BCU_private.h 2.9 KB

  1. /*
  2. * File: BCU_private.h
  3. *
  4. * Code generated for Simulink model 'BCU'.
  5. *
  6. * Model version : 1.33
  7. * Simulink Coder version : 9.4 (R2020b) 29-Jul-2020
  8. * C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Sep 9 18:19:09 2021
  9. *
  10. * Target selection: ert.tlc
  11. * Embedded hardware selection: Intel->x86-64 (Windows64)
  12. * Code generation objectives: Unspecified
  13. * Validation result: Not run
  14. */
  15. #ifndef RTW_HEADER_BCU_private_h_
  16. #define RTW_HEADER_BCU_private_h_
  17. #include "rtwtypes.h"
  18. #include "zero_crossing_types.h"
  19. #ifndef UCHAR_MAX
  20. #include <limits.h>
  21. #endif
  22. #if ( UCHAR_MAX != (0xFFU) ) || ( SCHAR_MAX != (0x7F) )
  23. #error Code was generated for compiler with different sized uchar/char. \
  24. Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
  25. Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
  26. defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
  27. select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
  28. select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
  29. Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
  30. preprocessor word size checks.
  31. #endif
  32. #if ( USHRT_MAX != (0xFFFFU) ) || ( SHRT_MAX != (0x7FFF) )
  33. #error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ushort/short. \
  34. Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
  35. Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
  36. defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
  37. select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
  38. select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
  39. Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
  40. preprocessor word size checks.
  41. #endif
  42. #if ( UINT_MAX != (0xFFFFFFFFU) ) || ( INT_MAX != (0x7FFFFFFF) )
  43. #error Code was generated for compiler with different sized uint/int. \
  44. Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
  45. Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
  46. defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
  47. select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
  48. select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
  49. Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
  50. preprocessor word size checks.
  51. #endif
  52. #if ( ULONG_MAX != (0xFFFFFFFFU) ) || ( LONG_MAX != (0x7FFFFFFF) )
  53. #error Code was generated for compiler with different sized ulong/long. \
  54. Consider adjusting Test hardware word size settings on the \
  55. Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as \
  56. defined in limits.h of the compiler. Alternatively, you can \
  57. select the Test hardware is the same as production hardware option and \
  58. select the Enable portable word sizes option on the Code Generation > \
  59. Verification pane for ERT based targets, which will disable the \
  60. preprocessor word size checks.
  61. #endif
  62. #endif /* RTW_HEADER_BCU_private_h_ */
  63. /*
  64. * File trailer for generated code.
  65. *
  66. * [EOF]
  67. */