lmstack 3 years ago

+ 3 - 1

@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import traceback
 from LIB.MIDDLE.CellStateEstimation.SOH.V1_0_0 import CBMSBatSoh
 from urllib import parse
 import pymysql
+import pdb
 dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     df_sn = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=['sn', 'imei'])
     df_sn = df_sn.reset_index(drop=True)
     # 数据库配置
     host = 'rm-bp10j10qy42bzy0q77o.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com'
     port = 3306
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             elif df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][3:5] == 'CL' and df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][5:9] == 'N750': 
                 celltype=4 #CATL 50ah三元电芯
+                logger.info("pid-{} celltype-{} SN: {} SKIP!".format(os.getpid(), "未知", sn))
             sn = df_sn.loc[i, 'sn']

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 cd /d D:\deploy\python_platform\data_analyze_platform\LIB\FRONTEND\CellStateEstimation\SOH
-title soh 计算
+title cal_soh
 D:\env\py_pro\python.exe D:\deploy\python_platform\data_analyze_platform\LIB\FRONTEND\CellStateEstimation\SOH\deploy.py

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+__author__ = 'lmstack'
+from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
+from sqlalchemy import Column, String, create_engine, Integer, DateTime, BigInteger, FLOAT, TIMESTAMP, func, Text
+from urllib import parse
+Base = declarative_base()
+class ConsistencyDeltaSoc(Base):
+    __tablename__ = "consistency_delta_soc"
+    __table_args__ = ({'comment': 'delta_soc 计算结果'})  # 添加索引和表注释
+    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, comment="主键")
+    add_time = Column(TIMESTAMP(True), server_default=func.now(), comment='记录创建时间') # 创建时间
+    update_time = Column(TIMESTAMP(True), nullable=False, server_default=func.now(), onupdate=func.now(), comment='记录更新时间') # 更新时间
+    time = Column(TIMESTAMP(True), comment="时间")
+    sn = Column(String(64), comment="sn")
+    cellsoc_diff = Column(FLOAT, comment="soc差")
+    cellvolt_diff = Column(FLOAT, comment="电压差")
+    cellmin_num = Column(Integer, comment="最小电压编号")
+    cellmax_num = Column(FLOAT, comment="最大电压编号")
+    # def __init__(self, sn, current, time_stamp, pack_state, line_state):
+    #     self.sn = sn
+    #     self.current = current
+    #     self.time_stamp = time_stamp
+    #     self.pack_state = pack_state
+    #     self.line_state = line_state
+# 执行该文件,创建表格到对应的数据库中
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    host = 'rm-bp10j10qy42bzy0q77o.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com'
+    port = 3306
+    user = 'qx_cas'
+    password = parse.quote_plus('Qx@123456')
+    database = 'qx_cas'
+    db_engine = create_engine(
+        "mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}?charset=utf8".format(
+            user, password, host, port, database
+        ))
+    Base.metadata.create_all(db_engine)

+ 112 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+__author__ = 'lmstack'
+import os
+import datetime
+import pandas as pd
+from LIB.BACKEND import DBManager, Log
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
+import time, datetime
+import dateutil.relativedelta
+import traceback
+from LIB.MIDDLE.CellStateEstimation.Uniform.V1_0_0 import CBMSBatUniform
+from urllib import parse
+import pymysql
+dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # 时间设置
+    now_time = datetime.datetime.now()
+    pre_time = now_time + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-4)#上个月时间
+    end_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(now_time,"%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00")
+    start_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(pre_time,"%Y-%m-%d 12:00:00")
+    # end_time="2021-08-02 01:00:00"
+    # start_time="2019-01-01 00:00:00"
+    # 更新sn列表
+    host='rm-bp10j10qy42bzy0q7.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com'
+    port=3306
+    db='qixiang_oss'
+    user='qixiang_oss'
+    password='Qixiang2021'
+    conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=db)
+    cursor = conn.cursor()
+    cursor.execute("select sn, imei from app_device")
+    res = cursor.fetchall()
+    df_sn = pd.DataFrame(res, columns=['sn', 'imei'])
+    df_sn = df_sn.reset_index(drop=True)
+    conn.close();
+    # 数据库配置
+    host = 'rm-bp10j10qy42bzy0q77o.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com'
+    port = 3306
+    user = 'qx_cas'
+    password = parse.quote_plus('Qx@123456')
+    database = 'qx_cas'
+    db_engine = create_engine(
+        "mysql+pymysql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}?charset=utf8".format(
+            user, password, host, port, database
+        ))
+    DbSession = sessionmaker(bind=db_engine)
+    # 日志配置
+    now_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()).replace(":","_")
+    log_path = 'log/' + now_str
+    if not os.path.exists(log_path):
+        os.makedirs(log_path)
+    log = Log.Mylog(log_name='uniform', log_level = 'info')
+    log.set_file_hl(file_name='{}/info.log'.format(log_path), log_level='info', size=1024* 1024 * 100)
+    log.set_file_hl(file_name='{}/error.log'.format(log_path), log_level='error', size=1024* 1024 * 100)
+    logger = log.get_logger()
+    logger.info("pid is {}".format(os.getpid()))
+    # 算法参数
+    # host='rm-bp10j10qy42bzy0q77o.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com'
+    # port=3306
+    # db='qx_cas'
+    # user='qx_read'
+    # password='Qx@123456'
+    # tablename='soh_result'
+    for i in range(0, len(df_sn)):
+        try:
+            if df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][5:9] == 'N640':
+                celltype=1 #6040三元电芯
+            elif df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][5:9] == 'N440':
+                celltype=2 #4840三元电芯
+            elif df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][5:9] == 'L660':
+                celltype=99 # 6060锂电芯
+            elif df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][3:5] == 'LX' and df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][5:9] == 'N750':    
+                celltype=3 #力信 50ah三元电芯
+            elif df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][3:5] == 'CL' and df_sn.loc[i, 'imei'][5:9] == 'N750': 
+                celltype=4 #CATL 50ah三元电芯
+            else:
+                logger.info("pid-{} celltype-{} SN: {} SKIP!".format(os.getpid(), "未知", sn))
+                continue
+            sn = df_sn.loc[i, 'sn']
+            logger.info("pid-{} celltype-{} SN: {} START!".format(os.getpid(), celltype, sn))
+            dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()
+            df_data = dbManager.get_data(sn=sn, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, data_groups=['bms'])
+            df_bms = df_data['bms']
+            BatUniform=CBMSBatUniform.BatUniform(sn,celltype,df_bms)
+            df_res=BatUniform.batuniform()
+            if not df_res.empty:
+                df_res.columns = ['time', 'sn', 'cellsoc_diff', 'cellvolt_diff', 'cellmin_num', 'cellmax_num']
+                df_res.to_sql("consistency_delta_soc",con=db_engine, if_exists="append",index=False)
+            logger.info("pid-{} celltype-{} SN: {} DONE!".format(os.getpid(), celltype, sn))
+        except:
+            logger.error(traceback.format_exc)
+            logger.error(u"{} :{},{} 任务运行错误\n".format(sn,start_time,end_time), exc_info=True)

+ 73 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import CBMSBatUniform
+import log
+import os
+import sys
+import datetime
+import pandas as pd
+from LIB.BACKEND import DBManager, Log
+# from LIB.MIDDLE import SignalMonitor
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
+import time, datetime
+from LIB.MIDDLE.soh import NCMSoh_20210716 as NCMSoh
+from LIB.MIDDLE.soh import LFPSoh_20210711 as LFPSoh
+from urllib import parse
+dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    SNdata_6040 = pd.read_excel('骑享资产梳理-20210621.xlsx', sheet_name='6040骑享')
+    SNdata_6060 = pd.read_excel('骑享资产梳理-20210621.xlsx', sheet_name='6060')
+    SNdata_4840 = pd.read_excel('骑享资产梳理-20210621.xlsx', sheet_name='4840骑享')
+    SNdata_7250 = pd.read_excel('骑享资产梳理-20210621.xlsx', sheet_name='7250')
+    SNnums_6060=SNdata_6060['SN号']
+    SNnums_6040=SNdata_6040['SN号']
+    SNnums_4840=SNdata_4840['SN号']
+    SNnums_7250=SNdata_7250['SN号']
+    SNnums=SNnums_6040.tolist()+SNnums_6060.tolist()+SNnums_4840.tolist()+SNnums_7250.tolist()
+    now_time=datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    now_time=datetime.datetime.strptime(now_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+    start_time=now_time-datetime.timedelta(days=5)
+    end_time=str(now_time)
+    start_time=str(start_time)
+    #log信息配置
+    mylog=log.Mylog('log.txt','error')
+    mylog.logcfg()
+    for sn in SNnums:
+        try:
+            if 'PK500' in sn:
+                celltype=1 #6040三元电芯
+            elif 'PK502' in sn:
+                celltype=2 #4840三元电芯
+            elif 'PK504' in sn:
+                celltype=99    #60ah林磷酸铁锂电芯
+            elif 'MGMLXN750' in sn:
+                celltype=3 #力信50ah三元电芯
+            elif 'MGMCLN750' in sn: 
+                celltype=4 #CATL 50ah三元电芯
+            else:
+                print('未找到对应电池编号!!!')
+                sys.exit()
+            # sn='PK50001A100000035'
+            # start_time='2021-08-10 9:49:37'
+            # end_time='2021-08-29 19:49:37'
+            dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()
+            df_data = dbManager.get_data(sn=sn, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, data_groups=['bms'])
+            df_bms = df_data['bms']
+            # df_bms.to_csv('BMS_'+sn+'.csv',encoding='GB18030')
+            BatUniform=CBMSBatUniform.BatUniform(sn,celltype,df_bms)
+            df_res=BatUniform.batuniform()
+            df_res.to_csv('CBMS_Uniform_'+sn+'.csv',encoding='GB18030')
+        except IndexError as e:
+            print(repr(e))
+            mylog.logopt(sn,e)
+            pass

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cd /d D:\deploy\python_platform\data_analyze_platform\LIB\FRONTEND\CellStateEstimation\Uniform
+CHCP 65001
+title 一致性计算
+D:\env\py_pro\python.exe D:\deploy\python_platform\data_analyze_platform\LIB\FRONTEND\CellStateEstimation\Uniform\deploy.py

+ 3 - 3

@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # 时间设置
     now_time = datetime.datetime.now()
-    pre_time = now_time + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-6)
-    end_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(now_time,"%Y-%m-%d 12:00:00")
-    start_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(pre_time,"%Y-%m-%d 12:00:00")
+    pre_time = now_time + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=-1)
+    end_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(now_time,"%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00")
+    start_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(pre_time,"%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00")
     # 更新sn列表

+ 3 - 2

@@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             df_group = df_group.sort_values("create_time")
             df_group = df_group.reset_index(drop=True)
             for i in range(0, len(df_group)):
-                df_rent = df_rent.append(pd.DataFrame({'addtime':[df_group.loc[i,'create_time']],'qrcode':[df_group.loc[i,'qrcode']], 'return_time':[df_group.loc[i,'create_time']],'user_id':[df_group.loc[i,'user_id']], 'f_id':[df_group.loc[i,'f_id']]}))
+                df_rent = df_rent.append(pd.DataFrame({'addtime':[df_group.loc[i,'create_time']],'qrcode':[df_group.loc[i,'qrcode']], 
+                                                       'return_time':[df_group.loc[i,'create_time']],'user_id':[df_group.loc[i,'user_id']], 'f_id':[df_group.loc[i,'f_id']]}), ignore_index=True)
                 df_rent = df_rent.append(pd.DataFrame({'addtime':[df_rent.loc[df_rent[(df_rent['id']==str(int(df_group.loc[i,'rent_id'])))].index,'pay_time'].values[0]],
                         'qrcode':[df_group.loc[i,'qrcode']], 'pay_time':[df_rent.loc[df_rent[(df_rent['id']==str(int(df_group.loc[i,'rent_id'])))].index,'pay_time'].values[0]], 
-                        'user_id':[df_group.loc[i,'user_id']], 'f_id':[df_group.loc[i,'f_id']]}))
+                        'user_id':[df_group.loc[i,'user_id']], 'f_id':[df_group.loc[i,'f_id']]}), ignore_index=True)
                 df_rent.loc[df_rent[(df_rent['id']==str(int(df_group.loc[i,'rent_id'])))].index,'pay_time'] = df_group.loc[i,'create_time']

+ 0 - 169

@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# 获取数据
-from LIB.BACKEND import DBManager
-import os
-import pandas as pd
-import numpy as np
-import datetime
-# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-Capacity = 41
-# #40Ah-OCV
-LookTab_SOC = [0,	3.534883489,	8.358178409,	13.18141871,	18.00471528,	22.82796155,	27.65123833,	32.47444668,	37.29772717,	42.12099502,	46.94423182,	51.76744813,	56.59070685,	61.4139927,	66.23719857,	71.0604667,	75.88373853,	80.70702266,	85.5302705,	90.35352009,	95.17676458,	100]
-LookTab_OCV = [3.3159,	3.4384,	3.4774,	3.5156,	3.5478,	3.5748,	3.6058,	3.6238,	3.638,	3.6535,	3.6715,	3.6951,	3.7279,	3.7757,	3.8126,	3.8529,	3.8969,	3.9446,	3.9946,	4.0491,	4.109,	4.183]
-# #55Ah-OCV
-# LookTab_SOC = [0.00, 	2.40, 	6.38, 	10.37, 	14.35, 	18.33, 	22.32, 	26.30, 	30.28, 	35.26, 	40.24, 	45.22, 	50.20, 	54.19, 	58.17, 	60.16, 	65.14, 	70.12, 	75.10, 	80.08, 	84.06, 	88.05, 	92.03, 	96.02, 	100.00]
-# LookTab_OCV = [2.7151,	3.0298,	3.1935,	3.2009,	3.2167,	3.2393,	3.2561,	3.2703,	3.2843,	3.2871,	3.2874,	3.2868,	3.2896,	3.2917,	3.2967,	3.3128,	3.3283,	3.3286,	3.3287,	3.3288,	3.3289,	3.3296,	3.3302,	3.3314,	3.3429]
-def cal_soh(sn, end_time, start_time):
-    end_time = end_time
-    strat_time = start_time
-    SNnum=str(sn)
-    sn = sn
-    st = strat_time
-    et = end_time
-    dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()
-    df_data = dbManager.get_data(sn=sn, start_time=st, end_time=et, data_groups=['bms'])
-    data = df_data['bms']
-    # print(data)
-    packcrnt=data['总电流[A]']
-    packvolt=data['总电压[V]']
-    SOC=data['SOC[%]']
-    SOH=data['SOH[%]']
-    bmsstat=data['充电状态']
-    time= pd.to_datetime(data['时间戳'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
-    #第一步:筛选充电数据
-    if len(packcrnt)>100:
-        ChgStart=[]
-        ChgEnd=[]
-        for i in range(3, len(time) - 3):
-            if i==3 and bmsstat[i]==2 and bmsstat[i+1]==2 and bmsstat[i+2]==2:
-                ChgStart.append(i)
-            elif bmsstat[i-2]!=2 and bmsstat[i-1]!=2 and bmsstat[i]==2:
-                ChgStart.append(i)
-            elif bmsstat[i-1]==2 and bmsstat[i]!=2 and bmsstat[i+1]!=2:
-                ChgEnd.append(i-1)
-            elif i == (len(time) - 4) and bmsstat[len(bmsstat)-1] == 2 and bmsstat[len(bmsstat)-2] == 2:
-                ChgEnd.append(len(time)-2)
-        #第二步:筛选充电起始Soc<45% & SOC>85%,电芯温度>5℃
-        ChgStartValid1=[]
-        ChgEndValid1=[]
-        ChgStartValid2=[]
-        ChgEndValid2=[]
-        StandingNum=[]
-        for i in range(min(len(ChgStart),len(ChgEnd))):
-            #获取最小温度值
-            celltemp = []
-            for j in range(1, CellTempNums+1):
-                s = str(j)
-                temp = data['单体温度' + s]
-                celltemp.append(temp[ChgEnd[i]])
-            #去除电流0点   
-            for k in range(ChgStart[i],ChgEnd[i]):
-                if packcrnt[k]<-0.5 and packcrnt[k+1]>-0.5 and packcrnt[k+2]>-0.5 and packcrnt[k+3]>-0.5:
-                    ChgEnd[i]=k
-            #计算最大packvolt
-            if len(packvolt[ChgStart[i]:ChgEnd[i]])>0:
-                packvoltMAX=max(packvolt[ChgStart[i]:ChgEnd[i]])
-                #筛选满足2点法计算的数据
-                StandingTime=0
-                StandingTime1=0
-                StandingTime2=0
-                if SOC[ChgEnd[i]]>85 and SOC[ChgStart[i]]<45 and min(celltemp)>5:
-                    for m in range(min(len(packcrnt)-ChgEnd[i]-2,ChgStart[i]-2)):
-                        if abs(packcrnt[ChgStart[i] - m - 1]) < 0.1:
-                            StandingTime = StandingTime + (time[ChgStart[i] - m] - time[ChgStart[i] - m - 1]).total_seconds()
-                        if abs(packcrnt[ChgEnd[i] + m + 1]) < 0.1:
-                            StandingTime1 = StandingTime1 + (time[ChgEnd[i] + m + 1] - time[ChgEnd[i] + m]).total_seconds()
-                        if StandingTime > 900 and StandingTime1>900 and ((time[ChgEnd[i]]-time[ChgStart[i]]).total_seconds())/(ChgEnd[i]-ChgStart[i])<60:  #筛选静置时间>15min且慢充过程丢失数据少
-                            ChgStartValid1.append(ChgStart[i])
-                            ChgEndValid1.append(ChgEnd[i])
-                            StandingNum.append(m)
-                            break
-                        if abs(packcrnt[ChgStart[i] - m - 2])>0.5 and abs(packcrnt[ChgEnd[i] + m + 2])>0.5:
-                            break
-        # 计算soh
-        Soh1=[]
-        Soh2=[]
-        Time1=[]
-        Bms_Soh1=[]
-        Soh_Err1=[]
-        sn_list1=[]
-        #两点法计算Soh
-        if len(ChgStartValid1)>0:
-            for i in range(len(ChgStartValid1)):
-                #计算Ah
-                Ah=0
-                for j in range(ChgStartValid1[i],ChgEndValid1[i]):
-                    Step=(time[j+1]-time[j]).total_seconds()
-                    Ah=Ah-packcrnt[j+1]*Step/3600
-                #计算每个电芯的Soh
-                for j in range(1, CellVoltNums+1):
-                    s = str(j)
-                    cellvolt = data['单体电压' + s]/1000
-                    OCVStart=cellvolt[ChgStartValid1[i]-2]
-                    OCVEnd=cellvolt[ChgEndValid1[i]+StandingNum[i]]
-                    #soh
-                    Ocv_Soc1=np.interp(OCVStart,LookTab_OCV,LookTab_SOC)
-                    Ocv_Soc2=np.interp(OCVEnd,LookTab_OCV,LookTab_SOC)
-                    Soh2.append(Ah*100/((Ocv_Soc2-Ocv_Soc1)*0.01*Capacity))
-                Soh1.append(np.mean(Soh2))
-                Bms_Soh1.append(SOH[ChgStartValid1[i]])
-                Soh_Err1.append(Bms_Soh1[-1]-Soh1[-1])
-                Time1.append(time[ChgStartValid1[i]])
-                sn_list1.append(SNnum)
-            # Soh3.append(np.mean(Soh1))
-            # Bms_Soh3.append(np.mean(Bms_Soh1))
-            # Soh_Err3.append(np.mean(Soh_Err1))
-            # Time3.append(time[ChgStartValid1[-1]])
-            # sn_list.append(SNnum)
-        #第四步:将数据存入Excel
-            result_soh2={'时间': Time1,
-                'SN号': sn_list1,
-                'BMS_SOH': Bms_Soh1,
-                'SOH': Soh1,
-                'SOH误差': Soh_Err1}
-            Result_Soh2=pd.DataFrame(result_soh2)
-            # Result_Soh2.to_csv('BMS_SOH_'+SNnum+'.csv',encoding='GB18030')
-            return Result_Soh2
-    return pd.DataFrame()
-#     result_soh1={'时间': Time3,
-#         'SN号':sn_list,
-#         'BMS_SOH': Bms_Soh3,
-#         'SOH': Soh3,
-#         'SOH误差': Soh_Err3}
-# Result_Soh1=pd.DataFrame(result_soh1)
-# print(Result_Soh1)
-# Result_Soh1.to_csv('BMS_SOH_'+'6040'+'.csv',encoding='GB18030')

