FindPkgConfig.cmake 28 KB

  1. # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
  2. # file Copyright.txt or for details.
  3. #[========================================[.rst:
  4. FindPkgConfig
  5. -------------
  6. A ``pkg-config`` module for CMake.
  7. Finds the ``pkg-config`` executable and adds the :command:`pkg_get_variable`,
  8. :command:`pkg_check_modules` and :command:`pkg_search_module` commands. The
  9. following variables will also be set:
  11. if pkg-config executable was found
  13. pathname of the pkg-config program
  15. version of pkg-config (since CMake 2.8.8)
  16. #]========================================]
  17. ### Common stuff ####
  19. # find pkg-config, use PKG_CONFIG if set
  21. set(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG}" CACHE FILEPATH "pkg-config executable")
  22. endif()
  23. find_program(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE NAMES pkg-config DOC "pkg-config executable")
  24. mark_as_advanced(PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
  26. execute_process(COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --version
  30. endif ()
  31. include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake)
  32. find_package_handle_standard_args(PkgConfig
  35. # This is needed because the module name is "PkgConfig" but the name of
  36. # this variable has always been PKG_CONFIG_FOUND so this isn't automatically
  37. # handled by FPHSA.
  39. # Unsets the given variables
  40. macro(_pkgconfig_unset var)
  41. set(${var} "" CACHE INTERNAL "")
  42. endmacro()
  43. macro(_pkgconfig_set var value)
  44. set(${var} ${value} CACHE INTERNAL "")
  45. endmacro()
  46. # Invokes pkgconfig, cleans up the result and sets variables
  47. macro(_pkgconfig_invoke _pkglist _prefix _varname _regexp)
  48. set(_pkgconfig_invoke_result)
  49. execute_process(
  51. OUTPUT_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_invoke_result
  52. RESULT_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_failed
  54. if (_pkgconfig_failed)
  55. set(_pkgconfig_${_varname} "")
  56. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_varname})
  57. else()
  58. string(REGEX REPLACE "[\r\n]" " " _pkgconfig_invoke_result "${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}")
  59. if (NOT ${_regexp} STREQUAL "")
  60. string(REGEX REPLACE "${_regexp}" " " _pkgconfig_invoke_result "${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}")
  61. endif()
  62. separate_arguments(_pkgconfig_invoke_result)
  63. #message(STATUS " ${_varname} ... ${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}")
  64. set(_pkgconfig_${_varname} ${_pkgconfig_invoke_result})
  65. _pkgconfig_set(${_prefix}_${_varname} "${_pkgconfig_invoke_result}")
  66. endif()
  67. endmacro()
  68. # Internal version of pkg_get_variable; expects PKG_CONFIG_PATH to already be set
  69. function (_pkg_get_variable result pkg variable)
  70. _pkgconfig_invoke("${pkg}" "prefix" "result" "" "--variable=${variable}")
  71. set("${result}"
  72. "${prefix_result}"
  74. endfunction ()
  75. # Invokes pkgconfig two times; once without '--static' and once with
  76. # '--static'
  77. macro(_pkgconfig_invoke_dyn _pkglist _prefix _varname cleanup_regexp)
  78. _pkgconfig_invoke("${_pkglist}" ${_prefix} ${_varname} "${cleanup_regexp}" ${ARGN})
  79. _pkgconfig_invoke("${_pkglist}" ${_prefix} STATIC_${_varname} "${cleanup_regexp}" --static ${ARGN})
  80. endmacro()
  81. # Splits given arguments into options and a package list
  82. macro(_pkgconfig_parse_options _result _is_req _is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global)
  83. set(${_is_req} 0)
  84. set(${_is_silent} 0)
  85. set(${_no_cmake_path} 0)
  86. set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 0)
  87. set(${_imp_target} 0)
  88. set(${_imp_target_global} 0)
  91. set(${_no_cmake_path} 1)
  92. set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 1)
  93. endif()
  95. set(${_no_cmake_path} 1)
  96. set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 1)
  97. endif()
  98. foreach(_pkg ${ARGN})
  99. if (_pkg STREQUAL "REQUIRED")
  100. set(${_is_req} 1)
  101. endif ()
  102. if (_pkg STREQUAL "QUIET")
  103. set(${_is_silent} 1)
  104. endif ()
  105. if (_pkg STREQUAL "NO_CMAKE_PATH")
  106. set(${_no_cmake_path} 1)
  107. endif()
  109. set(${_no_cmake_environment_path} 1)
  110. endif()
  112. set(${_imp_target} 1)
  113. endif()
  114. if (_pkg STREQUAL "GLOBAL")
  115. set(${_imp_target_global} 1)
  116. endif()
  117. endforeach()
  118. if (${_imp_target_global} AND NOT ${_imp_target})
