/*============================================================================ Copyright (c) 2020 Quectel Wireless Solution, Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Quectel Wireless Solution Proprietary and Confidential. =============================================================================*/ /*=========================================================================== EDIT HISTORY FOR MODULE This section contains comments describing changes made to the module. Notice that changes are listed in reverse chronological order. WHEN WHO WHAT, WHERE, WHY ---------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================*/ /*=========================================================================== * include files ===========================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include "ql_api_osi.h" #include "ql_log.h" #include "ql_gpio.h" #include "ql_api_spi.h" #include "ethernet_demo_macro.h" #include "ql_api_ethernet.h" #include "ql_api_datacall.h" #include "ql_api_nw.h" #include "ql_power.h" #include "sockets.h" #include "lwip/ip_addr.h" #include "lwip/ip6_addr.h" #include "lwip/inet.h" #include "lwip/tcp.h" #ifdef ETHERNET_PHY_CH395 #include "CH395.H" #endif /*======================================================================== * Macro Definition *========================================================================*/ #define QL_ETHERNET_LOG_LEVEL QL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO #define QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG(msg, ...) QL_LOG(QL_ETHERNET_LOG_LEVEL, "phy_demo", msg, ##__VA_ARGS__) #ifdef ETHERNET_PHY_CH395 // SPI #define QL_CUR_SPI_PORT QL_SPI_PORT1 #define QL_CUR_SPI_CS_PIN QL_CUR_SPI1_CS_PIN #define QL_CUR_SPI_CS_FUNC QL_CUR_SPI1_CS_FUNC #define QL_CUR_SPI_CLK_PIN QL_CUR_SPI1_CLK_PIN #define QL_CUR_SPI_CLK_FUNC QL_CUR_SPI1_CLK_FUNC #define QL_CUR_SPI_DO_PIN QL_CUR_SPI1_DO_PIN #define QL_CUR_SPI_DO_FUNC QL_CUR_SPI1_DO_FUNC #define QL_CUR_SPI_DI_PIN QL_CUR_SPI1_DI_PIN #define QL_CUR_SPI_DI_FUNC QL_CUR_SPI1_DI_FUNC // GPIO #define QL_CUR_INT_PIN 59 #define QL_CUR_INT_PIN_GPIO_FUNC 0 #define QL_CUR_INT_GPIO_NUM GPIO_2 #define QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_PIN 121 #define QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_PIN_GPIO_FUNC 0 #define QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_GPIO_NUM GPIO_23 #define QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_DEBOUNCE_TIME 100 // TCP #define QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_IP4_SIZE 4 #define QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_CLIENTS_CNT 6 // HTTP #define QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_ALIGN 8 #define QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_BUFSIZE 8096 #define QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_SEND_BYTES (2 * 1024) // send 2KB each time #define QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_CONTENT_LEN (10 * 1024 * 1024) // 10MB #endif /*======================================================================== * Enumeration Definition *========================================================================*/ /*======================================================================== * Type Definition *=========================================================================*/ #ifdef ETHERNET_PHY_CH395 typedef struct { int id; int fd; uint8_t srcip[QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_IP4_SIZE]; uint16_t srcport; uint8_t destip[QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_IP4_SIZE]; uint16_t destport; ql_task_t task; struct sockaddr_in addr_in; } ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s; typedef struct { ql_spi_port_e port; ql_LvlMode lvl; } ethernet_phy_spi_cs_s; #endif typedef struct { ql_task_t task; #ifdef ETHERNET_PHY_CH395 ql_mutex_t mutex; // TCP ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s server_ctx; ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s