123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523 |
- /* Copyright (C) 2018 RDA Technologies Limited and/or its affiliates("RDA").
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
- * RDA assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the software,
- * conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work
- * right to the product. RDA reserves the right to make changes in the
- * software without notification. RDA also make no representation or
- * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified use
- * without further testing or modification.
- */
- #ifndef _DRV_SPI_H_
- #define _DRV_SPI_H_
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include "quec_cust_patch.h"
- #include "quec_proj_config.h"
- #include "hal_config.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #define FLASH_START_ADDR 0x00000000
- #define FLASH_MOUNT_SIZE (0x00800000 - 0x1000)
- #define FLASH_EB_SIZE 0x1000
- #define FLASH_PB_SIZE 0x200
- typedef enum
- {
- SPI_I2C_CS0 = 0,
- SPI_I2C_CS1,
- SPI_I2C_CS2,
- SPI_I2C_CS3,
- SPI_I2C_GPIO, //使用GPIO的方式来设置GPIO
- #endif
- } drvSpiCsSel;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiCpolPol;
- typedef enum
- {
- SPI_CPHA_1Edge,
- SPI_CPHA_2Edge,
- } drvSpiCphaPol;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiCsPol;
- typedef enum
- {
- SPI_DI_0 = 0,
- SPI_DI_1,
- SPI_DI_2,
- } drvSpiInputSel;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiRxTrigger;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiTxTrigger;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiPinCtrl;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpithreshold;
- #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_8910) || defined(CONFIG_SOC_8811)
- typedef struct
- {
- uint32_t rxOvf : 1;
- uint32_t txTh : 1;
- uint32_t txDmaDone : 1;
- uint32_t rxTh : 1;
- uint32_t rxDmaDone : 1;
- drvSpithreshold Tx_Rthreshold;
- drvSpithreshold Rx_Tthreshold;
- } drvSpiIrq;
- #elif defined(CONFIG_SOC_8850)
- //为了兼容8910的定义
- typedef struct
- {
- uint32_t rxOvf : 1;
- uint32_t txTh : 1;
- uint32_t txDmaDone : 1;
- uint32_t rxTh : 1;
- uint32_t rxDmaDone : 1;
- //drvSpithreshold Tx_Rthreshold;
- //drvSpithreshold Rx_Tthreshold;
- unsigned int Tx_Rthreshold : 5; //5bit:[0-31]对应0到31档的阈值
- unsigned int Rx_Tthreshold : 5; //5bit:[0-31]对应0到31档的阈值
- } drvSpiIrq;
- #else
- typedef struct
- {
- uint32_t rxf_full_raw_sts : 1; // [0]
- uint32_t rxf_empty_raw_sts : 1; // [1]
- uint32_t txf_full_raw_sts : 1; // [2]
- uint32_t tx_fifo_empty_w : 1; // [3]
- uint32_t rx_ovf_raw_sts : 1; // [4]
- uint32_t time_out_raw_sts : 1; // [5]
- uint32_t rxf_full_r : 1; // [6]
- uint32_t txf_empty_w : 1; // [7]
- uint32_t tx_end_irq : 1; // [8]
- uint32_t rx_end_irq : 1; // [9]
- } drvSpiIrq;
- #endif
- #endif
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiPinState;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiTransferMode;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SOC_8850
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvClkSource_t;
- typedef enum
- {
- } drvSpiWorkMode_t;
- #endif
- typedef struct
- {
- #ifdef CONFIG_SOC_8811
- bool clk_sel;
- #endif
- bool inputEn;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SOC_8850
- bool lsb;
- #endif
- uint8_t oe_delay;
- uint32_t name;
- uint32_t framesize;
- uint32_t baud;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SOC_8850
- drvSpiWorkMode_t work_mode;
- drvClkSource_t clk_source;
- #endif
- drvSpiCsPol cs_polarity0;
- drvSpiCsPol cs_polarity1;
- drvSpiCpolPol cpol;
- drvSpiCphaPol cpha;
- drvSpiInputSel input_sel;
- drvSpiTransferMode transmode;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SOC_8850
- uint8_t rxf_full_thrhld;
- uint8_t rxf_empty_thrhld;
- uint8_t txf_full_thrhld;
- uint8_t txf_empty_thrhld;
- uint32_t spi_tx_data_len;
- uint32_t spi_rx_data_len;
- #endif
- } drvSpiConfig_t;
- struct drvSpiMaster;
- typedef void (*callback)(drvSpiIrq cause);
- typedef struct drvSpiMaster drvSpiMaster_t;
- typedef struct drvGeneralSpiFlash drvGeneralSpiFlash_t;
- #endif
- /**
- * @brief acquire the spi master
- *
- * @param cfg : drvSpiConfig_t structure that contains the configuration
- infomation for specified SPI peripheral
- * @return
- * - (NULL) fail
- * - otherwise the spi master instance
- */
- drvSpiMaster_t *drvSpiMasterAcquire(drvSpiConfig_t cfg);
- /**
- * @brief Transmits datas with specific length throuth the SPI peripheral.
