8811_hard.xml 1.6 MB

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  339. </reg>
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  370. </reg>
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  378. <bits name="Single_precision" pos="7:4"/>
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  380. </reg>
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  385. <bits name="FtZ_mode" pos="3:0"/>
  386. </reg>
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  391. <reg protect="r" name="auxadc_version">
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  393. <comment>
  394. IP version r7p0
  395. </comment>
  396. </bits>
  397. </reg>
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  399. <bits access="r" name="adc_cfg_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  400. <comment>
  401. Reserved
  402. </comment>
  403. </bits>
  404. <bits access="rw" name="adc_offset_cal_en" pos="12" rst="0">
  405. <comment>
  406. Auxadc offset function enable&#10;0: disable offset function&#10;1: enable offset function
  407. </comment>
  408. </bits>
  409. <bits access="r" name="adc_cfg_ctrl_reserved_1" pos="11" rst="0">
  410. <comment>
  411. Reserved
  412. </comment>
  413. </bits>
  414. <bits access="rw" name="rg_auxad_average" pos="10:8" rst="1">
  415. <comment>
  416. auxadc convert data out average control:&#10;000: disable adc average, output 12bit data and valid after once conversion;&#10;001: adc convert twice and output the average data;&#10;010: adc convert 4 times and output the average data;&#10;011: adc convert 8 times and output the average data;&#10;100: adc convert 16 times and output the average data;&#10;101: adc convert 32 times and output the average data;&#10;110: adc convert 64 times and output the average data;&#10;111: adc convert 128 times and output the average data;
  417. </comment>
  418. </bits>
  419. <bits access="rw" name="sw_ch_run_num" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  420. <comment>
  421. the number of SW channel accessing, N+1.
  422. </comment>
  423. </bits>
  424. <bits access="rw" name="adc_sign_code" pos="3" rst="0">
  425. <comment>
  426. AUXADC output code selection:&#10;0: adc_dout = (data-Doff)&#10;1: if adc_offset_cal_en is 0&#10;adc_dout = data&#10; if adc_offset_cal_en is 1&#10;adc_dout = data-(Doff-2047)&#10;more detail see Function Description&#10;
  427. </comment>
  428. </bits>
  429. <bits access="rw" name="adc_12b" pos="2" rst="1">
  430. <comment>
  431. ADC 12bits mode&#10;0: ADC in 10bits mode;&#10;1: ADC in 12bits mode.
  432. </comment>
  433. </bits>
  434. <bits access="rw" name="sw_ch_run" pos="1" rst="0">
  435. <comment>
  436. SW channel run,&#10;Write &apos;1&apos; to run a SW channel accessing, it is cleared by HW.
  437. </comment>
  438. </bits>
  439. <bits access="rw" name="adc_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  440. <comment>
  441. ADC global enable,&#10;0: ADC module disable;&#10;1: ADC module enable.
  442. </comment>
  443. </bits>
  444. </reg>
  445. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_sw_ch_cfg">
  446. <bits access="r" name="adc_sw_ch_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  447. <comment>
  448. Reserved
  449. </comment>
  450. </bits>
  451. <bits access="rw" name="adc_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  452. <comment>
  453. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  454. </comment>
  455. </bits>
  456. <bits access="r" name="adc_sw_ch_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  457. <comment>
  458. Reserved
  459. </comment>
  460. </bits>
  461. <bits access="r" name="adc_sw_ch_cfg_reserved_2" pos="7" rst="0">
  462. <comment>
  463. Reserved
  464. </comment>
  465. </bits>
  466. <bits access="rw" name="adc_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  467. <comment>
  468. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  469. </comment>
  470. </bits>
  471. <bits access="r" name="adc_sw_ch_cfg_reserved_3" pos="5" rst="0">
  472. <comment>
  473. Reserved
  474. </comment>
  475. </bits>
  476. <bits access="rw" name="adc_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  477. <comment>
  478. ADC software config channel ID.
  479. </comment>
  480. </bits>
  481. </reg>
  482. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch0_cfg">
  483. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch0_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  484. <comment>
  485. Reserved
  486. </comment>
  487. </bits>
  488. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  489. <comment>
  490. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  491. </comment>
  492. </bits>
  493. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch0_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  494. <comment>
  495. Reserved
  496. </comment>
  497. </bits>
  498. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  499. <comment>
  500. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  501. </comment>
  502. </bits>
  503. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  504. <comment>
  505. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  506. </comment>
  507. </bits>
  508. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch0_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  509. <comment>
  510. Reserved
  511. </comment>
  512. </bits>
  513. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  514. <comment>
  515. ADC channel ID
  516. </comment>
  517. </bits>
  518. </reg>
  519. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch1_cfg">
  520. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch1_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  521. <comment>
  522. Reserved
  523. </comment>
  524. </bits>
  525. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  526. <comment>
  527. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  528. </comment>
  529. </bits>
  530. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch1_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  531. <comment>
  532. Reserved
  533. </comment>
  534. </bits>
  535. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  536. <comment>
  537. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  538. </comment>
  539. </bits>
  540. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  541. <comment>
  542. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  543. </comment>
  544. </bits>
  545. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch1_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  546. <comment>
  547. Reserved
  548. </comment>
  549. </bits>
  550. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  551. <comment>
  552. ADC channel ID
  553. </comment>
  554. </bits>
  555. </reg>
  556. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch2_cfg">
  557. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch2_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  558. <comment>
  559. Reserved
  560. </comment>
  561. </bits>
  562. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  563. <comment>
  564. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  565. </comment>
  566. </bits>
  567. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch2_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  568. <comment>
  569. Reserved
  570. </comment>
  571. </bits>
  572. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  573. <comment>
  574. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  575. </comment>
  576. </bits>
  577. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  578. <comment>
  579. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  580. </comment>
  581. </bits>
  582. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch2_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  583. <comment>
  584. Reserved
  585. </comment>
  586. </bits>
  587. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  588. <comment>
  589. ADC channel ID
  590. </comment>
  591. </bits>
  592. </reg>
  593. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch3_cfg">
  594. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch3_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  595. <comment>
  596. Reserved
  597. </comment>
  598. </bits>
  599. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  600. <comment>
  601. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  602. </comment>
  603. </bits>
  604. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch3_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  605. <comment>
  606. Reserved
  607. </comment>
  608. </bits>
  609. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  610. <comment>
  611. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  612. </comment>
  613. </bits>
  614. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  615. <comment>
  616. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  617. </comment>
  618. </bits>
  619. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch3_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  620. <comment>
  621. Reserved
  622. </comment>
  623. </bits>
  624. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  625. <comment>
  626. ADC channel ID
  627. </comment>
  628. </bits>
  629. </reg>
  630. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch4_cfg">
  631. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch4_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  632. <comment>
  633. Reserved
  634. </comment>
  635. </bits>
  636. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  637. <comment>
  638. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  639. </comment>
  640. </bits>
  641. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch4_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  642. <comment>
  643. Reserved
  644. </comment>
  645. </bits>
  646. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  647. <comment>
  648. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  649. </comment>
  650. </bits>
  651. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  652. <comment>
  653. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  654. </comment>
  655. </bits>
  656. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch4_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  657. <comment>
  658. Reserved
  659. </comment>
  660. </bits>
  661. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  662. <comment>
  663. ADC channel ID
  664. </comment>
  665. </bits>
  666. </reg>
  667. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch5_cfg">
  668. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch5_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  669. <comment>
  670. Reserved
  671. </comment>
  672. </bits>
  673. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  674. <comment>
  675. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  676. </comment>
  677. </bits>
  678. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch5_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  679. <comment>
  680. Reserved
  681. </comment>
  682. </bits>
  683. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  684. <comment>
  685. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  686. </comment>
  687. </bits>
  688. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  689. <comment>
  690. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  691. </comment>
  692. </bits>
  693. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch5_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  694. <comment>
  695. Reserved
  696. </comment>
  697. </bits>
  698. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  699. <comment>
  700. ADC channel ID
  701. </comment>
  702. </bits>
  703. </reg>
  704. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch6_cfg">
  705. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch6_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  706. <comment>
  707. Reserved
  708. </comment>
  709. </bits>
  710. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  711. <comment>
  712. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  713. </comment>
  714. </bits>
  715. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch6_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  716. <comment>
  717. Reserved
  718. </comment>
  719. </bits>
  720. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  721. <comment>
  722. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  723. </comment>
  724. </bits>
  725. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  726. <comment>
  727. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  728. </comment>
  729. </bits>
  730. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch6_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  731. <comment>
  732. Reserved
  733. </comment>
  734. </bits>
  735. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  736. <comment>
  737. ADC channel ID
  738. </comment>
  739. </bits>
  740. </reg>
  741. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch7_cfg">
  742. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch7_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  743. <comment>
  744. Reserved
  745. </comment>
  746. </bits>
  747. <bits access="rw" name="frq_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  748. <comment>
  749. ADC scale setting for current ADC channel
  750. </comment>
  751. </bits>
  752. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch7_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  753. <comment>
  754. Reserved
  755. </comment>
  756. </bits>
  757. <bits access="rw" name="frq_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  758. <comment>
  759. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  760. </comment>
  761. </bits>
  762. <bits access="rw" name="frq_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  763. <comment>
  764. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  765. </comment>
  766. </bits>
  767. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch7_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  768. <comment>
  769. Reserved
  770. </comment>
  771. </bits>
  772. <bits access="rw" name="frq_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  773. <comment>
  774. ADC channel ID
  775. </comment>
  776. </bits>
  777. </reg>
  778. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch0_cfg">
  779. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch0_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  780. <comment>
  781. Reserved
  782. </comment>
  783. </bits>
  784. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  785. <comment>
  786. output the analog
  787. </comment>
  788. </bits>
  789. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch0_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  790. <comment>
  791. Reserved
  792. </comment>
  793. </bits>
  794. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  795. <comment>
  796. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  797. </comment>
  798. </bits>
  799. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  800. <comment>
  801. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  802. </comment>
  803. </bits>
  804. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch0_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  805. <comment>
  806. Reserved
  807. </comment>
  808. </bits>
  809. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  810. <comment>
  811. ADC channel ID
  812. </comment>
  813. </bits>
  814. </reg>
  815. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch1_cfg">
  816. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch1_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  817. <comment>
  818. Reserved
  819. </comment>
  820. </bits>
  821. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  822. <comment>
  823. output the analog
  824. </comment>
  825. </bits>
  826. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch1_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  827. <comment>
  828. Reserved
  829. </comment>
  830. </bits>
  831. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  832. <comment>
  833. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  834. </comment>
  835. </bits>
  836. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  837. <comment>
  838. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  839. </comment>
  840. </bits>
  841. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch1_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  842. <comment>
  843. Reserved
  844. </comment>
  845. </bits>
  846. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  847. <comment>
  848. ADC channel ID
  849. </comment>
  850. </bits>
  851. </reg>
  852. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch2_cfg">
  853. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch2_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  854. <comment>
  855. Reserved
  856. </comment>
  857. </bits>
  858. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  859. <comment>
  860. output the analog
  861. </comment>
  862. </bits>
  863. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch2_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  864. <comment>
  865. Reserved
  866. </comment>
  867. </bits>
  868. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  869. <comment>
  870. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  871. </comment>
  872. </bits>
  873. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  874. <comment>
  875. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  876. </comment>
  877. </bits>
  878. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch2_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  879. <comment>
  880. Reserved
  881. </comment>
  882. </bits>
  883. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  884. <comment>
  885. ADC channel ID
  886. </comment>
  887. </bits>
  888. </reg>
  889. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch3_cfg">
  890. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch3_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  891. <comment>
  892. Reserved
  893. </comment>
  894. </bits>
  895. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  896. <comment>
  897. output the analog
  898. </comment>
  899. </bits>
  900. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch3_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  901. <comment>
  902. Reserved
  903. </comment>
  904. </bits>
  905. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  906. <comment>
  907. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  908. </comment>
  909. </bits>
  910. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  911. <comment>
  912. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  913. </comment>
  914. </bits>
  915. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch3_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  916. <comment>
  917. Reserved
  918. </comment>
  919. </bits>
  920. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  921. <comment>
  922. ADC channel ID
  923. </comment>
  924. </bits>
  925. </reg>
  926. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch4_cfg">
  927. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch4_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  928. <comment>
  929. Reserved
  930. </comment>
  931. </bits>
  932. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  933. <comment>
  934. output the analog
  935. </comment>
  936. </bits>
  937. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch4_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  938. <comment>
  939. Reserved
  940. </comment>
  941. </bits>
  942. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  943. <comment>
  944. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  945. </comment>
  946. </bits>
  947. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  948. <comment>
  949. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  950. </comment>
  951. </bits>
  952. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch4_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  953. <comment>
  954. Reserved
  955. </comment>
  956. </bits>
  957. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  958. <comment>
  959. ADC channel ID
  960. </comment>
  961. </bits>
  962. </reg>
  963. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch5_cfg">
  964. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch5_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  965. <comment>
  966. Reserved
  967. </comment>
  968. </bits>
  969. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  970. <comment>
  971. output the analog
  972. </comment>
  973. </bits>
  974. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch5_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  975. <comment>
  976. Reserved
  977. </comment>
  978. </bits>
  979. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  980. <comment>
  981. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  982. </comment>
  983. </bits>
  984. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  985. <comment>
  986. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  987. </comment>
  988. </bits>
  989. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch5_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  990. <comment>
  991. Reserved
  992. </comment>
  993. </bits>
  994. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  995. <comment>
  996. ADC channel ID
  997. </comment>
  998. </bits>
  999. </reg>
  1000. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch6_cfg">
  1001. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch6_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  1002. <comment>
  1003. Reserved
  1004. </comment>
  1005. </bits>
  1006. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  1007. <comment>
  1008. output the analog
  1009. </comment>
  1010. </bits>
  1011. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch6_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  1012. <comment>
  1013. Reserved
  1014. </comment>
  1015. </bits>
  1016. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  1017. <comment>
  1018. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  1019. </comment>
  1020. </bits>
  1021. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  1022. <comment>
  1023. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  1024. </comment>
  1025. </bits>
  1026. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch6_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  1027. <comment>
  1028. Reserved
  1029. </comment>
  1030. </bits>
  1031. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1032. <comment>
  1033. ADC channel ID
  1034. </comment>
  1035. </bits>
  1036. </reg>
  1037. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_slow_hw_ch7_cfg">
  1038. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch7_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  1039. <comment>
  1040. Reserved
  1041. </comment>
  1042. </bits>
  1043. <bits access="rw" name="req_scale" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  1044. <comment>
  1045. output the analog
  1046. </comment>
  1047. </bits>
  1048. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch7_cfg_reserved_1" pos="8" rst="0">
  1049. <comment>
  1050. Reserved
  1051. </comment>
  1052. </bits>
  1053. <bits access="rw" name="req_delay_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  1054. <comment>
  1055. current channel delay enable, 0-diable; 1-enable.
  1056. </comment>
  1057. </bits>
  1058. <bits access="rw" name="req_slow" pos="6" rst="0">
  1059. <comment>
  1060. ADC conversion speed control:&#10;0: quick mode, conversion initial includes 50 ADC clocks;&#10;1: slow mode, conversion initial includes 70 ADC clocks.
  1061. </comment>
  1062. </bits>
  1063. <bits access="r" name="adc_slow_hw_ch7_cfg_reserved_2" pos="5" rst="0">
  1064. <comment>
  1065. Reserved
  1066. </comment>
  1067. </bits>
  1068. <bits access="rw" name="req_cs" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1069. <comment>
  1070. ADC channel ID
  1071. </comment>
  1072. </bits>
  1073. </reg>
  1074. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_hw_ch_delay">
  1075. <bits access="r" name="adc_hw_ch_delay_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  1076. <comment>
  1077. Reserved
  1078. </comment>
  1079. </bits>
  1080. <bits access="rw" name="hw_ch_delay" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  1081. <comment>
  1082. ADC HW channel accessing delay, its unit is ADC clock.&#10;It can be use for signal without enough setup time.
  1083. </comment>
  1084. </bits>
  1085. </reg>
  1086. <reg protect="r" name="adc_dat">
  1087. <bits access="r" name="adc_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1088. </bits>
  1089. <bits access="r" name="adc_dat_sw" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1090. <comment>
  1091. ADC conversion result.
  1092. </comment>
  1093. </bits>
  1094. </reg>
  1095. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_cfg_int_en">
  1096. <bits access="r" name="adc_cfg_int_en_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  1097. <comment>
  1098. Reserved
  1099. </comment>
  1100. </bits>
  1101. <bits access="rw" name="adc_int_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  1102. <comment>
  1103. ADC interrupt enable, 0: disable; 1: enable.
  1104. </comment>
  1105. </bits>
  1106. </reg>
  1107. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_cfg_int_clr">
  1108. <bits access="r" name="adc_cfg_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  1109. </bits>
  1110. <bits access="w" name="adc_int_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  1111. <comment>
  1112. ADC interrupt clear. Write &quot;1&quot; to clear.
  1113. </comment>
  1114. </bits>
  1115. </reg>
  1116. <reg protect="r" name="adc_cfg_int_status">
  1117. <bits access="r" name="adc_cfg_int_status_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  1118. </bits>
  1119. <bits access="r" name="adc_int_status" pos="0" rst="0">
  1120. <comment>
  1121. ADC masked interrupt.
  1122. </comment>
  1123. </bits>
  1124. </reg>
  1125. <reg protect="r" name="adc_cfg_int_raw">
  1126. <bits access="r" name="adc_cfg_int_raw_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  1127. </bits>
  1128. <bits access="r" name="adc_int_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  1129. <comment>
  1130. ADC raw interrupt.
  1131. </comment>
  1132. </bits>
  1133. </reg>
  1134. <reg protect="r" name="adc_debug">
  1135. <bits access="r" name="adc_dbg_ch" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  1136. <comment>
  1137. 0~7: fast HW channels;&#10;8: SW channels;&#10;9~16: slow HW channel;&#10;31: no request.
  1138. </comment>
  1139. </bits>
  1140. <bits access="r" name="adc_dbg_state" pos="10:8" rst="0">
  1141. <comment>
  1142. ADC accessing state:&#10;0: idle;&#10;1: fast HW request;&#10;2: SW request;&#10;3: slow HW request;&#10;4: wait for fast HW request;&#10;5: wait for slow HW request.
  1143. </comment>
  1144. </bits>
  1145. <bits access="r" name="adc_dbg_cnt" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  1146. <comment>
  1147. ADC internal counter status, 0: idle; 1~n: work or wait counter.
  1148. </comment>
  1149. </bits>
  1150. </reg>
  1151. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_timer_en">
  1152. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_timer_en_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  1153. </bits>
  1154. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch7_timer_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  1155. <comment>
  1156. ADC fast HW channel7 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1157. </comment>
  1158. </bits>
  1159. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch6_timer_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  1160. <comment>
  1161. ADC fast HW channel6 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1162. </comment>
  1163. </bits>
  1164. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch5_timer_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  1165. <comment>
  1166. ADC fast HW channel5 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1167. </comment>
  1168. </bits>
  1169. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch4_timer_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  1170. <comment>
  1171. ADC fast HW channel4 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1172. </comment>
  1173. </bits>
  1174. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch3_timer_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  1175. <comment>
  1176. ADC fast HW channel3 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1177. </comment>
  1178. </bits>
  1179. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch2_timer_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  1180. <comment>
  1181. ADC fast HW channel2 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1182. </comment>
  1183. </bits>
  1184. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch1_timer_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  1185. <comment>
  1186. ADC fast HW channel1 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1187. </comment>
  1188. </bits>
  1189. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch0_timer_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  1190. <comment>
  1191. ADC fast HW channel0 timer enable, 0:disable; 1: enable.
  1192. </comment>
  1193. </bits>
  1194. </reg>
  1195. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_timer_div">
  1196. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_timer_div" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1197. <comment>
  1198. ADC fast HW channel timer working clock divider.
  1199. </comment>
  1200. </bits>
  1201. </reg>
  1202. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch0_timer_thresh">
  1203. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch0_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1204. <comment>
  1205. ADC fast HW ch0 timer threshold.
  1206. </comment>
  1207. </bits>
  1208. </reg>
  1209. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch1_timer_thresh">
  1210. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch1_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1211. <comment>
  1212. ADC fast HW ch1 timer threshold.
  1213. </comment>
  1214. </bits>
  1215. </reg>
  1216. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch2_timer_thresh">
  1217. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch2_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1218. <comment>
  1219. ADC fast HW ch2 timer threshold.
  1220. </comment>
  1221. </bits>
  1222. </reg>
  1223. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch3_timer_thresh">
  1224. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch3_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1225. <comment>
  1226. ADC fast HW ch3 timer threshold.
  1227. </comment>
  1228. </bits>
  1229. </reg>
  1230. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch4_timer_thresh">
  1231. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch4_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1232. <comment>
  1233. ADC fast HW ch4 timer threshold.
  1234. </comment>
  1235. </bits>
  1236. </reg>
  1237. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch5_timer_thresh">
  1238. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch5_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1239. <comment>
  1240. ADC fast HW ch5 timer threshold.
  1241. </comment>
  1242. </bits>
  1243. </reg>
  1244. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch6_timer_thresh">
  1245. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch6_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1246. <comment>
  1247. ADC fast HW ch6 timer threshold.
  1248. </comment>
  1249. </bits>
  1250. </reg>
  1251. <reg protect="rw" name="adc_fast_hw_ch7_timer_thresh">
  1252. <bits access="rw" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch7_timer_thresh" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  1253. <comment>
  1254. ADC fast HW ch7 timer threshold.
  1255. </comment>
  1256. </bits>
  1257. </reg>
  1258. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch0_dat">
  1259. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch0_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1260. <comment>
  1261. Reserved
  1262. </comment>
  1263. </bits>
  1264. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch0_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1265. <comment>
  1266. ADC fast HW ch0 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1267. </comment>
  1268. </bits>
  1269. </reg>
  1270. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch1_dat">
  1271. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch1_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1272. <comment>
  1273. Reserved
  1274. </comment>
  1275. </bits>
  1276. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch1_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1277. <comment>
  1278. ADC fast HW ch1 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1279. </comment>
  1280. </bits>
  1281. </reg>
  1282. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch2_dat">
  1283. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch2_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1284. <comment>
  1285. Reserved
  1286. </comment>
  1287. </bits>
  1288. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch2_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1289. <comment>
  1290. ADC fast HW ch2 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1291. </comment>
  1292. </bits>
  1293. </reg>
  1294. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch3_dat">
  1295. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch3_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1296. <comment>
  1297. Reserved
  1298. </comment>
  1299. </bits>
  1300. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch3_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1301. <comment>
  1302. ADC fast HW ch3 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1303. </comment>
  1304. </bits>
  1305. </reg>
  1306. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch4_dat">
  1307. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch4_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1308. <comment>
  1309. Reserved
  1310. </comment>
  1311. </bits>
  1312. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch4_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1313. <comment>
  1314. ADC fast HW ch4 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1315. </comment>
  1316. </bits>
  1317. </reg>
  1318. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch5_dat">
  1319. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch5_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1320. <comment>
  1321. Reserved
  1322. </comment>
  1323. </bits>
  1324. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch5_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1325. <comment>
  1326. ADC fast HW ch5 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1327. </comment>
  1328. </bits>
  1329. </reg>
  1330. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch6_dat">
  1331. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch6_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1332. <comment>
  1333. Reserved
  1334. </comment>
  1335. </bits>
  1336. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch6_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1337. <comment>
  1338. ADC fast HW ch6 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1339. </comment>
  1340. </bits>
  1341. </reg>
  1342. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch7_dat">
  1343. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_ch7_dat_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1344. <comment>
  1345. Reserved
  1346. </comment>
  1347. </bits>
  1348. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch7_dat" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  1349. <comment>
  1350. ADC fast HW ch7 data, read twice, and capture the second value.
  1351. </comment>
  1352. </bits>
  1353. </reg>
  1354. <reg protect="rw" name="auxadc_ctrl0">
  1355. <bits access="r" name="auxadc_ctrl0_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  1356. <comment>
  1357. Reserved
  1358. </comment>
  1359. </bits>
  1360. <bits access="rw" name="rg_auxad_ref_sel" pos="5" rst="0">
  1361. <comment>
  1362. output to analog
  1363. </comment>
  1364. </bits>
  1365. <bits access="rw" name="rg_auxad_thm_cal" pos="4" rst="0">
  1366. <comment>
  1367. output to analog&#10;THM calibration enable signal,&#10;0: disable THM calibration(default)&#10;1: enable THM calibration, must set high 100us before AUXADC measure THM voltage and start the calibration
  1368. </comment>
  1369. </bits>
  1370. <bits access="r" name="auxadc_ctrl0_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  1371. <comment>
  1372. Reserved
  1373. </comment>
  1374. </bits>
  1375. <bits access="rw" name="rg_auxad_currentsen_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  1376. <comment>
  1377. output to analog&#10;Aux ADC current sense enable signal, active high, default 0.
  1378. </comment>
  1379. </bits>
  1380. </reg>
  1381. <reg protect="r" name="adc_fast_hw_dvalid">
  1382. <bits access="r" name="adc_fast_hw_dvalid_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  1383. <comment>
  1384. Reserved
  1385. </comment>
  1386. </bits>
  1387. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch7_dvld" pos="7" rst="0">
  1388. <comment>
  1389. ADC fast HW channel7 data valid.
  1390. </comment>
  1391. </bits>
  1392. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch6_dvld" pos="6" rst="0">
  1393. <comment>
  1394. ADC fast HW channel6 data valid.
  1395. </comment>
  1396. </bits>
  1397. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch5_dvld" pos="5" rst="0">
  1398. <comment>
  1399. ADC fast HW channel5 data valid.
  1400. </comment>
  1401. </bits>
  1402. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch4_dvld" pos="4" rst="0">
  1403. <comment>
  1404. ADC fast HW channel4 data valid.
  1405. </comment>
  1406. </bits>
  1407. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch3_dvld" pos="3" rst="0">
  1408. <comment>
  1409. ADC fast HW channel3 data valid.
  1410. </comment>
  1411. </bits>
  1412. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch2_dvld" pos="2" rst="0">
  1413. <comment>
  1414. ADC fast HW channel2 data valid.
  1415. </comment>
  1416. </bits>
  1417. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch1_dvld" pos="1" rst="0">
  1418. <comment>
  1419. ADC fast HW channel1 data valid.
  1420. </comment>
  1421. </bits>
  1422. <bits access="r" name="rg_adc_fast_hw_ch0_dvld" pos="0" rst="0">
  1423. <comment>
  1424. ADC fast HW channel0 data valid.
  1425. </comment>
  1426. </bits>
  1427. </reg>
  1428. </module>
  1429. </archive>
  1430. <archive relative="pmic_pmuc.xml">
  1431. <module name="pmic_pmuc" category="Pmic">
  1432. <reg protect="rw" name="clock_select">
  1433. <bits access="r" name="clock_select_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  1434. </bits>
  1435. <bits access="rw" name="sel_rc32k_div" pos="5:4" rst="0">
  1436. <comment>
  1437. 0:8k 1:4k 2:1k 3:16k
  1438. </comment>
  1439. </bits>
  1440. <bits access="r" name="clock_select_reserved_1" pos="3" rst="0">
  1441. </bits>
  1442. <bits access="rw" name="sel_clk_wdt_src" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  1443. <comment>
  1444. 0:8k 1:4k 2:2k 3:1k
  1445. </comment>
  1446. </bits>
  1447. <bits access="rw" name="sel_32k_src" pos="0" rst="0">
  1448. <comment>
  1449. 0: rc32k 1:xtal32k
  1450. </comment>
  1451. </bits>
  1452. </reg>
  1453. <reg protect="rw" name="clock_32k_div_cfg">
  1454. <bits access="r" name="clock_32k_div_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  1455. </bits>
  1456. <bits access="rw" name="wakeup_denom" pos="12:7" rst="1">
  1457. </bits>
  1458. <bits access="rw" name="denom" pos="6:1" rst="1">
  1459. </bits>
  1460. <bits access="rc" name="update" pos="0" rst="0">
  1461. <comment>
  1462. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1463. </comment>
  1464. </bits>
  1465. </reg>
  1466. <reg protect="rw" name="ip_clk_disable_ctrl">
  1467. <bits access="r" name="ip_clk_disable_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  1468. </bits>
  1469. <bits access="rw" name="iomux_clk_disable" pos="5" rst="0">
  1470. </bits>
  1471. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_clk_disable" pos="4" rst="0">
  1472. </bits>
  1473. <bits access="rw" name="gpt_clk_disable" pos="3" rst="0">
  1474. </bits>
  1475. <bits access="rw" name="timer_clk_disable" pos="2" rst="0">
  1476. </bits>
  1477. <bits access="rw" name="wdt_clk_disable" pos="1" rst="0">
  1478. </bits>
  1479. <bits access="rw" name="efs_clk_disable" pos="0" rst="0">
  1480. </bits>
  1481. </reg>
  1482. <reg protect="rw" name="ip_soft_rst_ctrl">
  1483. <bits access="r" name="ip_soft_rst_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  1484. </bits>
  1485. <bits access="rw" name="pmuc_reg_soft_rst" pos="6" rst="1">
  1486. </bits>
  1487. <bits access="rw" name="iomux_soft_rst" pos="5" rst="1">
  1488. </bits>
  1489. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_soft_rst" pos="4" rst="1">
  1490. </bits>
  1491. <bits access="rw" name="gpt_soft_rst" pos="3" rst="1">
  1492. </bits>
  1493. <bits access="rw" name="timer_soft_rst" pos="2" rst="1">
  1494. </bits>
  1495. <bits access="rw" name="wdt_soft_rst" pos="1" rst="1">
  1496. </bits>
  1497. <bits access="rw" name="efs_soft_rst" pos="0" rst="1">
  1498. </bits>
  1499. </reg>
  1500. <reg protect="rw" name="wakeup_mask">
  1501. <bits access="r" name="wakeup_mask_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  1502. </bits>
  1503. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_pin_rst" pos="11" rst="0">
  1504. </bits>
  1505. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_vbatlow_reset" pos="10" rst="0">
  1506. </bits>
  1507. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_uvlo_reset" pos="9" rst="1">
  1508. </bits>
  1509. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_ovlo_reset" pos="8" rst="1">
  1510. </bits>
  1511. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_otp_reset" pos="7" rst="1">
  1512. </bits>
  1513. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_wdt_reset" pos="6" rst="0">
  1514. </bits>
  1515. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_pwrkey_wakeup" pos="5" rst="0">
  1516. </bits>
  1517. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_chg_on_wakeup" pos="4" rst="0">
  1518. </bits>
  1519. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_gpio_wakeup" pos="3" rst="0">
  1520. </bits>
  1521. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_gpt_wakeup" pos="2" rst="0">
  1522. </bits>
  1523. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_timer_wakeup" pos="1" rst="0">
  1524. </bits>
  1525. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_wdt_wakeup" pos="0" rst="0">
  1526. </bits>
  1527. </reg>
  1528. <reg protect="rw" name="wakeup_clr">
  1529. <bits access="r" name="wakeup_clr_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  1530. </bits>
  1531. <bits access="rc" name="wakeup_status_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  1532. <comment>
  1533. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1534. Write 1 to clear all wakeup status
  1535. </comment>
  1536. </bits>
  1537. </reg>
  1538. <reg protect="r" name="wakeup_status">
  1539. <bits access="r" name="wakeup_status_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  1540. </bits>
  1541. <bits access="r" name="smpl_pwron_status" pos="8" rst="0">
  1542. </bits>
  1543. <bits access="r" name="pin_rst_pwron_status" pos="7" rst="0">
  1544. </bits>
  1545. <bits access="r" name="wdt_rst_pwron_status" pos="6" rst="0">
  1546. </bits>
  1547. <bits access="r" name="pwrkey_wakeup_status" pos="5" rst="0">
  1548. </bits>
  1549. <bits access="r" name="chg_on_wakeup_status" pos="4" rst="0">
  1550. </bits>
  1551. <bits access="r" name="gpio_wakeup_status" pos="3" rst="0">
  1552. </bits>
  1553. <bits access="r" name="gpt_wakeup_status" pos="2" rst="0">
  1554. </bits>
  1555. <bits access="r" name="timer_wakeup_status" pos="1" rst="0">
  1556. </bits>
  1557. <bits access="r" name="wdt_wakeup_status" pos="0" rst="0">
  1558. </bits>
  1559. </reg>
  1560. <reg protect="rw" name="int_clr">
  1561. <bits access="r" name="int_clr_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  1562. </bits>
  1563. <bits access="rc" name="pwrkey_int_clr" pos="2" rst="0">
  1564. <comment>
  1565. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1566. </comment>
  1567. </bits>
  1568. <bits access="rc" name="chg_off_int_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  1569. <comment>
  1570. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1571. </comment>
  1572. </bits>
  1573. <bits access="rc" name="chg_on_int_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  1574. <comment>
  1575. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1576. </comment>
  1577. </bits>
  1578. </reg>
  1579. <reg protect="rw" name="power_mode_ctrl_0">
  1580. <bits access="r" name="power_mode_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1581. </bits>
  1582. <bits access="rw" name="vbat_det_delay_time" pos="14:7" rst="63">
  1583. <comment>
  1584. wait time after vbat_det on, default is 2ms
  1585. </comment>
  1586. </bits>
  1587. <bits access="r" name="power_mode_ctrl_0_reserved_1" pos="6" rst="0">
  1588. </bits>
  1589. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_ret_wrap_val_sel" pos="5:2" rst="4">
  1590. <comment>
  1591. 0:32,1:64,…,7:4096,8:8192,9:16384,10:32768, default is 512
  1592. </comment>
  1593. </bits>
  1594. <bits access="rw" name="pm_reg" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  1595. </bits>
  1596. </reg>
  1597. <reg protect="rw" name="power_mode_ctrl_1">
  1598. <bits access="rw" name="pm3_ldo_dcxo_mode" pos="15" rst="0">
  1599. </bits>
  1600. <bits access="rw" name="pm3_ldo_vio18_mode" pos="14" rst="0">
  1601. </bits>
  1602. <bits access="rw" name="pm3_ldo_vio33_mode" pos="13" rst="0">
  1603. </bits>
  1604. <bits access="rw" name="pm3_ldo_lp18_mode" pos="12" rst="0">
  1605. <comment>
  1606. 0: pd, 1: lp
  1607. </comment>
  1608. </bits>
  1609. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_ldo_dcxo_mode" pos="11" rst="0">
  1610. </bits>
  1611. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_ldo_vio18_mode" pos="10" rst="0">
  1612. </bits>
  1613. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_ldo_vio33_mode" pos="9" rst="0">
  1614. </bits>
  1615. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_ldo_lp18_mode" pos="8" rst="1">
  1616. <comment>
  1617. 0: pd, 1: lp
  1618. </comment>
  1619. </bits>
  1620. <bits access="rw" name="pm0_ldo_dcxo_mode" pos="7:6" rst="1">
  1621. </bits>
  1622. <bits access="rw" name="pm0_ldo_vio18_mode" pos="5:4" rst="1">
  1623. </bits>
  1624. <bits access="rw" name="pm0_ldo_vio33_mode" pos="3:2" rst="1">
  1625. </bits>
  1626. <bits access="rw" name="pm0_ldo_lp18_mode" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  1627. <comment>
  1628. 00: pd 01: pu 11: lp
  1629. </comment>
  1630. </bits>
  1631. </reg>
  1632. <reg protect="rw" name="power_mode_ctrl_2">
  1633. <bits access="r" name="power_mode_ctrl_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  1634. </bits>
  1635. <bits access="rw" name="pm3_vrf_mode" pos="3" rst="0">
  1636. </bits>
  1637. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_vrf_mode" pos="2" rst="0">
  1638. </bits>
  1639. <bits access="rw" name="pm0_vrf_mode" pos="1" rst="1">
  1640. </bits>
  1641. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_emm_mode" pos="0" rst="1">
  1642. <comment>
  1643. 0: pd 1: pu
  1644. </comment>
  1645. </bits>
  1646. </reg>
  1647. <reg protect="r" name="power_mode_status_0">
  1648. <bits access="r" name="power_mode_status_0_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1649. </bits>
  1650. <bits access="r" name="pm03_sw_state" pos="14:10" rst="0">
  1651. </bits>
  1652. <bits access="r" name="pm02_sw_state" pos="9:5" rst="0">
  1653. </bits>
  1654. <bits access="r" name="first_pwron_state" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1655. </bits>
  1656. </reg>
  1657. <reg protect="r" name="power_mode_status_1">
  1658. <bits access="r" name="power_mode_status_1_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1659. </bits>
  1660. <bits access="r" name="ldo_vio33_ulp_en" pos="14" rst="0">
  1661. </bits>
  1662. <bits access="r" name="ldo_vio33_pd" pos="13" rst="0">
  1663. </bits>
  1664. <bits access="r" name="ldo_vio18_lp_en" pos="12" rst="0">
  1665. </bits>
  1666. <bits access="r" name="ldo_vio18_pd" pos="11" rst="0">
  1667. </bits>
  1668. <bits access="r" name="ldo_lp18_ulp_en" pos="10" rst="0">
  1669. </bits>
  1670. <bits access="r" name="ldo_lp18_pd" pos="9" rst="0">
  1671. </bits>
  1672. <bits access="r" name="ext_resetb" pos="8" rst="0">
  1673. </bits>
  1674. <bits access="r" name="resetb_efs" pos="7" rst="0">
  1675. </bits>
  1676. <bits access="r" name="resetb_dig_top" pos="6" rst="0">
  1677. </bits>
  1678. <bits access="r" name="iso_aon" pos="5" rst="0">
  1679. </bits>
  1680. <bits access="r" name="pd_dig_top" pos="4" rst="0">
  1681. </bits>
  1682. <bits access="r" name="pu_done" pos="3" rst="0">
  1683. </bits>
  1684. <bits access="r" name="pm_state" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  1685. </bits>
  1686. </reg>
  1687. <reg protect="r" name="power_mode_status_2">
  1688. <bits access="r" name="dvdd_iso" pos="15" rst="0">
  1689. </bits>
  1690. <bits access="r" name="psm_vref_pd" pos="14" rst="0">
  1691. </bits>
  1692. <bits access="r" name="ldo_dcxo_lp_en" pos="13" rst="0">
  1693. </bits>
  1694. <bits access="r" name="ldo_dcxo_pd" pos="12" rst="0">
  1695. </bits>
  1696. <bits access="r" name="ldo_vibr_lp_en" pos="11" rst="0">
  1697. </bits>
  1698. <bits access="r" name="ldo_emm_pd" pos="10" rst="0">
  1699. </bits>
  1700. <bits access="r" name="ldo_sim1_lp_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  1701. </bits>
  1702. <bits access="r" name="ldo_sim1_pd" pos="8" rst="0">
  1703. </bits>
  1704. <bits access="r" name="ldo_sim0_lp_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  1705. </bits>
  1706. <bits access="r" name="ldo_sim0_pd" pos="6" rst="0">
  1707. </bits>
  1708. <bits access="r" name="vcore_ulp_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  1709. </bits>
  1710. <bits access="r" name="vcore_pd" pos="4" rst="0">
  1711. </bits>
  1712. <bits access="r" name="vrf_pd" pos="3" rst="0">
  1713. </bits>
  1714. <bits access="r" name="power_det_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  1715. </bits>
  1716. <bits access="r" name="osc3m_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  1717. </bits>
  1718. <bits access="r" name="bg_pd" pos="0" rst="0">
  1719. </bits>
  1720. </reg>
  1721. <reg protect="rw" name="direct_ctrl_0">
  1722. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_lp_en" pos="15" rst="0">
  1723. </bits>
  1724. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_dr" pos="14" rst="0">
  1725. </bits>
  1726. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_lp_en" pos="13" rst="0">
  1727. </bits>
  1728. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_dr" pos="12" rst="0">
  1729. </bits>
  1730. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_ulp_en" pos="11" rst="0">
  1731. </bits>
  1732. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_pd" pos="10" rst="0">
  1733. </bits>
  1734. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  1735. </bits>
  1736. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_pd" pos="8" rst="0">
  1737. </bits>
  1738. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_lp_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  1739. </bits>
  1740. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  1741. </bits>
  1742. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_pd" pos="5" rst="0">
  1743. </bits>
  1744. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_lp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  1745. </bits>
  1746. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_dr" pos="3" rst="0">
  1747. </bits>
  1748. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_ulp_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  1749. </bits>
  1750. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_pd" pos="1" rst="1">
  1751. </bits>
  1752. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_dr" pos="0" rst="0">
  1753. </bits>
  1754. </reg>
  1755. <reg protect="rw" name="direct_ctrl_1">
  1756. <bits access="r" name="direct_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  1757. </bits>
  1758. <bits access="rc" name="soft_efs_read_start" pos="13" rst="0">
  1759. <comment>
  1760. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1761. </comment>
  1762. </bits>
  1763. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_lp_en" pos="12" rst="0">
  1764. </bits>
  1765. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_dr" pos="11" rst="0">
  1766. </bits>
  1767. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_pd" pos="10" rst="1">
  1768. </bits>
  1769. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  1770. </bits>
  1771. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_ulp_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  1772. </bits>
  1773. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_pd" pos="7" rst="0">
  1774. </bits>
  1775. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  1776. </bits>
  1777. <bits access="rw" name="bg_pd" pos="5" rst="1">
  1778. </bits>
  1779. <bits access="rw" name="bg_pd_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  1780. </bits>
  1781. <bits access="rw" name="power_det_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  1782. </bits>
  1783. <bits access="rw" name="power_det_en_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  1784. </bits>
  1785. <bits access="rw" name="osc3m_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  1786. </bits>
  1787. <bits access="rw" name="osc3m_en_dr" pos="0" rst="0">
  1788. </bits>
  1789. </reg>
  1790. <reg protect="rw" name="direct_ctrl_2">
  1791. <bits access="r" name="direct_ctrl_2_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  1792. </bits>
  1793. <bits access="rw" name="psm_vref_pd" pos="13" rst="0">
  1794. </bits>
  1795. <bits access="rw" name="psm_vref_pd_dr" pos="12" rst="0">
  1796. </bits>
  1797. <bits access="rw" name="dvdd_iso" pos="11" rst="1">
  1798. </bits>
  1799. <bits access="rw" name="dvdd_iso_dr" pos="10" rst="0">
  1800. </bits>
  1801. <bits access="rw" name="ext_resetb" pos="9" rst="1">
  1802. </bits>
  1803. <bits access="rw" name="ext_resetb_dr" pos="8" rst="0">
  1804. </bits>
  1805. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_efs" pos="7" rst="1">
  1806. </bits>
  1807. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_efs_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  1808. </bits>
  1809. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_dig_top" pos="5" rst="1">
  1810. </bits>
  1811. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_dig_top_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  1812. </bits>
  1813. <bits access="rw" name="iso_aon" pos="3" rst="1">
  1814. </bits>
  1815. <bits access="rw" name="iso_aon_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  1816. </bits>
  1817. <bits access="rw" name="pd_dig_top" pos="1" rst="1">
  1818. </bits>
  1819. <bits access="rw" name="pd_dig_top_dr" pos="0" rst="0">
  1820. </bits>
  1821. </reg>
  1822. <reg protect="rw" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_0">
  1823. <bits access="r" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1824. </bits>
  1825. <bits access="rw" name="step_number" pos="14:10" rst="6">
  1826. </bits>
  1827. <bits access="rw" name="dest_vcore_vosel" pos="9:1" rst="288">
  1828. </bits>
  1829. <bits access="rc" name="soft_vosel_load" pos="0" rst="0">
  1830. <comment>
  1831. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1832. </comment>
  1833. </bits>
  1834. </reg>
  1835. <reg protect="rw" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_1">
  1836. <bits access="r" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1837. </bits>
  1838. <bits access="rc" name="soft_start_pulse" pos="14" rst="0">
  1839. <comment>
  1840. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  1841. </comment>
  1842. </bits>
  1843. <bits access="rw" name="volt_up" pos="13" rst="0">
  1844. </bits>
  1845. <bits access="rw" name="step_value" pos="12:4" rst="16">
  1846. </bits>
  1847. <bits access="rw" name="step_interval" pos="3:0" rst="1">
  1848. </bits>
  1849. </reg>
  1850. <reg protect="r" name="efs_rd_data_0">
  1851. <bits access="r" name="emm_pro" pos="15" rst="0">
  1852. </bits>
  1853. <bits access="r" name="vio33_ulp_trim" pos="14:10" rst="0">
  1854. </bits>
  1855. <bits access="r" name="ldo_vext_reftrim" pos="9:5" rst="0">
  1856. </bits>
  1857. <bits access="r" name="ldo_vbat_reftrim" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1858. </bits>
  1859. </reg>
  1860. <reg protect="r" name="efs_rd_data_1">
  1861. <bits access="r" name="efs_rd_data_1_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1862. </bits>
  1863. <bits access="r" name="lp18_ulp_trim" pos="14:10" rst="0">
  1864. </bits>
  1865. <bits access="r" name="dcdc_osc3m_freq" pos="9:5" rst="0">
  1866. </bits>
  1867. <bits access="r" name="rtcbg_trim" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1868. </bits>
  1869. </reg>
  1870. <reg protect="r" name="efs_rd_data_2">
  1871. <bits access="r" name="efs_rd_data_2_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1872. </bits>
  1873. <bits access="r" name="vpa_votrim" pos="14:10" rst="0">
  1874. </bits>
  1875. <bits access="r" name="vrf_votrim" pos="9:5" rst="0">
  1876. </bits>
  1877. <bits access="r" name="vcore_votrim" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1878. </bits>
  1879. </reg>
  1880. <reg protect="r" name="efs_rd_data_3">
  1881. <bits access="r" name="efs_rd_data_3_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  1882. </bits>
  1883. <bits access="r" name="vcore_votrim_lp" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1884. </bits>
  1885. </reg>
  1886. <reg protect="rw" name="trim_ctrl_0">
  1887. <bits access="rw" name="trim_dr_ctrl" pos="15" rst="0">
  1888. </bits>
  1889. <bits access="rw" name="vio33_ulp_trim" pos="14:10" rst="16">
  1890. </bits>
  1891. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vext_reftrim" pos="9:5" rst="16">
  1892. </bits>
  1893. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vbat_reftrim" pos="4:0" rst="16">
  1894. </bits>
  1895. </reg>
  1896. <reg protect="rw" name="trim_ctrl_1">
  1897. <bits access="r" name="trim_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1898. </bits>
  1899. <bits access="rw" name="lp18_ulp_trim" pos="14:10" rst="16">
  1900. </bits>
  1901. <bits access="rw" name="dcdc_osc3m_freq" pos="9:5" rst="16">
  1902. </bits>
  1903. <bits access="rw" name="rtcbg_trim" pos="4:0" rst="16">
  1904. </bits>
  1905. </reg>
  1906. <reg protect="rw" name="trim_ctrl_2">
  1907. <bits access="r" name="trim_ctrl_2_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1908. </bits>
  1909. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_votrim" pos="14:10" rst="16">
  1910. </bits>
  1911. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_votrim" pos="9:5" rst="16">
  1912. </bits>
  1913. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_votrim" pos="4:0" rst="16">
  1914. </bits>
  1915. </reg>
  1916. <reg protect="rw" name="trim_ctrl_3">
  1917. <bits access="r" name="trim_ctrl_3_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  1918. </bits>
  1919. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_votrim_lp" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  1920. </bits>
  1921. </reg>
  1922. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_clk32k_ctrl">
  1923. <bits access="r" name="ana_clk32k_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  1924. </bits>
  1925. <bits access="rw" name="xtal32k_pu" pos="7" rst="1">
  1926. </bits>
  1927. <bits access="rw" name="xtal32k_coarse" pos="6:4" rst="4">
  1928. </bits>
  1929. <bits access="rw" name="xtal32k_fine" pos="3:1" rst="5">
  1930. </bits>
  1931. <bits access="rw" name="rc32k_pu" pos="0" rst="1">
  1932. </bits>
  1933. </reg>
  1934. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_rtc_ctrl_0">
  1935. <bits access="r" name="ana_rtc_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  1936. </bits>
  1937. <bits access="rw" name="rtc_vosel" pos="5:3" rst="4">
  1938. </bits>
  1939. <bits access="rw" name="vbatbk_vosel" pos="2:0" rst="4">
  1940. </bits>
  1941. </reg>
  1942. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_rtc_ctrl_1">
  1943. <bits access="rw" name="rtc_rsvd1" pos="15:8" rst="240">
  1944. </bits>
  1945. <bits access="rw" name="rtc_rsvd0" pos="7:0" rst="240">
  1946. </bits>
  1947. </reg>
  1948. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_powerdet_ctrl">
  1949. <bits access="r" name="ana_powerdet_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  1950. </bits>
  1951. <bits access="rw" name="uvlo_en" pos="12" rst="0">
  1952. </bits>
  1953. <bits access="rw" name="vbatlow_en" pos="11" rst="0">
  1954. </bits>
  1955. <bits access="rw" name="ovlo_en" pos="10" rst="1">
  1956. </bits>
  1957. <bits access="rw" name="ovlo_t" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  1958. </bits>
  1959. <bits access="rw" name="ovlo_v" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  1960. </bits>
  1961. <bits access="rw" name="uvlo_v" pos="5:4" rst="0">
  1962. </bits>
  1963. <bits access="rw" name="vbat_crash_v" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  1964. </bits>
  1965. <bits access="rw" name="buadet_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  1966. </bits>
  1967. <bits access="rw" name="pbint_pullh_enb" pos="0" rst="0">
  1968. </bits>
  1969. </reg>
  1970. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vbat_ctrl_0">
  1971. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_ulp_ifb_en" pos="15" rst="0">
  1972. </bits>
  1973. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_ulp_itrim" pos="14:13" rst="0">
  1974. </bits>
  1975. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_vosel" pos="12:7" rst="7">
  1976. </bits>
  1977. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_lp_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  1978. </bits>
  1979. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_vosel" pos="5:0" rst="7">
  1980. </bits>
  1981. </reg>
  1982. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vbat_ctrl_1">
  1983. <bits access="r" name="ana_ldo_vbat_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  1984. </bits>
  1985. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_vosel" pos="5:0" rst="7">
  1986. </bits>
  1987. </reg>
  1988. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vext_ctrl_0">
  1989. <bits access="r" name="ana_ldo_vext_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  1990. </bits>
  1991. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_ulp_ifb_en" pos="14" rst="0">
  1992. </bits>
  1993. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_pd" pos="13" rst="1">
  1994. </bits>
  1995. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_vosel" pos="12:7" rst="7">
  1996. </bits>
  1997. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_pd" pos="6" rst="1">
  1998. </bits>
  1999. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_vosel" pos="5:0" rst="7">
  2000. </bits>
  2001. </reg>
  2002. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vext_ctrl_1">
  2003. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_ulp_itrim" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  2004. </bits>
  2005. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_lp_en" pos="13" rst="0">
  2006. </bits>
  2007. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_vosel" pos="12:7" rst="43">
  2008. </bits>
  2009. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_pd" pos="6" rst="1">
  2010. </bits>
  2011. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_vosel" pos="5:0" rst="47">
  2012. </bits>
  2013. </reg>
  2014. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_0">
  2015. <bits access="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  2016. </bits>
  2017. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_vosel" pos="10:2" rst="384">
  2018. </bits>
  2019. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_lp_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  2020. </bits>
  2021. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_lp_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2022. </bits>
  2023. </reg>
  2024. <reg protect="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_1">
  2025. <bits access="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  2026. </bits>
  2027. <bits access="r" name="vcore_vosel" pos="8:0" rst="0">
  2028. </bits>
  2029. </reg>
  2030. <reg protect="rw" name="chgr_ctrl">
  2031. <bits access="r" name="chgr_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  2032. </bits>
  2033. <bits access="r" name="chgr_int" pos="1" rst="0">
  2034. </bits>
  2035. <bits access="rw" name="chgr_pd" pos="0" rst="0">
  2036. <comment>
  2037. reserved
  2038. </comment>
  2039. </bits>
  2040. </reg>
  2041. <reg protect="rw" name="boundary_test_ctrl">
  2042. <bits access="r" name="boundary_test_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  2043. </bits>
  2044. <bits access="rw" name="psm_indicator_enable" pos="6" rst="0">
  2045. </bits>
  2046. <bits access="r" name="clk_26m" pos="5" rst="0">
  2047. </bits>
  2048. <bits access="r" name="chip_sleep" pos="4" rst="0">
  2049. </bits>
  2050. <bits access="rw" name="bua_det" pos="3" rst="0">
  2051. </bits>
  2052. <bits access="rw" name="pmic_int" pos="2" rst="0">
  2053. </bits>
  2054. <bits access="rw" name="clk_32k_ext" pos="1" rst="0">
  2055. </bits>
  2056. <bits access="rw" name="enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  2057. </bits>
  2058. </reg>
  2059. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_clk_div_cfg">
  2060. <bits access="r" name="timer_clk_div_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  2061. </bits>
  2062. <bits access="rw" name="sel_timer_32k_src" pos="7" rst="0">
  2063. </bits>
  2064. <bits access="rw" name="denom" pos="6:1" rst="4">
  2065. </bits>
  2066. <bits access="rc" name="update" pos="0" rst="0">
  2067. <comment>
  2068. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2069. </comment>
  2070. </bits>
  2071. </reg>
  2072. <reg protect="rw" name="pad_ctrl_0">
  2073. <bits access="rw" name="sleep_wpu" pos="15" rst="0">
  2074. </bits>
  2075. <bits access="rw" name="sleep_wpd" pos="14" rst="0">
  2076. </bits>
  2077. <bits access="rw" name="clk_26m_wpu" pos="13" rst="0">
  2078. </bits>
  2079. <bits access="rw" name="clk_26m_wpd" pos="12" rst="0">
  2080. </bits>
  2081. <bits access="rw" name="pmic_int_wpu" pos="11" rst="0">
  2082. </bits>
  2083. <bits access="rw" name="pmic_int_wpd" pos="10" rst="0">
  2084. </bits>
  2085. <bits access="rw" name="bua_det_wpu" pos="9" rst="0">
  2086. </bits>
  2087. <bits access="rw" name="bua_det_wpd" pos="8" rst="0">
  2088. </bits>
  2089. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_ext_wpu" pos="7" rst="0">
  2090. </bits>
  2091. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_ext_wpd" pos="6" rst="0">
  2092. </bits>
  2093. <bits access="rw" name="clk_32k_wpu" pos="5" rst="0">
  2094. </bits>
  2095. <bits access="rw" name="clk_32k_wpd" pos="4" rst="0">
  2096. </bits>
  2097. <bits access="rw" name="adi_sck_wpu" pos="3" rst="0">
  2098. </bits>
  2099. <bits access="rw" name="adi_sck_wpd" pos="2" rst="0">
  2100. </bits>
  2101. <bits access="rw" name="adi_d_wpu" pos="1" rst="0">
  2102. </bits>
  2103. <bits access="rw" name="adi_d_wpd" pos="0" rst="0">
  2104. </bits>
  2105. </reg>
  2106. <reg protect="rw" name="pad_ctrl_1">
  2107. <bits access="r" name="pad_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  2108. </bits>
  2109. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_ie" pos="9:2" rst="255">
  2110. </bits>
  2111. <bits access="rw" name="ibit_die_if" pos="1:0" rst="2">
  2112. </bits>
  2113. </reg>
  2114. <reg protect="rw" name="pad_ctrl_2">
  2115. <bits access="rw" name="ibit_gpio1" pos="15:8" rst="255">
  2116. </bits>
  2117. <bits access="rw" name="ibit_gpio0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  2118. </bits>
  2119. </reg>
  2120. <reg protect="rw" name="pwrkey_dbnc_time_cfg">
  2121. <bits access="r" name="pwrkey_dbnc_time_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  2122. </bits>
  2123. <bits access="rw" name="pwrkey_dbnc_time" pos="13:0" rst="4095">
  2124. <comment>
  2125. default is 500ms
  2126. </comment>
  2127. </bits>
  2128. </reg>
  2129. <reg protect="rw" name="pin_rst_dbnc_time_cfg">
  2130. <bits access="r" name="pin_rst_dbnc_time_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  2131. </bits>
  2132. <bits access="rw" name="pin_rst_dbnc_time" pos="13:0" rst="8191">
  2133. <comment>
  2134. default is 1s
  2135. </comment>
  2136. </bits>
  2137. </reg>
  2138. <reg protect="rw" name="chgr_int_dbnc_time_cfg">
  2139. <bits access="r" name="chgr_int_dbnc_time_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  2140. </bits>
  2141. <bits access="rw" name="chgr_int_dbnc_time" pos="13:0" rst="4095">
  2142. <comment>
  2143. default is 500ms
  2144. </comment>
  2145. </bits>
  2146. </reg>
  2147. <reg protect="rw" name="otp_dbnc_time_cfg">
  2148. <bits access="r" name="otp_dbnc_time_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  2149. </bits>
  2150. <bits access="rw" name="otp_dbnc_time" pos="11:0" rst="819">
  2151. <comment>
  2152. default is 100ms
  2153. </comment>
  2154. </bits>
  2155. </reg>
  2156. <reg protect="rw" name="ovlo_dbnc_time_cfg">
  2157. <bits access="r" name="ovlo_dbnc_time_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  2158. </bits>
  2159. <bits access="rw" name="ovlo_dbnc_time" pos="11:0" rst="819">
  2160. <comment>
  2161. default is 100ms
  2162. </comment>
  2163. </bits>
  2164. </reg>
  2165. <reg protect="rw" name="uvlo_dbnc_time_cfg">
  2166. <bits access="r" name="uvlo_dbnc_time_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  2167. </bits>
  2168. <bits access="rw" name="uvlo_dbnc_time" pos="11:0" rst="1638">
  2169. <comment>
  2170. default is 200ms
  2171. </comment>
  2172. </bits>
  2173. </reg>
  2174. <reg protect="rw" name="smpl_cfg">
  2175. <bits access="r" name="smpl_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  2176. </bits>
  2177. <bits access="rw" name="smpl_threshold" pos="12:1" rst="82">
  2178. <comment>
  2179. default is 10ms
  2180. </comment>
  2181. </bits>
  2182. <bits access="rw" name="smpl_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2183. </bits>
  2184. </reg>
  2185. <reg protect="r" name="abnormal_occur_status">
  2186. <bits access="r" name="abnormal_occur_status_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  2187. </bits>
  2188. <bits access="r" name="pin_rst" pos="5" rst="0">
  2189. </bits>
  2190. <bits access="r" name="wdt_rst" pos="4" rst="0">
  2191. </bits>
  2192. <bits access="r" name="otp" pos="3" rst="0">
  2193. </bits>
  2194. <bits access="r" name="ovlo" pos="2" rst="0">
  2195. </bits>
  2196. <bits access="r" name="uvlo" pos="1" rst="0">
  2197. </bits>
  2198. <bits access="r" name="vbatlow" pos="0" rst="0">
  2199. </bits>
  2200. </reg>
  2201. <reg protect="rw" name="abnormal_occur_clr">
  2202. <bits access="r" name="abnormal_occur_clr_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  2203. </bits>
  2204. <bits access="rc" name="abnormal_status_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  2205. <comment>
  2206. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2207. Write 1 to clear all abnormal status
  2208. </comment>
  2209. </bits>
  2210. </reg>
  2211. <reg protect="r" name="bonding_option">
  2212. <bits access="r" name="bonding_option_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  2213. </bits>
  2214. <bits access="r" name="powerkey" pos="1" rst="0">
  2215. </bits>
  2216. <bits access="r" name="bond_opt" pos="0" rst="0">
  2217. </bits>
  2218. </reg>
  2219. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_0">
  2220. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2221. </bits>
  2222. </reg>
  2223. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_1">
  2224. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2225. </bits>
  2226. </reg>
  2227. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_2">
  2228. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2229. </bits>
  2230. </reg>
  2231. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_3">
  2232. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2233. </bits>
  2234. </reg>
  2235. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_4">
  2236. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2237. </bits>
  2238. </reg>
  2239. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_5">
  2240. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2241. </bits>
  2242. </reg>
  2243. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_6">
  2244. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2245. </bits>
  2246. </reg>
  2247. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_reg_7">
  2248. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2249. </bits>
  2250. </reg>
  2251. <reg protect="rw" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_2">
  2252. <bits access="r" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_2_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  2253. </bits>
  2254. <bits access="rw" name="wakeup_step_number" pos="8:4" rst="6">
  2255. </bits>
  2256. <bits access="rw" name="wakeup_step_interval" pos="3:0" rst="1">
  2257. </bits>
  2258. </reg>
  2259. <reg protect="rw" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_3">
  2260. <bits access="r" name="vcore_vosel_ctrl_3_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  2261. </bits>
  2262. <bits access="rw" name="wakeup_step_value" pos="8:0" rst="16">
  2263. </bits>
  2264. </reg>
  2265. <reg protect="rw" name="abnormal_rst_time_cfg">
  2266. <bits access="r" name="abnormal_rst_time_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  2267. </bits>
  2268. <bits access="rw" name="reset_extend_time" pos="10:0" rst="409">
  2269. </bits>
  2270. </reg>
  2271. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_ports">
  2272. <bits access="r" name="rsvd_ports_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  2273. </bits>
  2274. <bits access="r" name="rsvd_ports_in" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  2275. </bits>
  2276. <bits access="rw" name="rsvd_ports_out" pos="3:0" rst="3">
  2277. </bits>
  2278. </reg>
  2279. </module>
  2280. </archive>
  2281. <archive relative="pmic_apb_efs.xml">
  2282. <module name="pmic_apb_efs" category="Pmic">
  2283. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_glb_ctrl">
  2284. <bits access="r" name="efuse_glb_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  2285. </bits>
  2286. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_type" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  2287. <comment>
  2288. Efuse type select, 00:TSMC default
  2289. </comment>
  2290. </bits>
  2291. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_pgm_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2292. <comment>
  2293. Efuse SW programme enable
  2294. </comment>
  2295. </bits>
  2296. </reg>
  2297. <reg protect="r" name="efuse_data_rd">
  2298. <bits access="r" name="efuse_data_rd" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2299. <comment>
  2300. Efuse read data,&#10;If SW use efuse controller to send a read command to efuse memory, the return value will store here.&#10;
  2301. </comment>
  2302. </bits>
  2303. </reg>
  2304. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_data_wr">
  2305. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_data_wr" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2306. <comment>
  2307. Efuse data to be write.&#10;If SW want to program the efuse memory, the data to be programmed will write to this register before SW issue a PGM command.
  2308. </comment>
  2309. </bits>
  2310. </reg>
  2311. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_addr_index">
  2312. <bits access="r" name="efuse_addr_index_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  2313. </bits>
  2314. <bits access="rw" name="read_write_index" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  2315. <comment>
  2316. The efuse memory block index to be read or write.
  2317. </comment>
  2318. </bits>
  2319. </reg>
  2320. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_mode_ctrl">
  2321. <bits access="r" name="efuse_mode_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  2322. </bits>
  2323. <bits access="rc" name="efuse_normal_rd_flag_clr" pos="2" rst="0">
  2324. <comment>
  2325. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2326. Write 1 to this bit will clear normal read flag.This bit is self-clear, read this bit will always get 0
  2327. </comment>
  2328. </bits>
  2329. <bits access="rc" name="efuse_rd_start" pos="1" rst="0">
  2330. <comment>
  2331. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2332. Write 1 to this bit start READ mode(read mode).This bit is self-clear, read this bit will always get 0
  2333. </comment>
  2334. </bits>
  2335. <bits access="rc" name="efuse_pg_start" pos="0" rst="0">
  2336. <comment>
  2337. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2338. Write 1 to this bit start PGM mode(PGM mode). This bit is self-clear, read this bit will always get 0
  2339. </comment>
  2340. </bits>
  2341. </reg>
  2342. <reg protect="r" name="efuse_status">
  2343. <bits access="r" name="efuse_status_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  2344. </bits>
  2345. <bits access="r" name="efuse_normal_rd_done" pos="4" rst="0">
  2346. <comment>
  2347. “1” indicate EFUSE normal read has been done
  2348. </comment>
  2349. </bits>
  2350. <bits access="r" name="efuse_global_prot" pos="3" rst="0">
  2351. <comment>
  2352. If SW send a PGM command to memory and memory controller find the memory need to be protected (LSB of 64 bit is 1), this flag will be set to 1.
  2353. </comment>
  2354. </bits>
  2355. <bits access="r" name="efuse_idle" pos="2" rst="0">
  2356. <comment>
  2357. “1” indicate efuse memory in standby mode
  2358. </comment>
  2359. </bits>
  2360. <bits access="r" name="read_busy" pos="1" rst="0">
  2361. <comment>
  2362. “1” indicate efuse memory in read mode
  2363. </comment>
  2364. </bits>
  2365. <bits access="r" name="pgm_busy" pos="0" rst="0">
  2366. <comment>
  2367. “1” indicate efuse memory in programming mode
  2368. </comment>
  2369. </bits>
  2370. </reg>
  2371. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_magic_number">
  2372. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_magic_number" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2373. <comment>
  2374. Magic number, only when this field is 0x1811, the Efuse programming command can be handle.&#10;So if SW want to program efuse memory, except open clocks and power, 2 other conditions must be met :&#10;a) PGM_EN =1;&#10;b) EFUSE_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x1811&#10;
  2375. </comment>
  2376. </bits>
  2377. </reg>
  2378. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_margin_magic_number">
  2379. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_margin_magic_number" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2380. <comment>
  2381. Magic number, only when this field is 0x6688, the margin read is usable.
  2382. </comment>
  2383. </bits>
  2384. </reg>
  2385. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_wr_timing_ctrl">
  2386. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_wr_timing_ctrl" pos="15:0" rst="24595">
  2387. <comment>
  2388. Config this register to control the timing of writing operation related signals
  2389. </comment>
  2390. </bits>
  2391. </reg>
  2392. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_rd_timing_ctrl">
  2393. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_rd_timing_ctrl" pos="15:0" rst="62">
  2394. <comment>
  2395. Config this register to control the timing of writing operation related signals
  2396. </comment>
  2397. </bits>
  2398. </reg>
  2399. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_version">
  2400. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_version" pos="15:0" rst="256">
  2401. <comment>
  2402. Efuse control version register
  2403. </comment>
  2404. </bits>
  2405. </reg>
  2406. </module>
  2407. </archive>
  2408. <archive relative="pmic_dig.xml">
  2409. <module name="pmic_dig" category="Pmic">
  2410. <reg protect="r" name="chip_id_low">
  2411. <bits access="r" name="chip_id_l" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2412. </bits>
  2413. </reg>
  2414. <reg protect="r" name="chip_id_high">
  2415. <bits access="r" name="chip_id_h" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  2416. </bits>
  2417. </reg>
  2418. <reg protect="rw" name="ip_clk_disable">
  2419. <bits access="r" name="ip_clk_disable_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  2420. </bits>
  2421. <bits access="rw" name="adc" pos="1" rst="0">
  2422. </bits>
  2423. <bits access="rw" name="efs" pos="0" rst="0">
  2424. </bits>
  2425. </reg>
  2426. <reg protect="rw" name="ip_soft_rst">
  2427. <bits access="r" name="ip_soft_rst_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  2428. </bits>
  2429. <bits access="rw" name="adc" pos="2" rst="1">
  2430. </bits>
  2431. <bits access="rw" name="efs" pos="1" rst="1">
  2432. </bits>
  2433. <bits access="rw" name="dig_reg" pos="0" rst="1">
  2434. </bits>
  2435. </reg>
  2436. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_adc_div_cfg">
  2437. <bits access="r" name="clk_adc_div_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  2438. </bits>
  2439. <bits access="rw" name="clk_adc_div_num" pos="9:7" rst="1">
  2440. </bits>
  2441. <bits access="rw" name="clk_adc_div_denom" pos="6:1" rst="1">
  2442. </bits>
  2443. <bits access="rc" name="clk_adc_div_update" pos="0" rst="0">
  2444. <comment>
  2445. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2446. </comment>
  2447. </bits>
  2448. </reg>
  2449. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_vcore_cfg">
  2450. <bits access="r" name="clk_vcore_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  2451. </bits>
  2452. <bits access="rc" name="update" pos="10" rst="0">
  2453. <comment>
  2454. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2455. </comment>
  2456. </bits>
  2457. <bits access="rw" name="dither_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  2458. </bits>
  2459. <bits access="rw" name="dither_sel" pos="8:6" rst="0">
  2460. </bits>
  2461. <bits access="rw" name="phase" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  2462. </bits>
  2463. <bits access="rw" name="pol" pos="1" rst="0">
  2464. </bits>
  2465. <bits access="rw" name="en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2466. </bits>
  2467. </reg>
  2468. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_vrf_cfg">
  2469. <bits access="r" name="clk_vrf_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  2470. </bits>
  2471. <bits access="rc" name="update" pos="10" rst="0">
  2472. <comment>
  2473. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2474. </comment>
  2475. </bits>
  2476. <bits access="rw" name="dither_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  2477. </bits>
  2478. <bits access="rw" name="dither_sel" pos="8:6" rst="0">
  2479. </bits>
  2480. <bits access="rw" name="phase" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  2481. </bits>
  2482. <bits access="rw" name="pol" pos="1" rst="0">
  2483. </bits>
  2484. <bits access="rw" name="en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2485. </bits>
  2486. </reg>
  2487. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_vpa_cfg">
  2488. <bits access="r" name="clk_vpa_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  2489. </bits>
  2490. <bits access="rc" name="update" pos="10" rst="0">
  2491. <comment>
  2492. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  2493. </comment>
  2494. </bits>
  2495. <bits access="rw" name="dither_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  2496. </bits>
  2497. <bits access="rw" name="dither_sel" pos="8:6" rst="0">
  2498. </bits>
  2499. <bits access="rw" name="phase" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  2500. </bits>
  2501. <bits access="rw" name="pol" pos="1" rst="0">
  2502. </bits>
  2503. <bits access="rw" name="en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2504. </bits>
  2505. </reg>
  2506. <reg protect="rw" name="sim_bua_prot_cfg">
  2507. <bits access="r" name="sim_bua_prot_cfg_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  2508. </bits>
  2509. <bits access="rw" name="pd_delay_time" pos="8:1" rst="255">
  2510. </bits>
  2511. <bits access="rw" name="enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  2512. </bits>
  2513. </reg>
  2514. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_rtc_ctrl">
  2515. <bits access="rw" name="rtc_rsvd1" pos="15:8" rst="240">
  2516. </bits>
  2517. <bits access="rw" name="rtc_rsvd0" pos="7:0" rst="240">
  2518. </bits>
  2519. </reg>
  2520. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_bg_ctrl">
  2521. <bits access="r" name="ana_bg_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  2522. </bits>
  2523. <bits access="rw" name="batdet_cur_en" pos="10" rst="0">
  2524. <comment>
  2525. AUXADC current mode enable&#10;1&apos;b0: default, off&#10;1&apos;b1: current mode on
  2526. </comment>
  2527. </bits>
  2528. <bits access="rw" name="batdet_cur_sel" pos="9:7" rst="0">
  2529. <comment>
  2530. AUXADC current step select
  2531. </comment>
  2532. </bits>
  2533. <bits access="rw" name="ib_trim" pos="6:0" rst="64">
  2534. <comment>
  2535. AUXADC current calibration
  2536. </comment>
  2537. </bits>
  2538. </reg>
  2539. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_thm_otp_ctrl">
  2540. <bits access="r" name="ana_thm_otp_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  2541. </bits>
  2542. <bits access="rw" name="otp_op" pos="3:1" rst="3">
  2543. <comment>
  2544. OTP threshold&#10;3&apos;b011: 135C, default
  2545. </comment>
  2546. </bits>
  2547. <bits access="rw" name="otp_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2548. <comment>
  2549. OTP function enable control bit
  2550. </comment>
  2551. </bits>
  2552. </reg>
  2553. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vbat_ctrl_0">
  2554. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_cl_adj" pos="15:13" rst="3">
  2555. <comment>
  2556. LDO_LP18 current limit threshold adjust default 1&apos;b011 111~000 380mA~240mA 20mA/step
  2557. </comment>
  2558. </bits>
  2559. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_shpt_en" pos="12" rst="1">
  2560. <comment>
  2561. LDO_LP18 short protect EN:&#10;“0” is disable&#10;“1” is enable(default)
  2562. </comment>
  2563. </bits>
  2564. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_shpt_adj" pos="11" rst="1">
  2565. <comment>
  2566. LDO_LP18 short protect current threshold adjust default 1&apos;b1
  2567. </comment>
  2568. </bits>
  2569. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_stb" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  2570. <comment>
  2571. LDO_LP18 compensation capacitor and resistor adjust
  2572. </comment>
  2573. </bits>
  2574. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_lp18_discharge_en" pos="8" rst="1">
  2575. <comment>
  2576. LDO_LP18 discharge en
  2577. </comment>
  2578. </bits>
  2579. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_cl_adj" pos="7:5" rst="3">
  2580. </bits>
  2581. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_shpt_en" pos="4" rst="1">
  2582. </bits>
  2583. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_shpt_adj" pos="3" rst="1">
  2584. </bits>
  2585. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_stb" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  2586. </bits>
  2587. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_dcxo_discharge_en" pos="0" rst="1">
  2588. </bits>
  2589. </reg>
  2590. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vbat_ctrl_1">
  2591. <bits access="r" name="ana_ldo_vbat_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  2592. </bits>
  2593. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_cl_adj" pos="7:5" rst="3">
  2594. </bits>
  2595. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_shpt_en" pos="4" rst="1">
  2596. </bits>
  2597. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_shpt_adj" pos="3" rst="1">
  2598. </bits>
  2599. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_stb" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  2600. </bits>
  2601. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio18_discharge_en" pos="0" rst="1">
  2602. </bits>
  2603. </reg>
  2604. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vext_ctrl_0">
  2605. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_cl_adj" pos="15:13" rst="3">
  2606. </bits>
  2607. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_shpt_en" pos="12" rst="1">
  2608. </bits>
  2609. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_shpt_adj" pos="11" rst="1">
  2610. </bits>
  2611. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_stb" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  2612. </bits>
  2613. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim0_discharge_en" pos="8" rst="1">
  2614. </bits>
  2615. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_cl_adj" pos="7:5" rst="3">
  2616. </bits>
  2617. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_shpt_en" pos="4" rst="1">
  2618. </bits>
  2619. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_shpt_adj" pos="3" rst="1">
  2620. </bits>
  2621. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_stb" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  2622. </bits>
  2623. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_sim1_discharge_en" pos="0" rst="1">
  2624. </bits>
  2625. </reg>
  2626. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_ldo_vext_ctrl_1">
  2627. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_cl_adj" pos="15:13" rst="3">
  2628. </bits>
  2629. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_shpt_en" pos="12" rst="1">
  2630. </bits>
  2631. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_shpt_adj" pos="11" rst="1">
  2632. </bits>
  2633. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_stb" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  2634. </bits>
  2635. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vio33_discharge_en" pos="8" rst="1">
  2636. </bits>
  2637. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_cl_adj" pos="7:5" rst="3">
  2638. </bits>
  2639. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_shpt_en" pos="4" rst="1">
  2640. </bits>
  2641. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_shpt_adj" pos="3" rst="1">
  2642. </bits>
  2643. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_stb" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  2644. </bits>
  2645. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_vibr_discharge_en" pos="0" rst="1">
  2646. </bits>
  2647. </reg>
  2648. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_0">
  2649. <bits access="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  2650. </bits>
  2651. <bits access="rw" name="dcdc_clkout_sel" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  2652. <comment>
  2653. clock selection for each channel&#10;RG_CLKOUT_SEL[0]: VCORE clk selection&#10;RG_CLKOUT_SEL[1]: VRF clk selection&#10;RG_CLKOUT_SEL[2]: VPA clk selection&#10;0: internal mode, default&#10;1: external mode
  2654. </comment>
  2655. </bits>
  2656. <bits access="rw" name="dcdc_clkout_uniphase" pos="11" rst="0">
  2657. <comment>
  2658. phase shift option&#10;1&apos;b0: default, w/i 1/5 phase shift at internal mode&#10;1&apos;b1: uni-phase mode, all ouputs = channel 0
  2659. </comment>
  2660. </bits>
  2661. <bits access="rw" name="dcdc_clk3m_test_en" pos="10" rst="0">
  2662. <comment>
  2663. test mode control.&#10;0: default, clock output off&#10;0: default, clock output on
  2664. </comment>
  2665. </bits>
  2666. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_antiring_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  2667. <comment>
  2668. anti-ring enable&#10;1&apos;b0: default, anti-ring off&#10;1&apos;b1: anti-ring on
  2669. </comment>
  2670. </bits>
  2671. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_curlimit_r" pos="8:7" rst="0">
  2672. <comment>
  2673. current limit threshold tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: -20%&#10;2&apos;b10: +40%&#10;2&apos;b11: +20%
  2674. </comment>
  2675. </bits>
  2676. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_curses_r" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  2677. <comment>
  2678. current sense R ratio tuning&#10;current sense multiplier tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default, x1&#10;2&apos;b01: -20%&#10;2&apos;b10: +40%&#10;2&apos;b11: +20%
  2679. </comment>
  2680. </bits>
  2681. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_force_pwm" pos="4" rst="0">
  2682. <comment>
  2683. force PWM mode&#10;1&apos;b0: default, PFM/PWM auto mode&#10;1&apos;b1: force PWM mode
  2684. </comment>
  2685. </bits>
  2686. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_pfm_vh" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  2687. <comment>
  2688. PFM mode threshold for upper limit&#10;2&apos;b00: default, 0.6V&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.55V&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.65V&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.7V
  2689. </comment>
  2690. </bits>
  2691. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_rcomp" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  2692. <comment>
  2693. compensation R select&#10;2&apos;b00: default, 360k&#10;2&apos;b01: 320k&#10;2&apos;b10: 400k&#10;2&apos;b11: 440k
  2694. </comment>
  2695. </bits>
  2696. </reg>
  2697. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_1">
  2698. <bits access="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  2699. </bits>
  2700. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_slope" pos="14:13" rst="0">
  2701. <comment>
  2702. slope compensation tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b10: 1.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 2x
  2703. </comment>
  2704. </bits>
  2705. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_sr_hs" pos="12:11" rst="0">
  2706. <comment>
  2707. high side slew rate control&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.75x&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.25x
  2708. </comment>
  2709. </bits>
  2710. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_sr_ls" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  2711. <comment>
  2712. low side slew rate control&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.75x&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.25x
  2713. </comment>
  2714. </bits>
  2715. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_zx_disable" pos="8" rst="0">
  2716. <comment>
  2717. force zero-cross off&#10;1&apos;b0: default, zero_cross detect on&#10;1&apos;b1: zero-cross detect off
  2718. </comment>
  2719. </bits>
  2720. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_zx_offset" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  2721. <comment>
  2722. zero-cross offset tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: +5mV offset&#10;2&apos;b10: -5mV offset&#10;2&apos;b11: -10mV offset
  2723. </comment>
  2724. </bits>
  2725. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_antiring_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  2726. <comment>
  2727. anti-ring enable&#10;1&apos;b0: default, anti-ring off&#10;1&apos;b1: anti-ring on
  2728. </comment>
  2729. </bits>
  2730. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_curlimit_r" pos="4:3" rst="0">
  2731. <comment>
  2732. current limit threshold tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: -20%&#10;2&apos;b10: +40%&#10;2&apos;b11: +20%
  2733. </comment>
  2734. </bits>
  2735. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_curses_r" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  2736. <comment>
  2737. current sense R ratio tuning&#10;current sense multiplier tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default, x1&#10;2&apos;b01: -20%&#10;2&apos;b10: +40%&#10;2&apos;b11: +20%
  2738. </comment>
  2739. </bits>
  2740. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_force_pwm" pos="0" rst="0">
  2741. <comment>
  2742. force PWM mode&#10;1&apos;b0: default, PFM/PWM auto mode&#10;1&apos;b1: force PWM mode
  2743. </comment>
  2744. </bits>
  2745. </reg>
  2746. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_2">
  2747. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_pfm_vh" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  2748. <comment>
  2749. PFM mode threshold for upper limit&#10;2&apos;b00: default, 0.6V&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.55V&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.65V&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.7V
  2750. </comment>
  2751. </bits>
  2752. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_rcomp" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  2753. <comment>
  2754. compensation R select&#10;2&apos;b00: default, 360k&#10;2&apos;b01: 320k&#10;2&apos;b10: 400k&#10;2&apos;b11: 440k
  2755. </comment>
  2756. </bits>
  2757. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_slope" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  2758. <comment>
  2759. slope compensation tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b10: 1.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 2x
  2760. </comment>
  2761. </bits>
  2762. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_sr_hs" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  2763. <comment>
  2764. high side slew rate control&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.75x&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.25x
  2765. </comment>
  2766. </bits>
  2767. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_sr_ls" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  2768. <comment>
  2769. low side slew rate control&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.75x&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.25x
  2770. </comment>
  2771. </bits>
  2772. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_zx_disable" pos="5" rst="0">
  2773. <comment>
  2774. force zero-cross off&#10;1&apos;b0: default, zero_cross detect on&#10;1&apos;b1: zero-cross detect off
  2775. </comment>
  2776. </bits>
  2777. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_zx_offset" pos="4:3" rst="0">
  2778. <comment>
  2779. zero-cross offset tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: +5mV offset&#10;2&apos;b10: -5mV offset&#10;2&apos;b11: -10mV offset
  2780. </comment>
  2781. </bits>
  2782. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_pd" pos="2" rst="1">
  2783. <comment>
  2784. DCDC power down&#10;1&apos;b0: DCDC on&#10;1&apos;b1: DCDC power down
  2785. </comment>
  2786. </bits>
  2787. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_lp_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  2788. <comment>
  2789. low power mode&#10;1&apos;b0: active mode&#10;1&apos;b1: low-power mode
  2790. </comment>
  2791. </bits>
  2792. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_antiring_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2793. <comment>
  2794. anti-ring enable&#10;1&apos;b0: default, anti-ring off&#10;1&apos;b1: anti-ring on
  2795. </comment>
  2796. </bits>
  2797. </reg>
  2798. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_3">
  2799. <bits access="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_3_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  2800. </bits>
  2801. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_apc_enable" pos="14" rst="0">
  2802. <comment>
  2803. APC mode enable&#10;1&apos;b0: default, RG control mode&#10;1&apos;b1: APC mode
  2804. </comment>
  2805. </bits>
  2806. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_apc_ramp_sel" pos="13" rst="0">
  2807. <comment>
  2808. APC ramp selection&#10;1&apos;b0: default, 2.0x ramp&#10;1&apos;b1: 2.5x ramp
  2809. </comment>
  2810. </bits>
  2811. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_bypass_disable" pos="12" rst="0">
  2812. <comment>
  2813. bypass mode disable&#10;1&apos;b0: default, auto bypass&#10;1&apos;b1: bypass off
  2814. </comment>
  2815. </bits>
  2816. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_bypass_forceon" pos="11" rst="0">
  2817. <comment>
  2818. bypass force on&#10;1&apos;b0: default, auto bypass&#10;1&apos;b1: force bypass mode on
  2819. </comment>
  2820. </bits>
  2821. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_bypass_threshold" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  2822. <comment>
  2823. bypass mode threshold&#10;2&apos;b00: default, ~200mV
  2824. </comment>
  2825. </bits>
  2826. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_ccomp3" pos="8:7" rst="0">
  2827. <comment>
  2828. compensation C3&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: -20%&#10;2&apos;b10: +40%&#10;2&apos;b11: +20%
  2829. </comment>
  2830. </bits>
  2831. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_curlimit_r" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  2832. <comment>
  2833. current limit threshold tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: -0.5pF&#10;2&apos;b10: +1pF&#10;2&apos;b11: +0.5pF
  2834. </comment>
  2835. </bits>
  2836. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_curses_m" pos="4:3" rst="0">
  2837. <comment>
  2838. current sense multiplier tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default, x1&#10;2&apos;b01: x0.5&#10;2&apos;b10: x2&#10;2&apos;b11: x1.5
  2839. </comment>
  2840. </bits>
  2841. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_dvs_on" pos="2" rst="0">
  2842. <comment>
  2843. DVS control&#10;1&apos;b0: default, off&#10;1&apos;b0: on, for DCM down discharge
  2844. </comment>
  2845. </bits>
  2846. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_force_pwm" pos="1" rst="0">
  2847. <comment>
  2848. force PWM mode&#10;1&apos;b0: default, PFM/PWM auto mode&#10;1&apos;b1: force PWM mode
  2849. </comment>
  2850. </bits>
  2851. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_maxduty_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  2852. <comment>
  2853. 100% duty selection&#10;1&apos;b0: default, max duty=100%&#10;1&apos;b1: max duty ~95%
  2854. </comment>
  2855. </bits>
  2856. </reg>
  2857. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_4">
  2858. <bits access="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_4_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  2859. </bits>
  2860. <bits access="rw" name="vcore_curavg" pos="14:13" rst="0">
  2861. <comment>
  2862. current sense average ratio&#10;current sense multiplier tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default, x1&#10;2&apos;b01: -20%&#10;2&apos;b10: +40%&#10;2&apos;b11: +20%
  2863. </comment>
  2864. </bits>
  2865. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_pfm_threshold" pos="12:11" rst="0">
  2866. <comment>
  2867. PFM mode threshold for upper limit&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: -50mV&#10;2&apos;b10: +50mV&#10;2&apos;b11: +100mV
  2868. </comment>
  2869. </bits>
  2870. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_rcomp2" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  2871. <comment>
  2872. compensation R2 select&#10;2&apos;b00: default, 960k&#10;2&apos;b01: 880k&#10;2&apos;b10: 1040k&#10;2&apos;b11: 1120k
  2873. </comment>
  2874. </bits>
  2875. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_rcomp3" pos="8:7" rst="0">
  2876. <comment>
  2877. compensation R3 select&#10;2&apos;b00: default, 5k&#10;2&apos;b01: 2.5k&#10;2&apos;b10: 10k&#10;2&apos;b11: 7.5k
  2878. </comment>
  2879. </bits>
  2880. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_sawtooth_slope" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  2881. <comment>
  2882. sawtooth tuning manully&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: +15%&#10;2&apos;b10: -30%&#10;2&apos;b11: -15%
  2883. </comment>
  2884. </bits>
  2885. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_sawtoothcal_rst" pos="4" rst="0">
  2886. <comment>
  2887. sawtooth calibration&#10;1&apos;b0: default, auto calibration before power-on&#10;1&apos;b1: calibration manully
  2888. </comment>
  2889. </bits>
  2890. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_sr_hs" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  2891. <comment>
  2892. high side slew rate control&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.75x&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.25x
  2893. </comment>
  2894. </bits>
  2895. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_sr_ls" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  2896. <comment>
  2897. low side slew rate control&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: 0.75x&#10;2&apos;b10: 0.5x&#10;2&apos;b11: 0.25x
  2898. </comment>
  2899. </bits>
  2900. </reg>
  2901. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_5">
  2902. <bits access="r" name="ana_dcdc_ctrl_5_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  2903. </bits>
  2904. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_curavg" pos="14:13" rst="0">
  2905. <comment>
  2906. current sense average ratio&#10;current sense multiplier tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default, x1&#10;2&apos;b01: -20%&#10;2&apos;b10: +40%&#10;2&apos;b11: +20%
  2907. </comment>
  2908. </bits>
  2909. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_vosel" pos="12:6" rst="120">
  2910. <comment>
  2911. output voltage selection, 25mV/step.&#10;7&apos;h00=0.4V,&#10;7&apos;h7C=3.5V&#10;default 7&apos;h78=3.4V
  2912. </comment>
  2913. </bits>
  2914. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_zx_disable" pos="5" rst="0">
  2915. <comment>
  2916. force zero-cross off&#10;1&apos;b0: default, zero_cross detect on&#10;1&apos;b1: zero-cross detect off
  2917. </comment>
  2918. </bits>
  2919. <bits access="rw" name="vpa_zx_offset" pos="4:3" rst="0">
  2920. <comment>
  2921. zero-cross offset tuning&#10;2&apos;b00: default&#10;2&apos;b01: +5mV offset&#10;2&apos;b10: -5mV offset&#10;2&apos;b11: -10mV offset
  2922. </comment>
  2923. </bits>
  2924. <bits access="rw" name="dcdc_auxtrim_sel" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  2925. <comment>
  2926. DCDC to AUXADC trim channel selection&#10;3&apos;b001: select VCORE&#10;3&apos;b010: select VRF (VRF*18/37)&#10;3&apos;b011: select VPA (VPA*18/68)&#10;RG_DCDC_AUXTRIM_SEL[2], internal test mode select:&#10;0: default, internal test mode disable&#10;1: internal test mode enable. Monitor internal signals by reuse CLK3M_OUT path&#10;3&apos;b100: enpwm_vrf&#10;3&apos;b101: zx_vrf&#10;3&apos;b110: enpwm_vcore&#10;3&apos;b111: zx_vcore
  2927. </comment>
  2928. </bits>
  2929. </reg>
  2930. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_chgr_ctrl">
  2931. <bits access="r" name="ana_chgr_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  2932. </bits>
  2933. <bits access="r" name="pd_vbus_safe" pos="4" rst="0">
  2934. </bits>
  2935. <bits access="r" name="typec_vbus_ok" pos="3" rst="0">
  2936. </bits>
  2937. <bits access="rw" name="rg_pd_vbus_safe_det_v" pos="2:1" rst="2">
  2938. </bits>
  2939. <bits access="rw" name="chgr_ptest" pos="0" rst="0">
  2940. </bits>
  2941. </reg>
  2942. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_auxadc_ctrl">
  2943. <bits access="r" name="ana_auxadc_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  2944. </bits>
  2945. <bits access="rw" name="ldo_auxcal_sel" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  2946. </bits>
  2947. <bits access="rw" name="auxad_test_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  2948. <comment>
  2949. AUX ADC channel ATE test scan mode control. 1 for ATE test channel scan, 0 for normal work. For ATE test channel scan, set this reg to 1, and using AUXAD_CS[4:0] to scan channel.
  2950. </comment>
  2951. </bits>
  2952. <bits access="rw" name="aux_ldo_sel" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  2953. <comment>
  2954. AUXADC LDO output voltage selection,&#10;00: AVDD_LDO=1.8V&#10;01: AVDD_LDO=1.88V&#10;10: AVDD_LDO=1.72V&#10;11: AVDD_LDO=1.65V&#10;Default 00.
  2955. </comment>
  2956. </bits>
  2957. <bits access="rw" name="aux_ldo_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  2958. <comment>
  2959. AUXADC LDO enable signal, default 0
  2960. </comment>
  2961. </bits>
  2962. </reg>
  2963. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_ports">
  2964. <bits access="r" name="rsvd_ports_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  2965. </bits>
  2966. <bits access="r" name="rsvd_ports_in" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  2967. </bits>
  2968. <bits access="rw" name="rsvd_ports_out" pos="3:0" rst="3">
  2969. </bits>
  2970. </reg>
  2971. </module>
  2972. </archive>
  2973. <archive relative ="pmic_gpio_lite.xml">
  2974. <var name="NB_GPIO_LITE" value="8" />
  2975. <module name="pmic_gpio_lite" category="Pmic">
  2976. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_val">
  2977. <bits access="rw" name="oen_val" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  2978. <options>
  2979. <option name="INPUT" value="1" />
  2980. <option name="OUTPUT" value="0" />
  2981. <default />
  2982. </options>
  2983. <comment>Set the direction of the GPIO n.<br />0 = output<br />1 =
  2984. input</comment>
  2985. </bits>
  2986. </reg>
  2987. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_out_val">
  2988. <bits access="rw" name="out_val" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  2989. <comment>When write, update the output value. When read, get the output
  2990. value. </comment>
  2991. </bits>
  2992. </reg>
  2993. <reg protect="ro" name="gpio_in_val">
  2994. <bits access="ro" name="in_val" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  2995. <comment>When read, get the input value. </comment>
  2996. </bits>
  2997. </reg>
  2998. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl_r">
  2999. <bits access="rw" name="gpint_r" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0">
  3000. <comment>'1', for rising edge and level high. </comment>
  3001. </bits>
  3002. </reg>
  3003. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl_f">
  3004. <bits access="rw" name="gpint_f" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0">
  3005. <comment>'1', for falling edge and level low. </comment>
  3006. </bits>
  3007. </reg>
  3008. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl_mode">
  3009. <bits access="rw" name="gpint_mode" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0">
  3010. <comment>'1', for level mode. </comment>
  3011. </bits>
  3012. </reg>
  3013. <reg protect="w" name="int_clr">
  3014. <bits access="c" name="gpint_clr" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0">
  3015. <comment>'Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt.</comment>
  3016. </bits>
  3017. </reg>
  3018. <reg protect="r" name="int_status">
  3019. <bits access="r" name="gpint_status" pos="NB_GPIO_LITE-1:0" rst="0">
  3020. <comment>Each bit represents if there is a GPIO interrupt
  3021. pending.</comment>
  3022. <options>
  3023. <default/>
  3024. <mask/>
  3025. <shift/>
  3026. </options>
  3027. </bits>
  3028. </reg>
  3029. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl">
  3030. <bits access="rw" name="negedge_logic_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  3031. <comment>'1', open negedge logic. </comment>
  3032. </bits>
  3033. </reg>
  3034. </module>
  3035. </archive>
  3036. <archive relative="pmic_gpt16.xml">
  3037. <module name="pmic_gpt16" category="Pmic">
  3038. <reg protect="rw" name="cr">
  3039. <bits access="r" name="cr_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  3040. </bits>
  3041. <bits access="rw" name="refclk_sel" pos="11" rst="1">
  3042. </bits>
  3043. <bits access="rw" name="tri_cnt_en" pos="10" rst="0">
  3044. <comment>
  3045. Input triger number count enable
  3046. </comment>
  3047. </bits>
  3048. <bits access="rw" name="tri" pos="9" rst="0">
  3049. <comment>
  3050. slave_mode trigger select
  3051. </comment>
  3052. </bits>
  3053. <bits access="rw" name="arpe" pos="8" rst="1">
  3054. <comment>
  3055. auto preload value
  3056. </comment>
  3057. </bits>
  3058. <bits access="rw" name="cms" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  3059. <comment>
  3060. Center-aligned mode select 00: disable , other:enable
  3061. </comment>
  3062. </bits>
  3063. <bits access="rw" name="dir" pos="5" rst="0">
  3064. <comment>
  3065. counter dir , 0: cnt ++ , 1: cnt --
  3066. </comment>
  3067. </bits>
  3068. <bits access="rw" name="opm" pos="4" rst="0">
  3069. <comment>
  3070. one pulse mode, 0:disable 1:enable
  3071. </comment>
  3072. </bits>
  3073. <bits access="rw" name="udis" pos="3" rst="0">
  3074. <comment>
  3075. update disable, 0:disable, 1:enable
  3076. </comment>
  3077. </bits>
  3078. <bits access="rw" name="ckd" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  3079. <comment>
  3080. clock fdts didiver, 01: divided by 2 10:divided by 4, other:bypass
  3081. </comment>
  3082. </bits>
  3083. <bits access="rw" name="cen" pos="0" rst="0">
  3084. <comment>
  3085. counter enable, 0: disbale, 1:enable
  3086. </comment>
  3087. </bits>
  3088. </reg>
  3089. <reg protect="rw" name="smcr">
  3090. <bits access="r" name="smcr_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  3091. </bits>
  3092. <bits access="rw" name="sms" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  3093. <comment>
  3094. slave mode select: 100: slave mode, 101:gate mode, 110:trig mode, others disable
  3095. </comment>
  3096. </bits>
  3097. </reg>
  3098. <reg protect="rw" name="egr">
  3099. <bits access="r" name="egr_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  3100. </bits>
  3101. <bits access="rc" name="ug" pos="0" rst="0">
  3102. <comment>
  3103. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3104. user trigger gen
  3105. </comment>
  3106. </bits>
  3107. </reg>
  3108. <reg protect="rw" name="ccmr_oc">
  3109. <bits access="rw" name="oc2ce" pos="15" rst="0">
  3110. <comment>
  3111. no used yet
  3112. </comment>
  3113. </bits>
  3114. <bits access="rw" name="oc2m" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  3115. <comment>
  3116. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  3117. </comment>
  3118. </bits>
  3119. <bits access="rw" name="oc2pe" pos="11" rst="0">
  3120. <comment>
  3121. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  3122. </comment>
  3123. </bits>
  3124. <bits access="rw" name="oc2fe" pos="10" rst="0">
  3125. <comment>
  3126. no used yet
  3127. </comment>
  3128. </bits>
  3129. <bits access="rw" name="cc2s" pos="9:8" rst="1">
  3130. <comment>
  3131. channel source sel, bit[9] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[8] 0: use ti2, 1: use ti1
  3132. </comment>
  3133. </bits>
  3134. <bits access="rw" name="oc1ce" pos="7" rst="0">
  3135. <comment>
  3136. no used yet
  3137. </comment>
  3138. </bits>
  3139. <bits access="rw" name="oc1m" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  3140. <comment>
  3141. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  3142. </comment>
  3143. </bits>
  3144. <bits access="rw" name="oc1pe" pos="3" rst="0">
  3145. <comment>
  3146. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  3147. </comment>
  3148. </bits>
  3149. <bits access="rw" name="oc1fe" pos="2" rst="0">
  3150. <comment>
  3151. no used yet
  3152. </comment>
  3153. </bits>
  3154. <bits access="rw" name="cc1s" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  3155. <comment>
  3156. channel source sel, bit[0] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[1] 0: use ti2, 1: use ti1
  3157. </comment>
  3158. </bits>
  3159. </reg>
  3160. <reg protect="rw" name="ccmr_ic">
  3161. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_ic_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  3162. </bits>
  3163. <bits access="rw" name="ic2f" pos="11:8" rst="0">
  3164. <comment>
  3165. ti2 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  3166. </comment>
  3167. </bits>
  3168. <bits access="rw" name="ic2psc" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  3169. <comment>
  3170. ti2 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  3171. </comment>
  3172. </bits>
  3173. <bits access="rw" name="ic1f" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  3174. <comment>
  3175. ti1 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  3176. </comment>
  3177. </bits>
  3178. <bits access="rw" name="ic1psc" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  3179. <comment>
  3180. ti1 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  3181. </comment>
  3182. </bits>
  3183. </reg>
  3184. <reg protect="rw" name="ccer">
  3185. <bits access="r" name="ccer_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  3186. </bits>
  3187. <bits access="rw" name="cc2p" pos="3" rst="0">
  3188. <comment>
  3189. ti2 polarity
  3190. </comment>
  3191. </bits>
  3192. <bits access="rw" name="cc2e" pos="2" rst="0">
  3193. <comment>
  3194. ti2 enable
  3195. </comment>
  3196. </bits>
  3197. <bits access="rw" name="cc1p" pos="1" rst="0">
  3198. <comment>
  3199. ti1 polarity
  3200. </comment>
  3201. </bits>
  3202. <bits access="rw" name="cc1e" pos="0" rst="0">
  3203. <comment>
  3204. ti1 enable
  3205. </comment>
  3206. </bits>
  3207. </reg>
  3208. <reg protect="r" name="cnt">
  3209. <bits access="r" name="cnt_value" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3210. <comment>
  3211. cnt value
  3212. </comment>
  3213. </bits>
  3214. </reg>
  3215. <reg protect="rw" name="psc">
  3216. <bits access="rw" name="psc_value" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3217. <comment>
  3218. cnt prescale value
  3219. </comment>
  3220. </bits>
  3221. </reg>
  3222. <reg protect="rw" name="arr">
  3223. <bits access="rw" name="arr_value" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3224. <comment>
  3225. cnt max value
  3226. </comment>
  3227. </bits>
  3228. </reg>
  3229. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr1_ic">
  3230. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr1_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3231. <comment>
  3232. ic1 capture value
  3233. </comment>
  3234. </bits>
  3235. </reg>
  3236. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr2_ic">
  3237. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr2_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3238. <comment>
  3239. ic2 capture value
  3240. </comment>
  3241. </bits>
  3242. </reg>
  3243. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr1_oc">
  3244. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr1_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3245. <comment>
  3246. ic1 compare value
  3247. </comment>
  3248. </bits>
  3249. </reg>
  3250. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr2_oc">
  3251. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr2_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3252. <comment>
  3253. ic2 compare value
  3254. </comment>
  3255. </bits>
  3256. </reg>
  3257. <reg protect="r" name="isr">
  3258. <bits access="r" name="isr_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  3259. </bits>
  3260. <bits access="r" name="event_update" pos="5" rst="0">
  3261. <comment>
  3262. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  3263. </comment>
  3264. </bits>
  3265. <bits access="r" name="slave_trig" pos="4" rst="0">
  3266. <comment>
  3267. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  3268. </comment>
  3269. </bits>
  3270. <bits access="r" name="capture_int" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  3271. </bits>
  3272. <bits access="r" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  3273. </bits>
  3274. </reg>
  3275. <reg protect="r" name="irsr">
  3276. <bits access="r" name="irsr_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  3277. </bits>
  3278. <bits access="r" name="event_update" pos="5" rst="0">
  3279. <comment>
  3280. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  3281. </comment>
  3282. </bits>
  3283. <bits access="r" name="slave_trig" pos="4" rst="0">
  3284. <comment>
  3285. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  3286. </comment>
  3287. </bits>
  3288. <bits access="r" name="capture_int" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  3289. </bits>
  3290. <bits access="r" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  3291. </bits>
  3292. </reg>
  3293. <reg protect="rw" name="mask">
  3294. <bits access="r" name="mask_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  3295. </bits>
  3296. <bits access="rw" name="event_update" pos="5" rst="0">
  3297. <comment>
  3298. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  3299. </comment>
  3300. </bits>
  3301. <bits access="rw" name="slave_trig" pos="4" rst="0">
  3302. <comment>
  3303. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  3304. </comment>
  3305. </bits>
  3306. <bits access="rw" name="capture_int" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  3307. </bits>
  3308. <bits access="rw" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  3309. </bits>
  3310. </reg>
  3311. <reg protect="rw" name="clr">
  3312. <bits access="r" name="clr_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  3313. </bits>
  3314. <bits access="rc" name="event_update" pos="5" rst="0">
  3315. <comment>
  3316. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3317. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  3318. </comment>
  3319. </bits>
  3320. <bits access="rc" name="slave_trig" pos="4" rst="0">
  3321. <comment>
  3322. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3323. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  3324. </comment>
  3325. </bits>
  3326. <bits access="rc" name="capture_int" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  3327. <comment>
  3328. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3329. </comment>
  3330. </bits>
  3331. <bits access="rc" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  3332. <comment>
  3333. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3334. </comment>
  3335. </bits>
  3336. </reg>
  3337. </module>
  3338. </archive>
  3339. <archive relative="pmic_intc.xml">
  3340. <module name="pmic_intc" category="Pmic">
  3341. <reg protect="r" name="int_status">
  3342. <bits access="r" name="int_status_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  3343. </bits>
  3344. <bits access="r" name="adc" pos="7" rst="0">
  3345. </bits>
  3346. <bits access="r" name="chg_off" pos="6" rst="0">
  3347. </bits>
  3348. <bits access="r" name="chg_on" pos="5" rst="0">
  3349. </bits>
  3350. <bits access="r" name="pwrkey" pos="4" rst="0">
  3351. </bits>
  3352. <bits access="r" name="wdt" pos="3" rst="0">
  3353. </bits>
  3354. <bits access="r" name="timer" pos="2" rst="0">
  3355. </bits>
  3356. <bits access="r" name="gpt" pos="1" rst="0">
  3357. </bits>
  3358. <bits access="r" name="gpio" pos="0" rst="0">
  3359. </bits>
  3360. </reg>
  3361. <reg protect="r" name="int_raw">
  3362. <bits access="r" name="int_raw_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  3363. </bits>
  3364. <bits access="r" name="adc" pos="7" rst="0">
  3365. </bits>
  3366. <bits access="r" name="chg_off" pos="6" rst="0">
  3367. </bits>
  3368. <bits access="r" name="chg_on" pos="5" rst="0">
  3369. </bits>
  3370. <bits access="r" name="pwrkey" pos="4" rst="0">
  3371. </bits>
  3372. <bits access="r" name="wdt" pos="3" rst="0">
  3373. </bits>
  3374. <bits access="r" name="timer" pos="2" rst="0">
  3375. </bits>
  3376. <bits access="r" name="gpt" pos="1" rst="0">
  3377. </bits>
  3378. <bits access="r" name="gpio" pos="0" rst="0">
  3379. </bits>
  3380. </reg>
  3381. <reg protect="rw" name="int_en">
  3382. <bits access="rw" name="int_en_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="255">
  3383. </bits>
  3384. <bits access="rw" name="adc" pos="7" rst="1">
  3385. </bits>
  3386. <bits access="rw" name="chg_off" pos="6" rst="1">
  3387. </bits>
  3388. <bits access="rw" name="chg_on" pos="5" rst="1">
  3389. </bits>
  3390. <bits access="rw" name="pwrkey" pos="4" rst="1">
  3391. </bits>
  3392. <bits access="rw" name="wdt" pos="3" rst="1">
  3393. </bits>
  3394. <bits access="rw" name="timer" pos="2" rst="1">
  3395. </bits>
  3396. <bits access="rw" name="gpt" pos="1" rst="1">
  3397. </bits>
  3398. <bits access="rw" name="gpio" pos="0" rst="1">
  3399. </bits>
  3400. </reg>
  3401. </module>
  3402. </archive>
  3403. <archive relative ="pmic_iomux.xml">
  3404. <module name="pmic_iomux" category="Pmic">
  3405. <reg name="pad_GPIO_0_cfg" protect="rw">
  3406. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3407. <comment>GPIO_0 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3408. </bits>
  3409. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3410. <comment>GPIO_0 PUll up</comment>
  3411. </bits>
  3412. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3413. <comment>GPIO_0 PUll down</comment>
  3414. </bits>
  3415. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3416. <comment>GPIO_0 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3417. </bits>
  3418. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3419. <comment>GPIO_0 force outoen value. </comment>
  3420. </bits>
  3421. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3422. <comment>GPIO_0 force output value for output. </comment>
  3423. </bits>
  3424. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3425. <comment>GPIO_0 pin output value. </comment>
  3426. </bits>
  3427. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3428. <comment>GPIO_0 select</comment>
  3429. <options>
  3430. <option name="fun_GPIO_0_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3431. <option name="fun_CHIP_SLEEP_sel" value ="4"></option>
  3432. <option name="fun_CLK_AUXAD_6P5M_sel" value ="5"></option>
  3433. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3434. </options>
  3435. </bits>
  3436. </reg>
  3437. <reg name="pad_GPIO_1_cfg" protect="rw">
  3438. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3439. <comment>GPIO_1 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3440. </bits>
  3441. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3442. <comment>GPIO_1 PUll up</comment>
  3443. </bits>
  3444. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3445. <comment>GPIO_1 PUll down</comment>
  3446. </bits>
  3447. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3448. <comment>GPIO_1 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3449. </bits>
  3450. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3451. <comment>GPIO_1 force outoen value. </comment>
  3452. </bits>
  3453. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3454. <comment>GPIO_1 force output value for output. </comment>
  3455. </bits>
  3456. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3457. <comment>GPIO_1 pin output value. </comment>
  3458. </bits>
  3459. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3460. <comment>GPIO_1 select</comment>
  3461. <options>
  3462. <option name="fun_GPIO_1_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3463. <option name="fun_GPT3_PWM_0_sel" value ="1"></option>
  3464. <option name="fun_GPT3_TI_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  3465. <option name="fun_XTAL26M_REQ_sel" value ="3"></option>
  3466. <option name="fun_CLK_26M_sel" value ="4"></option>
  3467. <option name="fun_AUXAD_INIT_sel" value ="5"></option>
  3468. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3469. </options>
  3470. </bits>
  3471. </reg>
  3472. <reg name="pad_GPIO_2_cfg" protect="rw">
  3473. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3474. <comment>GPIO_2 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3475. </bits>
  3476. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3477. <comment>GPIO_2 PUll up</comment>
  3478. </bits>
  3479. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3480. <comment>GPIO_2 PUll down</comment>
  3481. </bits>
  3482. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3483. <comment>GPIO_2 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3484. </bits>
  3485. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3486. <comment>GPIO_2 force outoen value. </comment>
  3487. </bits>
  3488. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3489. <comment>GPIO_2 force output value for output. </comment>
  3490. </bits>
  3491. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3492. <comment>GPIO_2 pin output value. </comment>
  3493. </bits>
  3494. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3495. <comment>GPIO_2 select</comment>
  3496. <options>
  3497. <option name="fun_GPIO_2_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3498. <option name="fun_GPT3_PWM_1_sel" value ="1"></option>
  3499. <option name="fun_GPT3_TI_0_sel" value ="2"></option>
  3500. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="3"></option>
  3501. <option name="fun_DBG_CLK_sel" value ="4"></option>
  3502. <option name="fun_AUXAD_VLD_sel" value ="5"></option>
  3503. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3504. </options>
  3505. </bits>
  3506. </reg>
  3507. <reg name="pad_GPIO_3_cfg" protect="rw">
  3508. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3509. <comment>GPIO_3 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3510. </bits>
  3511. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3512. <comment>GPIO_3 PUll up</comment>
  3513. </bits>
  3514. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3515. <comment>GPIO_3 PUll down</comment>
  3516. </bits>
  3517. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3518. <comment>GPIO_3 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3519. </bits>
  3520. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3521. <comment>GPIO_3 force outoen value. </comment>
  3522. </bits>
  3523. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3524. <comment>GPIO_3 force output value for output. </comment>
  3525. </bits>
  3526. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3527. <comment>GPIO_3 pin output value. </comment>
  3528. </bits>
  3529. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3530. <comment>GPIO_3 select</comment>
  3531. <options>
  3532. <option name="fun_GPIO_3_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3533. <option name="fun_GPT3_PWM_0_sel" value ="1"></option>
  3534. <option name="fun_GPT3_TI_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  3535. <option name="fun_XTAL26M_REQ_sel" value ="3"></option>
  3536. <option name="fun_DBG_SIG_sel" value ="4"></option>
  3537. <option name="fun_AUXAD_DAT0_sel" value ="5"></option>
  3538. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3539. </options>
  3540. </bits>
  3541. </reg>
  3542. <reg name="pad_GPIO_4_cfg" protect="rw">
  3543. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3544. <comment>GPIO_4 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3545. </bits>
  3546. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3547. <comment>GPIO_4 PUll up</comment>
  3548. </bits>
  3549. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3550. <comment>GPIO_4 PUll down</comment>
  3551. </bits>
  3552. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3553. <comment>GPIO_4 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3554. </bits>
  3555. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3556. <comment>GPIO_4 force outoen value. </comment>
  3557. </bits>
  3558. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3559. <comment>GPIO_4 force output value for output. </comment>
  3560. </bits>
  3561. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3562. <comment>GPIO_4 pin output value. </comment>
  3563. </bits>
  3564. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3565. <comment>GPIO_4 select</comment>
  3566. <options>
  3567. <option name="fun_GPIO_4_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3568. <option name="fun_GPT3_PWM_1_sel" value ="1"></option>
  3569. <option name="fun_CLK_OSC_3M_sel" value ="4"></option>
  3570. <option name="fun_AUXAD_DAT1_sel" value ="5"></option>
  3571. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3572. </options>
  3573. </bits>
  3574. </reg>
  3575. <reg name="pad_GPIO_5_cfg" protect="rw">
  3576. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3577. <comment>GPIO_5 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3578. </bits>
  3579. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3580. <comment>GPIO_5 PUll up</comment>
  3581. </bits>
  3582. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3583. <comment>GPIO_5 PUll down</comment>
  3584. </bits>
  3585. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3586. <comment>GPIO_5 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3587. </bits>
  3588. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3589. <comment>GPIO_5 force outoen value. </comment>
  3590. </bits>
  3591. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3592. <comment>GPIO_5 force output value for output. </comment>
  3593. </bits>
  3594. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3595. <comment>GPIO_5 pin output value. </comment>
  3596. </bits>
  3597. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3598. <comment>GPIO_5 select</comment>
  3599. <options>
  3600. <option name="fun_GPIO_5_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3601. <option name="fun_GPT3_PWM_0_sel" value ="1"></option>
  3602. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="3"></option>
  3603. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3604. </options>
  3605. </bits>
  3606. </reg>
  3607. <reg name="pad_GPIO_6_cfg" protect="rw">
  3608. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3609. <comment>GPIO_6 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3610. </bits>
  3611. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3612. <comment>GPIO_6 PUll up</comment>
  3613. </bits>
  3614. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3615. <comment>GPIO_6 PUll down</comment>
  3616. </bits>
  3617. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3618. <comment>GPIO_6 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3619. </bits>
  3620. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3621. <comment>GPIO_6 force outoen value. </comment>
  3622. </bits>
  3623. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3624. <comment>GPIO_6 force output value for output. </comment>
  3625. </bits>
  3626. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3627. <comment>GPIO_6 pin output value. </comment>
  3628. </bits>
  3629. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3630. <comment>GPIO_6 select</comment>
  3631. <options>
  3632. <option name="fun_GPIO_6_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3633. <option name="fun_GPT3_PWM_1_sel" value ="1"></option>
  3634. <option name="fun_GPT3_TI_0_sel" value ="2"></option>
  3635. <option name="fun_XTAL26M_REQ_sel" value ="3"></option>
  3636. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3637. </options>
  3638. </bits>
  3639. </reg>
  3640. <reg name="pad_GPIO_7_cfg" protect="rw">
  3641. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_pull_frc" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3642. <comment>GPIO_7 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  3643. </bits>
  3644. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_pull_dn" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3645. <comment>GPIO_7 PUll up</comment>
  3646. </bits>
  3647. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_pull_up" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3648. <comment>GPIO_7 PUll down</comment>
  3649. </bits>
  3650. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3651. <comment>GPIO_7 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  3652. </bits>
  3653. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3654. <comment>GPIO_7 force outoen value. </comment>
  3655. </bits>
  3656. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3657. <comment>GPIO_7 force output value for output. </comment>
  3658. </bits>
  3659. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  3660. <comment>GPIO_7 pin output value. </comment>
  3661. </bits>
  3662. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  3663. <comment>GPIO_7 select</comment>
  3664. <options>
  3665. <option name="fun_GPIO_7_sel" value ="0"></option>
  3666. <option name="fun_GPT3_PWM_0_sel" value ="1"></option>
  3667. <option name="fun_GPT3_TI_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  3668. <option name="fun_XTAL26M_REQ_sel" value ="3"></option>
  3669. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="4"></option>
  3670. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  3671. </options>
  3672. </bits>
  3673. </reg>
  3674. </module>
  3675. </archive>
  3676. <archive relative="pmic_rtc_timer.xml">
  3677. <module name="pmic_rtc_timer" category="Pmic">
  3678. <reg protect="rw" name="ctrl">
  3679. <bits access="r" name="ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  3680. </bits>
  3681. <bits access="rc" name="load_value" pos="6" rst="0">
  3682. <comment>
  3683. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3684. </comment>
  3685. </bits>
  3686. <bits access="rc" name="data_valid_clr" pos="5" rst="0">
  3687. <comment>
  3688. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3689. </comment>
  3690. </bits>
  3691. <bits access="r" name="data_valid" pos="4" rst="0">
  3692. </bits>
  3693. <bits access="rc" name="read_lock" pos="3" rst="0">
  3694. <comment>
  3695. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3696. </comment>
  3697. </bits>
  3698. <bits access="rw" name="wrap_int_enable" pos="2" rst="0">
  3699. </bits>
  3700. <bits access="rw" name="alarm_enable" pos="1" rst="0">
  3701. </bits>
  3702. <bits access="rw" name="timer_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  3703. </bits>
  3704. </reg>
  3705. <reg protect="r" name="cur_val_l">
  3706. <bits access="r" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3707. </bits>
  3708. </reg>
  3709. <reg protect="r" name="cur_val_m">
  3710. <bits access="r" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3711. </bits>
  3712. </reg>
  3713. <reg protect="r" name="cur_val_h">
  3714. <bits access="r" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3715. </bits>
  3716. </reg>
  3717. <reg protect="rw" name="alarm_val_l">
  3718. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3719. </bits>
  3720. </reg>
  3721. <reg protect="rw" name="alarm_val_m">
  3722. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3723. </bits>
  3724. </reg>
  3725. <reg protect="rw" name="alarm_val_h">
  3726. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3727. </bits>
  3728. </reg>
  3729. <reg protect="rw" name="load_val_l">
  3730. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3731. </bits>
  3732. </reg>
  3733. <reg protect="rw" name="load_val_m">
  3734. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3735. </bits>
  3736. </reg>
  3737. <reg protect="rw" name="load_val_h">
  3738. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3739. </bits>
  3740. </reg>
  3741. <reg protect="rw" name="int_mask">
  3742. <bits access="r" name="int_mask_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  3743. </bits>
  3744. <bits access="rw" name="alarm" pos="1" rst="0">
  3745. </bits>
  3746. <bits access="rw" name="wrap" pos="0" rst="0">
  3747. </bits>
  3748. </reg>
  3749. <reg protect="rw" name="int_clr">
  3750. <bits access="r" name="int_clr_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  3751. </bits>
  3752. <bits access="rc" name="alarm" pos="1" rst="0">
  3753. <comment>
  3754. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3755. </comment>
  3756. </bits>
  3757. <bits access="rc" name="wrap" pos="0" rst="0">
  3758. <comment>
  3759. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3760. </comment>
  3761. </bits>
  3762. </reg>
  3763. <reg protect="r" name="int_status">
  3764. <bits access="r" name="int_status_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  3765. </bits>
  3766. <bits access="r" name="alarm" pos="1" rst="0">
  3767. </bits>
  3768. <bits access="r" name="wrap" pos="0" rst="0">
  3769. </bits>
  3770. </reg>
  3771. <reg protect="r" name="int_cause">
  3772. <bits access="r" name="int_cause_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  3773. </bits>
  3774. <bits access="r" name="alarm" pos="1" rst="0">
  3775. </bits>
  3776. <bits access="r" name="wrap" pos="0" rst="0">
  3777. </bits>
  3778. </reg>
  3779. </module>
  3780. </archive>
  3781. <archive relative="pmic_wdt16.xml">
  3782. <module name="pmic_wdt16" category="Pmic">
  3783. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cvr0_l">
  3784. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_0_l" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3785. <comment>
  3786. lower 16 bit of Count Value for 1st Timeout
  3787. </comment>
  3788. </bits>
  3789. </reg>
  3790. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cvr0_m">
  3791. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_0_m" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3792. </bits>
  3793. </reg>
  3794. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cvr0_h">
  3795. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_0_h" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  3796. <comment>
  3797. upper 16 bit of Count Value for 1st Timeout
  3798. </comment>
  3799. </bits>
  3800. </reg>
  3801. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cvr1_l">
  3802. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_1_l" pos="15:0" rst="15872">
  3803. <comment>
  3804. lower 16 bit of Count Value for 2nd Timeout
  3805. </comment>
  3806. </bits>
  3807. </reg>
  3808. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cvr1_m">
  3809. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_1_m" pos="15:0" rst="73">
  3810. </bits>
  3811. </reg>
  3812. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cvr1_h">
  3813. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_1_h" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  3814. <comment>
  3815. upper 16 bit of Count Value for 2nd Timeout
  3816. </comment>
  3817. </bits>
  3818. </reg>
  3819. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cr">
  3820. <bits access="r" name="wdt_cr_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  3821. </bits>
  3822. <bits access="rw" name="mode" pos="4" rst="1">
  3823. <comment>
  3824. 0: reset only, 1: interrupt and reset
  3825. </comment>
  3826. </bits>
  3827. <bits access="r" name="wdt_cr_reserved_1" pos="3" rst="0">
  3828. </bits>
  3829. <bits access="rw" name="reset_length" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  3830. <comment>
  3831. reset pulse length in number of wdt clock cycles
  3832. </comment>
  3833. </bits>
  3834. </reg>
  3835. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_cmd">
  3836. <bits access="r" name="wdt_cmd_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  3837. </bits>
  3838. <bits access="rc" name="cmd" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  3839. <comment>
  3840. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3841. write 8&apos;h76 to restart, write 8&apos;h34 to stop, else do nothing
  3842. </comment>
  3843. </bits>
  3844. </reg>
  3845. <reg protect="rw" name="wdt_icr">
  3846. <bits access="r" name="wdt_icr_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  3847. </bits>
  3848. <bits access="rc" name="int_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  3849. <comment>
  3850. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  3851. A pulse to clear interrupt
  3852. </comment>
  3853. </bits>
  3854. </reg>
  3855. <reg protect="r" name="wdt_sr">
  3856. <bits access="r" name="wdt_sr_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  3857. </bits>
  3858. <bits access="r" name="wdt_active" pos="1" rst="0">
  3859. <comment>
  3860. 1 when watchdog running, else 0
  3861. </comment>
  3862. </bits>
  3863. <bits access="r" name="int_assert" pos="0" rst="0">
  3864. <comment>
  3865. interrupt assert when 1
  3866. </comment>
  3867. </bits>
  3868. </reg>
  3869. </module>
  3870. </archive>
  3871. <archive relative = "config_1811.xml">
  3872. <include file="globals_1811.xml"/>
  3873. <var name="REG_PMIC_BASE" value="0x41a48000"><comment>pmic base address</comment></var>
  3874. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_IOMUX" type="pmic_iomux" name="PMIC_IOMUX" />
  3875. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_GPIO" type="pmic_gpio_lite" name="PMIC_GPIO" />
  3876. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_GPT" type="pmic_gpt16" name="PMIC_GPT" />
  3877. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_TIMER" type="pmic_rtc_timer" name="PMIC_TIMER" />
  3878. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_WDT" type="pmic_wdt16" name="PMIC_WDT" />
  3879. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_INTC" type="pmic_intc" name="PMIC_INTC" />
  3880. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_PMUC" type="pmic_pmuc" name="PMIC_PMUC" />
  3881. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_ADC" type="pmic_adc" name="PMIC_ADC" />
  3882. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_EFS" type="pmic_apb_efs" name="PMIC_EFUSE" />
  3883. <instance address="REG_PMIC_BASE + PMIC_STEP * PMIC_ID_DIG" type="pmic_dig" name="PMIC_DIG" />
  3884. </archive>
  3885. <archive relative = "globals.xml" vhdlpkg="chip_cfg_pkg">
  3886. <var name="NB_BITS_ADDR" value="32" ><comment>AHB Address bus size</comment></var>
  3887. <var name="SYS_IFC1_NB_STD_CHANNEL" value="4" >
  3888. <comment>System Ifc1 Number of generic channel
  3889. </comment>
  3890. </var>
  3891. <var name="SYS_IFC2_NB_STD_CHANNEL" value="14" >
  3892. <comment>System Ifc2 Number of generic channel
  3893. </comment>
  3894. </var>
  3895. <var name="BB_IFC_NB_STD_CHANNEL" value="2" >
  3896. <comment>BB Ifc Number of generic channel
  3897. </comment>
  3898. </var>
  3899. <enum name="Sys_Master_Id">
  3900. <entry name="SYS_MID_STARC1"/>
  3901. <entry name="SYS_MID_STARC2"/>
  3902. <entry name="SYS_MID_STARS1"/>
  3903. <entry name="SYS_MID_STARS2"/>
  3904. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC1_STDCH0"/>
  3905. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC1_STDCH1"/>
  3906. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC1_STDCH2"/>
  3907. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC1_STDCH3"/>
  3908. <entry name="SYS_MID_DMA"/>
  3909. <entry name="SYS_MID_CE_PUB"/>
  3910. <entry name="SYS_MID_CE_SEC"/>
  3911. <entry name="SYS_MID_F8"/>
  3912. <entry name="SYS_MID_NBIOT"/>
  3913. <entry name="SYS_MID_RFIF"/>
  3914. <entry name="SYS_MID_RSVD_14"/>
  3915. <entry name="SYS_MID_RSVD_15"/>
  3916. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH0"/>
  3917. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH1"/>
  3918. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH2"/>
  3919. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH3"/>
  3920. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH4"/>
  3921. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH5"/>
  3922. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH6"/>
  3923. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH7"/>
  3924. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH8"/>
  3925. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH9"/>
  3926. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH10"/>
  3927. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH11"/>
  3928. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH12"/>
  3929. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_STDCH13"/>
  3930. <entry name="SYS_MID_SYSIFC2_DBGCH"/>
  3931. <entry name="SYS_MID_RSVD_31"/>
  3932. <entry name="SYS_MID_BBIFC_STDCH0"/>
  3933. <entry name="SYS_MID_BBIFC_STDCH1"/>
  3934. <entry name="SYS_MID_BBIFC_RFSPICH"/>
  3935. <bound name="SYS_MID_RR_End"/>
  3936. </enum>
  3937. <var name="SYS_NB_MASTERS" value="SYS_MID_RR_End"/>
  3938. <var name="SYS_NB_BITS_SLAVE" value="4"/>
  3939. <enum name="Sys_slave_Id">
  3940. <entry name="SYS_SID_STARTCM"/>
  3941. <entry name="SYS_SID_RAM0"/>
  3942. <entry name="SYS_SID_RAM1"/>
  3943. <entry name="SYS_SID_RAM2"/>
  3944. <entry name="SYS_SID_RAM3"/>
  3945. <entry name="SYS_SID_PSRAM"/>
  3946. <entry name="SYS_SID_FLASH"/>
  3947. <entry name="SYS_SID_SYSDEC1"/>
  3948. <entry name="SYS_SID_SYSDEC2"/>
  3949. <entry name="SYS_SID_BBDEC"/>
  3950. <entry name="SYS_SID_NBIOT"/>
  3951. <entry name="SYS_SID_FLASH_EXT"/>
  3952. <entry name="SYS_SID_STARMTBRAM"/>
  3953. <bound name="SYS_SID_End"/>
  3954. </enum>
  3955. <var name="SYS_NB_SLAVES" value="SYS_SID_End" />
  3956. <var name="SYS1_NB_BITS_PADDR" value="12"></var>
  3957. <var name="SYS_APB1_STEP" value="exp2(SYS1_NB_BITS_PADDR)"/>
  3958. <enum name="Sys1_Module_Id">
  3959. <entry name="SYS_ID1_UART1"/>
  3960. <entry name="SYS_ID1_UART2"/>
  3961. <entry name="SYS_ID1_GPIO1"/>
  3962. <entry name="SYS_ID1_GPT1"/>
  3963. <entry name="SYS_ID1_PWR_CTRL"/>
  3964. <entry name="SYS_ID1_NB_LPS"/>
  3965. <entry name="SYS_ID1_TIMER1"/>
  3966. <entry name="SYS_ID1_IOMUX1"/>
  3967. <entry name="SYS_ID1_IOMUX2"/>
  3968. <entry name="SYS_ID1_SYS_WDT"/>
  3969. <entry name="SYS_ID1_RSVD0_0"/>
  3970. <entry name="SYS_ID1_RSVD0_1"/>
  3971. <entry name="SYS_ID1_RSVD0_2"/>
  3972. <entry name="SYS_ID1_RSVD0_3"/>
  3973. <entry name="SYS_ID1_SYS_IFC1"/>
  3974. </enum>
  3975. <var name="SYS2_NB_BITS_PADDR" value="12"></var>
  3976. <var name="SYS_APB2_STEP" value="exp2(SYS2_NB_BITS_PADDR)"/>
  3977. <enum name="Sys2_Module_Id">
  3978. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SCI2"><comment>The following modules are linked to ifc dma req with 2 requests per module</comment></entry>
  3979. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SPI1"/>
  3980. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SPI2"/>
  3981. <entry name="SYS_ID2_DEBUG_UART"/>
  3982. <entry name="SYS_ID2_UART3"/>
  3983. <entry name="SYS_ID2_UART4"/>
  3984. <entry name="SYS_ID2_UART5"/>
  3985. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SDMMC2"/>
  3986. <entry name="SYS_ID2_I2S"/>
  3987. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD0_0"/>
  3988. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD0_1"/>
  3989. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD0_2"/>
  3990. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD0_3"/>
  3991. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD0_4"/>
  3992. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SYS_IFC2"/>
  3993. <entry name="SYS_ID2_DEBUG_HOST"/>
  3994. <entry name="SYS_ID2_GPIO2"/>
  3995. <entry name="SYS_ID2_GPT2"/>
  3996. <entry name="SYS_ID2_KEYPAD"/>
  3997. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SEG_LCD"/>
  3998. <entry name="SYS_ID2_I2C1"/>
  3999. <entry name="SYS_ID2_I2C2"/>
  4000. <entry name="SYS_ID2_I2C3"/>
  4001. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TIMER2"/>
  4002. <entry name="SYS_ID2_DMA"/>
  4003. <entry name="SYS_ID2_CTRL"/>
  4004. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ROM_PATCH"/>
  4005. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD1_0"/>
  4006. <entry name="SYS_ID2_PSRAM8_CTRL"/>
  4007. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD1_1"/>
  4008. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD1_2"/>
  4009. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD1_3"/>
  4010. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_0"/>
  4011. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_1"/>
  4012. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_2"/>
  4013. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_3"/>
  4014. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_4"/>
  4015. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_5"/>
  4016. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_6"/>
  4017. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_7"/>
  4018. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_8"/>
  4019. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_9"/>
  4020. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_10"/>
  4021. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_11"/>
  4022. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_12"/>
  4023. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_13"/>
  4024. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_14"/>
  4025. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD2_15"/>
  4026. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MED"/>
  4027. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MED_H"/>
  4028. <entry name="SYS_ID2_CE_SEC"/>
  4029. <entry name="SYS_ID2_CE_SEC_H"/>
  4030. <entry name="SYS_ID2_CE_PUB"/>
  4031. <entry name="SYS_ID2_CE_PUB_H"/>
  4032. <entry name="SYS_ID2_EFUSE"/>
  4033. <entry name="SYS_ID2_EFUSE_H"/>
  4034. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD3_0"/>
  4035. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD3_1"/>
  4036. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD3_2"/>
  4037. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD3_3"/>
  4038. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD3_4"/>
  4039. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD3_5"/>
  4040. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SPIFLASH"/>
  4041. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SPIFLASH_EXT"/>
  4042. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF"/>
  4043. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_41"/>
  4044. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_42"/>
  4045. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_43"/>
  4046. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_44"/>
  4047. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_45"/>
  4048. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_46"/>
  4049. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_47"/>
  4050. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_48"/>
  4051. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_49"/>
  4052. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_4a"/>
  4053. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_4b"/>
  4054. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_4c"/>
  4055. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_4d"/>
  4056. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_4e"/>
  4057. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_4f"/>
  4058. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_50"/>
  4059. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_51"/>
  4060. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_52"/>
  4061. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_53"/>
  4062. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_54"/>
  4063. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_55"/>
  4064. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_56"/>
  4065. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_57"/>
  4066. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_58"/>
  4067. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_59"/>
  4068. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_5a"/>
  4069. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_5b"/>
  4070. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_5c"/>
  4071. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_5d"/>
  4072. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_5e"/>
  4073. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_5f"/>
  4074. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_60"/>
  4075. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_61"/>
  4076. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_62"/>
  4077. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_63"/>
  4078. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_64"/>
  4079. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_65"/>
  4080. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_66"/>
  4081. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_67"/>
  4082. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_68"/>
  4083. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_69"/>
  4084. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_6a"/>
  4085. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_6b"/>
  4086. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_6c"/>
  4087. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_6d"/>
  4088. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_6e"/>
  4089. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_6f"/>
  4090. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_70"/>
  4091. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_71"/>
  4092. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_72"/>
  4093. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_73"/>
  4094. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_74"/>
  4095. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_75"/>
  4096. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_76"/>
  4097. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_77"/>
  4098. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_78"/>
  4099. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_79"/>
  4100. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_7a"/>
  4101. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_7b"/>
  4102. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_7c"/>
  4103. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_7d"/>
  4104. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_7e"/>
  4105. <entry name="SYS_ID2_ADI_IF_7f"/>
  4106. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MC"/>
  4107. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SFW1"/>
  4108. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SFW2"/>
  4109. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SFW3"/>
  4110. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SFW4"/>
  4111. <entry name="SYS_ID2_SFW5"/>
  4112. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_0"/>
  4113. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_1"/>
  4114. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_2"/>
  4115. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_3"/>
  4116. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_4"/>
  4117. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_5"/>
  4118. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_6"/>
  4119. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_7"/>
  4120. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_8"/>
  4121. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RSVD8_9"/>
  4122. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_NBRAM"/>
  4123. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_NBRAM_H"/>
  4124. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM0"/>
  4125. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM0_H"/>
  4126. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM1"/>
  4127. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM1_H"/>
  4128. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM2"/>
  4129. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM2_H"/>
  4130. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM3"/>
  4131. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM3_H"/>
  4132. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_PSRAM"/>
  4133. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_PSRAM_H"/>
  4134. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_FLASH"/>
  4135. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_FLASH_H"/>
  4136. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_FLASH_EXT"/>
  4137. <entry name="SYS_ID2_MFW_FLASH_EXT_H"/>
  4138. </enum>
  4139. <enum name="SYS_Ifc1_Request_IDs">
  4140. <entry name="SYS_ID1_TX_UART1"/>
  4141. <entry name="SYS_ID1_RX_UART1"/>
  4142. <entry name="SYS_ID1_TX_UART2"/>
  4143. <entry name="SYS_ID1_RX_UART2"/>
  4144. </enum>
  4145. <enum name="SYS_Ifc2_Request_IDs">
  4146. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_SCI2"/>
  4147. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_SCI2"/>
  4148. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_SPI1"/>
  4149. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_SPI1"/>
  4150. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_SPI2"/>
  4151. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_SPI2"/>
  4152. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_DEBUG_UART"/>
  4153. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_DEBUG_UART"/>
  4154. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_UART3"/>
  4155. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_UART3"/>
  4156. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_UART4"/>
  4157. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_UART4"/>
  4158. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_UART5"/>
  4159. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_UART5"/>
  4160. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_SDMMC2"/>
  4161. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_SDMMC2"/>
  4162. <entry name="SYS_ID2_TX_I2S"/>
  4163. <entry name="SYS_ID2_RX_I2S"/>
  4164. </enum>
  4165. <enum name="BB_Ifc_Request_IDs">
  4166. <entry name="BB_ID_TX_SCI1"/>
  4167. <entry name="BB_ID_RX_SCI1"/>
  4168. </enum>
  4169. <enum name="Sys_Irq_Id">
  4170. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_UART1"/>
  4171. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_UART2"/>
  4172. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_GPIO1"/>
  4173. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_GPT1"/>
  4174. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_PWR_CTRL"/>
  4175. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_PMIC"/>
  4176. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_LPS"/>
  4177. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_TIMER1"/>
  4178. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_TIMER1_OS"/>
  4179. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_STAR_FPU"/>
  4180. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SCI2"/>
  4181. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SPI1"/>
  4182. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SPI2"/>
  4183. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_DEBUG_UART"/>
  4184. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_UART3"/>
  4185. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_UART4"/>
  4186. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_UART5"/>
  4187. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SDMMC2"/>
  4188. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_I2S"/>
  4189. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_DEBUG_HOST"/>
  4190. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_GPIO2"/>
  4191. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_GPT2"/>
  4192. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_KEYPAD"/>
  4193. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_I2C1"/>
  4194. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_I2C2"/>
  4195. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_I2C3"/>
  4196. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_TIMER2"/>
  4197. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_TIMER2_OS"/>
  4198. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_DMA"/>
  4199. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_PSRAM8_CTRL"/>
  4200. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MED"/>
  4201. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_CE_SEC"/>
  4202. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_CE_PUB"/>
  4203. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_FLASH"/>
  4204. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_FLASH_EXT"/>
  4205. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_ADI_IF"/>
  4206. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_CALIB_32K"/>
  4207. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_CALIB_RC26M"/>
  4208. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MON_26M"/>
  4209. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MON_32K"/>
  4210. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SFW1"/>
  4211. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SFW2"/>
  4212. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SFW3"/>
  4213. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SFW4"/>
  4214. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SFW5"/>
  4215. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MFW_NBRAM"/>
  4216. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MFW_SRAM0"/>
  4217. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MFW_SRAM1"/>
  4218. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MFW_SRAM2"/>
  4219. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MFW_SRAM3"/>
  4220. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_RSVD50"/>
  4221. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MFW_FLASH"/>
  4222. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_MFW_FLASH_EXT"/>
  4223. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_SCI1"/>
  4224. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_RFSPI"/>
  4225. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_SYNC"/>
  4226. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_RFIF_TX"/>
  4227. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_RFIF_RX"/>
  4228. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_RFIF_DBGNB"/>
  4229. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_DFE_SYNC"/>
  4230. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NBRX_DSP"/>
  4231. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NBRX_MCU"/>
  4232. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NBTX_DSP"/>
  4233. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NBACC_DSP"/>
  4234. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_F8"/>
  4235. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_INT_SPIAPB2REG"/>
  4236. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_RF_THM"/>
  4237. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_FINT"/>
  4238. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_0"/>
  4239. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_1"/>
  4240. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_2"/>
  4241. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_3"/>
  4242. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_4"/>
  4243. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_5"/>
  4244. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_6"/>
  4245. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_7"/>
  4246. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_8"/>
  4247. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_9"/>
  4248. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_10"/>
  4249. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_11"/>
  4250. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_12"/>
  4251. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_13"/>
  4252. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_14"/>
  4253. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_NB_TCU_15"/>
  4254. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_GPT3"/>
  4255. <entry name="SYS_IRQ_GPT4"/>
  4256. <bound name="SYS_NB_IRQ"><comment>Number of IRQ</comment></bound>
  4257. </enum>
  4258. <var name="BB_NB_BITS_PADDR" value="12"></var>
  4259. <var name="BB_APB_STEP" value="exp2(BB_NB_BITS_PADDR)"/>
  4260. <enum name="BB_Module_Id">
  4261. <entry name="BB_ID_SCI1"/>
  4262. <entry name="BB_ID_NB_RF_SPI"/>
  4263. <entry name="BB_ID_NB_TCU"/>
  4264. <entry name="BB_ID_RF_IF"/>
  4265. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD0_0"/>
  4266. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD0_1"/>
  4267. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD0_2"/>
  4268. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD0_3"/>
  4269. <entry name="BB_ID_RF_INTERFACE"/>
  4270. <entry name="BB_ID_RF_INTERFACE_H"/>
  4271. <entry name="BB_ID_DFE"/>
  4272. <entry name="BB_ID_DFE_H"/>
  4273. <entry name="BB_ID_RFFE"/>
  4274. <entry name="BB_ID_RFFE_H"/>
  4275. <entry name="BB_ID_BB_IFC"/>
  4276. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD0_5"/>
  4277. <entry name="BB_ID_BB_CTRL"/>
  4278. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_0"/>
  4279. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_1"/>
  4280. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_2"/>
  4281. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_3"/>
  4282. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_4"/>
  4283. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_5"/>
  4284. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_6"/>
  4285. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_7"/>
  4286. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_8"/>
  4287. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_9"/>
  4288. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_10"/>
  4289. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_11"/>
  4290. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_12"/>
  4291. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_13"/>
  4292. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD1_14"/>
  4293. <entry name="NB_ID_NB_CTRL"/>
  4294. <entry name="NB_ID_COMMON"/>
  4295. <entry name="NB_ID_INTC"/>
  4296. <entry name="NB_ID_CS"/>
  4297. <entry name="NB_ID_FFT"/>
  4298. <entry name="NB_ID_VITERBI"/>
  4299. <entry name="NB_ID_MEAS"/>
  4300. <entry name="NB_ID_DS_BSEL"/>
  4301. <entry name="NB_ID_TX_PUSCH"/>
  4302. <entry name="NB_ID_TX_CHSC"/>
  4303. <entry name="NB_ID_TX_FE"/>
  4304. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD2_0"/>
  4305. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD2_1"/>
  4306. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD2_2"/>
  4307. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD2_3"/>
  4308. <entry name="BB_ID_RSVD2_4"/>
  4309. <entry name="BB_ID_F8"/>
  4310. <bound name="BB_NB_PSEL"><comment></comment></bound>
  4311. </enum>
  4312. <cjoker>
  4313. /// XHALT macro will send the event 0x4a17 to the debug host and
  4314. /// will stall the XCPU. The XCPU can be released from Coolwatcher
  4315. /// by issuing a xrbp command.
  4316. #define XHALT { \
  4317. asm("nop "); \
  4318. asm("nop "); \
  4319. asm("nop "); \
  4320. asm("nop "); \
  4321. while (hwp_debugHost->event != DEBUG_HOST_EVENT0_SEMA); \
  4322. hwp_debugHost->event = 0x4a17; \
  4323. hwp_sysCtrl->XCpu_Dbg_BKP |= SYS_CTRL_STALLED; \
  4324. asm("nop "); \
  4325. asm("nop "); \
  4326. asm("nop "); \
  4327. asm("nop "); \
  4328. }
  4329. </cjoker>
  4330. </archive>
  4331. <archive relative = "global_macros.xml" asm="no">
  4332. <cjoker>
  4333. #define KSEG0(addr) (addr)
  4334. #define KSEG1(addr) (addr)
  4335. #define KSEG01_PHY_ADDR(addr) ((UINT32)(addr) &amp; 0x0fffffff)
  4336. #define barrier() __asm__ __volatile__("": : :"memory")
  4337. #define REG_ACCESS_ADDRESS(addr) KSEG1(addr)
  4338. /* Define access cached or uncached */
  4339. #define MEM_ACCESS_CACHED(addr) ((UINT32*)((UINT32)(addr)&amp;0xdfffffff))
  4340. #define MEM_ACCESS_UNCACHED(addr) ((UINT32*)((UINT32)(addr)|0x20000000))
  4341. /* Register access for assembly */
  4342. #define BASE_HI(val) (((0x40000000 | val) &amp; 0xfffff000) + (val &amp; 0x1000))
  4343. #define BASE_LO(val) (((val) &amp; 0xfff) - (val &amp; 0x1000))
  4344. /* to extract bitfield from register value */
  4345. #define GET_BITFIELD(dword, bitfield) (((dword) &amp; (bitfield ## _MASK)) &gt;&gt; (bitfield ## _SHIFT))
  4346. #define EXP2(n) (1&lt;&lt;(n))
  4347. /// XHALT macro will send the event 0x4a17 to the debug host and
  4348. /// will stall the XCPU. The XCPU can be released from Coolwatcher
  4349. /// by issuing a xrbp command.
  4350. #define XHALT { \
  4351. asm("nop "); \
  4352. asm("nop "); \
  4353. asm("nop "); \
  4354. asm("nop "); \
  4355. while (hwp_debugHost->event != DEBUG_HOST_EVENT0_SEMA); \
  4356. hwp_debugHost->event = 0x4a17; \
  4357. hwp_sysCtrl->XCpu_Dbg_BKP |= SYS_CTRL_STALLED; \
  4358. asm("nop "); \
  4359. asm("nop "); \
  4360. asm("nop "); \
  4361. asm("nop "); \
  4362. }
  4363. </cjoker>
  4364. </archive>
  4365. <archive relative = "adi_mst.xml">
  4366. <module name="adi_mst" category="Periph">
  4367. <reg name="adi_version" protect="rw">
  4368. <bits name="adi_version_low" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4369. <comment> adi low bits version.
  4370. </comment>
  4371. </bits>
  4372. <bits name="adi_version_high" pos="15:4" access="r" rst="0x10">
  4373. <comment> adi high bits version,read only.
  4374. </comment>
  4375. </bits>
  4376. </reg>
  4377. <reg name="adi_ctrl" protect="rw">
  4378. <bits name="addr_byte_sel" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4379. <comment> addr mode for access. "00" word mode,means addr[x:2],"01" half word,means addr[x:1], "1x" byte mode, means addr[x:0].
  4380. </comment>
  4381. </bits>
  4382. <bits name="wr_bit_flag" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  4383. <comment> configure write bit flag.
  4384. </comment>
  4385. </bits>
  4386. <bits name="addr_bits_sel" pos="4:3" access="rw" rst="0">
  4387. <comment> addr bit number configure, "00" address is 12 bits, "01" address is 10 bits, "10" address is 15 bits.
  4388. </comment>
  4389. </bits>
  4390. <bits name="wr_cmd_en" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  4391. <comment>"1" write uses command mode, in this mode, must first configure channel addr, then data.
  4392. </comment>
  4393. </bits>
  4394. </reg>
  4395. <reg name="adi_pril" protect="rw">
  4396. <bits name="chnl0_pri" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4397. <comment> write channel 0 priority. 0 has lowest priority, 4 has highest priority.
  4398. </comment>
  4399. </bits>
  4400. <bits name="chnl1_pri" pos="5:3" access="rw" rst="0">
  4401. <comment> read channel 1 priority. 0 has lowest priority, 4 has highest priority.
  4402. </comment>
  4403. </bits>
  4404. <bits name="event0_pri" pos="8:6" access="rw" rst="0">
  4405. <comment> read channel 2 priority. 0 has lowest priority, 4 has highest priority.
  4406. </comment>
  4407. </bits>
  4408. <bits name="event1_pri" pos="11:9" access="rw" rst="0">
  4409. <comment> read channel 3 priority. 0 has lowest priority, 4 has highest priority.
  4410. </comment>
  4411. </bits>
  4412. <bits name="event2_pri" pos="14:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  4413. <comment> read channel 4 priority. 0 has lowest priority, 4 has highest priority.
  4414. </comment>
  4415. </bits>
  4416. <bits name="event3_pri" pos="17:15" access="rw" rst="0">
  4417. <comment> read channel 5 priority. 0 has lowest priority, 4 has highest priority.
  4418. </comment>
  4419. </bits>
  4420. </reg>
  4421. <hole size="32" />
  4422. <reg name="adi_int_en" protect="rw">
  4423. <bits name="wfifo_en" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4424. <comment> "1" write command fifo enable.
  4425. </comment>
  4426. </bits>
  4427. <bits name="fifo_overflow_int_en" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  4428. <comment> fifo overfolow interrupt mask.
  4429. </comment>
  4430. </bits>
  4431. </reg>
  4432. <reg name="adi_int_raw" protect="r">
  4433. <bits name="fifo_overflow_raw" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  4434. <comment> fifo overfolow interrupt without mask status.
  4435. </comment>
  4436. </bits>
  4437. </reg>
  4438. <reg name="adi_int_status" protect="r">
  4439. <bits name="fifo_overflow_status" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  4440. <comment> fifo overfolow interrupt with mask status.
  4441. </comment>
  4442. </bits>
  4443. </reg>
  4444. <reg name="adi_int_clear" protect="w">
  4445. <bits name="fifo_overflow_clear" pos="3" access="w" rst="0">
  4446. <comment> fifo overfolow interrupt clear.
  4447. </comment>
  4448. </bits>
  4449. </reg>
  4450. <reg name="adi_cfg0" protect="rw">
  4451. <bits name="rf_gssi_frame_len" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="0x1b">
  4452. <comment> total adi frame length = rf_gssi_cmd_len + rf_gssi_data_len.
  4453. </comment>
  4454. </bits>
  4455. <bits name="rf_gssi_cmd_len" pos="10:6" access="rw" rst="0x0b">
  4456. <comment> total adi cmd length = rf_gssi_addr_len + read/write flag.
  4457. </comment>
  4458. </bits>
  4459. <bits name="rf_gssi_data_len" pos="15:11" access="rw" rst="0x10">
  4460. <comment> total adi data length .
  4461. </comment>
  4462. </bits>
  4463. <bits name="rf_gssi_wr_pos" pos="20:16" access="rw" rst="0x10">
  4464. <comment> write bit position in frame stream .
  4465. </comment>
  4466. </bits>
  4467. <bits name="rf_gssi_wr_pol" pos="21" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4468. <comment> "1" write means 1, "0" write means 0.
  4469. </comment>
  4470. </bits>
  4471. <bits name="rf_gssi_sync_sel" pos="22" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4472. <comment> "1" hardware auto generate sync, "0" software generates sync.
  4473. </comment>
  4474. </bits>
  4475. <bits name="rf_gssi_sync_mode" pos="23" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4476. <comment> "1" sync is pulse, "0" sync is level.
  4477. </comment>
  4478. </bits>
  4479. <bits name="rf_gssi_sync" pos="24" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4480. <comment> "1" software generates sync.
  4481. </comment>
  4482. </bits>
  4483. <bits name="rf_gssi_sck_rev" pos="25" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4484. <comment> "1" invert output sck.
  4485. </comment>
  4486. </bits>
  4487. <bits name="rf_gssi_oe_cfg" pos="26" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4488. <comment> output oen : "1" oen add dummy cycle, "0" oen not add dummy cycle.
  4489. </comment>
  4490. </bits>
  4491. <bits name="rf_gssi_ie_cfg" pos="27" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4492. <comment> reserved.
  4493. </comment>
  4494. </bits>
  4495. <bits name="rf_gssi_dummy_clk_en" pos="28" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4496. <comment> "1" output dummy_clock, "0" gate dummy clock.
  4497. </comment>
  4498. </bits>
  4499. <bits name="rf_gssi_fast_mode" pos="29" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4500. <comment> "1" rx sample delay 1 adi clk cycle, "0" delay 0 adi clk cycle.
  4501. </comment>
  4502. </bits>
  4503. <bits name="rf_gssi_sck_all_on" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4504. <comment> "1" sck always on, "0" audo gate clock.
  4505. </comment>
  4506. </bits>
  4507. <bits name="rf_gssi_wr_disable" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4508. <comment> "1" write bit disable, "0" write bit enable.
  4509. </comment>
  4510. </bits>
  4511. </reg>
  4512. <reg name="adi_cfg1" protect="rw">
  4513. <bits name="rf_gssi_ng_tx" pos="0" access="rw" rst="1">
  4514. <comment> "1" tx data at negedge of sck."0" tx data at posedge of sck.
  4515. </comment>
  4516. </bits>
  4517. <bits name="rf_gssi_ng_rx" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  4518. <comment> "1" rx data at negedge of sck."0" rx data at posedge of sck.
  4519. </comment>
  4520. </bits>
  4521. <bits name="rf_gssi_clk_div" pos="9:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  4522. <comment> F_sck = F_clk/(2*(rf_gssi_clk_div+1))
  4523. </comment>
  4524. </bits>
  4525. <bits name="rf_gssi_sync_head_len" pos="12:10" access="rw" rst="0">
  4526. <comment> sync before data transfer
  4527. </comment>
  4528. </bits>
  4529. <bits name="rf_gssi_sync_end_len" pos="15:13" access="rw" rst="0">
  4530. <comment> sync end data transfer
  4531. </comment>
  4532. </bits>
  4533. <bits name="rf_gssi_dummy_len" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  4534. <comment> extral dummy sck
  4535. </comment>
  4536. </bits>
  4537. <bits name="rf_gssi_sample_delay" pos="20" access="rw" rst="0">
  4538. <comment> extral dummy sck
  4539. </comment>
  4540. </bits>
  4541. <bits name="rf_gssi_scc_len" pos="23:21" access="rw" rst="0">
  4542. <comment> start sequence condition, only used in RFFE
  4543. </comment>
  4544. </bits>
  4545. <bits name="rf_gssi_wbp_len" pos="27:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  4546. <comment> master turn around to salve length , only used in RFFE
  4547. </comment>
  4548. </bits>
  4549. <bits name="rf_gssi_rbp_len" pos="30:28" access="rw" rst="0">
  4550. <comment> slave turn around to master length , only used in RFFE
  4551. </comment>
  4552. </bits>
  4553. <bits name="rf_gssi_strtbit_mode" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  4554. <comment> "1" 2 wires enable
  4555. </comment>
  4556. </bits>
  4557. </reg>
  4558. <reg name="arm_rd_cmd" protect="rw">
  4559. <bits name="arm_rd_cmd" pos="16:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4560. <comment> configure read address and start a read operation.
  4561. </comment>
  4562. </bits>
  4563. </reg>
  4564. <reg name="arm_rd_data" protect="r">
  4565. <bits name="arm_rd_cmd" pos="15:0" access="r" rst="0">
  4566. <comment> read data from analog die.
  4567. </comment>
  4568. </bits>
  4569. <bits name="arm_rd_addr" pos="30:16" access="r" rst="0">
  4570. <comment> read address map to arm_red_cmd[16:2].
  4571. </comment>
  4572. </bits>
  4573. <bits name="arm_rd_cmd_busy" pos="31" access="r" rst="0">
  4574. <comment> 1 means has not been read back.
  4575. </comment>
  4576. </bits>
  4577. </reg>
  4578. <reg name="arm_cmd_status" protect="r">
  4579. <bits name="arm_wr_status" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  4580. <comment> "1" write channel is busy
  4581. </comment>
  4582. </bits>
  4583. <bits name="arm_rd_status" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  4584. <comment> "1" read channel is busy
  4585. </comment>
  4586. </bits>
  4587. <bits name="adi_busy" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  4588. <comment> "1" adi operation is busy
  4589. </comment>
  4590. </bits>
  4591. <bits name="wfifo full" pos="8" access="r" rst="0">
  4592. <comment> wfifo full status
  4593. </comment>
  4594. </bits>
  4595. <bits name="wfifo empty" pos="9" access="r" rst="0">
  4596. <comment> wfifo empty status
  4597. </comment>
  4598. </bits>
  4599. <bits name="wfifo fill data level" pos="14:12" access="r" rst="0">
  4600. <comment> wfifo fill data number
  4601. </comment>
  4602. </bits>
  4603. <bits name="adi fsm status" pos="19:16" access="r" rst="0">
  4604. <comment> adi fsm status
  4605. </comment>
  4606. </bits>
  4607. <bits name="event0 wr status" pos="20" access="r" rst="0">
  4608. <comment> event 0 wr status
  4609. </comment>
  4610. </bits>
  4611. <bits name="event1 wr status" pos="21" access="r" rst="0">
  4612. <comment> event 1 wr status
  4613. </comment>
  4614. </bits>
  4615. <bits name="event2 wr status" pos="22" access="r" rst="0">
  4616. <comment> event 2 wr status
  4617. </comment>
  4618. </bits>
  4619. <bits name="event3 wr status" pos="23" access="r" rst="0">
  4620. <comment> event 3 wr status
  4621. </comment>
  4622. </bits>
  4623. </reg>
  4624. <reg name="adi_chanel_en" protect="rw">
  4625. <bits name="event0 trigger negedge en" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4626. <comment>
  4627. </comment>
  4628. </bits>
  4629. <bits name="event0 trigger posedge en" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  4630. <comment>
  4631. </comment>
  4632. </bits>
  4633. <bits name="event1 trigger negedge en" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  4634. <comment>
  4635. </comment>
  4636. </bits>
  4637. <bits name="event1 trigger posedge en" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  4638. <comment>
  4639. </comment>
  4640. </bits>
  4641. <bits name="event2 trigger negedge en" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  4642. <comment>
  4643. </comment>
  4644. </bits>
  4645. <bits name="event2 trigger posedge en" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  4646. <comment>
  4647. </comment>
  4648. </bits>
  4649. <bits name="event3 trigger negedge en" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0">
  4650. <comment>
  4651. </comment>
  4652. </bits>
  4653. <bits name="event3 trigger posedge en" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0">
  4654. <comment>
  4655. </comment>
  4656. </bits>
  4657. </reg>
  4658. <reg name="adi_cmd_wr" protect="rw">
  4659. <bits name="adi_cmd_wr" pos="16:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4660. <comment> the address map to the PMIC chip space, just for write operation
  4661. </comment>
  4662. </bits>
  4663. </reg>
  4664. <reg name="adi_dat_wr" protect="rw">
  4665. <bits name="adi_dat_wr" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4666. <comment> the dat to the PMIC chip space, just for write operation
  4667. </comment>
  4668. </bits>
  4669. </reg>
  4670. <reg name="event0_waddr" protect="rw">
  4671. <bits name="event0_waddr" pos="16:0" access="rw" rst="0x634">
  4672. <comment>
  4673. </comment>
  4674. </bits>
  4675. </reg>
  4676. <reg name="event1_waddr" protect="rw">
  4677. <bits name="event1_waddr" pos="16:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4678. <comment>
  4679. </comment>
  4680. </bits>
  4681. </reg>
  4682. <reg name="event2_waddr" protect="rw">
  4683. <bits name="event2_waddr" pos="16:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4684. <comment>
  4685. </comment>
  4686. </bits>
  4687. </reg>
  4688. <reg name="event3_waddr" protect="rw">
  4689. <bits name="event3_waddr" pos="16:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  4690. <comment>
  4691. </comment>
  4692. </bits>
  4693. </reg>
  4694. <reg name="event0_wdata" protect="rw">
  4695. <bits name="event0_neg_wdata" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4696. <comment>
  4697. </comment>
  4698. </bits>
  4699. <bits name="event0_pos_wdata" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4700. <comment>
  4701. </comment>
  4702. </bits>
  4703. </reg>
  4704. <reg name="event1_wdata" protect="rw">
  4705. <bits name="event1_neg_wdata" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4706. <comment>
  4707. </comment>
  4708. </bits>
  4709. <bits name="event1_pos_wdata" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4710. <comment>
  4711. </comment>
  4712. </bits>
  4713. </reg>
  4714. <reg name="event2_wdata" protect="rw">
  4715. <bits name="event2_neg_wdata" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4716. <comment>
  4717. </comment>
  4718. </bits>
  4719. <bits name="event2_pos_wdata" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4720. <comment>
  4721. </comment>
  4722. </bits>
  4723. </reg>
  4724. <reg name="event3_wdata" protect="rw">
  4725. <bits name="event3_neg_wdata" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  4726. <comment>
  4727. </comment>
  4728. </bits>
  4729. <bits name="event3_pos_wdata" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  4730. <comment>
  4731. </comment>
  4732. </bits>
  4733. </reg>
  4734. </module>
  4735. </archive>
  4736. <archive relative = "bb_ctrl.xml">
  4737. <module name="bb_ctrl" category="System">
  4738. <reg name="bb_revid" protect="r">
  4739. <bits access="r" name="bb_revid" pos="15:0" rst="0x0">
  4740. </bits>
  4741. </reg>
  4742. <reg name="bb_rst_set0" protect="rw">
  4743. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_rfspi" pos="11:11" rst="0x1">
  4744. </bits>
  4745. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_sci1" pos="10:10" rst="0x1">
  4746. </bits>
  4747. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_spiapb2reg" pos="8:8" rst="0x1">
  4748. </bits>
  4749. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_rf_interface" pos="7:7" rst="0x1">
  4750. </bits>
  4751. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_dfe" pos="6:6" rst="0x1">
  4752. </bits>
  4753. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_rffe" pos="5:5" rst="0x1">
  4754. </bits>
  4755. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_f8" pos="4:4" rst="0x1">
  4756. </bits>
  4757. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_tcu" pos="3:3" rst="0x1">
  4758. </bits>
  4759. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_rf_if" pos="2:2" rst="0x1">
  4760. </bits>
  4761. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_nbiot" pos="1:1" rst="0x1">
  4762. </bits>
  4763. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_bb_ifc" pos="0:0" rst="0x1">
  4764. </bits>
  4765. </reg>
  4766. <reg name="bb_rst_clr0" protect="rw">
  4767. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_rfspi" pos="11:11" rst="0x1">
  4768. </bits>
  4769. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_sci1" pos="10:10" rst="0x1">
  4770. </bits>
  4771. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_spiapb2reg" pos="8:8" rst="0x1">
  4772. </bits>
  4773. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_rf_interface" pos="7:7" rst="0x1">
  4774. </bits>
  4775. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_dfe" pos="6:6" rst="0x1">
  4776. </bits>
  4777. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_rffe" pos="5:5" rst="0x1">
  4778. </bits>
  4779. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_f8" pos="4:4" rst="0x1">
  4780. </bits>
  4781. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_tcu" pos="3:3" rst="0x1">
  4782. </bits>
  4783. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_rf_if" pos="2:2" rst="0x1">
  4784. </bits>
  4785. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_nbiot" pos="1:1" rst="0x1">
  4786. </bits>
  4787. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_bb_ifc" pos="0:0" rst="0x1">
  4788. </bits>
  4789. </reg>
  4790. <reg name="clk_bb_enable0" protect="rw">
  4791. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_rfspi" pos="11:11" rst="0x0">
  4792. </bits>
  4793. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_sci1" pos="10:10" rst="0x0">
  4794. </bits>
  4795. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_spiapb2reg" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  4796. </bits>
  4797. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_rf_interface" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  4798. </bits>
  4799. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_dfe" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  4800. </bits>
  4801. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_rffe" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  4802. </bits>
  4803. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_f8" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  4804. </bits>
  4805. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_tcu" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  4806. </bits>
  4807. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_rf_if" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  4808. </bits>
  4809. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_nbiot" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  4810. </bits>
  4811. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_bb_ifc" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  4812. </bits>
  4813. </reg>
  4814. <reg name="clk_bb_disable0" protect="rw">
  4815. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_rfspi" pos="11:11" rst="0x0">
  4816. </bits>
  4817. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_sci1" pos="10:10" rst="0x0">
  4818. </bits>
  4819. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_spiapb2reg" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  4820. </bits>
  4821. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_rf_interface" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  4822. </bits>
  4823. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_dfe" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  4824. </bits>
  4825. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_rffe" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  4826. </bits>
  4827. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_f8" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  4828. </bits>
  4829. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_tcu" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  4830. </bits>
  4831. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_rf_if" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  4832. </bits>
  4833. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_nbiot" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  4834. </bits>
  4835. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_bb_ifc" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  4836. </bits>
  4837. </reg>
  4838. <reg name="misc_ctrl" protect="rw">
  4839. <bits access="rw" name="hresp_err_mask_bbifc" pos="7:7" rst="0x1">
  4840. </bits>
  4841. <bits access="rw" name="msk_spiapb2reg_int" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  4842. </bits>
  4843. <bits access="rw1s" name="clr_spiapb2reg_int" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  4844. </bits>
  4845. <bits access="r" name="status_spiapb2reg_int" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  4846. </bits>
  4847. <bits access="rw" name="sel_clk_nb_tcu" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  4848. </bits>
  4849. <bits access="rw" name="ext_xcv_sel" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  4850. </bits>
  4851. <bits access="rw" name="mipi_clk_half_sel" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  4852. </bits>
  4853. </reg>
  4854. <reg name="dbg_ctrl" protect="rw">
  4855. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_clkout_sel" pos="3:1" rst="0x0">
  4856. </bits>
  4857. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_clkout_en" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  4858. </bits>
  4859. </reg>
  4860. <reg name="dbg_disable_acg0" protect="rw">
  4861. <bits access="rw" name="disable_acg0" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  4862. </bits>
  4863. </reg>
  4864. <reg name="dbg_disable_acg1" protect="rw">
  4865. <bits access="rw" name="disable_acg1" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  4866. </bits>
  4867. </reg>
  4868. <reg name="dbg_disable_acg2" protect="rw">
  4869. <bits access="rw" name="disable_acg2" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  4870. </bits>
  4871. </reg>
  4872. <reg name="bb_ctrl_rsd0" protect="rw">
  4873. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ctrl_rsd0" pos="31:0" rst="0xffff0000">
  4874. </bits>
  4875. </reg>
  4876. <reg name="bb_ctrl_rsd1" protect="rw">
  4877. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ctrl_rsd1" pos="31:0" rst="0xffff0000">
  4878. </bits>
  4879. </reg>
  4880. <reg name="bb_ctrl_rsd2" protect="rw">
  4881. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ctrl_rsd2" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  4882. </bits>
  4883. </reg>
  4884. <reg name="bb_ctrl_rsd3" protect="rw">
  4885. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ctrl_rsd3" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  4886. </bits>
  4887. </reg>
  4888. <reg name="bb_pad_ctrl" protect="rw">
  4889. <bits access="rw" name="xcv_gpio_ie" pos="14:8" rst="0x7f">
  4890. </bits>
  4891. <bits access="rw" name="xcv_gpio_se" pos="6:0" rst="0x7f">
  4892. </bits>
  4893. </reg>
  4894. <reg name="cfg_clk_rffe" protect="rw">
  4895. <bits access="rw" name="rffe_freq" pos="3:0" rst="0xF">
  4896. </bits>
  4897. </reg>
  4898. </module>
  4899. </archive>
  4900. <archive relative = "bb_ifc.xml">
  4901. <include file="globals.xml"/>
  4902. <var name="BB_IFC_ADDR_ALIGN" value="0" />
  4903. <var name="BB_IFC_TC_LEN" value="23" />
  4904. <var name="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB" value="BB_IFC_NB_STD_CHANNEL" />
  4905. <var name="BB_IFC_RFSPI_CHAN" value="1" />
  4906. <var name="BB_IFC_DBG_CHAN" value="0" />
  4907. <module name="bb_ifc" category="Baseband">
  4908. <reg protect="--" name="get_ch">
  4909. <bits access="r" name="ch_to_use" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  4910. <comment>This field indicates which standard channel to use.
  4911. <br /> Before using a channel, the CPU read this register to know which channel must be used.
  4912. After reading this registers, the channel is to be regarded as
  4913. busy.
  4914. <br /> After reading this register, if the CPU doesn't want to use
  4915. the specified channel, the CPU must write a disable in the control
  4916. register of the channel to release the channel.
  4917. <br />Secure cpu can use all channels, but non-secure cpu only can use non-secure channel.
  4918. <br />Non-secure channel means std_ch_reg_sec is 1'b0, don't care about the value of std_ch_dma_sec.
  4919. <br />When non-secure cpu read this register, the return value will automatic exlude the secure channel.
  4920. <br />00000 = use Channel0
  4921. <br />00001 = use Channel1
  4922. <br />00010 = use Channel2
  4923. <br /> ...
  4924. <br />01111 = use Channel15
  4925. <br />11111 = all channels are busy</comment>
  4926. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  4927. </bits>
  4928. </reg>
  4929. <reg protect="r" name="dma_status">
  4930. <bits access="r" name="ch_enable" pos="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB+BB_IFC_RFSPI_CHAN-1:0" rst="0">
  4931. <comment>This register indicates which channel is enabled. It is a copy
  4932. of the enable bit of the control register of each channel. One bit per
  4933. channel, for example:
  4934. <br />0000_0000 = All channels disabled
  4935. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 enabled
  4936. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 enabled
  4937. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 enabled
  4938. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 enabled
  4939. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 enabled
  4940. <br />all 1 = all channels enabled</comment>
  4941. </bits>
  4942. <bits access="r" name="ch_busy" pos="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB-1+16:16" rst="0">
  4943. <comment>This register indicates which standard channel is busy (this field doesn't include the RF_SPI channel). A standard channel is mark as busy, when a channel is enabled or a previous reading of the GET_CH register, the field CH_TO_USE indicates this channel. One bit per channel</comment>
  4944. </bits>
  4945. </reg>
  4946. <reg protect="r" name="debug_status">
  4947. <bits access="r" name="dbg_status" pos="0" rst="1">
  4948. <comment>Debug Channel Status .<br />0= The debug channel is running
  4949. (not idle) <br />1= The debug channel is in idle mode</comment>
  4950. </bits>
  4951. </reg>
  4952. <reg protect="rw" name="ifc_sec">
  4953. <bits access="rw" name="std_ch_reg_sec" pos="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB-1:0" rst="0">
  4954. <comment>This register indicates which channel register can only be accessed by secure master. One bit per
  4955. channel, for example:
  4956. <br />0000_0000 = All channels registers can be accessed by secure master or non-secure master.
  4957. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  4958. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  4959. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  4960. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  4961. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  4962. <br /> ......
  4963. <br />all 1 = all channels registers can only be accessed by secure master.</comment>
  4964. </bits>
  4965. <bits access="rw" name="rfspi_ch_reg_sec" pos="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB+BB_IFC_RFSPI_CHAN-1:BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB" rst="0">
  4966. <comment>This register indicates rfspi channel register can only be accessed by secure master.</comment>
  4967. </bits>
  4968. <bits access="rw" name="std_ch_dma_sec" pos="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB-1+16:16" rst="all1">
  4969. <comment>This register indicates which channel dma is secure master. One bit per
  4970. channel, for example:
  4971. <br />0000_0000 = All channels dma are non-secure master.
  4972. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 dma is secure master.
  4973. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 dma is secure master.
  4974. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 dma is secure master.
  4975. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 dma are secure master.
  4976. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 dma are secure master.
  4977. <br /> ......
  4978. <br />all 1 = all channels dma are secure master.</comment>
  4979. </bits>
  4980. <bits access="rw" name="rfspi_ch_dma_sec" pos="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB+BB_IFC_RFSPI_CHAN-1+16:BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB+16" rst="all1">
  4981. <comment>This register indicates rfspi channel dma is secure master.</comment>
  4982. </bits>
  4983. </reg>
  4984. <struct count="BB_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB" name="std_ch">
  4985. <reg protect="rw" name="control">
  4986. <bits access="w" name="enable" pos="0" rst="no">
  4987. <comment>Channel Enable, write one in this bit enable the channel.
  4988. <br />When the channel is enabled, for a peripheral to memory transfer
  4989. the DMA wait request from peripheral to start transfer. </comment>
  4990. </bits>
  4991. <bits access="w" name="disable" pos="1" rst="no">
  4992. <comment>Channel Disable, write one in this bit disable the channel.
  4993. <br />When writing one in this bit, the current AHB transfer and
  4994. current APB transfer (if one in progress) is completed and the channel
  4995. is then disabled. </comment>
  4996. </bits>
  4997. <bits access="rw" name="ch_rd_hw_exch" pos="2" rst="0">
  4998. <comment>Exchange the read data from fifo halfword MSB or LSB
  4999. <br />
  5000. </comment>
  5001. </bits>
  5002. <bits access="rw" name="ch_wr_hw_exch" pos="3" rst="0">
  5003. <comment>Exchange the write data to fifo halfword MSB or LSB
  5004. <br />
  5005. </comment>
  5006. </bits>
  5007. <bits access="rw" name="autodisable" pos="4" rst="1">
  5008. <comment>Set Auto-disable mode<br /> 0 = when TC reach zero the
  5009. channel is not automatically released.<br /> 1 = At the end of the
  5010. transfer when TC reach zero the channel is automatically disabled. the
  5011. current channel is released.</comment>
  5012. </bits>
  5013. <bits access="rw" name="Size" pos="5" rst="0">
  5014. <comment>Peripheral Size
  5015. <br /> 0= 8-bit peripheral
  5016. <br /> 1= 32-bit peripheral
  5017. </comment>
  5018. </bits>
  5019. <bits access="rw" name="req_src" pos="12:8" rst="0x1F" display="hex">
  5020. <options linkenum="BB_Ifc_Request_IDs">
  5021. <shift/><mask/><default/>
  5022. </options>
  5023. <comment>Select DMA Request source</comment>
  5024. </bits>
  5025. <bits access="rw" name="flush" pos="16" rst="0">
  5026. <comment>When one, flush the internal FIFO channel.
  5027. <br />This bit must be used only in case of Rx transfer. Until this bit is 1, the APB
  5028. request is masked. The flush doesn't release the channel.
  5029. <br /> Before writting back this bit to zero the internal fifo must empty.
  5030. </comment>
  5031. </bits>
  5032. <bits access="rw" name="max_burst_length" pos="18:17" rst="00">
  5033. <comment>Set the MAX burst length for channel 0,1.
  5034. This bit field is only used in channel 0~1, for channel 2~6, it is reserved.
  5035. <br /> The 2'b10 mean burst max 16 2'b01 mean burst max 8, 00 mean burst max 4.
  5036. <br /> .
  5037. </comment>
  5038. </bits>
  5039. </reg>
  5040. <reg protect="r" name="status">
  5041. <bits access="r" name="enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  5042. <comment>Enable bit, when '1' the channel is running </comment>
  5043. </bits>
  5044. <bits access="r" name="fifo_empty" pos="4" rst="1">
  5045. <comment>The internal channel fifo is empty </comment>
  5046. </bits>
  5047. </reg>
  5048. <reg protect="rw" name="start_addr">
  5049. <bits access="rw" name="start_addr"
  5050. pos="NB_BITS_ADDR-1:BB_IFC_ADDR_ALIGN" rst="0xFFFFFFF" display="hex">
  5051. <comment>AHB Address. This field represent the start address of the
  5052. transfer.
  5053. <br />For a 32-bit peripheral, this address must be aligned 32-bit.
  5054. </comment>
  5055. </bits>
  5056. </reg>
  5057. <reg protect="rw" name="tc">
  5058. <bits access="rw" name="tc" pos="BB_IFC_TC_LEN-1:0" rst="0xFFFFFF" display="hex">
  5059. <comment>Transfer Count, this field indicated the transfer size in bytes to perform.
  5060. <br />During a transfer a write in this register add the new value to the current TC.
  5061. <br />A read of this register return the current current transfer count.
  5062. </comment>
  5063. </bits>
  5064. </reg>
  5065. <reg protect="rw" name="tc_threshold">
  5066. <bits access="rw" name="tc_threshold" pos="BB_IFC_TC_LEN-1:0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  5067. <comment>Tx or Rx transfer Count, this field indicated the transfer size in bytes which already performed.
  5068. </comment>
  5069. </bits>
  5070. </reg>
  5071. </struct>
  5072. <struct count="BB_IFC_RFSPI_CHAN" name="rfspi_ch">
  5073. <reg protect="rw" name="ch_rfspi_control">
  5074. <bits access="s" name="enable" pos="0" rst="no">
  5075. <comment>Channel Enable, write one in this bit enable the channel.
  5076. <br />This channel works only in fifo mode. </comment>
  5077. </bits>
  5078. <bits access="c" name="disable" pos="1" rst="no">
  5079. <comment>Channel Disable, write one in this bit to disable the channel.
  5080. </comment>
  5081. </bits>
  5082. </reg>
  5083. <reg protect="r" name="ch_rfspi_status">
  5084. <bits access="r" name="enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  5085. <comment>Enable bit, when '1' the channel is running </comment>
  5086. </bits>
  5087. <bits access="r" name="fifo_empty" pos="4" rst="1">
  5088. <comment>The internal channel fifo is empty </comment>
  5089. </bits>
  5090. <bits access="r" name="fifo_level" pos="12:8" rst="0">
  5091. <comment>Internal fifo level </comment>
  5092. </bits>
  5093. </reg>
  5094. <reg protect="rw" name="ch_rfspi_start_addr">
  5095. <bits access="rw" name="start_AHB_addr"
  5096. pos="NB_BITS_ADDR-1:BB_IFC_ADDR_ALIGN" rst="0xFFFFFFF" display="hex">
  5097. <comment>AHB Start Address. <br />This field represent the start address of the fifo.
  5098. The start address must 32-bit aligned.
  5099. </comment>
  5100. </bits>
  5101. </reg>
  5102. <reg protect="rw" name="ch_rfspi_end_addr">
  5103. <bits access="rw" name="end_AHB_addr"
  5104. pos="NB_BITS_ADDR-1:BB_IFC_ADDR_ALIGN" rst="0xFFFFFFF" display="hex">
  5105. <comment>AHB End Address. <br />This field represent the last address of the fifo (it is the first address not used in the fifo). <br />The end address must 32-bit aligned.
  5106. </comment>
  5107. </bits>
  5108. </reg>
  5109. <reg protect="rw" name="ch_rfspi_tc">
  5110. <bits access="rw" name="tc" pos="13:0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  5111. <comment>Transfer Count, transfer size in bytes. <br />This bit
  5112. indicated the transfer size in bytes to perform. Up to 16kbytes per
  5113. transfer. <br />During a transfer a write in this register add the new
  5114. value to the current TC. A read of this register return the current
  5115. current transfer count.</comment>
  5116. </bits>
  5117. </reg>
  5118. </struct>
  5119. </module>
  5120. </archive>
  5121. <archive relative="ce_pub_top.xml">
  5122. <module name="ce_pub_top" category="System">
  5123. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_dma_status">
  5124. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_wready" pos="31" rst="0">
  5125. <comment>
  5126. axi write data channel ready
  5127. </comment>
  5128. </bits>
  5129. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_awready" pos="30" rst="0">
  5130. <comment>
  5131. axi write address channel ready
  5132. </comment>
  5133. </bits>
  5134. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_arready" pos="29" rst="0">
  5135. <comment>
  5136. axi read address channel ready
  5137. </comment>
  5138. </bits>
  5139. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_busy" pos="28" rst="0">
  5140. <comment>
  5141. dma is working,and CPU can&apos;t access ce registers except ce_clear register.