+ 7507 - 6

@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
     "import sys\r\n",
     "from LIB.BACKEND import DBManager\r\n",
-    "sn = \"MGMLXN750N218C010\"\r\n",
-    "st = '2021-08-28 04:30:13'\r\n",
-    "et = '2021-08-28 04:40:13'\r\n",
+    "sn = \"PK50001A100000155\"\r\n",
+    "st = '2020-09-07 23:06:43'\r\n",
+    "et = '2020-09-10 23:06:43'\r\n",
     "dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()\r\n",
     "df_data = dbManager.get_data(sn=sn, start_time=st, end_time=et, data_groups=['bms', 'gps', 'accum', 'system'])\r\n",
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
      "output_type": "stream",
      "name": "stdout",
      "text": [
-      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218C010 from 2021-08-28 04:30:13 to 2021-08-28 04:40:13\n",
-      "# get data from 2021-08-28 04:30:13 to 2021-08-28 04:40:13......... \n",
-      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 6, gps_count is 8, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "### start to get data PK50001A100000155 from 2020-09-07 23:06:43 to 2020-09-10 23:06:43\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-09 23:06:43 to 2020-09-10 23:06:43......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
@@ -430,6 +430,7507 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "metadata": {}
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": 3,
+   "source": [
+    "\r\n",
+    "# 获取数据\r\n",
+    "import sys\r\n",
+    "from LIB.BACKEND import DBManager\r\n",
+    "import pandas as pd\r\n",
+    "import datetime\r\n",
+    "dbManager = DBManager.DBManager()\r\n",
+    "df = pd.read_csv(\"res.csv\")\r\n",
+    "df_res = pd.read_csv(\"res1.csv\")\r\n",
+    "for i in range(1359, len(df)):\r\n",
+    "    if (df.loc[i, 'delta_time/h'])>0:\r\n",
+    "        st_ = pd.to_datetime(df.loc[i, 'first_order_time']) - datetime.timedelta(7)\r\n",
+    "        et = pd.to_datetime(df.loc[i, 'first_order_time']) + datetime.timedelta(7)\r\n",
+    "    else:\r\n",
+    "        continue\r\n",
+    "    \r\n",
+    "    et_ = st_ + datetime.timedelta(1)\r\n",
+    "    sn = df.loc[i,'sn']\r\n",
+    "\r\n",
+    "    df_data = dbManager.get_data(sn=sn, start_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(st_, \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"), \r\n",
+    "                end_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(et_, \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"), data_groups=['bms'])\r\n",
+    "    while(len(df_data['bms']) <= 0):\r\n",
+    "        st_ = et_\r\n",
+    "        et_ = st_ + datetime.timedelta(days=1);\r\n",
+    "        df_data = dbManager.get_data(sn=sn, start_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(st_, \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"), \r\n",
+    "                    end_time=datetime.datetime.strftime(et_, \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"), data_groups=['bms'])\r\n",
+    "        if et_>et:\r\n",
+    "            print(\"break\")\r\n",
+    "            break\r\n",
+    "    if (len(df_data['bms']) <= 0):\r\n",
+    "        df_res = df_res.append({'sn':sn}, ignore_index=True)\r\n",
+    "    df_res.to_csv(\"res1.csv\",index=False)"
+   ],
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "output_type": "stream",
+     "name": "stdout",
+     "text": [
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000751 from 2021-05-03 14:07:00 to 2021-05-04 14:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-03 14:07:00 to 2021-05-04 14:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 6276, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000752 from 2021-07-12 16:15:00 to 2021-07-13 16:15:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-12 16:15:00 to 2021-07-13 16:15:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 8, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000755 from 2021-07-12 11:02:00 to 2021-07-13 11:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-12 11:02:00 to 2021-07-13 11:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 172, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000756 from 2021-04-23 08:55:00 to 2021-04-24 08:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-23 08:55:00 to 2021-04-24 08:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000756 from 2021-04-24 08:55:00 to 2021-04-25 08:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-24 08:55:00 to 2021-04-25 08:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000756 from 2021-04-25 08:55:00 to 2021-04-26 08:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-25 08:55:00 to 2021-04-26 08:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000756 from 2021-04-26 08:55:00 to 2021-04-27 08:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-26 08:55:00 to 2021-04-27 08:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000756 from 2021-04-27 08:55:00 to 2021-04-28 08:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-27 08:55:00 to 2021-04-28 08:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000756 from 2021-04-28 08:55:00 to 2021-04-29 08:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-28 08:55:00 to 2021-04-29 08:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000756 from 2021-04-29 08:55:00 to 2021-04-30 08:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-29 08:55:00 to 2021-04-30 08:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1563, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000758 from 2021-05-09 18:10:00 to 2021-05-10 18:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-09 18:10:00 to 2021-05-10 18:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 241, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000762 from 2021-07-17 14:16:00 to 2021-07-18 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-17 14:16:00 to 2021-07-18 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000762 from 2021-07-18 14:16:00 to 2021-07-19 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-18 14:16:00 to 2021-07-19 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000763 from 2021-08-06 19:22:00 to 2021-08-07 19:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-06 19:22:00 to 2021-08-07 19:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000763 from 2021-08-07 19:22:00 to 2021-08-08 19:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-07 19:22:00 to 2021-08-08 19:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000763 from 2021-08-08 19:22:00 to 2021-08-09 19:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-08 19:22:00 to 2021-08-09 19:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000763 from 2021-08-09 19:22:00 to 2021-08-10 19:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-09 19:22:00 to 2021-08-10 19:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000763 from 2021-08-10 19:22:00 to 2021-08-11 19:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-10 19:22:00 to 2021-08-11 19:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000763 from 2021-08-11 19:22:00 to 2021-08-12 19:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-11 19:22:00 to 2021-08-12 19:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000763 from 2021-08-12 19:22:00 to 2021-08-13 19:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-12 19:22:00 to 2021-08-13 19:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000764 from 2021-05-11 10:43:00 to 2021-05-12 10:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-11 10:43:00 to 2021-05-12 10:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 199, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000765 from 2021-07-07 11:43:00 to 2021-07-08 11:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-07 11:43:00 to 2021-07-08 11:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 8, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000766 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000767 from 2021-07-07 17:00:00 to 2021-07-08 17:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-07 17:00:00 to 2021-07-08 17:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 224, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000769 from 2021-08-07 09:12:00 to 2021-08-08 09:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-07 09:12:00 to 2021-08-08 09:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000769 from 2021-08-08 09:12:00 to 2021-08-09 09:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-08 09:12:00 to 2021-08-09 09:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000769 from 2021-08-09 09:12:00 to 2021-08-10 09:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-09 09:12:00 to 2021-08-10 09:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000769 from 2021-08-10 09:12:00 to 2021-08-11 09:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-10 09:12:00 to 2021-08-11 09:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000769 from 2021-08-11 09:12:00 to 2021-08-12 09:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-11 09:12:00 to 2021-08-12 09:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000769 from 2021-08-12 09:12:00 to 2021-08-13 09:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-12 09:12:00 to 2021-08-13 09:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000769 from 2021-08-13 09:12:00 to 2021-08-14 09:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-13 09:12:00 to 2021-08-14 09:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 17, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000772 from 2021-07-11 09:29:00 to 2021-07-12 09:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-11 09:29:00 to 2021-07-12 09:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 103, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000773 from 2021-06-05 14:58:00 to 2021-06-06 14:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-05 14:58:00 to 2021-06-06 14:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 237, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000779 from 2021-05-03 14:40:00 to 2021-05-04 14:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-03 14:40:00 to 2021-05-04 14:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 201, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000782 from 2021-07-08 09:51:00 to 2021-07-09 09:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-08 09:51:00 to 2021-07-09 09:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 214, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000783 from 2021-07-07 17:26:00 to 2021-07-08 17:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-07 17:26:00 to 2021-07-08 17:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 224, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000784 from 2021-05-09 14:17:00 to 2021-05-10 14:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-09 14:17:00 to 2021-05-10 14:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 159, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000787 from 2021-07-08 17:04:00 to 2021-07-09 17:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-08 17:04:00 to 2021-07-09 17:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 236, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000788 from 2021-05-03 14:07:00 to 2021-05-04 14:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-03 14:07:00 to 2021-05-04 14:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 216, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000794 from 2021-07-08 16:35:00 to 2021-07-09 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-08 16:35:00 to 2021-07-09 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 215, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000795 from 2021-05-18 15:14:00 to 2021-05-19 15:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-18 15:14:00 to 2021-05-19 15:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 8, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000796 from 2021-05-04 12:39:00 to 2021-05-05 12:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-04 12:39:00 to 2021-05-05 12:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000796 from 2021-05-05 12:39:00 to 2021-05-06 12:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-05 12:39:00 to 2021-05-06 12:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000796 from 2021-05-06 12:39:00 to 2021-05-07 12:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-06 12:39:00 to 2021-05-07 12:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000796 from 2021-05-07 12:39:00 to 2021-05-08 12:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-07 12:39:00 to 2021-05-08 12:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000796 from 2021-05-08 12:39:00 to 2021-05-09 12:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-08 12:39:00 to 2021-05-09 12:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 8, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000799 from 2021-05-24 11:18:00 to 2021-05-25 11:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-24 11:18:00 to 2021-05-25 11:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 232, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000800 from 2021-05-20 14:15:00 to 2021-05-21 14:15:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-20 14:15:00 to 2021-05-21 14:15:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 47, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000801 from 2021-08-18 13:07:00 to 2021-08-19 13:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-18 13:07:00 to 2021-08-19 13:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000801 from 2021-08-19 13:07:00 to 2021-08-20 13:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-19 13:07:00 to 2021-08-20 13:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000801 from 2021-08-20 13:07:00 to 2021-08-21 13:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-20 13:07:00 to 2021-08-21 13:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000801 from 2021-08-21 13:07:00 to 2021-08-22 13:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-21 13:07:00 to 2021-08-22 13:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 10, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000802 from 2021-07-12 19:08:00 to 2021-07-13 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-12 19:08:00 to 2021-07-13 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 211, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000809 from 2021-05-14 10:49:00 to 2021-05-15 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-14 10:49:00 to 2021-05-15 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 225, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000813 from 2021-05-10 16:46:00 to 2021-05-11 16:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-10 16:46:00 to 2021-05-11 16:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 182, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000814 from 2021-06-04 14:45:00 to 2021-06-05 14:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-04 14:45:00 to 2021-06-05 14:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 203, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000819 from 2021-06-10 17:02:00 to 2021-06-11 17:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-10 17:02:00 to 2021-06-11 17:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 28, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000820 from 2021-08-03 10:42:00 to 2021-08-04 10:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-03 10:42:00 to 2021-08-04 10:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 229, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000821 from 2021-05-25 13:26:00 to 2021-05-26 13:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-25 13:26:00 to 2021-05-26 13:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 231, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000825 from 2021-08-09 17:52:00 to 2021-08-10 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-09 17:52:00 to 2021-08-10 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000825 from 2021-08-10 17:52:00 to 2021-08-11 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-10 17:52:00 to 2021-08-11 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000825 from 2021-08-11 17:52:00 to 2021-08-12 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-11 17:52:00 to 2021-08-12 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000825 from 2021-08-12 17:52:00 to 2021-08-13 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-12 17:52:00 to 2021-08-13 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000825 from 2021-08-13 17:52:00 to 2021-08-14 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-13 17:52:00 to 2021-08-14 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000825 from 2021-08-14 17:52:00 to 2021-08-15 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-14 17:52:00 to 2021-08-15 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000825 from 2021-08-15 17:52:00 to 2021-08-16 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-15 17:52:00 to 2021-08-16 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 84, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000829 from 2021-05-26 09:40:00 to 2021-05-27 09:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-26 09:40:00 to 2021-05-27 09:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 232, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000831 from 2021-06-10 12:15:00 to 2021-06-11 12:15:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-10 12:15:00 to 2021-06-11 12:15:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 310, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000832 from 2021-05-27 19:28:00 to 2021-05-28 19:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-27 19:28:00 to 2021-05-28 19:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 3, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000837 from 2021-07-07 11:39:00 to 2021-07-08 11:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-07 11:39:00 to 2021-07-08 11:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 53, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000840 from 2021-05-16 16:47:00 to 2021-05-17 16:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-16 16:47:00 to 2021-05-17 16:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 11, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000842 from 2021-06-19 10:59:00 to 2021-06-20 10:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-19 10:59:00 to 2021-06-20 10:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000842 from 2021-06-20 10:59:00 to 2021-06-21 10:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-20 10:59:00 to 2021-06-21 10:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000842 from 2021-06-21 10:59:00 to 2021-06-22 10:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-21 10:59:00 to 2021-06-22 10:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000842 from 2021-06-22 10:59:00 to 2021-06-23 10:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-22 10:59:00 to 2021-06-23 10:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000842 from 2021-06-23 10:59:00 to 2021-06-24 10:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-23 10:59:00 to 2021-06-24 10:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000842 from 2021-06-24 10:59:00 to 2021-06-25 10:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-24 10:59:00 to 2021-06-25 10:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000842 from 2021-06-25 10:59:00 to 2021-06-26 10:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-25 10:59:00 to 2021-06-26 10:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 68, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000844 from 2021-05-06 14:10:00 to 2021-05-07 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-06 14:10:00 to 2021-05-07 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000844 from 2021-05-07 14:10:00 to 2021-05-08 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-07 14:10:00 to 2021-05-08 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000844 from 2021-05-08 14:10:00 to 2021-05-09 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-08 14:10:00 to 2021-05-09 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000844 from 2021-05-09 14:10:00 to 2021-05-10 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-09 14:10:00 to 2021-05-10 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000844 from 2021-05-10 14:10:00 to 2021-05-11 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-10 14:10:00 to 2021-05-11 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000844 from 2021-05-11 14:10:00 to 2021-05-12 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-11 14:10:00 to 2021-05-12 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 5, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-13 16:28:00 to 2021-06-14 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-13 16:28:00 to 2021-06-14 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-14 16:28:00 to 2021-06-15 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-14 16:28:00 to 2021-06-15 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-15 16:28:00 to 2021-06-16 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-15 16:28:00 to 2021-06-16 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-16 16:28:00 to 2021-06-17 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-16 16:28:00 to 2021-06-17 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-17 16:28:00 to 2021-06-18 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-17 16:28:00 to 2021-06-18 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-18 16:28:00 to 2021-06-19 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-18 16:28:00 to 2021-06-19 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-19 16:28:00 to 2021-06-20 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-19 16:28:00 to 2021-06-20 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000845 from 2021-06-20 16:28:00 to 2021-06-21 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-20 16:28:00 to 2021-06-21 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 2248, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000848 from 2021-05-20 18:29:00 to 2021-05-21 18:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-20 18:29:00 to 2021-05-21 18:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 205, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000849 from 2021-07-14 16:04:00 to 2021-07-15 16:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-14 16:04:00 to 2021-07-15 16:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000849 from 2021-07-15 16:04:00 to 2021-07-16 16:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-15 16:04:00 to 2021-07-16 16:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000849 from 2021-07-16 16:04:00 to 2021-07-17 16:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-16 16:04:00 to 2021-07-17 16:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000849 from 2021-07-17 16:04:00 to 2021-07-18 16:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-17 16:04:00 to 2021-07-18 16:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000849 from 2021-07-18 16:04:00 to 2021-07-19 16:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-18 16:04:00 to 2021-07-19 16:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000849 from 2021-07-19 16:04:00 to 2021-07-20 16:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-19 16:04:00 to 2021-07-20 16:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 10, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000850 from 2021-04-29 15:14:00 to 2021-04-30 15:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-29 15:14:00 to 2021-04-30 15:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 213, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000852 from 2021-05-29 16:40:00 to 2021-05-30 16:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-29 16:40:00 to 2021-05-30 16:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 215, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218C009 from 2021-08-19 18:13:00 to 2021-08-20 18:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-19 18:13:00 to 2021-08-20 18:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 683, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000853 from 2021-05-17 13:07:00 to 2021-05-18 13:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-17 13:07:00 to 2021-05-18 13:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 185, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000855 from 2021-05-13 11:04:00 to 2021-05-14 11:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-13 11:04:00 to 2021-05-14 11:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 16, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000858 from 2021-05-26 09:39:00 to 2021-05-27 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-26 09:39:00 to 2021-05-27 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 226, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000903 from 2021-07-31 14:02:00 to 2021-08-01 14:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-31 14:02:00 to 2021-08-01 14:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 213, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000904 from 2021-07-22 18:06:00 to 2021-07-23 18:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-22 18:06:00 to 2021-07-23 18:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 216, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-20 15:06:00 to 2021-07-21 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-20 15:06:00 to 2021-07-21 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-21 15:06:00 to 2021-07-22 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-21 15:06:00 to 2021-07-22 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-22 15:06:00 to 2021-07-23 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-22 15:06:00 to 2021-07-23 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-23 15:06:00 to 2021-07-24 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-23 15:06:00 to 2021-07-24 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-24 15:06:00 to 2021-07-25 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-24 15:06:00 to 2021-07-25 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-25 15:06:00 to 2021-07-26 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-25 15:06:00 to 2021-07-26 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-26 15:06:00 to 2021-07-27 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-26 15:06:00 to 2021-07-27 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000918 from 2021-07-27 15:06:00 to 2021-07-28 15:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-27 15:06:00 to 2021-07-28 15:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 303, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000921 from 2021-07-12 11:24:00 to 2021-07-13 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-12 11:24:00 to 2021-07-13 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 234, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK500A20100000932 from 2021-07-13 10:16:00 to 2021-07-14 10:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-13 10:16:00 to 2021-07-14 10:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 11, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218C007 from 2021-08-17 18:24:00 to 2021-08-18 18:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-17 18:24:00 to 2021-08-18 18:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 286, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N2189009 from 2021-08-09 19:25:00 to 2021-08-10 19:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-09 19:25:00 to 2021-08-10 19:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 2785, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218B010 from 2021-08-14 16:23:00 to 2021-08-15 16:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-14 16:23:00 to 2021-08-15 16:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 839, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N2189019 from 2021-08-21 13:32:00 to 2021-08-22 13:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-21 13:32:00 to 2021-08-22 13:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 816, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218B004 from 2021-08-16 18:59:00 to 2021-08-17 18:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-16 18:59:00 to 2021-08-17 18:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 601, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218G003 from 2021-08-18 12:02:00 to 2021-08-19 12:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-18 12:02:00 to 2021-08-19 12:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 758, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218B018 from 2021-08-19 22:13:00 to 2021-08-20 22:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-19 22:13:00 to 2021-08-20 22:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 816, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N2189025 from 2021-08-18 10:34:00 to 2021-08-19 10:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-18 10:34:00 to 2021-08-19 10:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 614, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218B015 from 2021-08-13 10:13:00 to 2021-08-14 10:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-13 10:13:00 to 2021-08-14 10:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 840, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218G002 from 2021-08-18 20:17:00 to 2021-08-19 20:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-18 20:17:00 to 2021-08-19 20:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1060, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data MGMLXN750N218B007 from 2021-08-10 18:15:00 to 2021-08-11 18:15:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-10 18:15:00 to 2021-08-11 18:15:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 108, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-08-26 14:53:00 to 2020-08-27 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 14:53:00 to 2020-08-27 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-08-27 14:53:00 to 2020-08-28 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 14:53:00 to 2020-08-28 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-08-28 14:53:00 to 2020-08-29 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 14:53:00 to 2020-08-29 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-08-29 14:53:00 to 2020-08-30 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 14:53:00 to 2020-08-30 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-08-30 14:53:00 to 2020-08-31 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 14:53:00 to 2020-08-31 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-08-31 14:53:00 to 2020-09-01 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 14:53:00 to 2020-09-01 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-01 14:53:00 to 2020-09-02 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 14:53:00 to 2020-09-02 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-02 14:53:00 to 2020-09-03 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-02 14:53:00 to 2020-09-03 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-03 14:53:00 to 2020-09-04 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-03 14:53:00 to 2020-09-04 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-04 14:53:00 to 2020-09-05 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-04 14:53:00 to 2020-09-05 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-05 14:53:00 to 2020-09-06 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-05 14:53:00 to 2020-09-06 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-06 14:53:00 to 2020-09-07 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-06 14:53:00 to 2020-09-07 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-07 14:53:00 to 2020-09-08 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-07 14:53:00 to 2020-09-08 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-08 14:53:00 to 2020-09-09 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-08 14:53:00 to 2020-09-09 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004003 from 2020-09-09 14:53:00 to 2020-09-10 14:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-09 14:53:00 to 2020-09-10 14:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-13 20:23:00 to 2020-08-14 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 20:23:00 to 2020-08-14 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-14 20:23:00 to 2020-08-15 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 20:23:00 to 2020-08-15 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-15 20:23:00 to 2020-08-16 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 20:23:00 to 2020-08-16 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-16 20:23:00 to 2020-08-17 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 20:23:00 to 2020-08-17 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-17 20:23:00 to 2020-08-18 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 20:23:00 to 2020-08-18 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-18 20:23:00 to 2020-08-19 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 20:23:00 to 2020-08-19 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-19 20:23:00 to 2020-08-20 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 20:23:00 to 2020-08-20 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-20 20:23:00 to 2020-08-21 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 20:23:00 to 2020-08-21 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-21 20:23:00 to 2020-08-22 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 20:23:00 to 2020-08-22 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-22 20:23:00 to 2020-08-23 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 20:23:00 to 2020-08-23 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-23 20:23:00 to 2020-08-24 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 20:23:00 to 2020-08-24 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-24 20:23:00 to 2020-08-25 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 20:23:00 to 2020-08-25 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-25 20:23:00 to 2020-08-26 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 20:23:00 to 2020-08-26 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-26 20:23:00 to 2020-08-27 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 20:23:00 to 2020-08-27 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004005 from 2020-08-27 20:23:00 to 2020-08-28 20:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 20:23:00 to 2020-08-28 20:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-04 09:39:00 to 2020-08-05 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 09:39:00 to 2020-08-05 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-05 09:39:00 to 2020-08-06 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 09:39:00 to 2020-08-06 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-06 09:39:00 to 2020-08-07 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 09:39:00 to 2020-08-07 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-07 09:39:00 to 2020-08-08 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 09:39:00 to 2020-08-08 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-08 09:39:00 to 2020-08-09 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 09:39:00 to 2020-08-09 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-09 09:39:00 to 2020-08-10 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 09:39:00 to 2020-08-10 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-10 09:39:00 to 2020-08-11 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 09:39:00 to 2020-08-11 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-11 09:39:00 to 2020-08-12 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 09:39:00 to 2020-08-12 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-12 09:39:00 to 2020-08-13 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 09:39:00 to 2020-08-13 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-13 09:39:00 to 2020-08-14 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 09:39:00 to 2020-08-14 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-14 09:39:00 to 2020-08-15 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 09:39:00 to 2020-08-15 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-15 09:39:00 to 2020-08-16 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 09:39:00 to 2020-08-16 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-16 09:39:00 to 2020-08-17 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 09:39:00 to 2020-08-17 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-17 09:39:00 to 2020-08-18 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 09:39:00 to 2020-08-18 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004011 from 2020-08-18 09:39:00 to 2020-08-19 09:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 09:39:00 to 2020-08-19 09:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-08-25 10:49:00 to 2020-08-26 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 10:49:00 to 2020-08-26 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-08-26 10:49:00 to 2020-08-27 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 10:49:00 to 2020-08-27 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-08-27 10:49:00 to 2020-08-28 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 10:49:00 to 2020-08-28 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-08-28 10:49:00 to 2020-08-29 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 10:49:00 to 2020-08-29 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-08-29 10:49:00 to 2020-08-30 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 10:49:00 to 2020-08-30 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-08-30 10:49:00 to 2020-08-31 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 10:49:00 to 2020-08-31 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-08-31 10:49:00 to 2020-09-01 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 10:49:00 to 2020-09-01 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-01 10:49:00 to 2020-09-02 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 10:49:00 to 2020-09-02 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-02 10:49:00 to 2020-09-03 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-02 10:49:00 to 2020-09-03 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-03 10:49:00 to 2020-09-04 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-03 10:49:00 to 2020-09-04 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-04 10:49:00 to 2020-09-05 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-04 10:49:00 to 2020-09-05 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-05 10:49:00 to 2020-09-06 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-05 10:49:00 to 2020-09-06 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-06 10:49:00 to 2020-09-07 