ctsreg_demo.c 4.5 KB

  1. /*================================================================
  2. Copyright (c) 2020 Quectel Wireless Solution, Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  3. Quectel Wireless Solution Proprietary and Confidential.
  4. =================================================================*/
  5. /*=================================================================
  7. This section contains comments describing changes made to the module.
  8. Notice that changes are listed in reverse chronological order.
  10. ------------ ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. =================================================================*/
  12. #include <stdio.h>
  13. #include <string.h>
  14. #include <stdlib.h>
  15. #include <stdint.h>
  16. #include <time.h>
  17. #include "ql_api_osi.h"
  18. #include "ql_api_nw.h"
  19. #include "ql_log.h"
  20. #include "ql_api_datacall.h"
  21. #include "ql_ctsreg.h"
  23. #define QL_CTSREG_LOG(msg, ...) QL_LOG(QL_CTSREG_LOG_LEVEL, "ql_ctsreg_DEMO", msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  24. #define QL_CTSREG_LOG_PUSH(msg, ...) QL_LOG_PUSH("ql_ctsreg_DEMO", msg, ##__VA_ARGS__)
  25. static ql_task_t ctsreg_task = NULL;
  26. static ql_ctsreg_hndl ctsreg_cli = 0;
  27. static ql_sem_t ctsreg_semp;
  28. static ql_ctsreg_param_t reg_param = {
  29. {"EC200U\0"},
  30. {"EC200UR01A01M2G\0"},
  31. {"89860318145512192783\0"},
  32. {"861687000001091\0"},
  33. {"460110934876073\0"},
  34. {"DD8A30B\0"},
  35. {"2020 11 20 14:15:15\0"}
  36. };
  37. static ql_ctsreg_option_t reg_option = {
  38. 1, 0, "zzhc.vnet.cn",9999, "\0", 1, 3, 60, 1
  39. };
  40. static void ctsreg_state_cb_fcn(ql_ctsreg_hndl cli_hndl, int state_code, int finished, void *arg)
  41. {
  42. QL_CTSREG_LOG("ctsreg state: %d, finished:%d", state_code, finished);
  43. if(finished){
  44. ql_rtos_semaphore_release(ctsreg_semp);
  45. ctsreg_cli = 0;
  46. }
  47. }
  48. static void ctsreg_app_thread(void * arg)
  49. {
  50. int ret = 0;
  51. int i = 0, run_num = 1;
  52. int profile_idx = 1;
  53. ql_data_call_info_s info;
  54. char ip4_addr_str[16] = {0};
  55. uint8_t sim_id = 0;
  56. ql_rtos_task_sleep_s(10);
  57. QL_CTSREG_LOG("==========lbs demo start ==========");
  58. QL_CTSREG_LOG("wait for network register done");
  59. ql_rtos_semaphore_create(&ctsreg_semp, 0);
  60. while((ret = ql_network_register_wait(sim_id, 120)) != 0 && i < 10){
  61. i++;
  62. ql_rtos_task_sleep_s(1);
  63. }
  64. if(ret == 0){
  65. i = 0;
  66. QL_CTSREG_LOG("====network registered!!!!====");
  67. }else{
  68. QL_CTSREG_LOG("====network register failure!!!!!====");
  69. goto exit;
  70. }
  71. ql_set_data_call_asyn_mode(sim_id, profile_idx, 0);
  72. QL_CTSREG_LOG("===start data call====");
  73. ret=ql_start_data_call(sim_id, profile_idx, QL_PDP_TYPE_IP, "uninet", NULL, NULL, 0);
  74. QL_CTSREG_LOG("===data call result:%d", ret);
  75. if(ret != 0){
  76. QL_CTSREG_LOG("====data call failure!!!!=====");
  77. }
  78. memset(&info, 0x00, sizeof(ql_data_call_info_s));
  79. ret = ql_get_data_call_info(sim_id, profile_idx, &info);
  80. if(ret != 0){
  81. QL_CTSREG_LOG("ql_get_data_call_info ret: %d", ret);
  82. ql_stop_data_call(sim_id, profile_idx);
  83. goto exit;
  84. }
  85. QL_CTSREG_LOG("info->profile_idx: %d", info.profile_idx);
  86. QL_CTSREG_LOG("info->ip_version: %d", info.ip_version);
  87. QL_CTSREG_LOG("info->v4.state: %d", info.v4.state);
  88. inet_ntop(AF_INET, &info.v4.addr.ip, ip4_addr_str, sizeof(ip4_addr_str));
  89. QL_CTSREG_LOG("info.v4.addr.ip: %s\r\n", ip4_addr_str);
  90. inet_ntop(AF_INET, &info.v4.addr.pri_dns, ip4_addr_str, sizeof(ip4_addr_str));
  91. QL_CTSREG_LOG("info.v4.addr.pri_dns: %s\r\n", ip4_addr_str);
  92. inet_ntop(AF_INET, &info.v4.addr.sec_dns, ip4_addr_str, sizeof(ip4_addr_str));
  93. QL_CTSREG_LOG("info.v4.addr.sec_dns: %s\r\n", ip4_addr_str);
  94. while(run_num <= 200){
  95. int error_num = 0;
  96. QL_CTSREG_LOG("==============ctsreg_test[%d]================\n",run_num);
  97. reg_option.contextid = profile_idx;
  98. ctsreg_cli = ql_ctsreg_perform(&reg_option, &reg_param, ctsreg_state_cb_fcn, NULL, &error_num);
  99. if(ctsreg_cli != 0){
  100. ql_rtos_semaphore_wait(ctsreg_semp, QL_WAIT_FOREVER);
  101. }else{
  102. QL_CTSREG_LOG("ctsreg failed");
  103. }
  104. QL_CTSREG_LOG("==============ctsreg_test_end[%d]================\n",run_num);
  105. run_num++;
  106. //ql_rtos_task_sleep_s(1);
  107. }
  108. exit:
  109. ql_rtos_semaphore_delete(ctsreg_semp);
  110. ql_rtos_task_delete(ctsreg_task);
  111. return;
  112. }
  113. int ql_ctsreg_app_init(void)
  114. {
  115. QlOSStatus err = QL_OSI_SUCCESS;
  116. err = ql_rtos_task_create(&ctsreg_task, 5*1024, APP_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, "ctsreg_app", ctsreg_app_thread, NULL, 5);
  117. if(err != QL_OSI_SUCCESS)
  118. {
  119. QL_CTSREG_LOG("ctsreg_app init failed");
  120. }
  121. return err;
  122. }