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【】 1.增加CMD和SOC观测

CHENJIE-PC\QiXiang_CHENJIE 3 years ago
3 changed files with 70 additions and 73 deletions
  1. 2 2
  2. 4 4
  3. 64 67

+ 2 - 2

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * @Author       : ChenJie
  * @Date         : 2021-10-14 09:27:15
  * @LastEditors  : ChenJie
- * @LastEditTime : 2021-11-02 10:14:09
+ * @LastEditTime : 2021-11-02 18:14:52
  * @Description  : App Config H file 配置文件,可以针对不同参数进行更改
  * @FilePath     : \PLAT\project\ec616_0h00\apps\qx_app\inc\AppConfig.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #define DATA_MODULE_TYPE (1)           //1表示NB模块,2表示4G cat1
 #define EOLSTATE (0)                   //1表示下线检测跳过,使用默认值,0表示使用下线检测
 #define DEFAULT_SN "RLTEST00000000001" //默认上传的SN编码
-#define APPSWVERSION 0x0301001E        //数据模块软件版本号
+#define APPSWVERSION 0x03010020        //数据模块软件版本号
 #define RELAYCONFIG 1                  //继电器配置
 #define TCP_ADD ""     //数据上传的地址
 #define TCP_PORT 8712                  //数据上传的端口

+ 4 - 4

@@ -571,15 +571,15 @@ static void TcpDataInfoAssembleSend()
         static UINT8 Debugcounter = 0;
         if (Debugcounter % 5 == 0)
-            sprintf((char *)rbuf, "A-%x,%d,%d,%x,%x,%x,,%d,%d",
-                    battProtectState, AppDataInfo.RelayControl, chargerConnectState, PowerVoltage, BMSupdatestatus, PadInterrupt,
+            sprintf((char *)rbuf, "A-%x,%d,%d,%x,%x,,%d,%d",
+                    battProtectState, AppDataInfo.RelayControl, chargerConnectState, BMSupdatestatus, PadInterrupt,
                     AppDataInfo.ExpiryTimeArray[1], AppDataInfo.ExpiryTimeArray[2]);
-            sprintf((char *)rbuf, "B-%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\
+            sprintf((char *)rbuf, "B-%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\
-                    socd_pct_ahSoc, socd_pct_ekfSoc, socd_pct_estSoc, socd_pct_battSoc, socd_pct_bcuSoc, battSOC * 10,
+                    socd_pct_ahSoc, socd_pct_ekfSoc, socd_pct_estSoc, socd_pct_battSoc, socd_pct_bcuSoc, battSOC * 10, socd_pct_cellBattSoc,
                     battI, maxCellVol, minCellVol);

+ 64 - 67

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void SOC(void)
     static real_T Up_Min_Delay;
     static real_T Up_Max_Delay;
     static real_T Up_Avrg_Delay;
-	uint16_T cellSocMax;
+    uint16_T cellSocMax;
     uint16_T cellSocMin;
     real_T Q;
     real_T battcurr;
@@ -114,17 +114,17 @@ void SOC(void)
         onceFlg_chrg = true;
         onceFlg_dischrg = true;
     if (FirstRun_SOC)
     { //
         if (socd_pct_battSocEi > 1000 || socd_pct_bcuSocEi > 1000 || ihd_st_EOLState == 0 ||
-                (((int16_T)(socd_pct_battSocEi - socd_pct_bcuSocEi) > 300 || (int16_T)(socd_pct_battSocEi - socd_pct_bcuSocEi) < -300) && ihd_tm_parkTime > cmnc_tm_parkTime))