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-06 10:49:00 to 2020-09-07 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-07 10:49:00 to 2020-09-08 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-07 10:49:00 to 2020-09-08 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004012 from 2020-09-08 10:49:00 to 2020-09-09 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-08 10:49:00 to 2020-09-09 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004014 from 2020-07-31 19:28:00 to 2020-08-01 19:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 19:28:00 to 2020-08-01 19:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004014 from 2020-08-01 19:28:00 to 2020-08-02 19:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 19:28:00 to 2020-08-02 19:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004014 from 2020-08-02 19:28:00 to 2020-08-03 19:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 19:28:00 to 2020-08-03 19:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004014 from 2020-08-03 19:28:00 to 2020-08-04 19:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 19:28:00 to 2020-08-04 19:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 2, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-07-31 21:33:00 to 2020-08-01 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 21:33:00 to 2020-08-01 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-01 21:33:00 to 2020-08-02 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 21:33:00 to 2020-08-02 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-02 21:33:00 to 2020-08-03 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 21:33:00 to 2020-08-03 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-03 21:33:00 to 2020-08-04 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 21:33:00 to 2020-08-04 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-04 21:33:00 to 2020-08-05 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 21:33:00 to 2020-08-05 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-05 21:33:00 to 2020-08-06 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 21:33:00 to 2020-08-06 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-06 21:33:00 to 2020-08-07 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 21:33:00 to 2020-08-07 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-07 21:33:00 to 2020-08-08 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 21:33:00 to 2020-08-08 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-08 21:33:00 to 2020-08-09 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 21:33:00 to 2020-08-09 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-09 21:33:00 to 2020-08-10 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 21:33:00 to 2020-08-10 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-10 21:33:00 to 2020-08-11 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 21:33:00 to 2020-08-11 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-11 21:33:00 to 2020-08-12 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 21:33:00 to 2020-08-12 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-12 21:33:00 to 2020-08-13 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 21:33:00 to 2020-08-13 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-13 21:33:00 to 2020-08-14 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 21:33:00 to 2020-08-14 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004015 from 2020-08-14 21:33:00 to 2020-08-15 21:33:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 21:33:00 to 2020-08-15 21:33:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-07-31 19:30:00 to 2020-08-01 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 19:30:00 to 2020-08-01 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-01 19:30:00 to 2020-08-02 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 19:30:00 to 2020-08-02 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-02 19:30:00 to 2020-08-03 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 19:30:00 to 2020-08-03 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-03 19:30:00 to 2020-08-04 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 19:30:00 to 2020-08-04 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-04 19:30:00 to 2020-08-05 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 19:30:00 to 2020-08-05 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-05 19:30:00 to 2020-08-06 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 19:30:00 to 2020-08-06 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-06 19:30:00 to 2020-08-07 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 19:30:00 to 2020-08-07 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-07 19:30:00 to 2020-08-08 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 19:30:00 to 2020-08-08 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-08 19:30:00 to 2020-08-09 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 19:30:00 to 2020-08-09 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-09 19:30:00 to 2020-08-10 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 19:30:00 to 2020-08-10 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-10 19:30:00 to 2020-08-11 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 19:30:00 to 2020-08-11 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-11 19:30:00 to 2020-08-12 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 19:30:00 to 2020-08-12 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-12 19:30:00 to 2020-08-13 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 19:30:00 to 2020-08-13 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-13 19:30:00 to 2020-08-14 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 19:30:00 to 2020-08-14 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004018 from 2020-08-14 19:30:00 to 2020-08-15 19:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 19:30:00 to 2020-08-15 19:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-12 13:05:00 to 2020-08-13 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 13:05:00 to 2020-08-13 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-13 13:05:00 to 2020-08-14 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 13:05:00 to 2020-08-14 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-14 13:05:00 to 2020-08-15 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 13:05:00 to 2020-08-15 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-15 13:05:00 to 2020-08-16 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 13:05:00 to 2020-08-16 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-16 13:05:00 to 2020-08-17 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 13:05:00 to 2020-08-17 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-17 13:05:00 to 2020-08-18 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 13:05:00 to 2020-08-18 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-18 13:05:00 to 2020-08-19 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 13:05:00 to 2020-08-19 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-19 13:05:00 to 2020-08-20 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 13:05:00 to 2020-08-20 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-20 13:05:00 to 2020-08-21 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 13:05:00 to 2020-08-21 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-21 13:05:00 to 2020-08-22 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 13:05:00 to 2020-08-22 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-22 13:05:00 to 2020-08-23 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 13:05:00 to 2020-08-23 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-23 13:05:00 to 2020-08-24 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 13:05:00 to 2020-08-24 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-24 13:05:00 to 2020-08-25 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 13:05:00 to 2020-08-25 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-25 13:05:00 to 2020-08-26 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 13:05:00 to 2020-08-26 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004019 from 2020-08-26 13:05:00 to 2020-08-27 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 13:05:00 to 2020-08-27 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-07-28 17:51:00 to 2020-07-29 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 17:51:00 to 2020-07-29 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-07-29 17:51:00 to 2020-07-30 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 17:51:00 to 2020-07-30 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-07-30 17:51:00 to 2020-07-31 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 17:51:00 to 2020-07-31 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-07-31 17:51:00 to 2020-08-01 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 17:51:00 to 2020-08-01 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-01 17:51:00 to 2020-08-02 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 17:51:00 to 2020-08-02 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-02 17:51:00 to 2020-08-03 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 17:51:00 to 2020-08-03 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-03 17:51:00 to 2020-08-04 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 17:51:00 to 2020-08-04 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-04 17:51:00 to 2020-08-05 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 17:51:00 to 2020-08-05 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-05 17:51:00 to 2020-08-06 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 17:51:00 to 2020-08-06 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-06 17:51:00 to 2020-08-07 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 17:51:00 to 2020-08-07 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-07 17:51:00 to 2020-08-08 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 17:51:00 to 2020-08-08 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-08 17:51:00 to 2020-08-09 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 17:51:00 to 2020-08-09 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-09 17:51:00 to 2020-08-10 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 17:51:00 to 2020-08-10 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-10 17:51:00 to 2020-08-11 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 17:51:00 to 2020-08-11 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004023 from 2020-08-11 17:51:00 to 2020-08-12 17:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 17:51:00 to 2020-08-12 17:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004029 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-23 14:55:00 to 2020-07-24 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-23 14:55:00 to 2020-07-24 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-24 14:55:00 to 2020-07-25 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 14:55:00 to 2020-07-25 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-25 14:55:00 to 2020-07-26 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 14:55:00 to 2020-07-26 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-26 14:55:00 to 2020-07-27 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 14:55:00 to 2020-07-27 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-27 14:55:00 to 2020-07-28 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 14:55:00 to 2020-07-28 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-28 14:55:00 to 2020-07-29 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 14:55:00 to 2020-07-29 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-29 14:55:00 to 2020-07-30 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 14:55:00 to 2020-07-30 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-30 14:55:00 to 2020-07-31 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 14:55:00 to 2020-07-31 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-07-31 14:55:00 to 2020-08-01 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 14:55:00 to 2020-08-01 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-08-01 14:55:00 to 2020-08-02 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 14:55:00 to 2020-08-02 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-08-02 14:55:00 to 2020-08-03 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 14:55:00 to 2020-08-03 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-08-03 14:55:00 to 2020-08-04 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 14:55:00 to 2020-08-04 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-08-04 14:55:00 to 2020-08-05 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 14:55:00 to 2020-08-05 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-08-05 14:55:00 to 2020-08-06 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 14:55:00 to 2020-08-06 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004030 from 2020-08-06 14:55:00 to 2020-08-07 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 14:55:00 to 2020-08-07 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-08-28 16:29:00 to 2020-08-29 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 16:29:00 to 2020-08-29 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-08-29 16:29:00 to 2020-08-30 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 16:29:00 to 2020-08-30 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-08-30 16:29:00 to 2020-08-31 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 16:29:00 to 2020-08-31 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-08-31 16:29:00 to 2020-09-01 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 16:29:00 to 2020-09-01 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-01 16:29:00 to 2020-09-02 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 16:29:00 to 2020-09-02 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-02 16:29:00 to 2020-09-03 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-02 16:29:00 to 2020-09-03 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-03 16:29:00 to 2020-09-04 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-03 16:29:00 to 2020-09-04 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-04 16:29:00 to 2020-09-05 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-04 16:29:00 to 2020-09-05 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-05 16:29:00 to 2020-09-06 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-05 16:29:00 to 2020-09-06 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-06 16:29:00 to 2020-09-07 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-06 16:29:00 to 2020-09-07 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-07 16:29:00 to 2020-09-08 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-07 16:29:00 to 2020-09-08 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-08 16:29:00 to 2020-09-09 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-08 16:29:00 to 2020-09-09 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-09 16:29:00 to 2020-09-10 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-09 16:29:00 to 2020-09-10 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-10 16:29:00 to 2020-09-11 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-10 16:29:00 to 2020-09-11 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004031 from 2020-09-11 16:29:00 to 2020-09-12 16:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-11 16:29:00 to 2020-09-12 16:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004034 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-07-26 13:24:00 to 2020-07-27 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 13:24:00 to 2020-07-27 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-07-27 13:24:00 to 2020-07-28 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 13:24:00 to 2020-07-28 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-07-28 13:24:00 to 2020-07-29 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 13:24:00 to 2020-07-29 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-07-29 13:24:00 to 2020-07-30 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 13:24:00 to 2020-07-30 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-07-30 13:24:00 to 2020-07-31 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 13:24:00 to 2020-07-31 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-07-31 13:24:00 to 2020-08-01 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 13:24:00 to 2020-08-01 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-01 13:24:00 to 2020-08-02 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 13:24:00 to 2020-08-02 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-02 13:24:00 to 2020-08-03 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 13:24:00 to 2020-08-03 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-03 13:24:00 to 2020-08-04 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 13:24:00 to 2020-08-04 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-04 13:24:00 to 2020-08-05 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 13:24:00 to 2020-08-05 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-05 13:24:00 to 2020-08-06 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 13:24:00 to 2020-08-06 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-06 13:24:00 to 2020-08-07 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 13:24:00 to 2020-08-07 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-07 13:24:00 to 2020-08-08 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 13:24:00 to 2020-08-08 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-08 13:24:00 to 2020-08-09 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 13:24:00 to 2020-08-09 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004035 from 2020-08-09 13:24:00 to 2020-08-10 13:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 13:24:00 to 2020-08-10 13:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-19 13:34:00 to 2020-08-20 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 13:34:00 to 2020-08-20 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-20 13:34:00 to 2020-08-21 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 13:34:00 to 2020-08-21 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-21 13:34:00 to 2020-08-22 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 13:34:00 to 2020-08-22 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-22 13:34:00 to 2020-08-23 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 13:34:00 to 2020-08-23 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-23 13:34:00 to 2020-08-24 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 13:34:00 to 2020-08-24 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-24 13:34:00 to 2020-08-25 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 13:34:00 to 2020-08-25 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-25 13:34:00 to 2020-08-26 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 13:34:00 to 2020-08-26 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-26 13:34:00 to 2020-08-27 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 13:34:00 to 2020-08-27 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-27 13:34:00 to 2020-08-28 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 13:34:00 to 2020-08-28 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-28 13:34:00 to 2020-08-29 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 13:34:00 to 2020-08-29 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-29 13:34:00 to 2020-08-30 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 13:34:00 to 2020-08-30 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-30 13:34:00 to 2020-08-31 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 13:34:00 to 2020-08-31 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-08-31 13:34:00 to 2020-09-01 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 13:34:00 to 2020-09-01 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-09-01 13:34:00 to 2020-09-02 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 13:34:00 to 2020-09-02 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004037 from 2020-09-02 13:34:00 to 2020-09-03 13:34:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-02 13:34:00 to 2020-09-03 13:34:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-02 09:52:00 to 2020-08-03 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 09:52:00 to 2020-08-03 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-03 09:52:00 to 2020-08-04 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 09:52:00 to 2020-08-04 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-04 09:52:00 to 2020-08-05 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 09:52:00 to 2020-08-05 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-05 09:52:00 to 2020-08-06 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 09:52:00 to 2020-08-06 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-06 09:52:00 to 2020-08-07 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 09:52:00 to 2020-08-07 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-07 09:52:00 to 2020-08-08 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 09:52:00 to 2020-08-08 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-08 09:52:00 to 2020-08-09 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 09:52:00 to 2020-08-09 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-09 09:52:00 to 2020-08-10 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 09:52:00 to 2020-08-10 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-10 09:52:00 to 2020-08-11 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 09:52:00 to 2020-08-11 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-11 09:52:00 to 2020-08-12 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 09:52:00 to 2020-08-12 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-12 09:52:00 to 2020-08-13 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 09:52:00 to 2020-08-13 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-13 09:52:00 to 2020-08-14 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 09:52:00 to 2020-08-14 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-14 09:52:00 to 2020-08-15 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 09:52:00 to 2020-08-15 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-15 09:52:00 to 2020-08-16 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 09:52:00 to 2020-08-16 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004040 from 2020-08-16 09:52:00 to 2020-08-17 09:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 09:52:00 to 2020-08-17 09:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-03 19:08:00 to 2020-08-04 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 19:08:00 to 2020-08-04 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-04 19:08:00 to 2020-08-05 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 19:08:00 to 2020-08-05 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-05 19:08:00 to 2020-08-06 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 19:08:00 to 2020-08-06 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-06 19:08:00 to 2020-08-07 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 19:08:00 to 2020-08-07 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-07 19:08:00 to 2020-08-08 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 19:08:00 to 2020-08-08 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-08 19:08:00 to 2020-08-09 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 19:08:00 to 2020-08-09 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-09 19:08:00 to 2020-08-10 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 19:08:00 to 2020-08-10 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-10 19:08:00 to 2020-08-11 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 19:08:00 to 2020-08-11 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-11 19:08:00 to 2020-08-12 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 19:08:00 to 2020-08-12 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-12 19:08:00 to 2020-08-13 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 19:08:00 to 2020-08-13 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-13 19:08:00 to 2020-08-14 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 19:08:00 to 2020-08-14 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-14 19:08:00 to 2020-08-15 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 19:08:00 to 2020-08-15 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-15 19:08:00 to 2020-08-16 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 19:08:00 to 2020-08-16 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-16 19:08:00 to 2020-08-17 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 19:08:00 to 2020-08-17 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004041 from 2020-08-17 19:08:00 to 2020-08-18 19:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 19:08:00 to 2020-08-18 19:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-23 12:18:00 to 2020-08-24 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 12:18:00 to 2020-08-24 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-24 12:18:00 to 2020-08-25 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 12:18:00 to 2020-08-25 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-25 12:18:00 to 2020-08-26 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 12:18:00 to 2020-08-26 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-26 12:18:00 to 2020-08-27 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 12:18:00 to 2020-08-27 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-27 12:18:00 to 2020-08-28 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 12:18:00 to 2020-08-28 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-28 12:18:00 to 2020-08-29 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 12:18:00 to 2020-08-29 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-29 12:18:00 to 2020-08-30 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 12:18:00 to 2020-08-30 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-30 12:18:00 to 2020-08-31 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 12:18:00 to 2020-08-31 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-08-31 12:18:00 to 2020-09-01 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 12:18:00 to 2020-09-01 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-09-01 12:18:00 to 2020-09-02 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 12:18:00 to 2020-09-02 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-09-02 12:18:00 to 2020-09-03 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-02 12:18:00 to 2020-09-03 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-09-03 12:18:00 to 2020-09-04 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-03 12:18:00 to 2020-09-04 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-09-04 12:18:00 to 2020-09-05 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-04 12:18:00 to 2020-09-05 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-09-05 12:18:00 to 2020-09-06 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-05 12:18:00 to 2020-09-06 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004042 from 2020-09-06 12:18:00 to 2020-09-07 12:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-06 12:18:00 to 2020-09-07 12:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-03 22:16:00 to 2020-09-04 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-03 22:16:00 to 2020-09-04 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-04 22:16:00 to 2020-09-05 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-04 22:16:00 to 2020-09-05 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-05 22:16:00 to 2020-09-06 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-05 22:16:00 to 2020-09-06 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-06 22:16:00 to 2020-09-07 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-06 22:16:00 to 2020-09-07 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-07 22:16:00 to 2020-09-08 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-07 22:16:00 to 2020-09-08 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-08 22:16:00 to 2020-09-09 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-08 22:16:00 to 2020-09-09 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-09 22:16:00 to 2020-09-10 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-09 22:16:00 to 2020-09-10 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-10 22:16:00 to 2020-09-11 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-10 22:16:00 to 2020-09-11 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-11 22:16:00 to 2020-09-12 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-11 22:16:00 to 2020-09-12 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-12 22:16:00 to 2020-09-13 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-12 22:16:00 to 2020-09-13 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-13 22:16:00 to 2020-09-14 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-13 22:16:00 to 2020-09-14 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-14 22:16:00 to 2020-09-15 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-14 22:16:00 to 2020-09-15 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-15 22:16:00 to 2020-09-16 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-15 22:16:00 to 2020-09-16 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-16 22:16:00 to 2020-09-17 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-16 22:16:00 to 2020-09-17 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004044 from 2020-09-17 22:16:00 to 2020-09-18 22:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-17 22:16:00 to 2020-09-18 22:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004045 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-22 09:04:00 to 2020-07-23 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-22 09:04:00 to 2020-07-23 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-23 09:04:00 to 2020-07-24 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-23 09:04:00 to 2020-07-24 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-24 09:04:00 to 2020-07-25 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 09:04:00 to 2020-07-25 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-25 09:04:00 to 2020-07-26 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 09:04:00 to 2020-07-26 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-26 09:04:00 to 2020-07-27 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 09:04:00 to 2020-07-27 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-27 09:04:00 to 2020-07-28 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 09:04:00 to 2020-07-28 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-28 09:04:00 to 2020-07-29 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 09:04:00 to 2020-07-29 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-29 09:04:00 to 2020-07-30 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 09:04:00 to 2020-07-30 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-30 09:04:00 to 2020-07-31 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 09:04:00 to 2020-07-31 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-07-31 09:04:00 to 2020-08-01 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 09:04:00 to 2020-08-01 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-08-01 09:04:00 to 2020-08-02 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 09:04:00 to 2020-08-02 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-08-02 09:04:00 to 2020-08-03 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 09:04:00 to 2020-08-03 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-08-03 09:04:00 to 2020-08-04 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 09:04:00 to 2020-08-04 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-08-04 09:04:00 to 2020-08-05 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 09:04:00 to 2020-08-05 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004047 from 2020-08-05 09:04:00 to 2020-08-06 09:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 09:04:00 to 2020-08-06 09:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-04 09:00:00 to 2020-08-05 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 09:00:00 to 2020-08-05 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-05 09:00:00 to 2020-08-06 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 09:00:00 to 2020-08-06 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-06 09:00:00 to 2020-08-07 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 09:00:00 to 2020-08-07 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-07 09:00:00 to 2020-08-08 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 09:00:00 to 2020-08-08 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-08 09:00:00 to 2020-08-09 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 09:00:00 to 2020-08-09 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-09 09:00:00 to 2020-08-10 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 09:00:00 to 2020-08-10 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-10 09:00:00 to 2020-08-11 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 09:00:00 to 2020-08-11 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-11 09:00:00 to 2020-08-12 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 09:00:00 to 2020-08-12 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-12 09:00:00 to 2020-08-13 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 09:00:00 to 2020-08-13 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-13 09:00:00 to 2020-08-14 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 09:00:00 to 2020-08-14 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-14 09:00:00 to 2020-08-15 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 09:00:00 to 2020-08-15 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-15 09:00:00 to 2020-08-16 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 09:00:00 to 2020-08-16 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-16 09:00:00 to 2020-08-17 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 09:00:00 to 2020-08-17 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-17 09:00:00 to 2020-08-18 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 09:00:00 to 2020-08-18 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004048 from 2020-08-18 09:00:00 to 2020-08-19 09:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 09:00:00 to 2020-08-19 09:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-11 16:50:00 to 2020-08-12 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 16:50:00 to 2020-08-12 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-12 16:50:00 to 2020-08-13 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 16:50:00 to 2020-08-13 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-13 16:50:00 to 2020-08-14 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 16:50:00 to 2020-08-14 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-14 16:50:00 to 2020-08-15 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 16:50:00 to 2020-08-15 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-15 16:50:00 to 2020-08-16 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 16:50:00 to 2020-08-16 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-16 16:50:00 to 2020-08-17 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 16:50:00 to 2020-08-17 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-17 16:50:00 to 2020-08-18 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 16:50:00 to 2020-08-18 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-18 16:50:00 to 2020-08-19 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 16:50:00 to 2020-08-19 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-19 16:50:00 to 2020-08-20 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 16:50:00 to 2020-08-20 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-20 16:50:00 to 2020-08-21 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 16:50:00 to 2020-08-21 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-21 16:50:00 to 2020-08-22 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 16:50:00 to 2020-08-22 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-22 16:50:00 to 2020-08-23 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 16:50:00 to 2020-08-23 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-23 16:50:00 to 2020-08-24 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 16:50:00 to 2020-08-24 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-24 16:50:00 to 2020-08-25 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 16:50:00 to 2020-08-25 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004049 from 2020-08-25 16:50:00 to 2020-08-26 16:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 16:50:00 to 2020-08-26 16:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-08 21:42:00 to 2020-08-09 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 21:42:00 to 2020-08-09 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-09 21:42:00 to 2020-08-10 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 21:42:00 to 2020-08-10 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-10 21:42:00 to 2020-08-11 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 21:42:00 to 2020-08-11 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-11 21:42:00 to 2020-08-12 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 21:42:00 to 2020-08-12 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-12 21:42:00 to 2020-08-13 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 21:42:00 to 2020-08-13 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-13 21:42:00 to 2020-08-14 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 21:42:00 to 2020-08-14 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-14 21:42:00 to 2020-08-15 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 21:42:00 to 2020-08-15 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-15 21:42:00 to 2020-08-16 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 21:42:00 to 2020-08-16 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-16 21:42:00 to 2020-08-17 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 21:42:00 to 2020-08-17 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-17 21:42:00 to 2020-08-18 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 21:42:00 to 2020-08-18 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-18 21:42:00 to 2020-08-19 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 21:42:00 to 2020-08-19 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-19 21:42:00 to 2020-08-20 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 21:42:00 to 2020-08-20 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-20 21:42:00 to 2020-08-21 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 21:42:00 to 2020-08-21 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-21 