  5142. </comment>
  5143. </bits>
  5144. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_dma_status_reserved_0" pos="27" rst="0">
  5145. <comment>
  5146. Reserved
  5147. </comment>
  5148. </bits>
  5149. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_dst_state" pos="26:22" rst="0">
  5150. <comment>
  5151. dma write port state: 4&apos;d0: idle 4&apos;d1: write burst calculate 4&apos;d2: write burst calculate data number 4&apos;d3: write burst wait enough data 4&apos;d4: write burst start 4&apos;d5: write burst execute 4&apos;d6: write burst wait burst end 4&apos;d7: write burst end
  5152. </comment>
  5153. </bits>
  5154. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_src_state" pos="21:17" rst="0">
  5155. <comment>
  5156. dma read port state: 4&apos;d0: idle 4&apos;d1: read burst wait enough buffer space 4&apos;d2: read burst wait one cycle 4&apos;d3: read burst start 4&apos;d4: read burst execute 4&apos;d5: read burst wait burst end 4&apos;d6: read burst done
  5157. </comment>
  5158. </bits>
  5159. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_cmd_fifo_non_empty" pos="16" rst="0">
  5160. <comment>
  5161. fde cmd fifo is non-empty
  5162. </comment>
  5163. </bits>
  5164. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_cmd_fifo_non_empty" pos="15" rst="0">
  5165. <comment>
  5166. cmd fifo is non-empty
  5167. </comment>
  5168. </bits>
  5169. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_int_raw_status_vld" pos="14" rst="0">
  5170. <comment>
  5171. interrupt raw status is valid
  5172. </comment>
  5173. </bits>
  5174. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_err" pos="13" rst="0">
  5175. <comment>
  5176. ce in error status
  5177. </comment>
  5178. </bits>
  5179. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_main_write_state" pos="12:8" rst="0">
  5180. <comment>
  5181. dma control main write port state: 5&apos;d0: idle 5&apos;d1: STD hash start 5&apos;d2: STD start 5&apos;d3: STD wait done 5&apos;d4: STD send done 5&apos;d5: STD next state judgement 5&apos;d6: STD pause 5&apos;d7: STD done 5&apos;d8: LLIST check node buffer status 5&apos;d9: LLIST load node 5&apos;d10: LLIST load node wait 5&apos;d11: LLIST load node update parameter 5&apos;d12: LLIST load node done 5&apos;d13: LLIST hash start 5&apos;d14: LLIST start 5&apos;d15: LLIST wait done 5&apos;d16: LLIST send done 5&apos;d17: LLIST next start judgement 5&apos;d18: LLIST pause 5&apos;d19: LLIST done
  5182. </comment>
  5183. </bits>
  5184. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_pka_main_read_state" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  5185. <comment>
  5186. 3&apos;d0: idle 3&apos;d1: pka read instruction start 3&apos;d2: pka load start 3&apos;d3: pka wait done 3&apos;d4: pka send done 3&apos;d5: pka jump judgement
  5187. </comment>
  5188. </bits>
  5189. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_main_read_state" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  5190. <comment>
  5191. dma control main read port state: 5&apos;d0: idle 5&apos;d1: read key/hmac key/aad start 5&apos;d2: wait read key/hmac key/aad done 5&apos;d3: read key/hmac key/aad, send done 5&apos;d4: read key/hmac key/aad done 5&apos;d5: STD read start 5&apos;d6: STD wait done 5&apos;d7: STD send done 5&apos;d8: STD done,then judgement 5&apos;d9: STD pause 5&apos;d10: STD done 5&apos;d11: LLIST read list 5&apos;d12: LLIST read list wait done 5&apos;d13: LLIST read list send done 5&apos;d14: LLIST read list done 5&apos;d15: LLIST read node 5&apos;d16: LLIST read node wait 5&apos;d17: LLIST read node done 5&apos;d18: LLIST node execution 5&apos;d19: LLIST node execution, wait done 5&apos;d20: LLIST node execution, send done 5&apos;d21: LLIST node execution done 5&apos;d22: LLIST judge next state 5&apos;d23: LLIST pause 5&apos;d24: LLIST done 5&apos;d25: read session key start 5&apos;d26: read session key done
  5192. </comment>
  5193. </bits>
  5194. </reg>
  5195. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status">
  5196. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  5197. <comment>
  5198. Reserved
  5199. </comment>
  5200. </bits>
  5201. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_rdma_data_status" pos="28:27" rst="0">
  5202. <comment>
  5203. rdma data status: 2&apos;d0: idle 2&apos;d1: read start 2&apos;d2: read wait 2&apos;d3: read finish
  5204. </comment>
  5205. </bits>
  5206. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_wdma_data_status" pos="26:25" rst="0">
  5207. <comment>
  5208. wdma data status: 2&apos;d0: idle 2&apos;d1: read start 2&apos;d2: read wait 2&apos;d3: read finish
  5209. </comment>
  5210. </bits>
  5211. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_dma_main_read_state" pos="24:20" rst="0">
  5212. <comment>
  5213. dma control main read port state: 5&apos;d0: idle 5&apos;d1: read key/hmac key/aad start 5&apos;d2: wait read key/hmac key/aad done 5&apos;d3: read key/hmac key/aad, send done 5&apos;d4: read key/hmac key/aad done 5&apos;d5: STD read start 5&apos;d6: STD wait done 5&apos;d7: STD send done 5&apos;d8: STD done,then judgement 5&apos;d9: STD pause 5&apos;d10: STD done 5&apos;d11: LLIST read list 5&apos;d12: LLIST read list wait done 5&apos;d13: LLIST read list send done 5&apos;d14: LLIST read list done 5&apos;d15: LLIST read node 5&apos;d16: LLIST read node wait 5&apos;d17: LLIST read node done 5&apos;d18: LLIST node execution 5&apos;d19: LLIST node execution, wait done 5&apos;d20: LLIST node execution, send done 5&apos;d21: LLIST node execution done 5&apos;d22: LLIST judge next state 5&apos;d23: LLIST pause 5&apos;d24: LLIST done 5&apos;d25: read session key start 5&apos;d26: read session key done
  5214. </comment>
  5215. </bits>
  5216. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  5217. <comment>
  5218. Reserved
  5219. </comment>
  5220. </bits>
  5221. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rdma_data_status" pos="17:15" rst="0">
  5222. <comment>
  5223. rdma data status: 2&apos;d0: idle 2&apos;d1: read start 2&apos;d2: read wait 2&apos;d3: read finish
  5224. </comment>
  5225. </bits>
  5226. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_sm4_status" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  5227. <comment>
  5228. sm4 state: 3&apos;d0: idle 3&apos;d1: generate key 3&apos;d2: round start 3&apos;d3: rounding 3&apos;d4: xts generate key 3&apos;d5: xts round start 3&apos;d6: xts rounding 3&apos;d7: done
  5229. </comment>
  5230. </bits>
  5231. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_wdma_data_status" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  5232. <comment>
  5233. wdma data status: 2&apos;d0: idle 2&apos;d1: read start 2&apos;d2: read wait 2&apos;d3: read finish
  5234. </comment>
  5235. </bits>
  5236. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status_reserved_2" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  5237. <comment>
  5238. Reserved
  5239. </comment>
  5240. </bits>
  5241. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_aes_status" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  5242. <comment>
  5243. [3:0]: aes read counter; [7:4]: aes work state 4&apos;d0: idle 4&apos;d1: key expand 4&apos;d2: xts encrypto tweek 4&apos;d3: enc/decrpto select 4&apos;d4: wait 4&apos;d5: one block done 4&apos;d6: xts encrypto tweek post 4&apos;d7: xts encrypto tweek pre &apos; 4&apos;d8: zero encrypto 4&apos;d9: aad ghash 4&apos;d10: length ghash 4&apos;d11: gcm wait
  5244. </comment>
  5245. </bits>
  5246. </reg>
  5247. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_tdes_status">
  5248. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_tdes_status_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  5249. <comment>
  5250. Reserved
  5251. </comment>
  5252. </bits>
  5253. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_tdes_status" pos="28:24" rst="0">
  5254. <comment>
  5255. tdes module status: [3:0]: des run cycle counter &#10;[4]: des key check error
  5256. </comment>
  5257. </bits>
  5258. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_wvalid_state" pos="23:20" rst="0">
  5259. <comment>
  5260. generate wvalid state: 4&apos;d0: idle 4&apos;d1: wait enough data 4&apos;d2: generate wvalid 4&apos;d3: wait enough data when bursting 4&apos;d4: wait wready for next burst data
  5261. </comment>
  5262. </bits>
  5263. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_efuse_access_status" pos="19:16" rst="0">
  5264. <comment>
  5265. efuse access status: 4&apos;d0: idle 4&apos;d1: trng write start 4&apos;d2: hmac read start 4&apos;d3: hmac session key read start 4&apos;d4: trng write 4&apos;d5: hmac read 4&apos;d6: hmac session key read 4&apos;d7: cpu access start 4&apos;d8: cpu read 4&apos;d9: cpu write 4&apos;d10: symmetric key1 read start 4&apos;d11: symmetric key2 read start 4&apos;d12: symmetric key1 read 4&apos;d13: symmetric key2 read 4&apos;d14: done
  5266. </comment>
  5267. </bits>
  5268. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_dma_main_write_state" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  5269. <comment>
  5270. 3&apos;d0: idle 3&apos;d1: pka store start 3&apos;d2: pka wait done 3&apos;d3: pka send done 3&apos;d4: pka jump judgement
  5271. </comment>
  5272. </bits>
  5273. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_dma_main_write_state" pos="12:8" rst="0">
  5274. <comment>
  5275. dma control main write port state: 5&apos;d0: idle 5&apos;d1: STD hash start 5&apos;d2: STD start 5&apos;d3: STD wait done 5&apos;d4: STD send done 5&apos;d5: STD next state judgement 5&apos;d6: STD pause 5&apos;d7: STD done 5&apos;d8: LLIST check node buffer status 5&apos;d9: LLIST load node 5&apos;d10: LLIST load node wait 5&apos;d11: LLIST load node update parameter 5&apos;d12: LLIST load node done 5&apos;d13: LLIST hash start 5&apos;d14: LLIST start 5&apos;d15: LLIST wait done 5&apos;d16: LLIST send done 5&apos;d17: LLIST next start judgement 5&apos;d18: LLIST pause 5&apos;d19: LLIST done 5&apos;d20: pka store start 5&apos;d21: pka wait done 5&apos;d22: pka send done 5&apos;d23: pka jump judgement
  5276. </comment>
  5277. </bits>
  5278. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_status" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  5279. <comment>
  5280. [3:0]: aes read counter; [7:4]: aes work state 4&apos;d0: idle 4&apos;d1: key expand 4&apos;d2: xts encrypto tweek 4&apos;d3: enc/decrpto select 4&apos;d4: wait 4&apos;d5: one block done 4&apos;d6: xts encrypto tweek post 4&apos;d7: xts encrypto tweek pre &apos; 4&apos;d8: zero encrypto 4&apos;d9: aad ghash 4&apos;d10: length ghash 4&apos;d11: gcm wait
  5281. </comment>
  5282. </bits>
  5283. </reg>
  5284. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_hash_status0">
  5285. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_hash_status0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  5286. <comment>
  5287. hash module status: [31:0]: hash register a value
  5288. </comment>
  5289. </bits>
  5290. </reg>
  5291. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_hash_status1">
  5292. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_hash_status1_reserved_0" pos="31:10" rst="0">
  5293. <comment>
  5294. Reserved
  5295. </comment>
  5296. </bits>
  5297. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_hash_status1" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  5298. <comment>
  5299. hash module status: [2:0]: hash state 3&apos;d0: idle 3&apos;d1: data request 3&apos;d2: no-hmac 3&apos;d3: hmac key 3&apos;d4: first hmac message 3&apos;d5: second hmac message 3&apos;d6: digest out [8:3]: hash run cycle
  5300. </comment>
  5301. </bits>
  5302. </reg>
  5303. <hole size="32"/>
  5304. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_clk_en">
  5305. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  5306. <comment>
  5307. Reserved
  5308. </comment>
  5309. </bits>
  5310. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_clk_en" pos="28" rst="0">
  5311. <comment>
  5312. force fde aes clock enable
  5313. </comment>
  5314. </bits>
  5315. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_1" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  5316. <comment>
  5317. Reserved
  5318. </comment>
  5319. </bits>
  5320. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_clk_en" pos="23" rst="0">
  5321. <comment>
  5322. force chacha engine clock enable
  5323. </comment>
  5324. </bits>
  5325. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_poly_clk_en" pos="22" rst="0">
  5326. <comment>
  5327. force poly engine clock enable
  5328. </comment>
  5329. </bits>
  5330. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_clk_en" pos="21" rst="0">
  5331. <comment>
  5332. force rng autogate clock enable
  5333. </comment>
  5334. </bits>
  5335. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_clk_en" pos="20" rst="0">
  5336. <comment>
  5337. force aes key expan autogate clock enable
  5338. </comment>
  5339. </bits>
  5340. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_2" pos="19" rst="0">
  5341. <comment>
  5342. Reserved
  5343. </comment>
  5344. </bits>
  5345. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_axi_clk_en" pos="18" rst="0">
  5346. <comment>
  5347. force dma axi autogate clock enable
  5348. </comment>
  5349. </bits>
  5350. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_ctrl_clk_en" pos="17" rst="0">
  5351. <comment>
  5352. force dma ctrl autogate clock enable
  5353. </comment>
  5354. </bits>
  5355. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_apb_rf_clk_en" pos="16" rst="0">
  5356. <comment>
  5357. force apb regbank autogate clock enable
  5358. </comment>
  5359. </bits>
  5360. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_3" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  5361. <comment>
  5362. Reserved
  5363. </comment>
  5364. </bits>
  5365. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_ck_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  5366. <comment>
  5367. simon speck clock enable
  5368. </comment>
  5369. </bits>
  5370. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_ck_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  5371. <comment>
  5372. pka clock enable
  5373. </comment>
  5374. </bits>
  5375. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacah_poly_ck_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  5376. <comment>
  5377. chacha poly clock enable
  5378. </comment>
  5379. </bits>
  5380. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_ck_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  5381. <comment>
  5382. sm4 clock enable
  5383. </comment>
  5384. </bits>
  5385. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_trng_ck_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  5386. <comment>
  5387. trng clock enable
  5388. </comment>
  5389. </bits>
  5390. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_des_ck_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  5391. <comment>
  5392. des clock enable
  5393. </comment>
  5394. </bits>
  5395. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_hash_ck_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  5396. <comment>
  5397. hash clock enable
  5398. </comment>
  5399. </bits>
  5400. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_ck_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  5401. <comment>
  5402. fde aes clock enable
  5403. </comment>
  5404. </bits>
  5405. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_ck_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  5406. <comment>
  5407. aes clock enable
  5408. </comment>
  5409. </bits>
  5410. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_ck_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  5411. <comment>
  5412. dma_main clock enable
  5413. </comment>
  5414. </bits>
  5415. </reg>
  5416. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_int_en">
  5417. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  5418. <comment>
  5419. Reserved
  5420. </comment>
  5421. </bits>
  5422. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_en_len_err_int" pos="21" rst="0">
  5423. <comment>
  5424. enable src/dst length error int
  5425. </comment>
  5426. </bits>
  5427. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_en_cmd_done_int" pos="20" rst="0">
  5428. <comment>
  5429. enable one command done int
  5430. </comment>
  5431. </bits>
  5432. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_en_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  5433. <comment>
  5434. Reserved
  5435. </comment>
  5436. </bits>
  5437. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_len_err_int" pos="17" rst="0">
  5438. <comment>
  5439. enable src/dst length error int
  5440. </comment>
  5441. </bits>
  5442. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_cmd_done_int" pos="16" rst="0">
  5443. <comment>
  5444. enable one command done int
  5445. </comment>
  5446. </bits>
  5447. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_en_reserved_2" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  5448. <comment>
  5449. Reserved
  5450. </comment>
  5451. </bits>
  5452. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_tdes_key_err_int" pos="5" rst="0">
  5453. <comment>
  5454. enable tdes key check error int
  5455. </comment>
  5456. </bits>
  5457. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_en_reserved_3" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  5458. <comment>
  5459. Reserved
  5460. </comment>
  5461. </bits>
  5462. </reg>
  5463. <reg protect="r" name="ce_int_status">
  5464. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_status_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  5465. <comment>
  5466. Reserved
  5467. </comment>
  5468. </bits>
  5469. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_en_len_err_status" pos="21" rst="0">
  5470. <comment>
  5471. src/dst length error int status
  5472. </comment>
  5473. </bits>
  5474. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_en_cmd_done_status" pos="20" rst="0">
  5475. <comment>
  5476. one command done int status,
  5477. </comment>
  5478. </bits>
  5479. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_status_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  5480. <comment>
  5481. Reserved
  5482. </comment>
  5483. </bits>
  5484. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_en_len_err_status" pos="17" rst="0">
  5485. <comment>
  5486. src/dst length error int status
  5487. </comment>
  5488. </bits>
  5489. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_en_cmd_done_status" pos="16" rst="0">
  5490. <comment>
  5491. one command done int status,
  5492. </comment>
  5493. </bits>
  5494. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_status_reserved_2" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  5495. <comment>
  5496. Reserved
  5497. </comment>
  5498. </bits>
  5499. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_tdes_key_err_int_status" pos="5" rst="0">
  5500. <comment>
  5501. ce tdes key check error int status
  5502. </comment>
  5503. </bits>
  5504. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_status_reserved_3" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  5505. <comment>
  5506. Reserved
  5507. </comment>
  5508. </bits>
  5509. </reg>
  5510. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_int_clear">
  5511. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  5512. <comment>
  5513. Reserved
  5514. </comment>
  5515. </bits>
  5516. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_en_len_err_status" pos="21" rst="0">
  5517. <comment>
  5518. src/dst length error int status
  5519. </comment>
  5520. </bits>
  5521. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_en_cmd_done_status" pos="20" rst="0">
  5522. <comment>
  5523. one command done int status,
  5524. </comment>
  5525. </bits>
  5526. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  5527. <comment>
  5528. Reserved
  5529. </comment>
  5530. </bits>
  5531. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_len_err_int" pos="17" rst="0">
  5532. <comment>
  5533. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  5534. clear error int status
  5535. </comment>
  5536. </bits>
  5537. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_cmd_done_int" pos="16" rst="0">
  5538. <comment>
  5539. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  5540. clear one command done int status,
  5541. </comment>
  5542. </bits>
  5543. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_2" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  5544. <comment>
  5545. Reserved
  5546. </comment>
  5547. </bits>
  5548. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_tdes_key_err_int" pos="5" rst="0">
  5549. <comment>
  5550. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  5551. clear tdes key check error int status
  5552. </comment>
  5553. </bits>
  5554. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_3" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  5555. <comment>
  5556. Reserved
  5557. </comment>
  5558. </bits>
  5559. </reg>
  5560. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_start">
  5561. <bits access="r" name="ce_start_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  5562. <comment>
  5563. Reserved
  5564. </comment>
  5565. </bits>
  5566. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_start" pos="0" rst="0">
  5567. <comment>
  5568. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  5569. start ce
  5570. </comment>
  5571. </bits>
  5572. </reg>
  5573. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_clear">
  5574. <bits access="r" name="ce_clear_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  5575. <comment>
  5576. reserved
  5577. </comment>
  5578. </bits>
  5579. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear" pos="0" rst="0">
  5580. <comment>
  5581. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  5582. reset ce status
  5583. </comment>
  5584. </bits>
  5585. </reg>
  5586. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_mode">
  5587. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  5588. <comment>
  5589. Reserved
  5590. </comment>
  5591. </bits>
  5592. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_key_update_n" pos="15" rst="0">
  5593. <comment>
  5594. 1: don’t update key, 0: update key
  5595. </comment>
  5596. </bits>
  5597. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_xts_iv_rotation" pos="14" rst="1">
  5598. <comment>
  5599. 0: rtl rotation, 1: no-rotation
  5600. </comment>
  5601. </bits>
  5602. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_key_len_sel" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  5603. <comment>
  5604. 00: key 128bits,01:192bits,10,11:256bits
  5605. </comment>
  5606. </bits>
  5607. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_work_mode" pos="11:8" rst="0">
  5608. <comment>
  5609. 0000:ECB,0001:CBC,0010:CTR,0011:XTS,0100:CMAC,0101:GCM,0110:GMAC,0111:CCM,1000:CBCMAC,1001:CFB,1010:OFB
  5610. </comment>
  5611. </bits>
  5612. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_mode_reserved_1" pos="7" rst="0">
  5613. <comment>
  5614. Reserved
  5615. </comment>
  5616. </bits>
  5617. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_mac_ctr_inc_mode" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  5618. <comment>
  5619. aes mac ctr inc mode: 00: normal mode; 01: low 64bit is valid
  5620. </comment>
  5621. </bits>
  5622. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  5623. <comment>
  5624. 0:encode,1:decode
  5625. </comment>
  5626. </bits>
  5627. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_mode_reserved_2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  5628. <comment>
  5629. Reserved
  5630. </comment>
  5631. </bits>
  5632. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  5633. <comment>
  5634. aes module enable
  5635. </comment>
  5636. </bits>
  5637. </reg>
  5638. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_tdes_mode">
  5639. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  5640. <comment>
  5641. Reserved
  5642. </comment>
  5643. </bits>
  5644. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_key_evenodd_check_on" pos="13" rst="0">
  5645. <comment>
  5646. 0: disable, 1: enable even/odd check
  5647. </comment>
  5648. </bits>
  5649. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_key_even_sel" pos="12" rst="0">
  5650. <comment>
  5651. 0:odd check,1:even check
  5652. </comment>
  5653. </bits>
  5654. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_1" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  5655. <comment>
  5656. Reserved
  5657. </comment>
  5658. </bits>
  5659. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_work_mode" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  5660. <comment>
  5661. 00:ECB,01:CBC
  5662. </comment>
  5663. </bits>
  5664. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_2" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  5665. <comment>
  5666. Reserved
  5667. </comment>
  5668. </bits>
  5669. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  5670. <comment>
  5671. 0:encode,1:decode
  5672. </comment>
  5673. </bits>
  5674. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_3" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  5675. <comment>
  5676. Reserved
  5677. </comment>
  5678. </bits>
  5679. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  5680. <comment>
  5681. tdes module enable
  5682. </comment>
  5683. </bits>
  5684. </reg>
  5685. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_hash_mode">
  5686. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  5687. <comment>
  5688. Reserved
  5689. </comment>
  5690. </bits>
  5691. <bits access="rw" name="rf_hash_sha3_shake_out_len" pos="23:16" rst="0">
  5692. <comment>
  5693. sha3 shake out length
  5694. </comment>
  5695. </bits>
  5696. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_1" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  5697. <comment>
  5698. Reserved
  5699. </comment>
  5700. </bits>
  5701. <bits access="rw" name="rf_hash_hmac_pad_sel" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  5702. <comment>
  5703. 00: normal hash; 01: ipad ;10: opad; 11: reserved
  5704. </comment>
  5705. </bits>
  5706. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_2" pos="11:9" rst="0">
  5707. <comment>
  5708. Reserved
  5709. </comment>
  5710. </bits>
  5711. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_hash_mode" pos="8:4" rst="0">
  5712. <comment>
  5713. hash work module, &#10;5’d0: Doesn’t work&#10;5’d1: MD5&#10;5’d2: SHA-1 mode&#10;5’d3: SHA-224 mode&#10;5’d4: SHA-256 mode&#10;5’d5: SHA-384 mode&#10;5’d6: SHA-512 mode&#10;5’d7: SHA-512/224 mode&#10;5’d8: SHA-512/256 mode&#10;5’d9: SM3 mode&#10;5’d10: SHA3-224&#10;5’d11: SHA3-256&#10;5’d12: SHA3-384&#10;5’d13: SHA3-512&#10;5’d14: SHA3-SHAKE128&#10;5’d15: SHA3-SHAKE256
  5714. </comment>
  5715. </bits>
  5716. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_3" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  5717. <comment>
  5718. Reserved
  5719. </comment>
  5720. </bits>
  5721. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_hash_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  5722. <comment>
  5723. hash module enable
  5724. </comment>
  5725. </bits>
  5726. </reg>
  5727. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_chacha_poly_mode">
  5728. <bits access="r" name="ce_chacha_poly_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:10" rst="0">
  5729. <comment>
  5730. Reserved
  5731. </comment>
  5732. </bits>
  5733. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_poly_mode" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  5734. <comment>
  5735. 00:chacha20 ; 01:poly1305;&#10;10:AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305
  5736. </comment>
  5737. </bits>
  5738. <bits access="r" name="ce_chacha_poly_mode_reserved_1" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  5739. <comment>
  5740. Reserved
  5741. </comment>
  5742. </bits>
  5743. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_poly_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  5744. <comment>
  5745. 0:encrypt,1:decrypt
  5746. </comment>
  5747. </bits>
  5748. <bits access="r" name="ce_chacha_poly_mode_reserved_2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  5749. <comment>
  5750. Reserved
  5751. </comment>
  5752. </bits>
  5753. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_poly_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  5754. <comment>
  5755. chacha poly module enable
  5756. </comment>
  5757. </bits>
  5758. </reg>
  5759. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_simon_speck_mode">
  5760. <bits access="r" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  5761. <comment>
  5762. Reserved
  5763. </comment>
  5764. </bits>
  5765. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_key_update_n" pos="15" rst="0">
  5766. <comment>
  5767. 1: don’t update key, 0: update key
  5768. </comment>
  5769. </bits>
  5770. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_key_len_sel" pos="14:13" rst="0">
  5771. <comment>
  5772. 00: key 128bits,01:192bits,10:256bits
  5773. </comment>
  5774. </bits>
  5775. <bits access="rw" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_1" pos="12" rst="0">
  5776. <comment>
  5777. Reserved
  5778. </comment>
  5779. </bits>
  5780. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_work_mode" pos="11:9" rst="0">
  5781. <comment>
  5782. 000:ECB,001:CBC,010:CTR,100:CFB,101:OFB
  5783. </comment>
  5784. </bits>
  5785. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_sel" pos="8" rst="0">
  5786. <comment>
  5787. 0:speck; 1:simon
  5788. </comment>
  5789. </bits>
  5790. <bits access="r" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_2" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  5791. <comment>
  5792. Reserved
  5793. </comment>
  5794. </bits>
  5795. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  5796. <comment>
  5797. 0:encrypt,1:decrypt
  5798. </comment>
  5799. </bits>
  5800. <bits access="r" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_3" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  5801. <comment>
  5802. Reserved
  5803. </comment>
  5804. </bits>
  5805. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  5806. <comment>
  5807. chacha poly module enable
  5808. </comment>
  5809. </bits>
  5810. </reg>
  5811. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_cfg">
  5812. <bits access="r" name="ce_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  5813. <comment>
  5814. Reserved
  5815. </comment>
  5816. </bits>
  5817. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_word_switch" pos="23" rst="0">
  5818. <comment>
  5819. switch source high 32bits and low 32bits
  5820. </comment>
  5821. </bits>
  5822. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_word_switch" pos="22" rst="0">
  5823. <comment>
  5824. switch destination high 32bits and low 32bits
  5825. </comment>
  5826. </bits>
  5827. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_byte_switch" pos="21" rst="1">
  5828. <comment>
  5829. source data switch of one word
  5830. </comment>
  5831. </bits>
  5832. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_byte_switch" pos="20" rst="0">
  5833. <comment>
  5834. destination data switch of one word
  5835. </comment>
  5836. </bits>
  5837. <bits access="r" name="ce_cfg_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  5838. <comment>
  5839. Reserved
  5840. </comment>
  5841. </bits>
  5842. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_update_iv_sec_cnt" pos="17" rst="0">
  5843. <comment>
  5844. list update iv/sec/cnt flag
  5845. </comment>
  5846. </bits>
  5847. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_data_end_flag" pos="16" rst="0">
  5848. <comment>
  5849. data end in link list mode
  5850. </comment>
  5851. </bits>
  5852. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_end_flag" pos="15" rst="0">
  5853. <comment>
  5854. list end flag
  5855. </comment>
  5856. </bits>
  5857. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_aad_flag" pos="14" rst="0">
  5858. <comment>
  5859. 0: isn&apos;t aad list 1: is aad list
  5860. </comment>
  5861. </bits>
  5862. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_aad_end_flag" pos="13" rst="0">
  5863. <comment>
  5864. 0: aad no-end list 1: aad end list
  5865. </comment>
  5866. </bits>
  5867. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_do_wait_bdone" pos="12" rst="1">
  5868. <comment>
  5869. wait axi B channel bready
  5870. </comment>
  5871. </bits>
  5872. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_key_in_iram_flag" pos="11" rst="0">
  5873. <comment>
  5874. 0:normal mode, 1: iram key or secure ddr key
  5875. </comment>
  5876. </bits>
  5877. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_key_in_session_key_flag" pos="10" rst="0">
  5878. <comment>
  5879. 0: normal mode, 1: aes/sm4 key from session key
  5880. </comment>
  5881. </bits>
  5882. <bits access="r" name="ce_cfg_reserved_2" pos="9" rst="1">
  5883. <comment>
  5884. Reserved
  5885. </comment>
  5886. </bits>
  5887. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_key_in_ddr_flag" pos="8" rst="0">
  5888. <comment>
  5889. 1: all crypto key in ddr/iram; 0: from registers
  5890. </comment>
  5891. </bits>
  5892. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_bypass" pos="7" rst="0">
  5893. <comment>
  5894. 0:normal mode, 1: bypass ce
  5895. </comment>
  5896. </bits>
  5897. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_std_mode_aad_flag" pos="6" rst="0">
  5898. <comment>
  5899. 0: std flag 1: std aad flag
  5900. </comment>
  5901. </bits>
  5902. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_std_mode_aad_end_flag" pos="5" rst="0">
  5903. <comment>
  5904. 0: std aad no-end flag 1: std aad end flag
  5905. </comment>
  5906. </bits>
  5907. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_std_mode_end_flag" pos="4" rst="0">
  5908. <comment>
  5909. std end flag
  5910. </comment>
  5911. </bits>
  5912. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_cmd_ioc" pos="3" rst="0">
  5913. <comment>
  5914. 0: enable cmd int output: 1: don&apos;t output int
  5915. </comment>
  5916. </bits>
  5917. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dont_dump_ddr" pos="2" rst="0">
  5918. <comment>
  5919. 0: dump from ddr; 1: don&apos;t dump
  5920. </comment>
  5921. </bits>
  5922. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dont_rcv_ddr" pos="1" rst="0">
  5923. <comment>
  5924. 0: rcv from ddr; 1: don&apos;t rcv
  5925. </comment>
  5926. </bits>
  5927. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_link_mode_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  5928. <comment>
  5929. 0:std mode, 1: link mode
  5930. </comment>
  5931. </bits>
  5932. </reg>
  5933. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_src_frag_length">
  5934. <bits access="r" name="ce_src_frag_length_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  5935. <comment>
  5936. Reserved
  5937. </comment>
  5938. </bits>
  5939. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  5940. <comment>
  5941. source address high 4bits; or aes mac aad address high 4bits
  5942. </comment>
  5943. </bits>
  5944. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_frag_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  5945. <comment>
  5946. source fragment length of each node; or aes mac aad length
  5947. </comment>
  5948. </bits>
  5949. </reg>
  5950. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dst_frag_length">
  5951. <bits access="r" name="ce_dst_frag_length_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  5952. <comment>
  5953. Reserved
  5954. </comment>
  5955. </bits>
  5956. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  5957. <comment>
  5958. destination address high 4bits
  5959. </comment>
  5960. </bits>
  5961. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_frag_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  5962. <comment>
  5963. destination fragment length of each node
  5964. </comment>
  5965. </bits>
  5966. </reg>
  5967. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_src_addr">
  5968. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  5969. <comment>
  5970. source address; or aes mac aad address
  5971. </comment>
  5972. </bits>
  5973. </reg>
  5974. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dst_addr">
  5975. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  5976. <comment>
  5977. destination address;
  5978. </comment>
  5979. </bits>
  5980. </reg>
  5981. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_list_length">
  5982. <bits access="r" name="ce_list_length_reserved_0" pos="31:20" rst="0">
  5983. <comment>
  5984. Reserved
  5985. </comment>
  5986. </bits>
  5987. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_list_ptr_hi" pos="19:16" rst="0">
  5988. <comment>
  5989. ce_list_ptr high 4bits
  5990. </comment>
  5991. </bits>
  5992. <bits access="r" name="ce_list_length_reserved_1" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  5993. <comment>
  5994. Reserved
  5995. </comment>
  5996. </bits>
  5997. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_list_len" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  5998. <comment>
  5999. first list length,support max 256 nodes
  6000. </comment>
  6001. </bits>
  6002. </reg>
  6003. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_list_ptr">
  6004. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_list_ptr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6005. <comment>
  6006. first list start address
  6007. </comment>
  6008. </bits>
  6009. </reg>
  6010. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_length">
  6011. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_length_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  6012. <comment>
  6013. Reserved
  6014. </comment>
  6015. </bits>
  6016. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  6017. <comment>
  6018. aes hmac key address high 4bits
  6019. </comment>
  6020. </bits>
  6021. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  6022. <comment>
  6023. aes hmac key length
  6024. </comment>
  6025. </bits>
  6026. </reg>
  6027. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_address">
  6028. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6029. <comment>
  6030. aes rsa hamc key address;
  6031. </comment>
  6032. </bits>
  6033. </reg>
  6034. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tag_length">
  6035. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_tag_length_reserved_0" pos="31:12" rst="0">
  6036. <comment>
  6037. Reserved
  6038. </comment>
  6039. </bits>
  6040. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tag_addr_hi" pos="11:8" rst="0">
  6041. <comment>
  6042. aes tag address high 4bits
  6043. </comment>
  6044. </bits>
  6045. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tag_len" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  6046. <comment>
  6047. aes tag length
  6048. </comment>
  6049. </bits>
  6050. </reg>
  6051. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tag_address">
  6052. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tag_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6053. <comment>
  6054. aes tag address low 32bits
  6055. </comment>
  6056. </bits>
  6057. </reg>
  6058. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt0">
  6059. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iv_sec_cnt0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6060. <comment>
  6061. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes;iv[127:0],iv[127:96] in low address,and little-edian
  6062. </comment>
  6063. </bits>
  6064. </reg>
  6065. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt1">
  6066. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iv_sec_cnt1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6067. <comment>
  6068. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes;iv[95:64]
  6069. </comment>
  6070. </bits>
  6071. </reg>
  6072. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt2">
  6073. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iv_sec_cnt2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6074. <comment>
  6075. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes;iv[63:32]
  6076. </comment>
  6077. </bits>
  6078. </reg>
  6079. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt3">
  6080. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iv_sec_cnt3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6081. <comment>
  6082. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes;iv[31:0]
  6083. </comment>
  6084. </bits>
  6085. </reg>
  6086. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key10">
  6087. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key10" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6088. <comment>
  6089. secure read;aes key1/sm4 key1;key[127:0],key[127:96] in low address,and little-edian
  6090. </comment>
  6091. </bits>
  6092. </reg>
  6093. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key11">
  6094. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key11" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6095. <comment>
  6096. aes key1/sm4 key1;key[95:64]
  6097. </comment>
  6098. </bits>
  6099. </reg>
  6100. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key12">
  6101. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key12" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6102. <comment>
  6103. aes key1/sm4 key1;key[63:32]
  6104. </comment>
  6105. </bits>
  6106. </reg>
  6107. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key13">
  6108. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key13" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6109. <comment>
  6110. aes key1/sm4 key1;key[31:0]
  6111. </comment>
  6112. </bits>
  6113. </reg>
  6114. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key14">
  6115. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key14" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6116. <comment>
  6117. aes key1
  6118. </comment>
  6119. </bits>
  6120. </reg>
  6121. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key15">
  6122. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key15" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6123. <comment>
  6124. aes key1
  6125. </comment>
  6126. </bits>
  6127. </reg>
  6128. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key16">
  6129. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key16" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6130. <comment>
  6131. aes key1
  6132. </comment>
  6133. </bits>
  6134. </reg>
  6135. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key17">
  6136. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key17" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6137. <comment>
  6138. aes key1
  6139. </comment>
  6140. </bits>
  6141. </reg>
  6142. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key20">
  6143. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key20" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6144. <comment>
  6145. aes key2/sm4 key2
  6146. </comment>
  6147. </bits>
  6148. </reg>
  6149. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key21">
  6150. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key21" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6151. <comment>
  6152. aes key2/sm4 key2
  6153. </comment>
  6154. </bits>
  6155. </reg>
  6156. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key22">
  6157. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key22" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6158. <comment>
  6159. aes key2/sm4 key2
  6160. </comment>
  6161. </bits>
  6162. </reg>
  6163. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key23">
  6164. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key23" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6165. <comment>
  6166. aes key2/sm4 key2
  6167. </comment>
  6168. </bits>
  6169. </reg>
  6170. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key24">
  6171. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key24" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6172. <comment>
  6173. aes key2
  6174. </comment>
  6175. </bits>
  6176. </reg>
  6177. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key25">
  6178. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key25" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6179. <comment>
  6180. aes key2
  6181. </comment>
  6182. </bits>
  6183. </reg>
  6184. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key26">
  6185. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key26" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6186. <comment>
  6187. aes key2
  6188. </comment>
  6189. </bits>
  6190. </reg>
  6191. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key27">
  6192. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_des_key27" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6193. <comment>
  6194. aes key2
  6195. </comment>
  6196. </bits>
  6197. </reg>
  6198. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_sm4_mode">
  6199. <bits access="r" name="ce_sm4_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:13" rst="0">
  6200. <comment>
  6201. Reserved
  6202. </comment>
  6203. </bits>
  6204. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_key_update_n" pos="12" rst="0">
  6205. <comment>
  6206. 1: don’t update key, 0: update key
  6207. </comment>
  6208. </bits>
  6209. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_xts_inv_rotation" pos="11" rst="1">
  6210. <comment>
  6211. 0: rtl rotation, 1: no-rotation
  6212. </comment>
  6213. </bits>
  6214. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_work_mode" pos="10:8" rst="0">
  6215. <comment>
  6216. 000:ECB,001:CBC,010:CTR,011:XTS,100:CFB,101:OFB
  6217. </comment>
  6218. </bits>
  6219. <bits access="r" name="ce_sm4_mode_reserved_1" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  6220. <comment>
  6221. Reserved
  6222. </comment>
  6223. </bits>
  6224. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  6225. <comment>
  6226. 0:encode,1:decode
  6227. </comment>
  6228. </bits>
  6229. <bits access="r" name="ce_sm4_mode_reserved_2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  6230. <comment>
  6231. Reserved
  6232. </comment>
  6233. </bits>
  6234. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  6235. <comment>
  6236. sm4 module enable
  6237. </comment>
  6238. </bits>
  6239. </reg>
  6240. <hole size="32"/>
  6241. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_ip_version">
  6242. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_ip_version_hi" pos="31:4" rst="64">
  6243. <comment>
  6244. r4
  6245. </comment>
  6246. </bits>
  6247. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_ip_version_lo" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  6248. <comment>
  6249. px
  6250. </comment>
  6251. </bits>
  6252. </reg>
  6253. <hole size="1056"/>
  6254. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pf_calc">
  6255. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pf_calc" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6256. <comment>
  6257. ce performace counter
  6258. </comment>
  6259. </bits>
  6260. </reg>
  6261. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_user_flag">
  6262. <bits access="r" name="ce_user_flag_reserved_0" pos="31:9" rst="0">
  6263. <comment>
  6264. Reserved
  6265. </comment>
  6266. </bits>
  6267. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pub_priority_vld" pos="8" rst="0">
  6268. <comment>
  6269. when the siganl is high ,then flag the pub aes/sm4/hash is catch the cmd from the pub cmd buf or the pub is working
  6270. </comment>
  6271. </bits>
  6272. <bits access="r" name="ce_user_flag_reserved_1" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  6273. <comment>
  6274. Reserved
  6275. </comment>
  6276. </bits>
  6277. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_sec_priority_vld" pos="4" rst="0">
  6278. <comment>
  6279. when the siganl is high ,then flag the sec aes/sm4/hash is catch the cmd from the sec cmd buf or the sec is working
  6280. </comment>
  6281. </bits>
  6282. <bits access="r" name="ce_user_flag_reserved_2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  6283. <comment>
  6284. Reserved
  6285. </comment>
  6286. </bits>
  6287. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_use_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  6288. <comment>
  6289. ce sec or pub use the ce aes/sm4/hash cicpher module
  6290. </comment>
  6291. </bits>
  6292. </reg>
  6293. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_axi_axcache">
  6294. <bits access="r" name="ce_axi_axcache_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  6295. <comment>
  6296. Reserved
  6297. </comment>
  6298. </bits>
  6299. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_outstanding_num" pos="15:12" rst="7">
  6300. <comment>
  6301. axi read port outstanding number
  6302. </comment>
  6303. </bits>
  6304. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_outstanding_num" pos="11:8" rst="7">
  6305. <comment>
  6306. axi write port outstanding number
  6307. </comment>
  6308. </bits>
  6309. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_axi_awcache" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  6310. <comment>
  6311. axi bus wcache
  6312. </comment>
  6313. </bits>
  6314. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_axi_arcache" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  6315. <comment>
  6316. axi bus rcache
  6317. </comment>
  6318. </bits>
  6319. </reg>
  6320. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl">
  6321. <bits access="r" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:23" rst="0">
  6322. <comment>
  6323. Reserved
  6324. </comment>
  6325. </bits>
  6326. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_fde_cmd_stop_clear" pos="22" rst="0">
  6327. <comment>
  6328. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  6329. fde to restart
  6330. </comment>
  6331. </bits>
  6332. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_cmd_stop_status" pos="21" rst="0">
  6333. <comment>
  6334. 1: fde stop command is valid
  6335. </comment>
  6336. </bits>
  6337. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_cmd_stop" pos="20" rst="0">
  6338. <comment>
  6339. 0:fde to execute next cmd; 1: fde finish current cmd,then stop
  6340. </comment>
  6341. </bits>
  6342. <bits access="r" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl_reserved_1" pos="19" rst="0">
  6343. <comment>
  6344. Reserved
  6345. </comment>
  6346. </bits>
  6347. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_cmd_stop_clear" pos="18" rst="0">
  6348. <comment>
  6349. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  6350. to restart
  6351. </comment>
  6352. </bits>
  6353. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_cmd_stop_status" pos="17" rst="0">
  6354. <comment>
  6355. 1: stop command is valid
  6356. </comment>
  6357. </bits>
  6358. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_cmd_stop" pos="16" rst="0">
  6359. <comment>
  6360. 0: to execute next cmd; 1: finish current cmd,then stop
  6361. </comment>
  6362. </bits>
  6363. <bits access="r" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl_reserved_2" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  6364. <comment>
  6365. Reserved
  6366. </comment>
  6367. </bits>
  6368. </reg>
  6369. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_axi_protect_sel">
  6370. <bits access="r" name="ce_axi_protect_sel_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  6371. <comment>
  6372. Reserved
  6373. </comment>
  6374. </bits>
  6375. <bits access="rw" name="fde_dummy" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  6376. <comment>
  6377. reserved
  6378. </comment>
  6379. </bits>
  6380. <bits access="rw" name="fde_axi_prot_sel_wtxt" pos="12" rst="0">
  6381. <comment>
  6382. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6383. </comment>
  6384. </bits>
  6385. <bits access="rw" name="fde_axi_prot_sel_rtxt" pos="11" rst="0">
  6386. <comment>
  6387. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6388. </comment>
  6389. </bits>
  6390. <bits access="rw" name="fde_axi_prot_sel_rlist" pos="10" rst="0">
  6391. <comment>
  6392. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6393. </comment>
  6394. </bits>
  6395. <bits access="rw" name="fde_axi_prot_sel_rkey" pos="9" rst="0">
  6396. <comment>
  6397. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6398. </comment>
  6399. </bits>
  6400. <bits access="rw" name="fde_axi_prot_sel_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  6401. <comment>
  6402. 0: disable fde side sel; 1: enable fde side axi sel
  6403. </comment>
  6404. </bits>
  6405. <bits access="rw" name="pub_dummy" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  6406. <comment>
  6407. reserved
  6408. </comment>
  6409. </bits>
  6410. <bits access="rw" name="pub_axi_prot_sel_wtxt" pos="4" rst="0">
  6411. <comment>
  6412. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6413. </comment>
  6414. </bits>
  6415. <bits access="rw" name="pub_axi_prot_sel_rtxt" pos="3" rst="0">
  6416. <comment>
  6417. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6418. </comment>
  6419. </bits>
  6420. <bits access="rw" name="pub_axi_prot_sel_rlist" pos="2" rst="0">
  6421. <comment>
  6422. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6423. </comment>
  6424. </bits>
  6425. <bits access="rw" name="pub_axi_prot_sel_rkey" pos="1" rst="0">
  6426. <comment>
  6427. 0: non_prot; 1: prot;
  6428. </comment>
  6429. </bits>
  6430. <bits access="rw" name="pub_axi_prot_sel_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  6431. <comment>
  6432. 0: disable pub side sel; 1: enable pub side axi sel
  6433. </comment>
  6434. </bits>
  6435. </reg>
  6436. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pf_calc_high">
  6437. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pf_calc_high" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6438. <comment>
  6439. ce performace counter high 32 bit
  6440. </comment>
  6441. </bits>
  6442. </reg>
  6443. <hole size="3264"/>
  6444. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key0">
  6445. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6446. <comment>
  6447. secure os; can&apos;t support wrote by commandfifo mode,hash key can&apos;t be from session key
  6448. </comment>
  6449. </bits>
  6450. </reg>
  6451. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key1">
  6452. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6453. <comment>
  6454. secure os permited;
  6455. </comment>
  6456. </bits>
  6457. </reg>
  6458. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key2">
  6459. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6460. <comment>
  6461. secure os permited;
  6462. </comment>
  6463. </bits>
  6464. </reg>
  6465. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key3">
  6466. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6467. <comment>
  6468. secure os permited;
  6469. </comment>
  6470. </bits>
  6471. </reg>
  6472. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key4">
  6473. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6474. <comment>
  6475. secure os permited;
  6476. </comment>
  6477. </bits>
  6478. </reg>
  6479. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key5">
  6480. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6481. <comment>
  6482. secure os permited;
  6483. </comment>
  6484. </bits>
  6485. </reg>
  6486. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key6">
  6487. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6488. <comment>
  6489. secure os permited;
  6490. </comment>
  6491. </bits>
  6492. </reg>
  6493. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key7">
  6494. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6495. <comment>
  6496. secure os permited;
  6497. </comment>
  6498. </bits>
  6499. </reg>
  6500. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key0">
  6501. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6502. <comment>
  6503. secure os; can&apos;t support wrote by commandfifo mode,hash key can&apos;t be from iram key
  6504. </comment>
  6505. </bits>
  6506. </reg>
  6507. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key1">
  6508. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6509. <comment>
  6510. secure os permited;
  6511. </comment>
  6512. </bits>
  6513. </reg>
  6514. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key2">
  6515. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6516. <comment>
  6517. secure os permited;
  6518. </comment>
  6519. </bits>
  6520. </reg>
  6521. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key3">
  6522. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6523. <comment>
  6524. secure os permited;
  6525. </comment>
  6526. </bits>
  6527. </reg>
  6528. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key4">
  6529. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6530. <comment>
  6531. secure os permited;
  6532. </comment>
  6533. </bits>
  6534. </reg>
  6535. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key5">
  6536. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6537. <comment>
  6538. secure os permited;
  6539. </comment>
  6540. </bits>
  6541. </reg>
  6542. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key6">
  6543. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6544. <comment>
  6545. secure os permited;
  6546. </comment>
  6547. </bits>
  6548. </reg>
  6549. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key7">
  6550. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6551. <comment>
  6552. secure os permited;
  6553. </comment>
  6554. </bits>
  6555. </reg>
  6556. <hole size="3584"/>
  6557. <reg protect="w" name="ce_cmd_fifo_entry">
  6558. <bits access="w" name="rf_ce_cmd_fifo_entry" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6559. <comment>
  6560. ce command fifo entry
  6561. </comment>
  6562. </bits>
  6563. </reg>
  6564. <reg protect="r" name="ce_cmd_fifo_status">
  6565. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_cmd_fifo_status" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6566. <comment>
  6567. ce command fifo status
  6568. </comment>
  6569. </bits>
  6570. </reg>
  6571. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rcv_addr_lo">
  6572. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rcv_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6573. <comment>
  6574. ce rcv address lo
  6575. </comment>
  6576. </bits>
  6577. </reg>
  6578. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dump_addr_lo">
  6579. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dump_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6580. <comment>
  6581. ce dump address lo
  6582. </comment>
  6583. </bits>
  6584. </reg>
  6585. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dump_addr_hi">
  6586. <bits access="r" name="ce_dump_addr_hi_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="20">
  6587. <comment>
  6588. Reserved
  6589. </comment>
  6590. </bits>
  6591. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dump_addr_hi" pos="7:4" rst="4">
  6592. <comment>
  6593. ce dump address hi
  6594. </comment>
  6595. </bits>
  6596. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rcv_addr_hi" pos="3:0" rst="4">
  6597. <comment>
  6598. ce rcv address hi
  6599. </comment>
  6600. </bits>
  6601. </reg>
  6602. <reg protect="r" name="ce_finish_cmd_cnt">
  6603. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_finish_cmd_cnt" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6604. <comment>
  6605. cmd finish counter,cpu read then clear
  6606. </comment>
  6607. </bits>
  6608. </reg>
  6609. <hole size="3904"/>
  6610. <reg protect="w" name="ce_fde_aes_cmd_fifo_entry">
  6611. <bits access="w" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_cmd_fifo_entry" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6612. <comment>
  6613. ce fde aes cipher command fifo entry
  6614. </comment>
  6615. </bits>
  6616. </reg>
  6617. <reg protect="r" name="ce_fde_aes_cmd_fifo_status">
  6618. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_cmd_fifo_status" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6619. <comment>
  6620. ce fde aes cipher command fifo status
  6621. </comment>
  6622. </bits>
  6623. </reg>
  6624. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_rcv_addr_lo">
  6625. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_rcv_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6626. <comment>
  6627. ce fde_aes cipher rcv address lo
  6628. </comment>
  6629. </bits>
  6630. </reg>
  6631. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_dump_addr_lo">
  6632. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dump_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6633. <comment>
  6634. ce fde_aes cipher dump address lo;or aes tag address low 32bits
  6635. </comment>
  6636. </bits>
  6637. </reg>
  6638. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_dump_addr_hi">
  6639. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_dump_addr_hi_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="20">
  6640. <comment>
  6641. Reserved
  6642. </comment>
  6643. </bits>
  6644. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dump_addr_hi" pos="7:4" rst="4">
  6645. <comment>
  6646. ce fde_aes cipher dump address hi,or aes tag address high 4bits
  6647. </comment>
  6648. </bits>
  6649. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_rcv_addr_hi" pos="3:0" rst="4">
  6650. <comment>
  6651. ce fde_aes cipher rcv address hi
  6652. </comment>
  6653. </bits>
  6654. </reg>
  6655. <reg protect="r" name="ce_fde_aes_finish_cmd_cnt">
  6656. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_finish_cmd_cnt" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  6657. <comment>
  6658. fde_aes cipher cmd finish counter,cpu read then clear
  6659. </comment>
  6660. </bits>
  6661. </reg>
  6662. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_start">
  6663. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_start_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  6664. <comment>
  6665. Reserved
  6666. </comment>
  6667. </bits>
  6668. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_start" pos="0" rst="0">
  6669. <comment>
  6670. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  6671. start fde_aes cipher ce(TDES/AES/SM4/SM1/SM7/GHASH)
  6672. </comment>
  6673. </bits>
  6674. </reg>
  6675. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_clear">
  6676. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_clear_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  6677. <comment>
  6678. reserved
  6679. </comment>
  6680. </bits>
  6681. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_clear" pos="0" rst="0">
  6682. <comment>
  6683. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  6684. reset ce fde_aes cipher status
  6685. </comment>
  6686. </bits>
  6687. </reg>
  6688. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_mode">
  6689. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  6690. <comment>
  6691. Reserved
  6692. </comment>
  6693. </bits>
  6694. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_mac_ctr_inc_mode" pos="21:20" rst="0">
  6695. <comment>
  6696. aes mac ctr inc mode: 00: normal mode; 01: low 64bit is valid
  6697. </comment>
  6698. </bits>
  6699. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_mode_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  6700. <comment>
  6701. Reserved
  6702. </comment>
  6703. </bits>
  6704. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key_len_sel" pos="17:16" rst="0">
  6705. <comment>
  6706. 00: key 128bits,01:192bits,10,11:256bits
  6707. </comment>
  6708. </bits>
  6709. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_mode_reserved_2" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  6710. <comment>
  6711. Reserved
  6712. </comment>
  6713. </bits>
  6714. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_xts_iv_rotation" pos="12" rst="1">
  6715. <comment>
  6716. 0: rtl rotation, 1: no-rotation(sm4/aes)
  6717. </comment>
  6718. </bits>
  6719. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_work_mode" pos="11:8" rst="0">
  6720. <comment>
  6721. 0000:ECB,0001:CBC,0010:CTR,0011:XTS
  6722. </comment>
  6723. </bits>
  6724. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_mode_reserved_3" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  6725. <comment>
  6726. Reserved
  6727. </comment>
  6728. </bits>
  6729. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  6730. <comment>
  6731. 0:encode,1:decode
  6732. </comment>
  6733. </bits>
  6734. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_mode_reserved_4" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  6735. <comment>
  6736. Reserved
  6737. </comment>
  6738. </bits>
  6739. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  6740. <comment>
  6741. fde_aes cipher module enable
  6742. </comment>
  6743. </bits>
  6744. </reg>
  6745. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_cfg">
  6746. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:25" rst="0">
  6747. <comment>
  6748. Reserved
  6749. </comment>
  6750. </bits>
  6751. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_auto_update_iv_sec_cnt" pos="24" rst="1">
  6752. <comment>
  6753. ce fde iv auto add 1‘b1 each 512Byte msg
  6754. </comment>
  6755. </bits>
  6756. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_src_word_switch" pos="23" rst="0">
  6757. <comment>
  6758. fde_aes switch source high 32bits and low 32bits
  6759. </comment>
  6760. </bits>
  6761. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dst_word_switch" pos="22" rst="0">
  6762. <comment>
  6763. fde_aes switch destination high 32bits and low 32bits
  6764. </comment>
  6765. </bits>
  6766. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_src_byte_switch" pos="21" rst="1">
  6767. <comment>
  6768. fde_aes cipher source data switch of one byte
  6769. </comment>
  6770. </bits>
  6771. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dst_byte_switch" pos="20" rst="0">
  6772. <comment>
  6773. fde_aes cipher destination data switch of one byte
  6774. </comment>
  6775. </bits>
  6776. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_cfg_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  6777. <comment>
  6778. Reserved
  6779. </comment>
  6780. </bits>
  6781. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_list_update_iv_sec_cnt" pos="17" rst="0">
  6782. <comment>
  6783. list update iv/sec/cnt flag
  6784. </comment>
  6785. </bits>
  6786. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_list_data_end_flag" pos="16" rst="0">
  6787. <comment>
  6788. fde_aes cipher data end in link list mode
  6789. </comment>
  6790. </bits>
  6791. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_list_end_flag" pos="15" rst="0">
  6792. <comment>
  6793. fde_aes cipher list end flag
  6794. </comment>
  6795. </bits>
  6796. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_cfg_reserved_2" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  6797. <comment>
  6798. Reserved
  6799. </comment>
  6800. </bits>
  6801. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_key_in_iram_flag" pos="11" rst="0">
  6802. <comment>
  6803. 0:normal mode, 1: iram key or secure ddr key
  6804. </comment>
  6805. </bits>
  6806. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_key_in_session_key_flag" pos="10" rst="0">
  6807. <comment>
  6808. 0: normal mode, 1: aes key from session key
  6809. </comment>
  6810. </bits>
  6811. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_cfg_reserved_3" pos="9" rst="0">
  6812. <comment>
  6813. Reserved
  6814. </comment>
  6815. </bits>
  6816. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key_in_ddr_flag" pos="8" rst="0">
  6817. <comment>
  6818. 1: fde_aes cipher all crypto key in ddr/iram,and the iv also come from drr except the link list mode; 0:fde_aes cipher from registers
  6819. </comment>
  6820. </bits>
  6821. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_bypass" pos="7" rst="0">
  6822. </bits>
  6823. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_cfg_reserved_4" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  6824. <comment>
  6825. Reserved
  6826. </comment>
  6827. </bits>
  6828. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_std_mode_end_flag" pos="4" rst="0">
  6829. <comment>
  6830. fde_aes cipher std end flag
  6831. </comment>
  6832. </bits>
  6833. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_cmd_ioc" pos="3" rst="0">
  6834. <comment>
  6835. 0: fde_aes cipher enable cmd int output: 1: don&apos;t output int
  6836. </comment>
  6837. </bits>
  6838. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dont_dump_ddr" pos="2" rst="0">
  6839. <comment>
  6840. 0:fde_aes cipher dump from ddr; 1:fde_aes cipher don&apos;t dump
  6841. </comment>
  6842. </bits>
  6843. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dont_rcv_ddr" pos="1" rst="0">
  6844. <comment>
  6845. 0:fde_aes cipher rcv from ddr; 1:fde_aes cipher don&apos;t rcv
  6846. </comment>
  6847. </bits>
  6848. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_link_mode_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  6849. <comment>
  6850. 0:fde_aes cipher std mode, 1:fde_aes cipher link mode
  6851. </comment>
  6852. </bits>
  6853. </reg>
  6854. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_list_length">
  6855. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_list_length_reserved_0" pos="31:20" rst="0">
  6856. <comment>
  6857. Reserved
  6858. </comment>
  6859. </bits>
  6860. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_list_ptr_hi" pos="19:16" rst="0">
  6861. <comment>
  6862. ce_fde_aes_list_ptr high 4bits
  6863. </comment>
  6864. </bits>
  6865. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_list_length_reserved_1" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  6866. <comment>
  6867. Reserved
  6868. </comment>
  6869. </bits>
  6870. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_list_len" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  6871. <comment>
  6872. fde_aes cipher first list length,support max 40 nodes
  6873. </comment>
  6874. </bits>
  6875. </reg>
  6876. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_list_ptr">
  6877. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_list_ptr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6878. <comment>
  6879. fde_aes cipher first list start address
  6880. </comment>
  6881. </bits>
  6882. </reg>
  6883. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_src_frag_length">
  6884. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dst_addr_hi" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  6885. <comment>
  6886. fde_aes cipher destination address high 4bits
  6887. </comment>
  6888. </bits>
  6889. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_src_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  6890. <comment>
  6891. fde_aes cipher source address high 4bits; or aes mac aad address high 4bits
  6892. </comment>
  6893. </bits>
  6894. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_src_frag_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  6895. <comment>
  6896. fde_aes cipher source fragment length of each node; or aes mac aad length
  6897. </comment>
  6898. </bits>
  6899. </reg>
  6900. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_src_addr">
  6901. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_src_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6902. <comment>
  6903. fde_aes cipher source address;or aes mac aad address
  6904. </comment>
  6905. </bits>
  6906. </reg>
  6907. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_dst_addr">
  6908. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dst_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6909. <comment>
  6910. fde_aes cipher destination address;
  6911. </comment>
  6912. </bits>
  6913. </reg>
  6914. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key_length">
  6915. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_key_length_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  6916. <comment>
  6917. Reserved
  6918. </comment>
  6919. </bits>
  6920. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  6921. <comment>
  6922. fde aes key address high 4bits
  6923. </comment>
  6924. </bits>
  6925. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  6926. <comment>
  6927. fde aes key length
  6928. </comment>
  6929. </bits>
  6930. </reg>
  6931. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key_address">
  6932. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6933. <comment>
  6934. fde aes key address;
  6935. </comment>
  6936. </bits>
  6937. </reg>
  6938. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_dst_ddr_sel">
  6939. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_dst_ddr_sel_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  6940. <comment>
  6941. Reserved
  6942. </comment>
  6943. </bits>
  6944. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_dst_ddr_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  6945. <comment>
  6946. axi awprot under key in iram mode&#10;0: non_sec 1: sec
  6947. </comment>
  6948. </bits>
  6949. </reg>
  6950. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_dummy_reg">
  6951. <bits access="r" name="ce_fde_aes_dummy_reg_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  6952. <comment>
  6953. Reserved
  6954. </comment>
  6955. </bits>
  6956. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_dummy_reg" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  6957. <comment>
  6958. ce fde aes dummy register
  6959. </comment>
  6960. </bits>
  6961. </reg>
  6962. <hole size="32"/>
  6963. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt0">
  6964. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6965. <comment>
  6966. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes;iv[127:0],iv[127:96] in low address,and little-edian,when the key from ddr, the iv also come from ddr,except link list mode
  6967. </comment>
  6968. </bits>
  6969. </reg>
  6970. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt1">
  6971. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6972. <comment>
  6973. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes ;iv[95:64]
  6974. </comment>
  6975. </bits>
  6976. </reg>
  6977. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt2">
  6978. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6979. <comment>
  6980. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes ;iv[63:32]
  6981. </comment>
  6982. </bits>
  6983. </reg>
  6984. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt3">
  6985. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iv_sec_cnt3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6986. <comment>
  6987. iv/sec/cnt shared register for aes;iv[31:0]
  6988. </comment>
  6989. </bits>
  6990. </reg>
  6991. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key10">
  6992. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key10" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  6993. <comment>
  6994. secure read;fde aes key1key1;key[127:0],key[127:96] in low address,and little-edian
  6995. </comment>
  6996. </bits>
  6997. </reg>
  6998. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key11">
  6999. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key11" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7000. <comment>
  7001. fde aes key1;key[95:64]
  7002. </comment>
  7003. </bits>
  7004. </reg>
  7005. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key12">
  7006. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key12" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7007. <comment>
  7008. fde aes key1;key[63:32]
  7009. </comment>
  7010. </bits>
  7011. </reg>
  7012. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key13">
  7013. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key13" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7014. <comment>
  7015. fde aes key1;key[31:0]
  7016. </comment>
  7017. </bits>
  7018. </reg>
  7019. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key14">
  7020. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key14" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7021. <comment>
  7022. fde aes key1
  7023. </comment>
  7024. </bits>
  7025. </reg>
  7026. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key15">
  7027. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key15" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7028. <comment>
  7029. fde aes key1
  7030. </comment>
  7031. </bits>
  7032. </reg>
  7033. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key16">
  7034. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key16" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7035. <comment>
  7036. fde aes key1
  7037. </comment>
  7038. </bits>
  7039. </reg>
  7040. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key17">
  7041. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key17" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7042. <comment>
  7043. fde aes key1
  7044. </comment>
  7045. </bits>
  7046. </reg>
  7047. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key20">
  7048. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key20" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7049. <comment>
  7050. fde aes key2
  7051. </comment>
  7052. </bits>
  7053. </reg>
  7054. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key21">
  7055. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key21" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7056. <comment>
  7057. fde aes key2
  7058. </comment>
  7059. </bits>
  7060. </reg>
  7061. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key22">
  7062. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key22" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7063. <comment>
  7064. fde aes key2
  7065. </comment>
  7066. </bits>
  7067. </reg>
  7068. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key23">
  7069. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key23" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7070. <comment>
  7071. fde aes key2
  7072. </comment>
  7073. </bits>
  7074. </reg>
  7075. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key24">
  7076. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key24" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7077. <comment>
  7078. fde aes key2
  7079. </comment>
  7080. </bits>
  7081. </reg>
  7082. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key25">
  7083. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key25" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7084. <comment>
  7085. fde aes key2
  7086. </comment>
  7087. </bits>
  7088. </reg>
  7089. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key26">
  7090. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key26" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7091. <comment>
  7092. fde aes key2
  7093. </comment>
  7094. </bits>
  7095. </reg>
  7096. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_aes_key27">
  7097. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_key27" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7098. <comment>
  7099. fde aes key2
  7100. </comment>
  7101. </bits>
  7102. </reg>
  7103. <hole size="768"/>
  7104. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key0">
  7105. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7106. <comment>
  7107. secure os; can&apos;t support wrote by commandfifo mode,hash/rc4 key can&apos;t be from session key
  7108. </comment>
  7109. </bits>
  7110. </reg>
  7111. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key1">
  7112. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7113. <comment>
  7114. secure os permited;
  7115. </comment>
  7116. </bits>
  7117. </reg>
  7118. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key2">
  7119. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7120. <comment>
  7121. secure os permited;
  7122. </comment>
  7123. </bits>
  7124. </reg>
  7125. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key3">
  7126. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7127. <comment>
  7128. secure os permited;
  7129. </comment>
  7130. </bits>
  7131. </reg>
  7132. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key4">
  7133. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7134. <comment>
  7135. secure os permited;
  7136. </comment>
  7137. </bits>
  7138. </reg>
  7139. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key5">
  7140. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7141. <comment>
  7142. secure os permited;
  7143. </comment>
  7144. </bits>
  7145. </reg>
  7146. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key6">
  7147. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7148. <comment>
  7149. secure os permited;
  7150. </comment>
  7151. </bits>
  7152. </reg>
  7153. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_session_key7">
  7154. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_session_key7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7155. <comment>
  7156. secure os permited;
  7157. </comment>
  7158. </bits>
  7159. </reg>
  7160. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key0">
  7161. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7162. <comment>
  7163. secure os; can&apos;t support wrote by commandfifo mode,hash/rc4 key can&apos;t be from iram key
  7164. </comment>
  7165. </bits>
  7166. </reg>
  7167. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key1">
  7168. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7169. <comment>
  7170. secure os permited;
  7171. </comment>
  7172. </bits>
  7173. </reg>
  7174. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key2">
  7175. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7176. <comment>
  7177. secure os permited;
  7178. </comment>
  7179. </bits>
  7180. </reg>
  7181. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key3">
  7182. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7183. <comment>
  7184. secure os permited;
  7185. </comment>
  7186. </bits>
  7187. </reg>
  7188. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key4">
  7189. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7190. <comment>
  7191. secure os permited;
  7192. </comment>
  7193. </bits>
  7194. </reg>
  7195. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key5">
  7196. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7197. <comment>
  7198. secure os permited;
  7199. </comment>
  7200. </bits>
  7201. </reg>
  7202. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key6">
  7203. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7204. <comment>
  7205. secure os permited;
  7206. </comment>
  7207. </bits>
  7208. </reg>
  7209. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_fde_iram_key7">
  7210. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_iram_key7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7211. <comment>
  7212. secure os permited;
  7213. </comment>
  7214. </bits>
  7215. </reg>
  7216. </module>
  7217. </archive>
  7218. <archive relative="ce_sec_top.xml">
  7219. <module name="ce_sec_top" category="System">
  7220. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_dma_status">
  7221. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_wready" pos="31" rst="0">
  7222. </bits>
  7223. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_awready" pos="30" rst="0">
  7224. </bits>
  7225. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_arready" pos="29" rst="0">
  7226. </bits>
  7227. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_busy" pos="28" rst="0">
  7228. </bits>
  7229. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_dma_status_reserved_0" pos="27" rst="0">
  7230. </bits>
  7231. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_dst_state" pos="26:22" rst="0">
  7232. </bits>
  7233. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_src_state" pos="21:17" rst="0">
  7234. </bits>
  7235. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_fifo_non_empty" pos="16" rst="0">
  7236. </bits>
  7237. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_cmd_fifo_non_empty" pos="15" rst="0">
  7238. </bits>
  7239. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_int_raw_status_vld" pos="14" rst="0">
  7240. </bits>
  7241. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_err" pos="13" rst="0">
  7242. </bits>
  7243. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_main_write_state" pos="12:8" rst="0">
  7244. </bits>
  7245. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_pka_main_read_state" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7246. </bits>
  7247. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_main_read_state" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  7248. </bits>
  7249. </reg>
  7250. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status">
  7251. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  7252. </bits>
  7253. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_rdma_data_status" pos="28:27" rst="0">
  7254. </bits>
  7255. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_wdma_data_status" pos="26:25" rst="0">
  7256. </bits>
  7257. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_dma_main_read_state" pos="24:20" rst="0">
  7258. </bits>
  7259. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  7260. </bits>
  7261. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rdma_data_status" pos="17:15" rst="0">
  7262. </bits>
  7263. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_sm4_status" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  7264. </bits>
  7265. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_wdma_data_status" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  7266. </bits>
  7267. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_aes_status_reserved_2" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  7268. </bits>
  7269. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_aes_status" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  7270. </bits>
  7271. </reg>
  7272. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_tdes_status">
  7273. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_tdes_status_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  7274. </bits>
  7275. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_tdes_status" pos="28:24" rst="0">
  7276. </bits>
  7277. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_dma_wvalid_state" pos="23:20" rst="0">
  7278. </bits>
  7279. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_efuse_access_status" pos="19:16" rst="0">
  7280. </bits>
  7281. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_dma_main_write_state" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  7282. </bits>
  7283. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_dma_main_write_state" pos="12:8" rst="0">
  7284. </bits>
  7285. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_status" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  7286. </bits>
  7287. </reg>
  7288. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_hash_status0">
  7289. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_hash_status0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7290. </bits>
  7291. </reg>
  7292. <reg protect="r" name="ce_debug_hash_status1">
  7293. <bits access="r" name="ce_debug_hash_status1_reserved_0" pos="31:10" rst="0">
  7294. </bits>
  7295. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_hash_status1" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  7296. </bits>
  7297. </reg>
  7298. <hole size="32"/>
  7299. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_clk_en">
  7300. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  7301. </bits>
  7302. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_clk_en" pos="28" rst="0">
  7303. </bits>
  7304. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_1" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  7305. </bits>
  7306. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_clk_en" pos="23" rst="0">
  7307. </bits>
  7308. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_poly_clk_en" pos="22" rst="0">
  7309. </bits>
  7310. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_clk_en" pos="21" rst="0">
  7311. </bits>
  7312. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_clk_en" pos="20" rst="0">
  7313. </bits>
  7314. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_2" pos="19" rst="0">
  7315. </bits>
  7316. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_axi_clk_en" pos="18" rst="0">
  7317. </bits>
  7318. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_ctrl_clk_en" pos="17" rst="0">
  7319. </bits>
  7320. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_apb_rf_clk_en" pos="16" rst="0">
  7321. </bits>
  7322. <bits access="r" name="ce_clk_en_reserved_3" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  7323. </bits>
  7324. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_ck_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  7325. </bits>
  7326. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_ck_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  7327. </bits>
  7328. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacah_poly_ck_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  7329. </bits>
  7330. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_ck_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  7331. </bits>
  7332. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_trng_ck_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  7333. </bits>
  7334. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_des_ck_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  7335. </bits>
  7336. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_hash_ck_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  7337. </bits>
  7338. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_fde_aes_ck_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  7339. </bits>
  7340. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_ck_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  7341. </bits>
  7342. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_ck_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7343. </bits>
  7344. </reg>
  7345. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_int_en">
  7346. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  7347. </bits>
  7348. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_pka_len_err_int" pos="14" rst="0">
  7349. </bits>
  7350. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_pka_cmd_done_done_int" pos="13" rst="0">
  7351. </bits>
  7352. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_pka_find_prime_err_int" pos="12" rst="0">
  7353. </bits>
  7354. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_pka_div_zero_err_int" pos="11" rst="0">
  7355. </bits>
  7356. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_use_efuse_err_int" pos="10" rst="0">
  7357. </bits>
  7358. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_pka_one_cmd_done_int" pos="9" rst="0">
  7359. </bits>
  7360. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_pka_store_done_int" pos="8" rst="0">
  7361. </bits>
  7362. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_rng_int" pos="7" rst="0">
  7363. </bits>
  7364. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_en_reserved_1" pos="6" rst="0">
  7365. </bits>
  7366. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_tdes_key_err_int" pos="5" rst="0">
  7367. </bits>
  7368. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_len_err_int" pos="4" rst="0">
  7369. </bits>
  7370. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_en_reserved_2" pos="3" rst="0">
  7371. </bits>
  7372. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_efs_all_zero_int" pos="2" rst="0">
  7373. </bits>
  7374. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_efs_huk_unstable_int" pos="1" rst="0">
  7375. </bits>
  7376. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_en_cmd_done_int" pos="0" rst="0">
  7377. </bits>
  7378. </reg>
  7379. <reg protect="r" name="ce_int_status">
  7380. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_status_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  7381. </bits>
  7382. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_len_err_int_status" pos="14" rst="0">
  7383. </bits>
  7384. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_done_done_int_status" pos="13" rst="0">
  7385. </bits>
  7386. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_find_prime_err_flag" pos="12" rst="0">
  7387. </bits>
  7388. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_div_zero_err_flag" pos="11" rst="0">
  7389. </bits>
  7390. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_use_efuse_err_flag" pos="10" rst="0">
  7391. </bits>
  7392. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_one_cmd_done_flag" pos="9" rst="0">
  7393. </bits>
  7394. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_store_done_flag" pos="8" rst="0">
  7395. </bits>
  7396. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_int_status" pos="7" rst="0">
  7397. </bits>
  7398. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_status_reserved_1" pos="6" rst="0">
  7399. </bits>
  7400. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_tdes_key_err_int_status" pos="5" rst="0">
  7401. </bits>
  7402. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_len_err_int_status" pos="4" rst="0">
  7403. </bits>
  7404. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_status_reserved_2" pos="3" rst="0">
  7405. </bits>
  7406. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_efs_all_zero_int_status" pos="2" rst="0">
  7407. </bits>
  7408. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_efs_huk_unstable_int_status" pos="1" rst="0">
  7409. </bits>
  7410. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_cmd_done_int_status" pos="0" rst="0">
  7411. </bits>
  7412. </reg>
  7413. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_int_clear">
  7414. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  7415. </bits>
  7416. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_pka_len_err_int" pos="14" rst="0">
  7417. <comment>
  7418. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7419. </comment>
  7420. </bits>
  7421. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_pka_cmd_done_done_int" pos="13" rst="0">
  7422. <comment>
  7423. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7424. </comment>
  7425. </bits>
  7426. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_pka_find_prime_err_int" pos="12" rst="0">
  7427. <comment>
  7428. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7429. </comment>
  7430. </bits>
  7431. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_pka_div_zero_err_int" pos="11" rst="0">
  7432. <comment>
  7433. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7434. </comment>
  7435. </bits>
  7436. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_use_efuse_err_int" pos="10" rst="0">
  7437. <comment>
  7438. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7439. </comment>
  7440. </bits>
  7441. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_pka_one_cmd_done_int" pos="9" rst="0">
  7442. <comment>
  7443. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7444. </comment>
  7445. </bits>
  7446. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_pka_store_done_int" pos="8" rst="0">
  7447. <comment>
  7448. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7449. </comment>
  7450. </bits>
  7451. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_1" pos="7" rst="0">
  7452. </bits>
  7453. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_2" pos="6" rst="0">
  7454. </bits>
  7455. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_tdes_key_err_int" pos="5" rst="0">
  7456. <comment>
  7457. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7458. </comment>
  7459. </bits>
  7460. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_len_err_int" pos="4" rst="0">
  7461. <comment>
  7462. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7463. </comment>
  7464. </bits>
  7465. <bits access="r" name="ce_int_clear_reserved_3" pos="3" rst="0">
  7466. </bits>
  7467. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_efs_all_zero_int" pos="2" rst="0">
  7468. <comment>
  7469. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7470. </comment>
  7471. </bits>
  7472. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_efs_huk_unstable_int" pos="1" rst="0">
  7473. <comment>
  7474. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7475. </comment>
  7476. </bits>
  7477. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear_cmd_done_int" pos="0" rst="0">
  7478. <comment>
  7479. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7480. </comment>
  7481. </bits>
  7482. </reg>
  7483. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_start">
  7484. <bits access="r" name="ce_start_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  7485. </bits>
  7486. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_start" pos="0" rst="0">
  7487. <comment>
  7488. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7489. </comment>
  7490. </bits>
  7491. </reg>
  7492. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_clear">
  7493. <bits access="r" name="ce_clear_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  7494. </bits>
  7495. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_clear" pos="0" rst="0">
  7496. <comment>
  7497. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7498. </comment>
  7499. </bits>
  7500. </reg>
  7501. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_mode">
  7502. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  7503. </bits>
  7504. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_key_update_n" pos="15" rst="0">
  7505. </bits>
  7506. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_xts_iv_rotation" pos="14" rst="1">
  7507. </bits>
  7508. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_key_len_sel" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  7509. </bits>
  7510. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_work_mode" pos="11:8" rst="0">
  7511. </bits>
  7512. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_mode_reserved_1" pos="7" rst="0">
  7513. </bits>
  7514. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_mac_ctr_inc_mode" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  7515. </bits>
  7516. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  7517. </bits>
  7518. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_mode_reserved_2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  7519. </bits>
  7520. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7521. </bits>
  7522. </reg>
  7523. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_tdes_mode">
  7524. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  7525. </bits>
  7526. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_key_evenodd_check_on" pos="13" rst="0">
  7527. </bits>
  7528. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_key_even_sel" pos="12" rst="0">
  7529. </bits>
  7530. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_1" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  7531. </bits>
  7532. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_work_mode" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  7533. </bits>
  7534. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_2" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7535. </bits>
  7536. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  7537. </bits>
  7538. <bits access="r" name="ce_tdes_mode_reserved_3" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  7539. </bits>
  7540. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_tdes_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7541. </bits>
  7542. </reg>
  7543. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_hash_mode">
  7544. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  7545. </bits>
  7546. <bits access="rw" name="rf_hash_sha3_shake_out_len" pos="23:16" rst="0">
  7547. </bits>
  7548. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_1" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  7549. </bits>
  7550. <bits access="rw" name="rf_hash_hmac_pad_sel" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  7551. </bits>
  7552. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_2" pos="11:9" rst="0">
  7553. </bits>
  7554. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_hash_mode" pos="8:4" rst="0">
  7555. </bits>
  7556. <bits access="r" name="ce_hash_mode_reserved_3" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  7557. </bits>
  7558. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_hash_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7559. </bits>
  7560. </reg>
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  7563. </bits>
  7564. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_poly_mode" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  7565. </bits>
  7566. <bits access="r" name="ce_chacha_poly_mode_reserved_1" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7567. </bits>
  7568. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_poly_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  7569. </bits>
  7570. <bits access="r" name="ce_chacha_poly_mode_reserved_2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  7571. </bits>
  7572. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_chacha_poly_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7573. </bits>
  7574. </reg>
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  7576. <bits access="r" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  7577. </bits>
  7578. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_key_update_n" pos="15" rst="0">
  7579. </bits>
  7580. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_key_len_sel" pos="14:13" rst="0">
  7581. </bits>
  7582. <bits access="rw" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_1" pos="12" rst="0">
  7583. </bits>
  7584. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_work_mode" pos="11:9" rst="0">
  7585. </bits>
  7586. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_sel" pos="8" rst="0">
  7587. </bits>
  7588. <bits access="r" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_2" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7589. </bits>
  7590. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  7591. </bits>
  7592. <bits access="r" name="ce_simon_speck_mode_reserved_3" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  7593. </bits>
  7594. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_simon_speck_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7595. </bits>
  7596. </reg>
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  7599. </bits>
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  7601. </bits>
  7602. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_word_switch" pos="22" rst="0">
  7603. </bits>
  7604. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_byte_switch" pos="21" rst="1">
  7605. </bits>
  7606. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_byte_switch" pos="20" rst="0">
  7607. </bits>
  7608. <bits access="r" name="ce_cfg_reserved_1" pos="19:18" rst="0">
  7609. </bits>
  7610. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_update_iv_sec_cnt" pos="17" rst="0">
  7611. </bits>
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  7613. </bits>
  7614. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_end_flag" pos="15" rst="0">
  7615. </bits>
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  7617. </bits>
  7618. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_list_aad_end_flag" pos="13" rst="0">
  7619. </bits>
  7620. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_do_wait_bdone" pos="12" rst="1">
  7621. </bits>
  7622. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_key_in_iram_flag" pos="11" rst="0">
  7623. </bits>
  7624. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_key_in_session_key_flag" pos="10" rst="0">
  7625. </bits>
  7626. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_key_in_efuse_flag" pos="9" rst="0">
  7627. </bits>
  7628. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_key_in_ddr_flag" pos="8" rst="0">
  7629. </bits>
  7630. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dma_bypass" pos="7" rst="0">
  7631. </bits>
  7632. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_std_mode_aad_flag" pos="6" rst="0">
  7633. </bits>
  7634. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_std_mode_aad_end_flag" pos="5" rst="0">
  7635. </bits>
  7636. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_std_mode_end_flag" pos="4" rst="0">
  7637. </bits>
  7638. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_cmd_ioc" pos="3" rst="0">
  7639. </bits>
  7640. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dont_dump_ddr" pos="2" rst="0">
  7641. </bits>
  7642. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dont_rcv_ddr" pos="1" rst="0">
  7643. </bits>
  7644. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_link_mode_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  7645. </bits>
  7646. </reg>
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  7648. <bits access="r" name="ce_src_frag_length_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  7649. </bits>
  7650. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  7651. </bits>
  7652. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_frag_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  7653. </bits>
  7654. </reg>
  7655. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dst_frag_length">
  7656. <bits access="r" name="ce_dst_frag_length_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  7657. </bits>
  7658. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  7659. </bits>
  7660. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_frag_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  7661. </bits>
  7662. </reg>
  7663. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_src_addr">
  7664. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7665. </bits>
  7666. </reg>
  7667. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dst_addr">
  7668. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7669. </bits>
  7670. </reg>
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  7672. <bits access="r" name="ce_list_length_reserved_0" pos="31:20" rst="0">
  7673. </bits>
  7674. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_list_ptr_hi" pos="19:16" rst="0">
  7675. </bits>
  7676. <bits access="r" name="ce_list_length_reserved_1" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  7677. </bits>
  7678. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_list_len" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  7679. </bits>
  7680. </reg>
  7681. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_list_ptr">
  7682. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_list_ptr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7683. </bits>
  7684. </reg>
  7685. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_length">
  7686. <bits access="r" name="ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_length_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  7687. </bits>
  7688. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_addr_hi" pos="27:24" rst="0">
  7689. </bits>
  7690. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_len" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  7691. </bits>
  7692. </reg>
  7693. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_address">
  7694. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tdes_rsa_key_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7695. </bits>
  7696. </reg>
  7697. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tag_length">
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  7699. </bits>
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  7701. </bits>
  7702. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tag_len" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  7703. </bits>
  7704. </reg>
  7705. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_tag_address">
  7706. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_aes_tag_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7707. </bits>
  7708. </reg>
  7709. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt0">
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  7712. </reg>
  7713. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt1">
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  7715. </bits>
  7716. </reg>
  7717. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt2">
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  7719. </bits>
  7720. </reg>
  7721. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iv_sec_cnt3">
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  7723. </bits>
  7724. </reg>
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  7727. </bits>
  7728. </reg>
  7729. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key11">
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  7731. </bits>
  7732. </reg>
  7733. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key12">
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  7735. </bits>
  7736. </reg>
  7737. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key13">
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  7739. </bits>
  7740. </reg>
  7741. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key14">
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  7743. </bits>
  7744. </reg>
  7745. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key15">
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  7747. </bits>
  7748. </reg>
  7749. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key16">
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  7751. </bits>
  7752. </reg>
  7753. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key17">
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  7755. </bits>
  7756. </reg>
  7757. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key20">
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  7759. </bits>
  7760. </reg>
  7761. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key21">
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  7763. </bits>
  7764. </reg>
  7765. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key22">
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  7767. </bits>
  7768. </reg>
  7769. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key23">
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  7771. </bits>
  7772. </reg>
  7773. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key24">
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  7775. </bits>
  7776. </reg>
  7777. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key25">
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  7779. </bits>
  7780. </reg>
  7781. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_aes_des_key26">
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  7783. </bits>
  7784. </reg>
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  7787. </bits>
  7788. </reg>
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  7791. </bits>
  7792. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_key_update_n" pos="12" rst="0">
  7793. </bits>
  7794. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_xts_inv_rotation" pos="11" rst="1">
  7795. </bits>
  7796. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_work_mode" pos="10:8" rst="0">
  7797. </bits>
  7798. <bits access="r" name="ce_sm4_mode_reserved_1" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7799. </bits>
  7800. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_enc_dec_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  7801. </bits>
  7802. <bits access="r" name="ce_sm4_mode_reserved_2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  7803. </bits>
  7804. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_sm4_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7805. </bits>
  7806. </reg>
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  7810. </bits>
  7811. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_ip_version_lo" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  7812. </bits>
  7813. </reg>
  7814. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_mode">
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  7816. </bits>
  7817. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_src_word_switch" pos="27" rst="0">
  7818. </bits>
  7819. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_dst_word_switch" pos="26" rst="0">
  7820. </bits>
  7821. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_src_byte_switch" pos="25" rst="1">
  7822. </bits>
  7823. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_dst_byte_switch" pos="24" rst="0">
  7824. </bits>
  7825. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_find_prime_num" pos="23:16" rst="255">
  7826. </bits>
  7827. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_mode_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  7828. </bits>
  7829. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_reg_num_sel" pos="1" rst="0">
  7830. </bits>
  7831. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7832. </bits>
  7833. </reg>
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  7835. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_reg_length01_reserved_0" pos="31:26" rst="6">
  7836. </bits>
  7837. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_reg_length1" pos="25:16" rst="8">
  7838. </bits>
  7839. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_reg_length01_reserved_1" pos="15:10" rst="6">
  7840. </bits>
  7841. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_reg_length0" pos="9:0" rst="8">
  7842. </bits>
  7843. </reg>
  7844. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_reg_length23">
  7845. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_reg_length23_reserved_0" pos="31:26" rst="6">
  7846. </bits>
  7847. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_reg_length3" pos="25:16" rst="8">
  7848. </bits>
  7849. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_reg_length23_reserved_1" pos="15:10" rst="6">
  7850. </bits>
  7851. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_reg_length2" pos="9:0" rst="8">
  7852. </bits>
  7853. </reg>
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  7857. </bits>
  7858. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_infinity_point_flag" pos="30" rst="0">
  7859. </bits>
  7860. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_modinv_err" pos="29" rst="0">
  7861. </bits>
  7862. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_addsub_co" pos="28" rst="0">
  7863. </bits>
  7864. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_find_prime_err_flag" pos="27" rst="0">
  7865. </bits>
  7866. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_inst_pc_reserved_0" pos="26" rst="0">
  7867. </bits>
  7868. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_one_cmd_done" pos="25" rst="0">
  7869. </bits>
  7870. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_store_done" pos="24" rst="0">
  7871. </bits>
  7872. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_inst_pc_reserved_1" pos="23:17" rst="0">
  7873. </bits>
  7874. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_inst_pc" pos="16:0" rst="15">
  7875. </bits>
  7876. </reg>
  7877. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pka_debug0">
  7878. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_debug0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7879. </bits>
  7880. </reg>
  7881. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pka_debug1">
  7882. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_debug1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7883. </bits>
  7884. </reg>
  7885. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pka_debug2">
  7886. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_debug2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7887. </bits>
  7888. </reg>
  7889. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pka_debug3">
  7890. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_debug3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7891. </bits>
  7892. </reg>
  7893. <hole size="96"/>
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  7895. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pf_calc" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7896. </bits>
  7897. </reg>
  7898. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_user_flag">
  7899. <bits access="r" name="ce_user_flag_reserved_0" pos="31:17" rst="0">
  7900. </bits>
  7901. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_efuse_double_bit_en" pos="16" rst="1">
  7902. </bits>
  7903. <bits access="r" name="ce_user_flag_reserved_1" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  7904. </bits>
  7905. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pub_priority_vld" pos="8" rst="0">
  7906. </bits>
  7907. <bits access="r" name="ce_user_flag_reserved_2" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7908. </bits>
  7909. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_sec_priority_vld" pos="4" rst="0">
  7910. </bits>
  7911. <bits access="r" name="ce_user_flag_reserved_3" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  7912. </bits>
  7913. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_use_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  7914. </bits>
  7915. </reg>
  7916. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_axi_axcache">
  7917. <bits access="r" name="ce_axi_axcache_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  7918. </bits>
  7919. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_src_outstanding_num" pos="15:12" rst="7">
  7920. </bits>
  7921. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dst_outstanding_num" pos="11:8" rst="7">
  7922. </bits>
  7923. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_axi_awcache" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  7924. </bits>
  7925. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_axi_arcache" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  7926. </bits>
  7927. </reg>
  7928. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl">
  7929. <bits access="r" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:13" rst="0">
  7930. </bits>
  7931. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_stop_clear" pos="12" rst="0">
  7932. <comment>
  7933. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7934. </comment>
  7935. </bits>
  7936. <bits access="r" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl_reserved_1" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  7937. </bits>
  7938. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_stop_status" pos="9" rst="0">
  7939. </bits>
  7940. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_stop" pos="8" rst="0">
  7941. </bits>
  7942. <bits access="r" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl_reserved_2" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7943. </bits>
  7944. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_cmd_stop_clear" pos="4" rst="0">
  7945. <comment>
  7946. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  7947. </comment>
  7948. </bits>
  7949. <bits access="r" name="ce_cmd_stop_ctrl_reserved_3" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  7950. </bits>
  7951. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_cmd_stop_status" pos="1" rst="0">
  7952. </bits>
  7953. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_cmd_stop" pos="0" rst="0">
  7954. </bits>
  7955. </reg>
  7956. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_axi_protect_sel">
  7957. <bits access="r" name="ce_axi_protect_sel_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  7958. </bits>
  7959. <bits access="rw" name="pka_dummy" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  7960. </bits>
  7961. <bits access="rw" name="pka_axi_prot_sel_st" pos="11" rst="1">
  7962. </bits>
  7963. <bits access="rw" name="pka_axi_prot_sel_ld" pos="10" rst="1">
  7964. </bits>
  7965. <bits access="rw" name="pka_axi_prot_sel_cmd" pos="9" rst="1">
  7966. </bits>
  7967. <bits access="rw" name="pka_axi_prot_sel_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  7968. </bits>
  7969. <bits access="rw" name="sec_dummy" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7970. </bits>
  7971. <bits access="rw" name="sec_axi_prot_sel_wtxt" pos="4" rst="1">
  7972. </bits>
  7973. <bits access="rw" name="sec_axi_prot_sel_rtxt" pos="3" rst="1">
  7974. </bits>
  7975. <bits access="rw" name="sec_axi_prot_sel_rlist" pos="2" rst="1">
  7976. </bits>
  7977. <bits access="rw" name="sec_axi_prot_sel_rkey" pos="1" rst="1">
  7978. </bits>
  7979. <bits access="rw" name="sec_axi_prot_sel_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  7980. </bits>
  7981. </reg>
  7982. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pf_calc_high">
  7983. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pf_calc_high" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  7984. </bits>
  7985. </reg>
  7986. <hole size="1216"/>
  7987. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_en">
  7988. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_en_reserved_0" pos="31:19" rst="0">
  7989. </bits>
  7990. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_data_mux_enable" pos="18" rst="0">
  7991. </bits>
  7992. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_mux_ring_enable" pos="17" rst="0">
  7993. </bits>
  7994. <bits access="rw" name="rf_rng_auto_enable" pos="16" rst="1">
  7995. </bits>
  7996. <bits access="rw" name="rf_rng_src_sel_enable" pos="15:8" rst="255">
  7997. </bits>
  7998. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_en_reserved_1" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  7999. </bits>
  8000. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_trng_ptest_mode_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  8001. </bits>
  8002. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_rng_rst_from_cpu" pos="3" rst="0">
  8003. <comment>
  8004. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8005. </comment>
  8006. </bits>
  8007. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_src_from_cpu_enable" pos="2" rst="0">
  8008. </bits>
  8009. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_trng_src_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  8010. <comment>
  8011. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8012. </comment>
  8013. </bits>
  8014. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  8015. </bits>
  8016. </reg>
  8017. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_config">
  8018. <bits access="rw" name="number_of_samples_threshold" pos="31:20" rst="4095">
  8019. </bits>
  8020. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_config_reserved_0" pos="19:17" rst="0">
  8021. </bits>
  8022. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_ptest_data_in" pos="16" rst="0">
  8023. </bits>
  8024. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_config_reserved_1" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  8025. </bits>
  8026. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_data_valid_threshold" pos="11:8" rst="3">
  8027. </bits>
  8028. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_exotic_fault_rst_sel" pos="7" rst="0">
  8029. </bits>
  8030. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_source_sel" pos="6:5" rst="3">
  8031. </bits>
  8032. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_data_len_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  8033. </bits>
  8034. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_trng_sel" pos="3" rst="0">
  8035. </bits>
  8036. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_ring_sel" pos="2:0" rst="3">
  8037. </bits>
  8038. </reg>
  8039. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_data">
  8040. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8041. </bits>
  8042. </reg>
  8043. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_sample_period">
  8044. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_first_sample_en" pos="31" rst="0">
  8045. </bits>
  8046. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_first_sample_period" pos="30:16" rst="0">
  8047. </bits>
  8048. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_second_sample_period" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  8049. </bits>
  8050. </reg>
  8051. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_post_process_en">
  8052. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_post_process_en_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  8053. </bits>
  8054. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_eight_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  8055. </bits>
  8056. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_seven_en" pos="6" rst="1">
  8057. </bits>
  8058. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_six_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  8059. </bits>
  8060. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_five_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  8061. </bits>
  8062. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_four_en" pos="3" rst="1">
  8063. </bits>
  8064. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_three_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  8065. </bits>
  8066. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_second_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  8067. </bits>
  8068. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_post_first_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  8069. </bits>
  8070. </reg>
  8071. <reg protect="r" name="ce_rng_work_status">
  8072. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_rsa_key_gen_rand_num" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  8073. </bits>
  8074. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_work_status_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  8075. </bits>
  8076. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_test_result" pos="8" rst="0">
  8077. </bits>
  8078. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_work_status_reserved_1" pos="7:5" rst="0">
  8079. </bits>
  8080. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_fifo_empty" pos="4" rst="1">
  8081. </bits>
  8082. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_error_fault" pos="3" rst="0">
  8083. </bits>
  8084. <bits access="r" name="rf_rng_rsa_pka_busy" pos="2" rst="0">
  8085. </bits>
  8086. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_data_valid" pos="1" rst="0">
  8087. </bits>
  8088. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_auto_mode_ongoing" pos="0" rst="0">
  8089. </bits>
  8090. </reg>
  8091. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_timeout_cnt">
  8092. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_timeout_cnt" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8093. </bits>
  8094. </reg>
  8095. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_int_en">
  8096. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  8097. </bits>
  8098. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_sram_short_int_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  8099. </bits>
  8100. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_timeout_int_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  8101. </bits>
  8102. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_process2_int_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  8103. </bits>
  8104. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_process1_int_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  8105. </bits>
  8106. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_process0_int_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  8107. </bits>
  8108. </reg>
  8109. <reg protect="r" name="ce_rng_sts">
  8110. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_sts_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  8111. </bits>
  8112. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_sram_short_int_sts" pos="4" rst="0">
  8113. </bits>
  8114. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_timeout_int_sts" pos="3" rst="0">
  8115. </bits>
  8116. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_process2_int_sts" pos="2" rst="0">
  8117. </bits>
  8118. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_process1_int_sts" pos="1" rst="0">
  8119. </bits>
  8120. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_process0_int_sts" pos="0" rst="0">
  8121. </bits>
  8122. </reg>
  8123. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_int_clr">
  8124. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  8125. </bits>
  8126. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_rng_clear_sram_short_int" pos="4" rst="0">
  8127. <comment>
  8128. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8129. </comment>
  8130. </bits>
  8131. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_rng_clear_timeout_int" pos="3" rst="0">
  8132. <comment>
  8133. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8134. </comment>
  8135. </bits>
  8136. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_rng_clear_process2_int" pos="2" rst="0">
  8137. <comment>
  8138. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8139. </comment>
  8140. </bits>
  8141. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_rng_clear_process1_int" pos="1" rst="0">
  8142. <comment>
  8143. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8144. </comment>
  8145. </bits>
  8146. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_rng_clear_process0_int" pos="0" rst="0">
  8147. <comment>
  8148. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8149. </comment>
  8150. </bits>
  8151. </reg>
  8152. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_mode">
  8153. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:9" rst="0">
  8154. </bits>
  8155. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_prng_mode" pos="8" rst="0">
  8156. </bits>
  8157. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_mode_reserved_1" pos="7:2" rst="0">
  8158. </bits>
  8159. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_mode" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  8160. </bits>
  8161. </reg>
  8162. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_prng_seed_update">
  8163. <bits access="r" name="ce_prng_seed_update_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  8164. </bits>
  8165. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_prng_seed_update" pos="0" rst="0">
  8166. <comment>
  8167. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8168. </comment>
  8169. </bits>
  8170. </reg>
  8171. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_prng_seed_config">
  8172. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_prng_seed" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8173. </bits>
  8174. </reg>
  8175. <reg protect="r" name="ce_rng_bit_rate">
  8176. <bits access="r" name="rf_rng_gen_bit_cnt" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  8177. </bits>
  8178. <bits access="r" name="rf_rng_bit_rate" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  8179. </bits>
  8180. </reg>
  8181. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_sram_data_threshhold">
  8182. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_sram_data_threshhold_reserved_0" pos="31:4" rst="0">
  8183. </bits>
  8184. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_sram_valid_threshholdd" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  8185. </bits>
  8186. </reg>
  8187. <reg protect="r" name="ce_rng_sram_data_residue_num">
  8188. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_sram_data_residue_num_reserved_0" pos="31:4" rst="0">
  8189. </bits>
  8190. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_rng_sram_data_residue_num" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  8191. </bits>
  8192. </reg>
  8193. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_exotic_fault_counter_config">
  8194. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_exotic_fault_counter_config_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  8195. </bits>
  8196. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_exotic_fault_counter_config" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  8197. </bits>
  8198. </reg>
  8199. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rng_drbg_seed_cnt">
  8200. <bits access="r" name="ce_rng_drbg_seed_cnt_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  8201. </bits>
  8202. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rng_drbg_seed_cnt" pos="15:0" rst="12">
  8203. </bits>
  8204. </reg>
  8205. <hole size="1472"/>
  8206. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key0">
  8207. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8208. </bits>
  8209. </reg>
  8210. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key1">
  8211. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8212. </bits>
  8213. </reg>
  8214. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key2">
  8215. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8216. </bits>
  8217. </reg>
  8218. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key3">
  8219. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8220. </bits>
  8221. </reg>
  8222. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key4">
  8223. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8224. </bits>
  8225. </reg>
  8226. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key5">
  8227. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8228. </bits>
  8229. </reg>
  8230. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key6">
  8231. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8232. </bits>
  8233. </reg>
  8234. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_session_key7">
  8235. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_session_key7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8236. </bits>
  8237. </reg>
  8238. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key0">
  8239. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8240. </bits>
  8241. </reg>
  8242. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key1">
  8243. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8244. </bits>
  8245. </reg>
  8246. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key2">
  8247. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8248. </bits>
  8249. </reg>
  8250. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key3">
  8251. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8252. </bits>
  8253. </reg>
  8254. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key4">
  8255. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8256. </bits>
  8257. </reg>
  8258. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key5">
  8259. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8260. </bits>
  8261. </reg>
  8262. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key6">
  8263. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8264. </bits>
  8265. </reg>
  8266. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_iram_key7">
  8267. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_iram_key7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8268. </bits>
  8269. </reg>
  8270. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_secure_key_use_way">
  8271. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_secure_key_trng_write" pos="31" rst="0">
  8272. </bits>
  8273. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_secure_key_cpu_access" pos="30" rst="0">
  8274. </bits>
  8275. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_secure_key_len" pos="29:21" rst="0">
  8276. </bits>
  8277. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_secure_key2_start_raddr" pos="20:11" rst="0">
  8278. </bits>
  8279. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_secure_key1_start_raddr" pos="10:1" rst="0">
  8280. </bits>
  8281. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_secure_key2_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  8282. </bits>
  8283. </reg>
  8284. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_huk_key_config">
  8285. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_write_efs_addr" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  8286. </bits>
  8287. <bits access="r" name="ce_huk_key_config_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  8288. </bits>
  8289. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_write_efs_length" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  8290. </bits>
  8291. </reg>
  8292. <hole size="3520"/>
  8293. <reg protect="w" name="ce_cmd_fifo_entry">
  8294. <bits access="w" name="rf_ce_cmd_fifo_entry" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8295. </bits>
  8296. </reg>
  8297. <reg protect="r" name="ce_cmd_fifo_status">
  8298. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_cmd_fifo_status" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8299. </bits>
  8300. </reg>
  8301. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_rcv_addr_lo">
  8302. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rcv_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8303. </bits>
  8304. </reg>
  8305. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dump_addr_lo">
  8306. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dump_addr_lo" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8307. </bits>
  8308. </reg>
  8309. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_dump_addr_hi">
  8310. <bits access="r" name="ce_dump_addr_hi_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="20">
  8311. </bits>
  8312. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_dump_addr_hi" pos="7:4" rst="4">
  8313. </bits>
  8314. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_rcv_addr_hi" pos="3:0" rst="4">
  8315. </bits>
  8316. </reg>
  8317. <reg protect="r" name="ce_finish_cmd_cnt">
  8318. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_finish_cmd_cnt" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8319. </bits>
  8320. </reg>
  8321. <hole size="1856"/>
  8322. <reg protect="w" name="ce_pka_cmd_fifo_entry">
  8323. <bits access="w" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_fifo_entry" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8324. </bits>
  8325. </reg>
  8326. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pka_cmd_fifo_status">
  8327. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_fifo_status" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8328. </bits>
  8329. </reg>
  8330. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_cmd_addr">
  8331. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_cmd_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  8332. </bits>
  8333. </reg>
  8334. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_store_addr_hi">
  8335. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_store_addr_hi_reserved_0" pos="31:19" rst="0">
  8336. </bits>
  8337. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_store_addr_hi" pos="18:0" rst="0">
  8338. </bits>
  8339. </reg>
  8340. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_load_addr_hi">
  8341. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_load_addr_hi_reserved_0" pos="31:19" rst="0">
  8342. </bits>
  8343. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_load_addr_hi" pos="18:0" rst="0">
  8344. </bits>
  8345. </reg>
  8346. <reg protect="r" name="ce_pka_finish_cmd_cnt">
  8347. <bits access="r" name="rf_ce_pka_finish_cmd_cnt" pos="31:0" rst="26">
  8348. </bits>
  8349. </reg>
  8350. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_start">
  8351. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_start_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  8352. </bits>
  8353. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_pka_start" pos="0" rst="0">
  8354. <comment>
  8355. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8356. </comment>
  8357. </bits>
  8358. </reg>
  8359. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_clear">
  8360. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_clear_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  8361. </bits>
  8362. <bits access="rc" name="rf_ce_pka_clear" pos="0" rst="0">
  8363. <comment>
  8364. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  8365. </comment>
  8366. </bits>
  8367. </reg>
  8368. <hole size="32"/>
  8369. <reg protect="rw" name="ce_pka_rng_force_ssb_bit">
  8370. <bits access="r" name="ce_pka_rng_force_ssb_bit_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  8371. </bits>
  8372. <bits access="rw" name="rf_ce_pka_rng_force_ssb_bit" pos="0" rst="1">
  8373. </bits>
  8374. </reg>
  8375. </module>
  8376. </archive>
  8377. <archive relative = "debug_host_internals.xml">
  8378. <include file="globals.xml"/>
  8379. <module name="debug_host_internal_registers" category="Debug">
  8380. <ireg name="CTRL_SET" protect="rw">
  8381. <comment>General control signals set.</comment>
  8382. <bits name="Debug_Reset" pos="0" rst="0" access="rs">
  8383. <comment>Debug host generated reset. Signal to system control. Active high.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8384. </bits>
  8385. <bits name="XCPU_Force_Reset" pos="1" rst="0" access="rs">
  8386. <comment>Force XCPU Reset signal. Active high. Hold XCPU in reset state until this bit is cleared.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.</comment>
  8387. </bits>
  8388. <bits name="Force_Wakeup" pos="2" rst="0" access="rs">
  8389. <comment>Force wakeup. Active high.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.</comment>
  8390. </bits>
  8391. <bits name="Force_BP_XCPU" pos="3" rst="0" access="rs">
  8392. <comment>Force XCPU breakpoint. Active high. Hold its value until this bit is cleared. When Read, Get the status of Force breakpoint sent back by XCPU.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8393. </bits>
  8394. <bits name="Force_BP_BCPU" pos="4" rst="0" access="rs">
  8395. <comment>Force BCPU breakpoint. Active high. Hold its value until this bit is cleared. When Read, Get the status of Force breakpoint sent back by BCPU.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8396. </bits>
  8397. <bits name="IT_XCPU" pos="5" rst="0" access="rs">
  8398. <comment>When write '1, generate a level IRQ to XCPU. Write '0 is ignored. This IRQ can be cleared by written APB register. When Read, Get the IRQ status.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8399. </bits>
  8400. <bits name="IT_BCPU" pos="6" rst="0" access="rs">
  8401. <comment>When write '1', generate a level IRQ to BCPU. Write '0' is ignored. This IRQ can be cleared by written APB register. When Read, Get the IRQ status.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8402. </bits>
  8403. <bits name="Debug_Port_Lock" pos="7" rst="0" access="rs">
  8404. <comment>Lock Debug port set.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will set it to '1'.<br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.</comment>
  8405. </bits>
  8406. </ireg>
  8407. <ireg name="CTRL_CLR" protect="rw">
  8408. <comment>General control signals clear.</comment>
  8409. <bits name="XCPU_Force_Reset" pos="1" rst="0" access="rc">
  8410. <comment>Force XCPU Reset signal. Active high. Hold XCPU in reset state until this bit is cleared.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will clear it to '0'.<br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.</comment>
  8411. </bits>
  8412. <bits name="Force_Wakeup" pos="2" rst="0" access="rc">
  8413. <comment>Force wakeup. Active high.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will clear it to '0'.<br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.</comment>
  8414. </bits>
  8415. <bits name="Force_BP_XCPU" pos="3" rst="0" access="rc">
  8416. <comment>Force XCPU breakpoint. Active high. Hold its value until this bit is cleared. When Read, Get the status of Force breakpoint sent back by XCPU.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will clear it to '0'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8417. </bits>
  8418. <bits name="Force_BP_BCPU" pos="4" rst="0" access="rc">
  8419. <comment>Force BCPU breakpoint. Active high. Hold its value until this bit is cleared. When Read, Get the status of Force breakpoint sent back by BCPU.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will clear it to '0'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8420. </bits>
  8421. <bits name="Debug_Port_Lock" pos="7" rst="0" access="rc">
  8422. <comment>Lock Debug port clear.<br/>Write '1' to this bit will clear it to '0'.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8423. </bits>
  8424. </ireg>
  8425. <ireg name="CLKDIV" protect="rw">
  8426. <comment>Configure Debug UART Clock divider.</comment>
  8427. <bits name="CFG_CLK" pos="5:0" rst="2" access="rw">
  8428. <comment>Debug host clock divider. The serial clock is generated by dividing 14,7456MHz Host Clock by (CFG_CLK+2). So By default, the serial clock is 14,7456MHz / (2+2) = 3,6864 MHz which corresponds to the 921,6K Baud-rate.<br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.</comment>
  8429. </bits>
  8430. </ireg>
  8431. <ireg name="CFG" protect="rw">
  8432. <comment>Configure Debug UART.</comment>
  8433. <bits name="Disable_Uart_H" pos="0" rst="0" access="rw">
  8434. <comment>When '1', Disable Normal Uart functional group.
  8435. <br/>This bit is set to '1' when break.
  8436. <br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.
  8437. </comment>
  8438. </bits>
  8439. <bits name="Disable_IFC_H" pos="1" rst="0" access="rw">
  8440. <comment>When '1', Ignore IFC write and read access so only debug host internal is accessible.
  8441. <br/>This bit is set to '1' when break.
  8442. <br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.
  8443. </comment>
  8444. </bits>
  8445. <bits name="Debug_Host_Sel" pos="2" rst="0" access="rw">
  8446. <comment>The usage of this bit is deternimed by the specific chip.
  8447. <br/>Can be used as Debug_Port_Lock register to protect some register change by the regular software while debug hosr is used to set thoses registers to specific values.
  8448. <br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.
  8449. </comment>
  8450. </bits>
  8451. <bits name="Force_Prio_H" pos="7" rst="1" access="rw">
  8452. <comment>When '1', force the Debug Uart to have priority on TX.<br/>Reseted by signal rst_host_reg.</comment>
  8453. </bits>
  8454. </ireg>
  8455. <ireg name="CRC_REG" protect="rw">
  8456. <comment>Status of CRC.</comment>
  8457. <bits name="CRC" pos="0" rst="0" access="rc">
  8458. <comment>This bit represents that an CRC error has occured in commands received by Debug Host. Once set to '1', it will keep the value until this register is clearred by write '1'.<br/>'0' = no CRC error.<br/>'1' = CRC error.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8459. </bits>
  8460. <bits name="FC_Fifo_Ovf" pos="1" rst="0" access="r">
  8461. <comment>This bit represents if the 16-byte Flow Control FIFO has an overflow error. This status will be kept until a RX break is received.<br/>'0' = no Flow Control Overflow Error.<br/>'1' = Flow Control Overflow Error.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8462. </bits>
  8463. </ireg>
  8464. <ireg name="H2P_STATUS" protect="rw">
  8465. <comment>Host write, APB readable register.</comment>
  8466. <bits name="STATUS" pos="7:0" rst="0" access="rw">
  8467. <comment>These bits can be read by APB and write by host. Corresponds to APB register STATUS. They can also be reseted to zeros by APB command. (see details in debug host APB register mapping) <br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8468. </bits>
  8469. </ireg>
  8470. <ireg name="P2H_STATUS" protect="rw">
  8471. <comment>APB write, Host readable register.</comment>
  8472. <bits name="STATUS" pos="7:0" rst="0" access="rw">
  8473. <comment>These bits can be written by APB and read by host. Corresponds to APB register STATUS.<br/>Write to Bit 0 can reset the P2H status.<br/>Reseted by signal sys_rst_others (host).</comment>
  8474. </bits>
  8475. </ireg>
  8476. </module>
  8477. </archive>
  8478. <archive relative = "debug_host_test_chip.xml">
  8479. <include file="debug_host.xml" />
  8480. <include file="debug_host_internals.xml" />
  8481. </archive>
  8482. <archive relative = "debug_host.xml">
  8483. <module name="debug_host" category="Debug">
  8484. <reg protect="--" name="cmd">
  8485. <bits access="r" name="Addr" pos="28:0" rst="-">
  8486. <comment>Address of data to be read or written. </comment>
  8487. </bits>
  8488. <bits access="r" name="Size" pos="30:29" rst="-">
  8489. <comment>These two bits indicates element data size. <br />
  8490. when "00" = "byte". <br />
  8491. when "01" = "half word". <br />
  8492. when "10" = "word".
  8493. </comment>
  8494. </bits>
  8495. <bits access="r" name="Write_H" pos="31" rst="-">
  8496. <comment>This bit indicates command is read or write. <br />
  8497. when "0" = "Read". <br />
  8498. when "1" = "Write".
  8499. </comment>
  8500. </bits>
  8501. </reg>
  8502. <reg protect="--" name="data">
  8503. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="-">
  8504. <comment>Those bits are data to be read or written by IFC. </comment>
  8505. </bits>
  8506. </reg>
  8507. <reg protect="rw" name="event">
  8508. <bits access="rw" name="event0_sema" pos="0" rst="0">
  8509. <comment>When read, this bit is used for event semaphore. <br />
  8510. '0' = no new event should be programed. <br />
  8511. '1' = no pending event, new event is authorised. <br />
  8512. If host is not enabled, this bit is always '1'. However in this case,
  8513. any event written will be ignored. <br />
  8514. When Write, this bit is the least significant bit for a 32-bit event.
  8515. </comment>
  8516. </bits>
  8517. <bits access="w" name="event31_1" pos="31:1" rst="-">
  8518. <comment> These bits combined with bit0 consists a 32-bit event number. If a
  8519. new event is written before the previous event has been sent, it will
  8520. be ignored.
  8521. </comment>
  8522. </bits>
  8523. </reg>
  8524. <reg protect="rw" name="mode">
  8525. <bits access="rw" name="force_on" pos="0" rst="1">
  8526. <comment>When '1', force the debug host on, use clock UART if clock host is not
  8527. detected. </comment>
  8528. </bits>
  8529. <bits access="r" name="Clk_Host_On" pos="1" rst="0">
  8530. <comment>This bit indicates if clock host is detected to be on or not. <br />
  8531. '0' = no clock host. <br />
  8532. '1' = clock host detected. </comment>
  8533. </bits>
  8534. </reg>
  8535. <reg protect="rw" name="h2p_status">
  8536. <bits access="r" name="h2p_status" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  8537. <comment>Status which can be written through debug uart interface into a debug host
  8538. internal register and read by APB. </comment>
  8539. <options>
  8540. <mask/>
  8541. <shift/>
  8542. </options>
  8543. </bits>
  8544. <bits access="w" name="h2p_status_rst" pos="16" rst="0">
  8545. <comment>write in this bit will reset h2p status register. </comment>
  8546. </bits>
  8547. </reg>
  8548. <reg protect="rw" name="p2h_status">
  8549. <bits access="rw" name="p2h_status" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  8550. <comment>Status which can be written by APB and read through debug uart interface
  8551. as a debug host internal register.
  8552. </comment>
  8553. </bits>
  8554. </reg>
  8555. <reg protect="r" name="irq">
  8556. <bits access="r" name="xcpu_irq" pos="0" rst="0">
  8557. <comment>when write '1', clear the xcpu irq level which is programmed in a debug host
  8558. internal register, this bit is automatic cleared. <br /> when read, get the xcpu
  8559. irq status. </comment>
  8560. </bits>
  8561. <bits access="r" name="bcpu_irq" pos="1" rst="0">
  8562. <comment>when write '1', clear the bcpu irq level which is programmed in a debug host
  8563. internal register, this bit is automatic cleared.<br /> when read, get the bcpu
  8564. irq status.</comment>
  8565. </bits>
  8566. </reg>
  8567. </module>
  8568. </archive>
  8569. <archive relative = "debug_uart.xml">
  8570. <module name="debug_uart" category="System">
  8571. <var name="DEBUG_UART_RX_FIFO_SIZE" value="16" />
  8572. <var name="DEBUG_UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE" value="16" />
  8573. <var name="DEBUG_UART_NB_RX_FIFO_BITS" value="4" />
  8574. <var name="DEBUG_UART_NB_TX_FIFO_BITS" value="4" />
  8575. <var name="ESC_DAT" value="92" />
  8576. <reg protect="rw" name="ctrl">
  8577. <bits access="rw" name="Enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  8578. <options>
  8579. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  8580. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  8581. <default />
  8582. </options>
  8583. <comment>Allows to turn off the UART:<br />0 = Disable<br />1 = Enable
  8584. </comment>
  8585. </bits>
  8586. <bits access="rw" name="Data Bits" pos="1" rst="0">
  8587. <options>
  8588. <option name="7_BITS" value="0" />
  8589. <option name="8_BITS" value="1" />
  8590. <default />
  8591. </options>
  8592. <comment>Number of data bits per character (least significant bit
  8593. first):<br />0 = 7 bits<br />1 = 8 bits <br /> This bit will be masked to
  8594. '1' if debug host is enabled. </comment>
  8595. </bits>
  8596. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Stop Bits" pos="2" rst="0">
  8597. <options>
  8598. <option name="1_BIT" value="0" />
  8599. <option name="2_BITS" value="1" />
  8600. <default />
  8601. </options>
  8602. <comment>Stop bits controls the number of stop bits transmitted. Can
  8603. receive with one stop bit (more inaccuracy can be compensated with two
  8604. stop bits when divisor mode is set to 0).<br />0 = one stop bit is
  8605. transmitted in the serial data.<br />1 = two stop bits are generated and
  8606. transmitted in the serial data out. <br /> This bit will be masked to
  8607. '0' if debug host is enabled. </comment>
  8608. </bits>
  8609. <bits access="rw" name="Parity Enable" pos="3" rst="0">
  8610. <options>
  8611. <option name="NO" value="0" />
  8612. <option name="YES" value="1" />
  8613. <default />
  8614. </options>
  8615. <comment> Parity is enabled when this bit is set. <br /> This bit will be masked to
  8616. '0' if debug host is enabled. </comment>
  8617. </bits>
  8618. <bits access="rw" name="Parity Select" pos="5:4" rst="0">
  8619. <options>
  8620. <option name="ODD" value="0" />
  8621. <option name="EVEN" value="1" />
  8622. <option name="SPACE" value="2" />
  8623. <option name="MARK" value="3" />
  8624. <default />
  8625. </options>
  8626. <comment> Controls the parity format when parity is enabled:<br />00 =
  8627. an odd number of received 1 bits is checked, or transmitted (the parity
  8628. bit is included).<br />01 = an even number of received 1 bits is checked
  8629. or transmitted (the parity bit is included).<br />10 = a space is
  8630. generated and received as parity bit.<br />11 = a mark is generated and
  8631. received as parity bit. <br /> These bit will be ignored if debug host is
  8632. enabled. </comment>
  8633. </bits>
  8634. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Break Control" pos="6" rst="0">
  8635. <comment> Sends a break signal by holding the Uart_Tx line low until
  8636. this bit is cleared.<br /> This bit will be masked to '0' if debug host
  8637. is enabled. </comment>
  8638. <options>
  8639. <option name="OFF" value="0" />
  8640. <option name="ON" value="1" />
  8641. <default />
  8642. </options>
  8643. </bits>
  8644. <bits access="rw" name="RX FIFO RESET" pos="7" rst="0">
  8645. <comment>reset rx fifo. </comment>
  8646. </bits>
  8647. <bits access="rw" name="TX FIFO RESET" pos="8" rst="0">
  8648. <comment>reset tx fifo. </comment>
  8649. </bits>
  8650. <bits access="rw" name="DMA Mode" pos="9" rst="0">
  8651. <options>
  8652. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  8653. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  8654. <default />
  8655. </options>
  8656. <comment>Enables the DMA signaling for the Uart_Dma_Tx_Req_H and
  8657. Uart_Dma_Rx_Req_H to the IFC. </comment>
  8658. </bits>
  8659. <bits access="rw" name="SWRX flow ctrl" pos="13:12" rst="1">
  8660. <comment> When this field is "00" and SWTX_flow_Ctrl is also "00", hardwre
  8661. flow ctrl is used. Otherwise, software flow control is used: <br />
  8662. 00 = no transmit flow control. <br />
  8663. 01 = transmit XON1/XOFF1 as flow control bytes<br />
  8664. 10 = transmit XON2/XOFF2 as flow control bytes<br />
  8665. 11 = transmit XON1 and XON2/XOFF1 and XOFF2 as flow control bytes<br />
  8666. </comment>
  8667. <options><default/><mask/><shift/></options>
  8668. </bits>
  8669. <bits access="rw" name="SWTX flow ctrl" pos="15:14" rst="1">
  8670. <comment> When this field is "00" and SWRX_flow_Ctrl is also "00", hardwre
  8671. flow ctrl is used. Otherwise, software flow control is used: <br />
  8672. 00 = no receive flow control<br />
  8673. 01 = receive XON1/XOFF1 as flow control bytes<br />
  8674. 10 = receive XON2/XOFF2 as flow control bytes<br />
  8675. 11 = receive XON1 and XON2/XOFF1 and XOFF2 as flow control bytes<br />
  8676. <br /> Note: If single XON/XOFF character is used for flow contol, the received
  8677. XON/XOFF character will not be put into Rx FIFO. This is also the case if XON is
  8678. received when XOFF is expected. <br />
  8679. If double XON/XOFF characters are expected, the XON1/XOFF1 must followed sequently
  8680. by XON2/XOFF2 to be considered as patterns, which will not be put into Rx FIFO.
  8681. Otherwise they will be considered as data. This is also the case if XOFF1 is followed
  8682. by character other than XOFF2. <br />
  8683. </comment>
  8684. <options><default/><mask/><shift/></options>
  8685. </bits>
  8686. <bits access="rw" name="BackSlash En" pos="16" rst="1">
  8687. <comment> When soft flow control characters or backslash are encountered in the data file,
  8688. they will be inverted and a backslash will be added before them. for example, if tx data
  8689. is XON(0x11) with BackSlash_En = '1', then uart will send 5Ch(Backslash) + EEh (~XON).
  8690. </comment>
  8691. </bits>
  8692. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Finish n Wait" pos="19" rst="0">
  8693. <comment>When this bit is set the Tx engine terminates to send the
  8694. current byte and then it stops to send data.</comment>
  8695. </bits>
  8696. <bits access="rw" name="Divisor Mode" pos="20" rst="0">
  8697. <comment>Selects the divisor value used to generate the baud rate
  8698. frequency (BCLK) from the SCLK (see UART Operation for details). If IrDA
  8699. is enable, this bit is ignored and the divisor used will be 16.<br />0 =
  8700. (BCLK = SCLK / 4)<br />1 = (BCLK = SCLK / 16) <br /> This bit will be
  8701. masked to '0' if debug host is enabled.</comment>
  8702. </bits>
  8703. <bits access="rw" name="IrDA Enable" pos="21" rst="0">
  8704. <comment>When set, the UART is in IrDA mode and the baud rate divisor
  8705. used is 16 (see UART Operation for details). <br /> This bit will be
  8706. masked to '0' if debug host is enabled. </comment>
  8707. </bits>
  8708. <bits access="rw" name="Rx RTS" pos="22" rst="0">
  8709. <comment>Controls the Uart_RTS output (not directly in auto flow control
  8710. mode).<br />0 = the Uart_RTS will be inactive high<br />1 = the Uart_RTS
  8711. will be active low <br /> This bit will be masked to '1' if debug host is
  8712. enabled. </comment>
  8713. <options>
  8714. <option name="INACTIVE" value="0" />
  8715. <option name="ACTIVE" value="1" />
  8716. <default />
  8717. </options>
  8718. </bits>
  8719. <bits access="rw" name="Auto Flow Control" pos="23" rst="0">
  8720. <options>
  8721. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  8722. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  8723. <default />
  8724. </options>
  8725. <comment>Enables the auto flow control. <br/>
  8726. In case HW flow control (both swTx_Flow_ctrl=0 and swRx_Flow_Ctrl=0),
  8727. If Auto_Flow_Control is enabled, Uart_RTS is controlled by the Rx RTS bit in
  8728. CMD_Set register and the UART Auto Control Flow System(flow controlled by Rx
  8729. Fifo Level and AFC_Level in Triggers register).
  8730. Tx data flow is stopped If Uart_CTS become inactive high.<br/>
  8731. If Auto_Flow_Control is disabled, Uart_RTS is controlled only by the Rx RTS
  8732. bit in CMD_Set register. Uart_CTS will not take effect. <br/><br/>
  8733. In case SW flow control(either swTx_Flow_ctrl/=0 or swRx_Flow_Ctrl/=0),
  8734. If Auto_Flow_Control is enabled, XON/XOFF will be controlled by the Rx RTS bit
  8735. in CMD_Set register and the UART Auto Control Flow System(flow controlled by Rx
  8736. Fifo Level and AFC_Level in Triggers register). <br/>
  8737. If Auto_Flow_Control is disabled, XON/XOFF will be controlled only by Rx RTS bit
  8738. in CMD_Set register. Tx data flow will be stoped when XOFF is received either
  8739. this bit is enable or disabled.<br/>
  8740. <br /> This bit will be masked to '1' if debug host is enabled.
  8741. </comment>
  8742. </bits>
  8743. <bits access="rw" name="Loop Back Mode" pos="24" rst="0">
  8744. <comment>When set, data on the Uart_Tx line is held high, while the
  8745. serial output is looped back to the serial input line, internally. In
  8746. this mode all the interrupts are fully functional. This feature is used
  8747. for diagnostic purposes. Also, in loop back mode, the modem control
  8748. input Uart_CTS is disconnected and the modem control output Uart_RTS are
  8749. looped back to the inputs, internally. In IrDA mode, Uart_Tx signal is
  8750. inverted (see IrDA SIR Mode Support). </comment>
  8751. </bits>
  8752. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Lock Err" pos="25" rst="0">
  8753. <comment>Allow to stop the data receiving when an error is detected
  8754. (framing, parity or break). The data in the fifo are kept. <br /> This bit
  8755. will be masked to '0' if debug host is enabled. </comment>
  8756. <options>
  8757. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  8758. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  8759. <default />
  8760. </options>
  8761. </bits>
  8762. <bits access="rw" name="HST TXD oen" pos="26" rst="0">
  8763. <comment>HST TXD output enable. '0' enable.</comment>
  8764. <options>
  8765. <option name="DISABLE" value="1" />
  8766. <option name="ENABLE" value="0" />
  8767. <default />
  8768. </options>
  8769. </bits>
  8770. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Break Length" pos="31:28" rst="0xF">
  8771. <comment>Length of a break, in number of bits. <br /> This bit will be masked
  8772. to "1011" if debug host is enabled. </comment>
  8773. </bits>
  8774. </reg>
  8775. <reg protect="r" name="status">
  8776. <bits access="r" name="Rx Fifo Level" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  8777. <options>
  8778. <mask/>
  8779. <shift/>
  8780. </options>
  8781. <comment>Those bits indicate the number of data available in the Rx
  8782. Fifo. Those data can be read. </comment>
  8783. </bits>
  8784. <bits access="r" name="Tx Fifo Level" pos="12:8" rst="0">
  8785. <options>
  8786. <mask/>
  8787. <shift/>
  8788. </options>
  8789. <comment>Those bits indicate the number of data available in the Tx
  8790. Fifo. Those data will be sent. </comment>
  8791. </bits>
  8792. <bits access="r" name="Tx Active" pos="13" rst="0">
  8793. <comment>This bit indicates that the UART is sending data. If no data is
  8794. in the fifo, the UART is currently sending the last one through the
  8795. serial interface. </comment>
  8796. </bits>
  8797. <bits access="r" name="Rx Active" pos="14" rst="0">
  8798. <comment>This bit indicates that the UART is receiving a byte.
  8799. </comment>
  8800. </bits>
  8801. <bits access="r" name="Rx Overflow Err" pos="16" rst="0">
  8802. <comment>This bit indicates that the receiver received a new character
  8803. when the fifo was already full. The new character is discarded. This bit
  8804. is cleared when the UART_STATUS register is written with any value.
  8805. </comment>
  8806. </bits>
  8807. <bits access="r" name="Tx Overflow Err" pos="17" rst="0">
  8808. <comment>This bit indicates that the user tried to write a character when fifo was
  8809. already full. The written data will not be kept. This bit is cleared when
  8810. the UART_STATUS register is written with any value. </comment>
  8811. </bits>
  8812. <bits access="r" name="Rx Parity Err" pos="18" rst="0">
  8813. <comment>This bit is set if the parity is enabled and a parity error
  8814. occurred in the received data. This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS
  8815. register is written with any value. </comment>
  8816. </bits>
  8817. <bits access="r" name="Rx Framing Err" pos="19" rst="0">
  8818. <comment>This bit is set whenever there is a framing error occured. A
  8819. framing error occurs when the receiver does not detect a valid STOP bit
  8820. in the received data. This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS register
  8821. is written with any value. </comment>
  8822. </bits>
  8823. <bits access="r" name="Rx Break Int" pos="20" rst="0">
  8824. <comment>This bit is set whenever the serial input is held in a logic 0
  8825. state for longer than the length of x bits, where x is the value
  8826. programmed Rx Break Length. A null word will be written in the Rx Fifo.
  8827. This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS register is written with any
  8828. value. </comment>
  8829. </bits>
  8830. <bits access="r" name="Tx DCTS" pos="24" rst="0">
  8831. <comment>In case HW flow ctrl(both swRx_Flow_Ctrl=0 and swTx_Flow_Ctrl=0),
  8832. This bit is set when the Uart_CTS line changed since the last
  8833. time this register has been written. <br/>
  8834. In case SW flow ctrl(either swRx_Flow_Ctrl/=0 or swTx_Flow_Ctrl/=0),
  8835. This bit is set when received XON/XOFF status changed since the last time
  8836. this register has been writtern. <br/>
  8837. This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS register is written with any value.
  8838. </comment>
  8839. </bits>
  8840. <bits access="r" name="Tx CTS" pos="25" rst="0">
  8841. <comment>In case HW flow ctrl(both swRx_Flow_Ctrl=0 and swTx_Flow_Ctrl=0),
  8842. current value of the Uart_CTS line.
  8843. <br/> '1' = Tx not allowed.
  8844. <br/> '0' = Tx allowed.
  8845. <br/>In case SW flow ctrl(either swRx_Flow_Ctrl/=0 or swTx_Flow_Ctrl/=0),
  8846. current state of software flow control.
  8847. <br/> '1' = when XOFF received.
  8848. <br/> '0' = when XON received.
  8849. </comment>
  8850. </bits>
  8851. <bits access="r" name="Tx Fifo Rsted L" pos="28" rst="0">
  8852. <comment>This bit is set when Tx Fifo Reset command is received by CTRL
  8853. register and is cleared when Tx fifo reset process has finished.
  8854. </comment>
  8855. </bits>
  8856. <bits access="r" name="Rx Fifo Rsted L" pos="29" rst="0">
  8857. <comment>This bit is set when Rx Fifo Reset command is received by CTRL
  8858. register and is cleared when Rx fifo reset process has finished.
  8859. </comment>
  8860. </bits>
  8861. <bits access="r" name="Enable n finished" pos="30" rst="0">
  8862. <comment>This bit is set when bit enable is changed from '0' to '1' or
  8863. from '1' to '0', it is cleared when the enable process has finished.
  8864. </comment>
  8865. </bits>
  8866. <bits access="r" name="Clk Enabled" pos="31" rst="0">
  8867. <comment>This bit is set when Uart Clk has been enabled and received by
  8868. UART after Need Uart Clock becomes active. It serves to avoid enabling
  8869. Rx RTS too early.</comment>
  8870. </bits>
  8871. </reg>
  8872. <reg protect="--" name="rxtx_buffer">
  8873. <bits access="r" name="Rx Data" pos="7:0" rst="no">
  8874. <comment>The UART_RECEIVE_BUFFER register is a read-only register that
  8875. contains the data byte received on the serial input port. This register
  8876. accesses the head of the receive FIFO. If the receive FIFO is full and
  8877. this register is not read before the next data character arrives, then
  8878. the data already in the FIFO will be preserved but any incoming data
  8879. will be lost. An overflow error will also occur. </comment>
  8880. </bits>
  8881. <bits access="w" name="Tx Data" pos="7:0" rst="no">
  8882. <comment>The UART_TRANSMIT_HOLDING register is a write-only register
  8883. that contains data to be transmitted on the serial output port. 16
  8884. characters of data may be written to the UART_TRANSMIT_HOLDING register
  8885. before the FIFO is full. Any attempt to write data when the FIFO is full
  8886. results in the write data being lost. </comment>
  8887. </bits>
  8888. </reg>
  8889. <reg protect="rw" name="irq_mask">
  8890. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Modem Status" pos="0" rst="0">
  8891. <comment>Clear to send signal change or XON/XOFF detected. </comment>
  8892. </bits>
  8893. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Data Available" pos="1" rst="0">
  8894. <comment>Rx Fifo at or upper threshold level (current level &gt;= Rx
  8895. Fifo trigger level). </comment>
  8896. </bits>
  8897. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Data Needed" pos="2" rst="0">
  8898. <comment>Tx Fifo at or below threshold level (current level &lt;= Tx
  8899. Fifo trigger level). </comment>
  8900. </bits>
  8901. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Timeout" pos="3" rst="0">
  8902. <comment>No characters in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4
  8903. character times and there is at least 1 character in it during this
  8904. time. </comment>
  8905. </bits>
  8906. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Line Err" pos="4" rst="0">
  8907. <comment>Tx Overflow, Rx Overflow, Parity Error, Framing Error or Break
  8908. Interrupt. </comment>
  8909. </bits>
  8910. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Dma Done" pos="5" rst="0">
  8911. <comment>Pulse detected on Uart_Dma_Tx_Done_H signal. </comment>
  8912. </bits>
  8913. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Done" pos="6" rst="0">
  8914. <comment>Pulse detected on Uart_Dma_Rx_Done_H signal. </comment>
  8915. </bits>
  8916. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Timeout" pos="7" rst="0">
  8917. <comment>In DMA mode, there is at least 1 character that has been read
  8918. in or out the Rx Fifo. Then before received Rx DMA Done, No characters
  8919. in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4 character times.</comment>
  8920. </bits>
  8921. <bits access="rw" name="XOFF_detected" pos="8" rst="0">
  8922. </bits>
  8923. </reg>
  8924. <reg protect="rw" name="irq_cause">
  8925. <bits access="r" name="Tx Modem Status" pos="0" rst="0">
  8926. <comment>Clear to send signal detected. Reset control: This bit is
  8927. cleared when the UART_STATUS register is written with any value.
  8928. </comment>
  8929. </bits>
  8930. <bits access="r" name="Rx Data Available" pos="1" rst="0">
  8931. <comment>Rx Fifo at or upper threshold level (current level &gt;= Rx
  8932. Fifo trigger level). Reset control: Reading the UART_RECEIVE_BUFFER
  8933. until the Fifo drops below the trigger level. </comment>
  8934. </bits>
  8935. <bits access="r" name="Tx Data Needed" pos="2" rst="0">
  8936. <comment>Tx Fifo at or below threshold level (current level &lt;= Tx
  8937. Fifo trigger level). Reset control: Writing into UART_TRANSMIT_HOLDING
  8938. register above threshold level. </comment>
  8939. </bits>
  8940. <bits access="r" name="Rx Timeout" pos="3" rst="0">
  8941. <comment>No characters in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4
  8942. character times and there is at least 1 character in it during this
  8943. time. Reset control: Reading from the UART_RECEIVE_BUFFER register.
  8944. </comment>
  8945. </bits>
  8946. <bits access="r" name="Rx Line Err" pos="4" rst="0">
  8947. <comment>Tx Overflow, Rx Overflow, Parity Error, Framing Error or Break
  8948. Interrupt. Reset control: This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS
  8949. register is written with any value. </comment>
  8950. </bits>
  8951. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Dma Done" pos="5" rst="0">
  8952. <comment>This interrupt is generated when a pulse is detected on the
  8953. Uart_Dma_Tx_Done_H signal. Reset control: Write one in this register.
  8954. </comment>
  8955. </bits>
  8956. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Done" pos="6" rst="0">
  8957. <comment>This interrupt is generated when a pulse is detected on the
  8958. Uart_Dma_Rx_Done_H signal. Reset control: Write one in this register.
  8959. </comment>
  8960. </bits>
  8961. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Timeout" pos="7" rst="0">
  8962. <comment>In DMA mode, there is at least 1 character that has been read
  8963. in or out the Rx Fifo. Then before received Rx DMA Done, No characters
  8964. in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4 character times.</comment>
  8965. </bits>
  8966. <bits access="r" name="Tx Modem Status U" pos="16" rst="0">
  8967. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8968. </bits>
  8969. <bits access="r" name="Rx Data Available U" pos="17" rst="0">
  8970. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8971. </bits>
  8972. <bits access="r" name="Tx Data Needed U" pos="18" rst="0">
  8973. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8974. </bits>
  8975. <bits access="r" name="Rx Timeout U" pos="19" rst="0">
  8976. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8977. </bits>
  8978. <bits access="r" name="Rx Line Err U" pos="20" rst="0">
  8979. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8980. </bits>
  8981. <bits access="r" name="Tx Dma Done U" pos="21" rst="0">
  8982. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8983. </bits>
  8984. <bits access="r" name="Rx Dma Done U" pos="22" rst="0">
  8985. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8986. </bits>
  8987. <bits access="r" name="Rx Dma Timeout U" pos="23" rst="0">
  8988. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  8989. </bits>
  8990. </reg>
  8991. <reg protect="rw" name="triggers">
  8992. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Trigger" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  8993. <comment>Defines the threshold level at which the Data Available
  8994. Interrupt will be generated. <br />The Data Available interrupt is
  8995. generated when quantity of data in Rx Fifo &gt; Rx Trigger.</comment>
  8996. </bits>
  8997. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Trigger" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  8998. <comment>Defines the threshold level at which the Data Needed
  8999. Interrupt will be generated.<br />The Data Needed Interrupt is generated
  9000. when quantity of data in Tx Fifo &lt;= Tx Trigger.</comment>
  9001. </bits>
  9002. <bits access="rw" name="AFC Level" pos="11:8" rst="0">
  9003. <comment>Controls the Rx Fifo level at which the Uart_RTS Auto Flow
  9004. Control will be set inactive high (see UART Operation for more details
  9005. on AFC).<br />The Uart_RTS Auto Flow Control will be set inactive high
  9006. when quantity of data in Rx Fifo &gt; AFC Level.</comment>
  9007. </bits>
  9008. </reg>
  9009. <reg protect="rw" name="XChar">
  9010. <bits access="rw" name="XON1" pos="7:0" rst="17">
  9011. <comment>XON1 character value. Reset Value is CTRL-Q 0x11.</comment>
  9012. </bits>
  9013. <bits access="rw" name="XOFF1" pos="15:8" rst="19">
  9014. <comment>XOFF1 character value. Reset Value is CTRL-S 0x13</comment>
  9015. </bits>
  9016. <bits access="rw" name="XON2" pos="23:16" rst="0">
  9017. <comment>XON2 character value. </comment>
  9018. </bits>
  9019. <bits access="rw" name="XOFF2" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  9020. <comment>XOFF2 character value. </comment>
  9021. </bits>
  9022. <comment> These characters must respect following constraints: They must be different if used in software control, if BackSlash_En='1', they cannot be '\' and they cannot be complementary to each other, for example neither XON1 = ~XOFF1 nor XON1 = ~'\' is permitted. </comment>
  9023. </reg>
  9024. </module>
  9025. </archive>
  9026. <archive relative="dfe.xml">
  9027. <module name="dfe" category="RF_Dig">
  9028. <reg protect="rw" name="general_mode">
  9029. <bits access="r" name="general_mode_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  9030. <comment>
  9031. reserved
  9032. </comment>
  9033. </bits>
  9034. <bits access="rw" name="dfe_dump_sel" pos="14:11" rst="0">
  9035. <comment>
  9036. Dump source selection.
  9037. 0: dump RX data from DFE
  9038. 1: dump TX data from BB
  9039. 2: dump DFE internal RX path data. It works with rxdp_test_dac_sel_rg register
  9040. 3: dump DFE internal TX path data. It works with txdp_test_dac_sel_rg register
  9041. </comment>
  9042. </bits>
  9043. <bits access="rw" name="rxtx_switch" pos="10" rst="0">
  9044. <comment>
  9045. RX/TX work mode in DFE:
  9046. 0: RX
  9047. 1: TX
  9048. </comment>
  9049. </bits>
  9050. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_cgu" pos="9" rst="1">
  9051. <comment>
  9052. Software reset for CGU, active low.
  9053. 0: reset
  9054. 1: no reset
  9055. </comment>
  9056. </bits>
  9057. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_txdp" pos="8" rst="0">
  9058. <comment>
  9059. Software reset for TXDP, active low.
  9060. 0: reset
  9061. 1: no reset
  9062. </comment>
  9063. </bits>
  9064. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_rxdp" pos="7" rst="0">
  9065. <comment>
  9066. Software reset for RXDP when reset_mode is 1, active low.
  9067. 0: reset
  9068. 1: no reset
  9069. </comment>
  9070. </bits>
  9071. <bits access="rw" name="sw_resetn" pos="6" rst="1">
  9072. <comment>
  9073. SW controlled reset for RXDP when reset_mode is 0, active low.
  9074. 0: reset
  9075. 1: no reset
  9076. </comment>
  9077. </bits>
  9078. <bits access="rw" name="reset_mode" pos="5" rst="0">
  9079. <comment>
  9080. Reset source for RXDP.
  9081. 0: reset from BB TCU event signal with precise timing control
  9082. 1: reset from register resetn_rxdp
  9083. </comment>
  9084. </bits>
  9085. <bits access="rw" name="clk_fbc_en_mode" pos="4" rst="0">
  9086. <comment>
  9087. PolarIQ mode enable for NB/WT TX
  9088. 0: PolarIQ disabled
  9089. 1: PolarIQ enabled
  9090. </comment>
  9091. </bits>
  9092. <bits access="r" name="general_mode_reserved_1" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  9093. <comment>
  9094. reserved
  9095. </comment>
  9096. </bits>
  9097. <bits access="r" name="general_mode_reserved_2" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  9098. <comment>
  9099. reserved
  9100. </comment>
  9101. </bits>
  9102. </reg>
  9103. <reg protect="rw" name="clock_ctrl">
  9104. <bits access="r" name="clock_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  9105. </bits>
  9106. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_loft_mode" pos="12" rst="0">
  9107. <comment>
  9108. 0: RX CIC1 doesn't work in loft mode; 1: RX CIC1 works in loft mode
  9109. </comment>
  9110. </bits>
  9111. <bits access="rw" name="sel_clk_61p44m_bb" pos="11" rst="0">
  9112. <comment>
  9113. clock select for BB NB or dump.
  9114. 0: 61.44MHz
  9115. 1: 26MHz
  9116. </comment>
  9117. </bits>
  9118. <bits access="rw" name="reg_clkgate_en" pos="10" rst="0">
  9119. <comment>
  9120. 0: registers module clk gating enabled; 1: registers module clk always on
  9121. </comment>
  9122. </bits>
  9123. <bits access="rw" name="clk_dac_inv_mode" pos="9" rst="0">
  9124. <comment>
  9125. Invert DAC clock or not.
  9126. 0: clk_dac is not inverted
  9127. 1: clk_dac is inverted
  9128. </comment>
  9129. </bits>
  9130. <bits access="rw" name="clk_adc_inv_mode" pos="8" rst="0">
  9131. <comment>
  9132. Invert ADC clock or not.
  9133. 0: clk_adc is not inverted
  9134. 1: clk_adc is inverted
  9135. </comment>
  9136. </bits>
  9137. <bits access="rw" name="clk_rate_convert_rg" pos="7" rst="0">
  9138. <comment>
  9139. DFE clock shift control.
  9140. 0: clock shift disabled
  9141. 1: clock shift enabled. When it is enabled, all DFE clocks except GSM TX clock are working in 17/16 normal frequency
  9142. </comment>
  9143. </bits>
  9144. <bits access="r" name="clock_ctrl_reserved_1" pos="6" rst="0">
  9145. <comment>
  9146. reserved
  9147. </comment>
  9148. </bits>
  9149. <bits access="rw" name="clk_61p44m_en" pos="5" rst="1">
  9150. <comment>
  9151. clock enable for BB NB/WT 61.44MHz
  9152. </comment>
  9153. </bits>
  9154. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_nb_dfe_clk_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  9155. <comment>
  9156. clock enable for DFE NB/WT TX
  9157. </comment>
  9158. </bits>
  9159. <bits access="r" name="clock_ctrl_reserved_2" pos="3" rst="0">
  9160. <comment>
  9161. reserved
  9162. </comment>
  9163. </bits>
  9164. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dfe_clk_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  9165. <comment>
  9166. clock enable for DFE RX
  9167. </comment>
  9168. </bits>
  9169. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_clk_dac_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  9170. <comment>
  9171. clock enable for DFE DAC
  9172. </comment>
  9173. </bits>
  9174. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_adc_clk_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  9175. <comment>
  9176. clock enable for DFE ADC.
  9177. 0: clock disabled
  9178. 1: clock enabled
  9179. </comment>
  9180. </bits>
  9181. </reg>
  9182. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_dcc">
  9183. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_dcc_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  9184. <comment>
  9185. reserved
  9186. </comment>
  9187. </bits>
  9188. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dcc_load" pos="6" rst="0">
  9189. <comment>
  9190. Start to load DC value, active high. Before next load, set it low firstly
  9191. </comment>
  9192. </bits>
  9193. <bits access="rw" name="dcc_imgrej_rg" pos="5" rst="0">
  9194. <comment>
  9195. IQ swap in DC module
  9196. 0: no swap
  9197. 1. swap
  9198. </comment>
  9199. </bits>
  9200. <bits access="rw" name="dcc_hold_en_rg" pos="4" rst="0">
  9201. <comment>
  9202. Hold DC accumulator calculation in DC calibration mode
  9203. </comment>
  9204. </bits>
  9205. <bits access="rw" name="dcc_bypass_rg" pos="3" rst="0">
  9206. <comment>
  9207. This register is not used. But DC module bypass is actrually controlled by register rxdp_bypass_dcc and rxdp_bypass_mode_dcc
  9208. </comment>
  9209. </bits>
  9210. <bits access="rw" name="dcc_dc_delta_ld_st_rg" pos="2" rst="0">
  9211. <comment>
  9212. Store initial value to DC accumulator at positive edge in DC cancel mode or DC calibration mode.
  9213. </comment>
  9214. </bits>
  9215. <bits access="rw" name="dcc_dc_calib_en_rg" pos="1" rst="0">
  9216. <comment>
  9217. Load DC value in calibration mode to debug port, only used for debug purpose
  9218. </comment>
  9219. </bits>
  9220. <bits access="rw" name="dcc_rx_calib_sel_rg" pos="0" rst="0">
  9221. <comment>
  9222. DC module work mode.
  9223. 0: DC calibration mode
  9224. 1: DC cancel mode
  9225. </comment>
  9226. </bits>
  9227. </reg>
  9228. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_dc_calib_re">
  9229. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dc_calib_re_rg" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9230. <comment>
  9231. DC real part value used in cancel mode
  9232. </comment>
  9233. </bits>
  9234. </reg>
  9235. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_dc_calib_im">
  9236. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dc_calib_im_rg" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9237. <comment>
  9238. DC image part value used in cancel mode
  9239. </comment>
  9240. </bits>
  9241. </reg>
  9242. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_dc_delta_re">
  9243. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dc_delta_re_rg" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9244. <comment>
  9245. Accumulator initial real part value, which is strored at positive edge of dcc_dc_delta_ld_st_rg register
  9246. </comment>
  9247. </bits>
  9248. </reg>
  9249. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_dc_delta_im">
  9250. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dc_delta_im_rg" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9251. <comment>
  9252. Accumulator initial image part value, which is strored at positive edge of dcc_dc_delta_ld_st_rg register
  9253. </comment>
  9254. </bits>
  9255. </reg>
  9256. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_dc_cr">
  9257. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_dc_cr_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9258. <comment>
  9259. reserved
  9260. </comment>
  9261. </bits>
  9262. <bits access="rw" name="conv_slow_bw_ct_rg" pos="11:9" rst="0">
  9263. <comment>
  9264. Slow convergence control, work with conv_mode_ct_rg register
  9265. </comment>
  9266. </bits>
  9267. <bits access="rw" name="conv_fast_bw_ct_rg" pos="8:6" rst="0">
  9268. <comment>
  9269. Fast convergence control, work with conv_mode_ct_rg register
  9270. </comment>
  9271. </bits>
  9272. <bits access="rw" name="conv_tmr_ct_rg" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  9273. <comment>
  9274. Duration time of DC calibration, which is based on sample unit
  9275. </comment>
  9276. </bits>
  9277. <bits access="rw" name="conv_mode_ct_rg" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  9278. <comment>
  9279. DC convergence loop mode selection.
  9280. 0: fast
  9281. 1: slow
  9282. 2: fast-&gt;slow
  9283. 3: fast-&gt;hold
  9284. </comment>
  9285. </bits>
  9286. </reg>
  9287. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct_reg">
  9288. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gain_ct_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  9289. </bits>
  9290. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct_load" pos="13" rst="0">
  9291. <comment>
  9292. load rxdp_gain_ct to DFE. Write it to 1b'0 before assert it
  9293. </comment>
  9294. </bits>
  9295. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct_load_bypass" pos="12" rst="1">
  9296. <comment>
  9297. bypass rxdp_gain_ct_load
  9298. </comment>
  9299. </bits>
  9300. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gain_ct_reg_reserved_1" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  9301. </bits>
  9302. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  9303. <comment>
  9304. Gain BB control. [-24db, 57.875db], step=0.125db
  9305. </comment>
  9306. </bits>
  9307. </reg>
  9308. <hole size="160"/>
  9309. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_1">
  9310. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9311. <comment>
  9312. Bit [15:0] of RX group delay coefficient 0
  9313. </comment>
  9314. </bits>
  9315. </reg>
  9316. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_2">
  9317. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  9318. <comment>
  9319. reserved
  9320. </comment>
  9321. </bits>
  9322. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  9323. <comment>
  9324. Bit [19:16] of RX group delay coefficient 0
  9325. </comment>
  9326. </bits>
  9327. </reg>
  9328. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_1">
  9329. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9330. <comment>
  9331. Bit [15:0] of RX group delay coefficient 1
  9332. </comment>
  9333. </bits>
  9334. </reg>
  9335. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_2">
  9336. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  9337. <comment>
  9338. reserved
  9339. </comment>
  9340. </bits>
  9341. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  9342. <comment>
  9343. Bit [19:16] of RX group delay coefficient 1
  9344. </comment>
  9345. </bits>
  9346. </reg>
  9347. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_1">
  9348. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9349. <comment>
  9350. Bit [15:0] of RX group delay coefficient 2
  9351. </comment>
  9352. </bits>
  9353. </reg>
  9354. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_2">
  9355. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  9356. <comment>
  9357. reserved
  9358. </comment>
  9359. </bits>
  9360. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  9361. <comment>
  9362. Bit [19:16] of RX group delay coefficient 2
  9363. </comment>
  9364. </bits>
  9365. </reg>
  9366. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_1">
  9367. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9368. <comment>
  9369. Bit [15:0] of RX group delay coefficient 2
  9370. </comment>
  9371. </bits>
  9372. </reg>
  9373. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_2">
  9374. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  9375. <comment>
  9376. reserved
  9377. </comment>
  9378. </bits>
  9379. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  9380. <comment>
  9381. Bit [19:16] of RX group delay coefficient 2
  9382. </comment>
  9383. </bits>
  9384. </reg>
  9385. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_bypass">
  9386. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gdeq_bypass_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  9387. <comment>
  9388. reserved
  9389. </comment>
  9390. </bits>
  9391. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_zf_if_sel" pos="1" rst="0">
  9392. <comment>
  9393. RF data type.
  9394. 0: IF
  9395. 1: ZF
  9396. </comment>
  9397. </bits>
  9398. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gdeq_bp_lp_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  9399. <comment>
  9400. RF filter type.
  9401. 0: BP
  9402. 1: LP
  9403. </comment>
  9404. </bits>
  9405. </reg>
  9406. <hole size="32"/>
  9407. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_adc_wr_buf_fifo">
  9408. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_adc_wr_buf_fifo_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9409. <comment>
  9410. reserved
  9411. </comment>
  9412. </bits>
  9413. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_adc_smp_rate_rg" pos="11:7" rst="1">
  9414. <comment>
  9415. Read rate of DFE ADC FIFO, which depends on RX mode.
  9416. 5'h01: NB/WT
  9417. </comment>
  9418. </bits>
  9419. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_adc_wr_buf_fifo_reserved_1" pos="6" rst="0">
  9420. </bits>
  9421. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_adc_wr_buf_fifo_reserved_2" pos="5:1" rst="0">
  9422. </bits>
  9423. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_adc_wr_en_rg" pos="0" rst="1">
  9424. <comment>
  9425. Write enable of DFE ADC FIFO, active high
  9426. </comment>
  9427. </bits>
  9428. </reg>
  9429. <reg protect="r" name="rxdp_dcc_valid_o_reg">
  9430. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_dcc_valid_o_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9431. <comment>
  9432. reserved
  9433. </comment>
  9434. </bits>
  9435. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_dcc_val_reg" pos="0" rst="0">
  9436. <comment>
  9437. Valid indication of DC value after assert rxdp_dcc_load to avoid metastability. rxdp_dcc_re_o and rxdp_dcc_im_o are stable when this register is high
  9438. </comment>
  9439. </bits>
  9440. </reg>
  9441. <reg protect="r" name="rxdp_dcc_re_o_reg">
  9442. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_dcc_re_o" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9443. <comment>
  9444. Real part of DC value, it is stable when rxdp_dcc_val_reg is high
  9445. </comment>
  9446. </bits>
  9447. </reg>
  9448. <reg protect="r" name="rxdp_dcc_im_o_reg">
  9449. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_dcc_im_o" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9450. <comment>
  9451. Image part of DC value, it is stable when rxdp_dcc_val_reg is high
  9452. </comment>
  9453. </bits>
  9454. </reg>
  9455. <hole size="32"/>
  9456. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch_ct">
  9457. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch_ct_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9458. <comment>
  9459. reserved
  9460. </comment>
  9461. </bits>
  9462. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch_dataen0" pos="0" rst="1">
  9463. <comment>
  9464. Data enable of Notch DC
  9465. 0: disable
  9466. 1: enable
  9467. </comment>
  9468. </bits>
  9469. </reg>
  9470. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch_a0_i_reg">
  9471. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch_a0_i_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9472. <comment>
  9473. reserved
  9474. </comment>
  9475. </bits>
  9476. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch_a0_i" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  9477. <comment>
  9478. Coefficient a for real part of Notch DC
  9479. </comment>
  9480. </bits>
  9481. </reg>
  9482. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch_a0_q_reg">
  9483. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch_a0_q_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9484. <comment>
  9485. reserved
  9486. </comment>
  9487. </bits>
  9488. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch_a0_q" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  9489. <comment>
  9490. Coefficient a for image part of Notch DC
  9491. </comment>
  9492. </bits>
  9493. </reg>
  9494. <hole size="64"/>
  9495. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch_k_reg">
  9496. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch_k_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  9497. <comment>
  9498. reserved
  9499. </comment>
  9500. </bits>
  9501. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch_k0" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  9502. <comment>
  9503. Coefficient k of Notch DC
  9504. </comment>
  9505. </bits>
  9506. </reg>
  9507. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_ct">
  9508. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch2_ct_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  9509. <comment>
  9510. reserved
  9511. </comment>
  9512. </bits>
  9513. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_dataen0" pos="1" rst="1">
  9514. <comment>
  9515. Data enable of Notch H 1st core
  9516. 0: disable
  9517. 1: enable
  9518. </comment>
  9519. </bits>
  9520. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_dataen1" pos="0" rst="1">
  9521. <comment>
  9522. Data enable of Notch H 2nd core
  9523. 0: disable
  9524. 1: enable
  9525. </comment>
  9526. </bits>
  9527. </reg>
  9528. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a0_i_reg">
  9529. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch2_a0_i_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9530. <comment>
  9531. reserved
  9532. </comment>
  9533. </bits>
  9534. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a0_i" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  9535. <comment>
  9536. Coefficient a for real part of Notch H 1st core
  9537. </comment>
  9538. </bits>
  9539. </reg>
  9540. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a0_q_reg">
  9541. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch2_a0_q_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9542. <comment>
  9543. reserved
  9544. </comment>
  9545. </bits>
  9546. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a0_q" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  9547. <comment>
  9548. Coefficient a for image part of Notch H 1st core
  9549. </comment>
  9550. </bits>
  9551. </reg>
  9552. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a1_i_reg">
  9553. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch2_a1_i_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9554. <comment>
  9555. reserved
  9556. </comment>
  9557. </bits>
  9558. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a1_i" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  9559. <comment>
  9560. Coefficient a for real part of Notch H 2nd core
  9561. </comment>
  9562. </bits>
  9563. </reg>
  9564. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a1_q_reg">
  9565. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch2_a1_q_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  9566. <comment>
  9567. reserved
  9568. </comment>
  9569. </bits>
  9570. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_a1_q" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  9571. <comment>
  9572. Coefficient a for image part of Notch H 2nd core
  9573. </comment>
  9574. </bits>
  9575. </reg>
  9576. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_k_reg">
  9577. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_notch2_k_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  9578. <comment>
  9579. reserved
  9580. </comment>
  9581. </bits>
  9582. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_k0" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  9583. <comment>
  9584. Coefficient k of Notch H 1st core
  9585. </comment>
  9586. </bits>
  9587. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_k1" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  9588. <comment>
  9589. Coefficient k of Notch H 2nd core
  9590. </comment>
  9591. </bits>
  9592. </reg>
  9593. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef0_reg">
  9594. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9595. <comment>
  9596. Coefficient COEF0 of ACI filter
  9597. </comment>
  9598. </bits>
  9599. </reg>
  9600. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef1_reg">
  9601. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef1" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9602. <comment>
  9603. Coefficient COEF1 of ACI filter
  9604. </comment>
  9605. </bits>
  9606. </reg>
  9607. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef2_reg">
  9608. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef2" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9609. <comment>
  9610. Coefficient COEF2 of ACI filter
  9611. </comment>
  9612. </bits>
  9613. </reg>
  9614. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef3_reg">
  9615. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef3" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9616. <comment>
  9617. Coefficient COEF3 of ACI filter
  9618. </comment>
  9619. </bits>
  9620. </reg>
  9621. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef4_reg">
  9622. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef4" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9623. <comment>
  9624. Coefficient COEF4 of ACI filter
  9625. </comment>
  9626. </bits>
  9627. </reg>
  9628. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef5_reg">
  9629. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef5" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9630. <comment>
  9631. Coefficient COEF5 of ACI filter
  9632. </comment>
  9633. </bits>
  9634. </reg>
  9635. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef6_reg">
  9636. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef6" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9637. <comment>
  9638. Coefficient COEF6 of ACI filter
  9639. </comment>
  9640. </bits>
  9641. </reg>
  9642. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef7_reg">
  9643. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef7" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9644. <comment>
  9645. Coefficient COEF7 of ACI filter
  9646. </comment>
  9647. </bits>
  9648. </reg>
  9649. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef8_reg">
  9650. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef8" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9651. <comment>
  9652. Coefficient COEF8 of ACI filter
  9653. </comment>
  9654. </bits>
  9655. </reg>
  9656. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef9_reg">
  9657. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef9" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9658. <comment>
  9659. Coefficient COEF9 of ACI filter
  9660. </comment>
  9661. </bits>
  9662. </reg>
  9663. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef10_reg">
  9664. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef10" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9665. <comment>
  9666. Coefficient COEF10 of ACI filter
  9667. </comment>
  9668. </bits>
  9669. </reg>
  9670. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef11_reg">
  9671. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef11" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9672. <comment>
  9673. Coefficient COEF11 of ACI filter
  9674. </comment>
  9675. </bits>
  9676. </reg>
  9677. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef12_reg">
  9678. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef12" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9679. <comment>
  9680. Coefficient COEF12 of ACI filter
  9681. </comment>
  9682. </bits>
  9683. </reg>
  9684. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef13_reg">
  9685. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef13" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9686. <comment>
  9687. Coefficient COEF13 of ACI filter
  9688. </comment>
  9689. </bits>
  9690. </reg>
  9691. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef14_reg">
  9692. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef14" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9693. <comment>
  9694. Coefficient COEF14 of ACI filter
  9695. </comment>
  9696. </bits>
  9697. </reg>
  9698. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef15_reg">
  9699. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef15" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9700. <comment>
  9701. Coefficient COEF15 of ACI filter
  9702. </comment>
  9703. </bits>
  9704. </reg>
  9705. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef16_reg">
  9706. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef16" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9707. <comment>
  9708. Coefficient COEF16 of ACI filter
  9709. </comment>
  9710. </bits>
  9711. </reg>
  9712. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef17_reg">
  9713. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef17" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9714. <comment>
  9715. Coefficient COEF17 of ACI filter
  9716. </comment>
  9717. </bits>
  9718. </reg>
  9719. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef18_reg">
  9720. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef18" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9721. <comment>
  9722. Coefficient COEF18 of ACI filter
  9723. </comment>
  9724. </bits>
  9725. </reg>
  9726. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef19_reg">
  9727. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef19" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9728. <comment>
  9729. Coefficient COEF19 of ACI filter
  9730. </comment>
  9731. </bits>
  9732. </reg>
  9733. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef20_reg">
  9734. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef20" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9735. <comment>
  9736. Coefficient COEF20 of ACI filter
  9737. </comment>
  9738. </bits>
  9739. </reg>
  9740. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef21_reg">
  9741. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef21" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9742. <comment>
  9743. Coefficient COEF21 of ACI filter
  9744. </comment>
  9745. </bits>
  9746. </reg>
  9747. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef22_reg">
  9748. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef22" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9749. <comment>
  9750. Coefficient COEF22 of ACI filter
  9751. </comment>
  9752. </bits>
  9753. </reg>
  9754. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_aci_filter_coef23_reg">
  9755. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_fir_coef23" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9756. <comment>
  9757. Coefficient COEF23 of ACI filter
  9758. </comment>
  9759. </bits>
  9760. </reg>
  9761. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_mixer_freq_in_reg0">
  9762. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_mixer_freq_p0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9763. <comment>
  9764. Bit [15:0] of frequency offset for Mixer
  9765. </comment>
  9766. </bits>
  9767. </reg>
  9768. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_mixer_freq_in_reg1">
  9769. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_mixer_freq_in_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  9770. </bits>
  9771. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_mixer_freq_p1" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  9772. <comment>
  9773. Bit [23:16] of frequency offset for Mixer
  9774. </comment>
  9775. </bits>
  9776. </reg>
  9777. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_rssi_reg">
  9778. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_rssi_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  9779. <comment>
  9780. reserved
  9781. </comment>
  9782. </bits>
  9783. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_rssi_ob_enable" pos="7" rst="0">
  9784. <comment>
  9785. Outband RSSI enable
  9786. </comment>
  9787. </bits>
  9788. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_rssi_ib_enable" pos="6" rst="0">
  9789. <comment>
  9790. Inband RSSI enable
  9791. </comment>
  9792. </bits>
  9793. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_rssi_ob_ushift" pos="5:3" rst="0">
  9794. <comment>
  9795. Outband RSSI ushift value
  9796. </comment>
  9797. </bits>
  9798. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_rssi_ib_ushift" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  9799. <comment>
  9800. Inband RSSI ushift value
  9801. </comment>
  9802. </bits>
  9803. </reg>
  9804. <hole size="160"/>
  9805. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct_rf_reg">
  9806. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gain_ct_rf_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  9807. </bits>
  9808. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct_rf_load" pos="13" rst="0">
  9809. <comment>
  9810. load rxdp_gain_ct_rf to DFE. Write it to 1b'0 before assert it
  9811. </comment>
  9812. </bits>
  9813. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct_rf_load_bypass" pos="12" rst="1">
  9814. <comment>
  9815. bypass rxdp_gain_ct_rf_load
  9816. </comment>
  9817. </bits>
  9818. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_gain_ct_rf_reg_reserved_1" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  9819. </bits>
  9820. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gain_ct_rf" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  9821. <comment>
  9822. Gain RF control. [-24db, 57.875db], step=0.125db
  9823. </comment>
  9824. </bits>
  9825. </reg>
  9826. <reg protect="rw" name="start_max_min_ib_rssi_reg">
  9827. <bits access="r" name="start_max_min_ib_rssi_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9828. <comment>
  9829. reserved
  9830. </comment>
  9831. </bits>
  9832. <bits access="rw" name="start_max_min_ib_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9833. <comment>
  9834. start inband RSSI max and min measurement
  9835. </comment>
  9836. </bits>
  9837. </reg>
  9838. <reg protect="rw" name="count_16lsb_ib_rssi_reg">
  9839. <bits access="rw" name="count_16lsb_ib_rssi" pos="15:0" rst="30720">
  9840. <comment>
  9841. timer count [15:0] for max and min measurement report after start
  9842. </comment>
  9843. </bits>
  9844. </reg>
  9845. <reg protect="rw" name="count_16msb_ib_rssi_reg">
  9846. <bits access="rw" name="count_16msb_ib_rssi" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9847. <comment>
  9848. timer count [31:16] for max and min measurement report after start
  9849. </comment>
  9850. </bits>
  9851. </reg>
  9852. <reg protect="rw" name="load_max_min_ib_rssi_reg">
  9853. <bits access="r" name="load_max_min_ib_rssi_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9854. <comment>
  9855. reserved
  9856. </comment>
  9857. </bits>
  9858. <bits access="rw" name="load_max_min_ib_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9859. <comment>
  9860. start to load max and min measurement report. Before next load, set it low firstly
  9861. </comment>
  9862. </bits>
  9863. </reg>
  9864. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_max_min_val_ib_rssi">
  9865. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_min_val_ib_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9866. <comment>
  9867. reserved
  9868. </comment>
  9869. </bits>
  9870. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_min_val_reg_ib_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9871. <comment>
  9872. valid indication of max and min measurement report after assert load_max_min_ib_rssi to avoid metastability. rssi_min_reg_ib_rssi and rssi_max_reg_ib_rssi are stable when this register is high
  9873. </comment>
  9874. </bits>
  9875. </reg>
  9876. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_min_ib_rssi">
  9877. <bits access="r" name="rssi_min_ib_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  9878. <comment>
  9879. reserved
  9880. </comment>
  9881. </bits>
  9882. <bits access="r" name="rssi_min_reg_ib_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  9883. <comment>
  9884. inband RSSI min value, it is stable when rssi_max_min_val_reg_ib_rssi is high
  9885. </comment>
  9886. </bits>
  9887. </reg>
  9888. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_max_ib_rssi">
  9889. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_ib_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  9890. <comment>
  9891. reserved
  9892. </comment>
  9893. </bits>
  9894. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_reg_ib_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  9895. <comment>
  9896. inband RSSI max value, it is stable when rssi_max_min_val_reg_ib_rssi is high
  9897. </comment>
  9898. </bits>
  9899. </reg>
  9900. <reg protect="rw" name="int_ib_rssi">
  9901. <bits access="r" name="int_ib_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  9902. <comment>
  9903. reserved
  9904. </comment>
  9905. </bits>
  9906. <bits access="r" name="rssi_int_ib_rssi" pos="2" rst="0">
  9907. <comment>
  9908. interrupt status to be able to start to load max and min measurement report
  9909. </comment>
  9910. </bits>
  9911. <bits access="rw" name="int_mask_ib_rssi" pos="1" rst="0">
  9912. <comment>
  9913. interrupt mask
  9914. </comment>
  9915. </bits>
  9916. <bits access="rw" name="int_clear_ib_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9917. <comment>
  9918. interrupt clear
  9919. </comment>
  9920. </bits>
  9921. </reg>
  9922. <reg protect="rw" name="load_ib_rssi_reg">
  9923. <bits access="r" name="load_ib_rssi_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9924. <comment>
  9925. reserved
  9926. </comment>
  9927. </bits>
  9928. <bits access="rw" name="load_ib_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9929. <comment>
  9930. start to load instant measurement report. Before next load, set it low firstly
  9931. </comment>
  9932. </bits>
  9933. </reg>
  9934. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_val_ib_rssi">
  9935. <bits access="r" name="rssi_val_ib_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9936. <comment>
  9937. reserved
  9938. </comment>
  9939. </bits>
  9940. <bits access="r" name="rssi_val_reg_ib_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9941. <comment>
  9942. valid indication of instant measurement report after assert load_ib_rssi to avoid metastability. rssi_reg_ib_rssi is stable when this register is high
  9943. </comment>
  9944. </bits>
  9945. </reg>
  9946. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_ib_rssi">
  9947. <bits access="r" name="rssi_ib_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  9948. <comment>
  9949. reserved
  9950. </comment>
  9951. </bits>
  9952. <bits access="r" name="rssi_reg_ib_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  9953. <comment>
  9954. inband RSSI instant value, it is stable when rssi_val_reg_ib_rssi is high
  9955. </comment>
  9956. </bits>
  9957. </reg>
  9958. <reg protect="rw" name="start_max_min_ob_rssi_reg">
  9959. <bits access="r" name="start_max_min_ob_rssi_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9960. <comment>
  9961. reserved
  9962. </comment>
  9963. </bits>
  9964. <bits access="rw" name="start_max_min_ob_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9965. <comment>
  9966. start outband RSSI max and min measurement
  9967. </comment>
  9968. </bits>
  9969. </reg>
  9970. <reg protect="rw" name="count_16lsb_ob_rssi_reg">
  9971. <bits access="rw" name="count_16lsb_ob_rssi" pos="15:0" rst="30720">
  9972. <comment>
  9973. timer count [15:0] for max and min measurement report after start
  9974. </comment>
  9975. </bits>
  9976. </reg>
  9977. <reg protect="rw" name="count_16msb_ob_rssi_reg">
  9978. <bits access="rw" name="count_16msb_ob_rssi" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  9979. <comment>
  9980. timer count [31:16] for max and min measurement report after start
  9981. </comment>
  9982. </bits>
  9983. </reg>
  9984. <reg protect="rw" name="load_max_min_ob_rssi_reg">
  9985. <bits access="r" name="load_max_min_ob_rssi_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9986. <comment>
  9987. reserved
  9988. </comment>
  9989. </bits>
  9990. <bits access="rw" name="load_max_min_ob_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  9991. <comment>
  9992. start to load max and min measurement report. Before next load, set it low firstly
  9993. </comment>
  9994. </bits>
  9995. </reg>
  9996. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_max_min_val_ob_rssi">
  9997. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_min_val_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  9998. <comment>
  9999. reserved
  10000. </comment>
  10001. </bits>
  10002. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_min_val_reg_ob_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  10003. <comment>
  10004. valid indication of max and min measurement report after assert load_max_min_ob_rssi to avoid metastability. rssi_min_reg_ob_rssi and rssi_max_reg_ob_rssi are stable when this register is high
  10005. </comment>
  10006. </bits>
  10007. </reg>
  10008. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_min_ob_rssi">
  10009. <bits access="r" name="rssi_min_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10010. <comment>
  10011. reserved
  10012. </comment>
  10013. </bits>
  10014. <bits access="r" name="rssi_min_reg_ob_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10015. <comment>
  10016. outband RSSI min value, it is stable when rssi_max_min_val_reg_ob_rssi is high
  10017. </comment>
  10018. </bits>
  10019. </reg>
  10020. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_max_ob_rssi">
  10021. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10022. <comment>
  10023. reserved
  10024. </comment>
  10025. </bits>
  10026. <bits access="r" name="rssi_max_reg_ob_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10027. <comment>
  10028. outband RSSI max value, it is stable when rssi_max_min_val_reg_ob_rssi is high
  10029. </comment>
  10030. </bits>
  10031. </reg>
  10032. <reg protect="rw" name="int_ob_rssi">
  10033. <bits access="r" name="int_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  10034. <comment>
  10035. reserved
  10036. </comment>
  10037. </bits>
  10038. <bits access="r" name="rssi_int_ob_rssi" pos="2" rst="0">
  10039. <comment>
  10040. interrupt status to be able to start to load max and min measurement report
  10041. </comment>
  10042. </bits>
  10043. <bits access="rw" name="int_mask_ob_rssi" pos="1" rst="0">
  10044. <comment>
  10045. interrupt mask
  10046. </comment>
  10047. </bits>
  10048. <bits access="rw" name="int_clear_ob_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  10049. <comment>
  10050. interrupt clear
  10051. </comment>
  10052. </bits>
  10053. </reg>
  10054. <reg protect="rw" name="load_ob_rssi_reg">
  10055. <bits access="r" name="load_ob_rssi_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  10056. <comment>
  10057. reserved
  10058. </comment>
  10059. </bits>
  10060. <bits access="rw" name="load_ob_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  10061. <comment>
  10062. start to load instant measurement report. Before next load, set it low firstly
  10063. </comment>
  10064. </bits>
  10065. </reg>
  10066. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_val_ob_rssi">
  10067. <bits access="r" name="rssi_val_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  10068. <comment>
  10069. reserved
  10070. </comment>
  10071. </bits>
  10072. <bits access="r" name="rssi_val_reg_ob_rssi" pos="0" rst="0">
  10073. <comment>
  10074. valid indication of instant measurement report after assert load_ob_rssi to avoid metastability
  10075. </comment>
  10076. </bits>
  10077. </reg>
  10078. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_wd_ob_rssi">
  10079. <bits access="r" name="rssi_wd_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10080. <comment>
  10081. reserved
  10082. </comment>
  10083. </bits>
  10084. <bits access="r" name="rssi_reg_wd_ob_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10085. <comment>
  10086. outband RSSI instant value for WB, it is stable when rssi_val_reg_ob_rssi is high
  10087. </comment>
  10088. </bits>
  10089. </reg>
  10090. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_up_ob_rssi">
  10091. <bits access="r" name="rssi_up_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10092. <comment>
  10093. reserved
  10094. </comment>
  10095. </bits>
  10096. <bits access="r" name="rssi_reg_up_ob_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10097. <comment>
  10098. outband RSSI instant value for UP, it is stable when rssi_val_reg_ob_rssi is high
  10099. </comment>
  10100. </bits>
  10101. </reg>
  10102. <reg protect="r" name="rssi_dn_ob_rssi">
  10103. <bits access="r" name="rssi_dn_ob_rssi_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10104. <comment>
  10105. reserved
  10106. </comment>
  10107. </bits>
  10108. <bits access="r" name="rssi_reg_dn_ob_rssi" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10109. <comment>
  10110. outband RSSI instant value for DN, it is stable when rssi_val_reg_ob_rssi is high
  10111. </comment>
  10112. </bits>
  10113. </reg>
  10114. <hole size="64"/>
  10115. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_control_reg1">
  10116. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_bypass_control_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  10117. <comment>
  10118. reserved
  10119. </comment>
  10120. </bits>
  10121. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_uphb1" pos="13" rst="0">
  10122. <comment>
  10123. Interp. HBF1
  10124. 0: SW bypass disable
  10125. 1: SW bypass enable
  10126. </comment>
  10127. </bits>
  10128. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_gainbb" pos="12" rst="0">
  10129. <comment>
  10130. Gain_BB
  10131. </comment>
  10132. </bits>
  10133. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_notch2_2" pos="11" rst="0">
  10134. <comment>
  10135. Notrch(H) 2nd core
  10136. </comment>
  10137. </bits>
  10138. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_notch2_1" pos="10" rst="0">
  10139. <comment>
  10140. Notrch(H) 1st core
  10141. </comment>
  10142. </bits>
  10143. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_dnbh1" pos="9" rst="0">
  10144. <comment>
  10145. Deci. HBF1
  10146. </comment>
  10147. </bits>
  10148. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_aci_lpf" pos="8" rst="0">
  10149. <comment>
  10150. ACI Filter
  10151. </comment>
  10152. </bits>
  10153. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_gainrf" pos="7" rst="0">
  10154. <comment>
  10155. Gain_RF
  10156. </comment>
  10157. </bits>
  10158. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_gdeq" pos="6" rst="0">
  10159. <comment>
  10160. Group Delay Equ
  10161. </comment>
  10162. </bits>
  10163. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_notch1_1" pos="5" rst="0">
  10164. <comment>
  10165. Notch(DC)
  10166. </comment>
  10167. </bits>
  10168. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mixer" pos="4" rst="0">
  10169. <comment>
  10170. Mixer
  10171. </comment>
  10172. </bits>
  10173. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_rc" pos="3" rst="0">
  10174. <comment>
  10175. RC
  10176. </comment>
  10177. </bits>
  10178. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_imbc" pos="2" rst="0">
  10179. <comment>
  10180. IMBC
  10181. </comment>
  10182. </bits>
  10183. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_dcc" pos="1" rst="0">
  10184. <comment>
  10185. DC Calib.&amp;Cancel
  10186. </comment>
  10187. </bits>
  10188. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_cic1" pos="0" rst="0">
  10189. <comment>
  10190. Deci.CIC1
  10191. </comment>
  10192. </bits>
  10193. </reg>
  10194. <hole size="32"/>
  10195. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_control_reg1">
  10196. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_control_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  10197. <comment>
  10198. reserved
  10199. </comment>
  10200. </bits>
  10201. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_uphb1" pos="13" rst="0">
  10202. <comment>
  10203. Interp. HBF1
  10204. 0: bypass controlled by HW. HW bypass module automaticlly based on algorithm requirement
  10205. 1: bypass controlled by SW. When it is set, rxdp_bypass_uphb1 will be used
  10206. </comment>
  10207. </bits>
  10208. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_gainbb" pos="12" rst="0">
  10209. <comment>
  10210. Gain_BB
  10211. </comment>
  10212. </bits>
  10213. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_notch2_2" pos="11" rst="0">
  10214. <comment>
  10215. Notrch(H) 2nd core
  10216. </comment>
  10217. </bits>
  10218. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_notch2_1" pos="10" rst="0">
  10219. <comment>
  10220. Notrch(H) 1st core
  10221. </comment>
  10222. </bits>
  10223. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_dnbh1" pos="9" rst="0">
  10224. <comment>
  10225. Deci. HBF1
  10226. </comment>
  10227. </bits>
  10228. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_aci_lpf" pos="8" rst="0">
  10229. <comment>
  10230. ACI Filter
  10231. </comment>
  10232. </bits>
  10233. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_gainrf" pos="7" rst="0">
  10234. <comment>
  10235. Gain_RF
  10236. </comment>
  10237. </bits>
  10238. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_gdeq" pos="6" rst="0">
  10239. <comment>
  10240. Group Delay Equ
  10241. </comment>
  10242. </bits>
  10243. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_notch1_1" pos="5" rst="0">
  10244. <comment>
  10245. Notch(DC)
  10246. </comment>
  10247. </bits>
  10248. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_mixer" pos="4" rst="0">
  10249. <comment>
  10250. Mixer
  10251. </comment>
  10252. </bits>
  10253. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_rc" pos="3" rst="0">
  10254. <comment>
  10255. RC
  10256. </comment>
  10257. </bits>
  10258. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_imbc" pos="2" rst="0">
  10259. <comment>
  10260. IMBC
  10261. </comment>
  10262. </bits>
  10263. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_dcc" pos="1" rst="0">
  10264. <comment>
  10265. DC Calib.&amp;Cancel
  10266. </comment>
  10267. </bits>
  10268. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_bypass_mode_cic1" pos="0" rst="0">
  10269. <comment>
  10270. Deci.CIC1
  10271. </comment>
  10272. </bits>
  10273. </reg>
  10274. <hole size="800"/>
  10275. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_a1">
  10276. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_a1_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  10277. <comment>
  10278. reserved
  10279. </comment>
  10280. </bits>
  10281. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_a1_rg" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  10282. <comment>
  10283. Coefficient a1 for PLL Equ.
  10284. </comment>
  10285. </bits>
  10286. </reg>
  10287. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_a2">
  10288. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_a2_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  10289. <comment>
  10290. reserved
  10291. </comment>
  10292. </bits>
  10293. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_a2_rg" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  10294. <comment>
  10295. Coefficient a2 for PLL Equ.
  10296. </comment>
  10297. </bits>
  10298. </reg>
  10299. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_b1">
  10300. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_b1_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  10301. <comment>
  10302. reserved
  10303. </comment>
  10304. </bits>
  10305. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_b1_rg" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  10306. <comment>
  10307. Coefficient b1 for PLL Equ.
  10308. </comment>
  10309. </bits>
  10310. </reg>
  10311. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_b2">
  10312. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_b2_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  10313. <comment>
  10314. reserved
  10315. </comment>
  10316. </bits>
  10317. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_b2_rg" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  10318. <comment>
  10319. Coefficient b2 for PLL Equ.
  10320. </comment>
  10321. </bits>
  10322. </reg>
  10323. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_g">
  10324. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_g_rg" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10325. <comment>
  10326. Bit [27:12] of gain for PLL Equ. It is valid when AFC adjustment is being enabled
  10327. </comment>
  10328. </bits>
  10329. </reg>
  10330. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_equ_bypass_reg">
  10331. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_equ_bypass_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  10332. </bits>
  10333. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_g_load_bypass" pos="1" rst="1">
  10334. <comment>
  10335. Bypass load_g:
  10336. 0: disable bypass
  10337. 1: enable bypass
  10338. </comment>
  10339. </bits>
  10340. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_equ_bypass" pos="0" rst="1">
  10341. <comment>
  10342. Bypass PLL Equ.
  10343. 0: disable bypass
  10344. 1: enable bypass
  10345. </comment>
  10346. </bits>
  10347. </reg>
  10348. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_equ_tx_shift_ct">
  10349. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_equ_tx_shift_ct_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  10350. <comment>
  10351. reserved
  10352. </comment>
  10353. </bits>
  10354. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_form_lsb_acc_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  10355. <comment>
  10356. 4 LSB control
  10357. </comment>
  10358. </bits>
  10359. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_equ_tx_shift_ct_rg" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  10360. <comment>
  10361. Former output shift control
  10362. </comment>
  10363. </bits>
  10364. </reg>
  10365. <reg protect="r" name="txdp_gsm_offset_value0_reg">
  10366. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_offset_value0_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10367. <comment>
  10368. reseved
  10369. </comment>
  10370. </bits>
  10371. </reg>
  10372. <reg protect="r" name="txdp_gsm_offset_value1_reg">
  10373. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_offset_value1_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10374. <comment>
  10375. reseved
  10376. </comment>
  10377. </bits>
  10378. </reg>
  10379. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_tx_rx">
  10380. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_tx_rx_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  10381. <comment>
  10382. reseved
  10383. </comment>
  10384. </bits>
  10385. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_freq_rg2" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  10386. <comment>
  10387. Bit [34:32] for GSM TX frequency
  10388. </comment>
  10389. </bits>
  10390. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_tx_rx_rg" pos="0" rst="1">
  10391. <comment>
  10392. use former output or not
  10393. 0: RX don't use
  10394. 1: TX use
  10395. </comment>
  10396. </bits>
  10397. </reg>
  10398. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_freq0">
  10399. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_freq_rg0" pos="15:0" rst="25200">
  10400. <comment>
  10401. Bit [15:0] for GSM TX frequency
  10402. </comment>
  10403. </bits>
  10404. </reg>
  10405. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_freq1">
  10406. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_freq_rg1" pos="15:0" rst="37415">
  10407. <comment>
  10408. Bit [31:16] for GSM TX frequency
  10409. </comment>
  10410. </bits>
  10411. </reg>
  10412. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_freq_tx_offset">
  10413. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_freq_tx_offset_rg" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10414. <comment>
  10415. Offset add to GSM TX frequency
  10416. </comment>
  10417. </bits>
  10418. </reg>
  10419. <hole size="32"/>
  10420. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_sdmpre_ct">
  10421. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_sdmpre_ct_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  10422. <comment>
  10423. reseved
  10424. </comment>
  10425. </bits>
  10426. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_form_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  10427. <comment>
  10428. GSM TX frequency control.
  10429. 0: modulation signal act on GSM TX freqency
  10430. 1: GSM TX freqency is fixed
  10431. </comment>
  10432. </bits>
  10433. </reg>
  10434. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_misc_reg">
  10435. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_misc_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  10436. <comment>
  10437. reseved
  10438. </comment>
  10439. </bits>
  10440. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_freq_load_bypass_rg" pos="3" rst="0">
  10441. <comment>
  10442. GSM TX frequency load is at the same time of AFC adjustment or not
  10443. 0: at the same time
  10444. 1: not at the same time
  10445. </comment>
  10446. </bits>
  10447. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_misc_reg_reserved_1" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  10448. <comment>
  10449. reserved
  10450. </comment>
  10451. </bits>
  10452. </reg>
  10453. <hole size="64"/>
  10454. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_g_ext_reg">
  10455. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_g_ext_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  10456. <comment>
  10457. reseved
  10458. </comment>
  10459. </bits>
  10460. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_g_ext" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  10461. <comment>
  10462. Bit [11:0] of gain for PLL Equ. It works with register txdp_gsm_g_rg
  10463. </comment>
  10464. </bits>
  10465. </reg>
  10466. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_nb_ctrl_reg">
  10467. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_nb_ctrl_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10468. <comment>
  10469. reseved
  10470. </comment>
  10471. </bits>
  10472. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_dly1_data_idx_rg" pos="9:5" rst="0">
  10473. <comment>
  10474. Delay1 index
  10475. </comment>
  10476. </bits>
  10477. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_dly2_data_idx_rg" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  10478. <comment>
  10479. Delay2 index
  10480. </comment>
  10481. </bits>
  10482. </reg>
  10483. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff1_reg_l">
  10484. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff1_rg_l" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10485. <comment>
  10486. Bit [15:0] of gsm_grp_dly_coff1
  10487. </comment>
  10488. </bits>
  10489. </reg>
  10490. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff1_reg_m">
  10491. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff1_reg_m_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  10492. <comment>
  10493. reseved
  10494. </comment>
  10495. </bits>
  10496. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff1_rg_m" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  10497. <comment>
  10498. Bit [19:16] of gsm_grp_dly_coff1
  10499. </comment>
  10500. </bits>
  10501. </reg>
  10502. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff2_reg_l">
  10503. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff2_rg_l" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10504. <comment>
  10505. Bit [15:0] of gsm_grp_dly_coff2
  10506. </comment>
  10507. </bits>
  10508. </reg>
  10509. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff2_reg_m">
  10510. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff2_reg_m_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  10511. <comment>
  10512. reseved
  10513. </comment>
  10514. </bits>
  10515. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff2_rg_m" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  10516. <comment>
  10517. Bit [19:16] of gsm_grp_dly_coff2
  10518. </comment>
  10519. </bits>
  10520. </reg>
  10521. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff3_reg_l">
  10522. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff3_rg_l" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10523. <comment>
  10524. Bit [15:0] of gsm_grp_dly_coff3
  10525. </comment>
  10526. </bits>
  10527. </reg>
  10528. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff3_reg_m">
  10529. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff3_reg_m_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  10530. <comment>
  10531. reseved
  10532. </comment>
  10533. </bits>
  10534. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff3_rg_m" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  10535. <comment>
  10536. Bit [19:16] of gsm_grp_dly_coff3
  10537. </comment>
  10538. </bits>
  10539. </reg>
  10540. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff4_reg_l">
  10541. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff4_rg_l" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  10542. <comment>
  10543. Bit [15:0] of gsm_grp_dly_coff4
  10544. </comment>
  10545. </bits>
  10546. </reg>
  10547. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff4_reg_m">
  10548. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_coff4_reg_m_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  10549. <comment>
  10550. reseved
  10551. </comment>
  10552. </bits>
  10553. <bits access="rw" name="gsm_grp_dly_coff4_rg_m" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  10554. <comment>
  10555. Bit [19:16] of gsm_grp_dly_coff4
  10556. </comment>
  10557. </bits>
  10558. </reg>
  10559. <hole size="1152"/>
  10560. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_gain_ct_reg">
  10561. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_gain_ct_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  10562. </bits>
  10563. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_gain_ct_load" pos="13" rst="0">
  10564. <comment>
  10565. load txdp_wedge_gain_ct to DFE. Write it to 1b'0 before assert it
  10566. </comment>
  10567. </bits>
  10568. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_gain_ct_load_bypass" pos="12" rst="1">
  10569. <comment>
  10570. bypass txdp_wedge_gain_ct_load
  10571. </comment>
  10572. </bits>
  10573. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_gain_ct_reg_reserved_1" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  10574. </bits>
  10575. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_gain_ct" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10576. <comment>
  10577. Gain control of NB/WT TX. [-24db, 57.875db], step=0.125db
  10578. </comment>
  10579. </bits>
  10580. </reg>
  10581. <hole size="640"/>
  10582. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_split_mode_reg">
  10583. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_split_mode_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  10584. <comment>
  10585. reserved
  10586. </comment>
  10587. </bits>
  10588. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_flow_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  10589. </bits>
  10590. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_split_mode" pos="0" rst="0">
  10591. </bits>
  10592. </reg>
  10593. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_shrink_reg">
  10594. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_shrink_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  10595. <comment>
  10596. reserved
  10597. </comment>
  10598. </bits>
  10599. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_shrink" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  10600. </bits>
  10601. </reg>
  10602. <hole size="32"/>
  10603. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_shift_reg">
  10604. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_shift_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  10605. <comment>
  10606. reserved
  10607. </comment>
  10608. </bits>
  10609. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_shift" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  10610. </bits>
  10611. </reg>
  10612. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p0_reg">
  10613. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p0_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10614. <comment>
  10615. reserved
  10616. </comment>
  10617. </bits>
  10618. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p0" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10619. <comment>
  10620. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10621. </comment>
  10622. </bits>
  10623. </reg>
  10624. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p1_reg">
  10625. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p1_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10626. <comment>
  10627. reserved
  10628. </comment>
  10629. </bits>
  10630. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p1" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10631. <comment>
  10632. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10633. </comment>
  10634. </bits>
  10635. </reg>
  10636. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p2_reg">
  10637. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p2_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10638. <comment>
  10639. reserved
  10640. </comment>
  10641. </bits>
  10642. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p2" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10643. <comment>
  10644. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10645. </comment>
  10646. </bits>
  10647. </reg>
  10648. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p3_reg">
  10649. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p3_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10650. <comment>
  10651. reserved
  10652. </comment>
  10653. </bits>
  10654. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p3" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10655. <comment>
  10656. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10657. </comment>
  10658. </bits>
  10659. </reg>
  10660. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p4_reg">
  10661. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p4_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10662. <comment>
  10663. reserved
  10664. </comment>
  10665. </bits>
  10666. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p4" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10667. <comment>
  10668. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10669. </comment>
  10670. </bits>
  10671. </reg>
  10672. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p5_reg">
  10673. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p5_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10674. <comment>
  10675. reserved
  10676. </comment>
  10677. </bits>
  10678. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p5" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10679. <comment>
  10680. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10681. </comment>
  10682. </bits>
  10683. </reg>
  10684. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p6_reg">
  10685. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p6_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10686. <comment>
  10687. reserved
  10688. </comment>
  10689. </bits>
  10690. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p6" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10691. <comment>
  10692. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10693. </comment>
  10694. </bits>
  10695. </reg>
  10696. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p7_reg">
  10697. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p7_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10698. <comment>
  10699. reserved
  10700. </comment>
  10701. </bits>
  10702. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p7" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10703. <comment>
  10704. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10705. </comment>
  10706. </bits>
  10707. </reg>
  10708. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p8_reg">
  10709. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p8_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10710. <comment>
  10711. reserved
  10712. </comment>
  10713. </bits>
  10714. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p8" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10715. <comment>
  10716. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10717. </comment>
  10718. </bits>
  10719. </reg>
  10720. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p9_reg">
  10721. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p9_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10722. <comment>
  10723. reserved
  10724. </comment>
  10725. </bits>
  10726. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p9" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10727. <comment>
  10728. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10729. </comment>
  10730. </bits>
  10731. </reg>
  10732. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p10_reg">
  10733. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p10_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10734. <comment>
  10735. reserved
  10736. </comment>
  10737. </bits>
  10738. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p10" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10739. <comment>
  10740. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10741. </comment>
  10742. </bits>
  10743. </reg>
  10744. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p11_reg">
  10745. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p11_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10746. <comment>
  10747. reserved
  10748. </comment>
  10749. </bits>
  10750. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p11" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10751. <comment>
  10752. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10753. </comment>
  10754. </bits>
  10755. </reg>
  10756. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p12_reg">
  10757. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p12_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10758. <comment>
  10759. reserved
  10760. </comment>
  10761. </bits>
  10762. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p12" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10763. <comment>
  10764. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10765. </comment>
  10766. </bits>
  10767. </reg>
  10768. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p13_reg">
  10769. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p13_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10770. <comment>
  10771. reserved
  10772. </comment>
  10773. </bits>
  10774. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p13" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10775. <comment>
  10776. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10777. </comment>
  10778. </bits>
  10779. </reg>
  10780. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p14_reg">
  10781. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p14_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10782. <comment>
  10783. reserved
  10784. </comment>
  10785. </bits>
  10786. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p14" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10787. <comment>
  10788. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10789. </comment>
  10790. </bits>
  10791. </reg>
  10792. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p15_reg">
  10793. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p15_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10794. <comment>
  10795. reserved
  10796. </comment>
  10797. </bits>
  10798. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p15" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10799. <comment>
  10800. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10801. </comment>
  10802. </bits>
  10803. </reg>
  10804. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p16_reg">
  10805. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_am_p16_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10806. <comment>
  10807. reserved
  10808. </comment>
  10809. </bits>
  10810. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p16" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10811. <comment>
  10812. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
  10813. </comment>
  10814. </bits>
  10815. </reg>
  10816. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p0_reg">
  10817. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p0_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10818. <comment>
  10819. reserved
  10820. </comment>
  10821. </bits>
  10822. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p0" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10823. <comment>
  10824. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10825. </comment>
  10826. </bits>
  10827. </reg>
  10828. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p1_reg">
  10829. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p1_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10830. <comment>
  10831. reserved
  10832. </comment>
  10833. </bits>
  10834. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p1" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10835. <comment>
  10836. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10837. </comment>
  10838. </bits>
  10839. </reg>
  10840. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p2_reg">
  10841. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p2_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10842. <comment>
  10843. reserved
  10844. </comment>
  10845. </bits>
  10846. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p2" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10847. <comment>
  10848. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10849. </comment>
  10850. </bits>
  10851. </reg>
  10852. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p3_reg">
  10853. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p3_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10854. <comment>
  10855. reserved
  10856. </comment>
  10857. </bits>
  10858. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p3" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10859. <comment>
  10860. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10861. </comment>
  10862. </bits>
  10863. </reg>
  10864. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p4_reg">
  10865. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p4_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10866. <comment>
  10867. reserved
  10868. </comment>
  10869. </bits>
  10870. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p4" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10871. <comment>
  10872. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10873. </comment>
  10874. </bits>
  10875. </reg>
  10876. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p5_reg">
  10877. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p5_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10878. <comment>
  10879. reserved
  10880. </comment>
  10881. </bits>
  10882. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p5" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10883. <comment>
  10884. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10885. </comment>
  10886. </bits>
  10887. </reg>
  10888. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p6_reg">
  10889. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p6_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10890. <comment>
  10891. reserved
  10892. </comment>
  10893. </bits>
  10894. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p6" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10895. <comment>
  10896. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10897. </comment>
  10898. </bits>
  10899. </reg>
  10900. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p7_reg">
  10901. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p7_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10902. <comment>
  10903. reserved
  10904. </comment>
  10905. </bits>
  10906. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p7" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10907. <comment>
  10908. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10909. </comment>
  10910. </bits>
  10911. </reg>
  10912. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p8_reg">
  10913. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p8_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10914. <comment>
  10915. reserved
  10916. </comment>
  10917. </bits>
  10918. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p8" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10919. <comment>
  10920. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10921. </comment>
  10922. </bits>
  10923. </reg>
  10924. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p9_reg">
  10925. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p9_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10926. <comment>
  10927. reserved
  10928. </comment>
  10929. </bits>
  10930. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p9" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10931. <comment>
  10932. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10933. </comment>
  10934. </bits>
  10935. </reg>
  10936. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p10_reg">
  10937. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p10_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10938. <comment>
  10939. reserved
  10940. </comment>
  10941. </bits>
  10942. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p10" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10943. <comment>
  10944. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10945. </comment>
  10946. </bits>
  10947. </reg>
  10948. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p11_reg">
  10949. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p11_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10950. <comment>
  10951. reserved
  10952. </comment>
  10953. </bits>
  10954. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p11" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10955. <comment>
  10956. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10957. </comment>
  10958. </bits>
  10959. </reg>
  10960. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p12_reg">
  10961. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p12_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10962. <comment>
  10963. reserved
  10964. </comment>
  10965. </bits>
  10966. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p12" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10967. <comment>
  10968. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10969. </comment>
  10970. </bits>
  10971. </reg>
  10972. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p13_reg">
  10973. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p13_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10974. <comment>
  10975. reserved
  10976. </comment>
  10977. </bits>
  10978. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p13" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10979. <comment>
  10980. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10981. </comment>
  10982. </bits>
  10983. </reg>
  10984. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p14_reg">
  10985. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p14_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10986. <comment>
  10987. reserved
  10988. </comment>
  10989. </bits>
  10990. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p14" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  10991. <comment>
  10992. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  10993. </comment>
  10994. </bits>
  10995. </reg>
  10996. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p15_reg">
  10997. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p15_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  10998. <comment>
  10999. reserved
  11000. </comment>
  11001. </bits>
  11002. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p15" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  11003. <comment>
  11004. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  11005. </comment>
  11006. </bits>
  11007. </reg>
  11008. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p16_reg">
  11009. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p16_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  11010. <comment>
  11011. reserved
  11012. </comment>
  11013. </bits>
  11014. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p16" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  11015. <comment>
  11016. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  11017. </comment>
  11018. </bits>
  11019. </reg>
  11020. <hole size="192"/>
  11021. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_dac_ctrl">
  11022. <bits access="r" name="clk_dac_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  11023. <comment>
  11024. reserved
  11025. </comment>
  11026. </bits>
  11027. <bits access="rw" name="clk_dac_test_mode" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  11028. <comment>
  11029. divide resource of clk_dac when test mode.
