AppConfig.h 6.4 KB

  1. /****************************************************************************
  2. *
  3. * Copy right: 2021-, Copyrigths of RLWL Ltd.Chen J
  4. * File name: AppConfig.h
  5. * Description: App Config H file 配置文件,可以针对不同参数进行更改
  6. * History: Rev3.0 2021-07-06
  7. *
  8. ****************************************************************************/
  9. #ifndef APPCONFIG_H
  10. #define APPCONFIG_H
  11. #define BMS_MANUFACTURE (2) //BMS制造商表示1-超力源,2-美顺
  12. #define BMS_INFO (1) //1-1表示超力源4830,1-2表示超力源6060,2-1表示美顺6455
  13. #define DATA_MODULE_TYPE (1) //1表示NB模块,2表示4G cat1
  14. #define EOLSTATE (1) //1表示下线检测跳过,使用默认值,0表示使用下线检测
  15. #define DEFAULT_SN "RLTEST00000000002" //默认上传的SN编码
  16. #define APPSWVERSION 0x0300000A //数据模块软件版本号
  17. #define TCP_ADD "" //数据上传的地址
  18. #define TCP_PORT 8712 //数据上传的端口
  19. #define NB_OTHER_TEMP_NUM (4) //NB采集的温度个数
  20. #define HWVERSION 0x0102 //硬件主版本,现为V1.2板
  21. #define BLSWVERSION 0x01020000 //BootLoader版本号V1.2.0.0
  22. #define DRVSWVERSION 0x01050000 //驱动层版本号V1.4.0.0 驱动层1.5.0.0,增加了三轴
  23. #define APP_CONFIG_FILE_NAME "qxappconfig.nvm"
  24. #define APP_DATAINFO_FILE_NAME "qxappDataInfo3.nvm"
  25. #define BCU_DATAINFO_FILE_NAME "qxBcuDataInfo.nvm"
  26. #define BATT_SN_LEN 17
  27. #define BMS_OTHER_TEMP 2
  28. #define WORK_TIME 5
  29. #define SLEEP_TIME 60
  30. #define BATT_IDLE_SYM 0x00 //静置
  31. #define BATT_CHARGE_SYM 0x02 //充电
  32. #define BATT_DISCHARGE_SYM 0x01 //放电
  33. #define BATT_MOVE_SYM 0x01 //移动
  34. #define BATT_NO_MOVE_SYM 0x00 //静止
  35. #define TCP_START_SYM1 0x23
  36. #define TCP_START_SYM2 0x23
  37. #define TCP_CMD_SYM 0x02 //实时信息上报是0x02
  38. #define TCP_HEART_SYM 0x07 //心跳包标志
  39. #define TCP_ANS_SYM 0xFE
  40. /*-------以下为下行指令定义区----------*/
  41. #define TCP_QUERY_SYM 0x80
  42. #define TCP_SETCMD_SYM 0x81
  43. #define TCP_CONCMD_SYM 0x82
  44. /*----------------end----------------*/
  45. //encrypt methord
  46. #define TCP_ENCPT_ENABLE 0x00
  47. #define TCP_ENCPT_DISABLE 0x01
  48. //message type mark 0x02上报数据单元定义区
  49. #define BATTMSG 0x80
  50. #define GPSMSG 0x82
  51. #define STATESMSG 0x85
  52. #define VERSIONMSG 0x86
  53. #define DEBUGMSG 0x8C
  54. //BMS升级区定义
  55. #define FLASH_BMS_FOTA_START_ADDR 0x2E6000 //BMS升级文件存储起始地址
  56. #define FLASH_BMS_FOTA_LEN 0x32000 //BMS升级文件存储长度 = =200k
  57. #define FLASH_BMS_FOTA_END_ADDR 0x318000 //BMS升级文件存储结束地址
  58. //declear struct vars 结构体变量定义
  59. typedef struct _AppConfigDataType
  60. {
  61. BOOL appDataModify; //数据更改标志位
  62. UINT8 battSN[BATT_SN_LEN]; //电池SN号码
  63. BOOL isBattLocked; //0:not locked; 1:locked //暂时取消没有使用
  64. UINT8 chargEndWorkTime; //