- *
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @param cs : cs choice of spi
- * @param sendaddr : point to senddata
- * for uis8910
- since the data will not be spliced, when the frame lenght is greater than 8, the specified data structure must be used
- * In direct mode :
- framesize <= 8: sendaddr MUST be of type uint8
- framesize > 8 framesize <= 16: sendaddr MUST be of type uint16
- framesize > 16: sendaddr MUST be of type uint32
- * in DMA mode:
- framesize <= 8: sendaddr MUST be of type uint8
- framesize > 8 : sendaddr MUST be of type uint32
- * @param len : data len to be transmitted,len = allbytesize / sizeof(dataformat),
- eg : uint8[10],len = 10, uint16[10],len = 10.
- * for uis8811
- all data will be processed as 8 bits, and the data will be spliced according the frame lenght,the redundant data will be discarded.
- * @param len: data len is all bytes.
- * @return
- * - (false) fail
- * - (true) success
- */
- #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_8910)
- bool drvSpiWrite(drvSpiMaster_t *d, drvSpiCsSel cs, const void *sendaddr, uint32_t len);
- #elif defined(CONFIG_SOC_8811)
- bool drvSpiWrite(drvSpiMaster_t *d, drvSpiCsSel cs, void *sendaddr, uint32_t len);
- #elif defined(CONFIG_SOC_8850)
- uint32_t drvSpiWrite(drvSpiMaster_t *d, const void *sendaddr, uint32_t len);
- #else
- uint32_t drvSpiWrite(drvSpiMaster_t *d, void *sendaddr, uint32_t len);
- #endif
- #if defined(CONFIG_SOC_8850)
- /**
- * @brief config spi cs
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * csnum: cs number
- * cschoose: cs status
- * @return :
- * -true
- * -false
- */
- bool drvSpiCsConfig(drvSpiMaster_t *d, drvSpiCsSel csnum, bool cschoose);
- /**
- * @brief config spi regs
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @return : None
- */
- void drvSpiRegsConfig(drvSpiMaster_t *d);
- #endif
- /**
- * @brief Receive the most recent received datas by the SPI peripheral.
- *
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @param cs : cs choice of spi
- * @param sendaddr : point to senddata address.in this case, you can specify the content of datas.
- * @param readaddr : point to readaddr address.
- * for uis8910
- since the data will not be spliced, when the frame lenght is greater than 8, the specified data structure must be used
- * In direct mode :
- framesize <= 8: sendaddr MUST be of type uint8
- framesize > 8 framesize <= 16: sendaddr MUST be of type uint16
- framesize > 16: sendaddr MUST be of type uint32
- * in DMA mode:
- framesize <= 8: sendaddr MUST be of type uint8
- framesize > 8 : sendaddr MUST be of type uint32
- * @param len : data len to be transmitted,len = allbytesize / sizeof(dataformat),
- eg : uint8[10],len = 10, uint16[10],len = 10.
- * for uis8811
- all data will be processed as 8 bits, and the data will be spliced according the frame lenght,the redundant data will be discarded.
- * @param len: data len is all bytes.
- * @return
- * - (false) fail
- * - (true) success
- */
- #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_8850
- bool drvSpiRead(drvSpiMaster_t *d, drvSpiCsSel cs, void *sendaddr, void *readaddr, uint32_t len);
- #else
- uint32_t drvSpiRead(drvSpiMaster_t *d, void *readaddr, uint32_t len);
- uint32_t drvSpiReadWrite(drvSpiMaster_t *d, void *sendaddr, void *readaddr, uint32_t len);
- uint32_t drvSpiRWDirectPolling(drvSpiMaster_t *d, void *sendaddr, void *readaddr, uint32_t len);
- uint32_t drvSpiRWDmaPolling(drvSpiMaster_t *d, void *sendaddr, void *readaddr, uint32_t len);
- #endif
- #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_8850
- /**
- * @brief get irq mask of the SPI peripheral
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @return : None
- */
- void prvSpiGetIrqMask(drvSpiMaster_t *d);
- #endif
- /**
- * @brief config irq of the SPI peripheral
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @param mask : point to the irq mask cofig
- * @param callfunc :call back function .
- * @return : None
- */
- void drvSpiSetIrqHandle(drvSpiMaster_t *d, callback callfunc);
- /**
- * @brief config irq of the SPI peripheral
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @param mask : point to the irq mask cofig
- * @param callfunc :call back function .