  11030. 000: divide by 1
  11031. 001: divide by 2
  11032. 010: divide by 4
  11033. 011: divide by 8
  11034. 100: divide by 16
  11035. 101: divide by 32
  11036. 110: divide by 64
  11037. default: divide by 1
  11038. </comment>
  11039. </bits>
  11040. <bits access="rw" name="clk_dac_test_sel" pos="3:2" rst="1">
  11041. <comment>
  11042. resource of clk_dac when test mode.
  11043. 01: clk_61.44m
  11044. 10: clk_26m_fbc
  11045. 11: clk_adc_gge_nb
  11046. </comment>
  11047. </bits>
  11048. <bits access="rw" name="clk_dac_test_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  11049. <comment>
  11050. enable clk_dac when test mode
  11051. </comment>
  11052. </bits>
  11053. <bits access="rw" name="clk_dac_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  11054. <comment>
  11055. 0: clk_dac is from function mode
  11056. 1: clk_dac is from test mode
  11057. </comment>
  11058. </bits>
  11059. </reg>
  11060. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_delay_reg">
  11061. <bits access="r" name="txdp_delay_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  11062. <comment>
  11063. reserved
  11064. </comment>
  11065. </bits>
  11066. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_amp_dly" pos="10:7" rst="12">
  11067. <comment>
  11068. Delay3 index
  11069. </comment>
  11070. </bits>
  11071. <bits access="rw" name="delay4_rg" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  11072. <comment>
  11073. Delay4 index
  11074. </comment>
  11075. </bits>
  11076. <bits access="rw" name="delay5_rg" pos="3" rst="0">
  11077. <comment>
  11078. Delay5 index
  11079. </comment>
  11080. </bits>
  11081. <bits access="rw" name="delay6_rg" pos="2" rst="0">
  11082. <comment>
  11083. Delay6 index
  11084. </comment>
  11085. </bits>
  11086. <bits access="rw" name="delay7_rg" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  11087. <comment>
  11088. Delay7 index
  11089. </comment>
  11090. </bits>
  11091. </reg>
  11092. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef0">
  11093. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef0_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11094. <comment>
  11095. reserved
  11096. </comment>
  11097. </bits>
  11098. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef00" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11099. <comment>
  11100. Coefficient 0 of ACLR filter
  11101. </comment>
  11102. </bits>
  11103. </reg>
  11104. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef1">
  11105. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef1_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11106. <comment>
  11107. reserved
  11108. </comment>
  11109. </bits>
  11110. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef01" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11111. <comment>
  11112. Coefficient 1 of ACLR filter
  11113. </comment>
  11114. </bits>
  11115. </reg>
  11116. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef2">
  11117. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef2_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11118. <comment>
  11119. reserved
  11120. </comment>
  11121. </bits>
  11122. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef02" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11123. <comment>
  11124. Coefficient 2 of ACLR filter
  11125. </comment>
  11126. </bits>
  11127. </reg>
  11128. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef3">
  11129. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef3_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11130. <comment>
  11131. reserved
  11132. </comment>
  11133. </bits>
  11134. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef03" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11135. <comment>
  11136. Coefficient 3 of ACLR filter
  11137. </comment>
  11138. </bits>
  11139. </reg>
  11140. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_1">
  11141. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  11142. <comment>
  11143. Bit [15:0] of coefficient 0 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11144. </comment>
  11145. </bits>
  11146. </reg>
  11147. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_2">
  11148. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  11149. <comment>
  11150. reserved
  11151. </comment>
  11152. </bits>
  11153. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef0_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  11154. <comment>
  11155. Bit [19:16] of coefficient 0 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11156. </comment>
  11157. </bits>
  11158. </reg>
  11159. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_1">
  11160. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  11161. <comment>
  11162. Bit [15:0] of coefficient 1 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11163. </comment>
  11164. </bits>
  11165. </reg>
  11166. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_2">
  11167. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  11168. <comment>
  11169. reserved
  11170. </comment>
  11171. </bits>
  11172. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef1_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  11173. <comment>
  11174. Bit [19:16] of coefficient 1 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11175. </comment>
  11176. </bits>
  11177. </reg>
  11178. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_1">
  11179. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  11180. <comment>
  11181. Bit [15:0] of coefficient 2 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11182. </comment>
  11183. </bits>
  11184. </reg>
  11185. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_2">
  11186. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  11187. <comment>
  11188. reserved
  11189. </comment>
  11190. </bits>
  11191. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef2_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  11192. <comment>
  11193. Bit [19:16] of coefficient 2 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11194. </comment>
  11195. </bits>
  11196. </reg>
  11197. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_1">
  11198. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  11199. <comment>
  11200. Bit [15:0] of coefficient 3 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11201. </comment>
  11202. </bits>
  11203. </reg>
  11204. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_2">
  11205. <bits access="r" name="txdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  11206. <comment>
  11207. reserved
  11208. </comment>
  11209. </bits>
  11210. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gdeq_coef3_rg_hi" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  11211. <comment>
  11212. Bit [19:16] of coefficient 3 of group delay equ. for NB/WT TX
  11213. </comment>
  11214. </bits>
  11215. </reg>
  11216. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef00">
  11217. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef00_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11218. <comment>
  11219. reserved
  11220. </comment>
  11221. </bits>
  11222. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef0" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11223. <comment>
  11224. Coefficient 0 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11225. </comment>
  11226. </bits>
  11227. </reg>
  11228. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef01">
  11229. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef01_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11230. <comment>
  11231. reserved
  11232. </comment>
  11233. </bits>
  11234. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef1" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11235. <comment>
  11236. Coefficient 1 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11237. </comment>
  11238. </bits>
  11239. </reg>
  11240. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef02">
  11241. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef02_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11242. <comment>
  11243. reserved
  11244. </comment>
  11245. </bits>
  11246. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef2" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11247. <comment>
  11248. Coefficient 2 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11249. </comment>
  11250. </bits>
  11251. </reg>
  11252. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef03">
  11253. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef03_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11254. <comment>
  11255. reserved
  11256. </comment>
  11257. </bits>
  11258. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef3" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11259. <comment>
  11260. Coefficient 3 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11261. </comment>
  11262. </bits>
  11263. </reg>
  11264. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef04">
  11265. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef04_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11266. <comment>
  11267. reserved
  11268. </comment>
  11269. </bits>
  11270. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef4" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11271. <comment>
  11272. Coefficient 4 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11273. </comment>
  11274. </bits>
  11275. </reg>
  11276. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef05">
  11277. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef05_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11278. <comment>
  11279. reserved
  11280. </comment>
  11281. </bits>
  11282. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef5" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11283. <comment>
  11284. Coefficient 5 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11285. </comment>
  11286. </bits>
  11287. </reg>
  11288. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef06">
  11289. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef06_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11290. <comment>
  11291. reserved
  11292. </comment>
  11293. </bits>
  11294. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef6" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11295. <comment>
  11296. Coefficient 6 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11297. </comment>
  11298. </bits>
  11299. </reg>
  11300. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef07">
  11301. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef07_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11302. <comment>
  11303. reserved
  11304. </comment>
  11305. </bits>
  11306. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef7" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11307. <comment>
  11308. Coefficient 7 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11309. </comment>
  11310. </bits>
  11311. </reg>
  11312. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef08">
  11313. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef08_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11314. <comment>
  11315. reserved
  11316. </comment>
  11317. </bits>
  11318. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef8" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11319. <comment>
  11320. Coefficient 8 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11321. </comment>
  11322. </bits>
  11323. </reg>
  11324. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef09">
  11325. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef09_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11326. <comment>
  11327. reserved
  11328. </comment>
  11329. </bits>
  11330. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef9" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11331. <comment>
  11332. Coefficient 9 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11333. </comment>
  11334. </bits>
  11335. </reg>
  11336. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef010">
  11337. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef010_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11338. <comment>
  11339. reserved
  11340. </comment>
  11341. </bits>
  11342. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef10" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11343. <comment>
  11344. Coefficient 10 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11345. </comment>
  11346. </bits>
  11347. </reg>
  11348. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef011">
  11349. <bits access="r" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef011_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11350. <comment>
  11351. reserved
  11352. </comment>
  11353. </bits>
  11354. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_polariq_fir_coef11" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  11355. <comment>
  11356. Coefficient 11 of PolarIQ LPF in DPD for NB/WT TX
  11357. </comment>
  11358. </bits>
  11359. </reg>
  11360. <hole size="128"/>
  11361. <reg protect="rw" name="data_format_ctrl">
  11362. <bits access="r" name="data_format_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  11363. <comment>
  11364. reserved
  11365. </comment>
  11366. </bits>
  11367. <bits access="rw" name="nb_tx_rx_loop" pos="8" rst="0">
  11368. <comment>
  11369. BB TX data loopback to BB RX
  11370. </comment>
  11371. </bits>
  11372. <bits access="rw" name="rx_iq_swap" pos="7" rst="0">
  11373. <comment>
  11374. BB RX IQ swap.
  11375. 0: normal
  11376. 1: swap
  11377. </comment>
  11378. </bits>
  11379. <bits access="rw" name="tx_iq_swap" pos="6" rst="0">
  11380. <comment>
  11381. BB TX IQ swap.
  11382. 0: normal
  11383. 1: swap
  11384. </comment>
  11385. </bits>
  11386. <bits access="rw" name="adc_iq_swap" pos="5" rst="0">
  11387. <comment>
  11388. ADC IQ swap.
  11389. 0: normal
  11390. 1: swap
  11391. </comment>
  11392. </bits>
  11393. <bits access="rw" name="dac_iq_swap" pos="4" rst="0">
  11394. <comment>
  11395. DAC IQ swap.
  11396. 0: normal
  11397. 1: swap
  11398. </comment>
  11399. </bits>
  11400. <bits access="rw" name="rx_off_bin_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  11401. <comment>
  11402. BB RX.
  11403. 0: two's complement
  11404. 1: offset binary
  11405. </comment>
  11406. </bits>
  11407. <bits access="rw" name="tx_off_bin_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  11408. <comment>
  11409. BB TX.
  11410. 0: two's complement
  11411. 1: offset binary
  11412. </comment>
  11413. </bits>
  11414. <bits access="rw" name="adc_off_bin_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  11415. <comment>
  11416. RF ADC.
  11417. 0: two's complement
  11418. 1: offset binary
  11419. </comment>
  11420. </bits>
  11421. <bits access="rw" name="dac_off_bin_en" pos="0" rst="1">
  11422. <comment>
  11423. RF DAC.
  11424. 0: two's complement
  11425. 1: offset binary
  11426. </comment>
  11427. </bits>
  11428. </reg>
  11429. <hole size="736"/>
  11430. <reg protect="r" name="txdp_pcom_zin_lo_rg">
  11431. <bits access="r" name="txdp_pcom_zin_lo_rg_reserved_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  11432. <comment>
  11433. reserved
  11434. </comment>
  11435. </bits>
  11436. </reg>
  11437. <reg protect="rw" name="dfe_sw_clkgate_en_rg">
  11438. <bits access="r" name="dfe_sw_clkgate_en_rg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  11439. <comment>
  11440. reserved
  11441. </comment>
  11442. </bits>
  11443. <bits access="rw" name="dfe_sw_clkgate_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  11444. <comment>
  11445. Globle clock gating disable register
  11446. 0: no use
  11447. 1: enable clock on all clock gating cells
  11448. </comment>
  11449. </bits>
  11450. </reg>
  11451. <reg protect="rw" name="mon_ct">
  11452. <bits access="r" name="mon_ct_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  11453. <comment>
  11454. reserved
  11455. </comment>
  11456. </bits>
  11457. <bits access="rw" name="dfe_monitor_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  11458. <comment>
  11459. enable dfe monitor
  11460. </comment>
  11461. </bits>
  11462. <bits access="rw" name="dfe_monitor_swap" pos="4" rst="0">
  11463. <comment>
  11464. swap of dfe_monitor[15:8] and dfe_monitor[7:0]
  11465. 0: no swap
  11466. 1: swap
  11467. </comment>
  11468. </bits>
  11469. <bits access="rw" name="dfe_monitor_sel" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  11470. <comment>
  11471. Monitor output selection
  11472. </comment>
  11473. </bits>
  11474. </reg>
  11475. <reg protect="rw" name="dac_offset_re_rg">
  11476. <bits access="r" name="dac_offset_re_rg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  11477. <comment>
  11478. reserved
  11479. </comment>
  11480. </bits>
  11481. <bits access="rw" name="dac_offset_re" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  11482. <comment>
  11483. The offset on DAC real part
  11484. </comment>
  11485. </bits>
  11486. </reg>
  11487. <reg protect="rw" name="dac_offset_im_rg">
  11488. <bits access="r" name="dac_offset_im_rg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  11489. <comment>
  11490. reserved
  11491. </comment>
  11492. </bits>
  11493. <bits access="rw" name="dac_offset_im" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  11494. <comment>
  11495. The offset on DAC image part
  11496. </comment>
  11497. </bits>
  11498. </reg>
  11499. <reg protect="rw" name="dac_tx_amp_re_rg">
  11500. <bits access="r" name="dac_tx_amp_re_rg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  11501. <comment>
  11502. reserved
  11503. </comment>
  11504. </bits>
  11505. <bits access="rw" name="dac_tx_amp_re" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  11506. <comment>
  11507. The DAC real part on test mode
  11508. </comment>
  11509. </bits>
  11510. </reg>
  11511. <reg protect="rw" name="dac_tx_amp_im_rg">
  11512. <bits access="r" name="dac_tx_amp_im_rg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  11513. <comment>
  11514. reserved
  11515. </comment>
  11516. </bits>
  11517. <bits access="rw" name="dac_tx_amp_im" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  11518. <comment>
  11519. The DAC image part on test mode
  11520. </comment>
  11521. </bits>
  11522. </reg>
  11523. <hole size="32"/>
  11524. <reg protect="rw" name="data_dac_ctrl">
  11525. <bits access="r" name="data_dac_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11526. <comment>
  11527. reserved
  11528. </comment>
  11529. </bits>
  11530. <bits access="rw" name="data_dac_sel" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  11531. <comment>
  11532. selection of function DAC data or test DAC data
  11533. 00/01: select function DAC data including sine waveform
  11534. 10: select test DAC data in RXDP path
  11535. 11: select test DAC data in TXDP path
  11536. </comment>
  11537. </bits>
  11538. <bits access="rw" name="sine_enable_rg" pos="11" rst="0">
  11539. <comment>
  11540. enable sine waveform generation module
  11541. </comment>
  11542. </bits>
  11543. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_test_dac_en_rg" pos="10" rst="0">
  11544. <comment>
  11545. enable test DAC data in RXDP path
  11546. </comment>
  11547. </bits>
  11548. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_test_dac_sel_rg" pos="9:5" rst="0">
  11549. <comment>
  11550. select test DAC data in RXDP path
  11551. </comment>
  11552. </bits>
  11553. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_test_dac_en_rg" pos="4" rst="0">
  11554. <comment>
  11555. enable test DAC data in TXDP path
  11556. </comment>
  11557. </bits>
  11558. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_test_dac_sel_rg" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  11559. <comment>
  11560. select test DAC data in TXDP path
  11561. </comment>
  11562. </bits>
  11563. </reg>
  11564. <reg protect="rw" name="sincos_amp">
  11565. <bits access="r" name="sincos_amp_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  11566. <comment>
  11567. reserved
  11568. </comment>
  11569. </bits>
  11570. <bits access="rw" name="sincos_amp_rg" pos="11:0" rst="511">
  11571. <comment>
  11572. sine waveform amplitude
  11573. </comment>
  11574. </bits>
  11575. </reg>
  11576. <reg protect="rw" name="sincos_fre_lo">
  11577. <bits access="rw" name="sincos_fre_rg_lo" pos="15:0" rst="54613">
  11578. <comment>
  11579. bit [15:0] of sine waveform frequence
  11580. </comment>
  11581. </bits>
  11582. </reg>
  11583. <reg protect="rw" name="sincos_fre_hi">
  11584. <bits access="r" name="sincos_fre_hi_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  11585. <comment>
  11586. reserved
  11587. </comment>
  11588. </bits>
  11589. <bits access="rw" name="sincos_fre_rg_hi" pos="6:0" rst="0">
  11590. <comment>
  11591. bit [22:16] of sine waveform frequence
  11592. </comment>
  11593. </bits>
  11594. </reg>
  11595. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_bypass_reg0">
  11596. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_cic1" pos="15" rst="0">
  11597. <comment>
  11598. Interp. CIC1
  11599. 0: SW bypass disable
  11600. 1: SW bypass enable
  11601. </comment>
  11602. </bits>
  11603. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_gsm_gdeq" pos="14" rst="0">
  11604. <comment>
  11605. Group Delay Equ. when PolarIQ
  11606. </comment>
  11607. </bits>
  11608. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_uphb5" pos="13" rst="0">
  11609. <comment>
  11610. Interp.HBF5
  11611. </comment>
  11612. </bits>
  11613. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_uphb4" pos="12" rst="0">
  11614. <comment>
  11615. Interp. HBF4
  11616. </comment>
  11617. </bits>
  11618. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_gdeq" pos="11" rst="0">
  11619. <comment>
  11620. Group Delay Equ.
  11621. </comment>
  11622. </bits>
  11623. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_polariq_lpf" pos="10" rst="0">
  11624. <comment>
  11625. LPF of DPD only when PolarIQ
  11626. </comment>
  11627. </bits>
  11628. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_polariq_ampm" pos="9" rst="0">
  11629. <comment>
  11630. AMPM of DPD
  11631. </comment>
  11632. </bits>
  11633. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_polariq_split" pos="8" rst="0">
  11634. <comment>
  11635. Split of DPD
  11636. </comment>
  11637. </bits>
  11638. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_polariq" pos="7" rst="0">
  11639. <comment>
  11640. Whole DPD
  11641. </comment>
  11642. </bits>
  11643. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_rc" pos="6" rst="0">
  11644. <comment>
  11645. RC
  11646. </comment>
  11647. </bits>
  11648. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_gain" pos="5" rst="0">
  11649. <comment>
  11650. Gain
  11651. </comment>
  11652. </bits>
  11653. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_uphb3" pos="4" rst="0">
  11654. <comment>
  11655. Interp.HBF3 when PolarIQ
  11656. </comment>
  11657. </bits>
  11658. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_uphb2" pos="3" rst="0">
  11659. <comment>
  11660. Interp.HBF2 when PolarIQ
  11661. </comment>
  11662. </bits>
  11663. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_uphb1" pos="2" rst="0">
  11664. <comment>
  11665. Interp.HBF1
  11666. </comment>
  11667. </bits>
  11668. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_aclr_lpf" pos="1" rst="0">
  11669. <comment>
  11670. ACLR LPF
  11671. </comment>
  11672. </bits>
  11673. <bits access="r" name="txdp_bypass_reg0_reserved_0" pos="0" rst="0">
  11674. <comment>
  11675. reserved
  11676. </comment>
  11677. </bits>
  11678. </reg>
  11679. <hole size="32"/>
  11680. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_reg0">
  11681. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_cic1" pos="15" rst="0">
  11682. <comment>
  11683. Interp. CIC1
  11684. 0: bypass controlled by HW. HW bypass module automaticlly based on algorithm requirement
  11685. 1: bypass controlled by SW. When it is set, txdp_bypass_cic1 will be used
  11686. </comment>
  11687. </bits>
  11688. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_gsm_gdeq" pos="14" rst="0">
  11689. <comment>
  11690. Group Delay Equ. when PolarIQ
  11691. </comment>
  11692. </bits>
  11693. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_uphb5" pos="13" rst="0">
  11694. <comment>
  11695. Interp.HBF5
  11696. </comment>
  11697. </bits>
  11698. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_uphb4" pos="12" rst="0">
  11699. <comment>
  11700. Interp.HBF4
  11701. </comment>
  11702. </bits>
  11703. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_gdeq" pos="11" rst="0">
  11704. <comment>
  11705. Group Delay Equ.
  11706. </comment>
  11707. </bits>
  11708. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_polariq_lpf" pos="10" rst="0">
  11709. <comment>
  11710. LPF of DPD only when PolarIQ
  11711. </comment>
  11712. </bits>
  11713. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_polariq_ampm" pos="9" rst="0">
  11714. <comment>
  11715. AMPM of DPD
  11716. </comment>
  11717. </bits>
  11718. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_polariq_split" pos="8" rst="0">
  11719. <comment>
  11720. Split of DPD
  11721. </comment>
  11722. </bits>
  11723. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_polariq" pos="7" rst="0">
  11724. <comment>
  11725. Whole DPD
  11726. </comment>
  11727. </bits>
  11728. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_rc" pos="6" rst="0">
  11729. <comment>
  11730. RC
  11731. </comment>
  11732. </bits>
  11733. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_gain" pos="5" rst="0">
  11734. <comment>
  11735. Gain
  11736. </comment>
  11737. </bits>
  11738. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_uphb3" pos="4" rst="0">
  11739. <comment>
  11740. Interp.HBF3 when PolarIQ
  11741. </comment>
  11742. </bits>
  11743. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_uphb2" pos="3" rst="0">
  11744. <comment>
  11745. Interp.HBF2 when PolarIQ
  11746. </comment>
  11747. </bits>
  11748. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_uphb1" pos="2" rst="0">
  11749. <comment>
  11750. Interp.HBF1
  11751. </comment>
  11752. </bits>
  11753. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_bypass_mode_aclr_lpf" pos="1" rst="0">
  11754. <comment>
  11755. ACLR LPF
  11756. </comment>
  11757. </bits>
  11758. <bits access="r" name="txdp_bypass_mode_reg0_reserved_0" pos="0" rst="0">
  11759. <comment>
  11760. reserved
  11761. </comment>
  11762. </bits>
  11763. </reg>
  11764. <hole size="256"/>
  11765. <reg protect="rw" name="reserved_half_ones_reg">
  11766. <bits access="rw" name="rsv_half_ones" pos="15:0" rst="65280">
  11767. <comment>
  11768. all one bits, reserved for ECO
  11769. </comment>
  11770. </bits>
  11771. </reg>
  11772. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_clk_gate_enable_reg">
  11773. <bits access="r" name="txdp_clk_gate_enable_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  11774. </bits>
  11775. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_aclr_clkgate_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  11776. </bits>
  11777. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_dpd_clkgate_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  11778. </bits>
  11779. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_gsm_grp_dly_clkgate_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  11780. </bits>
  11781. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_uphb2_clkgate_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  11782. </bits>
  11783. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_uphb3_clkgate_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  11784. </bits>
  11785. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_loft_clkgate_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  11786. </bits>
  11787. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_uphb5_clkgate_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  11788. </bits>
  11789. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_interp_cic1_clkgate_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  11790. </bits>
  11791. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_sine_clkgate_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  11792. </bits>
  11793. </reg>
  11794. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_clk_gate_enable_reg1">
  11795. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_clk_gate_enable_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  11796. </bits>
  11797. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch1_clkgate_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  11798. </bits>
  11799. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dnsc1_clkgate_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  11800. </bits>
  11801. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_mixer_clkgate_en" pos="7" rst="0">
  11802. </bits>
  11803. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_ob_clkgate_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  11804. </bits>
  11805. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_dnhb1_clkgate_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  11806. </bits>
  11807. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_aci_clkgate_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  11808. </bits>
  11809. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_notch2_clkgate_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  11810. </bits>
  11811. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_gain2_clkgate_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  11812. </bits>
  11813. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_ib_clkgate_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  11814. </bits>
  11815. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_clkgate_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  11816. </bits>
  11817. </reg>
  11818. <reg protect="rw" name="share_clk_gate_enable_reg1">
  11819. <bits access="r" name="share_clk_gate_enable_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  11820. </bits>
  11821. <bits access="rw" name="share_grp_dly_clkgate_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  11822. </bits>
  11823. <bits access="rw" name="share_gain_clkgate_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  11824. </bits>
  11825. <bits access="rw" name="share_rc_clkgate_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  11826. </bits>
  11827. <bits access="rw" name="share_uphb1_clkgate_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  11828. </bits>
  11829. <bits access="rw" name="share_uphb2_clkgate_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  11830. </bits>
  11831. </reg>
  11832. <reg protect="rw" name="test_dac_bits_sel_register">
  11833. <bits access="r" name="test_dac_bits_sel_register_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  11834. </bits>
  11835. <bits access="rw" name="test_dac_bits_sel" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  11836. <comment>
  11837. 0:[11:0], 1:[12:1], 2:[13:2], 3:[14:3], 4: [15:4]
  11838. </comment>
  11839. </bits>
  11840. </reg>
  11841. <hole size="64"/>
  11842. <reg protect="r" name="fifo_status_reg">
  11843. <bits access="r" name="fifo_status_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11844. </bits>
  11845. <bits access="r" name="fifo_txdp_rc_full_status" pos="13" rst="0">
  11846. <comment>
  11847. FIFO txdp_rc full
  11848. </comment>
  11849. </bits>
  11850. <bits access="r" name="fifo_txdp_rc_empty_status" pos="12" rst="0">
  11851. <comment>
  11852. FIFO txdp_rc empty
  11853. </comment>
  11854. </bits>
  11855. <bits access="r" name="fifo_rxdp_rc_full_status" pos="11" rst="0">
  11856. <comment>
  11857. FIFO rxdp_rc full
  11858. </comment>
  11859. </bits>
  11860. <bits access="r" name="fifo_rxdp_rc_empty_status" pos="10" rst="0">
  11861. <comment>
  11862. FIFO rxdp_rc empty
  11863. </comment>
  11864. </bits>
  11865. <bits access="r" name="fifo_adc_full_status" pos="9" rst="0">
  11866. <comment>
  11867. FIFO ADC full
  11868. </comment>
  11869. </bits>
  11870. <bits access="r" name="fifo_adc_empty_status" pos="8" rst="0">
  11871. <comment>
  11872. FIFO ADC empty, this FIFO used between ADC and DFE
  11873. </comment>
  11874. </bits>
  11875. <bits access="r" name="fifo_status_reg_reserved_1" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  11876. <comment>
  11877. reserved
  11878. </comment>
  11879. </bits>
  11880. </reg>
  11881. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_resetn_reg">
  11882. <bits access="r" name="txdp_resetn_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  11883. </bits>
  11884. <bits access="rw" name="sw_resetn_tx" pos="1" rst="1">
  11885. <comment>
  11886. SW controlled reset for TXDP when reset_mode is 0, active low.
  11887. 0: reset
  11888. 1: no reset
  11889. </comment>
  11890. </bits>
  11891. <bits access="rw" name="reset_mode_tx" pos="0" rst="0">
  11892. <comment>
  11893. Reset source for TXDP.
  11894. 0: reset from BB TCU event signal with precise timing control
  11895. 1: reset from register resetn_txdp
  11896. </comment>
  11897. </bits>
  11898. </reg>
  11899. <reg protect="rw" name="tx_dpd_gain_reg">
  11900. <bits access="r" name="tx_dpd_gain_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  11901. </bits>
  11902. <bits access="rw" name="iq2ap_cordic_gain_sel" pos="3:2" rst="1">
  11903. <comment>
  11904. 0:0.5 1:0.609375 2:0.625
  11905. </comment>
  11906. </bits>
  11907. <bits access="rw" name="ap2iq_cordic_gain_sel" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  11908. <comment>
  11909. 0:0.5 1:0.609375 2:0.625
  11910. </comment>
  11911. </bits>
  11912. </reg>
  11913. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_mixer_gain_reg">
  11914. <bits access="r" name="rx_mixer_gain_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  11915. </bits>
  11916. <bits access="rw" name="rx_mixer_gain_sel" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  11917. <comment>
  11918. 0:0.5 1:0.609375 2:0.625
  11919. </comment>
  11920. </bits>
  11921. </reg>
  11922. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef4">
  11923. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef4_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11924. <comment>
  11925. reserved
  11926. </comment>
  11927. </bits>
  11928. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef04" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11929. <comment>
  11930. Coefficient 4 of ACLR filter
  11931. </comment>
  11932. </bits>
  11933. </reg>
  11934. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef5">
  11935. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef5_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11936. <comment>
  11937. reserved
  11938. </comment>
  11939. </bits>
  11940. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef05" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11941. <comment>
  11942. Coefficient 5 of ACLR filter
  11943. </comment>
  11944. </bits>
  11945. </reg>
  11946. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef6">
  11947. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef6_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11948. <comment>
  11949. reserved
  11950. </comment>
  11951. </bits>
  11952. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef06" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11953. <comment>
  11954. Coefficient 6 of ACLR filter
  11955. </comment>
  11956. </bits>
  11957. </reg>
  11958. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef7">
  11959. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef7_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11960. <comment>
  11961. reserved
  11962. </comment>
  11963. </bits>
  11964. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef07" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11965. <comment>
  11966. Coefficient 7 of ACLR filter
  11967. </comment>
  11968. </bits>
  11969. </reg>
  11970. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef8">
  11971. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef8_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11972. <comment>
  11973. reserved
  11974. </comment>
  11975. </bits>
  11976. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef08" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11977. <comment>
  11978. Coefficient 8 of ACLR filter
  11979. </comment>
  11980. </bits>
  11981. </reg>
  11982. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef9">
  11983. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef9_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11984. <comment>
  11985. reserved
  11986. </comment>
  11987. </bits>
  11988. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef09" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  11989. <comment>
  11990. Coefficient 9 of ACLR filter
  11991. </comment>
  11992. </bits>
  11993. </reg>
  11994. <reg protect="rw" name="aclr_coef010">
  11995. <bits access="r" name="aclr_coef010_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  11996. <comment>
  11997. reserved
  11998. </comment>
  11999. </bits>
  12000. <bits access="rw" name="aclr_coef10" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  12001. <comment>
  12002. Coefficient 10 of ACLR filter
  12003. </comment>
  12004. </bits>
  12005. </reg>
  12006. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_wa_reg">
  12007. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_wa" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  12008. </bits>
  12009. </reg>
  12010. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_wq_reg">
  12011. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_wq" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  12012. </bits>
  12013. </reg>
  12014. <reg protect="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_misc_reg">
  12015. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_imbc_misc_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  12016. </bits>
  12017. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_bw_fast_ct" pos="10:7" rst="0">
  12018. </bits>
  12019. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_bw_slow_ct" pos="6:3" rst="0">
  12020. </bits>
  12021. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_hold_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  12022. </bits>
  12023. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_calc_rels" pos="1" rst="0">
  12024. </bits>
  12025. <bits access="rw" name="rxdp_imbc_load" pos="0" rst="0">
  12026. </bits>
  12027. </reg>
  12028. <reg protect="r" name="rxdp_imbc_wa_out_reg">
  12029. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_imbc_wa_out" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  12030. </bits>
  12031. </reg>
  12032. <reg protect="r" name="rxdp_imbc_wq_out_reg">
  12033. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_imbc_wq_out" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  12034. </bits>
  12035. </reg>
  12036. <reg protect="r" name="rxdp_imbc_out_reg">
  12037. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_imbc_out_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  12038. </bits>
  12039. <bits access="r" name="rxdp_imbc_val_out" pos="0:0" rst="0">
  12040. </bits>
  12041. </reg>
  12042. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_loft_offset_i_reg">
  12043. <bits access="r" name="txdp_loft_offset_i_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  12044. </bits>
  12045. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_loft_offset_i" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  12046. </bits>
  12047. </reg>
  12048. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_loft_offset_reg">
  12049. <bits access="r" name="txdp_loft_offset_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  12050. </bits>
  12051. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_loft_offset" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  12052. </bits>
  12053. </reg>
  12054. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_loft_phase_err_reg">
  12055. <bits access="r" name="txdp_loft_phase_err_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  12056. </bits>
  12057. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_loft_phase_err" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  12058. </bits>
  12059. </reg>
  12060. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_loft_amp_err_reg">
  12061. <bits access="r" name="txdp_loft_amp_err_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  12062. </bits>
  12063. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_loft_amp_err" pos="11:0" rst="0">
  12064. </bits>
  12065. </reg>
  12066. <reg protect="r" name="txdp_loft_rssi_reg">
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  12136. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12196. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12220. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12232. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12244. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12256. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12268. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12280. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12292. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12304. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12316. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12328. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12340. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12352. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12364. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12376. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12388. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12400. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12412. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12424. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12436. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12448. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12460. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12471. <comment>
  12472. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12484. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12496. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12508. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12520. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12544. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12555. <comment>
  12556. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12578. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p54" pos="9:0" rst="0">
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  12580. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12590. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p55" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12591. <comment>
  12592. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12601. </bits>
  12602. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p56" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12603. <comment>
  12604. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12614. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p57" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12615. <comment>
  12616. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12622. <comment>
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  12625. </bits>
  12626. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p58" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12627. <comment>
  12628. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12638. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p59" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12639. <comment>
  12640. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12649. </bits>
  12650. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p60" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12651. <comment>
  12652. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12661. </bits>
  12662. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p61" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12663. <comment>
  12664. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12673. </bits>
  12674. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p62" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12675. <comment>
  12676. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12682. <comment>
  12683. reserved
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  12685. </bits>
  12686. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p63" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12687. <comment>
  12688. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12694. <comment>
  12695. reserved
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  12697. </bits>
  12698. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_am_p64" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12699. <comment>
  12700. Amplitude compensation curve of DPD
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  12706. <comment>
  12707. reserved
  12708. </comment>
  12709. </bits>
  12710. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p17" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12711. <comment>
  12712. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12718. <comment>
  12719. reserved
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  12721. </bits>
  12722. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p18" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12723. <comment>
  12724. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12730. <comment>
  12731. reserved
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  12733. </bits>
  12734. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p19" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12735. <comment>
  12736. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12742. <comment>
  12743. reserved
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  12745. </bits>
  12746. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p20" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12747. <comment>
  12748. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12754. <comment>
  12755. reserved
  12756. </comment>
  12757. </bits>
  12758. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p21" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12759. <comment>
  12760. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12766. <comment>
  12767. reserved
  12768. </comment>
  12769. </bits>
  12770. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p22" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12771. <comment>
  12772. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12778. <comment>
  12779. reserved
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  12781. </bits>
  12782. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p23" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12783. <comment>
  12784. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12790. <comment>
  12791. reserved
  12792. </comment>
  12793. </bits>
  12794. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p24" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12795. <comment>
  12796. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12802. <comment>
  12803. reserved
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  12805. </bits>
  12806. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p25" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12807. <comment>
  12808. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12814. <comment>
  12815. reserved
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  12817. </bits>
  12818. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p26" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12819. <comment>
  12820. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12825. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p27_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  12826. <comment>
  12827. reserved
  12828. </comment>
  12829. </bits>
  12830. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p27" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12831. <comment>
  12832. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12837. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p28_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  12838. <comment>
  12839. reserved
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  12841. </bits>
  12842. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p28" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12843. <comment>
  12844. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12850. <comment>
  12851. reserved
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  12853. </bits>
  12854. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p29" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12855. <comment>
  12856. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12862. <comment>
  12863. reserved
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  12865. </bits>
  12866. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p30" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12867. <comment>
  12868. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12874. <comment>
  12875. reserved
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  12877. </bits>
  12878. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p31" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12879. <comment>
  12880. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12886. <comment>
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  12889. </bits>
  12890. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p32" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12891. <comment>
  12892. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12898. <comment>
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  12901. </bits>
  12902. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p33" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12903. <comment>
  12904. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12910. <comment>
  12911. reserved
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  12914. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p34" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12915. <comment>
  12916. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12922. <comment>
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  12926. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p35" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12927. <comment>
  12928. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12934. <comment>
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  12938. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p36" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12939. <comment>
  12940. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12951. <comment>
  12952. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12958. <comment>
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  12962. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p38" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12963. <comment>
  12964. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12970. <comment>
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  12974. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p39" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12975. <comment>
  12976. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12982. <comment>
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  12986. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p40" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12987. <comment>
  12988. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  12994. <comment>
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  12998. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p41" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  12999. <comment>
  13000. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13006. <comment>
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  13009. </bits>
  13010. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p42" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13011. <comment>
  13012. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13018. <comment>
  13019. reserved
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  13022. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p43" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13023. <comment>
  13024. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13030. <comment>
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  13034. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p44" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13035. <comment>
  13036. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13042. <comment>
  13043. reserved
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  13046. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p45" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13047. <comment>
  13048. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13054. <comment>
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  13058. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p46" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13059. <comment>
  13060. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13066. <comment>
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  13070. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p47" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13071. <comment>
  13072. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13078. <comment>
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  13082. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p48" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13083. <comment>
  13084. Phase compensation curve of DPD
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  13090. <comment>
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  13094. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p49" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13095. <comment>
  13096. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13097. </comment>
  13098. </bits>
  13099. </reg>
  13100. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p50_reg">
  13101. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p50_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13102. <comment>
  13103. reserved
  13104. </comment>
  13105. </bits>
  13106. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p50" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13107. <comment>
  13108. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13109. </comment>
  13110. </bits>
  13111. </reg>
  13112. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p51_reg">
  13113. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p51_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13114. <comment>
  13115. reserved
  13116. </comment>
  13117. </bits>
  13118. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p51" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13119. <comment>
  13120. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13121. </comment>
  13122. </bits>
  13123. </reg>
  13124. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p52_reg">
  13125. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p52_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13126. <comment>
  13127. reserved
  13128. </comment>
  13129. </bits>
  13130. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p52" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13131. <comment>
  13132. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13133. </comment>
  13134. </bits>
  13135. </reg>
  13136. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p53_reg">
  13137. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p53_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13138. <comment>
  13139. reserved
  13140. </comment>
  13141. </bits>
  13142. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p53" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13143. <comment>
  13144. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13145. </comment>
  13146. </bits>
  13147. </reg>
  13148. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p54_reg">
  13149. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p54_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13150. <comment>
  13151. reserved
  13152. </comment>
  13153. </bits>
  13154. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p54" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13155. <comment>
  13156. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13157. </comment>
  13158. </bits>
  13159. </reg>
  13160. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p55_reg">
  13161. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p55_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13162. <comment>
  13163. reserved
  13164. </comment>
  13165. </bits>
  13166. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p55" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13167. <comment>
  13168. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13169. </comment>
  13170. </bits>
  13171. </reg>
  13172. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p56_reg">
  13173. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p56_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13174. <comment>
  13175. reserved
  13176. </comment>
  13177. </bits>
  13178. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p56" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13179. <comment>
  13180. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13181. </comment>
  13182. </bits>
  13183. </reg>
  13184. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p57_reg">
  13185. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p57_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13186. <comment>
  13187. reserved
  13188. </comment>
  13189. </bits>
  13190. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p57" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13191. <comment>
  13192. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13193. </comment>
  13194. </bits>
  13195. </reg>
  13196. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p58_reg">
  13197. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p58_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13198. <comment>
  13199. reserved
  13200. </comment>
  13201. </bits>
  13202. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p58" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13203. <comment>
  13204. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13205. </comment>
  13206. </bits>
  13207. </reg>
  13208. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p59_reg">
  13209. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p59_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13210. <comment>
  13211. reserved
  13212. </comment>
  13213. </bits>
  13214. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p59" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13215. <comment>
  13216. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13217. </comment>
  13218. </bits>
  13219. </reg>
  13220. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p60_reg">
  13221. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p60_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13222. <comment>
  13223. reserved
  13224. </comment>
  13225. </bits>
  13226. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p60" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13227. <comment>
  13228. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13229. </comment>
  13230. </bits>
  13231. </reg>
  13232. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p61_reg">
  13233. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p61_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13234. <comment>
  13235. reserved
  13236. </comment>
  13237. </bits>
  13238. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p61" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13239. <comment>
  13240. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13241. </comment>
  13242. </bits>
  13243. </reg>
  13244. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p62_reg">
  13245. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p62_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13246. <comment>
  13247. reserved
  13248. </comment>
  13249. </bits>
  13250. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p62" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13251. <comment>
  13252. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13253. </comment>
  13254. </bits>
  13255. </reg>
  13256. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p63_reg">
  13257. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p63_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13258. <comment>
  13259. reserved
  13260. </comment>
  13261. </bits>
  13262. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p63" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13263. <comment>
  13264. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13265. </comment>
  13266. </bits>
  13267. </reg>
  13268. <reg protect="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p64_reg">
  13269. <bits access="r" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p64_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  13270. <comment>
  13271. reserved
  13272. </comment>
  13273. </bits>
  13274. <bits access="rw" name="txdp_wedge_pm_p64" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  13275. <comment>
  13276. Phase compensation curve of DPD
  13277. </comment>
  13278. </bits>
  13279. </reg>
  13280. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_det_ctrl_reg">
  13281. <bits access="r" name="pd_det_ctrl_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  13282. <comment>
  13283. reserved
  13284. </comment>
  13285. </bits>
  13286. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_ushift" pos="11:8" rst="0">
  13287. <comment>
  13288. power detect ushift
  13289. </comment>
  13290. </bits>
  13291. <bits access="r" name="pd_det_ctrl_reg_reserved_1" pos="7" rst="0">
  13292. <comment>
  13293. reserved
  13294. </comment>
  13295. </bits>
  13296. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_pd_mode" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  13297. <comment>
  13298. adc clk mode for pd
  13299. 00:30.72M
  13300. 01:15.36M
  13301. 10:7.68M
  13302. 11:3.84M
  13303. </comment>
  13304. </bits>
  13305. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_din_sel" pos="4" rst="0">
  13306. <comment>
  13307. source power detect
  13308. 1:real part of data
  13309. 0:imag part of data
  13310. </comment>
  13311. </bits>
  13312. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_rssi_clear" pos="3" rst="0">
  13313. <comment>
  13314. clear rssi value to 0 when txdp transmit finish
  13315. 0: hold the last value
  13316. 1: reset
  13317. </comment>
  13318. </bits>
  13319. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_pd_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  13320. <comment>
  13321. enable pd detect , active high.
  13322. 0: disable
  13323. 1: enable
  13324. </comment>
  13325. </bits>
  13326. <bits access="rw" name="pd_clkgate_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  13327. <comment>
  13328. 0: pd module clk gating enabled; 1: pd module clk always on
  13329. </comment>
  13330. </bits>
  13331. <bits access="rw" name="pd_sw_resetn" pos="0" rst="0">
  13332. <comment>
  13333. Software reset for pd, active low.
  13334. 0: reset
  13335. 1: no reset
  13336. </comment>
  13337. </bits>
  13338. </reg>
  13339. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_rssi_read_reg">
  13340. <bits access="r" name="pd_rssi_reg" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  13341. <comment>
  13342. pd det value, it is stable when pd_rssi_reg_val is high
  13343. </comment>
  13344. </bits>
  13345. <bits access="r" name="pd_rssi_read_reg_reserved_0" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  13346. <comment>
  13347. reserved
  13348. </comment>
  13349. </bits>
  13350. <bits access="r" name="pd_rssi_val_reg" pos="1" rst="0">
  13351. <comment>
  13352. valid indication of pd measurement report after assert pd_load to avoid metastability.
  13353. </comment>
  13354. </bits>
  13355. <bits access="rw" name="pd_load" pos="0" rst="0">
  13356. <comment>
  13357. start to load instant pd detect measurement report. Before next load, set it low firstly
  13358. </comment>
  13359. </bits>
  13360. </reg>
  13361. <reg protect="rw" name="cfg_pd_inval_num_reg">
  13362. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_pd_inval_num" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  13363. <comment>
  13364. number of invalid data when calculate rssi
  13365. </comment>
  13366. </bits>
  13367. </reg>
  13368. <reg protect="rw" name="int_pd_det">
  13369. <bits access="r" name="int_pd_det_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  13370. <comment>
  13371. reserved
  13372. </comment>
  13373. </bits>
  13374. <bits access="r" name="pd_int" pos="2" rst="0">
  13375. <comment>
  13376. interrupt status to be able to start to load max and min measurement report
  13377. </comment>
  13378. </bits>
  13379. <bits access="rw" name="pd_int_mask" pos="1" rst="0">
  13380. <comment>
  13381. interrupt mask
  13382. </comment>
  13383. </bits>
  13384. <bits access="rw" name="pd_int_clear" pos="0" rst="0">
  13385. <comment>
  13386. interrupt clear
  13387. </comment>
  13388. </bits>
  13389. </reg>
  13390. </module>
  13391. </archive>
  13392. <archive relative = "dma.xml">
  13393. <module name="dma" category="System">
  13394. <reg protect="w" name="get_channel">
  13395. <bits access="r" name="Get Channel" pos="0" rst="1">
  13396. <comment>Returns 1 and locks the DMA channel for a transaction if it is
  13397. available. Else returns 0. <br />Clear the transfer done interrupt
  13398. status. </comment>
  13399. </bits>
  13400. </reg>
  13401. <reg protect="r" name="status">
  13402. <bits access="r" name="Enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  13403. <comment>Status of the DMA: 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled. </comment>
  13404. </bits>
  13405. <bits access="r" name="Int Done Cause" pos="1" rst="0">
  13406. <comment>Cause of the interrupt. This bit is set when the transfer is
  13407. done and the interrupt mask bit is set. <br />Write one in the Int Clear
  13408. or write 0 in Enable control bits to clear Int Done Cause bit.
  13409. </comment>
  13410. </bits>
  13411. <bits access="r" name="Int Done Status" pos="2" rst="0">
  13412. <comment>Status of the interrupt. Status of the transfer: 1 if the
  13413. transfer is finished, 0 if it is not finished. <br />Write one in the
  13414. Int Clear or write 0 in Enable control bits to clear Int Done Status
  13415. bit. </comment>
  13416. </bits>
  13417. <bits access="r" name="Channel Lock" pos="4" rst="0">
  13418. <comment>Actual status of channel lock. Channel is unlocked at the end
  13419. of transaction or when the DMA is disabled. </comment>
  13420. </bits>
  13421. </reg>
  13422. <reg protect="rw" name="control">
  13423. <bits access="rw" name="Enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  13424. <comment>Controls the DMA. Write 1 to enable the DMA, write 0 to disable
  13425. it. When 0 is written in this register, the Int Done Status and Cause
  13426. bits are reset. </comment>
  13427. </bits>
  13428. <bits access="rw" name="Int Done Mask" pos="1" rst="0">
  13429. <comment>End of transfer interrupt generation. When 1, the DMA will send
  13430. an interrupt at transaction completion. </comment>
  13431. <options>
  13432. <shift/>
  13433. </options>
  13434. </bits>
  13435. <bits access="rw" name="Int Done Clear" pos="2" rst="0">
  13436. <comment>Clear the transfer done interruption (this will clear Int Done
  13437. Status and Int Done Cause). <br />This bit is auto-clear. You will
  13438. always read 0 here. </comment>
  13439. </bits>
  13440. <bits access="rw" name="Use Pattern" pos="4" rst="0">
  13441. <comment>If this bit is set, the source address will be ignored and the
  13442. memory will be fill with the value of the pattern register. </comment>
  13443. </bits>
  13444. <bits access="rw" name="max_burst_length" pos="6:5" rst="00">
  13445. <comment>Set the MAX burst length.
  13446. <br/> The 2'b10 mean burst max 16, 2'b01 mean burst max 8, 00 mean burst max 4.
  13447. </comment>
  13448. </bits>
  13449. <bits access="rw" name="Stop Transfer" pos="8" rst="0">
  13450. <comment>The DMA stop the current transfer and flush his FIFO (write
  13451. only bit). When the FIFO is empty and last write performed, the DMA is
  13452. disabled and available for a next transfer. The number of bytes copied
  13453. is readable on DMA_XFER_SIZE register.</comment>
  13454. </bits>
  13455. <bits access="rw" name="GEA Enable" pos="12" rst="0">
  13456. <options>
  13457. <option name="DMA" value="0" />
  13458. <option name="GEA" value="1" />
  13459. <default />
  13460. </options>
  13461. <comment>Enable Gea process when 1.</comment>
  13462. </bits>
  13463. <bits access="rw" name="GEA Algorithm" pos="13" rst="1">
  13464. <options>
  13465. <option name="GEA1" value="0" />
  13466. <option name="GEA2" value="1" />
  13467. <default />
  13468. </options>
  13469. <comment>This field sets the type of GEA algorithm to process.</comment>
  13470. </bits>
  13471. <bits access="rw" name="GEA Direction" pos="14" rst="1">
  13472. <options>
  13473. <shift/>
  13474. </options>
  13475. <comment>This field selects the Direction in the GEA algorithm.
  13476. </comment>
  13477. </bits>
  13478. <bits access="rw" name="FCS Enable" pos="16" rst="0">
  13479. <options>
  13480. <option name="NORMAL_DMA" value="0" />
  13481. <option name="FCS_PROCESS" value="1" />
  13482. <default />
  13483. </options>
  13484. <comment>Enable FCS process when 1.</comment>
  13485. </bits>
  13486. <bits access="rw" name="Dst Addr Mgt" pos="21:20" rst="0">
  13487. <options>
  13488. <option name="NORMAL_DMA" value="0" />
  13489. <option name="CONST_ADDR" value="1" />
  13490. <option name="ALTERN_ADDR" value="2" />
  13491. <option name="RESERVED" value="3" />
  13492. <default />
  13493. </options>
  13494. <comment>Destination address management.<br />00 : Normal DMA operation,
  13495. DMA_DST_ADDR register define the destination address.<br /> 01 : DMA
  13496. write address is constant (no incremented) and defined by the
  13497. DMA_DST_ADDR register. All data write are in 16-bit.<br /> 10 : DMA
  13498. write address is alternatively defined by DMA_DST_ADDR and
  13499. DMA_SD_DST_ADDR registers. All data write are in 16-bit. <br />In this
  13500. configuration, DMA write operation is alternatively: <br />DMA_DST_ADDR
  13501. &lt;= DMA_PATTERN register <br />DMA_SD_DST_ADDR &lt;=
  13502. Data[DMA_SRC_ADDR] <br />11 : reserved </comment>
  13503. </bits>
  13504. </reg>
  13505. <reg protect="rw" name="src_addr">
  13506. <bits access="rw" name="Src Address" pos="31:0" rst="0xFFFFFFF">
  13507. <comment>Source start read byte address. When a transfer is stalled by
  13508. the Stop_Transfer bit, this register give the next current source
  13509. address, which is directly the value to re-program to complete the
  13510. transfer stopped.</comment>
  13511. </bits>
  13512. </reg>
  13513. <reg protect="rw" name="dst_addr">
  13514. <bits access="rw" name="Dst Address" pos="31:0" rst="0xFFFFFFF">
  13515. <comment>Destination start read byte address. When a transfer is stalled
  13516. by the Stop_Transfer bit, this register give the next current
  13517. destination address, which is directly the value to re-program to
  13518. complete the transfer stopped.</comment>
  13519. </bits>
  13520. </reg>
  13521. <reg protect="rw" name="sd_dst_addr">
  13522. <bits access="rw" name="Sd Dst Address" pos="31:0" rst="0xFFFFFFF">
  13523. <comment>Second destination address. This register is only used when
  13524. Dst_Address_Mgt=10.</comment>
  13525. </bits>
  13526. </reg>
  13527. <reg protect="rw" name="xfer_size">
  13528. <bits access="rw" name="Transfer Size" pos="17:0" rst="0x3FFFF">
  13529. <comment>Transfer size in bytes. Maximum: 262144 bytes. When a transfer
  13530. is stopped by the Stop_Transfer bit, this register give the number of
  13531. remainder bytes to transfer.</comment>
  13532. </bits>
  13533. </reg>
  13534. <reg protect="rw" name="pattern">
  13535. <bits access="rw" name="Pattern" pos="31:0" rst="0xFFFFFFFF">
  13536. <comment>Value taken to fill the memory when the configuration bit Use
  13537. Pattern is set. When the pattern mode is used the destination address
  13538. must be 32-bit aligned and the transfer size multiple of 4. when
  13539. Dst_Address_Mgt=10 Pattern is the data written at the address given by
  13540. the Dst_Address register.</comment>
  13541. </bits>
  13542. </reg>
  13543. <reg protect="rw" name="gea_kc_low">
  13544. <bits access="rw" name="KC_LSB" pos="31:0" rst="0xFFFFFFFF">
  13545. <comment>GEA key Kc, LSB bit [31:0]. </comment>
  13546. </bits>
  13547. </reg>
  13548. <reg protect="rw" name="gea_kc_high">
  13549. <bits access="rw" name="KC_MSB" pos="31:0" rst="0xFFFFFFFF">
  13550. <comment>GEA key Kc, MSB bit [31:0]. </comment>
  13551. </bits>
  13552. </reg>
  13553. <reg protect="rw" name="gea_messkey">
  13554. <bits access="rw" name="MessKey" pos="31:0" rst="0xFFFFFFFF">
  13555. <comment>MessKey (Input) register. </comment>
  13556. </bits>
  13557. </reg>
  13558. <reg protect="r" name="fcs">
  13559. <bits access="r" name="FCS" pos="23:0" rst="0">
  13560. <comment>Frame Check Sequence.</comment>
  13561. </bits>
  13562. <bits access="r" name="FCS Correct" pos="31" rst="0">
  13563. <comment>The FCS is correct in reception when the final remainder is
  13564. equal to C(x)= x^22 + x^21 + x^19 + x^18 + x^16 + x^15 + x^11 + x^8 +
  13565. x^5 + x^4</comment>
  13566. </bits>
  13567. </reg>
  13568. </module>
  13569. </archive>
  13570. <archive relative="efuse.xml">
  13571. <module name="efuse" category="System">
  13572. <hole size="64"/>
  13573. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_all0_index">
  13574. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_all0_start_index" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  13575. </bits>
  13576. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_all0_end_index" pos="15:0" rst="127">
  13577. </bits>
  13578. </reg>
  13579. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_mode_ctrl">
  13580. <bits access="r" name="efuse_mode_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  13581. </bits>
  13582. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_all0_check_start" pos="0" rst="0">
  13583. </bits>
  13584. </reg>
  13585. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_cfg1">
  13586. <bits access="r" name="efuse_cfg1_reserved_0" pos="31:25" rst="0">
  13587. </bits>
  13588. <bits access="rw" name="tpgm_time_cnt2" pos="24:16" rst="310">
  13589. </bits>
  13590. <bits access="r" name="efuse_cfg1_reserved_1" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  13591. </bits>
  13592. <bits access="rw" name="tpgm_time_cnt1" pos="8:0" rst="310">
  13593. </bits>
  13594. </reg>
  13595. <reg protect="r" name="efuse_ip_ver">
  13596. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ip_ver_reserved_0" pos="31:18" rst="0">
  13597. </bits>
  13598. <bits access="r" name="efuse_type" pos="17:16" rst="0">
  13599. </bits>
  13600. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ip_ver" pos="15:0" rst="2048">
  13601. </bits>
  13602. </reg>
  13603. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_cfg0">
  13604. <bits access="rw" name="clk_efs_div" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  13605. </bits>
  13606. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_strobe_low_width" pos="23:16" rst="0">
  13607. </bits>
  13608. <bits access="r" name="efuse_cfg0_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  13609. </bits>
  13610. <bits access="rw" name="tpgm_time_cnt" pos="8:0" rst="310">
  13611. </bits>
  13612. </reg>
  13613. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_cfg2">
  13614. <bits access="r" name="efuse_cfg2_reserved_0" pos="31:25" rst="0">
  13615. </bits>
  13616. <bits access="rw" name="tpgm_time_bist" pos="24:16" rst="310">
  13617. </bits>
  13618. <bits access="r" name="efuse_cfg2_reserved_1" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  13619. </bits>
  13620. <bits access="rw" name="tpgm_time_cnt3" pos="8:0" rst="310">
  13621. </bits>
  13622. </reg>
  13623. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_ns_en">
  13624. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  13625. </bits>
  13626. <bits access="rw" name="ns_lock_bit_wr_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  13627. </bits>
  13628. <bits access="rw" name="ns_margin_rd_enable" pos="3" rst="0">
  13629. </bits>
  13630. <bits access="rw" name="double_bit_en_ns" pos="2" rst="0">
  13631. </bits>
  13632. <bits access="rw" name="ns_auto_check_enable" pos="1" rst="0">
  13633. </bits>
  13634. <bits access="rw" name="ns_vdd_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  13635. </bits>
  13636. </reg>
  13637. <reg protect="r" name="efuse_ns_err_flag">
  13638. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_err_flag_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  13639. </bits>
  13640. <bits access="r" name="ns_all0_check_flag" pos="13" rst="0">
  13641. </bits>
  13642. <bits access="r" name="ns_enk_err_flag" pos="12" rst="0">
  13643. </bits>
  13644. <bits access="r" name="ns_magnum_wr_flag" pos="11" rst="0">
  13645. </bits>
  13646. <bits access="r" name="ns_block0_rd_flag" pos="10" rst="0">
  13647. </bits>
  13648. <bits access="r" name="ns_vdd_on_rd_flag" pos="9" rst="0">
  13649. </bits>
  13650. <bits access="r" name="ns_pg_en_wr_flag" pos="8" rst="0">
  13651. </bits>
  13652. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_err_flag_reserved_1" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  13653. </bits>
  13654. <bits access="r" name="ns_word1_prot_flag" pos="5" rst="0">
  13655. </bits>
  13656. <bits access="r" name="ns_word0_prot_flag" pos="4" rst="0">
  13657. </bits>
  13658. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_err_flag_reserved_2" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  13659. </bits>
  13660. <bits access="r" name="ns_word1_err_flag" pos="1" rst="0">
  13661. </bits>
  13662. <bits access="r" name="ns_word0_err_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  13663. </bits>
  13664. </reg>
  13665. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_ns_flag_clr">
  13666. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_flag_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  13667. </bits>
  13668. <bits access="rw" name="ns_all0_check_clr" pos="13" rst="0">
  13669. </bits>
  13670. <bits access="rw" name="ns_enk_err_clr" pos="12" rst="0">
  13671. </bits>
  13672. <bits access="rw" name="ns_magnum_wr_clr" pos="11" rst="0">
  13673. </bits>
  13674. <bits access="rw" name="ns_block0_rd_clr" pos="10" rst="0">
  13675. </bits>
  13676. <bits access="rw" name="ns_vdd_on_rd_clr" pos="9" rst="0">
  13677. </bits>
  13678. <bits access="rw" name="ns_pg_en_wr_clr" pos="8" rst="0">
  13679. </bits>
  13680. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_flag_clr_reserved_1" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  13681. </bits>
  13682. <bits access="rw" name="ns_word1_prot_clr" pos="5" rst="0">
  13683. </bits>
  13684. <bits access="rw" name="ns_word0_prot_clr" pos="4" rst="0">
  13685. </bits>
  13686. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_flag_clr_reserved_2" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  13687. </bits>
  13688. <bits access="rw" name="ns_word1_err_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  13689. </bits>
  13690. <bits access="rw" name="ns_word0_err_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  13691. </bits>
  13692. </reg>
  13693. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_ns_magic_number">
  13694. <bits access="r" name="efuse_ns_magic_number_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  13695. </bits>
  13696. <bits access="rw" name="ns_magic_nubmer" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  13697. </bits>
  13698. </reg>
  13699. <hole size="128"/>
  13700. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_s_en">
  13701. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  13702. </bits>
  13703. <bits access="rw" name="s_lock_bit_wr_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  13704. </bits>
  13705. <bits access="rw" name="s_margin_rd_enable" pos="3" rst="0">
  13706. </bits>
  13707. <bits access="rw" name="double_bit_en_s" pos="2" rst="0">
  13708. </bits>
  13709. <bits access="rw" name="s_auto_check_enable" pos="1" rst="0">
  13710. </bits>
  13711. <bits access="rw" name="s_vdd_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  13712. </bits>
  13713. </reg>
  13714. <reg protect="r" name="efuse_s_err_flag">
  13715. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_err_flag_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  13716. </bits>
  13717. <bits access="r" name="s_all0_check_flag" pos="13" rst="0">
  13718. </bits>
  13719. <bits access="r" name="s_enk_err_flag" pos="12" rst="0">
  13720. </bits>
  13721. <bits access="r" name="s_magnum_wr_flag" pos="11" rst="0">
  13722. </bits>
  13723. <bits access="r" name="s_block0_rd_flag" pos="10" rst="0">
  13724. </bits>
  13725. <bits access="r" name="s_vdd_on_rd_flag" pos="9" rst="0">
  13726. </bits>
  13727. <bits access="r" name="s_pg_en_wr_flag" pos="8" rst="0">
  13728. </bits>
  13729. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_err_flag_reserved_1" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  13730. </bits>
  13731. <bits access="r" name="s_word1_prot_flag" pos="5" rst="0">
  13732. </bits>
  13733. <bits access="r" name="s_word0_prot_flag" pos="4" rst="0">
  13734. </bits>
  13735. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_err_flag_reserved_2" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  13736. </bits>
  13737. <bits access="r" name="s_word1_err_flag" pos="1" rst="0">
  13738. </bits>
  13739. <bits access="r" name="s_word0_err_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  13740. </bits>
  13741. </reg>
  13742. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_s_flag_clr">
  13743. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_flag_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  13744. </bits>
  13745. <bits access="rw" name="s_all0_check_clr" pos="13" rst="0">
  13746. </bits>
  13747. <bits access="rw" name="s_enk_err_clr" pos="12" rst="0">
  13748. </bits>
  13749. <bits access="rw" name="s_magnum_wr_clr" pos="11" rst="0">
  13750. </bits>
  13751. <bits access="rw" name="s_block0_rd_clr" pos="10" rst="0">
  13752. </bits>
  13753. <bits access="rw" name="s_vdd_on_rd_clr" pos="9" rst="0">
  13754. </bits>
  13755. <bits access="rw" name="s_pg_en_wr_clr" pos="8" rst="0">
  13756. </bits>
  13757. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_flag_clr_reserved_1" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  13758. </bits>
  13759. <bits access="rw" name="s_word1_prot_clr" pos="5" rst="0">
  13760. </bits>
  13761. <bits access="rw" name="s_word0_prot_clr" pos="4" rst="0">
  13762. </bits>
  13763. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_flag_clr_reserved_2" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  13764. </bits>
  13765. <bits access="rw" name="s_word1_err_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  13766. </bits>
  13767. <bits access="rw" name="s_word0_err_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  13768. </bits>
  13769. </reg>
  13770. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_s_magic_number">
  13771. <bits access="r" name="efuse_s_magic_number_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  13772. </bits>
  13773. <bits access="rw" name="s_magic_nubmer" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  13774. </bits>
  13775. </reg>
  13776. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_fw_cfg">
  13777. <bits access="r" name="efuse_fw_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  13778. </bits>
  13779. <bits access="rw" name="access_prot" pos="1" rst="0">
  13780. </bits>
  13781. <bits access="rw" name="conf_prot" pos="0" rst="0">
  13782. </bits>
  13783. </reg>
  13784. <reg protect="rw" name="efuse_pw_swt">
  13785. <bits access="r" name="efuse_pw_swt_reserved_0" pos="31:3" rst="0">
  13786. </bits>
  13787. <bits access="rw" name="ns_s_pg_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  13788. </bits>
  13789. <bits access="rw" name="efs_enk2_on" pos="1" rst="1">
  13790. </bits>
  13791. <bits access="rw" name="efs_enk1_on" pos="0" rst="0">
  13792. </bits>
  13793. </reg>
  13794. <hole size="128"/>
  13795. <reg protect="r" name="pw_on_rd_end_flag">
  13796. <bits access="r" name="pw_on_rd_end_flag_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  13797. </bits>
  13798. <bits access="r" name="pw_on_rd_end_flag" pos="0" rst="0">
  13799. </bits>
  13800. </reg>
  13801. <reg protect="r" name="ns_s_flag">
  13802. <bits access="r" name="ns_s_flag_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  13803. </bits>
  13804. <bits access="r" name="ns_s_flag" pos="0" rst="1">
  13805. </bits>
  13806. </reg>
  13807. <reg protect="r" name="por_read_data_sp">
  13808. <bits access="r" name="por_read_data_sp" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  13809. </bits>
  13810. </reg>
  13811. <reg protect="r" name="por_read_data_sp1">
  13812. <bits access="r" name="por_read_data_sp1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  13813. </bits>
  13814. </reg>
  13815. <reg protect="r" name="block1">
  13816. <bits access="r" name="block1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  13817. </bits>
  13818. </reg>
  13819. <reg protect="r" name="block24">
  13820. <bits access="r" name="block24" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  13821. </bits>
  13822. </reg>
  13823. </module>
  13824. </archive>
  13825. <archive relative = "f8.xml">
  13826. <module name="cipher_f8" category="Baseband">
  13827. <reg protect="rw" name="F8_CONF">
  13828. <bits access="rw" name="F8_START" pos="0" rst="0">
  13829. <comment>f8 start bit, 0: not start or finished , 1: start</comment>
  13830. </bits>
  13831. <bits access="rw" name="F8_IRQ_EN" pos="1" rst="0">
  13832. <comment> when all groups done , 0: no gen int 1: gen int </comment>
  13833. </bits>
  13834. <bits access="rw" name="F8_AR_SEL" pos="3:2" rst="0x0">
  13835. <comment>function sel 00: only move data , no encrypt
  13836. 01: move data , AES encrypt
  13837. 10: move data , snow3G encrypt
  13838. 11: move data , zuc encrypt
  13839. </comment>
  13840. </bits>
  13841. </reg>
  13842. <reg protect="rw" name="F8_GROUP_ADDR">
  13843. <bits access="rw" name="GROUP_ADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  13844. <comment>group start address</comment>
  13845. </bits>
  13846. </reg>
  13847. <reg protect="rw" name="F8_GROUP_CNT">
  13848. <bits access="rw" name="GROUP_ADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  13849. <comment>total group cnt</comment>
  13850. </bits>
  13851. </reg>
  13852. <reg protect="rw" name="F8_STATUS">
  13853. <bits access="rw" name="F8_STAT" pos="0" rst="0">
  13854. <comment>0: not started or no finished 1: finished</comment>
  13855. </bits>
  13856. <bits access="rw" name="F9_STAT" pos="1" rst="0">
  13857. <comment>0: not started or no finished 1: finished</comment>
  13858. </bits>
  13859. </reg>
  13860. <reg protect="rw" name="F9_CONF">
  13861. <bits access="rw" name="F9_START" pos="0" rst="0">
  13862. <comment>f9 start bit, 0: not start or finished , 1: start</comment>
  13863. </bits>
  13864. <bits access="rw" name="F9_IRQ_EN" pos="1" rst="0">
  13865. <comment> when all groups done , 0: no gen int 1: gen int </comment>
  13866. </bits>
  13867. <bits access="rw" name="F9_AR_SEL" pos="3:2" rst="0x0">
  13868. <comment>function sel 00: AES encrypt
  13869. 01: AES encrypt
  13870. 10: snow3G encrypt
  13871. 11: zuc encrypt
  13872. </comment>
  13873. </bits>
  13874. </reg>
  13875. <reg protect="rw" name="F9_GROUP_ADDR">
  13876. <bits access="rw" name="F9_ADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  13877. <comment>group start address</comment>
  13878. </bits>
  13879. </reg>
  13880. <reg protect="r" name="F9_RESULT">
  13881. <bits access="rw" name="F9_MAC" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  13882. <comment>f9 result</comment>
  13883. </bits>
  13884. </reg>
  13885. </module>
  13886. </archive>
  13887. <archive relative = "gpio1.xml">
  13888. <include file="gallite_generic_config.xml"/>
  13889. <var name="NB_GPIO1" value="8" />
  13890. <module name="gpio1" category="Periph">
  13891. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_val">
  13892. <bits access="rw" name="oen_val" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  13893. <options>
  13894. <option name="INPUT" value="1" />
  13895. <option name="OUTPUT" value="0" />
  13896. <default />
  13897. </options>
  13898. <comment>Set the direction of the GPIO n.<br />0 = output<br />1 =
  13899. input</comment>
  13900. </bits>
  13901. </reg>
  13902. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_set_out">
  13903. <bits access="rc" name="oen_set_out" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13904. <comment>'Write '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin as output.</comment>
  13905. </bits>
  13906. </reg>
  13907. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_set_in">
  13908. <bits access="rs" name="oen_set_in" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  13909. <comment>'Write '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin as input.</comment>
  13910. </bits>
  13911. </reg>
  13912. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_val">
  13913. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_val" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  13914. <comment>When write, update the output value. When read, get the input
  13915. value. </comment>
  13916. </bits>
  13917. </reg>
  13918. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_set">
  13919. <bits access="rs" name="gpio_set" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13920. <comment>Write '1' will set GPIO output value. When read, get the GPIO
  13921. output value.</comment>
  13922. </bits>
  13923. </reg>
  13924. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_clr">
  13925. <bits access="rc" name="gpio_clr" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13926. <comment>'Write '1' clears corresponding GPIO output value. When read, get the GPIO
  13927. output value. </comment>
  13928. </bits>
  13929. </reg>
  13930. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl_r">
  13931. <bits access="rw" name="gpint_r" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13932. <comment>'1', for rising edge and level high. </comment>
  13933. </bits>
  13934. </reg>
  13935. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl_f">
  13936. <bits access="rw" name="gpint_f" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13937. <comment>'1', for falling edge and level low. </comment>
  13938. </bits>
  13939. </reg>
  13940. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl_mode">
  13941. <bits access="rw" name="gpint_mode" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13942. <comment>'1', for level mode. </comment>
  13943. </bits>
  13944. </reg>
  13945. <reg protect="w" name="int_clr">
  13946. <bits access="c" name="gpint_clr" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13947. <comment>'Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt.</comment>
  13948. </bits>
  13949. </reg>
  13950. <reg protect="r" name="int_status">
  13951. <bits access="r" name="gpint_status" pos="NB_GPIO1-1:0" rst="0">
  13952. <comment>Each bit represents if there is a GPIO interrupt
  13953. pending.</comment>
  13954. <options>
  13955. <default/>
  13956. <mask/>
  13957. <shift/>
  13958. </options>
  13959. </bits>
  13960. </reg>
  13961. <struct count="16" name="db_ctrl">
  13962. <reg protect="rw" name="db_ctrl0">
  13963. <bits access="rw" name="db_ctrl0" pos="2:0" rst="0x1" display="hex">
  13964. <options>
  13965. <option name="debounce_0ns" value="0" />
  13966. <option name="debounce_62.5ns" value="1" />
  13967. <option name="debounce_125ns" value="2" />
  13968. <option name="debounce_250ns" value="3" />
  13969. <option name="debounce_500ns" value="4" />
  13970. <option name="debounce_1000ns" value="5" />
  13971. <option name="debounce_2000ns" value="6" />
  13972. <option name="debounce_4000ns" value="7" />
  13973. </options>
  13974. <comment>
  13975. </comment>
  13976. </bits>
  13977. </reg>
  13978. </struct>
  13979. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_ctrl">
  13980. <bits access="rw" name="negedge_logic_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  13981. <comment>'1', open negedge logic. </comment>
  13982. </bits>
  13983. </reg>
  13984. </module>
  13985. </archive>
  13986. <archive relative = "gpio.xml">
  13987. <var name="IDX_GPIO_DCON" value="0" />
  13988. <var name="IDX_GPO_CHG" value="0" />
  13989. <var name="NB_GPIO" value="64" />
  13990. <var name="NB_GPIO_INT" value="64" />
  13991. <var name="NB_GPO" value="10" />
  13992. <module name="gpio" category="Periph">
  13993. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_val_l">
  13994. <bits access="rw" name="oen_val_l" pos="31:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  13995. <options>
  13996. <option name="INPUT" value="1" />
  13997. <option name="OUTPUT" value="0" />
  13998. <default />
  13999. </options>
  14000. <comment>Set the direction of the GPIO n.<br />0 = output<br />1 =
  14001. input</comment>
  14002. </bits>
  14003. </reg>
  14004. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_set_out_l">
  14005. <bits access="rc" name="oen_set_out_l" pos="31:0" rst="0xffffffff">
  14006. <comment>'Write '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin as output.</comment>
  14007. </bits>
  14008. </reg>
  14009. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_set_in_l">
  14010. <bits access="rs" name="oen_set_in_l" pos="31:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  14011. <comment>'Write '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin as input.</comment>
  14012. </bits>
  14013. </reg>
  14014. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_val_l">
  14015. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_val_l" pos="31:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  14016. <comment>When write, update the output value. When read, get the input
  14017. value. </comment>
  14018. </bits>
  14019. </reg>
  14020. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_set_l">
  14021. <bits access="rs" name="gpio_set_l" pos="31:0" rst="0xffffffff">
  14022. <comment>Write '1' will set GPIO output value. When read, get the GPIO
  14023. output value.</comment>
  14024. </bits>
  14025. </reg>
  14026. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_clr_l">
  14027. <bits access="rc" name="gpio_clr_l" pos="31:0" rst="0xffffffff">
  14028. <comment>'Write '1' clears corresponding GPIO output value. When read, get the GPIO
  14029. output value. </comment>
  14030. </bits>
  14031. </reg>
  14032. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_r_set_l">
  14033. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_r_set_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14034. <comment>Write '1' will set GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14035. level high. When read, get the GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14036. level high. </comment>
  14037. </bits>
  14038. </reg>
  14039. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_r_set_h">
  14040. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_r_set_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14041. <comment>Write '1' will set GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14042. level high. When read, get the GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14043. level high. </comment>
  14044. </bits>
  14045. </reg>
  14046. <reg protect="w" name="int_clr_l">
  14047. <bits access="c" name="gpint_clr_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14048. <comment>'Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt.</comment>
  14049. </bits>
  14050. </reg>
  14051. <reg protect="r" name="int_status_l">
  14052. <bits access="r" name="gpint_status_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14053. <comment>Each bit represents if there is a GPIO interrupt
  14054. pending.</comment>
  14055. <options>
  14056. <default/>
  14057. <mask/>
  14058. <shift/>
  14059. </options>
  14060. </bits>
  14061. </reg>
  14062. <reg protect="rw" name="chg_ctrl">
  14063. <bits access="rw" name="out_time" pos="3:0" rst="0xf" display="hex">
  14064. <comment>time for which GPIO0 is set to output mode, after a start read
  14065. DCON command is issued.<br />The output time = (OUT_TIME+1)*30.5us.
  14066. </comment>
  14067. </bits>
  14068. <bits access="rw" name="wait_time" pos="9:4" rst="0x3f" display="hex">
  14069. <comment>time for which GPIO0 should wait before reading DC_ON, after
  14070. a start read DCON command is issued.<br />The wait time = (WAIT_TIME+1)*30.5us.
  14071. <br/>NOTE: wait_time must be strictly greater than out_time;
  14072. </comment>
  14073. </bits>
  14074. <bits access="rw" name="int_mode" pos="17:16" rst="0x3" display="hex">
  14075. <comment>interruption mode of GPIO0 in mode DC_ON detection.<br />
  14076. </comment>
  14077. <options>
  14078. <option name="L2H" value="0">
  14079. <comment>
  14080. "00" = send IRQ if last read DCON is '0' and now is '1'.
  14081. </comment>
  14082. </option>
  14083. <option name="H2L" value="1">
  14084. <comment>
  14085. "01" = send IRQ if last read DCON is '1' and now is '0'.
  14086. </comment>
  14087. </option>
  14088. <option name="RR" value="3">
  14089. <comment>
  14090. "11" = send IRQ every time read is ready.
  14091. </comment>
  14092. </option>
  14093. </options>
  14094. </bits>
  14095. </reg>
  14096. <reg protect="w" name="chg_cmd">
  14097. <bits access="s" name="dcon_mode_set" pos="0" rst="0">
  14098. <comment>Write '1' to set GPIO0 to charger DCON detect mode.</comment>
  14099. </bits>
  14100. <bits access="s" name="chg_mode_set" pos="4" rst="0">
  14101. <comment>Write '1' to set GPO0 to charger watchdog mode.</comment>
  14102. </bits>
  14103. <bits access="c" name="dcon_mode_clr" pos="8" rst="0">
  14104. <comment>Write '1' to clear charger DCON detect mode of GPIO0.</comment>
  14105. </bits>
  14106. <bits access="c" name="chg_mode_clr" pos="12" rst="0">
  14107. <comment>Write '1' to clear the charger watchdog mode of GPO0.</comment>
  14108. </bits>
  14109. <bits access="s" name="chg_down" pos="24" rst="0">
  14110. <comment>Write '1' to generate a pulse of '0' on GPO0 for 16 CLK_OSC cycles.</comment>
  14111. </bits>
  14112. </reg>
  14113. <reg protect="rw" name="gpo_set">
  14114. <bits access="rs" name="gpo_set" pos="NB_GPO-1:0" rst="0x2aa" display="hex">
  14115. <comment>'Write '1' will set GPO output value. When read, get the GPO
  14116. output value.</comment>
  14117. </bits>
  14118. </reg>
  14119. <reg protect="rw" name="gpo_clr">
  14120. <bits access="rc" name="gpo_clr" pos="NB_GPO-1:0" rst="0x2aa" display="hex">
  14121. <comment>'Write '1' will clear GPO output value. When read, get the GPO
  14122. output value.</comment>
  14123. </bits>
  14124. </reg>
  14125. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_val_h">
  14126. <bits access="rw" name="oen_val_h" pos="NB_GPIO-33:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  14127. <options>
  14128. <option name="INPUT" value="1" />
  14129. <option name="OUTPUT" value="0" />
  14130. <default />
  14131. </options>
  14132. <comment>Set the direction of the GPIO n.<br />0 = output<br />1 =
  14133. input</comment>
  14134. </bits>
  14135. </reg>
  14136. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_set_out_h">
  14137. <bits access="rc" name="oen_set_out_h" pos="NB_GPIO-33:0" rst="0xffffffff">
  14138. <comment>'Write '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin as output.</comment>
  14139. </bits>
  14140. </reg>
  14141. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_oen_set_in_h">
  14142. <bits access="rs" name="oen_set_in_h" pos="NB_GPIO-33:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  14143. <comment>'Write '1' sets the corresponding GPIO pin as input.</comment>
  14144. </bits>
  14145. </reg>
  14146. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_val_h">
  14147. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_val_h" pos="NB_GPIO-33:0" rst="0xffffffff" display="hex">
  14148. <comment>When write, update the output value. When read, get the input
  14149. value. </comment>
  14150. </bits>
  14151. </reg>
  14152. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_set_h">
  14153. <bits access="rs" name="gpio_set_h" pos="NB_GPIO-33:0" rst="0xffffffff">
  14154. <comment>Write '1' will set GPIO output value. When read, get the GPIO
  14155. output value.</comment>
  14156. </bits>
  14157. </reg>
  14158. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_clr_h">
  14159. <bits access="rc" name="gpio_clr_h" pos="NB_GPIO-33:0" rst="0xffffffff">
  14160. <comment>'Write '1' clears corresponding GPIO output value. When read, get the GPIO
  14161. output value. </comment>
  14162. </bits>
  14163. </reg>
  14164. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_r_clr_l">
  14165. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_r_clr_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14166. <comment>'Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14167. level high.</comment>
  14168. </bits>
  14169. </reg>
  14170. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_r_clr_h">
  14171. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_r_clr_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14172. <comment>'Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14173. level high.</comment>
  14174. </bits>
  14175. </reg>
  14176. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_f_set_l">
  14177. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_f_set_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14178. <comment>Write '1' will set GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14179. level high. When read, get the GPIO interrupt mask for rising edge and
  14180. level high. </comment>
  14181. </bits>
  14182. </reg>
  14183. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_f_set_h">
  14184. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_f_set_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14185. <comment>Write '1' will set GPIO interrupt mask for falling edge and
  14186. level low. When read, get the GPIO interrupt mask for falling edge and
  14187. level low.</comment>
  14188. </bits>
  14189. </reg>
  14190. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_f_clr_l">
  14191. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_f_clr_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14192. <comment>Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt mask for falling edge and
  14193. level low.</comment>
  14194. </bits>
  14195. </reg>
  14196. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_f_clr_h">
  14197. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_f_clr_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14198. <comment>Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt mask for falling edge and
  14199. level low.</comment>
  14200. </bits>
  14201. </reg>
  14202. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_dbn_en_set_l">
  14203. <bits access="rs" name="dbn_en_set_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14204. <comment>Write '1' will enable debounce mechanism.</comment>
  14205. </bits>
  14206. </reg>
  14207. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_dbn_en_set_h">
  14208. <bits access="rs" name="dbn_en_set_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14209. <comment>Write '1' will enable debounce mechanism.</comment>
  14210. </bits>
  14211. </reg>
  14212. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_dbn_en_clr_l">
  14213. <bits access="rs" name="dbn_en_clr_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14214. <comment>Write '1' will disable debounce mechanism.</comment>
  14215. </bits>
  14216. </reg>
  14217. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_dbn_en_clr_h">
  14218. <bits access="rs" name="dbn_en_clr_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14219. <comment>Write '1' will disable debounce mechanism.</comment>
  14220. </bits>
  14221. </reg>
  14222. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_mode_set_l">
  14223. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_mode_set_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14224. <comment>Write '1' will set interruption mode to level.</comment>
  14225. </bits>
  14226. </reg>
  14227. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_mode_set_h">
  14228. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_mode_set_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14229. <comment>Write '1' will set interruption mode to level.</comment>
  14230. </bits>
  14231. </reg>
  14232. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_mode_clr_l">
  14233. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_mode_clr_l" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  14234. <comment>Write '1' will set interruption mode to edge
  14235. triggered.</comment>
  14236. </bits>
  14237. </reg>
  14238. <reg protect="rw" name="gpint_mode_clr_h">
  14239. <bits access="rs" name="gpint_mode_clr_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14240. <comment>Write '1' will set interruption mode to edge
  14241. triggered.</comment>
  14242. </bits>
  14243. </reg>
  14244. <reg protect="r" name="int_status_h">
  14245. <bits access="r" name="gpint_status_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14246. <comment>Each bit represents if there is a GPIO interrupt
  14247. pending.</comment>
  14248. <options>
  14249. <default/>
  14250. <mask/>
  14251. <shift/>
  14252. </options>
  14253. </bits>
  14254. </reg>
  14255. <reg protect="w" name="int_clr_h">
  14256. <bits access="c" name="gpint_clr_h" pos="NB_GPIO_INT-33:0" rst="0">
  14257. <comment>'Write '1' will clear GPIO interrupt.</comment>
  14258. </bits>
  14259. </reg>
  14260. </module>
  14261. </archive>
  14262. <archive relative="gpt_lite.xml">
  14263. <module name="gpt_lite" category="System">
  14264. <reg protect="rw" name="cr">
  14265. <bits access="rw" name="refclk_sel" pos="31" rst="1">
  14266. </bits>
  14267. <bits access="r" name="cr_reserved_0" pos="30:11" rst="0">
  14268. </bits>
  14269. <bits access="rw" name="tri_cnt_en" pos="10" rst="0">
  14270. <comment>
  14271. count input triger number enable
  14272. </comment>
  14273. </bits>
  14274. <bits access="rw" name="tri" pos="9" rst="0">
  14275. <comment>
  14276. slave_mode trigger select
  14277. </comment>
  14278. </bits>
  14279. <bits access="rw" name="arpe" pos="8" rst="1">
  14280. <comment>
  14281. auto preload value
  14282. </comment>
  14283. </bits>
  14284. <bits access="rw" name="cms" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  14285. <comment>
  14286. Center-aligned mode select 00: disable , other:enable
  14287. </comment>
  14288. </bits>
  14289. <bits access="rw" name="dir" pos="5" rst="0">
  14290. <comment>
  14291. counter dir , 0: cnt ++ , 1: cnt --
  14292. </comment>
  14293. </bits>
  14294. <bits access="rw" name="opm" pos="4" rst="0">
  14295. <comment>
  14296. one pulse mode, 0:disable 1:enable
  14297. </comment>
  14298. </bits>
  14299. <bits access="rw" name="udis" pos="3" rst="0">
  14300. <comment>
  14301. update disable, 0:disable, 1:enable
  14302. </comment>
  14303. </bits>
  14304. <bits access="rw" name="ckd" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  14305. <comment>
  14306. clock fdts didiver, 01: divided by 2 10:divided by 4, other:bypass
  14307. </comment>
  14308. </bits>
  14309. <bits access="rw" name="cen" pos="0" rst="0">
  14310. <comment>
  14311. counter enable, 0: disbale, 1:enable
  14312. </comment>
  14313. </bits>
  14314. </reg>
  14315. <reg protect="rw" name="smcr">
  14316. <bits access="r" name="smcr_reserved_0" pos="31:3" rst="0">
  14317. </bits>
  14318. <bits access="rw" name="sms" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  14319. <comment>
  14320. slave mode select: 100: slave mode, 101:gate mode, 110:trig mode, others disable
  14321. </comment>
  14322. </bits>
  14323. </reg>
  14324. <reg protect="rw" name="egr">
  14325. <bits access="r" name="egr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  14326. </bits>
  14327. <bits access="rc" name="ug" pos="0" rst="0">
  14328. <comment>
  14329. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  14330. user trigger gen
  14331. </comment>
  14332. </bits>
  14333. </reg>
  14334. <reg protect="rw" name="ccmr_oc">
  14335. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_oc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14336. </bits>
  14337. <bits access="rw" name="oc2ce" pos="15" rst="0">
  14338. <comment>
  14339. no used yet
  14340. </comment>
  14341. </bits>
  14342. <bits access="rw" name="oc2m" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  14343. <comment>
  14344. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  14345. </comment>
  14346. </bits>
  14347. <bits access="rw" name="oc2pe" pos="11" rst="0">
  14348. <comment>
  14349. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  14350. </comment>
  14351. </bits>
  14352. <bits access="rw" name="oc2fe" pos="10" rst="0">
  14353. <comment>
  14354. no used yet
  14355. </comment>
  14356. </bits>
  14357. <bits access="rw" name="cc2s" pos="9:8" rst="1">
  14358. <comment>
  14359. channel source sel, bit[9] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[8] 0: use ti2, 1: use ti1
  14360. </comment>
  14361. </bits>
  14362. <bits access="rw" name="oc1ce" pos="7" rst="0">
  14363. <comment>
  14364. no used yet
  14365. </comment>
  14366. </bits>
  14367. <bits access="rw" name="oc1m" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  14368. <comment>
  14369. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  14370. </comment>
  14371. </bits>
  14372. <bits access="rw" name="oc1pe" pos="3" rst="0">
  14373. <comment>
  14374. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  14375. </comment>
  14376. </bits>
  14377. <bits access="rw" name="oc1fe" pos="2" rst="0">
  14378. <comment>
  14379. no used yet
  14380. </comment>
  14381. </bits>
  14382. <bits access="rw" name="cc1s" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  14383. <comment>
  14384. channel source sel, bit[0] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[1] 0: use ti2, 1: use ti1
  14385. </comment>
  14386. </bits>
  14387. </reg>
  14388. <reg protect="rw" name="ccmr_ic">
  14389. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_ic_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  14390. </bits>
  14391. <bits access="rw" name="ic2f" pos="13:10" rst="0">
  14392. <comment>
  14393. ti2 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  14394. </comment>
  14395. </bits>
  14396. <bits access="rw" name="ic2psc" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  14397. <comment>
  14398. ti2 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  14399. </comment>
  14400. </bits>
  14401. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_ic_reserved_1" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  14402. </bits>
  14403. <bits access="rw" name="ic1f" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  14404. <comment>
  14405. ti1 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  14406. </comment>
  14407. </bits>
  14408. <bits access="rw" name="ic1psc" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  14409. <comment>
  14410. ti1 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  14411. </comment>
  14412. </bits>
  14413. </reg>
  14414. <reg protect="rw" name="ccer">
  14415. <bits access="r" name="ccer_reserved_0" pos="31:4" rst="0">
  14416. </bits>
  14417. <bits access="rw" name="cc2p" pos="3" rst="0">
  14418. <comment>
  14419. ti2 polarity
  14420. </comment>
  14421. </bits>
  14422. <bits access="rw" name="cc2e" pos="2" rst="0">
  14423. <comment>
  14424. ti2 enable
  14425. </comment>
  14426. </bits>
  14427. <bits access="rw" name="cc1p" pos="1" rst="0">
  14428. <comment>
  14429. ti1 polarity
  14430. </comment>
  14431. </bits>
  14432. <bits access="rw" name="cc1e" pos="0" rst="0">
  14433. <comment>
  14434. ti1 enable
  14435. </comment>
  14436. </bits>
  14437. </reg>
  14438. <reg protect="r" name="cnt">
  14439. <bits access="r" name="cnt_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14440. </bits>
  14441. <bits access="r" name="cnt_value" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  14442. <comment>
  14443. cnt value
  14444. </comment>
  14445. </bits>
  14446. </reg>
  14447. <reg protect="rw" name="psc">
  14448. <bits access="r" name="psc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14449. </bits>
  14450. <bits access="rw" name="psc_value" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  14451. <comment>
  14452. cnt prescale value
  14453. </comment>
  14454. </bits>
  14455. </reg>
  14456. <reg protect="rw" name="arr">
  14457. <bits access="r" name="arr_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14458. </bits>
  14459. <bits access="rw" name="arr_value" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14460. <comment>
  14461. cnt max value
  14462. </comment>
  14463. </bits>
  14464. </reg>
  14465. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr1_ic">
  14466. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr1_ic_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14467. </bits>
  14468. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr1_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14469. <comment>
  14470. ic1 capture value
  14471. </comment>
  14472. </bits>
  14473. </reg>
  14474. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr2_ic">
  14475. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr2_ic_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14476. </bits>
  14477. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr2_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14478. <comment>
  14479. ic2 capture value
  14480. </comment>
  14481. </bits>
  14482. </reg>
  14483. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr1_oc">
  14484. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr1_oc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14485. </bits>
  14486. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr1_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14487. <comment>
  14488. ic1 compare value
  14489. </comment>
  14490. </bits>
  14491. </reg>
  14492. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr2_oc">
  14493. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr2_oc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14494. </bits>
  14495. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr2_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14496. <comment>
  14497. ic2 compare value
  14498. </comment>
  14499. </bits>
  14500. </reg>
  14501. <reg protect="r" name="isr">
  14502. <bits access="r" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  14503. <comment>
  14504. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  14505. </comment>
  14506. </bits>
  14507. <bits access="r" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  14508. <comment>
  14509. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  14510. </comment>
  14511. </bits>
  14512. <bits access="r" name="isr_reserved_0" pos="29:14" rst="0">
  14513. </bits>
  14514. <bits access="r" name="capture_int" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  14515. </bits>
  14516. <bits access="r" name="isr_reserved_1" pos="11:2" rst="0">
  14517. </bits>
  14518. <bits access="r" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  14519. </bits>
  14520. </reg>
  14521. <reg protect="r" name="irsr">
  14522. <bits access="r" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  14523. <comment>
  14524. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  14525. </comment>
  14526. </bits>
  14527. <bits access="r" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  14528. <comment>
  14529. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  14530. </comment>
  14531. </bits>
  14532. <bits access="r" name="irsr_reserved_0" pos="29:14" rst="0">
  14533. </bits>
  14534. <bits access="r" name="capture_int" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  14535. </bits>
  14536. <bits access="r" name="irsr_reserved_1" pos="11:2" rst="0">
  14537. </bits>
  14538. <bits access="r" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  14539. </bits>
  14540. </reg>
  14541. <reg protect="rw" name="mask">
  14542. <bits access="rw" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  14543. <comment>
  14544. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  14545. </comment>
  14546. </bits>
  14547. <bits access="rw" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  14548. <comment>
  14549. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  14550. </comment>
  14551. </bits>
  14552. <bits access="r" name="mask_reserved_0" pos="29:14" rst="0">
  14553. </bits>
  14554. <bits access="rw" name="capture_int" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  14555. </bits>
  14556. <bits access="r" name="mask_reserved_1" pos="11:2" rst="0">
  14557. </bits>
  14558. <bits access="rw" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  14559. </bits>
  14560. </reg>
  14561. <reg protect="rw" name="clr">
  14562. <bits access="rc" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  14563. <comment>
  14564. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  14565. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  14566. </comment>
  14567. </bits>
  14568. <bits access="rc" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  14569. <comment>
  14570. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  14571. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  14572. </comment>
  14573. </bits>
  14574. <bits access="r" name="clr_reserved_0" pos="29:14" rst="0">
  14575. </bits>
  14576. <bits access="rc" name="capture_int" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  14577. <comment>
  14578. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  14579. </comment>
  14580. </bits>
  14581. <bits access="r" name="clr_reserved_1" pos="11:2" rst="0">
  14582. </bits>
  14583. <bits access="rc" name="compare_int" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  14584. <comment>
  14585. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  14586. </comment>
  14587. </bits>
  14588. </reg>
  14589. </module>
  14590. </archive>
  14591. <archive relative="gpt.xml">
  14592. <module name="gpt" category="System">
  14593. <reg protect="rw" name="cr">
  14594. <bits access="rw" name="refclk_sel" pos="31" rst="1">
  14595. </bits>
  14596. <bits access="r" name="cr_reserved_0" pos="30:13" rst="0">
  14597. </bits>
  14598. <bits access="rw" name="tri_cnt_en" pos="12" rst="0">
  14599. <comment>
  14600. Input triger number count enable
  14601. </comment>
  14602. </bits>
  14603. <bits access="rw" name="tri" pos="11:9" rst="0">
  14604. <comment>
  14605. slave_mode trigger select
  14606. </comment>
  14607. </bits>
  14608. <bits access="rw" name="arpe" pos="8" rst="1">
  14609. <comment>
  14610. auto preload value
  14611. </comment>
  14612. </bits>
  14613. <bits access="rw" name="cms" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  14614. <comment>
  14615. Center-aligned mode select 00: disable , other:enable
  14616. </comment>
  14617. </bits>
  14618. <bits access="rw" name="dir" pos="5" rst="0">
  14619. <comment>
  14620. counter dir , 0: cnt ++ , 1: cnt --
  14621. </comment>
  14622. </bits>
  14623. <bits access="rw" name="opm" pos="4" rst="0">
  14624. <comment>
  14625. one pulse mode, 0:disable 1:enable
  14626. </comment>
  14627. </bits>
  14628. <bits access="rw" name="udis" pos="3" rst="0">
  14629. <comment>
  14630. update disable, 0:disable, 1:enable
  14631. </comment>
  14632. </bits>
  14633. <bits access="rw" name="ckd" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  14634. <comment>
  14635. clock fdts didiver, 01: divided by 2 10:divided by 4, other:bypass
  14636. </comment>
  14637. </bits>
  14638. <bits access="rw" name="cen" pos="0" rst="0">
  14639. <comment>
  14640. counter enable, 0: disbale, 1:enable
  14641. </comment>
  14642. </bits>
  14643. </reg>
  14644. <reg protect="rw" name="smcr">
  14645. <bits access="r" name="smcr_reserved_0" pos="31:3" rst="0">
  14646. </bits>
  14647. <bits access="rw" name="sms" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  14648. <comment>
  14649. slave mode select: 100: slave mode, 101:gate mode, 110:trig mode, others disable
  14650. </comment>
  14651. </bits>
  14652. </reg>
  14653. <reg protect="rw" name="egr">
  14654. <bits access="r" name="egr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  14655. </bits>
  14656. <bits access="rc" name="ug" pos="0" rst="0">
  14657. <comment>
  14658. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  14659. user trigger gen
  14660. </comment>
  14661. </bits>
  14662. </reg>
  14663. <reg protect="rw" name="ccmr_oc1">
  14664. <bits access="rw" name="oc4ce" pos="31" rst="0">
  14665. <comment>
  14666. no used yet
  14667. </comment>
  14668. </bits>
  14669. <bits access="rw" name="oc4m" pos="30:28" rst="0">
  14670. <comment>
  14671. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  14672. </comment>
  14673. </bits>
  14674. <bits access="rw" name="oc4pe" pos="27" rst="0">
  14675. <comment>
  14676. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  14677. </comment>
  14678. </bits>
  14679. <bits access="rw" name="oc4fe" pos="26" rst="0">
  14680. <comment>
  14681. no used yet
  14682. </comment>
  14683. </bits>
  14684. <bits access="rw" name="cc4s" pos="25:24" rst="1">
  14685. <comment>
  14686. channel source sel, bit[24] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[25] 0: use ti4, 1: use ti3
  14687. </comment>
  14688. </bits>
  14689. <bits access="rw" name="oc3ce" pos="23" rst="0">
  14690. <comment>
  14691. no used yet
  14692. </comment>
  14693. </bits>
  14694. <bits access="rw" name="oc3m" pos="22:20" rst="0">
  14695. <comment>
  14696. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  14697. </comment>
  14698. </bits>
  14699. <bits access="rw" name="oc3pe" pos="19" rst="0">
  14700. <comment>
  14701. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  14702. </comment>
  14703. </bits>
  14704. <bits access="rw" name="oc3fe" pos="18" rst="0">
  14705. <comment>
  14706. no used yet
  14707. </comment>
  14708. </bits>
  14709. <bits access="rw" name="cc3s" pos="17:16" rst="1">
  14710. <comment>
  14711. channel source sel, bit[17] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[16] 0: use ti3, 1: use ti4
  14712. </comment>
  14713. </bits>
  14714. <bits access="rw" name="oc2ce" pos="15" rst="0">
  14715. <comment>
  14716. no used yet
  14717. </comment>
  14718. </bits>
  14719. <bits access="rw" name="oc2m" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  14720. <comment>
  14721. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  14722. </comment>
  14723. </bits>
  14724. <bits access="rw" name="oc2pe" pos="11" rst="0">
  14725. <comment>
  14726. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  14727. </comment>
  14728. </bits>
  14729. <bits access="rw" name="oc2fe" pos="10" rst="0">
  14730. <comment>
  14731. no used yet
  14732. </comment>
  14733. </bits>
  14734. <bits access="rw" name="cc2s" pos="9:8" rst="1">
  14735. <comment>
  14736. channel source sel, bit[9] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[8] 0: use ti2, 1: use ti1
  14737. </comment>
  14738. </bits>
  14739. <bits access="rw" name="oc1ce" pos="7" rst="0">
  14740. <comment>
  14741. no used yet
  14742. </comment>
  14743. </bits>
  14744. <bits access="rw" name="oc1m" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  14745. <comment>
  14746. output compare mode: 000: freeze, 001: when cnt eq ccr, output1, 010: when cnt eq ccr, output1 011:,when cnt eq ccr, output reversal, 100: force 0, 101: force , 110, pwm mode1, 111, pwm mode2
  14747. </comment>
  14748. </bits>
  14749. <bits access="rw" name="oc1pe" pos="3" rst="0">
  14750. <comment>
  14751. compare value preload 0: disable, 1:enable
  14752. </comment>
  14753. </bits>
  14754. <bits access="rw" name="oc1fe" pos="2" rst="0">
  14755. <comment>
  14756. no used yet
  14757. </comment>
  14758. </bits>
  14759. <bits access="rw" name="cc1s" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  14760. <comment>
  14761. channel source sel, bit[0] 0: output enable, 1 output disable bit[1] 0: use ti2, 1: use ti1
  14762. </comment>
  14763. </bits>
  14764. </reg>
  14765. <reg protect="rw" name="ccmr_ic1">
  14766. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_ic1_reserved_0" pos="31:30" rst="0">
  14767. </bits>
  14768. <bits access="rw" name="ic4f" pos="29:26" rst="0">
  14769. <comment>
  14770. ti4 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  14771. </comment>
  14772. </bits>
  14773. <bits access="rw" name="ic4psc" pos="25:24" rst="0">
  14774. <comment>
  14775. ti4 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  14776. </comment>
  14777. </bits>
  14778. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_ic1_reserved_1" pos="23:22" rst="0">
  14779. </bits>
  14780. <bits access="rw" name="ic3f" pos="21:18" rst="0">
  14781. <comment>
  14782. ti3 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  14783. </comment>
  14784. </bits>
  14785. <bits access="rw" name="ic3psc" pos="17:16" rst="0">
  14786. <comment>
  14787. ti3 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  14788. </comment>
  14789. </bits>
  14790. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_ic1_reserved_2" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  14791. </bits>
  14792. <bits access="rw" name="ic2f" pos="13:10" rst="0">
  14793. <comment>
  14794. ti2 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  14795. </comment>
  14796. </bits>
  14797. <bits access="rw" name="ic2psc" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  14798. <comment>
  14799. ti2 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  14800. </comment>
  14801. </bits>
  14802. <bits access="r" name="ccmr_ic1_reserved_3" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  14803. </bits>
  14804. <bits access="rw" name="ic1f" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  14805. <comment>
  14806. ti1 filter , 0000:bypass, 0001:clk=pclk, N=2, 0010:clk=pclk, N=4, 0011:clk=pclk, N=8,
  14807. </comment>
  14808. </bits>
  14809. <bits access="rw" name="ic1psc" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  14810. <comment>
  14811. ti1 prescale, 01:0 div2, 10: div4, others: bypass
  14812. </comment>
  14813. </bits>
  14814. </reg>
  14815. <reg protect="rw" name="ccer">
  14816. <bits access="r" name="ccer_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  14817. </bits>
  14818. <bits access="rw" name="cc4p" pos="7" rst="0">
  14819. <comment>
  14820. ti4 polarity
  14821. </comment>
  14822. </bits>
  14823. <bits access="rw" name="cc4e" pos="6" rst="0">
  14824. <comment>
  14825. ti4 enable
  14826. </comment>
  14827. </bits>
  14828. <bits access="rw" name="cc3p" pos="5" rst="0">
  14829. <comment>
  14830. ti3 polarity
  14831. </comment>
  14832. </bits>
  14833. <bits access="rw" name="cc3e" pos="4" rst="0">
  14834. <comment>
  14835. ti3 enable
  14836. </comment>
  14837. </bits>
  14838. <bits access="rw" name="cc2p" pos="3" rst="0">
  14839. <comment>
  14840. ti2 polarity
  14841. </comment>
  14842. </bits>
  14843. <bits access="rw" name="cc2e" pos="2" rst="0">
  14844. <comment>
  14845. ti2 enable
  14846. </comment>
  14847. </bits>
  14848. <bits access="rw" name="cc1p" pos="1" rst="0">
  14849. <comment>
  14850. ti1 polarity
  14851. </comment>
  14852. </bits>
  14853. <bits access="rw" name="cc1e" pos="0" rst="0">
  14854. <comment>
  14855. ti1 enable
  14856. </comment>
  14857. </bits>
  14858. </reg>
  14859. <reg protect="r" name="cnt">
  14860. <bits access="r" name="cnt_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14861. </bits>
  14862. <bits access="r" name="cnt_value" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  14863. <comment>
  14864. cnt value
  14865. </comment>
  14866. </bits>
  14867. </reg>
  14868. <reg protect="rw" name="psc">
  14869. <bits access="r" name="psc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14870. </bits>
  14871. <bits access="rw" name="psc_value" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  14872. <comment>
  14873. cnt prescale value
  14874. </comment>
  14875. </bits>
  14876. </reg>
  14877. <reg protect="rw" name="arr">
  14878. <bits access="r" name="arr_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14879. </bits>
  14880. <bits access="rw" name="arr_value" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14881. <comment>
  14882. cnt max value
  14883. </comment>
  14884. </bits>
  14885. </reg>
  14886. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr1_ic">
  14887. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr1_ic_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14888. </bits>
  14889. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr1_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14890. <comment>
  14891. ic1 capture value
  14892. </comment>
  14893. </bits>
  14894. </reg>
  14895. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr2_ic">
  14896. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr2_ic_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14897. </bits>
  14898. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr2_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14899. <comment>
  14900. ic2 capture value
  14901. </comment>
  14902. </bits>
  14903. </reg>
  14904. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr3_ic">
  14905. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr3_ic_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14906. </bits>
  14907. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr3_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14908. <comment>
  14909. ic3 capture value
  14910. </comment>
  14911. </bits>
  14912. </reg>
  14913. <reg protect="r" name="timer_ccr4_ic">
  14914. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr4_ic_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14915. </bits>
  14916. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr4_capture" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14917. <comment>
  14918. ic4 capture value
  14919. </comment>
  14920. </bits>
  14921. </reg>
  14922. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr1_oc">
  14923. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr1_oc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14924. </bits>
  14925. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr1_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14926. <comment>
  14927. ic1 compare value
  14928. </comment>
  14929. </bits>
  14930. </reg>
  14931. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr2_oc">
  14932. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr2_oc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14933. </bits>
  14934. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr2_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14935. <comment>
  14936. ic2 compare value
  14937. </comment>
  14938. </bits>
  14939. </reg>
  14940. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr3_oc">
  14941. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr3_oc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14942. </bits>
  14943. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr3_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14944. <comment>
  14945. ic3 compare value
  14946. </comment>
  14947. </bits>
  14948. </reg>
  14949. <reg protect="rw" name="timer_ccr4_oc">
  14950. <bits access="r" name="timer_ccr4_oc_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  14951. </bits>
  14952. <bits access="rw" name="timer_ccr4_compare" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  14953. <comment>
  14954. ic4 compare value
  14955. </comment>
  14956. </bits>
  14957. </reg>
  14958. <reg protect="r" name="isr">
  14959. <bits access="r" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  14960. <comment>
  14961. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  14962. </comment>
  14963. </bits>
  14964. <bits access="r" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  14965. <comment>
  14966. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  14967. </comment>
  14968. </bits>
  14969. <bits access="r" name="isr_reserved_0" pos="29:16" rst="0">
  14970. </bits>
  14971. <bits access="r" name="capture_int" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  14972. </bits>
  14973. <bits access="r" name="isr_reserved_1" pos="11:4" rst="0">
  14974. </bits>
  14975. <bits access="r" name="compare_int" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  14976. </bits>
  14977. </reg>
  14978. <reg protect="r" name="irsr">
  14979. <bits access="r" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  14980. <comment>
  14981. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  14982. </comment>
  14983. </bits>
  14984. <bits access="r" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  14985. <comment>
  14986. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  14987. </comment>
  14988. </bits>
  14989. <bits access="r" name="irsr_reserved_0" pos="29:16" rst="0">
  14990. </bits>
  14991. <bits access="r" name="capture_int" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  14992. </bits>
  14993. <bits access="r" name="irsr_reserved_1" pos="11:4" rst="0">
  14994. </bits>
  14995. <bits access="r" name="compare_int" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  14996. </bits>
  14997. </reg>
  14998. <reg protect="rw" name="mask">
  14999. <bits access="rw" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  15000. <comment>
  15001. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  15002. </comment>
  15003. </bits>
  15004. <bits access="rw" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  15005. <comment>
  15006. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  15007. </comment>
  15008. </bits>
  15009. <bits access="r" name="mask_reserved_0" pos="29:16" rst="0">
  15010. </bits>
  15011. <bits access="rw" name="capture_int" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  15012. </bits>
  15013. <bits access="r" name="mask_reserved_1" pos="11:4" rst="0">
  15014. </bits>
  15015. <bits access="rw" name="compare_int" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  15016. </bits>
  15017. </reg>
  15018. <reg protect="rw" name="clr">
  15019. <bits access="rc" name="event_update" pos="31" rst="0">
  15020. <comment>
  15021. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  15022. cnt reach max when dir = 0, cnt reach zeror when dir = 1
  15023. </comment>
  15024. </bits>
  15025. <bits access="rc" name="slave_trig" pos="30" rst="0">
  15026. <comment>
  15027. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  15028. trig gens, when counter works in slave mode
  15029. </comment>
  15030. </bits>
  15031. <bits access="r" name="clr_reserved_0" pos="29:16" rst="0">
  15032. </bits>
  15033. <bits access="rc" name="capture_int" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  15034. <comment>
  15035. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  15036. </comment>
  15037. </bits>
  15038. <bits access="r" name="clr_reserved_1" pos="11:4" rst="0">
  15039. </bits>
  15040. <bits access="rc" name="compare_int" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  15041. <comment>
  15042. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  15043. </comment>
  15044. </bits>
  15045. </reg>
  15046. </module>
  15047. </archive>
  15048. <archive relative = "i2c_master.xml">
  15049. <module name="i2c_master" category="Periph">
  15050. <reg protect="rw" name="CTRL">
  15051. <bits access="rw" name="EN" pos="0" rst="0">
  15052. <comment> I2C master enable, high active.
  15053. </comment>
  15054. </bits>
  15055. <bits access="rw" name="IRQ_MASK" pos="8" rst="0">
  15056. <comment> I2C master interrupt enable, high active.
  15057. </comment>
  15058. </bits>
  15059. <bits access="rw" name="Clock_Prescale" pos="31:16" rst="0xFFFF">
  15060. <comment> This register is used to prescale the SCL clock line. Due to the structure of I2C interface, this module uses a 5*SCL clock frequency. Clock_Prescale must be programmed to this 5*SCL clock frequency (minus 1). Change the value of Clock_Prescale only when bit EN is cleared. <br /> <br /> Example:<br /> PCLK_MOD is 52 MHz, desired SCL is 100 KHz. <br /> Prescale = 52MHz / (5 * 100KHz) -1 = 103.
  15061. </comment>
  15062. <options><mask/></options>
  15063. </bits>
  15064. </reg>
  15065. <reg protect="r" name="STATUS">
  15066. <bits access="r" name="IRQ_Cause" pos="0" rst="0">
  15067. <comment> IRQ Cause bit. This bit is set when one byte transfer has been completed or arbitration is lost, this bit is generated by bit IRQ_Status AND bit IRQ_MASK.
  15068. </comment>
  15069. </bits>
  15070. <bits access="r" name="IRQ_Status" pos="4" rst="0">
  15071. <comment> IRQ status bit.
  15072. </comment>
  15073. </bits>
  15074. <bits access="r" name="TIP" pos="8" rst="0">
  15075. <comment> TIP, Transfer in progress.
  15076. '1' when transferring data. '0' when transfer complete.
  15077. </comment>
  15078. </bits>
  15079. <bits access="r" name="AL" pos="12" rst="0">
  15080. <comment> AL,Arbitration lost.
  15081. This bit is set when the I2C master lost arbitration.
  15082. </comment>
  15083. </bits>
  15084. <bits access="r" name="Busy" pos="16" rst="0">
  15085. <comment> Busy,I2C bus busy.
  15086. '1' after START signal detected.
  15087. '0' after STOP signal detected.
  15088. </comment>
  15089. </bits>
  15090. <bits access="r" name="RxACK" pos="20" rst="0">
  15091. <comment> RxACK, Received acknowledge from slave.
  15092. '1'= "No ACK" received.
  15093. '0'= ACK received.
  15094. </comment>
  15095. </bits>
  15096. <bits access="r" name="writing" pos="24" rst="0">
  15097. <comment> Register writing is in process.
  15098. '1'= Register writing is in process.
  15099. '0'= Register writing is done.
  15100. </comment>
  15101. </bits>
  15102. </reg>
  15103. <reg protect="rw" name="TXRX_BUFFER">
  15104. <bits access="w" name="TX_DATA" pos="7:0" rst="-">
  15105. <comment> Byte to transmit via I2C. <br /> for Bit 0, In case of a data transfer this bit represents the data's LSB. In case of a slave address transfer this bit represents the RW bit. <br /> '1' = reading from slave. <br /> '0' = writing to slave.
  15106. </comment>
  15107. </bits>
  15108. <bits access="r" name="RX_DATA" pos="7:0" rst="-">
  15109. <comment> Last byte received via I2C.
  15110. </comment>
  15111. </bits>
  15112. </reg>
  15113. <reg protect="w" name="CMD">
  15114. <bits access="w" name="ACK" pos="0" rst="0">
  15115. <comment> ACK,when master works as a receiver,sent ACK(ACK='0') or NACK(ACK='1').
  15116. </comment>
  15117. </bits>
  15118. <bits access="w" name="RD" pos="4" rst="0">
  15119. <comment> RD,read from slave, this bit is auto cleared.
  15120. </comment>
  15121. </bits>
  15122. <bits access="w" name="STO" pos="8" rst="0">
  15123. <comment> STO,generate stop condition, this bit is auto cleared.
  15124. </comment>
  15125. </bits>
  15126. <bits access="w" name="WR" pos="12" rst="0">
  15127. <comment> WR,write to slave, this bit is auto cleared.
  15128. </comment>
  15129. </bits>
  15130. <bits access="w" name="STA" pos="16" rst="0">
  15131. <comment> STA,generate (repeated) start condition, this bit is auto cleared.
  15132. </comment>
  15133. </bits>
  15134. </reg>
  15135. <reg protect="rw" name="IRQ_CLR">
  15136. <bits access="c" name="IRQ_Clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  15137. <comment> When write '1', clears a pending I2C interrupt.
  15138. </comment>
  15139. </bits>
  15140. </reg>
  15141. </module>
  15142. </archive>
  15143. <archive relative = "i2s.xml">
  15144. <module name="i2s" category="Periph">
  15145. <reg protect="rw" name="i2s_ctrl">
  15146. <bits access="rw" name="rx_int_sel" pos="20:19" rst="0">
  15147. </bits>
  15148. <bits access="rw" name="tx_int_sel" pos="18:17" rst="0">
  15149. </bits>
  15150. <bits access="rw" name="rx_swap" pos="16" rst="0">
  15151. </bits>
  15152. <bits access="rw" name="tx_swap" pos="15" rst="0">
  15153. </bits>
  15154. <bits access="rw" name="bclk_lrck_ratio" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  15155. </bits>
  15156. <bits access="rw" name="bit_delay" pos="11:10" rst="0">
  15157. </bits>
  15158. <bits access="rw" name="word_length" pos="9:8" rst="0">
  15159. </bits>
  15160. <bits access="rw" name="audio_mode" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  15161. </bits>
  15162. <bits access="rw" name="lrck_pol" pos="5" rst="0">
  15163. </bits>
  15164. <bits access="rw" name="bclk_pol" pos="4" rst="0">
  15165. </bits>
  15166. <bits access="rw" name="ctrl_mode" pos="3" rst="0">
  15167. </bits>
  15168. <bits access="rw" name="dma_mode" pos="2" rst="0">
  15169. </bits>
  15170. <bits access="rw" name="rx_enable" pos="1" rst="0">
  15171. </bits>
  15172. <bits access="rw" name="tx_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  15173. </bits>
  15174. <bits access="rw" name="reserved" pos="31:21" rst="0">
  15175. </bits>
  15176. </reg>
  15177. <reg protect="rw" name="i2s_fifo_ctrl">
  15178. <bits access="rw" name="rx_fifo_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  15179. </bits>
  15180. <bits access="rw" name="tx_fifo_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  15181. </bits>
  15182. <bits access="rw" name="reserved" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  15183. </bits>
  15184. </reg>
  15185. <reg protect="rw" name="i2s_data">
  15186. <bits access="rw" name="txrx_data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  15187. </bits>
  15188. </reg>
  15189. <reg protect="r" name="i2s_status">
  15190. <bits access="r" name="tx_active" pos="6" rst="0">
  15191. </bits>
  15192. <bits access="r" name="rx_fifo_level" pos="5:3" rst="0">
  15193. </bits>
  15194. <bits access="r" name="tx_fifo_level" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  15195. </bits>
  15196. <bits access="rw" name="reserved" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  15197. </bits>
  15198. </reg>
  15199. <reg protect="rw" name="i2s_int_en">
  15200. <bits access="rw" name="slv_err_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  15201. </bits>
  15202. <bits access="rw" name="rx_fifo_almost_full_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  15203. </bits>
  15204. <bits access="rw" name="rx_fifo_full_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  15205. </bits>
  15206. <bits access="rw" name="tx_fifo_almost_empty_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  15207. </bits>
  15208. <bits access="rw" name="tx_fifo_empty_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  15209. </bits>
  15210. <bits access="rw" name="dma_rx_done_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  15211. </bits>
  15212. <bits access="rw" name="dma_tx_done_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  15213. </bits>
  15214. <bits access="rw" name="reserved" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  15215. </bits>
  15216. </reg>
  15217. <reg protect="r" name="i2s_int_status">
  15218. <bits access="rw" name="slv_err" pos="6" rst="0">
  15219. </bits>
  15220. <bits access="r" name="rx_fifo_full" pos="5" rst="0">
  15221. </bits>
  15222. <bits access="r" name="tx_fifo_empty" pos="4" rst="1">
  15223. </bits>
  15224. <bits access="r" name="rx_fifo_nempty" pos="3" rst="0">
  15225. </bits>
  15226. <bits access="r" name="tx_fifo_nfull" pos="2" rst="1">
  15227. </bits>
  15228. <bits access="r" name="dma_rx_done" pos="1" rst="0">
  15229. </bits>
  15230. <bits access="r" name="dma_tx_done" pos="0" rst="0">
  15231. </bits>
  15232. <bits access="rw" name="reserved" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  15233. </bits>
  15234. </reg>
  15235. <reg protect="r" name="i2s_int_cause">
  15236. <bits access="rw" name="slv_err_int" pos="6" rst="0">
  15237. </bits>
  15238. <bits access="r" name="rx_fifo_almost_full_int" pos="5" rst="0">
  15239. </bits>
  15240. <bits access="r" name="rx_fifo_full_int" pos="4" rst="0">
  15241. </bits>
  15242. <bits access="r" name="tx_fifo_almost_empty_int" pos="3" rst="0">
  15243. </bits>
  15244. <bits access="r" name="tx_fifo_empty_int" pos="2" rst="0">
  15245. </bits>
  15246. <bits access="r" name="dma_rx_done_int" pos="1" rst="0">
  15247. </bits>
  15248. <bits access="r" name="dma_tx_done_int" pos="0" rst="0">
  15249. </bits>
  15250. <bits access="rw" name="reserved" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  15251. </bits>
  15252. </reg>
  15253. <reg protect="rw" name="i2s_int_clr">
  15254. <bits access="rw" name="slv_err_clr" pos="6" rst="0">
  15255. </bits>
  15256. <bits access="rc" name="rx_fifo_almost_full_clr" pos="5" rst="0">
  15257. </bits>
  15258. <bits access="rc" name="rx_fifo_full_clr" pos="4" rst="0">
  15259. </bits>
  15260. <bits access="rc" name="tx_fifo_almost_empty_clr" pos="3" rst="0">
  15261. </bits>
  15262. <bits access="rc" name="tx_fifo_empty_clr" pos="2" rst="0">
  15263. </bits>
  15264. <bits access="rc" name="dma_rx_done_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  15265. <comment>
  15266. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  15267. </comment>
  15268. </bits>
  15269. <bits access="rc" name="dma_tx_done_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  15270. <comment>
  15271. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  15272. </comment>
  15273. </bits>
  15274. <bits access="rw" name="reserved" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  15275. </bits>
  15276. </reg>
  15277. </module>
  15278. </archive>
  15279. <archive relative = "iomux1.xml">
  15280. <module name="iomux1" category="System">
  15281. <reg name="pad_GPIO_0_cfg" protect="rw">
  15282. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15283. <comment>GPIO_0 shimit enable. </comment>
  15284. </bits>
  15285. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15286. <comment>GPIO_0 input enable. </comment>
  15287. </bits>
  15288. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15289. <comment>GPIO_0 driving strength. </comment>
  15290. </bits>
  15291. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15292. <comment>GPIO_0 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15293. </bits>
  15294. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15295. <comment>GPIO_0 PUll down</comment>
  15296. </bits>
  15297. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15298. <comment>GPIO_0 PUll up</comment>
  15299. <options>
  15300. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15301. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15302. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15303. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15304. </options>
  15305. </bits>
  15306. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15307. <comment>GPIO_0 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15308. </bits>
  15309. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15310. <comment>GPIO_0 force outoen value. </comment>
  15311. </bits>
  15312. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15313. <comment>GPIO_0 force output value for output. </comment>
  15314. </bits>
  15315. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15316. <comment>GPIO_0 pin output value. </comment>
  15317. </bits>
  15318. <bits name="pad_GPIO_0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15319. <comment>GPIO_0 select</comment>
  15320. <options>
  15321. <option name="fun_GPIO_0_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15322. <option name="fun_UART1_RXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15323. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15324. </options>
  15325. </bits>
  15326. </reg>
  15327. <reg name="pad_GPIO_1_cfg" protect="rw">
  15328. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15329. <comment>GPIO_1 shimit enable. </comment>
  15330. </bits>
  15331. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15332. <comment>GPIO_1 input enable. </comment>
  15333. </bits>
  15334. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15335. <comment>GPIO_1 driving strength. </comment>
  15336. </bits>
  15337. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15338. <comment>GPIO_1 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15339. </bits>
  15340. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15341. <comment>GPIO_1 PUll down</comment>
  15342. </bits>
  15343. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15344. <comment>GPIO_1 PUll up</comment>
  15345. <options>
  15346. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15347. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15348. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15349. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15350. </options>
  15351. </bits>
  15352. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15353. <comment>GPIO_1 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15354. </bits>
  15355. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15356. <comment>GPIO_1 force outoen value. </comment>
  15357. </bits>
  15358. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15359. <comment>GPIO_1 force output value for output. </comment>
  15360. </bits>
  15361. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15362. <comment>GPIO_1 pin output value. </comment>
  15363. </bits>
  15364. <bits name="pad_GPIO_1_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15365. <comment>GPIO_1 select</comment>
  15366. <options>
  15367. <option name="fun_GPIO_1_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15368. <option name="fun_UART1_TXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15369. <option name="fun_GPT1_TI_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  15370. <option name="fun_GPT1_PWM_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  15371. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="6"></option>
  15372. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15373. </options>
  15374. </bits>
  15375. </reg>
  15376. <reg name="pad_GPIO_2_cfg" protect="rw">
  15377. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15378. <comment>GPIO_2 shimit enable. </comment>
  15379. </bits>
  15380. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15381. <comment>GPIO_2 input enable. </comment>
  15382. </bits>
  15383. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15384. <comment>GPIO_2 driving strength. </comment>
  15385. </bits>
  15386. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15387. <comment>GPIO_2 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15388. </bits>
  15389. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15390. <comment>GPIO_2 PUll down</comment>
  15391. </bits>
  15392. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15393. <comment>GPIO_2 PUll up</comment>
  15394. <options>
  15395. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15396. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15397. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15398. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15399. </options>
  15400. </bits>
  15401. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15402. <comment>GPIO_2 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15403. </bits>
  15404. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15405. <comment>GPIO_2 force outoen value. </comment>
  15406. </bits>
  15407. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15408. <comment>GPIO_2 force output value for output. </comment>
  15409. </bits>
  15410. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15411. <comment>GPIO_2 pin output value. </comment>
  15412. </bits>
  15413. <bits name="pad_GPIO_2_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15414. <comment>GPIO_2 select</comment>
  15415. <options>
  15416. <option name="fun_GPIO_2_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15417. <option name="fun_UART1_CTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15418. <option name="fun_I2C3_SCL_sel" value ="2"></option>
  15419. <option name="fun_GPT1_TI_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  15420. <option name="fun_GPT1_PWM_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  15421. <option name="fun_UART2_RXD_sel" value ="5"></option>
  15422. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="6"></option>
  15423. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15424. </options>
  15425. </bits>
  15426. </reg>
  15427. <reg name="pad_GPIO_3_cfg" protect="rw">
  15428. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15429. <comment>GPIO_3 shimit enable. </comment>
  15430. </bits>
  15431. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15432. <comment>GPIO_3 input enable. </comment>
  15433. </bits>
  15434. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15435. <comment>GPIO_3 driving strength. </comment>
  15436. </bits>
  15437. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15438. <comment>GPIO_3 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15439. </bits>
  15440. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15441. <comment>GPIO_3 PUll down</comment>
  15442. </bits>
  15443. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15444. <comment>GPIO_3 PUll up</comment>
  15445. <options>
  15446. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15447. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15448. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15449. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15450. </options>
  15451. </bits>
  15452. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15453. <comment>GPIO_3 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15454. </bits>
  15455. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15456. <comment>GPIO_3 force outoen value. </comment>
  15457. </bits>
  15458. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15459. <comment>GPIO_3 force output value for output. </comment>
  15460. </bits>
  15461. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15462. <comment>GPIO_3 pin output value. </comment>
  15463. </bits>
  15464. <bits name="pad_GPIO_3_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15465. <comment>GPIO_3 select</comment>
  15466. <options>
  15467. <option name="fun_GPIO_3_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15468. <option name="fun_UART1_RTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15469. <option name="fun_I2C3_SDA_sel" value ="2"></option>
  15470. <option name="fun_GPT1_TI_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  15471. <option name="fun_GPT1_PWM_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  15472. <option name="fun_UART2_TXD_sel" value ="5"></option>
  15473. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="6"></option>
  15474. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15475. </options>
  15476. </bits>
  15477. </reg>
  15478. <reg name="pad_GPIO_4_cfg" protect="rw">
  15479. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15480. <comment>GPIO_4 shimit enable. </comment>
  15481. </bits>
  15482. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15483. <comment>GPIO_4 input enable. </comment>
  15484. </bits>
  15485. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15486. <comment>GPIO_4 driving strength. </comment>
  15487. </bits>
  15488. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15489. <comment>GPIO_4 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15490. </bits>
  15491. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15492. <comment>GPIO_4 PUll down</comment>
  15493. </bits>
  15494. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15495. <comment>GPIO_4 PUll up</comment>
  15496. <options>
  15497. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15498. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15499. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15500. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15501. </options>
  15502. </bits>
  15503. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15504. <comment>GPIO_4 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15505. </bits>
  15506. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15507. <comment>GPIO_4 force outoen value. </comment>
  15508. </bits>
  15509. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15510. <comment>GPIO_4 force output value for output. </comment>
  15511. </bits>
  15512. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15513. <comment>GPIO_4 pin output value. </comment>
  15514. </bits>
  15515. <bits name="pad_GPIO_4_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15516. <comment>GPIO_4 select</comment>
  15517. <options>
  15518. <option name="fun_GPIO_4_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15519. <option name="fun_SPI2_CLK_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15520. <option name="fun_GPT1_PWM_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  15521. <option name="fun_UART2_RXD_sel" value ="5"></option>
  15522. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="6"></option>
  15523. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15524. </options>
  15525. </bits>
  15526. </reg>
  15527. <reg name="pad_GPIO_5_cfg" protect="rw">
  15528. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15529. <comment>GPIO_5 shimit enable. </comment>
  15530. </bits>
  15531. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15532. <comment>GPIO_5 input enable. </comment>
  15533. </bits>
  15534. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15535. <comment>GPIO_5 driving strength. </comment>
  15536. </bits>
  15537. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15538. <comment>GPIO_5 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15539. </bits>
  15540. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15541. <comment>GPIO_5 PUll down</comment>
  15542. </bits>
  15543. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15544. <comment>GPIO_5 PUll up</comment>
  15545. <options>
  15546. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15547. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15548. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15549. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15550. </options>
  15551. </bits>
  15552. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15553. <comment>GPIO_5 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15554. </bits>
  15555. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15556. <comment>GPIO_5 force outoen value. </comment>
  15557. </bits>
  15558. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15559. <comment>GPIO_5 force output value for output. </comment>
  15560. </bits>
  15561. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15562. <comment>GPIO_5 pin output value. </comment>
  15563. </bits>
  15564. <bits name="pad_GPIO_5_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15565. <comment>GPIO_5 select</comment>
  15566. <options>
  15567. <option name="fun_GPIO_5_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15568. <option name="fun_SPI2_CS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15569. <option name="fun_GPT1_PWM_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  15570. <option name="fun_UART2_TXD_sel" value ="5"></option>
  15571. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="6"></option>
  15572. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15573. </options>
  15574. </bits>
  15575. </reg>
  15576. <reg name="pad_GPIO_6_cfg" protect="rw">
  15577. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15578. <comment>GPIO_6 shimit enable. </comment>
  15579. </bits>
  15580. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15581. <comment>GPIO_6 input enable. </comment>
  15582. </bits>
  15583. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15584. <comment>GPIO_6 driving strength. </comment>
  15585. </bits>
  15586. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15587. <comment>GPIO_6 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15588. </bits>
  15589. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15590. <comment>GPIO_6 PUll down</comment>
  15591. </bits>
  15592. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15593. <comment>GPIO_6 PUll up</comment>
  15594. <options>
  15595. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15596. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15597. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15598. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15599. </options>
  15600. </bits>
  15601. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15602. <comment>GPIO_6 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15603. </bits>
  15604. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15605. <comment>GPIO_6 force outoen value. </comment>
  15606. </bits>
  15607. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15608. <comment>GPIO_6 force output value for output. </comment>
  15609. </bits>
  15610. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15611. <comment>GPIO_6 pin output value. </comment>
  15612. </bits>
  15613. <bits name="pad_GPIO_6_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15614. <comment>GPIO_6 select</comment>
  15615. <options>
  15616. <option name="fun_GPIO_6_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15617. <option name="fun_SPI2_DI_0_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15618. <option name="fun_I2C3_SCL_sel" value ="2"></option>
  15619. <option name="fun_GPT1_TI_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  15620. <option name="fun_GPT1_PWM_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  15621. <option name="fun_UART2_CTS_sel" value ="5"></option>
  15622. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="6"></option>
  15623. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15624. </options>
  15625. </bits>
  15626. </reg>
  15627. <reg name="pad_GPIO_7_cfg" protect="rw">
  15628. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15629. <comment>GPIO_7 shimit enable. </comment>
  15630. </bits>
  15631. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15632. <comment>GPIO_7 input enable. </comment>
  15633. </bits>
  15634. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15635. <comment>GPIO_7 driving strength. </comment>
  15636. </bits>
  15637. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15638. <comment>GPIO_7 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15639. </bits>
  15640. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15641. <comment>GPIO_7 PUll down</comment>
  15642. </bits>
  15643. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15644. <comment>GPIO_7 PUll up</comment>
  15645. <options>
  15646. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15647. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15648. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15649. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15650. </options>
  15651. </bits>
  15652. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15653. <comment>GPIO_7 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15654. </bits>
  15655. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15656. <comment>GPIO_7 force outoen value. </comment>
  15657. </bits>
  15658. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15659. <comment>GPIO_7 force output value for output. </comment>
  15660. </bits>
  15661. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15662. <comment>GPIO_7 pin output value. </comment>
  15663. </bits>
  15664. <bits name="pad_GPIO_7_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15665. <comment>GPIO_7 select</comment>
  15666. <options>
  15667. <option name="fun_GPIO_7_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15668. <option name="fun_SPI2_DI_1_sel" value ="1"></option>
  15669. <option name="fun_I2C3_SDA_sel" value ="2"></option>
  15670. <option name="fun_GPT1_TI_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  15671. <option name="fun_GPT1_PWM_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  15672. <option name="fun_UART2_RTS_sel" value ="5"></option>
  15673. <option name="fun_CLK_32K_sel" value ="6"></option>
  15674. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15675. </options>
  15676. </bits>
  15677. </reg>
  15678. </module>
  15679. </archive>
  15680. <archive relative = "iomux2.xml">
  15681. <module name="iomux2" category="System">
  15682. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_0_cfg" protect="rw">
  15683. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15684. <comment>M_DQ_0 shimit enable. </comment>
  15685. </bits>
  15686. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15687. <comment>M_DQ_0 input enable. </comment>
  15688. </bits>
  15689. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15690. <comment>M_DQ_0 driving strength. </comment>
  15691. </bits>
  15692. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15693. <comment>M_DQ_0 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15694. </bits>
  15695. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15696. <comment>M_DQ_0 PUll down</comment>
  15697. </bits>
  15698. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15699. <comment>M_DQ_0 PUll up</comment>
  15700. <options>
  15701. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15702. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15703. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15704. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15705. </options>
  15706. </bits>
  15707. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15708. <comment>M_DQ_0 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15709. </bits>
  15710. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15711. <comment>M_DQ_0 force outoen value. </comment>
  15712. </bits>
  15713. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15714. <comment>M_DQ_0 force output value for output. </comment>
  15715. </bits>
  15716. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15717. <comment>M_DQ_0 pin output value. </comment>
  15718. </bits>
  15719. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15720. <comment>M_DQ_0 select</comment>
  15721. <options>
  15722. <option name="fun_M_DQ_0_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15723. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15724. </options>
  15725. </bits>
  15726. </reg>
  15727. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_1_cfg" protect="rw">
  15728. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15729. <comment>M_DQ_1 shimit enable. </comment>
  15730. </bits>
  15731. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15732. <comment>M_DQ_1 input enable. </comment>
  15733. </bits>
  15734. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15735. <comment>M_DQ_1 driving strength. </comment>
  15736. </bits>
  15737. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15738. <comment>M_DQ_1 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15739. </bits>
  15740. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15741. <comment>M_DQ_1 PUll down</comment>
  15742. </bits>
  15743. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15744. <comment>M_DQ_1 PUll up</comment>
  15745. <options>
  15746. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15747. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15748. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15749. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15750. </options>
  15751. </bits>
  15752. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15753. <comment>M_DQ_1 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15754. </bits>
  15755. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15756. <comment>M_DQ_1 force outoen value. </comment>
  15757. </bits>
  15758. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15759. <comment>M_DQ_1 force output value for output. </comment>
  15760. </bits>
  15761. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15762. <comment>M_DQ_1 pin output value. </comment>
  15763. </bits>
  15764. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_1_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15765. <comment>M_DQ_1 select</comment>
  15766. <options>
  15767. <option name="fun_M_DQ_1_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15768. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15769. </options>
  15770. </bits>
  15771. </reg>
  15772. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_2_cfg" protect="rw">
  15773. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15774. <comment>M_DQ_2 shimit enable. </comment>
  15775. </bits>
  15776. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15777. <comment>M_DQ_2 input enable. </comment>
  15778. </bits>
  15779. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15780. <comment>M_DQ_2 driving strength. </comment>
  15781. </bits>
  15782. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15783. <comment>M_DQ_2 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15784. </bits>
  15785. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15786. <comment>M_DQ_2 PUll down</comment>
  15787. </bits>
  15788. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15789. <comment>M_DQ_2 PUll up</comment>
  15790. <options>
  15791. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15792. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15793. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15794. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15795. </options>
  15796. </bits>
  15797. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15798. <comment>M_DQ_2 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15799. </bits>
  15800. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15801. <comment>M_DQ_2 force outoen value. </comment>
  15802. </bits>
  15803. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15804. <comment>M_DQ_2 force output value for output. </comment>
  15805. </bits>
  15806. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15807. <comment>M_DQ_2 pin output value. </comment>
  15808. </bits>
  15809. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_2_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15810. <comment>M_DQ_2 select</comment>
  15811. <options>
  15812. <option name="fun_M_DQ_2_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15813. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15814. </options>
  15815. </bits>
  15816. </reg>
  15817. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_3_cfg" protect="rw">
  15818. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15819. <comment>M_DQ_3 shimit enable. </comment>
  15820. </bits>
  15821. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15822. <comment>M_DQ_3 input enable. </comment>
  15823. </bits>
  15824. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15825. <comment>M_DQ_3 driving strength. </comment>
  15826. </bits>
  15827. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15828. <comment>M_DQ_3 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15829. </bits>
  15830. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15831. <comment>M_DQ_3 PUll down</comment>
  15832. </bits>
  15833. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15834. <comment>M_DQ_3 PUll up</comment>
  15835. <options>
  15836. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15837. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15838. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15839. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15840. </options>
  15841. </bits>
  15842. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15843. <comment>M_DQ_3 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15844. </bits>
  15845. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15846. <comment>M_DQ_3 force outoen value. </comment>
  15847. </bits>
  15848. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15849. <comment>M_DQ_3 force output value for output. </comment>
  15850. </bits>
  15851. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15852. <comment>M_DQ_3 pin output value. </comment>
  15853. </bits>
  15854. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_3_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15855. <comment>M_DQ_3 select</comment>
  15856. <options>
  15857. <option name="fun_M_DQ_3_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15858. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15859. </options>
  15860. </bits>
  15861. </reg>
  15862. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_4_cfg" protect="rw">
  15863. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15864. <comment>M_DQ_4 shimit enable. </comment>
  15865. </bits>
  15866. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15867. <comment>M_DQ_4 input enable. </comment>
  15868. </bits>
  15869. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15870. <comment>M_DQ_4 driving strength. </comment>
  15871. </bits>
  15872. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15873. <comment>M_DQ_4 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15874. </bits>
  15875. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15876. <comment>M_DQ_4 PUll down</comment>
  15877. </bits>
  15878. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15879. <comment>M_DQ_4 PUll up</comment>
  15880. <options>
  15881. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15882. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15883. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15884. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15885. </options>
  15886. </bits>
  15887. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15888. <comment>M_DQ_4 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15889. </bits>
  15890. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15891. <comment>M_DQ_4 force outoen value. </comment>
  15892. </bits>
  15893. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15894. <comment>M_DQ_4 force output value for output. </comment>
  15895. </bits>
  15896. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15897. <comment>M_DQ_4 pin output value. </comment>
  15898. </bits>
  15899. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_4_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15900. <comment>M_DQ_4 select</comment>
  15901. <options>
  15902. <option name="fun_M_DQ_4_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15903. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15904. </options>
  15905. </bits>
  15906. </reg>
  15907. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_5_cfg" protect="rw">
  15908. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15909. <comment>M_DQ_5 shimit enable. </comment>
  15910. </bits>
  15911. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15912. <comment>M_DQ_5 input enable. </comment>
  15913. </bits>
  15914. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15915. <comment>M_DQ_5 driving strength. </comment>
  15916. </bits>
  15917. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15918. <comment>M_DQ_5 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15919. </bits>
  15920. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15921. <comment>M_DQ_5 PUll down</comment>
  15922. </bits>
  15923. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15924. <comment>M_DQ_5 PUll up</comment>
  15925. <options>
  15926. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15927. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15928. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15929. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15930. </options>
  15931. </bits>
  15932. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15933. <comment>M_DQ_5 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15934. </bits>
  15935. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15936. <comment>M_DQ_5 force outoen value. </comment>
  15937. </bits>
  15938. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15939. <comment>M_DQ_5 force output value for output. </comment>
  15940. </bits>
  15941. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15942. <comment>M_DQ_5 pin output value. </comment>
  15943. </bits>
  15944. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_5_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15945. <comment>M_DQ_5 select</comment>
  15946. <options>
  15947. <option name="fun_M_DQ_5_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15948. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15949. </options>
  15950. </bits>
  15951. </reg>
  15952. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_6_cfg" protect="rw">
  15953. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15954. <comment>M_DQ_6 shimit enable. </comment>
  15955. </bits>
  15956. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15957. <comment>M_DQ_6 input enable. </comment>
  15958. </bits>
  15959. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  15960. <comment>M_DQ_6 driving strength. </comment>
  15961. </bits>
  15962. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15963. <comment>M_DQ_6 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  15964. </bits>
  15965. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15966. <comment>M_DQ_6 PUll down</comment>
  15967. </bits>
  15968. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15969. <comment>M_DQ_6 PUll up</comment>
  15970. <options>
  15971. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  15972. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  15973. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  15974. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  15975. </options>
  15976. </bits>
  15977. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15978. <comment>M_DQ_6 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  15979. </bits>
  15980. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15981. <comment>M_DQ_6 force outoen value. </comment>
  15982. </bits>
  15983. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15984. <comment>M_DQ_6 force output value for output. </comment>
  15985. </bits>
  15986. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  15987. <comment>M_DQ_6 pin output value. </comment>
  15988. </bits>
  15989. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_6_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  15990. <comment>M_DQ_6 select</comment>
  15991. <options>
  15992. <option name="fun_M_DQ_6_sel" value ="0"></option>
  15993. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  15994. </options>
  15995. </bits>
  15996. </reg>
  15997. <reg name="pad_M_DQ_7_cfg" protect="rw">
  15998. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  15999. <comment>M_DQ_7 shimit enable. </comment>
  16000. </bits>
  16001. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16002. <comment>M_DQ_7 input enable. </comment>
  16003. </bits>
  16004. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16005. <comment>M_DQ_7 driving strength. </comment>
  16006. </bits>
  16007. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16008. <comment>M_DQ_7 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16009. </bits>
  16010. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16011. <comment>M_DQ_7 PUll down</comment>
  16012. </bits>
  16013. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16014. <comment>M_DQ_7 PUll up</comment>
  16015. <options>
  16016. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16017. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16018. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16019. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16020. </options>
  16021. </bits>
  16022. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16023. <comment>M_DQ_7 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16024. </bits>
  16025. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16026. <comment>M_DQ_7 force outoen value. </comment>
  16027. </bits>
  16028. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16029. <comment>M_DQ_7 force output value for output. </comment>
  16030. </bits>
  16031. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16032. <comment>M_DQ_7 pin output value. </comment>
  16033. </bits>
  16034. <bits name="pad_M_DQ_7_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16035. <comment>M_DQ_7 select</comment>
  16036. <options>
  16037. <option name="fun_M_DQ_7_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16038. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16039. </options>
  16040. </bits>
  16041. </reg>
  16042. <reg name="pad_M_CS_cfg" protect="rw">
  16043. <bits name="pad_M_CS_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16044. <comment>M_CS shimit enable. </comment>
  16045. </bits>
  16046. <bits name="pad_M_CS_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16047. <comment>M_CS input enable. </comment>
  16048. </bits>
  16049. <bits name="pad_M_CS_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16050. <comment>M_CS driving strength. </comment>
  16051. </bits>
  16052. <bits name="pad_M_CS_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16053. <comment>M_CS force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16054. </bits>
  16055. <bits name="pad_M_CS_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16056. <comment>M_CS PUll down</comment>
  16057. </bits>
  16058. <bits name="pad_M_CS_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16059. <comment>M_CS PUll up</comment>
  16060. <options>
  16061. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16062. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16063. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16064. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16065. </options>
  16066. </bits>
  16067. <bits name="pad_M_CS_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16068. <comment>M_CS force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16069. </bits>
  16070. <bits name="pad_M_CS_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16071. <comment>M_CS force outoen value. </comment>
  16072. </bits>
  16073. <bits name="pad_M_CS_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16074. <comment>M_CS force output value for output. </comment>
  16075. </bits>
  16076. <bits name="pad_M_CS_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16077. <comment>M_CS pin output value. </comment>
  16078. </bits>
  16079. <bits name="pad_M_CS_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16080. <comment>M_CS select</comment>
  16081. <options>
  16082. <option name="fun_M_CS_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16083. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16084. </options>
  16085. </bits>
  16086. </reg>
  16087. <reg name="pad_M_DM_cfg" protect="rw">
  16088. <bits name="pad_M_DM_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16089. <comment>M_DM shimit enable. </comment>
  16090. </bits>
  16091. <bits name="pad_M_DM_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16092. <comment>M_DM input enable. </comment>
  16093. </bits>
  16094. <bits name="pad_M_DM_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16095. <comment>M_DM driving strength. </comment>
  16096. </bits>
  16097. <bits name="pad_M_DM_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16098. <comment>M_DM force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16099. </bits>
  16100. <bits name="pad_M_DM_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16101. <comment>M_DM PUll down</comment>
  16102. </bits>
  16103. <bits name="pad_M_DM_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16104. <comment>M_DM PUll up</comment>
  16105. <options>
  16106. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16107. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16108. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16109. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16110. </options>
  16111. </bits>
  16112. <bits name="pad_M_DM_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16113. <comment>M_DM force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16114. </bits>
  16115. <bits name="pad_M_DM_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16116. <comment>M_DM force outoen value. </comment>
  16117. </bits>
  16118. <bits name="pad_M_DM_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16119. <comment>M_DM force output value for output. </comment>
  16120. </bits>
  16121. <bits name="pad_M_DM_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16122. <comment>M_DM pin output value. </comment>
  16123. </bits>
  16124. <bits name="pad_M_DM_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16125. <comment>M_DM select</comment>
  16126. <options>
  16127. <option name="fun_M_DM_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16128. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16129. </options>
  16130. </bits>
  16131. </reg>
  16132. <reg name="pad_M_CLK_cfg" protect="rw">
  16133. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16134. <comment>M_CLK shimit enable. </comment>
  16135. </bits>
  16136. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16137. <comment>M_CLK input enable. </comment>
  16138. </bits>
  16139. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16140. <comment>M_CLK driving strength. </comment>
  16141. </bits>
  16142. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16143. <comment>M_CLK force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16144. </bits>
  16145. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16146. <comment>M_CLK PUll down</comment>
  16147. </bits>
  16148. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16149. <comment>M_CLK PUll up</comment>
  16150. <options>
  16151. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16152. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16153. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16154. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16155. </options>
  16156. </bits>
  16157. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16158. <comment>M_CLK force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16159. </bits>
  16160. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16161. <comment>M_CLK force outoen value. </comment>
  16162. </bits>
  16163. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16164. <comment>M_CLK force output value for output. </comment>
  16165. </bits>
  16166. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16167. <comment>M_CLK pin output value. </comment>
  16168. </bits>
  16169. <bits name="pad_M_CLK_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16170. <comment>M_CLK select</comment>
  16171. <options>
  16172. <option name="fun_M_CLK_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16173. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16174. </options>
  16175. </bits>
  16176. </reg>
  16177. <reg name="pad_M_CLKB_cfg" protect="rw">
  16178. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16179. <comment>M_CLKB shimit enable. </comment>
  16180. </bits>
  16181. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16182. <comment>M_CLKB input enable. </comment>
  16183. </bits>
  16184. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16185. <comment>M_CLKB driving strength. </comment>
  16186. </bits>
  16187. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16188. <comment>M_CLKB force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16189. </bits>
  16190. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16191. <comment>M_CLKB PUll down</comment>
  16192. </bits>
  16193. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16194. <comment>M_CLKB PUll up</comment>
  16195. <options>
  16196. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16197. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16198. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16199. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16200. </options>
  16201. </bits>
  16202. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16203. <comment>M_CLKB force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16204. </bits>
  16205. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16206. <comment>M_CLKB force outoen value. </comment>
  16207. </bits>
  16208. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16209. <comment>M_CLKB force output value for output. </comment>
  16210. </bits>
  16211. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16212. <comment>M_CLKB pin output value. </comment>
  16213. </bits>
  16214. <bits name="pad_M_CLKB_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16215. <comment>M_CLKB select</comment>
  16216. <options>
  16217. <option name="fun_M_CLKB_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16218. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16219. </options>
  16220. </bits>
  16221. </reg>
  16222. <reg name="pad_M_DQS_cfg" protect="rw">
  16223. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16224. <comment>M_DQS shimit enable. </comment>
  16225. </bits>
  16226. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16227. <comment>M_DQS input enable. </comment>
  16228. </bits>
  16229. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16230. <comment>M_DQS driving strength. </comment>
  16231. </bits>
  16232. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16233. <comment>M_DQS force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16234. </bits>
  16235. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16236. <comment>M_DQS PUll down</comment>
  16237. </bits>
  16238. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16239. <comment>M_DQS PUll up</comment>
  16240. <options>
  16241. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16242. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16243. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16244. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16245. </options>
  16246. </bits>
  16247. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16248. <comment>M_DQS force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16249. </bits>
  16250. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16251. <comment>M_DQS force outoen value. </comment>
  16252. </bits>
  16253. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16254. <comment>M_DQS force output value for output. </comment>
  16255. </bits>
  16256. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16257. <comment>M_DQS pin output value. </comment>
  16258. </bits>
  16259. <bits name="pad_M_DQS_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16260. <comment>M_DQS select</comment>
  16261. <options>
  16262. <option name="fun_M_DQS_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16263. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16264. </options>
  16265. </bits>
  16266. </reg>
  16267. <reg name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_cfg" protect="rw">
  16268. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16269. <comment>M_SPI_CLK shimit enable. </comment>
  16270. </bits>
  16271. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16272. <comment>M_SPI_CLK input enable. </comment>
  16273. </bits>
  16274. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16275. <comment>M_SPI_CLK driving strength. </comment>
  16276. </bits>
  16277. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16278. <comment>M_SPI_CLK force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16279. </bits>
  16280. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16281. <comment>M_SPI_CLK PUll down</comment>
  16282. </bits>
  16283. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16284. <comment>M_SPI_CLK PUll up</comment>
  16285. <options>
  16286. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16287. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16288. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16289. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16290. </options>
  16291. </bits>
  16292. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16293. <comment>M_SPI_CLK force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16294. </bits>
  16295. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16296. <comment>M_SPI_CLK force outoen value. </comment>
  16297. </bits>
  16298. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16299. <comment>M_SPI_CLK force output value for output. </comment>
  16300. </bits>
  16301. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16302. <comment>M_SPI_CLK pin output value. </comment>
  16303. </bits>
  16304. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CLK_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16305. <comment>M_SPI_CLK select</comment>
  16306. <options>
  16307. <option name="fun_M_SPI_CLK_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16308. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16309. </options>
  16310. </bits>
  16311. </reg>
  16312. <reg name="pad_M_SPI_CS_cfg" protect="rw">
  16313. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16314. <comment>M_SPI_CS shimit enable. </comment>
  16315. </bits>
  16316. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16317. <comment>M_SPI_CS input enable. </comment>
  16318. </bits>
  16319. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16320. <comment>M_SPI_CS driving strength. </comment>
  16321. </bits>
  16322. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16323. <comment>M_SPI_CS force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16324. </bits>
  16325. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16326. <comment>M_SPI_CS PUll down</comment>
  16327. </bits>
  16328. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16329. <comment>M_SPI_CS PUll up</comment>
  16330. <options>
  16331. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16332. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16333. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16334. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16335. </options>
  16336. </bits>
  16337. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16338. <comment>M_SPI_CS force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16339. </bits>
  16340. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16341. <comment>M_SPI_CS force outoen value. </comment>
  16342. </bits>
  16343. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16344. <comment>M_SPI_CS force output value for output. </comment>
  16345. </bits>
  16346. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16347. <comment>M_SPI_CS pin output value. </comment>
  16348. </bits>
  16349. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_CS_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16350. <comment>M_SPI_CS select</comment>
  16351. <options>
  16352. <option name="fun_M_SPI_CS_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16353. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16354. </options>
  16355. </bits>
  16356. </reg>
  16357. <reg name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_cfg" protect="rw">
  16358. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16359. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 shimit enable. </comment>
  16360. </bits>
  16361. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16362. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 input enable. </comment>
  16363. </bits>
  16364. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16365. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 driving strength. </comment>
  16366. </bits>
  16367. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16368. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16369. </bits>
  16370. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16371. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 PUll down</comment>
  16372. </bits>
  16373. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16374. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 PUll up</comment>
  16375. <options>
  16376. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16377. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16378. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16379. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16380. </options>
  16381. </bits>
  16382. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16383. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16384. </bits>
  16385. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16386. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 force outoen value. </comment>
  16387. </bits>
  16388. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16389. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 force output value for output. </comment>
  16390. </bits>
  16391. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16392. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 pin output value. </comment>
  16393. </bits>
  16394. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16395. <comment>M_SPI_D_0 select</comment>
  16396. <options>
  16397. <option name="fun_M_SPI_D_0_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16398. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16399. </options>
  16400. </bits>
  16401. </reg>
  16402. <reg name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_cfg" protect="rw">
  16403. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16404. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 shimit enable. </comment>
  16405. </bits>
  16406. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16407. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 input enable. </comment>
  16408. </bits>
  16409. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16410. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 driving strength. </comment>
  16411. </bits>
  16412. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16413. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16414. </bits>
  16415. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16416. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 PUll down</comment>
  16417. </bits>
  16418. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16419. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 PUll up</comment>
  16420. <options>
  16421. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16422. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16423. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16424. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16425. </options>
  16426. </bits>
  16427. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16428. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16429. </bits>
  16430. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16431. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 force outoen value. </comment>
  16432. </bits>
  16433. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16434. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 force output value for output. </comment>
  16435. </bits>
  16436. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16437. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 pin output value. </comment>
  16438. </bits>
  16439. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_1_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16440. <comment>M_SPI_D_1 select</comment>
  16441. <options>
  16442. <option name="fun_M_SPI_D_1_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16443. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16444. </options>
  16445. </bits>
  16446. </reg>
  16447. <reg name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_cfg" protect="rw">
  16448. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16449. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 shimit enable. </comment>
  16450. </bits>
  16451. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16452. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 input enable. </comment>
  16453. </bits>
  16454. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16455. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 driving strength. </comment>
  16456. </bits>
  16457. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16458. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16459. </bits>
  16460. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16461. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 PUll down</comment>
  16462. </bits>
  16463. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16464. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 PUll up</comment>
  16465. <options>
  16466. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16467. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16468. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16469. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16470. </options>
  16471. </bits>
  16472. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16473. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16474. </bits>
  16475. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16476. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 force outoen value. </comment>
  16477. </bits>
  16478. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16479. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 force output value for output. </comment>
  16480. </bits>
  16481. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16482. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 pin output value. </comment>
  16483. </bits>
  16484. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_2_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16485. <comment>M_SPI_D_2 select</comment>
  16486. <options>
  16487. <option name="fun_M_SPI_D_2_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16488. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16489. </options>
  16490. </bits>
  16491. </reg>
  16492. <reg name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_cfg" protect="rw">
  16493. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16494. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 shimit enable. </comment>
  16495. </bits>
  16496. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16497. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 input enable. </comment>
  16498. </bits>
  16499. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16500. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 driving strength. </comment>
  16501. </bits>
  16502. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16503. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16504. </bits>
  16505. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16506. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 PUll down</comment>
  16507. </bits>
  16508. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16509. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 PUll up</comment>
  16510. <options>
  16511. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16512. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16513. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16514. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16515. </options>
  16516. </bits>
  16517. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16518. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16519. </bits>
  16520. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16521. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 force outoen value. </comment>
  16522. </bits>
  16523. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16524. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 force output value for output. </comment>
  16525. </bits>
  16526. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16527. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 pin output value. </comment>
  16528. </bits>
  16529. <bits name="pad_M_SPI_D_3_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16530. <comment>M_SPI_D_3 select</comment>
  16531. <options>
  16532. <option name="fun_M_SPI_D_3_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16533. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16534. </options>
  16535. </bits>
  16536. </reg>
  16537. <reg name="pad_GPIO_8_cfg" protect="rw">
  16538. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16539. <comment>GPIO_8 shimit enable. </comment>
  16540. </bits>
  16541. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16542. <comment>GPIO_8 input enable. </comment>
  16543. </bits>
  16544. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16545. <comment>GPIO_8 driving strength. </comment>
  16546. </bits>
  16547. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16548. <comment>GPIO_8 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16549. </bits>
  16550. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16551. <comment>GPIO_8 PUll down</comment>
  16552. </bits>
  16553. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16554. <comment>GPIO_8 PUll up</comment>
  16555. <options>
  16556. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16557. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16558. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16559. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16560. </options>
  16561. </bits>
  16562. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16563. <comment>GPIO_8 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16564. </bits>
  16565. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16566. <comment>GPIO_8 force outoen value. </comment>
  16567. </bits>
  16568. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16569. <comment>GPIO_8 force output value for output. </comment>
  16570. </bits>
  16571. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16572. <comment>GPIO_8 pin output value. </comment>
  16573. </bits>
  16574. <bits name="pad_GPIO_8_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16575. <comment>GPIO_8 select</comment>
  16576. <options>
  16577. <option name="fun_GPIO_8_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16578. <option name="fun_UART3_RXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16579. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_0_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16580. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_0_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16581. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16582. </options>
  16583. </bits>
  16584. </reg>
  16585. <reg name="pad_GPIO_9_cfg" protect="rw">
  16586. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16587. <comment>GPIO_9 shimit enable. </comment>
  16588. </bits>
  16589. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16590. <comment>GPIO_9 input enable. </comment>
  16591. </bits>
  16592. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16593. <comment>GPIO_9 driving strength. </comment>
  16594. </bits>
  16595. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16596. <comment>GPIO_9 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16597. </bits>
  16598. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16599. <comment>GPIO_9 PUll down</comment>
  16600. </bits>
  16601. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16602. <comment>GPIO_9 PUll up</comment>
  16603. <options>
  16604. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16605. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16606. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16607. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16608. </options>
  16609. </bits>
  16610. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16611. <comment>GPIO_9 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16612. </bits>
  16613. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16614. <comment>GPIO_9 force outoen value. </comment>
  16615. </bits>
  16616. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16617. <comment>GPIO_9 force output value for output. </comment>
  16618. </bits>
  16619. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16620. <comment>GPIO_9 pin output value. </comment>
  16621. </bits>
  16622. <bits name="pad_GPIO_9_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16623. <comment>GPIO_9 select</comment>
  16624. <options>
  16625. <option name="fun_GPIO_9_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16626. <option name="fun_UART3_TXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16627. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_1_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16628. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_1_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16629. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16630. </options>
  16631. </bits>
  16632. </reg>
  16633. <reg name="pad_GPIO_10_cfg" protect="rw">
  16634. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16635. <comment>GPIO_10 shimit enable. </comment>
  16636. </bits>
  16637. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16638. <comment>GPIO_10 input enable. </comment>
  16639. </bits>
  16640. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16641. <comment>GPIO_10 driving strength. </comment>
  16642. </bits>
  16643. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16644. <comment>GPIO_10 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16645. </bits>
  16646. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16647. <comment>GPIO_10 PUll down</comment>
  16648. </bits>
  16649. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16650. <comment>GPIO_10 PUll up</comment>
  16651. <options>
  16652. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16653. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16654. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16655. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16656. </options>
  16657. </bits>
  16658. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16659. <comment>GPIO_10 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16660. </bits>
  16661. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16662. <comment>GPIO_10 force outoen value. </comment>
  16663. </bits>
  16664. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16665. <comment>GPIO_10 force output value for output. </comment>
  16666. </bits>
  16667. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16668. <comment>GPIO_10 pin output value. </comment>
  16669. </bits>
  16670. <bits name="pad_GPIO_10_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16671. <comment>GPIO_10 select</comment>
  16672. <options>
  16673. <option name="fun_GPIO_10_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16674. <option name="fun_UART3_CTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16675. <option name="fun_TCO_0_sel" value ="2"></option>
  16676. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  16677. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  16678. <option name="fun_CLKO_0_sel" value ="5"></option>
  16679. <option name="fun_UART1_CTS_sel" value ="6"></option>
  16680. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_2_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16681. <option name="fun_UART1_TXD_sel" value ="8"></option>
  16682. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_2_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16683. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16684. </options>
  16685. </bits>
  16686. </reg>
  16687. <reg name="pad_GPIO_11_cfg" protect="rw">
  16688. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16689. <comment>GPIO_11 shimit enable. </comment>
  16690. </bits>
  16691. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16692. <comment>GPIO_11 input enable. </comment>
  16693. </bits>
  16694. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16695. <comment>GPIO_11 driving strength. </comment>
  16696. </bits>
  16697. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16698. <comment>GPIO_11 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16699. </bits>
  16700. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16701. <comment>GPIO_11 PUll down</comment>
  16702. </bits>
  16703. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16704. <comment>GPIO_11 PUll up</comment>
  16705. <options>
  16706. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16707. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16708. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16709. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16710. </options>
  16711. </bits>
  16712. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16713. <comment>GPIO_11 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16714. </bits>
  16715. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16716. <comment>GPIO_11 force outoen value. </comment>
  16717. </bits>
  16718. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16719. <comment>GPIO_11 force output value for output. </comment>
  16720. </bits>
  16721. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16722. <comment>GPIO_11 pin output value. </comment>
  16723. </bits>
  16724. <bits name="pad_GPIO_11_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16725. <comment>GPIO_11 select</comment>
  16726. <options>
  16727. <option name="fun_GPIO_11_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16728. <option name="fun_UART3_RTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16729. <option name="fun_TCO_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  16730. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  16731. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  16732. <option name="fun_CLKO_1_sel" value ="5"></option>
  16733. <option name="fun_UART1_RTS_sel" value ="6"></option>
  16734. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_3_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16735. <option name="fun_UART2_TXD_sel" value ="8"></option>
  16736. <option name="fun_GPADC_IN0_sel" value ="9"></option>
  16737. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_3_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16738. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16739. </options>
  16740. </bits>
  16741. </reg>
  16742. <reg name="pad_GPIO_12_cfg" protect="rw">
  16743. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16744. <comment>GPIO_12 shimit enable. </comment>
  16745. </bits>
  16746. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16747. <comment>GPIO_12 input enable. </comment>
  16748. </bits>
  16749. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16750. <comment>GPIO_12 driving strength. </comment>
  16751. </bits>
  16752. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16753. <comment>GPIO_12 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16754. </bits>
  16755. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16756. <comment>GPIO_12 PUll down</comment>
  16757. </bits>
  16758. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16759. <comment>GPIO_12 PUll up</comment>
  16760. <options>
  16761. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16762. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16763. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16764. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16765. </options>
  16766. </bits>
  16767. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16768. <comment>GPIO_12 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16769. </bits>
  16770. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16771. <comment>GPIO_12 force outoen value. </comment>
  16772. </bits>
  16773. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16774. <comment>GPIO_12 force output value for output. </comment>
  16775. </bits>
  16776. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16777. <comment>GPIO_12 pin output value. </comment>
  16778. </bits>
  16779. <bits name="pad_GPIO_12_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16780. <comment>GPIO_12 select</comment>
  16781. <options>
  16782. <option name="fun_GPIO_12_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16783. <option name="fun_UART4_RXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16784. <option name="fun_KEYIN_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  16785. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_2_sel" value ="4"></option>
  16786. <option name="fun_UART1_TXD_sel" value ="6"></option>
  16787. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_4_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16788. <option name="fun_UART1_CTS_sel" value ="8"></option>
  16789. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_4_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16790. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16791. </options>
  16792. </bits>
  16793. </reg>
  16794. <reg name="pad_GPIO_13_cfg" protect="rw">
  16795. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16796. <comment>GPIO_13 shimit enable. </comment>
  16797. </bits>
  16798. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16799. <comment>GPIO_13 input enable. </comment>
  16800. </bits>
  16801. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16802. <comment>GPIO_13 driving strength. </comment>
  16803. </bits>
  16804. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16805. <comment>GPIO_13 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16806. </bits>
  16807. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16808. <comment>GPIO_13 PUll down</comment>
  16809. </bits>
  16810. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16811. <comment>GPIO_13 PUll up</comment>
  16812. <options>
  16813. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16814. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16815. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16816. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16817. </options>
  16818. </bits>
  16819. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16820. <comment>GPIO_13 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16821. </bits>
  16822. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16823. <comment>GPIO_13 force outoen value. </comment>
  16824. </bits>
  16825. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16826. <comment>GPIO_13 force output value for output. </comment>
  16827. </bits>
  16828. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16829. <comment>GPIO_13 pin output value. </comment>
  16830. </bits>
  16831. <bits name="pad_GPIO_13_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16832. <comment>GPIO_13 select</comment>
  16833. <options>
  16834. <option name="fun_GPIO_13_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16835. <option name="fun_UART4_TXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16836. <option name="fun_KEYIN_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  16837. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_3_sel" value ="4"></option>
  16838. <option name="fun_UART2_TXD_sel" value ="6"></option>
  16839. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_5_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16840. <option name="fun_UART1_RTS_sel" value ="8"></option>
  16841. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_5_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16842. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16843. </options>
  16844. </bits>
  16845. </reg>
  16846. <reg name="pad_GPIO_14_cfg" protect="rw">
  16847. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16848. <comment>GPIO_14 shimit enable. </comment>
  16849. </bits>
  16850. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16851. <comment>GPIO_14 input enable. </comment>
  16852. </bits>
  16853. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16854. <comment>GPIO_14 driving strength. </comment>
  16855. </bits>
  16856. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16857. <comment>GPIO_14 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16858. </bits>
  16859. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16860. <comment>GPIO_14 PUll down</comment>
  16861. </bits>
  16862. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16863. <comment>GPIO_14 PUll up</comment>
  16864. <options>
  16865. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16866. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16867. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16868. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16869. </options>
  16870. </bits>
  16871. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16872. <comment>GPIO_14 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16873. </bits>
  16874. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16875. <comment>GPIO_14 force outoen value. </comment>
  16876. </bits>
  16877. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16878. <comment>GPIO_14 force output value for output. </comment>
  16879. </bits>
  16880. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16881. <comment>GPIO_14 pin output value. </comment>
  16882. </bits>
  16883. <bits name="pad_GPIO_14_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16884. <comment>GPIO_14 select</comment>
  16885. <options>
  16886. <option name="fun_GPIO_14_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16887. <option name="fun_UART4_CTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16888. <option name="fun_I2C2_SCL_sel" value ="2"></option>
  16889. <option name="fun_KEYOUT_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  16890. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  16891. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_0_sel" value ="5"></option>
  16892. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_CLK_sel" value ="6"></option>
  16893. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_6_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16894. <option name="fun_UART2_CTS_sel" value ="8"></option>
  16895. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_6_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16896. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16897. </options>
  16898. </bits>
  16899. </reg>
  16900. <reg name="pad_GPIO_15_cfg" protect="rw">
  16901. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16902. <comment>GPIO_15 shimit enable. </comment>
  16903. </bits>
  16904. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16905. <comment>GPIO_15 input enable. </comment>
  16906. </bits>
  16907. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16908. <comment>GPIO_15 driving strength. </comment>
  16909. </bits>
  16910. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16911. <comment>GPIO_15 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16912. </bits>
  16913. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16914. <comment>GPIO_15 PUll down</comment>
  16915. </bits>
  16916. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16917. <comment>GPIO_15 PUll up</comment>
  16918. <options>
  16919. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16920. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16921. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16922. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16923. </options>
  16924. </bits>
  16925. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16926. <comment>GPIO_15 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16927. </bits>
  16928. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16929. <comment>GPIO_15 force outoen value. </comment>
  16930. </bits>
  16931. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16932. <comment>GPIO_15 force output value for output. </comment>
  16933. </bits>
  16934. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16935. <comment>GPIO_15 pin output value. </comment>
  16936. </bits>
  16937. <bits name="pad_GPIO_15_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16938. <comment>GPIO_15 select</comment>
  16939. <options>
  16940. <option name="fun_GPIO_15_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16941. <option name="fun_UART4_RTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16942. <option name="fun_I2C2_SDA_sel" value ="2"></option>
  16943. <option name="fun_KEYOUT_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  16944. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  16945. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_1_sel" value ="5"></option>
  16946. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_CMD_sel" value ="6"></option>
  16947. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_7_sel" value ="7"></option>
  16948. <option name="fun_UART2_RTS_sel" value ="8"></option>
  16949. <option name="fun_GPADC_IN1_sel" value ="9"></option>
  16950. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_7_sel" value ="10"></option>
  16951. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  16952. </options>
  16953. </bits>
  16954. </reg>
  16955. <reg name="pad_GPIO_16_cfg" protect="rw">
  16956. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16957. <comment>GPIO_16 shimit enable. </comment>
  16958. </bits>
  16959. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  16960. <comment>GPIO_16 input enable. </comment>
  16961. </bits>
  16962. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  16963. <comment>GPIO_16 driving strength. </comment>
  16964. </bits>
  16965. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16966. <comment>GPIO_16 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  16967. </bits>
  16968. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16969. <comment>GPIO_16 PUll down</comment>
  16970. </bits>
  16971. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16972. <comment>GPIO_16 PUll up</comment>
  16973. <options>
  16974. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  16975. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  16976. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  16977. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  16978. </options>
  16979. </bits>
  16980. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16981. <comment>GPIO_16 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  16982. </bits>
  16983. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16984. <comment>GPIO_16 force outoen value. </comment>
  16985. </bits>
  16986. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16987. <comment>GPIO_16 force output value for output. </comment>
  16988. </bits>
  16989. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  16990. <comment>GPIO_16 pin output value. </comment>
  16991. </bits>
  16992. <bits name="pad_GPIO_16_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  16993. <comment>GPIO_16 select</comment>
  16994. <options>
  16995. <option name="fun_GPIO_16_sel" value ="0"></option>
  16996. <option name="fun_UART5_RXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  16997. <option name="fun_CLKO_2_sel" value ="2"></option>
  16998. <option name="fun_SPI1_CLK_sel" value ="3"></option>
  16999. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_2_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17000. <option name="fun_I2S_BCLK_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17001. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_3_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17002. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_8_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17003. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_8_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17004. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17005. </options>
  17006. </bits>
  17007. </reg>
  17008. <reg name="pad_GPIO_17_cfg" protect="rw">
  17009. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17010. <comment>GPIO_17 shimit enable. </comment>
  17011. </bits>
  17012. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17013. <comment>GPIO_17 input enable. </comment>
  17014. </bits>
  17015. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17016. <comment>GPIO_17 driving strength. </comment>
  17017. </bits>
  17018. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17019. <comment>GPIO_17 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17020. </bits>
  17021. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17022. <comment>GPIO_17 PUll down</comment>
  17023. </bits>
  17024. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17025. <comment>GPIO_17 PUll up</comment>
  17026. <options>
  17027. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17028. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17029. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17030. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17031. </options>
  17032. </bits>
  17033. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17034. <comment>GPIO_17 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17035. </bits>
  17036. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17037. <comment>GPIO_17 force outoen value. </comment>
  17038. </bits>
  17039. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17040. <comment>GPIO_17 force output value for output. </comment>
  17041. </bits>
  17042. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17043. <comment>GPIO_17 pin output value. </comment>
  17044. </bits>
  17045. <bits name="pad_GPIO_17_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17046. <comment>GPIO_17 select</comment>
  17047. <options>
  17048. <option name="fun_GPIO_17_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17049. <option name="fun_UART5_TXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17050. <option name="fun_CLKO_3_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17051. <option name="fun_SPI1_CS_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17052. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_3_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17053. <option name="fun_I2S_LRCK_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17054. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_2_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17055. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_9_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17056. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_9_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17057. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17058. </options>
  17059. </bits>
  17060. </reg>
  17061. <reg name="pad_GPIO_18_cfg" protect="rw">
  17062. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17063. <comment>GPIO_18 shimit enable. </comment>
  17064. </bits>
  17065. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17066. <comment>GPIO_18 input enable. </comment>
  17067. </bits>
  17068. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17069. <comment>GPIO_18 driving strength. </comment>
  17070. </bits>
  17071. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17072. <comment>GPIO_18 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17073. </bits>
  17074. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17075. <comment>GPIO_18 PUll down</comment>
  17076. </bits>
  17077. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17078. <comment>GPIO_18 PUll up</comment>
  17079. <options>
  17080. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17081. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17082. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17083. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17084. </options>
  17085. </bits>
  17086. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17087. <comment>GPIO_18 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17088. </bits>
  17089. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17090. <comment>GPIO_18 force outoen value. </comment>
  17091. </bits>
  17092. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17093. <comment>GPIO_18 force output value for output. </comment>
  17094. </bits>
  17095. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17096. <comment>GPIO_18 pin output value. </comment>
  17097. </bits>
  17098. <bits name="pad_GPIO_18_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17099. <comment>GPIO_18 select</comment>
  17100. <options>
  17101. <option name="fun_GPIO_18_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17102. <option name="fun_UART5_CTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17103. <option name="fun_I2C2_SCL_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17104. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17105. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17106. <option name="fun_I2S_DI_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17107. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_1_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17108. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_10_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17109. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_10_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17110. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17111. </options>
  17112. </bits>
  17113. </reg>
  17114. <reg name="pad_GPIO_19_cfg" protect="rw">
  17115. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17116. <comment>GPIO_19 shimit enable. </comment>
  17117. </bits>
  17118. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17119. <comment>GPIO_19 input enable. </comment>
  17120. </bits>
  17121. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17122. <comment>GPIO_19 driving strength. </comment>
  17123. </bits>
  17124. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17125. <comment>GPIO_19 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17126. </bits>
  17127. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17128. <comment>GPIO_19 PUll down</comment>
  17129. </bits>
  17130. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17131. <comment>GPIO_19 PUll up</comment>
  17132. <options>
  17133. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17134. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17135. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17136. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17137. </options>
  17138. </bits>
  17139. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17140. <comment>GPIO_19 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17141. </bits>
  17142. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17143. <comment>GPIO_19 force outoen value. </comment>
  17144. </bits>
  17145. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17146. <comment>GPIO_19 force output value for output. </comment>
  17147. </bits>
  17148. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17149. <comment>GPIO_19 pin output value. </comment>
  17150. </bits>
  17151. <bits name="pad_GPIO_19_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17152. <comment>GPIO_19 select</comment>
  17153. <options>
  17154. <option name="fun_GPIO_19_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17155. <option name="fun_UART5_RTS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17156. <option name="fun_I2C2_SDA_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17157. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17158. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17159. <option name="fun_I2S_DO_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17160. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_0_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17161. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_11_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17162. <option name="fun_SWV_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17163. <option name="fun_GPADC_IN2_sel" value ="9"></option>
  17164. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_11_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17165. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17166. </options>
  17167. </bits>
  17168. </reg>
  17169. <reg name="pad_GPIO_20_cfg" protect="rw">
  17170. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17171. <comment>GPIO_20 shimit enable. </comment>
  17172. </bits>
  17173. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17174. <comment>GPIO_20 input enable. </comment>
  17175. </bits>
  17176. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17177. <comment>GPIO_20 driving strength. </comment>
  17178. </bits>
  17179. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17180. <comment>GPIO_20 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17181. </bits>
  17182. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17183. <comment>GPIO_20 PUll down</comment>
  17184. </bits>
  17185. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17186. <comment>GPIO_20 PUll up</comment>
  17187. <options>
  17188. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17189. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17190. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17191. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17192. </options>
  17193. </bits>
  17194. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17195. <comment>GPIO_20 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17196. </bits>
  17197. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17198. <comment>GPIO_20 force outoen value. </comment>
  17199. </bits>
  17200. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17201. <comment>GPIO_20 force output value for output. </comment>
  17202. </bits>
  17203. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17204. <comment>GPIO_20 pin output value. </comment>
  17205. </bits>
  17206. <bits name="pad_GPIO_20_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17207. <comment>GPIO_20 select</comment>
  17208. <options>
  17209. <option name="fun_GPIO_20_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17210. <option name="fun_SPI1_CLK_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17211. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_CLK_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17212. <option name="fun_KEYIN_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17213. <option name="fun_CLKO_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17214. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_3_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17215. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_12_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17216. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_12_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17217. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17218. </options>
  17219. </bits>
  17220. </reg>
  17221. <reg name="pad_GPIO_21_cfg" protect="rw">
  17222. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17223. <comment>GPIO_21 shimit enable. </comment>
  17224. </bits>
  17225. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17226. <comment>GPIO_21 input enable. </comment>
  17227. </bits>
  17228. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17229. <comment>GPIO_21 driving strength. </comment>
  17230. </bits>
  17231. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17232. <comment>GPIO_21 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17233. </bits>
  17234. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17235. <comment>GPIO_21 PUll down</comment>
  17236. </bits>
  17237. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17238. <comment>GPIO_21 PUll up</comment>
  17239. <options>
  17240. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17241. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17242. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17243. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17244. </options>
  17245. </bits>
  17246. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17247. <comment>GPIO_21 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17248. </bits>
  17249. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17250. <comment>GPIO_21 force outoen value. </comment>
  17251. </bits>
  17252. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17253. <comment>GPIO_21 force output value for output. </comment>
  17254. </bits>
  17255. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17256. <comment>GPIO_21 pin output value. </comment>
  17257. </bits>
  17258. <bits name="pad_GPIO_21_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17259. <comment>GPIO_21 select</comment>
  17260. <options>
  17261. <option name="fun_GPIO_21_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17262. <option name="fun_SPI1_CS_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17263. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_CS_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17264. <option name="fun_KEYIN_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17265. <option name="fun_CLKO_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17266. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_2_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17267. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_13_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17268. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_13_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17269. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17270. </options>
  17271. </bits>
  17272. </reg>
  17273. <reg name="pad_GPIO_22_cfg" protect="rw">
  17274. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17275. <comment>GPIO_22 shimit enable. </comment>
  17276. </bits>
  17277. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17278. <comment>GPIO_22 input enable. </comment>
  17279. </bits>
  17280. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17281. <comment>GPIO_22 driving strength. </comment>
  17282. </bits>
  17283. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17284. <comment>GPIO_22 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17285. </bits>
  17286. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17287. <comment>GPIO_22 PUll down</comment>
  17288. </bits>
  17289. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17290. <comment>GPIO_22 PUll up</comment>
  17291. <options>
  17292. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17293. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17294. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17295. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17296. </options>
  17297. </bits>
  17298. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17299. <comment>GPIO_22 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17300. </bits>
  17301. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17302. <comment>GPIO_22 force outoen value. </comment>
  17303. </bits>
  17304. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17305. <comment>GPIO_22 force output value for output. </comment>
  17306. </bits>
  17307. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17308. <comment>GPIO_22 pin output value. </comment>
  17309. </bits>
  17310. <bits name="pad_GPIO_22_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17311. <comment>GPIO_22 select</comment>
  17312. <options>
  17313. <option name="fun_GPIO_22_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17314. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_0_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17315. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_0_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17316. <option name="fun_KEYOUT_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17317. <option name="fun_CLKO_2_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17318. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_1_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17319. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_14_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17320. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_14_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17321. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17322. </options>
  17323. </bits>
  17324. </reg>
  17325. <reg name="pad_GPIO_23_cfg" protect="rw">
  17326. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17327. <comment>GPIO_23 shimit enable. </comment>
  17328. </bits>
  17329. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17330. <comment>GPIO_23 input enable. </comment>
  17331. </bits>
  17332. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17333. <comment>GPIO_23 driving strength. </comment>
  17334. </bits>
  17335. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17336. <comment>GPIO_23 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17337. </bits>
  17338. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17339. <comment>GPIO_23 PUll down</comment>
  17340. </bits>
  17341. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17342. <comment>GPIO_23 PUll up</comment>
  17343. <options>
  17344. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17345. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17346. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17347. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17348. </options>
  17349. </bits>
  17350. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17351. <comment>GPIO_23 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17352. </bits>
  17353. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17354. <comment>GPIO_23 force outoen value. </comment>
  17355. </bits>
  17356. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17357. <comment>GPIO_23 force output value for output. </comment>
  17358. </bits>
  17359. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17360. <comment>GPIO_23 pin output value. </comment>
  17361. </bits>
  17362. <bits name="pad_GPIO_23_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17363. <comment>GPIO_23 select</comment>
  17364. <options>
  17365. <option name="fun_GPIO_23_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17366. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_1_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17367. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17368. <option name="fun_KEYOUT_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17369. <option name="fun_CLKO_3_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17370. <option name="fun_TCO_0_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17371. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_0_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17372. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_15_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17373. <option name="fun_SWV_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17374. <option name="fun_GPADC_IN3_sel" value ="9"></option>
  17375. <option name="fun_DBG_DO_15_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17376. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17377. </options>
  17378. </bits>
  17379. </reg>
  17380. <reg name="pad_GPIO_24_cfg" protect="rw">
  17381. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17382. <comment>GPIO_24 shimit enable. </comment>
  17383. </bits>
  17384. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17385. <comment>GPIO_24 input enable. </comment>
  17386. </bits>
  17387. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17388. <comment>GPIO_24 driving strength. </comment>
  17389. </bits>
  17390. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17391. <comment>GPIO_24 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17392. </bits>
  17393. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17394. <comment>GPIO_24 PUll down</comment>
  17395. </bits>
  17396. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17397. <comment>GPIO_24 PUll up</comment>
  17398. <options>
  17399. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17400. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17401. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17402. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17403. </options>
  17404. </bits>
  17405. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17406. <comment>GPIO_24 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17407. </bits>
  17408. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17409. <comment>GPIO_24 force outoen value. </comment>
  17410. </bits>
  17411. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17412. <comment>GPIO_24 force output value for output. </comment>
  17413. </bits>
  17414. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17415. <comment>GPIO_24 pin output value. </comment>
  17416. </bits>
  17417. <bits name="pad_GPIO_24_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17418. <comment>GPIO_24 select</comment>
  17419. <options>
  17420. <option name="fun_GPIO_24_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17421. <option name="fun_I2C1_SCL_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17422. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_2_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17423. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_0_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17424. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_2_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17425. <option name="fun_TCO_1_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17426. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_CLK_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17427. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_16_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17428. <option name="fun_DBG_TRIG_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17429. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17430. </options>
  17431. </bits>
  17432. </reg>
  17433. <reg name="pad_GPIO_25_cfg" protect="rw">
  17434. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17435. <comment>GPIO_25 shimit enable. </comment>
  17436. </bits>
  17437. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17438. <comment>GPIO_25 input enable. </comment>
  17439. </bits>
  17440. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17441. <comment>GPIO_25 driving strength. </comment>
  17442. </bits>
  17443. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17444. <comment>GPIO_25 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17445. </bits>
  17446. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17447. <comment>GPIO_25 PUll down</comment>
  17448. </bits>
  17449. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17450. <comment>GPIO_25 PUll up</comment>
  17451. <options>
  17452. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17453. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17454. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17455. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17456. </options>
  17457. </bits>
  17458. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17459. <comment>GPIO_25 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17460. </bits>
  17461. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17462. <comment>GPIO_25 force outoen value. </comment>
  17463. </bits>
  17464. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17465. <comment>GPIO_25 force output value for output. </comment>
  17466. </bits>
  17467. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17468. <comment>GPIO_25 pin output value. </comment>
  17469. </bits>
  17470. <bits name="pad_GPIO_25_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17471. <comment>GPIO_25 select</comment>
  17472. <options>
  17473. <option name="fun_GPIO_25_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17474. <option name="fun_I2C1_SDA_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17475. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_3_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17476. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_1_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17477. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_3_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17478. <option name="fun_TCO_0_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17479. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_CMD_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17480. <option name="fun_SEGOUT_17_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17481. <option name="fun_DBG_CLK_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17482. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17483. </options>
  17484. </bits>
  17485. </reg>
  17486. <reg name="pad_GPIO_26_cfg" protect="rw">
  17487. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17488. <comment>GPIO_26 shimit enable. </comment>
  17489. </bits>
  17490. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17491. <comment>GPIO_26 input enable. </comment>
  17492. </bits>
  17493. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17494. <comment>GPIO_26 driving strength. </comment>
  17495. </bits>
  17496. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17497. <comment>GPIO_26 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17498. </bits>
  17499. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17500. <comment>GPIO_26 PUll down</comment>
  17501. </bits>
  17502. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17503. <comment>GPIO_26 PUll up</comment>
  17504. <options>
  17505. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17506. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17507. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17508. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17509. </options>
  17510. </bits>
  17511. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17512. <comment>GPIO_26 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17513. </bits>
  17514. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17515. <comment>GPIO_26 force outoen value. </comment>
  17516. </bits>
  17517. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17518. <comment>GPIO_26 force output value for output. </comment>
  17519. </bits>
  17520. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17521. <comment>GPIO_26 pin output value. </comment>
  17522. </bits>
  17523. <bits name="pad_GPIO_26_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17524. <comment>GPIO_26 select</comment>
  17525. <options>
  17526. <option name="fun_GPIO_26_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17527. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_CLK_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17528. <option name="fun_UART3_CTS_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17529. <option name="fun_CLKO_2_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17530. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_2_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17531. <option name="fun_TCO_0_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17532. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_CLK_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17533. <option name="fun_UART4_CTS_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17534. <option name="fun_adi_scl_m_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17535. <option name="fun_SWV_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17536. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17537. </options>
  17538. </bits>
  17539. </reg>
  17540. <reg name="pad_GPIO_27_cfg" protect="rw">
  17541. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17542. <comment>GPIO_27 shimit enable. </comment>
  17543. </bits>
  17544. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17545. <comment>GPIO_27 input enable. </comment>
  17546. </bits>
  17547. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17548. <comment>GPIO_27 driving strength. </comment>
  17549. </bits>
  17550. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17551. <comment>GPIO_27 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17552. </bits>
  17553. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17554. <comment>GPIO_27 PUll down</comment>
  17555. </bits>
  17556. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17557. <comment>GPIO_27 PUll up</comment>
  17558. <options>
  17559. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17560. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17561. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17562. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17563. </options>
  17564. </bits>
  17565. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17566. <comment>GPIO_27 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17567. </bits>
  17568. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17569. <comment>GPIO_27 force outoen value. </comment>
  17570. </bits>
  17571. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17572. <comment>GPIO_27 force output value for output. </comment>
  17573. </bits>
  17574. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17575. <comment>GPIO_27 pin output value. </comment>
  17576. </bits>
  17577. <bits name="pad_GPIO_27_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17578. <comment>GPIO_27 select</comment>
  17579. <options>
  17580. <option name="fun_GPIO_27_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17581. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_CMD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17582. <option name="fun_UART3_RTS_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17583. <option name="fun_CLKO_3_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17584. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_3_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17585. <option name="fun_TCO_1_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17586. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_CS_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17587. <option name="fun_UART4_RTS_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17588. <option name="fun_adi_sdio_m_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17589. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17590. </options>
  17591. </bits>
  17592. </reg>
  17593. <reg name="pad_GPIO_28_cfg" protect="rw">
  17594. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17595. <comment>GPIO_28 shimit enable. </comment>
  17596. </bits>
  17597. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17598. <comment>GPIO_28 input enable. </comment>
  17599. </bits>
  17600. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17601. <comment>GPIO_28 driving strength. </comment>
  17602. </bits>
  17603. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17604. <comment>GPIO_28 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17605. </bits>
  17606. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17607. <comment>GPIO_28 PUll down</comment>
  17608. </bits>
  17609. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17610. <comment>GPIO_28 PUll up</comment>
  17611. <options>
  17612. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17613. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17614. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17615. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17616. </options>
  17617. </bits>
  17618. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17619. <comment>GPIO_28 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17620. </bits>
  17621. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17622. <comment>GPIO_28 force outoen value. </comment>
  17623. </bits>
  17624. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17625. <comment>GPIO_28 force output value for output. </comment>
  17626. </bits>
  17627. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17628. <comment>GPIO_28 pin output value. </comment>
  17629. </bits>
  17630. <bits name="pad_GPIO_28_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17631. <comment>GPIO_28 select</comment>
  17632. <options>
  17633. <option name="fun_GPIO_28_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17634. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_0_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17635. <option name="fun_SPI1_CLK_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17636. <option name="fun_KEYIN_2_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17637. <option name="fun_CLKO_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17638. <option name="fun_I2S_BCLK_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17639. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_0_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17640. <option name="fun_UART4_RXD_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17641. <option name="fun_rf_spi_clk_m_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17642. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17643. </options>
  17644. </bits>
  17645. </reg>
  17646. <reg name="pad_GPIO_29_cfg" protect="rw">
  17647. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17648. <comment>GPIO_29 shimit enable. </comment>
  17649. </bits>
  17650. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17651. <comment>GPIO_29 input enable. </comment>
  17652. </bits>
  17653. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17654. <comment>GPIO_29 driving strength. </comment>
  17655. </bits>
  17656. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17657. <comment>GPIO_29 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17658. </bits>
  17659. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17660. <comment>GPIO_29 PUll down</comment>
  17661. </bits>
  17662. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17663. <comment>GPIO_29 PUll up</comment>
  17664. <options>
  17665. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17666. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17667. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17668. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17669. </options>
  17670. </bits>
  17671. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17672. <comment>GPIO_29 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17673. </bits>
  17674. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17675. <comment>GPIO_29 force outoen value. </comment>
  17676. </bits>
  17677. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17678. <comment>GPIO_29 force output value for output. </comment>
  17679. </bits>
  17680. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17681. <comment>GPIO_29 pin output value. </comment>
  17682. </bits>
  17683. <bits name="pad_GPIO_29_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17684. <comment>GPIO_29 select</comment>
  17685. <options>
  17686. <option name="fun_GPIO_29_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17687. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_1_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17688. <option name="fun_SPI1_CS_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17689. <option name="fun_KEYIN_3_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17690. <option name="fun_CLKO_1_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17691. <option name="fun_I2S_LRCK_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17692. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_1_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17693. <option name="fun_UART4_TXD_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17694. <option name="fun_rf_spi_cs_m_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17695. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17696. </options>
  17697. </bits>
  17698. </reg>
  17699. <reg name="pad_GPIO_30_cfg" protect="rw">
  17700. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17701. <comment>GPIO_30 shimit enable. </comment>
  17702. </bits>
  17703. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17704. <comment>GPIO_30 input enable. </comment>
  17705. </bits>
  17706. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17707. <comment>GPIO_30 driving strength. </comment>
  17708. </bits>
  17709. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17710. <comment>GPIO_30 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17711. </bits>
  17712. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17713. <comment>GPIO_30 PUll down</comment>
  17714. </bits>
  17715. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17716. <comment>GPIO_30 PUll up</comment>
  17717. <options>
  17718. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17719. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17720. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17721. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17722. </options>
  17723. </bits>
  17724. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17725. <comment>GPIO_30 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17726. </bits>
  17727. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17728. <comment>GPIO_30 force outoen value. </comment>
  17729. </bits>
  17730. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17731. <comment>GPIO_30 force output value for output. </comment>
  17732. </bits>
  17733. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17734. <comment>GPIO_30 pin output value. </comment>
  17735. </bits>
  17736. <bits name="pad_GPIO_30_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17737. <comment>GPIO_30 select</comment>
  17738. <options>
  17739. <option name="fun_GPIO_30_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17740. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_2_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17741. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_0_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17742. <option name="fun_KEYOUT_2_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17743. <option name="fun_CLKO_2_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17744. <option name="fun_I2S_DI_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17745. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_2_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17746. <option name="fun_UART3_CTS_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17747. <option name="fun_rf_spi_dio_m_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17748. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17749. </options>
  17750. </bits>
  17751. </reg>
  17752. <reg name="pad_GPIO_31_cfg" protect="rw">
  17753. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17754. <comment>GPIO_31 shimit enable. </comment>
  17755. </bits>
  17756. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17757. <comment>GPIO_31 input enable. </comment>
  17758. </bits>
  17759. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17760. <comment>GPIO_31 driving strength. </comment>
  17761. </bits>
  17762. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17763. <comment>GPIO_31 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17764. </bits>
  17765. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17766. <comment>GPIO_31 PUll down</comment>
  17767. </bits>
  17768. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17769. <comment>GPIO_31 PUll up</comment>
  17770. <options>
  17771. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17772. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17773. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17774. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17775. </options>
  17776. </bits>
  17777. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17778. <comment>GPIO_31 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17779. </bits>
  17780. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17781. <comment>GPIO_31 force outoen value. </comment>
  17782. </bits>
  17783. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17784. <comment>GPIO_31 force output value for output. </comment>
  17785. </bits>
  17786. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17787. <comment>GPIO_31 pin output value. </comment>
  17788. </bits>
  17789. <bits name="pad_GPIO_31_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17790. <comment>GPIO_31 select</comment>
  17791. <options>
  17792. <option name="fun_GPIO_31_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17793. <option name="fun_SDMMC2_DAT_3_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17794. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17795. <option name="fun_KEYOUT_3_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17796. <option name="fun_CLKO_3_sel" value ="4"></option>
  17797. <option name="fun_I2S_DO_sel" value ="5"></option>
  17798. <option name="fun_M2_SPI_D_3_sel" value ="6"></option>
  17799. <option name="fun_UART3_RTS_sel" value ="7"></option>
  17800. <option name="fun_dfe_rx_en_m_sel" value ="8"></option>
  17801. <option name="fun_SWV_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17802. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17803. </options>
  17804. </bits>
  17805. </reg>
  17806. <reg name="pad_GPIO_32_cfg" protect="rw">
  17807. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17808. <comment>GPIO_32 shimit enable. </comment>
  17809. </bits>
  17810. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17811. <comment>GPIO_32 input enable. </comment>
  17812. </bits>
  17813. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17814. <comment>GPIO_32 driving strength. </comment>
  17815. </bits>
  17816. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17817. <comment>GPIO_32 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17818. </bits>
  17819. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17820. <comment>GPIO_32 PUll down</comment>
  17821. </bits>
  17822. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17823. <comment>GPIO_32 PUll up</comment>
  17824. <options>
  17825. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17826. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17827. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17828. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17829. </options>
  17830. </bits>
  17831. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17832. <comment>GPIO_32 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17833. </bits>
  17834. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17835. <comment>GPIO_32 force outoen value. </comment>
  17836. </bits>
  17837. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17838. <comment>GPIO_32 force output value for output. </comment>
  17839. </bits>
  17840. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17841. <comment>GPIO_32 pin output value. </comment>
  17842. </bits>
  17843. <bits name="pad_GPIO_32_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17844. <comment>GPIO_32 select</comment>
  17845. <options>
  17846. <option name="fun_GPIO_32_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17847. <option name="fun_HST_RXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17848. <option name="fun_SPI1_CLK_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17849. <option name="fun_UART5_RXD_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17850. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17851. </options>
  17852. </bits>
  17853. </reg>
  17854. <reg name="pad_GPIO_33_cfg" protect="rw">
  17855. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17856. <comment>GPIO_33 shimit enable. </comment>
  17857. </bits>
  17858. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17859. <comment>GPIO_33 input enable. </comment>
  17860. </bits>
  17861. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17862. <comment>GPIO_33 driving strength. </comment>
  17863. </bits>
  17864. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17865. <comment>GPIO_33 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17866. </bits>
  17867. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17868. <comment>GPIO_33 PUll down</comment>
  17869. </bits>
  17870. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17871. <comment>GPIO_33 PUll up</comment>
  17872. <options>
  17873. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17874. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17875. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17876. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17877. </options>
  17878. </bits>
  17879. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17880. <comment>GPIO_33 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17881. </bits>
  17882. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17883. <comment>GPIO_33 force outoen value. </comment>
  17884. </bits>
  17885. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17886. <comment>GPIO_33 force output value for output. </comment>
  17887. </bits>
  17888. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17889. <comment>GPIO_33 pin output value. </comment>
  17890. </bits>
  17891. <bits name="pad_GPIO_33_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17892. <comment>GPIO_33 select</comment>
  17893. <options>
  17894. <option name="fun_GPIO_33_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17895. <option name="fun_HST_TXD_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17896. <option name="fun_SPI1_CS_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17897. <option name="fun_UART5_TXD_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17898. <option name="fun_SWV_sel" value ="10"></option>
  17899. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17900. </options>
  17901. </bits>
  17902. </reg>
  17903. <reg name="pad_SWCLK_cfg" protect="rw">
  17904. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17905. <comment>SWCLK shimit enable. </comment>
  17906. </bits>
  17907. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17908. <comment>SWCLK input enable. </comment>
  17909. </bits>
  17910. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17911. <comment>SWCLK driving strength. </comment>
  17912. </bits>
  17913. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17914. <comment>SWCLK force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17915. </bits>
  17916. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17917. <comment>SWCLK PUll down</comment>
  17918. </bits>
  17919. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17920. <comment>SWCLK PUll up</comment>
  17921. <options>
  17922. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17923. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17924. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17925. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17926. </options>
  17927. </bits>
  17928. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17929. <comment>SWCLK force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17930. </bits>
  17931. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17932. <comment>SWCLK force outoen value. </comment>
  17933. </bits>
  17934. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17935. <comment>SWCLK force output value for output. </comment>
  17936. </bits>
  17937. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17938. <comment>SWCLK pin output value. </comment>
  17939. </bits>
  17940. <bits name="pad_SWCLK_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17941. <comment>SWCLK select</comment>
  17942. <options>
  17943. <option name="fun_SWCLK_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17944. <option name="fun_GPIO_34_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17945. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_0_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17946. <option name="fun_UART5_CTS_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17947. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17948. </options>
  17949. </bits>
  17950. </reg>
  17951. <reg name="pad_SWDIO_cfg" protect="rw">
  17952. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17953. <comment>SWDIO shimit enable. </comment>
  17954. </bits>
  17955. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  17956. <comment>SWDIO input enable. </comment>
  17957. </bits>
  17958. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  17959. <comment>SWDIO driving strength. </comment>
  17960. </bits>
  17961. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17962. <comment>SWDIO force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  17963. </bits>
  17964. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17965. <comment>SWDIO PUll down</comment>
  17966. </bits>
  17967. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17968. <comment>SWDIO PUll up</comment>
  17969. <options>
  17970. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  17971. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  17972. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  17973. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  17974. </options>
  17975. </bits>
  17976. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17977. <comment>SWDIO force enable for outoen. </comment>
  17978. </bits>
  17979. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17980. <comment>SWDIO force outoen value. </comment>
  17981. </bits>
  17982. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17983. <comment>SWDIO force output value for output. </comment>
  17984. </bits>
  17985. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  17986. <comment>SWDIO pin output value. </comment>
  17987. </bits>
  17988. <bits name="pad_SWDIO_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  17989. <comment>SWDIO select</comment>
  17990. <options>
  17991. <option name="fun_SWDIO_sel" value ="0"></option>
  17992. <option name="fun_GPIO_35_sel" value ="1"></option>
  17993. <option name="fun_SPI1_DI_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  17994. <option name="fun_UART5_RTS_sel" value ="3"></option>
  17995. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  17996. </options>
  17997. </bits>
  17998. </reg>
  17999. <reg name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_cfg" protect="rw">
  18000. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18001. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 shimit enable. </comment>
  18002. </bits>
  18003. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18004. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 input enable. </comment>
  18005. </bits>
  18006. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  18007. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 driving strength. </comment>
  18008. </bits>
  18009. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18010. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  18011. </bits>
  18012. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18013. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 PUll down</comment>
  18014. </bits>
  18015. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18016. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 PUll up</comment>
  18017. <options>
  18018. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  18019. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  18020. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  18021. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  18022. </options>
  18023. </bits>
  18024. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18025. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  18026. </bits>
  18027. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18028. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 force outoen value. </comment>
  18029. </bits>
  18030. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18031. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 force output value for output. </comment>
  18032. </bits>
  18033. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18034. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 pin output value. </comment>
  18035. </bits>
  18036. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18037. <comment>SIM_CLK_0 select</comment>
  18038. <options>
  18039. <option name="fun_SIM_CLK_0_sel" value ="0"></option>
  18040. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  18041. </options>
  18042. </bits>
  18043. </reg>
  18044. <reg name="pad_SIM_RST_0_cfg" protect="rw">
  18045. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18046. <comment>SIM_RST_0 shimit enable. </comment>
  18047. </bits>
  18048. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18049. <comment>SIM_RST_0 input enable. </comment>
  18050. </bits>
  18051. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  18052. <comment>SIM_RST_0 driving strength. </comment>
  18053. </bits>
  18054. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18055. <comment>SIM_RST_0 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  18056. </bits>
  18057. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18058. <comment>SIM_RST_0 PUll down</comment>
  18059. </bits>
  18060. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18061. <comment>SIM_RST_0 PUll up</comment>
  18062. <options>
  18063. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  18064. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  18065. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  18066. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  18067. </options>
  18068. </bits>
  18069. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18070. <comment>SIM_RST_0 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  18071. </bits>
  18072. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18073. <comment>SIM_RST_0 force outoen value. </comment>
  18074. </bits>
  18075. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18076. <comment>SIM_RST_0 force output value for output. </comment>
  18077. </bits>
  18078. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18079. <comment>SIM_RST_0 pin output value. </comment>
  18080. </bits>
  18081. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18082. <comment>SIM_RST_0 select</comment>
  18083. <options>
  18084. <option name="fun_SIM_RST_0_sel" value ="0"></option>
  18085. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  18086. </options>
  18087. </bits>
  18088. </reg>
  18089. <reg name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_cfg" protect="rw">
  18090. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18091. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 shimit enable. </comment>
  18092. </bits>
  18093. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18094. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 input enable. </comment>
  18095. </bits>
  18096. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  18097. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 driving strength. </comment>
  18098. </bits>
  18099. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18100. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  18101. </bits>
  18102. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18103. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 PUll down</comment>
  18104. </bits>
  18105. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18106. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 PUll up</comment>
  18107. <options>
  18108. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  18109. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  18110. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  18111. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  18112. </options>
  18113. </bits>
  18114. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18115. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  18116. </bits>
  18117. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18118. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 force outoen value. </comment>
  18119. </bits>
  18120. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18121. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 force output value for output. </comment>
  18122. </bits>
  18123. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18124. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 pin output value. </comment>
  18125. </bits>
  18126. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18127. <comment>SIM_DIO_0 select</comment>
  18128. <options>
  18129. <option name="fun_SIM_DIO_0_sel" value ="0"></option>
  18130. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  18131. </options>
  18132. </bits>
  18133. </reg>
  18134. <reg name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_cfg" protect="rw">
  18135. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18136. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 shimit enable. </comment>
  18137. </bits>
  18138. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18139. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 input enable. </comment>
  18140. </bits>
  18141. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  18142. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 driving strength. </comment>
  18143. </bits>
  18144. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18145. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  18146. </bits>
  18147. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18148. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 PUll down</comment>
  18149. </bits>
  18150. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18151. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 PUll up</comment>
  18152. <options>
  18153. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  18154. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  18155. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  18156. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  18157. </options>
  18158. </bits>
  18159. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18160. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  18161. </bits>
  18162. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18163. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 force outoen value. </comment>
  18164. </bits>
  18165. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18166. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 force output value for output. </comment>
  18167. </bits>
  18168. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18169. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 pin output value. </comment>
  18170. </bits>
  18171. <bits name="pad_SIM_CLK_1_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18172. <comment>SIM_CLK_1 select</comment>
  18173. <options>
  18174. <option name="fun_SIM_CLK_1_sel" value ="0"></option>
  18175. <option name="fun_GPIO_36_sel" value ="1"></option>
  18176. <option name="fun_TCO_0_sel" value ="2"></option>
  18177. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_3_sel" value ="4"></option>
  18178. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  18179. </options>
  18180. </bits>
  18181. </reg>
  18182. <reg name="pad_SIM_RST_1_cfg" protect="rw">
  18183. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18184. <comment>SIM_RST_1 shimit enable. </comment>
  18185. </bits>
  18186. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18187. <comment>SIM_RST_1 input enable. </comment>
  18188. </bits>
  18189. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  18190. <comment>SIM_RST_1 driving strength. </comment>
  18191. </bits>
  18192. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18193. <comment>SIM_RST_1 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  18194. </bits>
  18195. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18196. <comment>SIM_RST_1 PUll down</comment>
  18197. </bits>
  18198. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18199. <comment>SIM_RST_1 PUll up</comment>
  18200. <options>
  18201. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  18202. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  18203. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  18204. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  18205. </options>
  18206. </bits>
  18207. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18208. <comment>SIM_RST_1 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  18209. </bits>
  18210. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18211. <comment>SIM_RST_1 force outoen value. </comment>
  18212. </bits>
  18213. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18214. <comment>SIM_RST_1 force output value for output. </comment>
  18215. </bits>
  18216. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18217. <comment>SIM_RST_1 pin output value. </comment>
  18218. </bits>
  18219. <bits name="pad_SIM_RST_1_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18220. <comment>SIM_RST_1 select</comment>
  18221. <options>
  18222. <option name="fun_SIM_RST_1_sel" value ="0"></option>
  18223. <option name="fun_GPIO_37_sel" value ="1"></option>
  18224. <option name="fun_TCO_1_sel" value ="2"></option>
  18225. <option name="fun_GPT2_PWM_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  18226. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  18227. </options>
  18228. </bits>
  18229. </reg>
  18230. <reg name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_cfg" protect="rw">
  18231. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_se" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18232. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 shimit enable. </comment>
  18233. </bits>
  18234. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_ie" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  18235. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 input enable. </comment>
  18236. </bits>
  18237. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_drv_strength" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="0x2">
  18238. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 driving strength. </comment>
  18239. </bits>
  18240. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_pull_frc" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18241. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 force enable for pu/pd </comment>
  18242. </bits>
  18243. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_pull_dn" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18244. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 PUll down</comment>
  18245. </bits>
  18246. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_pull_up" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18247. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 PUll up</comment>
  18248. <options>
  18249. <option name="pull up off" value ="0"></option>
  18250. <option name="pull up 4.7k" value ="1"></option>
  18251. <option name="pull up 20k" value ="2"></option>
  18252. <option name="pull up 1.8k" value ="3"></option>
  18253. </options>
  18254. </bits>
  18255. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_oen_frc" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18256. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 force enable for outoen. </comment>
  18257. </bits>
  18258. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_oen_reg" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18259. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 force outoen value. </comment>
  18260. </bits>
  18261. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_out_frc" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18262. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 force output value for output. </comment>
  18263. </bits>
  18264. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_out_reg" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  18265. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 pin output value. </comment>
  18266. </bits>
  18267. <bits name="pad_SIM_DIO_1_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18268. <comment>SIM_DIO_1 select</comment>
  18269. <options>
  18270. <option name="fun_SIM_DIO_1_sel" value ="0"></option>
  18271. <option name="fun_GPIO_38_sel" value ="1"></option>
  18272. <option name="fun_GPT2_TI_0_sel" value ="4"></option>
  18273. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  18274. </options>
  18275. </bits>
  18276. </reg>
  18277. </module>
  18278. </archive>
  18279. <archive relative = "keypad.xml">
  18280. <module name="keypad" category="Periph">
  18281. <var name="KEY_NB" value="64">
  18282. <comment> Number of key in the keypad
  18283. </comment>
  18284. </var>
  18285. <var name="LOW_KEY_NB" value="32">
  18286. <comment> Number of key in the low data register
  18287. </comment>
  18288. </var>
  18289. <var name="HIGH_KEY_NB" value="32">
  18290. <comment> Number of key in the high data register
  18291. </comment>
  18292. </var>
  18293. <reg protect="r" name="KP_DATA_L">
  18294. <bits access="r" name="KP_DATA_L" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  18295. <comment>For keys in column Idx_KeyOut(from 0 to 3) and in line Idx_KeyIn(from 0 to 7), the pressing status are stored in KP_DATA_L(Idx_KeyOut*8+Idx_KeyIn) :<br />0 = Released<br />1 = Pressed
  18296. </comment>
  18297. <options>
  18298. <mask/>
  18299. <shift/>
  18300. </options>
  18301. </bits>
  18302. </reg>
  18303. <reg protect="r" name="KP_DATA_H">
  18304. <bits access="r" name="KP_DATA_H" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  18305. <comment>For keys in column Idx_KeyOut(from 4 to 7) and line Idx_KeyIn(from 0 to 7), the pressing status are stored in KP_DATA_H(Idx_KeyIn*8-32+Idx_KeyIn):<br />0 = Released<br />1 = Pressed
  18306. </comment>
  18307. <options>
  18308. <mask/>
  18309. <shift/>
  18310. </options>
  18311. </bits>
  18312. </reg>
  18313. <reg protect="r" name="KP_STATUS">
  18314. <bits access="r" name="KEYIN_STATUS" pos="7:0" rst="0x08">
  18315. <comment>For keys in lines status <br />0 = Released<br />1 = Pressed
  18316. </comment>
  18317. <options>
  18318. <mask/>
  18319. <shift/>
  18320. </options>
  18321. </bits>
  18322. <bits access="r" name="KP_ON" pos="31" rst="0">
  18323. <comment>Indicate Key ON pressing status :<br />0 = Release<br />1 = Pressed
  18324. </comment>
  18325. <options><default/><mask/><shift/></options>
  18326. </bits>
  18327. </reg>
  18328. <reg protect="rw" name="KP_CTRL">
  18329. <bits access="rw" name="KP_En" pos="0" rst="0">
  18330. <comment>This bit enables key detection. If this bit is '0', the key detection function
  18331. is disabled. Key ON is an exception, it can be still detected and generate key interrupt
  18332. even if KP_En = '0', however in this case, the debouncing time configuration in key
  18333. control register is ignored and the key ON state is considerred to be stable if it keeps
  18334. same in consecutive 2 cycles of 16KHz clock.<br />
  18335. <br />0 = keypad disable<br />1 = keypad enable
  18336. </comment>
  18337. </bits>
  18338. <bits access="rw" name="KP_DBN_Time" pos="9:2" rst="0">
  18339. <comment>De-bounce time = (KP_DBN_TIME + 1) * SCAN_TIME, SCAN_TIME = 0.3125 ms * Number of Enabled KeyOut (determined by KP_OUT_MASK). For example, if KP_DBN_TIME = 7, KP_OUT_MASK = "111111", then De-bounce time = (7+1)*0.3125*6=15 ms. The maximum debounce time is 480 ms.