client_ctx[QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_CLIENTS_CNT]; int client_num; // Debounce ql_timer_t timer; ql_GpioNum gpio_num; #endif } ethernet_phy_manager_s; /*======================================================================== * Global Variable *========================================================================*/ ethernet_phy_manager_s ethernet_phy_manager = {0}; /*======================================================================== * function Definition *========================================================================*/ #ifdef ETHERNET_PHY_CH395 void ethernet_phy_create_mutex(ql_mutex_t *lockaddr) { if (!lockaddr) { return; } if (NULL == *lockaddr) { ql_rtos_mutex_create(lockaddr); } } void ethernet_phy_delete_mutex(ql_mutex_t lock) { if (NULL == lock) { return; } ql_rtos_mutex_delete(lock); } void ethernet_phy_try_lock(ql_mutex_t lock) { if (NULL == lock) { return; } ql_rtos_mutex_lock(lock, 0xffffffffUL); } void ethernet_phy_unlock(ql_mutex_t lock) { if (NULL == lock) { return; } ql_rtos_mutex_unlock(lock); } void ethernet_phy_send_event(uint32_t id, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2, uint32_t param3) { ethernet_phy_manager_s *manager = ðernet_phy_manager; ql_event_t event; event.id = id; event.param1 = param1; event.param2 = param2; event.param3 = param3; ethernet_phy_try_lock(manager->mutex); ql_rtos_event_send(manager->task, &event); ethernet_phy_unlock(manager->mutex); } void ethernet_phy_ch395_app_reset_cb(void *ctx) { // Do hardware reset here. QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("ch395 reset cb"); } void ethernet_phy_ch395_app_notify_cb(void *ctx) { ch395_app_net_status_e status = *((ch395_app_net_status_e *)ctx); QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("get phy status: %d", status); if (status == CH395_APP_NET_CONNECTED) { ethernet_phy_send_event(QUEC_ETHERNET_APP_CONNECTED, 0, 0, 0); } else if (status == CH395_APP_NET_DISCONNECTED) { ethernet_phy_send_event(QUEC_ETHERNET_APP_DISCONNECTED, 0, 0, 0); } } void ethernet_phy_hot_plug_timer_cb(void *ctx) { ql_GpioNum gpio_num = *((ql_GpioNum*)ctx); ql_LvlMode lvl = LVL_LOW; ql_gpio_get_level(QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_GPIO_NUM, &lvl); if(lvl == LVL_LOW) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("eth plug in"); ch395_app_reset(); } else { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("eth plug out"); } if(QL_GPIO_SUCCESS !=ql_int_enable(gpio_num)) { return; } } void ethernet_phy_hot_plug_cb(void *ctx) { ql_GpioNum gpio_num = *((ql_GpioNum*)ctx); if(QL_GPIO_SUCCESS !=ql_int_disable(gpio_num)) { return; } ethernet_phy_manager_s *manager = ðernet_phy_manager; if(manager->timer == NULL || ql_rtos_timer_is_running(manager->timer)) { return; } QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("hot plug debounce"); ql_rtos_timer_start(manager->timer, QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_DEBOUNCE_TIME, 0); } int ethernet_phy_int_gpio(void *cb, void *ctx) { int err = -1; // ch395 interrupt if (QL_GPIO_SUCCESS != ql_pin_set_func(QL_CUR_INT_PIN, QL_CUR_INT_PIN_GPIO_FUNC)) { goto exit; } if (QL_GPIO_SUCCESS != ql_int_register(QL_CUR_INT_GPIO_NUM, EDGE_TRIGGER, DEBOUNCE_DIS, EDGE_FALLING, PULL_UP, cb, ctx)) { goto exit; } if (QL_GPIO_SUCCESS != ql_int_enable(QL_CUR_INT_GPIO_NUM)) { goto exit; } // ch395 hot plug /* ethernet_phy_manager_s *manager = ðernet_phy_manager; manager->gpio_num = QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_GPIO_NUM; if (QL_GPIO_SUCCESS != ql_pin_set_func(QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_PIN, QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_PIN_GPIO_FUNC)) { goto exit; } if (QL_GPIO_SUCCESS != ql_int_register(QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_GPIO_NUM, EDGE_TRIGGER, DEBOUNCE_EN, EDGE_BOTH, PULL_UP, ethernet_phy_hot_plug_cb, &(manager->gpio_num))) { goto exit; } if (QL_GPIO_SUCCESS != ql_int_enable(QL_ETHERNET_HOT_PLUG_GPIO_NUM)) { goto exit; } */ err = 0; exit: return