  65. UINT8 BattTempCount; //电池温度个数
  66. UINT8 BattCellCount; //电池电压串数
  67. UINT8 BmsHwVersion;
  68. UINT8 BmsSwVersion;
  69. UINT32 BLSwVersion;
  70. UINT32 DrvSwVersion;
  71. UINT32 AppSwVersion; //APP软件版本
  72. UINT8 EOLState;
  73. }AppConfigDataType;
  74. typedef struct _AppConfigDataHeader
  75. {
  76. UINT16 fileBodySize; //file body size, not include size of header;
  77. UINT8 checkSum;
  78. }AppConfigDataHeader;
  79. typedef struct _AppDataType
  80. {
  81. BOOL appDataModify; //数据更改标志位
  82. UINT8 BattInfoSendFreqHigh; //电池信息发送间隔高频,单位s
  83. UINT8 BattInfoSendFreqNomal; //电池信息发送间隔正常,单位s
  84. UINT8 BattInfoSendFreqLow; //电池信息发送间隔低频,单位s
  85. UINT8 PosInfoSendFreqHigh; //定位信息发送间隔高频,单位s
  86. UINT8 PosInfoSendFreqNormal; //定位信息发送间隔正常,单位s
  87. UINT8 PosInfoSendFreqLow; //定位信息发送间隔低频,单位s
  88. UINT32 AccMileage; //累计里程,单位m
  89. UINT16 SysReStartCount; //系统重启次数
  90. UINT8 RelayControl; //继电器控制
  91. UINT8 BattForceLock; //电池强制锁定状态
  92. UINT8 BattLock; //电池锁定状态
  93. UINT8 BattStolenFlag; //电池被盗状态
  94. UINT8 UserLock; // 用户锁锁定
  95. UINT8 RentalLock; //租期锁锁定
  96. UINT8 RentalType; //租期类型
  97. UINT8 ExpiryTimeArray[6]; //超期时间
  98. UINT8 ErrorMsg;
  99. }AppDataBody;
  100. typedef struct _AppAlgorithmType
  101. {
  102. BOOL appDataModify; //数据更改标志位
  103. UINT32 blcv_Q_totalCpE[28]; //累计均衡容量 读取量 数组最大28
  104. UINT16 blcv_Q_reqCpE[28]; //均衡需求容量 读取量 数组最大28
  105. UINT16 socd_pct_bcuSocE; //电池显示SOC 读取量;
  106. UINT16 socd_pct_battSocE; //电池真实SOC 读取量;
  107. UINT16 sohd_tm_chrgStartStatE; //充电前静置时间读取量;
  108. BOOL sohd_flg_chrgEndE; //充电结束标志位读取量;
  109. UINT16 sohv_V_chrgStartStatE[28]; //充电开始时刻的单体电压(数组)读取量;
  110. UINT16 sohd_Q_chrgE; //充入容量读取量;
  111. UINT16 sohv_Q_packCapArrE[10]; //10次整包容量(数组)读取量;
  112. UINT16 sohv_Q_cellCapArrE[28]; //
  113. }AppAlgorithmData;
  114. typedef struct _AppDataHeader
  115. {
  116. UINT16 fileBodySize; //file body size, not include size of header;
  117. UINT8 checkSum;
  118. }AppDataHeader;
  119. typedef struct _BCUDataHeader
  120. {
  121. UINT16 fileBodySize; //file body size, not include size of header;
  122. UINT8 checkSum;
  123. }BcuDataHeader;
  124. typedef struct AppSocketConnectionContext_Tag
  125. {
  126. INT32 id;
  127. INT32 status;
  128. }AppSocketConnectionContext;
  129. typedef enum
  130. {
  131. IDLE = 0,
  132. WORK,
  133. LISTEN
  134. }process_app;
  135. typedef struct _GPSInfo
  136. {
  137. UINT8 locateMark;
  138. UINT8 satelliteNum;
  139. UINT8 direction[2];
  140. UINT8 speed[2];
  141. UINT8 altitude[2];
  142. UINT8 latitude[4];
  143. UINT8 longitude[4];
  144. UINT8 AccMileage[4];
  145. }GPSInfo;
  146. #endif