CMakeCompilerIdDetection.cmake 4.6 KB

  1. # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
  2. # file Copyright.txt or for details.
  3. function(_readFile file)
  4. include(${file})
  5. get_filename_component(name ${file} NAME_WE)
  6. string(REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" CompilerId ${name})
  7. set(_compiler_id_version_compute_${CompilerId} ${_compiler_id_version_compute} PARENT_SCOPE)
  8. set(_compiler_id_simulate_${CompilerId} ${_compiler_id_simulate} PARENT_SCOPE)
  9. set(_compiler_id_pp_test_${CompilerId} ${_compiler_id_pp_test} PARENT_SCOPE)
  10. endfunction()
  11. function(compiler_id_detection outvar lang)
  12. if (NOT lang STREQUAL Fortran AND NOT lang STREQUAL CSharp)
  13. file(GLOB lang_files
  14. "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Compiler/*-DetermineCompiler.cmake")
  15. set(nonlang CXX)
  16. if (lang STREQUAL CXX)
  17. set(nonlang C)
  18. endif()
  19. file(GLOB nonlang_files
  20. "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Compiler/*-${nonlang}-DetermineCompiler.cmake")
  21. list(REMOVE_ITEM lang_files ${nonlang_files})
  22. endif()
  23. set(files ${lang_files})
  24. if (files)
  25. foreach(file ${files})
  26. _readFile(${file})
  27. endforeach()
  29. set(oneValueArgs PREFIX)
  30. cmake_parse_arguments(CID "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
  32. message(FATAL_ERROR "Unrecognized arguments: \"${CID_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}\"")
  33. endif()
  34. # Order is relevant here. For example, compilers which pretend to be
  35. # GCC must appear before the actual GCC.
  36. if (lang STREQUAL CXX)
  37. list(APPEND ordered_compilers
  38. Comeau
  39. )
  40. endif()
  41. list(APPEND ordered_compilers
  42. Intel
  43. PathScale
  44. Embarcadero
  45. Borland
  46. Watcom
  47. OpenWatcom
  48. SunPro
  49. HP
  50. Compaq
  51. zOS
  52. XLClang
  53. XL
  54. VisualAge
  55. PGI
  56. Cray
  57. TI
  58. Fujitsu
  59. GHS
  60. )
  61. if (lang STREQUAL C)
  62. list(APPEND ordered_compilers
  63. TinyCC
  64. Bruce
  65. )
  66. endif()
  67. list(APPEND ordered_compilers
  68. SCO
  69. ARMCC
  70. AppleClang
  71. ARMClang
  72. Clang
  73. GNU
  74. MSVC
  75. ADSP
  76. IAR
  77. )
  78. if (lang STREQUAL C)
  79. list(APPEND ordered_compilers
  80. SDCC
  81. )
  82. endif()
  83. #Currently the only CUDA compilers are NVIDIA
  84. if(lang STREQUAL CUDA)
  85. set(ordered_compilers NVIDIA)
  86. endif()
  87. if(CID_ID_DEFINE)
  88. foreach(Id ${ordered_compilers})
  89. string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "# define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_IS_${Id} 0\n")
  90. endforeach()
  91. # Hard-code definitions for compilers that are no longer supported.
  92. string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "# define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_IS_MIPSpro 0\n")
  93. endif()
  94. set(pp_if "#if")
  96. string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "\n/* Version number components: V=Version, R=Revision, P=Patch
  97. Version date components: YYYY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day */\n")
  98. endif()
  99. foreach(Id ${ordered_compilers})
  100. if (NOT _compiler_id_pp_test_${Id})
  101. message(FATAL_ERROR "No preprocessor test for \"${Id}\"")
  102. endif()
  103. set(id_content "${pp_if} ${_compiler_id_pp_test_${Id}}\n")
  104. if (CID_ID_STRING)
  105. set(PREFIX ${CID_PREFIX})
  106. string(CONFIGURE "${_compiler_id_simulate_${Id}}" SIMULATE_BLOCK @ONLY)
  107. string(APPEND id_content "# define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_ID \"${Id}\"${SIMULATE_BLOCK}")
  108. endif()
  109. if (CID_ID_DEFINE)
  110. string(APPEND id_content "# undef ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_IS_${Id}\n")
  111. string(APPEND id_content "# define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_IS_${Id} 1\n")
  112. endif()
  114. set(PREFIX ${CID_PREFIX})
  115. set(MACRO_DEC DEC)
  116. set(MACRO_HEX HEX)
  117. string(CONFIGURE "${_compiler_id_version_compute_${Id}}" VERSION_BLOCK @ONLY)
  118. string(APPEND id_content "${VERSION_BLOCK}\n")
  119. endif()
  120. string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "\n${id_content}")
  121. set(pp_if "#elif")
  122. endforeach()
  124. set(platform_compiler_detection "
  125. /* These compilers are either not known or too old to define an
  126. identification macro. Try to identify the platform and guess that
  127. it is the native compiler. */
  128. #elif defined(__hpux) || defined(__hpua)
  129. # define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_ID \"HP\"
  130. #else /* unknown compiler */
  131. # define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_ID \"\"")
  132. endif()
  133. string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "\n${platform_compiler_detection}\n#endif")
  134. endif()
  135. set(${outvar} ${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT} PARENT_SCOPE)
  136. endfunction()