err; } void ethernet_phy_set_cs(void *ctx) { if (!ctx) { return; } ql_LvlMode lvl = (ql_LvlMode)(*((uint8_t *)ctx)); if (lvl == LVL_HIGH) { ql_spi_cs_high(QL_CUR_SPI_PORT); } else { ql_spi_cs_low(QL_CUR_SPI_PORT); } } static void ethernet_phy_http_error(int nClientScok, int nStatusCode) { char str[256] = {0}; int ret = 0; char *pStrError = "HTTP/1.1 %d NOT FOUND\ Content-Type: text/html\ Accept-Ranges: bytes\ Server: HFS 2.3k\ Set-Cookie: HFS_SID_=0.974440259393305; path=/; HttpOnly\ Content-Encoding: gzip"; QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("httpd status code:%d", nStatusCode); ret = snprintf(str, 256, pStrError, nStatusCode); if (0 != ret) { if (ret != write(nClientScok, str, ret)) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("socket send failed\n"); } } } static void ethernet_phy_http_send(int nClientScok) { int ret = 0, len = 0; int len_temp = 0; char *buffer_align = NULL; char *buffer = NULL; buffer_align = (char *)malloc(QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_ALIGN + QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_BUFSIZE); if (NULL == buffer_align) { ethernet_phy_http_error(nClientScok, 500); close(nClientScok); return; } buffer = (char *)OSI_ALIGN_UP(buffer_align, QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_ALIGN); memset(buffer, 0, QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_BUFSIZE + QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_ALIGN); // read any http streams,no need to parse struct timeval timeout = {3,0}; setsockopt(nClientScok,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(char *)&timeout,sizeof(struct timeval)); ret = read(nClientScok, buffer, QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_BUFSIZE); if (ret <= 0) { ethernet_phy_http_error(nClientScok, 400); goto exit; } else { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("recv : %s\n", buffer); } len = QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_CONTENT_LEN; snprintf(buffer, QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_BUFSIZE, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nServer: Quectel\nContent-Length: %d\nConnection: close\nContent-Type: %s\n\n", len, "application/octet-stream"); // send http header len_temp = strlen(buffer); if (len_temp != write(nClientScok, buffer, len_temp)) { goto exit; } // send QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_SEND_BYTES each time int send_bytes = 0; int has_sent = 0; while (has_sent < len) { if (has_sent + QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_SEND_BYTES > len) { send_bytes = len - QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_SEND_BYTES; } else { send_bytes = QL_ETHERNET_HTTP_SEND_BYTES; } ret = write(nClientScok, buffer, send_bytes); if (ret < 0) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("socket send failed, return %d\n", ret); break; } QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("phy http send %d/%d/%d", send_bytes, has_sent, len); has_sent += send_bytes; } exit: close(nClientScok); free(buffer_align); return; } static void ethernet_phy_client_thread(void *argv) { ethernet_phy_manager_s *manager = ðernet_phy_manager; ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *ctx = (ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *)argv; QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("client start:%s:%d", inet_ntoa(ctx->addr_in.sin_addr), ctx->addr_in.sin_port); // Better use "select" for deleting clients quickly and safely once detecting phy status change. ethernet_phy_http_send(ctx->fd); QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("client end:%s:%d", inet_ntoa(ctx->addr_in.sin_addr), ctx->addr_in.sin_port); ethernet_phy_try_lock(manager->mutex); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s)); ctx->id = -1; ctx->fd = -1; manager->client_num--; ethernet_phy_unlock(manager->mutex); ql_rtos_task_delete(NULL); } int ethernet_phy_tcp_client_create(void *argv) { if (!argv) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("client