  119. message(SEND_ERROR "the argument GLOBAL may only be used together with IMPORTED_TARGET")
  120. endif()
  121. set(${_result} ${ARGN})
  122. list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "REQUIRED")
  123. list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "QUIET")
  124. list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "NO_CMAKE_PATH")
  126. list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "IMPORTED_TARGET")
  127. list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "GLOBAL")
  128. endmacro()
  129. # Add the content of a variable or an environment variable to a list of
  130. # paths
  131. # Usage:
  132. # - _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths VAR)
  133. # - _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV VAR)
  134. function(_pkgconfig_add_extra_path _extra_paths_var _var)
  135. set(_is_env 0)
  137. set(_var ${ARGV2})
  138. set(_is_env 1)
  139. endif()
  140. if(NOT _is_env)
  141. if(NOT "${${_var}}" STREQUAL "")
  142. list(APPEND ${_extra_paths_var} ${${_var}})
  143. endif()
  144. else()
  145. if(NOT "$ENV{${_var}}" STREQUAL "")
  146. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "$ENV{${_var}}" _path)
  147. list(APPEND ${_extra_paths_var} ${_path})
  148. unset(_path)
  149. endif()
  150. endif()
  151. set(${_extra_paths_var} ${${_extra_paths_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)
  152. endfunction()
  153. # scan the LDFLAGS returned by pkg-config for library directories and
  154. # libraries, figure out the absolute paths of that libraries in the
  155. # given directories
  156. function(_pkg_find_libs _prefix _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path)
  157. unset(_libs)
  158. unset(_find_opts)
  159. # set the options that are used as long as the .pc file does not provide a library
  160. # path to look into
  161. if(_no_cmake_path)
  162. list(APPEND _find_opts "NO_CMAKE_PATH")
  163. endif()
  164. if(_no_cmake_environment_path)
  165. list(APPEND _find_opts "NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH")
  166. endif()
  167. unset(_search_paths)
  168. foreach (flag IN LISTS ${_prefix}_LDFLAGS)
  169. if (flag MATCHES "^-L(.*)")
  170. list(APPEND _search_paths ${CMAKE_MATCH_1})
  171. continue()
  172. endif()
  173. if (flag MATCHES "^-l(.*)")
  174. set(_pkg_search "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
  175. else()
  176. continue()
  177. endif()
  178. if(_search_paths)
  179. # Firstly search in -L paths
  180. find_library(pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search}
  181. NAMES ${_pkg_search}
  182. HINTS ${_search_paths} NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
  183. endif()
  184. find_library(pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search}
  185. NAMES ${_pkg_search}
  186. ${_find_opts})
  187. mark_as_advanced(pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search})
  188. if(pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search})
  189. list(APPEND _libs "${pkgcfg_lib_${_prefix}_${_pkg_search}}")
  190. else()
  191. list(APPEND _libs ${_pkg_search})
  192. endif()
  193. endforeach()
  194. set(${_prefix}_LINK_LIBRARIES "${_libs}" PARENT_SCOPE)
  195. endfunction()
  196. # create an imported target from all the information returned by pkg-config
  197. function(_pkg_create_imp_target _prefix _imp_target_global)
  198. # only create the target if it is linkable, i.e. no executables
  199. if (NOT TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix}
  200. AND ( ${_prefix}_INCLUDE_DIRS OR ${_prefix}_LINK_LIBRARIES OR ${_prefix}_LDFLAGS_OTHER OR ${_prefix}_CFLAGS_OTHER ))
  201. if(${_imp_target_global})
  202. set(_global_opt "GLOBAL")
  203. else()
  204. unset(_global_opt)
  205. endif()
  206. add_library(PkgConfig::${_prefix} INTERFACE IMPORTED ${_global_opt})
  207. if(${_prefix}_INCLUDE_DIRS)
  208. set_property(TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} PROPERTY
  210. endif()
  211. if(${_prefix}_LINK_LIBRARIES)
  212. set_property(TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} PROPERTY
  214. endif()
  215. if(${_prefix}_LDFLAGS_OTHER)
  216. set_property(TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} PROPERTY
  218. endif()
  219. if(${_prefix}_CFLAGS_OTHER)
  220. set_property(TARGET PkgConfig::${_prefix} PROPERTY
  222. endif()
  223. endif()
  224. endfunction()
  225. # recalculate the dynamic output
  226. # this is a macro and not a function so the result of _pkg_find_libs is automatically propagated
  227. macro(_pkg_recalculate _prefix _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global)
