/* * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making IoT Hub available. * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ql_api_osi.h" #include "ql_api_datacall.h" #include "qcloud_iot_export.h" #include "qcloud_iot_import.h" #include "utils_getopt.h" #define MAGIC_HEAD_NUM 0x55aa #define PROFILE_IDX 1 typedef struct _sTestData_ { uint8_t m_power_switch; uint8_t m_color; uint8_t m_brightness; } sTestData; typedef struct _sRawDataFrame_ { uint16_t magic_head; uint8_t msg_type; uint8_t res_byte; uint32_t clientId; sTestData data; } sRawDataFrame; typedef enum { eMSG_REPORT = 0x01, eMSG_CONTROL = 0x20, eMSG_DEFAULT = 0xFF, } eMsgType; static uint32_t sg_client_id = 0; static bool sg_loop_test = true; #ifdef AUTH_MODE_CERT static char sg_cert_file[PATH_MAX + 1]; // full path of device cert file static char sg_key_file[PATH_MAX + 1]; // full path of device key file #endif static DeviceInfo sg_devInfo; static int sg_sub_packet_id = -1; // user's log print callback static bool log_handler(const char *message) { // return true if print success return false; } // MQTT event callback static void _mqtt_event_handler(void *pclient, void *handle_context, MQTTEventMsg *msg) { MQTTMessage *mqtt_messge = (MQTTMessage *)msg->msg; uintptr_t packet_id = (uintptr_t)msg->msg; switch (msg->event_type) { case MQTT_EVENT_UNDEF: Log_i("undefined event occur."); break; case MQTT_EVENT_DISCONNECT: Log_i("MQTT disconnect."); break; case MQTT_EVENT_RECONNECT: Log_i("MQTT reconnect."); break; case MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISH_RECVEIVED: Log_i( "topic message arrived but without any related handle: topic=%.*s, " "topic_msg=%.*s", mqtt_messge->topic_len, mqtt_messge->ptopic, mqtt_messge->payload_len, mqtt_messge->payload); break; case MQTT_EVENT_SUBCRIBE_SUCCESS: Log_i("subscribe success, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); sg_sub_packet_id = packet_id; break; case MQTT_EVENT_SUBCRIBE_TIMEOUT: Log_i("subscribe wait ack timeout, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); sg_sub_packet_id = packet_id; break; case MQTT_EVENT_SUBCRIBE_NACK: Log_i("subscribe nack, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); sg_sub_packet_id = packet_id; break; case MQTT_EVENT_UNSUBCRIBE_SUCCESS: Log_i("unsubscribe success, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); break; case MQTT_EVENT_UNSUBCRIBE_TIMEOUT: Log_i("unsubscribe timeout, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); break; case MQTT_EVENT_UNSUBCRIBE_NACK: Log_i("unsubscribe nack, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); break; case MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISH_SUCCESS: Log_i("publish success, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); break; case MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISH_TIMEOUT: Log_i("publish timeout, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); break; case MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISH_NACK: Log_i("publish nack, packet-id=%u", (unsigned int)packet_id); break; default: Log_i("Should NOT arrive here."); break; } } // Setup MQTT construct parameters static int _setup_connect_init_params(MQTTInitParams *initParams) { int ret; ret = HAL_GetDevInfo((void *)&sg_devInfo); if (QCLOUD_RET_SUCCESS != ret) { return ret; } initParams->region = sg_devInfo.region; initParams->device_name = sg_devInfo.device_name; initParams->product_id = sg_devInfo.product_id; #ifdef AUTH_MODE_CERT // char certs_dir[PATH_MAX + 1] = "certs"; // char current_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; // char *cwd = getcwd(current_path, sizeof(current_path)); // // if (cwd == NULL) { // Log_e("getcwd return NULL"); // return