FindGCCXML.cmake 672 B

  1. # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
  2. # file Copyright.txt or for details.
  3. #[=======================================================================[.rst:
  4. FindGCCXML
  5. ----------
  6. Find the GCC-XML front-end executable.
  7. This module will define the following variables:
  8. ::
  9. GCCXML - the GCC-XML front-end executable.
  10. #]=======================================================================]
  11. find_program(GCCXML
  12. NAMES gccxml
  13. ../GCC_XML/gccxml
  14. PATHS [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Kitware\\GCC_XML;loc]
  15. "$ENV{ProgramFiles}/GCC_XML"
  16. "C:/Program Files/GCC_XML"
  17. )
  18. mark_as_advanced(GCCXML)