+            (((int16_T)(socd_pct_battSocEi - socd_pct_bcuSocEi) > 300 || (int16_T)(socd_pct_battSocEi - socd_pct_bcuSocEi) < -300) && ihd_tm_parkTime > cmnc_tm_parkTime))
             socn_pct_battSocEE = look1_iu16lu16n16tu16_binlcase(sfmd_V_cellUAvrg, (&(cmnm_V_ocv[0])), (&(cmnm_pct_soc[0])), 12U);
-            socn_pct_bcuSocEE  = look1_iu16lu16n16tu16_binlcase(sfmd_V_cellUAvrg, (&(cmnm_V_ocv[0])), (&(cmnm_pct_soc[0])), 12U);
+            socn_pct_bcuSocEE = look1_iu16lu16n16tu16_binlcase(sfmd_V_cellUAvrg, (&(cmnm_V_ocv[0])), (&(cmnm_pct_soc[0])), 12U);
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@ void SOC(void)
         socn_Q_cap = (uint16_T)((uint16_T)((uint32_T)sohd_pct_bcuSoh * cmnc_Q_ratedCp / 2000U) << 1);
     //printf("1----  battSocEi:%d,bcuSocEi:%d,battSocEE:%d,bcuSocEE:%d\n",socd_pct_battSocEi,socd_pct_bcuSocEi,socn_pct_battSocEE,socn_pct_bcuSocEE);
     battcurr = (real_T)sfmd_I_curr * 0.1;
     Q = (real_T)socn_Q_cap * 0.1;
     if (FirstRun_SOC)
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ void SOC(void)
     A[1] = 0;
     A[2] = 0;
     A[3] = exp(-1 / (Rp * C));
     B[0] = 1 / Q / 3600 * 100;
     B[1] = Rp * (1 - exp(-1 / (Rp * C)));
     H[0] = docvmath(soc_Min_Delay);
     H[1] = 1;
     soc1 = soc_Min_Delay * A[0] + B[0] * battcurr;
     Up1 = Up_Min_Delay * A[3] + B[1] * battcurr;
@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@ void SOC(void)
     P1[1] = P_Min_Delay[1] * A[3] + 0.001;
     P1[2] = P_Min_Delay[2] * A[3] + 0.001;
     P1[3] = P_Min_Delay[3] * A[3] * A[3] + 0.001;
     K[0] = (P1[0] * H[0] + P1[2]) / (H[0] * P1[0] * H[0] + P1[1] * H[0] + H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] + 0.5);
     K[1] = (P1[1] * H[0] + P1[3]) / (H[0] * P1[0] * H[0] + P1[1] * H[0] + H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] + 0.5);
     deltU = (real_T)sfmd_V_cellUMin * 0.001 - UL;
     soc_Min_Delay = soc1 + K[0] * deltU;
     if (soc_Min_Delay < (real_T)socc_pct_battSocLow * 0.1)
         soc_Min_Delay = (real_T)socc_pct_battSocLow * 0.1;
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ void SOC(void)
         soc_Min_Delay = (real_T)socc_pct_battSocUp * 0.1;
     Up_Min_Delay = Up1 + K[1] * deltU;
     P_Min_Delay[0] = (1 - K[0] * H[0]) * P1[0] - K[0] * P1[1];
     P_Min_Delay[1] = -K[1] * H[0] * P1[0] + P1[1] * (1 - K[1]);
     P_Min_Delay[2] = (1 - K[0] * H[0]) * P1[2] - K[0] * P1[3];
     P_Min_Delay[3] = -K[1] * H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] * (1 - K[1]);
     EKFSOCMin = (uint16_T)(soc_Min_Delay * 10);
     socn_flg_ekfInvalidMin = (deltU > 0.01) || (deltU < -0.01);
@@ -228,31 +228,31 @@ void SOC(void)
     A[1] = 0;
     A[2] = 0;
     A[3] = exp(-1 / (Rp * C));
     B[0] = 1 / Q / 3600 * 100;
     B[1] = Rp * (1 - exp(-1 / (Rp * C)));
     H[0] = docvmath(soc_Max_Delay);
     H[1] = 1;
     soc1 = soc_Max_Delay * A[0] + B[0] * battcurr;
     Up1 = Up_Max_Delay * A[3] + B[1] * battcurr;
     UL = ocv + battcurr * Ro + Up1;