QCLOUD_ERR_FAILURE; // } // //#ifdef WIN32 // sprintf(sg_cert_file, "%s\\%s\\%s", current_path, certs_dir, sg_devInfo.dev_cert_file_name); // sprintf(sg_key_file, "%s\\%s\\%s", current_path, certs_dir, sg_devInfo.dev_key_file_name); //#else // sprintf(sg_cert_file, "%s/%s/%s", current_path, certs_dir, sg_devInfo.dev_cert_file_name); // sprintf(sg_key_file, "%s/%s/%s", current_path, certs_dir, sg_devInfo.dev_key_file_name); //#endif sprintf(sg_cert_file, "%s", sg_devInfo.dev_cert_file_name); sprintf(sg_key_file, "%s", sg_devInfo.dev_key_file_name); initParams->cert_file = sg_cert_file; initParams->key_file = sg_key_file; #else initParams->device_secret = sg_devInfo.device_secret; #endif initParams->command_timeout = QCLOUD_IOT_MQTT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; initParams->keep_alive_interval_ms = QCLOUD_IOT_MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERNAL; initParams->auto_connect_enable = 1; initParams->event_handle.h_fp = _mqtt_event_handler; initParams->event_handle.context = NULL; return QCLOUD_RET_SUCCESS; } static void HexDump(uint8_t *pData, uint16_t len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i % 32 == 0) { HAL_Printf("\n"); } HAL_Printf(" %02X", pData[i]); } HAL_Printf("\n"); } // publish raw data msg static int _publish_raw_data_msg(void *client, QoS qos) { sRawDataFrame raw_data; memset((char *)&raw_data, 0, sizeof(sRawDataFrame)); raw_data.magic_head = MAGIC_HEAD_NUM; raw_data.msg_type = eMSG_REPORT; raw_data.clientId = sg_client_id++; srand((unsigned)HAL_GetTimeMs()); raw_data.data.m_power_switch = 1; raw_data.data.m_color = rand() % 3; raw_data.data.m_brightness = rand() % 100; char topicName[128] = {0}; sprintf(topicName, "$thing/up/raw/%s/%s", sg_devInfo.product_id, sg_devInfo.device_name); PublishParams pub_params = DEFAULT_PUB_PARAMS; pub_params.qos = qos; pub_params.payload = &raw_data; pub_params.payload_len = sizeof(raw_data); Log_d("raw_data published dump:"); HexDump((uint8_t *)&raw_data, sizeof(raw_data)); return IOT_MQTT_Publish(client, topicName, &pub_params); } // callback when MQTT msg arrives static void on_raw_data_message_callback(void *pClient, MQTTMessage *message, void *userData) { if (message == NULL) { return; } Log_i("Receive Message With topicName:%.*s, payloadlen:%d", (int)message->topic_len, message->ptopic, (int)message->payload_len); Log_d("raw_data reveived dump:"); HexDump((uint8_t *)message->payload, (int)message->payload_len); } // subscrib MQTT topic static int _subscribe_raw_data_topic(void *client, QoS qos) { static char topic_name[128] = {0}; int size = HAL_Snprintf(topic_name, sizeof(topic_name), "$thing/down/raw/%s/%s", sg_devInfo.product_id, sg_devInfo.device_name); if (size < 0 || size > sizeof(topic_name) - 1) { Log_e("topic content length not enough! content size:%d buf size:%d", size, (int)sizeof(topic_name)); return QCLOUD_ERR_FAILURE; } SubscribeParams sub_params = DEFAULT_SUB_PARAMS; sub_params.qos = qos; sub_params.on_message_handler = on_raw_data_message_callback; return IOT_MQTT_Subscribe(client, topic_name, &sub_params); } //static int parse_arguments(int argc, char **argv) //{ // int c; // while ((c = utils_getopt(argc, argv, "c:l")) != EOF) switch (c) { // case 'c': // if (HAL_SetDevInfoFile(utils_optarg)) // return -1; // break; // // case 'l': // sg_loop_test = true; // break; // // default: // HAL_Printf( // "usage: %s [options]\n" // " [-c ] \n" // " [-l ] loop test or not\n", // argv[0]); // return -1; // } // return 0; //} static int datacall_satrt(void) { int ret = 0; int i = 0; ql_data_call_info_s info; char ip4_addr_str[16] = {0}; uint8_t nSim = 0; ql_rtos_task_sleep_s(10); Log_e("wait for network register done"); while ((ret = ql_network_register_wait(nSim, 120)) != 0 && i < 10) { i++; ql_rtos_task_sleep_s(1); } if (ret == 0) { i = 0; Log_e("====network registered!!!!===="); } else { Log_e("====network register failure!!!!!===="); goto exit; } ql_set_data_call_asyn_mode(nSim, PROFILE_IDX, 0); Log_e("===start data call===="); ret = ql_start_data_call(nSim, PROFILE_IDX, QL_PDP_TYPE_IP, "uninet", NULL, NULL, 0); Log_e("===data call result:%d", ret); if (ret != 0) { Log_e("====data call failure!!!!====="); } memset(&info, 0x00, sizeof(ql_data_call_info_s)); ret = ql_get_data_call_info(nSim, PROFILE_IDX, &info); if (ret != 0) { Log_e("ql_get_data_call_info ret: %d", ret); ql_stop_data_call(nSim, PROFILE_IDX); goto exit; } Log_i("info.profile_idx: %d", info.profile_idx); Log_i("info.ip_version: %d", info.ip_version); Log_i("info.v4.state: %d", info.v4.state); //Log_i("info.v4.reconnect: %d", info.v4.reconnect); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &info.v4.addr.ip, ip4_addr_str, sizeof(ip4_addr_str)); Log_i("info.v4.addr.ip: %s", ip4_addr_str); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &info.v4.addr.pri_dns, ip4_addr_str, sizeof(ip4_addr_str)); Log_i("info.v4.addr.pri_dns: %s", ip4_addr_str); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &info.v4.addr.sec_dns, ip4_addr_str, sizeof(ip4_addr_str)); Log_i("info.v4.addr.sec_dns: %s", ip4_addr_str); return 0; exit: return -1; } void raw_data_sample(void *arg) { int rc; void *client=NULL; // init log level IOT_Log_Set_Level(eLOG_DEBUG); IOT_Log_Set_MessageHandler(log_handler); /*执行拨号操作,设备联网*/ if(datacall_satrt() != 0) { goto exit; } // parse arguments for device info file and loop test; // rc = parse_arguments(argc, argv); // if (rc != QCLOUD_RET_SUCCESS) { // Log_e("parse arguments error, rc = %d", rc); // return rc; // } // init connection MQTTInitParams init_params = DEFAULT_MQTTINIT_PARAMS; rc = _setup_connect_init_params(&init_params); if (rc != QCLOUD_RET_SUCCESS) { Log_e("init params error, rc = %d", rc); goto exit; } // create MQTT client and connect with server client = IOT_MQTT_Construct(&init_params); if (client != NULL) { Log_i("Cloud Device Construct Success"); } else { rc = IOT_MQTT_GetErrCode(); Log_e("MQTT Construct failed, rc = %d", rc); goto exit; } #ifdef SYSTEM_COMM long time = 0; // get system timestamp from server rc = IOT_Get_Sys_Resource(client, eRESOURCE_TIME, &sg_devInfo, &time); if (QCLOUD_RET_SUCCESS == rc) { Log_i("system time is %ld", time); } else { Log_e("get system time failed!"); } #endif // subscribe normal topics here rc = _subscribe_raw_data_topic(client, QOS1); if (rc < 0) { Log_e("Client Subscribe raw data topic Failed: %d", rc); goto exit; } // wait for subscription result IOT_MQTT_Yield(client, 500); do { if (sg_sub_packet_id > 0) { rc = _publish_raw_data_msg(client, QOS0); if (rc < 0) { Log_e("client publish topic failed :%d.", rc); } } rc = IOT_MQTT_Yield(client, 500); if (rc == QCLOUD_ERR_MQTT_ATTEMPTING_RECONNECT) { HAL_SleepMs(1000); continue; } else if (rc != QCLOUD_RET_SUCCESS && rc != QCLOUD_RET_MQTT_RECONNECTED) { Log_e("exit with error: %d", rc); break; } if (sg_loop_test) HAL_SleepMs(5000); } while (sg_loop_test); exit: if(client!=NULL) { rc = IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&client); } ql_rtos_task_delete(NULL); } int raw_data_sample_start(void) { int err = 0; int count = 0; ql_task_t raw_data_sample_task = NULL; /* 主循环进入休眠 */ while (count < 10) { count++; ql_rtos_task_sleep_s(1); Log_e("ql_qcloud_sdk_raw_data_sample_start_init -0x%04X\n", err); } err = ql_rtos_task_create(&raw_data_sample_task, 10*1024, APP_PRIORITY_NORMAL, "raw_data_sample", raw_data_sample, NULL, 5); if (err != QL_OSI_SUCCESS) { return -1; } return 0; }