits to the transmitted ones.
- */
- boolean FlexCAN_Ip_GetTDCFail(uint8 u8Instance);
- /*!
- * @brief Gets the value of the Transceiver Delay Compensation.
- *
- * @param[in] u8Instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return The value of the transceiver loop delay measured from the transmitted
- * EDL to R0 transition edge to the respective received one added to the TDCOFF
- * value.
- */
- uint8 FlexCAN_Ip_GetTDCValue(uint8 u8Instance);
- /**
- * @brief Sets the FlexCAN bit rate for the data phase of FD frames.
- * @details This function request the FlexCAN module to be in Stop Mode or in Freeze Mode.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] bitrate A pointer to the FlexCAN bit rate settings.
- * @param[in] fd_enable Enable/Disable Fd Frame Feature Support
- * @param[in] bitRateSwitch Enable/Disable of FD Data Bitrate Switch support
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetBitrateCbt(instance, bitrate, bitRateSwitch)
- /**
- * @brief Gets the FlexCAN bit rate for the data phase of FD frames (BRS enabled).
- * @note In case is used Enhanced Time Segments the PhaseSeg1 is the sum of PropSeg + PhaseSeg1, and the
- * PropSeg will be 0;
- * @param instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param bitrate A pointer to a variable for returning the FlexCAN bit rate settings
- * @return true if Enhanced Time segments are used;
- * false if Enhanced Time segments are not used.
- */
- boolean FlexCAN_Ip_GetBitrateFD(uint8 instance,
- Flexcan_Ip_TimeSegmentType * bitrate);
- /**
- * @brief This function will set how many CAN bits the Tx arbitration process start point can
- * be delayed from the first bit of CRC field on CAN bus.
- * @details This function request the FlexCAN module to be in Stop Mode or in Freeze Mode.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] value Tx Arbitration Start Delay value
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetTxArbitrationStartDelay(instance, value)
- /**
- * @brief Enables/Disables the Transceiver Delay Compensation feature and sets
- * the Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset (offset value to be added to the
- * measured transceiver's loop delay in order to define the position of the
- * delayed comparison point when bit rate switching is active).
- * @details This function request the FlexCAN module to be in Stop Mode or in Freeze Mode.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] enable Enable/Disable Transceiver Delay Compensation
- * @param[in] offset Transceiver Delay Compensation Offset
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetTDCOffset(instance, enable, offset)
- /**
- * @brief Get the Status of Message Buffer
- * @details This function will return True if Message Buffer Flag
- * is Set or False if is not set.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] msgBuffIdx Index of the message buffer
- * @return True if is set
- * False if is clear.
- *
- */
- boolean FlexCAN_Ip_GetBuffStatusFlag(uint8 instance,
- uint8 msgBuffIdx);
- /**
- * @brief Clear Message Buffer Status Flag
- * @details This function will clear the status of the message buffer
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] msgBuffIdx Index of the message buffer
- *
- */
- void FlexCAN_Ip_ClearBuffStatusFlag(uint8 instance,
- uint8 msgBuffIdx);
- /**
- * @brief Enable all interrupts configured.
- * @details Enable all interrupts configured.
- * @param[in] u8Instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_EnableInterrupts(u8Instance)
- /**
- * @brief Disable all interrupts.
- * @details Disable all interrupts.
- * @param[in] u8Instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_DisableInterrupts(u8Instance)
- /**
- * @brief Enable\Disable Error or BusOff Interrupt
- * @details This function will set Error or BusOff interrupt, Error Fast is available only
- * if FD CAN support is active.
- * @Note This function should be called from StopMode or FreezeMode.
- * When an error interrupt is set and error callback function is installed,
- * The error callback function will be invoked with a respective event occurred and status of ESR1 register:
- * In the callback, if another event(got from ESR1 register) recognized(Error, Error Fast, Bus Off, Tx/Rx warning)
- * Then it should be cleared by FlexCAN_Ip_ClearErrorStatus with a respective mask to avoid dupplication.
- * @param[in] u8Instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] type Interrupt Type
- * @param[in] enable Enable\Disable interrupt selected
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_SetErrorInt(u8Instance, type, enable)
- /**
- * @brief Ends a non-blocking FlexCAN transfer early.
- * @details Full description
- * @param[in] u8Instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx The index of the message buffer
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_NO_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS if no transfer was running,
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if fail to configure in configured timeout value.<br>
- *
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_AbortTransfer(uint8 u8Instance,
- uint8 mb_idx);
- /**
- * @brief Get the Status of Listen Only Mode
- * @details This function will return True if Listen Only Mode
- * is Enable or False if is Disable.
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return True if Listen Only Mode is Enable
- * False if Listen Only Mode is Disable.