21:42:00 to 2020-08-22 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 21:42:00 to 2020-08-22 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004051 from 2020-08-22 21:42:00 to 2020-08-23 21:42:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 21:42:00 to 2020-08-23 21:42:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-09 11:17:00 to 2020-08-10 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 11:17:00 to 2020-08-10 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-10 11:17:00 to 2020-08-11 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 11:17:00 to 2020-08-11 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-11 11:17:00 to 2020-08-12 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 11:17:00 to 2020-08-12 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-12 11:17:00 to 2020-08-13 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 11:17:00 to 2020-08-13 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-13 11:17:00 to 2020-08-14 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 11:17:00 to 2020-08-14 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-14 11:17:00 to 2020-08-15 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 11:17:00 to 2020-08-15 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-15 11:17:00 to 2020-08-16 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 11:17:00 to 2020-08-16 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-16 11:17:00 to 2020-08-17 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 11:17:00 to 2020-08-17 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-17 11:17:00 to 2020-08-18 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 11:17:00 to 2020-08-18 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-18 11:17:00 to 2020-08-19 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 11:17:00 to 2020-08-19 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-19 11:17:00 to 2020-08-20 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 11:17:00 to 2020-08-20 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-20 11:17:00 to 2020-08-21 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 11:17:00 to 2020-08-21 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-21 11:17:00 to 2020-08-22 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 11:17:00 to 2020-08-22 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-22 11:17:00 to 2020-08-23 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 11:17:00 to 2020-08-23 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004053 from 2020-08-23 11:17:00 to 2020-08-24 11:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 11:17:00 to 2020-08-24 11:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-03 13:17:00 to 2020-08-04 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 13:17:00 to 2020-08-04 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-04 13:17:00 to 2020-08-05 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 13:17:00 to 2020-08-05 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-05 13:17:00 to 2020-08-06 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 13:17:00 to 2020-08-06 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-06 13:17:00 to 2020-08-07 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 13:17:00 to 2020-08-07 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-07 13:17:00 to 2020-08-08 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 13:17:00 to 2020-08-08 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-08 13:17:00 to 2020-08-09 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 13:17:00 to 2020-08-09 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-09 13:17:00 to 2020-08-10 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 13:17:00 to 2020-08-10 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-10 13:17:00 to 2020-08-11 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 13:17:00 to 2020-08-11 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-11 13:17:00 to 2020-08-12 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 13:17:00 to 2020-08-12 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-12 13:17:00 to 2020-08-13 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 13:17:00 to 2020-08-13 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-13 13:17:00 to 2020-08-14 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 13:17:00 to 2020-08-14 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-14 13:17:00 to 2020-08-15 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 13:17:00 to 2020-08-15 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-15 13:17:00 to 2020-08-16 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 13:17:00 to 2020-08-16 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-16 13:17:00 to 2020-08-17 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 13:17:00 to 2020-08-17 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004054 from 2020-08-17 13:17:00 to 2020-08-18 13:17:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 13:17:00 to 2020-08-18 13:17:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-08 19:32:00 to 2020-08-09 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 19:32:00 to 2020-08-09 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-09 19:32:00 to 2020-08-10 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 19:32:00 to 2020-08-10 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-10 19:32:00 to 2020-08-11 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 19:32:00 to 2020-08-11 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-11 19:32:00 to 2020-08-12 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 19:32:00 to 2020-08-12 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-12 19:32:00 to 2020-08-13 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 19:32:00 to 2020-08-13 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-13 19:32:00 to 2020-08-14 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 19:32:00 to 2020-08-14 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-14 19:32:00 to 2020-08-15 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 19:32:00 to 2020-08-15 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-15 19:32:00 to 2020-08-16 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 19:32:00 to 2020-08-16 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-16 19:32:00 to 2020-08-17 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 19:32:00 to 2020-08-17 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-17 19:32:00 to 2020-08-18 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 19:32:00 to 2020-08-18 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-18 19:32:00 to 2020-08-19 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 19:32:00 to 2020-08-19 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-19 19:32:00 to 2020-08-20 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 19:32:00 to 2020-08-20 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-20 19:32:00 to 2020-08-21 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 19:32:00 to 2020-08-21 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-21 19:32:00 to 2020-08-22 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 19:32:00 to 2020-08-22 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004055 from 2020-08-22 19:32:00 to 2020-08-23 19:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 19:32:00 to 2020-08-23 19:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-24 14:47:00 to 2020-07-25 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 14:47:00 to 2020-07-25 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-25 14:47:00 to 2020-07-26 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 14:47:00 to 2020-07-26 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-26 14:47:00 to 2020-07-27 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 14:47:00 to 2020-07-27 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-27 14:47:00 to 2020-07-28 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 14:47:00 to 2020-07-28 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-28 14:47:00 to 2020-07-29 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 14:47:00 to 2020-07-29 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-29 14:47:00 to 2020-07-30 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 14:47:00 to 2020-07-30 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-30 14:47:00 to 2020-07-31 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 14:47:00 to 2020-07-31 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-07-31 14:47:00 to 2020-08-01 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 14:47:00 to 2020-08-01 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-08-01 14:47:00 to 2020-08-02 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 14:47:00 to 2020-08-02 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-08-02 14:47:00 to 2020-08-03 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 14:47:00 to 2020-08-03 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-08-03 14:47:00 to 2020-08-04 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 14:47:00 to 2020-08-04 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-08-04 14:47:00 to 2020-08-05 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 14:47:00 to 2020-08-05 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-08-05 14:47:00 to 2020-08-06 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 14:47:00 to 2020-08-06 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-08-06 14:47:00 to 2020-08-07 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 14:47:00 to 2020-08-07 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004058 from 2020-08-07 14:47:00 to 2020-08-08 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 14:47:00 to 2020-08-08 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004059 from 2020-07-25 11:19:00 to 2020-07-26 11:19:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 11:19:00 to 2020-07-26 11:19:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 2, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-13 18:45:00 to 2020-08-14 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 18:45:00 to 2020-08-14 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-14 18:45:00 to 2020-08-15 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 18:45:00 to 2020-08-15 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-15 18:45:00 to 2020-08-16 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 18:45:00 to 2020-08-16 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-16 18:45:00 to 2020-08-17 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 18:45:00 to 2020-08-17 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-17 18:45:00 to 2020-08-18 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 18:45:00 to 2020-08-18 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-18 18:45:00 to 2020-08-19 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 18:45:00 to 2020-08-19 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-19 18:45:00 to 2020-08-20 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 18:45:00 to 2020-08-20 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-20 18:45:00 to 2020-08-21 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 18:45:00 to 2020-08-21 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-21 18:45:00 to 2020-08-22 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 18:45:00 to 2020-08-22 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-22 18:45:00 to 2020-08-23 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 18:45:00 to 2020-08-23 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-23 18:45:00 to 2020-08-24 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 18:45:00 to 2020-08-24 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-24 18:45:00 to 2020-08-25 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 18:45:00 to 2020-08-25 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-25 18:45:00 to 2020-08-26 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 18:45:00 to 2020-08-26 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-26 18:45:00 to 2020-08-27 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 18:45:00 to 2020-08-27 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004060 from 2020-08-27 18:45:00 to 2020-08-28 18:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 18:45:00 to 2020-08-28 18:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-21 17:35:00 to 2020-07-22 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-21 17:35:00 to 2020-07-22 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-22 17:35:00 to 2020-07-23 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-22 17:35:00 to 2020-07-23 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-23 17:35:00 to 2020-07-24 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-23 17:35:00 to 2020-07-24 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-24 17:35:00 to 2020-07-25 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 17:35:00 to 2020-07-25 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-25 17:35:00 to 2020-07-26 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 17:35:00 to 2020-07-26 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-26 17:35:00 to 2020-07-27 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 17:35:00 to 2020-07-27 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-27 17:35:00 to 2020-07-28 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 17:35:00 to 2020-07-28 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-28 17:35:00 to 2020-07-29 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 17:35:00 to 2020-07-29 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-29 17:35:00 to 2020-07-30 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 17:35:00 to 2020-07-30 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-30 17:35:00 to 2020-07-31 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 17:35:00 to 2020-07-31 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-07-31 17:35:00 to 2020-08-01 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 17:35:00 to 2020-08-01 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-08-01 17:35:00 to 2020-08-02 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 17:35:00 to 2020-08-02 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-08-02 17:35:00 to 2020-08-03 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 17:35:00 to 2020-08-03 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-08-03 17:35:00 to 2020-08-04 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 17:35:00 to 2020-08-04 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004061 from 2020-08-04 17:35:00 to 2020-08-05 17:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 17:35:00 to 2020-08-05 17:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004063 from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-12 17:50:00 to 2020-08-13 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 17:50:00 to 2020-08-13 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-13 17:50:00 to 2020-08-14 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 17:50:00 to 2020-08-14 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-14 17:50:00 to 2020-08-15 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 17:50:00 to 2020-08-15 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-15 17:50:00 to 2020-08-16 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 17:50:00 to 2020-08-16 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-16 17:50:00 to 2020-08-17 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 17:50:00 to 2020-08-17 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-17 17:50:00 to 2020-08-18 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 17:50:00 to 2020-08-18 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-18 17:50:00 to 2020-08-19 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 17:50:00 to 2020-08-19 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-19 17:50:00 to 2020-08-20 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 17:50:00 to 2020-08-20 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-20 17:50:00 to 2020-08-21 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 17:50:00 to 2020-08-21 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-21 17:50:00 to 2020-08-22 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 17:50:00 to 2020-08-22 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-22 17:50:00 to 2020-08-23 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 17:50:00 to 2020-08-23 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-23 17:50:00 to 2020-08-24 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 17:50:00 to 2020-08-24 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-24 17:50:00 to 2020-08-25 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 17:50:00 to 2020-08-25 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-25 17:50:00 to 2020-08-26 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 17:50:00 to 2020-08-26 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004065 from 2020-08-26 17:50:00 to 2020-08-27 17:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 17:50:00 to 2020-08-27 17:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-08-25 16:18:00 to 2020-08-26 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 16:18:00 to 2020-08-26 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-08-26 16:18:00 to 2020-08-27 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 16:18:00 to 2020-08-27 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-08-27 16:18:00 to 2020-08-28 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 16:18:00 to 2020-08-28 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-08-28 16:18:00 to 2020-08-29 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 16:18:00 to 2020-08-29 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-08-29 16:18:00 to 2020-08-30 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 16:18:00 to 2020-08-30 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-08-30 16:18:00 to 2020-08-31 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 16:18:00 to 2020-08-31 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-08-31 16:18:00 to 2020-09-01 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 16:18:00 to 2020-09-01 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-01 16:18:00 to 2020-09-02 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 16:18:00 to 2020-09-02 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-02 16:18:00 to 2020-09-03 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-02 16:18:00 to 2020-09-03 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-03 16:18:00 to 2020-09-04 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-03 16:18:00 to 2020-09-04 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-04 16:18:00 to 2020-09-05 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-04 16:18:00 to 2020-09-05 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-05 16:18:00 to 2020-09-06 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-05 16:18:00 to 2020-09-06 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-06 16:18:00 to 2020-09-07 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-06 16:18:00 to 2020-09-07 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-07 16:18:00 to 2020-09-08 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-07 16:18:00 to 2020-09-08 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004067 from 2020-09-08 16:18:00 to 2020-09-09 16:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-08 16:18:00 to 2020-09-09 16:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004070 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-07-30 15:03:00 to 2020-07-31 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 15:03:00 to 2020-07-31 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-07-31 15:03:00 to 2020-08-01 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 15:03:00 to 2020-08-01 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-01 15:03:00 to 2020-08-02 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 15:03:00 to 2020-08-02 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-02 15:03:00 to 2020-08-03 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 15:03:00 to 2020-08-03 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-03 15:03:00 to 2020-08-04 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 15:03:00 to 2020-08-04 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-04 15:03:00 to 2020-08-05 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 15:03:00 to 2020-08-05 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-05 15:03:00 to 2020-08-06 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 15:03:00 to 2020-08-06 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-06 15:03:00 to 2020-08-07 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 15:03:00 to 2020-08-07 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-07 15:03:00 to 2020-08-08 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 15:03:00 to 2020-08-08 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-08 15:03:00 to 2020-08-09 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 15:03:00 to 2020-08-09 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-09 15:03:00 to 2020-08-10 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 15:03:00 to 2020-08-10 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-10 15:03:00 to 2020-08-11 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 15:03:00 to 2020-08-11 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-11 15:03:00 to 2020-08-12 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 15:03:00 to 2020-08-12 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-12 15:03:00 to 2020-08-13 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 15:03:00 to 2020-08-13 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004073 from 2020-08-13 15:03:00 to 2020-08-14 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 15:03:00 to 2020-08-14 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-07-31 12:54:00 to 2020-08-01 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 12:54:00 to 2020-08-01 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-01 12:54:00 to 2020-08-02 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 12:54:00 to 2020-08-02 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-02 12:54:00 to 2020-08-03 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 12:54:00 to 2020-08-03 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-03 12:54:00 to 2020-08-04 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 12:54:00 to 2020-08-04 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-04 12:54:00 to 2020-08-05 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 12:54:00 to 2020-08-05 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-05 12:54:00 to 2020-08-06 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 12:54:00 to 2020-08-06 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-06 12:54:00 to 2020-08-07 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 12:54:00 to 2020-08-07 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-07 12:54:00 to 2020-08-08 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 12:54:00 to 2020-08-08 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-08 12:54:00 to 2020-08-09 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 12:54:00 to 2020-08-09 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-09 12:54:00 to 2020-08-10 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 12:54:00 to 2020-08-10 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-10 12:54:00 to 2020-08-11 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 12:54:00 to 2020-08-11 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-11 12:54:00 to 2020-08-12 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 12:54:00 to 2020-08-12 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-12 12:54:00 to 2020-08-13 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 12:54:00 to 2020-08-13 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-13 12:54:00 to 2020-08-14 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 12:54:00 to 2020-08-14 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004074 from 2020-08-14 12:54:00 to 2020-08-15 12:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 12:54:00 to 2020-08-15 12:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-07-26 20:02:00 to 2020-07-27 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 20:02:00 to 2020-07-27 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-07-27 20:02:00 to 2020-07-28 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 20:02:00 to 2020-07-28 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-07-28 20:02:00 to 2020-07-29 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 20:02:00 to 2020-07-29 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-07-29 20:02:00 to 2020-07-30 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 20:02:00 to 2020-07-30 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-07-30 20:02:00 to 2020-07-31 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 20:02:00 to 2020-07-31 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-07-31 20:02:00 to 2020-08-01 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 20:02:00 to 2020-08-01 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-01 20:02:00 to 2020-08-02 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 20:02:00 to 2020-08-02 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-02 20:02:00 to 2020-08-03 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 20:02:00 to 2020-08-03 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-03 20:02:00 to 2020-08-04 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 20:02:00 to 2020-08-04 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-04 20:02:00 to 2020-08-05 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 20:02:00 to 2020-08-05 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-05 20:02:00 to 2020-08-06 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 20:02:00 to 2020-08-06 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-06 20:02:00 to 2020-08-07 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 20:02:00 to 2020-08-07 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-07 20:02:00 to 2020-08-08 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 20:02:00 to 2020-08-08 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-08 20:02:00 to 2020-08-09 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 20:02:00 to 2020-08-09 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004075 from 2020-08-09 20:02:00 to 2020-08-10 20:02:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 20:02:00 to 2020-08-10 20:02:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-07-27 17:52:00 to 2020-07-28 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 17:52:00 to 2020-07-28 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-07-28 17:52:00 to 2020-07-29 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 17:52:00 to 2020-07-29 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-07-29 17:52:00 to 2020-07-30 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 17:52:00 to 2020-07-30 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-07-30 17:52:00 to 2020-07-31 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 17:52:00 to 2020-07-31 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-07-31 17:52:00 to 2020-08-01 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 17:52:00 to 2020-08-01 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-01 17:52:00 to 2020-08-02 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 17:52:00 to 2020-08-02 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-02 17:52:00 to 2020-08-03 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 17:52:00 to 2020-08-03 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-03 17:52:00 to 2020-08-04 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 17:52:00 to 2020-08-04 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-04 17:52:00 to 2020-08-05 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 17:52:00 to 2020-08-05 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-05 17:52:00 to 2020-08-06 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 17:52:00 to 2020-08-06 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-06 17:52:00 to 2020-08-07 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 17:52:00 to 2020-08-07 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-07 17:52:00 to 2020-08-08 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 17:52:00 to 2020-08-08 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-08 17:52:00 to 2020-08-09 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 17:52:00 to 2020-08-09 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-09 17:52:00 to 2020-08-10 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 17:52:00 to 2020-08-10 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004076 from 2020-08-10 17:52:00 to 2020-08-11 17:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 17:52:00 to 2020-08-11 17:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-22 20:21:00 to 2020-07-23 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-22 20:21:00 to 2020-07-23 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-23 20:21:00 to 2020-07-24 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-23 20:21:00 to 2020-07-24 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-24 20:21:00 to 2020-07-25 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 20:21:00 to 2020-07-25 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-25 20:21:00 to 2020-07-26 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 20:21:00 to 2020-07-26 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-26 20:21:00 to 2020-07-27 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 20:21:00 to 2020-07-27 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-27 20:21:00 to 2020-07-28 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 20:21:00 to 2020-07-28 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-28 20:21:00 to 2020-07-29 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 20:21:00 to 2020-07-29 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-29 20:21:00 to 2020-07-30 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 20:21:00 to 2020-07-30 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-30 20:21:00 to 2020-07-31 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 20:21:00 to 2020-07-31 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-07-31 20:21:00 to 2020-08-01 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 20:21:00 to 2020-08-01 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-08-01 20:21:00 to 2020-08-02 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 20:21:00 to 2020-08-02 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-08-02 20:21:00 to 2020-08-03 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 20:21:00 to 2020-08-03 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-08-03 20:21:00 to 2020-08-04 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 20:21:00 to 2020-08-04 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-08-04 20:21:00 to 2020-08-05 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 20:21:00 to 2020-08-05 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004077 from 2020-08-05 20:21:00 to 2020-08-06 20:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 20:21:00 to 2020-08-06 20:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-10 14:16:00 to 2020-08-11 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 14:16:00 to 2020-08-11 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-11 14:16:00 to 2020-08-12 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 14:16:00 to 2020-08-12 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-12 14:16:00 to 2020-08-13 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 14:16:00 to 2020-08-13 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-13 14:16:00 to 2020-08-14 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 14:16:00 to 2020-08-14 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-14 14:16:00 to 2020-08-15 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 14:16:00 to 2020-08-15 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-15 14:16:00 to 2020-08-16 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 14:16:00 to 2020-08-16 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-16 14:16:00 to 2020-08-17 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 14:16:00 to 2020-08-17 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-17 14:16:00 to 2020-08-18 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 14:16:00 to 2020-08-18 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-18 14:16:00 to 2020-08-19 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 14:16:00 to 2020-08-19 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-19 14:16:00 to 2020-08-20 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 14:16:00 to 2020-08-20 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-20 14:16:00 to 2020-08-21 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 14:16:00 to 2020-08-21 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-21 14:16:00 to 2020-08-22 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 14:16:00 to 2020-08-22 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-22 14:16:00 to 2020-08-23 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 14:16:00 to 2020-08-23 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-23 14:16:00 to 2020-08-24 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 14:16:00 to 2020-08-24 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004078 from 2020-08-24 14:16:00 to 2020-08-25 14:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 14:16:00 to 2020-08-25 14:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-08 19:58:00 to 2020-08-09 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 19:58:00 to 2020-08-09 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-09 19:58:00 to 2020-08-10 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 19:58:00 to 2020-08-10 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-10 19:58:00 to 2020-08-11 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 19:58:00 to 2020-08-11 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-11 19:58:00 to 2020-08-12 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 19:58:00 to 2020-08-12 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-12 19:58:00 to 2020-08-13 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 19:58:00 to 2020-08-13 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-13 19:58:00 to 2020-08-14 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 19:58:00 to 2020-08-14 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-14 19:58:00 to 2020-08-15 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 19:58:00 to 2020-08-15 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-15 19:58:00 to 2020-08-16 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 19:58:00 to 2020-08-16 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-16 19:58:00 to 2020-08-17 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 19:58:00 to 2020-08-17 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-17 19:58:00 to 2020-08-18 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 19:58:00 to 2020-08-18 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-18 19:58:00 to 2020-08-19 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 19:58:00 to 2020-08-19 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-19 19:58:00 to 2020-08-20 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 19:58:00 to 2020-08-20 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-20 19:58:00 to 2020-08-21 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 19:58:00 to 2020-08-21 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-21 19:58:00 to 2020-08-22 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 19:58:00 to 2020-08-22 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004079 from 2020-08-22 19:58:00 to 2020-08-23 19:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 19:58:00 to 2020-08-23 19:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-09 14:27:00 to 2020-08-10 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 14:27:00 to 2020-08-10 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-10 14:27:00 to 2020-08-11 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 14:27:00 to 2020-08-11 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-11 14:27:00 to 2020-08-12 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 14:27:00 to 2020-08-12 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-12 14:27:00 to 2020-08-13 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 14:27:00 to 2020-08-13 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-13 14:27:00 to 2020-08-14 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 14:27:00 to 2020-08-14 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-14 14:27:00 to 2020-08-15 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 14:27:00 to 2020-08-15 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-15 14:27:00 to 2020-08-16 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 14:27:00 to 2020-08-16 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-16 14:27:00 to 2020-08-17 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 14:27:00 to 2020-08-17 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-17 14:27:00 to 2020-08-18 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 14:27:00 to 2020-08-18 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-18 14:27:00 to 2020-08-19 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 14:27:00 to 2020-08-19 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-19 14:27:00 to 2020-08-20 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 14:27:00 to 2020-08-20 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-20 14:27:00 to 2020-08-21 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 14:27:00 to 2020-08-21 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-21 14:27:00 to 2020-08-22 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 14:27:00 to 2020-08-22 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-22 14:27:00 to 2020-08-23 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 14:27:00 to 2020-08-23 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004080 from 2020-08-23 14:27:00 to 2020-08-24 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 14:27:00 to 2020-08-24 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-23 15:00:00 to 2020-08-24 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 15:00:00 to 2020-08-24 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-24 15:00:00 to 2020-08-25 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 15:00:00 to 2020-08-25 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-25 15:00:00 to 2020-08-26 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 15:00:00 to 2020-08-26 