Browse Source


renmy 3 years ago
2 changed files with 46 additions and 92 deletions
  1. 2 1
  2. 44 91

+ 2 - 1

@@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ export default {
       // 定义map变量,调用 TMap.Map() 构造函数创建地图
       let map = new window.qq.maps.Map(that.$refs.mapContainer, {
         center: center, // 设置地图中心点坐标
-        zoom: 17.2, // 设置地图缩放级别
+        // zoom: 9, // 设置地图缩放级别
+				// minZoom:8,
         pitch: 43.5, // 设置俯仰角
         rotation: 45, // 设置地图旋转角度

+ 44 - 91

@@ -51,17 +51,21 @@
 					<el-col :span="6">
 						<el-form-item label="设备SN">
-							<el-input v-model="listQuery.type" placeholder="请输入设备SN" clearable></el-input>
+							<el-input v-model="" placeholder="请输入设备SN" clearable></el-input>
 					<el-col :span="6">
 						<el-form-item label="设备类型">
-							<el-input v-model="listQuery.type" placeholder="请选择" clearable></el-input>
+							<el-select v-model="listQuery.type">
+								<el-option v-for="(item, index) in typeOptions" :key="index" :label="item.label" :value="item.value"></el-option>
+							</el-select>
 					<el-col :span="6">
-						<el-form-item label="电池类型">
-							<el-input v-model="listQuery.type" placeholder="请选择" clearable></el-input>
+						<el-form-item label="状态">
+							<el-select v-model="listQuery.status">
+								<el-option v-for="(item, index) in statusOptions" :key="index" :label="item.label" :value="item.value"></el-option>
+							</el-select>
 					<el-col :span="6">
@@ -75,36 +79,18 @@
-				<el-row>
-					<el-col :span="6">
-						<el-form-item label="客户">
-							<el-input v-model="listQuery.type" placeholder="请输入设备SN" clearable></el-input>
-						</el-form-item>
-					</el-col>
-					<el-col :span="6">
-						<el-form-item label="用途">
-							<el-input v-model="listQuery.type" placeholder="请选择" clearable></el-input>
-						</el-form-item>
-					</el-col>
-					<el-col :span="6">
-						<el-form-item label="状态">
-							<el-input v-model="listQuery.type" placeholder="请选择" clearable></el-input>
-						</el-form-item>
-					</el-col>
-				</el-row>
-				v-loading="page.loading"
-				:data=""
+				v-loading="loading"
+				:data="data"
 				:header-cell-style="{background:'rgba(242, 242, 242, 1)',borderColor:'rgba(242, 242, 242, 1);',textAlign:'center'}"
-				@sort-change="sortChange"
-				<el-table-column label="设备SN" sortable="custom">
+				<el-table-column label="设备SN">
 					<template slot-scope="scope">
 						{{ scope.row.intime }}
@@ -153,7 +139,7 @@
-			<el-pagination style="float: right; margin-top: 30px;" :current-page="" :page-sizes="[10, 20, 50, 100]" :page-size="listQuery.limit" :total=""
+			<el-pagination style="float: right; margin-top: 30px;" :current-page="listQuery.index" :page-sizes="[10, 20, 50, 100]" :page-size="listQuery.length" :total="total"
 				layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" @size-change="pageSizeChangeHandle"
@@ -169,65 +155,42 @@ export default {
   components: {  },
   data() {
     return {
-      page: {
-        loading: false,
-        data: [
-					{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'},
-					{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'},
-					{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'},
-					{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'}
-				],
-        param: {
-          index: 1,
-          length: 10,
-          sort: 'updateTime desc',
-          plateNumber: ''
-        }
-      },
+      //表格加载动画
+			loading: false,
+			//列表数据
+			data: [
+				{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'},
+				{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'},
+				{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'},
+				{code: 'SZRLCG20210001', total: 100, type: '二轮车', dt: '美顺', into: 0, create: '张三', address: '北京', to: '2021-05-18', intime: '2021-05-18 13:13:32',id: 'asdasdas'}
+			],
 			/**查询条件对象 */
 			listQuery: {
-        page: 1,
-        limit: 20,
-				total: 3,
+        index: 1,
+        length: 20,
         importance: undefined,
-        title: undefined,
-        type: undefined,
-        sort: '+id'
-      },
-			/**是否显示新增弹窗 */
-			addVisible: false,
-			/**新增form表单字段 */
-			dataForm: {
-        id: '',
-        owner: '',
-        email: '',
-        phone: '',
-        lossItem: '',
-        description: '',
-        lossLocation: '',
-        lossDatetime: '',
-        itemValues: '1',
-        remark: '',
-        status: null,
-        isScreen: '',
-        screenContent: '',
-        creator: '',
-        createDate: '',
-        updater: '',
-        updateDate: '',
-        contactFlag: null,
-        handleType: null,
-        contactWay: '',
-        todo: null
-      },
-			/**时间禁用 */
-			pickerOption: {
-        disabledDate: (time) => {
-          let nowData = new Date()
-          nowData = new Date(nowData.setDate(nowData.getDate()))
-          return time > nowData
-        }
+        sn: '',
+        type: null,
+        sort: '',
+				status: null
+			total: 3,
+			//产品类型
+			typeOptions: [
+				{label: '全部', value: null},
+				{label: '电池', value: 1},
+				{label: '电动车', value: 2},
+				{label: '配件', value: 3}
+			],
+			statusOptions: [
+				{label: '全部', value: null},
+				{label: '已录入', value: 1},
+				{label: '已入库', value: 2},
+				{label: '已调拨', value: 3},
+				{label: '已出库', value: 4},
+				{label: '已处置', value: 5},
+				{label: '已调回', value: 6}
+			]
   created() {
@@ -253,14 +216,6 @@ export default {
       // this.fetchData()
-		//打开新增弹窗
-		cerateHandle() {
-			this.addVisible = true
-			this.$nextTick(() => {
-				this.$refs.create.init()
-			});
-		},
 		/**跳转详情页面 */
 		gotoDetailsHandle(id) {
@@ -271,8 +226,6 @@ export default {
-		dataFormSubmitHandle() {},
     search() { = 1
       // this.fetchData()