  18340. </comment>
  18341. </bits>
  18342. <bits access="rw" name="KP_ITV_Time" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  18343. <comment>Configure interval of generating an IRQ if one key or several keys are pressed long time. Interval of IRQ generation = (KP_ITV_Time + 1) * (KP_DBN_TIME + 1) * SCAN_TIME. SCAN_TIME = 0.3125 ms * Number of Enabled KeyOut (determined by KP_OUT_MASK). For example, if KP_ITV_TIME = 7, KP_DBN_TIME = 7, KP_OUT_MASK = "111111", then De-bounce time = (7+1)*(7+1)*0.3125*6=120 ms.
  18344. </comment>
  18345. </bits>
  18346. <bits access="rw" name="KP_IN_MASK" pos="23:16" rst="0xff">
  18347. <comment>each bit masks one input lines.<br />
  18348. '1' = enabled <br /> '0' = disabled
  18349. <br/>The Key In pins 0 to 5 are muxed with the boot mode pins, latched during Reset.
  18350. <br/> Key_In 0: BOOT_MODE_NO_AUTO_PU.
  18351. <br/> Key_In 1: BOOT_MODE_FORCE_MONITOR.
  18352. <br/> Key_In 2: BOOT_MODE_UART_MONITOR_ENABLE.
  18353. <br/> Key_In 3: BOOT_MODE_USB_MONITOR_DISABLE.
  18354. <br/> Key_In 4: reserved
  18355. </comment>
  18356. </bits>
  18357. <bits access="rw" name="KP_OUT_MASK" pos="31:24" rst="0xff">
  18358. <comment>each bit masks one output lines.<br />
  18359. '1' = enabled <br /> '0' = disabled </comment>
  18360. </bits>
  18361. </reg>
  18362. <reg protect="rw" name="KP_IRQ_MASK">
  18363. <bits access="rw" name="KP_EVT0_IRQ_MASK" pos="0" rst="0">
  18364. <comment>This bit mask keypad irq generated by event0 (key press or key release event, not including all keys release event which is event1).
  18365. <br />0 = keypad event irq disable<br />1 = keypad event irq enable
  18366. </comment>
  18367. </bits>
  18368. <bits access="rw" name="KP_EVT1_IRQ_MASK" pos="1" rst="0">
  18369. <comment>This bit mask keypad irq generated by event1 (all keys release event).
  18370. <br />0 = keypad event irq disable<br />1 = keypad event irq enable
  18371. </comment>
  18372. </bits>
  18373. <bits access="rw" name="KP_ITV_IRQ_MASK" pos="2" rst="0">
  18374. <comment>This bit mask keypad irq generated by key pressed long time (generated each interval configured in KP_ITV_Time.
  18375. <br />0 = keypad interval irq disable<br />1 = keypad interval irq enable
  18376. </comment>
  18377. </bits>
  18378. </reg>
  18379. <reg protect="r" name="KP_IRQ_CAUSE">
  18380. <bits access="r" name="KP_EVT0_IRQ_CAUSE" pos="0" rst="0">
  18381. <comment>keypad event0(key press or key release event, not including all keys release which is event1) IRQ cause.
  18382. </comment>
  18383. </bits>
  18384. <bits access="r" name="KP_EVT1_IRQ_CAUSE" pos="1" rst="0">
  18385. <comment>keypad event1(all keys release event) IRQ cause.
  18386. </comment>
  18387. </bits>
  18388. <bits access="r" name="KP_ITV_IRQ_CAUSE" pos="2" rst="0">
  18389. <comment>keypad interval irq cause.
  18390. </comment>
  18391. </bits>
  18392. <bits access="r" name="KP_EVT0_IRQ_STATUS" pos="16" rst="0">
  18393. <comment>keypad event0(key press or key release event, not including all keys release which is event1) irq status.
  18394. </comment>
  18395. </bits>
  18396. <bits access="r" name="KP_EVT1_IRQ_STATUS" pos="17" rst="0">
  18397. <comment>keypad event1(all keys release event) irq status.
  18398. </comment>
  18399. </bits>
  18400. <bits access="r" name="KP_ITV_IRQ_STATUS" pos="18" rst="0">
  18401. <comment>keypad interval irq status.
  18402. </comment>
  18403. </bits>
  18404. </reg>
  18405. <reg protect="rw" name="KP_IRQ_CLR">
  18406. <bits access="c" name="KP_IRQ_CLR" pos="0" rst="0">
  18407. <comment>Write '1' to this bit clears key IRQ. </comment>
  18408. </bits>
  18409. </reg>
  18410. </module>
  18411. </archive>
  18412. <archive relative = "lps.xml">
  18413. <module name="lps" category="Modem">
  18414. <var name="LP_FRAC_NB_BITS" value="16"/>
  18415. <var name="LP_COUNT_INT_NB_BITS" value="19"/>
  18416. <var name="LP_COUNT_NB_BITS" value="LP_COUNT_INT_NB_BITS + LP_FRAC_NB_BITS"/>
  18417. <var name="LP_RATE_INT_NB_BITS" value="12"/>
  18418. <var name="LP_RATE_NB_BITS" value="LP_RATE_INT_NB_BITS + LP_FRAC_NB_BITS"/>
  18419. <var name="SYS_COUNT_NB_BITS" value="29"/>
  18420. <var name="FRAME_COUNT_NB_BITS" value="32"/>
  18421. <var name="PU_COUNT_NB_BITS" value="12"/>
  18422. <reg name="LPS_SF_Ctrl" protect="rw">
  18423. <bits name="LPS_SF_Enable" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18424. <comment>Lps Skip Frame Enable.
  18425. <br/>When enabled the frame interrupt are masked until the programmed number of frames are elapsed.
  18426. <br/>This is done by masking the frame interrupt line from the regular TCU counter, and counting the frames. Also when activating the LowPower SkipFrame the frame counter is tranfered to the low power counter that will update it based on the 32kHz Clock.
  18427. </comment>
  18428. </bits>
  18429. <bits name="LPS_SF_LowPower" pos="5:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  18430. <comment>Controls the Lps Low Power Counters (counters at 32kHz) usage.
  18431. </comment>
  18432. <options>
  18433. <option name="Stop" value="0"><comment>Disable the Low Power Counters.</comment></option>
  18434. <option name="SkipFrame" value="1"><comment>The Low Power Counters are started in Skip Frame Mode. In this mode the Low Power Counter are used to maintain the Time base, The Skip Frame Must be enabled as this is the Low Power extention of the Skip Frame feature.</comment></option>
  18435. <option name="Calib" value="3"><comment>Start the calibration. The Low Power Counters are used to Calibrate the 32kHz clock against the System Clock, The Calibration is required to compensate from temperature variation. Note that the Skip Frame can also be enabled during calibration (but not with low power).</comment></option>
  18436. <mask/>
  18437. <shift/>
  18438. <default/>
  18439. </options>
  18440. </bits>
  18441. <bits name="LPS_SF_Wakeup0" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  18442. <comment>Enable fake Fint used with wakeupNumber=0. </comment>
  18443. <options>
  18444. <option name="Disabled" value="0"/>
  18445. <option name="Enabled" value="1"/>
  18446. </options>
  18447. </bits>
  18448. <bits name="LPS_SF_Wakeup0_cfg" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0">
  18449. <comment>Enable fake Fint when sys_sf_frame_count>=cfg_sf_frame.
  18450. <br/>Default sys_sf_frame_count>cfg_sf_frame.
  18451. </comment>
  18452. <options>
  18453. <option name="0" value="0"/>
  18454. <option name="1" value="1"/>
  18455. </options>
  18456. </bits>
  18457. </reg>
  18458. <reg name="LPS_SF_Status" protect="rw">
  18459. <bits name="LPS_SF_Ready" pos="0" access="r" rst="1">
  18460. <comment>Lps Skip Frame Ready, status of the state machines to keep valid state between system clock and 32Khz clock.
  18461. <br/>Must read as '1' before entering Low Power Skip Frame or Calibration mode.
  18462. </comment>
  18463. </bits>
  18464. <bits name="LPS_SF_SlowRunning" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  18465. <comment>'1' when Lps Skip Frame Low Power Counters are Running.
  18466. <br/>When entering Low Power Skip Frame, the counters are not immediately started, they wait for the nextFrame interrupt. Reading this status allow to know if the counters are running, and the System Clock can be safely disabled.
  18467. </comment>
  18468. </bits>
  18469. <bits name="LPS_SF_CalibrationDone" pos="8" access="r" rst="0">
  18470. <comment>'1' when the Lps Skip Frame Calibration is Done.
  18471. </comment>
  18472. </bits>
  18473. <bits name="LPS_SF_PU_Reached" pos="12" access="r" rst="0">
  18474. <comment>'1' when the Lps Skip Frame Power-up sequence frame is reached.
  18475. </comment>
  18476. </bits>
  18477. <bits name="LPS_SF_TCU_Restart" pos="16" access="r" rst="0">
  18478. <comment>'1' when tcu counter is restarted.
  18479. </comment>
  18480. </bits>
  18481. </reg>
  18482. <reg name="LPS_SF_Frames" protect="rw">
  18483. <bits name="LPS_SF_Frame" pos="FRAME_COUNT_NB_BITS-1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18484. <comment>Number of frames to Skip.
  18485. <br/>If the power up sequence is enabled, frames are skipped until both this number is reached and the powerup sequence has finished.
  18486. <br/>Note: The power up sequence must be <b>Done</b> before the the frame LPS_SF_Frame ends.
  18487. </comment>
  18488. </bits>
  18489. </reg>
  18490. <reg name="LPS_SF_PU_Frames" protect="rw">
  18491. <bits name="LPS_SF_PU_Frame" pos="FRAME_COUNT_NB_BITS-1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18492. <comment>Number of frames before activating the Power-up sequence.
  18493. </comment>
  18494. </bits>
  18495. </reg>
  18496. <reg name="LPS_SF_Restart_Time" protect="rw">
  18497. <bits name="LPS_SF_Restart_Time" pos="LP_COUNT_INT_NB_BITS-1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18498. <comment>For LowPower SkipFrame mode: Value to restart TCU (and frame interrupt generation) on the system clock counter after a low power phase.
  18499. <br/>For Calibration mode: number of 32k cycles for the calibration.
  18500. </comment>
  18501. </bits>
  18502. </reg>
  18503. <reg name="LPS_SF_Frame_Period" protect="rw">
  18504. <bits name="LPS_SF_Frame_Period" pos="LP_COUNT_INT_NB_BITS-1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18505. <comment>Value of the frame period in system clock count.
  18506. </comment>
  18507. </bits>
  18508. </reg>
  18509. <reg name="LPS_SF_Rate" protect="rw">
  18510. <comment>The rate is the number of System Clocks per 32kHz Clocks.
  18511. </comment>
  18512. <bits name="LPS_SF_Rate_Int" pos="LP_RATE_NB_BITS-1:LP_FRAC_NB_BITS" access="rw" rst="0">
  18513. <comment>Integer part of the rate.
  18514. </comment>
  18515. </bits>
  18516. <bits name="LPS_SF_Rate_Frac" pos="LP_FRAC_NB_BITS-1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18517. <comment>Fractional part of the rate.
  18518. </comment>
  18519. </bits>
  18520. </reg>
  18521. <reg name="LPS_SF_Elapsed_Frames" protect="rw">
  18522. <bits name="LPS_SF_Elapsed_Frames" pos="FRAME_COUNT_NB_BITS-1:0" access="r" rst="0">
  18523. <comment>Current number of elapsed frames.
  18524. <br/>Valid when Skip Frame is Enabled.
  18525. </comment>
  18526. </bits>
  18527. </reg>
  18528. <reg name="LPS_SF_Sys_Count" protect="rw">
  18529. <bits name="LPS_SF_Sys_Count" pos="SYS_COUNT_NB_BITS-1:0" access="r" rst="0">
  18530. <comment>Value of the system clock counter at the end of calibration (when CalibrationDone is '1' in LPS_SF_Status register).
  18531. <br/>The hardware behind it is reused during other operation, reading that register at any other time will return an undefined value.
  18532. </comment>
  18533. </bits>
  18534. </reg>
  18535. <reg name="LPS_IRQ" protect="rw">
  18536. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_Calibration_Done_Cause" pos="0" access="rc" rst="0">
  18537. <comment>1 when the IRQ was triggered because the calibration is done.
  18538. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18539. </comment>
  18540. </bits>
  18541. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_Slow_Running_Cause" pos="1" access="rc" rst="0">
  18542. <comment>1 when the IRQ was triggered because the Slow Counter started.
  18543. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18544. </comment>
  18545. </bits>
  18546. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_PU_Reached_Cause" pos="2" access="rc" rst="0">
  18547. <comment>1 when the IRQ was triggered because the Power-Up frame was reached.
  18548. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18549. </comment>
  18550. </bits>
  18551. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_TCU_Restart_Cause" pos="3" access="rc" rst="0">
  18552. <comment>1 when the IRQ was triggered because the tcu counter was restarted.
  18553. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18554. </comment>
  18555. </bits>
  18556. <bitgroup name="LPS_PU_IRQ_Cause">
  18557. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_Calibration_Done_Cause"/>
  18558. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_Slow_Running_Cause"/>
  18559. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_PU_Reached_Cause"/>
  18560. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_TCU_Restart_Cause"/>
  18561. </bitgroup>
  18562. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_Calibration_Done_Status" pos="16" access="rc" rst="0">
  18563. <comment>1 when the calibration is done.
  18564. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18565. </comment>
  18566. </bits>
  18567. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_Slow_Running_Status" pos="17" access="rc" rst="0">
  18568. <comment>1 when the Slow Counter started.
  18569. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18570. </comment>
  18571. </bits>
  18572. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_PU_Reached_Status" pos="18" access="rc" rst="0">
  18573. <comment>1 when the Power-Up frame was reached.
  18574. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18575. </comment>
  18576. </bits>
  18577. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_TCU_Restart_Status" pos="19" access="rc" rst="0">
  18578. <comment>1 when the tcu counter was restarted.
  18579. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  18580. </comment>
  18581. </bits>
  18582. <bitgroup name="LPS_PU_IRQ_Status">
  18583. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_Calibration_Done_Status"/>
  18584. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_Slow_Running_Status"/>
  18585. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_PU_Reached_Status"/>
  18586. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_TCU_Restart_Status"/>
  18587. </bitgroup>
  18588. </reg>
  18589. <reg name="LPS_IRQ_Mask" protect="rw">
  18590. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_Calibration_Done_Mask" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  18591. <comment>when 1 the LPS_IRQ_Calibration_Done is enabled.
  18592. </comment>
  18593. </bits>
  18594. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_Slow_Running_Mask" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  18595. <comment>when 1 the LPS_IRQ_Slow_Running is enabled.
  18596. </comment>
  18597. </bits>
  18598. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_PU_Reached_Mask" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  18599. <comment>when 1 the LPS_IRQ_PU_Reached is enabled.
  18600. </comment>
  18601. </bits>
  18602. <bits name="LPS_IRQ_TCU_Restart_Mask" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  18603. <comment>when 1 the LPS_IRQ_TCU_Restart is enabled.
  18604. </comment>
  18605. </bits>
  18606. <bitgroup name="LPS_IRQ_Mask">
  18607. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_Calibration_Done_Mask"/>
  18608. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_Slow_Running_Mask"/>
  18609. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_PU_Reached_Mask"/>
  18610. <entry ref="LPS_IRQ_TCU_Restart_Mask"/>
  18611. </bitgroup>
  18612. </reg>
  18613. </module>
  18614. </archive>
  18615. <archive relative="master_ctrl_top_rf.xml">
  18616. <module name="master_ctrl_top_rf" category="firewall">
  18617. <reg protect="rw" name="rd_sec_0">
  18618. <bits access="r" name="rd_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:4" rst="0">
  18619. </bits>
  18620. <bits access="rw" name="cipher_f8_rd_sec" pos="3" rst="0">
  18621. </bits>
  18622. <bits access="rw" name="bb_nbiot_top_rd_sec" pos="2" rst="0">
  18623. </bits>
  18624. <bits access="rw" name="bb_rf_if_rd_sec" pos="1" rst="0">
  18625. </bits>
  18626. <bits access="rw" name="sys_dma_rd_sec" pos="0" rst="0">
  18627. </bits>
  18628. </reg>
  18629. <reg protect="rw" name="wr_sec_0">
  18630. <bits access="r" name="wr_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:4" rst="0">
  18631. </bits>
  18632. <bits access="rw" name="cipher_f8_wr_sec" pos="3" rst="0">
  18633. </bits>
  18634. <bits access="rw" name="bb_nbiot_top_wr_sec" pos="2" rst="0">
  18635. </bits>
  18636. <bits access="rw" name="bb_rf_if_wr_sec" pos="1" rst="0">
  18637. </bits>
  18638. <bits access="rw" name="sys_dma_wr_sec" pos="0" rst="0">
  18639. </bits>
  18640. </reg>
  18641. </module>
  18642. </archive>
  18643. <archive relative="med.xml">
  18644. <module name="med" category="System">
  18645. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch0_work_cfg">
  18646. <bits access="r" name="med_ch0_work_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18647. </bits>
  18648. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch0_bypass_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  18649. <comment>
  18650. 1:bypass enable,don't encryption &amp; decryption 0:bypass disable,do encryption &amp; decryption
  18651. </comment>
  18652. </bits>
  18653. <bits access="r" name="med_ch0_work_cfg_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  18654. </bits>
  18655. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch0_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  18656. <comment>
  18657. 1:enable ch0; 0:disable ch0;
  18658. </comment>
  18659. </bits>
  18660. </reg>
  18661. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch0_base_addr_cfg">
  18662. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch0_base_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18663. <comment>
  18664. the base address must 32byte align, then the addr can delete the low 5bit; for example, base addr is 0x1000_0000, soft ware can config 0x80_0000
  18665. </comment>
  18666. </bits>
  18667. <bits access="r" name="med_ch0_base_addr_cfg_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18668. </bits>
  18669. </reg>
  18670. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch0_addr_size_cfg">
  18671. <bits access="r" name="med_ch0_addr_size_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  18672. </bits>
  18673. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch0_addr_size" pos="23:5" rst="0">
  18674. <comment>
  18675. the size only support max 16MB, and must 32byte align, then the size value can delete the low 5bit; for example, size is 1MB,0xFFFFF, then soft ware can config is 0x7FFF
  18676. </comment>
  18677. </bits>
  18678. <bits access="r" name="med_ch0_addr_size_cfg_reserved_1" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18679. </bits>
  18680. </reg>
  18681. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch0_read_addr_remap">
  18682. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch0_remap_read_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18683. <comment>
  18684. the address only config the 32byte align addr, the low 5bit addr come from the med accept martix addr; for example, the reg config is 0x100_000,cpu read address is 0x1000_0024,then after med , then address is is 0x2000_0024
  18685. </comment>
  18686. </bits>
  18687. <bits access="r" name="med_ch0_read_addr_remap_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18688. </bits>
  18689. </reg>
  18690. <hole size="128"/>
  18691. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch1_work_cfg">
  18692. <bits access="r" name="med_ch1_work_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18693. </bits>
  18694. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch1_bypass_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  18695. <comment>
  18696. 1:bypass enable,don't encryption &amp; decryption 0:bypass disable,do encryption &amp; decryption
  18697. </comment>
  18698. </bits>
  18699. <bits access="r" name="med_ch1_work_cfg_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  18700. </bits>
  18701. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch1_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  18702. <comment>
  18703. 1:enable ch1; 0:disable ch1;
  18704. </comment>
  18705. </bits>
  18706. </reg>
  18707. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch1_base_addr_cfg">
  18708. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch1_base_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18709. <comment>
  18710. the base address must 32byte align, then the addr can delete the low 5bit; for example, base addr is 0x1000_0000, soft ware can config 0x80_0000
  18711. </comment>
  18712. </bits>
  18713. <bits access="r" name="med_ch1_base_addr_cfg_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18714. </bits>
  18715. </reg>
  18716. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch1_addr_size_cfg">
  18717. <bits access="r" name="med_ch1_addr_size_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  18718. </bits>
  18719. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch1_addr_size" pos="23:5" rst="0">
  18720. <comment>
  18721. the size only support max 16MB, and must 32byte align, then the size value can delete the low 5bit; for example, size is 1MB,0xFFFFF, then soft ware can config is 0x7FFF
  18722. </comment>
  18723. </bits>
  18724. <bits access="r" name="med_ch1_addr_size_cfg_reserved_1" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18725. </bits>
  18726. </reg>
  18727. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch1_read_addr_remap">
  18728. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch1_remap_read_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18729. <comment>
  18730. the address only config the 32byte align addr, the low 5bit addr come from the med accept martix addr; for example, the reg config is 0x100_000,cpu read address is 0x1000_0024,then after med , then address is is 0x2000_0024
  18731. </comment>
  18732. </bits>
  18733. <bits access="r" name="med_ch1_read_addr_remap_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18734. </bits>
  18735. </reg>
  18736. <hole size="128"/>
  18737. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch2_work_cfg">
  18738. <bits access="r" name="med_ch2_work_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18739. </bits>
  18740. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch2_bypass_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  18741. <comment>
  18742. 1:bypass enable,don't encryption &amp; decryption 0:bypass disable,do encryption &amp; decryption
  18743. </comment>
  18744. </bits>
  18745. <bits access="r" name="med_ch2_work_cfg_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  18746. </bits>
  18747. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch2_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  18748. <comment>
  18749. 1:enable ch2; 0:disable ch2;
  18750. </comment>
  18751. </bits>
  18752. </reg>
  18753. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch2_base_addr_cfg">
  18754. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch2_base_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18755. <comment>
  18756. the base address must 32byte align, then the addr can delete the low 5bit; for example, base addr is 0x1000_0000, soft ware can config 0x80_0000
  18757. </comment>
  18758. </bits>
  18759. <bits access="r" name="med_ch2_base_addr_cfg_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18760. </bits>
  18761. </reg>
  18762. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch2_addr_size_cfg">
  18763. <bits access="r" name="med_ch2_addr_size_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  18764. </bits>
  18765. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch2_addr_size" pos="23:5" rst="0">
  18766. <comment>
  18767. the size only support max 16MB, and must 32byte align, then the size value can delete the low 5bit; for example, size is 1MB,0xFFFFF, then soft ware can config is 0x7FFF
  18768. </comment>
  18769. </bits>
  18770. <bits access="r" name="med_ch2_addr_size_cfg_reserved_1" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18771. </bits>
  18772. </reg>
  18773. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch2_read_addr_remap">
  18774. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch2_remap_read_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18775. <comment>
  18776. the address only config the 32byte align addr, the low 5bit addr come from the med accept martix addr; for example, the reg config is 0x100_000,cpu read address is 0x1000_0024,then after med , then address is is 0x2000_0024
  18777. </comment>
  18778. </bits>
  18779. <bits access="r" name="med_ch2_read_addr_remap_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18780. </bits>
  18781. </reg>
  18782. <hole size="128"/>
  18783. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch3_work_cfg">
  18784. <bits access="r" name="med_ch3_work_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18785. </bits>
  18786. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch3_bypass_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  18787. <comment>
  18788. 1:bypass enable,don't encryption &amp; decryption 0:bypass disable,do encryption &amp; decryption
  18789. </comment>
  18790. </bits>
  18791. <bits access="r" name="med_ch3_work_cfg_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  18792. </bits>
  18793. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch3_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  18794. <comment>
  18795. 1:enable ch3; 0:disable ch3;
  18796. </comment>
  18797. </bits>
  18798. </reg>
  18799. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch3_base_addr_cfg">
  18800. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch3_base_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18801. <comment>
  18802. the base address must 32byte align, then the addr can delete the low 5bit; for example, base addr is 0x1000_0000, soft ware can config 0x80_0000
  18803. </comment>
  18804. </bits>
  18805. <bits access="r" name="med_ch3_base_addr_cfg_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18806. </bits>
  18807. </reg>
  18808. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch3_addr_size_cfg">
  18809. <bits access="r" name="med_ch3_addr_size_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  18810. </bits>
  18811. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch3_addr_size" pos="23:5" rst="0">
  18812. <comment>
  18813. the size only support max 16MB, and must 32byte align, then the size value can delete the low 5bit; for example, size is 1MB,0xFFFFF, then soft ware can config is 0x7FFF
  18814. </comment>
  18815. </bits>
  18816. <bits access="r" name="med_ch3_addr_size_cfg_reserved_1" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18817. </bits>
  18818. </reg>
  18819. <reg protect="rw" name="med_ch3_read_addr_remap">
  18820. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch3_remap_read_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18821. <comment>
  18822. the address only config the 32byte align addr, the low 5bit addr come from the med accept martix addr; for example, the reg config is 0x100_000,cpu read address is 0x1000_0024,then after med , then address is is 0x2000_0024
  18823. </comment>
  18824. </bits>
  18825. <bits access="r" name="med_ch3_read_addr_remap_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18826. </bits>
  18827. </reg>
  18828. <hole size="1024"/>
  18829. <reg protect="rw" name="med_write_addr_remap">
  18830. <bits access="rw" name="med_remap_write_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18831. <comment>
  18832. the address only config the 32byte align addr, the low 5bit addr come from the med accept martix addr; for example, the reg config is 0x100_000,cpu write address is 0x1000_0024,then after med , then address is is 0x2000_0024
  18833. </comment>
  18834. </bits>
  18835. <bits access="r" name="med_write_addr_remap_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18836. </bits>
  18837. </reg>
  18838. <reg protect="rw" name="med_write_base_addr_cfg">
  18839. <bits access="rw" name="med_write_base_addr" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  18840. <comment>
  18841. the base address must 32byte align, then the addr can delete the low 5bit; for example, base addr is 0x1000_0000, soft ware can config 0x80_0000
  18842. </comment>
  18843. </bits>
  18844. <bits access="r" name="med_write_base_addr_cfg_reserved_0" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18845. </bits>
  18846. </reg>
  18847. <reg protect="rw" name="med_write_addr_size_cfg">
  18848. <bits access="r" name="med_write_addr_size_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:24" rst="0">
  18849. </bits>
  18850. <bits access="rw" name="med_write_addr_size" pos="23:5" rst="0">
  18851. <comment>
  18852. the size only support max 16MB, and must 32byte align, then the size value can delete the low 5bit; for example, size is 1MB,0xFFFFF, then soft ware can config is 0x7FFF
  18853. </comment>
  18854. </bits>
  18855. <bits access="r" name="med_write_addr_size_cfg_reserved_1" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  18856. </bits>
  18857. </reg>
  18858. <hole size="32"/>
  18859. <reg protect="rw" name="med_clr">
  18860. <bits access="r" name="med_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  18861. </bits>
  18862. <bits access="rc" name="med_write_cnt_clr" pos="5" rst="0">
  18863. <comment>
  18864. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  18865. 1:active,clear the 0x118 address bit31~bit12;
  18866. </comment>
  18867. </bits>
  18868. <bits access="rc" name="med_simon_clr" pos="4" rst="0">
  18869. <comment>
  18870. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  18871. 1:active,clear the simon core
  18872. </comment>
  18873. </bits>
  18874. <bits access="r" name="med_clr_reserved_1" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  18875. </bits>
  18876. <bits access="rc" name="med_write_ram_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  18877. <comment>
  18878. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  18879. 1:active,clear the med inner write ram
  18880. </comment>
  18881. </bits>
  18882. <bits access="rc" name="med_read_ram_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  18883. <comment>
  18884. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  18885. 1:active,clear the med inner read ram
  18886. </comment>
  18887. </bits>
  18888. </reg>
  18889. <reg protect="rw" name="med_work_mode">
  18890. <bits access="r" name="med_work_mode_reserved_0" pos="31:17" rst="0">
  18891. </bits>
  18892. <bits access="rw" name="med_clk_force_on" pos="16" rst="0">
  18893. <comment>
  18894. can force the med clk gate always on, then the clk freerun
  18895. </comment>
  18896. </bits>
  18897. <bits access="r" name="med_work_mode_reserved_1" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  18898. </bits>
  18899. <bits access="rw" name="med_write_bus_error_en" pos="10" rst="0">
  18900. <comment>
  18901. when the med send cmd to write flash data, and the slave happen bus error, then the med will back the slave bus error to master.
  18902. </comment>
  18903. </bits>
  18904. <bits access="rw" name="med_read_bus_error_en" pos="9" rst="0">
  18905. <comment>
  18906. when the med send cmd to read flash data, and the slave happen bus error, then the med will back the slave bus error to master.
  18907. </comment>
  18908. </bits>
  18909. <bits access="rw" name="med_bus_error_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  18910. <comment>
  18911. enable the med module ahb bus error,when the master access to med, and the access address is error, the med will generate the buss error to master.
  18912. </comment>
  18913. </bits>
  18914. <bits access="r" name="med_work_mode_reserved_2" pos="7:1" rst="0">
  18915. </bits>
  18916. <bits access="rw" name="med_key_iv_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  18917. <comment>
  18918. 1:sel the key from efuse, 0: key from soft ware
  18919. </comment>
  18920. </bits>
  18921. </reg>
  18922. <reg protect="rw" name="med_int_en">
  18923. <bits access="r" name="med_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  18924. <comment>
  18925. reserved
  18926. </comment>
  18927. </bits>
  18928. <bits access="rw" name="med_addr_err_int_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  18929. <comment>
  18930. enable med ahb addr out of range all channel
  18931. </comment>
  18932. </bits>
  18933. <bits access="rw" name="med_err_resp_int_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  18934. <comment>
  18935. enable med error response int
  18936. </comment>
  18937. </bits>
  18938. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch3_dis_addr_vld_int_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  18939. <comment>
  18940. enable med channel3 addr error int
  18941. </comment>
  18942. </bits>
  18943. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch2_dis_addr_vld_int_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  18944. <comment>
  18945. enable med channel2 addr error int
  18946. </comment>
  18947. </bits>
  18948. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch1_dis_addr_vld_int_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  18949. <comment>
  18950. enable med channel1 addr error int
  18951. </comment>
  18952. </bits>
  18953. <bits access="rw" name="med_ch0_dis_addr_vld_int_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  18954. <comment>
  18955. enable med channel0 addr error int
  18956. </comment>
  18957. </bits>
  18958. <bits access="rw" name="med_wr_done_int_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  18959. <comment>
  18960. enable med write done int
  18961. </comment>
  18962. </bits>
  18963. </reg>
  18964. <reg protect="r" name="med_int_raw">
  18965. <bits access="r" name="med_int_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  18966. <comment>
  18967. reserved
  18968. </comment>
  18969. </bits>
  18970. <bits access="r" name="med_addr_err_int_raw" pos="6" rst="0">
  18971. <comment>
  18972. med ahb addr out of range all channel status
  18973. </comment>
  18974. </bits>
  18975. <bits access="r" name="med_err_resp_int_raw" pos="5" rst="0">
  18976. <comment>
  18977. med error response int status
  18978. </comment>
  18979. </bits>
  18980. <bits access="r" name="med_ch3_dis_addr_vld_int_raw" pos="4" rst="0">
  18981. <comment>
  18982. med channel3 addr error int status
  18983. </comment>
  18984. </bits>
  18985. <bits access="r" name="med_ch2_dis_addr_vld_int_raw" pos="3" rst="0">
  18986. <comment>
  18987. med channel2 addr error int status
  18988. </comment>
  18989. </bits>
  18990. <bits access="r" name="med_ch1_dis_addr_vld_int_raw" pos="2" rst="0">
  18991. <comment>
  18992. med channel1 addr error int status
  18993. </comment>
  18994. </bits>
  18995. <bits access="r" name="med_ch0_dis_addr_vld_int_raw" pos="1" rst="0">
  18996. <comment>
  18997. med channel0 addr error int status
  18998. </comment>
  18999. </bits>
  19000. <bits access="r" name="med_wr_done_int_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  19001. <comment>
  19002. med write done int status
  19003. </comment>
  19004. </bits>
  19005. </reg>
  19006. <reg protect="rw" name="med_int_clear">
  19007. <bits access="r" name="med_int_clear_reserved_0" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  19008. <comment>
  19009. reserved
  19010. </comment>
  19011. </bits>
  19012. <bits access="rc" name="med_addr_err_int_clr" pos="6" rst="0">
  19013. <comment>
  19014. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19015. clear med ahb addr out of range all channel status
  19016. </comment>
  19017. </bits>
  19018. <bits access="rc" name="med_err_resp_int_clr" pos="5" rst="0">
  19019. <comment>
  19020. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19021. clear med error response int
  19022. </comment>
  19023. </bits>
  19024. <bits access="rc" name="med_ch3_dis_addr_vld_int_clr" pos="4" rst="0">
  19025. <comment>
  19026. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19027. clear med channel3 addr error int
  19028. </comment>
  19029. </bits>
  19030. <bits access="rc" name="med_ch2_dis_addr_vld_int_clr" pos="3" rst="0">
  19031. <comment>
  19032. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19033. clear med channel2 addr error int
  19034. </comment>
  19035. </bits>
  19036. <bits access="rc" name="med_ch1_dis_addr_vld_int_clr" pos="2" rst="0">
  19037. <comment>
  19038. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19039. clear med channel1 addr error int
  19040. </comment>
  19041. </bits>
  19042. <bits access="rc" name="med_ch0_dis_addr_vld_int_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  19043. <comment>
  19044. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19045. clear med channel0 addr error int
  19046. </comment>
  19047. </bits>
  19048. <bits access="rc" name="med_wr_done_int_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  19049. <comment>
  19050. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19051. clear med write done int
  19052. </comment>
  19053. </bits>
  19054. </reg>
  19055. <reg protect="r" name="med_error_addr">
  19056. <bits access="r" name="med_error_addr_store" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19057. <comment>
  19058. when master send error address, the addr store in this reg
  19059. </comment>
  19060. </bits>
  19061. </reg>
  19062. <reg protect="r" name="med_status0">
  19063. <bits access="r" name="med_write_word_cnt" pos="31:12" rst="0">
  19064. </bits>
  19065. <bits access="r" name="med_status0_reserved_0" pos="11:6" rst="0">
  19066. <comment>
  19067. reserved
  19068. </comment>
  19069. </bits>
  19070. <bits access="r" name="med_wr_busy" pos="5" rst="0">
  19071. </bits>
  19072. <bits access="r" name="med_rd_busy" pos="4" rst="0">
  19073. </bits>
  19074. <bits access="r" name="med_work_busy" pos="3" rst="0">
  19075. </bits>
  19076. <bits access="r" name="med_mster_ahb_hready" pos="2" rst="1">
  19077. </bits>
  19078. <bits access="r" name="med_mster_slv_hready" pos="1" rst="1">
  19079. </bits>
  19080. <bits access="r" name="med_simon_odata_ready" pos="0" rst="1">
  19081. </bits>
  19082. </reg>
  19083. <reg protect="r" name="med_status1">
  19084. <bits access="r" name="med_cipher_debug" pos="31:0" rst="4">
  19085. </bits>
  19086. </reg>
  19087. <reg protect="r" name="med_status2">
  19088. <bits access="r" name="med_ctrl_debug2" pos="31:0" rst="2625">
  19089. </bits>
  19090. </reg>
  19091. <reg protect="r" name="med_status3">
  19092. <bits access="r" name="med_ctrl_debug3" pos="31:0" rst="48">
  19093. </bits>
  19094. </reg>
  19095. <reg protect="rw" name="med_soft_key">
  19096. <bits access="rw" name="med_soft_cfg_key" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19097. <comment>
  19098. software only config 32bit key, hardware copy four time,{med_soft_cfg_key,med_soft_cfg_key,med_soft_cfg_key,med_soft_cfg_key}=128bit,then send to simon
  19099. </comment>
  19100. </bits>
  19101. </reg>
  19102. </module>
  19103. </archive>
  19104. <archive relative="mem_fw_bb_nbiot_top_rf.xml">
  19105. <module name="mem_fw_bb_nbiot_top_rf" category="firewall">
  19106. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  19107. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19108. </bits>
  19109. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="5:0" rst="63">
  19110. <comment>
  19111. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19112. </comment>
  19113. </bits>
  19114. </reg>
  19115. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  19116. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19117. </bits>
  19118. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="5:0" rst="63">
  19119. <comment>
  19120. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19121. </comment>
  19122. </bits>
  19123. </reg>
  19124. <hole size="1984"/>
  19125. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  19126. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  19127. </bits>
  19128. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  19129. <comment>
  19130. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19131. </comment>
  19132. </bits>
  19133. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  19134. </bits>
  19135. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  19136. <comment>
  19137. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19138. </comment>
  19139. </bits>
  19140. </reg>
  19141. <hole size="2016"/>
  19142. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  19143. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19144. </bits>
  19145. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  19146. <comment>
  19147. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19148. </comment>
  19149. </bits>
  19150. </reg>
  19151. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_clr">
  19152. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19153. </bits>
  19154. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  19155. <comment>
  19156. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19157. </comment>
  19158. </bits>
  19159. </reg>
  19160. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_raw">
  19161. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19162. </bits>
  19163. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  19164. </bits>
  19165. </reg>
  19166. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_fin">
  19167. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19168. </bits>
  19169. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  19170. </bits>
  19171. </reg>
  19172. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  19173. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19174. </bits>
  19175. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  19176. <comment>
  19177. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19178. </comment>
  19179. </bits>
  19180. </reg>
  19181. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_clr">
  19182. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19183. </bits>
  19184. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  19185. <comment>
  19186. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19187. </comment>
  19188. </bits>
  19189. </reg>
  19190. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_raw">
  19191. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19192. </bits>
  19193. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  19194. </bits>
  19195. </reg>
  19196. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_fin">
  19197. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19198. </bits>
  19199. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  19200. </bits>
  19201. </reg>
  19202. <hole size="3840"/>
  19203. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr">
  19204. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19205. </bits>
  19206. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  19207. </bits>
  19208. </reg>
  19209. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  19210. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  19211. </bits>
  19212. <bits access="r" name="w_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  19213. </bits>
  19214. </reg>
  19215. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr">
  19216. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19217. </bits>
  19218. <bits access="r" name="r_addr_0" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  19219. </bits>
  19220. </reg>
  19221. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id">
  19222. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  19223. </bits>
  19224. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  19225. </bits>
  19226. </reg>
  19227. <hole size="8064"/>
  19228. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_first_addr">
  19229. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19230. </bits>
  19231. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="5:0" rst="63">
  19232. <comment>
  19233. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19234. </comment>
  19235. </bits>
  19236. </reg>
  19237. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_last_addr">
  19238. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19239. </bits>
  19240. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  19241. <comment>
  19242. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19243. </comment>
  19244. </bits>
  19245. </reg>
  19246. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id0">
  19247. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19248. <comment>
  19249. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19250. </comment>
  19251. </bits>
  19252. </reg>
  19253. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id1">
  19254. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19255. <comment>
  19256. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19257. </comment>
  19258. </bits>
  19259. </reg>
  19260. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id2">
  19261. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19262. <comment>
  19263. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19264. </comment>
  19265. </bits>
  19266. </reg>
  19267. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id3">
  19268. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19269. <comment>
  19270. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19271. </comment>
  19272. </bits>
  19273. </reg>
  19274. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id4">
  19275. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19276. <comment>
  19277. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19278. </comment>
  19279. </bits>
  19280. </reg>
  19281. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id5">
  19282. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19283. <comment>
  19284. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19285. </comment>
  19286. </bits>
  19287. </reg>
  19288. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id6">
  19289. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19290. <comment>
  19291. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19292. </comment>
  19293. </bits>
  19294. </reg>
  19295. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id7">
  19296. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19297. <comment>
  19298. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19299. </comment>
  19300. </bits>
  19301. </reg>
  19302. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id0">
  19303. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19304. <comment>
  19305. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19306. </comment>
  19307. </bits>
  19308. </reg>
  19309. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id1">
  19310. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19311. <comment>
  19312. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19313. </comment>
  19314. </bits>
  19315. </reg>
  19316. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id2">
  19317. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19318. <comment>
  19319. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19320. </comment>
  19321. </bits>
  19322. </reg>
  19323. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id3">
  19324. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19325. <comment>
  19326. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19327. </comment>
  19328. </bits>
  19329. </reg>
  19330. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id4">
  19331. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19332. <comment>
  19333. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19334. </comment>
  19335. </bits>
  19336. </reg>
  19337. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id5">
  19338. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19339. <comment>
  19340. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19341. </comment>
  19342. </bits>
  19343. </reg>
  19344. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id6">
  19345. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19346. <comment>
  19347. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19348. </comment>
  19349. </bits>
  19350. </reg>
  19351. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id7">
  19352. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19353. <comment>
  19354. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19355. </comment>
  19356. </bits>
  19357. </reg>
  19358. <hole size="15808"/>
  19359. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_first_addr">
  19360. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19361. </bits>
  19362. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="5:0" rst="63">
  19363. <comment>
  19364. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19365. </comment>
  19366. </bits>
  19367. </reg>
  19368. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_last_addr">
  19369. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19370. </bits>
  19371. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  19372. <comment>
  19373. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19374. </comment>
  19375. </bits>
  19376. </reg>
  19377. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id0">
  19378. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19379. <comment>
  19380. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19381. </comment>
  19382. </bits>
  19383. </reg>
  19384. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id1">
  19385. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19386. <comment>
  19387. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19388. </comment>
  19389. </bits>
  19390. </reg>
  19391. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id2">
  19392. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19393. <comment>
  19394. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19395. </comment>
  19396. </bits>
  19397. </reg>
  19398. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id3">
  19399. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19400. <comment>
  19401. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19402. </comment>
  19403. </bits>
  19404. </reg>
  19405. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id4">
  19406. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19407. <comment>
  19408. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19409. </comment>
  19410. </bits>
  19411. </reg>
  19412. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id5">
  19413. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19414. <comment>
  19415. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19416. </comment>
  19417. </bits>
  19418. </reg>
  19419. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id6">
  19420. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19421. <comment>
  19422. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19423. </comment>
  19424. </bits>
  19425. </reg>
  19426. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id7">
  19427. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19428. <comment>
  19429. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19430. </comment>
  19431. </bits>
  19432. </reg>
  19433. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id0">
  19434. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19435. <comment>
  19436. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19437. </comment>
  19438. </bits>
  19439. </reg>
  19440. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id1">
  19441. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19442. <comment>
  19443. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19444. </comment>
  19445. </bits>
  19446. </reg>
  19447. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id2">
  19448. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19449. <comment>
  19450. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19451. </comment>
  19452. </bits>
  19453. </reg>
  19454. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id3">
  19455. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19456. <comment>
  19457. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19458. </comment>
  19459. </bits>
  19460. </reg>
  19461. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id4">
  19462. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19463. <comment>
  19464. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19465. </comment>
  19466. </bits>
  19467. </reg>
  19468. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id5">
  19469. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19470. <comment>
  19471. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19472. </comment>
  19473. </bits>
  19474. </reg>
  19475. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id6">
  19476. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19477. <comment>
  19478. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19479. </comment>
  19480. </bits>
  19481. </reg>
  19482. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id7">
  19483. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19484. <comment>
  19485. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19486. </comment>
  19487. </bits>
  19488. </reg>
  19489. <hole size="448"/>
  19490. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_first_addr">
  19491. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19492. </bits>
  19493. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="5:0" rst="63">
  19494. <comment>
  19495. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19496. </comment>
  19497. </bits>
  19498. </reg>
  19499. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_last_addr">
  19500. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  19501. </bits>
  19502. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  19503. <comment>
  19504. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19505. </comment>
  19506. </bits>
  19507. </reg>
  19508. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id0">
  19509. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19510. <comment>
  19511. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19512. </comment>
  19513. </bits>
  19514. </reg>
  19515. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id1">
  19516. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19517. <comment>
  19518. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19519. </comment>
  19520. </bits>
  19521. </reg>
  19522. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id2">
  19523. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19524. <comment>
  19525. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19526. </comment>
  19527. </bits>
  19528. </reg>
  19529. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id3">
  19530. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19531. <comment>
  19532. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19533. </comment>
  19534. </bits>
  19535. </reg>
  19536. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id4">
  19537. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19538. <comment>
  19539. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19540. </comment>
  19541. </bits>
  19542. </reg>
  19543. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id5">
  19544. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19545. <comment>
  19546. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19547. </comment>
  19548. </bits>
  19549. </reg>
  19550. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id6">
  19551. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19552. <comment>
  19553. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19554. </comment>
  19555. </bits>
  19556. </reg>
  19557. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id7">
  19558. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19559. <comment>
  19560. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19561. </comment>
  19562. </bits>
  19563. </reg>
  19564. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id0">
  19565. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19566. <comment>
  19567. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19568. </comment>
  19569. </bits>
  19570. </reg>
  19571. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id1">
  19572. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19573. <comment>
  19574. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19575. </comment>
  19576. </bits>
  19577. </reg>
  19578. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id2">
  19579. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19580. <comment>
  19581. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19582. </comment>
  19583. </bits>
  19584. </reg>
  19585. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id3">
  19586. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19587. <comment>
  19588. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19589. </comment>
  19590. </bits>
  19591. </reg>
  19592. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id4">
  19593. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19594. <comment>
  19595. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19596. </comment>
  19597. </bits>
  19598. </reg>
  19599. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id5">
  19600. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19601. <comment>
  19602. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19603. </comment>
  19604. </bits>
  19605. </reg>
  19606. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id6">
  19607. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19608. <comment>
  19609. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19610. </comment>
  19611. </bits>
  19612. </reg>
  19613. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id7">
  19614. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19615. <comment>
  19616. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19617. </comment>
  19618. </bits>
  19619. </reg>
  19620. </module>
  19621. </archive>
  19622. <archive relative="mem_fw_flash1_rf.xml">
  19623. <module name="mem_fw_flash1_rf" category="firewall">
  19624. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  19625. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19626. </bits>
  19627. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  19628. <comment>
  19629. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19630. </comment>
  19631. </bits>
  19632. </reg>
  19633. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  19634. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19635. </bits>
  19636. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  19637. <comment>
  19638. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19639. </comment>
  19640. </bits>
  19641. </reg>
  19642. <hole size="1984"/>
  19643. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  19644. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  19645. </bits>
  19646. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  19647. <comment>
  19648. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19649. </comment>
  19650. </bits>
  19651. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  19652. </bits>
  19653. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  19654. <comment>
  19655. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19656. </comment>
  19657. </bits>
  19658. </reg>
  19659. <hole size="2016"/>
  19660. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  19661. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19662. </bits>
  19663. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  19664. <comment>
  19665. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19666. </comment>
  19667. </bits>
  19668. </reg>
  19669. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_clr">
  19670. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19671. </bits>
  19672. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  19673. <comment>
  19674. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19675. </comment>
  19676. </bits>
  19677. </reg>
  19678. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_raw">
  19679. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19680. </bits>
  19681. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  19682. </bits>
  19683. </reg>
  19684. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_fin">
  19685. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19686. </bits>
  19687. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  19688. </bits>
  19689. </reg>
  19690. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  19691. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19692. </bits>
  19693. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  19694. <comment>
  19695. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19696. </comment>
  19697. </bits>
  19698. </reg>
  19699. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_clr">
  19700. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19701. </bits>
  19702. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  19703. <comment>
  19704. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  19705. </comment>
  19706. </bits>
  19707. </reg>
  19708. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_raw">
  19709. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19710. </bits>
  19711. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  19712. </bits>
  19713. </reg>
  19714. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_fin">
  19715. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  19716. </bits>
  19717. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  19718. </bits>
  19719. </reg>
  19720. <hole size="3840"/>
  19721. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr">
  19722. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19723. </bits>
  19724. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  19725. </bits>
  19726. </reg>
  19727. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  19728. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  19729. </bits>
  19730. <bits access="r" name="w_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  19731. </bits>
  19732. </reg>
  19733. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr">
  19734. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19735. </bits>
  19736. <bits access="r" name="r_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  19737. </bits>
  19738. </reg>
  19739. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id">
  19740. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  19741. </bits>
  19742. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  19743. </bits>
  19744. </reg>
  19745. <hole size="8064"/>
  19746. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_first_addr">
  19747. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19748. </bits>
  19749. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  19750. <comment>
  19751. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19752. </comment>
  19753. </bits>
  19754. </reg>
  19755. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_last_addr">
  19756. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19757. </bits>
  19758. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  19759. <comment>
  19760. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19761. </comment>
  19762. </bits>
  19763. </reg>
  19764. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id0">
  19765. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19766. <comment>
  19767. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19768. </comment>
  19769. </bits>
  19770. </reg>
  19771. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id1">
  19772. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19773. <comment>
  19774. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19775. </comment>
  19776. </bits>
  19777. </reg>
  19778. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id2">
  19779. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19780. <comment>
  19781. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19782. </comment>
  19783. </bits>
  19784. </reg>
  19785. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id3">
  19786. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19787. <comment>
  19788. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19789. </comment>
  19790. </bits>
  19791. </reg>
  19792. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id4">
  19793. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19794. <comment>
  19795. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19796. </comment>
  19797. </bits>
  19798. </reg>
  19799. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id5">
  19800. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19801. <comment>
  19802. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19803. </comment>
  19804. </bits>
  19805. </reg>
  19806. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id6">
  19807. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19808. <comment>
  19809. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19810. </comment>
  19811. </bits>
  19812. </reg>
  19813. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id7">
  19814. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19815. <comment>
  19816. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19817. </comment>
  19818. </bits>
  19819. </reg>
  19820. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id0">
  19821. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19822. <comment>
  19823. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19824. </comment>
  19825. </bits>
  19826. </reg>
  19827. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id1">
  19828. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19829. <comment>
  19830. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19831. </comment>
  19832. </bits>
  19833. </reg>
  19834. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id2">
  19835. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19836. <comment>
  19837. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19838. </comment>
  19839. </bits>
  19840. </reg>
  19841. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id3">
  19842. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19843. <comment>
  19844. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19845. </comment>
  19846. </bits>
  19847. </reg>
  19848. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id4">
  19849. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19850. <comment>
  19851. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19852. </comment>
  19853. </bits>
  19854. </reg>
  19855. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id5">
  19856. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19857. <comment>
  19858. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19859. </comment>
  19860. </bits>
  19861. </reg>
  19862. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id6">
  19863. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19864. <comment>
  19865. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19866. </comment>
  19867. </bits>
  19868. </reg>
  19869. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id7">
  19870. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19871. <comment>
  19872. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19873. </comment>
  19874. </bits>
  19875. </reg>
  19876. <hole size="15808"/>
  19877. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_first_addr">
  19878. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19879. </bits>
  19880. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  19881. <comment>
  19882. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19883. </comment>
  19884. </bits>
  19885. </reg>
  19886. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_last_addr">
  19887. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  19888. </bits>
  19889. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  19890. <comment>
  19891. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19892. </comment>
  19893. </bits>
  19894. </reg>
  19895. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id0">
  19896. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19897. <comment>
  19898. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19899. </comment>
  19900. </bits>
  19901. </reg>
  19902. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id1">
  19903. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19904. <comment>
  19905. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19906. </comment>
  19907. </bits>
  19908. </reg>
  19909. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id2">
  19910. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19911. <comment>
  19912. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19913. </comment>
  19914. </bits>
  19915. </reg>
  19916. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id3">
  19917. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19918. <comment>
  19919. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19920. </comment>
  19921. </bits>
  19922. </reg>
  19923. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id4">
  19924. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19925. <comment>
  19926. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19927. </comment>
  19928. </bits>
  19929. </reg>
  19930. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id5">
  19931. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19932. <comment>
  19933. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19934. </comment>
  19935. </bits>
  19936. </reg>
  19937. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id6">
  19938. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19939. <comment>
  19940. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19941. </comment>
  19942. </bits>
  19943. </reg>
  19944. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id7">
  19945. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19946. <comment>
  19947. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19948. </comment>
  19949. </bits>
  19950. </reg>
  19951. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id0">
  19952. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19953. <comment>
  19954. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19955. </comment>
  19956. </bits>
  19957. </reg>
  19958. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id1">
  19959. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19960. <comment>
  19961. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19962. </comment>
  19963. </bits>
  19964. </reg>
  19965. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id2">
  19966. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19967. <comment>
  19968. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19969. </comment>
  19970. </bits>
  19971. </reg>
  19972. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id3">
  19973. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19974. <comment>
  19975. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19976. </comment>
  19977. </bits>
  19978. </reg>
  19979. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id4">
  19980. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19981. <comment>
  19982. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19983. </comment>
  19984. </bits>
  19985. </reg>
  19986. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id5">
  19987. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19988. <comment>
  19989. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19990. </comment>
  19991. </bits>
  19992. </reg>
  19993. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id6">
  19994. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  19995. <comment>
  19996. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  19997. </comment>
  19998. </bits>
  19999. </reg>
  20000. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id7">
  20001. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20002. <comment>
  20003. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20004. </comment>
  20005. </bits>
  20006. </reg>
  20007. <hole size="448"/>
  20008. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_first_addr">
  20009. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20010. </bits>
  20011. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20012. <comment>
  20013. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20014. </comment>
  20015. </bits>
  20016. </reg>
  20017. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_last_addr">
  20018. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20019. </bits>
  20020. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20021. <comment>
  20022. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20023. </comment>
  20024. </bits>
  20025. </reg>
  20026. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id0">
  20027. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20028. <comment>
  20029. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20030. </comment>
  20031. </bits>
  20032. </reg>
  20033. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id1">
  20034. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20035. <comment>
  20036. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20037. </comment>
  20038. </bits>
  20039. </reg>
  20040. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id2">
  20041. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20042. <comment>
  20043. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20044. </comment>
  20045. </bits>
  20046. </reg>
  20047. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id3">
  20048. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20049. <comment>
  20050. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20051. </comment>
  20052. </bits>
  20053. </reg>
  20054. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id4">
  20055. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20056. <comment>
  20057. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20058. </comment>
  20059. </bits>
  20060. </reg>
  20061. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id5">
  20062. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20063. <comment>
  20064. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20065. </comment>
  20066. </bits>
  20067. </reg>
  20068. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id6">
  20069. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20070. <comment>
  20071. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20072. </comment>
  20073. </bits>
  20074. </reg>
  20075. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id7">
  20076. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20077. <comment>
  20078. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20079. </comment>
  20080. </bits>
  20081. </reg>
  20082. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id0">
  20083. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20084. <comment>
  20085. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20086. </comment>
  20087. </bits>
  20088. </reg>
  20089. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id1">
  20090. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20091. <comment>
  20092. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20093. </comment>
  20094. </bits>
  20095. </reg>
  20096. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id2">
  20097. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20098. <comment>
  20099. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20100. </comment>
  20101. </bits>
  20102. </reg>
  20103. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id3">
  20104. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20105. <comment>
  20106. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20107. </comment>
  20108. </bits>
  20109. </reg>
  20110. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id4">
  20111. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20112. <comment>
  20113. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20114. </comment>
  20115. </bits>
  20116. </reg>
  20117. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id5">
  20118. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20119. <comment>
  20120. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20121. </comment>
  20122. </bits>
  20123. </reg>
  20124. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id6">
  20125. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20126. <comment>
  20127. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20128. </comment>
  20129. </bits>
  20130. </reg>
  20131. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id7">
  20132. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20133. <comment>
  20134. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20135. </comment>
  20136. </bits>
  20137. </reg>
  20138. <hole size="448"/>
  20139. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_first_addr">
  20140. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20141. </bits>
  20142. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20143. <comment>
  20144. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20145. </comment>
  20146. </bits>
  20147. </reg>
  20148. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_last_addr">
  20149. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20150. </bits>
  20151. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20152. <comment>
  20153. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20154. </comment>
  20155. </bits>
  20156. </reg>
  20157. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id0">
  20158. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20159. <comment>
  20160. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20161. </comment>
  20162. </bits>
  20163. </reg>
  20164. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id1">
  20165. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20166. <comment>
  20167. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20168. </comment>
  20169. </bits>
  20170. </reg>
  20171. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id2">
  20172. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20173. <comment>
  20174. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20175. </comment>
  20176. </bits>
  20177. </reg>
  20178. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id3">
  20179. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20180. <comment>
  20181. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20182. </comment>
  20183. </bits>
  20184. </reg>
  20185. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id4">
  20186. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20187. <comment>
  20188. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20189. </comment>
  20190. </bits>
  20191. </reg>
  20192. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id5">
  20193. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20194. <comment>
  20195. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20196. </comment>
  20197. </bits>
  20198. </reg>
  20199. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id6">
  20200. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20201. <comment>
  20202. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20203. </comment>
  20204. </bits>
  20205. </reg>
  20206. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id7">
  20207. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20208. <comment>
  20209. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20210. </comment>
  20211. </bits>
  20212. </reg>
  20213. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id0">
  20214. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20215. <comment>
  20216. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20217. </comment>
  20218. </bits>
  20219. </reg>
  20220. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id1">
  20221. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20222. <comment>
  20223. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20224. </comment>
  20225. </bits>
  20226. </reg>
  20227. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id2">
  20228. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20229. <comment>
  20230. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20231. </comment>
  20232. </bits>
  20233. </reg>
  20234. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id3">
  20235. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20236. <comment>
  20237. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20238. </comment>
  20239. </bits>
  20240. </reg>
  20241. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id4">
  20242. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20243. <comment>
  20244. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20245. </comment>
  20246. </bits>
  20247. </reg>
  20248. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id5">
  20249. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20250. <comment>
  20251. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20252. </comment>
  20253. </bits>
  20254. </reg>
  20255. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id6">
  20256. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20257. <comment>
  20258. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20259. </comment>
  20260. </bits>
  20261. </reg>
  20262. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id7">
  20263. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20264. <comment>
  20265. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20266. </comment>
  20267. </bits>
  20268. </reg>
  20269. <hole size="448"/>
  20270. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_first_addr">
  20271. <bits access="r" name="seg_3_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20272. </bits>
  20273. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20274. <comment>
  20275. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20276. </comment>
  20277. </bits>
  20278. </reg>
  20279. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_last_addr">
  20280. <bits access="r" name="seg_3_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20281. </bits>
  20282. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20283. <comment>
  20284. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20285. </comment>
  20286. </bits>
  20287. </reg>
  20288. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id0">
  20289. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20290. <comment>
  20291. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20292. </comment>
  20293. </bits>
  20294. </reg>
  20295. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id1">
  20296. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20297. <comment>
  20298. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20299. </comment>
  20300. </bits>
  20301. </reg>
  20302. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id2">
  20303. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20304. <comment>
  20305. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20306. </comment>
  20307. </bits>
  20308. </reg>
  20309. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id3">
  20310. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20311. <comment>
  20312. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20313. </comment>
  20314. </bits>
  20315. </reg>
  20316. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id4">
  20317. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20318. <comment>
  20319. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20320. </comment>
  20321. </bits>
  20322. </reg>
  20323. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id5">
  20324. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20325. <comment>
  20326. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20327. </comment>
  20328. </bits>
  20329. </reg>
  20330. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id6">
  20331. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20332. <comment>
  20333. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20334. </comment>
  20335. </bits>
  20336. </reg>
  20337. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id7">
  20338. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20339. <comment>
  20340. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20341. </comment>
  20342. </bits>
  20343. </reg>
  20344. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id0">
  20345. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20346. <comment>
  20347. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20348. </comment>
  20349. </bits>
  20350. </reg>
  20351. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id1">
  20352. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20353. <comment>
  20354. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20355. </comment>
  20356. </bits>
  20357. </reg>
  20358. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id2">
  20359. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20360. <comment>
  20361. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20362. </comment>
  20363. </bits>
  20364. </reg>
  20365. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id3">
  20366. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20367. <comment>
  20368. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20369. </comment>
  20370. </bits>
  20371. </reg>
  20372. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id4">
  20373. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20374. <comment>
  20375. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20376. </comment>
  20377. </bits>
  20378. </reg>
  20379. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id5">
  20380. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20381. <comment>
  20382. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20383. </comment>
  20384. </bits>
  20385. </reg>
  20386. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id6">
  20387. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20388. <comment>
  20389. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20390. </comment>
  20391. </bits>
  20392. </reg>
  20393. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id7">
  20394. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20395. <comment>
  20396. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20397. </comment>
  20398. </bits>
  20399. </reg>
  20400. </module>
  20401. </archive>
  20402. <archive relative="mem_fw_flash2_rf.xml">
  20403. <module name="mem_fw_flash2_rf" category="firewall">
  20404. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  20405. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20406. </bits>
  20407. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20408. <comment>
  20409. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20410. default r address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 24 ~ bit 12).
  20411. </comment>
  20412. </bits>
  20413. </reg>
  20414. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  20415. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20416. </bits>
  20417. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20418. <comment>
  20419. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20420. default w address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 24 ~ bit 12).
  20421. </comment>
  20422. </bits>
  20423. </reg>
  20424. <hole size="1984"/>
  20425. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  20426. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  20427. </bits>
  20428. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  20429. <comment>
  20430. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20431. 0: don&apos;t response error; 1: response error
  20432. </comment>
  20433. </bits>
  20434. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  20435. </bits>
  20436. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  20437. <comment>
  20438. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20439. clock gate bypass
  20440. </comment>
  20441. </bits>
  20442. </reg>
  20443. <hole size="2016"/>
  20444. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  20445. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20446. </bits>
  20447. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  20448. <comment>
  20449. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20450. Port 0 write address miss int enable&#10;1: Enable&#10;0: Disable
  20451. </comment>
  20452. </bits>
  20453. </reg>
  20454. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_clr">
  20455. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20456. </bits>
  20457. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  20458. <comment>
  20459. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  20460. Port 0 write address miss int write-clear
  20461. </comment>
  20462. </bits>
  20463. </reg>
  20464. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_raw">
  20465. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20466. </bits>
  20467. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  20468. <comment>
  20469. Port 0 write address miss original int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  20470. </comment>
  20471. </bits>
  20472. </reg>
  20473. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_fin">
  20474. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20475. </bits>
  20476. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  20477. <comment>
  20478. Port 0 write address miss final int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  20479. </comment>
  20480. </bits>
  20481. </reg>
  20482. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  20483. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20484. </bits>
  20485. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  20486. <comment>
  20487. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20488. Port 0 read address miss int enable&#10;1: Enable&#10;0: Disable
  20489. </comment>
  20490. </bits>
  20491. </reg>
  20492. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_clr">
  20493. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20494. </bits>
  20495. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  20496. <comment>
  20497. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  20498. Port 0 read address miss int write-clear
  20499. </comment>
  20500. </bits>
  20501. </reg>
  20502. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_raw">
  20503. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20504. </bits>
  20505. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  20506. <comment>
  20507. Port 0 read address miss original int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  20508. </comment>
  20509. </bits>
  20510. </reg>
  20511. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_fin">
  20512. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  20513. </bits>
  20514. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  20515. <comment>
  20516. Port 0 read address miss final int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  20517. </comment>
  20518. </bits>
  20519. </reg>
  20520. <hole size="3840"/>
  20521. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr">
  20522. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20523. </bits>
  20524. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20525. <comment>
  20526. Port 0 write channel address, 4K-Byte
  20527. </comment>
  20528. </bits>
  20529. </reg>
  20530. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  20531. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  20532. </bits>
  20533. <bits access="r" name="w_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  20534. <comment>
  20535. Port 0 write channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  20536. </comment>
  20537. </bits>
  20538. </reg>
  20539. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr">
  20540. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20541. </bits>
  20542. <bits access="r" name="r_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20543. <comment>
  20544. Port 0 read channel address, 4K-Byte
  20545. </comment>
  20546. </bits>
  20547. </reg>
  20548. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id">
  20549. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  20550. </bits>
  20551. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  20552. <comment>
  20553. Port 0 read channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  20554. </comment>
  20555. </bits>
  20556. </reg>
  20557. <hole size="8064"/>
  20558. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_first_addr">
  20559. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20560. </bits>
  20561. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20562. <comment>
  20563. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20564. Segment default first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  20565. </comment>
  20566. </bits>
  20567. </reg>
  20568. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_last_addr">
  20569. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20570. </bits>
  20571. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20572. <comment>
  20573. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20574. Segment default last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  20575. </comment>
  20576. </bits>
  20577. </reg>
  20578. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id0">
  20579. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20580. <comment>
  20581. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20582. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20583. </comment>
  20584. </bits>
  20585. </reg>
  20586. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id1">
  20587. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20588. <comment>
  20589. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20590. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20591. </comment>
  20592. </bits>
  20593. </reg>
  20594. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id2">
  20595. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20596. <comment>
  20597. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20598. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20599. </comment>
  20600. </bits>
  20601. </reg>
  20602. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id3">
  20603. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20604. <comment>
  20605. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20606. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20607. </comment>
  20608. </bits>
  20609. </reg>
  20610. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id4">
  20611. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20612. <comment>
  20613. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20614. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20615. </comment>
  20616. </bits>
  20617. </reg>
  20618. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id5">
  20619. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20620. <comment>
  20621. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20622. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20623. </comment>
  20624. </bits>
  20625. </reg>
  20626. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id6">
  20627. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20628. <comment>
  20629. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20630. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20631. </comment>
  20632. </bits>
  20633. </reg>
  20634. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id7">
  20635. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20636. <comment>
  20637. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20638. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20639. </comment>
  20640. </bits>
  20641. </reg>
  20642. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id0">
  20643. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20644. <comment>
  20645. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20646. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20647. </comment>
  20648. </bits>
  20649. </reg>
  20650. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id1">
  20651. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20652. <comment>
  20653. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20654. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20655. </comment>
  20656. </bits>
  20657. </reg>
  20658. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id2">
  20659. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20660. <comment>
  20661. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20662. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20663. </comment>
  20664. </bits>
  20665. </reg>
  20666. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id3">
  20667. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20668. <comment>
  20669. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20670. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20671. </comment>
  20672. </bits>
  20673. </reg>
  20674. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id4">
  20675. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20676. <comment>
  20677. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20678. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20679. </comment>
  20680. </bits>
  20681. </reg>
  20682. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id5">
  20683. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20684. <comment>
  20685. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20686. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20687. </comment>
  20688. </bits>
  20689. </reg>
  20690. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id6">
  20691. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20692. <comment>
  20693. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20694. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20695. </comment>
  20696. </bits>
  20697. </reg>
  20698. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id7">
  20699. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20700. <comment>
  20701. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20702. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20703. </comment>
  20704. </bits>
  20705. </reg>
  20706. <hole size="15808"/>
  20707. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_first_addr">
  20708. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20709. </bits>
  20710. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20711. <comment>
  20712. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20713. Segment 0 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  20714. </comment>
  20715. </bits>
  20716. </reg>
  20717. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_last_addr">
  20718. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20719. </bits>
  20720. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20721. <comment>
  20722. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20723. Segment 0 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  20724. </comment>
  20725. </bits>
  20726. </reg>
  20727. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id0">
  20728. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20729. <comment>
  20730. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20731. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20732. </comment>
  20733. </bits>
  20734. </reg>
  20735. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id1">
  20736. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20737. <comment>
  20738. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20739. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20740. </comment>
  20741. </bits>
  20742. </reg>
  20743. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id2">
  20744. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20745. <comment>
  20746. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20747. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20748. </comment>
  20749. </bits>
  20750. </reg>
  20751. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id3">
  20752. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20753. <comment>
  20754. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20755. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20756. </comment>
  20757. </bits>
  20758. </reg>
  20759. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id4">
  20760. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20761. <comment>
  20762. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20763. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20764. </comment>
  20765. </bits>
  20766. </reg>
  20767. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id5">
  20768. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20769. <comment>
  20770. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20771. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20772. </comment>
  20773. </bits>
  20774. </reg>
  20775. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id6">
  20776. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20777. <comment>
  20778. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20779. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20780. </comment>
  20781. </bits>
  20782. </reg>
  20783. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id7">
  20784. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20785. <comment>
  20786. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20787. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20788. </comment>
  20789. </bits>
  20790. </reg>
  20791. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id0">
  20792. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20793. <comment>
  20794. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20795. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20796. </comment>
  20797. </bits>
  20798. </reg>
  20799. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id1">
  20800. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20801. <comment>
  20802. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20803. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20804. </comment>
  20805. </bits>
  20806. </reg>
  20807. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id2">
  20808. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20809. <comment>
  20810. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20811. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20812. </comment>
  20813. </bits>
  20814. </reg>
  20815. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id3">
  20816. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20817. <comment>
  20818. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20819. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20820. </comment>
  20821. </bits>
  20822. </reg>
  20823. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id4">
  20824. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20825. <comment>
  20826. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20827. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20828. </comment>
  20829. </bits>
  20830. </reg>
  20831. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id5">
  20832. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20833. <comment>
  20834. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20835. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20836. </comment>
  20837. </bits>
  20838. </reg>
  20839. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id6">
  20840. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20841. <comment>
  20842. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20843. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20844. </comment>
  20845. </bits>
  20846. </reg>
  20847. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id7">
  20848. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20849. <comment>
  20850. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20851. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20852. </comment>
  20853. </bits>
  20854. </reg>
  20855. <hole size="448"/>
  20856. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_first_addr">
  20857. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20858. </bits>
  20859. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  20860. <comment>
  20861. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20862. Segment 1 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  20863. </comment>
  20864. </bits>
  20865. </reg>
  20866. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_last_addr">
  20867. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  20868. </bits>
  20869. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  20870. <comment>
  20871. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20872. Segment 1 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  20873. </comment>
  20874. </bits>
  20875. </reg>
  20876. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id0">
  20877. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20878. <comment>
  20879. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20880. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20881. </comment>
  20882. </bits>
  20883. </reg>
  20884. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id1">
  20885. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20886. <comment>
  20887. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20888. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20889. </comment>
  20890. </bits>
  20891. </reg>
  20892. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id2">
  20893. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20894. <comment>
  20895. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20896. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20897. </comment>
  20898. </bits>
  20899. </reg>
  20900. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id3">
  20901. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20902. <comment>
  20903. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20904. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20905. </comment>
  20906. </bits>
  20907. </reg>
  20908. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id4">
  20909. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20910. <comment>
  20911. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20912. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20913. </comment>
  20914. </bits>
  20915. </reg>
  20916. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id5">
  20917. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20918. <comment>
  20919. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20920. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20921. </comment>
  20922. </bits>
  20923. </reg>
  20924. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id6">
  20925. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20926. <comment>
  20927. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20928. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20929. </comment>
  20930. </bits>
  20931. </reg>
  20932. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id7">
  20933. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20934. <comment>
  20935. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20936. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  20937. </comment>
  20938. </bits>
  20939. </reg>
  20940. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id0">
  20941. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20942. <comment>
  20943. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20944. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20945. </comment>
  20946. </bits>
  20947. </reg>
  20948. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id1">
  20949. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20950. <comment>
  20951. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20952. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20953. </comment>
  20954. </bits>
  20955. </reg>
  20956. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id2">
  20957. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20958. <comment>
  20959. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20960. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20961. </comment>
  20962. </bits>
  20963. </reg>
  20964. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id3">
  20965. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20966. <comment>
  20967. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20968. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20969. </comment>
  20970. </bits>
  20971. </reg>
  20972. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id4">
  20973. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20974. <comment>
  20975. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20976. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20977. </comment>
  20978. </bits>
  20979. </reg>
  20980. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id5">
  20981. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20982. <comment>
  20983. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20984. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20985. </comment>
  20986. </bits>
  20987. </reg>
  20988. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id6">
  20989. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20990. <comment>
  20991. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  20992. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  20993. </comment>
  20994. </bits>
  20995. </reg>
  20996. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id7">
  20997. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  20998. <comment>
  20999. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21000. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21001. </comment>
  21002. </bits>
  21003. </reg>
  21004. <hole size="448"/>
  21005. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_first_addr">
  21006. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21007. </bits>
  21008. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  21009. <comment>
  21010. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21011. Segment 2 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  21012. </comment>
  21013. </bits>
  21014. </reg>
  21015. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_last_addr">
  21016. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21017. </bits>
  21018. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  21019. <comment>
  21020. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21021. Segment 2 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  21022. </comment>
  21023. </bits>
  21024. </reg>
  21025. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id0">
  21026. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21027. <comment>
  21028. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21029. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21030. </comment>
  21031. </bits>
  21032. </reg>
  21033. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id1">
  21034. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21035. <comment>
  21036. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21037. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21038. </comment>
  21039. </bits>
  21040. </reg>
  21041. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id2">
  21042. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21043. <comment>
  21044. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21045. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21046. </comment>
  21047. </bits>
  21048. </reg>
  21049. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id3">
  21050. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21051. <comment>
  21052. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21053. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21054. </comment>
  21055. </bits>
  21056. </reg>
  21057. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id4">
  21058. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21059. <comment>
  21060. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21061. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21062. </comment>
  21063. </bits>
  21064. </reg>
  21065. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id5">
  21066. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21067. <comment>
  21068. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21069. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21070. </comment>
  21071. </bits>
  21072. </reg>
  21073. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id6">
  21074. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21075. <comment>
  21076. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21077. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21078. </comment>
  21079. </bits>
  21080. </reg>
  21081. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id7">
  21082. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21083. <comment>
  21084. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21085. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21086. </comment>
  21087. </bits>
  21088. </reg>
  21089. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id0">
  21090. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21091. <comment>
  21092. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21093. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21094. </comment>
  21095. </bits>
  21096. </reg>
  21097. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id1">
  21098. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21099. <comment>
  21100. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21101. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21102. </comment>
  21103. </bits>
  21104. </reg>
  21105. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id2">
  21106. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21107. <comment>
  21108. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21109. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21110. </comment>
  21111. </bits>
  21112. </reg>
  21113. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id3">
  21114. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21115. <comment>
  21116. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21117. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21118. </comment>
  21119. </bits>
  21120. </reg>
  21121. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id4">
  21122. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21123. <comment>
  21124. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21125. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21126. </comment>
  21127. </bits>
  21128. </reg>
  21129. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id5">
  21130. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21131. <comment>
  21132. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21133. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21134. </comment>
  21135. </bits>
  21136. </reg>
  21137. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id6">
  21138. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21139. <comment>
  21140. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21141. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21142. </comment>
  21143. </bits>
  21144. </reg>
  21145. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id7">
  21146. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21147. <comment>
  21148. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21149. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21150. </comment>
  21151. </bits>
  21152. </reg>
  21153. <hole size="448"/>
  21154. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_first_addr">
  21155. <bits access="r" name="seg_3_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21156. </bits>
  21157. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  21158. <comment>
  21159. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21160. Segment 3 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  21161. </comment>
  21162. </bits>
  21163. </reg>
  21164. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_last_addr">
  21165. <bits access="r" name="seg_3_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21166. </bits>
  21167. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  21168. <comment>
  21169. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21170. Segment 3 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  21171. </comment>
  21172. </bits>
  21173. </reg>
  21174. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id0">
  21175. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21176. <comment>
  21177. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21178. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21179. </comment>
  21180. </bits>
  21181. </reg>
  21182. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id1">
  21183. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21184. <comment>
  21185. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21186. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21187. </comment>
  21188. </bits>
  21189. </reg>
  21190. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id2">
  21191. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21192. <comment>
  21193. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21194. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21195. </comment>
  21196. </bits>
  21197. </reg>
  21198. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id3">
  21199. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21200. <comment>
  21201. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21202. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21203. </comment>
  21204. </bits>
  21205. </reg>
  21206. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id4">
  21207. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21208. <comment>
  21209. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21210. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21211. </comment>
  21212. </bits>
  21213. </reg>
  21214. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id5">
  21215. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21216. <comment>
  21217. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21218. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21219. </comment>
  21220. </bits>
  21221. </reg>
  21222. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id6">
  21223. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21224. <comment>
  21225. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21226. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21227. </comment>
  21228. </bits>
  21229. </reg>
  21230. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id7">
  21231. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21232. <comment>
  21233. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21234. Segment 3 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can read&#10;0: Master can&apos;t read
  21235. </comment>
  21236. </bits>
  21237. </reg>
  21238. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id0">
  21239. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21240. <comment>
  21241. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21242. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21243. </comment>
  21244. </bits>
  21245. </reg>
  21246. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id1">
  21247. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21248. <comment>
  21249. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21250. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21251. </comment>
  21252. </bits>
  21253. </reg>
  21254. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id2">
  21255. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21256. <comment>
  21257. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21258. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21259. </comment>
  21260. </bits>
  21261. </reg>
  21262. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id3">
  21263. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21264. <comment>
  21265. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21266. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21267. </comment>
  21268. </bits>
  21269. </reg>
  21270. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id4">
  21271. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21272. <comment>
  21273. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21274. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21275. </comment>
  21276. </bits>
  21277. </reg>
  21278. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id5">
  21279. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21280. <comment>
  21281. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21282. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21283. </comment>
  21284. </bits>
  21285. </reg>
  21286. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id6">
  21287. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21288. <comment>
  21289. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21290. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21291. </comment>
  21292. </bits>
  21293. </reg>
  21294. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id7">
  21295. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21296. <comment>
  21297. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21298. Segment 3 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.&#10;1: Master can write&#10;0: Master can&apos;t write
  21299. </comment>
  21300. </bits>
  21301. </reg>
  21302. </module>
  21303. </archive>
  21304. <archive relative="mem_fw_psram_rf.xml">
  21305. <module name="mem_fw_psram_rf" category="firewall">
  21306. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  21307. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21308. </bits>
  21309. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  21310. </bits>
  21311. </reg>
  21312. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  21313. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21314. </bits>
  21315. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  21316. </bits>
  21317. </reg>
  21318. <hole size="1984"/>
  21319. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  21320. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  21321. </bits>
  21322. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  21323. </bits>
  21324. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  21325. </bits>
  21326. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  21327. </bits>
  21328. </reg>
  21329. <hole size="2016"/>
  21330. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  21331. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  21332. </bits>
  21333. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  21334. </bits>
  21335. </reg>
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  21338. </bits>
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  21340. <comment>
  21341. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  21342. </comment>
  21343. </bits>
  21344. </reg>
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  21347. </bits>
  21348. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  21349. </bits>
  21350. </reg>
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  21353. </bits>
  21354. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  21355. </bits>
  21356. </reg>
  21357. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  21358. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  21359. </bits>
  21360. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  21361. </bits>
  21362. </reg>
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  21365. </bits>
  21366. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  21367. <comment>
  21368. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  21369. </comment>
  21370. </bits>
  21371. </reg>
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  21374. </bits>
  21375. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  21376. </bits>
  21377. </reg>
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  21380. </bits>
  21381. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  21382. </bits>
  21383. </reg>
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  21386. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21387. </bits>
  21388. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  21389. </bits>
  21390. </reg>
  21391. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  21392. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  21393. </bits>
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  21395. </bits>
  21396. </reg>
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  21399. </bits>
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  21401. </bits>
  21402. </reg>
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  21405. </bits>
  21406. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  21407. </bits>
  21408. </reg>
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  21411. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21412. </bits>
  21413. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  21414. </bits>
  21415. </reg>
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  21417. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21418. </bits>
  21419. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  21420. </bits>
  21421. </reg>
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  21433. </reg>
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  21437. </reg>
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  21441. </reg>
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  21444. </bits>
  21445. </reg>
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  21447. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21448. </bits>
  21449. </reg>
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  21453. </reg>
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  21465. </reg>
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  21472. </bits>
  21473. </reg>
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  21477. </reg>
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  21491. </bits>
  21492. </reg>
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  21497. </bits>
  21498. </reg>
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  21502. </reg>
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  21506. </reg>
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  21514. </reg>
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  21518. </reg>
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  21530. </reg>
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  21533. </bits>
  21534. </reg>
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  21537. </bits>
  21538. </reg>
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  21558. </reg>
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  21561. </bits>
  21562. </reg>
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  21565. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21566. </bits>
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  21568. </bits>
  21569. </reg>
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  21571. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21572. </bits>
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  21574. </bits>
  21575. </reg>
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  21587. </reg>
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  21591. </reg>
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  21598. </bits>
  21599. </reg>
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  21619. </reg>
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  21622. </bits>
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  21627. </reg>
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  21757. </reg>
  21758. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_r_id7">
  21759. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21760. </bits>
  21761. </reg>
  21762. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id0">
  21763. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21764. </bits>
  21765. </reg>
  21766. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id1">
  21767. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21768. </bits>
  21769. </reg>
  21770. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id2">
  21771. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21772. </bits>
  21773. </reg>
  21774. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id3">
  21775. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21776. </bits>
  21777. </reg>
  21778. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id4">
  21779. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21780. </bits>
  21781. </reg>
  21782. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id5">
  21783. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21784. </bits>
  21785. </reg>
  21786. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id6">
  21787. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21788. </bits>
  21789. </reg>
  21790. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_3_mst_w_id7">
  21791. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21792. </bits>
  21793. </reg>
  21794. <hole size="448"/>
  21795. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_first_addr">
  21796. <bits access="r" name="seg_4_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21797. </bits>
  21798. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  21799. </bits>
  21800. </reg>
  21801. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_last_addr">
  21802. <bits access="r" name="seg_4_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21803. </bits>
  21804. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  21805. </bits>
  21806. </reg>
  21807. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id0">
  21808. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21809. </bits>
  21810. </reg>
  21811. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id1">
  21812. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21813. </bits>
  21814. </reg>
  21815. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id2">
  21816. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21817. </bits>
  21818. </reg>
  21819. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id3">
  21820. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21821. </bits>
  21822. </reg>
  21823. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id4">
  21824. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21825. </bits>
  21826. </reg>
  21827. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id5">
  21828. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21829. </bits>
  21830. </reg>
  21831. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id6">
  21832. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21833. </bits>
  21834. </reg>
  21835. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_r_id7">
  21836. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21837. </bits>
  21838. </reg>
  21839. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id0">
  21840. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21841. </bits>
  21842. </reg>
  21843. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id1">
  21844. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21845. </bits>
  21846. </reg>
  21847. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id2">
  21848. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21849. </bits>
  21850. </reg>
  21851. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id3">
  21852. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21853. </bits>
  21854. </reg>
  21855. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id4">
  21856. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21857. </bits>
  21858. </reg>
  21859. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id5">
  21860. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21861. </bits>
  21862. </reg>
  21863. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id6">
  21864. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21865. </bits>
  21866. </reg>
  21867. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_4_mst_w_id7">
  21868. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21869. </bits>
  21870. </reg>
  21871. <hole size="448"/>
  21872. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_first_addr">
  21873. <bits access="r" name="seg_5_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21874. </bits>
  21875. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  21876. </bits>
  21877. </reg>
  21878. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_last_addr">
  21879. <bits access="r" name="seg_5_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  21880. </bits>
  21881. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  21882. </bits>
  21883. </reg>
  21884. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id0">
  21885. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21886. </bits>
  21887. </reg>
  21888. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id1">
  21889. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21890. </bits>
  21891. </reg>
  21892. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id2">
  21893. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21894. </bits>
  21895. </reg>
  21896. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id3">
  21897. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21898. </bits>
  21899. </reg>
  21900. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id4">
  21901. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21902. </bits>
  21903. </reg>
  21904. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id5">
  21905. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21906. </bits>
  21907. </reg>
  21908. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id6">
  21909. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21910. </bits>
  21911. </reg>
  21912. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_r_id7">
  21913. <bits access="rw" name="mr_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21914. </bits>
  21915. </reg>
  21916. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id0">
  21917. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21918. </bits>
  21919. </reg>
  21920. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id1">
  21921. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21922. </bits>
  21923. </reg>
  21924. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id2">
  21925. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21926. </bits>
  21927. </reg>
  21928. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id3">
  21929. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21930. </bits>
  21931. </reg>
  21932. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id4">
  21933. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21934. </bits>
  21935. </reg>
  21936. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id5">
  21937. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21938. </bits>
  21939. </reg>
  21940. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id6">
  21941. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21942. </bits>
  21943. </reg>
  21944. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_5_mst_w_id7">
  21945. <bits access="rw" name="mr_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  21946. </bits>
  21947. </reg>
  21948. </module>
  21949. </archive>
  21950. <archive relative="mem_fw_sys_ram0_rf.xml">
  21951. <module name="mem_fw_sys_ram0_rf" category="firewall">
  21952. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  21953. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  21954. </bits>
  21955. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  21956. <comment>
  21957. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21958. default r address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  21959. </comment>
  21960. </bits>
  21961. </reg>
  21962. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  21963. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  21964. </bits>
  21965. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  21966. <comment>
  21967. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21968. default w address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  21969. </comment>
  21970. </bits>
  21971. </reg>
  21972. <hole size="1984"/>
  21973. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  21974. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  21975. </bits>
  21976. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  21977. <comment>
  21978. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21979. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  21980. </comment>
  21981. </bits>
  21982. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  21983. </bits>
  21984. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  21985. <comment>
  21986. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21987. clock gate bypass
  21988. </comment>
  21989. </bits>
  21990. </reg>
  21991. <hole size="2016"/>
  21992. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  21993. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  21994. </bits>
  21995. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  21996. <comment>
  21997. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  21998. Port 0 write address miss int enable
  21999. 1: Enable
  22000. 0: Disable
  22001. </comment>
  22002. </bits>
  22003. </reg>
  22004. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_clr">
  22005. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22006. </bits>
  22007. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  22008. <comment>
  22009. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  22010. Port 0 write address miss int write-clear
  22011. </comment>
  22012. </bits>
  22013. </reg>
  22014. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_raw">
  22015. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22016. </bits>
  22017. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  22018. <comment>
  22019. Port 0 write address miss original int
  22020. 1: Address Miss
  22021. 0: Normal
  22022. </comment>
  22023. </bits>
  22024. </reg>
  22025. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_fin">
  22026. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22027. </bits>
  22028. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  22029. <comment>
  22030. Port 0 write address miss final int
  22031. 1: Address Miss
  22032. 0: Normal
  22033. </comment>
  22034. </bits>
  22035. </reg>
  22036. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  22037. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22038. </bits>
  22039. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  22040. <comment>
  22041. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22042. Port 0 read address miss int enable
  22043. 1: Enable
  22044. 0: Disable
  22045. </comment>
  22046. </bits>
  22047. </reg>
  22048. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_clr">
  22049. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22050. </bits>
  22051. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  22052. <comment>
  22053. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  22054. Port 0 read address miss int write-clear
  22055. </comment>
  22056. </bits>
  22057. </reg>
  22058. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_raw">
  22059. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22060. </bits>
  22061. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  22062. <comment>
  22063. Port 0 read address miss original int
  22064. 1: Address Miss
  22065. 0: Normal
  22066. </comment>
  22067. </bits>
  22068. </reg>
  22069. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_fin">
  22070. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22071. </bits>
  22072. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  22073. <comment>
  22074. Port 0 read address miss final int
  22075. 1: Address Miss
  22076. 0: Normal
  22077. </comment>
  22078. </bits>
  22079. </reg>
  22080. <hole size="3840"/>
  22081. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr">
  22082. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22083. </bits>
  22084. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22085. <comment>
  22086. Port 0 write channel address, 4K-Byte
  22087. </comment>
  22088. </bits>
  22089. </reg>
  22090. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  22091. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22092. </bits>
  22093. <bits access="r" name="w_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22094. <comment>
  22095. Port 0 write channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  22096. </comment>
  22097. </bits>
  22098. </reg>
  22099. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr">
  22100. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22101. </bits>
  22102. <bits access="r" name="r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22103. <comment>
  22104. Port 0 read channel address, 4K-Byte
  22105. </comment>
  22106. </bits>
  22107. </reg>
  22108. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id">
  22109. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22110. </bits>
  22111. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22112. <comment>
  22113. Port 0 read channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  22114. </comment>
  22115. </bits>
  22116. </reg>
  22117. <hole size="8064"/>
  22118. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_first_addr">
  22119. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22120. </bits>
  22121. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  22122. <comment>
  22123. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22124. Segment default first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22125. </comment>
  22126. </bits>
  22127. </reg>
  22128. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_last_addr">
  22129. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22130. </bits>
  22131. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22132. <comment>
  22133. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22134. Segment default last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22135. </comment>
  22136. </bits>
  22137. </reg>
  22138. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id0">
  22139. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22140. <comment>
  22141. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22142. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22143. 1: Master can read
  22144. 0: Master can't read
  22145. </comment>
  22146. </bits>
  22147. </reg>
  22148. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id1">
  22149. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22150. <comment>
  22151. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22152. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22153. 1: Master can read
  22154. 0: Master can't read
  22155. </comment>
  22156. </bits>
  22157. </reg>
  22158. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id2">
  22159. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22160. <comment>
  22161. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22162. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22163. 1: Master can read
  22164. 0: Master can't read
  22165. </comment>
  22166. </bits>
  22167. </reg>
  22168. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id3">
  22169. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22170. <comment>
  22171. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22172. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22173. 1: Master can read
  22174. 0: Master can't read
  22175. </comment>
  22176. </bits>
  22177. </reg>
  22178. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id4">
  22179. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22180. <comment>
  22181. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22182. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22183. 1: Master can read
  22184. 0: Master can't read
  22185. </comment>
  22186. </bits>
  22187. </reg>
  22188. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id5">
  22189. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22190. <comment>
  22191. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22192. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22193. 1: Master can read
  22194. 0: Master can't read
  22195. </comment>
  22196. </bits>
  22197. </reg>
  22198. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id6">
  22199. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22200. <comment>
  22201. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22202. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22203. 1: Master can read
  22204. 0: Master can't read
  22205. </comment>
  22206. </bits>
  22207. </reg>
  22208. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id7">
  22209. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22210. <comment>
  22211. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22212. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22213. 1: Master can read
  22214. 0: Master can't read
  22215. </comment>
  22216. </bits>
  22217. </reg>
  22218. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id0">
  22219. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22220. <comment>
  22221. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22222. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22223. 1: Master can write
  22224. 0: Master can't write
  22225. </comment>
  22226. </bits>
  22227. </reg>
  22228. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id1">
  22229. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22230. <comment>
  22231. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22232. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22233. 1: Master can write
  22234. 0: Master can't write
  22235. </comment>
  22236. </bits>
  22237. </reg>
  22238. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id2">
  22239. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22240. <comment>
  22241. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22242. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22243. 1: Master can write
  22244. 0: Master can't write
  22245. </comment>
  22246. </bits>
  22247. </reg>
  22248. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id3">
  22249. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22250. <comment>
  22251. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22252. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22253. 1: Master can write
  22254. 0: Master can't write
  22255. </comment>
  22256. </bits>
  22257. </reg>
  22258. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id4">
  22259. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22260. <comment>
  22261. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22262. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22263. 1: Master can write
  22264. 0: Master can't write
  22265. </comment>
  22266. </bits>
  22267. </reg>
  22268. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id5">
  22269. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22270. <comment>
  22271. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22272. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22273. 1: Master can write
  22274. 0: Master can't write
  22275. </comment>
  22276. </bits>
  22277. </reg>
  22278. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id6">
  22279. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22280. <comment>
  22281. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22282. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22283. 1: Master can write
  22284. 0: Master can't write
  22285. </comment>
  22286. </bits>
  22287. </reg>
  22288. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id7">
  22289. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22290. <comment>
  22291. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22292. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22293. 1: Master can write
  22294. 0: Master can't write
  22295. </comment>
  22296. </bits>
  22297. </reg>
  22298. <hole size="15808"/>
  22299. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_first_addr">
  22300. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22301. </bits>
  22302. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  22303. <comment>
  22304. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22305. Segment 0 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22306. </comment>
  22307. </bits>
  22308. </reg>
  22309. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_last_addr">
  22310. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22311. </bits>
  22312. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22313. <comment>
  22314. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22315. Segment 0 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22316. </comment>
  22317. </bits>
  22318. </reg>
  22319. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id0">
  22320. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22321. <comment>
  22322. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22323. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22324. 1: Master can read
  22325. 0: Master can't read
  22326. </comment>
  22327. </bits>
  22328. </reg>
  22329. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id1">
  22330. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22331. <comment>
  22332. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22333. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22334. 1: Master can read
  22335. 0: Master can't read
  22336. </comment>
  22337. </bits>
  22338. </reg>
  22339. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id2">
  22340. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22341. <comment>
  22342. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22343. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22344. 1: Master can read
  22345. 0: Master can't read
  22346. </comment>
  22347. </bits>
  22348. </reg>
  22349. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id3">
  22350. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22351. <comment>
  22352. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22353. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22354. 1: Master can read
  22355. 0: Master can't read
  22356. </comment>
  22357. </bits>
  22358. </reg>
  22359. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id4">
  22360. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22361. <comment>
  22362. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22363. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22364. 1: Master can read
  22365. 0: Master can't read
  22366. </comment>
  22367. </bits>
  22368. </reg>
  22369. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id5">
  22370. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22371. <comment>
  22372. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22373. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22374. 1: Master can read
  22375. 0: Master can't read
  22376. </comment>
  22377. </bits>
  22378. </reg>
  22379. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id6">
  22380. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22381. <comment>
  22382. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22383. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22384. 1: Master can read
  22385. 0: Master can't read
  22386. </comment>
  22387. </bits>
  22388. </reg>
  22389. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id7">
  22390. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22391. <comment>
  22392. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22393. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22394. 1: Master can read
  22395. 0: Master can't read
  22396. </comment>
  22397. </bits>
  22398. </reg>
  22399. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id0">
  22400. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22401. <comment>
  22402. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22403. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22404. 1: Master can write
  22405. 0: Master can't write
  22406. </comment>
  22407. </bits>
  22408. </reg>
  22409. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id1">
  22410. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22411. <comment>
  22412. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22413. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22414. 1: Master can write
  22415. 0: Master can't write
  22416. </comment>
  22417. </bits>
  22418. </reg>
  22419. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id2">
  22420. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22421. <comment>
  22422. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22423. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22424. 1: Master can write
  22425. 0: Master can't write
  22426. </comment>
  22427. </bits>
  22428. </reg>
  22429. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id3">
  22430. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22431. <comment>
  22432. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22433. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22434. 1: Master can write
  22435. 0: Master can't write
  22436. </comment>
  22437. </bits>
  22438. </reg>
  22439. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id4">
  22440. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22441. <comment>
  22442. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22443. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22444. 1: Master can write
  22445. 0: Master can't write
  22446. </comment>
  22447. </bits>
  22448. </reg>
  22449. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id5">
  22450. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22451. <comment>
  22452. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22453. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22454. 1: Master can write
  22455. 0: Master can't write
  22456. </comment>
  22457. </bits>
  22458. </reg>
  22459. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id6">
  22460. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22461. <comment>
  22462. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22463. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22464. 1: Master can write
  22465. 0: Master can't write
  22466. </comment>
  22467. </bits>
  22468. </reg>
  22469. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id7">
  22470. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22471. <comment>
  22472. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22473. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22474. 1: Master can write
  22475. 0: Master can't write
  22476. </comment>
  22477. </bits>
  22478. </reg>
  22479. <hole size="448"/>
  22480. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_first_addr">
  22481. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22482. </bits>
  22483. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  22484. <comment>
  22485. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22486. Segment 1 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22487. </comment>
  22488. </bits>
  22489. </reg>
  22490. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_last_addr">
  22491. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22492. </bits>
  22493. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22494. <comment>
  22495. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22496. Segment 1 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22497. </comment>
  22498. </bits>
  22499. </reg>
  22500. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id0">
  22501. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22502. <comment>
  22503. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22504. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22505. 1: Master can read
  22506. 0: Master can't read
  22507. </comment>
  22508. </bits>
  22509. </reg>
  22510. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id1">
  22511. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22512. <comment>
  22513. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22514. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22515. 1: Master can read
  22516. 0: Master can't read
  22517. </comment>
  22518. </bits>
  22519. </reg>
  22520. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id2">
  22521. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22522. <comment>
  22523. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22524. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22525. 1: Master can read
  22526. 0: Master can't read
  22527. </comment>
  22528. </bits>
  22529. </reg>
  22530. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id3">
  22531. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22532. <comment>
  22533. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22534. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22535. 1: Master can read
  22536. 0: Master can't read
  22537. </comment>
  22538. </bits>
  22539. </reg>
  22540. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id4">
  22541. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22542. <comment>
  22543. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22544. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22545. 1: Master can read
  22546. 0: Master can't read
  22547. </comment>
  22548. </bits>
  22549. </reg>
  22550. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id5">
  22551. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22552. <comment>
  22553. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22554. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22555. 1: Master can read
  22556. 0: Master can't read
  22557. </comment>
  22558. </bits>
  22559. </reg>
  22560. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id6">
  22561. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22562. <comment>
  22563. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22564. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22565. 1: Master can read
  22566. 0: Master can't read
  22567. </comment>
  22568. </bits>
  22569. </reg>
  22570. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id7">
  22571. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22572. <comment>
  22573. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22574. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22575. 1: Master can read
  22576. 0: Master can't read
  22577. </comment>
  22578. </bits>
  22579. </reg>
  22580. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id0">
  22581. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22582. <comment>
  22583. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22584. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22585. 1: Master can write
  22586. 0: Master can't write
  22587. </comment>
  22588. </bits>
  22589. </reg>
  22590. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id1">
  22591. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22592. <comment>
  22593. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22594. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22595. 1: Master can write
  22596. 0: Master can't write
  22597. </comment>
  22598. </bits>
  22599. </reg>
  22600. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id2">
  22601. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22602. <comment>
  22603. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22604. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22605. 1: Master can write
  22606. 0: Master can't write
  22607. </comment>
  22608. </bits>
  22609. </reg>
  22610. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id3">
  22611. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22612. <comment>
  22613. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22614. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22615. 1: Master can write
  22616. 0: Master can't write
  22617. </comment>
  22618. </bits>
  22619. </reg>
  22620. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id4">
  22621. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22622. <comment>
  22623. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22624. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22625. 1: Master can write
  22626. 0: Master can't write
  22627. </comment>
  22628. </bits>
  22629. </reg>
  22630. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id5">
  22631. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22632. <comment>
  22633. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22634. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22635. 1: Master can write
  22636. 0: Master can't write
  22637. </comment>
  22638. </bits>
  22639. </reg>
  22640. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id6">
  22641. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22642. <comment>
  22643. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22644. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22645. 1: Master can write
  22646. 0: Master can't write
  22647. </comment>
  22648. </bits>
  22649. </reg>
  22650. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id7">
  22651. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22652. <comment>
  22653. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22654. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22655. 1: Master can write
  22656. 0: Master can't write
  22657. </comment>
  22658. </bits>
  22659. </reg>
  22660. <hole size="448"/>
  22661. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_first_addr">
  22662. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22663. </bits>
  22664. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  22665. <comment>
  22666. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22667. Segment 2 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22668. </comment>
  22669. </bits>
  22670. </reg>
  22671. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_last_addr">
  22672. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22673. </bits>
  22674. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22675. <comment>
  22676. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22677. Segment 2 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  22678. </comment>
  22679. </bits>
  22680. </reg>
  22681. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id0">
  22682. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22683. <comment>
  22684. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22685. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22686. 1: Master can read
  22687. 0: Master can't read
  22688. </comment>
  22689. </bits>
  22690. </reg>
  22691. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id1">
  22692. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22693. <comment>
  22694. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22695. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22696. 1: Master can read
  22697. 0: Master can't read
  22698. </comment>
  22699. </bits>
  22700. </reg>
  22701. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id2">
  22702. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22703. <comment>
  22704. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22705. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22706. 1: Master can read
  22707. 0: Master can't read
  22708. </comment>
  22709. </bits>
  22710. </reg>
  22711. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id3">
  22712. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22713. <comment>
  22714. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22715. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22716. 1: Master can read
  22717. 0: Master can't read
  22718. </comment>
  22719. </bits>
  22720. </reg>
  22721. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id4">
  22722. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22723. <comment>
  22724. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22725. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22726. 1: Master can read
  22727. 0: Master can't read
  22728. </comment>
  22729. </bits>
  22730. </reg>
  22731. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id5">
  22732. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22733. <comment>
  22734. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22735. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22736. 1: Master can read
  22737. 0: Master can't read
  22738. </comment>
  22739. </bits>
  22740. </reg>
  22741. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id6">
  22742. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22743. <comment>
  22744. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22745. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22746. 1: Master can read
  22747. 0: Master can't read
  22748. </comment>
  22749. </bits>
  22750. </reg>
  22751. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id7">
  22752. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22753. <comment>
  22754. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22755. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22756. 1: Master can read
  22757. 0: Master can't read
  22758. </comment>
  22759. </bits>
  22760. </reg>
  22761. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id0">
  22762. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22763. <comment>
  22764. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22765. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  22766. 1: Master can write
  22767. 0: Master can't write
  22768. </comment>
  22769. </bits>
  22770. </reg>
  22771. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id1">
  22772. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22773. <comment>
  22774. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22775. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  22776. 1: Master can write
  22777. 0: Master can't write
  22778. </comment>
  22779. </bits>
  22780. </reg>
  22781. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id2">
  22782. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22783. <comment>
  22784. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22785. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  22786. 1: Master can write
  22787. 0: Master can't write
  22788. </comment>
  22789. </bits>
  22790. </reg>
  22791. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id3">
  22792. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22793. <comment>
  22794. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22795. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  22796. 1: Master can write
  22797. 0: Master can't write
  22798. </comment>
  22799. </bits>
  22800. </reg>
  22801. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id4">
  22802. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22803. <comment>
  22804. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22805. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  22806. 1: Master can write
  22807. 0: Master can't write
  22808. </comment>
  22809. </bits>
  22810. </reg>
  22811. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id5">
  22812. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22813. <comment>
  22814. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22815. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  22816. 1: Master can write
  22817. 0: Master can't write
  22818. </comment>
  22819. </bits>
  22820. </reg>
  22821. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id6">
  22822. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22823. <comment>
  22824. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22825. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  22826. 1: Master can write
  22827. 0: Master can't write
  22828. </comment>
  22829. </bits>
  22830. </reg>
  22831. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id7">
  22832. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  22833. <comment>
  22834. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22835. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  22836. 1: Master can write
  22837. 0: Master can't write
  22838. </comment>
  22839. </bits>
  22840. </reg>
  22841. </module>
  22842. </archive>
  22843. <archive relative="mem_fw_sys_ram1_rf.xml">
  22844. <module name="mem_fw_sys_ram1_rf" category="firewall">
  22845. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  22846. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22847. </bits>
  22848. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  22849. <comment>
  22850. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22851. default r address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  22852. </comment>
  22853. </bits>
  22854. </reg>
  22855. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  22856. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22857. </bits>
  22858. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  22859. <comment>
  22860. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22861. default w address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  22862. </comment>
  22863. </bits>
  22864. </reg>
  22865. <hole size="1984"/>
  22866. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  22867. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  22868. </bits>
  22869. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  22870. <comment>
  22871. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22872. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  22873. </comment>
  22874. </bits>
  22875. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  22876. </bits>
  22877. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  22878. <comment>
  22879. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22880. clock gate bypass
  22881. </comment>
  22882. </bits>
  22883. </reg>
  22884. <hole size="2016"/>
  22885. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  22886. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22887. </bits>
  22888. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  22889. <comment>
  22890. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22891. Port 0 write address miss int enable
  22892. 1: Enable
  22893. 0: Disable
  22894. </comment>
  22895. </bits>
  22896. </reg>
  22897. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_clr">
  22898. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22899. </bits>
  22900. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  22901. <comment>
  22902. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  22903. Port 0 write address miss int write-clear
  22904. </comment>
  22905. </bits>
  22906. </reg>
  22907. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_raw">
  22908. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22909. </bits>
  22910. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  22911. <comment>
  22912. Port 0 write address miss original int
  22913. 1: Address Miss
  22914. 0: Normal
  22915. </comment>
  22916. </bits>
  22917. </reg>
  22918. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_fin">
  22919. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22920. </bits>
  22921. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  22922. <comment>
  22923. Port 0 write address miss final int
  22924. 1: Address Miss
  22925. 0: Normal
  22926. </comment>
  22927. </bits>
  22928. </reg>
  22929. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  22930. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22931. </bits>
  22932. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  22933. <comment>
  22934. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  22935. Port 0 read address miss int enable
  22936. 1: Enable
  22937. 0: Disable
  22938. </comment>
  22939. </bits>
  22940. </reg>
  22941. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_clr">
  22942. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22943. </bits>
  22944. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  22945. <comment>
  22946. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  22947. Port 0 read address miss int write-clear
  22948. </comment>
  22949. </bits>
  22950. </reg>
  22951. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_raw">
  22952. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22953. </bits>
  22954. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  22955. <comment>
  22956. Port 0 read address miss original int
  22957. 1: Address Miss
  22958. 0: Normal
  22959. </comment>
  22960. </bits>
  22961. </reg>
  22962. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_fin">
  22963. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  22964. </bits>
  22965. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  22966. <comment>
  22967. Port 0 read address miss final int
  22968. 1: Address Miss
  22969. 0: Normal
  22970. </comment>
  22971. </bits>
  22972. </reg>
  22973. <hole size="3840"/>
  22974. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr">
  22975. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22976. </bits>
  22977. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22978. <comment>
  22979. Port 0 write channel address, 4K-Byte
  22980. </comment>
  22981. </bits>
  22982. </reg>
  22983. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  22984. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22985. </bits>
  22986. <bits access="r" name="w_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22987. <comment>
  22988. Port 0 write channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  22989. </comment>
  22990. </bits>
  22991. </reg>
  22992. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr">
  22993. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  22994. </bits>
  22995. <bits access="r" name="r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  22996. <comment>
  22997. Port 0 read channel address, 4K-Byte
  22998. </comment>
  22999. </bits>
  23000. </reg>
  23001. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id">
  23002. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23003. </bits>
  23004. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23005. <comment>
  23006. Port 0 read channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  23007. </comment>
  23008. </bits>
  23009. </reg>
  23010. <hole size="8064"/>
  23011. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_first_addr">
  23012. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23013. </bits>
  23014. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  23015. <comment>
  23016. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23017. Segment default first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23018. </comment>
  23019. </bits>
  23020. </reg>
  23021. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_last_addr">
  23022. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23023. </bits>
  23024. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23025. <comment>
  23026. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23027. Segment default last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23028. </comment>
  23029. </bits>
  23030. </reg>
  23031. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id0">
  23032. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23033. <comment>
  23034. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23035. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23036. 1: Master can read
  23037. 0: Master can't read
  23038. </comment>
  23039. </bits>
  23040. </reg>
  23041. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id1">
  23042. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23043. <comment>
  23044. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23045. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23046. 1: Master can read
  23047. 0: Master can't read
  23048. </comment>
  23049. </bits>
  23050. </reg>
  23051. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id2">
  23052. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23053. <comment>
  23054. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23055. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23056. 1: Master can read
  23057. 0: Master can't read
  23058. </comment>
  23059. </bits>
  23060. </reg>
  23061. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id3">
  23062. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23063. <comment>
  23064. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23065. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23066. 1: Master can read
  23067. 0: Master can't read
  23068. </comment>
  23069. </bits>
  23070. </reg>
  23071. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id4">
  23072. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23073. <comment>
  23074. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23075. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23076. 1: Master can read
  23077. 0: Master can't read
  23078. </comment>
  23079. </bits>
  23080. </reg>
  23081. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id5">
  23082. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23083. <comment>
  23084. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23085. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23086. 1: Master can read
  23087. 0: Master can't read
  23088. </comment>
  23089. </bits>
  23090. </reg>
  23091. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id6">
  23092. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23093. <comment>
  23094. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23095. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23096. 1: Master can read
  23097. 0: Master can't read
  23098. </comment>
  23099. </bits>
  23100. </reg>
  23101. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id7">
  23102. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23103. <comment>
  23104. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23105. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23106. 1: Master can read
  23107. 0: Master can't read
  23108. </comment>
  23109. </bits>
  23110. </reg>
  23111. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id0">
  23112. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23113. <comment>
  23114. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23115. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23116. 1: Master can write
  23117. 0: Master can't write
  23118. </comment>
  23119. </bits>
  23120. </reg>
  23121. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id1">
  23122. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23123. <comment>
  23124. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23125. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23126. 1: Master can write
  23127. 0: Master can't write
  23128. </comment>
  23129. </bits>
  23130. </reg>
  23131. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id2">
  23132. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23133. <comment>
  23134. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23135. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23136. 1: Master can write
  23137. 0: Master can't write
  23138. </comment>
  23139. </bits>
  23140. </reg>
  23141. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id3">
  23142. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23143. <comment>
  23144. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23145. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23146. 1: Master can write
  23147. 0: Master can't write
  23148. </comment>
  23149. </bits>
  23150. </reg>
  23151. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id4">
  23152. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23153. <comment>
  23154. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23155. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23156. 1: Master can write
  23157. 0: Master can't write
  23158. </comment>
  23159. </bits>
  23160. </reg>
  23161. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id5">
  23162. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23163. <comment>
  23164. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23165. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23166. 1: Master can write
  23167. 0: Master can't write
  23168. </comment>
  23169. </bits>
  23170. </reg>
  23171. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id6">
  23172. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23173. <comment>
  23174. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23175. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23176. 1: Master can write
  23177. 0: Master can't write
  23178. </comment>
  23179. </bits>
  23180. </reg>
  23181. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id7">
  23182. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23183. <comment>
  23184. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23185. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23186. 1: Master can write
  23187. 0: Master can't write
  23188. </comment>
  23189. </bits>
  23190. </reg>
  23191. <hole size="15808"/>
  23192. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_first_addr">
  23193. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23194. </bits>
  23195. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  23196. <comment>
  23197. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23198. Segment 0 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23199. </comment>
  23200. </bits>
  23201. </reg>
  23202. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_last_addr">
  23203. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23204. </bits>
  23205. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23206. <comment>
  23207. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23208. Segment 0 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23209. </comment>
  23210. </bits>
  23211. </reg>
  23212. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id0">
  23213. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23214. <comment>
  23215. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23216. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23217. 1: Master can read
  23218. 0: Master can't read
  23219. </comment>
  23220. </bits>
  23221. </reg>
  23222. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id1">
  23223. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23224. <comment>
  23225. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23226. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23227. 1: Master can read
  23228. 0: Master can't read
  23229. </comment>
  23230. </bits>
  23231. </reg>
  23232. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id2">
  23233. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23234. <comment>
  23235. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23236. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23237. 1: Master can read
  23238. 0: Master can't read
  23239. </comment>
  23240. </bits>
  23241. </reg>
  23242. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id3">
  23243. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23244. <comment>
  23245. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23246. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23247. 1: Master can read
  23248. 0: Master can't read
  23249. </comment>
  23250. </bits>
  23251. </reg>
  23252. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id4">
  23253. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23254. <comment>
  23255. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23256. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23257. 1: Master can read
  23258. 0: Master can't read
  23259. </comment>
  23260. </bits>
  23261. </reg>
  23262. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id5">
  23263. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23264. <comment>
  23265. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23266. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23267. 1: Master can read
  23268. 0: Master can't read
  23269. </comment>
  23270. </bits>
  23271. </reg>
  23272. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id6">
  23273. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23274. <comment>
  23275. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23276. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23277. 1: Master can read
  23278. 0: Master can't read
  23279. </comment>
  23280. </bits>
  23281. </reg>
  23282. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id7">
  23283. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23284. <comment>
  23285. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23286. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23287. 1: Master can read
  23288. 0: Master can't read
  23289. </comment>
  23290. </bits>
  23291. </reg>
  23292. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id0">
  23293. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23294. <comment>
  23295. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23296. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23297. 1: Master can write
  23298. 0: Master can't write
  23299. </comment>
  23300. </bits>
  23301. </reg>
  23302. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id1">
  23303. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23304. <comment>
  23305. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23306. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23307. 1: Master can write
  23308. 0: Master can't write
  23309. </comment>
  23310. </bits>
  23311. </reg>
  23312. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id2">
  23313. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23314. <comment>
  23315. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23316. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23317. 1: Master can write
  23318. 0: Master can't write
  23319. </comment>
  23320. </bits>
  23321. </reg>
  23322. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id3">
  23323. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23324. <comment>
  23325. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23326. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23327. 1: Master can write
  23328. 0: Master can't write
  23329. </comment>
  23330. </bits>
  23331. </reg>
  23332. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id4">
  23333. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23334. <comment>
  23335. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23336. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23337. 1: Master can write
  23338. 0: Master can't write
  23339. </comment>
  23340. </bits>
  23341. </reg>
  23342. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id5">
  23343. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23344. <comment>
  23345. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23346. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23347. 1: Master can write
  23348. 0: Master can't write
  23349. </comment>
  23350. </bits>
  23351. </reg>
  23352. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id6">
  23353. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23354. <comment>
  23355. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23356. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23357. 1: Master can write
  23358. 0: Master can't write
  23359. </comment>
  23360. </bits>
  23361. </reg>
  23362. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id7">
  23363. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23364. <comment>
  23365. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23366. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23367. 1: Master can write
  23368. 0: Master can't write
  23369. </comment>
  23370. </bits>
  23371. </reg>
  23372. <hole size="448"/>
  23373. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_first_addr">
  23374. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23375. </bits>
  23376. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  23377. <comment>
  23378. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23379. Segment 1 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23380. </comment>
  23381. </bits>
  23382. </reg>
  23383. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_last_addr">
  23384. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23385. </bits>
  23386. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23387. <comment>
  23388. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23389. Segment 1 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23390. </comment>
  23391. </bits>
  23392. </reg>
  23393. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id0">
  23394. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23395. <comment>
  23396. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23397. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23398. 1: Master can read
  23399. 0: Master can't read
  23400. </comment>
  23401. </bits>
  23402. </reg>
  23403. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id1">
  23404. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23405. <comment>
  23406. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23407. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23408. 1: Master can read
  23409. 0: Master can't read
  23410. </comment>
  23411. </bits>
  23412. </reg>
  23413. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id2">
  23414. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23415. <comment>
  23416. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23417. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23418. 1: Master can read
  23419. 0: Master can't read
  23420. </comment>
  23421. </bits>
  23422. </reg>
  23423. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id3">
  23424. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23425. <comment>
  23426. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23427. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23428. 1: Master can read
  23429. 0: Master can't read
  23430. </comment>
  23431. </bits>
  23432. </reg>
  23433. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id4">
  23434. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23435. <comment>
  23436. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23437. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23438. 1: Master can read
  23439. 0: Master can't read
  23440. </comment>
  23441. </bits>
  23442. </reg>
  23443. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id5">
  23444. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23445. <comment>
  23446. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23447. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23448. 1: Master can read
  23449. 0: Master can't read
  23450. </comment>
  23451. </bits>
  23452. </reg>
  23453. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id6">
  23454. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23455. <comment>
  23456. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23457. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23458. 1: Master can read
  23459. 0: Master can't read
  23460. </comment>
  23461. </bits>
  23462. </reg>
  23463. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id7">
  23464. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23465. <comment>
  23466. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23467. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23468. 1: Master can read
  23469. 0: Master can't read
  23470. </comment>
  23471. </bits>
  23472. </reg>
  23473. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id0">
  23474. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23475. <comment>
  23476. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23477. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23478. 1: Master can write
  23479. 0: Master can't write
  23480. </comment>
  23481. </bits>
  23482. </reg>
  23483. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id1">
  23484. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23485. <comment>
  23486. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23487. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23488. 1: Master can write
  23489. 0: Master can't write
  23490. </comment>
  23491. </bits>
  23492. </reg>
  23493. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id2">
  23494. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23495. <comment>
  23496. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23497. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23498. 1: Master can write
  23499. 0: Master can't write
  23500. </comment>
  23501. </bits>
  23502. </reg>
  23503. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id3">
  23504. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23505. <comment>
  23506. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23507. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23508. 1: Master can write
  23509. 0: Master can't write
  23510. </comment>
  23511. </bits>
  23512. </reg>
  23513. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id4">
  23514. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23515. <comment>
  23516. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23517. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23518. 1: Master can write
  23519. 0: Master can't write
  23520. </comment>
  23521. </bits>
  23522. </reg>
  23523. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id5">
  23524. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23525. <comment>
  23526. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23527. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23528. 1: Master can write
  23529. 0: Master can't write
  23530. </comment>
  23531. </bits>
  23532. </reg>
  23533. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id6">
  23534. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23535. <comment>
  23536. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23537. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23538. 1: Master can write
  23539. 0: Master can't write
  23540. </comment>
  23541. </bits>
  23542. </reg>
  23543. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id7">
  23544. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23545. <comment>
  23546. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23547. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23548. 1: Master can write
  23549. 0: Master can't write
  23550. </comment>
  23551. </bits>
  23552. </reg>
  23553. <hole size="448"/>
  23554. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_first_addr">
  23555. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23556. </bits>
  23557. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  23558. <comment>
  23559. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23560. Segment 2 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23561. </comment>
  23562. </bits>
  23563. </reg>
  23564. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_last_addr">
  23565. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23566. </bits>
  23567. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23568. <comment>
  23569. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23570. Segment 2 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23571. </comment>
  23572. </bits>
  23573. </reg>
  23574. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id0">
  23575. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23576. <comment>
  23577. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23578. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23579. 1: Master can read
  23580. 0: Master can't read
  23581. </comment>
  23582. </bits>
  23583. </reg>
  23584. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id1">
  23585. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23586. <comment>
  23587. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23588. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23589. 1: Master can read
  23590. 0: Master can't read
  23591. </comment>
  23592. </bits>
  23593. </reg>
  23594. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id2">
  23595. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23596. <comment>
  23597. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23598. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23599. 1: Master can read
  23600. 0: Master can't read
  23601. </comment>
  23602. </bits>
  23603. </reg>
  23604. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id3">
  23605. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23606. <comment>
  23607. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23608. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23609. 1: Master can read
  23610. 0: Master can't read
  23611. </comment>
  23612. </bits>
  23613. </reg>
  23614. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id4">
  23615. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23616. <comment>
  23617. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23618. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23619. 1: Master can read
  23620. 0: Master can't read
  23621. </comment>
  23622. </bits>
  23623. </reg>
  23624. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id5">
  23625. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23626. <comment>
  23627. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23628. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23629. 1: Master can read
  23630. 0: Master can't read
  23631. </comment>
  23632. </bits>
  23633. </reg>
  23634. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id6">
  23635. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23636. <comment>
  23637. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23638. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23639. 1: Master can read
  23640. 0: Master can't read
  23641. </comment>
  23642. </bits>
  23643. </reg>
  23644. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id7">
  23645. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23646. <comment>
  23647. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23648. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23649. 1: Master can read
  23650. 0: Master can't read
  23651. </comment>
  23652. </bits>
  23653. </reg>
  23654. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id0">
  23655. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23656. <comment>
  23657. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23658. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23659. 1: Master can write
  23660. 0: Master can't write
  23661. </comment>
  23662. </bits>
  23663. </reg>
  23664. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id1">
  23665. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23666. <comment>
  23667. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23668. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23669. 1: Master can write
  23670. 0: Master can't write
  23671. </comment>
  23672. </bits>
  23673. </reg>
  23674. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id2">
  23675. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23676. <comment>
  23677. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23678. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23679. 1: Master can write
  23680. 0: Master can't write
  23681. </comment>
  23682. </bits>
  23683. </reg>
  23684. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id3">
  23685. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23686. <comment>
  23687. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23688. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23689. 1: Master can write
  23690. 0: Master can't write
  23691. </comment>
  23692. </bits>
  23693. </reg>
  23694. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id4">
  23695. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23696. <comment>
  23697. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23698. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23699. 1: Master can write
  23700. 0: Master can't write
  23701. </comment>
  23702. </bits>
  23703. </reg>
  23704. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id5">
  23705. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23706. <comment>
  23707. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23708. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23709. 1: Master can write
  23710. 0: Master can't write
  23711. </comment>
  23712. </bits>
  23713. </reg>
  23714. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id6">
  23715. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23716. <comment>
  23717. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23718. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23719. 1: Master can write
  23720. 0: Master can't write
  23721. </comment>
  23722. </bits>
  23723. </reg>
  23724. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id7">
  23725. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23726. <comment>
  23727. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23728. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23729. 1: Master can write
  23730. 0: Master can't write
  23731. </comment>
  23732. </bits>
  23733. </reg>
  23734. </module>
  23735. </archive>
  23736. <archive relative="mem_fw_sys_ram2_rf.xml">
  23737. <module name="mem_fw_sys_ram2_rf" category="firewall">
  23738. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  23739. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23740. </bits>
  23741. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  23742. <comment>
  23743. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23744. default r address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  23745. </comment>
  23746. </bits>
  23747. </reg>
  23748. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  23749. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23750. </bits>
  23751. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  23752. <comment>
  23753. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23754. default w address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  23755. </comment>
  23756. </bits>
  23757. </reg>
  23758. <hole size="1984"/>
  23759. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  23760. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  23761. </bits>
  23762. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  23763. <comment>
  23764. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23765. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  23766. </comment>
  23767. </bits>
  23768. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  23769. </bits>
  23770. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  23771. <comment>
  23772. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23773. clock gate bypass
  23774. </comment>
  23775. </bits>
  23776. </reg>
  23777. <hole size="2016"/>
  23778. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  23779. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23780. </bits>
  23781. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  23782. <comment>
  23783. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23784. Port 0 write address miss int enable
  23785. 1: Enable
  23786. 0: Disable
  23787. </comment>
  23788. </bits>
  23789. </reg>
  23790. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_clr">
  23791. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23792. </bits>
  23793. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  23794. <comment>
  23795. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  23796. Port 0 write address miss int write-clear
  23797. </comment>
  23798. </bits>
  23799. </reg>
  23800. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_raw">
  23801. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23802. </bits>
  23803. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  23804. <comment>
  23805. Port 0 write address miss original int
  23806. 1: Address Miss
  23807. 0: Normal
  23808. </comment>
  23809. </bits>
  23810. </reg>
  23811. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_fin">
  23812. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23813. </bits>
  23814. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  23815. <comment>
  23816. Port 0 write address miss final int
  23817. 1: Address Miss
  23818. 0: Normal
  23819. </comment>
  23820. </bits>
  23821. </reg>
  23822. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  23823. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23824. </bits>
  23825. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  23826. <comment>
  23827. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23828. Port 0 read address miss int enable
  23829. 1: Enable
  23830. 0: Disable
  23831. </comment>
  23832. </bits>
  23833. </reg>
  23834. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_clr">
  23835. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23836. </bits>
  23837. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  23838. <comment>
  23839. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  23840. Port 0 read address miss int write-clear
  23841. </comment>
  23842. </bits>
  23843. </reg>
  23844. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_raw">
  23845. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23846. </bits>
  23847. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  23848. <comment>
  23849. Port 0 read address miss original int
  23850. 1: Address Miss
  23851. 0: Normal
  23852. </comment>
  23853. </bits>
  23854. </reg>
  23855. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_fin">
  23856. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  23857. </bits>
  23858. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  23859. <comment>
  23860. Port 0 read address miss final int
  23861. 1: Address Miss
  23862. 0: Normal
  23863. </comment>
  23864. </bits>
  23865. </reg>
  23866. <hole size="3840"/>
  23867. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr">
  23868. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23869. </bits>
  23870. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23871. <comment>
  23872. Port 0 write channel address, 4K-Byte
  23873. </comment>
  23874. </bits>
  23875. </reg>
  23876. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  23877. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23878. </bits>
  23879. <bits access="r" name="w_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23880. <comment>
  23881. Port 0 write channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  23882. </comment>
  23883. </bits>
  23884. </reg>
  23885. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr">
  23886. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23887. </bits>
  23888. <bits access="r" name="r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23889. <comment>
  23890. Port 0 read channel address, 4K-Byte
  23891. </comment>
  23892. </bits>
  23893. </reg>
  23894. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id">
  23895. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23896. </bits>
  23897. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23898. <comment>
  23899. Port 0 read channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  23900. </comment>
  23901. </bits>
  23902. </reg>
  23903. <hole size="8064"/>
  23904. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_first_addr">
  23905. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23906. </bits>
  23907. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  23908. <comment>
  23909. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23910. Segment default first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23911. </comment>
  23912. </bits>
  23913. </reg>
  23914. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_last_addr">
  23915. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  23916. </bits>
  23917. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  23918. <comment>
  23919. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23920. Segment default last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  23921. </comment>
  23922. </bits>
  23923. </reg>
  23924. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id0">
  23925. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23926. <comment>
  23927. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23928. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  23929. 1: Master can read
  23930. 0: Master can't read
  23931. </comment>
  23932. </bits>
  23933. </reg>
  23934. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id1">
  23935. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23936. <comment>
  23937. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23938. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  23939. 1: Master can read
  23940. 0: Master can't read
  23941. </comment>
  23942. </bits>
  23943. </reg>
  23944. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id2">
  23945. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23946. <comment>
  23947. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23948. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  23949. 1: Master can read
  23950. 0: Master can't read
  23951. </comment>
  23952. </bits>
  23953. </reg>
  23954. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id3">
  23955. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23956. <comment>
  23957. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23958. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  23959. 1: Master can read
  23960. 0: Master can't read
  23961. </comment>
  23962. </bits>
  23963. </reg>
  23964. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id4">
  23965. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23966. <comment>
  23967. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23968. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  23969. 1: Master can read
  23970. 0: Master can't read
  23971. </comment>
  23972. </bits>
  23973. </reg>
  23974. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id5">
  23975. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23976. <comment>
  23977. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23978. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  23979. 1: Master can read
  23980. 0: Master can't read
  23981. </comment>
  23982. </bits>
  23983. </reg>
  23984. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id6">
  23985. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23986. <comment>
  23987. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23988. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  23989. 1: Master can read
  23990. 0: Master can't read
  23991. </comment>
  23992. </bits>
  23993. </reg>
  23994. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id7">
  23995. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  23996. <comment>
  23997. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  23998. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  23999. 1: Master can read
  24000. 0: Master can't read
  24001. </comment>
  24002. </bits>
  24003. </reg>
  24004. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id0">
  24005. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24006. <comment>
  24007. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24008. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24009. 1: Master can write
  24010. 0: Master can't write
  24011. </comment>
  24012. </bits>
  24013. </reg>
  24014. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id1">
  24015. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24016. <comment>
  24017. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24018. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24019. 1: Master can write
  24020. 0: Master can't write
  24021. </comment>
  24022. </bits>
  24023. </reg>
  24024. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id2">
  24025. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24026. <comment>
  24027. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24028. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24029. 1: Master can write
  24030. 0: Master can't write
  24031. </comment>
  24032. </bits>
  24033. </reg>
  24034. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id3">
  24035. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24036. <comment>
  24037. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24038. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24039. 1: Master can write
  24040. 0: Master can't write
  24041. </comment>
  24042. </bits>
  24043. </reg>
  24044. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id4">
  24045. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24046. <comment>
  24047. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24048. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24049. 1: Master can write
  24050. 0: Master can't write
  24051. </comment>
  24052. </bits>
  24053. </reg>
  24054. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id5">
  24055. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24056. <comment>
  24057. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24058. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24059. 1: Master can write
  24060. 0: Master can't write
  24061. </comment>
  24062. </bits>
  24063. </reg>
  24064. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id6">
  24065. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24066. <comment>
  24067. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24068. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24069. 1: Master can write
  24070. 0: Master can't write
  24071. </comment>
  24072. </bits>
  24073. </reg>
  24074. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id7">
  24075. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24076. <comment>
  24077. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24078. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24079. 1: Master can write
  24080. 0: Master can't write
  24081. </comment>
  24082. </bits>
  24083. </reg>
  24084. <hole size="15808"/>
  24085. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_first_addr">
  24086. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24087. </bits>
  24088. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  24089. <comment>
  24090. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24091. Segment 0 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24092. </comment>
  24093. </bits>
  24094. </reg>
  24095. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_last_addr">
  24096. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24097. </bits>
  24098. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24099. <comment>
  24100. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24101. Segment 0 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24102. </comment>
  24103. </bits>
  24104. </reg>
  24105. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id0">
  24106. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24107. <comment>
  24108. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24109. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24110. 1: Master can read
  24111. 0: Master can't read
  24112. </comment>
  24113. </bits>
  24114. </reg>
  24115. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id1">
  24116. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24117. <comment>
  24118. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24119. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24120. 1: Master can read
  24121. 0: Master can't read
  24122. </comment>
  24123. </bits>
  24124. </reg>
  24125. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id2">
  24126. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24127. <comment>
  24128. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24129. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24130. 1: Master can read
  24131. 0: Master can't read
  24132. </comment>
  24133. </bits>
  24134. </reg>
  24135. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id3">
  24136. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24137. <comment>
  24138. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24139. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24140. 1: Master can read
  24141. 0: Master can't read
  24142. </comment>
  24143. </bits>
  24144. </reg>
  24145. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id4">
  24146. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24147. <comment>
  24148. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24149. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24150. 1: Master can read
  24151. 0: Master can't read
  24152. </comment>
  24153. </bits>
  24154. </reg>
  24155. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id5">
  24156. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24157. <comment>
  24158. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24159. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24160. 1: Master can read
  24161. 0: Master can't read
  24162. </comment>
  24163. </bits>
  24164. </reg>
  24165. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id6">
  24166. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24167. <comment>
  24168. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24169. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24170. 1: Master can read
  24171. 0: Master can't read
  24172. </comment>
  24173. </bits>
  24174. </reg>
  24175. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id7">
  24176. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24177. <comment>
  24178. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24179. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24180. 1: Master can read
  24181. 0: Master can't read
  24182. </comment>
  24183. </bits>
  24184. </reg>
  24185. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id0">
  24186. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24187. <comment>
  24188. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24189. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24190. 1: Master can write
  24191. 0: Master can't write
  24192. </comment>
  24193. </bits>
  24194. </reg>
  24195. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id1">
  24196. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24197. <comment>
  24198. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24199. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24200. 1: Master can write
  24201. 0: Master can't write
  24202. </comment>
  24203. </bits>
  24204. </reg>
  24205. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id2">
  24206. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24207. <comment>
  24208. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24209. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24210. 1: Master can write
  24211. 0: Master can't write
  24212. </comment>
  24213. </bits>
  24214. </reg>
  24215. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id3">
  24216. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24217. <comment>
  24218. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24219. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24220. 1: Master can write
  24221. 0: Master can't write
  24222. </comment>
  24223. </bits>
  24224. </reg>
  24225. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id4">
  24226. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24227. <comment>
  24228. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24229. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24230. 1: Master can write
  24231. 0: Master can't write
  24232. </comment>
  24233. </bits>
  24234. </reg>
  24235. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id5">
  24236. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24237. <comment>
  24238. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24239. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24240. 1: Master can write
  24241. 0: Master can't write
  24242. </comment>
  24243. </bits>
  24244. </reg>
  24245. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id6">
  24246. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24247. <comment>
  24248. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24249. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24250. 1: Master can write
  24251. 0: Master can't write
  24252. </comment>
  24253. </bits>
  24254. </reg>
  24255. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id7">
  24256. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24257. <comment>
  24258. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24259. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24260. 1: Master can write
  24261. 0: Master can't write
  24262. </comment>
  24263. </bits>
  24264. </reg>
  24265. <hole size="448"/>
  24266. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_first_addr">
  24267. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24268. </bits>
  24269. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  24270. <comment>
  24271. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24272. Segment 1 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24273. </comment>
  24274. </bits>
  24275. </reg>
  24276. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_last_addr">
  24277. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24278. </bits>
  24279. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24280. <comment>
  24281. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24282. Segment 1 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24283. </comment>
  24284. </bits>
  24285. </reg>
  24286. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id0">
  24287. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24288. <comment>
  24289. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24290. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24291. 1: Master can read
  24292. 0: Master can't read
  24293. </comment>
  24294. </bits>
  24295. </reg>
  24296. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id1">
  24297. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24298. <comment>
  24299. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24300. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24301. 1: Master can read
  24302. 0: Master can't read
  24303. </comment>
  24304. </bits>
  24305. </reg>
  24306. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id2">
  24307. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24308. <comment>
  24309. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24310. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24311. 1: Master can read
  24312. 0: Master can't read
  24313. </comment>
  24314. </bits>
  24315. </reg>
  24316. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id3">
  24317. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24318. <comment>
  24319. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24320. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24321. 1: Master can read
  24322. 0: Master can't read
  24323. </comment>
  24324. </bits>
  24325. </reg>
  24326. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id4">
  24327. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24328. <comment>
  24329. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24330. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24331. 1: Master can read
  24332. 0: Master can't read
  24333. </comment>
  24334. </bits>
  24335. </reg>
  24336. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id5">
  24337. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24338. <comment>
  24339. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24340. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24341. 1: Master can read
  24342. 0: Master can't read
  24343. </comment>
  24344. </bits>
  24345. </reg>
  24346. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id6">
  24347. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24348. <comment>
  24349. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24350. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24351. 1: Master can read
  24352. 0: Master can't read
  24353. </comment>
  24354. </bits>
  24355. </reg>
  24356. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id7">
  24357. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24358. <comment>
  24359. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24360. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24361. 1: Master can read
  24362. 0: Master can't read
  24363. </comment>
  24364. </bits>
  24365. </reg>
  24366. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id0">
  24367. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24368. <comment>
  24369. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24370. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24371. 1: Master can write
  24372. 0: Master can't write
  24373. </comment>
  24374. </bits>
  24375. </reg>
  24376. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id1">
  24377. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24378. <comment>
  24379. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24380. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24381. 1: Master can write
  24382. 0: Master can't write
  24383. </comment>
  24384. </bits>
  24385. </reg>
  24386. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id2">
  24387. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24388. <comment>
  24389. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24390. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24391. 1: Master can write
  24392. 0: Master can't write
  24393. </comment>
  24394. </bits>
  24395. </reg>
  24396. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id3">
  24397. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24398. <comment>
  24399. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24400. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24401. 1: Master can write
  24402. 0: Master can't write
  24403. </comment>
  24404. </bits>
  24405. </reg>
  24406. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id4">
  24407. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24408. <comment>
  24409. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24410. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24411. 1: Master can write
  24412. 0: Master can't write
  24413. </comment>
  24414. </bits>
  24415. </reg>
  24416. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id5">
  24417. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24418. <comment>
  24419. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24420. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24421. 1: Master can write
  24422. 0: Master can't write
  24423. </comment>
  24424. </bits>
  24425. </reg>
  24426. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id6">
  24427. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24428. <comment>
  24429. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24430. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24431. 1: Master can write
  24432. 0: Master can't write
  24433. </comment>
  24434. </bits>
  24435. </reg>
  24436. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id7">
  24437. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24438. <comment>
  24439. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24440. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24441. 1: Master can write
  24442. 0: Master can't write
  24443. </comment>
  24444. </bits>
  24445. </reg>
  24446. <hole size="448"/>
  24447. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_first_addr">
  24448. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24449. </bits>
  24450. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  24451. <comment>
  24452. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24453. Segment 2 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24454. </comment>
  24455. </bits>
  24456. </reg>
  24457. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_last_addr">
  24458. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24459. </bits>
  24460. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24461. <comment>
  24462. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24463. Segment 2 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24464. </comment>
  24465. </bits>
  24466. </reg>
  24467. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id0">
  24468. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24469. <comment>
  24470. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24471. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24472. 1: Master can read
  24473. 0: Master can't read
  24474. </comment>
  24475. </bits>
  24476. </reg>
  24477. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id1">
  24478. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24479. <comment>
  24480. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24481. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24482. 1: Master can read
  24483. 0: Master can't read
  24484. </comment>
  24485. </bits>
  24486. </reg>
  24487. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id2">
  24488. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24489. <comment>
  24490. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24491. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24492. 1: Master can read
  24493. 0: Master can't read
  24494. </comment>
  24495. </bits>
  24496. </reg>
  24497. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id3">
  24498. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24499. <comment>
  24500. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24501. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24502. 1: Master can read
  24503. 0: Master can't read
  24504. </comment>
  24505. </bits>
  24506. </reg>
  24507. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id4">
  24508. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24509. <comment>
  24510. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24511. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24512. 1: Master can read
  24513. 0: Master can't read
  24514. </comment>
  24515. </bits>
  24516. </reg>
  24517. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id5">
  24518. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24519. <comment>
  24520. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24521. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24522. 1: Master can read
  24523. 0: Master can't read
  24524. </comment>
  24525. </bits>
  24526. </reg>
  24527. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id6">
  24528. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24529. <comment>
  24530. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24531. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24532. 1: Master can read
  24533. 0: Master can't read
  24534. </comment>
  24535. </bits>
  24536. </reg>
  24537. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id7">
  24538. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24539. <comment>
  24540. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24541. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24542. 1: Master can read
  24543. 0: Master can't read
  24544. </comment>
  24545. </bits>
  24546. </reg>
  24547. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id0">
  24548. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24549. <comment>
  24550. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24551. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24552. 1: Master can write
  24553. 0: Master can't write
  24554. </comment>
  24555. </bits>
  24556. </reg>
  24557. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id1">
  24558. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24559. <comment>
  24560. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24561. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24562. 1: Master can write
  24563. 0: Master can't write
  24564. </comment>
  24565. </bits>
  24566. </reg>
  24567. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id2">
  24568. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24569. <comment>
  24570. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24571. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24572. 1: Master can write
  24573. 0: Master can't write
  24574. </comment>
  24575. </bits>
  24576. </reg>
  24577. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id3">
  24578. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24579. <comment>
  24580. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24581. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24582. 1: Master can write
  24583. 0: Master can't write
  24584. </comment>
  24585. </bits>
  24586. </reg>
  24587. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id4">
  24588. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24589. <comment>
  24590. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24591. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24592. 1: Master can write
  24593. 0: Master can't write
  24594. </comment>
  24595. </bits>
  24596. </reg>
  24597. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id5">
  24598. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24599. <comment>
  24600. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24601. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24602. 1: Master can write
  24603. 0: Master can't write
  24604. </comment>
  24605. </bits>
  24606. </reg>
  24607. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id6">
  24608. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24609. <comment>
  24610. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24611. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24612. 1: Master can write
  24613. 0: Master can't write
  24614. </comment>
  24615. </bits>
  24616. </reg>
  24617. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id7">
  24618. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24619. <comment>
  24620. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24621. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24622. 1: Master can write
  24623. 0: Master can't write
  24624. </comment>
  24625. </bits>
  24626. </reg>
  24627. </module>
  24628. </archive>
  24629. <archive relative="mem_fw_sys_ram3_rf.xml">
  24630. <module name="mem_fw_sys_ram3_rf" category="firewall">
  24631. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0">
  24632. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_r_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24633. </bits>
  24634. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  24635. <comment>
  24636. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24637. default r address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  24638. </comment>
  24639. </bits>
  24640. </reg>
  24641. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0">
  24642. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_w_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24643. </bits>
  24644. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  24645. <comment>
  24646. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24647. default w address 0 register(4K-Byte address, bit 17 ~ bit 12).
  24648. </comment>
  24649. </bits>
  24650. </reg>
  24651. <hole size="1984"/>
  24652. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  24653. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  24654. </bits>
  24655. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  24656. <comment>
  24657. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24658. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  24659. </comment>
  24660. </bits>
  24661. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_1" pos="3:1" rst="0">
  24662. </bits>
  24663. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  24664. <comment>
  24665. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24666. clock gate bypass
  24667. </comment>
  24668. </bits>
  24669. </reg>
  24670. <hole size="2016"/>
  24671. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_en">
  24672. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24673. </bits>
  24674. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  24675. <comment>
  24676. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24677. Port 0 write address miss int enable
  24678. 1: Enable
  24679. 0: Disable
  24680. </comment>
  24681. </bits>
  24682. </reg>
  24683. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_w_clr">
  24684. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24685. </bits>
  24686. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  24687. <comment>
  24688. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  24689. Port 0 write address miss int write-clear
  24690. </comment>
  24691. </bits>
  24692. </reg>
  24693. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_raw">
  24694. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24695. </bits>
  24696. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  24697. <comment>
  24698. Port 0 write address miss original int
  24699. 1: Address Miss
  24700. 0: Normal
  24701. </comment>
  24702. </bits>
  24703. </reg>
  24704. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_w_fin">
  24705. <bits access="r" name="port_int_w_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24706. </bits>
  24707. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  24708. <comment>
  24709. Port 0 write address miss final int
  24710. 1: Address Miss
  24711. 0: Normal
  24712. </comment>
  24713. </bits>
  24714. </reg>
  24715. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_en">
  24716. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_en_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24717. </bits>
  24718. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  24719. <comment>
  24720. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24721. Port 0 read address miss int enable
  24722. 1: Enable
  24723. 0: Disable
  24724. </comment>
  24725. </bits>
  24726. </reg>
  24727. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_r_clr">
  24728. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24729. </bits>
  24730. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  24731. <comment>
  24732. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  24733. Port 0 read address miss int write-clear
  24734. </comment>
  24735. </bits>
  24736. </reg>
  24737. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_raw">
  24738. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24739. </bits>
  24740. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  24741. <comment>
  24742. Port 0 read address miss original int
  24743. 1: Address Miss
  24744. 0: Normal
  24745. </comment>
  24746. </bits>
  24747. </reg>
  24748. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_r_fin">
  24749. <bits access="r" name="port_int_r_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  24750. </bits>
  24751. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  24752. <comment>
  24753. Port 0 read address miss final int
  24754. 1: Address Miss
  24755. 0: Normal
  24756. </comment>
  24757. </bits>
  24758. </reg>
  24759. <hole size="3840"/>
  24760. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr">
  24761. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24762. </bits>
  24763. <bits access="r" name="w_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24764. <comment>
  24765. Port 0 write channel address, 4K-Byte
  24766. </comment>
  24767. </bits>
  24768. </reg>
  24769. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id">
  24770. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24771. </bits>
  24772. <bits access="r" name="w_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24773. <comment>
  24774. Port 0 write channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  24775. </comment>
  24776. </bits>
  24777. </reg>
  24778. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr">
  24779. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24780. </bits>
  24781. <bits access="r" name="r_addr_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24782. <comment>
  24783. Port 0 read channel address, 4K-Byte
  24784. </comment>
  24785. </bits>
  24786. </reg>
  24787. <reg protect="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id">
  24788. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_debug_id_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24789. </bits>
  24790. <bits access="r" name="r_id_0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24791. <comment>
  24792. Port 0 read channel id, MSB is prot[1]
  24793. </comment>
  24794. </bits>
  24795. </reg>
  24796. <hole size="8064"/>
  24797. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_first_addr">
  24798. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24799. </bits>
  24800. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  24801. <comment>
  24802. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24803. Segment default first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24804. </comment>
  24805. </bits>
  24806. </reg>
  24807. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_last_addr">
  24808. <bits access="r" name="seg_default_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24809. </bits>
  24810. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24811. <comment>
  24812. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24813. Segment default last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24814. </comment>
  24815. </bits>
  24816. </reg>
  24817. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id0">
  24818. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24819. <comment>
  24820. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24821. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24822. 1: Master can read
  24823. 0: Master can't read
  24824. </comment>
  24825. </bits>
  24826. </reg>
  24827. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id1">
  24828. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24829. <comment>
  24830. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24831. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24832. 1: Master can read
  24833. 0: Master can't read
  24834. </comment>
  24835. </bits>
  24836. </reg>
  24837. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id2">
  24838. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24839. <comment>
  24840. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24841. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24842. 1: Master can read
  24843. 0: Master can't read
  24844. </comment>
  24845. </bits>
  24846. </reg>
  24847. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id3">
  24848. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24849. <comment>
  24850. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24851. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24852. 1: Master can read
  24853. 0: Master can't read
  24854. </comment>
  24855. </bits>
  24856. </reg>
  24857. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id4">
  24858. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24859. <comment>
  24860. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24861. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24862. 1: Master can read
  24863. 0: Master can't read
  24864. </comment>
  24865. </bits>
  24866. </reg>
  24867. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id5">
  24868. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24869. <comment>
  24870. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24871. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24872. 1: Master can read
  24873. 0: Master can't read
  24874. </comment>
  24875. </bits>
  24876. </reg>
  24877. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id6">
  24878. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24879. <comment>
  24880. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24881. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24882. 1: Master can read
  24883. 0: Master can't read
  24884. </comment>
  24885. </bits>
  24886. </reg>
  24887. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_r_id7">
  24888. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24889. <comment>
  24890. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24891. Default Segment Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24892. 1: Master can read
  24893. 0: Master can't read
  24894. </comment>
  24895. </bits>
  24896. </reg>
  24897. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id0">
  24898. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24899. <comment>
  24900. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24901. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  24902. 1: Master can write
  24903. 0: Master can't write
  24904. </comment>
  24905. </bits>
  24906. </reg>
  24907. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id1">
  24908. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24909. <comment>
  24910. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24911. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  24912. 1: Master can write
  24913. 0: Master can't write
  24914. </comment>
  24915. </bits>
  24916. </reg>
  24917. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id2">
  24918. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24919. <comment>
  24920. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24921. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  24922. 1: Master can write
  24923. 0: Master can't write
  24924. </comment>
  24925. </bits>
  24926. </reg>
  24927. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id3">
  24928. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24929. <comment>
  24930. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24931. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  24932. 1: Master can write
  24933. 0: Master can't write
  24934. </comment>
  24935. </bits>
  24936. </reg>
  24937. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id4">
  24938. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24939. <comment>
  24940. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24941. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  24942. 1: Master can write
  24943. 0: Master can't write
  24944. </comment>
  24945. </bits>
  24946. </reg>
  24947. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id5">
  24948. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24949. <comment>
  24950. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24951. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  24952. 1: Master can write
  24953. 0: Master can't write
  24954. </comment>
  24955. </bits>
  24956. </reg>
  24957. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id6">
  24958. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24959. <comment>
  24960. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24961. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  24962. 1: Master can write
  24963. 0: Master can't write
  24964. </comment>
  24965. </bits>
  24966. </reg>
  24967. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_default_mst_w_id7">
  24968. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  24969. <comment>
  24970. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24971. Default Segment write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  24972. 1: Master can write
  24973. 0: Master can't write
  24974. </comment>
  24975. </bits>
  24976. </reg>
  24977. <hole size="15808"/>
  24978. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_first_addr">
  24979. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24980. </bits>
  24981. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  24982. <comment>
  24983. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24984. Segment 0 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24985. </comment>
  24986. </bits>
  24987. </reg>
  24988. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_last_addr">
  24989. <bits access="r" name="seg_0_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  24990. </bits>
  24991. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  24992. <comment>
  24993. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  24994. Segment 0 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  24995. </comment>
  24996. </bits>
  24997. </reg>
  24998. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id0">
  24999. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25000. <comment>
  25001. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25002. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  25003. 1: Master can read
  25004. 0: Master can't read
  25005. </comment>
  25006. </bits>
  25007. </reg>
  25008. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id1">
  25009. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25010. <comment>
  25011. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25012. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  25013. 1: Master can read
  25014. 0: Master can't read
  25015. </comment>
  25016. </bits>
  25017. </reg>
  25018. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id2">
  25019. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25020. <comment>
  25021. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25022. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  25023. 1: Master can read
  25024. 0: Master can't read
  25025. </comment>
  25026. </bits>
  25027. </reg>
  25028. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id3">
  25029. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25030. <comment>
  25031. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25032. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  25033. 1: Master can read
  25034. 0: Master can't read
  25035. </comment>
  25036. </bits>
  25037. </reg>
  25038. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id4">
  25039. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25040. <comment>
  25041. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25042. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  25043. 1: Master can read
  25044. 0: Master can't read
  25045. </comment>
  25046. </bits>
  25047. </reg>
  25048. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id5">
  25049. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25050. <comment>
  25051. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25052. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  25053. 1: Master can read
  25054. 0: Master can't read
  25055. </comment>
  25056. </bits>
  25057. </reg>
  25058. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id6">
  25059. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25060. <comment>
  25061. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25062. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  25063. 1: Master can read
  25064. 0: Master can't read
  25065. </comment>
  25066. </bits>
  25067. </reg>
  25068. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_r_id7">
  25069. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25070. <comment>
  25071. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25072. Segment 0 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  25073. 1: Master can read
  25074. 0: Master can't read
  25075. </comment>
  25076. </bits>
  25077. </reg>
  25078. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id0">
  25079. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25080. <comment>
  25081. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25082. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  25083. 1: Master can write
  25084. 0: Master can't write
  25085. </comment>
  25086. </bits>
  25087. </reg>
  25088. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id1">
  25089. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25090. <comment>
  25091. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25092. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  25093. 1: Master can write
  25094. 0: Master can't write
  25095. </comment>
  25096. </bits>
  25097. </reg>
  25098. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id2">
  25099. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25100. <comment>
  25101. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25102. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  25103. 1: Master can write
  25104. 0: Master can't write
  25105. </comment>
  25106. </bits>
  25107. </reg>
  25108. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id3">
  25109. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25110. <comment>
  25111. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25112. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  25113. 1: Master can write
  25114. 0: Master can't write
  25115. </comment>
  25116. </bits>
  25117. </reg>
  25118. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id4">
  25119. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25120. <comment>
  25121. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25122. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  25123. 1: Master can write
  25124. 0: Master can't write
  25125. </comment>
  25126. </bits>
  25127. </reg>
  25128. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id5">
  25129. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25130. <comment>
  25131. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25132. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  25133. 1: Master can write
  25134. 0: Master can't write
  25135. </comment>
  25136. </bits>
  25137. </reg>
  25138. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id6">
  25139. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25140. <comment>
  25141. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25142. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  25143. 1: Master can write
  25144. 0: Master can't write
  25145. </comment>
  25146. </bits>
  25147. </reg>
  25148. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_0_mst_w_id7">
  25149. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25150. <comment>
  25151. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25152. Segment 0 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  25153. 1: Master can write
  25154. 0: Master can't write
  25155. </comment>
  25156. </bits>
  25157. </reg>
  25158. <hole size="448"/>
  25159. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_first_addr">
  25160. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  25161. </bits>
  25162. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  25163. <comment>
  25164. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25165. Segment 1 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  25166. </comment>
  25167. </bits>
  25168. </reg>
  25169. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_last_addr">
  25170. <bits access="r" name="seg_1_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  25171. </bits>
  25172. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  25173. <comment>
  25174. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25175. Segment 1 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  25176. </comment>
  25177. </bits>
  25178. </reg>
  25179. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id0">
  25180. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25181. <comment>
  25182. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25183. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  25184. 1: Master can read
  25185. 0: Master can't read
  25186. </comment>
  25187. </bits>
  25188. </reg>
  25189. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id1">
  25190. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25191. <comment>
  25192. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25193. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  25194. 1: Master can read
  25195. 0: Master can't read
  25196. </comment>
  25197. </bits>
  25198. </reg>
  25199. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id2">
  25200. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25201. <comment>
  25202. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25203. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  25204. 1: Master can read
  25205. 0: Master can't read
  25206. </comment>
  25207. </bits>
  25208. </reg>
  25209. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id3">
  25210. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25211. <comment>
  25212. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25213. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  25214. 1: Master can read
  25215. 0: Master can't read
  25216. </comment>
  25217. </bits>
  25218. </reg>
  25219. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id4">
  25220. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25221. <comment>
  25222. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25223. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  25224. 1: Master can read
  25225. 0: Master can't read
  25226. </comment>
  25227. </bits>
  25228. </reg>
  25229. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id5">
  25230. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25231. <comment>
  25232. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25233. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  25234. 1: Master can read
  25235. 0: Master can't read
  25236. </comment>
  25237. </bits>
  25238. </reg>
  25239. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id6">
  25240. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25241. <comment>
  25242. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25243. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  25244. 1: Master can read
  25245. 0: Master can't read
  25246. </comment>
  25247. </bits>
  25248. </reg>
  25249. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_r_id7">
  25250. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25251. <comment>
  25252. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25253. Segment 1 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  25254. 1: Master can read
  25255. 0: Master can't read
  25256. </comment>
  25257. </bits>
  25258. </reg>
  25259. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id0">
  25260. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25261. <comment>
  25262. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25263. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  25264. 1: Master can write
  25265. 0: Master can't write
  25266. </comment>
  25267. </bits>
  25268. </reg>
  25269. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id1">
  25270. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25271. <comment>
  25272. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25273. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  25274. 1: Master can write
  25275. 0: Master can't write
  25276. </comment>
  25277. </bits>
  25278. </reg>
  25279. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id2">
  25280. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25281. <comment>
  25282. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25283. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  25284. 1: Master can write
  25285. 0: Master can't write
  25286. </comment>
  25287. </bits>
  25288. </reg>
  25289. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id3">
  25290. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25291. <comment>
  25292. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25293. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  25294. 1: Master can write
  25295. 0: Master can't write
  25296. </comment>
  25297. </bits>
  25298. </reg>
  25299. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id4">
  25300. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25301. <comment>
  25302. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25303. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  25304. 1: Master can write
  25305. 0: Master can't write
  25306. </comment>
  25307. </bits>
  25308. </reg>
  25309. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id5">
  25310. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25311. <comment>
  25312. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25313. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  25314. 1: Master can write
  25315. 0: Master can't write
  25316. </comment>
  25317. </bits>
  25318. </reg>
  25319. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id6">
  25320. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25321. <comment>
  25322. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25323. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  25324. 1: Master can write
  25325. 0: Master can't write
  25326. </comment>
  25327. </bits>
  25328. </reg>
  25329. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_1_mst_w_id7">
  25330. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25331. <comment>
  25332. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25333. Segment 1 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  25334. 1: Master can write
  25335. 0: Master can't write
  25336. </comment>
  25337. </bits>
  25338. </reg>
  25339. <hole size="448"/>
  25340. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_first_addr">
  25341. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_first_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  25342. </bits>
  25343. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr" pos="7:0" rst="255">
  25344. <comment>
  25345. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25346. Segment 2 first address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  25347. </comment>
  25348. </bits>
  25349. </reg>
  25350. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_last_addr">
  25351. <bits access="r" name="seg_2_last_addr_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  25352. </bits>
  25353. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  25354. <comment>
  25355. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25356. Segment 2 last address, the actual address should right shift 10-bit (1K-Byte)
  25357. </comment>
  25358. </bits>
  25359. </reg>
  25360. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id0">
  25361. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25362. <comment>
  25363. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25364. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  25365. 1: Master can read
  25366. 0: Master can't read
  25367. </comment>
  25368. </bits>
  25369. </reg>
  25370. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id1">
  25371. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25372. <comment>
  25373. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25374. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  25375. 1: Master can read
  25376. 0: Master can't read
  25377. </comment>
  25378. </bits>
  25379. </reg>
  25380. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id2">
  25381. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25382. <comment>
  25383. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25384. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  25385. 1: Master can read
  25386. 0: Master can't read
  25387. </comment>
  25388. </bits>
  25389. </reg>
  25390. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id3">
  25391. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25392. <comment>
  25393. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25394. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  25395. 1: Master can read
  25396. 0: Master can't read
  25397. </comment>
  25398. </bits>
  25399. </reg>
  25400. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id4">
  25401. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25402. <comment>
  25403. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25404. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  25405. 1: Master can read
  25406. 0: Master can't read
  25407. </comment>
  25408. </bits>
  25409. </reg>
  25410. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id5">
  25411. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25412. <comment>
  25413. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25414. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  25415. 1: Master can read
  25416. 0: Master can't read
  25417. </comment>
  25418. </bits>
  25419. </reg>
  25420. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id6">
  25421. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25422. <comment>
  25423. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25424. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  25425. 1: Master can read
  25426. 0: Master can't read
  25427. </comment>
  25428. </bits>
  25429. </reg>
  25430. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_r_id7">
  25431. <bits access="rw" name="mst_r_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25432. <comment>
  25433. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25434. Segment 2 Read Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  25435. 1: Master can read
  25436. 0: Master can't read
  25437. </comment>
  25438. </bits>
  25439. </reg>
  25440. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id0">
  25441. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25442. <comment>
  25443. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25444. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 0~31.