  228. _pkg_find_libs(${_prefix} ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path})
  229. if(${_imp_target})
  230. _pkg_create_imp_target(${_prefix} ${_imp_target_global})
  231. endif()
  232. endmacro()
  233. ###
  234. macro(_pkg_set_path_internal)
  235. set(_extra_paths)
  236. if(NOT _no_cmake_path)
  237. _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH)
  238. _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH)
  239. _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH)
  240. endif()
  241. if(NOT _no_cmake_environment_path)
  242. _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH)
  243. _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH)
  244. _pkgconfig_add_extra_path(_extra_paths ENV CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH)
  245. endif()
  246. if(NOT _extra_paths STREQUAL "")
  247. # Save the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable, and add paths
  248. # from the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variables
  249. set(_pkgconfig_path_old "$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}")
  250. set(_pkgconfig_path "${_pkgconfig_path_old}")
  251. if(NOT _pkgconfig_path STREQUAL "")
  252. file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${_pkgconfig_path}" _pkgconfig_path)
  253. endif()
  254. # Create a list of the possible pkgconfig subfolder (depending on
  255. # the system
  256. set(_lib_dirs)
  260. if(EXISTS "/etc/debian_version") # is this a debian system ?
  262. list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/pkgconfig")
  263. endif()
  264. else()
  265. # not debian, check the FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS and FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS properties
  266. get_property(uselib32 GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS)
  267. if(uselib32 AND CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4)
  268. list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib32/pkgconfig")
  269. endif()
  270. get_property(uselib64 GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS)
  271. if(uselib64 AND CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8)
  272. list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib64/pkgconfig")
  273. endif()
  274. get_property(uselibx32 GLOBAL PROPERTY FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIBX32_PATHS)
  276. list(APPEND _lib_dirs "libx32/pkgconfig")
  277. endif()
  278. endif()
  279. endif()
  281. list(APPEND _lib_dirs "libdata/pkgconfig")
  282. endif()
  283. list(APPEND _lib_dirs "lib/pkgconfig")
  284. list(APPEND _lib_dirs "share/pkgconfig")
  285. # Check if directories exist and eventually append them to the
  286. # pkgconfig path list
  287. foreach(_prefix_dir ${_extra_paths})
  288. foreach(_lib_dir ${_lib_dirs})
  289. if(EXISTS "${_prefix_dir}/${_lib_dir}")
  290. list(APPEND _pkgconfig_path "${_prefix_dir}/${_lib_dir}")
  291. list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _pkgconfig_path)
  292. endif()
  293. endforeach()
  294. endforeach()
  295. # Prepare and set the environment variable
  296. if(NOT _pkgconfig_path STREQUAL "")
  297. # remove empty values from the list
  298. list(REMOVE_ITEM _pkgconfig_path "")
  299. file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${_pkgconfig_path}" _pkgconfig_path)
  300. if(UNIX)
  301. string(REPLACE ";" ":" _pkgconfig_path "${_pkgconfig_path}")
  302. string(REPLACE "\\ " " " _pkgconfig_path "${_pkgconfig_path}")
  303. endif()
  304. set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${_pkgconfig_path}")
  305. endif()
  306. # Unset variables
  307. unset(_lib_dirs)
  308. unset(_pkgconfig_path)
  309. endif()
  310. endmacro()
  311. macro(_pkg_restore_path_internal)
  312. if(NOT _extra_paths STREQUAL "")
  313. # Restore the environment variable
  314. set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${_pkgconfig_path_old}")
  315. endif()
  316. unset(_extra_paths)
  317. unset(_pkgconfig_path_old)
  318. endmacro()
  319. ###
  320. macro(_pkg_check_modules_internal _is_required _is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global _prefix)
  321. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_FOUND)
  322. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_VERSION)
  323. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_PREFIX)
  324. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_INCLUDEDIR)
  325. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBDIR)
  326. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_MODULE_NAME)
