/**************************************************************************** * * Copy right: 2017-, Copyrigths of EigenComm Ltd. * File name: app.h * Description: EC616 onenet demo entry header file * History: Rev1.0 2018-07-12 * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef APP_H #define APP_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //全局定义声明区 #define BAT4830 #ifdef BAT4830 #define BATT_CELL_VOL_NUM (14) #define BATT_TEMP_NUM (5) #else #define BATT_CELL_VOL_NUM (17) #define BATT_TEMP_NUM (7) #endif #define BATT_CELL_VOL_NUM_2 (BATT_CELL_VOL_NUM*2) #define BATT_SN_LEN 17 #define SWVERSION 0xA21 #define HWVERSION 0xB22 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define QMSG_ID_BASE (0x160) #define QMSG_ID_NW_IP_READY (QMSG_ID_BASE) #define QMSG_ID_NW_IP_SUSPEND (QMSG_ID_BASE + 1) #define QMSG_ID_NW_IP_NOREACHABLE (QMSG_ID_BASE + 2) #define QMSG_ID_SOCK_SENDPKG (QMSG_ID_BASE + 4) #define QMSG_ID_SOCK_RECVPKG (QMSG_ID_BASE + 5) #define QMSG_ID_SOCK_EXIT (QMSG_ID_BASE + 6) #define QX_TCP_IPADRRES "" #define QX_TCP_PORT "8712" #define APP_CHARGING_WORK_TIME 30 #define APP_WAKEUP_WORK_TIME 1 #define APP_SLEEP_TIME 5 #define TCP_START_SYM1 0x23 #define TCP_START_SYM2 0x23 #define TCP_CMD_SYM 0x02 #define TCP_ANS_SYM 0xFE //encrypt methord #define TCP_ENCPT_ENABLE 0x00 #define TCP_ENCPT_DISABLE 0x01 //message type mark #define BATTMSG 0x80 #define GPSMSG 0x82 //tcp Send Msg Case period #define SENDMSG5s 01 #define SENDMSG10s 02 #define SENDMSG20s 04 #define SENDMSG30s 06 #define SENDMSG60s 12 #define SENDMSG180s 36 #define SENDMSG300s 60 #define SENDMSG600s 120 #define SENDMSGPRDMAX 200 extern UINT8 IH_appChargEndWorkTime; extern UINT8 IH_appWakeupWorkTime; extern UINT8 IH_appSleepTime; extern UINT8 IH_isBattLocked; extern UINT8 OH_appChargEndWorkTime; extern UINT8 OH_appWakeupWorkTime; extern UINT8 OH_appSleepTime; extern UINT8 OH_isBattLocked; extern UINT8 BattSN[BATT_SN_LEN]; extern CHAR TcpServerIpV4Address[16]; extern CHAR TcpServerPort[5]; typedef enum { PROCESS_CAN_STATE_IDLE = 0, PROCESS_CAN_STATE_WORK, PROCESS_CAN_STATE_SLEEP }process_CAN; typedef enum { PROCESS_TCP_STATE_IDLE = 0, PROCESS_TCP_STATE_LINK, PROCESS_TCP_STATE_WORK, PROCESS_TCP_STATE_SLEEP }process_TCP; typedef struct BattInfoType { UINT8 sendTimeUTC[6]; UINT8 msgMark; UINT8 msgCollectionTimeUTC[6]; UINT8 signalStrength; UINT8 errClass; UINT8 errCode[2]; UINT8 battI[2]; UINT8 battLinkVol[2]; UINT8 battPackVol[2]; UINT8 chrgState; UINT8 battSOC; UINT8 battSOH; UINT8 batCellBalenceState[4]; //uint32 should change to uint8[]: each bit stand for 1 cell, up to 1024 UINT8 battCellNum[2]; //uint8 should change to uint16 (0~65535) //zhengchao UINT8 battCellU[BATT_CELL_VOL_NUM_2]; UINT8 battTempNum[2]; //uint8 should change to uint16 (0~65535) UINT8 battCellTemp[BATT_TEMP_NUM]; UINT8 battWorkState; UINT8 battHeatState; }BattInfoType; typedef struct BattMsgtoTcpType { UINT8 startSymbol[2]; UINT8 cmdSymbol; UINT8 ansSymbol; UINT8 SN[BATT_SN_LEN]; UINT8 encryptMethod; UINT8 dataLength[2]; BattInfoType battInfo; UINT8 CRC; }BattMsgtoTcpType; typedef struct GPSInfoType { UINT8 sendTimeUTC[6]; UINT8 msgMark; UINT8 msgCollectionTimeUTC[6]; UINT8 locateMark; UINT8 satelliteNum; UINT8 direction[2]; UINT8 speed[2]; UINT8 altitude[2]; UINT8 latitude[4]; UINT8 longitude[4]; }GPSInfoType; typedef struct GPSMsgtoTcpType { UINT8 startSymbol[2]; UINT8 cmdSymbol; UINT8 ansSymbol; UINT8 SN[BATT_SN_LEN]; UINT8 encryptMethod; UINT8 dataLength[2]; GPSInfoType gpsInfo; UINT8 CRC; }GPSMsgtoTcpType; typedef enum { APP_INIT_STATE, APP_DEACTIVE_STATE, APP_IPREADY_STATE, APP_REPORT_STATE, APP_IDLE_STATE, APP_WAIT_STATE } appRunningState_t; typedef enum { APP_SOCKET_CONNECTION_CLOSED, APP_SOCKET_CONNECTION_CONNECTING, APP_SOCKET_CONNECTION_CONNECTED, }AppSocketConnectionStatus; typedef struct AppSocketConnectionContext_Tag { INT32 id; INT32 status; }AppSocketConnectionContext; typedef struct Fota_Type { bool Fota_update_flag ; bool Fota_update_error ; uint32_t Fota_All_Data_Len ; uint32_t Fota_Current_Addres ; uint8_t Fota_Recv_Data_Len ; uint8_t Fota_Recv_Data[100] ; uint32_t Fota_Flash_Addres; uint8_t Fota_CRC ; }Fota_Type; typedef struct _GPS_INFO { uint8_t timedata[6]; uint8_t status; uint8_t satellite_num; uint16_t direction; uint16_t speed; uint16_t altitude; uint32_t latitude; uint32_t longitude; }GPS_INFO; //uint8_t* Uart_Receive_func(Uart_Receive_Type Uart_Receive_Msg,uint8_t* Uart_Rece_buffer,uint8_t Data_Len); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* APP_H */