  25445. 1: Master can write
  25446. 0: Master can't write
  25447. </comment>
  25448. </bits>
  25449. </reg>
  25450. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id1">
  25451. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25452. <comment>
  25453. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25454. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 32~63.
  25455. 1: Master can write
  25456. 0: Master can't write
  25457. </comment>
  25458. </bits>
  25459. </reg>
  25460. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id2">
  25461. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25462. <comment>
  25463. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25464. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 64~95.
  25465. 1: Master can write
  25466. 0: Master can't write
  25467. </comment>
  25468. </bits>
  25469. </reg>
  25470. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id3">
  25471. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25472. <comment>
  25473. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25474. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 96~127.
  25475. 1: Master can write
  25476. 0: Master can't write
  25477. </comment>
  25478. </bits>
  25479. </reg>
  25480. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id4">
  25481. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25482. <comment>
  25483. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25484. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 128~159.
  25485. 1: Master can write
  25486. 0: Master can't write
  25487. </comment>
  25488. </bits>
  25489. </reg>
  25490. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id5">
  25491. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25492. <comment>
  25493. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25494. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 160~191.
  25495. 1: Master can write
  25496. 0: Master can't write
  25497. </comment>
  25498. </bits>
  25499. </reg>
  25500. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id6">
  25501. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25502. <comment>
  25503. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25504. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 192~223.
  25505. 1: Master can write
  25506. 0: Master can't write
  25507. </comment>
  25508. </bits>
  25509. </reg>
  25510. <reg protect="rw" name="seg_2_mst_w_id7">
  25511. <bits access="rw" name="mst_w_id7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  25512. <comment>
  25513. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  25514. Segment 2 Write Master ID select, one bit indicates a master ID, master ID from 224~255.
  25515. 1: Master can write
  25516. 0: Master can't write
  25517. </comment>
  25518. </bits>
  25519. </reg>
  25520. </module>
  25521. </archive>
  25522. <archive relative = "nb_acc.xml">
  25523. <module name="nb_acc" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  25524. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_EN" protect="w">
  25525. <bits name="rNB_ACC_EN" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  25526. <comment>NB accelerator Enable
  25527. when enable is low, it would wait to the last DMA transfer to go back to idle status.
  25528. </comment>
  25529. </bits>
  25530. </reg32>
  25531. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_ACC_CTRL" protect="rw">
  25532. <bits name="rCMD_LEN" pos="11:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  25533. <comment>Command Length (unit DW)</comment>
  25534. </bits>
  25535. <bits name="rCMD_NUM" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25536. <comment>Number of Command</comment>
  25537. </bits>
  25538. </reg32>
  25539. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_CMD_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  25540. <bits name="rNB_ACC_CMD_START_ADDR" pos="31:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  25541. <comment>Command start address(unit: byte in DW aligned)</comment>
  25542. </bits>
  25543. </reg32>
  25544. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_DMA_TO_VAL" protect="rw">
  25545. <bits name="rNB_ACC_DMA_TO_VAL" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25546. <comment>Maximum time out value in AHB clock unit
  25547. Default:(0) Disable
  25548. Unit in AHB clock
  25549. </comment>
  25550. </bits>
  25551. </reg32>
  25552. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_START_ADDR_LIMIT0" protect="rw">
  25553. <bits name="rNB_ACC_START_ADDR_LIMIT0" pos="31:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  25554. <comment>Start address limit0:
  25555. Valid DMA Output address must be not less than Start address limit
  25556. </comment>
  25557. </bits>
  25558. </reg32>
  25559. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_END_ADDR_LIMIT0" protect="rw">
  25560. <bits name="rNB_ACC_END_ADDR_LIMIT0" pos="31:2" access="rw" rst="0x3FFFFFFF">
  25561. <comment>End address limit0:
  25562. Valid DMA Output address must be less than End start address limit
  25563. </comment>
  25564. </bits>
  25565. </reg32>
  25566. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_TO_VAL" protect="rw">
  25567. <bits name="rNB_ACC_TO_VAL" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25568. <comment>Maximum time out value in AHB clock unit:
  25569. Default:(0) Disable
  25570. Unit in AHB clock
  25571. </comment>
  25572. </bits>
  25573. </reg32>
  25574. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_START_ADDR_LIMIT1" protect="rw">
  25575. <bits name="rNB_ACC_START_ADDR_LIMIT1" pos="31:2" access="rw" rst="1">
  25576. <comment>Start address limit1:
  25577. Valid DMA Output address must be not less than Start address limit
  25578. </comment>
  25579. </bits>
  25580. </reg32>
  25581. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_END_ADDR_LIMIT1" protect="rw">
  25582. <bits name="rNB_ACC_END_ADDR_LIMIT1" pos="31:2" access="rw" rst="0x3FFFFFFF">
  25583. <comment>End address limit1:
  25584. Valid DMA Output address must be less than End start address limit
  25585. </comment>
  25586. </bits>
  25587. </reg32>
  25588. <hole size="3*32" />
  25589. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_STATUS" protect="rw">
  25590. <bits name="rOAddr_Status" pos="14" access="ro" rst="0">
  25591. <comment>Output address Status
  25592. 0: Normal
  25593. 1: Error
  25594. </comment>
  25595. </bits>
  25596. <bits name="rHeader_Status" pos="13" access="ro" rst="0">
  25597. <comment>Header Status
  25598. 0: Normal
  25599. 1: Error
  25600. </comment>
  25601. </bits>
  25602. <bits name="rTimeout" pos="12:10" access="ro" rst="0">
  25603. <comment>Timeout Error
  25604. 0: DMA Normal
  25605. 1: DMA Error
  25606. Bit 0: Read DMA Error
  25607. Bit 1: Write DMA Error
  25608. Bit 2: Top Error
  25609. </comment>
  25610. </bits>
  25611. <bits name="rCmd_Cnt" pos="9:2" access="ro" rst="0">
  25612. <comment>Current Command Count</comment>
  25613. </bits>
  25614. <bits name="rStatus" pos="1" access="ro" rst="0">
  25615. <comment>
  25616. 0: Idle
  25617. 1: On-going
  25618. </comment>
  25619. </bits>
  25620. <bits name="rDone" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  25621. <comment>This bit is read write 1 clear
  25622. 0: No Done
  25623. 1: Done
  25624. </comment>
  25625. </bits>
  25626. </reg32>
  25627. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_DMA_STATUS" protect="rw">
  25628. <bits name="rNB_ACC_WDMA_STATUS" pos="25:16" access="ro" rst="0">
  25629. <comment>Write DMA control status report
  25630. </comment>
  25631. </bits>
  25632. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RDMA_STATUS" pos="9:0" access="ro" rst="60">
  25633. <comment>Read DMA control status report
  25634. </comment>
  25635. </bits>
  25636. </reg32>
  25637. <hole size="2*32" />
  25638. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT0" protect="ro">
  25639. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT0" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25640. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25641. MODE 4: report Max value of small window
  25642. MODE 5: bit[0]: timeout status for wait HW done
  25643. 1: timeout 0: normal
  25644. MODE 7: Maximum value of all square sums in data window
  25645. MODE 9: Maximum value
  25646. </comment>
  25647. </bits>
  25648. </reg32>
  25649. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT1" protect="ro">
  25650. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT1" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25651. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25652. MODE 4: report Max value index of small window
  25653. MODE 5: NA
  25654. MODE 7: Maximum value's index of all square sums in data window
  25655. MODE 9: Maximum value index
  25656. </comment>
  25657. </bits>
  25658. </reg32>
  25659. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT2" protect="ro">
  25660. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT2" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25661. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25662. MODE 4: report Max value of large window
  25663. MODE 5: NA
  25664. </comment>
  25665. </bits>
  25666. </reg32>
  25667. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT3" protect="ro">
  25668. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT3" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25669. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25670. MODE 4: report Max value index of large window
  25671. MODE 5: NA
  25672. </comment>
  25673. </bits>
  25674. </reg32>
  25675. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT4" protect="ro">
  25676. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT4" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25677. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25678. MODE 4: report Max value value of small window
  25679. MODE 5: bit[0]: timeout status for wait HW done
  25680. 1: timeout 0: normal
  25681. MODE 7: Maximum value of all square sums in data window
  25682. MODE 9: Maximum value
  25683. </comment>
  25684. </bits>
  25685. </reg32>
  25686. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT5" protect="ro">
  25687. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT5" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25688. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25689. MODE 4: report Max value index of small window
  25690. MODE 5: NA
  25691. MODE 7: Maximum value's index of all square sums in data window
  25692. MODE 9: Maximum value index
  25693. </comment>
  25694. </bits>
  25695. </reg32>
  25696. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT6" protect="ro">
  25697. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT6" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25698. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25699. MODE 4: report Max value of large window
  25700. MODE 5: NA
  25701. </comment>
  25702. </bits>
  25703. </reg32>
  25704. <reg32 name="rNB_ACC_RPT7" protect="ro">
  25705. <bits name="rNB_ACC_RPT7" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  25706. <comment>MODE0~3: NA
  25707. MODE 4: report Max value index of large window
  25708. MODE 5: NA
  25709. </comment>
  25710. </bits>
  25711. </reg32>
  25712. </module>
  25713. </archive>
  25714. <archive relative = "nb_ca_rx_dump.xml">
  25715. <module name="nb_ca_rx_dump" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  25716. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_EN" protect="rw">
  25717. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25718. <comment>RX dump enable
  25719. (Auto clear when the RX dump done asserted)</comment>
  25720. </bits>
  25721. </reg32>
  25722. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_START_POS" protect="rw">
  25723. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_START_SF_POS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  25724. <comment>Start offset of subframe. Range is 0 to 9.</comment>
  25725. </bits>
  25726. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_SAMPLE_START_POS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25727. <comment>Start offset of sample. Range is from 0 to 1919.</comment>
  25728. </bits>
  25729. </reg32>
  25730. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_CTRL" protect="rw">
  25731. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_SUBSAMPLE_OS_DLY" pos="24:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  25732. <comment>Number of CA = 1-16</comment>
  25733. </bits>
  25734. <bits name="rDOWNSAMPLE_IDX" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  25735. <comment>Downsample index
  25736. 0: No Downsample
  25737. 1: Downsample x 2
  25738. 2: Downsample x 4
  25739. 3: Downsample x 8</comment>
  25740. </bits>
  25741. <bits name="rCA_NUM" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25742. <comment>Number of CA = 1-16</comment>
  25743. </bits>
  25744. </reg32>
  25745. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_DM_TIMEOUT_VAL" protect="rw">
  25746. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_DM_TIMEOUT_VAL" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0xffffffff">
  25747. <comment>DMA timeout value
  25748. Default : 0xFFFF_FFFF
  25749. 0: Disable</comment>
  25750. </bits>
  25751. </reg32>
  25752. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_MEM_BADDR_BYTE" protect="rw">
  25753. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_MEM_BADDR_BYTE" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25754. <comment>CA RX dump Memory base Address in byte (with DW alignment)</comment>
  25755. </bits>
  25756. </reg32>
  25757. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_DEPTH_DW" protect="rw">
  25758. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_DEPTH_DW" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25759. <comment>Each CA RX memory depth (with 16 IQ data alignment only) in DW</comment>
  25760. </bits>
  25761. </reg32>
  25762. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_LEN_DW" protect="rw">
  25763. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_LEN_DW" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25764. <comment>Each CA RX memory length (with 16 IQ data alignment only) in DW
  25765. If Length = 0, length = infinite until disable
  25766. </comment>
  25767. </bits>
  25768. </reg32>
  25769. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_OS_BYTE" protect="rw">
  25770. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_OS_BYTE" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25771. <comment>Each CA RX memory offset (with 16 IQ data alignment only) in byte</comment>
  25772. </bits>
  25773. </reg32>
  25774. <hole size="2*32"></hole>
  25775. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_TRANS_ADDR" protect="r">
  25776. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_TRANS_ADDR" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  25777. <comment>RX memory dump transfer current memory address</comment>
  25778. </bits>
  25779. </reg32>
  25780. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_TRANS_CNT" protect="r">
  25781. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_TRANS_CNT" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25782. <comment>RX memory dump transfer current count</comment>
  25783. </bits>
  25784. </reg32>
  25785. <hole size="1*32"></hole>
  25786. <reg32 name="rCA_RX_DUMP_STATUS" protect="r">
  25787. <bits name="rDMA_DATA_CNT" pos="18:15" access="r" rst="0">
  25788. <comment>Indicate how many data are transferred in a AHB burst cycle
  25789. </comment>
  25790. </bits>
  25791. <bits name="rDMA_DONE_STATUS" pos="14:13" access="r" rst="0">
  25792. <comment>Indicate the cause of DMA done
  25793. 0: DMA transfer success done
  25794. 1: DMA done caused by i_dma_stop
  25795. 2: DMA done caused by timeout
  25796. </comment>
  25797. </bits>
  25798. <bits name="rDMA_CTRL_STATUS" pos="12:5" access="r" rst="80">
  25799. <comment>For DMA debug:
  25800. [4:0] dma controller state machine
  25801. [5] dma_rfifo0_rdy
  25802. [6] dma_rfifo1_rdy
  25803. [7] dma_wfifo_rdy
  25804. </comment>
  25805. </bits>
  25806. <bits name="rCAPTURE_FIFO_OVERFLOW" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  25807. <comment>Capture FIFO Overflow
  25808. 0: Normal
  25809. 1: Error
  25810. </comment>
  25811. </bits>
  25812. <bits name="rDMA_TIMEOUT" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  25813. <comment>DMA Timeout Error
  25814. 0: Normal
  25815. 1: Error
  25816. </comment>
  25817. </bits>
  25818. <bits name="rSTATUS" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  25819. <comment>0: Idle
  25820. 1: Process
  25821. </comment>
  25822. </bits>
  25823. <bits name="rDONE" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  25824. <comment>(This bit is read write 1 clear)
  25825. 0: No Done
  25826. 1: Done
  25827. </comment>
  25828. </bits>
  25829. </reg32>
  25830. </module>
  25831. </archive>
  25832. <archive relative = "nb_ca_tx_dump.xml">
  25833. <module name="nb_ca_tx_dump" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  25834. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_TIMER_CTRL0" protect="rw">
  25835. <bits name="rMAX_SAMPLE_NUM0" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25836. <comment>Timer status control 0. It can control frame structure for MCA IFFT process.
  25837. Maximum Sample number 0 </comment>
  25838. </bits>
  25839. <bits name="rMAX_SAMPLE_NUM1" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  25840. <comment>Timer status control 0. It can control frame structure for MCA IFFT process.
  25841. Maximum Sample number 1</comment>
  25842. </bits>
  25843. </reg32>
  25844. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_TIMER_CTRL1" protect="rw">
  25845. <bits name="rMAX_SYM_IDX" pos="28:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  25846. <comment>Timer status control 1. It can control frame structure for MCA IFFT process.
  25847. Maximum symbol Index
  25848. Valid:0 to 31 for 0 is maximum symbol = 1
  25849. </comment>
  25850. </bits>
  25851. </reg32>
  25852. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_TIMER_CTRL2" protect="rw">
  25853. <bits name="rMAX_SYM_BMP" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25854. <comment>Symbol bitmap for maximum sample number
  25855. For Bit i:
  25856. 0: Maximum Sample number 0 (rMAX_SAMPLE_NUM0)
  25857. 1: Maximum Sample number 1 (rMAX_SAMPLE_NUM1)
  25858. </comment>
  25859. </bits>
  25860. </reg32>
  25861. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_TIMER_STATUS" protect="r">
  25862. <bits name="rCA_TX_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25863. <comment>DMA Transferred TX sample counter</comment>
  25864. </bits>
  25865. <bits name="rCA_TX_SYM_CNT" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  25866. <comment>DMA Transferred TX symbol counter</comment>
  25867. </bits>
  25868. <bits name="rCA_TX_SF_CNT" pos="27:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  25869. <comment>DMA Transferred TX subframe counter</comment>
  25870. </bits>
  25871. </reg32>
  25872. <hole size="60*32"></hole>
  25873. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_EN" protect="rw">
  25874. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25875. <comment>TX dump enable
  25876. (Auto clear when the TX dump done asserted)
  25877. 0: Disable
  25878. 1: Enable
  25879. </comment>
  25880. </bits>
  25881. </reg32>
  25882. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_START_POS_CTRL" protect="rw">
  25883. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_START_PREFETCH_SF_POS" pos="30:27" access="rw" rst="0">
  25884. <comment>Prefetch Start offset of subframe. Range is 0 to 9.</comment>
  25885. </bits>
  25886. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_SAMPLE_PREFETCH_START_POS" pos="26:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  25887. <comment>Prefetch Start offset of sample. Range is from 0 to 1919.</comment>
  25888. </bits>
  25889. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_START_SF_POS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  25890. <comment>Start offset of subframe. Range is 0 to 9.</comment>
  25891. </bits>
  25892. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_SAMPLE_START_POS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25893. <comment>Start offset of sample. Range is from 0 to 1919.</comment>
  25894. </bits>
  25895. </reg32>
  25896. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CTRL" protect="rw">
  25897. <bits name="rSUBSAMPLE_OS_DLY" pos="24:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  25898. <comment>Subsample Offset Delay for TX transmission
  25899. Range: 0 - 511 (NB clock unit)
  25900. </comment>
  25901. </bits>
  25902. <bits name="rUPSAMPLE_IDX" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  25903. <comment>Upsample index with zero insertion
  25904. 0: No Upsample
  25905. 1: Upsample x 2
  25906. 2: Upsample x 4
  25907. 3: Not support
  25908. </comment>
  25909. </bits>
  25910. <bits name="rCA_NUM" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25911. <comment>Number of CA = 1-16</comment>
  25912. </bits>
  25913. </reg32>
  25914. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_INS_ZERO_NUM" protect="rw">
  25915. <bits name="rINS_ZERO_NUM" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25916. <comment>Control the number of zero inserted at the end of the TX transmission. Remark: stop or disable command would not insert zero at the end.
  25917. Valid: 0-511
  25918. </comment>
  25919. </bits>
  25920. </reg32>
  25921. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_DM_TIMEOUT_VAL" protect="rw">
  25922. <bits name="rDMA_TIMEOUT_VAL" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0xffffffff">
  25923. <comment>DMA timeout value
  25924. Default : 0xFFFF_FFFF
  25925. 0: Disable</comment>
  25926. </bits>
  25927. </reg32>
  25928. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_MEM_BADDR_BYTE" protect="rw">
  25929. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_MEM_BADDR_BYTE" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25930. <comment>CA TX dump Memory base Address in byte (with DW alignment)</comment>
  25931. </bits>
  25932. </reg32>
  25933. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_DEPTH_DW" protect="rw">
  25934. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_DEPTH_DW" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25935. <comment>Each CA TX memory depth (with 16 IQ data alignment only) in DW</comment>
  25936. </bits>
  25937. </reg32>
  25938. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_LEN_DW" protect="rw">
  25939. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_LEN_DW" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25940. <comment>Each CA TX memory length (with 16 IQ data alignment only) in DW
  25941. If Length = 0, length = infinite until disable
  25942. </comment>
  25943. </bits>
  25944. </reg32>
  25945. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_LEN_OS_BYTE" protect="rw">
  25946. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_LEN_OS_BYTE" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25947. <comment>Each CA TX memory offset address (with 8 IQ data DW alignment only) in byte</comment>
  25948. </bits>
  25949. </reg32>
  25950. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_STOP_POS" protect="rw">
  25951. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_SAMPLE_STOP_POS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25952. <comment>Stop offset of sample. Range is from 0 to 1919.</comment>
  25953. </bits>
  25954. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_SF_STOP_POS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  25955. <comment>Stop offset of subframe. Range is 0 to 9.</comment>
  25956. </bits>
  25957. </reg32>
  25958. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_STOP_POS_EN" protect="rw">
  25959. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_STOP_POS_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25960. <comment>CA TX dump stop position enable. Auto clear when the ca_tx_dump_done is asserted
  25961. 0: Disable
  25962. 1: Enable
  25963. </comment>
  25964. </bits>
  25965. </reg32>
  25966. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CHKSUM_CTRL" protect="rw">
  25967. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CHKSUM_EN" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  25968. <comment>TX output data checksum enable
  25969. 1: enable
  25970. 0: disable
  25971. </comment>
  25972. </bits>
  25973. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CHKSUM_BMP" pos="23:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  25974. <comment>RX memory dump transfer current count</comment>
  25975. </bits>
  25976. </reg32>
  25977. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CHKSUM_CNT" protect="r">
  25978. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CHKSUM_CNT" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  25979. <comment>TX output data checksum counter</comment>
  25980. </bits>
  25981. </reg32>
  25982. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_TRANS_ADDR" protect="r">
  25983. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_ADDR" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  25984. <comment>TX memory dump transfer current memory address</comment>
  25985. </bits>
  25986. </reg32>
  25987. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_TRNAS_CNT" protect="r">
  25988. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CNT" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  25989. <comment>TX memory dump transfer current count</comment>
  25990. </bits>
  25991. </reg32>
  25992. <hole size="1*32"></hole>
  25993. <reg32 name="rCA_TX_DUMP_STATUS" protect="r">
  25994. <bits name="rDMA_DATA_CNT" pos="18:15" access="r" rst="0">
  25995. - <comment>Indicate how many data are transferred in a AHB burst cycle
  25996. - </comment>
  25997. - </bits>
  25998. - <bits name="rDMA_DONE_STATUS" pos="14:13" access="r" rst="0">
  25999. <comment>Indicate the cause of DMA done
  26000. 0: DMA transfer success done
  26001. 1: DMA done caused by i_dma_stop
  26002. 2: DMA done caused by timeout
  26003. </comment>
  26004. </bits>
  26005. <bits name="rDMA_CTRL_STATUS" pos="12:5" access="r" rst="0">
  26006. - <comment>For DMA debug:
  26007. -[4:0] dma controller state machine
  26008. -[5] dma_rfifo0_rdy
  26009. -[6] dma_rfifo1_rdy
  26010. -[7] dma_wfifo_rdy
  26011. -</comment>
  26012. - </bits>
  26013. - <bits name="rPREFETCH_ERR" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  26014. - <comment>IFFT ready signal is not high before TX dump prefetch timing</comment>
  26015. - </bits>
  26016. - <bits name="rREAD_FIFO_UNDERFLOW" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  26017. - <comment>Read FIFO Underflow
  26018. -0: Normal
  26019. -1: Error
  26020. -</comment>
  26021. - </bits>
  26022. - <bits name="rDMA_TIMEOUT" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  26023. - <comment>DMA Timeout Error
  26024. </comment>
  26025. </bits>
  26026. <bits name="rSTATUS" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  26027. <comment>0: Idle
  26028. 1: Process
  26029. </comment>
  26030. </bits>
  26031. <bits name="rDONE" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26032. <comment>(This bit is read write 1 clear)
  26033. 0: No Done
  26034. 1: Done
  26035. </comment>
  26036. </bits>
  26037. </reg32>
  26038. </module>
  26039. </archive>
  26040. <archive relative = "nb_cell_search.xml">
  26041. <module name="nb_cell_search" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  26042. <reg32 name="rPSS_CTRL" protect="rw">
  26043. <bits name="rPSS_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26044. <comment>PSS Enable
  26045. 1'b0: Stop PSS calculation
  26046. 1'b1: Start PSS calculation
  26047. </comment>
  26048. </bits>
  26049. <bits name="rPSS_HYPO_NUM" pos="3:1" access="rw" rst="0">
  26050. <comment>PSS hypothesis number</comment>
  26051. </bits>
  26052. <bits name="rPSS_OUT_BUF_CFG" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  26053. <comment>PSS output ping-pong buffer selection
  26054. 1'b1:Select the pong buffer as the first output buffer
  26055. 1'b0: Select the ping buffer as the first output buffer
  26056. </comment>
  26057. </bits>
  26058. </reg32>
  26059. <reg32 name="rPSS_START_OS" protect="rw">
  26060. <bits name="rPSS_START_SAMPLE_OS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26061. <comment>PSS start offset of sample within a sbuframe. Based on 1.92MHz. Range is from 0 to 1920.</comment>
  26062. </bits>
  26063. <bits name="rPSS_START_SF_OS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  26064. <comment>PSS start offset of subframe. Range is from 0 to 9.</comment>
  26065. </bits>
  26066. </reg32>
  26067. <reg32 name="rPSS_SF_CNT" protect="r">
  26068. <bits name="rPSS_SF_CNT" pos="3:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26069. <comment>PSS internal sub frame counter(from 0 to 9)</comment>
  26070. </bits>
  26071. </reg32>
  26072. <reg32 name="rPSS_OUT_STATUS" protect="r">
  26073. <bits name="rPSS_OBUF_SEL" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  26074. <comment>Indicate the buffer selection on current interrupt
  26075. 1'b0: buffer0 is selection
  26076. 1'b1: buffer1 is selection</comment>
  26077. </bits>
  26078. <bits name="rPSS_OBUF0_STATUS_0" pos="1" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26079. <comment>PSS output buffer 0 status. Clear by DSP or MCU
  26080. 1'b1: buffer 0 is ready.
  26081. 1'b0:buffer0 is idle</comment>
  26082. </bits>
  26083. <bits name="rPSS_OBUF0_STATUS_1" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  26084. <comment>PSS output buffer 0 status.
  26085. 1'b1: buffer 0 is over written.
  26086. 1'b0: buffer 0 is normal
  26087. </comment>
  26088. </bits>
  26089. <bits name="rPSS_OBUF1_STATUS_0" pos="3" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26090. <comment>PSS output buffer 1 status. Clear by DSP or MCU
  26091. 1'b1: buffer 1 is ready.
  26092. 1'b0:buffer 1 is idle</comment>
  26093. </bits>
  26094. <bits name="rPSS_OBUF1_STATUS_1" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  26095. <comment>PSS output buffer 1 status.
  26096. 1'b1: buffer 1 is over written.
  26097. 1'b0: buffer 1 is normal
  26098. </comment>
  26099. </bits>
  26100. <bits name="rPSS_DONE_STATUS" pos="5" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26101. <comment>PSS calculation done status. Update very 1ms and clear by DSP or MCU.
  26102. 1'b1: PSS calculation done
  26103. 1'b0: PSS is idle or under calculating</comment>
  26104. </bits>
  26105. <bits name="rPSS_MEM_ARB_STATUS" pos="7:6" access="r" rst="0">
  26106. <comment>PSS write memory arbitration error status.
  26107. 1'b1: the memory has conflict
  26108. 1'b0: the memory is normal</comment>
  26109. </bits>
  26110. </reg32>
  26111. <reg32 name="rPSS_NON_ZERO_STATUS" protect="r">
  26112. <bits name="rPSS_NON_ZERO_STATUS" pos="8:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26113. <comment>bit8: pss final output data non-zero status
  26114. bit7: pss 148x40 memory out data non-zero status
  26115. bit6: pss 148x40 memory in data non-zero status
  26116. bit5: pss power non-zero status
  26117. bit4: pss 1312x24 memory out data non-zero status
  26118. bit3: pss 1312x24 memory in data non-zero status
  26119. bit2: pss in local sequence non-zero status
  26120. bit1: pss_corr_calc in data non-zero status
  26121. bit0: pss_deci in data non-zero status</comment>
  26122. </bits>
  26123. </reg32>
  26124. <hole size="3*32" />
  26125. <reg32 name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU0" protect="rw">
  26126. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU_0" pos="4:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26127. <comment>PSS sample position for Pu of hypothesis 0</comment>
  26128. </bits>
  26129. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU_1" pos="12:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26130. <comment>PSS sample position for Pu of hypothesis 1</comment>
  26131. </bits>
  26132. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU_2" pos="20:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26133. <comment>PSS sample position for Pu of hypothesis 2</comment>
  26134. </bits>
  26135. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU_3" pos="28:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  26136. <comment>PSS sample position for Pu of hypothesis 3</comment>
  26137. </bits>
  26138. </reg32>
  26139. <reg32 name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU1" protect="rw">
  26140. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU_4" pos="4:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26141. <comment>PSS sample position for Pu of hypothesis 0</comment>
  26142. </bits>
  26143. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU_5" pos="12:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26144. <comment>PSS sample position for Pu of hypothesis 1</comment>
  26145. </bits>
  26146. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PU_6" pos="20:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26147. <comment>PSS sample position for Pu of hypothesis 2</comment>
  26148. </bits>
  26149. </reg32>
  26150. <reg32 name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL0" protect="rw">
  26151. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL_0" pos="4:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26152. <comment>PSS sample position for Pl of hypothesis 0</comment>
  26153. </bits>
  26154. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL_1" pos="12:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26155. <comment>PSS sample position for Pl of hypothesis 1</comment>
  26156. </bits>
  26157. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL_2" pos="20:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26158. <comment>PSS sample position for Pl of hypothesis 2</comment>
  26159. </bits>
  26160. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL_3" pos="28:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  26161. <comment>PSS sample position for Pl of hypothesis 3</comment>
  26162. </bits>
  26163. </reg32>
  26164. <reg32 name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL1" protect="rw">
  26165. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL_4" pos="4:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26166. <comment>PSS sample position for Pl of hypothesis 4</comment>
  26167. </bits>
  26168. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL_5" pos="12:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26169. <comment>PSS sample position for Pl of hypothesis 5</comment>
  26170. </bits>
  26171. <bits name="rPSS_SAMPLE_POS_PL_6" pos="20:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26172. <comment>PSS sample position for Pl of hypothesis 6</comment>
  26173. </bits>
  26174. </reg32>
  26175. <reg32 name="rPSS_COEFF00" protect="rw">
  26176. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET0_0" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26177. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 0</comment>
  26178. </bits>
  26179. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET0_1" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26180. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 1</comment>
  26181. </bits>
  26182. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET0_2" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26183. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 2</comment>
  26184. </bits>
  26185. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET0_3" pos="31:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  26186. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 3</comment>
  26187. </bits>
  26188. </reg32>
  26189. <reg32 name="rPSS_COEFF01" protect="rw">
  26190. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET0_4" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26191. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 4</comment>
  26192. </bits>
  26193. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET0_5" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26194. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 5</comment>
  26195. </bits>
  26196. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET0_6" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26197. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 7</comment>
  26198. </bits>
  26199. </reg32>
  26200. <reg32 name="rPSS_COEFF10" protect="rw">
  26201. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET1_0" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26202. <comment>PSS set 1 coefficient for hypothesis 0</comment>
  26203. </bits>
  26204. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET1_1" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26205. <comment>PSS set 1 coefficient for hypothesis 1</comment>
  26206. </bits>
  26207. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET1_2" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26208. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 2</comment>
  26209. </bits>
  26210. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET1_3" pos="31:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  26211. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 3</comment>
  26212. </bits>
  26213. </reg32>
  26214. <reg32 name="rPSS_COEFF11" protect="rw">
  26215. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET1_4" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26216. <comment>PSS set 1 coefficient for hypothesis 4</comment>
  26217. </bits>
  26218. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET1_5" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26219. <comment>PSS set 1 coefficient for hypothesis 5</comment>
  26220. </bits>
  26221. <bits name="rPSS_COEF_SET1_6" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26222. <comment>PSS set 0 coefficient for hypothesis 6</comment>
  26223. </bits>
  26224. </reg32>
  26225. <hole size="8*32"></hole>
  26226. <struct count="17" name="PSS_SEQ0_GROUP">
  26227. <reg32 name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ0" protect="w">
  26228. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ0_RE" pos="11:0" access="w" rst="0">
  26229. <comment>Real part of the local sequence 0</comment>
  26230. </bits>
  26231. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ0_IM" pos="27:16" access="w" rst="0">
  26232. <comment>Imag part of the local sequence 0</comment>
  26233. </bits>
  26234. </reg32>
  26235. </struct>
  26236. <struct count="17" name="PSS_SEQ1_GROUP">
  26237. <reg32 name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ1" protect="w">
  26238. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ1_RE" pos="11:0" access="w" rst="0">
  26239. <comment>Real part of the local sequence 1</comment>
  26240. </bits>
  26241. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ1_IM" pos="27:16" access="w" rst="0">
  26242. <comment>Imag part of the local sequence 1</comment>
  26243. </bits>
  26244. </reg32>
  26245. </struct>
  26246. <struct count="17" name="PSS_SEQ2_GROUP">
  26247. <reg32 name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ2" protect="w">
  26248. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ2_RE" pos="11:0" access="w" rst="0">
  26249. <comment>Real part of the local sequence 2</comment>
  26250. </bits>
  26251. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ2_IM" pos="27:16" access="w" rst="0">
  26252. <comment>Imag part of the local sequence 2</comment>
  26253. </bits>
  26254. </reg32>
  26255. </struct>
  26256. <struct count="17" name="PSS_SEQ3_GROUP">
  26257. <reg32 name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ3" protect="w">
  26258. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ3_RE" pos="11:0" access="w" rst="0">
  26259. <comment>Real part of the local sequence 3</comment>
  26260. </bits>
  26261. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ3_IM" pos="27:16" access="w" rst="0">
  26262. <comment>Imag part of the local sequence 3</comment>
  26263. </bits>
  26264. </reg32>
  26265. </struct>
  26266. <struct count="17" name="PSS_SEQ4_GROUP">
  26267. <reg32 name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ4" protect="w">
  26268. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ4_RE" pos="11:0" access="w" rst="0">
  26269. <comment>Real part of the local sequence 4</comment>
  26270. </bits>
  26271. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ4_IM" pos="27:16" access="w" rst="0">
  26272. <comment>Imag part of the local sequence 4</comment>
  26273. </bits>
  26274. </reg32>
  26275. </struct>
  26276. <struct count="17" name="PSS_SEQ5_GROUP">
  26277. <reg32 name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ5" protect="w">
  26278. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ5_RE" pos="11:0" access="w" rst="0">
  26279. <comment>Real part of the local sequence 5</comment>
  26280. </bits>
  26281. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ5_IM" pos="27:16" access="w" rst="0">
  26282. <comment>Imag part of the local sequence 5</comment>
  26283. </bits>
  26284. </reg32>
  26285. </struct>
  26286. <struct count="17" name="PSS_SEQ6_GROUP">
  26287. <reg32 name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ6" protect="w">
  26288. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ6_RE" pos="11:0" access="w" rst="0">
  26289. <comment>Real part of the local sequence 6</comment>
  26290. </bits>
  26291. <bits name="rPSS_LOCAL_SEQ6_IM" pos="27:16" access="w" rst="0">
  26292. <comment>Imag part of the local sequence 6</comment>
  26293. </bits>
  26294. </reg32>
  26295. </struct>
  26296. <hole size="369*32" />
  26297. <reg32 name="rCFO_START" protect="w">
  26298. <bits name="rCFO_START" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  26299. <comment>Start trigger of one CFO calculation process by writing "1" to this register</comment>
  26300. </bits>
  26301. </reg32>
  26302. <reg32 name="rCFO_START_OS" protect="rw">
  26303. <bits name="rCFO_START_SAMPLE_OS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26304. <comment>CFO data capture start offset of samples within a sub-frame. Based on 1.92MHz. Range is from 0 to 1920.</comment>
  26305. </bits>
  26306. <bits name="rCFO_START_SF_OS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  26307. <comment>CFO data capture start offset of sub-frame. Range is from 0 to 13.</comment>
  26308. </bits>
  26309. </reg32>
  26310. <reg32 name="rCFO_CALC_OS" protect="rw">
  26311. <bits name="rCFO_CALC_SAMPLE_OS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26312. <comment>CFO calculation start offset of samples within a sub-frame. Based on 1.92MHz. Range is from 0 to 1920.</comment>
  26313. </bits>
  26314. <bits name="rCFO_CALC_SF_OS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  26315. <comment>CFO calculation start offset of sub-frame. Range is from 0 to 13.</comment>
  26316. </bits>
  26317. </reg32>
  26318. <reg32 name="rCFO_CTRL" protect="rw">
  26319. <bits name="rCFO_FN_NUM" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26320. <comment>Rotated frequency bin number when 'rCFO_MODE=0'.</comment>
  26321. </bits>
  26322. <bits name="rCFO_MODE" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  26323. <comment>1: Normal mode. CFO module only deal with 1 frequency bin(f0) and 9 sampling positions(Tau). 147 correlation results are reported to corresponding ram at most.
  26324. 0: Searching mode. CFO module deal with 1~7 frequency bins(f0~6) and 21 sampling positions(Tau). 9 correlation results are reported to corresponding registers.
  26325. </comment>
  26326. </bits>
  26327. <bits name="rCFO_RPT_ADDR" pos="13:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  26328. <comment>Start write address of CFO correlation results' reporting ram</comment>
  26329. </bits>
  26330. <bits name="rCFO_GAIN" pos="16:14" access="rw" rst="0">
  26331. <comment>Correlation results truncation (32bits to 16bits).
  26332. 0:&gt;&gt;8 1:&gt;&gt;7 2:&gt;&gt;6 3:&gt;&gt;5
  26333. 4:&gt;&gt;4 5:&gt;&gt;3 6:&gt;&gt;2 7:&gt;&gt;1</comment>
  26334. </bits>
  26335. <bits name="rCFO_TAU_NUM" pos="21:17" access="rw" rst="0">
  26336. <comment>Tau number of CFO correlation when rCFO_MODE=0. </comment>
  26337. </bits>
  26338. </reg32>
  26339. <reg32 name="rCFO_OS_F0TO3" protect="rw">
  26340. <bits name="rCFO_OS_F0" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26341. <comment>Sampling position start offset for bin f0</comment>
  26342. </bits>
  26343. <bits name="rCFO_OS_F1" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26344. <comment>Sampling position start offset for bin f1</comment>
  26345. </bits>
  26346. <bits name="rCFO_OS_F2" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26347. <comment>Sampling position start offset for bin f2</comment>
  26348. </bits>
  26349. <bits name="rCFO_OS_F3" pos="31:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  26350. <comment>Sampling position start offset for bin f3</comment>
  26351. </bits>
  26352. </reg32>
  26353. <reg32 name="rCFO_OS_F4TO6" protect="rw">
  26354. <bits name="rCFO_OS_F4" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26355. <comment>Sampling position start offset for bin f4</comment>
  26356. </bits>
  26357. <bits name="rCFO_OS_F5" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26358. <comment>Sampling position start offset for bin f5</comment>
  26359. </bits>
  26360. <bits name="rCFO_OS_F6" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26361. <comment>Sampling position start offset for bin f6</comment>
  26362. </bits>
  26363. </reg32>
  26364. <reg32 name="rCFO_A_F0" protect="rw">
  26365. <bits name="rCFO_A_F0" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26366. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26367. [31:16]:Imag part
  26368. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26369. </bits>
  26370. </reg32>
  26371. <reg32 name="rCFO_A_F1" protect="rw">
  26372. <bits name="rCFO_A_F1" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26373. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26374. [31:16]:Imag part
  26375. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26376. </bits>
  26377. </reg32>
  26378. <reg32 name="rCFO_A_F2" protect="rw">
  26379. <bits name="rCFO_A_F2" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26380. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26381. [31:16]:Imag part
  26382. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26383. </bits>
  26384. </reg32>
  26385. <reg32 name="rCFO_A_F3" protect="rw">
  26386. <bits name="rCFO_A_F3" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26387. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26388. [31:16]:Imag part
  26389. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26390. </bits>
  26391. </reg32>
  26392. <reg32 name="rCFO_A_F4" protect="rw">
  26393. <bits name="rCFO_A_F4" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26394. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26395. [31:16]:Imag part
  26396. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26397. </bits>
  26398. </reg32>
  26399. <reg32 name="rCFO_A_F5" protect="rw">
  26400. <bits name="rCFO_A_F5" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26401. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26402. [31:16]:Imag part
  26403. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26404. </bits>
  26405. </reg32>
  26406. <reg32 name="rCFO_A_F6" protect="rw">
  26407. <bits name="rCFO_A_F6" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26408. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26409. [31:16]:Imag part
  26410. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26411. </bits>
  26412. </reg32>
  26413. <reg32 name="rCFO_B_F0" protect="rw">
  26414. <bits name="rCFO_B_F0" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26415. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26416. [31:16]:Imag part
  26417. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26418. </bits>
  26419. </reg32>
  26420. <reg32 name="rCFO_B_F1" protect="rw">
  26421. <bits name="rCFO_B_F1" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26422. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26423. [31:16]:Imag part
  26424. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26425. </bits>
  26426. </reg32>
  26427. <reg32 name="rCFO_B_F2" protect="rw">
  26428. <bits name="rCFO_B_F2" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26429. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26430. [31:16]:Imag part
  26431. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26432. </bits>
  26433. </reg32>
  26434. <reg32 name="rCFO_B_F3" protect="rw">
  26435. <bits name="rCFO_B_F3" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26436. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26437. [31:16]:Imag part
  26438. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26439. </bits>
  26440. </reg32>
  26441. <reg32 name="rCFO_B_F4" protect="rw">
  26442. <bits name="rCFO_B_F4" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26443. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26444. [31:16]:Imag part
  26445. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26446. </bits>
  26447. </reg32>
  26448. <reg32 name="rCFO_B_F5" protect="rw">
  26449. <bits name="rCFO_B_F5" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26450. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26451. [31:16]:Imag part
  26452. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26453. </bits>
  26454. </reg32>
  26455. <reg32 name="rCFO_B_F6" protect="rw">
  26456. <bits name="rCFO_B_F6" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26457. <comment>The complex value of e^(-j2xpixf0xTsa). 'Tsa' means decimation with 8.
  26458. [31:16]:Imag part
  26459. [15:0]: Real part</comment>
  26460. </bits>
  26461. </reg32>
  26462. <hole size="4*32" />
  26463. <reg32 name="rCFO_STATUS" protect="r">
  26464. <bits name="rCFO_DONE_STATUS" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26465. <comment>CFO calculation done status. Clear by DSP or MCU.
  26466. 1'b1: CFO calculation done
  26467. 1'b0: CFO is idle or under calculating</comment>
  26468. </bits>
  26469. <bits name="rCFO_WRAM_ERR" pos="2:1" access="r" rst="0">
  26470. <comment>Memory request error for writing of CFO reporting ram when 'rCFO_MOED=0'
  26471. 0: Normal
  26472. 1: Error
  26473. Bit 2: DSP control bus error
  26474. Bit 1: accelerator memory access collusion</comment>
  26475. </bits>
  26476. </reg32>
  26477. <hole size="39*32" />
  26478. <reg32 name="rSSS_EN" protect="rw">
  26479. <bits name="rSSS_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26480. <comment>SSS Enable
  26481. 1'b0:Stop SSS calculation
  26482. 1'b1: Start SSS calculation</comment>
  26483. </bits>
  26484. </reg32>
  26485. <reg32 name="rSSS_START_OS" protect="rw">
  26486. <bits name="rSSS_START_SAMPLE_OS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26487. <comment>SSS start offset of sample within a sbuframe. Based on 1.92MHz. Range is from 0 to 1920.</comment>
  26488. </bits>
  26489. <bits name="rSSS_START_SF_OS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  26490. <comment>SSS start offset of subframe. Range is from 0 to 9.</comment>
  26491. </bits>
  26492. </reg32>
  26493. <reg32 name="rSSS_START_CALC_OS" protect="rw">
  26494. <bits name="rSSS_START_CALC_SAMPLE_OS" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26495. <comment>SSS start calculation offset of sample within a subframe. Based on 1.92MHz. Range is from 0 to 1920.</comment>
  26496. </bits>
  26497. <bits name="rSSS_START_CALC_SF_OS" pos="14:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  26498. <comment>SSS start calculation offset of subframe. Range is from 0 to 9.</comment>
  26499. </bits>
  26500. </reg32>
  26501. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT0" protect="rw">
  26502. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT0_RE" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26503. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift</comment>
  26504. </bits>
  26505. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT0_IM" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26506. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift</comment>
  26507. </bits>
  26508. </reg32>
  26509. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT1" protect="rw">
  26510. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT1_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26511. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 1</comment>
  26512. </bits>
  26513. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT1_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26514. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 1</comment>
  26515. </bits>
  26516. </reg32>
  26517. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT2" protect="rw">
  26518. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT2_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26519. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 2</comment>
  26520. </bits>
  26521. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT2_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26522. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 2</comment>
  26523. </bits>
  26524. </reg32>
  26525. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT3" protect="rw">
  26526. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT3_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26527. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 3</comment>
  26528. </bits>
  26529. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT3_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26530. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 3</comment>
  26531. </bits>
  26532. </reg32>
  26533. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT4" protect="rw">
  26534. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT4_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26535. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 4</comment>
  26536. </bits>
  26537. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT4_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26538. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 4</comment>
  26539. </bits>
  26540. </reg32>
  26541. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT5" protect="rw">
  26542. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT5_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26543. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 5</comment>
  26544. </bits>
  26545. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT5_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26546. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 5</comment>
  26547. </bits>
  26548. </reg32>
  26549. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT6" protect="rw">
  26550. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT6_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26551. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 6</comment>
  26552. </bits>
  26553. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT6_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26554. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 6</comment>
  26555. </bits>
  26556. </reg32>
  26557. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT7" protect="rw">
  26558. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT7_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26559. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 7</comment>
  26560. </bits>
  26561. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT7_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26562. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 7</comment>
  26563. </bits>
  26564. </reg32>
  26565. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT8" protect="rw">
  26566. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT8_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26567. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 8</comment>
  26568. </bits>
  26569. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT8_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26570. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 8</comment>
  26571. </bits>
  26572. </reg32>
  26573. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT9" protect="rw">
  26574. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT9_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26575. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 9</comment>
  26576. </bits>
  26577. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT9_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26578. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 9</comment>
  26579. </bits>
  26580. </reg32>
  26581. <reg32 name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT10" protect="rw">
  26582. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT10_RE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26583. <comment>Real part of SSS phase shift 10</comment>
  26584. </bits>
  26585. <bits name="rSSS_PHASE_SHIFT10_IM" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26586. <comment>Imag part of SSS phase shift 10</comment>
  26587. </bits>
  26588. </reg32>
  26589. <reg32 name="rSSS_SF_CNT" protect="r">
  26590. <bits name="rSSS_SF_CNT" pos="3:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26591. <comment>SSS internal sub frame counter(from 0 to 9)</comment>
  26592. </bits>
  26593. </reg32>
  26594. <reg32 name="rSSS_GLB_CNT" protect="r">
  26595. <bits name="rSSS_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26596. <comment>global sample count value at SSS subframe start</comment>
  26597. </bits>
  26598. <bits name="rSSS_GLB_SF_CNT" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  26599. <comment>global subframe count value at SSS subframe start</comment>
  26600. </bits>
  26601. <bits name="rSSS_GLB_RF_CNT" pos="17:15" access="r" rst="0">
  26602. <comment>Global radio frame count value at SSS subframe start</comment>
  26603. </bits>
  26604. </reg32>
  26605. <reg32 name="rSSS_OUT_STATUS" protect="r">
  26606. <bits name="rSSS_OBUF_SEL" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  26607. <comment>Indicate the buffer selection on current interrupt
  26608. 1'b0: MEM0 is selection
  26609. 1'b1: MEM1 is selection</comment>
  26610. </bits>
  26611. <bits name="RESERVED" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  26612. <comment>RESERVED</comment>
  26613. </bits>
  26614. <bits name="rSSS_OBUF0_STATUS_0" pos="2" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26615. <comment>SSS output buffer 0 status. Clear by DSP or MCU
  26616. bit 2: 1'b1: MEM2 or MEM0 is ready.1'b0:buffer0 is idle</comment>
  26617. </bits>
  26618. <bits name="rSSS_OBUF0_STATUS_1" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  26619. <comment>SSS output buffer 0 status.
  26620. bit 3: 1'b1: MEM2 or MEM0 is over written. 1'b0: buffer 0 is normal</comment>
  26621. </bits>
  26622. <bits name="rSSS_OBUF1_STATUS_0" pos="4" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26623. <comment>SSS output buffer 1 status. Clear by DSP or MCU
  26624. bit 4: 1'b1: MEM3 or MEM1 is ready.1'b0:buffer1 is idle</comment>
  26625. </bits>
  26626. <bits name="rSSS_OBUF1_STATUS_1" pos="5" access="r" rst="0">
  26627. <comment>SSS output buffer 1 status.
  26628. bit 5: 1'b1: MEM3 or MEM1 is over written. 1'b0: buffer 1 is normal</comment>
  26629. </bits>
  26630. <bits name="rSSS_DONE_STATUS" pos="6" access="w1c" rst="0">
  26631. <comment>SSS calculation done status. Update very 1ms and clear by DSP or MCU.
  26632. 1'b1: SSS calculation done
  26633. 1'b0: SSS is idle or under calculating</comment>
  26634. </bits>
  26635. <bits name="rSSS_MEM_ARB_STATUS" pos="8:7" access="r" rst="0">
  26636. <comment>SSS write memory arbitration error status.
  26637. 0: Normal
  26638. 1: Error
  26639. Bit 7: DSP control bus error
  26640. Bit 8: accelerator memory access collusion</comment>
  26641. </bits>
  26642. </reg32>
  26643. <reg32 name="rSSS_FFT_CTRL" protect="rw">
  26644. <bits name="rSSS_FFT_CP_OS" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26645. <comment>OFDM symbol CP offset which use to locate the FFT windows start position for serving cell.
  26646. Value:[0:9]</comment>
  26647. </bits>
  26648. <bits name="rSSS_FFT_SCALE" pos="6:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  26649. <comment>FFT result scaling
  26650. 3'd0: 2^-3
  26651. 3'd1: 2^-2
  26652. 3'd2: 2^-1
  26653. 3'd3: 2^0
  26654. 3'd4: 2^1
  26655. 3'd5: 2^2</comment>
  26656. </bits>
  26657. </reg32>
  26658. <reg32 name="rSSS_CORR_CTRL" protect="rw">
  26659. <bits name="rSSS_CORR_SCAL" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="5">
  26660. <comment>Correlation result sScaling for both power and correlation
  26661. 3'd0: 20
  26662. 3'd1: 2-1
  26663. 3'd2: 2-2
  26664. 3'd3: 2-3
  26665. 3'd4: 2-4
  26666. 3'd5: 2-5(Default)
  26667. 3'd6: 2-6
  26668. 3'd7: 2-7</comment>
  26669. </bits>
  26670. <bits name="rSSS_CYCLIC_SHIFT" pos="4:3" access="rw" rst="0">
  26671. <comment>Cyclic shift value
  26672. It is used when rSSS_CYCLIC_SHIFT_FIX_EN = 1'b1.Rang is from 0 to 2.</comment>
  26673. </bits>
  26674. <bits name="rSSS_CYCLIC_SHIFT_FIX_EN" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  26675. <comment>Fix cyclic shift enable</comment>
  26676. </bits>
  26677. <bits name="rSSS_PCI_ID" pos="14:6" access="rw" rst="0">
  26678. <comment>PCI ID
  26679. It is used when rSSS_PCI_ID_FIX_RN = 1'b1 or rSSS_SIC_EN = 1'b1. Range is from 0 to 503.</comment>
  26680. </bits>
  26681. <bits name="rSSS_PCI_ID_FIX_EN" pos="15" access="rw" rst="0">
  26682. <comment>Fix PCI ID Enable.</comment>
  26683. </bits>
  26684. <bits name="RESERVED" pos="16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26685. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  26686. </bits>
  26687. <bits name="rSSS_SIC_EN" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0">
  26688. <comment>SIC Enable
  26689. Used for succesive interference cancellation.</comment>
  26690. </bits>
  26691. <bits name="rSSS_OUT_BUF_CFG" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0">
  26692. <comment>SSS output ping-pong buffer selection
  26693. 1'b1:Select the pong buffer as the first output buffer
  26694. 1'b0: Select the ping buffer as the first output buffer</comment>
  26695. </bits>
  26696. <bits name="rSSS_CORR_SCAL2" pos="21:19" access="rw" rst="4">
  26697. <comment>Scaling for correlation only
  26698. 3'd0: 2-4
  26699. 3'd1: 2-3
  26700. 3'd2: 2-2
  26701. 3'd3: 2-1
  26702. 3'd4: 20(Default)
  26703. 3'd5: 21
  26704. 3'd6: 22
  26705. 3'd7: 23</comment>
  26706. </bits>
  26707. </reg32>
  26708. <reg32 name="rSSS_PWR" protect="rw">
  26709. <bits name="rSSS_PWR" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26710. <comment>SSS total power</comment>
  26711. </bits>
  26712. </reg32>
  26713. <hole size="44*32" />
  26714. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_EN" protect="rw">
  26715. <bits name="rS16PEAK_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26716. <comment>"Search 16peak" accelerator enable
  26717. When enable is low, it would wait to the last DMA transfer to go back to idle status
  26718. 1: enable
  26719. 0: disable</comment>
  26720. </bits>
  26721. </reg32>
  26722. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_TAB_CTRL" protect="rw">
  26723. <bits name="rS16PEAK_TAB_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26724. <comment>2'b00: continue mode(keep last table then do peaks searching)
  26725. 2'b01: reset mode(reset table then do peaks searching)
  26726. 2'b10: load mode(load a table from memory then do peaks searching)
  26727. 2'b11: NA</comment>
  26728. </bits>
  26729. </reg32>
  26730. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_LDTAB_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  26731. <bits name="rS16PEAK_LDTAB_START_ADDR" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26732. <comment>Start AHB address for loading a peak value table. It is used only when "rS16PEAK_TAB_CTRL=2'b10"</comment>
  26733. </bits>
  26734. </reg32>
  26735. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_WIN_CTRL" protect="rw">
  26736. <bits name="rS16PEAK_WIN_IDX" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26737. <comment>Searching window start index</comment>
  26738. </bits>
  26739. <bits name="rS16PEAK_WIN_SIZE" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26740. <comment>Searching window size</comment>
  26741. </bits>
  26742. </reg32>
  26743. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_START_RADDR" protect="rw">
  26744. <bits name="rS16PEAK_START_RADDR" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26745. <comment>Start AHB address for reading searching window data</comment>
  26746. </bits>
  26747. </reg32>
  26748. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_START_WADDR" protect="rw">
  26749. <bits name="rS16PEAK_START_WADDR" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26750. <comment>Start AHB address for writing 16 max values and their indexes</comment>
  26751. </bits>
  26752. </reg32>
  26753. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_DMA_TO_VAL" protect="rw">
  26754. <bits name="rS16PEAK_DMA_TO_VAL" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26755. <comment>Up limit value for DMA timeout counter
  26756. When this register is set to 0, function of timeout is disabled</comment>
  26757. </bits>
  26758. </reg32>
  26759. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_TO_VAL" protect="rw">
  26760. <bits name="rS16PEAK_TO_VAL" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  26761. <comment>Up limit value for "search 16peak" module's timeout counter
  26762. When this register is set to 0, function of timeout is disabled</comment>
  26763. </bits>
  26764. </reg32>
  26765. <hole size="4*32" />
  26766. <reg32 name="rS16PEAK_STATUS" protect="ro">
  26767. <bits name="rS16PEAK_WIN_FIFO_STATUS" pos="21:18" access="ro" rst="0x0">
  26768. <comment>Status reporting register for FIFO part in "search 16peak"</comment>
  26769. </bits>
  26770. <bits name="rS16PEAK_DMA_STATUS" pos="17:8" access="ro" rst="0x0">
  26771. <comment>Status reporting register for AHB controlling part in "search 16peak"</comment>
  26772. </bits>
  26773. <bits name="Reserved" pos="7:4" access="ro" rst="0x0">
  26774. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  26775. </bits>
  26776. <bits name="rS16PEAK_ONGOING" pos="3" access="ro" rst="0x0">
  26777. <comment>Indicating whether accelerator is on or not
  26778. 1: ongoing
  26779. 0: idle</comment>
  26780. </bits>
  26781. <bits name="rS16PEAK_TIMEOUT" pos="2" access="ro" rst="0x0">
  26782. <comment>Indicating whether accelerator is timeout or not
  26783. 1: timeout
  26784. 0: normal</comment>
  26785. </bits>
  26786. <bits name="rS16PEAK_OBUF_UPDATE" pos="1" access="ro" rst="0x0">
  26787. <comment>Indicating whether output table buffer is updated
  26788. 1: updated
  26789. 0: not updated</comment>
  26790. </bits>
  26791. <bits name="rS16PEAK_DONE_STATUS" pos="0" access="ro" rst="0x0">
  26792. <comment>Reprot "serch 16peak" done status, write '1' to clear this status.
  26793. 1: done
  26794. 0: not done</comment>
  26795. </bits>
  26796. </reg32>
  26797. </module>
  26798. </archive>
  26799. <archive relative = "nb_common.xml">
  26800. <module name="nb_common" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  26801. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_DSP_SYM_BMP_MSK" protect="rw">
  26802. <bits name="rRX_INT_DSP_SYM_BMP_MSK" pos="13:0" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  26803. <comment>RX interrupt DSP bitmap mask from 0 to 13. LSB is symbol 0.</comment>
  26804. </bits>
  26805. </reg32>
  26806. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_MCU_SYM_BMP_MSK" protect="rw">
  26807. <bits name="rRX_INT_MCU_SYM_BMP_MSK" pos="13:0" access="rw" rst="0x1">
  26808. <comment>RX interrupt DSP bitmap mask from 0 to 13. LSB is symbol 0.</comment>
  26809. </bits>
  26810. </reg32>
  26811. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_OS" protect="rw">
  26812. <bits name="rRX_INT_OS" pos="6:0" access="rw" rst="0x40">
  26813. <comment>RX interrupt output OS 0 - 127</comment>
  26814. </bits>
  26815. </reg32>
  26816. <reg32 name="rNB_TIMER_MODE" protect="rw">
  26817. <bits name="rGLB_SAMPLE_RATE_CTRL" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26818. <comment>Global timer sample rate per input clock source
  26819. 0: 32 NB clock for 1 sample in global counter (Legacy Mode)
  26820. 1: 64 NB clock for 1 sample in global counter (L230 Mode)
  26821. 2: 128 clock for 1 sample in global counter
  26822. 3: 256 clock for 1 sample in global counter
  26823. 4: 512 clock for 1 sample in global counter
  26824. </comment>
  26825. </bits>
  26826. <bits name="rRX_SAMPLE_CTRL" pos="10:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26827. <comment>Rx data input sample rate in global sample unit
  26828. 0: 1 Global Counter Sample (1.92MHz - Legacy Mode)
  26829. 1: 2 Global Counter Sample (960 Khz)
  26830. 2: 4 Global Counter Sample (480 Khz)
  26831. 3: 8 Global Counter Sample (240 Khz - L230 Mode)
  26832. 4: 16 Global Counter Sample (120 Khz)
  26833. 5: 32 Global Counter Sample (60 Khz)
  26834. </comment>
  26835. </bits>
  26836. <bits name="rTX_SAMPLE_CTRL" pos="18:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26837. <comment>Tx data output sample rate in global sample unit
  26838. 0: 1 Global Counter Sample (1.92MHz - Legacy Mode)
  26839. 1: 2 Global Counter Sample (960 Khz)
  26840. 2: 4 Global Counter Sample (480 Khz)
  26841. 3: 8 Global Counter Sample (240 Khz - L230 Mode)
  26842. 4: 16 Global Counter Sample (120 Khz)
  26843. 5: 32 Global Counter Sample (60 Khz)
  26844. </comment>
  26845. </bits>
  26846. </reg32>
  26847. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_DSP_SF_BMP_MSK" protect="rw">
  26848. <bits name="rRX_INT_DSP_SF_BMP_MSK" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0x00003fff">
  26849. <comment>RX interrupt DSP bitmap subframe mask from 0 to 9. LSB is subframe 0.
  26850. </comment>
  26851. </bits>
  26852. </reg32>
  26853. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_MCU_SF_BMP_MSK" protect="rw">
  26854. <bits name="rRX_INT_MCU_SF_BMP_MSK" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0x00003fff">
  26855. <comment>RX interrupt MCU bitmap subframe mask from 0 to 9. LSB is subframe 0.
  26856. </comment>
  26857. </bits>
  26858. </reg32>
  26859. <hole size="2*32"></hole>
  26860. <reg32 name="rRX_ADJ_CCTRL" protect="rw">
  26861. <bits name="rRX_ADJ_SF_CNT" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26862. <comment>RX adjustment subframe count from 0 - 9 (auto clear in next subframe)</comment>
  26863. </bits>
  26864. <bits name="rRX_ADJ_SYM_CNT" pos="7:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  26865. <comment>RX adjustment symbol count from 0 - 13 (auto clear in next subframe)</comment>
  26866. </bits>
  26867. <bits name="rRX_ADJ_SYM_DIR" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26868. <comment>RX adjustment symbol direction (auto clear in next subframe)
  26869. 0: advance
  26870. 1: postpone</comment>
  26871. </bits>
  26872. <bits name="rRX_ADJ_CSAMPLE_CNT" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  26873. <comment>RX coarse adjustment sample count from 0 - 138 in (chip unit) - (auto clear in next subframe)</comment>
  26874. </bits>
  26875. <bits name="rRX_ADJ_CSAMPLE_DIR" pos="24" access="rw" rst="0">
  26876. <comment>RX coarse adjustment sample direction (auto clear in next subframe)
  26877. 0: advance
  26878. 1: postpone</comment>
  26879. </bits>
  26880. </reg32>
  26881. <reg32 name="rRX_ADJ_FCTRL" protect="rw">
  26882. <bits name="rRX_ADJ_FSAMPLE_CNT" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26883. <comment>NB mode: RX fine adjustment sample count from 0 - 9 in (chip unit)
  26884. 230 mode: RX fine adjustment sample count from 0 - 128 in (chip unit)
  26885. </comment>
  26886. </bits>
  26887. <bits name="rRX_ADJ_FSAMPLE_DIR" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26888. <comment>RX fine adjustment sample direction (auto clear in next subframe)
  26889. 0: advance
  26890. 1: postpone</comment>
  26891. </bits>
  26892. </reg32>
  26893. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_POS_STATUS_DSP" protect="r">
  26894. <bits name="rRX_INT_SYM_DSP" pos="3:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26895. <comment>RX interrupt symbol number 0-13</comment>
  26896. </bits>
  26897. <bits name="rRX_INT_SF_DSP" pos="7:4" access="r" rst="0">
  26898. <comment>RX interrupt symbol number 0-13</comment>
  26899. </bits>
  26900. <bits name="rRX_INT_BUF_IDX_DSP" pos="8" access="r" rst="0">
  26901. <comment>RX interrupt buffer index
  26902. Mirror rRX_INT_BUF_IDX_MCU register</comment>
  26903. </bits>
  26904. </reg32>
  26905. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_POS_STATUS_MCU" protect="r">
  26906. <bits name="rRX_INT_SYM_MCU" pos="3:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26907. <comment>RX interrupt symbol number 0-13</comment>
  26908. </bits>
  26909. <bits name="rRX_INT_SF_MCU" pos="7:4" access="r" rst="0">
  26910. <comment>RX interrupt symbol number 0-13</comment>
  26911. </bits>
  26912. <bits name="rRX_INT_BUF_IDX_MCU" pos="8" access="r" rst="0">
  26913. <comment>RX interrupt buffer index</comment>
  26914. </bits>
  26915. </reg32>
  26916. <reg32 name="rRX_SFN" protect="rw">
  26917. <bits name="rRX_SFN" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26918. <comment>RX SFN number 0-1023</comment>
  26919. </bits>
  26920. </reg32>
  26921. <reg32 name="rRX_GLB_CNT_SF" protect="r">
  26922. <bits name="rRX_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT_SF" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26923. <comment>global sample count value at RX subframe start</comment>
  26924. </bits>
  26925. <bits name="rRX_GLB_SF_CNT_SF" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  26926. <comment>global subframe count value at RX subframe start</comment>
  26927. </bits>
  26928. <bits name="rRX_GLB_RF_CNT_SF" pos="21:15" access="r" rst="0">
  26929. <comment>global sample count value at RX subframe start</comment>
  26930. </bits>
  26931. </reg32>
  26932. <reg32 name="rRX_GLB_CNT_RF" protect="r">
  26933. <bits name="rRX_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT_RF" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26934. <comment>global sample count value at RX radio frame start</comment>
  26935. </bits>
  26936. <bits name="rRX_GLB_SF_CNT_RF" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  26937. <comment>global subframe count value at RX radio frame start</comment>
  26938. </bits>
  26939. <bits name="rRX_GLB_RF_CNT_RF" pos="21:15" access="r" rst="0">
  26940. <comment>global sample count value at RX radio frame start</comment>
  26941. </bits>
  26942. </reg32>
  26943. <reg32 name="rTCU_GLB_CNT" protect="r">
  26944. <bits name="rTCU_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26945. <comment>global sample count value at TCU subframe start</comment>
  26946. </bits>
  26947. <bits name="rTCU_GLB_SF_CNT" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  26948. <comment>global subframe count value at TCU subframe start</comment>
  26949. </bits>
  26950. <bits name="rTCU_GLB_RF_CNT" pos="21:15" access="r" rst="0">
  26951. <comment>global sample count value at TCU subframe start</comment>
  26952. </bits>
  26953. </reg32>
  26954. <reg32 name="rTCU_GLB_CNT_RF" protect="r">
  26955. <bits name="rTCU_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT_RF" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26956. <comment>global sample count value at TCU radio frame start</comment>
  26957. </bits>
  26958. <bits name="rTCU_GLB_SF_CNT_RF" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  26959. <comment>global subframe count value at TCU radio frame start</comment>
  26960. </bits>
  26961. <bits name="rTCU_GLB_RF_CNT_RF" pos="21:15" access="r" rst="0">
  26962. <comment>global sample count value at TCU radio frame start</comment>
  26963. </bits>
  26964. </reg32>
  26965. <hole size="3*32" />
  26966. <reg32 name="rTX_ADJ_CCTRL" protect="rw">
  26967. <bits name="rTX_ADJ_CSAMPLE_CNT" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26968. <comment>TX coarse adjustment sample count from 0 - 1919 in (chip unit) - (auto clear in next subframe)</comment>
  26969. </bits>
  26970. <bits name="rTX_ADJ_CSAMPLE_DIR" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0">
  26971. <comment>TX coarse adjustment sample direction - (auto clear in next subframe)
  26972. 0: advance
  26973. 1: postpone</comment>
  26974. </bits>
  26975. </reg32>
  26976. <reg32 name="rTX_ADJ_FCTRL" protect="rw">
  26977. <bits name="rTX_ADJ_FSAMPLE_CNT" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  26978. <comment>15KHz: TX fine adjustment sample count from 0 - 9 in (chip unit)
  26979. 3.75Hz: TX fine adjustment sample count from (0 - 9) x 4 in (chip unit)
  26980. Remark: SW should configure the sample boundary which is aligned to 3.75Hz sample if the timing adjustment between TX transmission.
  26981. (auto clear in next subframe)</comment>
  26982. </bits>
  26983. <bits name="rTX_ADJ_CSAMPLE_DIR" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0">
  26984. <comment>TX fine adjustment sample direction - (auto clear in next subframe)
  26985. 0: advance
  26986. 1: postpone</comment>
  26987. </bits>
  26988. <bits name="rTX_ADJ_FMODE" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  26989. <comment>TX fine adjustment mode control:
  26990. 0: adjust the boundary at the end of the current subframe
  26991. 1: adjust the CP at the first symbol of the next TX </comment>
  26992. </bits>
  26993. </reg32>
  26994. <hole size="1*32"></hole>
  26995. <reg32 name="rTX_GLB_CNT_SF" protect="r">
  26996. <bits name="rTX_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT_SF" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  26997. <comment>global sample count value at TX subframe start</comment>
  26998. </bits>
  26999. <bits name="rTX_GLB_SF_CNT_SF" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  27000. <comment>global subframe count value at TX subframe start</comment>
  27001. </bits>
  27002. <bits name="rTX_GLB_RF_CNT_SF" pos="21:15" access="r" rst="0">
  27003. <comment>global radio frame count value at TX subframe start</comment>
  27004. </bits>
  27005. </reg32>
  27006. <reg32 name="rTX_SUBSAMPLE_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27007. <bits name="rTX_SUBSAMPLE_CTRL" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27008. <comment>TX subsample control
  27009. 0: sync with global subsample counter
  27010. 1: only sync with RX subsample counter when TX is not on transmission</comment>
  27011. </bits>
  27012. </reg32>
  27013. <reg32 name="rCTRL_STATUS" protect="rw">
  27014. <bits name="rCTRL_RX_CADJ_STATUS" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  27015. <comment>Control RX coarse adjustment status</comment>
  27016. </bits>
  27017. <bits name="rCTRL_RX_FADJ_STATUS" pos="1" access="w1c" rst="0">
  27018. <comment>Control RX fine adjustment status</comment>
  27019. </bits>
  27020. <bits name="rCTRL_TX_CADJ_STATUS" pos="2" access="w1c" rst="0">
  27021. <comment>Control TX coarse adjustment status</comment>
  27022. </bits>
  27023. <bits name="rCTRL_TX_FADJ_STATUS" pos="3" access="w1c" rst="0">
  27024. <comment>Control TX fine adjustment status</comment>
  27025. </bits>
  27026. </reg32>
  27027. <reg32 name="rCTRL_ADJ_EN" protect="rw">
  27028. <bits name="rCTRL_ADJ_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27029. <comment>Control adjustment enable
  27030. 1: enable
  27031. 0: disable</comment>
  27032. </bits>
  27033. </reg32>
  27034. <hole size="1*32"></hole>
  27035. <reg32 name="rCAPTURE1_GLB_CNT_TRIG" protect="w">
  27036. <bits name="rCAPTURE1_GLB_CNT_TRIG" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  27037. <comment>Trigger to sample global counter position for DSP debegging</comment>
  27038. </bits>
  27039. </reg32>
  27040. <reg32 name="rCAPTURE1_GLB_CNT" protect="r">
  27041. <bits name="rCAPTURE1_GLB_CNT" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  27042. <comment>global counter sample position when CAPTURE1_GLB_CNT is accessed</comment>
  27043. </bits>
  27044. <bits name="rCAPTURE1_GLB_SF_CNT" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  27045. <comment>global counter subframe position when CAPTURE1_GLB_CNT is accessed</comment>
  27046. </bits>
  27047. <bits name="rCAPTURE1_GLB_RF_CNT" pos="21:15" access="r" rst="0">
  27048. <comment>global counter radio frame position when CAPTURE1_GLB_CNT is accessed</comment>
  27049. </bits>
  27050. </reg32>
  27051. <reg32 name="rCAPTURE2_GLB_CNT_TRIG" protect="w">
  27052. <bits name="rCAPTURE2_GLB_CNT_TRIG" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  27053. <comment>Trigger to sample global counter position for MCU debegging</comment>
  27054. </bits>
  27055. </reg32>
  27056. <reg32 name="rCAPTURE2_GLB_CNT" protect="r">
  27057. <bits name="rCAPTURE2_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="10:0" access="r" rst="0">
  27058. <comment>global counter sample position when CAPTURE2_GLB_CNT is accessed</comment>
  27059. </bits>
  27060. <bits name="rCAPTURE2_GLB_SF_CNT" pos="14:11" access="r" rst="0">
  27061. <comment>global counter subframe position when CAPTURE2_GLB_CNT is accessed</comment>
  27062. </bits>
  27063. <bits name="rCAPTURE2_GLB_RF_CNT" pos="21:15" access="r" rst="0">
  27064. <comment>global counter radio frame position when CAPTURE2_GLB_CNT is accessed</comment>
  27065. </bits>
  27066. </reg32>
  27067. <reg32 name="SLEEP_W" protect="w">
  27068. <bits name="SLEEP_W" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  27069. <comment>For sleep operation
  27070. When SLEEP_W is accessed, the start values needed for wake-up are loaded. Then values have to be written before the SLEEP_W is accessed</comment>
  27071. </bits>
  27072. </reg32>
  27073. <reg32 name="rSLEEP_GLB_CNT" protect="rw">
  27074. <bits name="rGLB_SUB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="4:0" access="r" rst="0">
  27075. <comment>Sample clock/32 (TX/RX sub-sample is always aligned with Global sub-sample) : this would use for alignment of the DFE input valid.
  27076. 0-31</comment>
  27077. </bits>
  27078. <bits name="rGLB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="15:5" access="rw" rst="0">
  27079. <comment>global counter sample position in sleep mode (in chip unit)</comment>
  27080. </bits>
  27081. <bits name="rGLB_SF_CNT" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27082. <comment>global counter subframe position </comment>
  27083. </bits>
  27084. <bits name="rGLB_RF_CNT" pos="26:20" access="rw" rst="0">
  27085. <comment>global counter radio frame position</comment>
  27086. </bits>
  27087. <bits name="rGLB_SUB_SAMPLE_CNT_MSB" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  27088. <comment>Global counter subsample MSB bit [8:5].</comment>
  27089. </bits>
  27090. </reg32>
  27091. <reg32 name="rSLEEP_RX_TX_CNT" protect="rw">
  27092. <bits name="rTX_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27093. <comment>Sample clock/32 (TX/RX sub-sample is always aligned with Global sub-sample) : this would use for align the DFE input valid.
  27094. 0-31</comment>
  27095. </bits>
  27096. <bits name="rRX_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27097. <comment>RX sample count value</comment>
  27098. </bits>
  27099. <bits name="rRX_SYM_CNT" pos="27:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  27100. <comment>RX OFDM symbol count value</comment>
  27101. </bits>
  27102. <bits name="rRX_SF_CNT" pos="31:28" access="rw" rst="0">
  27103. <comment>RX subframe count value</comment>
  27104. </bits>
  27105. </reg32>
  27106. <reg32 name="rSLEEP_ELAPSED_CNT" protect="ro">
  27107. <bits name="rSLEEP_ELAPSED_SUBSAMPLE_CNT" pos="9:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  27108. <comment>Sleep Elapsed Subsample counter
  27109. Range: 0-511</comment>
  27110. </bits>
  27111. <bits name="rSLEEP_ELAPSED_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="26:16" access="ro" rst="0">
  27112. <comment>Sleep Elapsed Subsample counter
  27113. Range: 0-1919</comment>
  27114. </bits>
  27115. </reg32>
  27116. <reg32 name="rSLEEP_ELAPSED_SF_CNT" protect="ro">
  27117. <bits name="rSLEEP_ELAPSED_SF_CNT" pos="31:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  27118. <comment>Sleep Elapsed SF counter
  27119. Range: 0-2^32-1</comment>
  27120. </bits>
  27121. </reg32>
  27122. <reg32 name="rR_GLB_CNT" protect="rw">
  27123. <bits name="rR_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="10:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  27124. <comment>Read global counter sample position</comment>
  27125. </bits>
  27126. <bits name="rR_GLB_SF_CNT" pos="14:11" access="ro" rst="0">
  27127. <comment>Read global counter subframe position </comment>
  27128. </bits>
  27129. <bits name="rR_GLB_RF_CNT" pos="21:15" access="ro" rst="0">
  27130. <comment>Read global counter radio frame position </comment>
  27131. </bits>
  27132. </reg32>
  27133. <reg32 name="rTX_START_GLB_CNT" protect="rw">
  27134. <bits name="rTX_START_GLB_SUB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="4:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  27135. <comment>global subsample count value at TX transmission start 0-31 LSB[4:0]</comment>
  27136. </bits>
  27137. <bits name="rTX_START_GLB_SAMPLE_CNT" pos="15:5" access="ro" rst="0">
  27138. <comment>global sample count value at TX transmission start </comment>
  27139. </bits>
  27140. <bits name="rTX_START_GLB_SF_CNT" pos="19:16" access="ro" rst="0">
  27141. <comment>global subframe count value at TX transmission start </comment>
  27142. </bits>
  27143. <bits name="rTX_START_GLB_RF_CNT" pos="19:16" access="ro" rst="0">
  27144. <comment>global radio frame count value at TX transmission start </comment>
  27145. </bits>
  27146. <bits name="rTX_START_GLB_SUB_SAMPLE_CNT_MSB" pos="31:28" access="ro" rst="0">
  27147. <comment>global subsample count value at TX transmission start MSB bit[8:5](Not abailable in NB mode)</comment>
  27148. </bits>
  27149. </reg32>
  27150. <hole size="25*32" />
  27151. <reg32 name="rTCU_EVENT_TRIG" protect="rw">
  27152. <bits name="rTCU_EVENT_SAMPLE_TIME" pos="15:5" access="rw" rst="0">
  27153. <comment>TCU event subsample time</comment>
  27154. </bits>
  27155. <bits name="rTCU_EVENT_SF_TIME" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27156. <comment>TCU event subframe time</comment>
  27157. </bits>
  27158. </reg32>
  27159. <reg32 name="rRX_SYNC_MODE" protect="rw">
  27160. <bits name="rRX_SYNC_MODE" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27161. <comment>RX synchronization method mode
  27162. 0: normal mode
  27163. 1: sync counter will synchronize with input i_rx_sync_start pulse in DUMP mode only (For testing only)
  27164. 2: sync counter will synchronize first ca_rx data valid signal in DUMP mode only (For testing only)
  27165. 3: sync counter will synchronize first rx data valid signal in DUMP mode only (For testing only)
  27166. </comment>
  27167. </bits>
  27168. </reg32>
  27169. <reg32 name="rRX_SYNC_INIT_1" protect="rw">
  27170. <bits name="rRX_SF_SYNC_INIT_1" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0x9">
  27171. <comment>RX subframe count sync initialization value - 1</comment>
  27172. </bits>
  27173. <bits name="rGLB_SF_SYNC_INIT_1" pos="11:8" access="rw" rst="0x9">
  27174. <comment>Global subframe count sync initialization value - 1</comment>
  27175. </bits>
  27176. <bits name="rGLB_RF_SYNC_INIT_1" pos="18:12" access="rw" rst="0x7">
  27177. <comment>Global radio frame count sync initialization value - 1</comment>
  27178. </bits>
  27179. </reg32>
  27180. <reg32 name="rRX_CAPTURE_EVENT_TRIG" protect="rw">
  27181. <bits name="rRX_CAPTURE_SAMPLE_TIME" pos="15:5" access="rw" rst="0">
  27182. <comment>RX Capture event sample time</comment>
  27183. </bits>
  27184. <bits name="rRX_CAPTURE_SF_TIME" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27185. <comment>RX Capture event subframe time</comment>
  27186. </bits>
  27187. </reg32>
  27188. <hole size="60*32" />
  27189. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM0_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27190. <bits name="rDSP_MEM0_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27191. <comment>DSP memory 0 control
  27192. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27193. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27194. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27195. </bits>
  27196. <bits name="rDSP_MEM0_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27197. <comment>DSP memory 0 CLK disable
  27198. 0: enable
  27199. 1: disable
  27200. </comment>
  27201. </bits>
  27202. </reg32>
  27203. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM1_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27204. <bits name="rDSP_MEM1_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27205. <comment>DSP memory 1 control
  27206. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27207. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27208. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27209. </bits>
  27210. <bits name="rDSP_MEM1_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27211. <comment>DSP memory 1 CLK disable
  27212. 0: enable
  27213. 1: disable
  27214. </comment>
  27215. </bits>
  27216. </reg32>
  27217. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM2_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27218. <bits name="rDSP_MEM2_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27219. <comment>DSP memory 2 control
  27220. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27221. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27222. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27223. </bits>
  27224. <bits name="rDSP_MEM2_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27225. <comment>DSP memory 2 CLK disable
  27226. 0: enable
  27227. 1: disable
  27228. </comment>
  27229. </bits>
  27230. </reg32>
  27231. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM3_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27232. <bits name="rDSP_MEM3_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27233. <comment>DSP memory 3 control
  27234. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27235. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27236. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27237. </bits>
  27238. <bits name="rDSP_MEM3_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27239. <comment>DSP memory 3 CLK disable
  27240. 0: enable
  27241. 1: disable
  27242. </comment>
  27243. </bits>
  27244. </reg32>
  27245. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM4_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27246. <bits name="rDSP_MEM4_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27247. <comment>DSP memory 4 control
  27248. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27249. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27250. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27251. </bits>
  27252. <bits name="rDSP_MEM4_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27253. <comment>DSP memory 4 CLK disable
  27254. 0: enable
  27255. 1: disable
  27256. </comment>
  27257. </bits>
  27258. </reg32>
  27259. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM5_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27260. <bits name="rDSP_MEM5_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27261. <comment>DSP memory 5 control
  27262. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27263. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27264. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27265. </bits>
  27266. <bits name="rDSP_MEM5_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27267. <comment>DSP memory 5 CLK disable
  27268. 0: enable
  27269. 1: disable
  27270. </comment>
  27271. </bits>
  27272. </reg32>
  27273. <hole size="1*32" />
  27274. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM7_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27275. <bits name="rDSP_MEM7_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27276. <comment>DSP memory 7 control
  27277. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27278. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27279. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27280. </bits>
  27281. <bits name="rDSP_MEM7_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27282. <comment>DSP memory 7 CLK disable
  27283. 0: enable
  27284. 1: disable
  27285. </comment>
  27286. </bits>
  27287. </reg32>
  27288. <reg32 name="rDSP_MEM8_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27289. <bits name="rDSP_MEM8_CTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27290. <comment>DSP memory 8 control
  27291. 00: HW control with NB core clock
  27292. 10: HW control with AHB clock
  27293. 11: DSP control with AHB clock</comment>
  27294. </bits>
  27295. <bits name="rDSP_MEM8_CLK_DISABLE" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27296. <comment>DSP memory 8 CLK disable
  27297. 0: enable
  27298. 1: disable
  27299. </comment>
  27300. </bits>
  27301. </reg32>
  27302. </module>
  27303. </archive>
  27304. <archive relative = "nb_ctrl.xml">
  27305. <module name="nb_ctrl" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  27306. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_SW_RST" protect="w">
  27307. <bits name="rRX_FFT_SW_RST" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  27308. <comment>RX FFT sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27309. 0: default value;
  27310. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27311. </bits>
  27312. <bits name="rRX_PSS_SW_RST" pos="1" access="w" rst="0">
  27313. <comment>RX Cell Search PSS sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27314. 0: default value;
  27315. 1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27316. </comment>
  27317. </bits>
  27318. <bits name="rRX_SSS_SW_RST" pos="2" access="w" rst="0">
  27319. <comment>RX Cell Search SSS sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27320. 0: default value;
  27321. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27322. </bits>
  27323. <bits name="rRX_CFO_SW_RST" pos="3" access="w" rst="0">
  27324. <comment>RX CFO sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27325. 0: default value;
  27326. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27327. </bits>
  27328. <bits name="rRX_VIT_SW_RST" pos="4" access="w" rst="0">
  27329. <comment>RX Viterbi sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27330. 0: default value;
  27331. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27332. </bits>
  27333. <bits name="rRX_AGC_SW_RST" pos="5" access="w" rst="0">
  27334. <comment>RX AGC sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27335. 0: default value;
  27336. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27337. </bits>
  27338. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_SW_RST" pos="6" access="w" rst="0">
  27339. <comment>RX DS_BSEL sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27340. 0: default value;
  27341. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27342. </bits>
  27343. <bits name="rTX_FRONTEND_SW_RST" pos="7" access="w" rst="0">
  27344. <comment>TX frontend sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27345. 0: default value;
  27346. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27347. </bits>
  27348. <bits name="rPUSCH_ENC_SW_RST" pos="8" access="w" rst="0">
  27349. <comment>PUSCH encoder sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27350. 0: default value;
  27351. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27352. </bits>
  27353. <bits name="rTX_CHSC_SW_RST" pos="9" access="w" rst="0">
  27354. <comment>TX CHSC sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27355. 0: default value;
  27356. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27357. </bits>
  27358. <bits name="rFFT_512_SW_RST" pos="10" access="w" rst="0">
  27359. <comment>FFT 512 sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27360. 0: default value;
  27361. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27362. </bits>
  27363. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_SW_RST" pos="11" access="w" rst="0">
  27364. <comment>NPRS acc1 sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27365. 0: default value;
  27366. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27367. </bits>
  27368. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_SW_RST" pos="12" access="w" rst="0">
  27369. <comment>FINE_IFFT sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27370. 0: default value;
  27371. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27372. </bits>
  27373. <bits name="rNBIOT_SW_RST" pos="13" access="w" rst="0">
  27374. <comment>rNBIOT general part reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27375. 0: default value;
  27376. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27377. </bits>
  27378. <bits name="rNBIOT_SW_RST_RSRP" pos="14" access="w" rst="0">
  27379. <comment>RX RSRP sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27380. 1'b0: default value;
  27381. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27382. </comment>
  27383. </bits>
  27384. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_SW_RST" pos="15" access="w" rst="0">
  27385. <comment>CA RX dump sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27386. 1'b0: default value;
  27387. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27388. </comment>
  27389. </bits>
  27390. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_SW_RST" pos="16" access="w" rst="0">
  27391. <comment>CA TX dump sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27392. 1'b0: default value;
  27393. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27394. </comment>
  27395. </bits>
  27396. <bits name="rNB_ACC_SW_RST" pos="19" access="w" rst="0">
  27397. <comment>NB ACC sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27398. 1'b0: default value;
  27399. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27400. </comment>
  27401. </bits>
  27402. <bits name="rS16PEAK_SW_RST" pos="21" access="w" rst="0">
  27403. <comment>S16Peak sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27404. 1'b0: default value;
  27405. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27406. </comment>
  27407. </bits>
  27408. <bits name="rSP_SW_RST" pos="22" access="w" rst="0">
  27409. <comment>SP sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27410. 1'b0: default value;
  27411. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27412. </comment>
  27413. </bits>
  27414. <bits name="rMDD_SW_RST" pos="23" access="w" rst="0">
  27415. <comment>S16Peak sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27416. 1'b0: default value;
  27417. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27418. </comment>
  27419. </bits>
  27420. <bits name="rLOCSEQ_SW_RST" pos="24" access="w" rst="0">
  27421. <comment>S16Peak sub-module reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27422. 1'b0: default value;
  27423. 1'b1: Reset whole sub-module.
  27424. </comment>
  27425. </bits>
  27426. </reg32>
  27427. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_CLK_EN" protect="rw">
  27428. <bits name="rRX_FFT_CLK_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27429. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for RX FFT/RSRP module
  27430. 0: clock disabled
  27431. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27432. </bits>
  27433. <bits name="rRX_PSS_CLK_EN" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  27434. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for RX Cell Search module PSS
  27435. 0: clock disabled
  27436. 1: clock enabled.
  27437. </comment>
  27438. </bits>
  27439. <bits name="rRX_SSS_CLK_EN" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  27440. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for RX Cell Search module SSS
  27441. 0: clock disabled
  27442. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27443. </bits>
  27444. <bits name="rRX_CFO_CLK_EN" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  27445. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for RX CFO module
  27446. 0: clock disabled
  27447. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27448. </bits>
  27449. <bits name="rRX_VIT_CLK_EN" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  27450. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for RX Viterbi module
  27451. 0: clock disabled
  27452. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27453. </bits>
  27454. <bits name="rRX_AGC_CLK_EN" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  27455. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for RX AGC module
  27456. 0: clock disabled
  27457. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27458. </bits>
  27459. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_CLK_EN" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0">
  27460. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for DS_BSEL module
  27461. 0: clock disabled
  27462. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27463. </bits>
  27464. <bits name="rTX_FRONTEND_CLK_EN" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0">
  27465. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for TX Frontend module.
  27466. 0: clock disabled
  27467. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27468. </bits>
  27469. <bits name="rPUSCH_ENC_CLK_EN" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  27470. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for PUSCH encoder module.
  27471. 0: clock disabled
  27472. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27473. </bits>
  27474. <bits name="rTX_CHSC_CLK_EN" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0">
  27475. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for TX TX channel-interleaver and scrambling module.
  27476. 0: clock disabled
  27477. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27478. </bits>
  27479. <bits name="rFFT_512_CLK_EN" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0">
  27480. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for FFT 512 module.
  27481. 0: clock disabled
  27482. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27483. </bits>
  27484. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_CLK_EN" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0">
  27485. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for NPRS ACC1 module.
  27486. 0: clock disabled
  27487. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27488. </bits>
  27489. <bits name="rFINE_FFT_CLK_EN" pos="12" access="rw" rst="0">
  27490. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for FINE ifft module
  27491. 0: clock disabled
  27492. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27493. </bits>
  27494. <bits name="rNBIOT_CLK_EN" pos="13" access="rw" rst="0">
  27495. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for NBIOT module
  27496. 0: clock disabled
  27497. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27498. </bits>
  27499. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_EN" pos="14" access="rw" rst="0">
  27500. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for CA Rx Dump module
  27501. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27502. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27503. </comment>
  27504. </bits>
  27505. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_EN" pos="15" access="rw" rst="0">
  27506. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for CA Tx Dump module
  27507. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27508. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27509. </comment>
  27510. </bits>
  27511. <bits name="rNB_ACC_EN" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0">
  27512. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for NBIOT module
  27513. 0: clock disabled
  27514. 1: clock enabled.</comment>
  27515. </bits>
  27516. <bits name="rS16PEAK_EN" pos="20" access="rw" rst="0">
  27517. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for Search_16peak module
  27518. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27519. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27520. </comment>
  27521. </bits>
  27522. <bits name="rSP_EN" pos="21" access="rw" rst="0">
  27523. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for SP module
  27524. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27525. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27526. </comment>
  27527. </bits>
  27528. <bits name="rTX_MDD_EN" pos="22" access="rw" rst="0">
  27529. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for Tx MDD module
  27530. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27531. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27532. </comment>
  27533. </bits>
  27534. <bits name="rLOCSEQ_EN" pos="23" access="rw" rst="0">
  27535. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for LOCSEQ module
  27536. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27537. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27538. </comment>
  27539. </bits>
  27540. <bits name="rTX_REG_EN" pos="29" access="rw" rst="0">
  27541. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for TX_REG module
  27542. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27543. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27544. </comment>
  27545. </bits>
  27546. <bits name="rRX_REG_EN" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  27547. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for RX_REG module
  27548. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27549. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27550. </comment>
  27551. </bits>
  27552. <bits name="rCS_REG_EN" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  27553. <comment>Enable/disable the clock for CS_REG module
  27554. 1'b0: clock disabled
  27555. 1'b1: clock enabled.
  27556. </comment>
  27557. </bits>
  27558. </reg32>
  27559. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_MONITOR" protect="rw">
  27560. <bits name="rNBIOT_MONITOR_SEL" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27561. <comment>Debug signal selection</comment>
  27562. </bits>
  27563. <bits name="rNBIOT_MONITOR_EN" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0">
  27564. <comment>Debug signal output enable</comment>
  27565. </bits>
  27566. <bits name="Reserved" pos="31:10" access="rw" rst="0">
  27567. <comment>Reserved for debug only</comment>
  27568. </bits>
  27569. </reg32>
  27570. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_RFIN_SW_RST" protect="w">
  27571. <bits name="rNBIOT_RFIN_SW_RST" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  27572. <comment>RFIN reset by DSP, it is used to re-timing the global timer to balance the timing of IQ data input from DFE in sample boundary. Write 1 and auto-clear by HW.
  27573. 0: default value
  27574. 1: reset to re-timing the sample boundary in global timer.</comment>
  27575. </bits>
  27576. </reg32>
  27577. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_RFIN_STATUS" protect="r">
  27578. <bits name="rNBIOT_RFIN_SUBSMAPLE_CNT" pos="16:8" access="r" rst="0">
  27579. <comment>Sample the glb_subsample_cnt with input rx_data_vld to check the phase change of the input</comment>
  27580. </bits>
  27581. <bits name="rNBIOT_RFIN_STATUS_ERR" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  27582. <comment>Keep track the RFIN data strobe in valid window.
  27583. 0: Normal
  27584. 1: Error</comment>
  27585. </bits>
  27586. </reg32>
  27587. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_COARSE_CLK_GATING" protect="rw">
  27588. <bits name="rPSS_COS_CLK_GATING" pos="1" access="rw" rst="1">
  27589. <comment>PSS Correlator coarse clock gating,
  27590. 0: free running
  27591. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module PSS Correlator.</comment>
  27592. </bits>
  27593. <bits name="rSSS_COS_CLK_GATING" pos="2" access="rw" rst="1">
  27594. <comment>SSS Correlator coarse clock gating,
  27595. 0: free running
  27596. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module SSS Correlator.</comment>
  27597. </bits>
  27598. <bits name="Reserved" pos="12:3" access="rw" rst="3ff">
  27599. <comment></comment>
  27600. </bits>
  27601. </reg32>
  27602. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_FINE_CLK_GATING" protect="rw">
  27603. <bits name="rFFT_RSRP_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="0" access="rw" rst="1">
  27604. <comment>FFT_RSRP fine clock gating,
  27605. 0: free running
  27606. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module FFT_RSRP.
  27607. </comment>
  27608. </bits>
  27609. <bits name="rPSS_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="1" access="rw" rst="1">
  27610. <comment>PSS Correlator fine clock gating,
  27611. 0: free running
  27612. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module PSS Correlator.</comment>
  27613. </bits>
  27614. <bits name="rSSS_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="2" access="rw" rst="1">
  27615. <comment>SSS Correlator fine clock gating,
  27616. 0: free running
  27617. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module SSS Correlator.</comment>
  27618. </bits>
  27619. <bits name="rCFO_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="3" access="rw" rst="1">
  27620. <comment>CFO Correlator fine clock gating,
  27621. 0: free running
  27622. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module CFO Correlator.</comment>
  27623. </bits>
  27624. <bits name="rVIT_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="4" access="rw" rst="1">
  27625. <comment>Viterbi fine clock gating,
  27626. 0: free running
  27627. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module Viterbi.</comment>
  27628. </bits>
  27629. <bits name="rAGC_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="5" access="rw" rst="1">
  27630. <comment>AGC fine clock gating,
  27631. 0: free running
  27632. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module AGC.</comment>
  27633. </bits>
  27634. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="6" access="rw" rst="1">
  27635. <comment>DS_BSEL fine clock gating,
  27636. 0: free running
  27637. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module DS_BSEL.
  27638. </comment>
  27639. </bits>
  27640. <bits name="rTX_FRONTEND_FT_CLK_GATING" pos="7" access="rw" rst="1">
  27641. <comment>TX_FRONTEND fine clock gating,
  27642. 0: free running
  27643. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module TX_FRONTEND.
  27644. </comment>
  27645. </bits>
  27646. <bits name="rPUSCH_ENC_CLK_GATING" pos="8" access="rw" rst="1">
  27647. <comment>PUSCH_ENC fine clock gating,
  27648. 0: free running
  27649. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module PUSCH_ENC.</comment>
  27650. </bits>
  27651. <bits name="rTX_CHSC_CLK_GATING" pos="9" access="rw" rst="1">
  27652. <comment>TX_CHSC fine clock gating,
  27653. 0: free running
  27654. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module TX_CHSC.</comment>
  27655. </bits>
  27656. <bits name="rFFT_512_CLK_GATING" pos="10" access="rw" rst="1">
  27657. <comment>FFT 512 fine clock gating,
  27658. 0: free running
  27659. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module FFT 512.</comment>
  27660. </bits>
  27661. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_CLK_GATING" pos="11" access="rw" rst="1">
  27662. <comment>NPRS ACC1 fine clock gating,
  27663. 0: free running
  27664. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module NPRS ACC1.</comment>
  27665. </bits>
  27666. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_CLK_GATING" pos="12" access="rw" rst="1">
  27667. <comment>FIne IFFT fine clock gating,
  27668. 0: free running
  27669. 1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module FINE_IFFT.</comment>
  27670. </bits>
  27671. <bits name="rRSRP_CLK_GATING" pos="13" access="rw" rst="1">
  27672. <comment>RSRP fine clock gating,
  27673. 1'b0: free running
  27674. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module FFT_RSRP
  27675. </comment>
  27676. </bits>
  27677. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_CLK_GATING" pos="14" access="rw" rst="1">
  27678. <comment>CA RX dump fine clock gating,
  27679. 1'b0: free running
  27680. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module CA RX dump
  27681. </comment>
  27682. </bits>
  27683. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_CLK_GATING" pos="15" access="rw" rst="1">
  27684. <comment>CA TX dump fine clock gating,
  27685. 1'b0: free running
  27686. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module CA TX dump
  27687. </comment>
  27688. </bits>
  27689. <bits name="rMCA_FFT128_CLK_GATING" pos="16" access="rw" rst="1">
  27690. <comment>MCA FFT128 dump fine clock gating,
  27691. 1'b0: free running
  27692. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module Multi CA FFT 128
  27693. </comment>
  27694. </bits>
  27695. <bits name="rMCA_IFFT128_CLK_GATING" pos="17" access="rw" rst="1">
  27696. <comment>MCA IFFT128 dump fine clock gating,
  27697. 1'b0: free running
  27698. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module Multi CA IFFT 128
  27699. </comment>
  27700. </bits>
  27701. <bits name="rNB_ACC_CLK_GATING" pos="18" access="rw" rst="1">
  27702. <comment>NB ACC fine clock gating,
  27703. 1'b0: free running
  27704. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module NB ACC
  27705. </comment>
  27706. </bits>
  27707. <bits name="rS16PEAK_CLK_GATING" pos="20" access="rw" rst="1">
  27708. <comment>Search16peak fine clock gating,
  27709. 1'b0: free running
  27710. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module Search16peak
  27711. </comment>
  27712. </bits>
  27713. <bits name="rSP_CLK_GATING" pos="21" access="rw" rst="1">
  27714. <comment>SP fine clock gating,
  27715. 1'b0: free running
  27716. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module SP
  27717. </comment>
  27718. </bits>
  27719. <bits name="rNB_MATRIX_CLK_GATING" pos="22" access="rw" rst="1">
  27720. <comment>NB matrix fine clock gating,
  27721. 1'b0: free running
  27722. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module NB matrix
  27723. </comment>
  27724. </bits>
  27725. <bits name="rTX_MDD_CLK_GATING" pos="23" access="rw" rst="1">
  27726. <comment>TX MDD fine clock gating,
  27727. 1'b0: free running
  27728. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module TX MDD
  27729. </comment>
  27730. </bits>
  27731. <bits name="rLOCSEQ_CLK_GATING" pos="24" access="rw" rst="1">
  27732. <comment>LOCSEQ fine clock gating,
  27733. 1'b0: free running
  27734. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module LOCSEQ
  27735. </comment>
  27736. </bits>
  27737. <bits name="rSS_CLK_GATING" pos="25" access="rw" rst="1">
  27738. <comment>SS fine clock gating,
  27739. 1'b0: free running
  27740. 1'b1: clock gated by the clock enabled signal which generated from sub-module SS
  27741. </comment>
  27742. </bits>
  27743. </reg32>
  27744. <reg32 name="rAPB_SW_RST" protect="w">
  27745. <bits name="rAPB_SW_RST" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  27746. <comment>NBIOT CORE APB domain reset by software, auto-clear to zero when write 1 to this register by DSP
  27747. 0: default value;
  27748. 1: Reset whole sub-module.</comment>
  27749. </bits>
  27750. </reg32>
  27751. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_DEBUG_GPO" protect="rw">
  27752. <bits name="rNBIOT_DEBUF_GPO" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27753. <comment>Debug General Purpose Output
  27754. Remark: need to set rNBIOT_MONITOR to 0x1a3</comment>
  27755. </bits>
  27756. </reg32>
  27757. <hole size="1*32"></hole>
  27758. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_RX_ICTRL" protect="rw">
  27759. <bits name="rNBIOT_RX_ICTRL" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27760. <comment>RX data input control: Please refer to diagram below in detail
  27761. CA RX input data right shift control
  27762. bit 9-7:
  27763. 0: No left shift
  27764. 1: Right shift 1 bit
  27765. 2: Right shift 2 bit
  27766. 3: Right shift 3 bit
  27767. 4: Right shift 4 bit
  27768. 5~7: Reserved
  27769. bit 6-3: Reserved
  27770. bit 2:
  27771. Select the source to CA RX dump CA data 0
  27772. 0: CA RX source input stage 0
  27773. 1: DFE RX input
  27774. bit 1:
  27775. Select the CA RX source input stage 0 data path
  27776. 0: LVDS CA RX input
  27777. 1: NB CA TX output
  27778. bit 0:
  27779. Select the source to RX input data stream path
  27780. 0: DFE RX input
  27781. 1: LVDS CA RX input
  27782. </comment>
  27783. </bits>
  27784. </reg32>
  27785. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_TX_OCTRL" protect="rw">
  27786. <bits name="rNBIOT_TX_OCTRL" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27787. <comment>TX data output control: Please refer to diagram below in detail:
  27788. bit 1:
  27789. Select the source to LVDSTX data path
  27790. 0: CA TX dump CA Tx data 0 output
  27791. 1: TX frontend output
  27792. bit 0:
  27793. Select the source to DFE TX data path
  27794. 0: TX frontend output
  27795. 1: CA TX dump CA Tx data 0 output
  27796. </comment>
  27797. </bits>
  27798. </reg32>
  27799. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_CA_STATUS" protect="w1c">
  27800. <bits name="rNBIOT_CA_STATUS" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  27801. <comment>CA data valid status (Write 1 clear status)
  27802. 0: no CA data valid occur
  27803. 1: CA data valid occur
  27804. </comment>
  27805. </bits>
  27806. </reg32>
  27807. <hole size="51*32"></hole>
  27808. <reg32 name="rNBIOT_REVISION" protect="r">
  27809. <bits name="rMINOR_REV" pos="7:0" access="r" rst="0">
  27810. <comment>Minor Revision</comment>
  27811. </bits>
  27812. <bits name="rMAJOR_REV" pos="15:8" access="r" rst="0">
  27813. <comment>MAJOR Revision</comment>
  27814. </bits>
  27815. </reg32>
  27816. </module>
  27817. </archive>
  27818. <archive relative = "nb_ds_bsel.xml">
  27819. <module name="nb_ds_bsel" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  27820. <reg32 name="rDS_BSEL_START" protect="w1c">
  27821. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_START" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0x0">
  27822. <comment>DS_BSEL accelerator start</comment>
  27823. </bits>
  27824. </reg32>
  27825. <reg32 name="rDS_BSEL_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27826. <bits name="rTIMEOUT_VAL" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x7fff">
  27827. <comment>Maximum time out value for TX bit level processing in 61.44Mhz unit</comment>
  27828. </bits>
  27829. <bits name="rNUM_CANDIDATE" pos="17:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27830. <comment>Number of Candidate
  27831. 0: 1 candidate
  27832. 1: 2 candidate
  27833. 2: 3 candidate
  27834. 3: 4 candidate</comment>
  27835. </bits>
  27836. <bits name="rDBSP_EN" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0">
  27837. <comment>Bit de-selection and combining
  27838. 0: Disable
  27839. 1: enable
  27840. Remark: When this bit is disabled, the output data number is equal to rDESCR_SIZE0 and it only support 1 candidate.</comment>
  27841. </bits>
  27842. <bits name="rDESCR_EN" pos="19" access="rw" rst="0">
  27843. <comment>Descramble enable
  27844. 0: Disable
  27845. 1: enable</comment>
  27846. </bits>
  27847. <bits name="rNCB_MINUS_SIZE" pos="27:20" access="rw" rst="0">
  27848. <comment>NCB minus: NCB - 3ND</comment>
  27849. </bits>
  27850. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_START_CTRL" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  27851. <comment>Start control
  27852. 0:Trigger by SW start
  27853. 1:Trigger by HW start by SP done signal</comment>
  27854. </bits>
  27855. </reg32>
  27856. <reg32 name="rDS_X1_0" protect="rw">
  27857. <bits name="rDS_X1_0" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27858. <comment>Descramble X1 value for candidate 0</comment>
  27859. </bits>
  27860. </reg32>
  27861. <reg32 name="rDS_X1_1" protect="rw">
  27862. <bits name="rDS_X1_1" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27863. <comment>Descramble X1 value for candidate 1</comment>
  27864. </bits>
  27865. </reg32>
  27866. <reg32 name="rDS_X1_2" protect="rw">
  27867. <bits name="rDS_X1_2" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27868. <comment>Descramble X1 value for candidate 2</comment>
  27869. </bits>
  27870. </reg32>
  27871. <reg32 name="rDS_X1_3" protect="rw">
  27872. <bits name="rDS_X1_3" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0x40">
  27873. <comment>Descramble X1 value for candidate 3</comment>
  27874. </bits>
  27875. </reg32>
  27876. <reg32 name="rDS_X2_0" protect="rw">
  27877. <bits name="rDS_X2_0" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27878. <comment>Descramble X2 value for candidate 0</comment>
  27879. </bits>
  27880. </reg32>
  27881. <reg32 name="rDS_X2_1" protect="rw">
  27882. <bits name="rDS_X2_1" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27883. <comment>Descramble X2 value for candidate 1</comment>
  27884. </bits>
  27885. </reg32>
  27886. <reg32 name="rDS_X2_2" protect="rw">
  27887. <bits name="rDS_X2_2" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27888. <comment>Descramble X2 value for candidate 2</comment>
  27889. </bits>
  27890. </reg32>
  27891. <reg32 name="rDS_X2_3" protect="rw">
  27892. <bits name="rDS_X2_3" pos="30:0" access="rw" rst="0x40">
  27893. <comment>Descramble X2 value for candidate 3</comment>
  27894. </bits>
  27895. </reg32>
  27896. <reg32 name="rDESCR_CFG1" protect="rw">
  27897. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE0" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27898. <comment>Descramble size 0</comment>
  27899. </bits>
  27900. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE1" pos="24:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27901. <comment>Descramble size 1</comment>
  27902. </bits>
  27903. </reg32>
  27904. <reg32 name="rDESCR_CFG2" protect="rw">
  27905. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE3" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27906. <comment>Descramble size 3</comment>
  27907. </bits>
  27908. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE2" pos="24:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27909. <comment>Descramble size 2</comment>
  27910. </bits>
  27911. </reg32>
  27912. <reg32 name="rDESCR_CFG3" protect="rw">
  27913. <bits name="rDATA_IBUF_START_ADDR_0" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27914. <comment>Descramble input buffer start address 0</comment>
  27915. </bits>
  27916. <bits name="rDATA_IBUF_START_ADDR_1" pos="25:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27917. <comment>Descramble input buffer start address 1</comment>
  27918. </bits>
  27919. </reg32>
  27920. <reg32 name="rDESCR_CFG4" protect="rw">
  27921. <bits name="rDATA_IBUF_START_ADDR_3" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27922. <comment>Descramble input buffer start address 3</comment>
  27923. </bits>
  27924. <bits name="rDATA_IBUF_START_ADDR_2" pos="25:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27925. <comment>Descramble input buffer start address 4</comment>
  27926. </bits>
  27927. </reg32>
  27928. <reg32 name="rDS_BSEL_OMEM_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  27929. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_OMEM_START_SADDR" pos="25:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  27930. <comment>DS_BSEL output memory start address for last X1/X2 state value</comment>
  27931. </bits>
  27932. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_OMEM_START_ADDR" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  27933. <comment>DS_BSEL output memory start address</comment>
  27934. </bits>
  27935. </reg32>
  27936. <reg32 name="rDS_BSEL_DS_X1" protect="r">
  27937. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_DS_X1" pos="30:0" access="r" rst="0">
  27938. <comment>The last candidate Descramble X2 state value</comment>
  27939. </bits>
  27940. </reg32>
  27941. <reg32 name="rDS_BSEL_DS_X2" protect="r">
  27942. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_DS_X2" pos="30:0" access="r" rst="0">
  27943. <comment>The last candidate Descramble X2 state value</comment>
  27944. </bits>
  27945. </reg32>
  27946. <reg32 name="rDS_BSEL_STATUS" protect="r">
  27947. <bits name="rDone" pos="0" access="wc" rst="0">
  27948. <comment>(This bit is write 1 clear)
  27949. 0: No Done
  27950. 1: Done</comment>
  27951. </bits>
  27952. <bits name="rOverwritten" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  27953. <comment>If Done bit would not clear before this engine re-engine would indicate overwritten output buffer
  27954. 0: Normal
  27955. 1: Error</comment>
  27956. </bits>
  27957. <bits name="rBUS_Error" pos="3:2" access="r" rst="0">
  27958. <comment>0: Normal
  27959. 1: Error
  27960. Bit 0: DSP control bus error
  27961. Bit 1: accelerator memory access collusion</comment>
  27962. </bits>
  27963. <bits name="rTimeout" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  27964. <comment>0: Normal
  27965. 1: Error</comment>
  27966. </bits>
  27967. <bits name="rStatus" pos="5" access="r" rst="0">
  27968. <comment>0: Idle
  27969. 1: On-going</comment>
  27970. </bits>
  27971. </reg32>
  27972. </module>
  27973. </archive>
  27974. <archive relative = "nb_fft_rsrp.xml">
  27975. <module name="nb_fft_rsrp" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  27976. <reg32 name="rFFT_CTRL" protect="rw">
  27977. <bits name="rFFT_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  27978. <comment>FFT calculation enable</comment>
  27979. </bits>
  27980. <bits name="rFFT_DONE_INT_PERIOD" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  27981. <comment>the period of FFT done interrupt, 0: one time per-subframe; 1: twice per-subframe.</comment>
  27982. </bits>
  27983. </reg32>
  27984. <reg32 name="rFFT_RSRP_CFG" protect="rw">
  27985. <bits name="rFFT_RSRP_EN" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  27986. <comment>FFT/RSRP enable</comment>
  27987. </bits>
  27988. <bits name="rSCALING_ALPHA" pos="3:1" access="rw" rst="0x3">
  27989. <comment>FFT result scaling</comment>
  27990. </bits>
  27991. <bits name="rFFT_RSRP_MODE" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  27992. <comment>0: FFT disabled, 5 RSRP CELLs calculation mode; 1: FFT + 2 RSRP Cell calculation mode.</comment>
  27993. </bits>
  27994. </reg32>
  27995. <reg32 name="rFFT_OFDM_CP_OS" protect="rw">
  27996. <bits name="rFFT_OFDM_CP_OS" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  27997. <comment>FFT OFDM symbol CP offset</comment>
  27998. </bits>
  27999. </reg32>
  28000. <reg32 name="rRSRP_CELL_EN" protect="rw">
  28001. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL0_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28002. <comment>RSRP Cell0 Enabled.</comment>
  28003. </bits>
  28004. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL1_EN" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  28005. <comment>RSRP Cell1 Enabled.</comment>
  28006. </bits>
  28007. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL2_EN" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  28008. <comment>RSRP Cell2 Enabled.</comment>
  28009. </bits>
  28010. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL3_EN" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  28011. <comment>RSRP Cell3 Enabled.</comment>
  28012. </bits>
  28013. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL4_EN" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  28014. <comment>RSRP Cell4 Enabled.</comment>
  28015. </bits>
  28016. </reg32>
  28017. <reg32 name="rRSRP_CELL0_START_POS" protect="rw">
  28018. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL0_START_POS" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28019. <comment>Frame start position of RSRP Cell0 based on global timer.</comment>
  28020. </bits>
  28021. </reg32>
  28022. <reg32 name="rRSRP_CELL1_START_POS" protect="rw">
  28023. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL1_START_POS" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28024. <comment>Frame start position of RSRP Cell1 based on global timer.</comment>
  28025. </bits>
  28026. </reg32>
  28027. <reg32 name="rRSRP_CELL2_START_POS" protect="rw">
  28028. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL2_START_POS" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28029. <comment>Frame start position of RSRP Cell2 based on global timer.</comment>
  28030. </bits>
  28031. </reg32>
  28032. <reg32 name="rRSRP_CELL3_START_POS" protect="rw">
  28033. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL3_START_POS" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28034. <comment>Frame start position of RSRP Cell3 based on global timer.</comment>
  28035. </bits>
  28036. </reg32>
  28037. <reg32 name="rRSRP_CELL4_START_POS" protect="rw">
  28038. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL4_START_POS" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28039. <comment>Frame start position of RSRP Cell4 based on global timer.</comment>
  28040. </bits>
  28041. </reg32>
  28042. <reg32 name="rCELL0_OFDM_CP_OS" protect="rw">
  28043. <bits name="rCELL0_OFDM_CP_OS" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28044. <comment>OFDM symbol CP offset for NCELL0.</comment>
  28045. </bits>
  28046. </reg32>
  28047. <reg32 name="rCELL1_OFDM_CP_OS" protect="rw">
  28048. <bits name="rCELL1_OFDM_CP_OS" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28049. <comment>OFDM symbol CP offset for NCELL1.</comment>
  28050. </bits>
  28051. </reg32>
  28052. <reg32 name="rCELL2_OFDM_CP_OS" protect="rw">
  28053. <bits name="rCELL2_OFDM_CP_OS" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28054. <comment>OFDM symbol CP offset for NCELL2.</comment>
  28055. </bits>
  28056. </reg32>
  28057. <reg32 name="rCELL3_OFDM_CP_OS" protect="rw">
  28058. <bits name="rCELL3_OFDM_CP_OS" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28059. <comment>OFDM symbol CP offset for NCELL3.</comment>
  28060. </bits>
  28061. </reg32>
  28062. <reg32 name="rCELL4_OFDM_CP_OS" protect="rw">
  28063. <bits name="rCELL4_OFDM_CP_OS" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28064. <comment>OFDM symbol CP offset for NCELL4.</comment>
  28065. </bits>
  28066. </reg32>
  28067. <reg32 name="rNCELL_V_SHIFT" protect="rw">
  28068. <bits name="rNCELL0_V_SHIFT" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28069. <comment>vshift of NCELL0.</comment>
  28070. </bits>
  28071. <bits name="rNCELL1_V_SHIFT" pos="5:3" access="rw" rst="0">
  28072. <comment>vshift of NCELL1.</comment>
  28073. </bits>
  28074. <bits name="rNCELL2_V_SHIFT" pos="8:6" access="rw" rst="0">
  28075. <comment>vshift of NCELL2.</comment>
  28076. </bits>
  28077. <bits name="rNCELL3_V_SHIFT" pos="11:9" access="rw" rst="0">
  28078. <comment>vshift of NCELL3.</comment>
  28079. </bits>
  28080. <bits name="rNCELL4_V_SHIFT" pos="14:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  28081. <comment>vshift of NCELL4.</comment>
  28082. </bits>
  28083. </reg32>
  28084. <reg32 name="rRSRP_SUBF_IDX" protect="rw">
  28085. <bits name="rNCELL0_CFG_SUBF_IDX" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28086. <comment>confiugred subframe idx when RSRX cell enabled.</comment>
  28087. </bits>
  28088. <bits name="rNCELL1_CFG_SUBF_IDX" pos="7:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  28089. <comment>confiugred subframe idx when RSRX cell enabled.</comment>
  28090. </bits>
  28091. <bits name="rNCELL2_CFG_SUBF_IDX" pos="11:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  28092. <comment>confiugred subframe idx when RSRX cell enabled.</comment>
  28093. </bits>
  28094. <bits name="rNCELL3_CFG_SUBF_IDX" pos="15:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  28095. <comment>confiugred subframe idx when RSRX cell enabled.</comment>
  28096. </bits>
  28097. <bits name="rNCELL4_CFG_SUBF_IDX" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  28098. <comment>confiugred subframe idx when RSRX cell enabled.</comment>
  28099. </bits>
  28100. </reg32>
  28101. <reg32 name="rRSRP_MEM_BADDR" protect="rw">
  28102. <bits name="rRSRP_MEM_BADDR" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28103. <comment>Offset address for RSRP write memory buffer.</comment>
  28104. </bits>
  28105. </reg32>
  28106. <reg32 name="rFFT_RSRP_STATUS" protect="r">
  28107. <bits name="RESERVED" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28108. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  28109. </bits>
  28110. <bits name="rFFT_BUF_STATUS" pos="2:1" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28111. <comment>Indicated whether the data in ping-pong buffer is updated.</comment>
  28112. </bits>
  28113. <bits name="rFFT_BUF_SWITCH_STATUS" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  28114. <comment>FFT buffer ping-pong flag</comment>
  28115. </bits>
  28116. <bits name="rNCELL0_TRIPLE_BUF_STATUS" pos="6:4" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28117. <comment>Indicated which triple buffer is UPDATED</comment>
  28118. </bits>
  28119. <bits name="rNCELL0_TRIPLE_BUF_SWITCH_FLAG" pos="8:7" access="r" rst="3">
  28120. <comment>Indicated which buffer is just updated when interrupt asserted.</comment>
  28121. </bits>
  28122. <bits name="rNCELL1_TRIPLE_BUF_STATUS" pos="11:9" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28123. <comment>Indicated which triple buffer is UPDATED</comment>
  28124. </bits>
  28125. <bits name="rNCELL1_TRIPLE_BUF_SWITCH_FLAG" pos="13:12" access="r" rst="3">
  28126. <comment>Indicated which buffer is just updated when interrupt asserted.</comment>
  28127. </bits>
  28128. <bits name="rNCELL2_TRIPLE_BUF_STATUS" pos="16:14" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28129. <comment>Indicated which triple buffer is UPDATED</comment>
  28130. </bits>
  28131. <bits name="rNCELL2_TRIPLE_BUF_SWITCH_FLAG" pos="18:17" access="r" rst="3">
  28132. <comment>Indicated which buffer is just updated when interrupt asserted.</comment>
  28133. </bits>
  28134. <bits name="rNCELL3_TRIPLE_BUF_STATUS" pos="21:19" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28135. <comment>Indicated which triple buffer is UPDATED</comment>
  28136. </bits>
  28137. <bits name="rNCELL3_TRIPLE_BUF_SWITCH_FLAG" pos="23:22" access="r" rst="3">
  28138. <comment>Indicated which buffer is just updated when interrupt asserted.</comment>
  28139. </bits>
  28140. <bits name="rNCELL4_TRIPLE_BUF_STATUS" pos="26:24" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28141. <comment>Indicated which triple buffer is UPDATED</comment>
  28142. </bits>
  28143. <bits name="rNCELL4_TRIPLE_BUF_SWITCH_FLAG" pos="28:27" access="r" rst="3">
  28144. <comment>Indicated which buffer is just updated when interrupt asserted.</comment>
  28145. </bits>
  28146. </reg32>
  28147. <reg32 name="rSV_CELL_SUBF_IDX" protect="r">
  28148. <bits name="rSV_CELL_SUBF_IDX" pos="3:0" access="r" rst="0">
  28149. <comment>subframe index of serving cell</comment>
  28150. </bits>
  28151. </reg32>
  28152. <reg32 name="rNCELL_SUBF_IDX" protect="r">
  28153. <bits name="rNCELL0_SUBF_IDX" pos="3:0" access="r" rst="0">
  28154. <comment>subframe idx of NCELL0</comment>
  28155. </bits>
  28156. <bits name="rNCELL1_SUBF_IDX" pos="7:4" access="r" rst="0">
  28157. <comment>subframe idx of NCELL1</comment>
  28158. </bits>
  28159. <bits name="rNCELL2_SUBF_IDX" pos="11:8" access="r" rst="0">
  28160. <comment>subframe idx of NCELL2</comment>
  28161. </bits>
  28162. <bits name="rNCELL3_SUBF_IDX" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  28163. <comment>subframe idx of NCELL3</comment>
  28164. </bits>
  28165. <bits name="rNCELL4_SUBF_IDX" pos="19:16" access="r" rst="0">
  28166. <comment>subframe idx of NCELL4</comment>
  28167. </bits>
  28168. </reg32>
  28169. <reg32 name="rFFT_RSRP_BUF_OVWR" protect="r">
  28170. <bits name="rFFT_BUF_OVWR" pos="1:0" access="r" rst="0">
  28171. <comment>FFT pingpong buffer overwritten status</comment>
  28172. </bits>
  28173. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL0_BUF_OVWR" pos="4:2" access="r" rst="0">
  28174. <comment>RSRP Cell0 triple buffer over-written status.</comment>
  28175. </bits>
  28176. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL1_BUF_OVWR" pos="7:5" access="r" rst="0">
  28177. <comment>RSRP Cell1 triple buffer over-written status.</comment>
  28178. </bits>
  28179. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL2_BUF_OVWR" pos="10:8" access="r" rst="0">
  28180. <comment>RSRP Cell2 triple buffer over-written status.</comment>
  28181. </bits>
  28182. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL3_BUF_OVWR" pos="13:11" access="r" rst="0">
  28183. <comment>RSRP Cell3 triple buffer over-written status.</comment>
  28184. </bits>
  28185. <bits name="rRSRP_CELL4_BUF_OVWR" pos="16:14" access="r" rst="0">
  28186. <comment>RSRP Cell4 triple buffer over-written status.</comment>
  28187. </bits>
  28188. <bits name="rFFT_MEM_WR_ERR" pos="18:17" access="r" rst="0">
  28189. <comment>FFT write buffer bus error</comment>
  28190. </bits>
  28191. <bits name="rRSRP0_MEM_WR_ERR" pos="20:19" access="r" rst="0">
  28192. <comment>RSRP CELL0 write buffer bus error</comment>
  28193. </bits>
  28194. <bits name="rRSRP1_MEM_WR_ERR" pos="22:21" access="r" rst="0">
  28195. <comment>RSRP CELL1 write buffer bus error</comment>
  28196. </bits>
  28197. <bits name="rRSRP2_MEM_WR_ERR" pos="24:23" access="r" rst="0">
  28198. <comment>RSRP CELL2 write buffer bus error</comment>
  28199. </bits>
  28200. <bits name="rRSRP3_MEM_WR_ERR" pos="26:25" access="r" rst="0">
  28201. <comment>RSRP CELL3 write buffer bus error</comment>
  28202. </bits>
  28203. <bits name="rRSRP4_MEM_WR_ERR" pos="28:27" access="r" rst="0">
  28204. <comment>RSRP CELL4 write buffer bus error</comment>
  28205. </bits>
  28206. </reg32>
  28207. <reg32 name="rFFT_RSRP_BUF_IDX" protect="r">
  28208. <bits name="rFFT_PINGPONG_BUF_IDX" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  28209. <comment>FFT pingpong buf idx</comment>
  28210. </bits>
  28211. <bits name="rRSRP0_TRI_BUF_IDX" pos="2:1" access="r" rst="0">
  28212. <comment>RSRP0 Triple buffer idx</comment>
  28213. </bits>
  28214. <bits name="rRSRP1_TRI_BUF_IDX" pos="4:3" access="r" rst="0">
  28215. <comment>RSRP1 Triple buffer idx</comment>
  28216. </bits>
  28217. <bits name="rRSRP2_TRI_BUF_IDX" pos="6:5" access="r" rst="0">
  28218. <comment>RSRP2 Triple buffer idx</comment>
  28219. </bits>
  28220. <bits name="rRSRP3_TRI_BUF_IDX" pos="8:7" access="r" rst="0">
  28221. <comment>RSRP3 Triple buffer idx</comment>
  28222. </bits>
  28223. <bits name="rRSRP4_TRI_BUF_IDX" pos="10:9" access="r" rst="0">
  28224. <comment>RSRP4 Triple buffer idx</comment>
  28225. </bits>
  28226. </reg32>
  28227. <reg32 name="rFFT_RSRP_SUBF_IDX" protect="r">
  28228. <bits name="rFFT_SUBF_IDX" pos="3:0" access="r" rst="0">
  28229. <comment>FFT subframe idx</comment>
  28230. </bits>
  28231. <bits name="rRSRP0_SUBF_IDX" pos="7:4" access="r" rst="0">
  28232. <comment>RSRP Cell0 subframe idx</comment>
  28233. </bits>
  28234. <bits name="rRSRP1_SUBF_IDX" pos="11:8" access="r" rst="0">
  28235. <comment>RSRP Cell1 subframe idx</comment>
  28236. </bits>
  28237. <bits name="rRSRP2_SUBF_IDX" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  28238. <comment>RSRP Cell2 subframe idx</comment>
  28239. </bits>
  28240. <bits name="rRSRP3_SUBF_IDX" pos="19:16" access="r" rst="0">
  28241. <comment>RSRP Cell3 subframe idx</comment>
  28242. </bits>
  28243. <bits name="rRSRP4_SUBF_IDX" pos="23:20" access="r" rst="0">
  28244. <comment>RSRP Cell4 subframe idx</comment>
  28245. </bits>
  28246. </reg32>
  28247. <reg32 name="rFFT_OUT_MASK_VALUE" protect="r">
  28248. <bits name="rFFT_OUT_MASK_VALUE" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28249. <comment>The configurable value for FFT output saturation.
  28250. 1'b0:FFT output is S16:10;make sure the output value range from[0x8001,0x7fff]
  28251. 1'b1:FFT output is S16:9;one bit shift and make sure the output value range from[0xc001,0x3fff]</comment>
  28252. </bits>
  28253. <bits name="rFFT_OUT_MASK_EN" pos="31:31" access="r" rst="0">
  28254. <comment>Enable/Disable to limit the value of FFT result according to rFFT_OUT_MASK_VALUE
  28255. 1'b0:Disable
  28256. 1'b1:Enable(Defalut)</comment>
  28257. </bits>
  28258. </reg32>
  28259. </module>
  28260. </archive>
  28261. <archive relative = "nb_intc.xml">
  28262. <module name="nb_intc" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  28263. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_DSP_MASKING" protect="rw">
  28264. <bits name="rRX_INT_DSP_MASKING" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  28265. <comment>Interrupt Masking bit for RX_INT_DSP</comment>
  28266. </bits>
  28267. </reg32>
  28268. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_MCU_MASKING" protect="rw">
  28269. <bits name="rRX_INT_MCU_MASKING" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  28270. <comment>Interrupt Masking bit for RX_INT_MCU</comment>
  28271. </bits>
  28272. </reg32>
  28273. <reg32 name="rTX_INT_DSP_MASKING" protect="rw">
  28274. <bits name="rTX_INT_DSP_MASKING" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  28275. <comment>Interrupt Masking bit for TX_INT_DSP</comment>
  28276. </bits>
  28277. </reg32>
  28278. <reg32 name="rACC_INT_MASKING" protect="rw">
  28279. <bits name="rFFT_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28280. <comment>Interrupt masking bit from the interrupt of fft_done_int</comment>
  28281. </bits>
  28282. <bits name="rNCELL0_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="1:1" access="rw" rst="0">
  28283. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of NCELL0 decode done intterupt</comment>
  28284. </bits>
  28285. <bits name="rNCELL1_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="2:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  28286. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of NCELL1 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28287. </bits>
  28288. <bits name="rNCELL2_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="3:3" access="rw" rst="0">
  28289. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of NCELL2 decode done interrpt</comment>
  28290. </bits>
  28291. <bits name="rNCELL3_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="4:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  28292. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of NCELL3 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28293. </bits>
  28294. <bits name="rNCELL4_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="5:5" access="rw" rst="0">
  28295. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of NCELL4 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28296. </bits>
  28297. <bits name="rPSS_SF_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="6:6" access="rw" rst="0">
  28298. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of PSS SF done interrupt</comment>
  28299. </bits>
  28300. <bits name="rSSS_SF_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="7:7" access="rw" rst="0">
  28301. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of SSS SF done interrupt</comment>
  28302. </bits>
  28303. <bits name="rCFO_SF_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="8:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  28304. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of CFO SF done interrupt</comment>
  28305. </bits>
  28306. <bits name="rVIT_DEC_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="9:9" access="rw" rst="0">
  28307. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of Viterbi decode done interrupt</comment>
  28308. </bits>
  28309. <bits name="rAGC_PWR_INT_MASKING" pos="10:10" access="rw" rst="0">
  28310. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of AGC interrupt masking</comment>
  28311. </bits>
  28312. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_INT_MASKING" pos="11:11" access="rw" rst="0">
  28313. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of DS_BSEL interrupt</comment>
  28314. </bits>
  28315. <bits name="rPUSCH_ENC_INT_MASKING" pos="12:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  28316. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of PUSCH encoder interrupt</comment>
  28317. </bits>
  28318. <bits name="rTX_CHSC_INT_MASKING" pos="13:13" access="rw" rst="0">
  28319. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of TX_CHSC interrupt</comment>
  28320. </bits>
  28321. <bits name="rFFT_512_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="14:14" access="rw" rst="0">
  28322. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of FFT_512 done interrupt</comment>
  28323. </bits>
  28324. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="15:15" access="rw" rst="0">
  28325. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of NPRS_ACC1 done interrupt</comment>
  28326. </bits>
  28327. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_DONE_INT_MASKING" pos="16:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  28328. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of FINE_IFFT done interrupt</comment>
  28329. </bits>
  28330. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_DONE_INT_MASK" pos="18:18" access="rw" rst="0">
  28331. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of CA RX Dump done interrupt</comment>
  28332. </bits>
  28333. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_DONE_INT_MASK" pos="19:19" access="rw" rst="0">
  28334. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of CA TX dump done interrupt</comment>
  28335. </bits>
  28336. <bits name="rNB_ACC_DONE_INT_MASK" pos="22:22" access="rw" rst="0">
  28337. <comment>Interrupt masking bit of NB ACC done interrupt</comment>
  28338. </bits>
  28339. </reg32>
  28340. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_DSP_STATUS" protect="w1c">
  28341. <bits name="rRX_INT_DSP_STATUS" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28342. <comment>interrupt status of RX_INT_DSP, write 1 clear.</comment>
  28343. </bits>
  28344. </reg32>
  28345. <reg32 name="rRX_INT_MCU_STATUS" protect="w1c">
  28346. <bits name="rRX_INT_MCU_STATUS" pos="0:0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28347. <comment>Interrupt status of RX_INT_MCU, write 1 clear.</comment>
  28348. </bits>
  28349. </reg32>
  28350. <reg32 name="rTX_INT_DSP_STATUS" protect="w1c">
  28351. <bits name="rTX_INT_DSP_STATUS" pos="0:0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28352. <comment>Interrupt status of TX_INT_DSP, write 1 clear.</comment>
  28353. </bits>
  28354. </reg32>
  28355. <reg32 name="rACC_INT_STATUS" protect="w1c">
  28356. <bits name="rFFT_INT_STATUS" pos="0:0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28357. <comment>Interrupt status of fft_sf_done_int</comment>
  28358. </bits>
  28359. <bits name="rNCELL0_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="1:1" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28360. <comment>Interrupt status of RSRP Cell0 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28361. </bits>
  28362. <bits name="rNCELL1_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="2" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28363. <comment>Interrupt status of RSRP Cell1 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28364. </bits>
  28365. <bits name="rNCELL2_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="3" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28366. <comment>Interrupt status of RSRP Cell20 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28367. </bits>
  28368. <bits name="rNCELL3_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="4" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28369. <comment>Interrupt status of RSRP Cell3 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28370. </bits>
  28371. <bits name="rNCELL4_RSRP_DEC_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="5" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28372. <comment>Interrupt status of RSRP Cell4 decode done interrupt</comment>
  28373. </bits>
  28374. <bits name="rPSS_SF_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="6" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28375. <comment>Interrupt status of PSS SF done interrupt</comment>
  28376. </bits>
  28377. <bits name="rSSS_SF_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="7" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28378. <comment>Interrupt status of SSS SF done interrupt</comment>
  28379. </bits>
  28380. <bits name="rCFO_SF_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="8" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28381. <comment>Interrupt status of CFO SF done interrupt</comment>
  28382. </bits>
  28383. <bits name="rVIT_DEC_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="9" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28384. <comment>Interrupt status of Viterbi decode done</comment>
  28385. </bits>
  28386. <bits name="rAGC_INT_STATUS" pos="10" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28387. <comment>Interrupt status of AGC interrupt</comment>
  28388. </bits>
  28389. <bits name="rDS_BSEL_INT_STATUS" pos="11" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28390. <comment>Interrupt status of DS_BSEL interrupt</comment>
  28391. </bits>
  28392. <bits name="rPUSCH_ENC_INT_STATUS" pos="12" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28393. <comment>Interrupt status of PUSCH Encoder interrupt</comment>
  28394. </bits>
  28395. <bits name="rTX_CHSC_INT_STATUS" pos="13" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28396. <comment>Interrupt status of TX_CHSC interrupt</comment>
  28397. </bits>
  28398. <bits name="rFFT_512_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="14" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28399. <comment>Interrupt status of FFT_512 done interrupt</comment>
  28400. </bits>
  28401. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="15" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28402. <comment>Interrupt status of NPRS_ACC1 done interrupt</comment>
  28403. </bits>
  28404. <bits name="rFINT_IFFT_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="16" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28405. <comment>Interrupt status of FINE IFFT done interrupt</comment>
  28406. </bits>
  28407. <bits name="rCA_RX_DUMP_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="18" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28408. <comment>Interrupt status of CA RX dump done interrupt</comment>
  28409. </bits>
  28410. <bits name="rCA_TX_DUMP_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="19" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28411. <comment>Interrupt status of CA TX dump done interrupt</comment>
  28412. </bits>
  28413. <bits name="rNB_ACC_DONE_INT_STATUS" pos="22" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28414. <comment>Interrupt status of NB ACC done interrupt</comment>
  28415. </bits>
  28416. </reg32>
  28417. <reg32 name="rTXEV_DSP_MASKING" protect="rw">
  28418. <bits name="rNB_ACC_MASKING" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28419. <comment>Masking nb acc done for TXEV</comment>
  28420. </bits>
  28421. <bits name="rS16PEAK_MASKING" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  28422. <comment>Masking S16PEAK done for TXEV</comment>
  28423. </bits>
  28424. <bits name="rFFT_512_MASKING" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  28425. <comment>Masking FFT_512 done for TXEV</comment>
  28426. </bits>
  28427. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_MASKING" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  28428. <comment>Masking NPRS_ACC1 done for TXEV</comment>
  28429. </bits>
  28430. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_MASKING" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  28431. <comment>Masking FINE_IFFT done for TXEV</comment>
  28432. </bits>
  28433. <bits name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_MASKING" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  28434. <comment>Masking LOCSEQ_GEN done for TXEV</comment>
  28435. </bits>
  28436. <bits name="rSS_MASKING" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0">
  28437. <comment>Masking SmartScheduler done for TXEV</comment>
  28438. </bits>
  28439. </reg32>
  28440. </module>
  28441. </archive>
  28442. <archive relative = "nb_locseq_gen.xml">
  28443. <module name="nb_locseq_gen" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  28444. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_START" protect="wo">
  28445. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_START" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  28446. <comment>The start of LOCSEQ_GEN accelerator. </comment>
  28447. </bits>
  28448. </reg32>
  28449. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_CTRL" protect="rw">
  28450. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_TYPE" pos="1:0" rst="0x0">
  28451. <comment>Locseq type, 2'b00: No sequence; 2'b01: PBCH; 2'b10: NSSS; 2'b11: NWUS. </comment>
  28452. </bits>
  28453. <bits access="rw" name="rBSEQ_SEL" pos="3:2" rst="0x0">
  28454. <comment>Index of Binary sequence selection when NSSS. </comment>
  28455. </bits>
  28456. <bits access="rw" name="RSV" pos="7:4" rst="0x0">
  28457. <comment>Reserved bits. </comment>
  28458. </bits>
  28459. <bits access="rw" name="rIFFT_BIT_SHIFT" pos="10:8" rst="0x0">
  28460. <comment>Ifft output bit fixed point selection. </comment>
  28461. </bits>
  28462. <bits access="rw" name="rZC_U_IDX" pos="18:11" rst="0x0">
  28463. <comment>u index of Zadoff-Chu sequence, whihch equal to Ncell_IDmod126+3. </comment>
  28464. </bits>
  28465. <bits access="rw" name="rNRS_VSHIFT" pos="21:19" rst="0x0">
  28466. <comment>Vshift for NRS. </comment>
  28467. </bits>
  28468. <bits access="rw" name="rNB_ANTE_NUM" pos="23:22" rst="0x0">
  28469. <comment>NBIoT Tx antenna number.
  28470. 2'd0: no NRS;
  28471. 2'd1: 1 antenna port;
  28472. 2'd2: 2 antenna port;
  28473. 2'd3: Reserved;
  28474. </comment>
  28475. </bits>
  28476. <bits access="rw" name="rCRS_VSHIFT" pos="26:24" rst="0x0">
  28477. <comment>Vshift for CRS. </comment>
  28478. </bits>
  28479. <bits access="rw" name="rLTE_ANTE_NUM" pos="28:27" rst="0x0">
  28480. <comment>LTE antenna number,
  28481. 2'd0: no CRS;
  28482. 2'd1: 1 antenna port;
  28483. 2'd2: 2 antenna port;
  28484. 2'd3: 3 antenna port;
  28485. </comment>
  28486. </bits>
  28487. <bits access="rw" name="rNSSS_CSHIFT" pos="30:29" rst="0x0">
  28488. <comment>The cyclic shift in the frame number nf which is given by (nf/2)mod4. </comment>
  28489. </bits>
  28490. <bits access="rw" name="RSV0" pos="31:31" rst="0x0">
  28491. <comment>Reserved bit. </comment>
  28492. </bits>
  28493. </reg32>
  28494. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_BKD_EN" protect="rw">
  28495. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_BKD_EN" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  28496. <comment>Locseq gen backdoor enabled.
  28497. 1'b0: Normal mode, locseq sequence backdoor is disabled.
  28498. 1'b1: locseq sequence backdoor enabled.
  28499. </comment>
  28500. </bits>
  28501. <bits access="rw" name="rSCRAMBLE_EN" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  28502. <comment>The NWUS Scramble enabled.
  28503. 1'b0: Scramble disabled.
  28504. 1'b1: Scramble enabled.
  28505. </comment>
  28506. </bits>
  28507. <bits access="rw" name="rRAW_ZC_SEQ_EN" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  28508. <comment>Enabled Raw zad-off CHU sequence output.
  28509. 1'b0: Disabled.
  28510. 1'b1: Enabled.
  28511. </comment>
  28512. </bits>
  28513. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_SYMB_BMP" pos="16:3" rst="0x0">
  28514. <comment>Symbol bitmap for NWUS and PBCH.
  28515. bit0=1'b0: symbol0 disabled.
  28516. bit0=1'b1: symbol0 enabled.
  28517. bit1=1'b0: symbol1 disabled.
  28518. bit1=1'b1: symbol1 enabled.
  28519. ...
  28520. bit13=1'b0: symbol13 disabled.
  28521. bit13=1'b1: symbol13 enabled.
  28522. </comment>
  28523. </bits>
  28524. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_NWUS_PHASE_SHIFT_EN" pos="17:17" rst="0x0">
  28525. <comment>NWUS phase shift enabled/disabled.
  28526. 1'b0: Disabled.
  28527. 1'b1: Enabled.
  28528. </comment>
  28529. </bits>
  28530. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_NWUS_G_VALUE" pos="25:18" rst="0x0">
  28531. <comment>for R16 NWUS phase shift, g value is equal to 14*(u_id+1),u_id is from 0 to 7
  28532. </comment>
  28533. </bits>
  28534. </reg32>
  28535. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_SC_X1" protect="rw">
  28536. <bits access="rw" name="rSC_X1" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  28537. <comment>Initial value of X1 golden sequence for each subframe, used for scramble for NWUS. </comment>
  28538. </bits>
  28539. </reg32>
  28540. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_SC_X2" protect="rw">
  28541. <bits access="rw" name="rSC_X2" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  28542. <comment>Initial value of X2 golden sequence for each subframe, used for scramble for NWUS. </comment>
  28543. </bits>
  28544. </reg32>
  28545. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_PBCH_MEM_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28546. <bits access="rw" name="rPBCH_MEM_ADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  28547. <comment>Memory address where store teh resource element result of PBCH. </comment>
  28548. </bits>
  28549. </reg32>
  28550. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_IFFT_MEM_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28551. <bits access="rw" name="rIFFT_MEM_ADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  28552. <comment>Memory address where store the local sequence result. </comment>
  28553. </bits>
  28554. </reg32>
  28555. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_TIMER" protect="rw">
  28556. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_TIMER" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  28557. <comment>Timer to limit the processing time of locseq gen. </comment>
  28558. </bits>
  28559. </reg32>
  28560. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_DMA_TIMER" protect="rw">
  28561. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_DMA_TIMER" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  28562. <comment>DMA Timer, which used to limit the time of one time of DMA transfer. </comment>
  28563. </bits>
  28564. </reg32>
  28565. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_MEM_SPACE_START" protect="rw">
  28566. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_MEM_SPACE_START" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  28567. <comment>The start address of the external memory space used for store the result of IFFT. </comment>
  28568. </bits>
  28569. </reg32>
  28570. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_MEM_SPACE_END" protect="rw">
  28571. <bits access="rw" name="rLOCSEQ_MEM_SPACE_END" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  28572. <comment>The end address of the external memory space used for store the result of IFFT. </comment>
  28573. </bits>
  28574. </reg32>
  28575. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_RPT_SC_X1" protect="ro">
  28576. <bits access="ro" name="rRPT_SC_X1" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  28577. <comment>Reported X1 scramble sequence value when locseq generated done for one sub-frame. </comment>
  28578. </bits>
  28579. </reg32>
  28580. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_RPT_SC_X2" protect="ro">
  28581. <bits access="ro" name="rRPT_SC_X2" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  28582. <comment>Reported X2 scramble sequence value when locseq generated done for one sub-frame. </comment>
  28583. </bits>
  28584. </reg32>
  28585. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_DMA_STATUS" protect="ro">
  28586. <bits access="ro" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_DMA_STATUS" pos="13:0" rst="0x0">
  28587. <comment>Locseq gen DMA engine status,
  28588. [9:8]: DMA done status
  28589. 2'd0: DMA success done;
  28590. 2'd1: DMA done by DMA stop;
  28591. 2'd2: DMA done by DMA timerout;
  28592. 2'd3: reserved.
  28593. [7]: dma write FIFO ready status, for debug
  28594. [6]: dma read FIFO1 ready status, for debug
  28595. [5]: dma read FIFO0 ready status, for debug
  28596. [4:0]: dma controller state machine, for debug
  28597. </comment>
  28598. </bits>
  28599. <bits access="ro" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_DMA_BUSY" pos="14:14" rst="0x0">
  28600. <comment>
  28601. 1'b0: DMA IDLE;
  28602. 1'b1: DMA Busy.
  28603. </comment>
  28604. </bits>
  28605. <bits access="ro" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_DMA_TIMEOUT" pos="15:15" rst="0x0">
  28606. <comment>
  28607. 1'b0: DMA timeout;
  28608. 1'b1: DMA finish in a setting time normally.
  28609. </comment>
  28610. </bits>
  28611. <bits access="ro" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_FIFO_STATUS" pos="19:16" rst="0x0">
  28612. <comment>
  28613. bit0: FIFO empty status;
  28614. bit1: FIFO half empty status;
  28615. bit2: FIFO full status;
  28616. bit3: FIFO half full status;
  28617. </comment>
  28618. </bits>
  28619. </reg32>
  28620. <reg32 name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_STATUS" protect="w1c">
  28621. <bits access="w1c" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_DONE" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  28622. <comment>
  28623. 1'b0: LOCSEQ_GEN busy or idle;
  28624. 1'b1: LOCSEQ_GEN done;
  28625. write one to clear.
  28626. </comment>
  28627. </bits>
  28628. <bits access="ro" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_STATUS" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  28629. <comment>
  28630. 1'b0: LOCSEQ_GEN idle;
  28631. 1'b1: LOCSEQ_GEN busy;
  28632. </comment>
  28633. </bits>
  28634. <bits access="ro" name="rLOCSEQ_GEN_TIMEOUT" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  28635. <comment>LOCSEQ_GEN time out. </comment>
  28636. </bits>
  28637. <bits access="ro" name="rLOCSEQ_ERR_STATUS" pos="4:3" rst="0x0">
  28638. <comment>
  28639. 2'b0: no error;
  28640. 2'b1: locseq type configured error;
  28641. 2'b2: locseq AHB write memory space over-range;
  28642. 2'b3: reserved.
  28643. </comment>
  28644. </bits>
  28645. <bits access="ro" name="rPBCH_CALC_CNT" pos="6:5" rst="0x0">
  28646. <comment>The count of LOCSEQ is called for PBCH calculation, the count hold 3 if it is more than 3.
  28647. DSP can write 2'b11 to clear;
  28648. </comment>
  28649. </bits>
  28650. <bits access="ro" name="rNSSS_CALC_CNT" pos="8:7" rst="0x0">
  28651. <comment>The count of LOCSEQ is called for NSSS calculation, the count hold 3 if it is more than 3.
  28652. DSP can write 2'b11 to clear;
  28653. </comment>
  28654. </bits>
  28655. <bits access="ro" name="rNWUS_CALC_CNT" pos="10:9" rst="0x0">
  28656. <comment>The count of LOCSEQ is called for NWUS calculation, the count hold 3 if it is more than 3.
  28657. DSP can write 2'b11 to clear;
  28658. </comment>
  28659. </bits>
  28660. </reg32>
  28661. </module>
  28662. </archive>
  28663. <archive relative = "nb_meas.xml">
  28664. <module name="nb_meas" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  28665. <reg32 name="rASP_ON" protect="w">
  28666. <bits name="rASP_ON" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  28667. <comment>Symbol power accumulation enable/disable signal and effective at subframe boundary.
  28668. 1 : enable
  28669. 0 : disable</comment>
  28670. </bits>
  28671. </reg32>
  28672. <reg32 name="rASP_CTRL" protect="rw">
  28673. <bits name="rASP_INPUT_MODE" pos="13" access="rw" rst="0">
  28674. <comment>Switching register to choose input source data for symbol power calculation
  28675. 0: normal rx data
  28676. 1: rx data without dc offset</comment>
  28677. </bits>
  28678. <bits name="rASP_GAIN" pos="12:9" access="rw" rst="0">
  28679. <comment>Gain used in shift and saturation of accumulation power value.
  28680. Bit[3:0] Gain
  28681. 0000 2^-24 (default)
  28682. 0001 2^-23
  28683. 0010 2^-22
  28684. 0011 2^-21</comment>
  28685. </bits>
  28686. <bits name="rASP_LENGTH" pos="8:7" access="rw" rst="0">
  28687. <comment>Accumulation length of samples in every symbol.
  28688. 0: 128
  28689. 1: 64
  28690. 2: 32
  28691. 3: 16</comment>
  28692. </bits>
  28693. <bits name="rASP_OFFSET" pos="6:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28694. <comment>Offset of samples from symbols' boundaries which is the start boundary of agc symbol power calculation.</comment>
  28695. </bits>
  28696. </reg32>
  28697. <reg32 name="rASP_RD_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28698. <bits name="rASP_RD_ADDR" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28699. <comment>Reading address for DSP to read asp response ram, and this register would auto-increment whenever access the 'rASP_RD_DATA' register
  28700. PING buffer address: 0~20
  28701. PONG buffer address: 21~41
  28702. </comment>
  28703. </bits>
  28704. </reg32>
  28705. <reg32 name="rDC_CANCEL_OFFSET" protect="rw">
  28706. <bits name="rDC_CANCEL_OFFSET_I" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  28707. <comment>Bit[27:16]: Q DC offset configuration
  28708. </comment>
  28709. </bits>
  28710. <bits name="rDC_CANCEL_OFFSET_Q" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28711. <comment>Bit[11:0]: I DC offset configuration
  28712. </comment>
  28713. </bits>
  28714. </reg32>
  28715. <hole size="7*32"></hole>
  28716. <reg32 name="rASP_STATUS" protect="r">
  28717. <bits name="rASP_DONE_STATUS" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28718. <comment>Report agc symbol power and DCC done status, write '1' to clear this status</comment>
  28719. </bits>
  28720. <bits name="rASP_BUF_PING_PONG_IDX" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  28721. <comment>Index bit to indicate which buffer is updated of PING-PONG
  28722. 1: PONG buffer data is updated
  28723. 0: PING buffer data is updated</comment>
  28724. </bits>
  28725. </reg32>
  28726. <reg32 name="rASP_RD_DATA" protect="r">
  28727. <bits name="rASP_RD_DATA" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  28728. <comment>Data = mem[rASP_RD_ADDR] which is the ASP response memory data content. The ASP_RD_ADDR would auto increase whenever access this register.
  28729. ASP response Memory address range is 0-41
  28730. Address(0~6,21~27): symbol power, bit[15:0] for symbol 0,2,4,6,8,10,12 and bit[31:16] for symbol 1,3,5,7,9,11,13
  28731. Address(7~20,28~41):dc_offset value, bit[15:0] for I and bit[31:16] for Q
  28732. </comment>
  28733. </bits>
  28734. </reg32>
  28735. <hole size="51*32"></hole>
  28736. <reg32 name="rFFT_512_CTRL" protect="rw">
  28737. <bits name="rFFT_FWD_INV" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28738. <comment>Forward/Inverse FFT transform computing selection</comment>
  28739. </bits>
  28740. <bits name="rFFT_BUF_IDX" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  28741. <comment>PING-PONG memory selection
  28742. 1'b0: Memory0;
  28743. 1'b1: Memory1.</comment>
  28744. </bits>
  28745. <bits name="rFFT_SCALING_FACTOR" pos="4:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  28746. <comment>alphaFFT scaling, it can be implemented by bit shift,
  28747. 3'd0: 2^-3
  28748. 3'd1: 2^-2
  28749. 3'd2: 2^-1
  28750. 3'd3: 2^0 (default)
  28751. 3'd4: 2^1
  28752. 3'd5: 2^2
  28753. 3'd6: 2^3
  28754. 3'd7: 2^4
  28755. </comment>
  28756. </bits>
  28757. <bits name="rFFT_AMP_SCALING_FACTOR" pos="7:5" access="rw" rst="0">
  28758. <comment>alphaFFT_amp_out scaling for amplitude square output, it can be implemented by bit shift,
  28759. 3'd0: 2^-3
  28760. 3'd1: 2^-2
  28761. 3'd2: 2^-1
  28762. 3'd3: 2^0 (default)
  28763. 3'd4: 2^1
  28764. 3'd5: 2^2
  28765. 3'd6: 2^3
  28766. 3'd7: 2^4
  28767. </comment>
  28768. </bits>
  28769. <bits name="rFFT_AMP_CAL_EN" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  28770. <comment>IFFT Output amptitude data
  28771. 1'b0: IFFT output normal data(I+j*Q);
  28772. 1'b1: IFFT output amptitude data(I^2+Q^2).</comment>
  28773. </bits>
  28774. </reg32>
  28775. <reg32 name="rFFT_512_START" protect="w">
  28776. <bits name="rFFT_512_START" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  28777. <comment>FFT start indication, when write 1 to this register, a high active pulse will be generated and input to FFT engine to start FFT calculation.</comment>
  28778. </bits>
  28779. </reg32>
  28780. <reg32 name="rFFT_512_STATUS" protect="r">
  28781. <bits name="rFFT_DONE" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28782. <comment>FFT done status, write 1 clear.</comment>
  28783. </bits>
  28784. <bits name="rMEM_BUS_ERR" pos="2:1" access="r" rst="0">
  28785. <comment>An error grant is received when FFT request memory write bus to store FFT result.
  28786. Bit1: DSP control error;
  28787. Bit0: Accelerator memory access error.</comment>
  28788. </bits>
  28789. <bits name="rFFT_IN_UNDERFLOW" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  28790. <comment>This register is used to check the range of FFT/IFFT input,
  28791. 1'b1: absolute maximum FFT/IFFT input less than 32, in this case, the resolution of FFT/IFFT output will loss 1bit;
  28792. 1'b0: normally.
  28793. </comment>
  28794. </bits>
  28795. </reg32>
  28796. <hole size="61*32"></hole>
  28797. <reg32 name="rNPRS_ACC1_START" protect="w">
  28798. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_START" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  28799. <comment>NPRS accelerator 1 Start</comment>
  28800. </bits>
  28801. </reg32>
  28802. <reg32 name="rNPRS_ACC1_CTRL" protect="rw">
  28803. <bits name="rTIMEOUT_VAL" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x7ff">
  28804. <comment>Maximum time out value in 61.44Mhz unit</comment>
  28805. </bits>
  28806. <bits name="rMODE" pos="17:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  28807. <comment>Mode selection:
  28808. 2'b00: copy + dot product
  28809. 2'b01: dot product
  28810. 2'b10: copy</comment>
  28811. </bits>
  28812. <bits name="rCP_SRC_MEM" pos="18" access="rw" rst="0">
  28813. <comment>Copy Source memory before sequence dot product
  28814. 0: Memory 0
  28815. 1: Memory 1</comment>
  28816. </bits>
  28817. <bits name="rCP_BR_ADDR_EN" pos="19" access="rw" rst="0">
  28818. <comment>Copy memory with bit-reversed address write location enable
  28819. 0: Disable
  28820. 1: Enable</comment>
  28821. </bits>
  28822. <bits name="rDP_DST_MEM" pos="20" access="rw" rst="0">
  28823. <comment>Destination memory after sequence dot product
  28824. 0: Memory 0
  28825. 1: Memory 1</comment>
  28826. </bits>
  28827. <bits name="rDP_BR_ADDR_EN" pos="21" access="rw" rst="0">
  28828. <comment>Dot Product from memory 5 to memory 0/1 with bit-reversed address write location enable
  28829. 0: Disable
  28830. 1: Enable</comment>
  28831. </bits>
  28832. <bits name="rCONJ_SEQ_EN" pos="22" access="rw" rst="0">
  28833. <comment>Conjugate Sequence data Enable
  28834. 0: Disable
  28835. 1: Enable</comment>
  28836. </bits>
  28837. <bits name="rCONJ_FFT_EN" pos="23" access="rw" rst="0">
  28838. <comment>Conjugate FFT data Enable
  28839. 0: Disable
  28840. 1: Enable</comment>
  28841. </bits>
  28842. <bits name="rDP_BIT_SHIFT" pos="26:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  28843. <comment>Dot Product output bit shift (default:3)
  28844. 0: s16.13
  28845. 1: s16.12
  28846. 2: s16.11
  28847. 3: s16.10
  28848. 4: s16.9
  28849. 5: s16.8
  28850. 6: s16.7
  28851. 7: s16.6</comment>
  28852. </bits>
  28853. <bits name="rCP_DST_MEM" pos="28:27" access="rw" rst="0">
  28854. <comment>Destination memory after CP
  28855. 0: Memory 5
  28856. 1: Memory 4
  28857. 2: Memory 7
  28858. 3: Not available</comment>
  28859. </bits>
  28860. </reg32>
  28861. <reg32 name="rNPRS_ACC1_LEN" protect="rw">
  28862. <bits name="rNPRS_ACC1_LEN" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0x1ff">
  28863. <comment>Operation length -1
  28864. Default : (511)</comment>
  28865. </bits>
  28866. </reg32>
  28867. <reg32 name="rSEQ_START_OFS_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28868. <bits name="rSEQ_START_OFS_DP_ADDR" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28869. <comment>Sequence Memory Start Offset Address</comment>
  28870. </bits>
  28871. <bits name="rSEQ_START_OFS_CP_ADDR" pos="26:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  28872. <comment>Sequence Memory Start Offset Address</comment>
  28873. </bits>
  28874. </reg32>
  28875. <reg32 name="rNPRS_ACC1_STATUS" protect="r">
  28876. <bits name="rDone" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28877. <comment>(This bit is read write 1 clear)
  28878. 0: No Done
  28879. 1: Done</comment>
  28880. </bits>
  28881. <bits name="rOverwritten" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  28882. <comment>If Done bit would not clear before this engine re-engine would indicate overwritten output buffer
  28883. 0: Normal
  28884. 1: Error</comment>
  28885. </bits>
  28886. <bits name="rBUS Error 0" pos="3:2" access="r" rst="0">
  28887. <comment>Read/Write process in Memory 0/1 (FFT/IFFT input/output memory)
  28888. 0: Normal
  28889. 1: Error
  28890. Bit 0: DSP control bus error
  28891. Bit 1: accelerator memory access collusion</comment>
  28892. </bits>
  28893. <bits name="rBUS Error 1" pos="5:4" access="r" rst="0">
  28894. <comment>Read/Write process in Memory 5 (Copied FFT memory)</comment>
  28895. </bits>
  28896. <bits name="rBUS Error 2" pos="7:6" access="r" rst="0">
  28897. <comment>Read process in Memory 4 (Sequence memory)</comment>
  28898. </bits>
  28899. <bits name="rBUS Error 3" pos="9:8" access="r" rst="0">
  28900. <comment>Read/Write process in Memory 7 (Copied FFT memory)</comment>
  28901. </bits>
  28902. <bits name="rTimeout" pos="10" access="r" rst="0">
  28903. <comment>0: Normal
  28904. 1: Error</comment>
  28905. </bits>
  28906. </reg32>
  28907. <reg32 name="rFINE_OFS_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28908. <bits name="rFINE_OFS_ADDR" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28909. <comment>Fine IFFT Start Offset Address for copy memory 7</comment>
  28910. </bits>
  28911. </reg32>
  28912. <hole size="58*32"></hole>
  28913. <reg32 name="rFINE_IFFT_START" protect="w">
  28914. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_START" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  28915. <comment>Fine IFFT START
  28916. A pulse to grigger the Fine IFFT</comment>
  28917. </bits>
  28918. </reg32>
  28919. <reg32 name="rFINE_IFFT_CALC_CTRL" protect="rw">
  28920. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_T" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28921. <comment>NPRS Coarse Timing Result
  28922. Range is from 0 to 272</comment>
  28923. </bits>
  28924. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_CALC_OS" pos="22:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  28925. <comment>Fine IFFT calculation offset. Range is from 0 to 95.</comment>
  28926. </bits>
  28927. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_CALC_LEN" pos="30:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  28928. <comment>Fine IFFT calculation length. Range is from 1 to 96.</comment>
  28929. </bits>
  28930. </reg32>
  28931. <reg32 name="rFINE_IFFT_IOOUT_CTRL" protect="rw">
  28932. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_OUT_IQ_SCALE" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28933. <comment>Fine IFFT output a+bj scaling
  28934. 3'd0:x2^0(default)
  28935. 3'd1:x2^-1
  28936. 3'd2:x2^-2
  28937. 3'd3:x2^-3
  28938. 3'd4:x2^-4
  28939. 3'd5:x2^-5
  28940. 3'd6:x2^-6
  28941. 3'd7:x2^-7
  28942. </comment>
  28943. </bits>
  28944. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_OUT_PWR_SCALE" pos="10:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  28945. <comment>Fine IFFT output power scaling
  28946. 3'd0:x2^-3
  28947. 3'd1:x2^-2
  28948. 3'd2:x2^-1
  28949. 3'd3:x2^0 (default)
  28950. 3'd4:x2^1
  28951. 3'd5:x2^2
  28952. 3'd6:x2^3
  28953. 3'd7:x2^4</comment>
  28954. </bits>
  28955. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_OUT_SEL" pos="16" access="rw" rst="0">
  28956. <comment>Fine IFFT output selection
  28957. 1'b0: Output IFFT result: a+bj
  28958. 1'b1: Output power result: a^2+b^2</comment>
  28959. </bits>
  28960. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_IN_CTRL" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0">
  28961. <comment>Fine IFFT input data control
  28962. 1'b0: Input data in inverse order
  28963. 1'b1: Input data in inverse order and swap bit0~bit255 with bit256~bit511</comment>
  28964. </bits>
  28965. </reg32>
  28966. <reg32 name="rFINE_IFFT_INPUT_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28967. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_INPUT_ADDR" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28968. <comment>Fine IFFT input data start address</comment>
  28969. </bits>
  28970. </reg32>
  28971. <reg32 name="rFINE_IFFT_OUTPUT_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28972. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_OUTPUT_ADDR" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  28973. <comment>Fine IFFT output data start address</comment>
  28974. </bits>
  28975. </reg32>
  28976. <reg32 name="rFINE_IFFT_STATUS" protect="r">
  28977. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_DONE_STATUS" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28978. <comment>Fine IFFT calculation done status.
  28979. 1'b1: Fine IFFT calculation done
  28980. 1'b0: Fine IFFT is idle or under calculating</comment>
  28981. </bits>
  28982. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_OW_STATUS" pos="1" access="w1c" rst="0">
  28983. <comment>Fine IFFT output buffer status
  28984. 1'b1: Fine IFFT output buffer is over written
  28985. 1'b0: Fine IFFT output buffer is normal</comment>
  28986. </bits>
  28987. <bits name="rFINE_IFFT_ERR_STATUS" pos="3:2" access="r" rst="0">
  28988. <comment>Fine IFFT calculation done status.
  28989. 1'b1: Fine IFFT calculation done
  28990. 1'b0: Fine IFFT is idle or under calculating</comment>
  28991. </bits>
  28992. </reg32>
  28993. </module>
  28994. </archive>
  28995. <archive relative = "nb_multi_ca_fft.xml">
  28996. <module name="NBIOT_MULTI_CA_FFT" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  28997. <reg32 name="rFFT_CMD_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  28998. <bits name="rFFT_CMD_START_ADDR" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  28999. <comment>The start address of memory where FFT command stored.
  29000. Figure 5.4 2 shows the FFT command format.</comment>
  29001. </bits>
  29002. </reg32>
  29003. <reg32 name="rCA_FFT_START" protect="wo">
  29004. <bits name="rCA_FFT_START" pos="0:0" access="wo" rst="0x0">
  29005. <comment>Pulse that high asserted which start CA FFT calculation. Once start, HW will perform FFT calculation </comment>
  29006. </bits>
  29007. </reg32>
  29008. <reg32 name="rCA_FFT_STOP" protect="wo">
  29009. <bits name="rCA_FFT_STOP" pos="0:0" access="wo" rst="0x0">
  29010. <comment>High active pulse, when asserted, HW accelerator continue to finish FFT calculation based on current FFT command, then stop.</comment>
  29011. </bits>
  29012. </reg32>
  29013. <reg32 name="rCA_FFT_CTRL" protect="rw">
  29014. <bits name="rCA_FFT_CMD_FMT" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29015. <comment>0: FFT command format0, whose length is 9 DWs.
  29016. 1: FFT command format1, whose length is 10 DWs which include the information of DC offset cancellation and calculation.</comment>
  29017. </bits>
  29018. </reg32>
  29019. <reg32 name="rDMA_TIMER" protect="rw">
  29020. <bits name="rDMA_TIMER" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29021. <comment>DMA timer, maximum DMA time limited.</comment>
  29022. </bits>
  29023. </reg32>
  29024. <reg32 name="rCA_FFT_TIMER" protect="rw">
  29025. <bits name="rCA_FFT_TIMER" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29026. <comment>CA FFT timer, limited the time from DSP program CA FFT start to HW finish all of FFT calculation in FFT commands</comment>
  29027. </bits>
  29028. </reg32>
  29029. <reg32 name="rCA_FFT_MEM_SPACE_START" protect="rw">
  29030. <bits name="rCA_FFT_MEM_SPACE_START" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29031. <comment>The start address in share memory used for CA_FFT, co-use with i_ ca_fft_mem_space_end, all of AHB access cycle whose address is out of the range will be rejected.</comment>
  29032. </bits>
  29033. </reg32>
  29034. <reg32 name="rCA_FFT_MEM_SPACE_END" protect="rw">
  29035. <bits name="rCA_FFT_MEM_SPACE_END" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29036. <comment>The end address in share memory used for CA_FFT, co-use with i_ ca_fft_mem_space_start, all of AHB access cycle whose address is out of the range will be rejected.</comment>
  29037. </bits>
  29038. </reg32>
  29039. <reg32 name="rFFT_DMA_STATUS" protect="ro">
  29040. <bits name="rFFT_DMA_STATUS" pos="9:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  29041. <comment>[9:8]: DMA done status
  29042. 0: DMA success done;
  29043. 1: DMA done by DMA stop;
  29044. 2: DMA done by DMA timeout;
  29045. 3: Reserved.
  29046. [7]: dma write FIFO ready status, for debug
  29047. [6]: dma read FIFO1 ready ststus, for debug
  29048. [5]: dma read FIFO0 ready status, for debug
  29049. [4:0]: dma controller state machine, for debug</comment>
  29050. </bits>
  29051. <bits name="rCA_FFT_DMA_BUSY" pos="10:10" access="ro" rst="0">
  29052. <comment>1: DMA busy;
  29053. 0: DMA IDLE.</comment>
  29054. </bits>
  29055. <bits name="rCA_FFT_DMA_TIMEOUT" pos="11:11" access="ro" rst="0">
  29056. <comment>1: DMA timer out
  29057. 0: DMA finish in a setting time normally.</comment>
  29058. </bits>
  29059. <bits name="rCA_FFT_FIFO_STATUS" pos="15:12" access="ro" rst="0">
  29060. <comment>FFT FIFO status
  29061. Bit0: FIFO empty
  29062. Bit1: FIFO half empty
  29063. Bit2: FIFO full
  29064. Bit3: FIFO half full</comment>
  29065. </bits>
  29066. </reg32>
  29067. <reg32 name="rFFT_STATUS" protect="rw">
  29068. <bits name="rCA_FFT_STATUS" pos="0:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  29069. <comment>0: CA FFT idle;
  29070. 1: CA FFT busy.</comment>
  29071. </bits>
  29072. <bits name="rCA_FFT_DONE" pos="1:1" access="w1c" rst="0">
  29073. <comment>1: CA FFT done
  29074. 0: CA FFT ongoing or idle.</comment>
  29075. </bits>
  29076. <bits name="rCA_FFT_TIMEOUT" pos="2:2" access="ro" rst="0">
  29077. <comment>When SW start CA FFT, CA FFT timer begin to count, and stop when CA FFT done, during this time, if timer count reach to rDMA_TIMER, it reports time out.
  29078. 0: no time out.
  29079. 1: CA FFT calculation does not finish in a setting time, and time out.</comment>
  29080. </bits>
  29081. <bits name="rCA_FFT_CMD_ERR" pos="4:3" access="w1c" rst="0">
  29082. <comment>FFT command error, asserted when FFT command format error, write 1 clear
  29083. 0: FFT command valid;
  29084. 1: FFT command invalid;
  29085. 2: DMA address out of range which set by [rCA_FFT_MEM_SPACE_START, rCA_FFT_MEM_SPACE_END].
  29086. 3: Reserved.</comment>
  29087. </bits>
  29088. <bits name="rONGOING_FFT_CMD_IDX" pos="20:5" access="ro" rst="0">
  29089. <comment>Indicated which the ongoing FFT is triggered by which FFT Command.</comment>
  29090. </bits>
  29091. <bits name="rONGOING_FFT_CMD_LOOP_CNT" pos="24:21" access="ro" rst="0">
  29092. <comment>Indicated which loop counter is a FFT command is served.</comment>
  29093. </bits>
  29094. </reg32>
  29095. </module>
  29096. </archive>
  29097. <archive relative = "nb_multi_ca_ifft.xml">
  29098. <module name="NBIOT_MULTI_CA_IFFT" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  29099. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_CMD_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  29100. <bits name="rFFT_CMD_START_ADDR" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29101. <comment>The start address of memory where FFT command stored.
  29102. Figure 5.4 2 shows the FFT command format.</comment>
  29103. </bits>
  29104. </reg32>
  29105. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_CMD_MEM_DEPTH" protect="rw">
  29106. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_CMD_MEM_DEPTH" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29107. <comment>A circular buffer is provided for DSP to program IFFT command data, the register defines the depth of this memory. The depth of command in memory is programmed in unit of byte, each IFFT command occupy 4 DWs, which is 16 bytes, so the programmed number always is times of 16. </comment>
  29108. </bits>
  29109. </reg32>
  29110. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_CTRL" protect="rw">
  29111. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_HW_MODE" pos="0:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29112. <comment>0: Software mode. Hardware accelerator performs FFT calculation according to FFT command. DSP need to make sure the data is transmitted before start next IFFT calculation.
  29113. 1: Hardware mode. Hardware accelerator automatically performs FFT calculation by monitoring the data dump number form TX_DUMP module. </comment>
  29114. </bits>
  29115. <bits name="rDSP_CFG_ZC_TW_RAM" pos="1:1" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29116. <comment>0: DSP can not write ZC twiddle RAM;
  29117. 1: DSP can write ZC twiddle RAM.</comment>
  29118. </bits>
  29119. <bits name="rZC_SEQ_LEN" pos="8:2" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29120. <comment>Zadoff-CHU sequence length, prime number, default value 43.</comment>
  29121. </bits>
  29122. <bits name="rRACH_SC_OS" pos="16:9" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29123. <comment>RACH sub-carrier offset, default value is equal to 42.
  29124. Conifigured value = rZC_SEQ_LEN -1;</comment>
  29125. </bits>
  29126. <bits name="rRACH_IFFT_PI_ROTATE_MODE" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29127. <comment>0: PRACH symbol generation without pi rotate at odd symbol;
  29128. 1: PRACH symbol generateion with pi rotate at odd symbol.</comment>
  29129. </bits>
  29130. </reg32>
  29131. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_START" protect="wo">
  29132. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_START" pos="0:0" access="wo" rst="0x0">
  29133. <comment>Pulse that high asserted which start CA IFFT calculation. Once start, HW will perform DFT/IFFT calculation </comment>
  29134. </bits>
  29135. </reg32>
  29136. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_STOP" protect="wo">
  29137. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_STOP" pos="0:0" access="wo" rst="0x0">
  29138. <comment>High active pulse, when asserted, HW accelerator continue to finish IFFT calculation based on current FFT command, then stop.</comment>
  29139. </bits>
  29140. </reg32>
  29141. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_DMA_TIMER" protect="rw">
  29142. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_DMA_TIMER" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29143. <comment>DMA timer, maximum DMA time limited.</comment>
  29144. </bits>
  29145. </reg32>
  29146. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_TIMER" protect="rw">
  29147. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_TIMER" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29148. <comment>CA IFFT timer, limited the time from DSP program CA IFFT start to HW finish all of IFFT calculation in IFFT commands</comment>
  29149. </bits>
  29150. </reg32>
  29151. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_MEM_SPACE_START" protect="rw">
  29152. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_MEM_SPACE_START" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29153. <comment>The start address in share memory used for CA_IFFT, co-use with rCA_FFT_MEM_SPACE_END, all of AHB access cycle whose address is out of the range will be rejected.</comment>
  29154. </bits>
  29155. </reg32>
  29156. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_MEM_SPACE_END" protect="rw">
  29157. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_MEM_SPACE_START" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29158. <comment>The end address in share memory used for CA_IFFT, co-use with rCA_IFFT_MEM_SPACE_START, all of AHB access cycle whose address is out of the range will be rejected.</comment>
  29159. </bits>
  29160. </reg32>
  29161. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_DMA_STATUS" protect="ro">
  29162. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_DMA_STATUS" pos="9:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  29163. <comment>[9:8]: DMA done status
  29164. 0: DMA success done;
  29165. 1: DMA done by DMA stop;
  29166. 2: DMA done by DMA timeout;
  29167. 3: Reserved.
  29168. [7]: dma write FIFO ready status, for debug
  29169. [6]: dma read FIFO1 ready ststus, for debug
  29170. [5]: dma read FIFO0 ready status, for debug
  29171. [4:0]: dma controller state machine, for debug</comment>
  29172. </bits>
  29173. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_DMA_BUSY" pos="10:10" access="ro" rst="0">
  29174. <comment>1: DMA busy;
  29175. 0: DMA IDLE.</comment>
  29176. </bits>
  29177. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_DMA_TIMEOUT" pos="11:11" access="ro" rst="0">
  29178. <comment>1: DMA timer out
  29179. 0: DMA finish in a setting time normally.</comment>
  29180. </bits>
  29181. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_FIFO_STATUS" pos="15:12" access="ro" rst="0">
  29182. <comment>FFT FIFO status
  29183. Bit0: FIFO empty
  29184. Bit1: FIFO half empty
  29185. Bit2: FIFO full
  29186. Bit3: FIFO half full</comment>
  29187. </bits>
  29188. </reg32>
  29189. <reg32 name="rCA_IFFT_STATUS" protect="rw">
  29190. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_STATUS" pos="0:0" access="ro" rst="0">
  29191. <comment>0: CA IFFT idle;
  29192. 1: CA IFFT busy.</comment>
  29193. </bits>
  29194. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_DONE" pos="1:1" access="w1c" rst="0">
  29195. <comment>1: CA FFT done
  29196. 0: CA FFT ongoing or idle.</comment>
  29197. </bits>
  29198. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_TIMEOUT" pos="2:2" access="ro" rst="0">
  29199. <comment>When SW start CA IFFT, CA IFFT timer begin to count, and stop when CA IFFT done, during this time, if timer count reach to rDMA_TIMER, it reports time out.
  29200. 0: no time out.
  29201. 1: CA IFFT calculation does not finish in a setting time, and time out.</comment>
  29202. </bits>
  29203. <bits name="rCA_IFFT_CMD_ERR" pos="4:3" access="w1c" rst="0">
  29204. <comment>Asserted which IFFT command format error.
  29205. 0: no error
  29206. 1: current IFFT command invalid
  29207. 2: next IFFT command invalid
  29208. 3: DMA address out of range.</comment>
  29209. </bits>
  29210. <bits name="rONGOING_IFFT_CMD_IDX" pos="20:5" access="ro" rst="0">
  29211. <comment>Indicated which the ongoing IFFT is triggered by which IFFT Command.</comment>
  29212. </bits>
  29213. <bits name="rONGOING_IFFT_CMD_LOOP_CNT" pos="24:21" access="ro" rst="0">
  29214. <comment>Indicated which loop counter is a IFFT command is served.</comment>
  29215. </bits>
  29216. <bits name="rCA_DUMP_UD" pos="25:25" access="w1c" rst="0">
  29217. <comment>CA DUMP underflow, asserted when CA DUMP symbol cnt is more than IFFT finished symbol cnt, which means no data for tx dump to transmit.
  29218. When asserted, it need DSP write 1 to clear.</comment>
  29219. </bits>
  29220. </reg32>
  29221. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA0" protect="rw">
  29222. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA0" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29223. <comment>TX Gain for CA0.</comment>
  29224. </bits>
  29225. </reg32>
  29226. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA1" protect="rw">
  29227. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA1" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29228. <comment>TX Gain for CA1.</comment>
  29229. </bits>
  29230. </reg32>
  29231. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA2" protect="rw">
  29232. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA2" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29233. <comment>TX Gain for CA2.</comment>
  29234. </bits>
  29235. </reg32>
  29236. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA3" protect="rw">
  29237. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA3" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29238. <comment>TX Gain for CA3.</comment>
  29239. </bits>
  29240. </reg32>
  29241. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA4" protect="rw">
  29242. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA4" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29243. <comment>TX Gain for CA4.</comment>
  29244. </bits>
  29245. </reg32>
  29246. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA5" protect="rw">
  29247. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA5" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29248. <comment>TX Gain for CA6.</comment>
  29249. </bits>
  29250. </reg32>
  29251. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA6" protect="rw">
  29252. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA6" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29253. <comment>TX Gain for CA6.</comment>
  29254. </bits>
  29255. </reg32>
  29256. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA7" protect="rw">
  29257. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA7" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29258. <comment>TX Gain for CA7.</comment>
  29259. </bits>
  29260. </reg32>
  29261. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA8" protect="rw">
  29262. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA8" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29263. <comment>TX Gain for CA8.</comment>
  29264. </bits>
  29265. </reg32>
  29266. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA9" protect="rw">
  29267. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA9" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29268. <comment>TX Gain for CA9.</comment>
  29269. </bits>
  29270. </reg32>
  29271. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA10" protect="rw">
  29272. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA10" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29273. <comment>TX Gain for CA10.</comment>
  29274. </bits>
  29275. </reg32>
  29276. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA11" protect="rw">
  29277. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA11" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29278. <comment>TX Gain for CA11.</comment>
  29279. </bits>
  29280. </reg32>
  29281. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA12" protect="rw">
  29282. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA12" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29283. <comment>TX Gain for CA12.</comment>
  29284. </bits>
  29285. </reg32>
  29286. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA13" protect="rw">
  29287. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA13" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29288. <comment>TX Gain for CA13.</comment>
  29289. </bits>
  29290. </reg32>
  29291. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA14" protect="rw">
  29292. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA14" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29293. <comment>TX Gain for CA14.</comment>
  29294. </bits>
  29295. </reg32>
  29296. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN_CA15" protect="rw">
  29297. <bits name="rTX_GAIN_CA15" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29298. <comment>TX Gain for CA15.</comment>
  29299. </bits>
  29300. </reg32>
  29301. </module>
  29302. </archive>
  29303. <archive relative = "nb_smartscheduler.xml">
  29304. <module name="nb_smartscheduler" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  29305. <reg32 name="rSS_START" protect="wo">
  29306. <bits access="wo" name="rSS_START" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  29307. <comment>Pulse, which start the engine of SS. </comment>
  29308. </bits>
  29309. </reg32>
  29310. <reg32 name="rSS_CMD_BADDR" protect="rw">
  29311. <bits access="rw" name="rSS_CMD_BADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  29312. <comment>Base address of memroy where store the command of smartscheduler. </comment>
  29313. </bits>
  29314. </reg32>
  29315. <reg32 name="rSS_CTRL_CFG" protect="rw">
  29316. <bits access="rw" name="rSS_CMD_LEN" pos="15:0" rst="0x0">
  29317. <comment>The length of command. </comment>
  29318. </bits>
  29319. <bits access="rw" name="rCMD_END_MODE" pos="16:16" rst="0x0">
  29320. <comment>Mode select for finish fetching smartscheduler command.
  29321. 1'b0: Command length mode.
  29322. 1'b1: Instruction mode.
  29323. </comment>
  29324. </bits>
  29325. </reg32>
  29326. <reg32 name="rSS_APB_BADDR" protect="rw">
  29327. <bits access="rw" name="rSS_APB_BADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  29328. <comment>The base address of NB APB bus, for register programing
  29329. </comment>
  29330. </bits>
  29331. </reg32>
  29332. <reg32 name="rSS_AHB_BADDR" protect="rw">
  29333. <bits access="rw" name="rSS_AHB_BADDR" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  29334. <comment>The base address of NB AHB bus, for memory programming.
  29335. </comment>
  29336. </bits>
  29337. </reg32>
  29338. <reg32 name="rSS_TIMER" protect="rw">
  29339. <bits access="rw" name="rSS_TIMER" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  29340. <comment>Timer which is set to limit the time of smartscheduler processing. </comment>
  29341. </bits>
  29342. </reg32>
  29343. <reg32 name="rSS_DMA_STATUS" protect="ro">
  29344. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_DMA_STATUS" pos="13:0" rst="0x0">
  29345. <comment>The status of DMA Engine. </comment>
  29346. </bits>
  29347. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_DMA_BUSY" pos="14:14" rst="0x0">
  29348. <comment>DMA busy status.
  29349. 1'b0: DMA idle;
  29350. 1'b1: DMA busy
  29351. </comment>
  29352. </bits>
  29353. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_DMA_TIMEOUT" pos="15:15" rst="0x0">
  29354. <comment>Indicated whether DMA timeout, unused.</comment>
  29355. </bits>
  29356. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_DMA_FIFO_STATUS" pos="19:16" rst="0x0">
  29357. <comment>DMA FIFO STATUS.