  327. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS)
  328. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS_L)
  329. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS_PATHS)
  330. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_LIBS_OTHER)
  331. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_CFLAGS)
  332. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_CFLAGS_I)
  333. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_CFLAGS_OTHER)
  334. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBDIR)
  335. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS)
  336. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS_L)
  337. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS_PATHS)
  338. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_LIBS_OTHER)
  339. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_CFLAGS)
  340. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_CFLAGS_I)
  341. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_STATIC_CFLAGS_OTHER)
  342. # create a better addressable variable of the modules and calculate its size
  343. set(_pkg_check_modules_list ${ARGN})
  344. list(LENGTH _pkg_check_modules_list _pkg_check_modules_cnt)
  346. # give out status message telling checked module
  347. if (NOT ${_is_silent})
  348. if (_pkg_check_modules_cnt EQUAL 1)
  349. message(STATUS "Checking for module '${_pkg_check_modules_list}'")
  350. else()
  351. message(STATUS "Checking for modules '${_pkg_check_modules_list}'")
  352. endif()
  353. endif()
  354. set(_pkg_check_modules_packages)
  355. set(_pkg_check_modules_failed)
  356. _pkg_set_path_internal()
  357. # iterate through module list and check whether they exist and match the required version
  358. foreach (_pkg_check_modules_pkg ${_pkg_check_modules_list})
  359. set(_pkg_check_modules_exist_query)
  360. # check whether version is given
  361. if (_pkg_check_modules_pkg MATCHES "(.*[^><])(=|[><]=?)(.*)")
  362. set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}")
  363. set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op "${CMAKE_MATCH_2}")
  364. set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_ver "${CMAKE_MATCH_3}")
  365. else()
  366. set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg}")
  367. set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op)
  368. set(_pkg_check_modules_pkg_ver)
  369. endif()
  370. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_VERSION)
  371. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_PREFIX)
  372. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_INCLUDEDIR)
  373. _pkgconfig_unset(${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}_LIBDIR)
  374. list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_packages "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}")
  375. # create the final query which is of the format:
  376. # * <pkg-name> > <version>
  377. # * <pkg-name> >= <version>
  378. # * <pkg-name> = <version>
  379. # * <pkg-name> <= <version>
  380. # * <pkg-name> < <version>
  381. # * --exists <pkg-name>
  382. list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query --print-errors --short-errors)
  383. if (_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op)
  384. list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name} ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_op} ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_ver}")
  385. else()
  386. list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query --exists)
  387. list(APPEND _pkg_check_modules_exist_query "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg_name}")
  388. endif()
  389. # execute the query
  390. execute_process(
  391. COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} ${_pkg_check_modules_exist_query}
  392. RESULT_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_retval
  393. ERROR_VARIABLE _pkgconfig_error
  395. # evaluate result and tell failures
  396. if (_pkgconfig_retval)
  397. if(NOT ${_is_silent})
  398. message(STATUS " ${_pkgconfig_error}")
  399. endif()
  400. set(_pkg_check_modules_failed 1)
  401. endif()
  402. endforeach()
  403. if(_pkg_check_modules_failed)
  404. # fail when requested
  405. if (${_is_required})
  406. message(FATAL_ERROR "A required package was not found")
  407. endif ()
  408. else()
  409. # when we are here, we checked whether requested modules
  410. # exist. Now, go through them and set variables
  411. _pkgconfig_set(${_prefix}_FOUND 1)
  412. list(LENGTH _pkg_check_modules_packages pkg_count)