     P1[0] = P_Max_Delay[0] + 0.001;
     P1[1] = P_Max_Delay[1] * A[3] + 0.001;
     P1[2] = P_Max_Delay[2] * A[3] + 0.002;
     P1[3] = P_Max_Delay[3] * A[3] * A[3] + 0.001;
     K[0] = (P1[0] * H[0] + P1[2]) / (H[0] * P1[0] * H[0] + P1[1] * H[0] + H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] + 0.5);
     K[1] = (P1[1] * H[0] + P1[3]) / (H[0] * P1[0] * H[0] + P1[1] * H[0] + H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] + 0.5);
     deltU = (real_T)sfmd_V_cellUMax * 0.001 - UL;
     soc_Max_Delay = soc1 + K[0] * deltU;
     if (soc_Max_Delay < (real_T)socc_pct_battSocLow * 0.1)
         soc_Max_Delay = (real_T)socc_pct_battSocLow * 0.1;
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ void SOC(void)
         soc_Max_Delay = (real_T)socc_pct_battSocUp * 0.1;
     Up_Max_Delay = Up1 + K[1] * deltU;
     P_Max_Delay[0] = (1 - K[0] * H[0]) * P1[0] - K[0] * P1[1];
     P_Max_Delay[1] = -K[1] * H[0] * P1[0] + P1[1] * (1 - K[1]);
@@ -287,9 +287,8 @@ void SOC(void)
         factor = (uint16_T)(((uint16_T)(((uint32_T)(EKFSOCMin - 200) << 6) / (800 - (EKFSOCMax - EKFSOCMin) - 200)) * 25U) >> 4);
     socd_pct_ekfSoc = (uint16_T)(((1 - (real_T)(factor * 0.01)) * (real_T)(EKFSOCMin * 0.1) + (real_T)(factor * 0.01) * (real_T)(EKFSOCMax * 0.1)) * 10);
-   //-------------------------EKFavrg---------------------------------------
+    //-------------------------EKFavrg---------------------------------------
     if (FirstRun_SOC)
         soc_Avrg_Delay = (real_T)socn_pct_battSocEE * 0.1;
@@ -308,13 +307,13 @@ void SOC(void)
     A[1] = 0;
     A[2] = 0;
     A[3] = exp(-1 / (Rp * C));
     B[0] = 1 / Q / 3600 * 100;
     B[1] = Rp * (1 - exp(-1 / (Rp * C)));
     H[0] = docvmath(soc_Avrg_Delay);
     H[1] = 1;
     soc1 = soc_Avrg_Delay * A[0] + B[0] * battcurr;
     Up1 = Up_Avrg_Delay * A[3] + B[1] * battcurr;
@@ -323,15 +322,15 @@ void SOC(void)
     P1[1] = P_avrg_Delay[1] * A[3] + 0.001;
     P1[2] = P_avrg_Delay[2] * A[3] + 0.001;
     P1[3] = P_avrg_Delay[3] * A[3] * A[3] + 0.001;
     K[0] = (P1[0] * H[0] + P1[2]) / (H[0] * P1[0] * H[0] + P1[1] * H[0] + H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] + 0.5);
     K[1] = (P1[1] * H[0] + P1[3]) / (H[0] * P1[0] * H[0] + P1[1] * H[0] + H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] + 0.5);
     deltU = (real_T)sfmd_V_cellUAvrg * 0.001 - UL;
     soc_Avrg_Delay = soc1 + K[0] * deltU;
     if (soc_Avrg_Delay < (real_T)socc_pct_battSocLow * 0.1)
         soc_Avrg_Delay = (real_T)socc_pct_battSocLow * 0.1;
@@ -340,25 +339,25 @@ void SOC(void)
         soc_Avrg_Delay = (real_T)socc_pct_battSocUp * 0.1;
     Up_Avrg_Delay = Up1 + K[1] * deltU;
     P_avrg_Delay[0] = (1 - K[0] * H[0]) * P1[0] - K[0] * P1[1];
     P_avrg_Delay[1] = -K[1] * H[0] * P1[0] + P1[1] * (1 - K[1]);
     P_avrg_Delay[2] = (1 - K[0] * H[0]) * P1[2] - K[0] * P1[3];
     P_avrg_Delay[3] = -K[1] * H[0] * P1[2] + P1[3] * (1 - K[1]);