  29358. [0]: FIFO empty;
  29359. [1]: FIFO half empty;
  29360. [2]: FIFO full;
  29361. [3]: FIFO half full.
  29362. </comment>
  29363. </bits>
  29364. </reg32>
  29365. <reg32 name="rSS_CTRL_STATUS" protect="ro">
  29366. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_CUR_CMD_IDX" pos="15:0" rst="0x0">
  29367. <comment>Current command index. </comment>
  29368. </bits>
  29369. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_CUR_STATUS" pos="19:16" rst="0x0">
  29370. <comment>The current state of smartscheder control state machine. </comment>
  29371. </bits>
  29372. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_WAIT_ACC_DONE" pos="24:20" rst="0x0">
  29373. <comment>whether smartscheduler is in waiting NB accelerator done.
  29374. 1'b1: smartscheduler is in waiting NB accelerator done.
  29375. 1'b0: smartscheduler is not in waiting NB accelerator done.
  29376. </comment>
  29377. </bits>
  29378. </reg32>
  29379. <reg32 name="rSS_CUR_CMD_WORD" protect="ro">
  29380. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_CUR_CMD_WORD" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  29381. <comment>The command word which is executing. </comment>
  29382. </bits>
  29383. </reg32>
  29384. <reg32 name="rSS_STATUS" protect="ro">
  29385. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_DONE" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  29386. <comment>
  29387. 1'b0: Smartscheduler busy if it is started, otherwise, it is in idle
  29388. 1'b1: Smartscheduler processing done;
  29389. </comment>
  29390. </bits>
  29391. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_STATUS" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  29392. <comment>
  29393. 1'b0: Smartscheduler idle;
  29394. 1'b1: Smartscheduler busy.
  29395. </comment>
  29396. </bits>
  29397. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_CMD_ERR_STATUS" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  29398. <comment>
  29399. 2'b00: No error;
  29400. 2'b1: SS command configured error.
  29401. </comment>
  29402. </bits>
  29403. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_TIMEOUT" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  29404. <comment>
  29405. 1'b0: no time out;
  29406. 1'b1: Smartscheduler does not finish in a setting time.
  29407. </comment>
  29408. </bits>
  29409. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_CUR_CMD_IDX" pos="19:4" rst="0x0">
  29410. <comment>Indicated the number of command is excuted when smartscheduler done. </comment>
  29411. </bits>
  29412. <bits access="ro" name="rSS_RESTART_ERR_STATUS" pos="20:20" rst="0x0">
  29413. <comment>Smartscheduler is restarted when it is busy;
  29414. </comment>
  29415. </bits>
  29416. </reg32>
  29417. </module>
  29418. </archive>
  29419. <archive relative = "nb_sp.xml">
  29420. <module name="SP" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  29421. <reg32 name="rSP_START" protect="w1c">
  29422. <bits name="rSP_START" pos="0" access="w1c" rst="0x0">
  29423. <comment>SP accelerator start</comment>
  29424. </bits>
  29425. </reg32>
  29426. <reg32 name="rSP_CTRL" protect="rw">
  29427. <bits name="rTIMEOUT_VAL" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x7fff">
  29428. <comment>Maximum time out value for TX bit level processing in 61.44Mhz unit</comment>
  29429. </bits>
  29430. <bits name="rNUM_CANDIDATE" pos="17:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29431. <comment>Number of Candidate
  29432. 0: 1 candidate
  29433. 1: 2 candidate
  29434. 2: 3 candidate
  29435. 3: 4 candidate</comment>
  29436. </bits>
  29437. <bits name="rDESCR_EN" pos="19" access="rw" rst="0">
  29438. <comment>Descramble enable
  29439. 0: Disable
  29440. 1: enable</comment>
  29441. </bits>
  29442. <bits name="rDEROT_EN" pos="20" access="rw" rst="0">
  29443. <comment>De-rotation Enable
  29444. 0: Disable
  29445. 1: Enable
  29446. </comment>
  29447. </bits>
  29448. <bits name="rDEMAP_LLR_FMT" pos="23:21" access="rw" rst="0">
  29449. <comment>Demapping LLR format selection
  29450. 0: 8.0x2^-5
  29451. 1: 8.0x2^-4
  29452. 2: 8.0x2^-3
  29453. 3: 8.0x2^-2
  29454. 4: 8.0x2^-1
  29455. 5: 8.0x2^0
  29456. 6: 8.0x2^1
  29457. 7: 8.0x2^2
  29458. </comment>
  29459. </bits>
  29460. <bits name="rPDCCH_AL1_EN" pos="24" access="rw" rst="0">
  29461. <comment>PDCCH AL1 enable
  29462. 0: disable
  29463. 1: enable
  29464. </comment>
  29465. </bits>
  29466. </reg32>
  29467. <reg32 name="rSP_CFG1" protect="rw">
  29468. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE0" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29469. <comment>Demap size 0</comment>
  29470. </bits>
  29471. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE1" pos="25:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29472. <comment>Demap size 1</comment>
  29473. </bits>
  29474. </reg32>
  29475. <reg32 name="rSP_CFG2" protect="rw">
  29476. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE3" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29477. <comment>Demap size 3</comment>
  29478. </bits>
  29479. <bits name="rIDATA_SIZE2" pos="25:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29480. <comment>Demap size 2</comment>
  29481. </bits>
  29482. </reg32>
  29483. <reg32 name="rSP_CFG3" protect="rw">
  29484. <bits name="rCFG_IBUF_START_ADDR" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29485. <comment>Configuration input buffer start address 0</comment>
  29486. </bits>
  29487. </reg32>
  29488. <hole size="1*32"></hole>
  29489. <reg32 name="rSP_OMEM_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  29490. <bits name="rSP_OMEM_START_ADDR" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29491. <comment>SP output memory start address</comment>
  29492. </bits>
  29493. <bits name="rSP_OMEM_START_SADDR" pos="25:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29494. <comment>SP output memory start address for last X1/X2 state value</comment>
  29495. </bits>
  29496. </reg32>
  29497. <hole size="5*32"></hole>
  29498. <reg32 name="rSP_STATUS" protect="r">
  29499. <bits name="rDone" pos="0" access="wc" rst="0">
  29500. <comment>(This bit is write 1 clear)
  29501. 0: No Done
  29502. 1: Done</comment>
  29503. </bits>
  29504. <bits name="rOverwritten" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  29505. <comment>If Done bit would not clear before this engine re-engine would indicate overwritten output buffer
  29506. 0: Normal
  29507. 1: Error</comment>
  29508. </bits>
  29509. <bits name="rBUS_Error" pos="3:2" access="r" rst="0">
  29510. <comment>0: Normal
  29511. 1: Error
  29512. Bit 0: DSP control bus error
  29513. Bit 1: accelerator memory access collusion</comment>
  29514. </bits>
  29515. <bits name="rTimeout" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  29516. <comment>0: Normal
  29517. 1: Error</comment>
  29518. </bits>
  29519. <bits name="BMP Err" pos="5" access="r" rst="0">
  29520. <comment>0: Normal
  29521. 1: Error</comment>
  29522. </bits>
  29523. <bits name="rStatus" pos="6" access="r" rst="0">
  29524. <comment>0: Idle
  29525. 1: On-going</comment>
  29526. </bits>
  29527. </reg32>
  29528. </module>
  29529. </archive>
  29530. <archive relative = "nb_tx_chsc.xml">
  29531. <module name="nb_tx_chsc" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  29532. <reg32 name="rTX_CHSC_CTRL" protect="rw">
  29533. <bits access="rw" name="rTIMEOUT_VAL" pos="15:0" rst="0x0">
  29534. <comment>Maximum time out value for TX channel-interleaver and scrambling in 61.44Mhz unit. </comment>
  29535. </bits>
  29536. <bits access="rw" name="rTX_CHSC_START_CTRL" pos="16" rst="0x0">
  29537. <comment>Start control:
  29538. 0: Trigger by SW start
  29539. 1: Trigger by HW start.
  29540. </comment>
  29541. </bits>
  29542. <bits access="rw" name="rCH_INTRLVR_EN" pos="17" rst="0x0">
  29543. <comment>Channel interleaver enable
  29544. 0: Disable
  29545. 1: Enable.
  29546. </comment>
  29547. </bits>
  29548. <bits access="rw" name="rSCR_EN" pos="18" rst="0x0">
  29549. <comment>Scramble enable
  29550. 0: Disable
  29551. 1: Enable.
  29552. </comment>
  29553. </bits>
  29554. </reg32>
  29555. <reg32 name="rTX_CHSC_START" protect="w1c">
  29556. <bits access="w1c" name="rTX_CHSC_START" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  29557. <comment>TX channel-interleaver and scrambling accelerator 2 start. </comment>
  29558. </bits>
  29559. </reg32>
  29560. <reg32 name="rMEM_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  29561. <bits access="rw" name="rBSEL_MEM_START_ADDR" pos="9:0" rst="0x0">
  29562. <comment>Bit selection memory start address. </comment>
  29563. </bits>
  29564. <bits access="rw" name="rSCR_MEM_START_ADDR" pos="25:16" rst="0x0">
  29565. <comment>Scramble memory start output address. </comment>
  29566. </bits>
  29567. </reg32>
  29568. <reg32 name="rBSEL_CFG" protect="rw">
  29569. <bits access="rw" name="NCB Minus" pos="14:0" rst="0x0">
  29570. <comment>Ncb minus NCB - 3ND. </comment>
  29571. </bits>
  29572. <bits access="rw" name="rK0_MINUS" pos="30:16" rst="0x0">
  29573. <comment>K0 minus: K0 position without dummy bit.. </comment>
  29574. </bits>
  29575. </reg32>
  29576. <reg32 name="rCH_INTRLVR_CFG" protect="rw">
  29577. <bits access="rw" name="rROW_SZ" pos="7:4" rst="0x0">
  29578. <comment>Row size for ch-interleaver. </comment>
  29579. </bits>
  29580. <bits access="rw" name="rMOD_TYPE" pos="8" rst="0x0">
  29581. <comment>Modulation type
  29582. 0: BPSK
  29583. 1: QPSK.
  29584. </comment>
  29585. </bits>
  29586. <bits access="rw" name="rCOL_SZ_PRE_RSE_UNIT" pos="22:16" rst="0x0">
  29587. <comment>Column size in each resource unit:
  29588. (NUL_sym-1)* Nul_slot.
  29589. </comment>
  29590. </bits>
  29591. </reg32>
  29592. <reg32 name="rSCR_SIZE" protect="rw">
  29593. <bits access="rw" name="rSCR_SIZE" pos="7:0" rst="0x0">
  29594. <comment>scrambling size in current subframe. </comment>
  29595. </bits>
  29596. </reg32>
  29597. <reg32 name="rSCR_X1" protect="rw">
  29598. <bits access="rw" name="rSCR_X1" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  29599. <comment>scrambling X1. </comment>
  29600. </bits>
  29601. </reg32>
  29602. <reg32 name="rSCR_X2" protect="rw">
  29603. <bits access="rw" name="rSCR_X2" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  29604. <comment>scrambling X2. </comment>
  29605. </bits>
  29606. </reg32>
  29607. <reg32 name="rLAST_SCR_X1" protect="rw">
  29608. <bits access="rw" name="rLAST_SCR_X1" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  29609. <comment>Last scrambling state in X1. </comment>
  29610. </bits>
  29611. </reg32>
  29612. <reg32 name="rLAST_SCR_X2" protect="rw">
  29613. <bits access="rw" name="rLAST_SCR_X2" pos="30:0" rst="0x0">
  29614. <comment>Last scrambling state in X2. </comment>
  29615. </bits>
  29616. </reg32>
  29617. <reg32 name="rTX_CHSC_STATUS" protect="ro">
  29618. <bits access="rw1c" name="Done" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  29619. <comment>(This bit is read write 1 clear)
  29620. 0: No Done
  29621. 1: Done.
  29622. </comment>
  29623. </bits>
  29624. <bits access="ro" name="Overwritten" pos="1" rst="0x0">
  29625. <comment>If Done bit would not clear before this engine re-engine would indicate overwritten output buffer
  29626. 0: Normal
  29627. 1: Error
  29628. </comment>
  29629. </bits>
  29630. <bits access="ro" name="BUS Error" pos="3:2" rst="0x0">
  29631. <comment>0: Normal
  29632. 1: Error
  29633. Bit 0: DSP control bus error
  29634. Bit 1: accelerator memory access collusion
  29635. </comment>
  29636. </bits>
  29637. <bits access="ro" name="Timeout " pos="4" rst="0x0">
  29638. <comment>0: Normal
  29639. 1: Error
  29640. </comment>
  29641. </bits>
  29642. </reg32>
  29643. </module>
  29644. </archive>
  29645. <archive relative = "nb_tx_frontend.xml">
  29646. <module name="nb_tx_frontend" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  29647. <reg32 name="rTX_OS" protect="rw">
  29648. <bits name="rPUSCH_OS1" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29649. <comment>PUSCH offset1 for 3.75K process delay</comment>
  29650. </bits>
  29651. <bits name="rPUSCH_OS0" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0xb9">
  29652. <comment>PUSCH offset0 for 15K process delay</comment>
  29653. </bits>
  29654. <bits name="rPRACH_OS01" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29655. <comment>PRACH format0,1 offset for process delay</comment>
  29656. </bits>
  29657. <bits name="rPRACH_OS2" pos="31:24" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29658. <comment>PRACH format2 offset for process delay</comment>
  29659. </bits>
  29660. </reg32>
  29661. <reg32 name="rTX_TA_VALUE" protect="rw">
  29662. <bits name="rTX_TA_VALUE" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29663. <comment>TA Value</comment>
  29664. </bits>
  29665. </reg32>
  29666. <reg32 name="rTX_RACH_PARA_CFG" protect="rw">
  29667. <bits name="rTX_RACH_START_ADJ" pos="10:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29668. <comment>the advance time of PRACH start adjustment</comment>
  29669. </bits>
  29670. <bits name="rPRACH_CP_LEN" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29671. <comment>When PRACH_USER_DEFINE_EN = 1'b1, SW is able to set CP length by configured, which length is from 0 to 128</comment>
  29672. </bits>
  29673. <bits name="rPRACH_SEQ_NUM" pos="27:24" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29674. <comment>When PRACH_USER_DEFINE_EN = 1'b1, SW is able to change the transmit sequence number</comment>
  29675. </bits>
  29676. <bits name="rPRACH_USER_DEFINE_EN" pos="28" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29677. <comment>1'b1:DSP configure to change the CP length and repetition number of sequence
  29678. 1'b0:PRACH CP length and repetition number is based on definition in 36.211
  29679. </comment>
  29680. </bits>
  29681. </reg32>
  29682. <reg32 name="rTX_RF_DELAY" protect="rw">
  29683. <bits name="rTX_RF_DELAY" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0x0">
  29684. <comment>RF delay from NBIOT_CORE to chip output</comment>
  29685. </bits>
  29686. </reg32>
  29687. <reg32 name="rTX_EN" protect="rw">
  29688. <bits name="rPUSCH_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29689. <comment>PUSCH Enable</comment>
  29690. </bits>
  29691. <bits name="rPRACH_EN" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  29692. <comment>PRACH Enable</comment>
  29693. </bits>
  29694. </reg32>
  29695. <reg32 name="rDELTA_CP_ADJ" protect="rw">
  29696. <bits name="rDELTA_CP_ADJ" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29697. <comment>Delta CP adjustment</comment>
  29698. </bits>
  29699. </reg32>
  29700. <reg32 name="rTX_CFG" protect="rw">
  29701. <bits name="rTX_FRM_MODE" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29702. <comment>TX frame mode for PUSCH</comment>
  29703. </bits>
  29704. <bits name="rMOD_TYPE" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  29705. <comment>Module type</comment>
  29706. </bits>
  29707. <bits name="rTX_BUF_IDX" pos="3:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  29708. <comment>TX Buffer idx</comment>
  29709. </bits>
  29710. <bits name="rTONE_MODE" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  29711. <comment>PUSCH Tone mode</comment>
  29712. </bits>
  29713. <bits name="rSHORTEN_PUSCH_EN" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  29714. <comment>Shorten PUSCH Enable</comment>
  29715. </bits>
  29716. <bits name="rPUSCH_SC_IDX" pos="11:6" access="rw" rst="0">
  29717. <comment>PUSCH Subcarrier POsition</comment>
  29718. </bits>
  29719. <bits name="rPRACH_CFG" pos="13:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  29720. <comment>Type of prach
  29721. 0: format 0 (cp length 66.7us)
  29722. 1: format 1 (cp length 266.7us)
  29723. 2: format 2 (cp length 800us)
  29724. 3: reserved
  29725. </comment>
  29726. </bits>
  29727. <bits name="PAPR_MODE" pos="17:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29728. <comment>PAPR reduction enable
  29729. 0: Normal
  29730. 1: Tone 6 lower PAPR enable
  29731. 2: Tone 6 upper PAPR enable
  29732. 3: Tone 12 PAPR enable
  29733. </comment>
  29734. </bits>
  29735. </reg32>
  29736. <reg32 name="rTX_GAIN" protect="rw">
  29737. <bits name="rTX_GAIN" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29738. <comment>TX Gain</comment>
  29739. </bits>
  29740. <bits name="rTX_BITSEL" pos="17:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29741. <comment>Bit selection for final tx doout
  29742. 0: S14.11
  29743. 1: S14.10
  29744. 2: S14.9
  29745. 3: S14.8
  29746. </comment>
  29747. </bits>
  29748. </reg32>
  29749. <reg32 name="rPUSCH_CFG" protect="rw">
  29750. <bits name="rTHETAL_SYMB_INCR" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29751. <comment>thetal symbol incremental step value</comment>
  29752. </bits>
  29753. <bits name="rSYMB_NUM_MOD2" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  29754. <comment>symbol number modulo 2</comment>
  29755. </bits>
  29756. </reg32>
  29757. <reg32 name="rTX_FE_STATUS" protect="rw">
  29758. <bits name="rMEM_BUS_ERR" pos="1:0" access="r" rst="0">
  29759. <comment>memory bus access error</comment>
  29760. </bits>
  29761. <bits name="rTX_STATUS" pos="3:2" access="r" rst="0">
  29762. <comment>TX Status, 2'b00: IDLE; 2'b01: PRACH; 2'b10: PUSCH 3.75K; 2'b11: PUSCH 15K</comment>
  29763. </bits>
  29764. <bits name="rTX_START_SF_IDX" pos="7:4" access="r" rst="0">
  29765. <comment>Subframe index of NPRACH or NPUSCH transmitted</comment>
  29766. </bits>
  29767. <bits name="rTX_BUF_RDY_ERR" pos="10:8" access="r" rst="0">
  29768. <comment>Bit[0]:Indicator Error 0:Normal 1:Error
  29769. Bit[2:1]: TX buffer index for corresponding ready error
  29770. (For checking TX_MDD data buffer ready or not)
  29771. </comment>
  29772. </bits>
  29773. <bits name="rTX_CLR_BUF_RDY" pos="31" access="w" rst="0">
  29774. <comment>TX Clear HW buffer ready
  29775. Write 1 Clear
  29776. Remark: It should program before the first subframe of TX_MDD start
  29777. </comment>
  29778. </bits>
  29779. </reg32>
  29780. <hole size="2*32" />
  29781. <reg32 name="rPRACH_CMD_FIFO0" protect="rw">
  29782. <bits name="rPRACH_SC_IDX" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29783. <comment>PRACH sub-carrier index 0~147</comment>
  29784. </bits>
  29785. <bits name="RSV" pos="29:8" access="r" rst="0">
  29786. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29787. </bits>
  29788. <bits name="rPRACH_CFG_STATUS" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  29789. <comment>PRACH CFG Status</comment>
  29790. </bits>
  29791. <bits name="rPRACH_NXT_EN" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  29792. <comment>Next PRACH symbol group enabled</comment>
  29793. </bits>
  29794. </reg32>
  29795. <reg32 name="rPRACH_CMD_FIFO1" protect="rw">
  29796. <bits name="rPRACH_SC_IDX" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29797. <comment>PRACH sub-carrier index 0~47</comment>
  29798. </bits>
  29799. <bits name="RSV" pos="29:6" access="r" rst="0">
  29800. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29801. </bits>
  29802. <bits name="rPRACH_CFG_STATUS" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  29803. <comment>PRACH CFG Status</comment>
  29804. </bits>
  29805. <bits name="rPRACH_NXT_EN" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  29806. <comment>Next PRACH symbol group enabled</comment>
  29807. </bits>
  29808. </reg32>
  29809. <reg32 name="rPRACH_CMD_FIFO2" protect="rw">
  29810. <bits name="rPRACH_SC_IDX" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29811. <comment>PRACH sub-carrier index 0~47</comment>
  29812. </bits>
  29813. <bits name="RSV" pos="29:6" access="r" rst="0">
  29814. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29815. </bits>
  29816. <bits name="rPRACH_CFG_STATUS" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  29817. <comment>PRACH CFG Status</comment>
  29818. </bits>
  29819. <bits name="rPRACH_NXT_EN" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  29820. <comment>Next PRACH symbol group enabled</comment>
  29821. </bits>
  29822. </reg32>
  29823. <reg32 name="rPRACH_CMD_FIFO3" protect="rw">
  29824. <bits name="rPRACH_SC_IDX" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29825. <comment>PRACH sub-carrier index 0~47</comment>
  29826. </bits>
  29827. <bits name="RSV" pos="29:6" access="r" rst="0">
  29828. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29829. </bits>
  29830. <bits name="rPRACH_CFG_STATUS" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  29831. <comment>PRACH CFG Status</comment>
  29832. </bits>
  29833. <bits name="rPRACH_NXT_EN" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  29834. <comment>Next PRACH symbol group enabled</comment>
  29835. </bits>
  29836. </reg32>
  29837. <reg32 name="rPRACH_NXT_CMD_RD_PTR" protect="r">
  29838. <bits name="rPRACH_NXT_CMD_RD_PTR" pos="1:0" access="r" rst="0">
  29839. <comment>PRACH Nxt Command Read Pointer</comment>
  29840. </bits>
  29841. <bits name="RSV" pos="31:2" access="r" rst="0">
  29842. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29843. </bits>
  29844. </reg32>
  29845. <hole size="4*32" />
  29846. <reg32 name="rTX_DOUT_CHECKSUM" protect="r">
  29847. <bits name="rTX_DOUT_CHECKSUM" pos="30:0" access="r" rst="0">
  29848. <comment>TX dout checksum</comment>
  29849. </bits>
  29850. <bits name="rTX_DOUT_CHECKSUM_EN" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  29851. <comment>TX dout Checksum Enable</comment>
  29852. </bits>
  29853. </reg32>
  29854. <reg32 name="rTX_FLT_TAIL_BIT_NUM" protect="rw">
  29855. <bits name="rTX_FLT_TAIL_BIT_NUM" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0x80">
  29856. <comment>Configurable Number of zero data padded at the end of TX transmission</comment>
  29857. </bits>
  29858. </reg32>
  29859. <hole size="5*32" />
  29860. <reg32 name="rLPF1_COEF0" protect="rw">
  29861. <bits name="rLPF1_COEF0" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29862. <comment>LPF1 coefficient0</comment>
  29863. </bits>
  29864. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29865. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29866. </bits>
  29867. <bits name="rLPF1_COEF1" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29868. <comment>LPF1 coefficient1</comment>
  29869. </bits>
  29870. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29871. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29872. </bits>
  29873. </reg32>
  29874. <reg32 name="rLPF1_COEF1" protect="rw">
  29875. <bits name="rLPF1_COEF2" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29876. <comment>LPF1 coefficient2</comment>
  29877. </bits>
  29878. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29879. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29880. </bits>
  29881. <bits name="rLPF1_COEF3" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29882. <comment>LPF1 coefficient3</comment>
  29883. </bits>
  29884. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29885. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29886. </bits>
  29887. </reg32>
  29888. <reg32 name="rLPF1_COEF2" protect="rw">
  29889. <bits name="rLPF1_COEF4" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29890. <comment>LPF1 coefficient4</comment>
  29891. </bits>
  29892. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29893. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29894. </bits>
  29895. <bits name="rLPF1_COEF5" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29896. <comment>LPF1 coefficient5</comment>
  29897. </bits>
  29898. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29899. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29900. </bits>
  29901. </reg32>
  29902. <hole size="1*32" />
  29903. <reg32 name="rLPF2_COEF0" protect="rw">
  29904. <bits name="rLPF2_COEF0" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29905. <comment>LPF2 coefficient0</comment>
  29906. </bits>
  29907. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29908. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29909. </bits>
  29910. <bits name="rLPF2_COEF1" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29911. <comment>LPF2 coefficient1</comment>
  29912. </bits>
  29913. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29914. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29915. </bits>
  29916. </reg32>
  29917. <reg32 name="rLPF2_COEF1" protect="rw">
  29918. <bits name="rLPF2_COEF2" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29919. <comment>LPF2 coefficient2</comment>
  29920. </bits>
  29921. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29922. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29923. </bits>
  29924. <bits name="rLPF2_COEF3" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29925. <comment>LPF2 coefficient3</comment>
  29926. </bits>
  29927. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29928. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29929. </bits>
  29930. </reg32>
  29931. <reg32 name="rLPF2_COEF2" protect="rw">
  29932. <bits name="rLPF2_COEF4" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29933. <comment>LPF2 coefficient4</comment>
  29934. </bits>
  29935. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29936. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29937. </bits>
  29938. <bits name="rLPF2_COEF5" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29939. <comment>LPF2 coefficient5</comment>
  29940. </bits>
  29941. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29942. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29943. </bits>
  29944. </reg32>
  29945. <hole size="5*32" />
  29946. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T12_COEF0" protect="rw">
  29947. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF0" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29948. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient0</comment>
  29949. </bits>
  29950. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29951. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29952. </bits>
  29953. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF1" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29954. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient1</comment>
  29955. </bits>
  29956. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29957. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29958. </bits>
  29959. </reg32>
  29960. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T12_COEF1" protect="rw">
  29961. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF3" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29962. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient3</comment>
  29963. </bits>
  29964. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29965. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29966. </bits>
  29967. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF2" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29968. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient2</comment>
  29969. </bits>
  29970. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29971. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29972. </bits>
  29973. </reg32>
  29974. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T12_COEF2" protect="rw">
  29975. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF5" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29976. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient5</comment>
  29977. </bits>
  29978. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29979. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29980. </bits>
  29981. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF4" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29982. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient4</comment>
  29983. </bits>
  29984. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29985. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29986. </bits>
  29987. </reg32>
  29988. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T12_COEF3" protect="rw">
  29989. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF7" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  29990. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient7</comment>
  29991. </bits>
  29992. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  29993. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  29994. </bits>
  29995. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF6" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  29996. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient6</comment>
  29997. </bits>
  29998. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  29999. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30000. </bits>
  30001. </reg32>
  30002. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T12_COEF4" protect="rw">
  30003. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF9" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30004. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient10</comment>
  30005. </bits>
  30006. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30007. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30008. </bits>
  30009. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF8" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30010. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient8</comment>
  30011. </bits>
  30012. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  30013. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30014. </bits>
  30015. </reg32>
  30016. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T12_COEF5" protect="rw">
  30017. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF11" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30018. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient11</comment>
  30019. </bits>
  30020. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30021. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30022. </bits>
  30023. <bits name="rPAPR_T12_COEF10" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30024. <comment>PAPR T12 coefficient10</comment>
  30025. </bits>
  30026. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  30027. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30028. </bits>
  30029. </reg32>
  30030. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T06_COEF0" protect="rw">
  30031. <bits name="rPAPR_T06_COEF0" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30032. <comment>PAPR T06 coefficient0</comment>
  30033. </bits>
  30034. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30035. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30036. </bits>
  30037. <bits name="rPAPR_T06_COEF1" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30038. <comment>PAPR T06 coefficient1</comment>
  30039. </bits>
  30040. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  30041. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30042. </bits>
  30043. </reg32>
  30044. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T06_COEF1" protect="rw">
  30045. <bits name="rPAPR_T06_COEF3" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30046. <comment>PAPR T06 coefficient3</comment>
  30047. </bits>
  30048. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30049. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30050. </bits>
  30051. <bits name="rPAPR_T06_COEF2" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30052. <comment>PAPR T06 coefficient2</comment>
  30053. </bits>
  30054. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  30055. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30056. </bits>
  30057. </reg32>
  30058. <reg32 name="rPAPR_T06_COEF2" protect="rw">
  30059. <bits name="rPAPR_T06_COEF5" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30060. <comment>PAPR T06 coefficient5</comment>
  30061. </bits>
  30062. <bits name="RESERVED0" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30063. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30064. </bits>
  30065. <bits name="rPAPR_T06_COEF4" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30066. <comment>PAPR T06 coefficient4</comment>
  30067. </bits>
  30068. <bits name="RESERVED1" pos="31:28" access="r" rst="0">
  30069. <comment>Reserved</comment>
  30070. </bits>
  30071. </reg32>
  30072. </module>
  30073. </archive>
  30074. <archive relative = "nb_tx_mdd.xml">
  30075. <module name="nb_tx_mdd" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  30076. <reg32 name="rTX_MDD_START" protect="wo">
  30077. <bits access="wo" name="rTX_MDD_START" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  30078. <comment>Pulse, which start the engine of TX_MDD. </comment>
  30079. </bits>
  30080. </reg32>
  30081. <reg32 name="rTX_MDD_CTRL" protect="rw">
  30082. <bits access="rw" name="rHW_MODE" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  30083. <comment>Work Mode of TX_MDD.
  30084. 1'b0: Software mode;
  30085. 1'b1: Hardware mode.
  30086. </comment>
  30087. </bits>
  30088. <bits access="rw" name="rMDFT_EN" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  30089. <comment>Enable of Modulation/DFT.
  30090. 1'b0: Modulation/DFT diabled.
  30091. 1'b1: Modulation/DFT enabled.
  30092. </comment>
  30093. </bits>
  30094. <bits access="rw" name="rMODULATION_EN" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  30095. <comment>Enable of modulation.
  30096. 1'b0: Modulation disabled;
  30097. 1'b1: Modulation enabled.
  30098. </comment>
  30099. </bits>
  30100. <bits access="rw" name="rDMRS_EN" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  30101. <comment>Enable of DMRS.
  30102. 1'b0: DMRS generation disabled.
  30103. 1'b1: DMRS generation enabled.
  30104. </comment>
  30105. </bits>
  30106. </reg32>
  30107. <reg32 name="rTX_MDD_CCFG" protect="rw">
  30108. <bits access="rw" name="rPUSCH_FMT" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  30109. <comment>PUSCH Format.
  30110. 1'b0: PUSCH format1;
  30111. 1'b1: PUSCH format2.
  30112. </comment>
  30113. </bits>
  30114. <bits access="rw" name="rSLOT_NUM" pos="2:1" rst="0x0">
  30115. <comment>Slot number in a subframe.
  30116. set slot number to 1 when 3.75KHz.
  30117. set slot number to 2 when 15KHz.
  30118. </comment>
  30119. </bits>
  30120. <bits access="rw" name="rMOD_TYPE" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  30121. <comment>Modulation Type.
  30122. 1'b0: BPSK;
  30123. 1'b1: QPSK.
  30124. </comment>
  30125. </bits>
  30126. <bits access="rw" name="rTONE_NUM" pos="7:4" rst="0x0">
  30127. <comment>Sub-carrier number,which is 1, 3, 6, 12. </comment>
  30128. </bits>
  30129. <bits access="rw" name="rDMRS_SYMB_BMP" pos="14:8" rst="0x0">
  30130. <comment>Symbol bit map for DMRS.
  30131. rDMRS_SYMB_BMP[n]==1'b0: this symbol is for PUSCH or NULL;
  30132. rDMRS_SYMB_BMP[n]==1'b1: this symbol is for DMRS;
  30133. n=0,1,2,...6.
  30134. </comment>
  30135. </bits>
  30136. <bits access="rw" name="rDFT_SYMB_BMP" pos="21:15" rst="0x0">
  30137. <comment>Symbol bit map for DFT.
  30138. rDFT_SYMB_BMP[n]==1'b0: this symbol is for DMRS or NULL;
  30139. rDFT_SYMB_BMP[n]==1'b1: this symbol is for PUSCH.
  30140. n=0,1,2,...6.
  30141. </comment>
  30142. </bits>
  30143. <bits access="rw" name="rSR_EN" pos="22:22" rst="0x0">
  30144. <comment>Scheduling request.
  30145. 1'b0: scheduling request disabled.
  30146. 1'b1: scheduling request enabled..
  30147. </comment>
  30148. </bits>
  30149. </reg32>
  30150. <reg32 name="rTX_MDFT_CTRL" protect="rw">
  30151. <bits access="rw" name="rRSE_MEM_IDX" pos="1:0" rst="0x0">
  30152. <comment>Triple memory index for Resource mapping. </comment>
  30153. </bits>
  30154. <bits access="rw" name="rC_SR" pos="9:2" rst="0x0">
  30155. <comment>For positive scheduling request, which be transmitted use NPUSCH format2, configured each SF.
  30156. </comment>
  30157. </bits>
  30158. <bits access="rw" name="rRSE_START_CARRIER_IDX" pos="13:10" rst="0x0">
  30159. <comment>Allocated carrier index for PUSCH transmission. </comment>
  30160. </bits>
  30161. </reg32>
  30162. <reg32 name="rTX_MOD_MEM_START_ADDR" protect="rw">
  30163. <bits access="rw" name="rMOD_MEM_START_ADDR" pos="9:0" rst="0x0">
  30164. <comment>The start address of memory5 which store the result of accelerator tx_chsc. </comment>
  30165. </bits>
  30166. </reg32>
  30167. <reg32 name="rTX_DMRS_CFG" protect="rw">
  30168. <bits access="rw" name="rCYCLIC_SHIFT" pos="1:0" rst="0x0">
  30169. <comment>DMRS cyclic shift index, it came from high level configuration.
  30170. 3-tone: threeToneCyclicShift=0,1,2.
  30171. 6-tone: sixToneCyclicShift=0,1,2,3.
  30172. 12-tone: twelveToneCyclicShift=0.
  30173. used for multi-tone.
  30174. </comment>
  30175. </bits>
  30176. <bits access="rw" name="rORTH_SEQ_IDX" pos="5:2" rst="0x0">
  30177. <comment>TS36211, Table, sequence index.
  30178. rORTH_SEQ_IDX[1:0]: for slot0;
  30179. rORTH_SEQ_IDX[3:2]: for slot1.
  30180. </comment>
  30181. </bits>
  30182. <bits access="rw" name="rSLOT_NUM_MOD16" pos="9:6" rst="0x0">
  30183. <comment>Sequence index of DMRS, we also can treat is as slot index as it increased slot by slot. </comment>
  30184. </bits>
  30185. <bits access="rw" name="rBASE_SEQ_IDX" pos="19:10" rst="0x0">
  30186. <comment>Sequence group number, u.
  30187. rBASE_SEQ_IDX[4:0]: u for slot0;
  30188. rBASE_SEQ_IDX[9:5]: u for slot1, slot 1 is not same as slot0 when group hopping enabled.
  30189. </comment>
  30190. </bits>
  30191. <bits access="rw" name="rSEQ_C_N" pos="21:20" rst="0x0">
  30192. <comment>Binary sequence c(n) for slot n and slot n+1, for single tone of PUSCH. </comment>
  30193. </bits>
  30194. </reg32>
  30195. <reg32 name="rTX_MDD_TIMER" protect="rw">
  30196. <bits access="rw" name="rTX_MDD_TIMER" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  30197. <comment>Timer which is set to limit the time of tx_mdd processing. </comment>
  30198. </bits>
  30199. </reg32>
  30200. <reg32 name="rTX_MDD_STATUS" protect="ro">
  30201. <bits access="w1c" name="rMDD_DONE_STATUS" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  30202. <comment>Tx MDD done status.
  30203. 1'b0: TX MDD ongoing/IDLE;
  30204. 1'b1: TX MDD done.
  30205. </comment>
  30206. </bits>
  30207. <bits access="w1c" name="rTRIP_MEM0_STATUS" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  30208. <comment>
  30209. 1'b0: the data in memory are invalid or has been read by SW;
  30210. 1'b1: the data in memory are valid.
  30211. after HW write data to this memory, this bit will be set by HW;
  30212. after SW read data from this memory, this bit will be clear by SW.
  30213. </comment>
  30214. </bits>
  30215. <bits access="w1c" name="rTRIP_MEM1_STATUS" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  30216. <comment>
  30217. 1'b0: the data in memory are invalid or has been read by SW;
  30218. 1'b1: the data in memory are valid.
  30219. after HW write data to this memory, this bit will be set by HW;
  30220. after SW read data from this memory, this bit will be clear by SW.
  30221. </comment>
  30222. </bits>
  30223. <bits access="w1c" name="rTRIP_MEM2_STATUS" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  30224. <comment>
  30225. 1'b0: the data in memory are invalid or has been read by SW;
  30226. 1'b1: the data in memory are valid.
  30227. after HW write data to this memory, this bit will be set by HW;
  30228. after SW read data from this memory, this bit will be clear by SW.
  30229. </comment>
  30230. </bits>
  30231. <bits access="ro" name="rTRIP_MEM0_OVWR" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  30232. <comment>
  30233. 1'b0: This memory never over-wrote;
  30234. 1'b1: This memory had beed over-wrote, which means HW write memory, but the data in memory has not been read.
  30235. </comment>
  30236. </bits>
  30237. <bits access="ro" name="rTRIP_MEM1_OVWR" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  30238. <comment>
  30239. 1'b0: This memory never over-wrote;
  30240. 1'b1: This memory had beed over-wrote, which means HW write memory, but the data in memory has not been read.
  30241. </comment>
  30242. </bits>
  30243. <bits access="ro" name="rTRIP_MEM2_OVWR" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  30244. <comment>
  30245. 1'b0: This memory never over-wrote;
  30246. 1'b1: This memory had beed over-wrote, which means HW write memory, but the data in memory has not been read.
  30247. </comment>
  30248. </bits>
  30249. <bits access="ro" name="rMDD_STATUS" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  30250. <comment>
  30251. 1'b0: TX MDD idle;
  30252. 1'b1: TX MDD busy.
  30253. </comment>
  30254. </bits>
  30255. <bits access="ro" name="rMOD_STATUS" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  30256. <comment>
  30257. 1'b0: TX MDD modulation idle;
  30258. 1'b1: TX MDD modulation busy.
  30259. </comment>
  30260. </bits>
  30261. <bits access="ro" name="rDFT_STATUS" pos="9:9" rst="0x0">
  30262. <comment>
  30263. 1'b0: TX MDD DFT idle;
  30264. 1'b1: TX MDD DFT busy.
  30265. </comment>
  30266. </bits>
  30267. <bits access="ro" name="rDMRS_STATUS" pos="10:10" rst="0x0">
  30268. <comment>
  30269. 1'b0: TX MDD DMRS generation idle;
  30270. 1'b1: TX MDD DMRS generation busy.
  30271. </comment>
  30272. </bits>
  30273. <bits access="ro" name="rTX_MDD_MEM_BUS_ERR" pos="14:11" rst="0x0">
  30274. <comment>
  30275. [3:2]: Modulation memory bus error;
  30276. [1:0]: RSE memory bus error.
  30277. </comment>
  30278. </bits>
  30279. <bits access="ro" name="rTX_MDD_TIMEOUT" pos="15:15" rst="0x0">
  30280. <comment>
  30281. 1'b0: TX MDD does not timeout;
  30282. 1'b1: TX MDD timeout.
  30283. </comment>
  30284. </bits>
  30285. </reg32>
  30286. </module>
  30287. </archive>
  30288. <archive relative = "nb_tx_pusch_encoder.xml">
  30289. <module name="nb_tx_pusch_encoder" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  30290. <reg32 name="PUSCH_ENC_CTRL" protect="rw">
  30291. <bits access="rw" name="rTIMEOUT_VAL" pos="15:0" rst="0x0">
  30292. <comment>Maximum time out value for pusch encoder in 61.44Mhz unit. </comment>
  30293. </bits>
  30294. <bits access="rw" name="Swap" pos="18:16" rst="0x0">
  30295. <comment>Endian SWAP control for bit, byte and word. </comment>
  30296. </bits>
  30297. </reg32>
  30298. <reg32 name="PUSCH_ENC_START" protect="wo">
  30299. <bits access="wo" name="PUSCH_ENC_START" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  30300. <comment> Write this register will trigger pusch encoder start </comment>
  30301. </bits>
  30302. </reg32>
  30303. <reg32 name="TBS" protect="rw">
  30304. <bits access="rw" name="TBS" pos="12:0" rst="0x0">
  30305. <comment>TB Size for PUSCH. </comment>
  30306. </bits>
  30307. </reg32>
  30308. <reg32 name="ALPHA_INI" protect="rw">
  30309. <bits access="rw" name="Alpha_ini" pos="12:0" rst="0x0">
  30310. <comment>Alpha init value for QPP interleaver. </comment>
  30311. </bits>
  30312. </reg32>
  30313. <reg32 name="ALPHA_STEP" protect="rw">
  30314. <bits access="rw" name="Alpha_step" pos="12:0" rst="0x0">
  30315. <comment>Alpha Step value for QPP interleaver. </comment>
  30316. </bits>
  30317. </reg32>
  30318. <reg32 name="PUSCH_ENC_RD_ADDR" protect="rw">
  30319. <bits access="rw" name="PUSCH_ENC_RD_ADDR" pos="9:0" rst="0x0">
  30320. <comment>Rd address to DSP memory for pusch encoder. </comment>
  30321. </bits>
  30322. </reg32>
  30323. <reg32 name="PUSCH_ENC_WR_ADDR" protect="rw">
  30324. <bits access="rw" name="PUSCH_ENC_WR_ADDR" pos="9:0" rst="0x0">
  30325. <comment>WR address to DSP memory for pusch encoder. </comment>
  30326. </bits>
  30327. </reg32>
  30328. <reg32 name="PUSCH_ENC_STATUS" protect="ro">
  30329. <bits access="rw1c" name="Done" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  30330. <comment>(This bit is read write 1 clear)
  30331. 0: No Done
  30332. 1: Done.
  30333. </comment>
  30334. </bits>
  30335. <bits access="ro" name="Overwritten" pos="1" rst="0x0">
  30336. <comment>Indicate overwritten happen for pusch encoder
  30337. 0: Normal
  30338. 1: Error
  30339. </comment>
  30340. </bits>
  30341. <bits access="ro" name="BUS Error" pos="3:2" rst="0x0">
  30342. <comment>Bit 0: DSP control bus error, 0-Normal, 1-Error
  30343. Bit 1: accelerator memory access collusion, 0-Normal, 1-Error
  30344. </comment>
  30345. </bits>
  30346. <bits access="ro" name="Timeout " pos="4" rst="0x0">
  30347. <comment>0: Normal
  30348. 1: Error
  30349. </comment>
  30350. </bits>
  30351. </reg32>
  30352. </module>
  30353. </archive>
  30354. <archive relative = "nb_viterbi.xml">
  30355. <module name="nb_viterbi" category="NBIOT_PHY">
  30356. <reg32 name="rVD_DEC_START" protect="w">
  30357. <bits name="rVD_DEC_START" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  30358. <comment>Start trigger of one sequential decoding of viterbi decoder which is generated by writing '1' to this register</comment>
  30359. </bits>
  30360. </reg32>
  30361. <reg32 name="rVD_CTRL" protect="rw">
  30362. <bits name="rVD_PL_SIZE" pos="27:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30363. <comment>Payload size of CBs to be decoded in one sequential decoding</comment>
  30364. </bits>
  30365. <bits name="rVD_DEC_NUM" pos="15:13" access="rw" rst="0">
  30366. <comment>Indicate the number(1~4) of coded blocks to be decoded in one sequential decoding process</comment>
  30367. </bits>
  30368. <bits name="rVD_DEINT_EN" pos="12" access="rw" rst="1">
  30369. <comment>Function of de-interleaving in hardware enable/disable
  30370. 1: Enable
  30371. 0: Disable
  30372. </comment>
  30373. </bits>
  30374. <bits name="rVD_CRCMASK_EN" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0">
  30375. <comment>CRC mask checking enable/disable(for RNTI and antenna port number)
  30376. 1: Enable
  30377. 0: Disable
  30378. </comment>
  30379. </bits>
  30380. <bits name="rVD_CRC_TYPE" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0">
  30381. <comment>Indicate the CRC type of sequential decoding
  30382. 1:24
  30383. 0:16
  30384. </comment>
  30385. </bits>
  30386. <bits name="Reserved" pos="9:1" access="rw" rst="0">
  30387. <comment>Reserved bits</comment>
  30388. </bits>
  30389. <bits name="rVD_LVA_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30390. <comment>List viterbi mode enable/disable
  30391. 1: Enable
  30392. 0: Disable
  30393. </comment>
  30394. </bits>
  30395. </reg32>
  30396. <reg32 name="rVD_ADDR_CTRL" protect="rw">
  30397. <bits name="rVD_VOR_ADDR_O" pos="29:21" access="rw" rst="0">
  30398. <comment>This register indicates the start address of viterbi output odd buffer for payload.</comment>
  30399. </bits>
  30400. <bits name="rVD_VOR_ADDR_E" pos="20:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  30401. <comment>This register indicates the start address of viterbi output even buffer for payload.</comment>
  30402. </bits>
  30403. <bits name="rVD_VIR_ADDR" pos="11:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30404. <comment>This register indicates the start address of data in viterbi input ram.</comment>
  30405. </bits>
  30406. </reg32>
  30407. <reg32 name="rVD_CRC_MASK01" protect="rw">
  30408. <bits name="rVD_CRC_MASK1" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30409. <comment>Indicate CRC mask1(for RNTI and antenna port number)</comment>
  30410. </bits>
  30411. <bits name="rVD_CRC_MASK0" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30412. <comment>Indicate CRC mask0(for RNTI and antenna port number)</comment>
  30413. </bits>
  30414. </reg32>
  30415. <reg32 name="rVD_CRC_MASK23" protect="rw">
  30416. <bits name="rVD_CRC_MASK3" pos="31:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30417. <comment>Indicate CRC mask1(for RNTI and antenna port number)</comment>
  30418. </bits>
  30419. <bits name="rVD_CRC_MASK2" pos="15:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30420. <comment>Indicate CRC mask0(for RNTI and antenna port number)</comment>
  30421. </bits>
  30422. </reg32>
  30423. <reg32 name="rVD_LONG_CFG" protect="rw">
  30424. <bits name="rVD_PL_SWAP" pos="26:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  30425. <comment>Reorder the 32bit data written to viterbi output buffer
  30426. 2:Reverse the word sequence in the Dword(1Dword)
  30427. 1: Reverse the byte sequence in every word(2words).
  30428. 0: Reverse the bit sequence in every byte(4bytes).</comment>
  30429. </bits>
  30430. <bits name="rVD_TIMECNT_LIMIT" pos="23:0" access="rw" rst="0xFFFFFF">
  30431. <comment>In a sequential decoding process, if the corresponding time counter exceeds this set value of rVD_TIMECNT_LIMIT, bit4 of rVD_DEC_SATUS will be set to 1 and sent to high layer.</comment>
  30432. </bits>
  30433. </reg32>
  30434. <hole size="2*32" />
  30435. <reg32 name="rVD_VOR_EO" protect="rw">
  30436. <bits name="rVD_VOR_EO" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30437. <comment>Indicate even/odd viterbi output buffer to be written by decoder:
  30438. 1: odd output buffer
  30439. 0: even output buffer</comment>
  30440. </bits>
  30441. </reg32>
  30442. <reg32 name="rVD_DEC_CTRL" protect="rw">
  30443. <bits name="rVD_SCALING_BW_Y" pos="31:28" access="rw" rst="0">
  30444. <comment>Bit width of output scaling data's fractional part(S8.y)</comment>
  30445. </bits>
  30446. <bits name="rVD_SCALING_BW_X" pos="27:24" access="rw" rst="0">
  30447. <comment>Bit width of input scaling data's fractional part(S16.x)</comment>
  30448. </bits>
  30449. <bits name="rVD_SCALING_FACTOR" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30450. <comment>This register(U8.7) is multiplied by scaling input data(S16.x)</comment>
  30451. </bits>
  30452. <bits name="rVD_CRCMASK_BITMAP3" pos="15:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  30453. <comment>Bitmap of CRC masks(0~3) used in blind decoding for the CB3 to be decoded</comment>
  30454. </bits>
  30455. <bits name="rVD_CRCMASK_BITMAP2" pos="11:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  30456. <comment>Bitmap of CRC masks(0~3) used in blind decoding for the CB2 to be decoded</comment>
  30457. </bits>
  30458. <bits name="rVD_CRCMASK_BITMAP1" pos="7:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  30459. <comment>Bitmap of CRC masks(0~3) used in blind decoding for the CB1 to be decoded</comment>
  30460. </bits>
  30461. <bits name="rVD_CRCMASK_BITMAP0" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30462. <comment>Bitmap of CRC masks(0~3) used in blind decoding for the CB0 to be decoded</comment>
  30463. </bits>
  30464. </reg32>
  30465. <reg32 name="rVD_CANDI_CFG" protect="rw">
  30466. <bits name="rVD_SF_IDX" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0">
  30467. <comment>Subframe index of current subframe on which DSP configure the decoding start siganl 'rVD_DEC_START'
  30468. </comment>
  30469. </bits>
  30470. <bits name="rVD_CANDI_CFG_CB3" pos="15:12" access="rw" rst="0">
  30471. <comment>15: Antenna number for candidate CB3(0: 1 antenna 1: 2 antennas)
  30472. 14:12: 80ms SFN for candidate CB3
  30473. </comment>
  30474. </bits>
  30475. <bits name="rVD_CANDI_CFG_CB2" pos="11:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  30476. <comment>15: Antenna number for candidate CB2(0: 1 antenna 1: 2 antennas)
  30477. 14:12: 80ms SFN for candidate CB2
  30478. </comment>
  30479. </bits>
  30480. <bits name="rVD_CANDI_CFG_CB1" pos="7:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  30481. <comment>15: Antenna number for candidate CB1(0: 1 antenna 1: 2 antennas)
  30482. 14:12: 80ms SFN for candidate CB1
  30483. </comment>
  30484. </bits>
  30485. <bits name="rVD_CANDI_CFG_CB0" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  30486. <comment>15: Antenna number for candidate CB0(0: 1 antenna 1: 2 antennas)
  30487. 14:12: 80ms SFN for candidate CB0
  30488. </comment>
  30489. </bits>
  30490. </reg32>
  30491. <hole size="1*32" />
  30492. <reg32 name="rVD_CRCREAD" protect="r">
  30493. <bits name="rVD_CRCRESULT_O" pos="31:16" access="r" rst="0">
  30494. <comment>CRC checking result of the corresponding code block for output buffer odd, and CRC results from CB0 to CB3 have to be written sequentially to bit[0]~bit[15] of this register.
  30495. 1: good 0: fail
  30496. If rVD_CRCMASK_EN =1, 4 bits mask checking result is reported for every candidate CB
  30497. [31:28] for CB3(28:MASK0, 29:MASK1, 30:MASK2, 31:MASK3)
  30498. [27:24] for CB2(24:MASK0, 25: MASK1, 26: MASK2, 27: MASK3)
  30499. [23:20] for CB1(20: MASK0, 21: MASK1, 22: MASK2, 23: MASK3)
  30500. [19:16] for CB0(16: MASK0, 17: MASK1, 18: MASK2, 19: MASK3)
  30501. And if rVD_CRCMASK_EN =0, 1 bit crc checking result is reported for every candidate CB
  30502. [28] for CB3
  30503. [24] for CB2
  30504. [20] for CB1
  30505. [16] for CB0</comment>
  30506. </bits>
  30507. <bits name="rVD_CRCRESULT_E" pos="15:0" access="r" rst="0">
  30508. <comment>CRC check result of the corresponding code block for output buffer even, and CRC results from CB0 to CB3 have to be written sequentially to bit[0]~bit[15] of this register.
  30509. 1: good 0: fail
  30510. If rVD_CRCMASK_EN =1, 4 bits mask checking result is reported for every candidate CB
  30511. [15:12] for CB3(12: MASK0, 13: MASK1, 14: MASK2, 15: MASK3)
  30512. [11:8] for CB2(8: MASK0, 9: MASK1, 10: MASK2, 11: MASK3)
  30513. [7:4] for CB1(4: MASK0, 5: MASK1, 6: MASK2, 7: MASK3)
  30514. [3:0] for CB0(0: MASK0, 1: MASK1, 2: MASK2, 3: MASK3)
  30515. And if rVD_CRCMASK_EN =0, 1 bit crc checking result is reported for every candidate CB
  30516. [12] for CB3
  30517. [8] for CB2
  30518. [4] for CB1
  30519. [0] for CB0</comment>
  30520. </bits>
  30521. </reg32>
  30522. <reg32 name="rVD_SERREAD01_E" protect="r">
  30523. <bits name="rVD_SER_1" pos="27:16" access="r" rst="0">
  30524. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB1</comment>
  30525. </bits>
  30526. <bits name="Reserved" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30527. <comment></comment>
  30528. </bits>
  30529. <bits name="rVD_SER_0" pos="11:0" access="r" rst="0">
  30530. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB0</comment>
  30531. </bits>
  30532. </reg32>
  30533. <reg32 name="rVD_SERREAD01_O" protect="r">
  30534. <bits name="rVD_SER_1" pos="27:16" access="r" rst="0">
  30535. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB1</comment>
  30536. </bits>
  30537. <bits name="Reserved" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30538. <comment></comment>
  30539. </bits>
  30540. <bits name="rVD_SER_0" pos="11:0" access="r" rst="0">
  30541. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB0</comment>
  30542. </bits>
  30543. </reg32>
  30544. <reg32 name="rVD_SERREAD23_E" protect="r">
  30545. <bits name="rVD_SER_3" pos="27:16" access="r" rst="0">
  30546. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB1</comment>
  30547. </bits>
  30548. <bits name="Reserved" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30549. <comment></comment>
  30550. </bits>
  30551. <bits name="rVD_SER_2" pos="11:0" access="r" rst="0">
  30552. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB0</comment>
  30553. </bits>
  30554. </reg32>
  30555. <reg32 name="rVD_SERREAD23_O" protect="r">
  30556. <bits name="rVD_SER_3" pos="27:16" access="r" rst="0">
  30557. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB1</comment>
  30558. </bits>
  30559. <bits name="Reserved" pos="15:12" access="r" rst="0">
  30560. <comment></comment>
  30561. </bits>
  30562. <bits name="rVD_SER_2" pos="11:0" access="r" rst="0">
  30563. <comment>Symbol error number of the candidate CB0</comment>
  30564. </bits>
  30565. </reg32>
  30566. <reg32 name="rVD_CANDI_RPT_E" protect="r">
  30567. <bits name="rVD_CANDI_RPT_E" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  30568. <comment>Report some configurations to MCU for output buffer even
  30569. [31:20] Report payload size
  30570. [19:0] Report configuration of register 'rVD_CANDI_CFG'</comment>
  30571. </bits>
  30572. </reg32>
  30573. <reg32 name="rVD_CANDI_RPT_O" protect="r">
  30574. <bits name="rVD_CANDI_RPT_O" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  30575. <comment>Report some configurations to MCU for output buffer even
  30576. [31:20] Report payload size
  30577. [19:0] Report configuration of register 'rVD_CANDI_CFG'</comment>
  30578. </bits>
  30579. </reg32>
  30580. <reg32 name="rVD_DEC_STATUS" protect="rw">
  30581. <bits name="rVD_ZERO_IND" pos="31:16" access="ro" rst="0">
  30582. <comment>Result of checking in case that the decoded data is all zero
  30583. 1: All zero
  30584. 0 : Not zero data.
  30585. Bit[23:16] for output even buffer:
  30586. [17:16] for CB0, bit16 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit17 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30587. [19:18] for CB1, bit18 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit19 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30588. [21:20] for CB2, bit20 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit21 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30589. [23:22] for CB3, bit22 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit23 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30590. Bit[31:24]for output odd buffer;
  30591. [25:24] for CB0, bit24 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit25 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30592. [27:26] for CB1, bit26 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit27 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30593. [29:28] for CB2, bit28 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit29 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30594. [31:30] for CB3, bit30 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit31 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30595. For NPDSCH, only bit[17:16] and bit[25:24] are used for CB0.</comment>
  30596. </bits>
  30597. <bits name="Reserved" pos="15:9" access="ro" rst="0">
  30598. <comment></comment>
  30599. </bits>
  30600. <bits name="rVD_VOR_REQ_FAIL" pos="8:7" access="ro" rst="0">
  30601. <comment>Viterbi-in ram reading error</comment>
  30602. </bits>
  30603. <bits name="rVD_VIR_REQ_FAIL" pos="6:5" access="ro" rst="0">
  30604. <comment>Viterbi output buffer writing error</comment>
  30605. </bits>
  30606. <bits name="rVD_TIMECNT_OUT" pos="4" access="w1c" rst="0">
  30607. <comment>This bit indicate that the time counter is exceed the limit of set value</comment>
  30608. </bits>
  30609. <bits name="rVD_VOR_OVERWRITE" pos="3:2" access="w1c" rst="0">
  30610. <comment>3: This bit is to indicate that the odd memory is overwritten or not before 'UPDATED' is cleared.
  30611. 2: This bit is to indicate that the even memory is overwritten or not before 'UPDATED' is cleared.</comment>
  30612. </bits>
  30613. <bits name="rVD_VOR_UPDATED" pos="1:0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  30614. <comment>1: This bit is to indicate that the odd memory is updated or not.
  30615. 0: This bit is to indicate that the even memory is updated or not.</comment>
  30616. </bits>
  30617. </reg32>
  30618. <reg32 name="rVD_DEC_L1C_STATUS" protect="rw">
  30619. <bits name="rVD_ZERO_IND" pos="31:16" access="ro" rst="0">
  30620. <comment>Result of checking in case that the decoded data is all zero
  30621. 1: All zero
  30622. 0 : Not zero data.
  30623. Bit[23:16] for output even buffer:
  30624. [17:16] for CB0, bit16 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit17 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30625. [19:18] for CB1, bit18 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit19 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30626. [21:20] for CB2, bit20 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit21 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30627. [23:22] for CB3, bit22 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit23 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30628. Bit[31:24]for output odd buffer;
  30629. [25:24] for CB0, bit24 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit25 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30630. [27:26] for CB1, bit26 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit27 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30631. [29:28] for CB2, bit28 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit29 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30632. [31:30] for CB3, bit30 indicates list Viterbi 1st path, bit31 indicates list Viterbi 2nd path(if 2nd path is needed )
  30633. For NPDSCH, only bit[17:16] and bit[25:24] are used for CB0.</comment>
  30634. </bits>
  30635. <bits name="Reserved" pos="15:9" access="ro" rst="0">
  30636. <comment></comment>
  30637. </bits>
  30638. <bits name="rVD_VOR_REQ_FAIL" pos="8:7" access="ro" rst="0">
  30639. <comment>Viterbi-in ram reading error</comment>
  30640. </bits>
  30641. <bits name="rVD_VIR_REQ_FAIL" pos="6:5" access="ro" rst="0">
  30642. <comment>Viterbi output buffer writing error</comment>
  30643. </bits>
  30644. <bits name="rVD_TIMECNT_OUT" pos="4" access="w1c" rst="0">
  30645. <comment>This bit indicate that the time counter is exceed the limit of set value</comment>
  30646. </bits>
  30647. <bits name="rVD_VOR_OVERWRITE" pos="3:2" access="w1c" rst="0">
  30648. <comment>3: This bit is to indicate that the odd memory is overwritten or not before 'UPDATED' is cleared.
  30649. 2: This bit is to indicate that the even memory is overwritten or not before 'UPDATED' is cleared.</comment>
  30650. </bits>
  30651. <bits name="rVD_VOR_UPDATED" pos="1:0" access="w1c" rst="0">
  30652. <comment>1: This bit is to indicate that the odd memory is updated or not.
  30653. 0: This bit is to indicate that the even memory is updated or not.</comment>
  30654. </bits>
  30655. </reg32>
  30656. </module>
  30657. </archive>
  30658. <archive relative="pmuc.xml">
  30659. <module name="pmuc" category="System">
  30660. <reg protect="rw" name="clock_select">
  30661. <bits access="r" name="clock_select_reserved_0" pos="31:7" rst="0">
  30662. </bits>
  30663. <bits access="rw" name="sel_pclk_gpt" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  30664. <comment>
  30665. 0/1: gclk 2: rc_26m_div 3: xtal26m
  30666. </comment>
  30667. </bits>
  30668. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_sel_pclk_lptop" pos="4:3" rst="0">
  30669. </bits>
  30670. <bits access="rw" name="sel_pclk_lptop" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  30671. <comment>
  30672. pclk_lptop source select: 0: rc26m 1: rc26m_div 2: xtal52m_div 3: clk_32k_root
  30673. </comment>
  30674. </bits>
  30675. <bits access="rw" name="sel_32k_src" pos="0" rst="0">
  30676. <comment>
  30677. clk_32k_root source select: 0: clk_32k from pmic 1: clk_32k_div
  30678. </comment>
  30679. </bits>
  30680. </reg>
  30681. <reg protect="rw" name="xtal26m_to_32k_divider_ctrl">
  30682. <bits access="r" name="xtal26m_to_32k_divider_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31" rst="0">
  30683. </bits>
  30684. <bits access="r" name="div_lp_mode_h" pos="30" rst="0">
  30685. <comment>
  30686. 32k divider work mode. 0: normal mode, 1: low power mode.
  30687. </comment>
  30688. </bits>
  30689. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk6m5_en" pos="29" rst="0">
  30690. <comment>
  30691. clk_xtal6p5m gen 32k enable
  30692. </comment>
  30693. </bits>
  30694. <bits access="rw" name="step_offset_nor" pos="28:16" rst="0">
  30695. <comment>
  30696. 32k divider normal mode step
  30697. </comment>
  30698. </bits>
  30699. <bits access="rw" name="step_offset_lp" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  30700. <comment>
  30701. 32k divider lp mode step
  30702. </comment>
  30703. </bits>
  30704. <bits access="rw" name="div_lp_mode_h_reg" pos="2" rst="0">
  30705. <comment>
  30706. Lp mode value
  30707. </comment>
  30708. </bits>
  30709. <bits access="rw" name="div_lp_mode_h_dr" pos="1" rst="0">
  30710. <comment>
  30711. Lp mode direct control
  30712. </comment>
  30713. </bits>
  30714. <bits access="rw" name="step_offset_update" pos="0" rst="0">
  30715. <comment>
  30716. Update the Step Offset Value for 32k divider
  30717. </comment>
  30718. </bits>
  30719. </reg>
  30720. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_uart1_cfg">
  30721. <bits access="r" name="clk_uart1_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  30722. </bits>
  30723. <bits access="rw" name="ip_clk_disable_uart1" pos="28" rst="0">
  30724. <comment>
  30725. disable uart1 clock
  30726. </comment>
  30727. </bits>
  30728. <bits access="rw" name="dbg_disable_acg_clk_uart1" pos="27" rst="0">
  30729. </bits>
  30730. <bits access="rw" name="sel_clk_uart1" pos="26:25" rst="0">
  30731. <comment>
  30732. uart1 clock source select: 0: clk_32k_root 1: clk_xtal6p5m 2: clk_xtal52m 3: clk_rc26m_div
  30733. </comment>
  30734. </bits>
  30735. <bits access="rc" name="uart1_div_update" pos="24" rst="0">
  30736. <comment>
  30737. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30738. uart1 clock divider update
  30739. </comment>
  30740. </bits>
  30741. <bits access="rw" name="uart1_div_denom" pos="23:10" rst="14">
  30742. <comment>
  30743. uart1 clock divider denom
  30744. </comment>
  30745. </bits>
  30746. <bits access="rw" name="uart1_div_num" pos="9:0" rst="1">
  30747. <comment>
  30748. uart1 clock divider num
  30749. </comment>
  30750. </bits>
  30751. </reg>
  30752. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_uart2_cfg">
  30753. <bits access="r" name="clk_uart2_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:29" rst="0">
  30754. </bits>
  30755. <bits access="rw" name="ip_clk_disable_uart2" pos="28" rst="0">
  30756. <comment>
  30757. disable uart2 clock
  30758. </comment>
  30759. </bits>
  30760. <bits access="rw" name="dbg_disable_acg_clk_uart2" pos="27" rst="0">
  30761. </bits>
  30762. <bits access="rw" name="sel_clk_uart2" pos="26:25" rst="0">
  30763. <comment>
  30764. uart2 clock source select: 0: clk_32k_root 1: clk_xtal6p5m 2: clk_xtal52m 3: clk_rc26m_div
  30765. </comment>
  30766. </bits>
  30767. <bits access="rc" name="uart2_div_update" pos="24" rst="0">
  30768. <comment>
  30769. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30770. uart2 clock divider update
  30771. </comment>
  30772. </bits>
  30773. <bits access="rw" name="uart2_div_denom" pos="23:10" rst="14">
  30774. <comment>
  30775. uart2 clock divider denom
  30776. </comment>
  30777. </bits>
  30778. <bits access="rw" name="uart2_div_num" pos="9:0" rst="1">
  30779. <comment>
  30780. uart2 clock divider num
  30781. </comment>
  30782. </bits>
  30783. </reg>
  30784. <reg protect="rw" name="rc26m_div_cfg">
  30785. <bits access="r" name="rc26m_div_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:25" rst="0">
  30786. </bits>
  30787. <bits access="rc" name="rc26m_div_update" pos="24" rst="0">
  30788. <comment>
  30789. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30790. rc26m clock divider update
  30791. </comment>
  30792. </bits>
  30793. <bits access="rw" name="rc26m_div_denom" pos="23:10" rst="2">
  30794. <comment>
  30795. rc26m clock divider denom
  30796. </comment>
  30797. </bits>
  30798. <bits access="rw" name="rc26m_div_num" pos="9:0" rst="1">
  30799. <comment>
  30800. rc26m clock divider num
  30801. </comment>
  30802. </bits>
  30803. </reg>
  30804. <reg protect="rw" name="ip_clk_disable_ctrl">
  30805. <bits access="r" name="ip_clk_disable_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  30806. </bits>
  30807. <bits access="rw" name="dbg_disable_acg_pclk" pos="13:7" rst="0">
  30808. </bits>
  30809. <bits access="rw" name="iomux_clk_disable" pos="6" rst="0">
  30810. </bits>
  30811. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_clk_disable" pos="5" rst="0">
  30812. </bits>
  30813. <bits access="rw" name="gpt1_clk_disable" pos="4" rst="0">
  30814. </bits>
  30815. <bits access="rw" name="uart2_clk_disable" pos="3" rst="0">
  30816. </bits>
  30817. <bits access="rw" name="uart1_clk_disable" pos="2" rst="0">
  30818. </bits>
  30819. <bits access="rw" name="lps_clk_disable" pos="1" rst="0">
  30820. </bits>
  30821. <bits access="rw" name="timer_clk_disable" pos="0" rst="0">
  30822. </bits>
  30823. </reg>
  30824. <reg protect="rw" name="ip_soft_rst_ctrl">
  30825. <bits access="r" name="ip_soft_rst_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  30826. </bits>
  30827. <bits access="rw" name="pmu_reg_soft_rst" pos="7" rst="1">
  30828. </bits>
  30829. <bits access="rw" name="iomux_soft_rst" pos="6" rst="1">
  30830. </bits>
  30831. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_soft_rst" pos="5" rst="1">
  30832. </bits>
  30833. <bits access="rw" name="gpt1_soft_rst" pos="4" rst="1">
  30834. </bits>
  30835. <bits access="rw" name="uart2_soft_rst" pos="3" rst="1">
  30836. </bits>
  30837. <bits access="rw" name="uart1_soft_rst" pos="2" rst="1">
  30838. </bits>
  30839. <bits access="rw" name="lps_soft_rst" pos="1" rst="1">
  30840. </bits>
  30841. <bits access="rw" name="timer_soft_rst" pos="0" rst="1">
  30842. </bits>
  30843. </reg>
  30844. <reg protect="rw" name="rc26m_ctrl">
  30845. <bits access="r" name="rc26m_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  30846. </bits>
  30847. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rc_osc_rsvd" pos="13:10" rst="0">
  30848. </bits>
  30849. <bits access="rw" name="pu_rc26m_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  30850. <comment>
  30851. rc26m power on direct control
  30852. </comment>
  30853. </bits>
  30854. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rc_osc_pu" pos="8" rst="1">
  30855. <comment>
  30856. 0x1: enable 0x1: disable
  30857. </comment>
  30858. </bits>
  30859. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_ibias_ctrl" pos="7" rst="0">
  30860. <comment>
  30861. 0x0: low current bias 0x1: high current bias
  30862. </comment>
  30863. </bits>
  30864. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rc_osc_res_ctrl" pos="6:3" rst="6">
  30865. <comment>
  30866. osc tuning res: 0x0 min res 0x1 min+res1 … 0x15 max res
  30867. </comment>
  30868. </bits>
  30869. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rc_osc_cap_tune" pos="2:0" rst="3">
  30870. <comment>
  30871. osc tuning cap: 0x0 min cap 0x1 min+cap1 … 0x7 max cap
  30872. </comment>
  30873. </bits>
  30874. </reg>
  30875. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_wakeup_mask">
  30876. <bits access="r" name="pmu_wakeup_mask_reserved_0" pos="31:8" rst="0">
  30877. </bits>
  30878. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_ana_wakeup" pos="7" rst="0">
  30879. </bits>
  30880. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_dbg_wakeup" pos="6" rst="0">
  30881. </bits>
  30882. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_lps_wakeup" pos="5" rst="0">
  30883. </bits>
  30884. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_gpt_wakeup" pos="4" rst="0">
  30885. </bits>
  30886. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_timer_wakeup" pos="3" rst="0">
  30887. </bits>
  30888. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_uart2_wakeup" pos="2" rst="0">
  30889. </bits>
  30890. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_uart1_wakeup" pos="1" rst="0">
  30891. </bits>
  30892. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_gpio_wakeup" pos="0" rst="0">
  30893. </bits>
  30894. </reg>
  30895. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_wakeup_clr">
  30896. <bits access="r" name="pmu_wakeup_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:9" rst="0">
  30897. </bits>
  30898. <bits access="rc" name="ext_rst_wakeup_clr" pos="8" rst="0">
  30899. <comment>
  30900. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30901. </comment>
  30902. </bits>
  30903. <bits access="rc" name="ana_wakeup_clr" pos="7" rst="0">
  30904. <comment>
  30905. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30906. </comment>
  30907. </bits>
  30908. <bits access="rc" name="dbg_wakeup_clr" pos="6" rst="0">
  30909. <comment>
  30910. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30911. </comment>
  30912. </bits>
  30913. <bits access="rc" name="lps_wakeup_clr" pos="5" rst="0">
  30914. <comment>
  30915. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30916. </comment>
  30917. </bits>
  30918. <bits access="rc" name="gpt_wakeup_clr" pos="4" rst="0">
  30919. <comment>
  30920. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30921. </comment>
  30922. </bits>
  30923. <bits access="rc" name="timer_wakeup_clr" pos="3" rst="0">
  30924. <comment>
  30925. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30926. </comment>
  30927. </bits>
  30928. <bits access="rc" name="uart2_wakeup_clr" pos="2" rst="0">
  30929. <comment>
  30930. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30931. </comment>
  30932. </bits>
  30933. <bits access="rc" name="uart1_wakeup_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  30934. <comment>
  30935. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30936. </comment>
  30937. </bits>
  30938. <bits access="rc" name="gpio_wakeup_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  30939. <comment>
  30940. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30941. </comment>
  30942. </bits>
  30943. </reg>
  30944. <reg protect="r" name="pmu_wakeup_status">
  30945. <bits access="r" name="pmu_wakeup_status_reserved_0" pos="31:9" rst="0">
  30946. </bits>
  30947. <bits access="r" name="ext_rst_wakeup_status" pos="8" rst="0">
  30948. </bits>
  30949. <bits access="r" name="ana_wakeup_status" pos="7" rst="0">
  30950. </bits>
  30951. <bits access="r" name="dbg_wakeup_status" pos="6" rst="0">
  30952. </bits>
  30953. <bits access="r" name="lps_wakeup_status" pos="5" rst="0">
  30954. </bits>
  30955. <bits access="r" name="gpt_wakeup_status" pos="4" rst="0">
  30956. </bits>
  30957. <bits access="r" name="timer_wakeup_status" pos="3" rst="0">
  30958. </bits>
  30959. <bits access="r" name="uart2_wakeup_status" pos="2" rst="0">
  30960. </bits>
  30961. <bits access="r" name="uart1_wakeup_status" pos="1" rst="0">
  30962. </bits>
  30963. <bits access="r" name="gpio_wakeup_status" pos="0" rst="0">
  30964. </bits>
  30965. </reg>
  30966. <reg protect="rw" name="pmuc_int_mask">
  30967. <bits access="r" name="pmuc_int_mask_reserved_0" pos="31:3" rst="0">
  30968. </bits>
  30969. <bits access="rw" name="bua_det_int_mask" pos="2" rst="0">
  30970. </bits>
  30971. <bits access="rw" name="pmu_pu_ready_int_mask" pos="1" rst="0">
  30972. </bits>
  30973. <bits access="rw" name="pmu_pu_done_int_mask" pos="0" rst="0">
  30974. </bits>
  30975. </reg>
  30976. <reg protect="rw" name="pmuc_int_clr">
  30977. <bits access="r" name="pmuc_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:3" rst="0">
  30978. </bits>
  30979. <bits access="rc" name="bua_det_int_clr" pos="2" rst="0">
  30980. <comment>
  30981. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30982. </comment>
  30983. </bits>
  30984. <bits access="rc" name="pmu_pu_ready_int_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  30985. <comment>
  30986. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30987. </comment>
  30988. </bits>
  30989. <bits access="rc" name="pmu_pu_done_int_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  30990. <comment>
  30991. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  30992. </comment>
  30993. </bits>
  30994. </reg>
  30995. <reg protect="r" name="pmuc_int_status">
  30996. <bits access="r" name="pmuc_int_status_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  30997. </bits>
  30998. <bits access="r" name="bua_det_int_cause" pos="5" rst="0">
  30999. </bits>
  31000. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pu_ready_int_cause" pos="4" rst="0">
  31001. </bits>
  31002. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pu_done_int_cause" pos="3" rst="0">
  31003. </bits>
  31004. <bits access="r" name="bua_det_int_status" pos="2" rst="0">
  31005. </bits>
  31006. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pu_ready_int_status" pos="1" rst="0">
  31007. </bits>
  31008. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pu_done_int_status" pos="0" rst="0">
  31009. </bits>
  31010. </reg>
  31011. <reg protect="r" name="power_status">
  31012. <bits access="r" name="power_status_reserved_0" pos="31:25" rst="0">
  31013. </bits>
  31014. <bits access="r" name="pu_dbb" pos="24" rst="0">
  31015. </bits>
  31016. <bits access="r" name="iso_lptop" pos="23" rst="0">
  31017. </bits>
  31018. <bits access="r" name="resetb_dbb" pos="22" rst="0">
  31019. </bits>
  31020. <bits access="r" name="iso_bb_top" pos="21" rst="0">
  31021. </bits>
  31022. <bits access="r" name="resetb_bb_top" pos="20" rst="0">
  31023. </bits>
  31024. <bits access="r" name="pu_bb_top" pos="19" rst="0">
  31025. </bits>
  31026. <bits access="r" name="pu_rf_ana" pos="18" rst="0">
  31027. </bits>
  31028. <bits access="r" name="pu_rc26m" pos="17" rst="0">
  31029. </bits>
  31030. <bits access="r" name="xtal26m_lp_mode" pos="16" rst="0">
  31031. </bits>
  31032. <bits access="r" name="pu_xtal26m" pos="15" rst="0">
  31033. </bits>
  31034. <bits access="r" name="chip_sleep" pos="14" rst="0">
  31035. </bits>
  31036. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pu_done" pos="13" rst="0">
  31037. </bits>
  31038. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pu_ready" pos="12" rst="0">
  31039. </bits>
  31040. <bits access="r" name="pmu_wakeup_exist" pos="11" rst="0">
  31041. </bits>
  31042. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pm02_sw_state" pos="10:6" rst="0">
  31043. </bits>
  31044. <bits access="r" name="first_pwron_state" pos="5:3" rst="0">
  31045. </bits>
  31046. <bits access="r" name="pmu_pm_state" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  31047. </bits>
  31048. </reg>
  31049. <reg protect="r" name="mem_power_status_0">
  31050. <bits access="r" name="mem_power_status_0_reserved_0" pos="31:30" rst="0">
  31051. </bits>
  31052. <bits access="r" name="ram_ret2n" pos="29:15" rst="0">
  31053. </bits>
  31054. <bits access="r" name="ram_ret1n" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  31055. </bits>
  31056. </reg>
  31057. <reg protect="r" name="mem_power_status_1">
  31058. <bits access="r" name="mem_power_status_1_reserved_0" pos="31:30" rst="0">
  31059. </bits>
  31060. <bits access="r" name="ram_pgen" pos="29:15" rst="0">
  31061. </bits>
  31062. <bits access="r" name="ram_vce_pu" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  31063. </bits>
  31064. </reg>
  31065. <reg protect="rw" name="power_mode_ctrl_0">
  31066. <bits access="r" name="power_mode_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="31:23" rst="0">
  31067. </bits>
  31068. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_skip_wait_xtal_before_dbb" pos="22" rst="0">
  31069. </bits>
  31070. <bits access="r" name="bua_det_latch" pos="21" rst="0">
  31071. </bits>
  31072. <bits access="rw" name="bua_det_normal_func_enable" pos="20" rst="0">
  31073. </bits>
  31074. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_read_disable" pos="19" rst="0">
  31075. </bits>
  31076. <bits access="rw" name="mem_ret_mode" pos="18" rst="0">
  31077. <comment>
  31078. 0: mode1 1: mode2
  31079. </comment>
  31080. </bits>
  31081. <bits access="rw" name="reg_pu_done" pos="17" rst="0">
  31082. <comment>
  31083. soft confirm pu_done
  31084. </comment>
  31085. </bits>
  31086. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pd_bb_top" pos="16" rst="0">
  31087. <comment>
  31088. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31089. </comment>
  31090. </bits>
  31091. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pu_bb_top" pos="15" rst="0">
  31092. <comment>
  31093. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31094. </comment>
  31095. </bits>
  31096. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pd_rf_ana" pos="14" rst="0">
  31097. <comment>
  31098. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31099. </comment>
  31100. </bits>
  31101. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pu_rf_ana" pos="13" rst="0">
  31102. <comment>
  31103. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31104. </comment>
  31105. </bits>
  31106. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pu_xtal26m" pos="12" rst="0">
  31107. <comment>
  31108. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31109. </comment>
  31110. </bits>
  31111. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pd_xtal26m" pos="11" rst="0">
  31112. <comment>
  31113. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31114. </comment>
  31115. </bits>
  31116. <bits access="rc" name="reg_lp_xtal26m" pos="10" rst="0">
  31117. <comment>
  31118. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31119. </comment>
  31120. </bits>
  31121. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pu_rc26m" pos="9" rst="0">
  31122. <comment>
  31123. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31124. </comment>
  31125. </bits>
  31126. <bits access="rc" name="reg_pd_rc26m" pos="8" rst="0">
  31127. <comment>
  31128. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31129. </comment>
  31130. </bits>
  31131. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_wakeup_pu_bb" pos="7" rst="1">
  31132. </bits>
  31133. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_wakeup_pu_rf" pos="6" rst="1">
  31134. </bits>
  31135. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_wakeup_xtal26m_mode" pos="5:4" rst="1">
  31136. <comment>
  31137. 0: pd 1: pu 2: lp
  31138. </comment>
  31139. </bits>
  31140. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_xtal26m_lp_mode" pos="3" rst="0">
  31141. <comment>
  31142. 0: pd 1: lp
  31143. </comment>
  31144. </bits>
  31145. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_pd_rc26m" pos="2" rst="1">
  31146. </bits>
  31147. <bits access="rw" name="power_mode" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  31148. <comment>
  31149. 0: active 2: sleep 3: psm
  31150. </comment>
  31151. </bits>
  31152. </reg>
  31153. <reg protect="rw" name="power_mode_ctrl_1">
  31154. <bits access="r" name="power_mode_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  31155. </bits>
  31156. <bits access="rw" name="pm2_pd_ram" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  31157. <comment>
  31158. 1: pm2 power down ram
  31159. </comment>
  31160. </bits>
  31161. </reg>
  31162. <reg protect="rw" name="delay_time_ctrl">
  31163. <bits access="r" name="delay_time_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:26" rst="0">
  31164. </bits>
  31165. <bits access="rw" name="vrf_pd_time" pos="25:22" rst="15">
  31166. <comment>
  31167. vrf_pd_time
  31168. </comment>
  31169. </bits>
  31170. <bits access="rw" name="adie_pu_time" pos="21:14" rst="63">
  31171. <comment>
  31172. pm2 wakeup wait adie pu time, default is 2ms
  31173. </comment>
  31174. </bits>
  31175. <bits access="rw" name="dbb_rst_rls_time" pos="13:7" rst="127">
  31176. <comment>
  31177. time delay before dbb reset release, reg value * 30us, default is 4ms
  31178. </comment>
  31179. </bits>
  31180. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_rdy_time" pos="6:0" rst="80">
  31181. <comment>
  31182. default is 2.5ms
  31183. </comment>
  31184. </bits>
  31185. </reg>
  31186. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_power_dr_ctrl">
  31187. <bits access="r" name="pmu_power_dr_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:30" rst="0">
  31188. </bits>
  31189. <bits access="rw" name="sim_io_ret" pos="29:28" rst="0">
  31190. </bits>
  31191. <bits access="rw" name="psram_io_ret" pos="27" rst="0">
  31192. </bits>
  31193. <bits access="rw" name="pclk_sw_dr" pos="26" rst="0">
  31194. </bits>
  31195. <bits access="rw" name="reg_resetb_efs" pos="25" rst="0">
  31196. </bits>
  31197. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_efs_dr" pos="24" rst="0">
  31198. </bits>
  31199. <bits access="rw" name="pu_dbb_dr" pos="23" rst="0">
  31200. </bits>
  31201. <bits access="rw" name="reg_pu_dbb" pos="22" rst="0">
  31202. </bits>
  31203. <bits access="rw" name="iso_lptop_dr" pos="21" rst="0">
  31204. </bits>
  31205. <bits access="rw" name="reg_iso_lptop" pos="20" rst="0">
  31206. </bits>
  31207. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_dbb_dr" pos="19" rst="0">
  31208. </bits>
  31209. <bits access="rw" name="reg_resetb_dbb" pos="18" rst="1">
  31210. </bits>
  31211. <bits access="rw" name="pu_rf_ana_dr" pos="17" rst="0">
  31212. </bits>
  31213. <bits access="rw" name="reg_pu_rf_ana" pos="16" rst="0">
  31214. </bits>
  31215. <bits access="rw" name="reg_resetb_bb_top" pos="15" rst="1">
  31216. </bits>
  31217. <bits access="rw" name="resetb_bb_top_dr" pos="14" rst="0">
  31218. </bits>
  31219. <bits access="rw" name="reg_iso_bb_top" pos="13" rst="0">
  31220. </bits>
  31221. <bits access="rw" name="iso_bb_top_dr" pos="12" rst="0">
  31222. </bits>
  31223. <bits access="rw" name="reg_pu_bb_top" pos="11" rst="0">
  31224. </bits>
  31225. <bits access="rw" name="pu_bb_top_dr" pos="10" rst="0">
  31226. </bits>
  31227. <bits access="rw" name="xtal26m_lp_mode_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  31228. </bits>
  31229. <bits access="rw" name="reg_xtal26m_lp_mode_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  31230. </bits>
  31231. <bits access="rw" name="pu_xtal26m_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  31232. </bits>
  31233. <bits access="rw" name="reg_pu_xtal26m" pos="6" rst="0">
  31234. </bits>
  31235. <bits access="rw" name="pmu_pu_ready_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  31236. </bits>
  31237. <bits access="rw" name="reg_pmu_pu_ready" pos="4" rst="0">
  31238. </bits>
  31239. <bits access="rw" name="pmu_pu_done_dr" pos="3" rst="0">
  31240. </bits>
  31241. <bits access="rw" name="reg_pmu_pu_done" pos="2" rst="0">
  31242. </bits>
  31243. <bits access="rw" name="chip_sleep_dr" pos="1" rst="0">
  31244. </bits>
  31245. <bits access="rw" name="reg_chip_sleep" pos="0" rst="0">
  31246. </bits>
  31247. </reg>
  31248. <reg protect="rw" name="mem_power_ctrl_0">
  31249. <bits access="r" name="mem_power_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="31:30" rst="0">
  31250. </bits>
  31251. <bits access="rw" name="ram_vce_pu_dr" pos="29:15" rst="0">
  31252. <comment>
  31253. ram vce power down direct control
  31254. </comment>
  31255. </bits>
  31256. <bits access="rw" name="reg_ram_vce_pu" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  31257. </bits>
  31258. </reg>
  31259. <reg protect="rw" name="mem_power_ctrl_1">
  31260. <bits access="r" name="mem_power_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="31:30" rst="0">
  31261. </bits>
  31262. <bits access="rw" name="ram_pgen_dr" pos="29:15" rst="0">
  31263. <comment>
  31264. ram pgen direct control
  31265. </comment>
  31266. </bits>
  31267. <bits access="rw" name="reg_ram_pgen" pos="14:0" rst="0">
  31268. </bits>
  31269. </reg>
  31270. <reg protect="rw" name="mem_power_ctrl_2">
  31271. <bits access="r" name="mem_power_ctrl_2_reserved_0" pos="31:30" rst="0">
  31272. </bits>
  31273. <bits access="rw" name="ram_ret_dr" pos="29:15" rst="0">
  31274. <comment>
  31275. ram retention direct control
  31276. </comment>
  31277. </bits>
  31278. <bits access="rw" name="reg_ram_ret1n" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  31279. </bits>
  31280. </reg>
  31281. <reg protect="rw" name="mem_power_ctrl_3">
  31282. <bits access="r" name="mem_power_ctrl_3_reserved_0" pos="31:15" rst="0">
  31283. </bits>
  31284. <bits access="rw" name="reg_ram_ret2n" pos="14:0" rst="32767">
  31285. </bits>
  31286. </reg>
  31287. <reg protect="rw" name="dcxo_ctrl_0">
  31288. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_reg_bit" pos="31:28" rst="8">
  31289. </bits>
  31290. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_vamp_ibit" pos="27:24" rst="4">
  31291. </bits>
  31292. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_fix_ibit" pos="23:19" rst="24">
  31293. </bits>
  31294. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_capbank" pos="18:11" rst="128">
  31295. </bits>
  31296. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk11_en" pos="10" rst="1">
  31297. </bits>
  31298. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk10_en" pos="9" rst="1">
  31299. </bits>
  31300. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk9_en" pos="8" rst="1">
  31301. </bits>
  31302. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk8_en" pos="7" rst="1">
  31303. </bits>
  31304. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk7_en" pos="6" rst="1">
  31305. </bits>
  31306. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk6_en" pos="5" rst="1">
  31307. </bits>
  31308. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk5_en" pos="4" rst="1">
  31309. </bits>
  31310. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk4_en" pos="3" rst="1">
  31311. </bits>
  31312. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk3_en" pos="2" rst="1">
  31313. </bits>
  31314. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk2_en" pos="1" rst="1">
  31315. </bits>
  31316. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_clk1_en" pos="0" rst="1">
  31317. </bits>
  31318. </reg>
  31319. <reg protect="rw" name="dcxo_ctrl_1">
  31320. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_din" pos="31:18" rst="8192">
  31321. </bits>
  31322. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_rda_hlsel" pos="17:16" rst="3">
  31323. </bits>
  31324. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_ck6m5_en" pos="15" rst="0">
  31325. </bits>
  31326. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_ck26m_en" pos="14" rst="1">
  31327. </bits>
  31328. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_rsvd" pos="13:10" rst="3">
  31329. </bits>
  31330. <bits access="rw" name="xdrv_pu" pos="9" rst="0">
  31331. </bits>
  31332. <bits access="rw" name="xdrv_reg_bit" pos="8:5" rst="8">
  31333. </bits>
  31334. <bits access="rw" name="xdrv_pu_gps" pos="4" rst="0">
  31335. </bits>
  31336. <bits access="rw" name="xdrv_drv_en" pos="3:0" rst="15">
  31337. </bits>
  31338. </reg>
  31339. <reg protect="rw" name="dcxo_lp_ctrl_0">
  31340. <bits access="r" name="dcxo_lp_ctrl_0_reserved_0" pos="31:14" rst="0">
  31341. </bits>
  31342. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_din" pos="13:0" rst="8192">
  31343. </bits>
  31344. </reg>
  31345. <reg protect="rw" name="dcxo_lp_ctrl_1">
  31346. <bits access="r" name="dcxo_lp_ctrl_1_reserved_0" pos="31:19" rst="0">
  31347. </bits>
  31348. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_vamp_ibit" pos="18:15" rst="0">
  31349. </bits>
  31350. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_fix_ibit" pos="14:10" rst="3">
  31351. </bits>
  31352. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_capbank" pos="9:2" rst="128">
  31353. </bits>
  31354. <bits access="rw" name="xtal_rda_hlsel" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  31355. </bits>
  31356. </reg>
  31357. <reg protect="rw" name="pad_ctrl">
  31358. <bits access="r" name="pad_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  31359. </bits>
  31360. <bits access="rw" name="ibit_adie_if" pos="15:14" rst="2">
  31361. </bits>
  31362. <bits access="rw" name="clk_26m_wpu" pos="13:12" rst="0">
  31363. </bits>
  31364. <bits access="rw" name="clk_26m_wpd" pos="11" rst="0">
  31365. </bits>
  31366. <bits access="rw" name="sleep_wpu" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  31367. </bits>
  31368. <bits access="rw" name="sleep_wpd" pos="8" rst="0">
  31369. </bits>
  31370. <bits access="rw" name="adi_sda_pu" pos="7:6" rst="0">
  31371. </bits>
  31372. <bits access="rw" name="adi_sda_pd" pos="5" rst="0">
  31373. </bits>
  31374. <bits access="rw" name="adi_sda_ie" pos="4" rst="1">
  31375. </bits>
  31376. <bits access="rw" name="adi_sda_se" pos="3" rst="1">
  31377. </bits>
  31378. <bits access="rw" name="adi_scl_pu" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  31379. </bits>
  31380. <bits access="rw" name="adi_scl_pd" pos="0" rst="0">
  31381. </bits>
  31382. </reg>
  31383. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_26m_pmic_cfg">
  31384. <bits access="r" name="clk_26m_pmic_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:26" rst="0">
  31385. </bits>
  31386. <bits access="rw" name="src_sel" pos="25" rst="0">
  31387. <comment>
  31388. 0: rc26m 1: xtal26m
  31389. </comment>
  31390. </bits>
  31391. <bits access="rc" name="div_update" pos="24" rst="0">
  31392. <comment>
  31393. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31394. </comment>
  31395. </bits>
  31396. <bits access="rw" name="div_num" pos="23:14" rst="1">
  31397. </bits>
  31398. <bits access="rw" name="div_denom" pos="13:0" rst="4">
  31399. </bits>
  31400. </reg>
  31401. <reg protect="rw" name="boundary_test_ctrl">
  31402. <bits access="r" name="boundary_test_ctrl_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  31403. </bits>
  31404. <bits access="r" name="clk_32k_ext" pos="5" rst="0">
  31405. </bits>
  31406. <bits access="r" name="resetb_ext" pos="4" rst="0">
  31407. </bits>
  31408. <bits access="r" name="ana_int" pos="3" rst="0">
  31409. </bits>
  31410. <bits access="r" name="bua_det" pos="2" rst="0">
  31411. </bits>
  31412. <bits access="rw" name="clk_26m_pmic" pos="1" rst="0">
  31413. </bits>
  31414. <bits access="rw" name="enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  31415. </bits>
  31416. </reg>
  31417. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_0">
  31418. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31419. </bits>
  31420. </reg>
  31421. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_1">
  31422. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31423. </bits>
  31424. </reg>
  31425. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_2">
  31426. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31427. </bits>
  31428. </reg>
  31429. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_3">
  31430. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31431. </bits>
  31432. </reg>
  31433. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_4">
  31434. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31435. </bits>
  31436. </reg>
  31437. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_5">
  31438. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31439. </bits>
  31440. </reg>
  31441. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_6">
  31442. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31443. </bits>
  31444. </reg>
  31445. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_7">
  31446. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31447. </bits>
  31448. </reg>
  31449. <reg protect="rw" name="pmu_rsvd_reg_8">
  31450. <bits access="rw" name="data" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  31451. </bits>
  31452. </reg>
  31453. <reg protect="rw" name="rsvd_ports">
  31454. <bits access="r" name="rsvd_ports_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  31455. </bits>
  31456. <bits access="r" name="in" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  31457. </bits>
  31458. <bits access="rw" name="out" pos="7:0" rst="3">
  31459. </bits>
  31460. </reg>
  31461. <reg protect="rw" name="otp_reg">
  31462. <bits access="r" name="otp_reg_reserved_0" pos="31:13" rst="0">
  31463. </bits>
  31464. <bits access="rw" name="otp_reg_rsvd" pos="12:7" rst="0">
  31465. </bits>
  31466. <bits access="rw" name="force_enable_dbghost" pos="6" rst="0">
  31467. </bits>
  31468. <bits access="rw" name="force_enable_snidbg" pos="5" rst="0">
  31469. </bits>
  31470. <bits access="rw" name="force_enable_sidbg" pos="4" rst="0">
  31471. </bits>
  31472. <bits access="rw" name="force_enable_nidbg" pos="3" rst="0">
  31473. </bits>
  31474. <bits access="rw" name="force_enable_idbg" pos="2" rst="0">
  31475. </bits>
  31476. <bits access="rw" name="force_enable_swd" pos="1" rst="0">
  31477. </bits>
  31478. <bits access="rw" name="otp_programmed" pos="0" rst="0">
  31479. </bits>
  31480. </reg>
  31481. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_xtal52m_div_cfg">
  31482. <bits access="r" name="clk_xtal52m_div_cfg_reserved_0" pos="31:25" rst="0">
  31483. </bits>
  31484. <bits access="rc" name="update" pos="24" rst="0">
  31485. <comment>
  31486. bit type is changed from w1c to rc.
  31487. </comment>
  31488. </bits>
  31489. <bits access="rw" name="num" pos="23:14" rst="1">
  31490. </bits>
  31491. <bits access="rw" name="denom" pos="13:0" rst="4">
  31492. </bits>
  31493. </reg>
  31494. </module>
  31495. </archive>
  31496. <archive relative = "psram8_ctrl.xml">
  31497. <module name="psram8_ctrl" category="System">
  31498. <reg name="ctrl_time" protect="rw">
  31499. <bits access="rw" name="rl_type" pos="31:31" rst="0x0">
  31500. </bits>
  31501. <bits access="rw" name="rl" pos="29:24" rst="0x3">
  31502. </bits>
  31503. <bits access="rw" name="wl" pos="21:16" rst="0x0">
  31504. </bits>
  31505. <bits access="rw" name="w_tcph" pos="13:8" rst="0x7">
  31506. </bits>
  31507. <bits access="rw" name="r_tcph" pos="5:0" rst="0x3">
  31508. </bits>
  31509. </reg>
  31510. <reg name="read_ctrl" protect="rw">
  31511. <bits access="rw" name="fifo_rst_time" pos="17:12" rst="0x1">
  31512. </bits>
  31513. <bits access="rw" name="rd_start_mode" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  31514. </bits>
  31515. <bits access="rw" name="opt_length" pos="7:4" rst="0x3">
  31516. </bits>
  31517. <bits access="rw" name="rd_start_num" pos="3:0" rst="0x7">
  31518. </bits>
  31519. </reg>
  31520. <reg name="delay_final_add" protect="rw">
  31521. <bits access="rw" name="delay_final_add_clk" pos="20:16" rst="0x1">
  31522. </bits>
  31523. <bits access="rw" name="delay_final_add_dqs_o" pos="12:8" rst="0x1">
  31524. </bits>
  31525. <bits access="rw" name="delay_final_add_dqs_i" pos="4:0" rst="0x1">
  31526. </bits>
  31527. </reg>
  31528. <reg name="dqs_ctrl" protect="rw">
  31529. <bits access="rw" name="o_dqs_u_delay" pos="31:24" rst="0x0">
  31530. </bits>
  31531. <bits access="rw" name="o_dqs_l_delay" pos="23:16" rst="0x0">
  31532. </bits>
  31533. <bits access="rw" name="i_dqs_u_delay" pos="15:8" rst="0x0">
  31534. </bits>
  31535. <bits access="rw" name="i_dqs_l_delay" pos="7:0" rst="0x0">
  31536. </bits>
  31537. </reg>
  31538. <reg name="clk_ctrl" protect="rw">
  31539. <bits access="rw" name="o_clk_delay" pos="7:0" rst="0x0">
  31540. </bits>
  31541. </reg>
  31542. <reg name="power_up" protect="rw">
  31543. <bits access="rw" name="wake_up_trig" pos="20:20" rst="0x0">
  31544. </bits>
  31545. <bits access="rw" name="wake_up_time" pos="19:12" rst="0xf">
  31546. </bits>
  31547. <bits access="r" name="init_done_state" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  31548. </bits>
  31549. <bits access="rw" name="hw_power_pulse" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  31550. </bits>
  31551. <bits access="rw" name="sw_init_done" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  31552. </bits>
  31553. <bits access="rw" name="sw_power_level" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  31554. </bits>
  31555. </reg>
  31556. <reg name="power_time" protect="rw">
  31557. <bits access="rw" name="rst_wait_time" pos="25:16" rst="0x3ff">
  31558. </bits>
  31559. <bits access="rw" name="rst_tcph_time" pos="13:8" rst="0x7">
  31560. </bits>
  31561. <bits access="rw" name="rst_acc_time" pos="5:0" rst="0x5">
  31562. </bits>
  31563. </reg>
  31564. <reg name="reg_time" protect="rw">
  31565. <bits access="rw" name="nop_time" pos="21:16" rst="0xf">
  31566. </bits>
  31567. <bits access="rw" name="send_reg_time" pos="13:8" rst="0x3">
  31568. </bits>
  31569. <bits access="rw" name="read_reg_time" pos="5:0" rst="0xf">
  31570. </bits>
  31571. </reg>
  31572. <reg name="irsr" protect="r">
  31573. <bits access="r" name="wrong_delay" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  31574. </bits>
  31575. <bits access="r" name="delay_updt" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  31576. </bits>
  31577. <bits access="r" name="rd_timeout" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  31578. </bits>
  31579. <bits access="r" name="init_done" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  31580. </bits>
  31581. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_d" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  31582. </bits>
  31583. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_c" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  31584. </bits>
  31585. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_b" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  31586. </bits>
  31587. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_a" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  31588. </bits>
  31589. </reg>
  31590. <reg name="imr" protect="rw">
  31591. <bits access="rw" name="wrong_delay" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  31592. </bits>
  31593. <bits access="rw" name="delay_updt" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  31594. </bits>
  31595. <bits access="rw" name="rd_timeout" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  31596. </bits>
  31597. <bits access="rw" name="init_done" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  31598. </bits>
  31599. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_d" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  31600. </bits>
  31601. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_c" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  31602. </bits>
  31603. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_b" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  31604. </bits>
  31605. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_a" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  31606. </bits>
  31607. </reg>
  31608. <reg name="isr" protect="r">
  31609. <bits access="r" name="wrong_delay" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  31610. </bits>
  31611. <bits access="r" name="delay_updt" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  31612. </bits>
  31613. <bits access="r" name="rd_timeout" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  31614. </bits>
  31615. <bits access="r" name="init_done" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  31616. </bits>
  31617. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_d" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  31618. </bits>
  31619. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_c" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  31620. </bits>
  31621. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_b" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  31622. </bits>
  31623. <bits access="r" name="cross_1k_a" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  31624. </bits>
  31625. </reg>
  31626. <reg name="icr" protect="rw">
  31627. <bits access="rw" name="wrong_delay" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  31628. </bits>
  31629. <bits access="rw" name="delay_updt" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  31630. </bits>
  31631. <bits access="rw" name="rd_timeout" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  31632. </bits>
  31633. <bits access="rw" name="init_done" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  31634. </bits>
  31635. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_d" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  31636. </bits>
  31637. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_c" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  31638. </bits>
  31639. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_b" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  31640. </bits>
  31641. <bits access="rw" name="cross_1k_a" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  31642. </bits>
  31643. </reg>
  31644. <reg name="debug_sel" protect="rw">
  31645. <bits access="rw" name="debug_sel" pos="7:0" rst="0x0">
  31646. </bits>
  31647. </reg>
  31648. <reg name="timeout_val" protect="rw">
  31649. <bits access="rw" name="timeout_value" pos="19:0" rst="0x7ff">
  31650. </bits>
  31651. </reg>
  31652. <reg name="psram_free" protect="rw">
  31653. <bits access="r" name="psram_free" pos="31:31" rst="0x1">
  31654. </bits>
  31655. <bits access="r" name="phy_state" pos="4:0" rst="0x0">
  31656. </bits>
  31657. </reg>
  31658. <reg name="psram_version" protect="rw">
  31659. <bits access="rw" name="psram_density" pos="31:30" rst="0x0">
  31660. </bits>
  31661. <bits access="r" name="psram_version" pos="3:0" rst="0x1">
  31662. </bits>
  31663. </reg>
  31664. <reg name="delay_train" protect="rw">
  31665. <bits access="rw" name="auto_cfg" pos="31:31" rst="0x0">
  31666. </bits>
  31667. <bits access="rw" name="delay_final_add" pos="30:28" rst="0x1">
  31668. </bits>
  31669. <bits access="rw" name="delay_threshold" pos="27:24" rst="0x4">
  31670. </bits>
  31671. <bits access="rw" name="wait_dll_value" pos="19:16" rst="0xf">
  31672. </bits>
  31673. <bits access="rw" name="init_trim" pos="14:12" rst="0x7">
  31674. </bits>
  31675. <bits access="rw" name="init_delay" pos="11:4" rst="0x0">
  31676. </bits>
  31677. <bits access="rw" name="delay_step" pos="3:2" rst="0x1">
  31678. </bits>
  31679. <bits access="rw" name="training_en" pos="1" rst="0x0">
  31680. </bits>
  31681. </reg>
  31682. <reg name="dll_state" protect="rw">
  31683. <bits access="rw" name="dll_locked" pos="16:16" rst="0x0">
  31684. </bits>
  31685. <bits access="rw" name="real_path_delay" pos="15:8" rst="0x0">
  31686. </bits>
  31687. <bits access="rw" name="train_delay" pos="7:0" rst="0x0">
  31688. </bits>
  31689. </reg>
  31690. <reg name="delay_maxmin" protect="rw">
  31691. <bits access="rw" name="train_delay_max" pos="15:8" rst="0x0">
  31692. </bits>
  31693. <bits access="rw" name="train_delay_min" pos="7:0" rst="0x0">
  31694. </bits>
  31695. </reg>
  31696. <reg name="arbi_ctrl" protect="rw">
  31697. <bits access="rw" name="arbi_alg" pos="31:31" rst="0x1">
  31698. </bits>
  31699. <bits access="rw" name="cur_ahb" pos="9:8" rst="0x0">
  31700. </bits>
  31701. <bits access="rw" name="cmd_priority" pos="7:0" rst="0x1e">
  31702. </bits>
  31703. </reg>
  31704. <reg name="cnt_trans_a" protect="r">
  31705. <bits access="r" name="cnt_trans_a" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31706. </bits>
  31707. </reg>
  31708. <reg name="cnt_trans_b" protect="r">
  31709. <bits access="r" name="cnt_trans_b" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31710. </bits>
  31711. </reg>
  31712. <reg name="cnt_trans_c" protect="r">
  31713. <bits access="r" name="cnt_trans_c" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31714. </bits>
  31715. </reg>
  31716. <reg name="cnt_trans_d" protect="r">
  31717. <bits access="r" name="cnt_trans_d" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31718. </bits>
  31719. </reg>
  31720. <reg name="cnt_wait_a" protect="r">
  31721. <bits access="r" name="cnt_wait_a" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31722. </bits>
  31723. </reg>
  31724. <reg name="cnt_wait_b" protect="r">
  31725. <bits access="r" name="cnt_wait_b" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31726. </bits>
  31727. </reg>
  31728. <reg name="cnt_wait_c" protect="r">
  31729. <bits access="r" name="cnt_wait_c" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31730. </bits>
  31731. </reg>
  31732. <reg name="cnt_wait_d" protect="r">
  31733. <bits access="r" name="cnt_wait_d" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31734. </bits>
  31735. </reg>
  31736. <reg name="cnt_ctrl" protect="rw">
  31737. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_stop_d" pos="7" rst="0x0">
  31738. </bits>
  31739. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_start_d" pos="6" rst="0x0">
  31740. </bits>
  31741. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_stop_c" pos="5" rst="0x0">
  31742. </bits>
  31743. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_start_c" pos="4" rst="0x0">
  31744. </bits>
  31745. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_stop_b" pos="3" rst="0x0">
  31746. </bits>
  31747. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_start_b" pos="2" rst="0x0">
  31748. </bits>
  31749. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_stop_a" pos="1" rst="0x0">
  31750. </bits>
  31751. <bits access="rw" name="cnt_start_a" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  31752. </bits>
  31753. </reg>
  31754. <reg name="burst_length" protect="rw">
  31755. <bits access="rw" name="qpi_en" pos="31:31" rst="0x0">
  31756. </bits>
  31757. <bits access="rw" name="wrap512_en" pos="3" rst="0x0">
  31758. </bits>
  31759. <bits access="rw" name="wrap64_en" pos="2" rst="0x0">
  31760. </bits>
  31761. <bits access="rw" name="wrap32_en" pos="1" rst="0x0">
  31762. </bits>
  31763. <bits access="rw" name="wrap16_en" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  31764. </bits>
  31765. </reg>
  31766. <reg name="data_pinmux" protect="rw">
  31767. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data7_sel" pos="30:28" rst="0x7">
  31768. </bits>
  31769. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data6_sel" pos="26:24" rst="0x6">
  31770. </bits>
  31771. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data5_sel" pos="22:20" rst="0x5">
  31772. </bits>
  31773. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data4_sel" pos="18:16" rst="0x4">
  31774. </bits>
  31775. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data3_sel" pos="14:12" rst="0x3">
  31776. </bits>
  31777. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data2_sel" pos="10:8" rst="0x2">
  31778. </bits>
  31779. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data1_sel" pos="6:4" rst="0x1">
  31780. </bits>
  31781. <bits access="rw" name="psram_data0_sel" pos="2:0" rst="0x0">
  31782. </bits>
  31783. </reg>
  31784. <hole size="32"/>
  31785. <reg name="mr0" protect="rw">
  31786. <bits access="rw" name="mr0" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31787. </bits>
  31788. </reg>
  31789. <reg name="mr1" protect="r">
  31790. <bits access="r" name="mr1" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31791. </bits>
  31792. </reg>
  31793. <reg name="mr2" protect="r">
  31794. <bits access="r" name="mr2" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31795. </bits>
  31796. </reg>
  31797. <reg name="mr3" protect="rw">
  31798. <bits access="rw" name="mr3" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31799. </bits>
  31800. </reg>
  31801. <reg name="mr4" protect="rw">
  31802. <bits access="rw" name="mr4" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31803. </bits>
  31804. </reg>
  31805. <hole size="32"/>
  31806. <reg name="mr6" protect="rw">
  31807. <bits access="rw" name="mr6" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31808. </bits>
  31809. </reg>
  31810. <hole size="32"/>
  31811. <reg name="mr8" protect="rw">
  31812. <bits access="rw" name="mr8" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  31813. </bits>
  31814. </reg>
  31815. <hole size="704"/>
  31816. <reg name="cre" protect="rw">
  31817. <bits access="rw" name="cre" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  31818. </bits>
  31819. </reg>
  31820. </module>
  31821. </archive>
  31822. <archive relative="rffe_reg.xml">
  31823. <module name="rffe_reg" category="System">
  31824. <reg protect="rw" name="cmd_mipi0">
  31825. <bits access="rw" name="cmd_mipi_low" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  31826. <comment>
  31827. cmd_mipi_sr[15:0]
  31828. </comment>
  31829. </bits>
  31830. </reg>
  31831. <reg protect="rw" name="cmd_mipi1">
  31832. <bits access="rw" name="cmd_mipi_high" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  31833. <comment>
  31834. cmd_mipi_sr[31:16]
  31835. </comment>
  31836. </bits>
  31837. </reg>
  31838. <reg protect="rw" name="data_mipi0">
  31839. <bits access="rw" name="data_mipi_low" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  31840. <comment>
  31841. data_mipi_sr[15:0]
  31842. </comment>
  31843. </bits>
  31844. </reg>
  31845. <reg protect="rw" name="data_mipi1">
  31846. <bits access="rw" name="data_mipi_high" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  31847. <comment>
  31848. data_mipi_sr[31:16]
  31849. </comment>
  31850. </bits>
  31851. </reg>
  31852. <reg protect="r" name="data_out0">
  31853. <bits access="r" name="data_out_low" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  31854. <comment>
  31855. data_out[15:0]
  31856. </comment>
  31857. </bits>
  31858. </reg>
  31859. <reg protect="r" name="data_out1">
  31860. <bits access="r" name="data_out_high" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  31861. <comment>
  31862. data_out[31:16]
  31863. </comment>
  31864. </bits>
  31865. </reg>
  31866. <reg protect="r" name="data_valid">
  31867. <bits access="r" name="reversed" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  31868. <comment>
  31869. REVERSED
  31870. </comment>
  31871. </bits>
  31872. <bits access="r" name="data_valid" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  31873. <comment>
  31874. data_valid_byte[3:0]
  31875. </comment>
  31876. </bits>
  31877. </reg>
  31878. <reg protect="r" name="mipi_busy">
  31879. <bits access="r" name="reversed" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  31880. <comment>
  31881. REVERSED
  31882. </comment>
  31883. </bits>
  31884. <bits access="r" name="master_busy_mipi" pos="2" rst="0">
  31885. </bits>
  31886. <bits access="r" name="master_busy_mipi_sync_pclk" pos="1" rst="0">
  31887. </bits>
  31888. <bits access="r" name="master_busy_mipi_sync_spi" pos="0" rst="0">
  31889. <comment>
  31890. mipi_master_busy
  31891. </comment>
  31892. </bits>
  31893. </reg>
  31894. </module>
  31895. </archive>
  31896. <archive relative = "rf_if.xml">
  31897. <module name="rf_if" category="Baseband">
  31898. <reg protect="rw" name="Buffer">
  31899. <bits access="rw" name="Rx_Tx data" pos="31:0" rst="no">
  31900. <comment>In read mode this register contains the sample received on the Rx chain. I component is located on bit[15:0] and Q component is located on bit[31:16].
  31901. <br />This register accesses to the head of the receive FIFO. If the receive FIFO is full and this register is not read before the next data sample arrives, then the data already in the FIFO will be preserved but any incoming data will be lost. An overflow error will also occur.
  31902. <br />The data written[29:0] into this register is the data transmitted. Any attempt to write data when the FIFO is full results in the write data being lost.
  31903. </comment>
  31904. </bits>
  31905. </reg>
  31906. <reg protect="rw" name="Ctrl">
  31907. <bits access="rw" name="Enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  31908. <options>
  31909. <option name="Disable" value="0" />
  31910. <option name="Enable" value="1" />
  31911. </options>
  31912. <comment>Turn on/off the rf_if interface</comment>
  31913. </bits>
  31914. <bits access="rw" name="DigRF Enable" pos="1" rst="0">
  31915. <options>
  31916. <option name="Disable" value="0"><comment>Analog more selected</comment></option>
  31917. <option name="Enable" value="1"><comment>DigRF mode selected</comment></option>
  31918. </options>
  31919. <comment>Turn on/off the DigRF mode</comment>
  31920. </bits>
  31921. <bits access="rw" name="Rx overflow Enable" pos="4" rst="1">
  31922. <options>
  31923. <option name="Disable" value="0"><comment>Disable (mask) Rx fifo overflow interrupt</comment></option>
  31924. <option name="Enable" value="1"><comment>Enable Rx fifo overflow interrupt</comment></option>
  31925. </options>
  31926. <comment>Rx Fifo Overflow interrupt Enable</comment>
  31927. </bits>
  31928. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Cal Bypass" pos="5" rst="1">
  31929. <options>
  31930. <option name="Enabled" value="0" />
  31931. <option name="Bypassed" value="1" />
  31932. </options>
  31933. <comment>Calibration bypass</comment>
  31934. </bits>
  31935. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Swap I_Q" pos="6" rst="0">
  31936. <options>
  31937. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No Swap</comment></option>
  31938. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Swap I/Q</comment></option>
  31939. </options>
  31940. <comment>Rx swap I/Q</comment>
  31941. </bits>
  31942. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Force ADC On" pos="7" rst="0">
  31943. <options>
  31944. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No forced, Rx_On output controlled by TCO_RX_ON signal from the TCU</comment></option>
  31945. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Forced ADC on;Rx_On output always high</comment></option>
  31946. </options>
  31947. <comment>Force Rx On. This bit is used only with the analog option.</comment>
  31948. </bits>
  31949. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Force Dec On" pos="8" rst="0">
  31950. <options>
  31951. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No forced, decimator controlled by Rx_dec_on signal from the TCU</comment></option>
  31952. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Forced; decimator always on</comment></option>
  31953. </options>
  31954. <comment>Force Decimator On</comment>
  31955. </bits>
  31956. <bits access="w" name="Rx Force SOC" pos="9" rst="no">
  31957. <comment>Force start of calibation in receive mode
  31958. <br />Writing a 1 to this bit launch the calibration phase. Write only bit, this bit doesn't need to be cleared.
  31959. </comment>
  31960. </bits>
  31961. <bits access="w" name="Rx Fifo Reset" pos="10" rst="no">
  31962. <comment>Writing a 1 to this bit resets and flush the receive Fifo.
  31963. <br />Write only bit, this bit doesn't need to be cleared.
  31964. </comment>
  31965. </bits>
  31966. <bits access="rw" name="Tx overflow Enable" pos="16" rst="1">
  31967. <options>
  31968. <option name="Disable" value="0"><comment>Disable (mask) Tx fifo overflow interrupt</comment></option>
  31969. <option name="Enable" value="1"><comment>Enable Tx fifo overflow interrupt</comment></option>
  31970. </options>
  31971. <comment>Tx Fifo Overflow interrupt Enable</comment>
  31972. </bits>
  31973. <bits access="rw" name="Tx underflow Enable" pos="17" rst="1">
  31974. <options>
  31975. <option name="Disable" value="0"><comment>Disable (mask) Tx fifo undeflow interrupt</comment></option>
  31976. <option name="Enable" value="1"><comment>Enable Tx fifo underflow interrupt</comment></option>
  31977. </options>
  31978. <comment>Tx Fifo Underflow interrupt Enable:</comment>
  31979. </bits>
  31980. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Force DAC On" pos="18" rst="0">
  31981. <options>
  31982. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No forced, Tx_On output controlled by TCO_TX_ON signal from the TCU</comment></option>
  31983. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Forced DAC on; Tx_On output always high</comment></option>
  31984. </options>
  31985. <comment>Force DAC On. This bit is used only with the analog option.</comment>
  31986. </bits>
  31987. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Force DAC Off" pos="19" rst="0">
  31988. <options>
  31989. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No forced, Tx_On output controlled by TCO_TX_ON signal from the TCU</comment></option>
  31990. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Forced DAC Off; Tx_On output always low</comment></option>
  31991. </options>
  31992. <comment>Force DAC Off. This bit is used only with the analog option.</comment>
  31993. </bits>
  31994. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Force oen" pos="20" rst="0">
  31995. <options>
  31996. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No forced, Tx_Oen controlled by TCO_TX_OEN signal from the TCU</comment></option>
  31997. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Forced; Tx_Oen always high, Low pass output in HZ</comment></option>
  31998. </options>
  31999. <comment>Force Tx Oen. This bit is used only with the analog option.</comment>
  32000. </bits>
  32001. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Force GMSK On" pos="21" rst="0">
  32002. <options>
  32003. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No forced, transmit serial interface controlled by TCO_GMSK_ON signal from the TCU</comment></option>
  32004. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Forced; serializer always enabled</comment></option>
  32005. </options>
  32006. <comment>Force GMSK On.</comment>
  32007. </bits>
  32008. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Swap I_Q" pos="22" rst="0">
  32009. <options>
  32010. <option name="NO" value="0"><comment>No Swap</comment></option>
  32011. <option name="YES" value="1"><comment>Swap I/Q</comment></option>
  32012. </options>
  32013. <comment>Tx swap I/Q. This bit is used only with the analog option.</comment>
  32014. </bits>
  32015. <bits access="w" name="Tx Fifo Reset" pos="23" rst="no">
  32016. <comment>Writing a 1 to this bit resets and flush the transmit Fifo.
  32017. <br />Write only bit, this bit doesn.t need to be cleared.
  32018. </comment>
  32019. </bits>
  32020. <bits access="rw" name="DigRF Rx Rate" pos="24" rst="1">
  32021. <options>
  32022. <option name="ONE" value="0"><comment>One sample per symbol</comment></option>
  32023. <option name="TWO" value="1"><comment>Two samples per symbol</comment></option>
  32024. </options>
  32025. <comment>Rx rate for DigRF interface. This bit is used only when DigRF is enabled (DigRF Enabled)
  32026. </comment>
  32027. </bits>
  32028. <bits access="rw" name="DigRF Rx Clk Pol" pos="25" rst="1">
  32029. <comment>Change the polarity of the DigRF Rx clock. This bit is used only when DigRF is enabled (DigRF Enabled)
  32030. <br />0 = No inversion
  32031. <br />1 = Invert clock polarity
  32032. </comment>
  32033. </bits>
  32034. <bits access="rw" name="DigRF Tx mode" pos="26" rst="1">
  32035. <options>
  32036. <option name="Stream" value="0"></option>
  32037. <option name="Block" value="1"></option>
  32038. </options>
  32039. <comment>Tx mode for the DigRF interface. This bit is used only when DigRF is enabled (DigRF Enabled)
  32040. </comment>
  32041. </bits>
  32042. <bits access="rw" name="DigRF Tx Clk Pol" pos="27" rst="1">
  32043. <comment>Change the polarity of the DigRF Rx clock. This bit is used only when DigRF is enabled (DigRF Enabled)
  32044. <br />0 = No inversion
  32045. <br />1 = Invert clock polarity
  32046. </comment>
  32047. </bits>
  32048. <bits access="rw" name="DigRF Sample Size" pos="30:28" rst="all1" display="hex">
  32049. <comment>Shift input sample in DigRF mode only.
  32050. <br />The Rx sample are on 16-bit, this field select a variable of bit among 16.
  32051. <br />000 = 16-bit selected
  32052. <br />001 = 15-bit selected
  32053. <br />010 = 14-bit selected
  32054. <br />011 = 13-bit selected
  32055. <br />100 = 12-bit selected
  32056. </comment>
  32057. </bits>
  32058. <bits access="rw" name="DigRF Alignement Select" pos="31" rst="1" display="hex">
  32059. <comment>Select the sample alignement in DigRF mode only..
  32060. <br />0 = MSB aligned sample
  32061. <br />1 = LSB aligned sample
  32062. </comment>
  32063. </bits>
  32064. </reg>
  32065. <reg protect="r" name="Status">
  32066. <bits access="r" name="Rx Fifo level" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  32067. <comment>Those bits indicate the number of data available in the Rx Fifo.</comment>
  32068. </bits>
  32069. <bits access="r" name="Tx Fifo level" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  32070. <comment>Those bits indicate the number of data available in the Tx Fifo. Those data will be sent.
  32071. </comment>
  32072. </bits>
  32073. <bits access="r" name="Rx Overflow Cause" pos="8" rst="0">
  32074. <comment>Rx overflow cause register
  32075. <br />This bit indicates that an interruption was generated when the Rx fifo is overflow.
  32076. <br />This bit is cleared when the Rx_Overflow_Int field in the RF_IF_INTERRUPT_CLEAR register is written.
  32077. </comment>
  32078. </bits>
  32079. <bits access="r" name="Tx Overflow Cause" pos="9" rst="0">
  32080. <comment>Tx overflow cause register
  32081. <br />This bit indicates that an interruption was generated when the Tx fifo is overflow.
  32082. <br />This bit is cleared when the Tx_Overflow_Int field in the RF_IF_INTERRUPT_CLEAR register is written.
  32083. </comment>
  32084. </bits>
  32085. <bits access="r" name="Tx Underflow Cause" pos="10" rst="0">
  32086. <comment>Tx underflow cause register
  32087. <br />This bit indicates that an interruption was generated when the Tx fifo is underflow.
  32088. <br />This bit is cleared when the Tx_underflow_Int field in the RF_IF_INTERRUPT_CLEAR register is written.
  32089. </comment>
  32090. </bits>
  32091. <bits access="r" name="Rx Overflow Status" pos="16" rst="0">
  32092. <comment>This bit indicates that the receiver received a new sample when the FIFO was already full.
  32093. <br />The new sample is discarded. This bit is cleared when the Rx_Overflow_Int field in the RF_IF_INTERRUPT_CLEAR register is written
  32094. </comment>
  32095. </bits>
  32096. <bits access="r" name="Tx Overflow Status" pos="17" rst="0">
  32097. <comment>This bit indicates that the user tried to write on the FIFO while it was already full.
  32098. <br />This bit is cleared when the Tx_Overflow_Int field in the RF_IF_INTERRUPT_CLEAR register is written
  32099. </comment>
  32100. </bits>
  32101. <bits access="r" name="Tx Underflow Status" pos="18" rst="0">
  32102. <comment>This bit indicates that the modulator tried to read on the FIFO while it was empty.
  32103. <br />This bit is cleared when the Tx_Underflow_Int field in the RF_IF_INTERRUPT_CLEAR register is written
  32104. </comment>
  32105. </bits>
  32106. </reg>
  32107. <reg protect="w" name="Interruption_clear">
  32108. <bits access="w" name="Rx Overflow" pos="0" rst="no">
  32109. <comment>Clear Rx Interrupt Overflow interrupt.
  32110. </comment>
  32111. </bits>
  32112. <bits access="w" name="Tx Overflow" pos="1" rst="no">
  32113. <comment>Clear Tx Interrupt Overflow interrupt.
  32114. </comment>
  32115. </bits>
  32116. <bits access="w" name="Tx Underflow" pos="2" rst="no">
  32117. <comment>Clear Tx Interrupt Underflow interrupt.
  32118. </comment>
  32119. </bits>
  32120. </reg>
  32121. <reg count="4" name="Tx Burst descriptor" protect="rw">
  32122. <bits name="NB symbols" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  32123. <comment>Number of symbol to transmit
  32124. </comment>
  32125. </bits>
  32126. <bits name="Modulation" pos="16" access="rw" rst="0">
  32127. <comment>0 for GMSK, 1 for 8PSK
  32128. </comment>
  32129. </bits>
  32130. <bits name="End Burst" pos="24" access="rw" rst="0">
  32131. <comment>Indicate an end of the transmit for this current burst
  32132. </comment>
  32133. </bits>
  32134. </reg>
  32135. <reg protect="r" name="Rx Offset">
  32136. <bits access="r" name="Rx_Offset_I" pos="15:0" rst="all0" display="hex">
  32137. <comment>Rx offset measured after calibration for I channel
  32138. </comment>
  32139. </bits>
  32140. <bits access="r" name="Rx_Offset_Q" pos="31:16" rst="all0" display="hex">
  32141. <comment>Rx offset measured after calibratio for Q channel
  32142. </comment>
  32143. </bits>
  32144. </reg>
  32145. <reg protect="rw" name="Rx Gain">
  32146. <bits access="rw" name="Rx_Gain_dig" pos="9:0" rst="all0" display="hex">
  32147. <comment>Rx Gain digital
  32148. </comment>
  32149. </bits>
  32150. <bits access="rw" name="Rx_Gain_ana" pos="12:10" rst="all0" display="hex">
  32151. <comment>Rx Gain analog
  32152. </comment>
  32153. </bits>
  32154. <bits access="rw" name="Rx_Gain_en" pos="13" rst="all0" display="hex">
  32155. <comment>Rx Gain enable
  32156. </comment>
  32157. </bits>
  32158. </reg>
  32159. <hole size="192"/>
  32160. <reg protect="w" name="rx_control">
  32161. <bits access="w" name="enable_ctrl" pos="0" rst="no">
  32162. <comment>Channel Enable, write one in this bit enable the channel.
  32163. <br />When the channel is enabled, for a peripheral to memory transfer
  32164. the DMA wait request from peripheral to start transfer. </comment>
  32165. </bits>
  32166. <bits access="w" name="disable_ctrl" pos="1" rst="no">
  32167. <comment>Channel Disable, write one in this bit disable the channel.
  32168. <br />When writing one in this bit, the current AHB transfer and current
  32169. APB transfer (if one in progress) is completed and the channel is then
  32170. disabled.</comment>
  32171. </bits>
  32172. <bits access="rw" name="burst_size" pos="16" rst="1">
  32173. <comment>Burst size on AHB bus
  32174. <br />0 = Single access
  32175. <br />1 = burst Access (4 words).
  32176. </comment>
  32177. </bits>
  32178. <bits access="rw" name="fifo_mode" pos="17" rst="1">
  32179. <comment>Set FIFO mode . <br />0 = no fifo mode, transfer stop when the
  32180. current transfer counter reaches zero. Channel must be re-enabled for
  32181. future transfer. <br />1 = Fifo mode, when the current AHB address
  32182. counter reaches the end address of the FIFO. AHB address counter is
  32183. reloaded with the initial value. In FIFO mode channel is not disabled at
  32184. the end of the transfer.</comment>
  32185. </bits>
  32186. </reg>
  32187. <reg protect="r" name="rx_status">
  32188. <bits access="r" name="enable_ctrl" pos="0" rst="0">
  32189. <options>
  32190. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  32191. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  32192. <default />
  32193. </options>
  32194. <comment>In no fifo mode the channel is automatically disabled at the
  32195. end of the transfer. In fifo mode the channel is disabled only when
  32196. disabled write is performed in the control register. </comment>
  32197. </bits>
  32198. <bits access="r" name="fifo_empty" pos="1" rst="1">
  32199. <comment>When 1 the fifo is empty </comment>
  32200. </bits>
  32201. <bits access="r" name="cause_nb_htc" pos="2" rst="0">
  32202. <comment>Cause interrupt half tc when fifo mode is enable.</comment>
  32203. </bits>
  32204. <bits access="r" name="nb_htc" pos="3" rst="0">
  32205. <comment> Half of TC interrupt when fifo mode is enable status bit. </comment>
  32206. </bits>
  32207. <bits access="r" name="cause_itc" pos="4" rst="0">
  32208. <comment>Cause interrupt End of TC.</comment>
  32209. </bits>
  32210. <bits access="r" name="cause_ief" pos="5" rst="0">
  32211. <comment>Cause interrupt End of FIFO. </comment>
  32212. </bits>
  32213. <bits access="r" name="cause_ihtc" pos="6" rst="0">
  32214. <comment>Cause interrupt Half Transfer Count (This interruption is
  32215. generated when the IFC has transferred 96 word).</comment>
  32216. </bits>
  32217. <bits access="r" name="itc" pos="7" rst="0">
  32218. <comment>End of TC interrupt status bit. </comment>
  32219. </bits>
  32220. <bits access="r" name="ief" pos="8" rst="0">
  32221. <comment>End of FIFO interrupt status bit. </comment>
  32222. </bits>
  32223. <bits access="r" name="ihtc" pos="9" rst="0">
  32224. <comment>Half TC interrupt status bit.</comment>
  32225. </bits>
  32226. <bits access="r" name="cur_tc" pos="31:10" rst="0x3fffff">
  32227. <comment>Current value of transfer counter.</comment>
  32228. </bits>
  32229. </reg>
  32230. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_start_addr">
  32231. <bits access="rw" name="start_addr" pos="31:2" rst="0x3FFFFFFF" display="hex">
  32232. <comment>AHB Start Address.</comment>
  32233. </bits>
  32234. </reg>
  32235. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_end_addr">
  32236. <bits access="rw" name="end_addr" pos="31:2" rst="0x3FFFFFFF" display="hex">
  32237. <comment>The last page address of the FIFO, it is the first address not
  32238. used for the FIFO. The start address of the FIFO is specified by the
  32239. register AHB_ADDR and the last page address of the FIFO is specified by
  32240. this field. The size of the fifo (END_ADDR - START_ADDR) must be a
  32241. multiple of burst of 4x32-bits. </comment>
  32242. </bits>
  32243. </reg>
  32244. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_tc_reg">
  32245. <bits access="r" name="tc_reg" pos="21:0" rst="0x3FFFFF" display="hex">
  32246. <comment>Transfer Count <br/>In no FIFO mode, this bit indicated
  32247. the transfer size in 32-bits word to perform. Up to 2^18 32-bits word per
  32248. transfer. <br/>In FIFO mode this field define, after how many
  32249. transfer an interrupt in generated.</comment>
  32250. </bits>
  32251. </reg>
  32252. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_int_mask">
  32253. <bits access="rw" name="end_tc" pos="0" rst="0">
  32254. <comment>End TC Mask interrupt. When one this interrupt is
  32255. enabled.</comment>
  32256. </bits>
  32257. <bits access="rw" name="end_fifo" pos="1" rst="0">
  32258. <comment>END FIFO Mask interrupt. When one this interrupt is enabled.
  32259. </comment>
  32260. </bits>
  32261. <bits access="rw" name="half_tc" pos="2" rst="0">
  32262. <comment>Half TC Mask interrupt. When one this interrupt is
  32263. enabled</comment>
  32264. </bits>
  32265. <bits access="rw" name="nb_half_tc" pos="3" rst="0">
  32266. <comment>NB Half TC Mask interrupt. only fifo mode is enabled, When one this interrupt is
  32267. enabled</comment>
  32268. </bits>
  32269. </reg>
  32270. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_int_clear">
  32271. <bits access="c" name="end_tc" pos="0" rst="0">
  32272. <comment>Write one to clear end of TC interrupt.</comment>
  32273. </bits>
  32274. <bits access="c" name="end_fifo" pos="1" rst="0">
  32275. <comment>Write one to clear end of FIFO interrupt.</comment>
  32276. </bits>
  32277. <bits access="c" name="half_fifo" pos="2" rst="0">
  32278. <comment>Write one to clear end of Half TC interrupt.</comment>
  32279. </bits>
  32280. <bits access="c" name="nb_half_fifo" pos="3" rst="0">
  32281. <comment>Write one to clear end of Half TC (the real one) interrupt.</comment>
  32282. </bits>
  32283. </reg>
  32284. <reg protect="r" name="rx_cur_ahb_addr">
  32285. <bits access="r" name="cur_ahb_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0x3ffe000">
  32286. <comment>Current AHB address value.
  32287. </comment>
  32288. </bits>
  32289. </reg>
  32290. <reg protect="w" name="tx_control">
  32291. <bits access="w" name="enable_ctrl" pos="0" rst="no">
  32292. <comment>Channel Enable, write one in this bit enable the channel.
  32293. <br />When the channel is enabled, for a peripheral to memory transfer
  32294. the DMA wait request from peripheral to start transfer. </comment>
  32295. </bits>
  32296. <bits access="w" name="disable_ctrl" pos="1" rst="no">
  32297. <comment>Channel Disable, write one in this bit disable the channel.
  32298. <br />When writing one in this bit, the current AHB transfer and current
  32299. APB transfer (if one in progress) is completed and the channel is then
  32300. disabled.</comment>
  32301. </bits>
  32302. <bits access="rw" name="burst_size" pos="16" rst="1">
  32303. <comment>Burst size on AHB bus
  32304. <br />0 = Single access
  32305. <br />1 = burst Access (4 words).
  32306. </comment>
  32307. </bits>
  32308. <bits access="rw" name="fifo_mode" pos="17" rst="1">
  32309. <comment>Set FIFO mode . <br />0 = no fifo mode, transfer stop when the
  32310. current transfer counter reaches zero. Channel must be re-enabled for
  32311. future transfer. <br />1 = Fifo mode, when the current AHB address
  32312. counter reaches the end address of the FIFO. AHB address counter is
  32313. reloaded with the initial value. In FIFO mode channel is not disabled at
  32314. the end of the transfer.</comment>
  32315. </bits>
  32316. </reg>
  32317. <reg protect="r" name="tx_status">
  32318. <bits access="r" name="enable_ctrl" pos="0" rst="0">
  32319. <options>
  32320. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  32321. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  32322. <default />
  32323. </options>
  32324. <comment>In no fifo mode the channel is automatically disabled at the
  32325. end of the transfer. In fifo mode the channel is disabled only when
  32326. disabled write is performed in the control register. </comment>
  32327. </bits>
  32328. <bits access="r" name="fifo_empty" pos="1" rst="1">
  32329. <comment>When 1 the fifo is empty </comment>
  32330. </bits>
  32331. <bits access="r" name="cause_nb_htc" pos="2" rst="0">
  32332. <comment>Cause interrupt half tc when fifo mode is enable.</comment>
  32333. </bits>
  32334. <bits access="r" name="nb_htc" pos="3" rst="0">
  32335. <comment> Half of TC interrupt when fifo mode is enable status bit. </comment>
  32336. </bits>
  32337. <bits access="r" name="cause_itc" pos="4" rst="0">
  32338. <comment>Cause interrupt End of TC.</comment>
  32339. </bits>
  32340. <bits access="r" name="cause_ief" pos="5" rst="0">
  32341. <comment>Cause interrupt End of FIFO. </comment>
  32342. </bits>
  32343. <bits access="r" name="cause_ihtc" pos="6" rst="0">
  32344. <comment>Cause interrupt Half Transfer Count (This interruption is
  32345. generated when the IFC has transferred 96 word).</comment>
  32346. </bits>
  32347. <bits access="r" name="itc" pos="7" rst="0">
  32348. <comment>End of TC interrupt status bit. </comment>
  32349. </bits>
  32350. <bits access="r" name="ief" pos="8" rst="0">
  32351. <comment>End of FIFO interrupt status bit. </comment>
  32352. </bits>
  32353. <bits access="r" name="ihtc" pos="9" rst="0">
  32354. <comment>Half TC interrupt status bit.</comment>
  32355. </bits>
  32356. <bits access="r" name="cur_tc" pos="31:10" rst="0x3fffff">
  32357. <comment>Current value of transfer counter.</comment>
  32358. </bits>
  32359. </reg>
  32360. <reg protect="rw" name="tx_start_addr">
  32361. <bits access="rw" name="start_addr" pos="31:2" rst="0x3FFFFFFF" display="hex">
  32362. <comment>AHB Start Address.</comment>
  32363. </bits>
  32364. </reg>
  32365. <reg protect="rw" name="tx_end_addr">
  32366. <bits access="rw" name="end_addr" pos="31:2" rst="0x3FFFFFFF" display="hex">
  32367. <comment>The last page address of the FIFO, it is the first address not
  32368. used for the FIFO. The start address of the FIFO is specified by the
  32369. register AHB_ADDR and the last page address of the FIFO is specified by
  32370. this field. The size of the fifo (END_ADDR - START_ADDR) must be a
  32371. multiple of burst of 4x32-bits. </comment>
  32372. </bits>
  32373. </reg>
  32374. <reg protect="rw" name="tx_tc_reg">
  32375. <bits access="r" name="tc_reg" pos="21:0" rst="0x3FFFFF" display="hex">
  32376. <comment>Transfer Count <br/>In no FIFO mode, this bit indicated
  32377. the transfer size in 32-bits word to perform. Up to 2^18 32-bits word per
  32378. transfer. <br/>In FIFO mode this field define, after how many
  32379. transfer an interrupt in generated.</comment>
  32380. </bits>
  32381. </reg>
  32382. <reg protect="rw" name="tx_int_mask">
  32383. <bits access="rw" name="end_tc" pos="0" rst="0">
  32384. <comment>End TC Mask interrupt. When one this interrupt is
  32385. enabled.</comment>
  32386. </bits>
  32387. <bits access="rw" name="end_fifo" pos="1" rst="0">
  32388. <comment>END FIFO Mask interrupt. When one this interrupt is enabled.
  32389. </comment>
  32390. </bits>
  32391. <bits access="rw" name="half_tc" pos="2" rst="0">
  32392. <comment>Half TC Mask interrupt. When one this interrupt is
  32393. enabled</comment>
  32394. </bits>
  32395. <bits access="rw" name="nb_half_tc" pos="3" rst="0">
  32396. <comment>NB Half TC Mask interrupt. only fifo mode is enabled, When one this interrupt is
  32397. enabled</comment>
  32398. </bits>
  32399. </reg>
  32400. <reg protect="rw" name="tx_int_clear">
  32401. <bits access="c" name="end_tc" pos="0" rst="0">
  32402. <comment>Write one to clear end of TC interrupt.</comment>
  32403. </bits>
  32404. <bits access="c" name="end_fifo" pos="1" rst="0">
  32405. <comment>Write one to clear end of FIFO interrupt.</comment>
  32406. </bits>
  32407. <bits access="c" name="half_fifo" pos="2" rst="0">
  32408. <comment>Write one to clear end of Half TC interrupt.</comment>
  32409. </bits>
  32410. <bits access="c" name="nb_half_fifo" pos="3" rst="0">
  32411. <comment>Write one to clear end of Half TC (the real one) interrupt.</comment>
  32412. </bits>
  32413. </reg>
  32414. <reg protect="r" name="tx_cur_ahb_addr">
  32415. <bits access="r" name="cur_ahb_addr" pos="31:0" rst="0x3ffe000">
  32416. <comment>Current AHB address value.
  32417. </comment>
  32418. </bits>
  32419. </reg>
  32420. <reg protect="rw" name="rfif_ctrl">
  32421. <bits access="rw" name="dump_en" pos="0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32422. <comment> dump the 'data from dfe to nb core' to mem</comment>
  32423. </bits>
  32424. <bits access="rw" name="dump_mode" pos="1" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32425. <comment> when the bit is 1, dump only when nb-core comes an pulse ,capture the set data numbers ,then stop
  32426. when the bit is 0, dump all bit normal dump mode </comment>
  32427. </bits>
  32428. <bits access="rw" name="dump_downsample" pos="2" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32429. <comment> when the bit is 1, downsample enable
  32430. when the bit is 0, disable </comment>
  32431. </bits>
  32432. <bits access="rw" name="feed_dl" pos="4" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32433. <comment> get data from mem, simu the data format from dfe to nb core</comment>
  32434. </bits>
  32435. <bits access="rw" name="feed_ul" pos="5" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32436. <comment> get data from mem, simu the data format from nbcore to dfe</comment>
  32437. </bits>
  32438. <bits access="rw" name="feed_speed_div" pos="23:8" rst="0x20" display="hex">
  32439. <comment> feed data rate 1.92MHz=0x20 192KHz=0x140, 96KHz=0x280, 38.4KHz=0x640, 32KHz=0x780 </comment>
  32440. </bits>
  32441. <bits access="r" name="feed_fifo_empty" pos="24" rst="0x1" display="hex">
  32442. <comment> fifo empty siganl </comment>
  32443. </bits>
  32444. <bits access="r" name="dump_fifo_empty" pos="25" rst="0x1" display="hex">
  32445. <comment> fifo empty signal</comment>
  32446. </bits>
  32447. <bits access="rw" name="feed_fifo_clr" pos="26" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32448. <comment> clr feed fifo point
  32449. </comment>
  32450. </bits>
  32451. <bits access="rw" name="dump_fifo_clr" pos="27" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32452. <comment> clr dump fifo point
  32453. </comment>
  32454. </bits>
  32455. <bits access="rw" name="nb_debug" pos="31" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32456. <comment> when the bit is 1, nb use the rf_dma
  32457. when the bit is 0, 2g use the rf_dma </comment>
  32458. </bits>
  32459. </reg>
  32460. <hole size="224"/>
  32461. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_if_irsr">
  32462. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl" pos="0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32463. <comment> dump_ovfl irq </comment>
  32464. </bits>
  32465. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl" pos="1" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32466. <comment> dump_udfl irq </comment>
  32467. </bits>
  32468. <bits access="rw" name="feed_ovfl" pos="2" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32469. <comment> feed_ovfl irq </comment>
  32470. </bits>
  32471. <bits access="rw" name="feed_udfl" pos="3" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32472. <comment> feed_udfl irq </comment>
  32473. </bits>
  32474. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl_real" pos="4" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32475. <comment> dump_ovfl when ifc is still working irq </comment>
  32476. </bits>
  32477. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl_real" pos="5" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32478. <comment> dump_udfl when ifc is still working irq </comment>
  32479. </bits>
  32480. </reg>
  32481. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_if_imr">
  32482. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl" pos="0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32483. <comment> dump_ovfl mask </comment>
  32484. </bits>
  32485. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl" pos="1" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32486. <comment> dump_udfl mask </comment>
  32487. </bits>
  32488. <bits access="rw" name="feed_ovfl" pos="2" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32489. <comment> feed_ovfl mask </comment>
  32490. </bits>
  32491. <bits access="rw" name="feed_udfl" pos="3" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32492. <comment> feed_udfl mask </comment>
  32493. </bits>
  32494. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl_real" pos="4" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32495. <comment> dump_ovfl when ifc is still working mask </comment>
  32496. </bits>
  32497. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl_real" pos="5" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32498. <comment> dump_udfl when ifc is still working mask </comment>
  32499. </bits>
  32500. </reg>
  32501. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_if_isr">
  32502. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl" pos="0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32503. <comment> dump_ovfl before mask irq source </comment>
  32504. </bits>
  32505. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl" pos="1" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32506. <comment> dump_udfl before mask irq source </comment>
  32507. </bits>
  32508. <bits access="rw" name="feed_ovfl" pos="2" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32509. <comment> feed_ovfl before mask irq source </comment>
  32510. </bits>
  32511. <bits access="rw" name="feed_udfl" pos="3" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32512. <comment> feed_udfl before mask irq source </comment>
  32513. </bits>
  32514. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl_real" pos="4" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32515. <comment> dump_ovfl when ifc is still working irq source </comment>
  32516. </bits>
  32517. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl_real" pos="5" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32518. <comment> dump_udfl when ifc is still working irq source </comment>
  32519. </bits>
  32520. </reg>
  32521. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_if_icr">
  32522. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl" pos="0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32523. <comment> dump_ovfl clr irq </comment>
  32524. </bits>
  32525. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl" pos="1" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32526. <comment> dump_udfl clr irq </comment>
  32527. </bits>
  32528. <bits access="rw" name="feed_ovfl" pos="2" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32529. <comment> feed_ovfl clr irq </comment>
  32530. </bits>
  32531. <bits access="rw" name="feed_udfl" pos="3" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32532. <comment> feed_udfl clr irq </comment>
  32533. </bits>
  32534. <bits access="rw" name="dump_ovfl_real" pos="4" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32535. <comment> dump_ovfl when ifc is still working clr irq </comment>
  32536. </bits>
  32537. <bits access="rw" name="dump_udfl_real" pos="5" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  32538. <comment> dump_udfl when ifc is still working clr irq </comment>
  32539. </bits>
  32540. </reg>
  32541. </module>
  32542. </archive>
  32543. <archive relative="rf_dig.xml">
  32544. <module name="rf_dig" category="System">
  32545. <hole size="4096"/>
  32546. <reg protect="rw" name="reset_ctrl_reg">
  32547. <bits access="r" name="reset_ctrl_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  32548. <comment>
  32549. reserved
  32550. </comment>
  32551. </bits>
  32552. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_reg" pos="0" rst="1">
  32553. <comment>
  32554. Interface reset , expect apb/ spi reg, active low
  32555. </comment>
  32556. </bits>
  32557. </reg>
  32558. <reg protect="rw" name="xcvsdm_reg0">
  32559. <bits access="rw" name="freq_xcvsdm0" pos="15:0" rst="15124">
  32560. <comment>
  32561. bit [15:0] of RFPLL SDM frequency for GSM RX and NB RX/TX
  32562. </comment>
  32563. </bits>
  32564. </reg>
  32565. <reg protect="rw" name="xcvsdm_reg1">
  32566. <bits access="rw" name="freq_xcvsdm1" pos="15:0" rst="13233">
  32567. <comment>
  32568. bit [31:16] of RFPLL SDM frequency for GSM RX and NB RX/TX
  32569. </comment>
  32570. </bits>
  32571. </reg>
  32572. <reg protect="rw" name="xcvsdm_reg2">
  32573. <bits access="r" name="xcvsdm_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  32574. </bits>
  32575. <bits access="rw" name="freq_xcvsdm2" pos="2:0" rst="1">
  32576. <comment>
  32577. bit [34:32] of RFPLL SDM frequency for GSM RX and NB RX/TX
  32578. </comment>
  32579. </bits>
  32580. </reg>
  32581. <reg protect="rw" name="reg_freq_enable">
  32582. <bits access="r" name="reg_freq_enable_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  32583. <comment>
  32584. reserved
  32585. </comment>
  32586. </bits>
  32587. <bits access="rw" name="freq_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  32588. <comment>
  32589. load SDM frequency of all PLLs(RFPLL, mcupll, NPLL) to RTL at the same time, write 0 before assert it
  32590. </comment>
  32591. </bits>
  32592. </reg>
  32593. <reg protect="rw" name="xcvsdm_reg3">
  32594. <bits access="r" name="xcvsdm_reg3_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  32595. <comment>
  32596. reserved
  32597. </comment>
  32598. </bits>
  32599. <bits access="rw" name="freq_bypass_xcvsdm" pos="4" rst="0">
  32600. <comment>
  32601. bypass freq_enable, i.e., SDM frequency of RFPLL takes effect immidiately when it is loaded into regsiter
  32602. </comment>
  32603. </bits>
  32604. <bits access="rw" name="dither_bypass_xcvsdm" pos="3" rst="0">
  32605. <comment>
  32606. sdm rfpll dither_bypass_xcvsdm
  32607. </comment>
  32608. </bits>
  32609. <bits access="rw" name="dll_mode_xcvsdm" pos="2:0" rst="1">
  32610. <comment>
  32611. dividing ratio of RFPLL feedback clock to generate 26MHz clock used by GSM TX logic of DFE:
  32612. 0b000: 182M divided by 7
  32613. 0b001: 208M divided by 8
  32614. 0b010: 234M divided by 9
  32615. 0b011: 260M divided by 10
  32616. 0b100: 26M with no division
  32617. 0b101: 52M divided by 2
  32618. others: 208M divided by 8
  32619. </comment>
  32620. </bits>
  32621. </reg>
  32622. <reg protect="rw" name="xcvsdm_reg4">
  32623. <bits access="r" name="xcvsdm_reg4_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  32624. <comment>
  32625. reserved
  32626. </comment>
  32627. </bits>
  32628. <bits access="rw" name="tx_rx_sel_xcvsdm" pos="5" rst="0">
  32629. <comment>
  32630. select for TX using RFPLL SDM:
  32631. 0b0: GSM RX or NB RX or NB TX without PolarIQ. SDM frequency is from registers that are xcvsdm_reg2/1/0
  32632. 0b1: GSM TX or NB TX with PolarIQ. SDM frequency is from DFE GSM former and PolarIQ split
  32633. </comment>
  32634. </bits>
  32635. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_xcvsdm" pos="4" rst="0">
  32636. <comment>
  32637. reset of RFPLL SDM, active low
  32638. </comment>
  32639. </bits>
  32640. <bits access="rw" name="int_dec_sel_xcvsdm" pos="3:1" rst="2">
  32641. <comment>
  32642. decimal bit width selection of RFPLL SDM output. It should be fixed to 3'h2 in 8809nez.
  32643. 0b000: int divide
  32644. 0b001: 1 bit decimal divide
  32645. 0b010: 2 bits decimal divide
  32646. 0b011: 3 bit decimal divide
  32647. others: bypass SDM
  32648. </comment>
  32649. </bits>
  32650. <bits access="rw" name="fbc_inv_xcvsdm" pos="0" rst="0">
  32651. <comment>
  32652. feedback clock inverse used by RFPLL SDM
  32653. 0b0: no inverse
  32654. 0b1: inverse
  32655. </comment>
  32656. </bits>
  32657. </reg>
  32658. <hole size="32"/>
  32659. <reg protect="rw" name="bbpll1_reg2">
  32660. <bits access="r" name="bbpll1_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  32661. <comment>
  32662. reserved
  32663. </comment>
  32664. </bits>
  32665. <bits access="rw" name="pu_npll_dr1" pos="3" rst="0">
  32666. <comment>
  32667. direct conrol of analog pu_npll
  32668. </comment>
  32669. </bits>
  32670. <bits access="rw" name="pu_npll_reg1" pos="2" rst="0">
  32671. <comment>
  32672. value of analog pu_npll. It takes affect when pu_npll_dr1 is 0b1
  32673. </comment>
  32674. </bits>
  32675. <bits access="rw" name="pu_npll_dr" pos="1" rst="0">
  32676. <comment>
  32677. direct conrol of baseband pu_npll
  32678. </comment>
  32679. </bits>
  32680. <bits access="rw" name="pu_npll_reg" pos="0" rst="0">
  32681. <comment>
  32682. value of baseband pu_npll. It takes affect when pu_npll_dr is 0b1
  32683. </comment>
  32684. </bits>
  32685. </reg>
  32686. <reg protect="rw" name="bbpll1_reg5">
  32687. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdm_freq1" pos="15:0" rst="29037">
  32688. <comment>
  32689. bit [31:16] of NPLL SDM frequency
  32690. </comment>
  32691. </bits>
  32692. </reg>
  32693. <reg protect="rw" name="bbpll1_reg6">
  32694. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdm_freq0" pos="15:0" rst="32062">
  32695. <comment>
  32696. bit [15:0] of NPLL SDM frequency
  32697. </comment>
  32698. </bits>
  32699. </reg>
  32700. <reg protect="rw" name="bbpll1_reg7">
  32701. <bits access="r" name="bbpll1_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  32702. <comment>
  32703. reserved
  32704. </comment>
  32705. </bits>
  32706. <bits access="rw" name="npll_freq_bypass" pos="7" rst="0">
  32707. <comment>
  32708. bypass freq_enable, i.e., SDM frequency of NPLL takes effect immidiately when it is loaded into regsiter
  32709. 0b0: no bypass
  32710. 0b1: bypass
  32711. </comment>
  32712. </bits>
  32713. <bits access="rw" name="npll_int_dec_sel" pos="6:4" rst="3">
  32714. <comment>
  32715. decimal bit width selection of NPLL SDM output. It should be fixed to 3'b011 in 8809nez.
  32716. 0b000: int divide
  32717. 0b001: 1 bit decimal divide
  32718. 0b010: 2 bits decimal divide
  32719. 0b011: 3 bit decimal divide
  32720. others: bypass SDM
  32721. </comment>
  32722. </bits>
  32723. <bits access="rw" name="npll_dither_bypass" pos="3" rst="1">
  32724. <comment>
  32725. dither bypass of NPLL SDM
  32726. 0b0: no bypass
  32727. 0b1: bypass
  32728. </comment>
  32729. </bits>
  32730. <bits access="rw" name="npll_fbc_inv" pos="2" rst="0">
  32731. <comment>
  32732. feedback clock inverse used by NPLL SDM
  32733. 0b0: no inverse
  32734. 0b1: inverse
  32735. </comment>
  32736. </bits>
  32737. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdm_resetn_dr" pos="1" rst="0">
  32738. <comment>
  32739. direct conrol of NPLL SDM reset
  32740. </comment>
  32741. </bits>
  32742. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdm_resetn_reg" pos="0" rst="0">
  32743. <comment>
  32744. reset of NPLL SDM, active low. It takes affect when npll_sdm_resetn_dr is 0b1
  32745. </comment>
  32746. </bits>
  32747. </reg>
  32748. <reg protect="rw" name="bbpll1_rega">
  32749. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdm_reset_time_sel" pos="15:14" rst="1">
  32750. <comment>
  32751. the time to release reset of NPLL SDM after pu_npll assert.
  32752. 0b00: 10us
  32753. 0b01: 12us
  32754. 0b10: 15us
  32755. 0b11: 40us
  32756. </comment>
  32757. </bits>
  32758. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdmclk_sel_time_sel" pos="13:12" rst="1">
  32759. <comment>
  32760. no use
  32761. </comment>
  32762. </bits>
  32763. <bits access="r" name="bbpll1_rega_reserved_0" pos="11:5" rst="0">
  32764. <comment>
  32765. reserved
  32766. </comment>
  32767. </bits>
  32768. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_adc_sel_reg" pos="4" rst="1">
  32769. <comment>
  32770. select of 30.72MHz clock of NPLL to ADC
  32771. </comment>
  32772. </bits>
  32773. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_adc_en_reg" pos="3" rst="1">
  32774. <comment>
  32775. enable of 30.72MHz clock of NPLL to ADC
  32776. </comment>
  32777. </bits>
  32778. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_dfe_en_reg" pos="2" rst="1">
  32779. <comment>
  32780. enable of 61.44MHz clock of NPLL to DFE
  32781. </comment>
  32782. </bits>
  32783. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_dfe_sel_reg" pos="1" rst="1">
  32784. <comment>
  32785. select of 61.44MHz clock of NPLL to DFE
  32786. </comment>
  32787. </bits>
  32788. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_gen_en_reg" pos="0" rst="1">
  32789. <comment>
  32790. enable pu_npll from baseband
  32791. </comment>
  32792. </bits>
  32793. </reg>
  32794. <reg protect="r" name="bbpll1_regb">
  32795. <bits access="r" name="npll_pu" pos="15" rst="0">
  32796. <comment>
  32797. NPLL pu status
  32798. </comment>
  32799. </bits>
  32800. <bits access="r" name="npll_lock" pos="14" rst="0">
  32801. <comment>
  32802. NPLL lock status
  32803. </comment>
  32804. </bits>
  32805. <bits access="r" name="npll_sdm_resetn" pos="13" rst="0">
  32806. <comment>
  32807. NPLL SDM reset status
  32808. </comment>
  32809. </bits>
  32810. <bits access="r" name="npll_sdm_clk_sel" pos="12" rst="0">
  32811. <comment>
  32812. NPLL sdm_clk_sel status
  32813. </comment>
  32814. </bits>
  32815. <bits access="r" name="npll_clk_ready" pos="11" rst="0">
  32816. <comment>
  32817. NPLL clock status
  32818. </comment>
  32819. </bits>
  32820. <bits access="r" name="npll_lock_steady" pos="10" rst="0">
  32821. <comment>
  32822. NPLL locked status
  32823. </comment>
  32824. </bits>
  32825. <bits access="r" name="bbpll1_regb_reserved_0" pos="9:0" rst="0">
  32826. <comment>
  32827. reserved
  32828. </comment>
  32829. </bits>
  32830. </reg>
  32831. <reg protect="rw" name="bbpll1_regd">
  32832. <bits access="r" name="bbpll1_regd_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  32833. <comment>
  32834. reserved
  32835. </comment>
  32836. </bits>
  32837. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_thm_sel_reg" pos="11" rst="1">
  32838. </bits>
  32839. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_thm_en_reg" pos="10" rst="1">
  32840. </bits>
  32841. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_thm_sel_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  32842. </bits>
  32843. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_thm_en_dr" pos="8" rst="0">
  32844. </bits>
  32845. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_thm_sel_drreg" pos="7" rst="0">
  32846. </bits>
  32847. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_thm_en_drreg" pos="6" rst="0">
  32848. </bits>
  32849. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_npll" pos="5" rst="1">
  32850. <comment>
  32851. software reset of logics to control NPLL pu and pd, active low
  32852. </comment>
  32853. </bits>
  32854. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clkout_en_counter_sel" pos="4:2" rst="2">
  32855. <comment>
  32856. the time to open NPLL clocks after pu_npll assert.
  32857. 0b000: 10us+50us+1us
  32858. 0b000: 10us+60us+1us
  32859. 0b000: 10us+70us+1us
  32860. 0b000: 10us+80us+1us
  32861. 0b000: 10us+90us+1us
  32862. 0b000: 10us+100us+1us
  32863. </comment>
  32864. </bits>
  32865. <bits access="rw" name="npll_lock_counter_sel" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  32866. <comment>
  32867. NPLL locked time.
  32868. 0b00: 1us
  32869. 0b01: 2us
  32870. 0b10: 3us
  32871. 0b11: 4us
  32872. </comment>
  32873. </bits>
  32874. </reg>
  32875. <reg protect="rw" name="bbpll1_regf">
  32876. <bits access="r" name="bbpll1_regf_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  32877. <comment>
  32878. reserved
  32879. </comment>
  32880. </bits>
  32881. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_dfe_en_drreg" pos="11" rst="0">
  32882. <comment>
  32883. direct value of npll_clk2dig_en
  32884. </comment>
  32885. </bits>
  32886. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_adc_en_drreg" pos="10" rst="0">
  32887. <comment>
  32888. direct value of npll_clk_adc_en
  32889. </comment>
  32890. </bits>
  32891. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_dfe_sel_drreg" pos="9" rst="0">
  32892. <comment>
  32893. direct value of npll_clk2dig_sel
  32894. </comment>
  32895. </bits>
  32896. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_adc_sel_drreg" pos="8" rst="0">
  32897. <comment>
  32898. direct value of npll_clk_adc_sel
  32899. </comment>
  32900. </bits>
  32901. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_dfe_en_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  32902. <comment>
  32903. direct control of npll_clk2dig_en
  32904. </comment>
  32905. </bits>
  32906. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_adc_en_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  32907. <comment>
  32908. direct control of npll_clk_adc_en
  32909. </comment>
  32910. </bits>
  32911. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk2dig_dfe_sel_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  32912. <comment>
  32913. direct control of npll_clk2dig_sel
  32914. </comment>
  32915. </bits>
  32916. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_adc_sel_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  32917. <comment>
  32918. direct control of npll_clk_adc_sel
  32919. </comment>
  32920. </bits>
  32921. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_rstb_reg" pos="3" rst="0">
  32922. <comment>
  32923. direct value of npll_clk_rstb
  32924. </comment>
  32925. </bits>
  32926. <bits access="rw" name="npll_clk_rstb_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  32927. <comment>
  32928. direct control of npll_clk_rstb
  32929. </comment>
  32930. </bits>
  32931. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdm_clk_sel_reg" pos="1" rst="0">
  32932. <comment>
  32933. direct value of npll_sdm_clk_sel
  32934. </comment>
  32935. </bits>
  32936. <bits access="rw" name="npll_sdm_clk_sel_dr" pos="0" rst="0">
  32937. <comment>
  32938. direct control of npll_sdm_clk_sel
  32939. </comment>
  32940. </bits>
  32941. </reg>
  32942. <reg protect="rw" name="rfpll_cal_reg1">
  32943. <bits access="rw" name="reg_90_bit1" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  32944. <comment>
  32945. rfpll_cal: target freq[15:8]
  32946. </comment>
  32947. </bits>
  32948. <bits access="rw" name="reg_90_bit0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  32949. <comment>
  32950. rfpll_cal: target freq[7:0]
  32951. </comment>
  32952. </bits>
  32953. </reg>
  32954. <reg protect="rw" name="rfpll_cal_reg2">
  32955. <bits access="rw" name="reg_91_bit15to8" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  32956. <comment>
  32957. rfpll_cal:
  32958. [12:8]: xcvpll_vco_bits[12:8] in software
  32959. [13]: reserved
  32960. [14]: xcvpll_cnt_enable in software
  32961. [15]: xcvpll_cal_enable in software
  32962. </comment>
  32963. </bits>
  32964. <bits access="rw" name="reg_91_bit70" pos="7" rst="0">
  32965. <comment>
  32966. rfpll_cal: reset, active low
  32967. </comment>
  32968. </bits>
  32969. <bits access="rw" name="reg_91_bit6to0" pos="6:0" rst="0">
  32970. <comment>
  32971. rfpll_cal:
  32972. [0]: pll_cal_hd, select haredare(1) or software(0)
  32973. [1]: xcvpll_cal_opt
  32974. [3:2]: xcvpll_cnt_delay_sel
  32975. [6:4]: xcvpll_init_delay
  32976. </comment>
  32977. </bits>
  32978. </reg>
  32979. <reg protect="rw" name="rfpll_cal_reg3">
  32980. <bits access="rw" name="reg_92_bit1" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  32981. <comment>
  32982. rfpll_cal: reserved
  32983. </comment>
  32984. </bits>
  32985. <bits access="rw" name="reg_92_bit0" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  32986. <comment>
  32987. rfpll_cal: xcvpll_vco_bits[7:0] in software
  32988. </comment>
  32989. </bits>
  32990. </reg>
  32991. <reg protect="r" name="rfpll_cal_reg4">
  32992. <bits access="r" name="xcvpll_cal_enable" pos="15" rst="0">
  32993. <comment>
  32994. rfpll_cal xcv_pll_cal_en
  32995. </comment>
  32996. </bits>
  32997. <bits access="r" name="xcvpll_cnt_enable" pos="14" rst="0">
  32998. <comment>
  32999. rfpll_cal xcv_pll_cnt_en
  33000. </comment>
  33001. </bits>
  33002. <bits access="r" name="xcvpll_cal_ready" pos="13" rst="0">
  33003. <comment>
  33004. rfpll_cal xcvpll_cal_ready
  33005. </comment>
  33006. </bits>
  33007. <bits access="r" name="xcvpll_vco_bits" pos="12:0" rst="0">
  33008. <comment>
  33009. rfpll_cal xcvpll_vco_bits
  33010. </comment>
  33011. </bits>
  33012. </reg>
  33013. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg1">
  33014. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  33015. </bits>
  33016. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_adda_ctrl" pos="0" rst="1">
  33017. </bits>
  33018. </reg>
  33019. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg2">
  33020. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  33021. </bits>
  33022. <bits access="rw" name="pu_dac_dr_reg" pos="5" rst="0">
  33023. </bits>
  33024. <bits access="rw" name="pu_dac_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  33025. </bits>
  33026. <bits access="rw" name="pu_adc_dr_reg" pos="3" rst="0">
  33027. </bits>
  33028. <bits access="rw" name="pu_adc_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  33029. </bits>
  33030. <bits access="rw" name="pu_dac_reg" pos="1" rst="0">
  33031. </bits>
  33032. <bits access="rw" name="pu_adc_reg" pos="0" rst="0">
  33033. </bits>
  33034. </reg>
  33035. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg3">
  33036. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg3_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  33037. </bits>
  33038. <bits access="rw" name="pu_dac_up_counter_sel" pos="5:3" rst="0">
  33039. </bits>
  33040. <bits access="rw" name="pu_adc_up_counter_sel" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  33041. </bits>
  33042. </reg>
  33043. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg4">
  33044. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adda_ldo_bias_en_dr" pos="15" rst="0">
  33045. </bits>
  33046. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adda_ldo_en_dr" pos="14" rst="0">
  33047. </bits>
  33048. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adc_bias_en_dr" pos="13" rst="0">
  33049. </bits>
  33050. <bits access="rw" name="bt_daad_iq_ref_en_dr" pos="12" rst="0">
  33051. </bits>
  33052. <bits access="rw" name="bt_iqadc_en_dr" pos="11" rst="0">
  33053. </bits>
  33054. <bits access="rw" name="bt_dac_clk_en_dr" pos="10" rst="0">
  33055. </bits>
  33056. <bits access="rw" name="bt_dac_en_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  33057. </bits>
  33058. <bits access="rw" name="bt_dac_rstn_dr" pos="8" rst="0">
  33059. </bits>
  33060. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adc_bias_en_drreg" pos="7" rst="0">
  33061. </bits>
  33062. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adda_ldo_en_drreg" pos="6" rst="0">
  33063. </bits>
  33064. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adda_iq_bias_en_drreg" pos="5" rst="0">
  33065. </bits>
  33066. <bits access="rw" name="bt_daad_iq_ref_en_drreg" pos="4" rst="0">
  33067. </bits>
  33068. <bits access="rw" name="bt_iqadc_en_drreg" pos="3" rst="0">
  33069. </bits>
  33070. <bits access="rw" name="bt_dac_clk_en_drreg" pos="2" rst="0">
  33071. </bits>
  33072. <bits access="rw" name="bt_dac_en_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  33073. </bits>
  33074. <bits access="rw" name="bt_dac_rstn_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  33075. </bits>
  33076. </reg>
  33077. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg5">
  33078. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg5_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  33079. </bits>
  33080. <bits access="rw" name="nb_adc_pu_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  33081. </bits>
  33082. <bits access="rw" name="nb_adc_pu_reg" pos="8" rst="0">
  33083. </bits>
  33084. <bits access="rw" name="nb_dac_pu_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  33085. </bits>
  33086. <bits access="rw" name="nb_dac_pu_reg" pos="6" rst="0">
  33087. </bits>
  33088. <bits access="rw" name="nb_daad_pu_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  33089. </bits>
  33090. <bits access="rw" name="nb_daad_pu_reg" pos="4" rst="0">
  33091. </bits>
  33092. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adc_bt_nb_adc_rstn_dr" pos="3" rst="0">
  33093. </bits>
  33094. <bits access="rw" name="bt_adc_bt_nb_adc_rstn_drreg" pos="2" rst="0">
  33095. </bits>
  33096. <bits access="rw" name="bt_nb_dac_ldo_en_dr" pos="1" rst="0">
  33097. </bits>
  33098. <bits access="rw" name="bt_nb_dac_ldo_en_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  33099. </bits>
  33100. </reg>
  33101. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg6">
  33102. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg6_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  33103. </bits>
  33104. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_ldo_in_trim" pos="10:7" rst="7">
  33105. <comment>
  33106. ADC LDO input ref calibration: 0: 659mV 7:750mV 15:851mV
  33107. </comment>
  33108. </bits>
  33109. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_ldo_cp_trim" pos="6:4" rst="3">
  33110. <comment>
  33111. ADC CP LDO output calibration: 000:0.923V 001:0.947V 010:0.973V 011:1.000V 100:1.028V 101:1.059V 110:1.091V
  33112. </comment>
  33113. </bits>
  33114. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_ldo_out_trim" pos="3:2" rst="1">
  33115. <comment>
  33116. ADC LDO output calibration: 00: 910mV 01: 950mV 10: 982mV 11: 1.017V
  33117. </comment>
  33118. </bits>
  33119. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_res_adjust" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  33120. <comment>
  33121. ADC power ripple adjust
  33122. </comment>
  33123. </bits>
  33124. </reg>
  33125. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg7">
  33126. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  33127. </bits>
  33128. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_atb_ctrl" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  33129. <comment>
  33130. NB IQADC test bus ctrl signal: 011: 0000001 010: 0000010 001: 0000100 000: 0001000 100: 0010000 101: 0100000 110: 1000000
  33131. </comment>
  33132. </bits>
  33133. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_test_enh" pos="3" rst="0">
  33134. <comment>
  33135. NB ADC test enable high
  33136. 0x1:enable;
  33137. 0x0:disable
  33138. </comment>
  33139. </bits>
  33140. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_clkout_polarity" pos="2" rst="1">
  33141. <comment>
  33142. NB ADC CLK Polarity
  33143. 0x0:falling edge align data
  33144. 0x1:rising edge align data
  33145. </comment>
  33146. </bits>
  33147. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_clk_rst_ctrl" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  33148. <comment>
  33149. NB IQADC Delay adjust, mux: 00: I0 01: I1
  33150. </comment>
  33151. </bits>
  33152. </reg>
  33153. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg8">
  33154. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_dft_ctrl" pos="15:0" rst="1">
  33155. <comment>
  33156. NB IQ ADC reserved bits
  33157. </comment>
  33158. </bits>
  33159. </reg>
  33160. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg9">
  33161. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg9_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  33162. </bits>
  33163. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_loop_delay_ctrl" pos="12:9" rst="4">
  33164. <comment>
  33165. NB IQ ADC Loop time ctrl signal
  33166. </comment>
  33167. </bits>
  33168. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_msb_delay_ctrl" pos="8:7" rst="1">
  33169. <comment>
  33170. NB IQ ADC MSB time ctrl signal: 00: 30ps 01: 45ps 10,11: 58ps
  33171. </comment>
  33172. </bits>
  33173. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_step_ctrl_i" pos="6" rst="1">
  33174. <comment>
  33175. NB ADC Conversion step control
  33176. </comment>
  33177. </bits>
  33178. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_step_ctrl_q" pos="5" rst="1">
  33179. <comment>
  33180. NB ADC Conversion step control
  33181. </comment>
  33182. </bits>
  33183. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_vcm_ctrl" pos="4:2" rst="3">
  33184. <comment>
  33185. NB ADC Common mode voltage control: 011: 0000001 010: 0000010 001: 0000100 000: 0001000 100: 0010000 101: 0100000 110: 1000000. 0001000:700mV
  33186. </comment>
  33187. </bits>
  33188. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_vin_delay_ctrl" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  33189. <comment>
  33190. Adjust the delay time of adc vin signal: 00: delay 27ps 01: delay 54ps 10: delay 81ps 11: 108ps
  33191. </comment>
  33192. </bits>
  33193. </reg>
  33194. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg10">
  33195. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg10_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  33196. </bits>
  33197. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_vrp_ctrl" pos="5:2" rst="0">
  33198. <comment>
  33199. Adjust the adc reference voltage
  33200. </comment>
  33201. </bits>
  33202. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_adc_vrp_i_trim" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  33203. <comment>
  33204. Adjust the adc reference voltage driving strength
  33205. </comment>
  33206. </bits>
  33207. </reg>
  33208. <reg protect="rw" name="adda_ctrl_reg11">
  33209. <bits access="r" name="adda_ctrl_reg11_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  33210. </bits>
  33211. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_dac_res_adjust" pos="8:7" rst="1">
  33212. <comment>
  33213. NB TX DAC Power resistor adjust signal
  33214. </comment>
  33215. </bits>
  33216. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_dac_current_mode" pos="6:4" rst="0">
  33217. <comment>
  33218. NB TX DAC bias current control
  33219. </comment>
  33220. </bits>
  33221. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_dac_clk_sel" pos="3" rst="1">
  33222. </bits>
  33223. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_dac_data_format" pos="2" rst="0">
  33224. <comment>
  33225. DAC Adapt DATA format selection ,low normal operation
  33226. </comment>
  33227. </bits>
  33228. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_dac_iq_swap" pos="1" rst="0">
  33229. <comment>
  33230. DAC Adapt iq swap control
  33231. 0x0:disable
  33232. 0x1:enable
  33233. </comment>
  33234. </bits>
  33235. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_dac_reseved" pos="0" rst="0">
  33236. <comment>
  33237. NB TX DAC reserved bit
  33238. </comment>
  33239. </bits>
  33240. </reg>
  33241. <hole size="32"/>
  33242. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gen_reg0">
  33243. <bits access="r" name="clk_gen_reg0_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  33244. <comment>
  33245. reserved
  33246. </comment>
  33247. </bits>
  33248. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_4" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  33249. <comment>
  33250. reserved
  33251. </comment>
  33252. </bits>
  33253. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_3" pos="11:9" rst="0">
  33254. <comment>
  33255. reserved
  33256. </comment>
  33257. </bits>
  33258. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_2" pos="8:6" rst="3">
  33259. <comment>
  33260. reserved
  33261. </comment>
  33262. </bits>
  33263. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_1" pos="5:3" rst="3">
  33264. <comment>
  33265. reserved
  33266. </comment>
  33267. </bits>
  33268. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_0" pos="2:0" rst="3">
  33269. <comment>
  33270. reserved
  33271. </comment>
  33272. </bits>
  33273. </reg>
  33274. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gen_reg1">
  33275. <bits access="r" name="clk_gen_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  33276. <comment>
  33277. reserved
  33278. </comment>
  33279. </bits>
  33280. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_7" pos="8:6" rst="0">
  33281. <comment>
  33282. clock selection of xcv_cal_clk[2]
  33283. </comment>
  33284. </bits>
  33285. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_6" pos="5:3" rst="0">
  33286. <comment>
  33287. clock selection of xcv_cal_clk[1]
  33288. </comment>
  33289. </bits>
  33290. <bits access="rw" name="freq_clk_div_5" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  33291. <comment>
  33292. clock selection of xcv_cal_clk[0].
  33293. 0b000: 26MHz/1024
  33294. 0b001: 26MHz/512
  33295. 0b010: 26MHz/256
  33296. 0b011: 26MHz/128
  33297. 0b100: 26MHz/64
  33298. 0b101: 26MHz/32
  33299. 0b110: 26MHz/16
  33300. 0b111: 26MHz/8
  33301. </comment>
  33302. </bits>
  33303. </reg>
  33304. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gen_reg2">
  33305. <bits access="rw" name="inv_clk_div" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  33306. <comment>
  33307. clock inverse of xcv_cal_clk and inernal clocks
  33308. </comment>
  33309. </bits>
  33310. <bits access="rw" name="enable_clk_div" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  33311. <comment>
  33312. clock enable of xcv_cal_clk and inernal clocks
  33313. </comment>
  33314. </bits>
  33315. </reg>
  33316. <hole size="32"/>
  33317. <reg protect="r" name="chip_id_reg0">
  33318. <bits access="r" name="chip_id0" pos="15:0" rst="34833">
  33319. <comment>
  33320. chip id0
  33321. </comment>
  33322. </bits>
  33323. </reg>
  33324. <reg protect="r" name="chip_id_reg1">
  33325. <bits access="r" name="chip_id_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  33326. <comment>
  33327. reserved
  33328. </comment>
  33329. </bits>
  33330. <bits access="r" name="chip_id1" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  33331. <comment>
  33332. chip id1
  33333. </comment>
  33334. </bits>
  33335. </reg>
  33336. <reg protect="r" name="chip_id_reg2">
  33337. <bits access="r" name="revision_id" pos="15:0" rst="34833">
  33338. <comment>
  33339. revision_id
  33340. </comment>
  33341. </bits>
  33342. </reg>
  33343. <reg protect="r" name="revid_reg">
  33344. <bits access="r" name="revid_reg_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  33345. <comment>
  33346. reseved
  33347. </comment>
  33348. </bits>
  33349. <bits access="r" name="revid_tx" pos="7:4" rst="0">
  33350. <comment>
  33351. mcupll
  33352. </comment>
  33353. </bits>
  33354. <bits access="r" name="revid_rx" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  33355. <comment>
  33356. NPLL
  33357. </comment>
  33358. </bits>
  33359. </reg>
  33360. <reg protect="rw" name="sys_ctrl_reg_20">
  33361. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl2_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  33362. <comment>
  33363. for eco
  33364. </comment>
  33365. </bits>
  33366. </reg>
  33367. <reg protect="rw" name="sys_ctrl_reg_22">
  33368. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl2_2" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  33369. <comment>
  33370. for eco
  33371. </comment>
  33372. </bits>
  33373. </reg>
  33374. <reg protect="rw" name="sys_ctrl_reg_24">
  33375. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl2_4" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  33376. <comment>
  33377. for eco
  33378. </comment>
  33379. </bits>
  33380. </reg>
  33381. <reg protect="rw" name="sys_ctrl_reg_26">
  33382. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl2_6" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  33383. <comment>
  33384. for eco
  33385. </comment>
  33386. </bits>
  33387. </reg>
  33388. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_reg1">
  33389. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_ibit0" pos="15:0" rst="2">
  33390. </bits>
  33391. </reg>
  33392. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_reg2">
  33393. <bits access="r" name="gpio_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  33394. <comment>
  33395. reserved
  33396. </comment>
  33397. </bits>
  33398. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_ibit1" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  33399. </bits>
  33400. </reg>
  33401. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_reg3">
  33402. <bits access="r" name="gpio_reg3_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  33403. <comment>
  33404. reserved
  33405. </comment>
  33406. </bits>
  33407. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_wpd" pos="10:4" rst="127">
  33408. </bits>
  33409. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_dsel" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  33410. </bits>
  33411. </reg>
  33412. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_reg4">
  33413. <bits access="r" name="gpio_reg4_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  33414. <comment>
  33415. reserved
  33416. </comment>
  33417. </bits>
  33418. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_wpu" pos="13:0" rst="0">
  33419. </bits>
  33420. </reg>
  33421. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_reg5">
  33422. <bits access="r" name="gpio_reg5_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  33423. <comment>
  33424. reserved
  33425. </comment>
  33426. </bits>
  33427. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_oen" pos="13:7" rst="127">
  33428. </bits>
  33429. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_pdn" pos="6:0" rst="0">
  33430. </bits>
  33431. </reg>
  33432. <reg protect="rw" name="gpio_reg6">
  33433. <bits access="r" name="gpio_reg6_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  33434. <comment>
  33435. reserved
  33436. </comment>
  33437. </bits>
  33438. <bits access="rw" name="femio_mipi_sel" pos="7" rst="0">
  33439. </bits>
  33440. <bits access="rw" name="gpio_out" pos="6:0" rst="0">
  33441. </bits>
  33442. </reg>
  33443. <reg protect="r" name="gpio_reg7">
  33444. <bits access="r" name="gpio_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  33445. <comment>
  33446. reserved
  33447. </comment>
  33448. </bits>
  33449. <bits access="r" name="gpio_in" pos="6:0" rst="0">
  33450. </bits>
  33451. </reg>
  33452. <hole size="32"/>
  33453. <reg protect="rw" name="mdll_ctrl_reg1">
  33454. <bits access="r" name="mdll_ctrl_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  33455. </bits>
  33456. <bits access="rw" name="rg_mdll_pd_clk_drreg" pos="9" rst="0">
  33457. </bits>
  33458. <bits access="rw" name="rg_mdll_startup_drreg" pos="8" rst="0">
  33459. </bits>
  33460. <bits access="rw" name="rg_mdll_pu_hv_drreg" pos="7" rst="0">
  33461. </bits>
  33462. <bits access="rw" name="rg_mdll_pd_clk_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  33463. </bits>
  33464. <bits access="rw" name="rg_mdll_startup_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  33465. </bits>
  33466. <bits access="rw" name="rg_mdll_pu_hv_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  33467. </bits>
  33468. <bits access="rw" name="pu_mdll_dr_reg" pos="3" rst="0">
  33469. </bits>
  33470. <bits access="rw" name="pu_mdll_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  33471. </bits>
  33472. <bits access="rw" name="pu_mdll_reg" pos="1" rst="0">
  33473. </bits>
  33474. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_mdll_ctrl" pos="0" rst="1">
  33475. </bits>
  33476. </reg>
  33477. <reg protect="rw" name="mdll_ctrl_reg2">
  33478. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_pd_clk2" pos="15" rst="1">
  33479. <comment>
  33480. clk2 output pull down,
  33481. 0x1 pull down to avss,
  33482. 0x0 output enable
  33483. </comment>
  33484. </bits>
  33485. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_vctrl_test_en" pos="14" rst="0">
  33486. <comment>
  33487. vctrl test enable,
  33488. 0x1 enable,
  33489. 0x0 disable
  33490. </comment>
  33491. </bits>
  33492. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_regu_vosel" pos="13:11" rst="4">
  33493. <comment>
  33494. regulator output voltage selction
  33495. </comment>
  33496. </bits>
  33497. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_band_sel" pos="10" rst="0">
  33498. <comment>
  33499. frequency band selction,
  33500. 0x0: low band;
  33501. 0x1:high band
  33502. </comment>
  33503. </bits>
  33504. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_band" pos="9:7" rst="5">
  33505. <comment>
  33506. frequency band selction,
  33507. 000:min low band;
  33508. 111:max high band
  33509. </comment>
  33510. </bits>
  33511. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_cp_ibit" pos="6:4" rst="4">
  33512. <comment>
  33513. cp current selction,
  33514. 000:min current;
  33515. 111:max current
  33516. </comment>
  33517. </bits>
  33518. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_div_n" pos="3:0" rst="8">
  33519. <comment>
  33520. divider ratio
  33521. </comment>
  33522. </bits>
  33523. </reg>
  33524. <reg protect="rw" name="mdll_ctrl_reg3">
  33525. <bits access="r" name="mdll_ctrl_reg3_reserved_0" pos="15:6" rst="0">
  33526. </bits>
  33527. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_dither_bit" pos="5:3" rst="4">
  33528. </bits>
  33529. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_dither_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  33530. <comment>
  33531. vcdl dither enable, 1 enable, 0 disable
  33532. </comment>
  33533. </bits>
  33534. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_dither_mode" pos="1" rst="0">
  33535. <comment>
  33536. vcdl dither mode selction
  33537. </comment>
  33538. </bits>
  33539. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_mdll_refclk_test_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  33540. <comment>
  33541. mdll refclk test enable
  33542. 0x1: enable;0x0:disable
  33543. </comment>
  33544. </bits>
  33545. </reg>
  33546. <hole size="32"/>
  33547. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_pll_reg11">
  33548. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_digreg_range" pos="15:12" rst="12">
  33549. <comment>
  33550. adjust digreg output voltage:(Gray Code)
  33551. 0xC:0.8V
  33552. </comment>
  33553. </bits>
  33554. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_digreg_res" pos="11:9" rst="4">
  33555. <comment>
  33556. adjust number of resistors connected to vcore:
  33557. 0x4:100 Ω
  33558. </comment>
  33559. </bits>
  33560. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_refmulti2_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  33561. <comment>
  33562. refclk doubler enable:
  33563. 0x0:26MHz
  33564. 0x1:52MHz
  33565. </comment>
  33566. </bits>
  33567. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_resed_reg1" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  33568. <comment>
  33569. reserved registers 1:
  33570. r&lt;0&gt;:cp current x2 enable
  33571. 0:disable
  33572. 1:enable
  33573. r&lt;1&gt;:ck to test driver enable
  33574. 0:disable
  33575. 1:enable
  33576. </comment>
  33577. </bits>
  33578. </reg>
  33579. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_pll_reg12">
  33580. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_resed_reg2" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  33581. <comment>
  33582. reserved registers 2
  33583. </comment>
  33584. </bits>
  33585. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_int_mode" pos="7" rst="0">
  33586. <comment>
  33587. source of din/pcon
  33588. 0x0:din/pcon from sdm
  33589. 0x1:din=8*(1+refmulti2_en),pcon=0
  33590. </comment>
  33591. </bits>
  33592. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_sdmclk_disable" pos="6" rst="0">
  33593. <comment>
  33594. sdmclk sent to SDM in dfe enable:
  33595. 0x0:enable sdmclk
  33596. 0x1:disable sdmclk
  33597. </comment>
  33598. </bits>
  33599. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_pcon_mode" pos="5" rst="0">
  33600. <comment>
  33601. select sdm clk or fbc as fbc,always 0
  33602. </comment>
  33603. </bits>
  33604. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_cp_ibit" pos="4:2" rst="4">
  33605. <comment>
  33606. charge pump output current control:
  33607. current=(1.67+0.835*control_bits_decimal)uA
  33608. </comment>
  33609. </bits>
  33610. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_band_sel" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  33611. <comment>
  33612. vco freq range:
  33613. 00:270~410M 11:300~520M
  33614. </comment>
  33615. </bits>
  33616. </reg>
  33617. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_pll_reg13">
  33618. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_vco_low_test" pos="15" rst="0">
  33619. <comment>
  33620. 0x0:normal vcont
  33621. 0x1:pull vcont of vco to high(avdd)
  33622. </comment>
  33623. </bits>
  33624. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_vco_high_test" pos="14" rst="0">
  33625. <comment>
  33626. 0x0:normal vcont
  33627. 0x1:pull vcont of vco to low(avss)
  33628. </comment>
  33629. </bits>
  33630. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_clkbuf_div" pos="13:11" rst="1">
  33631. <comment>
  33632. output buffer div ratio:
  33633. 0x1:6/12(CLKDFE/CLKADC)
  33634. 0x4:8/16(CLKDFE/CLKADC)
  33635. </comment>
  33636. </bits>
  33637. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_testsig_sel" pos="10:9" rst="0">
  33638. <comment>
  33639. select signal to be tested:
  33640. 0x0:clk test
  33641. 0x1:dvddrc
  33642. 0x2:vcont
  33643. 0x3:vcovdd
  33644. </comment>
  33645. </bits>
  33646. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_digreg_adj" pos="8:4" rst="0">
  33647. <comment>
  33648. software calibrates digreg output voltage:
  33649. bit&lt;2:0&gt;: ref volatege,0x4 0.8V
  33650. bit&lt;3&gt;:toggle signal
  33651. bit&lt;4&gt;:calibration enable
  33652. </comment>
  33653. </bits>
  33654. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_cp_offset" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  33655. <comment>
  33656. charge pump offset current:
  33657. offset current=(0.625*control_bits_decimal)uA
  33658. </comment>
  33659. </bits>
  33660. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_cp_offset_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  33661. <comment>
  33662. charge pump offset current enable:
  33663. 0x0:disable offset current
  33664. 0x1:enable offset current
  33665. </comment>
  33666. </bits>
  33667. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_sdmclk_test_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  33668. <comment>
  33669. select clock to be test:
  33670. 0x0:vco clk
  33671. 0x1:sdm_clk
  33672. </comment>
  33673. </bits>
  33674. </reg>
  33675. <reg protect="rw" name="nb_pll_reg14">
  33676. <bits access="r" name="nb_pll_reg14_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  33677. </bits>
  33678. <bits access="rw" name="rg_sx_nbpll_test_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  33679. <comment>
  33680. pll test output enable:
  33681. 0x0:enable
  33682. 0x1:disable
  33683. </comment>
  33684. </bits>
  33685. </reg>
  33686. <reg protect="r" name="nb_pll_reg15">
  33687. <bits access="r" name="nb_pll_reg15_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  33688. </bits>
  33689. <bits access="r" name="ad_sx_nbpll_digreg_sign" pos="0" rst="0">
  33690. <comment>
  33691. digreg calibration indicator:
  33692. 0x0:smaller than ref voltage
  33693. 0x1:bigger than ref voltage
  33694. </comment>
  33695. </bits>
  33696. </reg>
  33697. <hole size="96"/>
  33698. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg1">
  33699. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  33700. </bits>
  33701. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_txrf_ctrl" pos="13" rst="1">
  33702. </bits>
  33703. <bits access="rw" name="txrf_pu_reg" pos="12" rst="0">
  33704. </bits>
  33705. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_tmx_pu_dr" pos="11" rst="0">
  33706. </bits>
  33707. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_tmx_pu_reg" pos="10" rst="0">
  33708. <comment>
  33709. modulator enable
  33710. 0x1:enable;
  33711. 0x0:disable
  33712. </comment>
  33713. </bits>
  33714. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_padrv_pu_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  33715. </bits>
  33716. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_padrv_pu_reg" pos="8" rst="0">
  33717. <comment>
  33718. da enable
  33719. gate voltage control
  33720. 0x0: disable
  33721. 0x1: enable
  33722. </comment>
  33723. </bits>
  33724. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_tia_pu_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  33725. </bits>
  33726. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_tia_pu_reg" pos="6" rst="0">
  33727. <comment>
  33728. supply on
  33729. </comment>
  33730. </bits>
  33731. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_flt_pu_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  33732. </bits>
  33733. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_flt_pu_reg" pos="4" rst="0">
  33734. <comment>
  33735. supply on
  33736. </comment>
  33737. </bits>
  33738. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_tia_rstn_dr" pos="3" rst="0">
  33739. </bits>
  33740. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_tia_rstn_reg" pos="2" rst="0">
  33741. <comment>
  33742. reset
  33743. </comment>
  33744. </bits>
  33745. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_flt_rstn_dr" pos="1" rst="0">
  33746. </bits>
  33747. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_tx_flt_rstn_reg" pos="0" rst="0">
  33748. <comment>
  33749. reset
  33750. </comment>
  33751. </bits>
  33752. </reg>
  33753. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg2">
  33754. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  33755. </bits>
  33756. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tmx_vcom_sel" pos="13" rst="0">
  33757. <comment>
  33758. modulator bias based on filter or self
  33759. 0x1:filter
  33760. 0x0:self
  33761. </comment>
  33762. </bits>
  33763. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tmx_lobias_bit" pos="12:10" rst="0">
  33764. <comment>
  33765. modulator output voltage control
  33766. 0x0 n:0.73V p:0.53V
  33767. 0x1 n:1V p:0.22V
  33768. 0x3 n:1.1V p:0.05V
  33769. 0x7 n:1.13V p:0.03
  33770. </comment>
  33771. </bits>
  33772. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tmx_gain_bit" pos="9:7" rst="0">
  33773. <comment>
  33774. modulator lsb gain control (dB)
  33775. 0x7:-33;
  33776. 0x6:-34.7;
  33777. 0x5:-37.14;
  33778. 0x4:-39.55;
  33779. 0x3:-41.94;
  33780. 0x2:-44.32;
  33781. 0x1:-44.32;
  33782. 0x0:-44.32;
  33783. </comment>
  33784. </bits>
  33785. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_cpl_cal" pos="6" rst="0">
  33786. <comment>
  33787. det path enable
  33788. 0x0:disable;
  33789. 0x1:enable;
  33790. </comment>
  33791. </bits>
  33792. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tmx_vcom_nbit" pos="5:0" rst="31">
  33793. <comment>
  33794. self nbias control
  33795. 0x0:0.48V;
  33796. ...