- *
- */
- boolean FlexCAN_Ip_GetListenOnlyMode(uint8 instance);
- /**
- * @brief Get Stop Mode Status
- * @details Return if the instance is in Stop Mode
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @return True instance is in STOP Mode
- * False instance is not in STOP Mode
- *
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_GetStopMode(instance)
- /*!
- * @brief Receives a CAN frame using the specified message buffer, in a blocking manner.
- *
- * This function receives a CAN frame using a configured message buffer. The function
- * blocks until either a frame was received, or the specified timeout expired.
- *
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- * @param[out] data The FlexCAN receive message buffer data.
- * @param[in] isPolling If the message will be send using pooling(true) or interrupt(false).
- * @param[in] timeout_ms A timeout for the transfer in milliseconds.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successfull operation;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of a message buffer is invalid;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUSY if the message buffer is used for other operation.<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout is reached.<br>
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_ReceiveBlocking(uint8 instance,
- uint8 mb_idx,
- Flexcan_Ip_MsgBuffType * data,
- boolean isPolling,
- uint32 u32TimeoutMs);
- /**
- * @brief Configures a transmit message buffer for remote frame response.
- *
- * @Note In case of using this function as polling mode the user should call
- * FlexCAN_Ip_MainFunctionWrite to check it.
- * @Note In case of enable the option Remote Request Store by setting corresponding bit for FLEXCAN_IP_REM_STORE_U32
- * in the ctrlOptions structure member of the Flexcan platform configuration data from FlexCAN_Ip_Init function,
- * will disable Automatic Response Request feature, in this case is not allowed use of this function.
- *
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] mb_idx Index of the message buffer
- * @param[in] tx_info Data info
- * @param[in] msg_id ID of the message to transmit
- * @param[in] mb_data Bytes of the FlexCAN message
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful;
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_BUFF_OUT_OF_RANGE if the index of the message buffer
- * is invalid
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigRemoteResponseMb(uint8 instance,
- uint8 mb_idx,
- const Flexcan_Ip_DataInfoType *tx_info,
- uint32 msg_id,
- const uint8 *mb_data);
- /*!
- * @brief This function configure the timestamp settings.
- *
- * This function will allow to set the timestamp timer source and config the
- * HR Timer selected capture point for timestamp.
- * @note Need enable clock counter for the source selected before use HR Time Stamp.
- *
- * @param[in] instance A FlexCAN instance number
- * @param[in] time_stamp A timestamp configuration structure
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful operation;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout is reached.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigTimeStamp(instance, time_stamp)
- /*!
- * @brief Configures Pretended Networking settings.
- * @details This function will enable or disable the Pretended Network feature and configure PN the
- * wakeup events and filters. This function requires the FlexCAN module to be in Stop Mode or in Freeze Mode.
- * @note In order this feature to work, the FlexCAN module need to be in Start Mode after configuring PN
- * and the Protocol Clock needed to remain active during sleep mode.
- *
- * @param[in] u8Instance The FlexCAN instance number.
- * @param[in] bEnable Enable/Disable Pretended Networking mode.
- * @param[in] pPnConfig Pointer to the Pretended Networking configuration structure.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful operation;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if fail to set;<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout is reached.<br>
- */
- Call_FlexCAN_Ip_ConfigPN(u8Instance, bEnable, pPnConfig)
- /*!
- * @brief Extracts one of the frames which triggered the wake up event.
- *
- * @param[in] u8Instance The FlexCAN instance number.
- * @param[in] u8WmbIndex The index of the message buffer to be extracted.
- * @param[in] pWmb Pointer to the message buffer structure where the frame will be saved.
- */
- void FlexCAN_Ip_GetWMB(uint8 u8Instance,
- uint8 u8WmbIndex,
- Flexcan_Ip_MsgBuffType * pWmb);
- /*!
- * @brief Recover manually from bus-off if possible.
- * @note This function should be used when bus-off auto recovery disabled and controller is in START mode.
- * The function FlexCAN_Ip_GetErrorStatus can be used to check FLTCONF bits to check if bus-off state is exited or not.
- *
- * @param[in] Instance The FlexCAN instance number.
- * @return FLEXCAN_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful operation or the controller wasn't in bus-off.<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_ERROR if bus-off auto recovery enabled.<br>
- * FLEXCAN_STATUS_TIMEOUT if the timeout is reached.<br>
- */
- Flexcan_Ip_StatusType FlexCAN_Ip_ManualBusOffRecovery(uint8 Instance);
- void DMA_Can_Callback0(void);
- void DMA_Can_Callback1(void);
- void DMA_Can_Callback2(void);
- void DMA_Can_Callback3(void);
- void DMA_Can_Callback4(void);
- void DMA_Can_Callback5(void);
- void DMA_Can_Callback6(void);
- void DMA_Can_Callback7(void);
- }
- /** @} */