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-26 15:00:00 to 2020-08-27 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 15:00:00 to 2020-08-27 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-27 15:00:00 to 2020-08-28 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 15:00:00 to 2020-08-28 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-28 15:00:00 to 2020-08-29 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 15:00:00 to 2020-08-29 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-29 15:00:00 to 2020-08-30 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 15:00:00 to 2020-08-30 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-30 15:00:00 to 2020-08-31 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 15:00:00 to 2020-08-31 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-08-31 15:00:00 to 2020-09-01 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 15:00:00 to 2020-09-01 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-09-01 15:00:00 to 2020-09-02 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 15:00:00 to 2020-09-02 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-09-02 15:00:00 to 2020-09-03 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-02 15:00:00 to 2020-09-03 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-09-03 15:00:00 to 2020-09-04 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-03 15:00:00 to 2020-09-04 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-09-04 15:00:00 to 2020-09-05 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-04 15:00:00 to 2020-09-05 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-09-05 15:00:00 to 2020-09-06 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-05 15:00:00 to 2020-09-06 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004081 from 2020-09-06 15:00:00 to 2020-09-07 15:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-06 15:00:00 to 2020-09-07 15:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-07 10:27:00 to 2020-08-08 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 10:27:00 to 2020-08-08 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-08 10:27:00 to 2020-08-09 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 10:27:00 to 2020-08-09 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-09 10:27:00 to 2020-08-10 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 10:27:00 to 2020-08-10 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-10 10:27:00 to 2020-08-11 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 10:27:00 to 2020-08-11 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-11 10:27:00 to 2020-08-12 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 10:27:00 to 2020-08-12 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-12 10:27:00 to 2020-08-13 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 10:27:00 to 2020-08-13 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-13 10:27:00 to 2020-08-14 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 10:27:00 to 2020-08-14 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-14 10:27:00 to 2020-08-15 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 10:27:00 to 2020-08-15 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-15 10:27:00 to 2020-08-16 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 10:27:00 to 2020-08-16 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-16 10:27:00 to 2020-08-17 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 10:27:00 to 2020-08-17 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-17 10:27:00 to 2020-08-18 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 10:27:00 to 2020-08-18 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-18 10:27:00 to 2020-08-19 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 10:27:00 to 2020-08-19 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-19 10:27:00 to 2020-08-20 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 10:27:00 to 2020-08-20 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-20 10:27:00 to 2020-08-21 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 10:27:00 to 2020-08-21 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004082 from 2020-08-21 10:27:00 to 2020-08-22 10:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 10:27:00 to 2020-08-22 10:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-07-28 13:45:00 to 2020-07-29 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 13:45:00 to 2020-07-29 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-07-29 13:45:00 to 2020-07-30 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 13:45:00 to 2020-07-30 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-07-30 13:45:00 to 2020-07-31 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 13:45:00 to 2020-07-31 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-07-31 13:45:00 to 2020-08-01 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 13:45:00 to 2020-08-01 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-01 13:45:00 to 2020-08-02 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 13:45:00 to 2020-08-02 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-02 13:45:00 to 2020-08-03 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 13:45:00 to 2020-08-03 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-03 13:45:00 to 2020-08-04 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 13:45:00 to 2020-08-04 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-04 13:45:00 to 2020-08-05 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 13:45:00 to 2020-08-05 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-05 13:45:00 to 2020-08-06 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 13:45:00 to 2020-08-06 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-06 13:45:00 to 2020-08-07 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 13:45:00 to 2020-08-07 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-07 13:45:00 to 2020-08-08 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 13:45:00 to 2020-08-08 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-08 13:45:00 to 2020-08-09 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 13:45:00 to 2020-08-09 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-09 13:45:00 to 2020-08-10 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 13:45:00 to 2020-08-10 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-10 13:45:00 to 2020-08-11 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 13:45:00 to 2020-08-11 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004085 from 2020-08-11 13:45:00 to 2020-08-12 13:45:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 13:45:00 to 2020-08-12 13:45:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-21 13:46:00 to 2020-07-22 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-21 13:46:00 to 2020-07-22 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-22 13:46:00 to 2020-07-23 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-22 13:46:00 to 2020-07-23 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-23 13:46:00 to 2020-07-24 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-23 13:46:00 to 2020-07-24 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-24 13:46:00 to 2020-07-25 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 13:46:00 to 2020-07-25 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-25 13:46:00 to 2020-07-26 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 13:46:00 to 2020-07-26 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-26 13:46:00 to 2020-07-27 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 13:46:00 to 2020-07-27 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-27 13:46:00 to 2020-07-28 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 13:46:00 to 2020-07-28 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-28 13:46:00 to 2020-07-29 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 13:46:00 to 2020-07-29 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-29 13:46:00 to 2020-07-30 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 13:46:00 to 2020-07-30 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-30 13:46:00 to 2020-07-31 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 13:46:00 to 2020-07-31 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-07-31 13:46:00 to 2020-08-01 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 13:46:00 to 2020-08-01 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-08-01 13:46:00 to 2020-08-02 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 13:46:00 to 2020-08-02 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-08-02 13:46:00 to 2020-08-03 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 13:46:00 to 2020-08-03 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-08-03 13:46:00 to 2020-08-04 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 13:46:00 to 2020-08-04 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004087 from 2020-08-04 13:46:00 to 2020-08-05 13:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 13:46:00 to 2020-08-05 13:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004091 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-18 19:12:00 to 2020-08-19 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 19:12:00 to 2020-08-19 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-19 19:12:00 to 2020-08-20 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 19:12:00 to 2020-08-20 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-20 19:12:00 to 2020-08-21 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 19:12:00 to 2020-08-21 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-21 19:12:00 to 2020-08-22 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 19:12:00 to 2020-08-22 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-22 19:12:00 to 2020-08-23 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 19:12:00 to 2020-08-23 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-23 19:12:00 to 2020-08-24 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 19:12:00 to 2020-08-24 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-24 19:12:00 to 2020-08-25 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 19:12:00 to 2020-08-25 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-25 19:12:00 to 2020-08-26 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 19:12:00 to 2020-08-26 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-26 19:12:00 to 2020-08-27 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 19:12:00 to 2020-08-27 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-27 19:12:00 to 2020-08-28 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 19:12:00 to 2020-08-28 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-28 19:12:00 to 2020-08-29 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 19:12:00 to 2020-08-29 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-29 19:12:00 to 2020-08-30 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-29 19:12:00 to 2020-08-30 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-30 19:12:00 to 2020-08-31 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-30 19:12:00 to 2020-08-31 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-08-31 19:12:00 to 2020-09-01 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-31 19:12:00 to 2020-09-01 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004092 from 2020-09-01 19:12:00 to 2020-09-02 19:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-01 19:12:00 to 2020-09-02 19:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-14 16:13:00 to 2020-08-15 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 16:13:00 to 2020-08-15 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-15 16:13:00 to 2020-08-16 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 16:13:00 to 2020-08-16 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-16 16:13:00 to 2020-08-17 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 16:13:00 to 2020-08-17 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-17 16:13:00 to 2020-08-18 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 16:13:00 to 2020-08-18 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-18 16:13:00 to 2020-08-19 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 16:13:00 to 2020-08-19 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-19 16:13:00 to 2020-08-20 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-19 16:13:00 to 2020-08-20 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-20 16:13:00 to 2020-08-21 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-20 16:13:00 to 2020-08-21 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-21 16:13:00 to 2020-08-22 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-21 16:13:00 to 2020-08-22 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-22 16:13:00 to 2020-08-23 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-22 16:13:00 to 2020-08-23 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-23 16:13:00 to 2020-08-24 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-23 16:13:00 to 2020-08-24 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-24 16:13:00 to 2020-08-25 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-24 16:13:00 to 2020-08-25 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-25 16:13:00 to 2020-08-26 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-25 16:13:00 to 2020-08-26 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-26 16:13:00 to 2020-08-27 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-26 16:13:00 to 2020-08-27 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-27 16:13:00 to 2020-08-28 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-27 16:13:00 to 2020-08-28 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004093 from 2020-08-28 16:13:00 to 2020-08-29 16:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-28 16:13:00 to 2020-08-29 16:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-13 16:43:00 to 2020-07-14 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-13 16:43:00 to 2020-07-14 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-14 16:43:00 to 2020-07-15 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-14 16:43:00 to 2020-07-15 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-15 16:43:00 to 2020-07-16 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-15 16:43:00 to 2020-07-16 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-16 16:43:00 to 2020-07-17 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-16 16:43:00 to 2020-07-17 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-17 16:43:00 to 2020-07-18 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-17 16:43:00 to 2020-07-18 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-18 16:43:00 to 2020-07-19 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-18 16:43:00 to 2020-07-19 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-19 16:43:00 to 2020-07-20 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-19 16:43:00 to 2020-07-20 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-20 16:43:00 to 2020-07-21 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-20 16:43:00 to 2020-07-21 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-21 16:43:00 to 2020-07-22 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-21 16:43:00 to 2020-07-22 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-22 16:43:00 to 2020-07-23 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-22 16:43:00 to 2020-07-23 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-23 16:43:00 to 2020-07-24 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-23 16:43:00 to 2020-07-24 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-24 16:43:00 to 2020-07-25 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 16:43:00 to 2020-07-25 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-25 16:43:00 to 2020-07-26 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 16:43:00 to 2020-07-26 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-26 16:43:00 to 2020-07-27 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 16:43:00 to 2020-07-27 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004099 from 2020-07-27 16:43:00 to 2020-07-28 16:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 16:43:00 to 2020-07-28 16:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-04 19:49:00 to 2020-08-05 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 19:49:00 to 2020-08-05 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-05 19:49:00 to 2020-08-06 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 19:49:00 to 2020-08-06 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-06 19:49:00 to 2020-08-07 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 19:49:00 to 2020-08-07 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-07 19:49:00 to 2020-08-08 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 19:49:00 to 2020-08-08 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-08 19:49:00 to 2020-08-09 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-08 19:49:00 to 2020-08-09 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-09 19:49:00 to 2020-08-10 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-09 19:49:00 to 2020-08-10 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-10 19:49:00 to 2020-08-11 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-10 19:49:00 to 2020-08-11 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-11 19:49:00 to 2020-08-12 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-11 19:49:00 to 2020-08-12 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-12 19:49:00 to 2020-08-13 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-12 19:49:00 to 2020-08-13 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-13 19:49:00 to 2020-08-14 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-13 19:49:00 to 2020-08-14 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-14 19:49:00 to 2020-08-15 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-14 19:49:00 to 2020-08-15 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-15 19:49:00 to 2020-08-16 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-15 19:49:00 to 2020-08-16 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-16 19:49:00 to 2020-08-17 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-16 19:49:00 to 2020-08-17 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-17 19:49:00 to 2020-08-18 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-17 19:49:00 to 2020-08-18 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004101 from 2020-08-18 19:49:00 to 2020-08-19 19:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-18 19:49:00 to 2020-08-19 19:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-24 20:09:00 to 2020-07-25 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-24 20:09:00 to 2020-07-25 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-25 20:09:00 to 2020-07-26 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-25 20:09:00 to 2020-07-26 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-26 20:09:00 to 2020-07-27 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-26 20:09:00 to 2020-07-27 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-27 20:09:00 to 2020-07-28 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-27 20:09:00 to 2020-07-28 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-28 20:09:00 to 2020-07-29 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-28 20:09:00 to 2020-07-29 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-29 20:09:00 to 2020-07-30 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-29 20:09:00 to 2020-07-30 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-30 20:09:00 to 2020-07-31 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-30 20:09:00 to 2020-07-31 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-07-31 20:09:00 to 2020-08-01 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-07-31 20:09:00 to 2020-08-01 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-08-01 20:09:00 to 2020-08-02 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-01 20:09:00 to 2020-08-02 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-08-02 20:09:00 to 2020-08-03 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-02 20:09:00 to 2020-08-03 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-08-03 20:09:00 to 2020-08-04 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-03 20:09:00 to 2020-08-04 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-08-04 20:09:00 to 2020-08-05 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-04 20:09:00 to 2020-08-05 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-08-05 20:09:00 to 2020-08-06 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-05 20:09:00 to 2020-08-06 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-08-06 20:09:00 to 2020-08-07 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-06 20:09:00 to 2020-08-07 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004102 from 2020-08-07 20:09:00 to 2020-08-08 20:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-08-07 20:09:00 to 2020-08-08 20:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-20 11:16:00 to 2020-10-21 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 11:16:00 to 2020-10-21 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-21 11:16:00 to 2020-10-22 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 11:16:00 to 2020-10-22 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-22 11:16:00 to 2020-10-23 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-22 11:16:00 to 2020-10-23 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-23 11:16:00 to 2020-10-24 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-23 11:16:00 to 2020-10-24 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-24 11:16:00 to 2020-10-25 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-24 11:16:00 to 2020-10-25 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-25 11:16:00 to 2020-10-26 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-25 11:16:00 to 2020-10-26 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-26 11:16:00 to 2020-10-27 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-26 11:16:00 to 2020-10-27 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-27 11:16:00 to 2020-10-28 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-27 11:16:00 to 2020-10-28 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-28 11:16:00 to 2020-10-29 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-28 11:16:00 to 2020-10-29 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-29 11:16:00 to 2020-10-30 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-29 11:16:00 to 2020-10-30 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-30 11:16:00 to 2020-10-31 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 11:16:00 to 2020-10-31 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-10-31 11:16:00 to 2020-11-01 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-31 11:16:00 to 2020-11-01 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-11-01 11:16:00 to 2020-11-02 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-01 11:16:00 to 2020-11-02 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-11-02 11:16:00 to 2020-11-03 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-02 11:16:00 to 2020-11-03 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004108 from 2020-11-03 11:16:00 to 2020-11-04 11:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-03 11:16:00 to 2020-11-04 11:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004133 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-16 14:50:00 to 2020-10-17 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 14:50:00 to 2020-10-17 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-17 14:50:00 to 2020-10-18 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 14:50:00 to 2020-10-18 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-18 14:50:00 to 2020-10-19 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 14:50:00 to 2020-10-19 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-19 14:50:00 to 2020-10-20 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 14:50:00 to 2020-10-20 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-20 14:50:00 to 2020-10-21 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 14:50:00 to 2020-10-21 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-21 14:50:00 to 2020-10-22 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 14:50:00 to 2020-10-22 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-22 14:50:00 to 2020-10-23 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-22 14:50:00 to 2020-10-23 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-23 14:50:00 to 2020-10-24 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-23 14:50:00 to 2020-10-24 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-24 14:50:00 to 2020-10-25 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-24 14:50:00 to 2020-10-25 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-25 14:50:00 to 2020-10-26 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-25 14:50:00 to 2020-10-26 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-26 14:50:00 to 2020-10-27 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-26 14:50:00 to 2020-10-27 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-27 14:50:00 to 2020-10-28 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-27 14:50:00 to 2020-10-28 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-28 14:50:00 to 2020-10-29 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-28 14:50:00 to 2020-10-29 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-29 14:50:00 to 2020-10-30 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-29 14:50:00 to 2020-10-30 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004134 from 2020-10-30 14:50:00 to 2020-10-31 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 14:50:00 to 2020-10-31 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-02 12:40:00 to 2020-10-03 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-02 12:40:00 to 2020-10-03 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-03 12:40:00 to 2020-10-04 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-03 12:40:00 to 2020-10-04 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-04 12:40:00 to 2020-10-05 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-04 12:40:00 to 2020-10-05 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-05 12:40:00 to 2020-10-06 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 12:40:00 to 2020-10-06 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-06 12:40:00 to 2020-10-07 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 12:40:00 to 2020-10-07 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-07 12:40:00 to 2020-10-08 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 12:40:00 to 2020-10-08 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-08 12:40:00 to 2020-10-09 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 12:40:00 to 2020-10-09 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-09 12:40:00 to 2020-10-10 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 12:40:00 to 2020-10-10 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-10 12:40:00 to 2020-10-11 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 12:40:00 to 2020-10-11 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-11 12:40:00 to 2020-10-12 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 12:40:00 to 2020-10-12 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-12 12:40:00 to 2020-10-13 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 12:40:00 to 2020-10-13 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-13 12:40:00 to 2020-10-14 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 12:40:00 to 2020-10-14 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-14 12:40:00 to 2020-10-15 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 12:40:00 to 2020-10-15 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-15 12:40:00 to 2020-10-16 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 12:40:00 to 2020-10-16 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004135 from 2020-10-16 12:40:00 to 2020-10-17 12:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 12:40:00 to 2020-10-17 12:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004140 from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-19 21:01:00 to 2020-10-20 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 21:01:00 to 2020-10-20 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-20 21:01:00 to 2020-10-21 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 21:01:00 to 2020-10-21 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-21 21:01:00 to 2020-10-22 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 21:01:00 to 2020-10-22 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-22 21:01:00 to 2020-10-23 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-22 21:01:00 to 2020-10-23 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-23 21:01:00 to 2020-10-24 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-23 21:01:00 to 2020-10-24 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-24 21:01:00 to 2020-10-25 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-24 21:01:00 to 2020-10-25 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-25 21:01:00 to 2020-10-26 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-25 21:01:00 to 2020-10-26 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-26 21:01:00 to 2020-10-27 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-26 21:01:00 to 2020-10-27 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-27 21:01:00 to 2020-10-28 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-27 21:01:00 to 2020-10-28 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-28 21:01:00 to 2020-10-29 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-28 21:01:00 to 2020-10-29 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-29 21:01:00 to 2020-10-30 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-29 21:01:00 to 2020-10-30 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-30 21:01:00 to 2020-10-31 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 21:01:00 to 2020-10-31 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-10-31 21:01:00 to 2020-11-01 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-31 21:01:00 to 2020-11-01 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-11-01 21:01:00 to 2020-11-02 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-01 21:01:00 to 2020-11-02 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004141 from 2020-11-02 21:01:00 to 2020-11-03 21:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-02 21:01:00 to 2020-11-03 21:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-16 11:59:00 to 2020-10-17 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 11:59:00 to 2020-10-17 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-17 11:59:00 to 2020-10-18 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 11:59:00 to 2020-10-18 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-18 11:59:00 to 2020-10-19 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 11:59:00 to 2020-10-19 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-19 11:59:00 to 2020-10-20 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 11:59:00 to 2020-10-20 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-20 11:59:00 to 2020-10-21 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 11:59:00 to 2020-10-21 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-21 11:59:00 to 2020-10-22 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 11:59:00 to 2020-10-22 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-22 11:59:00 to 2020-10-23 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-22 11:59:00 to 2020-10-23 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-23 11:59:00 to 2020-10-24 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-23 11:59:00 to 2020-10-24 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-24 11:59:00 to 2020-10-25 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-24 11:59:00 to 2020-10-25 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-25 11:59:00 to 2020-10-26 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-25 11:59:00 to 2020-10-26 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-26 11:59:00 to 2020-10-27 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-26 11:59:00 to 2020-10-27 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-27 11:59:00 to 2020-10-28 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-27 11:59:00 to 2020-10-28 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-28 11:59:00 to 2020-10-29 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-28 11:59:00 to 2020-10-29 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-29 11:59:00 to 2020-10-30 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-29 11:59:00 to 2020-10-30 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004146 from 2020-10-30 11:59:00 to 2020-10-31 11:59:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 11:59:00 to 2020-10-31 11:59:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004148 from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-09-29 20:46:00 to 2020-09-30 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-29 20:46:00 to 2020-09-30 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-09-30 20:46:00 to 2020-10-01 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-09-30 20:46:00 to 2020-10-01 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-01 20:46:00 to 2020-10-02 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-01 20:46:00 to 2020-10-02 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-02 20:46:00 to 2020-10-03 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-02 20:46:00 to 2020-10-03 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-03 20:46:00 to 2020-10-04 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-03 20:46:00 to 2020-10-04 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-04 20:46:00 to 2020-10-05 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-04 20:46:00 to 2020-10-05 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-05 20:46:00 to 2020-10-06 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 20:46:00 to 2020-10-06 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-06 20:46:00 to 2020-10-07 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 20:46:00 to 2020-10-07 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-07 20:46:00 to 2020-10-08 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 20:46:00 to 2020-10-08 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-08 20:46:00 to 2020-10-09 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 20:46:00 to 2020-10-09 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-09 20:46:00 to 2020-10-10 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 20:46:00 to 2020-10-10 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-10 20:46:00 to 2020-10-11 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 20:46:00 to 2020-10-11 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-11 20:46:00 to 2020-10-12 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 20:46:00 to 2020-10-12 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-12 20:46:00 to 2020-10-13 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 20:46:00 to 2020-10-13 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004151 from 2020-10-13 20:46:00 to 2020-10-14 20:46:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 20:46:00 to 2020-10-14 20:46:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-02 11:49:00 to 2020-10-03 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-02 11:49:00 to 2020-10-03 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-03 11:49:00 to 2020-10-04 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-03 11:49:00 to 2020-10-04 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-04 11:49:00 to 2020-10-05 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-04 11:49:00 to 2020-10-05 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-05 11:49:00 to 2020-10-06 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 11:49:00 to 2020-10-06 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-06 11:49:00 to 2020-10-07 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 11:49:00 to 2020-10-07 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-07 11:49:00 to 2020-10-08 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 11:49:00 to 2020-10-08 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-08 11:49:00 to 2020-10-09 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 11:49:00 to 2020-10-09 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-09 11:49:00 to 2020-10-10 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 11:49:00 to 2020-10-10 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-10 11:49:00 to 2020-10-11 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 11:49:00 to 2020-10-11 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-11 11:49:00 to 2020-10-12 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 11:49:00 to 2020-10-12 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-12 11:49:00 to 2020-10-13 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 11:49:00 to 2020-10-13 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-13 11:49:00 to 2020-10-14 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 11:49:00 to 2020-10-14 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-14 11:49:00 to 2020-10-15 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 11:49:00 to 2020-10-15 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-15 11:49:00 to 2020-10-16 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 11:49:00 to 2020-10-16 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004152 from 2020-10-16 11:49:00 to 2020-10-17 11:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 11:49:00 to 2020-10-17 11:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-30 15:51:00 to 2019-10-31 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-10-31 15:51:00 to 2019-11-01 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-01 15:51:00 to 2019-11-02 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-02 15:51:00 to 2019-11-03 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-03 15:51:00 to 2019-11-04 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-04 15:51:00 to 2019-11-05 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-05 15:51:00 to 2019-11-06 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-06 15:51:00 to 2019-11-07 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-07 15:51:00 to 2019-11-08 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-08 15:51:00 to 2019-11-09 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-09 15:51:00 to 2019-11-10 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-10 15:51:00 to 2019-11-11 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-11 15:51:00 to 2019-11-12 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-12 15:51:00 to 2019-11-13 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004155 from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2019-11-13 15:51:00 to 2019-11-14 15:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-01 19:05:00 to 2020-10-02 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-01 19:05:00 to 2020-10-02 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-02 19:05:00 to 2020-10-03 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-02 19:05:00 to 2020-10-03 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-03 19:05:00 to 2020-10-04 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-03 19:05:00 to 2020-10-04 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-04 19:05:00 to 2020-10-05 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-04 19:05:00 to 2020-10-05 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-05 19:05:00 to 2020-10-06 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 19:05:00 to 2020-10-06 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-06 19:05:00 to 2020-10-07 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 19:05:00 to 2020-10-07 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-07 19:05:00 to 2020-10-08 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 19:05:00 to 2020-10-08 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-08 19:05:00 to 2020-10-09 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 19:05:00 to 2020-10-09 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-09 19:05:00 to 2020-10-10 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 19:05:00 to 2020-10-10 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-10 19:05:00 to 2020-10-11 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 19:05:00 to 2020-10-11 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-11 19:05:00 to 2020-10-12 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 19:05:00 to 2020-10-12 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-12 19:05:00 to 2020-10-13 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 19:05:00 to 2020-10-13 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-13 19:05:00 to 2020-10-14 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 19:05:00 to 2020-10-14 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-14 19:05:00 to 2020-10-15 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 19:05:00 to 2020-10-15 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004157 from 2020-10-15 19:05:00 to 2020-10-16 19:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 19:05:00 to 2020-10-16 19:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-17 15:49:00 to 2020-10-18 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 15:49:00 to 2020-10-18 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-18 15:49:00 to 2020-10-19 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 15:49:00 to 2020-10-19 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-19 15:49:00 to 2020-10-20 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 15:49:00 to 2020-10-20 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-20 15:49:00 to 2020-10-21 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 15:49:00 to 2020-10-21 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-21 15:49:00 to 2020-10-22 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 15:49:00 to 2020-10-22 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-22 15:49:00 to 2020-10-23 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-22 15:49:00 to 2020-10-23 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-23 15:49:00 to 2020-10-24 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-23 15:49:00 to 2020-10-24 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-24 15:49:00 to 2020-10-25 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-24 15:49:00 to 2020-10-25 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-25 15:49:00 to 2020-10-26 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-25 15:49:00 to 2020-10-26 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-26 15:49:00 to 2020-10-27 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-26 15:49:00 to 2020-10-27 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-27 15:49:00 to 2020-10-28 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-27 15:49:00 to 2020-10-28 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-28 15:49:00 to 2020-10-29 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-28 15:49:00 to 2020-10-29 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-29 15:49:00 to 2020-10-30 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-29 15:49:00 to 2020-10-30 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-30 15:49:00 to 2020-10-31 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 15:49:00 to 2020-10-31 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004163 from 2020-10-31 15:49:00 to 2020-11-01 15:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-31 15:49:00 to 2020-11-01 15:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-02 13:00:00 to 2020-10-03 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-02 13:00:00 to 2020-10-03 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-03 13:00:00 to 2020-10-04 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-03 13:00:00 to 2020-10-04 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-04 13:00:00 to 2020-10-05 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-04 13:00:00 to 2020-10-05 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-05 13:00:00 to 2020-10-06 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 13:00:00 to 2020-10-06 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-06 13:00:00 to 2020-10-07 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 13:00:00 to 2020-10-07 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-07 13:00:00 to 2020-10-08 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 13:00:00 to 2020-10-08 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-08 13:00:00 to 2020-10-09 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 13:00:00 to 2020-10-09 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-09 13:00:00 to 2020-10-10 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 13:00:00 to 2020-10-10 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-10 13:00:00 to 2020-10-11 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 13:00:00 to 2020-10-11 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-11 13:00:00 to 2020-10-12 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 13:00:00 to 2020-10-12 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-12 13:00:00 to 2020-10-13 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 13:00:00 to 2020-10-13 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-13 13:00:00 to 2020-10-14 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 13:00:00 to 2020-10-14 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-14 13:00:00 to 2020-10-15 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 13:00:00 to 2020-10-15 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-15 13:00:00 to 2020-10-16 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 13:00:00 to 2020-10-16 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004164 from 2020-10-16 13:00:00 to 2020-10-17 13:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 13:00:00 to 2020-10-17 13:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-10-29 14:20:00 to 2020-10-30 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-29 14:20:00 to 2020-10-30 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-10-30 14:20:00 to 2020-10-31 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 14:20:00 to 2020-10-31 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-10-31 14:20:00 to 2020-11-01 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-31 14:20:00 to 2020-11-01 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-01 14:20:00 to 2020-11-02 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-01 14:20:00 to 2020-11-02 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-02 14:20:00 to 2020-11-03 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-02 14:20:00 to 2020-11-03 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-03 14:20:00 to 2020-11-04 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-03 14:20:00 to 2020-11-04 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-04 14:20:00 to 2020-11-05 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-04 14:20:00 to 2020-11-05 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-05 14:20:00 to 2020-11-06 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-05 14:20:00 to 2020-11-06 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-06 14:20:00 to 2020-11-07 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-06 14:20:00 to 2020-11-07 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-07 14:20:00 to 2020-11-08 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-07 14:20:00 to 2020-11-08 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-08 14:20:00 to 2020-11-09 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-08 14:20:00 to 2020-11-09 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-09 14:20:00 to 2020-11-10 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-09 14:20:00 to 2020-11-10 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-10 14:20:00 to 2020-11-11 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-10 14:20:00 to 2020-11-11 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-11 14:20:00 to 2020-11-12 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-11 14:20:00 to 2020-11-12 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004168 from 2020-11-12 14:20:00 to 2020-11-13 14:20:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-12 14:20:00 to 2020-11-13 14:20:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-07 17:43:00 to 2020-10-08 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 17:43:00 to 2020-10-08 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-08 17:43:00 to 2020-10-09 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 17:43:00 to 2020-10-09 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-09 17:43:00 to 2020-10-10 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 17:43:00 to 2020-10-10 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-10 17:43:00 to 2020-10-11 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 17:43:00 to 2020-10-11 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-11 17:43:00 to 2020-10-12 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 17:43:00 to 2020-10-12 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-12 17:43:00 to 2020-10-13 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 17:43:00 to 2020-10-13 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-13 17:43:00 to 2020-10-14 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 17:43:00 to 2020-10-14 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-14 17:43:00 to 2020-10-15 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 17:43:00 to 2020-10-15 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-15 17:43:00 to 2020-10-16 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 17:43:00 to 2020-10-16 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-16 17:43:00 to 2020-10-17 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 17:43:00 to 2020-10-17 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-17 17:43:00 to 2020-10-18 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 17:43:00 to 2020-10-18 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-18 17:43:00 to 2020-10-19 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 17:43:00 to 2020-10-19 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-19 17:43:00 to 2020-10-20 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 17:43:00 to 2020-10-20 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-20 17:43:00 to 2020-10-21 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 17:43:00 to 2020-10-21 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004172 from 2020-10-21 17:43:00 to 2020-10-22 17:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 17:43:00 to 2020-10-22 17:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-10 20:31:00 to 2020-10-11 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 20:31:00 to 2020-10-11 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-11 20:31:00 to 2020-10-12 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 20:31:00 to 2020-10-12 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-12 20:31:00 to 2020-10-13 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 20:31:00 to 2020-10-13 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-13 20:31:00 to 2020-10-14 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 20:31:00 to 2020-10-14 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-14 20:31:00 to 2020-10-15 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 20:31:00 to 2020-10-15 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-15 20:31:00 to 2020-10-16 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 20:31:00 to 2020-10-16 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-16 20:31:00 to 2020-10-17 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 20:31:00 to 2020-10-17 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-17 20:31:00 to 2020-10-18 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 20:31:00 to 2020-10-18 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-18 20:31:00 to 2020-10-19 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 20:31:00 to 2020-10-19 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-19 20:31:00 to 2020-10-20 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 20:31:00 to 2020-10-20 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-20 20:31:00 to 2020-10-21 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 20:31:00 to 2020-10-21 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-21 20:31:00 to 2020-10-22 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 20:31:00 to 2020-10-22 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-22 20:31:00 to 2020-10-23 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-22 20:31:00 to 2020-10-23 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-23 20:31:00 to 2020-10-24 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-23 20:31:00 to 2020-10-24 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004174 from 2020-10-24 20:31:00 to 2020-10-25 20:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-24 20:31:00 to 2020-10-25 20:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004175 from 2020-12-29 11:06:00 to 2020-12-30 11:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-29 11:06:00 to 2020-12-30 11:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 214, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK501B00100004177 from 2020-12-16 08:22:00 to 2020-12-17 08:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-16 08:22:00 to 2020-12-17 08:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 5199, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004178 from 2021-01-06 16:25:00 to 2021-01-07 16:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-06 16:25:00 to 2021-01-07 16:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 6, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-10-30 14:26:00 to 2020-10-31 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 14:26:00 to 2020-10-31 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-10-31 14:26:00 to 2020-11-01 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-31 14:26:00 to 2020-11-01 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-01 14:26:00 to 2020-11-02 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-01 14:26:00 to 2020-11-02 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-02 14:26:00 to 2020-11-03 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-02 14:26:00 to 2020-11-03 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-03 14:26:00 to 2020-11-04 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-03 14:26:00 to 2020-11-04 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-04 14:26:00 to 2020-11-05 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-04 14:26:00 to 2020-11-05 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-05 14:26:00 to 2020-11-06 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-05 14:26:00 to 2020-11-06 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-06 14:26:00 to 2020-11-07 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-06 14:26:00 to 2020-11-07 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-07 14:26:00 to 2020-11-08 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-07 14:26:00 to 2020-11-08 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-08 14:26:00 to 2020-11-09 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-08 14:26:00 to 2020-11-09 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-09 14:26:00 to 2020-11-10 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-09 14:26:00 to 2020-11-10 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-10 14:26:00 to 2020-11-11 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-10 14:26:00 to 2020-11-11 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-11 14:26:00 to 2020-11-12 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-11 14:26:00 to 2020-11-12 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-12 14:26:00 to 2020-11-13 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-12 14:26:00 to 2020-11-13 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004180 from 2020-11-13 14:26:00 to 2020-11-14 14:26:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-13 14:26:00 to 2020-11-14 14:26:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-05 19:54:00 to 2020-10-06 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 19:54:00 to 2020-10-06 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-06 19:54:00 to 2020-10-07 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 19:54:00 to 2020-10-07 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-07 19:54:00 to 2020-10-08 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 19:54:00 to 2020-10-08 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-08 19:54:00 to 2020-10-09 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 19:54:00 to 2020-10-09 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-09 19:54:00 to 2020-10-10 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 19:54:00 to 2020-10-10 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-10 19:54:00 to 2020-10-11 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 19:54:00 to 2020-10-11 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-11 19:54:00 to 2020-10-12 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 19:54:00 to 2020-10-12 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-12 19:54:00 to 2020-10-13 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 19:54:00 to 2020-10-13 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-13 19:54:00 to 2020-10-14 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 19:54:00 to 2020-10-14 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-14 19:54:00 to 2020-10-15 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 19:54:00 to 2020-10-15 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-15 19:54:00 to 2020-10-16 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 19:54:00 to 2020-10-16 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-16 19:54:00 to 2020-10-17 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 19:54:00 to 2020-10-17 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-17 19:54:00 to 2020-10-18 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 19:54:00 to 2020-10-18 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-18 19:54:00 to 2020-10-19 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 19:54:00 to 2020-10-19 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004181 from 2020-10-19 19:54:00 to 2020-10-20 19:54:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 19:54:00 to 2020-10-20 19:54:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-02 17:23:00 to 2020-10-03 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-02 17:23:00 to 2020-10-03 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-03 17:23:00 to 2020-10-04 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-03 17:23:00 to 2020-10-04 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-04 17:23:00 to 2020-10-05 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-04 17:23:00 to 2020-10-05 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-05 17:23:00 to 2020-10-06 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 17:23:00 to 2020-10-06 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-06 17:23:00 to 2020-10-07 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 17:23:00 to 2020-10-07 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-07 17:23:00 to 2020-10-08 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 17:23:00 to 2020-10-08 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-08 17:23:00 to 2020-10-09 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 17:23:00 to 2020-10-09 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-09 17:23:00 to 2020-10-10 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 17:23:00 to 2020-10-10 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-10 17:23:00 to 2020-10-11 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 17:23:00 to 2020-10-11 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-11 17:23:00 to 2020-10-12 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 17:23:00 to 2020-10-12 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-12 17:23:00 to 2020-10-13 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 17:23:00 to 2020-10-13 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-13 17:23:00 to 2020-10-14 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 17:23:00 to 2020-10-14 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-14 17:23:00 to 2020-10-15 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 17:23:00 to 2020-10-15 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-15 17:23:00 to 2020-10-16 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 17:23:00 to 2020-10-16 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004182 from 2020-10-16 17:23:00 to 2020-10-17 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 17:23:00 to 2020-10-17 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-04 14:13:00 to 2020-10-05 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-04 14:13:00 to 2020-10-05 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-05 14:13:00 to 2020-10-06 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 14:13:00 to 2020-10-06 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-06 14:13:00 to 2020-10-07 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 14:13:00 to 2020-10-07 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-07 14:13:00 to 2020-10-08 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 14:13:00 to 2020-10-08 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-08 14:13:00 to 2020-10-09 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 14:13:00 to 2020-10-09 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-09 14:13:00 to 2020-10-10 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 14:13:00 to 2020-10-10 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-10 14:13:00 to 2020-10-11 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 14:13:00 to 2020-10-11 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-11 14:13:00 to 2020-10-12 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 14:13:00 to 2020-10-12 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-12 14:13:00 to 2020-10-13 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 14:13:00 to 2020-10-13 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-13 14:13:00 to 2020-10-14 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 14:13:00 to 2020-10-14 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-14 14:13:00 to 2020-10-15 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 14:13:00 to 2020-10-15 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-15 14:13:00 to 2020-10-16 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 14:13:00 to 2020-10-16 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-16 14:13:00 to 2020-10-17 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 14:13:00 to 2020-10-17 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-17 14:13:00 to 2020-10-18 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 14:13:00 to 2020-10-18 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004186 from 2020-10-18 14:13:00 to 2020-10-19 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 14:13:00 to 2020-10-19 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-07 15:03:00 to 2020-10-08 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 15:03:00 to 2020-10-08 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-08 15:03:00 to 2020-10-09 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 15:03:00 to 2020-10-09 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-09 15:03:00 to 2020-10-10 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 15:03:00 to 2020-10-10 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-10 15:03:00 to 2020-10-11 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 15:03:00 to 2020-10-11 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-11 15:03:00 to 2020-10-12 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 15:03:00 to 2020-10-12 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-12 15:03:00 to 2020-10-13 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 15:03:00 to 2020-10-13 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-13 15:03:00 to 2020-10-14 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 15:03:00 to 2020-10-14 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-14 15:03:00 to 2020-10-15 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 15:03:00 to 2020-10-15 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-15 15:03:00 to 2020-10-16 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 15:03:00 to 2020-10-16 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-16 15:03:00 to 2020-10-17 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 15:03:00 to 2020-10-17 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-17 15:03:00 to 2020-10-18 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 15:03:00 to 2020-10-18 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-18 15:03:00 to 2020-10-19 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 15:03:00 to 2020-10-19 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-19 15:03:00 to 2020-10-20 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 15:03:00 to 2020-10-20 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-20 15:03:00 to 2020-10-21 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 15:03:00 to 2020-10-21 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004187 from 2020-10-21 15:03:00 to 2020-10-22 15:03:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 15:03:00 to 2020-10-22 15:03:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-10-25 16:00:00 to 2020-10-26 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-25 16:00:00 to 2020-10-26 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-10-26 16:00:00 to 2020-10-27 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-26 16:00:00 to 2020-10-27 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-10-27 16:00:00 to 2020-10-28 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-27 16:00:00 to 2020-10-28 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-10-28 16:00:00 to 2020-10-29 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-28 16:00:00 to 2020-10-29 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-10-29 16:00:00 to 2020-10-30 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-29 16:00:00 to 2020-10-30 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-10-30 16:00:00 to 2020-10-31 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-30 16:00:00 to 2020-10-31 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-10-31 16:00:00 to 2020-11-01 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-31 16:00:00 to 2020-11-01 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-01 16:00:00 to 2020-11-02 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-01 16:00:00 to 2020-11-02 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-02 16:00:00 to 2020-11-03 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-02 16:00:00 to 2020-11-03 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-03 16:00:00 to 2020-11-04 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-03 16:00:00 to 2020-11-04 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-04 16:00:00 to 2020-11-05 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-04 16:00:00 to 2020-11-05 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-05 16:00:00 to 2020-11-06 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-05 16:00:00 to 2020-11-06 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-06 16:00:00 to 2020-11-07 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-06 16:00:00 to 2020-11-07 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-07 16:00:00 to 2020-11-08 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-07 16:00:00 to 2020-11-08 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004189 from 2020-11-08 16:00:00 to 2020-11-09 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-11-08 16:00:00 to 2020-11-09 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-12 13:43:00 to 2020-10-13 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 13:43:00 to 2020-10-13 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-13 13:43:00 to 2020-10-14 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 13:43:00 to 2020-10-14 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-14 13:43:00 to 2020-10-15 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 13:43:00 to 2020-10-15 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-15 13:43:00 to 2020-10-16 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 13:43:00 to 2020-10-16 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-16 13:43:00 to 2020-10-17 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 13:43:00 to 2020-10-17 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-17 13:43:00 to 2020-10-18 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 13:43:00 to 2020-10-18 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-18 13:43:00 to 2020-10-19 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 13:43:00 to 2020-10-19 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-19 13:43:00 to 2020-10-20 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 13:43:00 to 2020-10-20 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-20 13:43:00 to 2020-10-21 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-20 13:43:00 to 2020-10-21 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-21 13:43:00 to 2020-10-22 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-21 13:43:00 to 2020-10-22 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-22 13:43:00 to 2020-10-23 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-22 13:43:00 to 2020-10-23 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-23 13:43:00 to 2020-10-24 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-23 13:43:00 to 2020-10-24 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-24 13:43:00 to 2020-10-25 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-24 13:43:00 to 2020-10-25 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-25 13:43:00 to 2020-10-26 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-25 13:43:00 to 2020-10-26 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004191 from 2020-10-26 13:43:00 to 2020-10-27 13:43:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-26 13:43:00 to 2020-10-27 13:43:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-05 16:01:00 to 2020-10-06 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-05 16:01:00 to 2020-10-06 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-06 16:01:00 to 2020-10-07 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-06 16:01:00 to 2020-10-07 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-07 16:01:00 to 2020-10-08 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-07 16:01:00 to 2020-10-08 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-08 16:01:00 to 2020-10-09 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-08 16:01:00 to 2020-10-09 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-09 16:01:00 to 2020-10-10 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-09 16:01:00 to 2020-10-10 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-10 16:01:00 to 2020-10-11 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-10 16:01:00 to 2020-10-11 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-11 16:01:00 to 2020-10-12 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-11 16:01:00 to 2020-10-12 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-12 16:01:00 to 2020-10-13 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-12 16:01:00 to 2020-10-13 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-13 16:01:00 to 2020-10-14 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-13 16:01:00 to 2020-10-14 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-14 16:01:00 to 2020-10-15 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-14 16:01:00 to 2020-10-15 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-15 16:01:00 to 2020-10-16 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-15 16:01:00 to 2020-10-16 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-16 16:01:00 to 2020-10-17 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-16 16:01:00 to 2020-10-17 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-17 16:01:00 to 2020-10-18 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-17 16:01:00 to 2020-10-18 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-18 16:01:00 to 2020-10-19 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-18 16:01:00 to 2020-10-19 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004194 from 2020-10-19 16:01:00 to 2020-10-20 16:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-10-19 16:01:00 to 2020-10-20 16:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004202 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004226 from 2020-12-23 11:35:00 to 2020-12-24 11:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 11:35:00 to 2020-12-24 11:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004226 from 2020-12-24 11:35:00 to 2020-12-25 11:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 11:35:00 to 2020-12-25 11:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004226 from 2020-12-25 11:35:00 to 2020-12-26 11:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 11:35:00 to 2020-12-26 11:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 163, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004253 from 2020-12-25 16:51:00 to 2020-12-26 16:51:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 16:51:00 to 2020-12-26 16:51:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 45, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-18 18:58:00 to 2020-12-19 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-18 18:58:00 to 2020-12-19 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-19 18:58:00 to 2020-12-20 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-19 18:58:00 to 2020-12-20 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-20 18:58:00 to 2020-12-21 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-20 18:58:00 to 2020-12-21 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-21 18:58:00 to 2020-12-22 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-21 18:58:00 to 2020-12-22 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-22 18:58:00 to 2020-12-23 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-22 18:58:00 to 2020-12-23 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-23 18:58:00 to 2020-12-24 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 18:58:00 to 2020-12-24 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-24 18:58:00 to 2020-12-25 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 18:58:00 to 2020-12-25 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004254 from 2020-12-25 18:58:00 to 2020-12-26 18:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 18:58:00 to 2020-12-26 18:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 2480, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004255 from 2021-01-01 23:22:00 to 2021-01-02 23:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-01 23:22:00 to 2021-01-02 23:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 4, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004256 from 2021-03-04 09:57:00 to 2021-03-05 09:57:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-04 09:57:00 to 2021-03-05 09:57:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 3638, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004257 from 2020-12-23 13:31:00 to 2020-12-24 13:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 13:31:00 to 2020-12-24 13:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004257 from 2020-12-24 13:31:00 to 2020-12-25 13:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 13:31:00 to 2020-12-25 13:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004257 from 2020-12-25 13:31:00 to 2020-12-26 13:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 13:31:00 to 2020-12-26 13:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 62, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004258 from 2020-12-23 11:18:00 to 2020-12-24 11:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 11:18:00 to 2020-12-24 11:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004258 from 2020-12-24 11:18:00 to 2020-12-25 11:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 11:18:00 to 2020-12-25 11:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004258 from 2020-12-25 11:18:00 to 2020-12-26 11:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 11:18:00 to 2020-12-26 11:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 168, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-22 18:52:00 to 2021-01-23 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-22 18:52:00 to 2021-01-23 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-23 18:52:00 to 2021-01-24 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-23 18:52:00 to 2021-01-24 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-24 18:52:00 to 2021-01-25 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-24 18:52:00 to 2021-01-25 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-25 18:52:00 to 2021-01-26 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-25 18:52:00 to 2021-01-26 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-26 18:52:00 to 2021-01-27 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-26 18:52:00 to 2021-01-27 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-27 18:52:00 to 2021-01-28 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-27 18:52:00 to 2021-01-28 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-28 18:52:00 to 2021-01-29 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-28 18:52:00 to 2021-01-29 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-29 18:52:00 to 2021-01-30 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-29 18:52:00 to 2021-01-30 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-30 18:52:00 to 2021-01-31 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-30 18:52:00 to 2021-01-31 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-01-31 18:52:00 to 2021-02-01 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-31 18:52:00 to 2021-02-01 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-02-01 18:52:00 to 2021-02-02 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-02-01 18:52:00 to 2021-02-02 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-02-02 18:52:00 to 2021-02-03 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-02-02 18:52:00 to 2021-02-03 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-02-03 18:52:00 to 2021-02-04 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-02-03 18:52:00 to 2021-02-04 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-02-04 18:52:00 to 2021-02-05 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-02-04 18:52:00 to 2021-02-05 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004259 from 2021-02-05 18:52:00 to 2021-02-06 18:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-02-05 18:52:00 to 2021-02-06 18:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-01 10:10:00 to 2021-01-02 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-01 10:10:00 to 2021-01-02 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-02 10:10:00 to 2021-01-03 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-02 10:10:00 to 2021-01-03 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-03 10:10:00 to 2021-01-04 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-03 10:10:00 to 2021-01-04 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-04 10:10:00 to 2021-01-05 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-04 10:10:00 to 2021-01-05 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-05 10:10:00 to 2021-01-06 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-05 10:10:00 to 2021-01-06 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-06 10:10:00 to 2021-01-07 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-06 10:10:00 to 2021-01-07 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-07 10:10:00 to 2021-01-08 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-07 10:10:00 to 2021-01-08 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-08 10:10:00 to 2021-01-09 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-08 10:10:00 to 2021-01-09 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-09 10:10:00 to 2021-01-10 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-09 10:10:00 to 2021-01-10 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-10 10:10:00 to 2021-01-11 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-10 10:10:00 to 2021-01-11 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-11 10:10:00 to 2021-01-12 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-11 10:10:00 to 2021-01-12 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-12 10:10:00 to 2021-01-13 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-12 10:10:00 to 2021-01-13 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-13 10:10:00 to 2021-01-14 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-13 10:10:00 to 2021-01-14 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-14 10:10:00 to 2021-01-15 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-14 10:10:00 to 2021-01-15 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004260 from 2021-01-15 10:10:00 to 2021-01-16 10:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-15 10:10:00 to 2021-01-16 10:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004261 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004262 from 2021-01-01 21:22:00 to 2021-01-02 21:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-01 21:22:00 to 2021-01-02 21:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004262 from 2021-01-02 21:22:00 to 2021-01-03 21:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-02 21:22:00 to 2021-01-03 21:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004262 from 2021-01-03 21:22:00 to 2021-01-04 21:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-03 21:22:00 to 2021-01-04 21:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 6, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004263 from 2020-12-23 15:16:00 to 2020-12-24 15:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 15:16:00 to 2020-12-24 15:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004263 from 2020-12-24 15:16:00 to 2020-12-25 15:16:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 15:16:00 to 2020-12-25 15:16:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004264 from 2020-12-23 16:28:00 to 2020-12-24 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 16:28:00 to 2020-12-24 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004264 from 2020-12-24 16:28:00 to 2020-12-25 16:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 16:28:00 to 2020-12-25 16:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 11, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-23 17:28:00 to 2020-12-24 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 17:28:00 to 2020-12-24 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-24 17:28:00 to 2020-12-25 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 17:28:00 to 2020-12-25 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-25 17:28:00 to 2020-12-26 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 17:28:00 to 2020-12-26 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-26 17:28:00 to 2020-12-27 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-26 17:28:00 to 2020-12-27 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-27 17:28:00 to 2020-12-28 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-27 17:28:00 to 2020-12-28 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-28 17:28:00 to 2020-12-29 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-28 17:28:00 to 2020-12-29 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-29 17:28:00 to 2020-12-30 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-29 17:28:00 to 2020-12-30 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-30 17:28:00 to 2020-12-31 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-30 17:28:00 to 2020-12-31 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2020-12-31 17:28:00 to 2021-01-01 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-31 17:28:00 to 2021-01-01 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2021-01-01 17:28:00 to 2021-01-02 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-01 17:28:00 to 2021-01-02 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2021-01-02 17:28:00 to 2021-01-03 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-02 17:28:00 to 2021-01-03 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2021-01-03 17:28:00 to 2021-01-04 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-03 17:28:00 to 2021-01-04 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2021-01-04 17:28:00 to 2021-01-05 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-04 17:28:00 to 2021-01-05 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2021-01-05 17:28:00 to 2021-01-06 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-05 17:28:00 to 2021-01-06 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004265 from 2021-01-06 17:28:00 to 2021-01-07 17:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-06 17:28:00 to 2021-01-07 17:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004266 from 2021-01-04 16:52:00 to 2021-01-05 16:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-04 16:52:00 to 2021-01-05 16:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 233, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004267 from 2020-12-23 16:37:00 to 2020-12-24 16:37:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 16:37:00 to 2020-12-24 16:37:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004267 from 2020-12-24 16:37:00 to 2020-12-25 16:37:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 16:37:00 to 2020-12-25 16:37:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004267 from 2020-12-25 16:37:00 to 2020-12-26 16:37:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 16:37:00 to 2020-12-26 16:37:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 2885, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004268 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004269 from 2021-01-16 18:07:00 to 2021-01-17 18:07:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-16 18:07:00 to 2021-01-17 18:07:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1338, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-18 14:50:00 to 2020-12-19 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-18 14:50:00 to 2020-12-19 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-19 14:50:00 to 2020-12-20 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-19 14:50:00 to 2020-12-20 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-20 14:50:00 to 2020-12-21 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-20 14:50:00 to 2020-12-21 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-21 14:50:00 to 2020-12-22 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-21 14:50:00 to 2020-12-22 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-22 14:50:00 to 2020-12-23 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-22 14:50:00 to 2020-12-23 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-23 14:50:00 to 2020-12-24 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 14:50:00 to 2020-12-24 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-24 14:50:00 to 2020-12-25 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 14:50:00 to 2020-12-25 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004270 from 2020-12-25 14:50:00 to 2020-12-26 14:50:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 14:50:00 to 2020-12-26 14:50:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1005, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004271 from 2020-12-25 11:35:00 to 2020-12-26 11:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 11:35:00 to 2020-12-26 11:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 172, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-01 15:22:00 to 2021-01-02 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-01 15:22:00 to 2021-01-02 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-02 15:22:00 to 2021-01-03 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-02 15:22:00 to 2021-01-03 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-03 15:22:00 to 2021-01-04 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-03 15:22:00 to 2021-01-04 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-04 15:22:00 to 2021-01-05 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-04 15:22:00 to 2021-01-05 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-05 15:22:00 to 2021-01-06 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-05 15:22:00 to 2021-01-06 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-06 15:22:00 to 2021-01-07 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-06 15:22:00 to 2021-01-07 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-07 15:22:00 to 2021-01-08 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-07 15:22:00 to 2021-01-08 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-08 15:22:00 to 2021-01-09 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-08 15:22:00 to 2021-01-09 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-09 15:22:00 to 2021-01-10 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-09 15:22:00 to 2021-01-10 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-10 15:22:00 to 2021-01-11 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-10 15:22:00 to 2021-01-11 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-11 15:22:00 to 2021-01-12 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-11 15:22:00 to 2021-01-12 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-12 15:22:00 to 2021-01-13 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-12 15:22:00 to 2021-01-13 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-13 15:22:00 to 2021-01-14 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-13 15:22:00 to 2021-01-14 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-14 15:22:00 to 2021-01-15 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-14 15:22:00 to 2021-01-15 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004272 from 2021-01-15 15:22:00 to 2021-01-16 15:22:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-15 15:22:00 to 2021-01-16 15:22:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004273 from 2020-12-30 15:31:00 to 2020-12-31 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-30 15:31:00 to 2020-12-31 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 44, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004276 from 2020-12-23 16:00:00 to 2020-12-24 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 16:00:00 to 2020-12-24 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004276 from 2020-12-24 16:00:00 to 2020-12-25 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 16:00:00 to 2020-12-25 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004276 from 2020-12-25 16:00:00 to 2020-12-26 16:00:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 16:00:00 to 2020-12-26 16:00:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 162, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004277 from 2020-12-23 15:14:00 to 2020-12-24 15:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 15:14:00 to 2020-12-24 15:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004277 from 2020-12-24 15:14:00 to 2020-12-25 15:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 15:14:00 to 2020-12-25 15:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004277 from 2020-12-25 15:14:00 to 2020-12-26 15:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 15:14:00 to 2020-12-26 15:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 192, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004278 from 2020-12-23 11:27:00 to 2020-12-24 11:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 11:27:00 to 2020-12-24 11:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004278 from 2020-12-24 11:27:00 to 2020-12-25 11:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 11:27:00 to 2020-12-25 11:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004278 from 2020-12-25 11:27:00 to 2020-12-26 11:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 11:27:00 to 2020-12-26 11:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 145, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004279 from 2020-12-23 10:57:00 to 2020-12-24 10:57:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 10:57:00 to 2020-12-24 10:57:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004279 from 2020-12-24 10:57:00 to 2020-12-25 10:57:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 10:57:00 to 2020-12-25 10:57:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004279 from 2020-12-25 10:57:00 to 2020-12-26 10:57:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 10:57:00 to 2020-12-26 10:57:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 146, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004281 from 2020-12-21 18:06:00 to 2020-12-22 18:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-21 18:06:00 to 2020-12-22 18:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004281 from 2020-12-22 18:06:00 to 2020-12-23 18:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-22 18:06:00 to 2020-12-23 18:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004281 from 2020-12-23 18:06:00 to 2020-12-24 18:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 18:06:00 to 2020-12-24 18:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004281 from 2020-12-24 18:06:00 to 2020-12-25 18:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 18:06:00 to 2020-12-25 18:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 14, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004282 from 2020-12-23 16:11:00 to 2020-12-24 16:11:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 16:11:00 to 2020-12-24 16:11:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004282 from 2020-12-24 16:11:00 to 2020-12-25 16:11:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 16:11:00 to 2020-12-25 16:11:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004282 from 2020-12-25 16:11:00 to 2020-12-26 16:11:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 16:11:00 to 2020-12-26 16:11:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 166, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004283 from 2021-01-01 23:21:00 to 2021-01-02 23:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-01 23:21:00 to 2021-01-02 23:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1675, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-22 13:53:00 to 2021-01-23 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-22 13:53:00 to 2021-01-23 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-23 13:53:00 to 2021-01-24 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-23 13:53:00 to 2021-01-24 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-24 13:53:00 to 2021-01-25 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-24 13:53:00 to 2021-01-25 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-25 13:53:00 to 2021-01-26 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-25 13:53:00 to 2021-01-26 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-26 13:53:00 to 2021-01-27 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-26 13:53:00 to 2021-01-27 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-27 13:53:00 to 2021-01-28 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-27 13:53:00 to 2021-01-28 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-28 13:53:00 to 2021-01-29 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-28 13:53:00 to 2021-01-29 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004284 from 2021-01-29 13:53:00 to 2021-01-30 13:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-01-29 13:53:00 to 2021-01-30 13:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 27, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004285 from 2020-12-23 11:58:00 to 2020-12-24 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 11:58:00 to 2020-12-24 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004285 from 2020-12-24 11:58:00 to 2020-12-25 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 11:58:00 to 2020-12-25 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004285 from 2020-12-25 11:58:00 to 2020-12-26 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 11:58:00 to 2020-12-26 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 161, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004286 from 2020-12-21 12:09:00 to 2020-12-22 12:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-21 12:09:00 to 2020-12-22 12:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004286 from 2020-12-22 12:09:00 to 2020-12-23 12:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-22 12:09:00 to 2020-12-23 12:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004286 from 2020-12-23 12:09:00 to 2020-12-24 12:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 12:09:00 to 2020-12-24 12:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004286 from 2020-12-24 12:09:00 to 2020-12-25 12:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 12:09:00 to 2020-12-25 12:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004286 from 2020-12-25 12:09:00 to 2020-12-26 12:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 12:09:00 to 2020-12-26 12:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 147, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004287 from 2020-12-25 10:39:00 to 2020-12-26 10:39:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 10:39:00 to 2020-12-26 10:39:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 171, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004288 from 2020-12-23 14:27:00 to 2020-12-24 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-23 14:27:00 to 2020-12-24 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004288 from 2020-12-24 14:27:00 to 2020-12-25 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-24 14:27:00 to 2020-12-25 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B00100004288 from 2020-12-25 14:27:00 to 2020-12-26 14:27:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-12-25 14:27:00 to 2020-12-26 14:27:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 165, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003007 from 2021-06-28 13:30:00 to 2021-06-29 13:30:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-28 13:30:00 to 2021-06-29 13:30:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 210, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003008 from 2021-07-05 12:13:00 to 2021-07-06 12:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-05 12:13:00 to 2021-07-06 12:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 225, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003010 from 2021-07-01 16:06:00 to 2021-07-02 16:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-01 16:06:00 to 2021-07-02 16:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 239, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003011 from 2021-06-24 10:49:00 to 2021-06-25 10:49:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-24 10:49:00 to 2021-06-25 10:49:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 214, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003012 from 2021-06-28 10:31:00 to 2021-06-29 10:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-28 10:31:00 to 2021-06-29 10:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003012 from 2021-06-29 10:31:00 to 2021-06-30 10:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 10:31:00 to 2021-06-30 10:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003012 from 2021-06-30 10:31:00 to 2021-07-01 10:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-30 10:31:00 to 2021-07-01 10:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003012 from 2021-07-01 10:31:00 to 2021-07-02 10:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-01 10:31:00 to 2021-07-02 10:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 179, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003014 from 2021-07-05 12:31:00 to 2021-07-06 12:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-05 12:31:00 to 2021-07-06 12:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 122, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003017 from 2021-06-28 13:14:00 to 2021-06-29 13:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-28 13:14:00 to 2021-06-29 13:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 213, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003033 from 2021-06-28 10:44:00 to 2021-06-29 10:44:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-28 10:44:00 to 2021-06-29 10:44:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003033 from 2021-06-29 10:44:00 to 2021-06-30 10:44:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 10:44:00 to 2021-06-30 10:44:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003033 from 2021-06-30 10:44:00 to 2021-07-01 10:44:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-30 10:44:00 to 2021-07-01 10:44:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003033 from 2021-07-01 10:44:00 to 2021-07-02 10:44:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-01 10:44:00 to 2021-07-02 10:44:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 182, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003034 from 2021-06-24 10:48:00 to 2021-06-25 10:48:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-24 10:48:00 to 2021-06-25 10:48:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 203, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003039 from 2021-06-25 10:28:00 to 2021-06-26 10:28:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-25 10:28:00 to 2021-06-26 10:28:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 63, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-06-28 13:40:00 to 2021-06-29 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-28 13:40:00 to 2021-06-29 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-06-29 13:40:00 to 2021-06-30 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 13:40:00 to 2021-06-30 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-06-30 13:40:00 to 2021-07-01 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-30 13:40:00 to 2021-07-01 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-01 13:40:00 to 2021-07-02 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-01 13:40:00 to 2021-07-02 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-02 13:40:00 to 2021-07-03 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-02 13:40:00 to 2021-07-03 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-03 13:40:00 to 2021-07-04 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-03 13:40:00 to 2021-07-04 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-04 13:40:00 to 2021-07-05 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-04 13:40:00 to 2021-07-05 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-05 13:40:00 to 2021-07-06 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-05 13:40:00 to 2021-07-06 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-06 13:40:00 to 2021-07-07 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-06 13:40:00 to 2021-07-07 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-07 13:40:00 to 2021-07-08 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-07 13:40:00 to 2021-07-08 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-08 13:40:00 to 2021-07-09 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-08 13:40:00 to 2021-07-09 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-09 13:40:00 to 2021-07-10 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-09 13:40:00 to 2021-07-10 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-10 13:40:00 to 2021-07-11 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-10 13:40:00 to 2021-07-11 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-11 13:40:00 to 2021-07-12 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-11 13:40:00 to 2021-07-12 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003056 from 2021-07-12 13:40:00 to 2021-07-13 13:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-12 13:40:00 to 2021-07-13 13:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003065 from 2021-07-13 12:53:00 to 2021-07-14 12:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-13 12:53:00 to 2021-07-14 12:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 5714, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003076 from 2021-08-19 09:53:00 to 2021-08-20 09:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-19 09:53:00 to 2021-08-20 09:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003076 from 2021-08-20 09:53:00 to 2021-08-21 09:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-20 09:53:00 to 2021-08-21 09:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003076 from 2021-08-21 09:53:00 to 2021-08-22 09:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-21 09:53:00 to 2021-08-22 09:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003076 from 2021-08-22 09:53:00 to 2021-08-23 09:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-22 09:53:00 to 2021-08-23 09:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003076 from 2021-08-23 09:53:00 to 2021-08-24 09:53:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-23 09:53:00 to 2021-08-24 09:53:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 176, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003079 from 2021-06-29 16:36:00 to 2021-06-30 16:36:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 16:36:00 to 2021-06-30 16:36:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 222, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003097 from 2021-06-29 14:52:00 to 2021-06-30 14:52:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 14:52:00 to 2021-06-30 14:52:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 182, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003116 from 2021-08-11 17:21:00 to 2021-08-12 17:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-08-11 17:21:00 to 2021-08-12 17:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 221, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003124 from 2021-07-22 20:36:00 to 2021-07-23 20:36:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-22 20:36:00 to 2021-07-23 20:36:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 227, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003127 from 2021-06-27 17:31:00 to 2021-06-28 17:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-27 17:31:00 to 2021-06-28 17:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 69, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003131 from 2021-07-02 16:58:00 to 2021-07-03 16:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-02 16:58:00 to 2021-07-03 16:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 206, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003133 from 2021-07-16 10:09:00 to 2021-07-17 10:09:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-16 10:09:00 to 2021-07-17 10:09:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 220, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003135 from 2021-07-21 17:21:00 to 2021-07-22 17:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-21 17:21:00 to 2021-07-22 17:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 423, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003136 from 2021-07-22 20:35:00 to 2021-07-23 20:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-22 20:35:00 to 2021-07-23 20:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 211, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003137 from 2021-07-14 13:29:00 to 2021-07-15 13:29:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-14 13:29:00 to 2021-07-15 13:29:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 10, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003139 from 2021-07-15 13:05:00 to 2021-07-16 13:05:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-15 13:05:00 to 2021-07-16 13:05:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 119, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003140 from 2021-06-25 09:40:00 to 2021-06-26 09:40:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-25 09:40:00 to 2021-06-26 09:40:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 185, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003142 from 2021-06-18 18:24:00 to 2021-06-19 18:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-18 18:24:00 to 2021-06-19 18:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003142 from 2021-06-19 18:24:00 to 2021-06-20 18:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-19 18:24:00 to 2021-06-20 18:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003142 from 2021-06-20 18:24:00 to 2021-06-21 18:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-20 18:24:00 to 2021-06-21 18:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003142 from 2021-06-21 18:24:00 to 2021-06-22 18:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-21 18:24:00 to 2021-06-22 18:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003142 from 2021-06-22 18:24:00 to 2021-06-23 18:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-22 18:24:00 to 2021-06-23 18:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 9, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003144 from 2021-06-17 14:10:00 to 2021-06-18 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-17 14:10:00 to 2021-06-18 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003144 from 2021-06-18 14:10:00 to 2021-06-19 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-18 14:10:00 to 2021-06-19 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003144 from 2021-06-19 14:10:00 to 2021-06-20 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-19 14:10:00 to 2021-06-20 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003144 from 2021-06-20 14:10:00 to 2021-06-21 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-20 14:10:00 to 2021-06-21 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003144 from 2021-06-21 14:10:00 to 2021-06-22 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-21 14:10:00 to 2021-06-22 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003144 from 2021-06-22 14:10:00 to 2021-06-23 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-22 14:10:00 to 2021-06-23 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003144 from 2021-06-23 14:10:00 to 2021-06-24 14:10:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-23 14:10:00 to 2021-06-24 14:10:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 823, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003147 from 2021-06-23 21:12:00 to 2021-06-24 21:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-23 21:12:00 to 2021-06-24 21:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 155, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003148 from 2021-06-17 14:14:00 to 2021-06-18 14:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-17 14:14:00 to 2021-06-18 14:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003148 from 2021-06-18 14:14:00 to 2021-06-19 14:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-18 14:14:00 to 2021-06-19 14:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003148 from 2021-06-19 14:14:00 to 2021-06-20 14:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-19 14:14:00 to 2021-06-20 14:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003148 from 2021-06-20 14:14:00 to 2021-06-21 14:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-20 14:14:00 to 2021-06-21 14:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003148 from 2021-06-21 14:14:00 to 2021-06-22 14:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-21 14:14:00 to 2021-06-22 14:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003148 from 2021-06-22 14:14:00 to 2021-06-23 14:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-22 14:14:00 to 2021-06-23 14:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003148 from 2021-06-23 14:14:00 to 2021-06-24 14:14:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-23 14:14:00 to 2021-06-24 14:14:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 527, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003149 from 2021-06-21 19:04:00 to 2021-06-22 19:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-21 19:04:00 to 2021-06-22 19:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003149 from 2021-06-22 19:04:00 to 2021-06-23 19:04:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-22 19:04:00 to 2021-06-23 19:04:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 28, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003153 from 2021-07-23 10:18:00 to 2021-07-24 10:18:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-23 10:18:00 to 2021-07-24 10:18:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 230, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003155 from 2021-06-18 17:23:00 to 2021-06-19 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-18 17:23:00 to 2021-06-19 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003155 from 2021-06-19 17:23:00 to 2021-06-20 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-19 17:23:00 to 2021-06-20 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003155 from 2021-06-20 17:23:00 to 2021-06-21 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-20 17:23:00 to 2021-06-21 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003155 from 2021-06-21 17:23:00 to 2021-06-22 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-21 17:23:00 to 2021-06-22 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003155 from 2021-06-22 17:23:00 to 2021-06-23 17:23:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-22 17:23:00 to 2021-06-23 17:23:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 12, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003175 from 2021-06-23 14:08:00 to 2021-06-24 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-23 14:08:00 to 2021-06-24 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 216, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003180 from 2021-06-29 14:55:00 to 2021-06-30 14:55:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 14:55:00 to 2021-06-30 14:55:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 192, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003185 from 2021-06-29 14:48:00 to 2021-06-30 14:48:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 14:48:00 to 2021-06-30 14:48:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 228, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003204 from 2021-06-29 15:01:00 to 2021-06-30 15:01:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-29 15:01:00 to 2021-06-30 15:01:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 175, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003206 from 2021-06-17 14:08:00 to 2021-06-18 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-17 14:08:00 to 2021-06-18 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003206 from 2021-06-18 14:08:00 to 2021-06-19 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-18 14:08:00 to 2021-06-19 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003206 from 2021-06-19 14:08:00 to 2021-06-20 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-19 14:08:00 to 2021-06-20 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003206 from 2021-06-20 14:08:00 to 2021-06-21 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-20 14:08:00 to 2021-06-21 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003206 from 2021-06-21 14:08:00 to 2021-06-22 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-21 14:08:00 to 2021-06-22 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003206 from 2021-06-22 14:08:00 to 2021-06-23 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-22 14:08:00 to 2021-06-23 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100003206 from 2021-06-23 14:08:00 to 2021-06-24 14:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-06-23 14:08:00 to 2021-06-24 14:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 494, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-03-26 