  33797. 0x3F:1.18V
  33798. </comment>
  33799. </bits>
  33800. </reg>
  33801. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg3">
  33802. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg3_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  33803. </bits>
  33804. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tmx_vcom_pbit" pos="13:8" rst="31">
  33805. <comment>
  33806. self pbias control
  33807. 0x0:0V;
  33808. ...
  33809. 0x3F:0.75V
  33810. </comment>
  33811. </bits>
  33812. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_padrv_gain_bit" pos="7:4" rst="15">
  33813. <comment>
  33814. da gain control(dB)
  33815. 0x0: -----;
  33816. 0x1: -----;
  33817. 0x2: -60.7;
  33818. 0x3: -54.7;
  33819. 0x4: -48.7;
  33820. 0x5: -42.6;
  33821. 0x6: -36.6;
  33822. 0x7: -30.5;
  33823. 0x8: ------;
  33824. 0x9: -28.5;
  33825. 0xA: -22.5;
  33826. 0xB: -16.5;
  33827. 0xC: -10.5;
  33828. 0xD: -4.5;
  33829. 0xE: 1.5;
  33830. 0xF: 7.5;
  33831. </comment>
  33832. </bits>
  33833. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_padrv_cap_bit" pos="3:0" rst="3">
  33834. <comment>
  33835. band cap tune
  33836. </comment>
  33837. </bits>
  33838. </reg>
  33839. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg4">
  33840. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg4_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  33841. </bits>
  33842. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_padrv_bias_ibit" pos="6:2" rst="16">
  33843. <comment>
  33844. da bias tune
  33845. </comment>
  33846. </bits>
  33847. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_padrv_hp_mode" pos="1" rst="1">
  33848. <comment>
  33849. high power mode(PA on) / low power mode(PA off)
  33850. </comment>
  33851. </bits>
  33852. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_loft_mode" pos="0" rst="0">
  33853. <comment>
  33854. loft mode on(1) / off(0)
  33855. </comment>
  33856. </bits>
  33857. </reg>
  33858. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg5">
  33859. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg5_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  33860. <comment>
  33861. rg_nb_lo_ldo_cal
  33862. </comment>
  33863. </bits>
  33864. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_padrv_sw_bias_bit" pos="2:0" rst="0">
  33865. <comment>
  33866. pmos power switch bias from 0.9V to 1.05V
  33867. </comment>
  33868. </bits>
  33869. </reg>
  33870. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg6">
  33871. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg6_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  33872. </bits>
  33873. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tia_vcmi" pos="14:12" rst="3">
  33874. <comment>
  33875. tia input_cm control; 0x0: vcmi=205mV
  33876. 0x1: vcmi=220mV
  33877. 0x2: vcmi=235mV
  33878. 0x3: vcmi=250mV(default)
  33879. 0x4: vcmi=265mV
  33880. 0x5: vcmi=280mV
  33881. 0x6: vcmi=295mV
  33882. 0x7: vcmi=310mV
  33883. </comment>
  33884. </bits>
  33885. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tia_vcm0" pos="11:9" rst="3">
  33886. <comment>
  33887. tia_output_cm control; 0x0: vcmo=400mV
  33888. 0x1: vcmo=450mV
  33889. 0x2: vcmo=500mV
  33890. 0x3: vcmo=550mV(default)
  33891. 0x4: vcmo=600mV
  33892. 0x5: vcmo=650mV
  33893. 0x6: vcmo=700mV
  33894. 0x7: vcmo=750mV
  33895. </comment>
  33896. </bits>
  33897. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tia_range_bit" pos="8:7" rst="1">
  33898. <comment>
  33899. tia output swing tuning;
  33900. Rf diff vpp
  33901. 0x1: 0.86k 0.4v
  33902. 0x2: 1.75k 0.8v(default)
  33903. 0x3: 3.5k 1.6v
  33904. </comment>
  33905. </bits>
  33906. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_aux_filter_out_en" pos="6" rst="0">
  33907. <comment>
  33908. choose RX path signals
  33909. </comment>
  33910. </bits>
  33911. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tia_mux_en" pos="5" rst="0">
  33912. <comment>
  33913. choose tia output signals
  33914. </comment>
  33915. </bits>
  33916. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tia_ib_sel_op" pos="4:2" rst="0">
  33917. <comment>
  33918. tia_op bias tuning;
  33919. 0x0: IBP10u=5u(default)
  33920. 0x1: IBP10u=6.25u
  33921. 0x2: IBP10u=7.5u
  33922. 0x3: IBP10u=8.75u
  33923. 0x4: IBP10u=10u
  33924. 0x5: IBP10u=11.25u
  33925. 0x6: IBP10u=12.5u
  33926. 0x7: IBP10u=13.75u
  33927. </comment>
  33928. </bits>
  33929. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_tia_vtrl_sel" pos="1" rst="1">
  33930. <comment>
  33931. select ibg or ic_vtr
  33932. </comment>
  33933. </bits>
  33934. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_dac_iout_enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  33935. <comment>
  33936. bypass tia_input
  33937. </comment>
  33938. </bits>
  33939. </reg>
  33940. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg7">
  33941. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  33942. </bits>
  33943. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_ibit_op" pos="14:13" rst="2">
  33944. <comment>
  33945. filter_op bias tuning;
  33946. 0x0: IC5U=3u
  33947. 0x1: IC5U=3.6u
  33948. 0x2: IC5U=5u(default)
  33949. 0x3: IC5U=7.5u
  33950. </comment>
  33951. </bits>
  33952. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_cap_tunning" pos="12:9" rst="7">
  33953. <comment>
  33954. filter_tia Cf tuning;
  33955. 0x0: 1.27p
  33956. 0x1: 1.27p+45f
  33957. 0x2: 1.27p+90f
  33958. 0x15:1.27+45f×15=1.945p
  33959. </comment>
  33960. </bits>
  33961. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_gain_ctrl" pos="8:5" rst="10">
  33962. <comment>
  33963. filter gain ctrl;
  33964. 0x0: 0dB
  33965. 0x1: 1dB
  33966. 0x2: 2dB
  33967. 0x10:10dB(default)
  33968. </comment>
  33969. </bits>
  33970. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_lp_mode" pos="4" rst="1">
  33971. <comment>
  33972. class AB output stage enhance
  33973. </comment>
  33974. </bits>
  33975. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_txflt_mode_bit" pos="3:2" rst="2">
  33976. <comment>
  33977. filter orders or bypass;
  33978. 0x0: bypass
  33979. 0x1: 1st_order
  33980. 0x2: 3st_order(default)
  33981. </comment>
  33982. </bits>
  33983. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_clk1_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  33984. <comment>
  33985. signal in phase or inverting transmission
  33986. </comment>
  33987. </bits>
  33988. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_clk2_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  33989. <comment>
  33990. signal in phase or inverting transmission
  33991. </comment>
  33992. </bits>
  33993. </reg>
  33994. <reg protect="rw" name="txrf_reg_reg8">
  33995. <bits access="r" name="txrf_reg_reg8_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  33996. </bits>
  33997. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_tx_flt_cal_clk_edge" pos="0" rst="0">
  33998. </bits>
  33999. </reg>
  34000. <reg protect="rw" name="vcolo_reg_reg1">
  34001. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_vcolo_ctrl" pos="15" rst="1">
  34002. </bits>
  34003. <bits access="rw" name="pu_vcolo_reg" pos="14" rst="0">
  34004. </bits>
  34005. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_pu_dr" pos="13" rst="0">
  34006. </bits>
  34007. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_ldo_en_dr" pos="12" rst="0">
  34008. </bits>
  34009. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_ldo_fc_en_dr" pos="11" rst="0">
  34010. </bits>
  34011. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_bias_en_dr" pos="10" rst="0">
  34012. </bits>
  34013. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_bias_fc_en_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  34014. </bits>
  34015. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_pu_dr" pos="8" rst="0">
  34016. </bits>
  34017. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_ldo_en_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  34018. </bits>
  34019. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_ldo_fc_en_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  34020. </bits>
  34021. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_trx_pu_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  34022. </bits>
  34023. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_trx_ldo_en_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  34024. </bits>
  34025. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_trx_ldo_fc_en_dr" pos="3" rst="0">
  34026. </bits>
  34027. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_buf_div_en_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  34028. </bits>
  34029. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_buf_txlo_en_dr" pos="1" rst="0">
  34030. </bits>
  34031. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_buf_rxlo_en_dr" pos="0" rst="0">
  34032. </bits>
  34033. </reg>
  34034. <reg protect="rw" name="vcolo_reg_reg2">
  34035. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_rx_en_dr" pos="15" rst="0">
  34036. </bits>
  34037. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_tx_en_dr" pos="14" rst="0">
  34038. </bits>
  34039. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_pu_drreg" pos="13" rst="0">
  34040. </bits>
  34041. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_ldo_en_drreg" pos="12" rst="0">
  34042. </bits>
  34043. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_ldo_fc_en_drreg" pos="11" rst="0">
  34044. </bits>
  34045. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_bias_en_drreg" pos="10" rst="0">
  34046. </bits>
  34047. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_bias_fc_en_drreg" pos="9" rst="0">
  34048. </bits>
  34049. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_pu_drreg" pos="8" rst="0">
  34050. </bits>
  34051. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_ldo_en_drreg" pos="7" rst="0">
  34052. </bits>
  34053. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_ldo_fc_en_drreg" pos="6" rst="0">
  34054. </bits>
  34055. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_trx_pu_drreg" pos="5" rst="0">
  34056. </bits>
  34057. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_trx_ldo_en_drreg" pos="4" rst="0">
  34058. </bits>
  34059. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_trx_ldo_fc_en_drreg" pos="3" rst="0">
  34060. </bits>
  34061. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_buf_div_en_drreg" pos="2" rst="0">
  34062. </bits>
  34063. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_buf_txlo_en_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  34064. </bits>
  34065. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_vco_buf_rxlo_en_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  34066. </bits>
  34067. </reg>
  34068. <reg protect="rw" name="vcolo_reg_reg3">
  34069. <bits access="r" name="vcolo_reg_reg3_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  34070. </bits>
  34071. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_rx_en_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  34072. </bits>
  34073. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_lo_tx_en_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  34074. </bits>
  34075. </reg>
  34076. <reg protect="rw" name="vcolo_reg_reg4">
  34077. <bits access="r" name="vcolo_reg_reg4_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  34078. </bits>
  34079. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_vco_ldo_cal" pos="8:5" rst="7">
  34080. <comment>
  34081. vco ldo reference voltage control signal
  34082. 0000 650mV
  34083. 0111 750mV
  34084. 1111 850mV
  34085. </comment>
  34086. </bits>
  34087. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_vco_ldo_out" pos="4:2" rst="4">
  34088. <comment>
  34089. vco ldo output voltage control signal
  34090. 000 900mV
  34091. 001 925mV
  34092. 010 950mV
  34093. 011 975mV
  34094. 100 1V
  34095. 101 1.025V
  34096. 110 1.05V
  34097. 111 1.1V
  34098. </comment>
  34099. </bits>
  34100. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_vco_bias_rc_sel" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  34101. <comment>
  34102. vco bias RC control signal
  34103. 00 5M
  34104. 01 10M
  34105. 10 15M
  34106. 11 20M
  34107. </comment>
  34108. </bits>
  34109. </reg>
  34110. <hole size="32"/>
  34111. <reg protect="rw" name="vcolo_reg_reg6">
  34112. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_vco_tank_sca_aux" pos="15:12" rst="7">
  34113. <comment>
  34114. vco cbank aux control signal
  34115. 0 40f
  34116. 15 200f
  34117. </comment>
  34118. </bits>
  34119. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_vco_lp_mode" pos="11" rst="0">
  34120. <comment>
  34121. vco control signal for HP/LP mode,1 for LP mode,0 for HP mode.
  34122. </comment>
  34123. </bits>
  34124. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_lo_ldo_cal" pos="10:7" rst="7">
  34125. <comment>
  34126. lo ldo reference voltage control signal
  34127. 0000 650mV
  34128. 0111 750mV
  34129. 1111 850mV
  34130. </comment>
  34131. </bits>
  34132. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_lo_ldo_out" pos="6:4" rst="4">
  34133. <comment>
  34134. lo ldo output voltage control signal
  34135. 000 850mV
  34136. 100 900mV
  34137. 111 950mV
  34138. </comment>
  34139. </bits>
  34140. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_lo_tx_div_mode" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  34141. <comment>
  34142. lo div mode control signal,
  34143. 00 for div8,
  34144. 01 for div6,
  34145. 10 for div4,
  34146. 11 for div2
  34147. </comment>
  34148. </bits>
  34149. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_lo_rx_div_mode" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  34150. <comment>
  34151. lo div mode control signal,
  34152. 00 for div8,
  34153. 01 for div6,
  34154. 10 for div4,
  34155. 11 for div2
  34156. </comment>
  34157. </bits>
  34158. </reg>
  34159. <reg protect="rw" name="vcolo_reg_reg7">
  34160. <bits access="r" name="vcolo_reg_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  34161. </bits>
  34162. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_lo_trx_ldo_cal" pos="8:5" rst="7">
  34163. <comment>
  34164. lo trx ldo reference voltage control signal
  34165. 0000 650mV
  34166. 0111 750mV
  34167. 1111 850mV
  34168. </comment>
  34169. </bits>
  34170. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_lo_trx_ldo_out" pos="4:2" rst="4">
  34171. <comment>
  34172. lo trx ldo output voltage control signal
  34173. 000 850mV
  34174. 100 900mV
  34175. 111 950mV
  34176. </comment>
  34177. </bits>
  34178. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_lo_trx_div_mode" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  34179. <comment>
  34180. lo trx div mode control signal,
  34181. 00 for div8,
  34182. 01 for div6,
  34183. 10 for div4,
  34184. 11 for div2
  34185. </comment>
  34186. </bits>
  34187. </reg>
  34188. <hole size="32"/>
  34189. <reg protect="rw" name="det_path_reg1">
  34190. <bits access="r" name="det_path_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  34191. </bits>
  34192. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_det_path_cap_ctrl" pos="11:8" rst="3">
  34193. <comment>
  34194. DET PATH att tune
  34195. Ox0:min att= -8 dB
  34196. ...
  34197. Ox7:max att= -17 Db
  34198. 0x8~0xf: reserved
  34199. </comment>
  34200. </bits>
  34201. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_det_path_res_ctrl" pos="7:4" rst="3">
  34202. <comment>
  34203. Res ATT gain control
  34204. 0x0: -36dB
  34205. 0x1: -30dB
  34206. 0x6: 0dB
  34207. 0x7~0xf: reserved
  34208. </comment>
  34209. </bits>
  34210. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_det_path_resed" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  34211. <comment>
  34212. reserved
  34213. </comment>
  34214. </bits>
  34215. </reg>
  34216. <reg protect="rw" name="ana_test_reg1">
  34217. <bits access="r" name="ana_test_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  34218. </bits>
  34219. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_gpio_test" pos="9:5" rst="0">
  34220. <comment>
  34221. use gpio pad to do tx/rx chain test
  34222. 0x0 close the test switch
  34223. 0x15 open the test swtich
  34224. </comment>
  34225. </bits>
  34226. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_testdriver_sel" pos="4:3" rst="0">
  34227. <comment>
  34228. VCO test buffer selection
  34229. 0x0: mdll
  34230. 0x1: tx lo
  34231. 0x2: rx lo
  34232. 0x3: none
  34233. </comment>
  34234. </bits>
  34235. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_testdriver_driver" pos="2:1" rst="0">
  34236. <comment>
  34237. VCO test buffer strength
  34238. 0x0: weak
  34239. 0x1: medium
  34240. 0x2: strong
  34241. 0x3: strongest
  34242. </comment>
  34243. </bits>
  34244. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_testdriver_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  34245. <comment>
  34246. VCO test buffer enable
  34247. 0x0:enable
  34248. 0x1:disable
  34249. </comment>
  34250. </bits>
  34251. </reg>
  34252. <hole size="64"/>
  34253. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg1">
  34254. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_rxrf_ctrl" pos="15" rst="1">
  34255. </bits>
  34256. <bits access="rw" name="pu_rxrf_reg" pos="14" rst="0">
  34257. </bits>
  34258. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_pu_dr" pos="13" rst="0">
  34259. </bits>
  34260. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_ldo_en_dr" pos="12" rst="0">
  34261. </bits>
  34262. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_mixer_pu_dr" pos="11" rst="0">
  34263. </bits>
  34264. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_mixer_en_dr" pos="10" rst="0">
  34265. </bits>
  34266. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_pga_pu_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  34267. </bits>
  34268. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_pga_en_dr" pos="8" rst="0">
  34269. </bits>
  34270. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_filter_pu_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  34271. </bits>
  34272. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_ldo_fc_en_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  34273. </bits>
  34274. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_en_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  34275. </bits>
  34276. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_dcoc_en_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  34277. </bits>
  34278. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_filter_rst_dr" pos="3" rst="0">
  34279. </bits>
  34280. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_filter_cal_en_dr" pos="2" rst="0">
  34281. </bits>
  34282. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_pu_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  34283. </bits>
  34284. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_ldo_en_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  34285. </bits>
  34286. </reg>
  34287. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg2">
  34288. <bits access="r" name="rx_filter_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  34289. </bits>
  34290. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_mixer_pu_drreg" pos="9" rst="0">
  34291. </bits>
  34292. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_mixer_en_drreg" pos="8" rst="0">
  34293. </bits>
  34294. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_pga_pu_drreg" pos="7" rst="0">
  34295. </bits>
  34296. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_pga_en_drreg" pos="6" rst="0">
  34297. </bits>
  34298. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_filter_pu_drreg" pos="5" rst="0">
  34299. </bits>
  34300. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_ldo_fc_en_drreg" pos="4" rst="0">
  34301. </bits>
  34302. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_lna_en_drreg" pos="3" rst="0">
  34303. </bits>
  34304. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_dcoc_en_drreg" pos="2" rst="0">
  34305. </bits>
  34306. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_filter_rst_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  34307. </bits>
  34308. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_rx_filter_cal_en_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  34309. </bits>
  34310. </reg>
  34311. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg3">
  34312. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_ldo_out" pos="15:13" rst="3">
  34313. <comment>
  34314. LNA LDO output voltage control
  34315. 0x0 0.91V;
  34316. 0x1 0.93V;
  34317. 0x2 0.95V;
  34318. 0x3 0.97V;
  34319. 0x4 0.99V;
  34320. 0x5 1.01V;
  34321. 0x6 1.03V;
  34322. 0x7 1.05V
  34323. </comment>
  34324. </bits>
  34325. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_ibias" pos="12:11" rst="1">
  34326. <comment>
  34327. LNA bias current control
  34328. 0x0:4mA;
  34329. 0x1:4.5mA;
  34330. 0x2:5mA;
  34331. 0x3:5.5mA
  34332. </comment>
  34333. </bits>
  34334. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_bandsel" pos="10" rst="0">
  34335. <comment>
  34336. LNA band select
  34337. 0x0: LB;
  34338. 0x1: HB
  34339. </comment>
  34340. </bits>
  34341. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_gain" pos="9:7" rst="0">
  34342. <comment>
  34343. LNA gain control;
  34344. 0x5:61db;
  34345. 0x4:55db;
  34346. 0x3:49db;
  34347. 0x2:40db;
  34348. 0x1:31db;
  34349. 0x0:22db
  34350. </comment>
  34351. </bits>
  34352. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_res_fb" pos="6:4" rst="3">
  34353. <comment>
  34354. reserved bit
  34355. </comment>
  34356. </bits>
  34357. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_vbcg" pos="3:1" rst="3">
  34358. <comment>
  34359. LNA cascode transistor
  34360. gate voltage control
  34361. 0x0: nbias 0.65 pbias 0.35
  34362. 0x1: nbias 0.68 pbias 0.38
  34363. 0x2: nbias 0.71 pbias 0.41
  34364. 0x3: nbias 0.74 pbias 0.46
  34365. 0x4: nbias 0.77 pbias 0.49
  34366. 0x5: nbias 0.8 pbias 0.52
  34367. 0x6: nbias 0.83 pbias 0.55
  34368. 0x7: nbias 0.86 pbias 0.758
  34369. </comment>
  34370. </bits>
  34371. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_res_vb" pos="0" rst="0">
  34372. <comment>
  34373. LNA input VBIS resistor control
  34374. 0x0:60k;
  34375. ox1:30k
  34376. </comment>
  34377. </bits>
  34378. </reg>
  34379. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg4">
  34380. <bits access="r" name="rx_filter_reg4_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  34381. </bits>
  34382. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_lna_att_adj" pos="13:11" rst="3">
  34383. <comment>
  34384. LNA low gain ATT network tune;
  34385. to fine tune the gain step(9dB)
  34386. between gaincode=3 and gaincode=2;
  34387. </comment>
  34388. </bits>
  34389. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_mixer_bias" pos="10:8" rst="3">
  34390. <comment>
  34391. RX MIXER LO Vbias control;
  34392. 0x0:0.85v;
  34393. …;
  34394. 0x7:1.05v
  34395. </comment>
  34396. </bits>
  34397. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_pga_op_ibias" pos="7:6" rst="1">
  34398. <comment>
  34399. RX PGA ibias control;
  34400. 0x0:1.4mA;
  34401. 0x1:1.6mA;
  34402. 0x2:1.8mA;
  34403. 0x3:2mA
  34404. </comment>
  34405. </bits>
  34406. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_pga_input_res" pos="5:3" rst="1">
  34407. <comment>
  34408. RX PGA input resistor control;
  34409. 0x0:0
  34410. ……
  34411. 0x7:200
  34412. </comment>
  34413. </bits>
  34414. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_pga_bw_res" pos="2:0" rst="3">
  34415. <comment>
  34416. RX bandwidth res control;
  34417. 0x0:min ;
  34418. 0x1:min+6dB;
  34419. 0x2:min+12dB;
  34420. 0x3:min+18dB:0x4:min+24dB
  34421. </comment>
  34422. </bits>
  34423. </reg>
  34424. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg5">
  34425. <bits access="r" name="rx_filter_reg5_reserved_0" pos="15:7" rst="0">
  34426. </bits>
  34427. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_pga_bw_cap" pos="6:4" rst="3">
  34428. <comment>
  34429. RX bandwidth cap control;
  34430. 0x0:min gain;
  34431. 0x1:min+6dB;
  34432. 0x2:min+12dB;
  34433. 0x3:min+18dB
  34434. </comment>
  34435. </bits>
  34436. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_pga_gain_res" pos="3:1" rst="3">
  34437. <comment>
  34438. RX PGA gain control;
  34439. 0x0:min ;
  34440. 0x1:min+6dB;
  34441. 0x2:min+12dB;
  34442. 0x3:min+18dB;0x4:min+24dB
  34443. </comment>
  34444. </bits>
  34445. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_pga_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  34446. <comment>
  34447. RX PGA bypass enable;
  34448. 0x0:disable;
  34449. 0x1:enable
  34450. </comment>
  34451. </bits>
  34452. </reg>
  34453. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg6">
  34454. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_dcoc_cal_i" pos="15:8" rst="128">
  34455. <comment>
  34456. RX DCOC I path current control;
  34457. 0x0:minimun output current;
  34458. 0xFF:maximum output current
  34459. </comment>
  34460. </bits>
  34461. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_dcoc_cal_q" pos="7:0" rst="128">
  34462. <comment>
  34463. RX DCOC Q path current control;
  34464. 0x0:minimun output current;
  34465. ….
  34466. 0xFF:maximum output current
  34467. </comment>
  34468. </bits>
  34469. </reg>
  34470. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg7">
  34471. <bits access="r" name="rx_filter_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  34472. </bits>
  34473. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_dcoc_cal_resolv" pos="1:0" rst="0">
  34474. <comment>
  34475. RX DCOC current resolution control;
  34476. 0x0:10uA/bit;
  34477. 0x1:20uA/bit;
  34478. 0x2:40uA/bit;
  34479. 0x3:80uA/bit
  34480. </comment>
  34481. </bits>
  34482. </reg>
  34483. <hole size="32"/>
  34484. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg8">
  34485. <bits access="r" name="rx_filter_reg8_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  34486. </bits>
  34487. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_op_ibit" pos="12:11" rst="2">
  34488. <comment>
  34489. Opamp bias control,
  34490. 0x0: 3u
  34491. 0x1: 3.6u
  34492. 0x2: 5u
  34493. 0x3: 7.5u
  34494. </comment>
  34495. </bits>
  34496. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_lp_mode" pos="10:8" rst="7">
  34497. <comment>
  34498. Opamp drive strength,
  34499. [0]: the 1th opamp //1, LP enable
  34500. [1]: the 2th opamp //1, LP enable
  34501. [2]: the 3th opamp //1, LP enable
  34502. </comment>
  34503. </bits>
  34504. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_gain1" pos="7:4" rst="9">
  34505. <comment>
  34506. frist stage gain :default 15dB
  34507. 0x0: 6dB
  34508. 0x1: 7dB
  34509. 0x2: 8dB
  34510. 0x3: 9dB
  34511. 0x4: 10dB
  34512. 0x5: 11dB
  34513. 0x6: 12dB
  34514. 0x7: 13dB
  34515. 0x8: 14dB
  34516. 0x9: 15dB
  34517. other: 6dB
  34518. </comment>
  34519. </bits>
  34520. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_gain2" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  34521. <comment>
  34522. second stage gain: defalut 18dB
  34523. 0x0: 0dB
  34524. 0x1: 6dB
  34525. 0x2: 12dB
  34526. 0x3: 18dB
  34527. </comment>
  34528. </bits>
  34529. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_if_ctrl" pos="1:0" rst="1">
  34530. <comment>
  34531. IF ctrl
  34532. 0x0: 0
  34533. 0x1: 100KHz
  34534. 0x2: 200KHz
  34535. </comment>
  34536. </bits>
  34537. </reg>
  34538. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg9">
  34539. <bits access="r" name="rx_filter_reg9_reserved_0" pos="15:9" rst="0">
  34540. </bits>
  34541. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_bw_ctrl" pos="8:5" rst="7">
  34542. <comment>
  34543. filter BW ctrl
  34544. </comment>
  34545. </bits>
  34546. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_iqswap" pos="4" rst="0">
  34547. <comment>
  34548. Filter I path &amp; Q Path swap
  34549. </comment>
  34550. </bits>
  34551. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_auxin_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  34552. <comment>
  34553. Filter aux_path(calibration path) enable
  34554. 0x0: disable
  34555. 0x1: enable
  34556. </comment>
  34557. </bits>
  34558. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_clk_edge_sel" pos="2" rst="0">
  34559. <comment>
  34560. Filter clk edge selection
  34561. </comment>
  34562. </bits>
  34563. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_cal_mode" pos="1" rst="0">
  34564. <comment>
  34565. Filter calibration mode
  34566. 0x0: lowpass mode
  34567. 0x1: bandpass mode
  34568. </comment>
  34569. </bits>
  34570. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_bw_cal_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  34571. <comment>
  34572. Filter BW calibration enable
  34573. 0x0: disable
  34574. 0x1: enable
  34575. </comment>
  34576. </bits>
  34577. </reg>
  34578. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_filter_reg10">
  34579. <bits access="r" name="rx_filter_reg10_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  34580. </bits>
  34581. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_rx_filter_rsv" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  34582. <comment>
  34583. reserved bit
  34584. </comment>
  34585. </bits>
  34586. </reg>
  34587. <hole size="32"/>
  34588. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg1">
  34589. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15:10" rst="0">
  34590. </bits>
  34591. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_rxpll_ctrl" pos="9" rst="1">
  34592. </bits>
  34593. <bits access="rw" name="pu_rxpll_reg" pos="8" rst="0">
  34594. </bits>
  34595. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_peri_pu_fc_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  34596. </bits>
  34597. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_peri_pu_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  34598. </bits>
  34599. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_presc_pu_fc_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  34600. </bits>
  34601. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_presc_pu_dr" pos="4" rst="0">
  34602. </bits>
  34603. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_peri_pu_fc_drreg" pos="3" rst="0">
  34604. </bits>
  34605. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_peri_pu_drreg" pos="2" rst="0">
  34606. </bits>
  34607. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_presc_pu_fc_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  34608. </bits>
  34609. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_sx_presc_pu_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  34610. </bits>
  34611. </reg>
  34612. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg2">
  34613. <bits access="rw" name="rg_rfpll_resed" pos="15:0" rst="65280">
  34614. <comment>
  34615. RFPLL reserved bit
  34616. </comment>
  34617. </bits>
  34618. </reg>
  34619. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg3">
  34620. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_sinc_pwr_res" pos="15:12" rst="8">
  34621. <comment>
  34622. Power switch for Sinc Filter
  34623. 1111 POWER OFF/HighZ
  34624. 1000 default
  34625. 0000 LowZ
  34626. </comment>
  34627. </bits>
  34628. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_ref_pwr_res" pos="11:8" rst="8">
  34629. <comment>
  34630. Power switch for REF generation, 208M/26M/52M
  34631. 1111 POWER OFF/HighZ
  34632. 1000 default
  34633. 0000 LowZ
  34634. </comment>
  34635. </bits>
  34636. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_pfd1_pwr_res" pos="7:4" rst="8">
  34637. <comment>
  34638. Power switch for PFD div&amp;ref seperated dvdd
  34639. 1111 POWER OFF/HighZ
  34640. 1000 default
  34641. 0000 LowZ
  34642. </comment>
  34643. </bits>
  34644. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_pfd2_pwr_res" pos="3:0" rst="8">
  34645. <comment>
  34646. Power switch for pfd out
  34647. 1111 POWER OFF/HighZ
  34648. 1000 default
  34649. 0000 LowZ
  34650. </comment>
  34651. </bits>
  34652. </reg>
  34653. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg4">
  34654. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg4_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  34655. </bits>
  34656. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_reg_dig_bit" pos="14:11" rst="8">
  34657. <comment>
  34658. PLL regulator1
  34659. vout ctrl:0.9+15mV*BIN2DEC(REG_Vctrl-1000)
  34660. </comment>
  34661. </bits>
  34662. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_reg_flt_bit" pos="10:7" rst="8">
  34663. <comment>
  34664. PLL regulator2
  34665. vout ctrl:0.9+15mV*BIN2DEC(REG_Vctrl-1000)
  34666. </comment>
  34667. </bits>
  34668. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_reg_div2_bit" pos="6:4" rst="4">
  34669. <comment>
  34670. PLL regulator div2
  34671. vout ctrl:0.9+15mV*BIN2DEC(REG_Vctrl-1000)
  34672. </comment>
  34673. </bits>
  34674. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_reg_presc_bit" pos="3:0" rst="8">
  34675. <comment>
  34676. PLL regulator prescaler
  34677. vout ctrl:0.9+15mV*BIN2DEC(REG_Vctrl-1000)
  34678. </comment>
  34679. </bits>
  34680. </reg>
  34681. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg5">
  34682. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg5_reserved_0" pos="15:5" rst="0">
  34683. </bits>
  34684. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_refmulti2_en" pos="4" rst="1">
  34685. <comment>
  34686. PLL ref x2
  34687. </comment>
  34688. </bits>
  34689. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_ref_sel" pos="3" rst="0">
  34690. <comment>
  34691. PLL ref source: 0 for MDLL, 1 for 26M
  34692. </comment>
  34693. </bits>
  34694. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_sdm_clk_sel" pos="2" rst="0">
  34695. <comment>
  34696. sdm clk source: 0 for fbc, 1 for fref
  34697. </comment>
  34698. </bits>
  34699. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_cal_clk_sel" pos="1" rst="0">
  34700. <comment>
  34701. afc clk source: 0 for ref, 1 for refb
  34702. </comment>
  34703. </bits>
  34704. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_fdiv_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  34705. <comment>
  34706. div modulus sync clk sel
  34707. </comment>
  34708. </bits>
  34709. </reg>
  34710. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg6">
  34711. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg6_reserved_0" pos="15:13" rst="0">
  34712. </bits>
  34713. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_pfd_res_bit" pos="12:7" rst="15">
  34714. <comment>
  34715. pfd output res
  34716. </comment>
  34717. </bits>
  34718. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_cal_bit" pos="6:5" rst="1">
  34719. <comment>
  34720. afc initial cbank setting:&lt; *6&gt;(cal_bit&lt;1:0&gt;),&lt; *6&gt;(cal_bit&lt;0:1&gt;)
  34721. </comment>
  34722. </bits>
  34723. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_cal_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  34724. <comment>
  34725. afc enable
  34726. </comment>
  34727. </bits>
  34728. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_cnt_en" pos="3" rst="0">
  34729. <comment>
  34730. afc counter enable
  34731. </comment>
  34732. </bits>
  34733. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_open_en" pos="2" rst="0">
  34734. <comment>
  34735. open loop enable
  34736. </comment>
  34737. </bits>
  34738. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_xfer_aux_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  34739. <comment>
  34740. sinc filter switch aux sel
  34741. </comment>
  34742. </bits>
  34743. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_bypass_notch" pos="0" rst="1">
  34744. <comment>
  34745. notch bypass enable
  34746. </comment>
  34747. </bits>
  34748. </reg>
  34749. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg7">
  34750. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  34751. </bits>
  34752. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_vco_gain_bit" pos="13:10" rst="7">
  34753. <comment>
  34754. sinc filter path number/ KVCO
  34755. </comment>
  34756. </bits>
  34757. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_cp_bit" pos="9:6" rst="8">
  34758. <comment>
  34759. cp current bit
  34760. </comment>
  34761. </bits>
  34762. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_r_bit" pos="5:4" rst="2">
  34763. <comment>
  34764. lpf r1,
  34765. 00 7k
  34766. 10 1.2k//7k
  34767. 01 0.8k//7k
  34768. 11 1.2k//0.8k//7k
  34769. </comment>
  34770. </bits>
  34771. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_lpf_gain" pos="3:0" rst="8">
  34772. <comment>
  34773. lpf r1 aux
  34774. </comment>
  34775. </bits>
  34776. </reg>
  34777. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg8">
  34778. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg8_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  34779. </bits>
  34780. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_sinc_mode" pos="3:1" rst="1">
  34781. <comment>
  34782. sinc mode sel
  34783. </comment>
  34784. </bits>
  34785. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_lp_mode" pos="0" rst="0">
  34786. <comment>
  34787. low power mode, 1 for iot
  34788. </comment>
  34789. </bits>
  34790. </reg>
  34791. <reg protect="rw" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg9">
  34792. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg9_reserved_0" pos="15:8" rst="0">
  34793. </bits>
  34794. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_bulk_sel" pos="7" rst="1">
  34795. </bits>
  34796. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_cp_temp_track_spi" pos="6:3" rst="8">
  34797. <comment>
  34798. charge pump current temperature tracking code from spi
  34799. 1111 -40 680 ohm
  34800. 1000 40 540 ohm
  34801. 0001 120 330 ohm
  34802. </comment>
  34803. </bits>
  34804. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_cp_temp_track_autoen" pos="2" rst="1">
  34805. <comment>
  34806. charge pump current temperature tracking code from THM DET block, enable signal
  34807. 1 code from THM DET
  34808. 0 code from software
  34809. </comment>
  34810. </bits>
  34811. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_ref_208m_pulser_on" pos="1" rst="1">
  34812. <comment>
  34813. rfpll reference 208M clock pulser generation, pulse width ~ 400 ps
  34814. </comment>
  34815. </bits>
  34816. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_sx_reg_stb_on" pos="0" rst="0">
  34817. <comment>
  34818. LDO 2nd stage output current enable signal
  34819. 0 only ON when FC==1
  34820. 1 always ON
  34821. </comment>
  34822. </bits>
  34823. </reg>
  34824. <reg protect="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg10">
  34825. <bits access="r" name="rx_pll_ctrl_reg10_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  34826. </bits>
  34827. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_sx_cp_ctrl" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  34828. <comment>
  34829. charge pump current temperature tracking code. Read from CP control word.
  34830. </comment>
  34831. </bits>
  34832. </reg>
  34833. <hole size="32"/>
  34834. <reg protect="rw" name="bandgap_reg1">
  34835. <bits access="r" name="bandgap_reg1_reserved_0" pos="15" rst="0">
  34836. </bits>
  34837. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_bg_pu" pos="14" rst="0">
  34838. <comment>
  34839. bandgap power up
  34840. 0x0:disable
  34841. 0x1:enable
  34842. </comment>
  34843. </bits>
  34844. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_bg_en" pos="13" rst="0">
  34845. <comment>
  34846. bandgap enable
  34847. 0x0:enable
  34848. 0x1:disable
  34849. </comment>
  34850. </bits>
  34851. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_bg_cur_cal" pos="12:9" rst="7">
  34852. <comment>
  34853. bg current calibration @different process corner
  34854. TT ,FS,SF: 0x7;
  34855. FF:0xe;
  34856. SS:0x2
  34857. </comment>
  34858. </bits>
  34859. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_bg_thm_bias_en" pos="8" rst="0">
  34860. <comment>
  34861. thermal bias switch
  34862. 0x0:disable
  34863. 0x1:enable
  34864. </comment>
  34865. </bits>
  34866. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_bg_rsv" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  34867. <comment>
  34868. reserved bit
  34869. </comment>
  34870. </bits>
  34871. </reg>
  34872. <reg protect="rw" name="thm_ctrl_reg1">
  34873. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_thm_ctrl" pos="15" rst="1">
  34874. </bits>
  34875. <bits access="rw" name="pu_thm" pos="14" rst="0">
  34876. </bits>
  34877. <bits access="rw" name="pu_thm_dr" pos="13" rst="0">
  34878. </bits>
  34879. <bits access="rw" name="pu_thm_drreg" pos="12" rst="0">
  34880. </bits>
  34881. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_pu_dr" pos="11" rst="0">
  34882. </bits>
  34883. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_en_dr" pos="10" rst="0">
  34884. </bits>
  34885. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_run_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  34886. </bits>
  34887. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_ldo_en_dr" pos="8" rst="0">
  34888. </bits>
  34889. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_cmp_en_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  34890. </bits>
  34891. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_ldo_charge_en_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  34892. </bits>
  34893. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_rst_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  34894. </bits>
  34895. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_pu_drreg" pos="4" rst="0">
  34896. </bits>
  34897. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_en_drreg" pos="3" rst="0">
  34898. </bits>
  34899. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_run_drreg" pos="2" rst="0">
  34900. </bits>
  34901. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_ldo_en_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  34902. </bits>
  34903. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_cmp_en_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  34904. </bits>
  34905. </reg>
  34906. <reg protect="rw" name="thm_ctrl_reg2">
  34907. <bits access="r" name="thm_ctrl_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:3" rst="0">
  34908. </bits>
  34909. <bits access="rw" name="rf_thm_interrupt_reg" pos="2" rst="0">
  34910. </bits>
  34911. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_ldo_charge_en_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  34912. </bits>
  34913. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_thm_rst_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  34914. </bits>
  34915. </reg>
  34916. <reg protect="rw" name="thm_ctrl_reg3">
  34917. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_ls_pd" pos="15" rst="0">
  34918. <comment>
  34919. themal top chip enable
  34920. </comment>
  34921. </bits>
  34922. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_ldo" pos="14:12" rst="2">
  34923. <comment>
  34924. LDO output voltage control
  34925. Ox0: 0.91V
  34926. 0x1: 0.93V
  34927. 0x2: 0.95V
  34928. 0x3: 0.97V
  34929. Ox4: 0.99V
  34930. 0x5: 1.01V
  34931. 0x6: 1.03V
  34932. 0x7: 1.05V
  34933. </comment>
  34934. </bits>
  34935. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_calib_en" pos="11" rst="0">
  34936. <comment>
  34937. reserved bit
  34938. </comment>
  34939. </bits>
  34940. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_bp_mode" pos="10" rst="1">
  34941. <comment>
  34942. choose thm DAC input
  34943. 0x0:DAC input=RG_NB_THM_DAC_TEST[7:0];
  34944. 0x1:DAC input from digital
  34945. </comment>
  34946. </bits>
  34947. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_dac_test" pos="9:2" rst="0">
  34948. <comment>
  34949. for thm calibraiton
  34950. </comment>
  34951. </bits>
  34952. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_dac_range" pos="1" rst="0">
  34953. <comment>
  34954. 0x0:dac range: 331mV~754mV 0x1: dac_range:377m V~804mV
  34955. </comment>
  34956. </bits>
  34957. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_test_mode" pos="0" rst="0">
  34958. <comment>
  34959. Themal det test mode en
  34960. </comment>
  34961. </bits>
  34962. </reg>
  34963. <reg protect="rw" name="thm_ctrl_reg4">
  34964. <bits access="r" name="thm_ctrl_reg4_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  34965. </bits>
  34966. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_test_mode" pos="1" rst="0">
  34967. </bits>
  34968. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_test_out_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  34969. <comment>
  34970. themal test signal choose: 0x0:vbe out 0x1:vdac out
  34971. </comment>
  34972. </bits>
  34973. </reg>
  34974. <reg protect="rw" name="thm_ctrl_reg5">
  34975. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_thm_resed" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  34976. <comment>
  34977. RG_NB_THM_RESERVED[15]:RG_NB_THM_DIV_SET,set thm digital clk div ratio: 0x0 div ratio=64, 0x1 div ratio=512;
  34978. RG_NB_THM_RESERVED[14:12]:RG_NB_THM_HYS_SET,set temperature change for interrupt signal out;
  34979. RG_NB_THM_RESERVED[11:8]:RG_NB_THM_DET_SET,set auto test time interval;
  34981. </comment>
  34982. </bits>
  34983. </reg>
  34984. <reg protect="r" name="thm_ctrl_reg6">
  34985. <bits access="r" name="thm_ctrl_reg6_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  34986. </bits>
  34987. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_clk_out" pos="11" rst="0">
  34988. <comment>
  34989. themal div CLK output
  34990. </comment>
  34991. </bits>
  34992. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_interrupt" pos="10" rst="0">
  34993. <comment>
  34994. interrupt signal
  34995. </comment>
  34996. </bits>
  34997. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_data_valid" pos="9" rst="0">
  34998. <comment>
  34999. testing result valid signal
  35000. </comment>
  35001. </bits>
  35002. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_data" pos="8:1" rst="0">
  35003. <comment>
  35004. themal data output,valid on the clock rising edge
  35005. </comment>
  35006. </bits>
  35007. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_iest" pos="0" rst="0">
  35008. <comment>
  35009. themal test data output
  35010. </comment>
  35011. </bits>
  35012. </reg>
  35013. <hole size="64"/>
  35014. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_ctrl_reg1">
  35015. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_vcm1_ctrl" pos="15:13" rst="6">
  35016. <comment>
  35017. power detector tuning vcm1(VDD=0.9V)
  35018. Ox0:VDD*7/39
  35019. Ox1:VDD*8/39
  35020. Ox2:VDD*9/39
  35021. Ox3:VDD*10/39
  35022. Ox4:VDD*11/39
  35023. Ox5:VDD*12/39
  35024. Ox6:VDD*13/39=300 mV
  35025. Ox7:VDD*14/39
  35026. </comment>
  35027. </bits>
  35028. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_vcm2_ctrl" pos="12:10" rst="3">
  35029. <comment>
  35030. power detector tuning vcm2(VDD=0.9V)
  35031. Ox0:VDD*15/44=306.8 mV
  35032. Ox1:VDD*16/44=327.3 mV
  35033. Ox2:VDD*17/44=347.7 mV
  35034. Ox3:VDD*18/44=368.2 mV
  35035. Ox4:VDD*19/44=388.6 mV
  35036. Ox5:VDD*20/44=409.1 mV
  35037. Ox6:VDD*21/44=429.5 mV
  35038. Ox7:VDD*22/44=450.0 mV
  35039. </comment>
  35040. </bits>
  35041. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_att_tune" pos="9:7" rst="3">
  35042. <comment>
  35043. pd att tune
  35044. Ox0:min att= -8 dB
  35045. ...
  35046. Ox7:max att= -17 dB
  35047. </comment>
  35048. </bits>
  35049. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_gc" pos="6:5" rst="1">
  35050. <comment>
  35051. tia gain control
  35052. Ox0:min tia gain
  35053. 0x1:min+2dB
  35054. 0x2:min+4dB
  35055. 0x3:min+6dB
  35056. </comment>
  35057. </bits>
  35058. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_ibc" pos="4:2" rst="3">
  35059. <comment>
  35060. square circuit bias current control
  35061. Ox0: 12uA
  35062. 0x1: 15uA
  35063. 0x2: 18uA
  35064. 0x3: 21uA
  35065. Ox4: 24uA
  35066. 0x5: 27uA
  35067. 0x6: 30uA
  35068. 0x7: 33uA
  35069. </comment>
  35070. </bits>
  35071. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_ib2" pos="1:0" rst="2">
  35072. <comment>
  35073. diff to single opa bias current control
  35074. Ox0: 3uA
  35075. 0x1: 3.75uA
  35076. 0x2: 5uA
  35077. 0x3: 7.5uA
  35078. </comment>
  35079. </bits>
  35080. </reg>
  35081. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_ctrl_reg2">
  35082. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_ivc" pos="15:14" rst="2">
  35083. <comment>
  35084. output cm voltage control
  35085. Ox0: 367.5mV
  35086. 0x1: 400mV
  35087. 0x2: 435mV
  35088. 0x3: 469mV
  35089. </comment>
  35090. </bits>
  35091. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_mode" pos="13" rst="0">
  35092. <comment>
  35093. 0 bypass
  35094. </comment>
  35095. </bits>
  35096. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_en" pos="12" rst="0">
  35097. <comment>
  35098. 1 enable
  35099. </comment>
  35100. </bits>
  35101. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_lp_mode" pos="11" rst="1">
  35102. <comment>
  35103. diff to single opa ab output current
  35104. 0:90uA;1:30uA
  35105. </comment>
  35106. </bits>
  35107. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_pu" pos="10" rst="0">
  35108. <comment>
  35109. 0x1 enable
  35110. 0x0 disable
  35111. </comment>
  35112. </bits>
  35113. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_resed1" pos="9:6" rst="0">
  35114. <comment>
  35115. reserved
  35116. </comment>
  35117. </bits>
  35118. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_ls_pd" pos="5" rst="0">
  35119. <comment>
  35120. themal top chip enable
  35121. </comment>
  35122. </bits>
  35123. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_ldo" pos="4:2" rst="2">
  35124. <comment>
  35125. LDO output voltage control
  35126. Ox0: 0.91V
  35127. 0x1: 0.93V
  35128. 0x2: 0.95V
  35129. 0x3: 0.97V
  35130. Ox4: 0.99V
  35131. 0x5: 1.01V
  35132. 0x6: 1.03V
  35133. 0x7: 1.05V
  35134. </comment>
  35135. </bits>
  35136. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_calib_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  35137. <comment>
  35138. reserved bit
  35139. </comment>
  35140. </bits>
  35141. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_bp_mode" pos="0" rst="1">
  35142. <comment>
  35143. choose thm DAC input
  35144. 0x0:DAC input=RG_NB_THM_DAC_TEST[7:0];
  35145. 0x1:DAC input from digital
  35146. </comment>
  35147. </bits>
  35148. </reg>
  35149. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_ctrl_reg3">
  35150. <bits access="r" name="pd_ctrl_reg3_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  35151. </bits>
  35152. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_dac_test" pos="10:3" rst="0">
  35153. <comment>
  35154. for thm calibraiton
  35155. </comment>
  35156. </bits>
  35157. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_dac_range" pos="2" rst="0">
  35158. <comment>
  35159. 0x0:dac range: 331mV~754mV 0x1: dac_range:377m V~804mV
  35160. </comment>
  35161. </bits>
  35162. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_test_mode" pos="1" rst="0">
  35163. <comment>
  35164. Themal det test mode en
  35165. </comment>
  35166. </bits>
  35167. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_test_out_sel" pos="0" rst="0">
  35168. <comment>
  35169. themal test signal choose: 0x0:vbe out 0x1:vdac out
  35170. </comment>
  35171. </bits>
  35172. </reg>
  35173. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_ctrl_reg4">
  35174. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_pd_resed" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  35175. <comment>
  35176. RG_NB_THM_RESERVED[15]:RG_NB_THM_DIV_SET,set thm digital clk div ratio: 0x0 div ratio=64, 0x1 div ratio=512;
  35177. RG_NB_THM_RESERVED[14:12]:RG_NB_THM_HYS_SET,set temperature change for interrupt signal out;
  35178. RG_NB_THM_RESERVED[11:8]:RG_NB_THM_DET_SET,set auto test time interval;
  35180. </comment>
  35181. </bits>
  35182. </reg>
  35183. <reg protect="r" name="pd_ctrl_reg5">
  35184. <bits access="r" name="pd_ctrl_reg5_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  35185. </bits>
  35186. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_clk_out" pos="11" rst="0">
  35187. <comment>
  35188. themal div CLK output
  35189. </comment>
  35190. </bits>
  35191. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_interrupt" pos="10" rst="0">
  35192. <comment>
  35193. interrupt signal
  35194. </comment>
  35195. </bits>
  35196. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_data_valid" pos="9" rst="0">
  35197. <comment>
  35198. testing result valid signal
  35199. </comment>
  35200. </bits>
  35201. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_data" pos="8:1" rst="0">
  35202. <comment>
  35203. themal data output,valid on the clock rising edge
  35204. </comment>
  35205. </bits>
  35206. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_iest" pos="0" rst="0">
  35207. <comment>
  35208. themal test data output
  35209. </comment>
  35210. </bits>
  35211. </reg>
  35212. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_ctrl_reg6">
  35213. <bits access="rw" name="resetn_pd_ctrl" pos="15" rst="1">
  35214. </bits>
  35215. <bits access="rw" name="pu_pd" pos="14" rst="0">
  35216. </bits>
  35217. <bits access="rw" name="pu_pd_dr" pos="13" rst="0">
  35218. </bits>
  35219. <bits access="rw" name="pu_pd_drreg" pos="12" rst="0">
  35220. </bits>
  35221. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_pu_dr" pos="11" rst="0">
  35222. </bits>
  35223. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_en_dr" pos="10" rst="0">
  35224. </bits>
  35225. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_run_dr" pos="9" rst="0">
  35226. </bits>
  35227. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_ldo_en_dr" pos="8" rst="0">
  35228. </bits>
  35229. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_cmp_en_dr" pos="7" rst="0">
  35230. </bits>
  35231. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_ldo_charge_en_dr" pos="6" rst="0">
  35232. </bits>
  35233. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_rst_dr" pos="5" rst="0">
  35234. </bits>
  35235. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_pu_drreg" pos="4" rst="0">
  35236. </bits>
  35237. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_en_drreg" pos="3" rst="0">
  35238. </bits>
  35239. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_run_drreg" pos="2" rst="0">
  35240. </bits>
  35241. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_ldo_en_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  35242. </bits>
  35243. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_cmp_en_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  35244. </bits>
  35245. </reg>
  35246. <reg protect="rw" name="pd_ctrl_reg7">
  35247. <bits access="r" name="pd_ctrl_reg7_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  35248. </bits>
  35249. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_ldo_charge_en_drreg" pos="1" rst="0">
  35250. </bits>
  35251. <bits access="rw" name="da_nb_pd_rst_drreg" pos="0" rst="0">
  35252. </bits>
  35253. </reg>
  35254. <hole size="32"/>
  35255. <reg protect="rw" name="interface_reg_add">
  35256. <bits access="r" name="interface_reg_add_reserved_0" pos="15:1" rst="0">
  35257. </bits>
  35258. <bits access="rw" name="rg_digital_interface_pu" pos="0" rst="0">
  35259. </bits>
  35260. </reg>
  35261. <hole size="96"/>
  35262. <reg protect="rw" name="loft_reg1">
  35263. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_vcm_ctrl" pos="15:13" rst="6">
  35264. <comment>
  35265. power detector tuning vcm1(VDD=0.9V)
  35266. Ox0:VDD*7/39
  35267. Ox1:VDD*8/39
  35268. Ox2:VDD*9/39
  35269. Ox3:VDD*10/39
  35270. Ox4:VDD*11/39
  35271. Ox5:VDD*12/39
  35272. Ox6:VDD*13/39=300 mV
  35273. Ox7:VDD*14/39
  35274. </comment>
  35275. </bits>
  35276. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_att_tune" pos="12:10" rst="3">
  35277. <comment>
  35278. pd att tune
  35279. Ox0:min att
  35280. ...
  35281. Ox7:max att
  35282. </comment>
  35283. </bits>
  35284. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_gc" pos="9:8" rst="1">
  35285. <comment>
  35286. tia gain control
  35287. Ox0:min tia gain
  35288. 0x1:min+2dB
  35289. 0x2:min+4dB
  35290. 0x3:min+6dB
  35291. </comment>
  35292. </bits>
  35293. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_ibc" pos="7:5" rst="3">
  35294. <comment>
  35295. square circuit bias current control
  35296. Ox0: 12uA
  35297. 0x1: 15uA
  35298. 0x2: 18uA
  35299. 0x3: 21uA
  35300. Ox4: 24uA
  35301. 0x5: 27uA
  35302. 0x6: 30uA
  35303. 0x7: 33uA
  35304. </comment>
  35305. </bits>
  35306. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_ivc" pos="4:3" rst="2">
  35307. <comment>
  35308. output cm voltage control
  35309. Ox0: 367.5mV
  35310. 0x1: 400mV
  35311. 0x2: 435mV
  35312. 0x3: 469mV
  35313. </comment>
  35314. </bits>
  35315. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_mode" pos="2" rst="0">
  35316. <comment>
  35317. 0 bypass
  35318. </comment>
  35319. </bits>
  35320. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  35321. <comment>
  35322. 1 enable
  35323. </comment>
  35324. </bits>
  35325. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_pu" pos="0" rst="0">
  35326. <comment>
  35327. 0x1 enable
  35328. 0x0 disable
  35329. </comment>
  35330. </bits>
  35331. </reg>
  35332. <reg protect="rw" name="loft_reg2">
  35333. <bits access="r" name="loft_reg2_reserved_0" pos="15:4" rst="0">
  35334. </bits>
  35335. <bits access="rw" name="rg_nb_loft_resd" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  35336. </bits>
  35337. </reg>
  35338. <hole size="576"/>
  35339. <reg protect="r" name="filter_r_data_1">
  35340. <bits access="r" name="filter_r_data_1_reserved_0" pos="15:14" rst="0">
  35341. </bits>
  35342. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_rx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_i_apb_d2" pos="13" rst="0">
  35343. </bits>
  35344. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_rx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_q_apb_d2" pos="12" rst="0">
  35345. </bits>
  35346. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_tx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_i_apb_d2" pos="11" rst="0">
  35347. </bits>
  35348. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_tx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_q_apb_d2" pos="10" rst="0">
  35349. </bits>
  35350. <bits access="r" name="ad_sx_nbpll_digreg_sign_apb_d2" pos="9" rst="0">
  35351. </bits>
  35352. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_rx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_i" pos="8" rst="0">
  35353. </bits>
  35354. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_rx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_q" pos="7" rst="0">
  35355. </bits>
  35356. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_rx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_i_d2" pos="6" rst="0">
  35357. </bits>
  35358. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_rx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_q_d2" pos="5" rst="0">
  35359. </bits>
  35360. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_tx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_i" pos="4" rst="0">
  35361. </bits>
  35362. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_tx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_q" pos="3" rst="0">
  35363. </bits>
  35364. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_tx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_i_d2" pos="2" rst="0">
  35365. </bits>
  35366. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_tx_filter_dcoc_cal_out_q_d2" pos="1" rst="0">
  35367. </bits>
  35368. <bits access="r" name="ad_sx_nbpll_digreg_sign_d2" pos="0" rst="0">
  35369. </bits>
  35370. </reg>
  35371. <reg protect="r" name="thm_syn_output">
  35372. <bits access="r" name="thm_syn_output_reserved_0" pos="15:11" rst="0">
  35373. </bits>
  35374. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_data_valid_d2" pos="10" rst="0">
  35375. </bits>
  35376. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_iest_d2" pos="9" rst="0">
  35377. </bits>
  35378. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_data_val_reg" pos="8" rst="0">
  35379. </bits>
  35380. <bits access="r" name="ad_thm_data_reg" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  35381. </bits>
  35382. </reg>
  35383. <reg protect="r" name="pd_syn_output">
  35384. <bits access="r" name="pd_syn_output_reserved_0" pos="15:12" rst="0">
  35385. </bits>
  35386. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_sx_lock_d2" pos="11" rst="0">
  35387. </bits>
  35388. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_data_valid_d2" pos="10" rst="0">
  35389. </bits>
  35390. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_iest_d2" pos="9" rst="0">
  35391. </bits>
  35392. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_data_val_reg" pos="8" rst="0">
  35393. </bits>
  35394. <bits access="r" name="ad_nb_pd_data_reg" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  35395. </bits>
  35396. </reg>
  35397. <reg protect="rw" name="thm_pd_read_flagt">
  35398. <bits access="r" name="thm_pd_read_flagt_reserved_0" pos="15:2" rst="0">
  35399. </bits>
  35400. <bits access="rw" name="load_rg_pd" pos="1" rst="0">
  35401. </bits>
  35402. <bits access="rw" name="load_rg_thm" pos="0" rst="0">
  35403. </bits>
  35404. </reg>
  35405. </module>
  35406. </archive>
  35407. <archive relative = "rf_spi.xml">
  35408. <var name="CMD_FIFO_LEN_BITS" value="5"/>
  35409. <var name="CMD_FIFO_LEN" value="20"/>
  35410. <var name="CMD_SIZE_BITS" value="8"/>
  35411. <var name="CMD_DATA_FIFO_LEN_BITS" value="4"/>
  35412. <var name="CMD_DATA_FIFO_LEN" value="exp2(CMD_DATA_FIFO_LEN_BITS)"/>
  35413. <var name="GAIN_TABLE_LEN_BITS" value="4"/>
  35414. <var name="GAIN_TABLE_LEN" value="15"/>
  35415. <var name="GAIN_SIZE_BITS" value="4"/>
  35416. <var name="RX_DATA_FIFO_LEN_BITS" value="2"/>
  35417. <var name="RX_DATA_FIFO_LEN" value="exp2(RX_DATA_FIFO_LEN_BITS)"/>
  35418. <module name="rf_spi" category="Modem">
  35419. <reg name="Ctrl" protect="rw">
  35420. <bits name="Enable" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  35421. <comment>Enable the rf spi
  35422. <br/>1 = Enable
  35423. <br/>0 = Disable (will finish current command anyway)
  35424. </comment>
  35425. </bits>
  35426. <bits name="CS_Polarity" pos="1" access="rw" rst="1">
  35427. <comment>Chip select polarity
  35428. <br/>1 = the chip select is active low
  35429. <br/>0 = the chip select is active high
  35430. </comment>
  35431. </bits>
  35432. <bits name="DigRF_Read" pos="2" access="rw" rst="1">
  35433. <comment>DigRF Read style mode
  35434. <br/>1 = DigRF Read style mode (read after CS disabled)
  35435. <br/>0 = SPI Read mode (read during write)
  35436. </comment>
  35437. </bits>
  35438. <bits name="Clocked_Back2Back" pos="3" access="rw" rst="1">
  35439. <comment>DigRF style clocked back to back mode
  35440. <br/>1 = clocked back to back transfers using turnarround timing only when more data are present in the FIFO.
  35441. <br/>0 = stop the clock between each access according to CS_End_Hold and CS_Pulse_Min timings
  35442. </comment>
  35443. </bits>
  35444. <bits name="Input_Mode" pos="4" access="rw" rst="1">
  35445. <comment>Input mode
  35446. <br/>1 = Record input data to input FIFO
  35447. <br/>0 = No input data
  35448. </comment>
  35449. </bits>
  35450. <bits name="Clock_Polarity" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  35451. <comment>SPI Clock polarity
  35452. <br/>1 = the clock disabled level is high, and the first edge is a falling edge.
  35453. <br/>0 = the clock disabled level is low, and the first edge is a rising edge.
  35454. </comment>
  35455. </bits>
  35456. <bits name="Clock_Delay" pos="7:6" access="rw" rst="3">
  35457. <comment>Transfer start to first edge delay
  35458. <br/> value from 0 to 2 is the number of spi clock half period between the Transfer start and the first clock edge.
  35459. </comment>
  35460. </bits>
  35461. <bits name="DO_Delay" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="3">
  35462. <comment>Transfer start to first data out delay
  35463. <br/> value from 0 to 2 is the number of spi clock half period between the Transfer start and the first data out.
  35464. </comment>
  35465. </bits>
  35466. <bits name="DI_Delay" pos="11:10" access="rw" rst="3">
  35467. <comment>Transfer start to first data in sampled delay
  35468. <br/> value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock half period between the Transfer start and the first data sampled in.
  35469. <br/> The DI_Delay only specify the sampling time, for frame size, the counter is based on the DO_Delay even in DigRF read mode.
  35470. </comment>
  35471. </bits>
  35472. <bits name="CS_Delay" pos="13:12" access="rw" rst="3">
  35473. <comment>Transfer start to CS activation delay
  35474. <br/> value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock half period between the Transfer start and the CS activation edge.
  35475. </comment>
  35476. </bits>
  35477. <bits name="CS_End_Hold" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="3">
  35478. <comment>Transfer end to chip select deactivation delay
  35479. <br/> value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock half period between the end of transfer (DO) and the CS deactivation edge.
  35480. <br/> <Strong>Not used for Clocked_Back2Back mode</Strong>
  35481. </comment>
  35482. </bits>
  35483. <bits name="Frame_Size" pos="20:16" access="rw" rst="31">
  35484. <comment>Number of data in the frame, or number of out data in DigRF read mode.
  35485. <br/>The actual frame size is the value of this register + 1; valid value are 3 to 31 (frame size 4 to 32bits)
  35486. <br/>The frame size is given for the number of data, the actual number of clock pulses might be greater. First if Clock_Delay &lt; DO_Delay an extra clock pulse is generated, second in case of DigRF read or back2back, some more clock pulses will be generated.
  35487. </comment>
  35488. <options>
  35489. <default/>
  35490. <shift/>
  35491. <mask/>
  35492. </options>
  35493. </bits>
  35494. <bits name="CS_End_Pulse" pos="23:22" access="rw" rst="3">
  35495. <comment>Chip select deactivation to new start of transfer minimum delay
  35496. <br/>value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock half period between the CS deactivation and a new transfer start (transfer will start only if more data are available in the transmit FIFO)
  35497. <br/> <Strong>Not used for Clocked_Back2Back mode</Strong>
  35498. </comment>
  35499. </bits>
  35500. <bits name="Input_Frame_Size" pos="28:24" access="rw" rst="31">
  35501. <comment>When DigRF input mode: The actual frame size is the value of this register + 1; valid value are 3 to 31 (frame size 4 to 32bits)
  35502. <br/>When Normal SPI input mode: When 0: regular mode, SPI_DO pin as output only; Other: Value from 1 to 31 is the number of data out to transfert before the SPI_DO pin switch to input;
  35503. </comment>
  35504. <options>
  35505. <default/>
  35506. <shift/>
  35507. <mask/>
  35508. </options>
  35509. </bits>
  35510. <bits name="TurnAround_Time" pos="31:30" access="rw" rst="3">
  35511. <comment>TurnAround time: end of write frame to start of read frame delay (in cycles)
  35512. <br/>value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock period between the end of the output frame (without the DO_Delay) and the Input Frame start.
  35513. <br/>Also used for Clocked_Back2Back mode, when Clocked_Back2Back=1 and there is more data available in the transmit FIFO:
  35514. <br/>value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock period between the end of the frame (without the DO_Delay) and the start of the new frame.
  35515. (It can also be seen as the number of spi clock period between the end of the last data bit and the start of the new data bit.)
  35516. </comment>
  35517. </bits>
  35518. </reg>
  35519. <reg name="Status" protect="rw">
  35520. <bits name="Active_Status" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  35521. <comment>The SPI activity status
  35522. <br/>1 = A transfer is in progress
  35523. <br/>0 = The transfer is done
  35524. </comment>
  35525. </bits>
  35526. <bits name="Error_Cmd" pos="1" access="rc" rst="0">
  35527. <comment>Error status
  35528. <br/>1 = a new command (or gain) has been requested while a command was in progress.
  35529. <br/>0 = No error
  35530. <br/>Write 1 to clear.
  35531. </comment>
  35532. </bits>
  35533. <bits name="Table_Ovf" pos="6" access="rc" rst="0">
  35534. <comment>The Gain Table overflow status.
  35535. <br/>1 = Too many data has been written in the table
  35536. <br/>Writing a 1 clear the overflow status.
  35537. </comment>
  35538. </bits>
  35539. <bits name="Table_Udf" pos="7" access="rc" rst="0">
  35540. <comment>The Gain Table underflow status.
  35541. <br/> 1 = a next gain request has been received while the read pointer was already at the top of the table.
  35542. <br/> Writing a '1' clear the underflow status.
  35543. </comment>
  35544. </bits>
  35545. <bits name="Cmd_Level" pos="CMD_FIFO_LEN_BITS+7:8" access="r" rst="0">
  35546. <options>
  35547. <mask/>
  35548. <shift/>
  35549. </options>
  35550. <comment>Command FIFO level, number of command in the FIFO
  35551. </comment>
  35552. </bits>
  35553. <bits name="Cmd_Ovf" pos="14" access="rc" rst="0">
  35554. <comment>The command FIFO overflow status.
  35555. <br/>1 = Too many data has been written in the FIFO
  35556. <br/>Writing a 1 clear the overflow status.
  35557. </comment>
  35558. </bits>
  35559. <bits name="Cmd_Udf" pos="15" access="rc" rst="0">
  35560. <comment>The command FIFO underflow status.
  35561. <br/>1 = Data has been requested to read while the FIFO was empty
  35562. <br/>Writing a 1 clear the underflow status.
  35563. </comment>
  35564. </bits>
  35565. <bits name="Cmd_Data_Level" pos="CMD_DATA_FIFO_LEN_BITS+16:16" access="r" rst="0">
  35566. <options>
  35567. <mask/>
  35568. <shift/>
  35569. </options>
  35570. <comment>Command FIFO level, number of bytes in the FIFO
  35571. </comment>
  35572. </bits>
  35573. <bits name="Cmd_Data_Ovf" pos="22" access="rc" rst="0">
  35574. <comment>The command data FIFO overflow status.
  35575. <br/>1 = Too many data has been written in the FIFO
  35576. <br/>Writing a 1 clear the overflow status.
  35577. </comment>
  35578. </bits>
  35579. <bits name="Cmd_Data_Udf" pos="23" access="rc" rst="0">
  35580. <comment>The command data FIFO underflow status.
  35581. <br/>1 = Data has been requested to read while the FIFO was empty
  35582. <br/>Writing a 1 clear the underflow status.
  35583. </comment>
  35584. </bits>
  35585. <bits name="Rx_Level" pos="RX_DATA_FIFO_LEN_BITS+24:24" access="r" rst="0">
  35586. <options>
  35587. <mask/>
  35588. <shift/>
  35589. </options>
  35590. <comment>Receive FIFO level, number of bytes in the FIFO
  35591. </comment>
  35592. </bits>
  35593. <bits name="Rx_Ovf" pos="30" access="rc" rst="0">
  35594. <comment>The receive FIFO overflow status.
  35595. <br/>1 = Too many data has been written in the FIFO
  35596. <br/>Writing a 1 clear the overflow status.
  35597. </comment>
  35598. </bits>
  35599. <bits name="Rx_Udf" pos="31" access="rc" rst="0">
  35600. <comment>The receive FIFO underflow status.
  35601. <br/>1 = Data has been requested to read while the FIFO was empty
  35602. <br/>Writing a 1 clear the underflow status.
  35603. </comment>
  35604. </bits>
  35605. </reg>
  35606. <reg name="Rx_Data" protect="">
  35607. <bits name="Rx_Data" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="no">
  35608. <comment>Read in the receive FIFO
  35609. <br/>Writing this register will write to Cmd_Data fifo (same as Cmd_Data register). This is because this address is used by the IFC channels to access the fifos.
  35610. </comment>
  35611. </bits>
  35612. </reg>
  35613. <reg name="Command" protect="w">
  35614. <bits name="Send_Cmd" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  35615. <comment> Writing 1 send the next command in the Cmd FIFO (This replace the TCU next cmd signal)
  35616. </comment>
  35617. </bits>
  35618. <bits name="Flush_Cmd_FIFO" pos="8" access="w" rst="0">
  35619. <comment>Writing 1 flush both Cmd, and cmd_data FIFO, <Strong>don't do it when SPI is active (transfer in progress)</Strong>
  35620. </comment>
  35621. </bits>
  35622. <bits name="Flush_Rx_FIFO" pos="16" access="w" rst="0">
  35623. <comment>Writing 1 flush the receive data FIFO, <Strong>don't do it when SPI is active (transfer in progress)</Strong>
  35624. </comment>
  35625. </bits>
  35626. <bits name="Restart_Gain" pos="24" access="w" rst="0">
  35627. <comment>Writing 1 place the read pointer at the beginning of the gain table. <Strong>don't do it when SPI is active (transfer in progress)</Strong>
  35628. </comment>
  35629. </bits>
  35630. <bits name="Reload_Gain" pos="28" access="w" rst="0">
  35631. <comment>Writing 1 place the write pointer at the beginning of the gain table allowing to fill the table.
  35632. </comment>
  35633. </bits>
  35634. <bits name="Drive_Zero" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  35635. <comment>Writing 1 change all the ouputs of the SPI interface to drive a logical '0'. This mode stops when a new command is requested to be send (by TCU) or when writting 0 to this register. This mode is useful when powering off the tranciever chip connected to the RF_SPI.
  35636. </comment>
  35637. </bits>
  35638. </reg>
  35639. <reg name="Cmd_Size" protect="w">
  35640. <bits name="Cmd_Size" pos="CMD_SIZE_BITS-1:0" access="w" rst="no">
  35641. <comment>Write the size in bytes of the next command in the FIFO
  35642. </comment>
  35643. </bits>
  35644. <bits name="Cmd_Mark" pos="31" access="w" rst="no">
  35645. <comment>Write 1 to mark the command.
  35646. <br/>Marked commands are discarded if Enable_Rf_Spi_Marked_Cmd is low in the tcu register.
  35647. </comment>
  35648. </bits>
  35649. </reg>
  35650. <reg name="Cmd_Data" protect="w">
  35651. <bits name="Cmd_Data" pos="7:0" access="w" rst="no">
  35652. <comment>Write in the Command data FIFO
  35653. </comment>
  35654. </bits>
  35655. </reg>
  35656. <reg name="Gain_Size" protect="rw">
  35657. <bits name="Gain_Size" pos="GAIN_SIZE_BITS-1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  35658. <comment>Size of a Gain command in bytes.
  35659. </comment>
  35660. </bits>
  35661. </reg>
  35662. <reg name="Gain_Data" protect="w">
  35663. <bits name="Gain_Data" pos="7:0" access="w" rst="no">
  35664. <comment>Write in the Gain Table (the pointer auto increments)
  35665. </comment>
  35666. </bits>
  35667. </reg>
  35668. <reg name="IRQ" protect="rw">
  35669. <bits name="Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Cause" pos="0" access="rc" rst="0">
  35670. <comment>Cmd_Data_DMA_Done IRQ Cause bit
  35671. <br/> 1 = the IRQ was triggered by the end of the DMA transfer to the cmd FIFO.
  35672. <br/> To clear it write 1 in this bit or Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Status bit.
  35673. </comment>
  35674. </bits>
  35675. <bits name="Cmd_FIFO_empty_Cause" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  35676. <comment>Cmd_FIFO_empty IRQ Cause bit
  35677. <br/> 1 = the IRQ was triggered because the Cmd_FIFO is empty.
  35678. <br/> To clear it, fill the FIFO.
  35679. </comment>
  35680. </bits>
  35681. <bits name="Cmd_Threshold_Cause" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  35682. <comment>Cmd_Threshold IRQ Cause bit
  35683. <br/> 1 = the IRQ was triggered because the Cmd_FIFO level is below the Cmd_Threshold.
  35684. <br/> To clear it, fill the FIFO.
  35685. </comment>
  35686. </bits>
  35687. <bits name="Rx_FIFO_full_Cause" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  35688. <comment>Rx_FIFO_full IRQ Cause bit
  35689. <br/> 1 = the IRQ was triggered because the Rx_Data_FIFO is full.
  35690. <br/> To clear it, read from the FIFO.
  35691. </comment>
  35692. </bits>
  35693. <bits name="Rx_Threshold_Cause" pos="5" access="r" rst="0">
  35694. <comment>Rx_Threshold IRQ Cause bit
  35695. <br/> 1 = the IRQ was triggered because the Rx_Data_FIFO level is over the Rx_Threshold.
  35696. <br/> To clear it, read from the FIFO.
  35697. </comment>
  35698. </bits>
  35699. <bits name="Error_Cause" pos="6" access="r" rst="0">
  35700. <comment>Error IRQ Cause bit
  35701. <br/> 1 = the IRQ was triggered because an error occured. Read the Status register to check the kind of error.
  35702. <br/> To clear it, clear it in the Status register.
  35703. </comment>
  35704. </bits>
  35705. <bitgroup name="All_Cause">
  35706. <entry ref="Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Cause"/>
  35707. <entry ref="Cmd_FIFO_empty_Cause"/>
  35708. <entry ref="Cmd_Threshold_Cause"/>
  35709. <entry ref="Rx_FIFO_full_Cause"/>
  35710. <entry ref="Rx_Threshold_Cause"/>
  35711. <entry ref="Error_Cause"/>
  35712. </bitgroup>
  35713. <bits name="Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Status" pos="16" access="rc" rst="0">
  35714. <comment>Cmd_Data_DMA_Done IRQ Status bit
  35715. <br/> 1 = the end of the DMA transfer to the cmd FIFO occured.
  35716. <br/> To clear it write 1 in this bit or Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Cause bit.
  35717. </comment>
  35718. </bits>
  35719. <bits name="Cmd_FIFO_empty_Status" pos="18" access="r" rst="1">
  35720. <comment>Cmd_FIFO_empty IRQ Status bit
  35721. <br/> 1 = the Cmd_FIFO is empty.
  35722. </comment>
  35723. </bits>
  35724. <bits name="Cmd_Threshold_Status" pos="19" access="r" rst="1">
  35725. <comment>Cmd_Threshold IRQ Status bit
  35726. <br/> 1 = the Cmd_FIFO level is bellow the Cmd_Threshold.
  35727. </comment>
  35728. </bits>
  35729. <bits name="Rx_FIFO_full_Status" pos="20" access="r" rst="0">
  35730. <comment>Rx_FIFO_full IRQ Status bit
  35731. <br/> 1 = the Rx_Data_FIFO is full.
  35732. </comment>
  35733. </bits>
  35734. <bits name="Rx_Threshold_Status" pos="21" access="r" rst="0">
  35735. <comment>Rx_Threshold IRQ Status bit
  35736. <br/> 1 = the Rx_Data_FIFO level is over the Rx_Threshold.
  35737. </comment>
  35738. </bits>
  35739. <bits name="Error_Status" pos="22" access="r" rst="0">
  35740. <comment>Error IRQ Status bit
  35741. <br/> 1 = an error occured. Read the Status register to check the kind of error.
  35742. </comment>
  35743. </bits>
  35744. <bitgroup name="All_Status">
  35745. <entry ref="Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Status"/>
  35746. <entry ref="Cmd_FIFO_empty_Status"/>
  35747. <entry ref="Cmd_Threshold_Status"/>
  35748. <entry ref="Rx_FIFO_full_Status"/>
  35749. <entry ref="Rx_Threshold_Status"/>
  35750. <entry ref="Error_Status"/>
  35751. </bitgroup>
  35752. </reg>
  35753. <reg name="IRQ_Mask" protect="rw">
  35754. <bits name="Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Mask" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  35755. <comment>Cmd_Data_DMA_Done IRQ Mask bit
  35756. <br/> 1 = the Cmd_Data_DMA_Done IRQ is enabled
  35757. <br/> 0 = the Cmd_Data_DMA_Done IRQ is disabled
  35758. </comment>
  35759. </bits>
  35760. <bits name="Cmd_FIFO_empty_Mask" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  35761. <comment>Cmd_FIFO_empty IRQ Mask bit
  35762. <br/> 1 = the Cmd_FIFO_empty IRQ is enabled
  35763. <br/> 0 = the Cmd_FIFO_empty IRQ is disabled
  35764. </comment>
  35765. </bits>
  35766. <bits name="Cmd_Threshold_Mask" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  35767. <comment>Cmd_Threshold IRQ Mask bit
  35768. <br/> 1 = the Cmd_Threshold IRQ is enabled
  35769. <br/> 0 = the Cmd_Threshold IRQ is disabled
  35770. </comment>
  35771. </bits>
  35772. <bits name="Rx_FIFO_full_Mask" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  35773. <comment>Rx_FIFO_full IRQ Mask bit
  35774. <br/> 1 = the Rx_FIFO_full IRQ is enabled
  35775. <br/> 0 = the Rx_FIFO_full IRQ is disabled
  35776. </comment>
  35777. </bits>
  35778. <bits name="Rx_Threshold_Mask" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  35779. <comment>Rx_Threshold IRQ Mask bit
  35780. <br/> 1 = the Rx_Threshold IRQ is enabled
  35781. <br/> 0 = the Rx_Threshold IRQ is disabled
  35782. </comment>
  35783. </bits>
  35784. <bits name="Error_Mask" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0">
  35785. <comment>Error IRQ Mask bit
  35786. <br/> 1 = the Error IRQ is enabled
  35787. <br/> 0 = the Error IRQ is disabled
  35788. </comment>
  35789. </bits>
  35790. <bitgroup name="All_Mask">
  35791. <entry ref="Cmd_Data_DMA_Done_Mask"/>
  35792. <entry ref="Cmd_FIFO_empty_Mask"/>
  35793. <entry ref="Cmd_Threshold_Mask"/>
  35794. <entry ref="Rx_FIFO_full_Mask"/>
  35795. <entry ref="Rx_Threshold_Mask"/>
  35796. <entry ref="Error_Mask"/>
  35797. </bitgroup>
  35798. </reg>
  35799. <reg name="IRQ_Threshold" protect="rw">
  35800. <bits name="Cmd_Threshold" pos="CMD_FIFO_LEN_BITS+7:8" access="r" rst="all1">
  35801. <comment>Command FIFO Threshold, number of command in the FIFO bellow which the Cmd_Threshold_IRQ is triggered.
  35802. </comment>
  35803. </bits>
  35804. <bits name="Rx_Threshold" pos="RX_DATA_FIFO_LEN_BITS+23:24" access="r" rst="all1">
  35805. <comment>Receive FIFO Threshold, number of bytes in the FIFO above which the Rx_Threshold_IRQ is triggered.
  35806. </comment>
  35807. </bits>
  35808. </reg>
  35809. <reg name="Divider" protect="rw">
  35810. <bits name="Divider" pos="6:1" access="rw" rst="0">
  35811. <comment>Clock Divider
  35812. <br/>The state machine clock is generated by dividing the system clock by the value of this register + 1. So the output clock is divided by (register + 1)*2
  35813. </comment>
  35814. <options><mask/><shift/></options>
  35815. </bits>
  35816. <bits name="Clock_Limiter" pos="28" access="rw" rst="0">
  35817. <comment>When enabled the clock input to the divider is not the system clock, but a limited version of it: It cannot be above 52MHz, so the output clock will never be above 26MHz.
  35818. <br/> for system clock of 104Mhz the clock input to the divider is 52Mhz, for system clock of 78Mhz the clock input to the divider is 39Mhz, for lower system clock value, the input to the divider is the system clock.
  35819. </comment>
  35820. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  35821. </bits>
  35822. </reg>
  35823. </module>
  35824. </archive>
  35825. <archive relative = "rom_patch.xml">
  35826. <var name="NB_ROM_PATCH" value="16" />
  35827. <var name="ROM_PATCH_SIZE" value="NB_ROM_PATCH*4" />
  35828. <module name="rom_patch" category="System">
  35829. <reg name="rom_patch" count="NB_ROM_PATCH" protect="rw">
  35830. <bits name="block_addr" pos="17:4" access="rw" rst = "0">
  35831. <comment>Base address of block in int_Rom patched (corresponding data are read from int_SRam)
  35832. </comment>
  35833. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  35834. </bits>
  35835. <bits name="patch_en" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  35836. <options>
  35837. <option name="Enable" value="1"/>
  35838. <option name="Disable" value="0"/>
  35839. </options>
  35840. </bits>
  35841. </reg>
  35842. <hole size="1536"/>
  35843. <reg name="ram_array" count="ROM_PATCH_SIZE" protect="wo">
  35844. <comment>Rom patch Ram Space
  35845. <br/> Used for store the patch instead of rom, when patch is valid
  35846. </comment>
  35847. </reg>
  35848. </module>
  35849. </archive>
  35850. <archive relative = "sci.xml">
  35851. <module name="sci" category="Modem">
  35852. <reg name="Config" protect="rw">
  35853. <bits name="Enable" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  35854. <comment>Enables the SIM Card IF module
  35855. </comment>
  35856. </bits>
  35857. <bits name="Parity" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  35858. <comment>Selects the parity generation/detection
  35859. </comment>
  35860. <options>
  35861. <option value="0" name="Even_parity"/>
  35862. <option value="1" name="Odd_parity"/>
  35863. <mask/>
  35864. <shift/>
  35865. </options>
  35866. </bits>
  35867. <bits name="PERF" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  35868. <comment>Parity Error Receive Feed-through
  35869. <br/>0 = Don't store bytes with detected parity errors
  35870. <br/>1 = Feed-through bytes with detected parity errors
  35871. </comment>
  35872. </bits>
  35873. <bits name="Filter_Disable" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  35874. <comment>Enable or disable NULL (0x60) character filtering when SIM card sends NULL to reset WWT timer.
  35875. <br/>0 = Enable NULL character filtering, NULL characters are not reported if not data.
  35876. <br/>1 = Disable NULL character filtering. NULL characters (0x60) are transferred to the SCI data buffer.
  35877. </comment>
  35878. </bits>
  35879. <bits name="ClockStop" pos="4" access="rw" rst="1">
  35880. <comment>Manual SCI Clock Stop control. Manually starts and stops the SCI clock. This bit must be set to '1' when Autostop mode is enabled.
  35881. <br/>0 = Enable the SCI clock
  35882. <br/>1 = Disable SCI clock
  35883. </comment>
  35884. </bits>
  35885. <bits name="AutoStop_En_H" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  35886. <comment>Enables automatic clock shutdown when command is complete. Enabling this will generate the necessary startup and shutdown delays required by the SIM protocol.
  35887. <br/>0 = Auto clock control not enabled. SCI clock controlled by SCI_Clockstop bit
  35888. <br/>1 = Auto clock control enabled.
  35889. </comment>
  35890. </bits>
  35891. <bits name="MSBH_LSBL" pos="6" access="rw" rst="1">
  35892. <comment>Sets the transmission and reception bit order:
  35893. <br/>0 = LSB is sent/recieved first (Direct convention)
  35894. <br/>1 = MSB is sent/received first (Inverse convention)
  35895. </comment>
  35896. </bits>
  35897. <bits name="LLI" pos="7" access="rw" rst="1">
  35898. <comment>Logic Level Invert:
  35899. <br/>0 = Logic level 0 data is sent/received as '0' or 'A' which is the same as the start bit. (Direct convention)
  35900. <br/>1 = Logic level 0 data is sent/received as '1' or 'Z' which is the opposite of the start bit. (Inverse convention)
  35901. </comment>
  35902. </bits>
  35903. <bits name="PEGen_Len" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  35904. <comment>Parity Error signal length. This configuration bit can be used to extend the duration of the parity error signal generation from 1 ETU to 1.5 ETU
  35905. <br/>0 = Parity Error signal duration is 1 ETU starting at 10.5 ETU
  35906. <br/>1 = Parity Error signal duration is 1.5 ETU starting at 10.5 ETU
  35907. </comment>
  35908. </bits>
  35909. <bits name="Parity_En" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0">
  35910. <comment>Enable or disable parity error checking on the receive data
  35911. <br/>0 = Disable parity error checking
  35912. <br/>1 = Enable parity error checking
  35913. </comment>
  35914. </bits>
  35915. <bits name="Stop_Level" pos="10" access="rw" rst="1">
  35916. <comment>Logical value of the clock signal when SCI clock is stopped (either due to automatic shutdown or manual shutdown)
  35917. <br/>0 = Stop clock at low level
  35918. <br/>1 = Stop clock at high level
  35919. </comment>
  35920. </bits>
  35921. <bits name="Rx_Clk_Cnt_Sample " pos="15:11" access="rw" rst="1">
  35922. <comment> tunning the sample local.
  35923. </comment>
  35924. </bits>
  35925. <bits name="ARG_H" pos="16" access="rw" rst="0">
  35926. <comment>Automatic Reset Generator. Write a '1' to this bit to initiate an automatic reset procedure on the SIM. Write '0' to switch back to SCI_Reset control (bit 20). An ARG interrupt will be generated if the ARG process succeeded or failed. The ARG status bit (ARG_Det) must be read to determine if a reset response from the card was detected. This bit needs to be cleared between ARG attempts.
  35927. </comment>
  35928. </bits>
  35929. <bits name="AFD_En_H" pos="17" access="rw" rst="0">
  35930. <comment>Automatic format detection. This bit is generally set in conjunction with the ARG_H bit to enable automatic detection of the data convention.
  35931. <br/>1 = Enable TS detection and automatic convention settings programming
  35932. <br/>0 = disable automatic settings and use the register bits (MSBH_LSBL and LLI) to control the convention
  35933. </comment>
  35934. </bits>
  35935. <bits name="Tx_Resend_En_H" pos="18" access="rw" rst="1">
  35936. <comment>1 = Enable automatic resend of characters when Tx parity error is detected
  35937. <br/>0 = Disable automatic resend
  35938. </comment>
  35939. </bits>
  35940. <bits name="IO_data_l" pos="19" access="rw" rst="0">
  35941. <comment>1 = pulldown
  35942. <br/>0 = pullup
  35943. </comment>
  35944. </bits>
  35945. <bits name="Reset" pos="20" access="rw" rst="0">
  35946. <comment>Direct connection to the SIM card reset pin. This is overridden when ARG_H is enabled
  35947. <br/>0 = SCI_Reset low voltage
  35948. <br/>1 = SCI Reset high voltage
  35949. </comment>
  35950. </bits>
  35951. <bits name="Dly_Sel" pos="21" access="rw" rst="0">
  35952. <comment>This selects between two delay times for the automatic clock stop startup and shutdown:
  35953. <br/>0 = short delay
  35954. <br/>Startup/Shutdown : 744 SCI clocks / 1860 SCI clocks
  35955. <br/>1 = long delay
  35956. <br/>Startup/Shutdown : (2 x 744) SCI clocks / (2 x 1860) SCI clocks
  35957. </comment>
  35958. </bits>
  35959. <bits name="In_avg_en" pos="22" access="rw" rst="1">
  35960. <comment>Input data average enable.
  35961. <br/>0 = Disable
  35962. <br/>1 = Enable
  35963. </comment>
  35964. </bits>
  35965. <bits name="Int_sw" pos="23" access="rw" rst="0">
  35966. <comment>auto clear.
  35967. </comment>
  35968. </bits>
  35969. <bits name="Par_Chk_Offset" pos="29:24" access="rw" rst="0xe">
  35970. <comment>Allows fine control of the parity check position during the parity error time period.
  35971. </comment>
  35972. </bits>
  35973. <bits name="Sci_Mode" pos="31:30" access="rw" rst="0">
  35974. <comment>These bits are reserved and must be written as '00' for the SCI module to work properly:
  35975. <br/>"11" = Ser In &lt;- Ser Out loopback
  35976. <br/>"10" = Ser In &lt;- Ser In (unmasked)
  35977. <br/>others = Ser In &lt;- Ser In masked with Txing_H (normal mode)
  35978. </comment>
  35979. </bits>
  35980. </reg>
  35981. <reg name="Status" protect="r">
  35982. <bits name="RxData_Rdy" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  35983. <comment>Returns the status of the Rx FIFO:
  35984. <br/>0 = Rx FIFO empty
  35985. <br/>1 = There is at least 1 character in the Rx FIFO
  35986. </comment>
  35987. </bits>
  35988. <bits name="Tx_FIFO_Rdy" pos="1" access="r" rst="1">
  35989. <comment>Returns the status of the Tx FIFO:
  35990. <br/>0 = Tx FIFO is full
  35991. <br/>1 = There is at least 1 free spot in the Tx FIFO
  35992. </comment>
  35993. </bits>
  35994. <bits name="Format_Det" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  35995. <comment>Returns the status of the automatic format detection after reset:
  35996. <br/>0 = TS character has not been detected in the ATR
  35997. <br/>1 = TS character has been detected and SCI module is using the automatic convention settings
  35998. <br/>
  35999. <br/>This bit is cleared when the AFD_En bit is cleared
  36000. </comment>
  36001. </bits>
  36002. <bits name="ARG_Det" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  36003. <comment>Returns the status of the automatic reset procedure:
  36004. <br/>0 = ARG detection has failed
  36005. <br/>1 = ARG detection has detected that the SIM has responded to the reset
  36006. <br/>
  36007. <br/>This bit is used in conjunction with the ARG interrupt. The ARG interrupt will be generated at the successful or unsuccessful termination of the ARG process. This bit can be used to determine the success or failure.
  36008. </comment>
  36009. </bits>
  36010. <bits name="Reset_Det" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  36011. <comment>This is the status of the Reset pin when automatic reset generation is enabled. This bit can be used to discover whether the SIM card that has successfully responded to an ARG procedure has an active high or active low reset. (Det means 'Detection')
  36012. </comment>
  36013. </bits>
  36014. <bits name="Clk_Rdy_H" pos="5" access="r" rst="0">
  36015. <comment>Status of the control signal to the clock control module. This bit respects the startup and shutdown phases, so during these times, the clock may actually be on, but it is not considered to be 'ready'
  36016. <br/>0 = SCI clock may be on or off but is not ready for use
  36017. <br/>1 = SCI clock is on and ready for use
  36018. </comment>
  36019. </bits>
  36020. <bits name="Clk_Off" pos="6" access="r" rst="1">
  36021. <comment>Status bit of the Sci clock.
  36022. <br/>0 = Sci clock is ON
  36023. <br/>1 = Sci clock is OFF
  36024. </comment>
  36025. </bits>
  36026. <bits name="Rx_Err" pos="8" access="r" rst="0">
  36027. <comment>A receive parity error was detected. Reading this register clears the bit.
  36028. </comment>
  36029. </bits>
  36030. <bits name="Tx_Err" pos="9" access="r" rst="0">
  36031. <comment>A transmit parity error was detected. Reading this register clears the bit.
  36032. </comment>
  36033. </bits>
  36034. <bits name="RxOverflow" pos="10" access="r" rst="0">
  36035. <comment>The internal receive FIFO has reached an overflow condition. Reading this register clears the bit.
  36036. </comment>
  36037. </bits>
  36038. <bits name="TxOverflow" pos="11" access="r" rst="0">
  36039. <comment>The internal transmit FIFO has reached an overflow condition. Reading this register clears the bit.
  36040. </comment>
  36041. </bits>
  36042. <bits name="AutoStop_State" pos="31:30" access="r" rst="0">
  36043. <comment>Returns the state of the clock management state machine when AutoStop mode is enabled. This value is '00' when manual mode is selected.
  36044. </comment>
  36045. <options>
  36046. <option value="0" name="Startup_phase"><comment>Clock is on, but not ready to be used.</comment></option>
  36047. <option value="1" name="Auto_on"><comment>Clock is on and ready to be used</comment></option>
  36048. <option value="2" name="Shutdown_phase"><comment>Clock is still on, but should not be used.</comment></option>
  36049. <option value="3" name="Clock_off"><comment>Clock is off.</comment></option>
  36050. <mask/>
  36051. <shift/>
  36052. </options>
  36053. </bits>
  36054. </reg>
  36055. <reg name="Data" protect="--">
  36056. <bits name="Data_IN" pos="7:0" access="w" rst="0">
  36057. <comment>Writing to this register will send the data to the SIM card. If automatic clock shutdown is enabled, the appropriate delay will be applied before the data is actually sent.
  36058. </comment>
  36059. </bits>
  36060. <bits name="Data_OUT" pos="7:0" access="r" rst="0">
  36061. <comment>Reading this register will read from the receive data FIFO.
  36062. </comment>
  36063. </bits>
  36064. </reg>
  36065. <reg name="ClkDiv" protect="rw">
  36066. <bits name="ClkDiv" pos="8:0" access="rw" rst="0x174">
  36067. <comment>Clock divider for generating the baud clock from the SCI clock. This value must match the value used by the SIM card whose default value is 0x174.
  36068. </comment>
  36069. </bits>
  36070. <bits name="Baud_x8_En" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0">
  36071. <comment>Speed mode enable.
  36072. <br/>0 = Low speed mode
  36073. <br/>1 = High speed mode(372/32, 372/64, 512/64)
  36074. </comment>
  36075. </bits>
  36076. <bits name="Rx_Clk_Cnt_Limit" pos="14:10" access="rw" rst="0x10">
  36077. <comment>Rx_clk_cnt wrap value.
  36078. </comment>
  36079. </bits>
  36080. <bits name="Clk_Tst" pos="15" access="rw" rst="0">
  36081. </bits>
  36082. <bits name="ClkDiv_16" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0x18">
  36083. <comment>Secondary clock divider for generating 16x baud clock.
  36084. </comment>
  36085. </bits>
  36086. <bits name="MainDiv" pos="29:24" access="rw" rst="0x4">
  36087. <comment>Main clock divider to generate the SCI clock. This value should be calculated as follows:
  36088. <br/>MainDiv = Clk_Sys/(2xSCI_Clk) - 1
  36089. <br/>where SCI_Clk is in the range of 3-5 MHz as specified in the SIM specification.
  36090. </comment>
  36091. <options><mask/><default/></options>
  36092. </bits>
  36093. <bits name="Clk_Out_Inv" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  36094. <comment>Inverts the polarity of the SCI clock to the SIM card only.
  36095. <br/>0 = No inversion
  36096. <br/>1 = Invert external SCI clock
  36097. </comment>
  36098. </bits>
  36099. <bits name="Clk_Inv" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  36100. <comment>Inverts SCI clock to the SIM card .
  36101. <br/>0 = No inversion
  36102. <br/>1 = Invert external SCI clock
  36103. </comment>
  36104. </bits>
  36105. </reg>
  36106. <reg name="RxCnt" protect="rw">
  36107. <bits name="RxCnt" pos="9:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  36108. <comment>This value should be programmed with the number of expected characters to receive. It will be decremented each time a character is <strong>actually</strong> received and should be 0 when the transfer is complete. If a character is sent after the RxCnt reaches zero, the extra character flag will be set but this value will stay at zero.
  36109. </comment>
  36110. </bits>
  36111. <bits name="Clk_Persist" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  36112. <comment>When in automatic clock shutdown mode, this bit can prevent the clock from entering shutdown mode when the transfer is complete. This should be used for multi-transfer commands where the clock must not be shut down until the command is complete. This bit must be programmed for each transfer.
  36113. <br/>1 = Keep clock on
  36114. <br/>0 = Allow clock shutdown when transfer is complete
  36115. </comment>
  36116. </bits>
  36117. </reg>
  36118. <reg name="Times" protect="rw">
  36119. <bits name="ChGuard" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="1">
  36120. <comment>This is the extra guard time that can be added to the 2 ETU minimum (and default) guard time between successive transmitted characters. This should be programmed depending on the SIM's ATR. The total ETU guard time will be ChGuard + 1.
  36121. </comment>
  36122. <options>
  36123. <mask/>
  36124. <shift/>
  36125. </options>
  36126. </bits>
  36127. <bits name="TurnaroundGuard" pos="11:8" access="rw" rst="0x6">
  36128. <comment>Turnaround guard time configuration. This value can be used to adjust the delay between the leading edge of a received character and the leading edge of the next transmitted character. The minimum time specified in the SIM recommendation is 16 ETU. The number of ETUs can be calculated using the following formula:
  36129. <br/>Total Turnaround Time (in ETUs) = 11 + TurnaroundGuard
  36130. </comment>
  36131. <options>
  36132. <mask/>
  36133. <shift/>
  36134. </options>
  36135. </bits>
  36136. <bits name="WI" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0x0A">
  36137. <comment>Work Waiting Time factor. A timeout will be generated when the WWT is exceeded. The WWT is calculated by:
  36138. <br/> WWT = 960 x WI x (F/Fi)
  36139. <br/>where Fi is the main SCI clock frequency (3-5 MHz) and F is 372 before an enhanced PPS and 512 after an enhanced PPS.
  36140. <br/>The SCI_WI value must be calculated as follows:
  36141. <br/> SCI_WI = WI * D
  36142. <br/>Thus, by default (WI = 10) this value needs to be set to 10 before an EPPS, but needs to be scaled to WI*D=80 after the EPPS procedure.
  36143. </comment>
  36144. <options>
  36145. <mask/>
  36146. <shift/>
  36147. </options>
  36148. </bits>
  36149. <bits name="Tx_PERT" pos="31:24" access="rw" rst="0xFF">
  36150. <comment>Number of times to try resending character when the SIM indicates a parity error.
  36151. </comment>
  36152. </bits>
  36153. </reg>
  36154. <reg name="Ch_Filt" protect="rw">
  36155. <bits name="Ch_Filt" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0x60">
  36156. <comment>Value of the character to be filtered. 0x60 is the NULL character in the SIM protocol. If character filtering is enabled, the <strong>first</strong> 0x60 character that is received by the SIM during a transfer will <strong>not</strong> be recorded. The purpose of this character is to enable the SIM to reset the WWT counter when the SIM is not ready to send the data. This filter has no effect on characters within the datastream.
  36157. </comment>
  36158. </bits>
  36159. </reg>
  36160. <reg name="dbg" protect="w">
  36161. <bits name="FIFO_RX_Clr" pos="0" access="w" rst="0">
  36162. <comment>Clear RX FIFO.
  36163. </comment>
  36164. </bits>
  36165. <bits name="FIFO_TX_Clr" pos="1" access="w" rst="0">
  36166. <comment>Clear TX FIFO.
  36167. </comment>
  36168. </bits>
  36169. <comment>UNDOCUMENTED FEATURE</comment>
  36170. </reg>
  36171. <reg name="Int_Cause" protect="r">
  36172. <bits name="Rx_Done" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  36173. <comment>Number of expected Rx characters, as programmed in the RxCnt register, has been received.
  36174. </comment>
  36175. </bits>
  36176. <bits name="Rx_Half" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  36177. <comment>Receiver FIFO is half full.
  36178. </comment>
  36179. </bits>
  36180. <bits name="WWT_Timeout" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  36181. <comment>No Tx character has been sent NOR any Rx character detected within the WWT timeout.
  36182. </comment>
  36183. </bits>
  36184. <bits name="Extra_Rx" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  36185. <comment>An extra character has been received after the number of characters in RxCnt has been received.
  36186. </comment>
  36187. </bits>
  36188. <bits name="Resend_Ovfl" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  36189. <comment>The automatic re-transmit of parity error characters has exceeded the threshold specified in the Tx_PERT field.
  36190. </comment>
  36191. </bits>
  36192. <bits name="ARG_End" pos="5" access="r" rst="0">
  36193. <comment>End of the ARG sequence. The status register must be read to determine whether the ARG sequence was successful or not.
  36194. </comment>
  36195. </bits>
  36196. <bits name="Sci_DMA_Tx_Done" pos="6" access="r" rst="0">
  36197. <comment>DMA tx done.
  36198. </comment>
  36199. </bits>
  36200. <bits name="Sci_DMA_Rx_Done" pos="7" access="r" rst="0">
  36201. <comment>DMA rx done.
  36202. </comment>
  36203. </bits>
  36204. <bits name="Int_Status_Rx_Done" pos="16" access="r" rst="0">
  36205. <comment>Number of expected Rx characters, as programmed in the RxCnt register, has been received.
  36206. </comment>
  36207. </bits>
  36208. <bits name="Int_Status_Rx_Half" pos="17" access="r" rst="0">
  36209. <comment>Receiver FIFO is half full.
  36210. </comment>
  36211. </bits>
  36212. <bits name="Int_Status_WWT_Timeout" pos="18" access="r" rst="0">
  36213. <comment>No Tx character has been sent NOR any Rx character detected within the WWT timeout.
  36214. </comment>
  36215. </bits>
  36216. <bits name="Int_Status_Extra_Rx" pos="19" access="r" rst="0">
  36217. <comment>An extra character has been received after the number of characters in RxCnt has been received.
  36218. </comment>
  36219. </bits>
  36220. <bits name="Int_Status_Resend_Ovfl" pos="20" access="r" rst="0">
  36221. <comment>The automatic re-transmit of parity error characters has exceeded the threshold specified in the Tx_PERT field.
  36222. </comment>
  36223. </bits>
  36224. <bits name="Int_Status_ARG_End" pos="21" access="r" rst="0">
  36225. <comment>End of the ARG sequence. The status register must be read to determine whether the ARG sequence was successful or not.
  36226. </comment>
  36227. </bits>
  36228. <bits name="Int_Status_Sci_DMA_Tx_Done" pos="22" access="r" rst="0">
  36229. <comment>DMA tx done.
  36230. </comment>
  36231. </bits>
  36232. <bits name="Int_Status_Sci_DMA_Rx_Done" pos="23" access="r" rst="0">
  36233. <comment>DMA rx done.
  36234. </comment>
  36235. </bits>
  36236. <comment>
  36237. This register is a <b>READ ONLY</b> register that returns the logical <b>and</b> of the SCI_INT_STATUS register and the SCI_INT_MASK. If any of these bits is '1', the SCI module will generate an interrupt. Bits 21:16 return the <u>status</u> of the interrupt which is the interrupt state before the mask is applied. These bits should only be used for debugging.
  36238. </comment>
  36239. </reg>
  36240. <reg name="Int_Clr" protect="rw">
  36241. <bits name="Rx_Done" pos="0" access="c" rst="0">
  36242. <comment>Number of expected Rx characters, as programmed in the SCI_RxCnt register, has been received.
  36243. </comment>
  36244. </bits>
  36245. <bits name="Rx_Half" pos="1" access="c" rst="0">
  36246. <comment>Receiver FIFO is half full.
  36247. </comment>
  36248. </bits>
  36249. <bits name="WWT_Timeout" pos="2" access="c" rst="0">
  36250. <comment>No Tx character has been sent NOR any Rx character detected within the WWT timeout.
  36251. </comment>
  36252. </bits>
  36253. <bits name="Extra_Rx" pos="3" access="c" rst="0">
  36254. <comment>An extra character has been received after the number of characters in SCI_RxCnt has been received.
  36255. </comment>
  36256. </bits>
  36257. <bits name="Resend_Ovfl" pos="4" access="c" rst="0">
  36258. <comment>The automatic re-transmit of parity error characters has exceeded the threshold specified in the SCI_Tx_PERT field.
  36259. </comment>
  36260. </bits>
  36261. <bits name="ARG_End" pos="5" access="c" rst="0">
  36262. <comment>End of the ARG sequence. The status register must be read to determine whether the ARG sequence was successful or not.
  36263. </comment>
  36264. </bits>
  36265. <bits name="Sci_DMA_Tx_Done" pos="6" access="c">
  36266. <comment>DMA tx done.
  36267. </comment>
  36268. </bits>
  36269. <bits name="Sci_DMA_Rx_Done" pos="7" access="c">
  36270. <comment>DMA rx done.
  36271. </comment>
  36272. </bits>
  36273. <comment>
  36274. This is a WRITE ONLY register that is used to clear an SCI interrupt. Write a '1' to the interrupt that is to be cleared. Writing '0' has no effect.
  36275. </comment>
  36276. </reg>
  36277. <reg name="Int_Mask" protect="rw">
  36278. <bits name="Rx_Done" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  36279. <comment>Number of expected Rx characters, as programmed in the SCI_RxCnt register, has been received.
  36280. </comment>
  36281. </bits>
  36282. <bits name="Rx_Half" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  36283. <comment>Receiver FIFO is half full.
  36284. </comment>
  36285. </bits>
  36286. <bits name="WWT_Timeout" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  36287. <comment>No Tx character has been sent NOR any Rx character detected within the WWT timeout.
  36288. </comment>
  36289. </bits>
  36290. <bits name="Extra_Rx" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  36291. <comment>An extra character has been received after the number of characters in SCI_RxCnt has been received.
  36292. </comment>
  36293. </bits>
  36294. <bits name="Resend_Ovfl" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  36295. <comment>The automatic re-transmit of parity error characters has exceeded the threshold specified in the SCI_Tx_PERT field.
  36296. </comment>
  36297. </bits>
  36298. <bits name="ARG_End" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  36299. <comment>End of the ARG sequence. The status register must be read to determine whether the ARG sequence was successful or not.
  36300. </comment>
  36301. </bits>
  36302. <bits name="Sci_DMA_Tx_Done" pos="6" access="rw" rst="0">
  36303. <comment>DMA tx done.
  36304. </comment>
  36305. </bits>
  36306. <bits name="Sci_DMA_Rx_Done" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0">
  36307. <comment>DMA rx done.
  36308. </comment>
  36309. </bits>
  36310. <comment>
  36311. This register is READ/WRITE register that enables the desired interrupt. A '1' in a bit position indicates that the corresponding interrupt is enabled and if the interrupt occurs, the SCI will generate a hardware interrupt.
  36312. </comment>
  36313. </reg>
  36314. <reg name="PA_CLK_STOP_EN" protect="rw">
  36315. <bits name="PA_CLK_STOP_EN" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  36316. <comment>Set this bit to 1'b0, then when pa_en = 1,sci stops work.
  36317. </comment>
  36318. </bits>
  36319. </reg>
  36320. <reg name="PA_STATUS" protect="r">
  36321. <bits name="PA_STATUS" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  36322. <comment>Status of pa_en.
  36323. </comment>
  36324. </bits>
  36325. </reg>
  36326. <reg name="WR_REG_ONGOING" protect="r">
  36327. <bits name="CFG_REG_WR_ONGOING" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  36328. <comment>Status of write operation.
  36329. </comment>
  36330. </bits>
  36331. <bits name="CLKDIV_REG_WR_ONGOING" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  36332. <comment>Status of write operation.
  36333. </comment>
  36334. </bits>
  36335. <bits name="RXCNT_REG_WR_ONGOING" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  36336. <comment>Status of write operation.
  36337. </comment>
  36338. </bits>
  36339. <bits name="TIMES_REG_WR_ONGOING" pos="3" access="r" rst="0">
  36340. <comment>Status of write operation.
  36341. </comment>
  36342. </bits>
  36343. <bits name="CH_FILT_REG_WR_ONGOING" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  36344. <comment>Status of write operation.
  36345. </comment>
  36346. </bits>
  36347. </reg>
  36348. <reg name="SCI_PWR_PROT" protect="rw">
  36349. <bits name="Thold0" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0xff">
  36350. <comment>after thold0, pull down rst
  36351. </comment>
  36352. </bits>
  36353. <bits name="Thold1" pos="15:8" access="rw" rst="0xff">
  36354. <comment>after thold1, pull down clk and io
  36355. </comment>
  36356. </bits>
  36357. <bits name="Thold2" pos="23:16" access="rw" rst="0xff">
  36358. <comment>after thold2, fsm into ST3. (unused)
  36359. </comment>
  36360. </bits>
  36361. <bits name="En_Low_Pwr" pos="24" access="rw" rst="0">
  36362. <comment>
  36363. </comment>
  36364. </bits>
  36365. </reg>
  36366. </module>
  36367. </archive>
  36368. <archive relative = "sdmmc2.xml">
  36369. <module name="sdmmc2" category="Periph">
  36370. <reg name="apbi_ctrl_sdmmc" protect="rw">
  36371. <bits name="L_Endian" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="000">
  36372. <comment>Controls the big endian or little endian of the FIFO data.
  36373. <br/>Take 32 bit data 0X0A0B0C0D for Example,bit[31:24]=Byte3,bit[23:16]=Byte2,bit[15:8]=Byte1,bit[7:0]=Byte0.
  36374. <br/>"000": the order is not changed.
  36375. <br/>Byte3="0A",Byte2="0B",Byte1="0C",Byte0="0D".
  36376. <br/>"001": reversed on byte.
  36377. <br/>Byte3="0D",Byte2="0C,Byte1="0B",Byte0="0A".
  36378. <br/>"010": reversed on half word.
  36379. <br/>Byte3="0C",Byte2="0D,Byte1="0A",Byte0="0B".
  36380. <br/>"010": reversed on bit.
  36381. <br/>Byte3="B0",Byte2="30,Byte1="D0",Byte0="50".
  36382. <br/>"100": reversed on bit.
  36383. <br/>Byte3="0A",Byte2="0X,Byte1="0D",Byte0="0C".
  36384. </comment>
  36385. </bits>
  36386. <bits name="Soft_rst_L" pos="3" access="rw" rst="1">
  36387. <comment>For the software to clear FIFO in case there is an error in communication with SD controller and some data are left behind.
  36388. <br/>Active Low.
  36389. </comment>
  36390. </bits>
  36391. </reg>
  36392. <hole size="32"/>
  36393. <reg name="APBI_FIFO_TxRx" protect="--">
  36394. <bits name="DATA_IN" pos="31:0" access="w" rst="0">
  36395. <comment>Write to the transmit FIFO
  36396. </comment>
  36397. </bits>
  36398. <bits name="DATA_OUT" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  36399. <comment>Read in the receive FIFO
  36400. </comment>
  36401. </bits>
  36402. </reg>
  36403. <hole size="16288"/>
  36404. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_CONFIG">
  36405. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_SENDCMD" pos="0" rst="0">
  36406. <comment>SD/MMC operation begin register, active high.<br />
  36407. When '1', the controller finishes the last command and goes into suspend status. At suspend status, the controller will not execute the next command until the bit is set '0'.
  36408. </comment>
  36409. </bits>
  36410. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_SUSPEND" pos="1" rst="1">
  36411. <comment>SD/MMC operation suspend register, active high.
  36412. </comment>
  36413. </bits>
  36414. <bits access="rw" name="RSP_EN" pos="4" rst="0">
  36415. <comment>'1'indicates having a response,'0'indicates no response.
  36416. </comment>
  36417. </bits>
  36418. <bits access="rw" name="RSP_SEL" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  36419. <options>
  36420. <default/>
  36421. <option name="R2" value="0b10"/>
  36422. <option name="R3" value="0b01"/>
  36423. <option name="OTHER" value="0b00"/>
  36424. </options>
  36425. <comment>Response select register,"10" means R2 response, "01" means R3 response, "00" means others response, "11" is reserved.
  36426. </comment>
  36427. </bits>
  36428. <bits access="rw" name="RD_WT_EN" pos="8" rst="0">
  36429. <comment>'1' indicates data operation, which includes read and write.
  36430. </comment>
  36431. </bits>
  36432. <bits access="rw" name="RD_WT_SEL" pos="9" rst="0">
  36433. <options>
  36434. <default/>
  36435. <option name="READ" value="0"/>
  36436. <option name="WRITE" value="1"/>
  36437. </options>
  36438. <comment>'1' means write operation,'0' means read operation.
  36439. </comment>
  36440. </bits>
  36441. <bits access="rw" name="S_M_SEL" pos="10" rst="0">
  36442. <options>
  36443. <default/>
  36444. <option name="SIMPLE" value="0"/>
  36445. <option name="MULTIPLE" value="1"/>
  36446. </options>
  36447. <comment>'1'means multiple block data operation.
  36448. </comment>
  36449. </bits>
  36450. <bits access="rw" name="AUTO_FLAG_EN" pos="16" rst="1">
  36451. </bits>
  36452. </reg>
  36453. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_STATUS">
  36454. <bits access="r" name="Not_SDMMC_OVER" pos="0" rst="0">
  36455. <comment>'1' means the SD/MMC operation is not over.
  36456. </comment>
  36457. </bits>
  36458. <bits access="r" name="BUSY" pos="1" rst="0">
  36459. <comment>'1' means SD/MMC is busy.
  36460. </comment>
  36461. </bits>
  36462. <bits access="r" name="DL_BUSY" pos="2" rst="0">
  36463. <comment>'1' means the data line is busy.
  36464. </comment>
  36465. </bits>
  36466. <bits access="r" name="SUSPEND" pos="3" rst="1">
  36467. <comment>'1' means the controller will not perform the new command when SDMMC_SENDCMD= '1'.
  36468. </comment>
  36469. </bits>
  36470. <bits access="r" name="RSP_ERROR" pos="8" rst="0">
  36471. <comment>Response CRC checks error register '1' means response CRC check error.
  36472. </comment>
  36473. </bits>
  36474. <bits access="r" name="NO_RSP_ERROR" pos="9" rst="0">
  36475. <comment>'1' means the card has no response to command.
  36476. </comment>
  36477. </bits>
  36478. <bits access="r" name="CRC_STATUS" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  36479. <comment>CRC check for SD/MMC write operation <br />
  36480. "101" transmission error<br />
  36481. "010" transmission right<br />
  36482. "111" flash programming error
  36483. </comment>
  36484. </bits>
  36485. <bits access="r" name="DATA_ERROR" pos="23:16" rst="0">
  36486. <comment>8 bits data CRC check, "00000000" means no data error, "00000001" means DATA0 CRC check error, "10000000" means DATA7 CRC check error, each bit match one data line.
  36487. </comment>
  36488. </bits>
  36489. <bits access="r" name="DAT3_VAL" pos="24" rst="-">
  36490. <comment>SDMMC DATA 3 value.
  36491. </comment>
  36492. </bits>
  36493. </reg>
  36494. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_CMD_INDEX">
  36495. <bits access="rw" name="COMMAND" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  36496. <comment>SD/MMC command register.
  36497. </comment>
  36498. </bits>
  36499. </reg>
  36500. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_CMD_ARG">
  36501. <bits access="rw" name="ARGUMENT" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36502. <comment>SD/MMC command argument register, write data to the SD/MMC card.
  36503. </comment>
  36504. </bits>
  36505. </reg>
  36506. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_INDEX">
  36507. <bits access="r" name="RESPONSE" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  36508. <comment>SD/MMC response index register.
  36509. </comment>
  36510. </bits>
  36511. </reg>
  36512. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG3">
  36513. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36514. <comment>Response argument of R1, R3 and R6, or 127 to 96 bit response argument of R2.
  36515. </comment>
  36516. </bits>
  36517. </reg>
  36518. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG2">
  36519. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36520. <comment>95 to 64 bit response argument of R2.
  36521. </comment>
  36522. </bits>
  36523. </reg>
  36524. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG1">
  36525. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36526. <comment>63 to 32 bit response argument of R2.
  36527. </comment>
  36528. </bits>
  36529. </reg>
  36530. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG0">
  36531. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36532. <comment>31 to 0 bit response argument of R2.
  36533. </comment>
  36534. </bits>
  36535. </reg>
  36536. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_DATA_WIDTH">
  36537. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_DATA_WIDTH" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  36538. <comment>SD/MMC data width:<br />
  36539. 0x1: 1 data line<br />
  36540. 0x2: 2 reserved<br />
  36541. 0x4: 4 data lines<br />
  36542. 0x8: 8 data lines
  36543. </comment>
  36544. </bits>
  36545. </reg>
  36546. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_SIZE">
  36547. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_SIZE" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  36548. <comment>SD/MMC size of one block:<br />
  36549. 0-1:reserved<br />
  36550. 2: 1 word<br />
  36551. 3: 2 words<br />
  36552. 4: 4 words<br />
  36553. 5: 8 words<br />
  36554. 6: 16 words<br />
  36555. <br />
  36556. 11: 512 words<br />
  36557. 12-15 reserved
  36558. </comment>
  36559. </bits>
  36560. </reg>
  36561. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_CNT">
  36562. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_CNT" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  36563. <comment>Block number that wants to transfer.
  36564. </comment>
  36565. </bits>
  36566. </reg>
  36567. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_INT_STATUS">
  36568. <bits access="r" name="NO_RSP_INT" pos="0" rst="0">
  36569. <comment>'1' means no response.
  36570. </comment>
  36571. </bits>
  36572. <bits access="r" name="RSP_ERR_INT" pos="1" rst="0">
  36573. <comment>'1' means CRC error of response.
  36574. </comment>
  36575. </bits>
  36576. <bits access="r" name="RD_ERR_INT" pos="2" rst="0">
  36577. <comment>'1' means CRC error of reading data.
  36578. </comment>
  36579. </bits>
  36580. <bits access="r" name="WR_ERR_INT" pos="3" rst="0">
  36581. <comment>'1' means CRC error of writing data.
  36582. </comment>
  36583. </bits>
  36584. <bits access="r" name="DAT_OVER_INT" pos="4" rst="0">
  36585. <comment>'1' means data transmission is over.
  36586. </comment>
  36587. </bits>
  36588. <bits access="r" name="TXDMA_DONE_INT" pos="5" rst="0">
  36589. <comment>'1' means tx dma done.
  36590. </comment>
  36591. </bits>
  36592. <bits access="r" name="RXDMA_DONE_INT" pos="6" rst="0">
  36593. <comment>'1' means rx dma done.
  36594. </comment>
  36595. </bits>
  36596. <bits access="r" name="DAT1_IN_INT" pos="7" rst="0">
  36597. <comment>'1' means DAT1_IN is low when not DL_busy.
  36598. </comment>
  36599. </bits>
  36600. <bits access="r" name="DAT0_IN_INT" pos="8" rst="0">
  36601. <comment>'1' means DAT0_IN is low when not DL_busy.
  36602. </comment>
  36603. </bits>
  36604. <bits access="r" name="NO_RSP_SC" pos="9" rst="0">
  36605. <comment>'1' means no response is the source of interrupt.
  36606. </comment>
  36607. </bits>
  36608. <bits access="r" name="RSP_ERR_SC" pos="10" rst="0">
  36609. <comment>'1' means CRC error of response is the source of interrupt.
  36610. </comment>
  36611. </bits>
  36612. <bits access="r" name="RD_ERR_SC" pos="11" rst="0">
  36613. <comment>'1' means CRC error of reading data is the source of interrupt.
  36614. </comment>
  36615. </bits>
  36616. <bits access="r" name="WR_ERR_SC" pos="12" rst="0">
  36617. <comment>'1' means CRC error of writing data is the source of interrupt.
  36618. </comment>
  36619. </bits>
  36620. <bits access="r" name="DAT_OVER_SC" pos="13" rst="0">
  36621. <comment>'1' means the end of data transmission is the source of interrupt.
  36622. </comment>
  36623. </bits>
  36624. <bits access="r" name="TXDMA_DONE_SC" pos="14" rst="0">
  36625. <comment>'1' means tx dma done is the source of interrupt.
  36626. </comment>
  36627. </bits>
  36628. <bits access="r" name="RXDMA_DONE_SC" pos="15" rst="0">
  36629. <comment>'1' means rx dma done is the source of interrupt.
  36630. </comment>
  36631. </bits>
  36632. <bits access="r" name="DAT1_IN_SC" pos="16" rst="0">
  36633. <comment>'1' means DAT1_IN is the source of interrupt.
  36634. </comment>
  36635. </bits>
  36636. <bits access="r" name="DAT0_IN_SC" pos="17" rst="0">
  36637. <comment>'1' means DAT0_IN is the source of interrupt.
  36638. </comment>
  36639. </bits>
  36640. </reg>
  36641. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_INT_MASK">
  36642. <bits access="rw" name="NO_RSP_MK" pos="0" rst="0">
  36643. <comment>When no response, '1' means INT is disable.
  36644. </comment>
  36645. </bits>
  36646. <bits access="rw" name="RSP_ERR_MK" pos="1" rst="0">
  36647. <comment>When CRC error of response, '1' means INT is disable.
  36648. </comment>
  36649. </bits>
  36650. <bits access="rw" name="RD_ERR_MK" pos="2" rst="0">
  36651. <comment>When CRC error of reading data, '1' means INT is disable.
  36652. </comment>
  36653. </bits>
  36654. <bits access="rw" name="WR_ERR_MK" pos="3" rst="0">
  36655. <comment>When CRC error of writing data, '1' means INT is disable.
  36656. </comment>
  36657. </bits>
  36658. <bits access="rw" name="DAT_OVER_MK" pos="4" rst="0">
  36659. <comment>When data transmission is over, '1' means INT is disable.
  36660. </comment>
  36661. </bits>
  36662. <bits access="rw" name="TXDMA_DONE_MK" pos="5" rst="0">
  36663. <comment>when tx dma done, '1' means INT is disabled.
  36664. </comment>
  36665. </bits>
  36666. <bits access="rw" name="RXDMA_DONE_MK" pos="6" rst="0">
  36667. <comment>'1' means rx dma done, '1' means INT is disabled.
  36668. </comment>
  36669. </bits>
  36670. <bits access="rw" name="DAT1_IN_MK" pos="7" rst="0">
  36671. <comment>'1' means DAT1 is low when not DL_busy, '1' means INT is disabled.
  36672. </comment>
  36673. </bits>
  36674. <bits access="rw" name="DAT0_IN_MK" pos="8" rst="0">
  36675. <comment>'1' means DAT0 is low when not DL_busy, '1' means INT is disabled.
  36676. </comment>
  36677. </bits>
  36678. </reg>
  36679. <reg protect="w" name="SDMMC_INT_CLEAR">
  36680. <bits access="w" name="NO_RSP_CL" pos="0" rst="0">
  36681. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in NO_RSP_SC.
  36682. </comment>
  36683. </bits>
  36684. <bits access="w" name="RSP_ERR_CL" pos="1" rst="0">
  36685. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in RSP_ERR_SC.
  36686. </comment>
  36687. </bits>
  36688. <bits access="w" name="RD_ERR_CL" pos="2" rst="0">
  36689. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in RD_ERR_SC.
  36690. </comment>
  36691. </bits>
  36692. <bits access="w" name="WR_ERR_CL" pos="3" rst="0">
  36693. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in WR_ERR_SC.
  36694. </comment>
  36695. </bits>
  36696. <bits access="w" name="DAT_OVER_CL" pos="4" rst="0">
  36697. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in DAT_OVER_SC.
  36698. </comment>
  36699. </bits>
  36700. <bits access="w" name="TXDMA_DONE_CL" pos="5" rst="0">
  36701. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in TXDMA_DONE_SC.
  36702. </comment>
  36703. </bits>
  36704. <bits access="w" name="RXDMA_DONE_CL" pos="6" rst="0">
  36705. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in RXDMA_DONE_SC.
  36706. </comment>
  36707. </bits>
  36708. </reg>
  36709. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_TRANS_SPEED">
  36710. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_TRANS_SPEED" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  36711. <comment>Mclk = Pclk/(2*(SDMMC_TRANS_SPEED +1)).
  36712. </comment>
  36713. </bits>
  36714. </reg>
  36715. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_MCLK_ADJUST">
  36716. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_MCLK_ADJUST" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  36717. <comment>This register may delay the mclk output.
  36718. When MCLK_ADJUSTER = n, Mclk is outputted with n Pclk.
  36719. </comment>
  36720. </bits>
  36721. <bits access="rw" name="CLK_INV" pos="4" rst="0">
  36722. <comment>Invert Mclk.
  36723. </comment>
  36724. </bits>
  36725. </reg>
  36726. </module>
  36727. </archive>
  36728. <archive relative = "sdmmc.xml">
  36729. <module name="sdmmc" category="Periph">
  36730. <reg name="apbi_ctrl_sdmmc" protect="rw">
  36731. <bits name="L_Endian" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="000">
  36732. <comment>Controls the big endian or little endian of the FIFO data.
  36733. <br/>Take 32 bit data 0X0A0B0C0D for Example,bit[31:24]=Byte3,bit[23:16]=Byte2,bit[15:8]=Byte1,bit[7:0]=Byte0.
  36734. <br/>"000": the order is not changed.
  36735. <br/>Byte3="0A",Byte2="0B",Byte1="0C",Byte0="0D".
  36736. <br/>"001": reversed on byte.
  36737. <br/>Byte3="0D",Byte2="0C,Byte1="0B",Byte0="0A".
  36738. <br/>"010": reversed on half word.
  36739. <br/>Byte3="0C",Byte2="0D,Byte1="0A",Byte0="0B".
  36740. <br/>"010": reversed on bit.
  36741. <br/>Byte3="B0",Byte2="30,Byte1="D0",Byte0="50".
  36742. <br/>"100": reversed on bit.
  36743. <br/>Byte3="0A",Byte2="0X,Byte1="0D",Byte0="0C".
  36744. </comment>
  36745. </bits>
  36746. <bits name="Soft_rst_L" pos="3" access="rw" rst="1">
  36747. <comment>For the software to clear FIFO in case there is an error in communication with SD controller and some data are left behind.
  36748. <br/>Active Low.
  36749. </comment>
  36750. </bits>
  36751. </reg>
  36752. <hole size="32"/>
  36753. <reg name="APBI_FIFO_TxRx" protect="--">
  36754. <bits name="DATA_IN" pos="31:0" access="w" rst="0">
  36755. <comment>Write to the transmit FIFO
  36756. </comment>
  36757. </bits>
  36758. <bits name="DATA_OUT" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  36759. <comment>Read in the receive FIFO
  36760. </comment>
  36761. </bits>
  36762. </reg>
  36763. <hole size="16288"/>
  36764. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_CONFIG">
  36765. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_SENDCMD" pos="0" rst="0">
  36766. <comment>SD/MMC operation begin register, active high.<br />
  36767. When '1', the controller finishes the last command and goes into suspend status. At suspend status, the controller will not execute the next command until the bit is set '0'.
  36768. </comment>
  36769. </bits>
  36770. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_SUSPEND" pos="1" rst="1">
  36771. <comment>SD/MMC operation suspend register, active high.
  36772. </comment>
  36773. </bits>
  36774. <bits access="rw" name="RSP_EN" pos="4" rst="0">
  36775. <comment>'1'indicates having a response,'0'indicates no response.
  36776. </comment>
  36777. </bits>
  36778. <bits access="rw" name="RSP_SEL" pos="6:5" rst="0">
  36779. <options>
  36780. <default/>
  36781. <option name="R2" value="0b10"/>
  36782. <option name="R3" value="0b01"/>
  36783. <option name="OTHER" value="0b00"/>
  36784. </options>
  36785. <comment>Response select register,"10" means R2 response, "01" means R3 response, "00" means others response, "11" is reserved.
  36786. </comment>
  36787. </bits>
  36788. <bits access="rw" name="RD_WT_EN" pos="8" rst="0">
  36789. <comment>'1' indicates data operation, which includes read and write.
  36790. </comment>
  36791. </bits>
  36792. <bits access="rw" name="RD_WT_SEL" pos="9" rst="0">
  36793. <options>
  36794. <default/>
  36795. <option name="READ" value="0"/>
  36796. <option name="WRITE" value="1"/>
  36797. </options>
  36798. <comment>'1' means write operation,'0' means read operation.
  36799. </comment>
  36800. </bits>
  36801. <bits access="rw" name="S_M_SEL" pos="10" rst="0">
  36802. <options>
  36803. <default/>
  36804. <option name="SIMPLE" value="0"/>
  36805. <option name="MULTIPLE" value="1"/>
  36806. </options>
  36807. <comment>'1'means multiple block data operation.
  36808. </comment>
  36809. </bits>
  36810. <bits access="rw" name="AUTO_FLAG_EN" pos="16" rst="1">
  36811. </bits>
  36812. </reg>
  36813. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_STATUS">
  36814. <bits access="r" name="Not_SDMMC_OVER" pos="0" rst="0">
  36815. <comment>'1' means the SD/MMC operation is not over.
  36816. </comment>
  36817. </bits>
  36818. <bits access="r" name="BUSY" pos="1" rst="0">
  36819. <comment>'1' means SD/MMC is busy.
  36820. </comment>
  36821. </bits>
  36822. <bits access="r" name="DL_BUSY" pos="2" rst="0">
  36823. <comment>'1' means the data line is busy.
  36824. </comment>
  36825. </bits>
  36826. <bits access="r" name="SUSPEND" pos="3" rst="1">
  36827. <comment>'1' means the controller will not perform the new command when SDMMC_SENDCMD= '1'.
  36828. </comment>
  36829. </bits>
  36830. <bits access="r" name="RSP_ERROR" pos="8" rst="0">
  36831. <comment>Response CRC checks error register '1' means response CRC check error.
  36832. </comment>
  36833. </bits>
  36834. <bits access="r" name="NO_RSP_ERROR" pos="9" rst="0">
  36835. <comment>'1' means the card has no response to command.
  36836. </comment>
  36837. </bits>
  36838. <bits access="r" name="CRC_STATUS" pos="14:12" rst="0">
  36839. <comment>CRC check for SD/MMC write operation <br />
  36840. "101" transmission error<br />
  36841. "010" transmission right<br />
  36842. "111" flash programming error
  36843. </comment>
  36844. </bits>
  36845. <bits access="r" name="DATA_ERROR" pos="23:16" rst="0">
  36846. <comment>8 bits data CRC check, "00000000" means no data error, "00000001" means DATA0 CRC check error, "10000000" means DATA7 CRC check error, each bit match one data line.
  36847. </comment>
  36848. </bits>
  36849. <bits access="r" name="DAT3_VAL" pos="24" rst="-">
  36850. <comment>SDMMC DATA 3 value.
  36851. </comment>
  36852. </bits>
  36853. </reg>
  36854. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_CMD_INDEX">
  36855. <bits access="rw" name="COMMAND" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  36856. <comment>SD/MMC command register.
  36857. </comment>
  36858. </bits>
  36859. </reg>
  36860. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_CMD_ARG">
  36861. <bits access="rw" name="ARGUMENT" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36862. <comment>SD/MMC command argument register, write data to the SD/MMC card.
  36863. </comment>
  36864. </bits>
  36865. </reg>
  36866. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_INDEX">
  36867. <bits access="r" name="RESPONSE" pos="5:0" rst="0">
  36868. <comment>SD/MMC response index register.
  36869. </comment>
  36870. </bits>
  36871. </reg>
  36872. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG3">
  36873. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36874. <comment>Response argument of R1, R3 and R6, or 127 to 96 bit response argument of R2.
  36875. </comment>
  36876. </bits>
  36877. </reg>
  36878. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG2">
  36879. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36880. <comment>95 to 64 bit response argument of R2.
  36881. </comment>
  36882. </bits>
  36883. </reg>
  36884. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG1">
  36885. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36886. <comment>63 to 32 bit response argument of R2.
  36887. </comment>
  36888. </bits>
  36889. </reg>
  36890. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_RESP_ARG0">
  36891. <bits access="r" name="ARGUMENT0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  36892. <comment>31 to 0 bit response argument of R2.
  36893. </comment>
  36894. </bits>
  36895. </reg>
  36896. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_DATA_WIDTH">
  36897. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_DATA_WIDTH" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  36898. <comment>SD/MMC data width:<br />
  36899. 0x1: 1 data line<br />
  36900. 0x2: 2 reserved<br />
  36901. 0x4: 4 data lines<br />
  36902. 0x8: 8 data lines
  36903. </comment>
  36904. </bits>
  36905. </reg>
  36906. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_SIZE">
  36907. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_SIZE" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  36908. <comment>SD/MMC size of one block:<br />
  36909. 0-1:reserved<br />
  36910. 2: 1 word<br />
  36911. 3: 2 words<br />
  36912. 4: 4 words<br />
  36913. 5: 8 words<br />
  36914. 6: 16 words<br />
  36915. <br />
  36916. 11: 512 words<br />
  36917. 12-15 reserved
  36918. </comment>
  36919. </bits>
  36920. </reg>
  36921. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_CNT">
  36922. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_BLOCK_CNT" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  36923. <comment>Block number that wants to transfer.
  36924. </comment>
  36925. </bits>
  36926. </reg>
  36927. <reg protect="r" name="SDMMC_INT_STATUS">
  36928. <bits access="r" name="NO_RSP_INT" pos="0" rst="0">
  36929. <comment>'1' means no response.
  36930. </comment>
  36931. </bits>
  36932. <bits access="r" name="RSP_ERR_INT" pos="1" rst="0">
  36933. <comment>'1' means CRC error of response.
  36934. </comment>
  36935. </bits>
  36936. <bits access="r" name="RD_ERR_INT" pos="2" rst="0">
  36937. <comment>'1' means CRC error of reading data.
  36938. </comment>
  36939. </bits>
  36940. <bits access="r" name="WR_ERR_INT" pos="3" rst="0">
  36941. <comment>'1' means CRC error of writing data.
  36942. </comment>
  36943. </bits>
  36944. <bits access="r" name="DAT_OVER_INT" pos="4" rst="0">
  36945. <comment>'1' means data transmission is over.
  36946. </comment>
  36947. </bits>
  36948. <bits access="r" name="TXDMA_DONE_INT" pos="5" rst="0">
  36949. <comment>'1' means tx dma done.
  36950. </comment>
  36951. </bits>
  36952. <bits access="r" name="RXDMA_DONE_INT" pos="6" rst="0">
  36953. <comment>'1' means rx dma done.
  36954. </comment>
  36955. </bits>
  36956. <bits access="r" name="NO_RSP_SC" pos="8" rst="0">
  36957. <comment>'1' means no response is the source of interrupt.
  36958. </comment>
  36959. </bits>
  36960. <bits access="r" name="RSP_ERR_SC" pos="9" rst="0">
  36961. <comment>'1' means CRC error of response is the source of interrupt.
  36962. </comment>
  36963. </bits>
  36964. <bits access="r" name="RD_ERR_SC" pos="10" rst="0">
  36965. <comment>'1' means CRC error of reading data is the source of interrupt.
  36966. </comment>
  36967. </bits>
  36968. <bits access="r" name="WR_ERR_SC" pos="11" rst="0">
  36969. <comment>'1' means CRC error of writing data is the source of interrupt.
  36970. </comment>
  36971. </bits>
  36972. <bits access="r" name="DAT_OVER_SC" pos="12" rst="0">
  36973. <comment>'1' means the end of data transmission is the source of interrupt.
  36974. </comment>
  36975. </bits>
  36976. <bits access="r" name="TXDMA_DONE_SC" pos="13" rst="0">
  36977. <comment>'1' means tx dma done is the source of interrupt.
  36978. </comment>
  36979. </bits>
  36980. <bits access="r" name="RXDMA_DONE_SC" pos="14" rst="0">
  36981. <comment>'1' means rx dma done is the source of interrupt.
  36982. </comment>
  36983. </bits>
  36984. </reg>
  36985. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_INT_MASK">
  36986. <bits access="rw" name="NO_RSP_MK" pos="0" rst="0">
  36987. <comment>When no response, '1' means INT is disable.
  36988. </comment>
  36989. </bits>
  36990. <bits access="rw" name="RSP_ERR_MK" pos="1" rst="0">
  36991. <comment>When CRC error of response, '1' means INT is disable.
  36992. </comment>
  36993. </bits>
  36994. <bits access="rw" name="RD_ERR_MK" pos="2" rst="0">
  36995. <comment>When CRC error of reading data, '1' means INT is disable.
  36996. </comment>
  36997. </bits>
  36998. <bits access="rw" name="WR_ERR_MK" pos="3" rst="0">
  36999. <comment>When CRC error of writing data, '1' means INT is disable.
  37000. </comment>
  37001. </bits>
  37002. <bits access="rw" name="DAT_OVER_MK" pos="4" rst="0">
  37003. <comment>When data transmission is over, '1' means INT is disable.
  37004. </comment>
  37005. </bits>
  37006. <bits access="rw" name="TXDMA_DONE_MK" pos="5" rst="0">
  37007. <comment>when tx dma done, '1' means INT is disabled.
  37008. </comment>
  37009. </bits>
  37010. <bits access="rw" name="RXDMA_DONE_MK" pos="6" rst="0">
  37011. <comment>'1' means rx dma done, '1' means INT is disabled.
  37012. </comment>
  37013. </bits>
  37014. </reg>
  37015. <reg protect="w" name="SDMMC_INT_CLEAR">
  37016. <bits access="w" name="NO_RSP_CL" pos="0" rst="0">
  37017. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in NO_RSP_SC.
  37018. </comment>
  37019. </bits>
  37020. <bits access="w" name="RSP_ERR_CL" pos="1" rst="0">
  37021. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in RSP_ERR_SC.
  37022. </comment>
  37023. </bits>
  37024. <bits access="w" name="RD_ERR_CL" pos="2" rst="0">
  37025. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in RD_ERR_SC.
  37026. </comment>
  37027. </bits>
  37028. <bits access="w" name="WR_ERR_CL" pos="3" rst="0">
  37029. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in WR_ERR_SC.
  37030. </comment>
  37031. </bits>
  37032. <bits access="w" name="DAT_OVER_CL" pos="4" rst="0">
  37033. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in DAT_OVER_SC.
  37034. </comment>
  37035. </bits>
  37036. <bits access="w" name="TXDMA_DONE_CL" pos="5" rst="0">
  37037. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in TXDMA_DONE_SC.
  37038. </comment>
  37039. </bits>
  37040. <bits access="w" name="RXDMA_DONE_CL" pos="6" rst="0">
  37041. <comment>Write a '1' to this bit to clear the source of interrupt in RXDMA_DONE_SC.
  37042. </comment>
  37043. </bits>
  37044. </reg>
  37045. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_TRANS_SPEED">
  37046. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_TRANS_SPEED" pos="7:0" rst="0">
  37047. <comment>Mclk = Pclk/(2*(SDMMC_TRANS_SPEED +1)).
  37048. </comment>
  37049. </bits>
  37050. </reg>
  37051. <reg protect="rw" name="SDMMC_MCLK_ADJUST">
  37052. <bits access="rw" name="SDMMC_MCLK_ADJUST" pos="3:0" rst="0">
  37053. <comment>This register may delay the mclk output.
  37054. When MCLK_ADJUSTER = n, Mclk is outputted with n Pclk.
  37055. </comment>
  37056. </bits>
  37057. <bits access="rw" name="CLK_INV" pos="4" rst="0">
  37058. <comment>Invert Mclk.
  37059. </comment>
  37060. </bits>
  37061. </reg>
  37062. </module>
  37063. </archive>
  37064. <archive relative = "seg_lcd.xml">
  37065. <module name="seg_lcd" category="Periph">
  37066. <reg name="code_num_reg" protect="rw">
  37067. <bits name="code_num" pos="4:0" access="rw" rst="5'h7">
  37068. <comment> configure the range (1-18) of code number registers
  37069. </comment>
  37070. </bits>
  37071. </reg>
  37072. <reg name="refresh_cycle_reg" protect="rw" >
  37073. <bits name="refresh_cycle" pos="31:0" access="rw" rst="32'hffff">
  37074. <comment>configure the refreshed cycle in pclk domain when change output data from another code number register.
  37075. </comment>
  37076. </bits>
  37077. </reg>
  37078. <reg name="ctrl" protect="rw">
  37079. <bits name="start" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  37080. <comment>this is a pulse signal
  37081. </comment>
  37082. </bits>
  37083. <bits name="stop" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  37084. <comment>this is a pulse signal
  37085. </comment>
  37086. </bits>
  37087. <bits name="load_en" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  37088. <comment>hardware enable and software clear.
  37089. </comment>
  37090. </bits>
  37091. </reg>
  37092. <reg name="code0_reg" protect="rw" >
  37093. <bits name="code0" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37094. <comment> pattern 0 output.
  37095. </comment>
  37096. </bits>
  37097. </reg>
  37098. <reg name="code1_reg" protect="rw" >
  37099. <bits name="code1" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37100. <comment> pattern 1 output.
  37101. </comment>
  37102. </bits>
  37103. </reg>
  37104. <reg name="code2_reg" protect="rw" >
  37105. <bits name="code2" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37106. <comment> pattern 2 output.
  37107. </comment>
  37108. </bits>
  37109. </reg>
  37110. <reg name="code3_reg" protect="rw" >
  37111. <bits name="code3" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37112. <comment> pattern 3 output.
  37113. </comment>
  37114. </bits>
  37115. </reg>
  37116. <reg name="code4_reg" protect="rw" >
  37117. <bits name="code4" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37118. <comment> pattern 4 output.
  37119. </comment>
  37120. </bits>
  37121. </reg>
  37122. <reg name="code5_reg" protect="rw" >
  37123. <bits name="code5" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37124. <comment> pattern 5 output.
  37125. </comment>
  37126. </bits>
  37127. </reg>
  37128. <reg name="code6_reg" protect="rw" >
  37129. <bits name="code6" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37130. <comment> pattern 6 output.
  37131. </comment>
  37132. </bits>
  37133. </reg>
  37134. <reg name="code7_reg" protect="rw" >
  37135. <bits name="code7" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37136. <comment> pattern 7 output.
  37137. </comment>
  37138. </bits>
  37139. </reg>
  37140. <reg name="code8_reg" protect="rw" >
  37141. <bits name="code8" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37142. <comment> pattern 8 output.
  37143. </comment>
  37144. </bits>
  37145. </reg>
  37146. <reg name="code9_reg" protect="rw" >
  37147. <bits name="code9" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37148. <comment> pattern 9 output.
  37149. </comment>
  37150. </bits>
  37151. </reg>
  37152. <reg name="code10_reg" protect="rw" >
  37153. <bits name="code10" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37154. <comment> pattern 10 output.
  37155. </comment>
  37156. </bits>
  37157. </reg>
  37158. <reg name="code11_reg" protect="rw" >
  37159. <bits name="code11" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37160. <comment> pattern 11 output.
  37161. </comment>
  37162. </bits>
  37163. </reg>
  37164. <reg name="code12_reg" protect="rw" >
  37165. <bits name="code12" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37166. <comment> pattern 12 output.
  37167. </comment>
  37168. </bits>
  37169. </reg>
  37170. <reg name="code13_reg" protect="rw" >
  37171. <bits name="code13" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37172. <comment> pattern 13 output.
  37173. </comment>
  37174. </bits>
  37175. </reg>
  37176. <reg name="code14_reg" protect="rw" >
  37177. <bits name="code14" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37178. <comment> pattern 14 output.
  37179. </comment>
  37180. </bits>
  37181. </reg>
  37182. <reg name="code15_reg" protect="rw" >
  37183. <bits name="code15" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37184. <comment> pattern 15 output.
  37185. </comment>
  37186. </bits>
  37187. </reg>
  37188. <reg name="code16_reg" protect="rw" >
  37189. <bits name="code16" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37190. <comment> pattern 16 output.
  37191. </comment>
  37192. </bits>
  37193. </reg>
  37194. <reg name="code17_reg" protect="rw" >
  37195. <bits name="code17" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h0">
  37196. <comment> pattern 17 output.
  37197. </comment>
  37198. </bits>
  37199. </reg>
  37200. <reg name="pin_oen0_reg" protect="rw" >
  37201. <bits name="pin_oen0" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37202. <comment> pattern 0 of pin_oen.
  37203. </comment>
  37204. </bits>
  37205. </reg>
  37206. <reg name="pin_oen1_reg" protect="rw" >
  37207. <bits name="pin_oen1" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37208. <comment> pattern 1 of pin_oen.
  37209. </comment>
  37210. </bits>
  37211. </reg>
  37212. <reg name="pin_oen2_reg" protect="rw" >
  37213. <bits name="pin_oen2" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37214. <comment> pattern 2 of pin_oen.
  37215. </comment>
  37216. </bits>
  37217. </reg>
  37218. <reg name="pin_oen3_reg" protect="rw" >
  37219. <bits name="pin_oen3" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37220. <comment> pattern 3 of pin_oen.
  37221. </comment>
  37222. </bits>
  37223. </reg>
  37224. <reg name="pin_oen4_reg" protect="rw" >
  37225. <bits name="pin_oen4" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37226. <comment> pattern 4 of pin_oen.
  37227. </comment>
  37228. </bits>
  37229. </reg>
  37230. <reg name="pin_oen5_reg" protect="rw" >
  37231. <bits name="pin_oen5" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37232. <comment> pattern 5 of pin_oen.
  37233. </comment>
  37234. </bits>
  37235. </reg>
  37236. <reg name="pin_oen6_reg" protect="rw" >
  37237. <bits name="pin_oen6" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37238. <comment> pattern 6 of pin_oen.
  37239. </comment>
  37240. </bits>
  37241. </reg>
  37242. <reg name="pin_oen7_reg" protect="rw" >
  37243. <bits name="pin_oen7" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37244. <comment> pattern 7 of pin_oen.
  37245. </comment>
  37246. </bits>
  37247. </reg>
  37248. <reg name="pin_oen8_reg" protect="rw" >
  37249. <bits name="pin_oen8" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37250. <comment> pattern 8 of pin_oen.
  37251. </comment>
  37252. </bits>
  37253. </reg>
  37254. <reg name="pin_oen9_reg" protect="rw" >
  37255. <bits name="pin_oen9" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37256. <comment> pattern 9 of pin_oen.
  37257. </comment>
  37258. </bits>
  37259. </reg>
  37260. <reg name="pin_oen10_reg" protect="rw" >
  37261. <bits name="pin_oen10" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37262. <comment> pattern 10 of pin_oen.
  37263. </comment>
  37264. </bits>
  37265. </reg>
  37266. <reg name="pin_oen11_reg" protect="rw" >
  37267. <bits name="pin_oen11" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37268. <comment> pattern 11 of pin_oen.
  37269. </comment>
  37270. </bits>
  37271. </reg>
  37272. <reg name="pin_oen12_reg" protect="rw" >
  37273. <bits name="pin_oen12" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37274. <comment> pattern 12 of pin_oen.
  37275. </comment>
  37276. </bits>
  37277. </reg>
  37278. <reg name="pin_oen13_reg" protect="rw" >
  37279. <bits name="pin_oen13" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37280. <comment> pattern 13 of pin_oen.
  37281. </comment>
  37282. </bits>
  37283. </reg>
  37284. <reg name="pin_oen14_reg" protect="rw" >
  37285. <bits name="pin_oen14" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37286. <comment> pattern 14 of pin_oen.
  37287. </comment>
  37288. </bits>
  37289. </reg>
  37290. <reg name="pin_oen15_reg" protect="rw" >
  37291. <bits name="pin_oen15" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37292. <comment> pattern 15 of pin_oen.
  37293. </comment>
  37294. </bits>
  37295. </reg>
  37296. <reg name="pin_oen16_reg" protect="rw" >
  37297. <bits name="pin_oen16" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37298. <comment> pattern 16 of pin_oen.
  37299. </comment>
  37300. </bits>
  37301. </reg>
  37302. <reg name="pin_oen17_reg" protect="rw" >
  37303. <bits name="pin_oen17" pos="17:0" access="rw" rst="18'h3ffff">
  37304. <comment> pattern 17 of pin_oen.
  37305. </comment>
  37306. </bits>
  37307. </reg>
  37308. </module>
  37309. </archive>
  37310. <archive relative="slv_fw_bbifc_ahb_rf.xml">
  37311. <module name="slv_fw_bbifc_ahb_rf" category="firewall">
  37312. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_address_0">
  37313. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_address_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  37314. </bits>
  37315. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_address_0" pos="27:0" rst="26472448">
  37316. </bits>
  37317. </reg>
  37318. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_en">
  37319. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  37320. </bits>
  37321. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  37322. <comment>
  37323. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37324. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  37325. </comment>
  37326. </bits>
  37327. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_1" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  37328. </bits>
  37329. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  37330. <comment>
  37331. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37332. Port 0 read channel address miss int enable
  37333. 1: Enable
  37334. 0: Disable
  37335. </comment>
  37336. </bits>
  37337. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  37338. <comment>
  37339. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37340. Port 0 write channel address miss int enable
  37341. 1: Enable
  37342. 0: Disable
  37343. </comment>
  37344. </bits>
  37345. </reg>
  37346. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_clr">
  37347. <bits access="r" name="port_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  37348. </bits>
  37349. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  37350. <comment>
  37351. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  37352. Port 0 read channel address miss int write-clear
  37353. </comment>
  37354. </bits>
  37355. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  37356. <comment>
  37357. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  37358. Port 0 write channel address miss int write-clear
  37359. </comment>
  37360. </bits>
  37361. </reg>
  37362. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_raw">
  37363. <bits access="r" name="port_int_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  37364. </bits>
  37365. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="1" rst="0">
  37366. <comment>
  37367. Port 0 read channel address miss original int
  37368. 1: Address Miss
  37369. 0: Normal
  37370. </comment>
  37371. </bits>
  37372. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  37373. <comment>
  37374. Port 0 write channel address miss original int
  37375. 1: Address Miss
  37376. 0: Normal
  37377. </comment>
  37378. </bits>
  37379. </reg>
  37380. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_fin">
  37381. <bits access="r" name="port_int_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  37382. </bits>
  37383. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="1" rst="0">
  37384. <comment>
  37385. Port 0 read channel address miss final int
  37386. 1: Address Miss
  37387. 0: Normal
  37388. </comment>
  37389. </bits>
  37390. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  37391. <comment>
  37392. Port 0 write channel address miss final int
  37393. 1: Address Miss
  37394. 0: Normal
  37395. </comment>
  37396. </bits>
  37397. </reg>
  37398. <reg protect="rw" name="rd_sec_0">
  37399. <bits access="r" name="rd_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  37400. </bits>
  37401. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ctrl_rd_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  37402. <comment>
  37403. control bb_ctrl_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  37404. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  37405. 2'b01: security access only
  37406. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  37407. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  37408. </comment>
  37409. </bits>
  37410. <bits access="rw" name="nbiot_ctrl_rd_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  37411. <comment>
  37412. control nbiot_ctrl_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  37413. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  37414. 2'b01: security access only
  37415. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  37416. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  37417. </comment>
  37418. </bits>
  37419. <bits access="rw" name="cipher_f8_rd_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  37420. <comment>
  37421. control cipher_f8_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  37422. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  37423. 2'b01: security access only
  37424. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  37425. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  37426. </comment>
  37427. </bits>
  37428. </reg>
  37429. <reg protect="rw" name="wr_sec_0">
  37430. <bits access="r" name="wr_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:6" rst="0">
  37431. </bits>
  37432. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ctrl_wr_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  37433. <comment>
  37434. control bb_ctrl_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  37435. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  37436. 2'b01: security access only
  37437. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  37438. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  37439. </comment>
  37440. </bits>
  37441. <bits access="rw" name="nbiot_ctrl_wr_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  37442. <comment>
  37443. control nbiot_ctrl_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  37444. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  37445. 2'b01: security access only
  37446. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  37447. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  37448. </comment>
  37449. </bits>
  37450. <bits access="rw" name="cipher_f8_wr_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  37451. <comment>
  37452. control cipher_f8_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  37453. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  37454. 2'b01: security access only
  37455. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  37456. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  37457. </comment>
  37458. </bits>
  37459. </reg>
  37460. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_first_addr_0">
  37461. <bits access="r" name="id0_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  37462. </bits>
  37463. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  37464. </bits>
  37465. </reg>
  37466. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_last_addr_0">
  37467. <bits access="r" name="id0_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  37468. </bits>
  37469. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  37470. </bits>
  37471. </reg>
  37472. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_0">
  37473. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37474. <comment>
  37475. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37476. id0 mstid_0 master id control
  37477. </comment>
  37478. </bits>
  37479. </reg>
  37480. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_1">
  37481. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37482. <comment>
  37483. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37484. id0 mstid_1 master id control
  37485. </comment>
  37486. </bits>
  37487. </reg>
  37488. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_2">
  37489. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37490. <comment>
  37491. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37492. id0 mstid_2 master id control
  37493. </comment>
  37494. </bits>
  37495. </reg>
  37496. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_3">
  37497. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37498. <comment>
  37499. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37500. id0 mstid_3 master id control
  37501. </comment>
  37502. </bits>
  37503. </reg>
  37504. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_4">
  37505. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37506. <comment>
  37507. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37508. id0 mstid_4 master id control
  37509. </comment>
  37510. </bits>
  37511. </reg>
  37512. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_5">
  37513. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37514. <comment>
  37515. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37516. id0 mstid_5 master id control
  37517. </comment>
  37518. </bits>
  37519. </reg>
  37520. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_6">
  37521. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37522. <comment>
  37523. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37524. id0 mstid_6 master id control
  37525. </comment>
  37526. </bits>
  37527. </reg>
  37528. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_7">
  37529. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37530. <comment>
  37531. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37532. id0 mstid_7 master id control
  37533. </comment>
  37534. </bits>
  37535. </reg>
  37536. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_first_addr_0">
  37537. <bits access="r" name="id1_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  37538. </bits>
  37539. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  37540. </bits>
  37541. </reg>
  37542. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_last_addr_0">
  37543. <bits access="r" name="id1_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  37544. </bits>
  37545. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  37546. </bits>
  37547. </reg>
  37548. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_0">
  37549. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37550. <comment>
  37551. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37552. id1 mstid_0 master id control
  37553. </comment>
  37554. </bits>
  37555. </reg>
  37556. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_1">
  37557. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37558. <comment>
  37559. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37560. id1 mstid_1 master id control
  37561. </comment>
  37562. </bits>
  37563. </reg>
  37564. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_2">
  37565. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37566. <comment>
  37567. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37568. id1 mstid_2 master id control
  37569. </comment>
  37570. </bits>
  37571. </reg>
  37572. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_3">
  37573. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37574. <comment>
  37575. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37576. id1 mstid_3 master id control
  37577. </comment>
  37578. </bits>
  37579. </reg>
  37580. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_4">
  37581. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37582. <comment>
  37583. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37584. id1 mstid_4 master id control
  37585. </comment>
  37586. </bits>
  37587. </reg>
  37588. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_5">
  37589. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37590. <comment>
  37591. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37592. id1 mstid_5 master id control
  37593. </comment>
  37594. </bits>
  37595. </reg>
  37596. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_6">
  37597. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37598. <comment>
  37599. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37600. id1 mstid_6 master id control
  37601. </comment>
  37602. </bits>
  37603. </reg>
  37604. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_7">
  37605. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37606. <comment>
  37607. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37608. id1 mstid_7 master id control
  37609. </comment>
  37610. </bits>
  37611. </reg>
  37612. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  37613. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  37614. </bits>
  37615. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  37616. <comment>
  37617. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37618. clk_gate_bypass
  37619. </comment>
  37620. </bits>
  37621. </reg>
  37622. </module>
  37623. </archive>
  37624. <archive relative="slv_fw_bbifc_apb_rf.xml">
  37625. <module name="slv_fw_bbifc_apb_rf" category="firewall">
  37626. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_address_0">
  37627. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_address_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37628. </bits>
  37629. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_address_0" pos="15:0" rst="61440">
  37630. </bits>
  37631. </reg>
  37632. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_en">
  37633. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  37634. </bits>
  37635. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  37636. <comment>
  37637. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37638. 0: don&apos;t response error; 1: response error
  37639. </comment>
  37640. </bits>
  37641. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_1" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  37642. </bits>
  37643. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  37644. <comment>
  37645. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37646. Port 0 read channel address miss int enable&#10;1: Enable&#10;0: Disable
  37647. </comment>
  37648. </bits>
  37649. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  37650. <comment>
  37651. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37652. Port 0 write channel address miss int enable&#10;1: Enable&#10;0: Disable
  37653. </comment>
  37654. </bits>
  37655. </reg>
  37656. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_clr">
  37657. <bits access="r" name="port_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  37658. </bits>
  37659. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  37660. <comment>
  37661. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  37662. Port 0 read channel address miss int write-clear
  37663. </comment>
  37664. </bits>
  37665. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  37666. <comment>
  37667. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  37668. Port 0 write channel address miss int write-clear
  37669. </comment>
  37670. </bits>
  37671. </reg>
  37672. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_raw">
  37673. <bits access="r" name="port_int_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  37674. </bits>
  37675. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="1" rst="0">
  37676. <comment>
  37677. Port 0 read channel address miss original int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  37678. </comment>
  37679. </bits>
  37680. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  37681. <comment>
  37682. Port 0 write channel address miss original int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  37683. </comment>
  37684. </bits>
  37685. </reg>
  37686. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_fin">
  37687. <bits access="r" name="port_int_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  37688. </bits>
  37689. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="1" rst="0">
  37690. <comment>
  37691. Port 0 read channel address miss final int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  37692. </comment>
  37693. </bits>
  37694. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  37695. <comment>
  37696. Port 0 write channel address miss final int&#10;1: Address Miss&#10;0: Normal
  37697. </comment>
  37698. </bits>
  37699. </reg>
  37700. <reg protect="rw" name="rd_sec_0">
  37701. <bits access="r" name="rd_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37702. </bits>
  37703. <bits access="rw" name="sci1_rd_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  37704. <comment>
  37705. control sci1_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37706. </comment>
  37707. </bits>
  37708. <bits access="rw" name="nb_rf_spi_rd_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  37709. <comment>
  37710. control nb_rf_spi_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37711. </comment>
  37712. </bits>
  37713. <bits access="rw" name="nb_tcu_rd_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  37714. <comment>
  37715. control nb_tcu_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37716. </comment>
  37717. </bits>
  37718. <bits access="rw" name="rf_if_rd_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  37719. <comment>
  37720. control rf_if_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37721. </comment>
  37722. </bits>
  37723. <bits access="rw" name="rf_interface_rd_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  37724. <comment>
  37725. control rf_interface_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37726. </comment>
  37727. </bits>
  37728. <bits access="rw" name="dfe_rd_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  37729. <comment>
  37730. control dfe_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37731. </comment>
  37732. </bits>
  37733. <bits access="rw" name="rffe_rd_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  37734. <comment>
  37735. control rffe_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37736. </comment>
  37737. </bits>
  37738. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ifc_rd_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  37739. <comment>
  37740. control bb_ifc_rd_sec rd security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37741. </comment>
  37742. </bits>
  37743. </reg>
  37744. <reg protect="rw" name="wr_sec_0">
  37745. <bits access="r" name="wr_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37746. </bits>
  37747. <bits access="rw" name="sci1_wr_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  37748. <comment>
  37749. control sci1_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37750. </comment>
  37751. </bits>
  37752. <bits access="rw" name="nb_rf_spi_wr_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  37753. <comment>
  37754. control nb_rf_spi_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37755. </comment>
  37756. </bits>
  37757. <bits access="rw" name="nb_tcu_wr_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  37758. <comment>
  37759. control nb_tcu_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37760. </comment>
  37761. </bits>
  37762. <bits access="rw" name="rf_if_wr_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  37763. <comment>
  37764. control rf_if_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37765. </comment>
  37766. </bits>
  37767. <bits access="rw" name="rf_interface_wr_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  37768. <comment>
  37769. control rf_interface_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37770. </comment>
  37771. </bits>
  37772. <bits access="rw" name="dfe_wr_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  37773. <comment>
  37774. control dfe_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37775. </comment>
  37776. </bits>
  37777. <bits access="rw" name="rffe_wr_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  37778. <comment>
  37779. control rffe_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37780. </comment>
  37781. </bits>
  37782. <bits access="rw" name="bb_ifc_wr_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  37783. <comment>
  37784. control bb_ifc_wr_sec wr security attribute:&#10;2&apos;b00: security/non-security can&apos;t access&#10;2&apos;b01: security access only&#10;2&apos;b10: non-security access ony&#10;2&apos;b11: security/non-security access&#10;
  37785. </comment>
  37786. </bits>
  37787. </reg>
  37788. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_first_addr_0">
  37789. <bits access="r" name="id0_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37790. </bits>
  37791. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  37792. </bits>
  37793. </reg>
  37794. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_last_addr_0">
  37795. <bits access="r" name="id0_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37796. </bits>
  37797. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  37798. </bits>
  37799. </reg>
  37800. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_0">
  37801. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37802. <comment>
  37803. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37804. id0 mstid_0 master id control
  37805. </comment>
  37806. </bits>
  37807. </reg>
  37808. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_1">
  37809. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37810. <comment>
  37811. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37812. id0 mstid_1 master id control
  37813. </comment>
  37814. </bits>
  37815. </reg>
  37816. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_2">
  37817. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37818. <comment>
  37819. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37820. id0 mstid_2 master id control
  37821. </comment>
  37822. </bits>
  37823. </reg>
  37824. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_3">
  37825. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37826. <comment>
  37827. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37828. id0 mstid_3 master id control
  37829. </comment>
  37830. </bits>
  37831. </reg>
  37832. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_4">
  37833. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37834. <comment>
  37835. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37836. id0 mstid_4 master id control
  37837. </comment>
  37838. </bits>
  37839. </reg>
  37840. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_5">
  37841. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37842. <comment>
  37843. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37844. id0 mstid_5 master id control
  37845. </comment>
  37846. </bits>
  37847. </reg>
  37848. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_6">
  37849. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37850. <comment>
  37851. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37852. id0 mstid_6 master id control
  37853. </comment>
  37854. </bits>
  37855. </reg>
  37856. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_7">
  37857. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37858. <comment>
  37859. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37860. id0 mstid_7 master id control
  37861. </comment>
  37862. </bits>
  37863. </reg>
  37864. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_first_addr_0">
  37865. <bits access="r" name="id1_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37866. </bits>
  37867. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  37868. </bits>
  37869. </reg>
  37870. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_last_addr_0">
  37871. <bits access="r" name="id1_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37872. </bits>
  37873. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  37874. </bits>
  37875. </reg>
  37876. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_0">
  37877. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37878. <comment>
  37879. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37880. id1 mstid_0 master id control
  37881. </comment>
  37882. </bits>
  37883. </reg>
  37884. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_1">
  37885. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37886. <comment>
  37887. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37888. id1 mstid_1 master id control
  37889. </comment>
  37890. </bits>
  37891. </reg>
  37892. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_2">
  37893. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37894. <comment>
  37895. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37896. id1 mstid_2 master id control
  37897. </comment>
  37898. </bits>
  37899. </reg>
  37900. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_3">
  37901. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37902. <comment>
  37903. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37904. id1 mstid_3 master id control
  37905. </comment>
  37906. </bits>
  37907. </reg>
  37908. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_4">
  37909. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37910. <comment>
  37911. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37912. id1 mstid_4 master id control
  37913. </comment>
  37914. </bits>
  37915. </reg>
  37916. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_5">
  37917. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37918. <comment>
  37919. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37920. id1 mstid_5 master id control
  37921. </comment>
  37922. </bits>
  37923. </reg>
  37924. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_6">
  37925. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37926. <comment>
  37927. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37928. id1 mstid_6 master id control
  37929. </comment>
  37930. </bits>
  37931. </reg>
  37932. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_7">
  37933. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37934. <comment>
  37935. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37936. id1 mstid_7 master id control
  37937. </comment>
  37938. </bits>
  37939. </reg>
  37940. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_first_addr_0">
  37941. <bits access="r" name="id2_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37942. </bits>
  37943. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  37944. </bits>
  37945. </reg>
  37946. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_last_addr_0">
  37947. <bits access="r" name="id2_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  37948. </bits>
  37949. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  37950. </bits>
  37951. </reg>
  37952. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_0">
  37953. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37954. <comment>
  37955. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37956. id2 mstid_0 master id control
  37957. </comment>
  37958. </bits>
  37959. </reg>
  37960. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_1">
  37961. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37962. <comment>
  37963. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37964. id2 mstid_1 master id control
  37965. </comment>
  37966. </bits>
  37967. </reg>
  37968. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_2">
  37969. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37970. <comment>
  37971. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37972. id2 mstid_2 master id control
  37973. </comment>
  37974. </bits>
  37975. </reg>
  37976. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_3">
  37977. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37978. <comment>
  37979. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37980. id2 mstid_3 master id control
  37981. </comment>
  37982. </bits>
  37983. </reg>
  37984. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_4">
  37985. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37986. <comment>
  37987. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37988. id2 mstid_4 master id control
  37989. </comment>
  37990. </bits>
  37991. </reg>
  37992. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_5">
  37993. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  37994. <comment>
  37995. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  37996. id2 mstid_5 master id control
  37997. </comment>
  37998. </bits>
  37999. </reg>
  38000. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_6">
  38001. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38002. <comment>
  38003. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38004. id2 mstid_6 master id control
  38005. </comment>
  38006. </bits>
  38007. </reg>
  38008. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_7">
  38009. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38010. <comment>
  38011. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38012. id2 mstid_7 master id control
  38013. </comment>
  38014. </bits>
  38015. </reg>
  38016. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_first_addr_0">
  38017. <bits access="r" name="id3_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38018. </bits>
  38019. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  38020. </bits>
  38021. </reg>
  38022. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_last_addr_0">
  38023. <bits access="r" name="id3_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38024. </bits>
  38025. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  38026. </bits>
  38027. </reg>
  38028. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_0">
  38029. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38030. <comment>
  38031. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38032. id3 mstid_0 master id control
  38033. </comment>
  38034. </bits>
  38035. </reg>
  38036. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_1">
  38037. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38038. <comment>
  38039. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38040. id3 mstid_1 master id control
  38041. </comment>
  38042. </bits>
  38043. </reg>
  38044. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_2">
  38045. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38046. <comment>
  38047. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38048. id3 mstid_2 master id control
  38049. </comment>
  38050. </bits>
  38051. </reg>
  38052. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_3">
  38053. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38054. <comment>
  38055. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38056. id3 mstid_3 master id control
  38057. </comment>
  38058. </bits>
  38059. </reg>
  38060. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_4">
  38061. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38062. <comment>
  38063. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38064. id3 mstid_4 master id control
  38065. </comment>
  38066. </bits>
  38067. </reg>
  38068. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_5">
  38069. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38070. <comment>
  38071. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38072. id3 mstid_5 master id control
  38073. </comment>
  38074. </bits>
  38075. </reg>
  38076. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_6">
  38077. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38078. <comment>
  38079. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38080. id3 mstid_6 master id control
  38081. </comment>
  38082. </bits>
  38083. </reg>
  38084. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_7">
  38085. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38086. <comment>
  38087. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38088. id3 mstid_7 master id control
  38089. </comment>
  38090. </bits>
  38091. </reg>
  38092. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  38093. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  38094. </bits>
  38095. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  38096. <comment>
  38097. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38098. clk_gate_bypass
  38099. </comment>
  38100. </bits>
  38101. </reg>
  38102. </module>
  38103. </archive>
  38104. <archive relative="slv_fw_sysifc1_apb_rf.xml">
  38105. <module name="slv_fw_sysifc1_apb_rf" category="firewall">
  38106. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_address_0">
  38107. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_address_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38108. </bits>
  38109. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_address_0" pos="15:0" rst="61440">
  38110. </bits>
  38111. </reg>
  38112. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_en">
  38113. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  38114. </bits>
  38115. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  38116. <comment>
  38117. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38118. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  38119. </comment>
  38120. </bits>
  38121. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_1" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  38122. </bits>
  38123. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  38124. <comment>
  38125. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38126. Port 0 read channel address miss int enable
  38127. 1: Enable
  38128. 0: Disable
  38129. </comment>
  38130. </bits>
  38131. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  38132. <comment>
  38133. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38134. Port 0 write channel address miss int enable
  38135. 1: Enable
  38136. 0: Disable
  38137. </comment>
  38138. </bits>
  38139. </reg>
  38140. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_clr">
  38141. <bits access="r" name="port_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  38142. </bits>
  38143. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  38144. <comment>
  38145. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  38146. Port 0 read channel address miss int write-clear
  38147. </comment>
  38148. </bits>
  38149. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  38150. <comment>
  38151. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  38152. Port 0 write channel address miss int write-clear
  38153. </comment>
  38154. </bits>
  38155. </reg>
  38156. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_raw">
  38157. <bits access="r" name="port_int_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  38158. </bits>
  38159. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="1" rst="0">
  38160. <comment>
  38161. Port 0 read channel address miss original int
  38162. 1: Address Miss
  38163. 0: Normal
  38164. </comment>
  38165. </bits>
  38166. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  38167. <comment>
  38168. Port 0 write channel address miss original int
  38169. 1: Address Miss
  38170. 0: Normal
  38171. </comment>
  38172. </bits>
  38173. </reg>
  38174. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_fin">
  38175. <bits access="r" name="port_int_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  38176. </bits>
  38177. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="1" rst="0">
  38178. <comment>
  38179. Port 0 read channel address miss final int
  38180. 1: Address Miss
  38181. 0: Normal
  38182. </comment>
  38183. </bits>
  38184. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  38185. <comment>
  38186. Port 0 write channel address miss final int
  38187. 1: Address Miss
  38188. 0: Normal
  38189. </comment>
  38190. </bits>
  38191. </reg>
  38192. <reg protect="rw" name="rd_sec_0">
  38193. <bits access="r" name="rd_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  38194. </bits>
  38195. <bits access="rw" name="uart1_rd_sec" pos="21:20" rst="3">
  38196. <comment>
  38197. control uart1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38198. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38199. 2'b01: security access only
  38200. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38201. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38202. </comment>
  38203. </bits>
  38204. <bits access="rw" name="uart2_rd_sec" pos="19:18" rst="3">
  38205. <comment>
  38206. control uart2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38207. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38208. 2'b01: security access only
  38209. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38210. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38211. </comment>
  38212. </bits>
  38213. <bits access="rw" name="gpio1_rd_sec" pos="17:16" rst="3">
  38214. <comment>
  38215. control gpio1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38216. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38217. 2'b01: security access only
  38218. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38219. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38220. </comment>
  38221. </bits>
  38222. <bits access="rw" name="gpt1_rd_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  38223. <comment>
  38224. control gpt1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38225. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38226. 2'b01: security access only
  38227. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38228. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38229. </comment>
  38230. </bits>
  38231. <bits access="rw" name="pwr_ctrl_rd_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  38232. <comment>
  38233. control pwr_ctrl_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38234. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38235. 2'b01: security access only
  38236. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38237. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38238. </comment>
  38239. </bits>
  38240. <bits access="rw" name="nb_lps_rd_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  38241. <comment>
  38242. control nb_lps_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38243. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38244. 2'b01: security access only
  38245. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38246. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38247. </comment>
  38248. </bits>
  38249. <bits access="rw" name="timer1_rd_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  38250. <comment>
  38251. control timer1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38252. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38253. 2'b01: security access only
  38254. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38255. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38256. </comment>
  38257. </bits>
  38258. <bits access="rw" name="iomux1_rd_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  38259. <comment>
  38260. control iomux1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38261. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38262. 2'b01: security access only
  38263. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38264. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38265. </comment>
  38266. </bits>
  38267. <bits access="rw" name="iomux2_rd_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  38268. <comment>
  38269. control iomux2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38270. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38271. 2'b01: security access only
  38272. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38273. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38274. </comment>
  38275. </bits>
  38276. <bits access="rw" name="sys_wdt_rd_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  38277. <comment>
  38278. control sys_wdt_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38279. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38280. 2'b01: security access only
  38281. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38282. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38283. </comment>
  38284. </bits>
  38285. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ifc1_rd_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  38286. <comment>
  38287. control sys_ifc1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38288. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38289. 2'b01: security access only
  38290. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38291. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38292. </comment>
  38293. </bits>
  38294. </reg>
  38295. <reg protect="rw" name="wr_sec_0">
  38296. <bits access="r" name="wr_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  38297. </bits>
  38298. <bits access="rw" name="uart1_wr_sec" pos="21:20" rst="3">
  38299. <comment>
  38300. control uart1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38301. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38302. 2'b01: security access only
  38303. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38304. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38305. </comment>
  38306. </bits>
  38307. <bits access="rw" name="uart2_wr_sec" pos="19:18" rst="3">
  38308. <comment>
  38309. control uart2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38310. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38311. 2'b01: security access only
  38312. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38313. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38314. </comment>
  38315. </bits>
  38316. <bits access="rw" name="gpio1_wr_sec" pos="17:16" rst="3">
  38317. <comment>
  38318. control gpio1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38319. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38320. 2'b01: security access only
  38321. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38322. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38323. </comment>
  38324. </bits>
  38325. <bits access="rw" name="gpt1_wr_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  38326. <comment>
  38327. control gpt1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38328. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38329. 2'b01: security access only
  38330. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38331. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38332. </comment>
  38333. </bits>
  38334. <bits access="rw" name="pwr_ctrl_wr_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  38335. <comment>
  38336. control pwr_ctrl_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38337. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38338. 2'b01: security access only
  38339. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38340. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38341. </comment>
  38342. </bits>
  38343. <bits access="rw" name="nb_lps_wr_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  38344. <comment>
  38345. control nb_lps_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38346. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38347. 2'b01: security access only
  38348. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38349. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38350. </comment>
  38351. </bits>
  38352. <bits access="rw" name="timer1_wr_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  38353. <comment>
  38354. control timer1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38355. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38356. 2'b01: security access only
  38357. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38358. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38359. </comment>
  38360. </bits>
  38361. <bits access="rw" name="iomux1_wr_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  38362. <comment>
  38363. control iomux1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38364. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38365. 2'b01: security access only
  38366. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38367. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38368. </comment>
  38369. </bits>
  38370. <bits access="rw" name="iomux2_wr_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  38371. <comment>
  38372. control iomux2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38373. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38374. 2'b01: security access only
  38375. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38376. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38377. </comment>
  38378. </bits>
  38379. <bits access="rw" name="sys_wdt_wr_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  38380. <comment>
  38381. control sys_wdt_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38382. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38383. 2'b01: security access only
  38384. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38385. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38386. </comment>
  38387. </bits>
  38388. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ifc1_wr_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  38389. <comment>
  38390. control sys_ifc1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  38391. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38392. 2'b01: security access only
  38393. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38394. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38395. </comment>
  38396. </bits>
  38397. </reg>
  38398. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_first_addr_0">
  38399. <bits access="r" name="id0_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38400. </bits>
  38401. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  38402. </bits>
  38403. </reg>
  38404. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_last_addr_0">
  38405. <bits access="r" name="id0_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38406. </bits>
  38407. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  38408. </bits>
  38409. </reg>
  38410. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_0">
  38411. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38412. <comment>
  38413. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38414. id0 mstid_0 master id control
  38415. </comment>
  38416. </bits>
  38417. </reg>
  38418. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_1">
  38419. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38420. <comment>
  38421. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38422. id0 mstid_1 master id control
  38423. </comment>
  38424. </bits>
  38425. </reg>
  38426. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_2">
  38427. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38428. <comment>
  38429. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38430. id0 mstid_2 master id control
  38431. </comment>
  38432. </bits>
  38433. </reg>
  38434. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_3">
  38435. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38436. <comment>
  38437. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38438. id0 mstid_3 master id control
  38439. </comment>
  38440. </bits>
  38441. </reg>
  38442. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_4">
  38443. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38444. <comment>
  38445. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38446. id0 mstid_4 master id control
  38447. </comment>
  38448. </bits>
  38449. </reg>
  38450. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_5">
  38451. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38452. <comment>
  38453. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38454. id0 mstid_5 master id control
  38455. </comment>
  38456. </bits>
  38457. </reg>
  38458. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_6">
  38459. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38460. <comment>
  38461. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38462. id0 mstid_6 master id control
  38463. </comment>
  38464. </bits>
  38465. </reg>
  38466. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_7">
  38467. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38468. <comment>
  38469. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38470. id0 mstid_7 master id control
  38471. </comment>
  38472. </bits>
  38473. </reg>
  38474. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_first_addr_0">
  38475. <bits access="r" name="id1_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38476. </bits>
  38477. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  38478. </bits>
  38479. </reg>
  38480. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_last_addr_0">
  38481. <bits access="r" name="id1_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38482. </bits>
  38483. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  38484. </bits>
  38485. </reg>
  38486. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_0">
  38487. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38488. <comment>
  38489. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38490. id1 mstid_0 master id control
  38491. </comment>
  38492. </bits>
  38493. </reg>
  38494. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_1">
  38495. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38496. <comment>
  38497. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38498. id1 mstid_1 master id control
  38499. </comment>
  38500. </bits>
  38501. </reg>
  38502. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_2">
  38503. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38504. <comment>
  38505. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38506. id1 mstid_2 master id control
  38507. </comment>
  38508. </bits>
  38509. </reg>
  38510. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_3">
  38511. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38512. <comment>
  38513. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38514. id1 mstid_3 master id control
  38515. </comment>
  38516. </bits>
  38517. </reg>
  38518. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_4">
  38519. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38520. <comment>
  38521. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38522. id1 mstid_4 master id control
  38523. </comment>
  38524. </bits>
  38525. </reg>
  38526. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_5">
  38527. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38528. <comment>
  38529. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38530. id1 mstid_5 master id control
  38531. </comment>
  38532. </bits>
  38533. </reg>
  38534. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_6">
  38535. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38536. <comment>
  38537. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38538. id1 mstid_6 master id control
  38539. </comment>
  38540. </bits>
  38541. </reg>
  38542. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_7">
  38543. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38544. <comment>
  38545. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38546. id1 mstid_7 master id control
  38547. </comment>
  38548. </bits>
  38549. </reg>
  38550. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_first_addr_0">
  38551. <bits access="r" name="id2_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38552. </bits>
  38553. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  38554. </bits>
  38555. </reg>
  38556. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_last_addr_0">
  38557. <bits access="r" name="id2_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38558. </bits>
  38559. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  38560. </bits>
  38561. </reg>
  38562. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_0">
  38563. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38564. <comment>
  38565. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38566. id2 mstid_0 master id control
  38567. </comment>
  38568. </bits>
  38569. </reg>
  38570. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_1">
  38571. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38572. <comment>
  38573. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38574. id2 mstid_1 master id control
  38575. </comment>
  38576. </bits>
  38577. </reg>
  38578. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_2">
  38579. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38580. <comment>
  38581. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38582. id2 mstid_2 master id control
  38583. </comment>
  38584. </bits>
  38585. </reg>
  38586. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_3">
  38587. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38588. <comment>
  38589. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38590. id2 mstid_3 master id control
  38591. </comment>
  38592. </bits>
  38593. </reg>
  38594. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_4">
  38595. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38596. <comment>
  38597. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38598. id2 mstid_4 master id control
  38599. </comment>
  38600. </bits>
  38601. </reg>
  38602. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_5">
  38603. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38604. <comment>
  38605. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38606. id2 mstid_5 master id control
  38607. </comment>
  38608. </bits>
  38609. </reg>
  38610. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_6">
  38611. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38612. <comment>
  38613. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38614. id2 mstid_6 master id control
  38615. </comment>
  38616. </bits>
  38617. </reg>
  38618. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_7">
  38619. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38620. <comment>
  38621. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38622. id2 mstid_7 master id control
  38623. </comment>
  38624. </bits>
  38625. </reg>
  38626. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_first_addr_0">
  38627. <bits access="r" name="id3_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38628. </bits>
  38629. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  38630. </bits>
  38631. </reg>
  38632. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_last_addr_0">
  38633. <bits access="r" name="id3_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  38634. </bits>
  38635. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  38636. </bits>
  38637. </reg>
  38638. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_0">
  38639. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38640. <comment>
  38641. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38642. id3 mstid_0 master id control
  38643. </comment>
  38644. </bits>
  38645. </reg>
  38646. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_1">
  38647. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38648. <comment>
  38649. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38650. id3 mstid_1 master id control
  38651. </comment>
  38652. </bits>
  38653. </reg>
  38654. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_2">
  38655. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38656. <comment>
  38657. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38658. id3 mstid_2 master id control
  38659. </comment>
  38660. </bits>
  38661. </reg>
  38662. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_3">
  38663. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38664. <comment>
  38665. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38666. id3 mstid_3 master id control
  38667. </comment>
  38668. </bits>
  38669. </reg>
  38670. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_4">
  38671. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38672. <comment>
  38673. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38674. id3 mstid_4 master id control
  38675. </comment>
  38676. </bits>
  38677. </reg>
  38678. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_5">
  38679. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38680. <comment>
  38681. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38682. id3 mstid_5 master id control
  38683. </comment>
  38684. </bits>
  38685. </reg>
  38686. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_6">
  38687. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38688. <comment>
  38689. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38690. id3 mstid_6 master id control
  38691. </comment>
  38692. </bits>
  38693. </reg>
  38694. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_7">
  38695. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  38696. <comment>
  38697. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38698. id3 mstid_7 master id control
  38699. </comment>
  38700. </bits>
  38701. </reg>
  38702. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  38703. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  38704. </bits>
  38705. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  38706. <comment>
  38707. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38708. clk_gate_bypass
  38709. </comment>
  38710. </bits>
  38711. </reg>
  38712. </module>
  38713. </archive>
  38714. <archive relative="slv_fw_sysifc2_ahb_rf.xml">
  38715. <module name="slv_fw_sysifc2_ahb_rf" category="firewall">
  38716. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_address_0">
  38717. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_address_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  38718. </bits>
  38719. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_address_0" pos="27:0" rst="27512832">
  38720. <comment>
  38721. port0 default address, bit 0 ~ 27.