param err"); return -1; } ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *ctx = (ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *)argv; QlOSStatus err = QL_OSI_SUCCESS; err = ql_rtos_task_create(&(ctx->task), 4 * 1024, APP_PRIORITY_NORMAL, "phy_client", ethernet_phy_client_thread, argv, 10); if (err != QL_OSI_SUCCESS) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("task created failed"); return -1; } return 0; } void ethernet_phy_tcp_server(void *argv) { ethernet_phy_manager_s *manager = ðernet_phy_manager; ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *ctx = (ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *)argv; int socket_fd = -1; int ret = 0; struct sockaddr_in local4, client4; ip4_addr_t int_srcip; IP4_ADDR(&int_srcip, ctx->srcip[0], ctx->srcip[1], ctx->srcip[2], ctx->srcip[3]); memset(&local4, 0x00, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); local4.sin_family = AF_INET; local4.sin_port = htons(ctx->srcport); memcpy(&(local4.sin_addr), &int_srcip, sizeof(int_srcip)); QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("socket start!"); socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (socket_fd < 0) { goto exit; } ret = bind(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&local4, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (ret < 0) { goto exit; } ret = listen(socket_fd, 1); if (ret < 0) { goto exit; } ethernet_phy_try_lock(manager->mutex); ctx->fd = socket_fd; ethernet_phy_unlock(manager->mutex); QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("tcp server wait for clients"); // Better use "select" for deleting server quickly and safely once detecting phy status change. while (1) { int len = sizeof(struct sockaddr); int con_fd = accept(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&client4, &len); if (con_fd < 0) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("con fd err"); goto exit; } ethernet_phy_try_lock(manager->mutex); //Find NULL task ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *client_ctx = NULL; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_CLIENTS_CNT; i++) { client_ctx = &(manager->client_ctx[i]); if(NULL == client_ctx->task) { break; } } if(i < QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_CLIENTS_CNT) { client_ctx->id = i; client_ctx->fd = con_fd; memcpy((void *)(&(client_ctx->addr_in)), &client4, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (0 == ethernet_phy_tcp_client_create((void *)client_ctx)) { manager->client_num++; QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("client %d", manager->client_num); } else { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("client create failed %d/%d",manager->client_num,QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_CLIENTS_CNT); } } else { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("client max %d/%d,end", manager->client_num,QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_CLIENTS_CNT); } ethernet_phy_unlock(manager->mutex); } exit: QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("tcp server end"); close(socket_fd); ethernet_phy_try_lock(manager->mutex); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s)); ctx->fd = -1; ethernet_phy_unlock(manager->mutex); ql_rtos_task_delete(NULL); return; } void ethernet_phy_tcp_server_create(void *argv) { if (!argv) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("server param err"); return; } ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *ctx = (ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *)argv; if (ctx->task) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("server exist"); return; } QlOSStatus err = QL_OSI_SUCCESS; err = ql_rtos_task_create(&(ctx->task), 4 * 1024, APP_PRIORITY_NORMAL, "phy_server", ethernet_phy_tcp_server, argv, 10); if (err != QL_OSI_SUCCESS) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("task created failed"); return; } } #endif static void ethernet_phy_thread(void *argv) { ethernet_phy_manager_s *manager = ðernet_phy_manager; #ifdef ETHERNET_PHY_CH395 uint8_t srcip[QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_IP4_SIZE] = {192, 168, 1, 100}; uint16_t srcport = 8252; // Zero for random port. uint8_t gw[QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_IP4_SIZE] = {192, 168, 1, 1}; uint8_t netmask[QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_IP4_SIZE] = {255, 255, 255, 0}; ethernet_phy_create_mutex(&(manager->mutex)); /* ch395q init */ ql_ethernet_phy_s spi_ctx = { .mode = QL_ETHERNET_PHY_HW_SPI_MODE, .hw_spi.mosi_pin_num = QL_CUR_SPI_DO_PIN, .hw_spi.mosi_func_sel = QL_CUR_SPI_DO_FUNC, .hw_spi.miso_pin_num = QL_CUR_SPI_DI_PIN, .hw_spi.miso_func_sel = QL_CUR_SPI_DO_FUNC, .hw_spi.clk_pin_num = QL_CUR_SPI_CLK_PIN, .hw_spi.clk_func_sel = QL_CUR_SPI_CLK_FUNC, .hw_spi.cs_pin_num = QL_CUR_SPI_CS_PIN, .hw_spi.cs_func_sel = QL_CUR_SPI_CS_FUNC, /*********************************************/ .hw_spi.config.input_mode = QL_SPI_INPUT_TRUE, .hw_spi.config.port = QL_CUR_SPI_PORT, .hw_spi.config.spiclk = QL_SPI_CLK_12_5MHZ, #if QL_SPI_16BIT_DMA .hw_spi.config.framesize = 16, #else .hw_spi.config.framesize = 8, #endif .hw_spi.config.cs_polarity0 = QL_SPI_CS_ACTIVE_LOW, .hw_spi.config.cs_polarity1 = QL_SPI_CS_ACTIVE_LOW, .hw_spi.config.cpol = QL_SPI_CPOL_LOW, .hw_spi.config.cpha = QL_SPI_CPHA_1Edge, .hw_spi.config.input_sel = QL_SPI_DI_1, .hw_spi.config.transmode = QL_SPI_DMA_IRQ, .hw_spi.config.cs = QL_SPI_CS0, .hw_spi.config.clk_delay = QL_SPI_CLK_DELAY_0, }; if (QL_ETHERNET_SUCCESS != ql_ethernet_phy_init(&spi_ctx)) { goto exit; } if(QL_OSI_SUCCESS != ql_rtos_timer_create(&(manager->timer),manager->task,ethernet_phy_hot_plug_timer_cb,&(manager->gpio_num))) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("timer create fail!"); goto exit; } if (!ch395_app_cb_register(CH395_APP_CB_TYPE_RESET, ethernet_phy_ch395_app_reset_cb)) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("ch395 register fail!"); goto exit; } if (!ch395_app_cb_register(CH395_APP_CB_TYPE_NOTIFY, ethernet_phy_ch395_app_notify_cb)) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("ch395 register fail!"); goto exit; } if (0 != ethernet_phy_int_gpio(ch395_app_get_gpio_cb(), NULL)) { goto exit; } /* QUECTEL------------------CH395Q--------------------PC IP_LAN| GW | Any except for */ ql_ethernet_ctx_s ctx = { .ip4 = srcip, .gw = gw, .netmask = netmask, .mode = QL_ETHERNET_MODE_NONE, }; if (!ch395_app_init(&ctx)) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("ch395 init fail!"); goto exit; } while (1) { ql_event_t event; if (ql_event_try_wait(&event) != 0) { continue; } if (event.id == 0) { continue; } QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("ethernet event:%x", event.id); switch (event.id) { case QUEC_ETHERNET_APP_CONNECTED: { ethernet_phy_tcp_ctx_s *ctx = &(manager->server_ctx); ethernet_phy_try_lock(manager->mutex); memcpy(ctx->srcip, srcip, QL_ETHERNET_PHY_TCP_IP4_SIZE); ctx->srcport = srcport; ethernet_phy_unlock(manager->mutex); ethernet_phy_tcp_server_create(ctx); break; } case QUEC_ETHERNET_APP_DISCONNECTED: { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("phy discon"); /* Server and clients can be set deleting flag here. Better use "select" for deleting server/clients quickly and safely once detecting phy status change. */ break; } default: { break; } } } exit: QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("ethernet demo end"); if(manager->timer) { ql_rtos_timer_stop(manager->timer); ql_rtos_timer_delete(manager->timer); manager->timer = NULL; } if (manager->mutex) { ql_rtos_mutex_delete(manager->mutex); manager->mutex = NULL; } #endif if (manager->task) { manager->task = NULL; ql_rtos_task_delete(NULL); } } void ql_ethernet_demo_init(void) { ethernet_phy_manager_s *manager = ðernet_phy_manager; QlOSStatus err = QL_OSI_SUCCESS; err = ql_rtos_task_create(&(manager->task), 4 * 1024, APP_PRIORITY_NORMAL, "q_phy_demo", ethernet_phy_thread, NULL, 10); if (err != QL_OSI_SUCCESS) { QL_ETHERNET_DEMO_LOG("task created failed"); return; } }