     EKFSOCAvrg = (uint16_T)(soc_Avrg_Delay * 10);
     socn_flg_ekfInvalidAvrg = (deltU > 0.01) || (deltU < -0.01);
-    for(i = 0;i < cmnc_num_cellUNum;i++)
+    for (i = 0; i < cmnc_num_cellUNum; i++)
-        socv_pct_cellSoc[i] = look1_iu16lu16n16tu16_binlcase((look1_iu16lu16n16tu16_binlcase(EKFSOCAvrg, (&(cmnm_pct_soc[0])), (&(cmnm_V_ocv[0])), 12U) + cdmv_V_deltOCV[i]), (&(cmnm_V_ocv[0])),(&(cmnm_pct_soc[0])),12U);
+        socv_pct_cellSoc[i] = look1_iu16lu16n16tu16_binlcase((look1_iu16lu16n16tu16_binlcase(EKFSOCAvrg, (&(cmnm_pct_soc[0])), (&(cmnm_V_ocv[0])), 12U) + cdmv_V_deltOCV[i]), (&(cmnm_V_ocv[0])), (&(cmnm_pct_soc[0])), 12U);
-    socn_flg_ekfInvalid = socn_flg_ekfInvalidAvrg || cdmd_flg_deltOCVDisable;
-    cellSocMax = ArrMax(&socv_pct_cellSoc[0],cmnc_num_cellUNum);
-    cellSocMin = ArrMin(&socv_pct_cellSoc[0],cmnc_num_cellUNum);
+    //socn_flg_ekfInvalid = socn_flg_ekfInvalidAvrg || cdmd_flg_deltOCVDisable;
+    cellSocMax = ArrMax(&socv_pct_cellSoc[0], cmnc_num_cellUNum);
+    cellSocMin = ArrMin(&socv_pct_cellSoc[0], cmnc_num_cellUNum);
     if (cellSocMax > 800)
         factor = 100;
@@ -372,9 +371,7 @@ void SOC(void)
         factor = (uint16_T)(((uint16_T)(((uint32_T)(cellSocMin - 200) << 6) / (800 - (cellSocMax - cellSocMin) - 200)) * 25U) >> 4);
     socd_pct_cellBattSoc = (uint16_T)(((1 - (real_T)(factor * 0.01)) * (real_T)(cellSocMin * 0.1) + (real_T)(factor * 0.01) * (real_T)(cellSocMax * 0.1)) * 10);
@@ -412,7 +409,7 @@ void SOC(void)
         ekfInvalidCntl = 0;
     if (ekfInvalidCntl < 20)
         if (onceFlg_est)
@@ -428,7 +425,7 @@ void SOC(void)
         onceFlg_est = true;
         socd_pct_estSoc = socd_pct_ekfSoc;
     if (socd_pct_estSoc > socc_pct_battSocUp)
@@ -473,7 +470,7 @@ void SOC(void)
             fulFlg = 1;
         if (overFlg)
@@ -497,7 +494,7 @@ void SOC(void)
         socn_pct_utrackSoc = Soc_Delay + (socTemp > Soc_Delay ? (socTemp - Soc_Delay) : 0);
         Soc_Delay = socn_pct_utrackSoc;
         if (fulFlg)
             socn_pct_utrackSoc = socc_pct_battSocUp;
@@ -506,7 +503,7 @@ void SOC(void)
             socn_pct_utrackSoc = socn_pct_utrackSoc > (socc_pct_battSocUp - 1) ? (socc_pct_battSocUp - 1) : socn_pct_utrackSoc;
@@ -566,11 +563,11 @@ void SOC(void)
         socd_flg_EEsave = 0;
     if (sfmd_I_curr < 10 && sfmd_I_curr > -10)
         statCntl = (statCntl + 1) > 250 ? 250 : (statCntl + 1);
@@ -580,12 +577,12 @@ void SOC(void)
         statCntl = 0;
     statFlg = statCntl > 2;
     Flg = (FirstRun_SOC || (ihd_st_chrgSta_Delay == 2 && ihd_st_workStat != 2) || (ihd_st_chrgSta_Delay != 2 && ihd_st_workStat == 2) || ((int16_T)(socn_pct_utrackSoc - socn_pct_utrackSoc_Delay) > 20 || (int16_T)(socn_pct_utrackSoc - socn_pct_utrackSoc_Delay) < -20) || statFlg);
     ihd_st_chrgSta_Delay = ihd_st_workStat;
     socn_pct_utrackSoc_Delay = socn_pct_utrackSoc;
     if (Flg)
