123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139 |
- /*
- * File: BLC.h
- *
- * Code generated for Simulink model 'BLC'.
- *
- * Model version : 1.50
- * Simulink Coder version : 9.4 (R2020b) 29-Jul-2020
- * C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Sep 9 17:18:08 2021
- *
- * Target selection: ert.tlc
- * Embedded hardware selection: Intel->x86-64 (Windows64)
- * Code generation objectives: Unspecified
- * Validation result: Not run
- */
- #ifndef RTW_HEADER_BLC_h_
- #define RTW_HEADER_BLC_h_
- #include <string.h>
- #include "rtwtypes.h"
- #endif /* BLC_COMMON_INCLUDES_ */
- #include "BLC_types.h"
- /* Includes for objects with custom storage classes. */
- #include "BCUCal.h"
- #include "BCUDisp.h"
- /* Block signals for model 'BLC' */
- typedef struct {
- uint32_T blcv_Q_totalCpEE_Merge[28]; /* '<S2>/blcv_Q_totalCpEE_Merge' */
- uint16_T blcn_Q_reqCpNow_j[28]; /* '<S6>/Chart' */
- uint16_T blcv_Q_reqCpEE_Merge[28]; /* '<S2>/blcv_Q_reqCpEE_Merge' */
- boolean_T blcn_flg_stop[28]; /* '<S7>/Chart' */
- boolean_T blcn_flg_pause[28]; /* '<S4>/Chart' */
- boolean_T in; /* '<S12>/in' */
- } B_BLC_c_T;
- /* Block states (default storage) for model 'BLC' */
- typedef struct {
- uint32_T blcCap[28]; /* '<S5>/Chart' */
- uint16_T reqCp_reset_DSTATE[28]; /* '<S1>/reqCp_reset' */
- uint16_T QL; /* '<S6>/Chart1' */
- boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '<S11>/Unit Delay1' */
- boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE_a; /* '<S1>/Unit Delay1' */
- uint8_T i_close; /* '<S4>/Chart' */
- uint8_T i_open; /* '<S4>/Chart' */
- boolean_T FristFlg; /* '<S6>/Chart1' */
- boolean_T FristFlg_b; /* '<S6>/Chart' */
- } DW_BLC_f_T;
- /* Real-time Model Data Structure */
- struct tag_RTM_BLC_T {
- const char_T **errorStatus;
- };
- typedef struct {
- } MdlrefDW_BLC_T;
- extern void BLC_Init(void);
- extern void BLC(void);
- /* Model reference registration function */
- extern void BLC_initialize(const char_T **rt_errorStatus);
- extern MdlrefDW_BLC_T BLC_MdlrefDW;
- /* Block signals (default storage) */
- extern B_BLC_c_T BLC_B;
- /* Block states (default storage) */
- extern DW_BLC_f_T BLC_DW;
- /*-
- * The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly
- * back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format
- * is <system>/block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely
- * assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block.
- *
- * Use the MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back
- * to the model. For example,
- *
- * hilite_system('<S3>') - opens system 3
- * hilite_system('<S3>/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp which resides in S3
- *
- * Here is the system hierarchy for this model
- *
- * '<Root>' : 'BLC'
- * '<S1>' : 'BLC/BLC'
- * '<S2>' : 'BLC/BLC/EE'
- * '<S3>' : 'BLC/BLC/Enalbe'
- * '<S4>' : 'BLC/BLC/pause'
- * '<S5>' : 'BLC/BLC/record'
- * '<S6>' : 'BLC/BLC/reqCpNow_Count'
- * '<S7>' : 'BLC/BLC/stop'
- * '<S8>' : 'BLC/BLC/EE/If Action Subsystem'
- * '<S9>' : 'BLC/BLC/EE/If Action Subsystem1'
- * '<S10>' : 'BLC/BLC/EE/Subsystem'
- * '<S11>' : 'BLC/BLC/Enalbe/Frist Keep'
- * '<S12>' : 'BLC/BLC/Enalbe/Frist Keep/Subsystem3'
- * '<S13>' : 'BLC/BLC/pause/Chart'
- * '<S14>' : 'BLC/BLC/record/Chart'
- * '<S15>' : 'BLC/BLC/reqCpNow_Count/Chart'
- * '<S16>' : 'BLC/BLC/reqCpNow_Count/Chart1'
- * '<S17>' : 'BLC/BLC/stop/Chart'
- */
- #endif /* RTW_HEADER_BLC_h_ */
- /*
- * File trailer for generated code.
- *
- * [EOF]
- */