  413. # iterate through all modules again and set individual variables
  414. foreach (_pkg_check_modules_pkg ${_pkg_check_modules_packages})
  415. # handle case when there is only one package required
  416. if (pkg_count EQUAL 1)
  417. set(_pkg_check_prefix "${_prefix}")
  418. else()
  419. set(_pkg_check_prefix "${_prefix}_${_pkg_check_modules_pkg}")
  420. endif()
  421. _pkgconfig_invoke(${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "${_pkg_check_prefix}" VERSION "" --modversion )
  422. pkg_get_variable("${_pkg_check_prefix}_PREFIX" ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "prefix")
  423. pkg_get_variable("${_pkg_check_prefix}_INCLUDEDIR" ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "includedir")
  424. pkg_get_variable("${_pkg_check_prefix}_LIBDIR" ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg} "libdir")
  425. foreach (variable IN ITEMS PREFIX INCLUDEDIR LIBDIR)
  426. _pkgconfig_set("${_pkg_check_prefix}_${variable}" "${${_pkg_check_prefix}_${variable}}")
  427. endforeach ()
  428. _pkgconfig_set("${_pkg_check_prefix}_MODULE_NAME" "${_pkg_check_modules_pkg}")
  429. if (NOT ${_is_silent})
  430. message(STATUS " Found ${_pkg_check_modules_pkg}, version ${_pkgconfig_VERSION}")
  431. endif ()
  432. endforeach()
  433. # set variables which are combined for multiple modules
  434. _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LIBRARIES "(^| )-l" --libs-only-l )
  435. _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LIBRARY_DIRS "(^| )-L" --libs-only-L )
  436. _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LDFLAGS "" --libs )
  437. _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" LDFLAGS_OTHER "" --libs-only-other )
  438. _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" INCLUDE_DIRS "(^| )-I" --cflags-only-I )
  439. _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" CFLAGS "" --cflags )
  440. _pkgconfig_invoke_dyn("${_pkg_check_modules_packages}" "${_prefix}" CFLAGS_OTHER "" --cflags-only-other )
  441. _pkg_recalculate("${_prefix}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global})
  442. endif()
  443. _pkg_restore_path_internal()
  444. else()
  445. if (${_is_required})
  446. message(SEND_ERROR "pkg-config tool not found")
  447. endif ()
  448. endif()
  449. endmacro()
  450. #[========================================[.rst:
  451. .. command:: pkg_check_modules
  452. Checks for all the given modules, setting a variety of result variables in
  453. the calling scope.
  454. .. code-block:: cmake
  455. pkg_check_modules(<prefix>
  457. [NO_CMAKE_PATH]
  460. <moduleSpec> [<moduleSpec>...])
  461. When the ``REQUIRED`` argument is given, the command will fail with an error
  462. if module(s) could not be found.
  463. When the ``QUIET`` argument is given, no status messages will be printed.
  464. By default, if :variable:`CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION` is 3.1 or
  465. later, or if :variable:`PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` is set to a
  466. boolean ``True`` value, then the :variable:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`,
  467. :variable:`CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH`, and :variable:`CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH` cache
  468. and environment variables will be added to the ``pkg-config`` search path.
  469. The ``NO_CMAKE_PATH`` and ``NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH`` arguments
  470. disable this behavior for the cache variables and environment variables
  471. respectively.
  472. The ``IMPORTED_TARGET`` argument will create an imported target named
  473. ``PkgConfig::<prefix>`` that can be passed directly as an argument to
  474. :command:`target_link_libraries`. The ``GLOBAL`` argument will make the
  475. imported target available in global scope.
  476. Each ``<moduleSpec>`` can be either a bare module name or it can be a
  477. module name with a version constraint (operators ``=``, ``<``, ``>``,
  478. ``<=`` and ``>=`` are supported). The following are examples for a module
  479. named ``foo`` with various constraints:
  480. - ``foo`` matches any version.
  481. - ``foo<2`` only matches versions before 2.
  482. - ``foo>=3.1`` matches any version from 3.1 or later.
  483. - ``foo=1.2.3`` requires that foo must be exactly version 1.2.3.
  484. The following variables may be set upon return. Two sets of values exist:
  485. One for the common case (``<XXX> = <prefix>``) and another for the
  486. information ``pkg-config`` provides when called with the ``--static``
  487. option (``<XXX> = <prefix>_STATIC``).
  488. ``<XXX>_FOUND``
  489. set to 1 if module(s) exist
  490. ``<XXX>_LIBRARIES``
  491. only the libraries (without the '-l')
  493. the libraries and their absolute paths
  494. ``<XXX>_LIBRARY_DIRS``
  495. the paths of the libraries (without the '-L')
  496. ``<XXX>_LDFLAGS``
  497. all required linker flags
  498. ``<XXX>_LDFLAGS_OTHER``
  499. all other linker flags
  500. ``<XXX>_INCLUDE_DIRS``
  501. the '-I' preprocessor flags (without the '-I')
  502. ``<XXX>_CFLAGS``
  503. all required cflags
  504. ``<XXX>_CFLAGS_OTHER``
  505. the other compiler flags
  506. All but ``<XXX>_FOUND`` may be a :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>` if the
  507. associated variable returned from ``pkg-config`` has multiple values.
  508. There are some special variables whose prefix depends on the number of
  509. ``<moduleSpec>`` given. When there is only one ``<moduleSpec>``,
  510. ``<YYY>`` will simply be ``<prefix>``, but if two or more ``<moduleSpec>``
  511. items are given, ``<YYY>`` will be ``<prefix>_<moduleName>``.
  512. ``<YYY>_VERSION``
  513. version of the module
  514. ``<YYY>_PREFIX``
  515. prefix directory of the module
  516. ``<YYY>_INCLUDEDIR``
  517. include directory of the module
  518. ``<YYY>_LIBDIR``
  519. lib directory of the module
  520. Examples:
  521. .. code-block:: cmake
  522. pkg_check_modules (GLIB2 glib-2.0)
  523. Looks for any version of glib2. If found, the output variable
  524. ``GLIB2_VERSION`` will hold the actual version found.
  525. .. code-block:: cmake
  526. pkg_check_modules (GLIB2 glib-2.0>=2.10)
  527. Looks for at least version 2.10 of glib2. If found, the output variable
  528. ``GLIB2_VERSION`` will hold the actual version found.
  529. .. code-block:: cmake
  530. pkg_check_modules (FOO glib-2.0>=2.10 gtk+-2.0)
  531. Looks for both glib2-2.0 (at least version 2.10) and any version of
  532. gtk2+-2.0. Only if both are found will ``FOO`` be considered found.
  533. The ``FOO_glib-2.0_VERSION`` and ``FOO_gtk+-2.0_VERSION`` variables will be
  534. set to their respective found module versions.
  535. .. code-block:: cmake
  536. pkg_check_modules (XRENDER REQUIRED xrender)
  537. Requires any version of ``xrender``. Example output variables set by a
  538. successful call::
  539. XRENDER_LIBRARIES=Xrender;X11
  540. XRENDER_STATIC_LIBRARIES=Xrender;X11;pthread;Xau;Xdmcp
  541. #]========================================]
  542. macro(pkg_check_modules _prefix _module0)
  543. _pkgconfig_parse_options(_pkg_modules _pkg_is_required _pkg_is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global "${_module0}" ${ARGN})
  544. # check cached value
  545. if (NOT DEFINED __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} OR __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} LESS ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION} OR NOT ${_prefix}_FOUND OR
  546. (NOT "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "${__pkg_config_arguments_${_prefix}}" STREQUAL "${_module0};${ARGN}") OR
  547. ( "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "" AND NOT "${__pkg_config_arguments_${_prefix}}" STREQUAL "${_module0}"))
  548. _pkg_check_modules_internal("${_pkg_is_required}" "${_pkg_is_silent}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global} "${_prefix}" ${_pkg_modules})
  549. _pkgconfig_set(__pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION})
  550. if (${_prefix}_FOUND)
  551. _pkgconfig_set(__pkg_config_arguments_${_prefix} "${_module0};${ARGN}")
  552. endif()
  553. else()
  554. if (${_prefix}_FOUND)
  555. _pkg_recalculate("${_prefix}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global})
  556. endif()
  557. endif()
  558. endmacro()
  559. #[========================================[.rst:
  560. .. command:: pkg_search_module
  561. The behavior of this command is the same as :command:`pkg_check_modules`,
  562. except that rather than checking for all the specified modules, it searches
  563. for just the first successful match.