- * @return : None
- */
- void drvSpiSetIrqMask(drvSpiMaster_t *d, drvSpiIrq *mask);
- /**
- * @brief clear irq of the SPI peripheral
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @return : None
- */
- void drvSpiClrIrqMask(drvSpiMaster_t *d);
- /**
- * @brief Enable the Tx stream mode,Used for SD/MMC SPI mode.
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @param stream_bit : value of stream mode
- * @param on : enable or disable stream mode
- * - true enable stream mode, this mode provide infinite bit stream for sending after fifo is empty,
- all generated data have the same value, the vaule is in stream bit)
- - false disable stream mode
- * @return : None
- */
- void drvSpiEnableStreamMode(drvSpiMaster_t *d, uint8_t stream_bit, bool on);
- /**
- * @brief get the Number of data in spi rx FIFO
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @return : Number of data in spi rx FIFO
- */
- uint8_t drvSpiGetRxLevel(drvSpiMaster_t *d);
- /**
- * @brief get the Number of empty spot in spi tx FIFO
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @return : Number of empty spot in spi tx FIFO
- */
- uint8_t drvSpiGetTxFree(drvSpiMaster_t *d);
- /**
- * @brief config pin state of the spi peripheral
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @param pinctrl : where it can be
- * @param pinstate : pin can be config as :
- * - SPI_CTRL (ctrl by spi peripheral automaticly)
- * - INPUT_CTRL (ctrl pin in input mode)
- * - FORCE_0_CTRL (froced pull down)
- * - FROCE_1_CTRL (froced pull up)
- * @return : None
- */
- #ifndef CONFIG_SOC_8850
- void drvSpiPinControl(drvSpiMaster_t *d, drvSpiPinCtrl pinctrl, drvSpiPinState pinstate);
- #else
- bool drvSpiCsConfig(drvSpiMaster_t *d, drvSpiCsSel csnum, bool cschoose);
- #endif
- #endif
- /**
- * @brief release the spi peripheral
- * @param d : point to spi instance
- * @return : None
- */
- void drvSpiMasterRelease(drvSpiMaster_t *d);
- /**
- * @brief open spi flash device
- *
- * @param name: DRV_NAME_SPI1, spi device name
- * @return
- * - (NULL) fail
- * - otherwise the spi flash instance
- */
- drvGeneralSpiFlash_t *drvGeneralSpiFlashOpen(uint32_t name);
- /**
- * @brief config iomux of spi port, config SPI, read spi flash ID
- *
- * @param name: DRV_NAME_SPI1, spi device name
- * @return
- * - none
- */
- void drvGeneralSpiFlashInit(uint32_t name);
- /**
- * @brief spi write enable
- *
- * @param null
- * @return
- * - none
- */
- void drvGeneralSpiFlashEnable(void);
- /**
- * @brief wait for spi flash to complete the last operation
- *
- * @param null
- * @return
- * - false: time out
- * - true: normal
- */
- int drvGeneralSpiFlashFininsh(void);
- /**
- * @brief spi flash read
- *
- * @param offset : absolute read address of spi flash
- * size : read size
- * pbuf : read buffer address
- * @return
- * - true
- */
- int drvGeneralSpiFlashRead(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, void *pbuf);
- /**
- * @brief spi flash write
- *
- * @param d : drvGeneralSpiFlash_t strunture of spi flash device
- * offset : absolute write address of spi flash
- * data : write data buffer address
- * size : write size
- * @return
- * - false: fail
- * - true: success
- */
- bool drvGeneralSpiFlashWrite(drvGeneralSpiFlash_t *d, uint32_t offset, const void *data, size_t size);
- /**
- * @brief spi flash erase
- *
- * @param d : drvGeneralSpiFlash_t strunture of spi flash device
- * offset : absolute erase address of spi flash
- * size : erase size
- * @return
- * - false: fail
- * - true: success
- */
- bool drvGeneralSpiFlashErase(drvGeneralSpiFlash_t *d, uint32_t offset, size_t size);
- /**
- * @brief spi flash write enable test
- *
- * @param null
- * @return
- * - none
- */
- bool drvGeneralSpiFlashWriteEnableTest(void);
- /**
- * @brief spi flash write test
- *
- * @param offset : absolute write address of spi flash
- * size : write size
- * buf : write buffer address
- * @return
- * - false: fail
- * - true: success
- */
- int drvGeneralSpiFlashWriteTest(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size, const void *buf);
- /**
- * @brief spi flash erase test
- *
- * @param offset : absolute erase address of spi flash
- * size : erase size
- * @return
- * - false: fail
- * - true: success
- */
- int drvGeneralSpiFlashEraseTest(uint32_t offset, uint32_t size);
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif