dtools-pacverify8910.md 2.7 KB

dtools keyexp8910, imgverify8910, pacverify8910

These are utilities for 8910 image and pac signature verification. The feature of image sign won't be integrated, and vlrsign should be used.

The key.db mentioned below the same as the one used by vlrsign. The dynamic library (rdasign.dll for Windows, lib/librdasign.so) should exist to make the commands work.

Command sign8910 is the same with vlrsign, and vlrsign is the recommended tool.


To export public key from key.db. For example:

$ dtools keyexp8910 --pn test pubkey.pem

In the example, test is the product name, pubkey.pem is the output file name of public key in pem format, which can be used by verify commands.

Due to it will only access public key, password of key.db is not needed.

By default, it will try to find key.db under the same directory of executable. If key.db is located in other places, the path can be specified. For example:

$ dtools keyexp8910 --keydb ../../key.db --pn test pubkey.pem


To verify signed image, either key.db under the same directory of executable, or exported public key pem file can be specified. Similar to vlrsign, product name shall be specified when key.db is used.

Ther are no options to specify key.db in other locations. And due to it will access only access public key, password of key.db is not needed.


$ dtools imgverify8910 --keydb --pn test fdl2.sign.img
$ dtools imgverify8910 --pub pubkey.pem fdl2.sign.img

When --boot option is specified, the public key embedded inside boot.sign.img will be verified. Also, the size of boot image will be checked.

Public key is only embedded inside boot image.

Boot image size is fixed.

$ dtools imgverify8910 --keydb --pn test --boot boot.sign.img

When signature verify passed, the return value is 0 and there are no output. With option -d v, a brief pass message will be shown.


To verify signed images inside pac, it is needed to specify images to be checked inside pac by ID. Multiple IDs can be specified.

ID will be shown in FileID column in ResearchDownload.

$ dtools pacverify8910 --keydb --pn test \
    --id AP --id APPIMG 8910DM.pac
$ dtools pacverify8910 --pub pubkey.pem \
    --id AP --id APPIMG 8910DM.pac

When signature verify passed, the return value is 0 and there are no output. With option -d v, a brief pass message for each ID will be shown.

The ID in pac can be modified in building script. For example:

ID Comment
HOST_FDL fdl1.sign.img
FDL2 fdl2.sign.img
BOOTLOADER boot.sign.img
AP 8910DM.sign.img
APPIMG appimg.sign.img