  564. .. code-block:: cmake
  565. pkg_search_module(<prefix>
  567. [NO_CMAKE_PATH]
  570. <moduleSpec> [<moduleSpec>...])
  571. If a module is found, the ``<prefix>_MODULE_NAME`` variable will contain the
  572. name of the matching module. This variable can be used if you need to run
  573. :command:`pkg_get_variable`.
  574. Example:
  575. .. code-block:: cmake
  576. pkg_search_module (BAR libxml-2.0 libxml2 libxml>=2)
  577. #]========================================]
  578. macro(pkg_search_module _prefix _module0)
  579. _pkgconfig_parse_options(_pkg_modules_alt _pkg_is_required _pkg_is_silent _no_cmake_path _no_cmake_environment_path _imp_target _imp_target_global "${_module0}" ${ARGN})
  580. # check cached value
  581. if (NOT DEFINED __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} OR __pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} LESS ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION} OR NOT ${_prefix}_FOUND)
  582. set(_pkg_modules_found 0)
  583. if (NOT ${_pkg_is_silent})
  584. message(STATUS "Checking for one of the modules '${_pkg_modules_alt}'")
  585. endif ()
  586. # iterate through all modules and stop at the first working one.
  587. foreach(_pkg_alt ${_pkg_modules_alt})
  588. if(NOT _pkg_modules_found)
  589. _pkg_check_modules_internal(0 1 ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global} "${_prefix}" "${_pkg_alt}")
  590. endif()
  591. if (${_prefix}_FOUND)
  592. set(_pkg_modules_found 1)
  593. break()
  594. endif()
  595. endforeach()
  596. if (NOT ${_prefix}_FOUND)
  597. if(${_pkg_is_required})
  598. message(SEND_ERROR "None of the required '${_pkg_modules_alt}' found")
  599. endif()
  600. endif()
  601. _pkgconfig_set(__pkg_config_checked_${_prefix} ${PKG_CONFIG_VERSION})
  602. elseif (${_prefix}_FOUND)
  603. _pkg_recalculate("${_prefix}" ${_no_cmake_path} ${_no_cmake_environment_path} ${_imp_target} ${_imp_target_global})
  604. endif()
  605. endmacro()
  606. #[========================================[.rst:
  607. .. command:: pkg_get_variable
  608. Retrieves the value of a pkg-config variable ``varName`` and stores it in the
  609. result variable ``resultVar`` in the calling scope.
  610. .. code-block:: cmake
  611. pkg_get_variable(<resultVar> <moduleName> <varName>)
  612. If ``pkg-config`` returns multiple values for the specified variable,
  613. ``resultVar`` will contain a :ref:`;-list <CMake Language Lists>`.
  614. For example:
  615. .. code-block:: cmake
  616. pkg_get_variable(GI_GIRDIR gobject-introspection-1.0 girdir)
  617. #]========================================]
  618. function (pkg_get_variable result pkg variable)
  619. _pkg_set_path_internal()
  620. _pkgconfig_invoke("${pkg}" "prefix" "result" "" "--variable=${variable}")
  621. set("${result}"
  622. "${prefix_result}"
  624. _pkg_restore_path_internal()
  625. endfunction ()
  626. #[========================================[.rst:
  627. Variables Affecting Behavior
  628. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  629. .. variable:: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE
  630. This can be set to the path of the pkg-config executable. If not provided,
  631. it will be set by the module as a result of calling :command:`find_program`
  632. internally. The ``PKG_CONFIG`` environment variable can be used as a hint.
  634. Specifies whether :command:`pkg_check_modules` and
  635. :command:`pkg_search_module` should add the paths in the
  636. :variable:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`, :variable:`CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH` and
  637. :variable:`CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH` cache and environment variables to the
  638. ``pkg-config`` search path.
  639. If this variable is not set, this behavior is enabled by default if
  640. :variable:`CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION` is 3.1 or later, disabled
  641. otherwise.
  642. #]========================================]
  643. ### Local Variables:
  644. ### mode: cmake
  645. ### End: