@@ -1,12 +1,41 @@
-touch README.md
-git init
-git add README.md
-git commit -m "first commit"
-git remote add origin http://git.fast-fun.cn:92/ruili/centralized-control-center-frontend_v1.git
-git push -u origin master
+## Getting started
-git remote add origin http://git.fast-fun.cn:92/ruili/centralized-control-center-frontend_v1.git
-git push -u origin master
+# install dependency
+npm install
+# develop
+npm run dev
+# node 后端服务需执行以下命令:
+node websocket-relay.js video1 8081 8082
+## Build
+# build for test environment
+npm run build:stage
+# build for production environment
+npm run build:prod
+## Advanced
+# preview the release environment effect
+npm run preview
+# preview the release environment effect + static resource analysis
+npm run preview -- --report
+# code format check
+npm run lint
+# code format check and auto fix
+npm run lint -- --fix