@@ -599,23 +596,23 @@ void SOC(void)
             socd_pct_bcuSoc0 = socd_pct_bcuSoc;
     if (ihd_st_workStat == 2)
         delSOC = socd_pct_battSoc0 > socd_pct_bcuSoc0 ? (socd_pct_battSoc0 - socd_pct_bcuSoc0) : (socd_pct_bcuSoc0 - socd_pct_battSoc0);
         coinSoc = (socd_pct_battSoc0 > socd_pct_bcuSoc0 ? socd_pct_battSoc0 : socd_pct_bcuSoc0) + (delSOC > 50 ? 50 : delSOC);
         x[0] = socd_pct_battSoc0;
         x[1] = coinSoc > socc_pct_battSocUp ? socc_pct_battSocUp : (uint16_T)coinSoc;
         x[2] = socc_pct_battSocUp;
         y[0] = socd_pct_bcuSoc0;
         y[1] = coinSoc > 1000 ? 1000 : (uint16_T)coinSoc;
         y[2] = 1000;
         bcuSoc = SOC_LookUp(socd_pct_battSoc, &x[0], &y[0]);
         if (onceFlg_chrg)
@@ -624,7 +621,7 @@ void SOC(void)
             socd_pct_bcuSoc = 2000;
         socd_pct_bcuSoc = SOCfitSystem(bcuSoc, &socd_pct_bcuSoc, 1);
         if (fulFlg)
@@ -641,7 +638,7 @@ void SOC(void)
         delSOC = socd_pct_battSoc0 > socd_pct_bcuSoc0 ? (socd_pct_battSoc0 - socd_pct_bcuSoc0) : (socd_pct_bcuSoc0 - socd_pct_battSoc0);
         coinSoc = (int16_T)((socd_pct_battSoc0 < socd_pct_bcuSoc0 ? socd_pct_battSoc0 : socd_pct_bcuSoc0) - (delSOC > 50 ? 50 : delSOC));
         x[0] = socc_pct_battSocLow;
         x[1] = coinSoc > socc_pct_battSocLow ? (uint16_T)coinSoc : socc_pct_battSocLow;
         x[2] = socd_pct_battSoc0;
@@ -649,7 +646,7 @@ void SOC(void)
         y[1] = coinSoc > 0 ? (uint16_T)coinSoc : 0;
         y[2] = socd_pct_bcuSoc0;
         bcuSoc = SOC_LookUp(socd_pct_battSoc, &x[0], &y[0]);
         if (onceFlg_dischrg)
@@ -657,14 +654,14 @@ void SOC(void)
             onceFlg_dischrg = false;
             socd_pct_bcuSoc = 2000;
         socd_pct_bcuSoc = SOCfitSystem(bcuSoc, &socd_pct_bcuSoc, 1);
     socd_pct_bcuSocEo = socd_pct_bcuSoc;
     FirstRun_SOC = false;
@@ -673,13 +670,13 @@ real_T docvmath(real_T soc)
     real_T docv;
     docv = ((((((-1.0936E-13 * pow(soc, 7.0) +
-            3.9249E-11 * pow(soc, 6.0)) +
-            -5.5776E-9 * pow(soc, 5.0)) +
-            3.996E-7 * pow(soc, 4.0)) +
-            -1.5332E-5 * pow(soc, 3.0)) +
-            soc * soc * 0.0003192) +
+                 3.9249E-11 * pow(soc, 6.0)) +
+                -5.5776E-9 * pow(soc, 5.0)) +
+               3.996E-7 * pow(soc, 4.0)) +
+              -1.5332E-5 * pow(soc, 3.0)) +
+             soc * soc * 0.0003192) +
             -0.00371 * soc) +
-            0.02732;
+           0.02732;
     return docv;
@@ -698,7 +695,7 @@ uint16_T SOC_LookUp(uint16_T battsoc, uint16_T x[3], uint16_T y[3])
     if (battsoc > x[0] && battsoc < x[1]) //(x-x0)*(y1-y0)/(x1-x0)+y0
         bcusoc = (uint16_T)((real_T)((battsoc - x[0]) * 0.1) * (real_T)((y[1] - y[0]) * 0.1) / (real_T)((x[1] - x[0]) * 0.1) * 10) + y[0];
@@ -726,6 +723,6 @@ uint16_T SOCfitSystem(uint16_T SOC, uint16_T *SOCfit, uint16_T m)
         *SOCfit = SOC;
     return *SOCfit;