dtools.md 3.5 KB


dtools is a collection of various command line tools for development and debugging.



$ dtools --version
dtools v1.0-91-g541e4eb

There is a global version for dtools, and there are no separated for each individual tool.

Commands List

$ dtools -h

It will show the supported command list and brief description.

Bash Completion

$ . setting/dtools_completion
$ dtools g<TAB><TAB>

A bash completion script is provided. After it is sourced, bash completion can be used to complete the command name.

Subcommand help

Each subcommand will support -h option, and show a brief description of the subcommand. For example:

$ dtools heapreport -h


For commands which needs to access target, connection options should be provided.

Type Description Supported
uart Connect target through UART. The protocol is host command. 8910
debughost Debughost is a special hardware in target. The physical connection is the same as UART, and hardware can process some kind of host commands. So, CPU won't be involved during reading and writing memory or registers. 8910
debuguart It is a special usage model of debughost. It uses debughost port, and using software host packets. The host packet will be processed by CPU. So, there are no cache coherency issue. Also it supports reading and writing ADI register with a single command. 8910
coolhost coolhost is a socket server. Typically, coolhost itself connects target through debughost. 8910
diagport Connect target through UART. The protocol is diag. 8811
channelserver Channelserver is a socket server. Typically, channelsever itself connects target through diag. 8811
cmm There are no physical connection to target. Rather, a .cmm file will be parsed. It will simulate target read and write. all

These connection types will be classified as:

  • online
  • offline: cmm is regarded as offline connection.