18:08:00 to 2021-03-27 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 18:08:00 to 2021-03-27 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-03-27 18:08:00 to 2021-03-28 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 18:08:00 to 2021-03-28 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-03-28 18:08:00 to 2021-03-29 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 18:08:00 to 2021-03-29 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-03-29 18:08:00 to 2021-03-30 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 18:08:00 to 2021-03-30 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-03-30 18:08:00 to 2021-03-31 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-30 18:08:00 to 2021-03-31 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-03-31 18:08:00 to 2021-04-01 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-31 18:08:00 to 2021-04-01 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-01 18:08:00 to 2021-04-02 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-01 18:08:00 to 2021-04-02 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-02 18:08:00 to 2021-04-03 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-02 18:08:00 to 2021-04-03 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-03 18:08:00 to 2021-04-04 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-03 18:08:00 to 2021-04-04 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-04 18:08:00 to 2021-04-05 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-04 18:08:00 to 2021-04-05 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-05 18:08:00 to 2021-04-06 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-05 18:08:00 to 2021-04-06 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-06 18:08:00 to 2021-04-07 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-06 18:08:00 to 2021-04-07 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-07 18:08:00 to 2021-04-08 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-07 18:08:00 to 2021-04-08 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-08 18:08:00 to 2021-04-09 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-08 18:08:00 to 2021-04-09 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004301 from 2021-04-09 18:08:00 to 2021-04-10 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-09 18:08:00 to 2021-04-10 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004302 from 2021-05-09 22:08:00 to 2021-05-10 22:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-09 22:08:00 to 2021-05-10 22:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 28, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-11 14:13:00 to 2021-03-12 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-11 14:13:00 to 2021-03-12 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-12 14:13:00 to 2021-03-13 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-12 14:13:00 to 2021-03-13 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-13 14:13:00 to 2021-03-14 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-13 14:13:00 to 2021-03-14 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-14 14:13:00 to 2021-03-15 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-14 14:13:00 to 2021-03-15 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-15 14:13:00 to 2021-03-16 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-15 14:13:00 to 2021-03-16 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-16 14:13:00 to 2021-03-17 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 14:13:00 to 2021-03-17 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-17 14:13:00 to 2021-03-18 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 14:13:00 to 2021-03-18 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-18 14:13:00 to 2021-03-19 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 14:13:00 to 2021-03-19 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-19 14:13:00 to 2021-03-20 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 14:13:00 to 2021-03-20 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-20 14:13:00 to 2021-03-21 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 14:13:00 to 2021-03-21 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-21 14:13:00 to 2021-03-22 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 14:13:00 to 2021-03-22 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-22 14:13:00 to 2021-03-23 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 14:13:00 to 2021-03-23 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-23 14:13:00 to 2021-03-24 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 14:13:00 to 2021-03-24 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-24 14:13:00 to 2021-03-25 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 14:13:00 to 2021-03-25 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004303 from 2021-03-25 14:13:00 to 2021-03-26 14:13:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 14:13:00 to 2021-03-26 14:13:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-19 14:21:00 to 2021-03-20 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 14:21:00 to 2021-03-20 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-20 14:21:00 to 2021-03-21 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 14:21:00 to 2021-03-21 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-21 14:21:00 to 2021-03-22 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 14:21:00 to 2021-03-22 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-22 14:21:00 to 2021-03-23 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 14:21:00 to 2021-03-23 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-23 14:21:00 to 2021-03-24 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 14:21:00 to 2021-03-24 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-24 14:21:00 to 2021-03-25 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 14:21:00 to 2021-03-25 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-25 14:21:00 to 2021-03-26 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 14:21:00 to 2021-03-26 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-26 14:21:00 to 2021-03-27 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 14:21:00 to 2021-03-27 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-27 14:21:00 to 2021-03-28 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 14:21:00 to 2021-03-28 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-28 14:21:00 to 2021-03-29 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 14:21:00 to 2021-03-29 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-29 14:21:00 to 2021-03-30 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 14:21:00 to 2021-03-30 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-30 14:21:00 to 2021-03-31 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-30 14:21:00 to 2021-03-31 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-03-31 14:21:00 to 2021-04-01 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-31 14:21:00 to 2021-04-01 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-04-01 14:21:00 to 2021-04-02 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-01 14:21:00 to 2021-04-02 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004308 from 2021-04-02 14:21:00 to 2021-04-03 14:21:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-02 14:21:00 to 2021-04-03 14:21:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-16 11:25:00 to 2021-03-17 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 11:25:00 to 2021-03-17 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-17 11:25:00 to 2021-03-18 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 11:25:00 to 2021-03-18 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-18 11:25:00 to 2021-03-19 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 11:25:00 to 2021-03-19 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-19 11:25:00 to 2021-03-20 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 11:25:00 to 2021-03-20 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-20 11:25:00 to 2021-03-21 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 11:25:00 to 2021-03-21 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-21 11:25:00 to 2021-03-22 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 11:25:00 to 2021-03-22 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-22 11:25:00 to 2021-03-23 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 11:25:00 to 2021-03-23 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-23 11:25:00 to 2021-03-24 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 11:25:00 to 2021-03-24 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-24 11:25:00 to 2021-03-25 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 11:25:00 to 2021-03-25 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-25 11:25:00 to 2021-03-26 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 11:25:00 to 2021-03-26 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-26 11:25:00 to 2021-03-27 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 11:25:00 to 2021-03-27 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-27 11:25:00 to 2021-03-28 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 11:25:00 to 2021-03-28 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-28 11:25:00 to 2021-03-29 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 11:25:00 to 2021-03-29 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-29 11:25:00 to 2021-03-30 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 11:25:00 to 2021-03-30 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004310 from 2021-03-30 11:25:00 to 2021-03-31 11:25:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-30 11:25:00 to 2021-03-31 11:25:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-13 11:58:00 to 2021-03-14 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-13 11:58:00 to 2021-03-14 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-14 11:58:00 to 2021-03-15 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-14 11:58:00 to 2021-03-15 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-15 11:58:00 to 2021-03-16 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-15 11:58:00 to 2021-03-16 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-16 11:58:00 to 2021-03-17 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 11:58:00 to 2021-03-17 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-17 11:58:00 to 2021-03-18 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 11:58:00 to 2021-03-18 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-18 11:58:00 to 2021-03-19 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 11:58:00 to 2021-03-19 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-19 11:58:00 to 2021-03-20 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 11:58:00 to 2021-03-20 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-20 11:58:00 to 2021-03-21 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 11:58:00 to 2021-03-21 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-21 11:58:00 to 2021-03-22 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 11:58:00 to 2021-03-22 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-22 11:58:00 to 2021-03-23 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 11:58:00 to 2021-03-23 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-23 11:58:00 to 2021-03-24 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 11:58:00 to 2021-03-24 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-24 11:58:00 to 2021-03-25 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 11:58:00 to 2021-03-25 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-25 11:58:00 to 2021-03-26 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 11:58:00 to 2021-03-26 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-26 11:58:00 to 2021-03-27 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 11:58:00 to 2021-03-27 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004311 from 2021-03-27 11:58:00 to 2021-03-28 11:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 11:58:00 to 2021-03-28 11:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-21 12:12:00 to 2021-03-22 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 12:12:00 to 2021-03-22 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-22 12:12:00 to 2021-03-23 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 12:12:00 to 2021-03-23 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-23 12:12:00 to 2021-03-24 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 12:12:00 to 2021-03-24 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-24 12:12:00 to 2021-03-25 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 12:12:00 to 2021-03-25 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-25 12:12:00 to 2021-03-26 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 12:12:00 to 2021-03-26 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-26 12:12:00 to 2021-03-27 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 12:12:00 to 2021-03-27 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-27 12:12:00 to 2021-03-28 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 12:12:00 to 2021-03-28 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-28 12:12:00 to 2021-03-29 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 12:12:00 to 2021-03-29 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-29 12:12:00 to 2021-03-30 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 12:12:00 to 2021-03-30 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-30 12:12:00 to 2021-03-31 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-30 12:12:00 to 2021-03-31 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-03-31 12:12:00 to 2021-04-01 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-31 12:12:00 to 2021-04-01 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-04-01 12:12:00 to 2021-04-02 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-01 12:12:00 to 2021-04-02 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-04-02 12:12:00 to 2021-04-03 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-02 12:12:00 to 2021-04-03 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-04-03 12:12:00 to 2021-04-04 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-03 12:12:00 to 2021-04-04 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004312 from 2021-04-04 12:12:00 to 2021-04-05 12:12:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-04 12:12:00 to 2021-04-05 12:12:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004315 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-18 12:06:00 to 2021-03-19 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 12:06:00 to 2021-03-19 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-19 12:06:00 to 2021-03-20 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 12:06:00 to 2021-03-20 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-20 12:06:00 to 2021-03-21 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 12:06:00 to 2021-03-21 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-21 12:06:00 to 2021-03-22 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 12:06:00 to 2021-03-22 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-22 12:06:00 to 2021-03-23 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 12:06:00 to 2021-03-23 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-23 12:06:00 to 2021-03-24 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 12:06:00 to 2021-03-24 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-24 12:06:00 to 2021-03-25 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 12:06:00 to 2021-03-25 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-25 12:06:00 to 2021-03-26 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 12:06:00 to 2021-03-26 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-26 12:06:00 to 2021-03-27 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 12:06:00 to 2021-03-27 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-27 12:06:00 to 2021-03-28 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 12:06:00 to 2021-03-28 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-28 12:06:00 to 2021-03-29 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 12:06:00 to 2021-03-29 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-29 12:06:00 to 2021-03-30 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 12:06:00 to 2021-03-30 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-30 12:06:00 to 2021-03-31 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-30 12:06:00 to 2021-03-31 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-03-31 12:06:00 to 2021-04-01 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-31 12:06:00 to 2021-04-01 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004317 from 2021-04-01 12:06:00 to 2021-04-02 12:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-01 12:06:00 to 2021-04-02 12:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-01 21:56:00 to 2020-01-02 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-02 21:56:00 to 2020-01-03 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-03 21:56:00 to 2020-01-04 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-04 21:56:00 to 2020-01-05 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-05 21:56:00 to 2020-01-06 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-06 21:56:00 to 2020-01-07 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-07 21:56:00 to 2020-01-08 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-08 21:56:00 to 2020-01-09 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-09 21:56:00 to 2020-01-10 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-10 21:56:00 to 2020-01-11 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-11 21:56:00 to 2020-01-12 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-12 21:56:00 to 2020-01-13 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-13 21:56:00 to 2020-01-14 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-14 21:56:00 to 2020-01-15 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004322 from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2020-01-15 21:56:00 to 2020-01-16 21:56:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-14 16:24:00 to 2021-03-15 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-14 16:24:00 to 2021-03-15 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-15 16:24:00 to 2021-03-16 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-15 16:24:00 to 2021-03-16 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-16 16:24:00 to 2021-03-17 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 16:24:00 to 2021-03-17 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-17 16:24:00 to 2021-03-18 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 16:24:00 to 2021-03-18 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-18 16:24:00 to 2021-03-19 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 16:24:00 to 2021-03-19 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-19 16:24:00 to 2021-03-20 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 16:24:00 to 2021-03-20 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-20 16:24:00 to 2021-03-21 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 16:24:00 to 2021-03-21 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-21 16:24:00 to 2021-03-22 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 16:24:00 to 2021-03-22 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-22 16:24:00 to 2021-03-23 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 16:24:00 to 2021-03-23 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-23 16:24:00 to 2021-03-24 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 16:24:00 to 2021-03-24 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-24 16:24:00 to 2021-03-25 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 16:24:00 to 2021-03-25 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-25 16:24:00 to 2021-03-26 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 16:24:00 to 2021-03-26 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-26 16:24:00 to 2021-03-27 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 16:24:00 to 2021-03-27 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-27 16:24:00 to 2021-03-28 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 16:24:00 to 2021-03-28 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004323 from 2021-03-28 16:24:00 to 2021-03-29 16:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 16:24:00 to 2021-03-29 16:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-04-30 10:06:00 to 2021-05-01 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-30 10:06:00 to 2021-05-01 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-01 10:06:00 to 2021-05-02 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-01 10:06:00 to 2021-05-02 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-02 10:06:00 to 2021-05-03 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-02 10:06:00 to 2021-05-03 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-03 10:06:00 to 2021-05-04 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-03 10:06:00 to 2021-05-04 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-04 10:06:00 to 2021-05-05 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-04 10:06:00 to 2021-05-05 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-05 10:06:00 to 2021-05-06 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-05 10:06:00 to 2021-05-06 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-06 10:06:00 to 2021-05-07 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-06 10:06:00 to 2021-05-07 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-07 10:06:00 to 2021-05-08 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-07 10:06:00 to 2021-05-08 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-08 10:06:00 to 2021-05-09 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-08 10:06:00 to 2021-05-09 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-09 10:06:00 to 2021-05-10 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-09 10:06:00 to 2021-05-10 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-10 10:06:00 to 2021-05-11 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-10 10:06:00 to 2021-05-11 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-11 10:06:00 to 2021-05-12 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-11 10:06:00 to 2021-05-12 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-12 10:06:00 to 2021-05-13 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-12 10:06:00 to 2021-05-13 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-13 10:06:00 to 2021-05-14 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-13 10:06:00 to 2021-05-14 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004324 from 2021-05-14 10:06:00 to 2021-05-15 10:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-14 10:06:00 to 2021-05-15 10:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-16 11:24:00 to 2021-03-17 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 11:24:00 to 2021-03-17 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-17 11:24:00 to 2021-03-18 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 11:24:00 to 2021-03-18 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-18 11:24:00 to 2021-03-19 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 11:24:00 to 2021-03-19 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-19 11:24:00 to 2021-03-20 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 11:24:00 to 2021-03-20 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-20 11:24:00 to 2021-03-21 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 11:24:00 to 2021-03-21 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-21 11:24:00 to 2021-03-22 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 11:24:00 to 2021-03-22 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-22 11:24:00 to 2021-03-23 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 11:24:00 to 2021-03-23 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-23 11:24:00 to 2021-03-24 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 11:24:00 to 2021-03-24 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-24 11:24:00 to 2021-03-25 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 11:24:00 to 2021-03-25 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-25 11:24:00 to 2021-03-26 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 11:24:00 to 2021-03-26 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-26 11:24:00 to 2021-03-27 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 11:24:00 to 2021-03-27 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-27 11:24:00 to 2021-03-28 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 11:24:00 to 2021-03-28 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-28 11:24:00 to 2021-03-29 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 11:24:00 to 2021-03-29 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-29 11:24:00 to 2021-03-30 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 11:24:00 to 2021-03-30 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004325 from 2021-03-30 11:24:00 to 2021-03-31 11:24:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-30 11:24:00 to 2021-03-31 11:24:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004331 from 2021-05-08 14:47:00 to 2021-05-09 14:47:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-05-08 14:47:00 to 2021-05-09 14:47:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 1678, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-13 12:58:00 to 2021-03-14 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-13 12:58:00 to 2021-03-14 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-14 12:58:00 to 2021-03-15 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-14 12:58:00 to 2021-03-15 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-15 12:58:00 to 2021-03-16 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-15 12:58:00 to 2021-03-16 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-16 12:58:00 to 2021-03-17 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 12:58:00 to 2021-03-17 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-17 12:58:00 to 2021-03-18 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 12:58:00 to 2021-03-18 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-18 12:58:00 to 2021-03-19 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 12:58:00 to 2021-03-19 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-19 12:58:00 to 2021-03-20 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 12:58:00 to 2021-03-20 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-20 12:58:00 to 2021-03-21 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 12:58:00 to 2021-03-21 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-21 12:58:00 to 2021-03-22 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 12:58:00 to 2021-03-22 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-22 12:58:00 to 2021-03-23 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 12:58:00 to 2021-03-23 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-23 12:58:00 to 2021-03-24 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 12:58:00 to 2021-03-24 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-24 12:58:00 to 2021-03-25 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 12:58:00 to 2021-03-25 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-25 12:58:00 to 2021-03-26 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 12:58:00 to 2021-03-26 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-26 12:58:00 to 2021-03-27 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 12:58:00 to 2021-03-27 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004332 from 2021-03-27 12:58:00 to 2021-03-28 12:58:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 12:58:00 to 2021-03-28 12:58:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-12 12:32:00 to 2021-03-13 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-12 12:32:00 to 2021-03-13 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-13 12:32:00 to 2021-03-14 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-13 12:32:00 to 2021-03-14 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-14 12:32:00 to 2021-03-15 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-14 12:32:00 to 2021-03-15 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-15 12:32:00 to 2021-03-16 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-15 12:32:00 to 2021-03-16 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-16 12:32:00 to 2021-03-17 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 12:32:00 to 2021-03-17 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-17 12:32:00 to 2021-03-18 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 12:32:00 to 2021-03-18 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-18 12:32:00 to 2021-03-19 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 12:32:00 to 2021-03-19 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-19 12:32:00 to 2021-03-20 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 12:32:00 to 2021-03-20 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-20 12:32:00 to 2021-03-21 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 12:32:00 to 2021-03-21 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-21 12:32:00 to 2021-03-22 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 12:32:00 to 2021-03-22 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-22 12:32:00 to 2021-03-23 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 12:32:00 to 2021-03-23 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-23 12:32:00 to 2021-03-24 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 12:32:00 to 2021-03-24 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-24 12:32:00 to 2021-03-25 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 12:32:00 to 2021-03-25 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-25 12:32:00 to 2021-03-26 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 12:32:00 to 2021-03-26 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004333 from 2021-03-26 12:32:00 to 2021-03-27 12:32:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 12:32:00 to 2021-03-27 12:32:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004334 from 2021-07-28 18:06:00 to 2021-07-29 18:06:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-07-28 18:06:00 to 2021-07-29 18:06:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 204, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-19 18:08:00 to 2021-03-20 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 18:08:00 to 2021-03-20 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-20 18:08:00 to 2021-03-21 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 18:08:00 to 2021-03-21 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-21 18:08:00 to 2021-03-22 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 18:08:00 to 2021-03-22 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-22 18:08:00 to 2021-03-23 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 18:08:00 to 2021-03-23 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-23 18:08:00 to 2021-03-24 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 18:08:00 to 2021-03-24 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-24 18:08:00 to 2021-03-25 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 18:08:00 to 2021-03-25 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-25 18:08:00 to 2021-03-26 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 18:08:00 to 2021-03-26 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-26 18:08:00 to 2021-03-27 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 18:08:00 to 2021-03-27 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-27 18:08:00 to 2021-03-28 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 18:08:00 to 2021-03-28 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-28 18:08:00 to 2021-03-29 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 18:08:00 to 2021-03-29 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-29 18:08:00 to 2021-03-30 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 18:08:00 to 2021-03-30 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-30 18:08:00 to 2021-03-31 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-30 18:08:00 to 2021-03-31 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-03-31 18:08:00 to 2021-04-01 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-31 18:08:00 to 2021-04-01 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-04-01 18:08:00 to 2021-04-02 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-01 18:08:00 to 2021-04-02 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004337 from 2021-04-02 18:08:00 to 2021-04-03 18:08:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-02 18:08:00 to 2021-04-03 18:08:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-04 15:31:00 to 2021-04-05 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-04 15:31:00 to 2021-04-05 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-05 15:31:00 to 2021-04-06 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-05 15:31:00 to 2021-04-06 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-06 15:31:00 to 2021-04-07 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-06 15:31:00 to 2021-04-07 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-07 15:31:00 to 2021-04-08 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-07 15:31:00 to 2021-04-08 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-08 15:31:00 to 2021-04-09 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-08 15:31:00 to 2021-04-09 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-09 15:31:00 to 2021-04-10 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-09 15:31:00 to 2021-04-10 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-10 15:31:00 to 2021-04-11 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-10 15:31:00 to 2021-04-11 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-11 15:31:00 to 2021-04-12 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-11 15:31:00 to 2021-04-12 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-12 15:31:00 to 2021-04-13 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-12 15:31:00 to 2021-04-13 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-13 15:31:00 to 2021-04-14 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-13 15:31:00 to 2021-04-14 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-14 15:31:00 to 2021-04-15 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-14 15:31:00 to 2021-04-15 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-15 15:31:00 to 2021-04-16 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-15 15:31:00 to 2021-04-16 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-16 15:31:00 to 2021-04-17 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-16 15:31:00 to 2021-04-17 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-17 15:31:00 to 2021-04-18 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-17 15:31:00 to 2021-04-18 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004338 from 2021-04-18 15:31:00 to 2021-04-19 15:31:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-04-18 15:31:00 to 2021-04-19 15:31:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-15 16:35:00 to 2021-03-16 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-15 16:35:00 to 2021-03-16 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-16 16:35:00 to 2021-03-17 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-16 16:35:00 to 2021-03-17 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-17 16:35:00 to 2021-03-18 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-17 16:35:00 to 2021-03-18 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-18 16:35:00 to 2021-03-19 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-18 16:35:00 to 2021-03-19 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-19 16:35:00 to 2021-03-20 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-19 16:35:00 to 2021-03-20 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-20 16:35:00 to 2021-03-21 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-20 16:35:00 to 2021-03-21 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-21 16:35:00 to 2021-03-22 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-21 16:35:00 to 2021-03-22 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-22 16:35:00 to 2021-03-23 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-22 16:35:00 to 2021-03-23 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-23 16:35:00 to 2021-03-24 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-23 16:35:00 to 2021-03-24 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-24 16:35:00 to 2021-03-25 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-24 16:35:00 to 2021-03-25 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-25 16:35:00 to 2021-03-26 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-25 16:35:00 to 2021-03-26 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-26 16:35:00 to 2021-03-27 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-26 16:35:00 to 2021-03-27 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-27 16:35:00 to 2021-03-28 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-27 16:35:00 to 2021-03-28 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-28 16:35:00 to 2021-03-29 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-28 16:35:00 to 2021-03-29 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "### start to get data PK504B10100004340 from 2021-03-29 16:35:00 to 2021-03-30 16:35:00\n",
+      "# get data from 2021-03-29 16:35:00 to 2021-03-30 16:35:00......... \n",
+      "all data-getting done, bms_count is 0, gps_count is 0, system_count is 0, accum_count is 0 \n",
+      "\n",
+      "break\n"
+     ]
+    }
+   ],
+   "metadata": {}
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": 10,
+   "source": [
+    "type(et)"
+   ],
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "output_type": "execute_result",
+     "data": {
+      "text/plain": [
+       "str"
+      ]
+     },
+     "metadata": {},
+     "execution_count": 10
+    }
+   ],
+   "metadata": {}
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": 2,
+   "source": [
+    "i"
+   ],
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "output_type": "execute_result",
+     "data": {
+      "text/plain": [
+       "1359"
+      ]
+     },
+     "metadata": {},
+     "execution_count": 2
+    }
+   ],
+   "metadata": {}
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": 4,
+   "source": [
+    "i"
+   ],
+   "outputs": [
+    {
+     "output_type": "execute_result",
+     "data": {
+      "text/plain": [
+       "1807"
+      ]
+     },
+     "metadata": {},
+     "execution_count": 4
+    }
+   ],
+   "metadata": {}
+  },
    "cell_type": "code",
    "execution_count": null,