  38722. </comment>
  38723. </bits>
  38724. </reg>
  38725. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_en">
  38726. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  38727. </bits>
  38728. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  38729. <comment>
  38730. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38731. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  38732. </comment>
  38733. </bits>
  38734. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_1" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  38735. </bits>
  38736. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  38737. <comment>
  38738. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38739. Port 0 read channel address miss int enable
  38740. 1: Enable
  38741. 0: Disable
  38742. </comment>
  38743. </bits>
  38744. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  38745. <comment>
  38746. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  38747. Port 0 write channel address miss int enable
  38748. 1: Enable
  38749. 0: Disable
  38750. </comment>
  38751. </bits>
  38752. </reg>
  38753. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_clr">
  38754. <bits access="r" name="port_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  38755. </bits>
  38756. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  38757. <comment>
  38758. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  38759. Port 0 read channel address miss int write-clear
  38760. </comment>
  38761. </bits>
  38762. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  38763. <comment>
  38764. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  38765. Port 0 write channel address miss int write-clear
  38766. </comment>
  38767. </bits>
  38768. </reg>
  38769. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_raw">
  38770. <bits access="r" name="port_int_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  38771. </bits>
  38772. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="1" rst="0">
  38773. <comment>
  38774. Port 0 read channel address miss original int
  38775. 1: Address Miss
  38776. 0: Normal
  38777. </comment>
  38778. </bits>
  38779. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  38780. <comment>
  38781. Port 0 write channel address miss original int
  38782. 1: Address Miss
  38783. 0: Normal
  38784. </comment>
  38785. </bits>
  38786. </reg>
  38787. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_fin">
  38788. <bits access="r" name="port_int_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  38789. </bits>
  38790. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="1" rst="0">
  38791. <comment>
  38792. Port 0 read channel address miss final int
  38793. 1: Address Miss
  38794. 0: Normal
  38795. </comment>
  38796. </bits>
  38797. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  38798. <comment>
  38799. Port 0 write channel address miss final int
  38800. 1: Address Miss
  38801. 0: Normal
  38802. </comment>
  38803. </bits>
  38804. </reg>
  38805. <reg protect="rw" name="rd_sec_0">
  38806. <bits access="r" name="reserved_3" pos="31" rst="0">
  38807. </bits>
  38808. <bits access="r" name="reserved_2" pos="30" rst="0">
  38809. </bits>
  38810. <bits access="r" name="reserved_1" pos="29" rst="0">
  38811. </bits>
  38812. <bits access="r" name="reserved_0" pos="28" rst="0">
  38813. </bits>
  38814. <bits access="rw" name="i2c2_rd_sec" pos="27:26" rst="3">
  38815. <comment>
  38816. control i2c2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38817. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38818. 2'b01: security access only
  38819. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38820. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38821. </comment>
  38822. </bits>
  38823. <bits access="rw" name="i2c3_rd_sec" pos="25:24" rst="3">
  38824. <comment>
  38825. control i2c3_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38826. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38827. 2'b01: security access only
  38828. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38829. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38830. </comment>
  38831. </bits>
  38832. <bits access="rw" name="timer2_rd_sec" pos="23:22" rst="3">
  38833. <comment>
  38834. control timer2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38835. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38836. 2'b01: security access only
  38837. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38838. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38839. </comment>
  38840. </bits>
  38841. <bits access="rw" name="sys_dma_rd_sec" pos="21:20" rst="3">
  38842. <comment>
  38843. control sys_dma_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38844. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38845. 2'b01: security access only
  38846. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38847. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38848. </comment>
  38849. </bits>
  38850. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl_rd_sec" pos="19:18" rst="3">
  38851. <comment>
  38852. control sys_ctrl_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38853. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38854. 2'b01: security access only
  38855. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38856. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38857. </comment>
  38858. </bits>
  38859. <bits access="rw" name="rom_patch_rd_sec" pos="17:16" rst="3">
  38860. <comment>
  38861. control rom_patch_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38862. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38863. 2'b01: security access only
  38864. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38865. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38866. </comment>
  38867. </bits>
  38868. <bits access="rw" name="psram_ctrl_rd_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  38869. <comment>
  38870. control psram_ctrl_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38871. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38872. 2'b01: security access only
  38873. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38874. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38875. </comment>
  38876. </bits>
  38877. <bits access="rw" name="med_rd_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  38878. <comment>
  38879. control med_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38880. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38881. 2'b01: security access only
  38882. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38883. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38884. </comment>
  38885. </bits>
  38886. <bits access="rw" name="ce_sec_rd_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  38887. <comment>
  38888. control ce_sec_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38889. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38890. 2'b01: security access only
  38891. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38892. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38893. </comment>
  38894. </bits>
  38895. <bits access="rw" name="ce_pub_rd_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  38896. <comment>
  38897. control ce_pub_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38898. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38899. 2'b01: security access only
  38900. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38901. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38902. </comment>
  38903. </bits>
  38904. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_rd_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  38905. <comment>
  38906. control efuse_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38907. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38908. 2'b01: security access only
  38909. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38910. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38911. </comment>
  38912. </bits>
  38913. <bits access="rw" name="spi_flash_rd_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  38914. <comment>
  38915. control spi_flash_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38916. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38917. 2'b01: security access only
  38918. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38919. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38920. </comment>
  38921. </bits>
  38922. <bits access="rw" name="spiflash_ext_rd_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  38923. <comment>
  38924. control spiflash_ext_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38925. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38926. 2'b01: security access only
  38927. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38928. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38929. </comment>
  38930. </bits>
  38931. <bits access="rw" name="adi_if_rd_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  38932. <comment>
  38933. control adi_if_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38934. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38935. 2'b01: security access only
  38936. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38937. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38938. </comment>
  38939. </bits>
  38940. </reg>
  38941. <reg protect="rw" name="rd_sec_1">
  38942. <bits access="r" name="rd_sec_1_reserved_0" pos="31:10" rst="0">
  38943. </bits>
  38944. <bits access="rw" name="gpio2_rd_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  38945. <comment>
  38946. control gpio2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38947. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38948. 2'b01: security access only
  38949. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38950. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38951. </comment>
  38952. </bits>
  38953. <bits access="rw" name="gpt2_rd_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  38954. <comment>
  38955. control gpt2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38956. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38957. 2'b01: security access only
  38958. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38959. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38960. </comment>
  38961. </bits>
  38962. <bits access="rw" name="keypad_rd_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  38963. <comment>
  38964. control keypad_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38965. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38966. 2'b01: security access only
  38967. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38968. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38969. </comment>
  38970. </bits>
  38971. <bits access="rw" name="seg_lcd_rd_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  38972. <comment>
  38973. control seg_lcd_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38974. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38975. 2'b01: security access only
  38976. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38977. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38978. </comment>
  38979. </bits>
  38980. <bits access="rw" name="i2c1_rd_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  38981. <comment>
  38982. control i2c1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  38983. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  38984. 2'b01: security access only
  38985. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  38986. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  38987. </comment>
  38988. </bits>
  38989. </reg>
  38990. <reg protect="rw" name="wr_sec_0">
  38991. <bits access="r" name="reserved_3" pos="31" rst="0">
  38992. </bits>
  38993. <bits access="r" name="reserved_2" pos="30" rst="0">
  38994. </bits>
  38995. <bits access="r" name="reserved_1" pos="29" rst="0">
  38996. </bits>
  38997. <bits access="r" name="reserved_0" pos="28" rst="0">
  38998. </bits>
  38999. <bits access="rw" name="i2c2_wr_sec" pos="27:26" rst="3">
  39000. <comment>
  39001. control i2c2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39002. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39003. 2'b01: security access only
  39004. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39005. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39006. </comment>
  39007. </bits>
  39008. <bits access="rw" name="i2c3_wr_sec" pos="25:24" rst="3">
  39009. <comment>
  39010. control i2c3_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39011. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39012. 2'b01: security access only
  39013. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39014. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39015. </comment>
  39016. </bits>
  39017. <bits access="rw" name="timer2_wr_sec" pos="23:22" rst="3">
  39018. <comment>
  39019. control timer2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39020. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39021. 2'b01: security access only
  39022. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39023. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39024. </comment>
  39025. </bits>
  39026. <bits access="rw" name="sys_dma_wr_sec" pos="21:20" rst="3">
  39027. <comment>
  39028. control sys_dma_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39029. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39030. 2'b01: security access only
  39031. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39032. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39033. </comment>
  39034. </bits>
  39035. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl_wr_sec" pos="19:18" rst="3">
  39036. <comment>
  39037. control sys_ctrl_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39038. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39039. 2'b01: security access only
  39040. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39041. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39042. </comment>
  39043. </bits>
  39044. <bits access="rw" name="rom_patch_wr_sec" pos="17:16" rst="3">
  39045. <comment>
  39046. control rom_patch_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39047. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39048. 2'b01: security access only
  39049. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39050. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39051. </comment>
  39052. </bits>
  39053. <bits access="rw" name="psram_ctrl_wr_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  39054. <comment>
  39055. control psram_ctrl_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39056. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39057. 2'b01: security access only
  39058. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39059. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39060. </comment>
  39061. </bits>
  39062. <bits access="rw" name="med_wr_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  39063. <comment>
  39064. control med_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39065. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39066. 2'b01: security access only
  39067. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39068. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39069. </comment>
  39070. </bits>
  39071. <bits access="rw" name="ce_sec_wr_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  39072. <comment>
  39073. control ce_sec_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39074. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39075. 2'b01: security access only
  39076. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39077. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39078. </comment>
  39079. </bits>
  39080. <bits access="rw" name="ce_pub_wr_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  39081. <comment>
  39082. control ce_pub_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39083. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39084. 2'b01: security access only
  39085. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39086. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39087. </comment>
  39088. </bits>
  39089. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_wr_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  39090. <comment>
  39091. control efuse_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39092. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39093. 2'b01: security access only
  39094. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39095. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39096. </comment>
  39097. </bits>
  39098. <bits access="rw" name="spi_flash_wr_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  39099. <comment>
  39100. control spi_flash_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39101. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39102. 2'b01: security access only
  39103. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39104. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39105. </comment>
  39106. </bits>
  39107. <bits access="rw" name="spiflash_ext_wr_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  39108. <comment>
  39109. control spiflash_ext_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39110. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39111. 2'b01: security access only
  39112. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39113. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39114. </comment>
  39115. </bits>
  39116. <bits access="rw" name="adi_if_wr_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  39117. <comment>
  39118. control adi_if_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39119. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39120. 2'b01: security access only
  39121. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39122. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39123. </comment>
  39124. </bits>
  39125. </reg>
  39126. <reg protect="rw" name="wr_sec_1">
  39127. <bits access="r" name="wr_sec_1_reserved_0" pos="31:10" rst="0">
  39128. </bits>
  39129. <bits access="rw" name="gpio2_wr_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  39130. <comment>
  39131. control gpio2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39132. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39133. 2'b01: security access only
  39134. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39135. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39136. </comment>
  39137. </bits>
  39138. <bits access="rw" name="gpt2_wr_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  39139. <comment>
  39140. control gpt2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39141. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39142. 2'b01: security access only
  39143. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39144. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39145. </comment>
  39146. </bits>
  39147. <bits access="rw" name="keypad_wr_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  39148. <comment>
  39149. control keypad_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39150. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39151. 2'b01: security access only
  39152. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39153. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39154. </comment>
  39155. </bits>
  39156. <bits access="rw" name="seg_lcd_wr_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  39157. <comment>
  39158. control seg_lcd_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39159. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39160. 2'b01: security access only
  39161. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39162. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39163. </comment>
  39164. </bits>
  39165. <bits access="rw" name="i2c1_wr_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  39166. <comment>
  39167. control i2c1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39168. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39169. 2'b01: security access only
  39170. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39171. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39172. </comment>
  39173. </bits>
  39174. </reg>
  39175. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_first_addr_0">
  39176. <bits access="r" name="id0_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39177. </bits>
  39178. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  39179. </bits>
  39180. </reg>
  39181. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_last_addr_0">
  39182. <bits access="r" name="id0_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39183. </bits>
  39184. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  39185. </bits>
  39186. </reg>
  39187. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_0">
  39188. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39189. <comment>
  39190. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39191. id0 mstid_0 master id control
  39192. </comment>
  39193. </bits>
  39194. </reg>
  39195. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_1">
  39196. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39197. <comment>
  39198. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39199. id0 mstid_1 master id control
  39200. </comment>
  39201. </bits>
  39202. </reg>
  39203. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_2">
  39204. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39205. <comment>
  39206. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39207. id0 mstid_2 master id control
  39208. </comment>
  39209. </bits>
  39210. </reg>
  39211. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_3">
  39212. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39213. <comment>
  39214. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39215. id0 mstid_3 master id control
  39216. </comment>
  39217. </bits>
  39218. </reg>
  39219. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_4">
  39220. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39221. <comment>
  39222. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39223. id0 mstid_4 master id control
  39224. </comment>
  39225. </bits>
  39226. </reg>
  39227. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_5">
  39228. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39229. <comment>
  39230. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39231. id0 mstid_5 master id control
  39232. </comment>
  39233. </bits>
  39234. </reg>
  39235. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_6">
  39236. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39237. <comment>
  39238. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39239. id0 mstid_6 master id control
  39240. </comment>
  39241. </bits>
  39242. </reg>
  39243. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_7">
  39244. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39245. <comment>
  39246. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39247. id0 mstid_7 master id control
  39248. </comment>
  39249. </bits>
  39250. </reg>
  39251. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_first_addr_0">
  39252. <bits access="r" name="id1_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39253. </bits>
  39254. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  39255. </bits>
  39256. </reg>
  39257. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_last_addr_0">
  39258. <bits access="r" name="id1_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39259. </bits>
  39260. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  39261. </bits>
  39262. </reg>
  39263. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_0">
  39264. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39265. <comment>
  39266. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39267. id1 mstid_0 master id control
  39268. </comment>
  39269. </bits>
  39270. </reg>
  39271. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_1">
  39272. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39273. <comment>
  39274. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39275. id1 mstid_1 master id control
  39276. </comment>
  39277. </bits>
  39278. </reg>
  39279. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_2">
  39280. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39281. <comment>
  39282. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39283. id1 mstid_2 master id control
  39284. </comment>
  39285. </bits>
  39286. </reg>
  39287. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_3">
  39288. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39289. <comment>
  39290. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39291. id1 mstid_3 master id control
  39292. </comment>
  39293. </bits>
  39294. </reg>
  39295. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_4">
  39296. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39297. <comment>
  39298. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39299. id1 mstid_4 master id control
  39300. </comment>
  39301. </bits>
  39302. </reg>
  39303. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_5">
  39304. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39305. <comment>
  39306. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39307. id1 mstid_5 master id control
  39308. </comment>
  39309. </bits>
  39310. </reg>
  39311. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_6">
  39312. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39313. <comment>
  39314. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39315. id1 mstid_6 master id control
  39316. </comment>
  39317. </bits>
  39318. </reg>
  39319. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_7">
  39320. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39321. <comment>
  39322. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39323. id1 mstid_7 master id control
  39324. </comment>
  39325. </bits>
  39326. </reg>
  39327. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_first_addr_0">
  39328. <bits access="r" name="id2_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39329. </bits>
  39330. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  39331. </bits>
  39332. </reg>
  39333. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_last_addr_0">
  39334. <bits access="r" name="id2_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39335. </bits>
  39336. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  39337. </bits>
  39338. </reg>
  39339. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_0">
  39340. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39341. <comment>
  39342. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39343. id2 mstid_0 master id control
  39344. </comment>
  39345. </bits>
  39346. </reg>
  39347. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_1">
  39348. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39349. <comment>
  39350. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39351. id2 mstid_1 master id control
  39352. </comment>
  39353. </bits>
  39354. </reg>
  39355. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_2">
  39356. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39357. <comment>
  39358. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39359. id2 mstid_2 master id control
  39360. </comment>
  39361. </bits>
  39362. </reg>
  39363. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_3">
  39364. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39365. <comment>
  39366. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39367. id2 mstid_3 master id control
  39368. </comment>
  39369. </bits>
  39370. </reg>
  39371. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_4">
  39372. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39373. <comment>
  39374. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39375. id2 mstid_4 master id control
  39376. </comment>
  39377. </bits>
  39378. </reg>
  39379. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_5">
  39380. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39381. <comment>
  39382. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39383. id2 mstid_5 master id control
  39384. </comment>
  39385. </bits>
  39386. </reg>
  39387. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_6">
  39388. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39389. <comment>
  39390. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39391. id2 mstid_6 master id control
  39392. </comment>
  39393. </bits>
  39394. </reg>
  39395. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_7">
  39396. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39397. <comment>
  39398. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39399. id2 mstid_7 master id control
  39400. </comment>
  39401. </bits>
  39402. </reg>
  39403. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_first_addr_0">
  39404. <bits access="r" name="id3_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39405. </bits>
  39406. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  39407. </bits>
  39408. </reg>
  39409. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_last_addr_0">
  39410. <bits access="r" name="id3_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39411. </bits>
  39412. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  39413. </bits>
  39414. </reg>
  39415. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_0">
  39416. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39417. <comment>
  39418. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39419. id3 mstid_0 master id control
  39420. </comment>
  39421. </bits>
  39422. </reg>
  39423. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_1">
  39424. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39425. <comment>
  39426. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39427. id3 mstid_1 master id control
  39428. </comment>
  39429. </bits>
  39430. </reg>
  39431. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_2">
  39432. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39433. <comment>
  39434. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39435. id3 mstid_2 master id control
  39436. </comment>
  39437. </bits>
  39438. </reg>
  39439. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_3">
  39440. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39441. <comment>
  39442. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39443. id3 mstid_3 master id control
  39444. </comment>
  39445. </bits>
  39446. </reg>
  39447. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_4">
  39448. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39449. <comment>
  39450. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39451. id3 mstid_4 master id control
  39452. </comment>
  39453. </bits>
  39454. </reg>
  39455. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_5">
  39456. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39457. <comment>
  39458. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39459. id3 mstid_5 master id control
  39460. </comment>
  39461. </bits>
  39462. </reg>
  39463. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_6">
  39464. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39465. <comment>
  39466. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39467. id3 mstid_6 master id control
  39468. </comment>
  39469. </bits>
  39470. </reg>
  39471. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_7">
  39472. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39473. <comment>
  39474. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39475. id3 mstid_7 master id control
  39476. </comment>
  39477. </bits>
  39478. </reg>
  39479. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_first_addr_0">
  39480. <bits access="r" name="id4_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39481. </bits>
  39482. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  39483. </bits>
  39484. </reg>
  39485. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_last_addr_0">
  39486. <bits access="r" name="id4_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39487. </bits>
  39488. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  39489. </bits>
  39490. </reg>
  39491. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_0">
  39492. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39493. <comment>
  39494. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39495. id4 mstid_0 master id control
  39496. </comment>
  39497. </bits>
  39498. </reg>
  39499. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_1">
  39500. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39501. <comment>
  39502. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39503. id4 mstid_1 master id control
  39504. </comment>
  39505. </bits>
  39506. </reg>
  39507. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_2">
  39508. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39509. <comment>
  39510. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39511. id4 mstid_2 master id control
  39512. </comment>
  39513. </bits>
  39514. </reg>
  39515. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_3">
  39516. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39517. <comment>
  39518. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39519. id4 mstid_3 master id control
  39520. </comment>
  39521. </bits>
  39522. </reg>
  39523. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_4">
  39524. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39525. <comment>
  39526. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39527. id4 mstid_4 master id control
  39528. </comment>
  39529. </bits>
  39530. </reg>
  39531. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_5">
  39532. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39533. <comment>
  39534. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39535. id4 mstid_5 master id control
  39536. </comment>
  39537. </bits>
  39538. </reg>
  39539. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_6">
  39540. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39541. <comment>
  39542. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39543. id4 mstid_6 master id control
  39544. </comment>
  39545. </bits>
  39546. </reg>
  39547. <reg protect="rw" name="id4_mstid_7">
  39548. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39549. <comment>
  39550. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39551. id4 mstid_7 master id control
  39552. </comment>
  39553. </bits>
  39554. </reg>
  39555. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_first_addr_0">
  39556. <bits access="r" name="id5_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39557. </bits>
  39558. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="268435455">
  39559. </bits>
  39560. </reg>
  39561. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_last_addr_0">
  39562. <bits access="r" name="id5_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:28" rst="0">
  39563. </bits>
  39564. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="27:0" rst="0">
  39565. </bits>
  39566. </reg>
  39567. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_0">
  39568. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39569. <comment>
  39570. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39571. id5 mstid_0 master id control
  39572. </comment>
  39573. </bits>
  39574. </reg>
  39575. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_1">
  39576. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39577. <comment>
  39578. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39579. id5 mstid_1 master id control
  39580. </comment>
  39581. </bits>
  39582. </reg>
  39583. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_2">
  39584. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39585. <comment>
  39586. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39587. id5 mstid_2 master id control
  39588. </comment>
  39589. </bits>
  39590. </reg>
  39591. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_3">
  39592. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39593. <comment>
  39594. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39595. id5 mstid_3 master id control
  39596. </comment>
  39597. </bits>
  39598. </reg>
  39599. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_4">
  39600. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39601. <comment>
  39602. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39603. id5 mstid_4 master id control
  39604. </comment>
  39605. </bits>
  39606. </reg>
  39607. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_5">
  39608. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39609. <comment>
  39610. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39611. id5 mstid_5 master id control
  39612. </comment>
  39613. </bits>
  39614. </reg>
  39615. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_6">
  39616. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39617. <comment>
  39618. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39619. id5 mstid_6 master id control
  39620. </comment>
  39621. </bits>
  39622. </reg>
  39623. <reg protect="rw" name="id5_mstid_7">
  39624. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39625. <comment>
  39626. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39627. id5 mstid_7 master id control
  39628. </comment>
  39629. </bits>
  39630. </reg>
  39631. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  39632. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  39633. </bits>
  39634. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  39635. <comment>
  39636. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39637. clk_gate_bypass
  39638. </comment>
  39639. </bits>
  39640. </reg>
  39641. </module>
  39642. </archive>
  39643. <archive relative="slv_fw_sysifc2_apb_rf.xml">
  39644. <module name="slv_fw_sysifc2_apb_rf" category="firewall">
  39645. <reg protect="rw" name="port0_default_address_0">
  39646. <bits access="r" name="port0_default_address_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  39647. </bits>
  39648. <bits access="rw" name="port0_default_address_0" pos="15:0" rst="53248">
  39649. </bits>
  39650. </reg>
  39651. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_en">
  39652. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_0" pos="31:5" rst="0">
  39653. </bits>
  39654. <bits access="rw" name="fw_resp_en" pos="4" rst="0">
  39655. <comment>
  39656. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39657. 0: don't response error; 1: response error
  39658. </comment>
  39659. </bits>
  39660. <bits access="r" name="port_int_en_reserved_1" pos="3:2" rst="0">
  39661. </bits>
  39662. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_r_en" pos="1" rst="0">
  39663. <comment>
  39664. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39665. Port 0 read channel address miss int enable
  39666. 1: Enable
  39667. 0: Disable
  39668. </comment>
  39669. </bits>
  39670. <bits access="rw" name="port_0_w_en" pos="0" rst="0">
  39671. <comment>
  39672. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39673. Port 0 write channel address miss int enable
  39674. 1: Enable
  39675. 0: Disable
  39676. </comment>
  39677. </bits>
  39678. </reg>
  39679. <reg protect="rw" name="port_int_clr">
  39680. <bits access="r" name="port_int_clr_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  39681. </bits>
  39682. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_r_clr" pos="1" rst="0">
  39683. <comment>
  39684. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  39685. Port 0 read channel address miss int write-clear
  39686. </comment>
  39687. </bits>
  39688. <bits access="rc" name="port_0_w_clr" pos="0" rst="0">
  39689. <comment>
  39690. bit type is changed from wc to rc.
  39691. Port 0 write channel address miss int write-clear
  39692. </comment>
  39693. </bits>
  39694. </reg>
  39695. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_raw">
  39696. <bits access="r" name="port_int_raw_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  39697. </bits>
  39698. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_raw" pos="1" rst="0">
  39699. <comment>
  39700. Port 0 read channel address miss original int
  39701. 1: Address Miss
  39702. 0: Normal
  39703. </comment>
  39704. </bits>
  39705. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_raw" pos="0" rst="0">
  39706. <comment>
  39707. Port 0 write channel address miss original int
  39708. 1: Address Miss
  39709. 0: Normal
  39710. </comment>
  39711. </bits>
  39712. </reg>
  39713. <reg protect="r" name="port_int_fin">
  39714. <bits access="r" name="port_int_fin_reserved_0" pos="31:2" rst="0">
  39715. </bits>
  39716. <bits access="r" name="port_0_r_fin" pos="1" rst="0">
  39717. <comment>
  39718. Port 0 read channel address miss final int
  39719. 1: Address Miss
  39720. 0: Normal
  39721. </comment>
  39722. </bits>
  39723. <bits access="r" name="port_0_w_fin" pos="0" rst="0">
  39724. <comment>
  39725. Port 0 write channel address miss final int
  39726. 1: Address Miss
  39727. 0: Normal
  39728. </comment>
  39729. </bits>
  39730. </reg>
  39731. <reg protect="rw" name="rd_sec_0">
  39732. <bits access="r" name="rd_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  39733. </bits>
  39734. <bits access="rw" name="sci2_rd_sec" pos="21:20" rst="3">
  39735. <comment>
  39736. control sci2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39737. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39738. 2'b01: security access only
  39739. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39740. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39741. </comment>
  39742. </bits>
  39743. <bits access="rw" name="spi1_rd_sec" pos="19:18" rst="3">
  39744. <comment>
  39745. control spi1_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39746. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39747. 2'b01: security access only
  39748. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39749. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39750. </comment>
  39751. </bits>
  39752. <bits access="rw" name="spi2_rd_sec" pos="17:16" rst="3">
  39753. <comment>
  39754. control spi2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39755. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39756. 2'b01: security access only
  39757. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39758. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39759. </comment>
  39760. </bits>
  39761. <bits access="rw" name="debug_uart_rd_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  39762. <comment>
  39763. control debug_uart_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39764. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39765. 2'b01: security access only
  39766. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39767. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39768. </comment>
  39769. </bits>
  39770. <bits access="rw" name="uart3_rd_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  39771. <comment>
  39772. control uart3_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39773. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39774. 2'b01: security access only
  39775. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39776. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39777. </comment>
  39778. </bits>
  39779. <bits access="rw" name="uart4_rd_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  39780. <comment>
  39781. control uart4_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39782. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39783. 2'b01: security access only
  39784. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39785. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39786. </comment>
  39787. </bits>
  39788. <bits access="rw" name="uart5_rd_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  39789. <comment>
  39790. control uart5_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39791. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39792. 2'b01: security access only
  39793. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39794. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39795. </comment>
  39796. </bits>
  39797. <bits access="rw" name="sdmmc2_rd_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  39798. <comment>
  39799. control sdmmc2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39800. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39801. 2'b01: security access only
  39802. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39803. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39804. </comment>
  39805. </bits>
  39806. <bits access="rw" name="i2s_rd_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  39807. <comment>
  39808. control i2s_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39809. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39810. 2'b01: security access only
  39811. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39812. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39813. </comment>
  39814. </bits>
  39815. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ifc2_rd_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  39816. <comment>
  39817. control sys_ifc2_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39818. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39819. 2'b01: security access only
  39820. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39821. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39822. </comment>
  39823. </bits>
  39824. <bits access="rw" name="debug_host_rd_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  39825. <comment>
  39826. control debug_host_rd_sec rd security attribute:
  39827. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39828. 2'b01: security access only
  39829. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39830. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39831. </comment>
  39832. </bits>
  39833. </reg>
  39834. <reg protect="rw" name="wr_sec_0">
  39835. <bits access="r" name="wr_sec_0_reserved_0" pos="31:22" rst="0">
  39836. </bits>
  39837. <bits access="rw" name="sci2_wr_sec" pos="21:20" rst="3">
  39838. <comment>
  39839. control sci2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39840. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39841. 2'b01: security access only
  39842. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39843. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39844. </comment>
  39845. </bits>
  39846. <bits access="rw" name="spi1_wr_sec" pos="19:18" rst="3">
  39847. <comment>
  39848. control spi1_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39849. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39850. 2'b01: security access only
  39851. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39852. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39853. </comment>
  39854. </bits>
  39855. <bits access="rw" name="spi2_wr_sec" pos="17:16" rst="3">
  39856. <comment>
  39857. control spi2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39858. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39859. 2'b01: security access only
  39860. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39861. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39862. </comment>
  39863. </bits>
  39864. <bits access="rw" name="debug_uart_wr_sec" pos="15:14" rst="3">
  39865. <comment>
  39866. control debug_uart_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39867. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39868. 2'b01: security access only
  39869. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39870. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39871. </comment>
  39872. </bits>
  39873. <bits access="rw" name="uart3_wr_sec" pos="13:12" rst="3">
  39874. <comment>
  39875. control uart3_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39876. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39877. 2'b01: security access only
  39878. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39879. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39880. </comment>
  39881. </bits>
  39882. <bits access="rw" name="uart4_wr_sec" pos="11:10" rst="3">
  39883. <comment>
  39884. control uart4_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39885. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39886. 2'b01: security access only
  39887. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39888. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39889. </comment>
  39890. </bits>
  39891. <bits access="rw" name="uart5_wr_sec" pos="9:8" rst="3">
  39892. <comment>
  39893. control uart5_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39894. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39895. 2'b01: security access only
  39896. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39897. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39898. </comment>
  39899. </bits>
  39900. <bits access="rw" name="sdmmc2_wr_sec" pos="7:6" rst="3">
  39901. <comment>
  39902. control sdmmc2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39903. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39904. 2'b01: security access only
  39905. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39906. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39907. </comment>
  39908. </bits>
  39909. <bits access="rw" name="i2s_wr_sec" pos="5:4" rst="3">
  39910. <comment>
  39911. control i2s_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39912. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39913. 2'b01: security access only
  39914. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39915. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39916. </comment>
  39917. </bits>
  39918. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ifc2_wr_sec" pos="3:2" rst="3">
  39919. <comment>
  39920. control sys_ifc2_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39921. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39922. 2'b01: security access only
  39923. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39924. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39925. </comment>
  39926. </bits>
  39927. <bits access="rw" name="debug_host_wr_sec" pos="1:0" rst="3">
  39928. <comment>
  39929. control debug_host_wr_sec wr security attribute:
  39930. 2'b00: security/non-security can't access
  39931. 2'b01: security access only
  39932. 2'b10: non-security access ony
  39933. 2'b11: security/non-security access
  39934. </comment>
  39935. </bits>
  39936. </reg>
  39937. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_first_addr_0">
  39938. <bits access="r" name="id0_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  39939. </bits>
  39940. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  39941. </bits>
  39942. </reg>
  39943. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_last_addr_0">
  39944. <bits access="r" name="id0_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  39945. </bits>
  39946. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  39947. </bits>
  39948. </reg>
  39949. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_0">
  39950. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39951. <comment>
  39952. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39953. id0 mstid_0 master id control
  39954. </comment>
  39955. </bits>
  39956. </reg>
  39957. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_1">
  39958. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39959. <comment>
  39960. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39961. id0 mstid_1 master id control
  39962. </comment>
  39963. </bits>
  39964. </reg>
  39965. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_2">
  39966. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39967. <comment>
  39968. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39969. id0 mstid_2 master id control
  39970. </comment>
  39971. </bits>
  39972. </reg>
  39973. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_3">
  39974. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39975. <comment>
  39976. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39977. id0 mstid_3 master id control
  39978. </comment>
  39979. </bits>
  39980. </reg>
  39981. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_4">
  39982. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39983. <comment>
  39984. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39985. id0 mstid_4 master id control
  39986. </comment>
  39987. </bits>
  39988. </reg>
  39989. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_5">
  39990. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39991. <comment>
  39992. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  39993. id0 mstid_5 master id control
  39994. </comment>
  39995. </bits>
  39996. </reg>
  39997. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_6">
  39998. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  39999. <comment>
  40000. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40001. id0 mstid_6 master id control
  40002. </comment>
  40003. </bits>
  40004. </reg>
  40005. <reg protect="rw" name="id0_mstid_7">
  40006. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40007. <comment>
  40008. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40009. id0 mstid_7 master id control
  40010. </comment>
  40011. </bits>
  40012. </reg>
  40013. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_first_addr_0">
  40014. <bits access="r" name="id1_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  40015. </bits>
  40016. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  40017. </bits>
  40018. </reg>
  40019. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_last_addr_0">
  40020. <bits access="r" name="id1_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  40021. </bits>
  40022. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  40023. </bits>
  40024. </reg>
  40025. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_0">
  40026. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40027. <comment>
  40028. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40029. id1 mstid_0 master id control
  40030. </comment>
  40031. </bits>
  40032. </reg>
  40033. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_1">
  40034. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40035. <comment>
  40036. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40037. id1 mstid_1 master id control
  40038. </comment>
  40039. </bits>
  40040. </reg>
  40041. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_2">
  40042. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40043. <comment>
  40044. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40045. id1 mstid_2 master id control
  40046. </comment>
  40047. </bits>
  40048. </reg>
  40049. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_3">
  40050. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40051. <comment>
  40052. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40053. id1 mstid_3 master id control
  40054. </comment>
  40055. </bits>
  40056. </reg>
  40057. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_4">
  40058. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40059. <comment>
  40060. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40061. id1 mstid_4 master id control
  40062. </comment>
  40063. </bits>
  40064. </reg>
  40065. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_5">
  40066. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40067. <comment>
  40068. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40069. id1 mstid_5 master id control
  40070. </comment>
  40071. </bits>
  40072. </reg>
  40073. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_6">
  40074. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40075. <comment>
  40076. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40077. id1 mstid_6 master id control
  40078. </comment>
  40079. </bits>
  40080. </reg>
  40081. <reg protect="rw" name="id1_mstid_7">
  40082. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40083. <comment>
  40084. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40085. id1 mstid_7 master id control
  40086. </comment>
  40087. </bits>
  40088. </reg>
  40089. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_first_addr_0">
  40090. <bits access="r" name="id2_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  40091. </bits>
  40092. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  40093. </bits>
  40094. </reg>
  40095. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_last_addr_0">
  40096. <bits access="r" name="id2_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  40097. </bits>
  40098. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  40099. </bits>
  40100. </reg>
  40101. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_0">
  40102. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40103. <comment>
  40104. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40105. id2 mstid_0 master id control
  40106. </comment>
  40107. </bits>
  40108. </reg>
  40109. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_1">
  40110. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40111. <comment>
  40112. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40113. id2 mstid_1 master id control
  40114. </comment>
  40115. </bits>
  40116. </reg>
  40117. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_2">
  40118. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40119. <comment>
  40120. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40121. id2 mstid_2 master id control
  40122. </comment>
  40123. </bits>
  40124. </reg>
  40125. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_3">
  40126. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40127. <comment>
  40128. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40129. id2 mstid_3 master id control
  40130. </comment>
  40131. </bits>
  40132. </reg>
  40133. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_4">
  40134. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40135. <comment>
  40136. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40137. id2 mstid_4 master id control
  40138. </comment>
  40139. </bits>
  40140. </reg>
  40141. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_5">
  40142. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40143. <comment>
  40144. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40145. id2 mstid_5 master id control
  40146. </comment>
  40147. </bits>
  40148. </reg>
  40149. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_6">
  40150. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40151. <comment>
  40152. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40153. id2 mstid_6 master id control
  40154. </comment>
  40155. </bits>
  40156. </reg>
  40157. <reg protect="rw" name="id2_mstid_7">
  40158. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40159. <comment>
  40160. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40161. id2 mstid_7 master id control
  40162. </comment>
  40163. </bits>
  40164. </reg>
  40165. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_first_addr_0">
  40166. <bits access="r" name="id3_first_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  40167. </bits>
  40168. <bits access="rw" name="first_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="65535">
  40169. </bits>
  40170. </reg>
  40171. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_last_addr_0">
  40172. <bits access="r" name="id3_last_addr_0_reserved_0" pos="31:16" rst="0">
  40173. </bits>
  40174. <bits access="rw" name="last_addr_0" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  40175. </bits>
  40176. </reg>
  40177. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_0">
  40178. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_0" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40179. <comment>
  40180. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40181. id3 mstid_0 master id control
  40182. </comment>
  40183. </bits>
  40184. </reg>
  40185. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_1">
  40186. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_1" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40187. <comment>
  40188. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40189. id3 mstid_1 master id control
  40190. </comment>
  40191. </bits>
  40192. </reg>
  40193. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_2">
  40194. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_2" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40195. <comment>
  40196. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40197. id3 mstid_2 master id control
  40198. </comment>
  40199. </bits>
  40200. </reg>
  40201. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_3">
  40202. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_3" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40203. <comment>
  40204. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40205. id3 mstid_3 master id control
  40206. </comment>
  40207. </bits>
  40208. </reg>
  40209. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_4">
  40210. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_4" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40211. <comment>
  40212. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40213. id3 mstid_4 master id control
  40214. </comment>
  40215. </bits>
  40216. </reg>
  40217. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_5">
  40218. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_5" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40219. <comment>
  40220. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40221. id3 mstid_5 master id control
  40222. </comment>
  40223. </bits>
  40224. </reg>
  40225. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_6">
  40226. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_6" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40227. <comment>
  40228. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40229. id3 mstid_6 master id control
  40230. </comment>
  40231. </bits>
  40232. </reg>
  40233. <reg protect="rw" name="id3_mstid_7">
  40234. <bits access="rw" name="mstid_7" pos="31:0" rst="0">
  40235. <comment>
  40236. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40237. id3 mstid_7 master id control
  40238. </comment>
  40239. </bits>
  40240. </reg>
  40241. <reg protect="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass">
  40242. <bits access="r" name="clk_gate_bypass_reserved_0" pos="31:1" rst="0">
  40243. </bits>
  40244. <bits access="rw" name="clk_gate_bypass" pos="0" rst="0">
  40245. <comment>
  40246. bit type is changed from wr to rw.
  40247. clk_gate_bypass
  40248. </comment>
  40249. </bits>
  40250. </reg>
  40251. </module>
  40252. </archive>
  40253. <archive relative = "spi_flash.xml">
  40254. <module name="spi_flash" category="System">
  40255. <reg name="spi_cmd_addr" protect="rw">
  40256. <bits access="rw" name="spi_tx_cmd" pos="7:0" rst="all0">
  40257. <comment> spi flash command to send.
  40258. </comment>
  40259. </bits>
  40260. <bits access="rw" name="spi_address" pos="31:8" rst="all0">
  40261. <comment> spi flash address to send.
  40262. </comment>
  40263. </bits>
  40264. </reg>
  40265. <reg name="spi_block_size" protect="rw">
  40266. <bits access="rw" name="spi_modebit" pos="7:0" rst="all0">
  40267. <comment> spi flash modebit,set 0xA0 to enable continuous read.
  40268. </comment>
  40269. </bits>
  40270. <bits access="rw" name="spi_rw_blk_size" pos="16:8" rst="0x1">
  40271. <comment> spi flash spi read/write block size.
  40272. </comment>
  40273. </bits>
  40274. <bits access="rw" name="continuous enable" pos="24" rst="0x0">
  40275. </bits>
  40276. </reg>
  40277. <reg name="spi_data_fifo" protect="w">
  40278. <bits access="w" name="spi_tx_data" pos="7:0" rst="all0">
  40279. <comment> spi flash data to send.
  40280. </comment>
  40281. </bits>
  40282. <bits access="w" name="spi_send_type" pos="8" rst="0x0">
  40283. <comment> spi send byte, 1: quad send 0: spi send.
  40284. </comment>
  40285. </bits>
  40286. </reg>
  40287. <reg name="spi_fifo_status" protect="r">
  40288. <bits access="r" name="spi_flash_busy" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  40289. <comment> spi flash busy.
  40290. </comment>
  40291. </bits>
  40292. <bits access="r" name="tx_fifo_empty" pos="1" rst="0x1">
  40293. <comment> tx fifo empty.
  40294. </comment>
  40295. </bits>
  40296. <bits access="r" name="tx_fifo_full" pos="2" rst="0x0">
  40297. <comment> tx fifo full.
  40298. </comment>
  40299. </bits>
  40300. <bits access="r" name="rx_fifo_empty" pos="3" rst="0x1">
  40301. <comment> rx fifo empty.
  40302. </comment>
  40303. </bits>
  40304. <bits access="r" name="rx_fifo_count" pos="8:4" rst="all0">
  40305. <comment> rx fifo data count.
  40306. </comment>
  40307. </bits>
  40308. <bits access="r" name="read_state_busy" pos="9" rst="0">
  40309. </bits>
  40310. <bits access="r" name="main_fsm_idle" pos="10" rst="0">
  40311. </bits>
  40312. </reg>
  40313. <reg name="spi_read_back" protect="r">
  40314. <bits access="r" name="spi_read_back_reg" pos="31:0" rst="all0">
  40315. <comment> spi flash read back data.
  40316. </comment>
  40317. </bits>
  40318. </reg>
  40319. <reg name="spi_config" protect="rw">
  40320. <bits access="rw" name="quad_mode" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  40321. <comment> spi flash read mode from AHB.
  40322. </comment>
  40323. <options>
  40324. <option name="spi_read" value ="0"></option>
  40325. <option name="quad_read" value ="1"></option>
  40326. </options>
  40327. </bits>
  40328. <bits access="rw" name="spi_wprotect_pin" pos="1" rst="0x0">
  40329. <comment> spi flash wprotect pin.
  40330. </comment>
  40331. </bits>
  40332. <bits access="rw" name="spi_hold_pin" pos="2" rst="0x0">
  40333. <comment> spi flash hold pin.
  40334. </comment>
  40335. </bits>
  40336. <bits access="rw" name="winbond_xm_chip" pos="3" rst="0x0">
  40337. <comment> device is winbond or xm chip.
  40338. </comment>
  40339. </bits>
  40340. <bits access="rw" name="sample_delay" pos="6:4" rst="0x2">
  40341. <comment> spi flash read sample delay cycles.
  40342. </comment>
  40343. </bits>
  40344. <bits access="rw" name="bypass_start_read" pos="7" rst="0x0">
  40345. </bits>
  40346. <bits access="rw" name="clk_divider" pos="15:8" rst="0x8">
  40347. <comment> spi flash clock divider.
  40348. </comment>
  40349. </bits>
  40350. <bits access="rw" name="cmd_quad" pos="16" rst="0x0">
  40351. <comment> spi flash send command using quad lines.
  40352. </comment>
  40353. </bits>
  40354. <bits access="rw" name="tx_rx_size" pos="18:17" rst="0x0">
  40355. </bits>
  40356. </reg>
  40357. <reg name="spi_fifo_control" protect="w">
  40358. <bits access="w" name="rx_fifo_clr" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  40359. <comment> rx fifo_clr,self clear.
  40360. </comment>
  40361. </bits>
  40362. <bits access="w" name="tx_fifo_clr" pos="1" rst="0x0">
  40363. <comment> tx fifo_clr,self clear.
  40364. </comment>
  40365. </bits>
  40366. </reg>
  40367. <reg name="spi_cs_size" protect="rw">
  40368. <bits access="rw" name="spi_cs_num" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  40369. <comment> spi flash cs num.
  40370. </comment>
  40371. <options>
  40372. <option name="1 spiflash" value ="0"></option>
  40373. <option name="2 spiflash" value ="1"></option>
  40374. </options>
  40375. </bits>
  40376. <bits access="rw" name="spi size" pos="2:1" rst="all0">
  40377. <comment> single chip spi flash size.
  40378. </comment>
  40379. <options>
  40380. <option name="32m" value ="0"></option>
  40381. <option name="64m" value ="1"></option>
  40382. <option name="16m" value ="2"></option>
  40383. <option name="8m" value ="3"></option>
  40384. </options>
  40385. </bits>
  40386. <bits access="rw" name="spi_128m" pos="3" rst="0x0">
  40387. <comment> spi flash is 128m flash.
  40388. </comment>
  40389. <options>
  40390. <option name="other spiflash" value ="0"></option>
  40391. <option name="128m spiflash" value ="1"></option>
  40392. </options>
  40393. </bits>
  40394. <bits access="rw" name="SEL_FLASH_1_SEL" pos="5" rst="0x0">
  40395. <options>
  40396. <option name="flash 0" value ="0"></option>
  40397. <option name="flash 1" value ="1"></option>
  40398. </options>
  40399. </bits>
  40400. <bits access="rw" name="spi_cs1_sel1" pos="6" rst="0x0">
  40401. </bits>
  40402. <bits access="rw" name="diff_128m_diff_cmd_en" pos="7" rst="0x0">
  40403. </bits>
  40404. </reg>
  40405. <reg name="spi_read_cmd" protect="rw">
  40406. <bits access="rw" name="qread_cmd" pos="7:0" rst="8'heb">
  40407. <comment> quad read command.
  40408. </comment>
  40409. </bits>
  40410. <bits access="rw" name="fread_cmd" pos="15:8" rst="8'h0b">
  40411. <comment> fast read command.
  40412. </comment>
  40413. </bits>
  40414. <bits access="rw" name="read_cmd" pos="23:16" rst="8'h03">
  40415. <comment> read command.
  40416. </comment>
  40417. </bits>
  40418. <bits access="w" name="protect_byte" pos="31:24" rst="all0">
  40419. <comment> protect_byte, must be 0x55 when program this register.
  40420. </comment>
  40421. </bits>
  40422. </reg>
  40423. <reg name="spi_flash_24" protect="rw">
  40424. <bits access="rw" name="nand_sel" pos="0" rst="all0">
  40425. </bits>
  40426. <bits access="rw" name="nand_addr" pos="2:1" rst="all0">
  40427. </bits>
  40428. <bits access="rw" name="page_read_cmd" pos="15:8" rst="8'h13">
  40429. </bits>
  40430. <bits access="rw" name="get_sts_cmd" pos="23:16" rst="8'h0f">
  40431. </bits>
  40432. <bits access="rw" name="ram_read_cmd" pos="31:24" rst="8'h03">
  40433. </bits>
  40434. </reg>
  40435. <reg name="spi_flash_28" protect="rw">
  40436. <bits access="rw" name="get_sts_addr" pos="7:0" rst="8'hc0">
  40437. </bits>
  40438. <bits access="rw" name="program_exe_cmd" pos="15:8" rst="8'h10">
  40439. </bits>
  40440. <bits access="rw" name="sts_qip" pos="23:16" rst="8'h01">
  40441. </bits>
  40442. </reg>
  40443. <reg name="spi_flash_2c" protect="rw">
  40444. <bits access="rw" name="four_byte_addr" pos="0" rst="all0">
  40445. </bits>
  40446. <bits access="rw" name="dummy_cycle_en" pos="1" rst="all0">
  40447. </bits>
  40448. <bits access="rw" name="dummy_cycle" pos="11:8" rst="8'h08">
  40449. </bits>
  40450. </reg>
  40451. <reg name="spi_flash_30" protect="rw">
  40452. <bits access="rw" name="first_128m_cmd" pos="7:0" rst="0x8c">
  40453. </bits>
  40454. <bits access="rw" name="second_128m_cmd" pos="15:8" rst="0x8d">
  40455. </bits>
  40456. <bits access="rw" name="third_128m_cmd" pos="23:16" rst="8'h0">
  40457. </bits>
  40458. <bits access="rw" name="fourth_128m_cmd" pos="31:24" rst="8'h0">
  40459. </bits>
  40460. </reg>
  40461. <reg name="timeout_value" protect="rw">
  40462. <bits access="rw" name="timeout_value" pos="31:0" rst="32'h4000">
  40463. </bits>
  40464. </reg>
  40465. <reg name="ahb_flash_ctrl" protect="rw">
  40466. <bits access="rw" name="ahb_read" pos="0" rst="0x0">
  40467. <comment> disable read from ahb.
  40468. </comment>
  40469. <options>
  40470. <option name="enable" value ="0"></option>
  40471. <option name="disable" value ="1"></option>
  40472. </options>
  40473. </bits>
  40474. </reg>
  40475. <reg name="sus_time_ctrl" protect="rw">
  40476. <bits access="rw" name="tsus_value" pos="15:0" rst="1000">
  40477. </bits>
  40478. <bits access="rw" name="tres_value" pos="31:16" rst="10">
  40479. </bits>
  40480. </reg>
  40481. <reg name="flash_irq" protect="rw">
  40482. <bits access="rc" name="pr_er_done_cause" pos="0" rst="0">
  40483. </bits>
  40484. <bits access="rc" name="pr_er_done_status" pos="16" rst="0">
  40485. </bits>
  40486. </reg>
  40487. <reg name="flash_irq_mask" protect="rw">
  40488. <bits access="rw" name="pr_er_done_mask" pos="0" rst="0">
  40489. </bits>
  40490. </reg>
  40491. </module>
  40492. </archive>
  40493. <archive relative = "spi.xml">
  40494. <var name = "SPI_TX_FIFO_SIZE" value="16"/>
  40495. <var name = "SPI_RX_FIFO_SIZE" value="16"/>
  40496. <module name="spi" category="Periph">
  40497. <reg name="ctrl" protect="rw">
  40498. <bits name="Enable" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  40499. <comment>Enable the module and activate the chip select selected by CS_sel field.
  40500. </comment>
  40501. </bits>
  40502. <bits name="CS_sel" pos="2:1" access="rw" rst="0">
  40503. <comment>Selects the active CS.
  40504. </comment>
  40505. <options>
  40506. <option name="CS0" value="0"/>
  40507. <option name="CS1" value="1"/>
  40508. <option name="CS2" value="2"/>
  40509. <option name="CS3" value="3"/>
  40510. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40511. </options>
  40512. </bits>
  40513. <bits name="Input_mode" pos="4" access="rw" rst="1">
  40514. <comment>When set to 1 the inputs are activated, else only the output is driven and no data are stored in the receive FIFO.
  40515. <br/>Notes: The Input_mode bit status is also readable onto the bit rxtx_buffer[31].
  40516. </comment>
  40517. </bits>
  40518. <bits name="Clock_Polarity" pos="5" access="rw" rst="1">
  40519. <comment>The spi clock polarity
  40520. <br/>when '0' the clock disabled level is low, and the first edge is a rising edge.
  40521. <br/>When '1' the clock disabled level is high, and the first edge is a falling edge.
  40522. </comment>
  40523. </bits>
  40524. <bits name="Clock_Delay" pos="7:6" access="rw" rst="3">
  40525. <comment>Transfer start to first edge delay value from 0 to 2 is the number of spi clock half period between the CS activation and the first clock edge.
  40526. </comment>
  40527. </bits>
  40528. <bits name="DO_Delay" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="3">
  40529. <comment>Transfer start to first data out delay value from 0 to 2 is the number of spi clock half period between the CS activation and the first data out
  40530. </comment>
  40531. </bits>
  40532. <bits name="DI_Delay" pos="11:10" access="rw" rst="3">
  40533. <comment>Transfer start to first data in sample delay value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock half period between the CS activation and the first data in sampled.
  40534. <br/>NOTE: DI_Delay must be less or equal to DO_Delay + CS_Delay + 2.
  40535. <br/>In other words DI_Delay can be 3 only if DO_Delay and CS_Delay are not both equal to 0.
  40536. </comment>
  40537. </bits>
  40538. <bits name="CS_Delay" pos="13:12" access="rw" rst="3">
  40539. <comment>Transfer end to chip select deactivation delay value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock half period between the end of transfer and CS deactivation
  40540. </comment>
  40541. </bits>
  40542. <bits name="CS_Pulse" pos="15:14" access="rw" rst="3">
  40543. <comment>Chip select deactivation to reactivation minimum delay value from 0 to 3 is the number of spi clock half period between the CS deactivation and a new CS activation (CS will activate only if more data are available in the transmit FIFO)
  40544. </comment>
  40545. </bits>
  40546. <bits name="Frame_Size" pos="21:16" access="rw" rst="63">
  40547. <comment>Frame Size
  40548. <br/>The frame size is the binary value of this register + 1 valid value are 3 to 63 (frame size 4 to 64bits)
  40549. </comment>
  40550. </bits>
  40551. <bits name="OE_delay" pos="28:23" access="rw" rst="63">
  40552. <comment>OE delay
  40553. <br/>When 0: regular mode, SPI_DO pin as output only.
  40554. <br/>Value from 1 to 63 is the number of data out to transfert before the SPI_DO pin switch to input.
  40555. </comment>
  40556. </bits>
  40557. <bits name="ctrl_data_mux_sel" pos="29" access="rw" rst="0">
  40558. <comment>Selects the active CS and Input_reg either from the ctrl or rxtx_buffer register.
  40559. <br/>If SPI FIFO 8b or 32b, when set to "0": CS from CS_sel and INPUT from Input_mode in the register ctrl.
  40560. <br/>Only if SPI FIFO 32b, when set to "1": CS and INPUT from SPI DATA.(Do not work for FIFO8b)
  40561. </comment>
  40562. <options>
  40563. <option name="Ctrl_reg_sel" value="0"/>
  40564. <option name="Data_reg_sel" value="1"/>
  40565. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40566. </options>
  40567. </bits>
  40568. <bits name="Input_sel" pos="31:30" access="rw" rst="0">
  40569. <comment>Selects the input line to be used as SPI data in.(Not used for SPI3)
  40570. <br/>when "00" the SPI_DI_0 is used.
  40571. <br/>When "01" the SPI_DI_1 is used.
  40572. <br/>When "10" the SPI_DI_2 is used.
  40573. <br/>When "11" reserved.
  40574. </comment>
  40575. </bits>
  40576. </reg>
  40577. <reg name="status" protect="rw">
  40578. <bits name="Active_Status" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  40579. <comment>'1' when a transfer is in progress.
  40580. </comment>
  40581. </bits>
  40582. <bits name="Cause_Rx_Ovf_Irq" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  40583. <comment>The receive FIFO overflow irq cause.
  40584. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the receive overflow status and cause.
  40585. </comment>
  40586. </bits>
  40587. <bits name="Cause_Tx_Th_Irq" pos="4" access="r" rst="0">
  40588. <comment>The transmit FIFO threshold irq cause.
  40589. </comment>
  40590. </bits>
  40591. <bits name="Cause_Tx_Dma_Irq" pos="5" access="rw" rst="0">
  40592. <comment>The transmit Dma Done irq cause.
  40593. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the transmit Dma Done status and cause.
  40594. </comment>
  40595. </bits>
  40596. <bits name="Cause_Rx_Th_Irq" pos="6" access="r" rst="0">
  40597. <comment>The receive FIFO threshold irq cause.
  40598. </comment>
  40599. </bits>
  40600. <bits name="Cause_Rx_Dma_Irq" pos="7" access="rw" rst="0">
  40601. <comment>The receive Dma Done irq cause.
  40602. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the receive Dma Done status and cause.
  40603. </comment>
  40604. </bits>
  40605. <bitgroup name="Irq_Cause">
  40606. <entry ref="Cause_Rx_Ovf_Irq"/>
  40607. <entry ref="Cause_Tx_Th_Irq"/>
  40608. <entry ref="Cause_Tx_Dma_Irq"/>
  40609. <entry ref="Cause_Rx_Th_Irq"/>
  40610. <entry ref="Cause_Rx_Dma_Irq"/>
  40611. </bitgroup>
  40612. <bits name="Tx_Ovf" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0">
  40613. <comment>The transmit FIFO overflow status.
  40614. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the transmit overflow status and cause.
  40615. </comment>
  40616. </bits>
  40617. <bits name="Rx_Udf" pos="10" access="rw" rst="0">
  40618. <comment>The receive FIFO underflow status.
  40619. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the receive underflow status and cause.
  40620. </comment>
  40621. </bits>
  40622. <bits name="Rx_Ovf" pos="11" access="rw" rst="0">
  40623. <comment>The receive FIFO overflow status.
  40624. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the receive overflow status and cause.
  40625. </comment>
  40626. </bits>
  40627. <bits name="Tx_Th" pos="12" access="r" rst="0">
  40628. <comment>The transmit FIFO threshold status.
  40629. </comment>
  40630. </bits>
  40631. <bits name="Tx_Dma_Done" pos="13" access="rw" rst="0">
  40632. <comment>The transmit Dma Done status.
  40633. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the transmit Dma Done status and cause.
  40634. </comment>
  40635. </bits>
  40636. <bits name="Rx_Th" pos="14" access="r" rst="0">
  40637. <comment>The receive FIFO threshold status.
  40638. </comment>
  40639. </bits>
  40640. <bits name="Rx_Dma_Done" pos="15" access="rw" rst="0">
  40641. <comment>The receive Dma Done status.
  40642. <br/>Writing a '1' clear the receive Dma Done status and cause.
  40643. </comment>
  40644. </bits>
  40645. <bits name="Tx_Space" pos="20:16" access="r" rst="16" >
  40646. <comment>Transmit FIFO Space
  40647. <br/>Number of empty spot in the FIFO
  40648. </comment>
  40649. <options>
  40650. <mask/>
  40651. <shift/>
  40652. </options>
  40653. </bits>
  40654. <bits name="Rx_Level" pos="28:24" access="r" rst="0">
  40655. <comment>Receive FIFO level
  40656. <br/>Number of DATA in the FIFO
  40657. </comment>
  40658. <options>
  40659. <mask/>
  40660. <shift/>
  40661. </options>
  40662. </bits>
  40663. <bits name="FIFO_Flush" pos="30" access="w" rst="0">
  40664. <comment>Writing '1' flush both FIFO, don't do it when SPI is active (transfer in progress)
  40665. </comment>
  40666. </bits>
  40667. </reg>
  40668. <reg name="rxtx_buffer" protect="--">
  40669. <comment>Spi1 fifo size (rxtx_buffer): 8bits.<br/>
  40670. Spi2 fifo size (rxtx_buffer): 8bits.<br/>
  40671. Spi3 fifo size (rxtx_buffer): 32bits.<br/>
  40672. </comment>
  40673. <bits name="DATA_IN_OUT" pos="28:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  40674. <comment>Write to the transmit FIFO
  40675. Read in the receive FIFO.
  40676. </comment>
  40677. </bits>
  40678. <bits name="CS" pos="30:29" access="rw" rst="0">
  40679. <comment>
  40680. Chip Select on which write the data written in the
  40681. Fifo.
  40682. Data in bit [30:29]
  40683. Data out bit [30:29]
  40684. </comment>
  40685. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  40686. </bits>
  40687. <bits name="READ_ENA" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  40688. <comment>
  40689. Set this bit to one when the data received while sending
  40690. this peculiar data are expected to be kept in the FIFO,
  40691. otherwise no data is recorded in the FIFO.
  40692. Data in bit [31]
  40693. Data out bit [31]
  40694. </comment>
  40695. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  40696. </bits>
  40697. </reg>
  40698. <reg name="cfg" protect="rw">
  40699. <bits name="CS_Polarity" pos="2:0" access="rw" rst="all1" cut="1" cutprefix="CS_Polarity">
  40700. <comment>Chip select polarity
  40701. </comment>
  40702. <options>
  40703. <option name="active high" value="0"><comment>chip select is active high</comment></option>
  40704. <option name="active low" value="1"><comment>chip select is active low</comment></option>
  40705. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  40706. </options>
  40707. </bits>
  40708. <bits name="Clock_Divider" pos="25:16" access="rw" rst="0x3ff">
  40709. <comment>Clock Divider
  40710. <br/>The state machine clock is generated by dividing the system clock by the value of this register + 1.
  40711. <br/>So the output clock is divided by (register + 1)*2
  40712. </comment>
  40713. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  40714. </bits>
  40715. <bits name="Clock_Limiter" pos="28" access="rw" rst="1">
  40716. <comment>When enabled the clock input to the divider is not the system clock, but a limited version of it: It cannot be above 52MHz, so the output clock will never be above 26MHz.
  40717. <br/> for system clock of 104Mhz the clock input to the divider is 52Mhz, for system clock of 78Mhz the clock input to the divider is 39Mhz, for lower system clock value, the input to the divider is the system clock.
  40718. </comment>
  40719. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  40720. </bits>
  40721. </reg>
  40722. <reg name="pattern" protect="rw">
  40723. <bits name="pattern" pos="7:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  40724. <comment>MMC Pattern value for RX pattern match mode.
  40725. </comment>
  40726. </bits>
  40727. <bits name="pattern_mode" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  40728. <comment> Enable the pattern mode.
  40729. </comment>
  40730. <options>
  40731. <option name="disabled" value="0"><comment>Spi Behaviour.</comment></option>
  40732. <option name="enabled" value="1"><comment>Pattern matching.</comment></option>
  40733. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40734. </options>
  40735. </bits>
  40736. <bits name="pattern_selector" pos="9" access="rw" rst="0">
  40737. <comment> Select the RX pattern matching mode when the pattern_mode is enabled( set 1). Used for SD/MMC SPI mode.</comment>
  40738. <options>
  40739. <option name="UNTIL" value="0"><comment>No datas are written into the RX FIFO UNTIL the received data is equal to the pattern.</comment></option>
  40740. <option name="WHILE" value="1"><comment>No datas are written into the RX FIFO WHILE the received data is equal to the pattern.</comment></option>
  40741. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40742. </options>
  40743. </bits>
  40744. </reg>
  40745. <reg name="stream" protect="rw">
  40746. <bits name="tx_stream_bit" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  40747. <comment>When TX stream mode is enabled, once the TX fifo is empty, all new bits send have the value of this bit.
  40748. </comment>
  40749. <options>
  40750. <option name="zero" value="0"/>
  40751. <option name="one" value="1"/>
  40752. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40753. </options>
  40754. </bits>
  40755. <bits name="tx_stream_mode" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  40756. <comment>Enable the TX stream mode. Used for SD/MMC SPI mode.
  40757. <br/>When enabled, this mode provide infinite bit stream for sending, after fifo is empty the extra bits generated all have the same value. The value is in tx_stream_bit.
  40758. </comment>
  40759. <options>
  40760. <option name="disabled" value="0"/>
  40761. <option name="enabled" value="1"/>
  40762. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40763. </options>
  40764. </bits>
  40765. <bits name="tx_stream_stop_with_rx_dma_done" pos="16" access="rw" rst="0">
  40766. <comment>Allow to automatically clear the tx_stream_mode when Rx_Dma_Done is set.
  40767. </comment>
  40768. <options>
  40769. <option name="disabled" value="0"/>
  40770. <option name="enabled" value="1"/>
  40771. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40772. </options>
  40773. </bits>
  40774. </reg>
  40775. <reg name="pin_control" protect="rw">
  40776. <bits name="clk_ctrl" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  40777. <options>
  40778. <option name="Spi Ctrl" value="0"><comment>The Spi_Clk pin is set OUTPUT(Basic SPI Behaviour).</comment></option>
  40779. <option name="Input Ctrl" value="1"><comment>The Spi_Clk pin is set INPUT (High Impedance).</comment></option>
  40780. <option name="Force 0 Ctrl" value="2"><comment>The Spi_Clk pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 0.</comment></option>
  40781. <option name="Force 1 Ctrl" value="3"><comment>The Spi_Clk pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 1.</comment></option>
  40782. <default/>
  40783. <mask/>
  40784. <shift/>
  40785. </options>
  40786. </bits>
  40787. <bits name="do_ctrl" pos="3:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  40788. <options>
  40789. <option name="Spi Ctrl" value="0"><comment>The Spi_DO pin is set OUTPUT(Basic SPI Behaviour).</comment></option>
  40790. <option name="Input Ctrl" value="1"><comment>The Spi_DO pin is set INPUT (High Impedance).</comment></option>
  40791. <option name="Force 0 Ctrl" value="2"><comment>The Spi_DO pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 0.</comment></option>
  40792. <option name="Force 1 Ctrl" value="3"><comment>The Spi_DO pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 1.</comment></option>
  40793. <default/>
  40794. <mask/>
  40795. <shift/>
  40796. </options>
  40797. </bits>
  40798. <bits name="cs0_ctrl" pos="5:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  40799. <options>
  40800. <option name="Spi Ctrl" value="0"><comment>The Spi_CSO pin is set OUTPUT(Basic SPI Behaviour).</comment></option>
  40801. <option name="Input Ctrl" value="1"><comment>The Spi_CSO pin is set INPUT (High Impedance).</comment></option>
  40802. <option name="Force 0 Ctrl" value="2"><comment>The Spi_CSO pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 0.</comment></option>
  40803. <option name="Force 1 Ctrl" value="3"><comment>The Spi_CSO pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 1.</comment></option>
  40804. <default/>
  40805. <mask/>
  40806. <shift/>
  40807. </options>
  40808. </bits>
  40809. <bits name="cs1_ctrl" pos="7:6" access="rw" rst="0">
  40810. <options>
  40811. <option name="Spi Ctrl" value="0"><comment>The Spi_CS1 pin is set OUTPUT(Basic SPI Behaviour).</comment></option>
  40812. <option name="Input Ctrl" value="1"><comment>The Spi_CS1 pin is set INPUT (High Impedance).</comment></option>
  40813. <option name="Force 0 Ctrl" value="2"><comment>The Spi_CS1 pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 0.</comment></option>
  40814. <option name="Force 1 Ctrl" value="3"><comment>The Spi_CS1 pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 1.</comment></option>
  40815. <default/>
  40816. <mask/>
  40817. <shift/>
  40818. </options>
  40819. </bits>
  40820. <bits name="cs2_ctrl" pos="9:8" access="rw" rst="0">
  40821. <options>
  40822. <option name="Spi Ctrl" value="0"><comment>The Spi_CS2 pin is set OUTPUT(Basic SPI Behaviour).</comment></option>
  40823. <option name="Input Ctrl" value="1"><comment>The Spi_CS2 pin is set INPUT (High Impedance).</comment></option>
  40824. <option name="Force 0 Ctrl" value="2"><comment>The Spi_CS2 pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 0.</comment></option>
  40825. <option name="Force 1 Ctrl" value="3"><comment>The Spi_CS2 pin is set OUTPUT and forced to 1.</comment></option>
  40826. <default/>
  40827. <mask/>
  40828. <shift/>
  40829. </options>
  40830. </bits>
  40831. </reg>
  40832. <reg name="irq" protect="rw">
  40833. <bits name="Mask_Rx_ovf_Irq" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  40834. <comment>Mask the receive FIFO overflow irq
  40835. </comment>
  40836. </bits>
  40837. <bits name="Mask_Tx_Th_Irq" pos="1" access="rw" rst="0">
  40838. <comment>Mask the transmit FIFO threshold irq
  40839. </comment>
  40840. </bits>
  40841. <bits name="Mask_Tx_Dma_Irq" pos="2" access="rw" rst="0">
  40842. <comment>Mask the transmit Dma Done irq
  40843. </comment>
  40844. </bits>
  40845. <bits name="Mask_Rx_Th_Irq" pos="3" access="rw" rst="0">
  40846. <comment>Mask the receive FIFO threshold irq
  40847. </comment>
  40848. </bits>
  40849. <bits name="Mask_Rx_Dma_Irq" pos="4" access="rw" rst="0">
  40850. <comment>Mask the receive DMA Done irq
  40851. </comment>
  40852. </bits>
  40853. <bitgroup name="Irq_Mask">
  40854. <entry ref="Mask_Rx_ovf_Irq"/>
  40855. <entry ref="Mask_Tx_Th_Irq"/>
  40856. <entry ref="Mask_Tx_Dma_Irq"/>
  40857. <entry ref="Mask_Rx_Th_Irq"/>
  40858. <entry ref="Mask_Rx_Dma_Irq"/>
  40859. </bitgroup>
  40860. <bits name="Tx_Threshold" pos="6:5" access="rw" rst="3">
  40861. <comment>Transmit FIFO threshold this threshold is used to generate the irq.
  40862. </comment>
  40863. <options>
  40864. <option name="1 Empty Slot" value="0"/>
  40865. <option name="4 Empty Slots" value="1"/>
  40866. <option name="8 Empty Slots" value="2"/>
  40867. <option name="12 Empty Slots" value="3"/>
  40868. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40869. </options>
  40870. </bits>
  40871. <bits name="Rx_Threshold" pos="8:7" access="rw" rst="3">
  40872. <comment>Receive FIFO threshold this threshold is used to generate the irq.
  40873. </comment>
  40874. <options>
  40875. <option name="1 Valid Data" value="0"/>
  40876. <option name="4 Valid Data" value="1"/>
  40877. <option name="8 Valid Data" value="2"/>
  40878. <option name="12 Valid Data" value="3"/>
  40879. <default/><shift/><mask/>
  40880. </options>
  40881. </bits>
  40882. </reg>
  40883. </module>
  40884. </archive>
  40885. <archive relative = "sys_ctrl.xml">
  40886. <module name="sys_ctrl" category="System">
  40887. <reg name="chip_id" protect="r">
  40888. <bits access="r" name="major_id" pos="31:18" rst="0x226B">
  40889. </bits>
  40890. <bits access="r" name="minor_id" pos="17:13" rst="0x1">
  40891. </bits>
  40892. <bits access="r" name="bond_id" pos="12:12" rst="0x0">
  40893. </bits>
  40894. <bits access="r" name="metal_id" pos="11:0" rst="0x0">
  40895. </bits>
  40896. </reg>
  40897. <reg name="reg_dbg" protect="rw">
  40898. <bits access="rw" name="scratch" pos="15:0" rst="0x0">
  40899. </bits>
  40900. </reg>
  40901. <reg name="sys_rst_set0" protect="rw">
  40902. <bits access="w1s" name="set_rst_global" pos="31:31" rst="0x1">
  40903. </bits>
  40904. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_page_spy" pos="20:20" rst="0x1">
  40905. </bits>
  40906. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_i2s" pos="19:19" rst="0x1">
  40907. </bits>
  40908. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_keypad" pos="18:18" rst="0x1">
  40909. </bits>
  40910. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_seg_lcd" pos="17:17" rst="0x1">
  40911. </bits>
  40912. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_sdmmc" pos="16:16" rst="0x1">
  40913. </bits>
  40914. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_i2c3" pos="15:15" rst="0x1">
  40915. </bits>
  40916. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_i2c2" pos="14:14" rst="0x1">
  40917. </bits>
  40918. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_i2c1" pos="13:13" rst="0x1">
  40919. </bits>
  40920. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_gpt2" pos="12:12" rst="0x1">
  40921. </bits>
  40922. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_gpio2" pos="11:11" rst="0x1">
  40923. </bits>
  40924. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_spi2" pos="10:10" rst="0x1">
  40925. </bits>
  40926. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_spi1" pos="9:9" rst="0x1">
  40927. </bits>
  40928. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_uart5" pos="8:8" rst="0x1">
  40929. </bits>
  40930. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_uart4" pos="7:7" rst="0x1">
  40931. </bits>
  40932. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_uart3" pos="6:6" rst="0x1">
  40933. </bits>
  40934. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_wdt" pos="5:5" rst="0x1">
  40935. </bits>
  40936. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_timer2" pos="4:4" rst="0x1">
  40937. </bits>
  40938. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_sys_dec2" pos="3:3" rst="0x1">
  40939. </bits>
  40940. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_sys_dec1" pos="2:2" rst="0x1">
  40941. </bits>
  40942. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_sys_dma" pos="1:1" rst="0x1">
  40943. </bits>
  40944. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_starmcu" pos="0:0" rst="0x1">
  40945. </bits>
  40946. </reg>
  40947. <reg name="sys_rst_clr0" protect="rw">
  40948. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_page_spy" pos="20:20" rst="0x1">
  40949. </bits>
  40950. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_i2s" pos="19:19" rst="0x1">
  40951. </bits>
  40952. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_keypad" pos="18:18" rst="0x1">
  40953. </bits>
  40954. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_seg_lcd" pos="17:17" rst="0x1">
  40955. </bits>
  40956. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_sdmmc" pos="16:16" rst="0x1">
  40957. </bits>
  40958. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_i2c3" pos="15:15" rst="0x1">
  40959. </bits>
  40960. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_i2c2" pos="14:14" rst="0x1">
  40961. </bits>
  40962. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_i2c1" pos="13:13" rst="0x1">
  40963. </bits>
  40964. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_gpt2" pos="12:12" rst="0x1">
  40965. </bits>
  40966. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_gpio2" pos="11:11" rst="0x1">
  40967. </bits>
  40968. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_spi2" pos="10:10" rst="0x1">
  40969. </bits>
  40970. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_spi1" pos="9:9" rst="0x1">
  40971. </bits>
  40972. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_uart5" pos="8:8" rst="0x1">
  40973. </bits>
  40974. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_uart4" pos="7:7" rst="0x1">
  40975. </bits>
  40976. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_uart3" pos="6:6" rst="0x1">
  40977. </bits>
  40978. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_wdt" pos="5:5" rst="0x1">
  40979. </bits>
  40980. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_timer2" pos="4:4" rst="0x1">
  40981. </bits>
  40982. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_sys_dec2" pos="3:3" rst="0x1">
  40983. </bits>
  40984. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_sys_dec1" pos="2:2" rst="0x1">
  40985. </bits>
  40986. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_sys_dma" pos="1:1" rst="0x1">
  40987. </bits>
  40988. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_starmcu" pos="0:0" rst="0x1">
  40989. </bits>
  40990. </reg>
  40991. <reg name="sys_rst_set1" protect="rw">
  40992. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_med" pos="9:9" rst="0x1">
  40993. </bits>
  40994. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_ce_top" pos="8:8" rst="0x1">
  40995. </bits>
  40996. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_psram" pos="7:7" rst="0x1">
  40997. </bits>
  40998. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_dbg" pos="6:6" rst="0x1">
  40999. </bits>
  41000. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_sci2" pos="5:5" rst="0x1">
  41001. </bits>
  41002. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_adi_if" pos="4:4" rst="0x1">
  41003. </bits>
  41004. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_flash_ext" pos="3:3" rst="0x1">
  41005. </bits>
  41006. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_flash" pos="2:2" rst="0x1">
  41007. </bits>
  41008. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_iomux2" pos="1:1" rst="0x1">
  41009. </bits>
  41010. <bits access="rw1s" name="set_rst_efuse" pos="0:0" rst="0x1">
  41011. </bits>
  41012. </reg>
  41013. <reg name="sys_rst_clr1" protect="rw">
  41014. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_med" pos="9:9" rst="0x1">
  41015. </bits>
  41016. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_ce_top" pos="8:8" rst="0x1">
  41017. </bits>
  41018. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_psram" pos="7:7" rst="0x1">
  41019. </bits>
  41020. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_dbg" pos="6:6" rst="0x1">
  41021. </bits>
  41022. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_sci2" pos="5:5" rst="0x1">
  41023. </bits>
  41024. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_adi_if" pos="4:4" rst="0x1">
  41025. </bits>
  41026. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_flash_ext" pos="3:3" rst="0x1">
  41027. </bits>
  41028. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_flash" pos="2:2" rst="0x1">
  41029. </bits>
  41030. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_iomux2" pos="1:1" rst="0x1">
  41031. </bits>
  41032. <bits access="rw1c" name="clr_rst_efuse" pos="0:0" rst="0x1">
  41033. </bits>
  41034. </reg>
  41035. <reg name="clk_sys_enable0" protect="rw">
  41036. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_page_spy" pos="20:20" rst="0x0">
  41037. </bits>
  41038. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_i2s" pos="19:19" rst="0x0">
  41039. </bits>
  41040. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_keypad" pos="18:18" rst="0x0">
  41041. </bits>
  41042. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_seg_lcd" pos="17:17" rst="0x0">
  41043. </bits>
  41044. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_sdmmc" pos="16:16" rst="0x0">
  41045. </bits>
  41046. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_i2c3" pos="15:15" rst="0x0">
  41047. </bits>
  41048. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_i2c2" pos="14:14" rst="0x0">
  41049. </bits>
  41050. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_i2c1" pos="13:13" rst="0x0">
  41051. </bits>
  41052. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_gpt2" pos="12:12" rst="0x0">
  41053. </bits>
  41054. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_gpio2" pos="11:11" rst="0x0">
  41055. </bits>
  41056. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_spi2" pos="10:10" rst="0x0">
  41057. </bits>
  41058. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_spi1" pos="9:9" rst="0x0">
  41059. </bits>
  41060. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_uart5" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  41061. </bits>
  41062. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_uart4" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  41063. </bits>
  41064. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_uart3" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  41065. </bits>
  41066. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_wdt" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  41067. </bits>
  41068. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_timer2" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  41069. </bits>
  41070. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_sys_dec2" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  41071. </bits>
  41072. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_sys_dec1" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  41073. </bits>
  41074. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_sys_dma" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41075. </bits>
  41076. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_starmcu" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41077. </bits>
  41078. </reg>
  41079. <reg name="clk_sys_disable0" protect="rw">
  41080. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_page_spy" pos="20:20" rst="0x0">
  41081. </bits>
  41082. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_i2s" pos="19:19" rst="0x0">
  41083. </bits>
  41084. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_keypad" pos="18:18" rst="0x0">
  41085. </bits>
  41086. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_seg_lcd" pos="17:17" rst="0x0">
  41087. </bits>
  41088. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_sdmmc" pos="16:16" rst="0x0">
  41089. </bits>
  41090. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_i2c3" pos="15:15" rst="0x0">
  41091. </bits>
  41092. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_i2c2" pos="14:14" rst="0x0">
  41093. </bits>
  41094. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_i2c1" pos="13:13" rst="0x0">
  41095. </bits>
  41096. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_gpt2" pos="12:12" rst="0x0">
  41097. </bits>
  41098. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_gpio2" pos="11:11" rst="0x0">
  41099. </bits>
  41100. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_spi2" pos="10:10" rst="0x0">
  41101. </bits>
  41102. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_spi1" pos="9:9" rst="0x0">
  41103. </bits>
  41104. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_uart5" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  41105. </bits>
  41106. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_uart4" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  41107. </bits>
  41108. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_uart3" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  41109. </bits>
  41110. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_wdt" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  41111. </bits>
  41112. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_timer2" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  41113. </bits>
  41114. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_sys_dec2" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  41115. </bits>
  41116. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_sys_dec1" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  41117. </bits>
  41118. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_sys_dma" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41119. </bits>
  41120. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_starmcu" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41121. </bits>
  41122. </reg>
  41123. <reg name="clk_sys_enable1" protect="rw">
  41124. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_med" pos="9:9" rst="0x0">
  41125. </bits>
  41126. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_ce_top" pos="8:8" rst="0x0">
  41127. </bits>
  41128. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_psram" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  41129. </bits>
  41130. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_dbg" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  41131. </bits>
  41132. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_sci2" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  41133. </bits>
  41134. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_adi_if" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  41135. </bits>
  41136. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_flash_ext" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  41137. </bits>
  41138. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_flash" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  41139. </bits>
  41140. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_iomux2" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41141. </bits>
  41142. <bits access="rw1s" name="enable_efuse" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41143. </bits>
  41144. </reg>
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  41146. <bits access="rw1c" name="disable_med" pos="9:9" rst="0x0">
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  41259. </bits>
  41260. </reg>
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  41263. </bits>
  41264. </reg>
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  41283. </bits>
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  41287. </bits>
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  41289. </bits>
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  41328. </bits>
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  41358. </bits>
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  41360. </bits>
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  41362. </bits>
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  41438. </bits>
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  41498. </bits>
  41499. </reg>
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  41506. </bits>
  41507. </reg>
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  41510. </bits>
  41511. </reg>
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  41514. </bits>
  41515. </reg>
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  41536. </bits>
  41537. </reg>
  41538. <reg name="ctrl_of_rc26m_calib" protect="rw">
  41539. <bits access="w1s" name="calib_int_clr_rc26m" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  41540. </bits>
  41541. <bits access="rw" name="calib_int_en_rc26m" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41542. </bits>
  41543. <bits access="rw1s" name="calib_en_rc26m" pos="0:0" rst="0x1">
  41544. </bits>
  41545. </reg>
  41546. <reg name="num_of_clk1_32k" protect="r">
  41547. <bits access="r" name="num_of_clk1_32k" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  41548. </bits>
  41549. </reg>
  41550. <reg name="num_of_clk1_rc26m" protect="r">
  41551. <bits access="r" name="num_of_clk1_rc26m" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  41552. </bits>
  41553. </reg>
  41554. <reg name="star_cfg_nsst" protect="rw">
  41555. <bits access="rw" name="star_nsstcalib" pos="25:0" rst="0x270f">
  41556. </bits>
  41557. </reg>
  41558. <reg name="star_cfg_sst" protect="rw">
  41559. <bits access="rw" name="star_sstcalib" pos="25:0" rst="0x270f">
  41560. </bits>
  41561. </reg>
  41562. <reg name="mem_cfg1" protect="rw">
  41563. <bits access="rw" name="mem_config_1p" pos="31:0" rst="0x8441004b">
  41564. </bits>
  41565. </reg>
  41566. <reg name="timer2_divider" protect="rw">
  41567. <bits access="rw" name="timer2_div_num" pos="15:8" rst="0x1">
  41568. </bits>
  41569. <bits access="rw" name="timer2_div_denom" pos="7:0" rst="0x2">
  41570. </bits>
  41571. </reg>
  41572. <reg name="st_divider" protect="rw">
  41573. <bits access="rw" name="st_div_num" pos="15:8" rst="0x1">
  41574. </bits>
  41575. <bits access="rw" name="st_div_denom" pos="7:0" rst="0x2">
  41576. </bits>
  41577. </reg>
  41578. <reg name="sst_divider" protect="rw">
  41579. <bits access="rw" name="sst_div_num" pos="15:8" rst="0x1">
  41580. </bits>
  41581. <bits access="rw" name="sst_div_denom" pos="7:0" rst="0x2">
  41582. </bits>
  41583. </reg>
  41584. <reg name="sys_ctrl_rsd0" protect="rw">
  41585. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl_rsd0" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  41586. </bits>
  41587. </reg>
  41588. <reg name="sys_ctrl_rsd1" protect="rw">
  41589. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl_rsd1" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  41590. </bits>
  41591. </reg>
  41592. <reg name="sys_ctrl_rsd2" protect="rw">
  41593. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl_rsd2" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  41594. </bits>
  41595. </reg>
  41596. <reg name="sys_ctrl_rsd3" protect="rw">
  41597. <bits access="rw" name="sys_ctrl_rsd3" pos="31:0" rst="0x0">
  41598. </bits>
  41599. </reg>
  41600. <reg name="mem_cfg2" protect="rw">
  41601. <bits access="rw" name="mem_config_2p" pos="31:0" rst="0x80000011">
  41602. </bits>
  41603. </reg>
  41604. <reg name="clk_mnt26m_th0" protect="rw">
  41605. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt26m_th0" pos="7:0" rst="0x40">
  41606. </bits>
  41607. </reg>
  41608. <reg name="clk_mnt26m_th1" protect="rw">
  41609. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt26m_th1" pos="15:0" rst="0x3E8">
  41610. </bits>
  41611. </reg>
  41612. <reg name="clk_mnt26m_th2" protect="rw">
  41613. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt26m_th2" pos="6:0" rst="0x20">
  41614. </bits>
  41615. </reg>
  41616. <reg name="clk_mnt26m_th3" protect="rw">
  41617. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt26m_th3" pos="8:0" rst="0x80">
  41618. </bits>
  41619. </reg>
  41620. <reg name="clk_mnt32k_th0" protect="rw">
  41621. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt32k_th0" pos="11:0" rst="0x190">
  41622. </bits>
  41623. </reg>
  41624. <reg name="clk_mnt32k_th1" protect="rw">
  41625. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt32k_th1" pos="11:0" rst="0x6A4">
  41626. </bits>
  41627. </reg>
  41628. <reg name="clk_mnt_ctrl" protect="rw">
  41629. <bits access="r" name="st_clk_mnt26m" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  41630. </bits>
  41631. <bits access="r" name="st_clk_mnt32k" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  41632. </bits>
  41633. <bits access="rw" name="en_int_clk_mnt26m" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  41634. </bits>
  41635. <bits access="rw" name="en_int_clk_mnt32k" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  41636. </bits>
  41637. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt26m_en" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41638. </bits>
  41639. <bits access="rw" name="clk_mnt32k_en" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41640. </bits>
  41641. </reg>
  41642. <reg name="clk_mnt26m_st" protect="rw">
  41643. <bits access="w1s" name="clr_int_clk_mnt26m" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41644. </bits>
  41645. </reg>
  41646. <reg name="clk_mnt32k_st" protect="rw">
  41647. <bits access="w1s" name="clr_int_clk_mnt32k" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41648. </bits>
  41649. </reg>
  41650. <reg name="dbg_ctrl" protect="rw">
  41651. <bits access="rw" name="med_debug_bus_sel" pos="12:8" rst="0x0">
  41652. </bits>
  41653. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_clkout_sel" pos="4:1" rst="0x0">
  41654. </bits>
  41655. <bits access="rw" name="cfg_clkout_en" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41656. </bits>
  41657. </reg>
  41658. <reg name="lp_irq" protect="r">
  41659. <bits access="r" name="uart1_irq" pos="7:7" rst="0x0">
  41660. </bits>
  41661. <bits access="r" name="uart2_irq" pos="6:6" rst="0x0">
  41662. </bits>
  41663. <bits access="r" name="gpio1_irq" pos="5:5" rst="0x0">
  41664. </bits>
  41665. <bits access="r" name="gpt1_irq" pos="4:4" rst="0x0">
  41666. </bits>
  41667. <bits access="r" name="pwr_ctrl_irq" pos="3:3" rst="0x0">
  41668. </bits>
  41669. <bits access="r" name="lps_irq" pos="2:2" rst="0x0">
  41670. </bits>
  41671. <bits access="r" name="timer1_irq" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41672. </bits>
  41673. <bits access="r" name="timer1_os_irq" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41674. </bits>
  41675. </reg>
  41676. <reg name="adi_if_evt" protect="rw">
  41677. <bits access="rw" name="adi_if_evt1" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41678. </bits>
  41679. <bits access="rw" name="adi_if_evt0" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41680. </bits>
  41681. </reg>
  41682. <reg name="cfg_clk_efuse" protect="rw">
  41683. <bits access="rw" name="efuse_div_denom" pos="2:0" rst="0x4">
  41684. </bits>
  41685. </reg>
  41686. <reg name="rfspi_apb_sel" protect="rw">
  41687. <bits access="rw" name="rfspi_apb_sel_dr" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41688. </bits>
  41689. <bits access="rw" name="rfspi_apb_sel_sw" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41690. </bits>
  41691. </reg>
  41692. <reg name="cfg_clk_sram" protect="rw">
  41693. <bits access="rw" name="sram_div_denom" pos="3:0" rst="0x2">
  41694. </bits>
  41695. </reg>
  41696. <reg name="sram_h2h_config" protect="rw">
  41697. <bits access="rw" name="sram_h2h_acg_en" pos="2:2" rst="0x1">
  41698. </bits>
  41699. <bits access="rw" name="sram_h2h_nobuf_early_resp_en" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  41700. </bits>
  41701. <bits access="rw" name="sram_h2h_incr_pre_read" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  41702. </bits>
  41703. </reg>
  41704. </module>
  41705. </archive>
  41706. <archive relative = "sys_ifc1.xml">
  41707. <include file="globals.xml"/>
  41708. <var name="SYS_IFC1_ADDR_ALIGN" value="0" />
  41709. <var name="SYS_IFC1_TC_LEN" value="23" />
  41710. <var name="SYS_IFC1_STD_CHAN_NB" value="SYS_IFC1_NB_STD_CHANNEL" />
  41711. <var name="SYS_IFC1_RFSPI_CHAN" value="0" />
  41712. <var name="SYS_IFC1_DBG_CHAN" value="0" />
  41713. <module name="sys_ifc1" category="System">
  41714. <reg protect="--" name="get_ch">
  41715. <bits access="r" name="ch_to_use" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  41716. <comment>This field indicates which standard channel to use.
  41717. <br /> Before using a channel, the CPU read this register to know which channel must be used.
  41718. After reading this registers, the channel is to be regarded as
  41719. busy.
  41720. <br /> After reading this register, if the CPU doesn't want to use
  41721. the specified channel, the CPU must write a disable in the control
  41722. register of the channel to release the channel.
  41723. <br />Secure cpu can use all channels, but non-secure cpu only can use non-secure channel.
  41724. <br />Non-secure channel means std_ch_reg_sec is 1'b0, don't care about the value of std_ch_dma_sec.
  41725. <br />When non-secure cpu read this register, the return value will automatic exlude the secure channel.
  41726. <br />00000 = use Channel0
  41727. <br />00001 = use Channel1
  41728. <br />00010 = use Channel2
  41729. <br /> ...
  41730. <br />01111 = use Channel15
  41731. <br />11111 = all channels are busy</comment>
  41732. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  41733. </bits>
  41734. </reg>
  41735. <reg protect="r" name="dma_status">
  41736. <bits access="r" name="ch_enable" pos="SYS_IFC1_STD_CHAN_NB+SYS_IFC1_RFSPI_CHAN-1:0" rst="0">
  41737. <comment>This register indicates which channel is enabled. It is a copy
  41738. of the enable bit of the control register of each channel. One bit per
  41739. channel, for example:
  41740. <br />0000_0000 = All channels disabled
  41741. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 enabled
  41742. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 enabled
  41743. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 enabled
  41744. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 enabled
  41745. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 enabled
  41746. <br />all 1 = all channels enabled</comment>
  41747. </bits>
  41748. <bits access="r" name="ch_busy" pos="SYS_IFC1_STD_CHAN_NB-1+16:16" rst="0">
  41749. <comment>This register indicates which standard channel is busy (this field doesn't include the RF_SPI channel). A standard channel is mark as busy, when a channel is enabled or a previous reading of the GET_CH register, the field CH_TO_USE indicates this channel. One bit per channel</comment>
  41750. </bits>
  41751. </reg>
  41752. <reg protect="r" name="debug_status">
  41753. <bits access="r" name="dbg_status" pos="0" rst="1">
  41754. <comment>Debug Channel Status .<br />0= The debug channel is running
  41755. (not idle) <br />1= The debug channel is in idle mode</comment>
  41756. </bits>
  41757. </reg>
  41758. <reg protect="rw" name="ifc_sec">
  41759. <bits access="rw" name="std_ch_reg_sec" pos="SYS_IFC1_STD_CHAN_NB-1:0" rst="0">
  41760. <comment>This register indicates which channel register can only be accessed by secure master. One bit per
  41761. channel, for example:
  41762. <br />0000_0000 = All channels registers can be accessed by secure master or non-secure master.
  41763. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41764. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41765. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41766. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41767. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41768. <br /> ......
  41769. <br />all 1 = all channels registers can only be accessed by secure master.</comment>
  41770. </bits>
  41771. <bits access="rw" name="std_ch_dma_sec" pos="SYS_IFC1_STD_CHAN_NB-1+16:16" rst="all1">
  41772. <comment>This register indicates which channel dma is secure master. One bit per
  41773. channel, for example:
  41774. <br />0000_0000 = All channels dma are non-secure master.
  41775. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 dma is secure master.
  41776. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 dma is secure master.
  41777. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 dma is secure master.
  41778. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 dma are secure master.
  41779. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 dma are secure master.
  41780. <br /> ......
  41781. <br />all 1 = all channels dma are secure master.</comment>
  41782. </bits>
  41783. </reg>
  41784. <struct count="SYS_IFC1_STD_CHAN_NB" name="std_ch">
  41785. <reg protect="rw" name="control">
  41786. <bits access="w" name="enable" pos="0" rst="no">
  41787. <comment>Channel Enable, write one in this bit enable the channel.
  41788. <br />When the channel is enabled, for a peripheral to memory transfer
  41789. the DMA wait request from peripheral to start transfer. </comment>
  41790. </bits>
  41791. <bits access="w" name="disable" pos="1" rst="no">
  41792. <comment>Channel Disable, write one in this bit disable the channel.
  41793. <br />When writing one in this bit, the current AHB transfer and
  41794. current APB transfer (if one in progress) is completed and the channel
  41795. is then disabled. </comment>
  41796. </bits>
  41797. <bits access="rw" name="ch_rd_hw_exch" pos="2" rst="0">
  41798. <comment>Exchange the read data from fifo halfword MSB or LSB
  41799. <br />
  41800. </comment>
  41801. </bits>
  41802. <bits access="rw" name="ch_wr_hw_exch" pos="3" rst="0">
  41803. <comment>Exchange the write data to fifo halfword MSB or LSB
  41804. <br />
  41805. </comment>
  41806. </bits>
  41807. <bits access="rw" name="autodisable" pos="4" rst="1">
  41808. <comment>Set Auto-disable mode<br /> 0 = when TC reach zero the
  41809. channel is not automatically released.<br /> 1 = At the end of the
  41810. transfer when TC reach zero the channel is automatically disabled. the
  41811. current channel is released.</comment>
  41812. </bits>
  41813. <bits access="rw" name="Size" pos="5" rst="0">
  41814. <comment>Peripheral Size
  41815. <br /> 0= 8-bit peripheral
  41816. <br /> 1= 32-bit peripheral
  41817. </comment>
  41818. </bits>
  41819. <bits access="rw" name="req_src" pos="12:8" rst="0x1F" display="hex">
  41820. <options linkenum="SYS_Ifc1_Request_IDs">
  41821. <shift/><mask/><default/>
  41822. </options>
  41823. <comment>Select DMA Request source</comment>
  41824. </bits>
  41825. <bits access="rw" name="flush" pos="16" rst="0">
  41826. <comment>When one, flush the internal FIFO channel.
  41827. <br />This bit must be used only in case of Rx transfer. Until this bit is 1, the APB
  41828. request is masked. The flush doesn't release the channel.
  41829. <br /> Before writting back this bit to zero the internal fifo must empty.
  41830. </comment>
  41831. </bits>
  41832. <bits access="rw" name="max_burst_length" pos="18:17" rst="00">
  41833. <comment>Set the MAX burst length for channel 0,1.
  41834. This bit field is only used in channel 0~1, for channel 2~6, it is reserved.
  41835. <br /> The 2'b10 mean burst max 16 2'b01 mean burst max 8, 00 mean burst max 4.
  41836. <br /> .
  41837. </comment>
  41838. </bits>
  41839. </reg>
  41840. <reg protect="r" name="status">
  41841. <bits access="r" name="enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  41842. <comment>Enable bit, when '1' the channel is running </comment>
  41843. </bits>
  41844. <bits access="r" name="fifo_empty" pos="4" rst="1">
  41845. <comment>The internal channel fifo is empty </comment>
  41846. </bits>
  41847. </reg>
  41848. <reg protect="rw" name="start_addr">
  41849. <bits access="rw" name="start_addr"
  41850. pos="NB_BITS_ADDR-1:SYS_IFC1_ADDR_ALIGN" rst="0xFFFFFFF" display="hex">
  41851. <comment>AHB Address. This field represent the start address of the
  41852. transfer.
  41853. <br />For a 32-bit peripheral, this address must be aligned 32-bit.
  41854. </comment>
  41855. </bits>
  41856. </reg>
  41857. <reg protect="rw" name="tc">
  41858. <bits access="rw" name="tc" pos="SYS_IFC1_TC_LEN-1:0" rst="0xFFFFFF" display="hex">
  41859. <comment>Transfer Count, this field indicated the transfer size in bytes to perform.
  41860. <br />During a transfer a write in this register add the new value to the current TC.
  41861. <br />A read of this register return the current current transfer count.
  41862. </comment>
  41863. </bits>
  41864. </reg>
  41865. <reg protect="rw" name="tc_threshold">
  41866. <bits access="rw" name="tc_threshold" pos="SYS_IFC1_TC_LEN-1:0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  41867. <comment>Tx or Rx transfer Count, this field indicated the transfer size in bytes which already performed.
  41868. </comment>
  41869. </bits>
  41870. </reg>
  41871. </struct>
  41872. </module>
  41873. </archive>
  41874. <archive relative = "sys_ifc2.xml">
  41875. <include file="globals.xml"/>
  41876. <var name="SYS_IFC2_ADDR_ALIGN" value="0" />
  41877. <var name="SYS_IFC2_TC_LEN" value="23" />
  41878. <var name="SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB" value="SYS_IFC2_NB_STD_CHANNEL" />
  41879. <var name="SYS_IFC2_RFSPI_CHAN" value="0" />
  41880. <var name="SYS_IFC2_DBG_CHAN" value="1" />
  41881. <module name="sys_ifc2" category="System">
  41882. <reg protect="--" name="get_ch">
  41883. <bits access="r" name="ch_to_use" pos="4:0" rst="0">
  41884. <comment>This field indicates which standard channel to use.
  41885. <br /> Before using a channel, the CPU read this register to know which channel must be used.
  41886. After reading this registers, the channel is to be regarded as
  41887. busy.
  41888. <br /> After reading this register, if the CPU doesn't want to use
  41889. the specified channel, the CPU must write a disable in the control
  41890. register of the channel to release the channel.
  41891. <br />Secure cpu can use all channels, but non-secure cpu only can use non-secure channel.
  41892. <br />Non-secure channel means std_ch_reg_sec is 1'b0, don't care about the value of std_ch_dma_sec.
  41893. <br />When non-secure cpu read this register, the return value will automatic exlude the secure channel.
  41894. <br />00000 = use Channel0
  41895. <br />00001 = use Channel1
  41896. <br />00010 = use Channel2
  41897. <br /> ...
  41898. <br />01111 = use Channel15
  41899. <br />11111 = all channels are busy</comment>
  41900. <options><mask/><shift/><default/></options>
  41901. </bits>
  41902. </reg>
  41903. <reg protect="r" name="dma_status">
  41904. <bits access="r" name="ch_enable" pos="SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB+SYS_IFC2_RFSPI_CHAN-1:0" rst="0">
  41905. <comment>This register indicates which channel is enabled. It is a copy
  41906. of the enable bit of the control register of each channel. One bit per
  41907. channel, for example:
  41908. <br />0000_0000 = All channels disabled
  41909. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 enabled
  41910. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 enabled
  41911. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 enabled
  41912. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 enabled
  41913. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 enabled
  41914. <br />all 1 = all channels enabled</comment>
  41915. </bits>
  41916. <bits access="r" name="ch_busy" pos="SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB-1+16:16" rst="0">
  41917. <comment>This register indicates which standard channel is busy (this field doesn't include the RF_SPI channel). A standard channel is mark as busy, when a channel is enabled or a previous reading of the GET_CH register, the field CH_TO_USE indicates this channel. One bit per channel</comment>
  41918. </bits>
  41919. </reg>
  41920. <reg protect="r" name="debug_status">
  41921. <bits access="r" name="dbg_status" pos="0" rst="1">
  41922. <comment>Debug Channel Status .<br />0= The debug channel is running
  41923. (not idle) <br />1= The debug channel is in idle mode</comment>
  41924. </bits>
  41925. </reg>
  41926. <reg protect="rw" name="ifc_sec">
  41927. <bits access="rw" name="std_ch_reg_sec" pos="SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB-1:0" rst="0">
  41928. <comment>This register indicates which channel register can only be accessed by secure master. One bit per
  41929. channel, for example:
  41930. <br />0000_0000 = All channels registers can be accessed by secure master or non-secure master.
  41931. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41932. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41933. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41934. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41935. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 registers can only be accessed by secure master.
  41936. <br /> ......
  41937. <br />all 1 = all channels registers can only be accessed by secure master.</comment>
  41938. </bits>
  41939. <bits access="rw" name="std_ch_dma_sec" pos="SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB-1+16:16" rst="all1">
  41940. <comment>This register indicates which channel dma is secure master. One bit per
  41941. channel, for example:
  41942. <br />0000_0000 = All channels dma are non-secure master.
  41943. <br />0000_0001 = Ch0 dma is secure master.
  41944. <br />0000_0010 = Ch1 dma is secure master.
  41945. <br />0000_0100 = Ch2 dma is secure master.
  41946. <br />0000_0101 = Ch0 and Ch2 dma are secure master.
  41947. <br />0000_0111 = Ch0, Ch1 and Ch2 dma are secure master.
  41948. <br /> ......
  41949. <br />all 1 = all channels dma are secure master.</comment>
  41950. </bits>
  41951. <bits access="rw" name="dbg_ch_dma_sec" pos="SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB+SYS_IFC2_RFSPI_CHAN+SYS_IFC2_DBG_CHAN-1+16:SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB+SYS_IFC2_RFSPI_CHAN+16" rst="1">
  41952. <comment>This register indicates dbghost channel dma is secure master.</comment>
  41953. </bits>
  41954. </reg>
  41955. <struct count="SYS_IFC2_STD_CHAN_NB" name="std_ch">
  41956. <reg protect="rw" name="control">
  41957. <bits access="w" name="enable" pos="0" rst="no">
  41958. <comment>Channel Enable, write one in this bit enable the channel.
  41959. <br />When the channel is enabled, for a peripheral to memory transfer
  41960. the DMA wait request from peripheral to start transfer. </comment>
  41961. </bits>
  41962. <bits access="w" name="disable" pos="1" rst="no">
  41963. <comment>Channel Disable, write one in this bit disable the channel.
  41964. <br />When writing one in this bit, the current AHB transfer and
  41965. current APB transfer (if one in progress) is completed and the channel
  41966. is then disabled. </comment>
  41967. </bits>
  41968. <bits access="rw" name="ch_rd_hw_exch" pos="2" rst="0">
  41969. <comment>Exchange the read data from fifo halfword MSB or LSB
  41970. <br />
  41971. </comment>
  41972. </bits>
  41973. <bits access="rw" name="ch_wr_hw_exch" pos="3" rst="0">
  41974. <comment>Exchange the write data to fifo halfword MSB or LSB
  41975. <br />
  41976. </comment>
  41977. </bits>
  41978. <bits access="rw" name="autodisable" pos="4" rst="1">
  41979. <comment>Set Auto-disable mode<br /> 0 = when TC reach zero the
  41980. channel is not automatically released.<br /> 1 = At the end of the
  41981. transfer when TC reach zero the channel is automatically disabled. the
  41982. current channel is released.</comment>
  41983. </bits>
  41984. <bits access="rw" name="Size" pos="5" rst="0">
  41985. <comment>Peripheral Size
  41986. <br /> 0= 8-bit peripheral
  41987. <br /> 1= 32-bit peripheral
  41988. </comment>
  41989. </bits>
  41990. <bits access="rw" name="req_src" pos="12:8" rst="0x1F" display="hex">
  41991. <options linkenum="SYS_Ifc2_Request_IDs">
  41992. <shift/><mask/><default/>
  41993. </options>
  41994. <comment>Select DMA Request source</comment>
  41995. </bits>
  41996. <bits access="rw" name="flush" pos="16" rst="0">
  41997. <comment>When one, flush the internal FIFO channel.
  41998. <br />This bit must be used only in case of Rx transfer. Until this bit is 1, the APB
  41999. request is masked. The flush doesn't release the channel.
  42000. <br /> Before writting back this bit to zero the internal fifo must empty.
  42001. </comment>
  42002. </bits>
  42003. <bits access="rw" name="max_burst_length" pos="18:17" rst="00">
  42004. <comment>Set the MAX burst length for channel 0,1.
  42005. This bit field is only used in channel 0~1, for channel 2~6, it is reserved.
  42006. <br /> The 2'b10 mean burst max 16 2'b01 mean burst max 8, 00 mean burst max 4.
  42007. <br /> .
  42008. </comment>
  42009. </bits>
  42010. </reg>
  42011. <reg protect="r" name="status">
  42012. <bits access="r" name="enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  42013. <comment>Enable bit, when '1' the channel is running </comment>
  42014. </bits>
  42015. <bits access="r" name="fifo_empty" pos="4" rst="1">
  42016. <comment>The internal channel fifo is empty </comment>
  42017. </bits>
  42018. </reg>
  42019. <reg protect="rw" name="start_addr">
  42020. <bits access="rw" name="start_addr"
  42021. pos="NB_BITS_ADDR-1:SYS_IFC2_ADDR_ALIGN" rst="0xFFFFFFF" display="hex">
  42022. <comment>AHB Address. This field represent the start address of the
  42023. transfer.
  42024. <br />For a 32-bit peripheral, this address must be aligned 32-bit.
  42025. </comment>
  42026. </bits>
  42027. </reg>
  42028. <reg protect="rw" name="tc">
  42029. <bits access="rw" name="tc" pos="SYS_IFC2_TC_LEN-1:0" rst="0xFFFFFF" display="hex">
  42030. <comment>Transfer Count, this field indicated the transfer size in bytes to perform.
  42031. <br />During a transfer a write in this register add the new value to the current TC.
  42032. <br />A read of this register return the current current transfer count.
  42033. </comment>
  42034. </bits>
  42035. </reg>
  42036. <reg protect="rw" name="tc_threshold">
  42037. <bits access="rw" name="tc_threshold" pos="SYS_IFC2_TC_LEN-1:0" rst="0x0" display="hex">
  42038. <comment>Tx or Rx transfer Count, this field indicated the transfer size in bytes which already performed.
  42039. </comment>
  42040. </bits>
  42041. </reg>
  42042. </struct>
  42043. </module>
  42044. </archive>
  42045. <archive relative = "sys_mem.xml">
  42046. <var name="SYS_IROM_SIZE" value="128*1024" />
  42047. <var name="SYS_DROM_SIZE" value="24*1024" />
  42048. <var name="SYS_RAM0_SIZE" value="192*1024" />
  42049. <var name="SYS_RAM1_SIZE" value="256*1024" />
  42050. <var name="NB_RAM_SIZE" value="64*1024" />
  42051. <var name="PSRAM_SIZE" value="4*1024*1024" />
  42052. <var name="FLASH_SIZE" value="4*1024*1024" />
  42053. <module name="sys_irom" category="System">
  42054. <memory name="rom_array" size="SYS_IROM_SIZE">
  42055. <comment>System Rom Space
  42056. <br/>This rom is used for XCPU boot code.
  42057. </comment>
  42058. </memory>
  42059. </module>
  42060. <module name="sys_drom" category="System">
  42061. <memory name="rom_array" size="SYS_DROM_SIZE">
  42062. <comment>System Rom Space
  42063. <br/>This rom is used for XCPU boot code.
  42064. </comment>
  42065. </memory>
  42066. </module>
  42067. <module name="sys_ram0" category="System">
  42068. <memory name="ram_array" size="SYS_RAM0_SIZE">
  42069. <comment>System Ram Space
  42070. <br/>
  42071. </comment>
  42072. </memory>
  42073. </module>
  42074. <module name="sys_ram1" category="System">
  42075. <memory name="ram_array" size="SYS_RAM1_SIZE">
  42076. <comment>System Ram Space
  42077. <br/>
  42078. </comment>
  42079. </memory>
  42080. </module>
  42081. <module name="nb_ram" category="System">
  42082. <memory name="ram_array" size="NB_RAM_SIZE">
  42083. <comment>Nb Ram Space
  42084. <br/>
  42085. </comment>
  42086. </memory>
  42087. </module>
  42088. <module name="psram" category="System">
  42089. <memory name="ram_array" size="PSRAM_SIZE">
  42090. <comment>PSRAM Space
  42091. <br/> In-package PSRAM
  42092. </comment>
  42093. </memory>
  42094. </module>
  42095. <module name="flash" category="System">
  42096. <memory name="ram_array" size="FLASH_SIZE">
  42097. <comment>FLASH Space
  42098. <br/> In-package FLASH
  42099. </comment>
  42100. </memory>
  42101. </module>
  42102. </archive>
  42103. <archive relative = "tcu.xml">
  42104. <module name="tcu" category="Modem">
  42105. <var name="NB_TCO" value="12"/>
  42106. <var name="NB_TCU_PROG_EVENTS" value="60"/>
  42107. <enum name="Internal_TCO_mapping">
  42108. <entry name="TCO_GMSK_ON" value="6"><comment>Internal TCO mapping</comment></entry>
  42109. <entry name="TCO_TX_OEN"/>
  42110. <entry name="TCO_TX_ON"/>
  42111. <entry name="TCO_RX_ON"/>
  42112. <entry name="TCO_RX_DEC_ON"/>
  42113. <entry name="TCO_PDN"/>
  42114. </enum>
  42115. <enum name="TCU_Event">
  42116. <entry name="Clr_TCO_0" value="0"><comment>Clear TCO 0 : set the TCO 0 to the inactive state<br/>To clear TCO n, use event 2*n</comment></entry>
  42117. <entry name="Set_TCO_0" value="1"><comment>Set TCO 0 : set the TCO 0 to the active state<br/>To set TCO n, use event 2*n+1</comment></entry>
  42118. <entry name="Clr_TCO_1"><comment>...</comment></entry>
  42119. <entry name="Set_TCO_1"/>
  42120. <entry name="Clr_TCO_2"/>
  42121. <entry name="Set_TCO_2"/>
  42122. <entry name="Clr_TCO_3"/>
  42123. <entry name="Set_TCO_3"/>
  42124. <entry name="Clr_TCO_4"/>
  42125. <entry name="Set_TCO_4"/>
  42126. <entry name="Clr_TCO_5"/>
  42127. <entry name="Set_TCO_5"/>
  42128. <entry name="Stop_GMSK" value="TCO_GMSK_ON*2"><comment>stop modulation</comment></entry>
  42129. <entry name="Start_GMSK" value="TCO_GMSK_ON*2+1"><comment>starts modulation and output on IQ DAC</comment></entry>
  42130. <entry name="HighZ_IQ_DAC" value="TCO_TX_OEN*2"/>
  42131. <entry name="Drive_IQ_DAC" value="TCO_TX_OEN*2+1"/>
  42132. <entry name="disable_IQ_DAC" value="TCO_TX_ON*2"/>
  42133. <entry name="enable_IQ_DAC" value="TCO_TX_ON*2+1"/>
  42134. <entry name="disable_IQ_ADC" value="TCO_RX_ON*2"><comment>disable IQ ADC</comment></entry>
  42135. <entry name="enable_IQ_ADC" value="TCO_RX_ON*2+1"><comment>enable IQ ADC</comment></entry>
  42136. <entry name="stop_RFin_record" value="TCO_RX_DEC_ON*2"><comment>stop recording IQ samples</comment></entry>
  42137. <entry name="start_RFin_record" value="TCO_RX_DEC_ON*2+1"><comment>start recording IQ samples</comment></entry>
  42138. <entry name="Clr_PDN" value="TCO_PDN*2"><comment>Clear RF_PDN</comment></entry>
  42139. <entry name="Set_PDN" value="TCO_PDN*2+1"><comment>Set RF_PDN</comment></entry>
  42140. <entry name="SEND_SPI_CMD" value="NB_TCO*2"><comment>Send RF spi command</comment></entry>
  42141. <entry name="NEXT_GAIN"/>
  42142. <entry name="FIRST_GAIN"/>
  42143. <entry name="NEXT_FC"/>
  42144. <entry name="PA_RAMP0"><comment>Start Ramp 0</comment></entry>
  42145. <entry name="PA_RAMP1"><comment>Start Ramp 1</comment></entry>
  42146. <entry name="PA_RAMP2"><comment>Start Ramp 2</comment></entry>
  42147. <entry name="PA_RAMP3"><comment>Start Ramp 3</comment></entry>
  42148. <entry name="PA_RAMP4"><comment>Start Ramp 4</comment></entry>
  42149. <entry name="RX_SOC"/>
  42150. <entry name="DIGRF_STB"/>
  42151. <entry name="WAKEUP_DONE"><comment>End of the WakeUp Mode</comment></entry>
  42152. <entry name="RFSPI_START"><comment>Start of Rf_spi Transfer</comment></entry>
  42153. <entry name="RFSPI_END"><comment>End of Rf_spi Transfer</comment></entry>
  42154. <entry name="BCPU_TCU_IRQ0"><comment>Trigger BCPU TCU irq 0</comment></entry>
  42155. <entry name="BCPU_TCU_IRQ1"><comment>Trigger BCPU TCU irq 1</comment></entry>
  42156. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ0"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 0</comment></entry>
  42157. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ1"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 1</comment></entry>
  42158. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ2"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 2</comment></entry>
  42159. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ3"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 3</comment></entry>
  42160. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ4"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 4</comment></entry>
  42161. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ5"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 5</comment></entry>
  42162. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ6"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 6</comment></entry>
  42163. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ7"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 7</comment></entry>
  42164. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ8"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 8</comment></entry>
  42165. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ9"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 9</comment></entry>
  42166. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ10"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 10</comment></entry>
  42167. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ11"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 11</comment></entry>
  42168. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ12"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 12</comment></entry>
  42169. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ13"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 13</comment></entry>
  42170. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ14"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 14</comment></entry>
  42171. <entry name="XCPU_TCU_IRQ15"><comment>Trigger XCPU TCU irq 15</comment></entry>
  42172. <entry name="NO_EVENT" value="63"/>
  42173. </enum>
  42174. <reg name="Ctrl" protect="rw">
  42175. <bits name="Load_Val" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="all1" display="hex">
  42176. <comment>Value loaded into the TCU counter when the Load bit is set to 1
  42177. </comment>
  42178. </bits>
  42179. <bits name="Load_Sf" pos="19:16" access="rw" rst="0" display="hex">
  42180. <comment>Subframe alue loaded into the TCU counter when the Load bit is set to 1
  42181. </comment>
  42182. </bits>
  42183. <bits name="Enable" pos="20" access="rw" rst="0">
  42184. <options>
  42185. <option name="Disabled" value="0"/>
  42186. <option name="Enabled" value="1"/>
  42187. </options>
  42188. </bits>
  42189. <bits name="Load" pos="24" access="w" rst="0">
  42190. <comment>Writing a 1 to this bit will load the TCU with the TCU loadval value
  42191. <br/>Writing a 0 has no effect
  42192. </comment>
  42193. </bits>
  42194. <bits name="NoLatch" pos="28" access="rw" rst="0">
  42195. <options>
  42196. <option name="Normal" value="0"><comment>Normal Behavior, The programmation area is copied to the active area when the tcu wraps</comment></option>
  42197. <option name="Force_Only" value="1"><comment>The programmation area is copied into the active area only when force latch is used</comment></option>
  42198. </options>
  42199. </bits>
  42200. <bits name="Wakeup_En" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  42201. <comment>Writing a 1 to enable run tcu wakeup function in lowpower skip frame
  42202. <br/>Writing a 0 to disable
  42203. </comment>
  42204. </bits>
  42205. </reg>
  42206. <reg name="Wrap_Val" protect="rw">
  42207. <bits name="Wrap_Val" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="all1" display="hex">
  42208. <comment>TCU counter wrap value.
  42209. <br/>The TCU counter returns to 0 when this value is reached
  42210. </comment>
  42211. </bits>
  42212. <bits name="Sf_Wrap_Val" pos="18:15" access="rw" rst="all1" display="hex">
  42213. <comment>TCU subframe counter wrap value.
  42214. <br/>The TCU subframe counter returns to 0 when this value is reached
  42215. </comment>
  42216. </bits>
  42217. </reg>
  42218. <reg name="Cur_Val" protect="rw">
  42219. <bits name="Cur_Val" pos="14:0" access="r" display="hex" rst="0">
  42220. <comment>TCU counter current value
  42221. </comment>
  42222. </bits>
  42223. <bits name="Cur_Sf" pos="19:16" access="r" display="hex" rst="0">
  42224. <comment>TCU counter current sf value
  42225. </comment>
  42226. </bits>
  42227. </reg>
  42228. <reg name="Latch" protect="rw">
  42229. <bits name="ForceLatch" pos="9:0" access="w" cut="1" cutprefix="ForceLatch_Area" rst="0">
  42230. <comment>Writing 1 transfer the programmed events to the active area.
  42231. </comment>
  42232. </bits>
  42233. <bits name="Force_NoEvent" pos="16" access="w" rst="0">
  42234. <comment>Writing 1 to this bit with one of the ForceLatch bit will force the corresponding Active Area to receive no events (i.e. clear it) instead of transfering the programmed area.
  42235. </comment>
  42236. </bits>
  42237. <bits name="ForceClear" pos="29:20" access="w" cut="1" cutprefix="ForceClear_Area" rst="0">
  42238. <comment>writing 1 to clear the corresponding programmed area.
  42239. </comment>
  42240. </bits>
  42241. <bits name="ClearProgArea" pos="31" access="w" rst="0">
  42242. <comment>Writing 1 clears the Program Area
  42243. </comment>
  42244. </bits>
  42245. </reg>
  42246. <reg name="Setup" protect="rw">
  42247. <bits name="TCO_Polarity" pos="NB_TCO-1:0" access="rw" rst="0" cut="1" cutprefix="POL_TCO">
  42248. <comment>Configure the TCO polarity
  42249. </comment>
  42250. <options>
  42251. <option name="Active High" value="0"/>
  42252. <option name="Active Low" value="1"/>
  42253. </options>
  42254. </bits>
  42255. <bits name="Write_Error" pos="28" access="rc" rst="0">
  42256. <comment>Error Status: become 1 when writing to Program Area while the TCU is coping the Program Area to the Active Area. In this case the write is ignored.
  42257. <br/>Write 1 to clear it.
  42258. </comment>
  42259. </bits>
  42260. <bits name="Debug_Active" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  42261. <comment>This bit allows to access directly the active area for debug purposes
  42262. </comment>
  42263. <options>
  42264. <option name="Normal" value="0"/>
  42265. <option name="Debug" value="1"><comment>the active area is directly mapped instead of the program area.</comment></option>
  42266. </options>
  42267. </bits>
  42268. </reg>
  42269. <reg name="Disable_Event" protect="rw">
  42270. <bits name="Disable_TCO" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Disable_TCO">
  42271. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events that affect corresponding TCO.
  42272. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42273. </comment>
  42274. </bits>
  42275. <bits name="Disable_Internal_TCO" pos="11:6" access="rw" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Disable" cutenum="Internal_TCO_mapping">
  42276. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events that affect corresponding TCO.
  42277. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42278. </comment>
  42279. </bits>
  42280. <bits name="Disable_Send_Spi_Cmd" pos="12" access="rw" rst="1">
  42281. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events SEND_SPI_CMD.
  42282. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42283. </comment>
  42284. </bits>
  42285. <bits name="Disable_Next_Gain" pos="13" access="rw" rst="1">
  42286. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events NEXT_GAIN.
  42287. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42288. </comment>
  42289. </bits>
  42290. <bits name="Disable_First_Gain" pos="14" access="rw" rst="1">
  42291. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events FIRST_GAIN.
  42292. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42293. </comment>
  42294. </bits>
  42295. <bits name="Disable_Next_Fc" pos="15" access="rw" rst="1">
  42296. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events NEXT_FC.
  42297. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42298. </comment>
  42299. </bits>
  42300. <bits name="Disable_Ramp" pos="20:16" access="rw" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Disable_Ramp">
  42301. <comment>Writing 1 disable the corresponding Ramp event.
  42302. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42303. </comment>
  42304. </bits>
  42305. <bits name="Disable_Rx_SOC" pos="21" access="rw" rst="1">
  42306. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events RX_SOC.
  42307. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42308. </comment>
  42309. </bits>
  42310. <bits name="Disable_DigRF_Strobe" pos="22" access="rw" rst="1">
  42311. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events DIGRF_STB.
  42312. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42313. </comment>
  42314. </bits>
  42315. <bits name="Disable_RfSpi_Start" pos="24" access="rw" rst="1">
  42316. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events RFSPI_START.
  42317. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42318. </comment>
  42319. </bits>
  42320. <bits name="Disable_RfSpi_End" pos="25" access="rw" rst="1">
  42321. <comment>Writing 1 disable the events RFSPI_END.
  42322. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42323. </comment>
  42324. </bits>
  42325. <bits name="Disable_Rf_Spi_Marked_Cmd" pos="31" access="rw" rst="1">
  42326. <comment>Writing 1 disable the marked rf spi commands (cf RF SPI).
  42327. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42328. </comment>
  42329. </bits>
  42330. </reg>
  42331. <reg name="Disable_Event_ext" protect="rw">
  42332. <bits name="Disable_Bcpu_Irq" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Disable_Bcpu_Irq">
  42333. <comment>Writing 1 disable the corresponding BCPU TCU irq event.
  42334. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42335. </comment>
  42336. </bits>
  42337. <bits name="Disable_Xcpu_Irq" pos="17:2" access="rw" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Disable_Xcpu_Irq">
  42338. <comment>Writing 1 disable the corresponding XCPU TCU irq event.
  42339. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42340. </comment>
  42341. </bits>
  42342. </reg>
  42343. <reg name="Enable_Event" protect="rw">
  42344. <bits name="Enable_TCO" pos="5:0" access="rs" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Enable_TCO">
  42345. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events that affect corresponding TCO.
  42346. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42347. </comment>
  42348. </bits>
  42349. <bits name="Enable_Internal_TCO" pos="11:6" access="rs" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Enable" cutenum="Internal_TCO_mapping">
  42350. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events that affect corresponding TCO.
  42351. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42352. </comment>
  42353. </bits>
  42354. <bits name="Enable_Send_Spi_Cmd" pos="12" access="rs" rst="1">
  42355. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events SEND_SPI_CMD.
  42356. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42357. </comment>
  42358. </bits>
  42359. <bits name="Enable_Next_Gain" pos="13" access="rs" rst="1">
  42360. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events NEXT_GAIN.
  42361. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42362. </comment>
  42363. </bits>
  42364. <bits name="Enable_First_Gain" pos="14" access="rs" rst="1">
  42365. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events FIRST_GAIN.
  42366. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42367. </comment>
  42368. </bits>
  42369. <bits name="Enable_Next_Fc" pos="15" access="rs" rst="1">
  42370. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events NEXT_FC.
  42371. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42372. </comment>
  42373. </bits>
  42374. <bits name="Enable_Ramp" pos="20:16" access="rs" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Enable_Ramp">
  42375. <comment>Writing 1 enable the corresponding Ramp event.
  42376. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42377. </comment>
  42378. </bits>
  42379. <bits name="Enable_Rx_SOC" pos="21" access="rs" rst="1">
  42380. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events RX_SOC.
  42381. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42382. </comment>
  42383. </bits>
  42384. <bits name="Enable_DigRF_Strobe" pos="22" access="rs" rst="1">
  42385. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events DIGRF_STB.
  42386. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42387. </comment>
  42388. </bits>
  42389. <bits name="Enable_RfSpi_Start" pos="24" access="rw" rst="1">
  42390. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events RFSPI_START.
  42391. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42392. </comment>
  42393. </bits>
  42394. <bits name="Enable_RfSpi_End" pos="25" access="rw" rst="1">
  42395. <comment>Writing 1 enable the events RFSPI_END.
  42396. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42397. </comment>
  42398. </bits>
  42399. <bits name="Enable_Rf_Spi_Marked_Cmd" pos="31" access="rs" rst="1">
  42400. <comment>Writing 1 enable the marked rf spi commands (cf RF SPI).
  42401. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42402. </comment>
  42403. </bits>
  42404. </reg>
  42405. <reg name="Enable_Event_ext" protect="rw">
  42406. <bits name="Enable_Bcpu_Irq" pos="1:0" access="rs" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Enable_Bcpu_Irq">
  42407. <comment>Writing 1 enable the corresponding BCPU TCU irq event.
  42408. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42409. </comment>
  42410. </bits>
  42411. <bits name="Enable_Xcpu_Irq" pos="17:2" access="rs" rst="all1" cut='1' cutprefix="Enable_Xcpu_Irq">
  42412. <comment>Writing 1 enable the corresponding XCPU TCU irq event.
  42413. <br/>Reading return the actual enable state.
  42414. </comment>
  42415. </bits>
  42416. </reg>
  42417. <reg name="Set_TCO" protect="rw">
  42418. <bits name="Set_TCO" pos="NB_TCO-1:0" access="s" cut='1' cutprefix="Set_TCO" rst="0">
  42419. <comment>Writing 1 set corresponding TCO to the active state (The actual line state also depends on TCO_Polarity).
  42420. <br/>Reading returns the actual state of all TCOs.
  42421. </comment>
  42422. </bits>
  42423. </reg>
  42424. <reg name="Clr_TCO" protect="rw">
  42425. <bits name="Clr_TCO" pos="NB_TCO-1:0" access="c" cut='1' cutprefix="Clr_TCO" rst="0">
  42426. <comment>Writing 1 set corresponding TCO to the inactive state (The actual line state also depends on TCO_Polarity).
  42427. <br/>Reading returns the actual state of all TCOs.
  42428. </comment>
  42429. </bits>
  42430. </reg>
  42431. <reg name="Cfg_Clk_Div" protect="rw">
  42432. <bits name="Qbit_Div" pos="5:0" access="rw" rst="31">
  42433. <comment>qbit divider, qbit freq is clk_tcu divided by (Qbit_Div + 1).
  42434. </comment>
  42435. </bits>
  42436. <bits name="TCU_Clk_Same_Sys" pos="29" access="rw" rst="0">
  42437. <comment>Enable Clk_TCU same with Clk_Sys.
  42438. </comment>
  42439. <options>
  42440. <option name="Disabled" value="0"/>
  42441. <option name="Enabled" value="1"/>
  42442. </options>
  42443. </bits>
  42444. <bits name="Enable_DAI_Simple_208K" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  42445. <comment>Enable the 208kHz pulse generation for DAI Simple. (!) When enabling the clock field Enable_Qbit should also be enabled.
  42446. </comment>
  42447. <options>
  42448. <option name="Disabled" value="0"/>
  42449. <option name="Enabled" value="1"/>
  42450. </options>
  42451. </bits>
  42452. <bits name="Enable_Qbit" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  42453. <comment>Enable the Quarter bit generation (required for normal TCU operation)
  42454. </comment>
  42455. <options>
  42456. <option name="Disabled" value="0"/>
  42457. <option name="Enabled" value="1"/>
  42458. </options>
  42459. </bits>
  42460. </reg>
  42461. <reg name="TCU_IRQ" protect="rw">
  42462. <bits name="TCU_Sync_Done_Cause" pos="0" access="rc" rst="0">
  42463. <comment>1 when the IRQ was triggered because the tcu counter synchronization is done.
  42464. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  42465. </comment>
  42466. </bits>
  42467. <bitgroup name="TCU_IRQ_Cause">
  42468. <entry ref="TCU_Sync_Done_Cause"/>
  42469. </bitgroup>
  42470. <bits name="TCU_Sync_Done_Status" pos="16" access="rc" rst="0">
  42471. <comment>1 when the tcu counter synchronization is done.
  42472. <br/>Write 1 in cause or status bit to clear.
  42473. </comment>
  42474. </bits>
  42475. <bitgroup name="TCU_IRQ_Status">
  42476. <entry ref="TCU_Sync_Done_Status"/>
  42477. </bitgroup>
  42478. </reg>
  42479. <reg name="TCU_IRQ_Mask" protect="rw">
  42480. <bits name="TCU_Sync_Done_Mask" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  42481. <comment>when 1 the LPS_IRQ_TCU_Sync_Done is enabled.
  42482. </comment>
  42483. </bits>
  42484. <bitgroup name="TCU_IRQ_Mask">
  42485. <entry ref="TCU_Sync_Done_Mask"/>
  42486. </bitgroup>
  42487. </reg>
  42488. <reg name="GLOBAL_SYNC_CTRL" protect="rw">
  42489. <bits name="TCU_Sync_Enable" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  42490. <comment>enable sync tcu counter to global counter function.
  42491. </comment>
  42492. </bits>
  42493. <bits name="TCU_Sync_Value" pos="16:2" access="rw" rst="0">
  42494. <comment>tcu counter load value when synchronized.
  42495. </comment>
  42496. </bits>
  42497. <bits name="TCU_Sync_Sf" pos="20:17" access="rw" rst="0">
  42498. <comment>tcu counter load subframe value when synchronized.
  42499. </comment>
  42500. </bits>
  42501. </reg>
  42502. <reg name="TCO_DBG_SEL" protect="rw">
  42503. <bits name="tco_dbg0_sel" pos="3:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  42504. </bits>
  42505. <bits name="tco_dbg1_sel" pos="7:4" access="rw" rst="0">
  42506. </bits>
  42507. </reg>
  42508. <reg name="Rfspi_Conflict_Val" protect="rw">
  42509. <bits name="Rfspi_Conflict_Val" pos="13:0" access="r" display="hex" rst="0">
  42510. <comment>TCU counter value when rfspi conflict happen
  42511. </comment>
  42512. </bits>
  42513. </reg>
  42514. <reg name="Snapshot" protect="r">
  42515. <bits name="Snapshot_X" pos="1:0" access="r" rst="0">
  42516. <comment>Value of snapshots, snapshot value is automatically incremented at frame interrupt. This snapshot counter wrap at the value given by Snapshot_Cfg.
  42517. </comment>
  42518. <options><mask/><shift/></options>
  42519. </bits>
  42520. <bits name="Snapshot_B" pos="3:2" access="r" rst="0">
  42521. <comment>Value of snapshots, snapshot value is automatically incremented at frame interrupt. This snapshot counter wrap at the value given by Snapshot_Cfg.
  42522. </comment>
  42523. <options><mask/><shift/></options>
  42524. </bits>
  42525. </reg>
  42526. <reg name="Snapshot_Cfg" protect="rw">
  42527. <bits name="Snapshot_Cfg" pos="0" access="rw" rst="0">
  42528. <comment>Number of snapshot.
  42529. </comment>
  42530. </bits>
  42531. </reg>
  42532. <reg name="Subframe_Mask" protect="rw">
  42533. <bits name="mask_auto_clr_en" pos="31" access="rw" rst="0">
  42534. <comment>enable subframe mask bits auto clear.
  42535. </comment>
  42536. </bits>
  42537. <bits name="subframe_mask_clr" pos="29:20" access="w" cut="1" cutprefix="clr_subframe_mask" rst="all0">
  42538. <comment>write 1 to clear the corresponding subframe mask bit.
  42539. </comment>
  42540. </bits>
  42541. <bits name="subframe_mask_set" pos="19:10" access="w" cut="1" cutprefix="set_subframe_mask" rst="all0">
  42542. <comment>write 1 to set the corresponding subframe mask bit.
  42543. </comment>
  42544. </bits>
  42545. <bits name="subframe_mask" pos="9:0" access="r" cut="1" cutprefix="subframe_mask" rst="0">
  42546. <comment>subframe mask value.
  42547. </comment>
  42548. </bits>
  42549. </reg>
  42550. <hole size="1408"/>
  42551. <reg name="Event" protect="rw" count="NB_TCU_PROG_EVENTS">
  42552. <bits name="Event_Time" pos="14:0" access="rw" rst="all1">
  42553. <comment>The event Id will be executed when the TCU counter reaches the value programmed in Event time field of this register.
  42554. </comment>
  42555. </bits>
  42556. <bits name="Event_Id" pos="21:16" access="rw" rst="all1">
  42557. <comment>Event to be executed when the TCU counter reaches the programmed event time.
  42558. <br/>
  42559. </comment>
  42560. <options linkenum="TCU_Event">
  42561. <default />
  42562. </options>
  42563. </bits>
  42564. </reg>
  42565. </module>
  42566. </archive>
  42567. <archive relative = "timer.xml">
  42568. <module name="timer" category="System">
  42569. <var name = "NB_INTERVAL" value="1"/>
  42570. <var name = "INT_TIMER_NB_BITS" value="24"/>
  42571. <var name = "WD_TIMER_NB_BITS" value="24"/>
  42572. <var name = "HW_TIMER_NB_BITS" value="32"/>
  42573. <var name = "TIM_MAXVAL" value="0xffffff"/>
  42574. <reg name="OSTimer_Ctrl" protect="rw">
  42575. <bits name="LoadVal" pos="23:0" access="rw" rst="0">
  42576. <comment>Value loaded to OS timer.
  42577. </comment>
  42578. <options>
  42579. <mask/>
  42580. <shift/>
  42581. </options>
  42582. </bits>
  42583. <bits name="Enable" pos="24" access="rw" rst="0">
  42584. <comment>Write '1' to this bit will enable OS timer.
  42585. <br/>When read, the value is what we have written to this bit, it changes immediately after been written.
  42586. </comment>
  42587. </bits>
  42588. <bits name="Enabled" pos="25" access="r" rst="0">
  42589. <comment>Read this bit will get the information if OS timer is really enabled or not. This bit will change only after the next front of 16 KHz system clock.
  42590. <br/>
  42591. <br/>'1' indicates OS timer enabled.
  42592. <br/>'0' indicates OS timer not enabled.
  42593. </comment>
  42594. </bits>
  42595. <bits name="Cleared" pos="26" access="r" rst="0">
  42596. <comment>Read this bit will get the information if OS timer interruption clear operation is finished or not.
  42597. <br/>
  42598. <br/>'1' indicates OS timer interruption clear operation is on going.
  42599. <br/>'0' indicates no OS timer interruption clear operation is on going.
  42600. </comment>
  42601. </bits>
  42602. <bits name="Repeat" pos="28" access="rw" rst="0">
  42603. <comment>Write '1' to this bit will set OS timer to repeat mode.
  42604. <br/>When read, get the information if OS timer is in repeat mode.
  42605. <br/>
  42606. <br/>'1' indicates OS timer in repeat mode.
  42607. <br/>'0' indicates OS timer not in repeat mode.
  42608. </comment>
  42609. </bits>
  42610. <bits name="Wrap" pos="29" access="rw" rst="0">
  42611. <comment>Write '1' to this bit will set OS timer to wrap mode.
  42612. <br/>When read, get the information if OS timer is in wrap mode.
  42613. <br/>
  42614. <br/>'1' indicates OS timer in wrap mode.
  42615. <br/>'0' indicates OS timer not in wrap mode.
  42616. </comment>
  42617. </bits>
  42618. <bits name="Load" pos="30" access="rw" rst="0">
  42619. <comment>Write '1' to this bit will load the initial value to OS timer.
  42620. </comment>
  42621. </bits>
  42622. </reg>
  42623. <reg name="OSTimer_CurVal" protect="rw">
  42624. <bits name="CurVal" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="-">
  42625. <comment>Current value of OS timer. The value is 24 bits and the first 8 bits are sign extension of the most important bit. A negative value indicates that the timer has wraped.
  42626. </comment>
  42627. </bits>
  42628. </reg>
  42629. <hole size="2*32" />
  42630. <reg name="HWTimer_Ctrl" protect="rw">
  42631. <bits name="Interval_En" pos="8" access="rw" rst="0">
  42632. <comment>This bit enables interval IRQ mode.
  42633. <br/>
  42634. <br/>'0': hw delay timer does not generate interval IRQ.
  42635. <br/>'1': hw delay timer generate an IRQ each interval.
  42636. </comment>
  42637. </bits>
  42638. <bits name="Interval" pos="1:0" access="rw" rst="00">
  42639. <comment> interval of generating an HwTimer IRQ.
  42640. <br/>
  42641. <br/>"00": interval of 1/8 second.
  42642. <br/>"01": interval of 1/4 second.
  42643. <br/>"10": interval of 1/2 second.
  42644. <br/>"11": interval of 1 second.
  42645. </comment>
  42646. </bits>
  42647. </reg>
  42648. <reg name="HWTimer_CurVal_L" protect="rw">
  42649. <bits name="CurVal_L" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  42650. <comment>Current value of the hardware delay timer. The value is incremented every 61 us. This timer is running all the time and wrap at value 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF.
  42651. </comment>
  42652. </bits>
  42653. </reg>
  42654. <reg name="HWTimer_CurVal_H" protect="rw">
  42655. <bits name="CurVal_H" pos="31:0" access="r" rst="0">
  42656. <comment>Current value of the hardware delay timer. The value is incremented every 61 us. This timer is running all the time and wrap at value 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF.
  42657. </comment>
  42658. </bits>
  42659. </reg>
  42660. <reg name="Timer_Irq_Mask_Set" protect="rw">
  42661. <bits name="OSTimer_Mask" pos="0" access="rs" rst="0">
  42662. <comment>Set mask for OS timer IRQ.
  42663. </comment>
  42664. </bits>
  42665. <bits name="HWTimer_Wrap_Mask" pos="1" access="rs" rst="0">
  42666. <comment>Set mask for hardwre delay timer wrap IRQ.
  42667. </comment>
  42668. </bits>
  42669. <bits name="HWTimer_Itv_Mask" pos="2" access="rs" rst="0">
  42670. <comment>Set mask for hardwre delay timer interval IRQ.
  42671. </comment>
  42672. </bits>
  42673. </reg>
  42674. <reg name="Timer_Irq_Mask_Clr" protect="rw">
  42675. <bits name="OSTimer_Mask" pos="0" access="rc" rst="0">
  42676. <comment>Clear mask for OS timer IRQ.
  42677. </comment>
  42678. </bits>
  42679. <bits name="HWTimer_Wrap_Mask" pos="1" access="rc" rst="0">
  42680. <comment>Clear mask for hardwre delay timer wrap IRQ.
  42681. </comment>
  42682. </bits>
  42683. <bits name="HWTimer_Itv_Mask" pos="2" access="rc" rst="0">
  42684. <comment>Clear mask for hardwre delay timer interval IRQ.
  42685. </comment>
  42686. </bits>
  42687. </reg>
  42688. <reg name="Timer_Irq_Clr" protect="rw">
  42689. <bits name="OSTimer_Clr" pos="0" access="c" rst="0">
  42690. <comment>Clear OS timer IRQ.
  42691. </comment>
  42692. </bits>
  42693. <bits name="HWTimer_Wrap_Clr" pos="1" access="c" rst="0">
  42694. <comment>Clear hardware delay timer wrap IRQ.
  42695. </comment>
  42696. </bits>
  42697. <bits name="HWTimer_Itv_Clr" pos="2" access="c" rst="0">
  42698. <comment>Clear hardware delay timer interval IRQ.
  42699. </comment>
  42700. </bits>
  42701. </reg>
  42702. <reg name="Timer_Irq_Cause" protect="rw">
  42703. <bits name="OSTimer_Cause" pos="0" access="r" rst="0">
  42704. <comment>OS timer IRQ cause.
  42705. </comment>
  42706. </bits>
  42707. <bits name="HWTimer_Wrap_Cause" pos="1" access="r" rst="0">
  42708. <comment>hardware delay timer wrap IRQ cause.
  42709. </comment>
  42710. </bits>
  42711. <bits name="HWTimer_Itv_Cause" pos="2" access="r" rst="0">
  42712. <comment>hardware delay timer interval IRQ cause.
  42713. </comment>
  42714. </bits>
  42715. <bits name="OSTimer_Status" pos="16" access="r" rst="0">
  42716. <comment>OS timer IRQ status.
  42717. </comment>
  42718. </bits>
  42719. <bits name="HWTimer_Wrap_Status" pos="17" access="r" rst="0">
  42720. <comment>hardware delay timer wrap IRQ status.
  42721. </comment>
  42722. </bits>
  42723. <bits name="HWTimer_Itv_Status" pos="18" access="r" rst="0">
  42724. <comment>hardware delay timer interval IRQ status.
  42725. </comment>
  42726. </bits>
  42727. <bitgroup name="Other_Tims_irq">
  42728. <entry ref="HWTimer_Wrap_Cause"/>
  42729. <entry ref="HWTimer_Itv_Cause"/>
  42730. </bitgroup>
  42731. </reg>
  42732. </module>
  42733. </archive>
  42734. <archive relative = "uart.xml">
  42735. <module name="uart" category="Periph">
  42736. <var name="UART_RX_FIFO_SIZE" value="128" />
  42737. <var name="UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE" value="16" />
  42738. <var name="NB_RX_FIFO_BITS" value="7" />
  42739. <var name="NB_TX_FIFO_BITS" value="4" />
  42740. <reg protect="rw" name="ctrl">
  42741. <bits access="rw" name="Enable" pos="0" rst="0">
  42742. <options>
  42743. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  42744. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  42745. <default />
  42746. </options>
  42747. <comment>Allows to turn off the UART:<br />0 = Disable<br />1 = Enable
  42748. </comment>
  42749. </bits>
  42750. <bits access="rw" name="Data Bits" pos="1" rst="0">
  42751. <comment>Number of data bits per character (least significant bit first),
  42752. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 00, the number of data bits is 7;
  42753. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 01, the number of data bits is 8;
  42754. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 10, the number of data bits is 5;
  42755. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 11, the number of data bits is 6;
  42756. </comment>
  42757. </bits>
  42758. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Stop Bits" pos="2" rst="0">
  42759. <options>
  42760. <option name="1_BIT" value="0" />
  42761. <option name="2_BITS" value="1" />
  42762. <default />
  42763. </options>
  42764. <comment>Stop bits controls the number of stop bits transmitted. Can
  42765. receive with one stop bit (more inaccuracy can be compensated with two
  42766. stop bits when divisor mode is set to 0).<br />0 = one stop bit is
  42767. transmitted in the serial data.<br />1 = two stop bits are generated and
  42768. transmitted in the serial data out. </comment>
  42769. </bits>
  42770. <bits access="rw" name="Parity Enable" pos="3" rst="0">
  42771. <options>
  42772. <option name="NO" value="0" />
  42773. <option name="YES" value="1" />
  42774. <default />
  42775. </options>
  42776. <comment> Parity is enabled when this bit is set. </comment>
  42777. </bits>
  42778. <bits access="rw" name="Parity Select" pos="5:4" rst="0">
  42779. <options>
  42780. <option name="ODD" value="0" />
  42781. <option name="EVEN" value="1" />
  42782. <option name="SPACE" value="2" />
  42783. <option name="MARK" value="3" />
  42784. <default />
  42785. </options>
  42786. <comment> Controls the parity format when parity is enabled:<br />00 =
  42787. an odd number of received 1 bits is checked, or transmitted (the parity
  42788. bit is included).<br />01 = an even number of received 1 bits is checked
  42789. or transmitted (the parity bit is included).<br />10 = a space is
  42790. generated and received as parity bit.<br />11 = a mark is generated and
  42791. received as parity bit. </comment>
  42792. </bits>
  42793. <bits access="rw" name="soft flow ctrl enable" pos="6" rst="0">
  42794. <comment> Controls whether enable or disable soft flow ctrl function. <br />0 = disable flow ctrl function
  42795. <br />1 = enable flow ctrl function </comment>
  42796. </bits>
  42797. <bits access="rw" name="auto_enable" pos="8" rst="0">
  42798. <comment> Controls whether enable or disable auto baud rate function. <br />0 = disable auto baud rate function
  42799. <br />1 = enable auto baud rate function </comment>
  42800. </bits>
  42801. <bits access="rw" name="Data Bits_56" pos="12" rst="0">
  42802. <comment>Number of data bits per character (least significant bit first),
  42803. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 00, the number of data bits is 7;
  42804. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 01, the number of data bits is 8;
  42805. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 10, the number of data bits is 5;
  42806. if {Data_Bits_56, Data_Bits} is 11, the number of data bits is 6;
  42807. </comment>
  42808. </bits>
  42809. <bits access="rw" name="Divisor Mode" pos="20:19" rst="2'h1">
  42810. <comment>Selects the divisor value used to generate the baud rate
  42811. frequency (BCLK) from the SCLK (see UART Operation for details). If IrDA
  42812. is enable, this bit is ignored and the divisor used will be 16.<br />0 =
  42813. (BCLK = SCLK / 16)<br />1 = (BCLK = SCLK / 4) <br />2 = (BCLK = SCLK / 3) </comment>
  42814. </bits>
  42815. <bits access="rw" name="IrDA Enable" pos="21" rst="0">
  42816. <comment>When set, the UART is in IrDA mode and the baud rate divisor
  42817. used is 16 (see UART Operation for details). </comment>
  42818. </bits>
  42819. <bits access="rw" name="DMA Mode" pos="22" rst="0">
  42820. <options>
  42821. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  42822. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  42823. <default />
  42824. </options>
  42825. <comment>Enables the DMA signaling for the Uart_Dma_Tx_Req_H and
  42826. Uart_Dma_Rx_Req_H to the IFC. </comment>
  42827. </bits>
  42828. <bits access="rw" name="Auto Flow Control" pos="23" rst="0">
  42829. <options>
  42830. <option name="ENABLE" value="1" />
  42831. <option name="DISABLE" value="0" />
  42832. <default />
  42833. </options>
  42834. <comment>Enables the auto flow control. Uart_RTS is controlled by the Rx
  42835. RTS bit and the UART Auto Control Flow System. If Uart_CTS
  42836. become inactive high, the Tx data flow is stopped. </comment>
  42837. </bits>
  42838. <bits access="rw" name="Loop Back Mode" pos="24" rst="0">
  42839. <comment>When set, data on the Uart_Tx line is held high, while the
  42840. serial output is looped back to the serial input line, internally. In
  42841. this mode all the interrupts are fully functional. This feature is used
  42842. for diagnostic purposes. Also, in loop back mode, the modem control
  42843. input Uart_CTS is disconnected and the modem control output Uart_RTS are
  42844. looped back to the inputs, internally. In IrDA mode, Uart_Tx signal is
  42845. inverted (see IrDA SIR Mode Support). </comment>
  42846. </bits>
  42847. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Lock Err" pos="25" rst="0">
  42848. <comment>Allow to stop the data receiving when an error is detected
  42849. (framing, parity or break). The data in the fifo are kept. </comment>
  42850. </bits>
  42851. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Break Length" pos="31:28" rst="0xF">
  42852. <comment>Length of a break, in number of bits. </comment>
  42853. </bits>
  42854. </reg>
  42855. <reg protect="r" name="status">
  42856. <bits access="r" name="Rx Fifo Level" pos="NB_RX_FIFO_BITS:0" rst="0">
  42857. <options>
  42858. <mask/>
  42859. <shift/>
  42860. </options>
  42861. <comment>Those bits indicate the number of data available in the Rx
  42862. Fifo. Those data can be read. </comment>
  42863. </bits>
  42864. <bits access="r" name="Tx Fifo space" pos="NB_TX_FIFO_BITS+8:8" rst="5'h10">
  42865. <options>
  42866. <mask/>
  42867. <shift/>
  42868. </options>
  42869. <comment>Those bits indicate the number of space available in the Tx
  42870. Fifo. </comment>
  42871. </bits>
  42872. <bits access="r" name="at_match_flag" pos="13" rst="0">
  42873. <comment> at_match flag
  42874. <br/> '0' = AT is detected successfully.
  42875. <br/> '1' = at is detected successfully.
  42876. When auto_enable is 0,this bit is cleared to 0.
  42877. </comment>
  42878. </bits>
  42879. <bits access="r" name="Tx Active" pos="14" rst="0">
  42880. <comment>This bit indicates that the UART is sending data. If no data is
  42881. in the fifo, the UART is currently sending the last one through the
  42882. serial interface. </comment>
  42883. </bits>
  42884. <bits access="r" name="Rx Active" pos="15" rst="0">
  42885. <comment>This bit indicates that the UART is receiving a byte.
  42886. </comment>
  42887. </bits>
  42888. <bits access="r" name="Rx Overflow Err" pos="16" rst="0">
  42889. <comment>This bit indicates that the receiver received a new character
  42890. when the fifo was already full. The new character is discarded. This bit
  42891. is cleared when the UART_STATUS register is written with any value.
  42892. </comment>
  42893. </bits>
  42894. <bits access="r" name="Tx Overflow Err" pos="17" rst="0">
  42895. <comment>This bit indicates that the user tried to write a character when fifo was
  42896. already full. The written data will not be kept. This bit is cleared when
  42897. the UART_STATUS register is written with any value. </comment>
  42898. </bits>
  42899. <bits access="r" name="Rx Parity Err" pos="18" rst="0">
  42900. <comment>This bit is set if the parity is enabled and a parity error
  42901. occurred in the received data. This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS
  42902. register is written with any value. </comment>
  42903. </bits>
  42904. <bits access="r" name="Rx Framing Err" pos="19" rst="0">
  42905. <comment>This bit is set whenever there is a framing error occured. A
  42906. framing error occurs when the receiver does not detect a valid STOP bit
  42907. in the received data. This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS register
  42908. is written with any value. </comment>
  42909. </bits>
  42910. <bits access="r" name="Rx Break Int" pos="20" rst="0">
  42911. <comment>This bit is set whenever the serial input is held in a logic 0
  42912. state for longer than the length of x bits, where x is the value
  42913. programmed Rx Break Length. A null word will be written in the Rx Fifo.
  42914. This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS register is written with any
  42915. value. </comment>
  42916. </bits>
  42917. <bits access="r" name="character_miscompare" pos="21" rst="0">
  42918. <comment> character miscompare flag
  42919. <br/> '0' = AT or at compare failed.
  42920. <br/> '1' = AT or at compare successfully.
  42921. When auto_enable is 0,this bit is cleared to 0.
  42922. </comment>
  42923. </bits>
  42924. <bits access="r" name="auto_baud_locked" pos="22" rst="0">
  42925. <comment> auto baud locked flag
  42926. <br/> '0' = baud rate is detected failed.
  42927. <br/> '1' = baud rate is detected successfully.
  42928. When auto_enable is 0,this bit is cleared to 0.
  42929. </comment>
  42930. </bits>
  42931. <bits access="r" name="DCTS" pos="24" rst="1">
  42932. <comment>This bit is set when the Uart_CTS line changed since the last
  42933. time this register has been written. This bit is cleared when the
  42934. UART_STATUS register is written with any value. </comment>
  42935. </bits>
  42936. <bits access="r" name="CTS" pos="25" rst="0">
  42937. <comment>current value of the Uart_CTS line.
  42938. <br/> '1' = Tx not allowed.
  42939. <br/> '0' = Tx allowed.
  42940. </comment>
  42941. </bits>
  42942. <bits access="r" name="Auto ratio flag" pos="26" rst="0">
  42943. <comment>Auto mode ratio flag.
  42944. </comment>
  42945. </bits>
  42946. <bits access="r" name="Mask tx enable flag" pos="27" rst="0">
  42947. <comment>Mask tx enable flag.
  42948. </comment>
  42949. </bits>
  42950. <bits access="r" name="DTR" pos="28" rst="0">
  42951. <comment>Current value of the DTR line.
  42952. </comment>
  42953. </bits>
  42954. <bits access="r" name="Clk Enabled" pos="31" rst="0">
  42955. <comment>This bit is set when Uart Clk has been enabled and received by
  42956. UART after Need Uart Clock becomes active. It serves to avoid enabling
  42957. RTS too early.</comment>
  42958. </bits>
  42959. </reg>
  42960. <reg protect="--" name="rxtx_buffer">
  42961. <bits access="r" name="Rx Data" pos="7:0" rst="no">
  42962. <comment>The UART_RECEIVE_BUFFER register is a read-only register that
  42963. contains the data byte received on the serial input port. This register
  42964. accesses the head of the receive FIFO. If the receive FIFO is full and
  42965. this register is not read before the next data character arrives, then
  42966. the data already in the FIFO will be preserved but any incoming data
  42967. will be lost. An overflow error will also occur. </comment>
  42968. </bits>
  42969. <bits access="w" name="Tx Data" pos="7:0" rst="no">
  42970. <comment>The UART_TRANSMIT_HOLDING register is a write-only register
  42971. that contains data to be transmitted on the serial output port. 16
  42972. characters of data may be written to the UART_TRANSMIT_HOLDING register
  42973. before the FIFO is full. Any attempt to write data when the FIFO is full
  42974. results in the write data being lost. </comment>
  42975. </bits>
  42976. </reg>
  42977. <reg protect="rw" name="irq_mask">
  42978. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Modem Status" pos="0" rst="0">
  42979. <comment>Clear to send signal change detected. </comment>
  42980. </bits>
  42981. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Data Available" pos="1" rst="0">
  42982. <comment>Rx Fifo at or upper threshold level (current level &gt;= Rx
  42983. Fifo trigger level). </comment>
  42984. </bits>
  42985. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Data Needed" pos="2" rst="0">
  42986. <comment>Tx Fifo at or below threshold level (current level &lt;= Tx
  42987. Fifo trigger level). </comment>
  42988. </bits>
  42989. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Timeout" pos="3" rst="0">
  42990. <comment>No characters in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4
  42991. character times and there is at least 1 character in it during this
  42992. time. </comment>
  42993. </bits>
  42994. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Line Err" pos="4" rst="0">
  42995. <comment>Tx Overflow, Rx Overflow, Parity Error, Framing Error or Break
  42996. Interrupt. </comment>
  42997. </bits>
  42998. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Dma Done" pos="5" rst="0">
  42999. <comment>Pulse detected on Uart_Dma_Tx_Done_H signal. </comment>
  43000. </bits>
  43001. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Done" pos="6" rst="0">
  43002. <comment>Pulse detected on Uart_Dma_Rx_Done_H signal. </comment>
  43003. </bits>
  43004. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Timeout" pos="7" rst="0">
  43005. <comment>In DMA mode, there is at least 1 character that has been read
  43006. in or out the Rx Fifo. Then before received Rx DMA Done, No characters
  43007. in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4 character times.
  43008. </comment>
  43009. </bits>
  43010. <bits access="rw" name="DTR RISE" pos="8" rst="0">
  43011. <comment>Rising edge detected on the UART_DTR signal.
  43012. </comment>
  43013. </bits>
  43014. <bits access="rw" name="DTR FALL" pos="9" rst="0">
  43015. <comment>Falling edge detected on the UART_DTR signal.
  43016. </comment>
  43017. </bits>
  43018. <bits access="rw" name="Auto Fail" pos="10" rst="0">
  43019. <comment>Auto function fail.
  43020. </comment>
  43021. </bits>
  43022. <bits access="rw" name="Uart dma rx adone" pos="11" rst="0">
  43023. <comment>When rx transfer num equals to transfer threshold, there is a interrupt flag.
  43024. </comment>
  43025. </bits>
  43026. <bits access="rw" name="Uart dma tx adone" pos="12" rst="0">
  43027. <comment>When tx transfer num equals to transfer threshold, there is a interrupt flag.
  43028. </comment>
  43029. </bits>
  43030. <bits access="rw" name="xoff_trig" pos="13" rst="0">
  43031. <comment>This interrupt is generated when sw flow ctrl is enabled and rx char is xoff.
  43032. </comment>
  43033. </bits>
  43034. <bits access="rw" name="xon_trig" pos="14" rst="0">
  43035. <comment>This interrupt is generated when sw flow ctrl is enabled and rx char is xon.
  43036. </comment>
  43037. </bits>
  43038. <bits access="rw" name="start_det" pos="15" rst="0">
  43039. <comment>This interrupt is generated when start bit is detected.
  43040. </comment>
  43041. </bits>
  43042. </reg>
  43043. <reg protect="rw" name="irq_cause">
  43044. <bits access="r" name="Tx Modem Status" pos="0" rst="0">
  43045. <comment>Clear to send signal detected. Reset control: This bit is
  43046. cleared when the UART_STATUS register is written with any value.
  43047. </comment>
  43048. </bits>
  43049. <bits access="r" name="Rx Data Available" pos="1" rst="0">
  43050. <comment>Rx Fifo at or upper threshold level (current level &gt;= Rx
  43051. Fifo trigger level). Reset control: Reading the UART_RECEIVE_BUFFER
  43052. until the Fifo drops below the trigger level. </comment>
  43053. </bits>
  43054. <bits access="r" name="Tx Data Needed" pos="2" rst="0">
  43055. <comment>Tx Fifo at or below threshold level (current level &lt;= Tx
  43056. Fifo trigger level). Reset control: Writing into UART_TRANSMIT_HOLDING
  43057. register above threshold level. </comment>
  43058. </bits>
  43059. <bits access="r" name="Rx Timeout" pos="3" rst="0">
  43060. <comment>No characters in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4
  43061. character times and there is at least 1 character in it during this
  43062. time. Reset control: Reading from the UART_RECEIVE_BUFFER register.
  43063. </comment>
  43064. </bits>
  43065. <bits access="r" name="Rx Line Err" pos="4" rst="0">
  43066. <comment>Tx Overflow, Rx Overflow, Parity Error, Framing Error or Break
  43067. Interrupt. Reset control: This bit is cleared when the UART_STATUS
  43068. register is written with any value. </comment>
  43069. </bits>
  43070. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Dma Done" pos="5" rst="0">
  43071. <comment>This interrupt is generated when a pulse is detected on the
  43072. Uart_Dma_Tx_Done_H signal. Reset control: Write one in this register.
  43073. </comment>
  43074. </bits>
  43075. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Done" pos="6" rst="0">
  43076. <comment>This interrupt is generated when a pulse is detected on the
  43077. Uart_Dma_Rx_Done_H signal. Reset control: Write one in this register.
  43078. </comment>
  43079. </bits>
  43080. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Dma Timeout" pos="7" rst="0">
  43081. <comment>In DMA mode, there is at least 1 character that has been read
  43082. in or out the Rx Fifo. Then before received Rx DMA Done, No characters
  43083. in or out of the Rx Fifo during the last 4 character times.
  43084. Reset control: Write one in this register.
  43085. </comment>
  43086. </bits>
  43087. <bits access="rw" name="DTR RISE" pos="8" rst="0">
  43088. <comment>This interrupt is generated when a rising edge is detected on the
  43089. UART_DTR signal. Reset control: Write one in this register.
  43090. </comment>
  43091. </bits>
  43092. <bits access="rw" name="DTR FALL" pos="9" rst="0">
  43093. <comment>This interrupt is generated when a falling edge is detected on the
  43094. UART_DTR signal. Reset control: Write one in this register.
  43095. </comment>
  43096. </bits>
  43097. <bits access="rw" name="Auto Fail" pos="10" rst="0">
  43098. <comment>This interrupt is generated when auto function fail.
  43099. Reset control: Write 0 in auto_enable.
  43100. </comment>
  43101. </bits>
  43102. <bits access="rw" name="Uart dma rx adone" pos="11" rst="0">
  43103. <comment>This interrupt is generated when rx transfer num is not less than transfer threshold.
  43104. Reset control: Write 1 in this register.
  43105. </comment>
  43106. </bits>
  43107. <bits access="rw" name="Uart dma tx adone" pos="12" rst="0">
  43108. <comment>This interrupt is generated when tx transfer num is not less than transfer threshold.
  43109. Reset control: Write 1 in this register.
  43110. </comment>
  43111. </bits>
  43112. <bits access="rw" name="xoff_trig" pos="13" rst="0">
  43113. <comment>This interrupt is generated when sw flow ctrl is enabled and rx char is xoff.
  43114. Reset control: Write 1 in this register.
  43115. </comment>
  43116. </bits>
  43117. <bits access="rw" name="xon_trig" pos="14" rst="0">
  43118. <comment>This interrupt is generated when sw flow ctrl is enabled and rx char is xon.
  43119. Reset control: Write 1 in this register.
  43120. </comment>
  43121. </bits>
  43122. <bits access="rw" name="start_det" pos="15" rst="0">
  43123. <comment>This interrupt is generated when start is detected.
  43124. Reset control: Write 1 in this register.
  43125. </comment>
  43126. </bits>
  43127. <bits access="r" name="Tx Modem Status U" pos="16" rst="0">
  43128. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43129. </bits>
  43130. <bits access="r" name="Rx Data Available U" pos="17" rst="0">
  43131. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43132. </bits>
  43133. <bits access="r" name="Tx Data Needed U" pos="18" rst="0">
  43134. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43135. </bits>
  43136. <bits access="r" name="Rx Timeout U" pos="19" rst="0">
  43137. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43138. </bits>
  43139. <bits access="r" name="Rx Line Err U" pos="20" rst="0">
  43140. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43141. </bits>
  43142. <bits access="r" name="Tx Dma Done U" pos="21" rst="0">
  43143. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43144. </bits>
  43145. <bits access="r" name="Rx Dma Done U" pos="22" rst="0">
  43146. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43147. </bits>
  43148. <bits access="r" name="Rx Dma Timeout U" pos="23" rst="0">
  43149. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43150. </bits>
  43151. <bits access="r" name="DTR RISE U" pos="24" rst="0">
  43152. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43153. </bits>
  43154. <bits access="r" name="DTR FALL U" pos="25" rst="0">
  43155. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43156. </bits>
  43157. <bits access="r" name="Auto fail U" pos="26" rst="0">
  43158. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43159. </bits>
  43160. <bits access="rw" name="Uart dma rx adone U" pos="27" rst="0">
  43161. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43162. </bits>
  43163. <bits access="rw" name="Uart dma tx adone U" pos="28" rst="0">
  43164. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43165. </bits>
  43166. <bits access="rw" name="xoff_trig U" pos="29" rst="0">
  43167. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43168. </bits>
  43169. <bits access="rw" name="xon_trig U" pos="30" rst="0">
  43170. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43171. </bits>
  43172. <bits access="rw" name="start_det U" pos="31" rst="0">
  43173. <comment>Same as previous, not masked. </comment>
  43174. </bits>
  43175. </reg>
  43176. <reg protect="rw" name="triggers">
  43177. <bits access="rw" name="Rx Trigger" pos="NB_RX_FIFO_BITS-1:0" rst="0">
  43178. <comment>Defines the empty threshold level at which the Data Available
  43179. Interrupt will be generated. <br />The Data Available interrupt is
  43180. generated when quantity of data in Rx Fifo &gt; Rx Trigger.</comment>
  43181. </bits>
  43182. <bits access="rw" name="Tx Trigger" pos="NB_TX_FIFO_BITS-1+8:8" rst="0">
  43183. <comment>Defines the empty threshold level at which the Data Needed
  43184. Interrupt will be generated.<br />The Data Needed Interrupt is generated
  43185. when quantity of data in Tx Fifo &lt;= Tx Trigger.</comment>
  43186. </bits>
  43187. <bits access="rw" name="AFC Level" pos="NB_RX_FIFO_BITS-1+16:16" rst="0">
  43188. <comment>Controls the Rx Fifo level at which the Uart_RTS Auto Flow
  43189. Control will be set inactive high (see UART Operation for more details
  43190. on AFC).<br />The Uart_RTS Auto Flow Control will be set inactive high
  43191. when quantity of data in Rx Fifo &gt; AFC Level.</comment>
  43192. </bits>
  43193. </reg>
  43194. <reg protect="rw" name="CMD_Set">
  43195. <bits access="rs" name="RI" pos="0" rst="0">
  43196. <comment>Ring indicator. When write '1', set RI bit. When read, get RI bit
  43197. value.
  43198. </comment>
  43199. </bits>
  43200. <bits access="rs" name="DCD" pos="1" rst="0">
  43201. <comment>Data carrier detect. When write '1', set DCD bit. When read, get DCD
  43202. bit value.
  43203. </comment>
  43204. </bits>
  43205. <bits access="rs" name="DSR" pos="2" rst="0">
  43206. <comment>Data set ready. When write '1', set RI bit. When read, get RI bit
  43207. value.
  43208. </comment>
  43209. </bits>
  43210. <bits access="rs" name="Tx Break Control" pos="3" rst="0">
  43211. <comment> Sends a break signal by holding the Uart_Tx line low until
  43212. this bit is cleared. </comment>
  43213. </bits>
  43214. <bits access="rs" name="Tx Finish n Wait" pos="4" rst="0">
  43215. <comment>When this bit is set the Tx engine terminates to send the
  43216. current byte and then it stops to send data.</comment>
  43217. </bits>
  43218. <bits access="rs" name="RTS" pos="5" rst="0">
  43219. <comment>Controls the Uart_RTS output.
  43220. <br />0 = the Uart_RTS will be inactive high (Rx not allowed).
  43221. <br />1 = the Uart_RTS will be active low (Rx allowed).
  43222. </comment>
  43223. </bits>
  43224. <bits access="r" name="Rx Fifo Reset" pos="6" rst="0">
  43225. <comment> Writing a 1 to this bit resets and flushes the Receive Fifo.
  43226. This bit does not need to be cleared. </comment>
  43227. </bits>
  43228. <bits access="r" name="Tx Fifo Reset" pos="7" rst="0">
  43229. <comment> Writing a 1 to this bit resets and flushes the Transmit Fifo.
  43230. This bit does not need to be cleared. </comment>
  43231. </bits>
  43232. </reg>
  43233. <reg protect="rw" name="CMD_Clr">
  43234. <bits access="rc" name="RI" pos="0" rst="0">
  43235. <comment>Ring indicator. When write '1', clear RI bit. When read, get RI bit
  43236. value.
  43237. </comment>
  43238. </bits>
  43239. <bits access="rc" name="DCD" pos="1" rst="0">
  43240. <comment>Data carrier detect. When write '1', clear DCD bit. When read, get DCD
  43241. bit value.
  43242. </comment>
  43243. </bits>
  43244. <bits access="rc" name="DSR" pos="2" rst="0">
  43245. <comment>Data set ready. When write '1', clear RI bit. When read, get RI bit
  43246. value.
  43247. </comment>
  43248. </bits>
  43249. <bits access="rc" name="Tx Break Control" pos="3" rst="0">
  43250. <comment> Sends a break signal by holding the Uart_Tx line low until
  43251. this bit is cleared. </comment>
  43252. </bits>
  43253. <bits access="rc" name="Tx Finish n Wait" pos="4" rst="0">
  43254. <comment>When this bit is set the Tx engine terminates to send the
  43255. current byte and then it stops to send data.</comment>
  43256. </bits>
  43257. <bits access="rc" name="RTS" pos="5" rst="0">
  43258. <comment>Controls the Uart_RTS output.
  43259. <br />0 = the Uart_RTS will be inactive high.
  43260. <br />1 = the Uart_RTS will be active low.
  43261. </comment>
  43262. </bits>
  43263. </reg>
  43264. <reg protect="r" name="Auto ratio">
  43265. <bits access="r" name="Auto ratio" pos="15:0" rst="0">
  43266. <comment>Auto mode ratio.
  43267. </comment>
  43268. </bits>
  43269. </reg>
  43270. <reg protect="rw" name="XON">
  43271. <bits access="rw" name="XON" pos="7:0" rst="8'h11">
  43272. <comment>XON character value. </comment>
  43273. </bits>
  43274. </reg>
  43275. <reg protect="rw" name="XOFF">
  43276. <bits access="rw" name="XOFF" pos="7:0" rst="8'h13">
  43277. <comment>XOFF character value. </comment>
  43278. </bits>
  43279. </reg>
  43280. </module>
  43281. </archive>
  43282. <archive relative = "wdt.xml">
  43283. <module name="wdt" category="System">
  43284. <reg name="wdt_cvr0" protect="rw">
  43285. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_0" pos="23:0" rst="0xffffff">
  43286. <comment>Count Value for 1st TimeOut
  43287. </comment>
  43288. </bits>
  43289. </reg>
  43290. <reg name="wdt_cvr1" protect="rw">
  43291. <bits access="rw" name="count_value_1" pos="23:0" rst="0xffffff">
  43292. <comment>Count Value for 2nd TimeOut
  43293. </comment>
  43294. </bits>
  43295. </reg>
  43296. <reg name="wdt_cr" protect="rw">
  43297. <bits access="rw" name="mode" pos="4:4" rst="0x1">
  43298. <comment>Watchdog response mode.
  43299. <br/>0 = Generate a system reset.
  43300. <br/>1 = First generate an interrupt and if it is not cleared by the time a second timeout occurs then generate a system reset.
  43301. </comment>
  43302. </bits>
  43303. <bits access="rw" name="reset_length" pos="2:0" rst="0x0">
  43304. <comment>Reset pulse length in number of wdt clock cycles. The range of values available is 1 to 8 clk cycles.
  43305. <br/>3'b000 - 1 clk cycle
  43306. <br/>3'b001 - 2 clk cycles
  43307. <br/>3'b010 - 3 clk cycles
  43308. <br/>...
  43309. <br/>3'b111 - 8 clk cycles
  43310. </comment>
  43311. </bits>
  43312. </reg>
  43313. <reg name="wdt_cmd" protect="rw">
  43314. <bits access="rw" name="cmd" pos="7:0" rst="0x0">
  43315. <comment>This register is used to restart/stop the WDT counter. As a safety feature to prevent accidental restarts/stops, write 8'h76 to restart and 8'h34 to stop.
  43316. <br/>When written is done, this register is self-cleared on the next clock cycle. Reading this register always returns zero.
  43317. </comment>
  43318. <options>
  43319. <option name="RESTART" value ="0x76"></option>
  43320. <option name="STOP" value ="0x34"></option>
  43321. <mask/><shift/><default/>
  43322. </options>
  43323. </bits>
  43324. </reg>
  43325. <reg name="wdt_icr" protect="rw">
  43326. <bits access="rw" name="int_clr" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  43327. <comment>A pulse to clear interrupt.
  43328. <br/>When written is done, this register is self-cleared on the next clock cycle. Reading this register always returns zero.
  43329. </comment>
  43330. </bits>
  43331. </reg>
  43332. <reg name="wdt_sr" protect="r">
  43333. <bits access="r" name="wdt_active" pos="1:1" rst="0x0">
  43334. <comment>This register shows the word status of the WDT.
  43335. <br/>0 = The watchdog counter is idle/stopped.
  43336. <br/>1 = The watchdog counter runs.
  43337. </comment>
  43338. </bits>
  43339. <bits access="r" name="int_assert" pos="0:0" rst="0x0">
  43340. <comment>This register shows the interrupt status of the WDT.
  43341. <br/>0 = Interrupt is inactive.
  43342. <br/>1 = Interrupt asserts.
  43343. </comment>
  43344. </bits>
  43345. </reg>
  43346. </module>
  43347. </archive>
  43348. <archive relative = "config.xml">
  43349. <include file="globals.xml"/>
  43350. <var name="SYS_ROM_BASE" value="0x00000000"><comment>ROM base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43351. <var name="SYS_RAM_BASE" value="0x21c00000"><comment>SYS RAM base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43352. <var name="NB_RAM_BASE" value="0x21d80000"><comment>NB RAM base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43353. <var name="EXT_RAM_BASE" value="0x08000000"><comment>FLASH base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43354. <var name="PSRAM8_BASE" value="0x62000000"><comment>PSRAM8 base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43355. <var name="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE" value="0x41800000"><comment>System APB1 base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43356. <var name="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE" value="0x41a00000"><comment>System APB2 base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43357. <var name="REG_BB_APB_BASE" value="0x41900000"><comment>Baseband APB base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43358. <var name="SYS_MED_BASE" value="0xC000000"><comment>MED base FOR ARM</comment></var>
  43359. <instance address="0x00000000" type="debug_host_internal_registers" name="INT_REG_DBG_HOST" />
  43360. <instance address="SYS_ROM_BASE" type="sys_drom" name="SYS_ROM" />
  43361. <instance address="SYS_ROM_BASE + 0x10000" type="sys_irom" name="NB_ROM" />
  43362. <instance address="SYS_RAM_BASE" type="sys_ram1" name="SYS_RAM0" />
  43363. <instance address="SYS_RAM_BASE + 0x40000" type="sys_ram1" name="SYS_RAM1" />
  43364. <instance address="SYS_RAM_BASE + 0x80000" type="sys_ram1" name="SYS_RAM2" />
  43365. <instance address="SYS_RAM_BASE + 0xc0000" type="sys_ram0" name="SYS_RAM3" />
  43366. <instance address="NB_RAM_BASE" type="nb_ram" name="NB_RAM" />
  43367. <instance address="PSRAM8_BASE" type="psram" name="PSRAM8_MEM" />
  43368. <instance address="EXT_RAM_BASE" type="flash" name="FLASH_MEM" />
  43369. <instance address="EXT_RAM_BASE + 0x2000000" type="flash" name="FLASH_EXT_MEM" />
  43370. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_UART1" type="uart" name="UART1" />
  43371. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_UART2" type="uart" name="UART2" />
  43372. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_GPIO1" type="gpio1" name="GPIO1" />
  43373. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_GPT1" type="gpt_lite" name="GPT1" />
  43374. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_PWR_CTRL" type="pmuc" name="PWR_CTRL" />
  43375. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_NB_LPS" type="lps" name="NB_LPS" />
  43376. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_TIMER1" type="timer" name="TIMER1" />
  43377. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_IOMUX1" type="iomux1" name="IOMUX1" />
  43378. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_IOMUX2" type="iomux2" name="IOMUX2" />
  43379. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_SYS_WDT" type="wdt" name="SYS_WDT" />
  43380. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB1_BASE + SYS_APB1_STEP * SYS_ID1_SYS_IFC1" type="sys_ifc1" name="SYS_IFC1" />
  43381. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SCI2" type="sci" name="SCI2" />
  43382. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SPI1" type="spi" name="SPI1" />
  43383. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SPI2" type="spi" name="SPI2" />
  43384. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_DEBUG_UART" type="debug_uart" name="DEBUG_UART" />
  43385. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_UART3" type="uart" name="UART3" />
  43386. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_UART4" type="uart" name="UART4" />
  43387. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_UART5" type="uart" name="UART5" />
  43388. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SDMMC2" type="sdmmc2" name="SDMMC2" />
  43389. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_I2S" type="i2s" name="I2S" />
  43390. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SYS_IFC2" type="sys_ifc2" name="SYS_IFC2" />
  43391. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_DEBUG_HOST" type="debug_host" name="DEBUG_HOST" />
  43392. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_GPIO2" type="gpio" name="GPIO2" />
  43393. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_GPT2" type="gpt" name="GPT2" />
  43394. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_GPT2 + 0x400" type="gpt" name="GPT3" />
  43395. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_GPT2 + 0x800" type="gpt" name="GPT4" />
  43396. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_KEYPAD" type="keypad" name="KEYPAD" />
  43397. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SEG_LCD" type="seg_lcd" name="SEG_LCD" />
  43398. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_I2C1" type="i2c_master" name="I2C1" />
  43399. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_I2C2" type="i2c_master" name="I2C2" />
  43400. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_I2C3" type="i2c_master" name="I2C3" />
  43401. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_TIMER2" type="timer" name="TIMER2" />
  43402. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_DMA" type="dma" name="SYS_DMA" />
  43403. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_CTRL" type="sys_ctrl" name="SYS_CTRL" />
  43404. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_ROM_PATCH" type="rom_patch" name="ROM_PATCH" />
  43405. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_PSRAM8_CTRL" type="psram8_ctrl" name="PSRAM8_CTRL" />
  43406. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MED" type="med" name="MED" />
  43407. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_CE_SEC" type="ce_sec_top" name="CE_SEC" />
  43408. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_CE_PUB" type="ce_pub_top" name="CE_PUB" />
  43409. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_EFUSE" type="efuse" name="EFUSE" />
  43410. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SPIFLASH" type="spi_flash" name="SPI_FLASH" />
  43411. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SPIFLASH_EXT" type="spi_flash" name="SPIFLASH_EXT" />
  43412. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_ADI_IF" type="adi_mst" name="ADI_IF" />
  43413. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MC" type="master_ctrl_top_rf" name="MC" />
  43414. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SFW1" type="slv_fw_sysifc1_apb_rf" name="SFW1" />
  43415. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SFW2" type="slv_fw_sysifc2_apb_rf" name="SFW2" />
  43416. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SFW3" type="slv_fw_sysifc2_ahb_rf" name="SFW3" />
  43417. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SFW4" type="slv_fw_bbifc_ahb_rf" name="SFW4" />
  43418. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_SFW5" type="slv_fw_bbifc_apb_rf" name="SFW5" />
  43419. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MFW_NBRAM" type="mem_fw_bb_nbiot_top_rf" name="MFW_NBRAM" />
  43420. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM0" type="mem_fw_sys_ram0_rf" name="MFW_SRAM0" />
  43421. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM1" type="mem_fw_sys_ram1_rf" name="MFW_SRAM1" />
  43422. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM2" type="mem_fw_sys_ram2_rf" name="MFW_SRAM2" />
  43423. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MFW_SRAM3" type="mem_fw_sys_ram3_rf" name="MFW_SRAM3" />
  43424. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MFW_FLASH" type="mem_fw_flash1_rf" name="MFW_FLASH" />
  43425. <instance address="REG_SYS_APB2_BASE + SYS_APB2_STEP * SYS_ID2_MFW_FLASH_EXT" type="mem_fw_flash2_rf" name="MFW_FLASH_EXT" />
  43426. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_SCI1" type="sci" name="SCI1" />
  43427. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_NB_RF_SPI" type="rf_spi" name="NB_RF_SPI" />
  43428. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_NB_TCU" type="tcu" name="NB_TCU" />
  43429. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_RF_IF" type="rf_if" name="RF_IF" />
  43430. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_RF_INTERFACE" type="rf_dig" name="RF_INTERFACE"/>
  43431. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_DFE" type="dfe" name="DFE"/>
  43432. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_RFFE" type="rffe_reg" name="RFFE"/>
  43433. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_BB_IFC" type="bb_ifc" name="BB_IFC" />
  43434. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_BB_CTRL" type="bb_ctrl" name="BB_CTRL" />
  43435. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_NB_CTRL" type="nb_ctrl" name="NB_CTRL" />
  43436. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_COMMON" type="nb_common" name="NB_COMMON" />
  43437. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_INTC" type="nb_intc" name="NB_INTC" />
  43438. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_CS" type="nb_cell_search" name="NB_CS" />
  43439. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_FFT" type="nb_fft_rsrp" name="NB_FFT_RSRP" />
  43440. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_FFT + 0x200" type="nb_ca_rx_dump" name="NB_CA_RX_DUMP" />
  43441. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_FFT + 0x400" type="nb_acc" name="NB_ACC" />
  43442. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_VITERBI" type="nb_viterbi" name="NB_VITERBI" />
  43443. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_MEAS" type="nb_meas" name="NB_MEAS" />
  43444. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_MEAS + 0x400" type="nb_locseq_gen" name="NB_LOCSEQ_GEN" />
  43445. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_DS_BSEL" type="nb_ds_bsel" name="NB_DS_BSEL" />
  43446. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_DS_BSEL + 0x100" type="SP" name="NB_SP" />
  43447. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_TX_PUSCH" type="nb_tx_pusch_encoder" name="NB_TX_PUSCH" />
  43448. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_TX_CHSC" type="nb_tx_chsc" name="NB_TX_CHSC" />
  43449. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_TX_CHSC + 0x100" type="nb_tx_mdd" name="NB_TX_MDD" />
  43450. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_TX_FE" type="nb_tx_frontend" name="NB_TX_FRONTEND" />
  43451. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * NB_ID_TX_FE + 0x200" type="nb_ca_tx_dump" name="NB_CA_TX_DUMP" />
  43452. <instance address="REG_BB_APB_BASE + BB_APB_STEP * BB_ID_F8" type="cipher_f8" name="CIPHER_F8" />
  43453. <instance address="0xe000e000" type="SCnSCB" name="SCnSCB" />
  43454. <instance address="0xe000ed00" type="SCB" name="SCB" />
  43455. <instance address="0xe000e010" type="SysTick" name="SysTick" />
  43456. <instance address="0xe000e100" type="NVIC" name="NVIC" />
  43457. <instance address="0xe000ed90" type="MPU" name="MPU" />
  43458. <instance address="0xe000edd0" type="SAU" name="SAU" />
  43459. <instance address="0xe000ef30" type="FPU" name="FPU" />
  43460. <instance address="0xe002e000" type="SCnSCB" name="SCnSCB_NS" />
  43461. <instance address="0xe002ed00" type="SCB" name="SCB_NS" />
  43462. <instance address="0xe002e010" type="SysTick" name="SysTick_NS" />
  43463. <instance address="0xe002e100" type="NVIC" name="NVIC_NS" />
  43464. <instance address="0xe002ed90" type="MPU" name="MPU_NS" />
  43465. <instance address="0xe002ef30" type="FPU" name="FPU_NS" />
  43466. </archive>
  43467. </bigarchive>